Divination changes or not. What is the partner hiding, is there a betrayal? Alignment for relationships - "Secret pocket"


Before undertaking to make a deal for treason, the Tarot should be put aside and think about your ethical principles. Imagine this situation, woman, after you told her that her husband has a parallel love story, will find out how her chosen one relates to the rival rival.

With a greater degree of probability, in order to hear supposedly comforting words from you about " male nature”, about the fact that he has love with her (lawful wife), and there the demon beguiled. She needs this so that the blow to her self-esteem, already shattered by suspicions of betrayal, was not so painful.

But with a greater degree of probability (you are an objective tarot reader), you will say, having laid out the cards, that for a mistress, especially if she is constant, there are feelings that they are even more reverent than those that a man feels for a woman who is sitting opposite you now and nervously waiting for you to reassure her. But you have not yet laid out the cards for your relationship with your mistress, you know that you have a choice - to do this alignment or not to do it.

Alignment for treason Tarot. Basic ethical principle

Of course, it’s not difficult for you to see after you make a Tarot layout for your husband’s betrayal in the past, how he treats his mistress, and she treats him. But why? How will this information help your client? She does not relate directly to him, and a woman cannot influence the relationship of her husband to her mistress (I do not consider black magic, I hope you do too). The only mechanism of her influence on the situation is herself and her own changes.

Therefore, I offer you the principle that I use - you can consider issues that relate directly to the client who came to you. And you give advice to the person who in this moment you for a consultation. You can consider her relationship with her husband, her relationship with her husband's mistress (if any), recommendations for her on how to change the situation in relations with these people in better side. Or worse.

It all depends on what request the person came with. The relationship of a husband to his mistress, as well as a mistress to her husband, the presence of a rival in some other relationship, in addition to relations with the client’s husband, as well as her motives are taboo for you.

In part, this is done because it is unethical to pry into someone else's life when there is no request for it. But to a greater extent, so that the person who came to you, after a consultation (on which he will catch on to the slightest trouble in the relationship between her husband and mistress and will wait for a break in relations for this reason) does not bathe in illusions and with displeased look I was waiting for the cheater to fall out of love with that very bitch, and with the help of your recommendations, he took responsibility for his life and tried to change something in it.

Once I succumbed to the persuasion of a client and looked at how her beloved man treats the one with whom he cheated on her. And I heard a thousand additional questions from the girl (by the way, it was a mistress, not a wife), who wanted to find at least some loophole to confirm her illusions about her own high significance for this man. You can repeat my sad experience if you want.

Alignment "Treason". Interpretation example

Tarot layout "Treason"

In order to make a Tarot layout for the betrayal of a loved one, many cards are not required. This alignment is notable for giving advice on how to improve the situation. And also, if there is no fact of treason, you will have something to say to the client without making additional layouts.

The layout scheme for treason is very simple:

  1. Feelings that the partner is experiencing for the client at the moment.
  2. Is there a betrayal. And if it is, it indicates its quality.
  3. The future of the querent-partner relationship
  4. The reason that prompted the betrayal. And if there is no betrayal, then the characteristics of the relationship between the querent and the partner at the moment
  5. Advice card. What actions should the querent take to improve relations with a partner or to maintain relations.

I will give a brief example of when there is no betrayal. But there are tensions. The arrangement was made for a woman. Please note that in the layout, almost all the lasso are senior.

  1. Wheel of Fortune, reversed. At the moment, the spouse thinks that their relationship is repeated according to the same scenario. The inverted position suggests that the situation is rather depressing for the partner. However, the Wheel of Fortune - whichever way you look at it, looks about the same, the man's attitude cannot be called negative, rather, he thinks that these relations can improve further, they are not hopeless.
  2. Moderation, reversed. Archangel Michael, lying upside down, says that there is no betrayal (after all, this is an incorporeal angel), but perhaps there is some kind of partnership that the man is overly passionate about, so the woman suspected betrayal.
  3. Strength, direct. The situation can be brought under control in the future.
  4. Moon. The relationship is tense at the moment, which was reported by the client before the deal. Fear, uncertainty, the inability to take a sober look at the situation because of this.
  5. 4 of pentacles. A tip for improving relationships for a client is to move away from her husband for a while. Go about your business, devote less time to him and feeding your fears, under the plausible pretext of employment. I believe that the implementation of these recommendations will lead to Strength from the third position, and the appearance of renewal love passion in these relationships.

Cards that will tell you about treason

But what we could notice in the second position, if fortune-telling about her husband's infidelity would confirm the client's suspicions. These would be:

  • All Queens
  • empress
  • lovers
  • Devil
  • High Priestess (in rare cases, rather, speaks of platonic love)
  • 4 of wands reversed (as new connection for a variety of family routine)
  • 2 cups (romantic acquaintance)

It should be noted that these cards only mean the fact of betrayal in this scenario, so do not rush to puzzle the client with a question during any other tarot fortune-telling whether he is going to break off relations when he sees the Queen flashing by. And you should also remember that each tarologist may have his own list of cards that speak of treason.

What to do before and after guessing for treason

Dr. House meticulously checks ...

The alignment that I gave above is good, but to complete the picture, before guessing at the Tarot for the betrayal of a wife or husband, it is recommended to clarify the situation that is developing in relations between partners at the moment. After all, you should not believe all the information that came from the client, you should pay attention to it, and then meticulously, like Dr. House, check what was said on the Tarot.

For example, make the layout "Partnerships", it is also sometimes called the "Station for two" or some other alignment that you know. Very often, the reasons that prompted a husband to cheat on his wife (if this is not a lonely tramp of love who suddenly finds himself married) can be seen in the behavior of his wife. For example, she is a hysterical woman or a drinking woman, from whom the husband runs to his mistress to seek solace. This case, alas, is not rare.

And after the alignment, if you still want to save the family, give detailed practical advice, how to do it the best way. For example, the “Five” layout, which is not positional, can help you with this, but it will definitely give full recommendation to action.

As a conclusion to this fun theme, I want to wish you to receive joy from mutual love And healthy relationships. And I want to ask those who have read to the end and are already doing layouts for treason, which cards symbolize treason in your layouts?

Video about the layout of treason

And now, in order to somehow dilute this sad topic about treason and Tarot layouts on this topic, we invite you to watch funny video with Faina Ranevskaya

Jealousy is an insidious thing, it can arise almost out of nowhere and literally eat a person from the inside, ruining life and breaking relationships. In order not to torment yourself and your soul mate in vain with the pangs of jealousy, we offer fortune-telling for treason: a husband, a man, a boyfriend or a boy. As a rule, candles, personal items or cards are used as assistants to this type of divination. Men can also conduct this fortune-telling to find out about the fidelity of the second half.

Jealousy eats a person from the inside: fortune-telling for treason will help you find out the whole truth about your soul mate /

For fortune-telling to turn out to be true, you must strictly follow the prescribed rules.

Rules for conducting fortune-telling for treason

Until you start studying divinatory techniques, be sure to pay attention to some conditions:

  • You need to guess in complete solitude;
  • by the most favorable period for divination for treason is the full moon and midnight;
  • Never guess after a quarrel or in a bad mood;
  • If the signs of fate did not show the presence of betrayal even in the thoughts of your soul mate, then be sure to ask her for forgiveness and express your most tender feelings;
  • Never admit to your half that you were guessing at her betrayal.

And now you can begin to get acquainted with several types of the most accurate fortune-telling for treason.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Method one: Divination for a husband “for two candles”

One of the most accurate divination for the betrayal of her husband. It is best to spend it on a full moon on a calendar day multiple of two. You will need two small white wax candles(if necessary, can be replaced with paraffin).

The order of divination is as follows:

  1. Place candles at a distance of 10 centimeters and light from one match;
  2. Mentally name one candle with your name, and the other with the name of your husband;
  3. Think about it and watch the behavior of the candles.

One of the most accurate fortune-telling for the betrayal of a legal (or civil) husband

Interpretation of results

  • If the husband's candle suddenly goes out - this bad sign, it means the fading of your husband's feelings for you and one of the reasons for this may be his betrayal.
  • If your candle goes out, then most likely you yourself have already fallen out of love with your spouse, and only some circumstances keep you together, for example, children.
  • If both candles burn evenly and calmly, then you love each other mutually and you should not doubt the fidelity of your husband. If the flame of one candle is greater than the flame of another, then the answer is obvious, this person loves more.
  • If one or both candles suddenly sparkled, then pay attention to your surroundings, there are many envious people around you, and perhaps among them there is one who will not mind taking your spouse away from the family.

Advice: It will not be superfluous when conducting this fortune-telling, instead of simple candles, use two church candles- so you .

Method two: Fortune telling "for a hair and a ring"

Doubt your spouse's fidelity? A simple fortune-telling about the betrayal of his wife will give an answer to this question

If you have a suspicion that your wife's thoughts are occupied by someone else, try fortune-telling about cheating on your wife. You will need her hair and your wedding ring.

The procedure for preparing and conducting the ritual

Your next steps are:

  1. Tie your hair around your wedding ring and tie a red string at least 15 centimeters long to the ring.
  2. Light a red candle, and hold the ring for a while over the flame, so it will be charged with the energy of your spouse and the fair power of fire.
  3. Then lightly touch the ring of your joint photo (it is important that there are no strangers and even animals in the picture) and raise it a short distance above the picture. Watch the movement of the ring.

Interpretation of ring movements

  • If the ring begins to sway parallel to your images in the picture, then there was no betrayal, no and there will not be;
  • And if the ring sways, as if crossing out your image in the picture, then there was, is or will be a betrayal;
  • If the ring will make circular motions above your image, do not hesitate, your wife loves you very much, she will never change or betray you! You are very lucky.

Method three: fortune-telling for a guy “by ashes”

The young man began to often retire with a phone in his hand, now he can’t even take a shower without him, this sure sign that he is hiding something from you. In order to test your concerns, we suggest using a very simple and effective divination whether the guy is cheating or not.

Fortune telling about a possible betrayal of a guy. Likes, does not love, cheats, does not change, these questions torment many girls ...

It is best to guess on the full moon or not earlier than on the 5th day of the growth of the moon. You only need to do the following simple steps:

  1. Write full name and your boyfriend's date of birth on a blank white sheet.
  2. Burn a sheet of paper over the flame of a red candle.
  3. When the ashes have cooled, carefully pour them into your palm and stick your hand out the window.

Interpretation of the movement of ash

  • If the ashes are instantly blown away by the wind, then the feelings of your loved one are not serious towards you, and you will not be together for long.
  • If the ashes are partially blown away, then there is discord in your relationship, it depends on both of you whether you can maintain mutual feelings.
  • If the ashes remain in the palm of your hand in their original form, this is very good sign your affection for each other.

And solitude with the phone may not mean the presence of a mistress, most likely the guy has many other worries, because of which he is very worried. Talk to your loved one, show your willingness to help him or even just listen.

Method four: universal fortune-telling on playing cards

In this way, you can guess both at the wrong man and at the woman. Age and marriage also do not affect the results, so this fortune-telling can be carried out on a guy, boy, your own or someone else's husband.


First, take a new deck of 36 cards, and do the following:

  1. Shuffle it carefully with your left hand, remove it with your left little finger towards you.
  2. Draw seven cards from the deck. Pay attention to the predominant suit.
  3. If there are most of all heart cards, then you are loved and adored, you do not need to doubt the feelings of the hidden person.


  • If tambourine cards predominate in number, then the person you have made is windy, prone to flirting, especially if it fell out in the layout, then treason is just around the corner.
  • If club cards predominate, then most likely your soul mate's feelings towards you fade away, but the reason here may not be in treason, just the relationship is becoming obsolete.
  • And if a lot of peak cards fell out, then betrayal has already happened or happens periodically, the choice is yours: whether you can forgive and be together with such a person or not.

Method four: divination for a girl "for an apple"

Fortune telling about a girl's betrayal is very simple with the help of an ordinary apple

Girls who are prone to change can also be prone to cheating. This is almost a common truth, it seems, was sung in one famous song. In order to find out if your loved one can cheat on you, you need the most ordinary apple.

How to properly prepare?

Actually, the preparation process is outrageously simple:

  • Wash it thoroughly and wipe it to a shine, and then mentally ask: “Is my beloved prone to treason?”
  • Then put the apple in the most visible place and wait for your girlfriend's reaction.

Interpretation of your girlfriend's actions

  • If she, when she sees an apple, asks you “Is this for me?”, Offers to share it or treats you to it, then this is a good sign of devotion to your beloved, she loves you very much, appreciates and protects you.
  • If a girl, without saying a word, takes an apple and starts eating it, then such behavior may indicate the girl's indifference towards you and your desires.
  • After the girl eats an apple, look carefully at the core: the presence on the left core a large number pulp also indicates a changeable character and may indicate a tendency to cheat. Here is such a simple fortune-telling in the form of a test will reveal to you some of the features of your beloved.

You can start such fortune-telling only if you have suspicions about the possible betrayal of your half. Without reason and need, such fortune-telling is prohibited. If any of the above methods have informed you of a possible or already occurred betrayal, do not lose your head with grief.

Advice: before performing the ritual, try to gather your thoughts and analyze your past relationships, which could lead to such an act, and then mentally look into your future: is it possible now? In any case, it is not in vain that they say that both are to blame for treason.

Method five: divination online

If you want to tell fortunes on the cards about the betrayal of your partner, but do not have such an opportunity, you can tell fortunes about the feelings of the person you need online, it's free and quite reliable way learn about the future of your relationship. At your service are the most popular fortune-telling on Tarot cards: one and three cards, the layout for "Partnerships" and, of course, the famous "Pope's layout". Try one or more divination options and Higher power I'm sure they'll give you a sign!

Good evening dear guest. I really need your help, please see what the cards say. We work with a man together, both are not free, but I really like him as a person and a man, and we have a lot in common, as if we had known each other for many years. It seems that I am interesting to him, even jealous, but we are not moving further, and I would sincerely want to be with him. I asked him what he thinks about me and our relationship, what he hides. Dropped 1-Ace of swords; 2,3,4,5- 8 denarii, Wheel of fortune, King of wands, Knight of denarii; 6,7,8- 5 cups, Star, 10 swords; 9,10,11 - 9 of cups, Strength, Rider of cups; 12:13 - 5 denarii, Queen of Cups. He is a Taurus, if that matters. Thank you!

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Guest dear! Congratulations on the 9th day of March) and I wish you a spring mood, regardless of the date!
My boyfriend stood out and, instead of congratulating: a quarrel and broke up with me, he didn’t want to listen. What does it feel? Let's make up? Please allocate your time to one of the layouts (which is more correct? Perhaps the 1st, because it was in the evening and the situation has not changed, but the question is different today). Other guys are also invited, but I want to be with my own. And your- out what)
Yesterday: What do you think about our relationship? Hides?
1 Hermit
2, 3, 4, 5 Jack of Denarius, 5 of Cups, 3 of Swords, Lovers
6, 7, 8 8 of Wands, 9 of Swords, King of Cups
9, 10, 11 4 Denarius, Strength, Sun
12 2 cups
13 Moon

Today: What does he feel, what does he hide? (half of the Wands are mine))
1 2 of Wands
2, 3, 4, 5 3 of wands, 8 of wands, 9 of wands, Ace of Cups
6, 7, 8 Priest, 7 of Swords, Jester
9, 10, 11 4 of swords, Jack of Swords, King of Wands
12 3 of Wands
13 4 Denarii

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Hello Guest. After a boorish quarrel with parting, the martyr congratulated me on the holiday in the social. network, I did not answer, by the evening I received another congratulation. What does he want? Why did he do all this? How it treats me.
1. Court,
2,3,4,5,10 den., jester, cube knight, 5 denars.
6,7,8,6 of swords, king of cups, knight of wands.
9,10,11 - priest, strength, 9 cups
12. Moon
13. Chariot
Thank you.

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Hello dear guest!
Please help with scheduling.
We are mature people, I am not free, he is in a gr.marriage.2 years of relationship, and he broke up, after such breakups they don’t communicate anymore. But he calls on holidays and doesn’t ... And on the 8th too. What is his goal, what he really achieves, and wants, what he hides, for almost 2 years, No.
2 queen of swords
4-seven of cups
5-2 denarii
6-3 cups
7 tower
8-jack denarii
9-king of swords
11 jester
13-lady of denarii
I'm a Sagittarius, he's a Virgo.
Thank you in advance!

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Happy holiday dear guest! Happiness, love and spring in the heart)) Look at the alignment of how a person treats me. The man was active and disappeared (He is free, I am not
1 6 of Pentacles
2,3,4,5 10 of cups, 10 of pentacles, 5 of swords, Chariot
6,7,8 Queen of Wands, Lovers, King of Swords
9,10,11 death, king of pentacles, peace
12.13 Jack of Pentacles, Knight of Swords
Apparently this is the end?

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Hello! Please help me understand the meaning of the cards in my situation: I talked with a guy (even I began to like him) until recently, friends in fact, it seems that mutual sympathy slipped from him, but suddenly he cooled down and moved away (I don’t understand why), and I wanted to find out his attitude towards me today on these cards and what he thinks to do in the near future .. Is it possible to return everything back again. I would be very grateful for help. Dropped:
1. Troika Denarii
2. Nine of Cups
3. Six of Cups
4. Wheel of Fortune
5. Ace of Wands
6. Jack of Wands
7. Four of Wands
8. Ten of Wands
9. Eight of swords
10. Chariot
11. Lady Denariyev
12. Ace of Swords
13. Mage

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He manipulates you with his departure, thereby wanting to find out for himself how dear he is to you or something, something like that. On the goal, as a process of teaching you .... He has candy-bouquet feelings for you and a desire, like a man for a woman, is also present

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Show him sympathy, otherwise the boy is clamped, but you want development, for plans, if you look

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Thank you very much

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Guest, happy holiday to you. Thank you for your patience. I hope your husband gave you such a huge bouquet of roses, at least

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Thank you And you all dear Happy Holidays! I wish you all women's happiness, mutual love, overcome all hardships and sorrows! Have a beautiful spring for us girls! Everything will be fine

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Guest, Good evening, I ask you to help ra ... tsya. The situation is this, my husband and I divorced on his initiative, the relationship has always been not very even. We have children, so we communicate. But my husband makes it clear that he wants a relationship with me. I think it's all superficial for him, until he found another. Is it so? I look forward to your explanation.
1. Star.
2,3,4,5. Sun, 9 of Pentacles, Jack of Cups, 10 of Pentacles.
6,7,8. 3 of Pentacles, King of Swords, 6 of Swords.
9,10,11. King of Wands, Empress, Knight of Cups.
12. 3 swords.
13. Ace of Cups

As I understand it, according to the Star, he has no serious goal?

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She also pulled out an additional card of the Ace of Pentacles to the Star. He's really tight with money right now.

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He is more driven by feelings for you, for children, you know, family, lifestyle, living together, all this is dear to him, 9 of pentacles most likely you ruled in the family, because such a self-confident woman knows what she wants, she achieved a lot herself in life, the Star is not 7 cups, when a person lives in fantasy and illusion, does not know what he needs, and then the Ace of Pentacles fell out, the goal is to continue to be with the family, maybe there was a glance at the side, I wanted freedom, but divorce brought him disappointment, he realized that you are true love. You live without him, but he doesn't seem to..

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Thank you so much for your help, everything feels exactly like that, only confusing that he has a step forward two back. Happy holiday to you spring mood and good luck!

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So they are most heroes, and when they are left alone, they understand that freedom is not always needed, it was much better in a cozy nest and the wife is the most wonderful, well, maybe it was necessary for a man to understand something

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Hello dear guest!
Happy Holidays! All the best to you!
Please decipher my layout.
She asked how the man felt, there was sympathy, only glances for two years, then the paths parted, about two months ago we began to intersect again, but not so often, although we work in the same building, both are married, I am air.
1. Knight of Cups
2.3 wands, 3.10 swords 4. Denarius rider 5. Hanged man
6. Queen of Cups 7.3 swords 8. Mage
9. Jack of Wands 10.3 of Cups 11. Emperor
12. Lovers 13.9 Denarii
Thank you very much in advance!

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I see it this way, in my head I understand that nothing will happen, but when I see you, my mood rises, my heart beats faster, I want to take part in the square, but will it be decided, the choice has not been made

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To the Lovers Moon-fears, doubts, hesitations, or maybe he doesn’t understand whether you need him, that’s why it’s worth choosing

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Thank you, Dear Guest!
Once again with spring holidays You! Love, good luck and all the best and kindest!!!

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Help p-ta, I don’t understand it myself, it seems like a good alignment, but something worries me. She asked how a man treats me, what is he hiding from me?
1 ace of cups
2 jester
3 wheel of fortune
4 ace of swords
5 3 swords
6 rider of wands
7 8 of wands
8 3 cups
9 4 denarii
10 priest
11 strength
12 world
13 6 swords
Thank you.

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Guest please help me
I need to move on. Disappointed so many times. I won't be able to figure it out without you. The alignment above is from 03/07/19.
Explain p-ta, do I need a man? He took the initiative himself. And now silence ... Banal situation, I know)). Do I have a chance to have a relationship with him? I really like him. She held herself in hand, did not manifest herself in any way. Six months later, he showed up. What is this? Another loss in my life? Or a chance?
Help p-ta. I don't want to Once again suffer) I can no longer survive another pain.
Thank you)

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Natalia, sorry, it’s not always possible to answer quickly, I can’t figure out the layouts on the run, I need to think, tune in ... He has another place where he goes, I don’t know, family, another just a woman, such a swing, appeared, he disappeared naturally, a man is looking for love with you, how to start something new, he has a flash of emotion for you, appeared, talked, accepted positive emotions, disappeared again, there is some craving for you, love, but he fell out to me Chariot, asked what could be next for you, and Chariot man is more likely for love relationship, without special obligations, with such a swing, if such a relationship suits you, but you can try, he cannot offer you anything serious, again here is the Power for plans, this card has more sexual overtones, according to the Priest and 4 of pentacles, the slope to think that he has other relationships, stability

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Good day! Dear Guest, help in the interpretation!
1-King of Swords
3-Six of Swords
4-Knight of Cups
5-Eight of Wands
6-Two of Wands
7-Five Denarii
8-Jack of Wands
10-Rider of Wands
11-Ace of Swords
12-Six of Wands
13-Four of Cups

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Write a brief history of relationships, statuses.

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Hello, help me... is there a love triangle, we have been using in relationships at a distance for more than 4 years, something more serious does not add up, but I know that there is another one near it close girl, asked the cards how he treats me? And whether I should continue to stay in this triangle, everything cannot be described here, but it is very difficult, I am jealous and do not know who I am in his life. Martyr Aries, I am Aquarius, the second girl is Scorpio. We are all not married. Cards:
Ace of Wands
7 denarii
Rider of Denarii
3 of Pentacles
10 cups
5 denarii
3 swords
Queen of Cups

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Long distance relationship we meet just live in different cities, if possible, at least briefly, dear Guest

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pull out 3 cards for advice, I’ll immediately look at the alignment and advice

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When asked whether it is worth staying in a relationship, 5 cups, the Priest and the Jack of Swords fell out. Thank you!

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Yes you exist in love triangle, unfortunately, the cards clearly show the hidden cards of the 3 of Swords and the Queen of Cups, but you are both dear to this man, you are even more like the Empress, he is looking forward to meeting you, he has a very great desire for intimacy, but I doubt that you can count on that - something more with him, he doesn’t think about something serious with you, everything is banal - such an alignment suits a man, of course he can promise you something, by the outward appearance of 10 cups, yes, dear, I will definitely marry you, but no, he has different plans

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The advice of the cards is this: you need to let go of the past, do not drown in disappointments, but look at everything differently, with a fresh look, still explain the situation, deal with relationships, do not pretend that this situation suits you, clearly concentrate on the task at hand, do you want to live as before, or go into a new one? All in your head

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Help ra ... how to put a question? Hundreds of sent and deleted SMS, not dialed calls! I don't care if he loves another girl or not? How to ra ... tsya ???

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Make the same alignment, questions, how does such and such relate to her, what does she feel, what is she hiding from her?

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Thanks, here's what happened
10 swords
Ace of Cups
2 cups
8 swords
7 swords
3 cups
Ace of denarii
Ace of Wands
3 denarii
Jack of denarii
Lady of the denarii
4 denarii
I see that he loves this girl because there are a lot of love cards?? I'm shocked to find out after 4 years of relationship ((

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Yes, he has feelings for her, as I said, you are both dear to him, only something is not going well in their relationship now, 10 of Swords can talk about completion, the man is confused in this lie, triangular relationships, it’s all the same to plans I wanted to continue relations with her, but again, maintain mutually beneficial cooperation, sexual relations, it powders you and her head, it’s not in a hurry to offer families, he probably doesn’t want to lose his freedom, heed the advice of the cards, probably someone needs to leave in order to become happier finally surviving 5 cups, disappointing, but getting stronger at the same time

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He told me that it was just a work colleague and no sexual relations there is no between them. I understand that he is planning a family with her according to the layout, and not with me? Thank you very much for responding and clarifying the situation.

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Good afternoon, Happy New Year, girls!
Please help me to understand my story. So many major arcana that I'm lost. I asked him why did he leave? Does he remember me?

1.8 cups
2.wheel fort.
5.8 wands
6. ace of wands
7. Moderation
8. ace of pentacles
9.9 cups
11. King of Pentacles
12. Star
13. 2 cups.

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The Priestess confuses me, was he married or single?

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If he did not lie, then he is free)
She also just confuses me, also with lovers.
Thank you!

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Anastasia, are you free? They don’t show me another one, everything is extra. cards limitation and disappointment with him ...

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Dear Guest, Good morning! Forgive me, please, that I am again with the alignment. Our situation has changed today, the man got in touch. He asks if I'm still free, apparently, and really worried if I found someone, as you wrote yesterday. But yesterday I thought a lot about it and decided to let it all go, as he showed up. and in the 12th position, I have no idea who it is ..
1. 4 of wands
2. Rider of swords
3. 9 cups
4. Peace
5. 10 wands
6. Justice
7. King of Wands
8. Jack of swords
9. Chariot
10. Empress
11. 10 denarii
12. Lady of denarii
13. 5 denarii
Look, please, I beg you very much .. I will very much look forward to your answer!

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It looks like he has some kind of Lady, an earthly sign, can he meet with someone? After all, it’s interesting for both of you, he wants a stable relationship with you for 4 wands, listen to the plans anyway, as I said, take the relationship to a serious level, it doesn’t look like an affair, up to the family, it’s hard for him to have 10 wands, he resists himself, but there is no completeness in the soul in the world. Maybe he will seriously tell you what you want from each other? You have accumulated grievances, but you can’t let each other go, it turns out you need to learn how to build relationships, because you love each other, and stubborn character in both)

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You know, the Queen of Pentacles is not like a woman, a state his soul, he is closed, he keeps everything in himself, the lady explained 7 of pentacles came out, he is waiting for something, asked what he was waiting for -8 wands, some kind of development, it seems he did not wait for your further action, I decided to reconnoiter the situation, as I understand it, by 5 Pentacles, cats are scratching something in their souls, go out for a dialogue, it’s bad for both, there should be a gap

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I don’t know, but the Wheel of Fortune came to me, the Force came out, it turns out that you are each other by fate, and it turns out, they lead and lead you in a circle, converge, disperse, you must learn something, probably find compromises.

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Thank you very much! He is really very closed, you never understand what he feels, what he thinks, outwardly behaves as if I am not important to him in principle, but only temporarily, in words he never put himself in the status of my fiancé or husband, he kept saying, they say, when you find the right person.. It is very difficult to understand him, but yes, for some reason I'll go. So I called today to see with a hint of intimacy, and I decided that he wants an affair, at least he doesn’t reveal his true intentions .. But so far he refused, I decided to think about the holidays if I need it

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Thank you Do you think they are all so talkative?

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Not so long ago, she stopped an unfinished romance with a man. He's my leader, we're both not free. We both said "I love" each other, but it didn't go beyond words. The man walked gloomy, but I determined for myself that we had nothing to offer each other. He tried to somehow justify himself, gently ask what was the matter. But my thoughts returned home to my family.
Today he gave me a rather expensive present. And I was confused - what is it? Trying to get back a relationship that didn't start? Or was it extra?
1- Death
2-Ace of Cups
3- 2 swords
5- 7 denarii

6-6 cups
7 - 5 of wands
8- jester

9-2 cups
10- ace of wands
11- abstinence

12-Queen of Wands
13-ace of denarii

Understood nothing. It seems that the cards say that he wants to return love. But the lady... With the ace of denarii???
Maybe this is not for me? Already have another one? Then there was simply no one to give a gift to?

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Guest, we congratulate you on the holiday of spring! You are our hope and support! May you be all right!

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Thank you And I congratulate you on the holiday of spring! health, love, good mood Wish! A man is really in love with you, he understands that there will be no relationship, but they still hope for 7 pentacles, the gift was given, not superfluous, he hides that fate may give a chance for a romantic, secret relationship, because 5 cups came out on additional cards Wheel of Fortune, sadness and sadness in the soul from this whole situation, 7 of Pentacles also says that he planted a seed in the ground, probably as a gift, now he is waiting in the moves to see what will come of it, but he will not run, bother, behave with dignity, this can be seen from 2 swords and Temperance, it turns out that everything depends on you, if there is nothing, so I still wanted to leave something as a memory of myself

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Thanks a lot, Guest!
The heart shrinks common sense ready to take the risk. But there is a risk of ruining two families. At our age, we already have something to lose.
Could he be my destiny?

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He will remain someone's husband, the Emperor came out, the King of Pentacles, 6 of cups, and both of you will remember this platonic romance all your life, you are doing everything right, on the advice of the cards, you do not need to succumb to the temptation of 9 cups, Star, communication is better at a distance

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I never thought that something like this could happen to me (((((I can't quit either.
We hold each other hopelessly.
Thanks again...

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Please see my schedule

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Or maybe a little prehistory) And what statuses do you have

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He is not married, but he may have someone. I'm married. We work together. I love. We had a big fight. Now I see that he repents. There was a moment when he said he wanted a relationship with me. Then he got scared and quieted down. Then he bit hard. Something like this.

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The answer is below

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Hello Guest. I've probably already tortured with my layouts, but I don't know who else to turn to.
Yesterday my man called me for the first time after a quarrel, but the conversation was very sharp, I don’t understand why he called. Or there was some kind of jealousy, because he asked where I was and spoke with my child. She asked, say that we are in a dream, I said I won’t say.
1 - 4 cups
2,3,4,5 - 9 of swords, king of swords, ace of cups, sun
6,7,8 - Knight of Cups, Ace of Swords, Jack of Wands
9,10,11 - jack of denarii, magician, abstinence
12 - 2 cups
13 - 9 of wands
He does not venture there serious relationship is that why you called?
I've been waiting for his call, but in my opinion there is nothing left for me to do but leave him (
What's in the cards? Maybe he won't be able to come, so he's there new love started? Why did you call me?

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I don’t understand anything anymore) The man is tired, he can’t decide between you and someone else, the Empress fell out again in a hidden way, it feels like something happened to him ex-wife, maybe intimacy happened, but he is not indifferent to you either, he is clearly depressed, psychos, asked why he behaves like this 5 cups, a card of sadness, 9 Swords, he imagines something to himself, some kind of torment, he talks rudely like that, maybe I didn’t hear from you what I wanted, come there, we are waiting, we miss you, the Ace of Cups, Strength, 8 of wands, the cards are very good, you just have to watch what will happen next, you better calm down, let him think for himself, what to do next, that's why such advice from the cards doesn't work out?

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Thank you for your replies. Without your help, I don't know what would have happened to me.
Maybe he really can’t decide, he didn’t see his children and mother for two years, but he said that he rents an apartment near the city and will see them only when he decides everything, or even when he goes next time. Since we had a lot of conversations about this, we had to go together, but he had to leave urgently. He really wants to see his relatives, but I'm afraid that it will end in intimacy.

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Now he has, like self-deception in his head, you wrote here, goodbye, if you didn’t need it, why did you call? Let him go as he goes, all the same, until he understands himself, only to exhaust his nerves

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You know, maybe it's because he can't come back?
Z I don’t know in what scenario to ask, I squandered one card
He will be able to return within 2 months: 8 denarii, ace of denarii, 3 cups.
And what can this mean?

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I don’t know in which scenario to ask. I asked for one card. I'm sorry, the phone changes the words

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Does he have money problems?

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Yes, very serious and even with documents, maybe too. He doesn't like to talk about his problems

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I, his money problems do not read as a problem, this is temporary. But he is used to having money, but for now, while he is there, there is no money, but he spends it quickly.

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8 of Pentacles is a card of labor, you need to make an effort, the Ace of Pentacles is a good chance in terms of money, some kind of luck, 3 cups should work out fine, everything is in his hands

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Thank you, you, your help is so important.

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Thank you Get in touch, I'll help you as much as I can.

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Hello! I talked with a man, the bugle suddenly disappeared, then it seems to have reappeared and it seems that they don’t mind continuing the conversation. She asked what she thinks about our relationship and what she hides? Thank you.
1. king of denarii
2.six is ​​generous
4.10 cups
5. lovers
6. nine of swords
8. four of swords
9. king of cups
11. Emperor
12. Horseman of denarii
13. Eight of Cups

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Dear Guest, please excuse me for causing you inconvenience with my frequent layouts, I have spread out for today, as you said, it turned out like this
1. 9 cups
2. 10 cups
3. Knight of Cups
4. 8 wands
5. Rider of denarii
6.9 denarii
7. Jack of Cups
8. 3 swords
9. 8 denarii
10. Hermit
11. 6 wands
12. 10 wands
13. 9 of wands
Thank you very much in advance

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Ella, you have nothing to apologize for. Have you been noticed by him in the company, for example, another man? After all, you wrote that you met, I also looked at additional cards for you, how he brings up something, a stubborn rabbit) the feelings remained for you, but it seems like he doesn’t want to do anything

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For hidden 10 wands, he is tired of carrying this relationship, maybe because of private quarrels between you, so now he is defending himself, and with 3 swords he may think that he is not alone you, and also she asked why she didn’t make contact, the Force came out, it seems that you submit to him, play on your nerves. I don’t know, wait, or try again.

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Of course, I still have something for him, but I’m already tired of apologizing for his mistakes, and if a person doesn’t even understand that some of his actions offend me and, as you say, educates me to resort to myself, then don’t I will run more, if he wants, he will contact me himself, he knows how to do it .. And if not, then I will wait for the best in life

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Thank you

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Thank you Yes. difficult situation. Do not be sad, Happy Holidays! May spring bring good mood, mutual understanding, love! Who knows what awaits us around the bend of fate.

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He knew that I communicate with other men, I myself told him about them, but I had nothing with them, I was just friendly, completely without a second thought, by his behavior I would never say that he somehow hurt my stories or made me angry .. if I wanted to change him, I would not share with him, but I didn’t want to

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Dear Guest, please look at the alignment.
How does a man treat me, what does he want from me. Can he be trusted?
1. Emperor
2,3,4,5-10 wand, king sword, rider denar, star
6,7,8, devil, 5 of wands, rider of wands,
9,10,11-7 of wands, 3 of wands, kol. Fort
12. Court,
13. Moon
Thank you.

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You have an interesting relationship with him. You are insecure in him, he is in you, there are so many cards of confrontation with each other. According to the Emperor, he clearly wants to understand what, how, why, stability, planning, of course, you are an alluring Star for him, but the man is tired of carrying this the burden of relationships. By its character structure, it’s not a romantic, but more logicians and some of your wrong steps, in his opinion, introduce you into some kind of stupor. In theory, the Ace of Wands card fell out for an explanation to the Emperor, he is not against new beginnings and intimacy , but according to the hidden Judgment + 5 wands, he would like the revival of these relations, but there is a struggle inside himself, but is it necessary? On the Moon, he is all in doubt + 10 wands again, he thinks if I can continue to load this burden of relations onto plans will think, choose and even more hope for some reason that the situation will somehow be resolved by itself.

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Good afternoon, Guest! Please help me to deal with the alignment. Mch and I have been together for almost 6 years. I still can not reveal his character, he is very secretive. She asked me what she felt for me and what she was hiding. We have a child, we have a two-year-old daughter. I am an Aries, he is a Taurus) 1. The Empress; 2. 6 swords; 3. 8 wands;; 4 wheel of fortune; 5. Strength; 6.6 wands; 7. 6 denarii; 8. 7 denarii; 9. Chariot; 10. 9 wands; 11. 2 denarii; 12. Tower; 13. Ace of cups. Thank you. I'm really looking forward to it)

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Yes, he feels all the good things for you, he is ready to continue to go with you through life, but he hides that something can collapse in your relationship, do you often show him that you love him? Take more care of him, yes, he sees what is on his own mind, but it is important for him to feel like a man, to be needed by you

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Thanks a lot))

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Good morning, dear Guest! I ask for your help in interpreting the layout. Please see if there is hope for reciprocity on the part of the man, I really like him, but we are friends. I asked him how he treats me, what is he hiding? 1-5 swords; 2,3,4,5- 7 cups, Jack of wands, Ace of denarii, 10 denarii; 6,7,8- Jack of swords, 8 wands, Rider of wands,; 9,10,11- 4 denarii, Sun, 6 denarii; 12.13- King of denarii, Justice.
thanks in advance

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Marina, is he free?

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That's the point, no. This has been going on for three years now. And I can't forget, strong feelings to him. That's what friendship is all about. And I hope for a miracle ((Do not judge strictly, I constantly reproach myself ((

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Marina, I am not the Lord God, to judge someone, everything happens in life. For some reason, a man is belligerent towards you, how he constantly tries to stand on the defensive, can he understand that you love him? Although he likes it, he hides that the family means a lot to him, he will not sacrifice it, somehow everything is illusory to you, he has fantasies in his head, he can sometimes imagine how everything would turn out with you, plans to communicate with you and further, to provide help, it seems that you are a good friend for him, according to the Sun he treats you warmly, but I don’t see such feelings of love

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4 of Pentacles does not want to change anything

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Thank you very much for your understanding and help in interpreting the alignment. You are right, he really appreciates the family very much and because of this I have never tried to openly declare my feelings. Sometimes I still felt that his attitude was something more than friendship. It means wrong. I won’t put pressure on him, I don’t want to lose him as a friend, and I don’t want to create problems for him. Thank you very much!!! Happiness to you in life, simple human and love! You are a very wonderful person, help and support! May God help you!

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Thank you for good words! I wish you all the best too! Upcoming holidays!

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Pages: 1

Women will always trust divination. Some do it on their own, others turn to those who owned the technology. Especially the weaker sex is interested in the theme of love, fidelity and fortune-telling for treason.

When to conduct a ritual of fidelity?

Each sacrament should have its own time. For the loss of interest from a spouse to other women, spells should be cast on the waning moon. For loyalty and self-love, they read on the growing moon. And they guess about the betrayal of her husband most often on the full moon.

It is better to carry out the process in a personal meeting with the magician or on your own. Online are automated and give the average result, pre-programmed on the site. By choosing a magical intermediary, you will surely find out the truth and be able to use a conspiracy to return your loved one. Ordinary or Tarot cards will help you with this.

So, you have learned the truth. If the result is not in your favor, again, you need to turn to professionals. It is impossible to achieve a good outcome in absentia in relation to the fidelity of a loved one. From time immemorial, this work was thanked: & to take something you need to give& - this is the law of balance. You can not only fail to achieve the goal for free, but also pay for what you have done with the loss of personal money. The magical intermediary must feel the energy of the one with whom you have to work. For full contact, you need a thing, a photograph, a favorite subject.

What is important to know?

Tarot divination is an old proven method that ladies have resorted to for more than one generation. They are impartial and honest, their answers hit the target with a huge probability.

What can you find out:

  • present day;
  • past;
  • perspective;
  • about your partner and yourself;
  • treason of the physical / spiritual type;
  • How does a partner react to the opposite sex?
  • why he entered the path of sin.
  • How will this &fight& end.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is only a springboard for reflection, a specialist will interpret them. If you do this, be careful when looking at the exact meaning of the cards. Everything must be taken into account, especially the position: normal, inverted.

Divination for treason on playing cards

First of all, it is necessary to formulate and speak the question. Lay out 4 pieces in a row, one under the other. The first 4 cards that come together will show you the answer.

The meanings of divination for fidelity, the reasons for treason:

  • 6 - frequent departures, business trips.
  • 7 - loss of feelings, midlife crisis, road & to nowhere &;
  • 8 - romantic nature;
  • 9 - love (love spell).
  • 10 - chronic workaholism, "betrayal" with work (painful responsibility).
  • V. - the second half will cause great trouble, often drinks, gets tired, leaves home.
  • D. - rival, treason.
  • K. - fidelity, old age, charm of his wife.
  • T. - love for home, family (perhaps as a reason for maintaining a marriage).

Rituals based on the results of divination

In case of a bad scenario, you need to do the following.

The ritual is performed strictly with a red lit candle. Arrange the cards that have come across in front of you on the full moon and read the following words:

&The full moon gives me strength to move on. My words are strong!&.

Remove everything under the pillow.

  1. If fortune-telling showed treason, a rival, or something negative, it is necessary to start the ritual for fidelity on the next night of the waning moon.
  2. If they show love for you, then wait for the waxing moon.
  3. Ritual for fidelity (in a bad scenario)

For a conspiracy you need wedding rings, the husband's thing, a red candle and braid of the same color. Choose a wedding day in the church and get into the ceremony, repeat word for word after the priest, speaking for the young, squeezing right hand wedding rings tied together with a red thread or braid. Left hand keep at heart. Then the ring can be returned if the spouse does not wear it, leave them tied and put away in the southwestern part of the apartment, where love is "stored".

After the ceremony, wait for the day when the moon begins to wane, read all the days while the moon wane. Every evening, lighting a candle, pick up the husband’s thing and pronounce these words:

& As the moon melts, so does the desire of my faithful servant of God to look at other women, to desire them, to take them. My words are strong! Amen!&.

IN last night, exactly at 12 o'clock after the words burn bad cards in a cup, scatter the ashes out the window. While the moon is decreasing, nothing more needs to be said.

Ritual for husband's love with a good deal of cards

On the first day of the rising moon, also with a thing in hand and with a candle, pronounce such a conspiracy against treason:

& As the moon grows, not by the day, but by the hour, so would the love of my husband, the servant of God (name) grew to me and grew stronger day by day! My words are strong!&.

Divination by Tarot cards & Secret pocket&

To conduct the process of divination for treason more subtly, you should use what is closest to your spouse. You can take a pillowcase from the pillow on which he sleeps or the pillow itself. Clean handkerchief, but out of pocket, shirt, etc. Fortune telling "Hidden pocket" is carried out on the little thing that you have chosen: the cards must lie down in a wrapped state for at least three hours in order to absorb the husband's energy. We lay out on 13 cards:

Shuffle the entire deck, then draw 13 at random. The interpretation will depend on the question posed. The question might be something like this:

  • What exactly does this person feel for me?
  • What does he think of me?
  • What exactly is my beloved (name) trying to hide from me?
  • Is my spouse cheating on me?
  • Why is the opponent strong?
  • The 1st in the deck will tell you about the partner's expectations from you and the relationship, about why he is still with you.
  • From the 2nd to the 5th they will show you what the partner feels for you: love or dislike, passion or indifference, perhaps jealousy or even fear.
  • From the 6th to the 8th, they will show you what interferes with the relationship, for example, the betrayal of the husband or the usual interest in work, jealous relatives.
  • From the 9th to the 11th will tell you about your spouse's future plans for you.
  • 12 - I am in divination exactly the one that will point you to the existing secrets of the second half. Secrets can relate not only to treason, but also to other topics.
  • 13-I gives an answer to the questions: & Why?&, & Why?&.

For a wife, ladies (these are lovers) will indicate treason, and for a husband, on the contrary, kings (lovers).

Divination for infidelity with a comb

You will need a red, thin candle. Usually hairs remain on the scallop, they must be collected, and at the end of the whole action, burned with the words: as the hairs burn in the flame, so does my husband burn out of love for me. Move the comb lightly over the flame, saying these words:

&I endow the personal with immeasurable power, true truth. If there is my wife, a choker, let her give me this sign.

Put the comb in the holy water, burn your hair. Within a few days you need to watch your spouse. At a positive result, the comb should: break, hurt, fall out of your hands, get lost.

If so, then repeat the ritual over the fire again, but with other speeches:

&This object is in contact with your head, with your thoughts, I free your thoughts from love for another woman! Each touch to the head is a sign that you are free from her fetters, each touch to the head indicates that you are losing interest in everyone except your spouse!&.

And according to your faith it will be rewarded to you ...

To believe or not to believe fortune-telling is up to you, but faith often works wonders. Perhaps the betrayal of a loved one is just your fantasy, but having received a positive response from the cards, you will become more suspicious and jealous, and begin to torment your spouse in vain. And so close to a real lover.

5 divination for treason on different cards + 3 other divination options + 7 obvious signs marital infidelity.

Cheating hurts the pride of any person, destroys even long-term relationships, destroys families, makes loved ones irreconcilable enemies.

But how do you recognize your partner's infidelity? With the help of specific signs, and also by conducting fortune-telling for treason.

There are several variations of this divination depending on the magic items you use.

Of course, it’s not worth blaming a loved one for all mortal sins only on the basis of the results of fortune-telling, but you need to think and look at his behavior.

How to find out if there was a betrayal without fortune telling?

It is rare that a person wants for no reason, for no reason at all, in order to find out whether a partner is faithful to him or not. Usually, cards and other magical items are turned to when there is a suspicion of treason.

Try to analyze the behavior of your loved one to understand if he is faithful to you.

The main signs of treason:

  1. Irritability, and the main object of this irritability is you, therefore you are constantly made comments, compared with others.
  2. Lack of interest in marital sex, and in general - to the family.
  3. Stealth - mobile phone and laptop password-protected, telephone conversations behind closed door etc.
  4. Constant delays in the evenings, frequent business trips on weekends.
  5. Side spending.
  6. More careful care of your appearance.
  7. The smell of other people's perfume on clothes, traces of lipstick on the collar, etc.

If a loved one or loved one behaves strangely, then fortune telling can be used to find out if there is a betrayal or it just seems to you that the union is cracking.

But even if the result of fortune-telling is positive, do not rush to scandal. If you want, talk to your other half frankly (but be prepared for a dose of heartache if the fact of treason is confirmed).

The wisest thing is to wait for time, collect more evidence and consider a plan for further action. Destroying a family is easy (the lover or mistress of your other half will only say thank you), but it can be oh so difficult to correct your impulsive actions.

Divination for treason on different cards

Determining treason with the help of cards is quite simple, because there are a great many options for divination on different decks.

Alas, sometimes the cards lie, especially if you use the cards you played earlier, abuse divination, or tell fortunes on the day of a big Christian holiday.

But, even if all the conditions were met. Don't be so quick to blame loved one in treason, wait for some more evidence of his infidelity.

Divination for treason on playing cards

The most common ways Buying a new deck is not difficult. The only difficulty is to read the alignment correctly in order to determine treason.

Here are 3 simple options divination for treason:

  1. 4 suits. Choose one card from the deck and see what suit it is.
    It is highly likely that your significant other has a lover or mistress who is not married.
    You have nothing to worry about, because your soulmate is faithful to you and is not going to change.
    Your partner thinks about cheating, but before real action still far. So it's time to take care of strengthening the union.
    Your significant other cheated on you before marriage, and although she does not cheat on you now, there are many omissions in your relationship.
  2. 8 cards. You need to draw 8 cards from the deck and arrange them one at a time to make a vertical row.
    1st card
    This is your subconscious attitude towards your partner, perhaps these are the feelings and emotions that you hide even from yourself. Sometimes she shows the secret desires of a fortune-telling woman.
    will show you true reason your doubts about your husband's fidelity.
    will give brief description relationship in your married couple at the present time.
    It is the main one in this scenario, it contains the answer to main question fortune-telling on the fidelity of a loved one - was there a betrayal.
    It does not matter if the answer of the fourth card assures you of the fidelity of your loved one, feel free to put it aside without even opening it. If the fact of betrayal is confirmed by fortune-telling, then its meaning is very important for you, because it is fraught with consequences and the answer to the question of how the fact will be reflected adultery on your relationship.
    He will tell you how to strengthen your relationship and prevent betrayal in the future, if the fourth promises you the loyalty of a loved one. If there was a betrayal, then she will tell you how to stop the betrayal and return the husband to the family or prevent the beloved from being taken away.
    This is your attitude towards your boyfriend or husband in the future. If you have been cheated on, find out the interpretation of this card, and you will know if your relationship has a future.
    Shows how your partner will treat you in the future.
  3. What suit is more. If the previous fortune-telling on playing cards is too difficult for you, try to get confirmation of treason using the suits.

    You need to select 5 cards from the deck and look at what suits fell out: black - there was most likely a betrayal, red - you are true.

Divination for treason on the Lenormand deck

The legendary French fortuneteller Marie Lenormand created her own unique card deck: playing cards supplemented with plot pictures, which facilitate the interpretation of the results.

If you have such a deck, you can use it to determine the presence of treason in your relationship.

Shuffle the cards well and, after pulling out 10 cards, lay them out as follows:

Now open the cards in order, because depending on the position, each picture has its own interpretation.

1. shows the status of the partner in currently(does the relationship bring him joy or is he unhappy in them)
2. reveals a condition that your partner is hiding (for example, he may not be happy with psychological side relations, constant quarrels, but he clearly does not show it and does not express it)
3. indicates the state that the partner is showing
4. shows the partner's thoughts, plans and hopes related to the relationship
5. reveals how a partner feels in intimate life
6. shows the partner's subconscious feelings - what kind of relationship he really needs, what he subconsciously strives for and what kind of person he would like to see next to him
7. shows the partner's conscious feelings
8. reveals true attitude partner to you
9. answers the question of whether there was a betrayal (if the Fox, Book, Lilies, Snake, Pisces cards fell out in this position, then this indicates a 100% fact of betrayal)
10. gives a forecast for the future in the development of relations

Divination for treason on the Tarot

If you know how to read Tarot, you can do this alignment to find out if your loved one is cheating on you or not:

Lay out the cards exactly in the sequence shown in the picture, because each of the positions indicates a specific state of affairs:

1. indicates what position you occupy in a relationship with a partner
2. talks about how your partner treats you
3. indicates how the partner relates to opposite sex how they behave in relationships with the opposite sex
4. was there a betrayal at the physical level (intimate relationship)
5. was there a betrayal on an emotional level (love)
6. was there a betrayal on an intellectual level (friendship, intimate communication, common interests)
7. explains the reasons for the partner's behavior
8. gives advice on what to do in such a situation
9. says what can be expected from a partner in the future

If you are not a very experienced fortuneteller, then you can choose the simplest version of a fortune-telling for treason. After shuffling the deck, draw 1 card from it.

In the Tarot there are 5 cards that indicate betrayal, deceit, infidelity:

Reversed Mage
There is a person in your environment who is trying to deceive, become a rival, has his eye on your partner.
May indicate that your partner may succumb to temptation and succumb to short-term passion, satisfaction of their needs. He may cheat with many other non-permanent partners, who may provide him with a little more sexual sensation and pleasure than a permanent partner.
Reversed Priestess
Reversed Priestess
Reversed Doomsday
Indicates errors in judgment and unwillingness to take responsibility for actions and decisions. The partner may try to avoid responsibility for what he did in the past and throw this responsibility on you so that you "rake" the results of his mistakes and wrong decisions.
Points out the consequences of cheating. Cheating partner, unreliable friend, or quirky business partner can leave a devastating trail. You have been betrayed and you can no longer trust the people around you.

Other options for divination for betrayal of a partner

Getting news of a betrayal is always unpleasant. Much depends on how exactly you find out that your partner is cheating on you: see it with your own eyes or get confirmation with the help of fortune-telling.

As you understand, the last option does not give a 100% guarantee and is not a verdict: there was a betrayal, which means you need to break off relations with a traitor.

You should still take a closer look, play it safe, apply other types of divination.

Fortune telling on cards has its drawbacks:

  • the inability to quickly find the right deck;
  • restrictions on the days allocated for fortune-telling;
  • inability to correctly interpret the results, etc.

Divination for the betrayal of a loved one

If in your case the shortcomings are too obvious, use other fortune-telling methods to reveal the betrayal of a partner:

Whatever cheating fortune-telling you choose, do not take it as irrefutable evidence of infidelity. A banal error or inaccuracy should not be ruled out.