What is better serum or face cream. What is better to choose: face cream or serum. Advantages and disadvantages

Cream and serum perform different functions and have different effects on the skin. The purpose of the cream is clearly indicated on the packaging: moisturizing, nourishing, protecting, lifting, etc. With serum, the situation is different, and first you need to figure out what it is and how it works.

Serum is a concentrate of active substances that works in the deep layers of the skin and gives quick result. It solves specific problems that the cream cannot cope with, and has a clearly directed effect on a particular area of ​​the skin, being a kind of conductor of useful ingredients. With its help, you can normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, narrow enlarged pores, get rid of acne, age spots and other problems.

The molecular composition of the serum penetrates the skin instantly, while the cream requires a certain time for this. Since the content of active substances in the serum is quite high, it should be used in courses.

The cream acts in the upper layers of the skin and satisfies its daily needs for nutrition, hydration and protection. In addition, the cream applied on top of the serum prevents it from evaporating and makes it easier to penetrate deep into the skin. If you use only serum, without supplementing it with a cream, after a while dehydration and peeling of the skin may occur.

Serum should be used in combination with a cream: the first solves a specific problem, and the second fixes its action and provides the skin with necessary care. It is desirable if both products are from the same cosmetic line, since different manufacturers use different complexes of active substances that may conflict with each other, and the result will be far from expected.

Meanwhile, there are moisturizing serums designed for long-term use. They have a lighter texture compared to cream and can be used instead, especially in summer or for very oily skin.

When answering the question of what to choose: serum or cream, you need to decide what result you want to achieve. If the skin does not have any special problems and needs regular care, then regular use of the cream is sufficient. In cases where it is necessary to solve a specific problem, for example, get rid of acne, eliminate dryness and flaking, normalize oily skin, serum and cream should be used in combination.


Milk whey is an unusual assistant in the fight for youthful facial skin. It has been used since ancient times. The formulation of the product and the procedure for its use were transferred by family line. This natural remedy has been popular for many years. Its use eliminates the appearance of allergies and irritations that can happen when even expensive products containing various chemical compounds are used.

In whey, the main component is water, its 94%, the rest of the product consists of proteins, milk sugar, lactose, fat, vitamins and bacteria. These 6% contain more than 200 active elements ready to give beauty to any skin.

The main advantage of this tool over all the others is that it gives an anti-aging effect. After its application, many note that the skin becomes more elastic and toned. It reduces wrinkles and also improves complexion.

Due to its naturalness, whey is used for many cosmetic procedures. It is used to cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin. It is able to eliminate age spots and whiten the skin. Even perennial freckles disappear under her influence. Whey is great for sunburn. She carefully restores skin while moisturizing at the same time.

For girls over 30 years of age, it will be a godsend, as it can rejuvenate their face and resist the appearance of new wrinkles. Antioxidant and regenerating properties are provided by the presence of a serious arsenal of vitamins and active elements that affect the skin in a complex way. Each of them contributes to the elimination of skin problems:

  • Vitamin E- slows down the aging of the skin, has powerful antioxidant properties.
  • Folic acid participates in the regeneration of skin cells. In combination with vitamin B 12 eliminates inflammation on the face.
  • Potassium has moisturizing properties and at the same time relieves swelling. This is especially important for the eye area.
  • Vitamin C helps to produce collagen that can protect the skin from aging. Prevents the effects of free radicals on cells.
  • Calcium activates metabolic processes, as soon as possible restores skin cells.

  • Vitamin B5 able to activate redox exchanges.
  • Lactic acid acts as a scrub or gentle peeling. It gently exfoliates dead skin cells, even on very sensitive skin. The face after its use becomes smooth and its color acquires a pink tint. It is also able to dissolve comedones and clean greasy pores.
  • Vitamin B3 or PP protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Choline has a tightening effect.

But not all of the listed vitamins are resistant to exposure. high temperatures, in particular, many lose their strength when the serum is heated to more than 50 degrees. This must be taken into account and the best way to obtain it should be chosen.

On the video - whey for the face:

After receiving the serum at home, it can be used immediately. Only freshly prepared product should be used. There are several effective ways that give the skin a moisturizing and tightening effect, this is the use of the product in the form of masks, as a tonic or lotion, as well as in frozen form.

Before applying one of the selected methods of applying whey to the face, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the procedure. Cleansing can be done by her. To do this, a cotton pad is moistened in it and all skin integuments are processed with it. It is better to do this with a warm remedy.

For supporting fresh look you can freeze the serum in ice containers and make ice cubes for the face and neck. After washing with plain water, wipe the skin with these cubes.

Also, for facial rejuvenation, the use of serum as a peeling is suitable. This fermented milk product is an invaluable tool for rejuvenating any type of skin. As an additive, you can add ground coffee. It is not necessary to take a freshly prepared composition for the drink. You can use the thick left after drinking coffee. Instead, different types of salt can be used, and oatmeal is suitable for sensitive skin. If you do not want to prepare the peeling composition yourself, try Tiande milk peeling (more details here).

After preparing the mushy mass, peeling from the milk component is applied with massaging light movements. After completing this procedure, all residues are washed off with warm tap water.

To obtain a tonic effect, an amazing drink is used - green tea. It perfectly copes with many problems both inside and out, helping the skin look younger. They simply blot the whole face and leave without rinsing. Its active ingredients immediately begin to act, and the surface of the skin acquires a healthy shade.

Gentle and no less effective means for facial rejuvenation are whey masks. They act gently, are selected to solve certain problems or are used for preventive purposes. The frequency of the procedures depends on the type of skin and its age-related changes. A positive result can be achieved only with the regular use of the procedure.

Find out how to treat a squeezed pimple on your face.

They are used after cleansing the face, acting as a logical conclusion to cosmetic procedures. After them, you no longer need to apply anything, they nourish, soothe and moisturize the skin. There are several recipes for masks, usually they are called nourishing. Here are some of them:

Its preparation consists in chopping natural vegetables that have ripened in the garden at any time of the year. For winter time, its use is meaningless, since the naturalness of store products is in doubt. Any most common vegetable is taken - pepper, cabbage, eggplant or cucumber.

The last vegetables should not contain large seeds. It is better to choose young fruits. They should be crushed in a blender together with whey, and then applied to the face, soak it for a quarter of an hour. The effect will become noticeable after a week of use.

One teaspoon of ground coffee drink is mixed with two of the same spoons of whey. It is ideal for owners oily skin. Who has strong sensitive skin you can replace coffee with freshly brewed carrot juice. As a result of the coloring properties of this vegetable, a healthy blush will appear on the face. You might also like the face mask from coffee grounds, sour cream, eggs and honey.

For oily skin suffering from constant pollution, as a result of which pores are clogged and then the sebaceous passages expand, an egg white mask will become a reliable assistant. Two articles are added to it. spoons of whey and one serving of flour or potato starch. Such a tool narrows the pores and has a tightening effect.

The mask is prepared from dry green peas, crushed into flour. It combines with serum in proportions of 1:1. This mixture should be applied to a cleansed and steamed face. The gruel is aged for 20 minutes and then washed off.

Rye bread without a crust, cut into pieces, is soaked in whey, then crushed to a homogeneous slurry. This tool performs two functions: it acts on the skin as a mask and peeling at the same time. It can be used for sensitive skin.

It is used once a week. For oily skin, the recipe is supplemented with a protein that can dry it out. The mixture is prepared from cottage cheese and whey, which are taken in equal proportions. It is applied to the face and neck area in a thick layer. Prepared for one time only.

For all masks and face care products, a freshly prepared product must be used. The process of obtaining it is quite simple, you can make it yourself.

If you rely on the store option, then you can not achieve desired effect. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of the advice on preparing a healing milk liquid.

There are two ways to get it. For any of them, you need to purchase kefir or milk, it is better to do this from trusted grandmothers on the market. They may already offer finished product, but the first time you need to make an effort and do it yourself.

The video shows how to use milk serum for the face:

If you choose between hot and cold whey, it is better to opt for the latter.

It consists of several stages:

  1. Kefir or milk is frozen in the freezer.
  2. After some time, it must be thawed and filtered through a special fine sieve or cheesecloth, folded in several layers.
  3. After completely defrosting milk or kefir, you get cottage cheese and whey.

The hot method is to heat the purchased dairy products in a water bath, and then, when they curl, they are filtered. So whey is obtained faster, but some vitamins in it lose their properties.

Milk whey is a cheap and effective remedy for prolonging the youthfulness of the skin of the face and décolleté. At the first wrinkles, signs of wilting and loss of elasticity, it is able to restore protective functions and make the skin well-groomed. She even helps acne and pimples. This natural product will become an indispensable cosmetic product and restore youthfulness to the skin. Also read about facial rejuvenation with dimexide and solcoseryl. Also try acupressure for facial rejuvenation. The link lists anti-aging face creams at home.


What is a face serum

Another name for this cosmetic product is serum, which means “concentrate” in English. It does not belong to the main, but to additional face care products, because the concentration of active substances in the serum is several times higher than the concentration of active ingredients in any good expensive cream. For this reason, concentrates cannot be used constantly - such drugs are recommended to be used in courses no more than 2-3 times a year.

Which is better - cream or serum

On this question not a single cosmetologist will be able to correctly answer, because in fact the cream and serum for facial skin are completely different care products. Although their use is reduced to one goal - the prevention of aging of the skin, but the main difference lies in the time of exposure to the agent and the waiting time for a visible result. If a good cream smoothes wrinkles a little only after a couple of weeks, then a few drops of serum give the same effect in a day. It's all about the concentration of anti-aging components and the ability of the serum to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin.

What is a face serum for?

Different types of serum help to quickly solve various aesthetic problems on the skin of the face. For young girls who do not yet have visible defects on the skin, such “heavy” remedies are useless. Intensive concentrated preparations should be started only in cases where skin problems such as dryness, pigmentation, uneven complexion, age-related changes not amenable to correction with conventional care products. The choice of the type of concentrate will also depend on the type of skin imperfections.

Positive and negative properties

To fully understand what a facial serum is and how beneficial it is for the skin, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this cosmetic product. Serum-type concentrated preparations win against other cosmetic care products because:

  • help to quickly improve the condition and appearance skin;
  • penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, they have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, stimulate the sebaceous glands;
  • have a whitening, antiseptic, rejuvenating effect;
  • restore the elasticity of the skin, making it elastic and leveling fine wrinkles;
  • normalize the moisture balance, prevent the appearance of dryness and peeling;
  • have protective properties, protect the face from negative impact external factors.

Any cosmetic product has disadvantages. Serum cons include:

  • high cost - due to the concentrated composition, such a product simply cannot be cheap;
  • temporary, unstable result;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions, rashes, redness in case of an incorrectly selected drug;
  • can not be used on dark skin, because all serums have a whitening effect;
  • it is strongly not recommended to use face serum with spider veins and papillomas - concentrated preparations only stimulate their growth.

How to use

If you have skin problems that require immediate correction, pay attention to different types of serum. Remember that such products are very concentrated, so take into account the tips on how to properly apply face serum:

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face of makeup, sebum and dirt. This can be done with a special foam, milk or tonic without alcohol.
  2. For a better effect of the nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that are part of the serum, it is worth additionally exfoliating using a light scrub.
  3. To enhance the effect of the application of the emulsion, allow the agent to penetrate as deeply as possible, it is better not to wait complete drying skin, and apply the drug on a damp face.
  4. Put a few drops of serum with a pipette on a cleansed face, and then lightly distribute with fingertips, moving from bottom to top - from the forehead along the cheeks to the chin and neck area.
  5. Movements during application of the drug should be smooth and soft - rub thoroughly, massage the skin is not necessary so as not to stretch it once again.
  6. After the product is completely absorbed by the epidermis, begin to gently apply the cream, which ideally should be used in the same brand as the serum.
  7. For a quick visible result, it is worth applying the concentrate under the cream on a well-cleansed face in the morning and evening daily for a week or two.

The best face serums

The beauty market is overflowing with all sorts of face care products these days. This also applies to serums, because there are a large number of products in different price categories that will quickly help solve certain skin problems - moisturize, whiten, tighten the face, remove acne and fine wrinkles. Serum is selected not by skin type, but by age, and in accordance with the problems that need to be solved. As a rule, such funds should be used after 30 years, so the most best serums for a person after 30 are described below.


If the main defect of your face is dryness, choose a moisturizing serum. After the start of the use of such a tool, dehydrated skin immediately becomes well-groomed, elastic, toned. Moisturizing concentrates have a light texture, thanks to which they are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis. As a rule, they contain hyaluronic acid, natural oils and plant extracts, due to which the natural moisture balance is restored. The most popular moisturizing serums:

  • Clarins Bi-Serum Intensif Anti-Soif.
  • Biotherm Aquasource Deep Serum.
  • Almea H.A. Serum.
  • La Plairie Sellular Hydrating Serum.
  • Avene Soothing Hydrating Serum.


Women aged 30-35 begin an active struggle with the natural process of skin aging. In this case, anti-aging facial serums will be the best means. They have a beneficial effect on stem cells, quickly restoring the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Immediately after the start of the anti-aging serum, wrinkles begin to disappear, the skin tightens, and the face acquires a clear contour. Among the anti-aging concentrated preparations, you should pay attention to:

  • Vichy Liftactive Surreme Serum 10;
  • Shiseido Bio-Performance Intense Lifting Serum;
  • Matis Rejuvenating Serum with hyaluronic acid;
  • Filorga Meso+ anti-aging;
  • Caudalie Vineactiv anti-wrinkle - skin radiance activator.


Girls who suffer from hyperpigmentation and uneven color skin of the face, brightening serums will be useful. They help to solve problems with tone - whiten, remove age spots, acne marks, redness. As a rule, the composition of such cosmetics includes softening and soothing components - they contribute to a long-term brightening effect and help skin cells protect themselves from the production of large amounts of pigment. In the catalogs of manufacturers of facial cosmetics, you can find the following whitening serums:

  • Givenchy Blanc Divin;
  • Natura Siberica White;
  • La Prairie White Caviar;
  • Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector Optimizer;
  • Yves Saint Laurent Blanc Pur Couture.

For problem skin

If the skin of your face is prone to acne, redness, enlarged pores, you should choose a concentrated preparation solely according to the type of your problem. Care products for problem skin contain natural ingredients that have an antiseptic effect, so they instantly soothe the face, relieve irritation and give comfort. As a rule, such serums are prepared on plant extracts: chamomile, aloe, hawthorn, ginseng, etc. Good serums for problem skin:

  • Darphin Intral - from redness;
  • Natura Siberica for oily and combination skin;
  • Guerlain Abeille Royale against age spots and to narrow pores;
  • Sephora - activator serum against enlarged pores and skin imperfections;
  • Sisley Serum Intensif with tropical resins.

Korean Serums

Recently, it has become very popular all over the world. Korean cosmetics. Their funds are notable for their low cost in comparison with the products of world brands, but the quality remains at its best. There are many positive reviews about Korean-made serums on the net, and all of them are really justified. Many women who have tried Korean serums on their faces claim that they instantly transform the skin, make it toned, radiant, velvety. good concentrates produced by such cosmetic companies:

  • It's skin;
  • The Saem;
  • mizon;
  • Farm Stay;
  • Ciracle;
  • The Skin House;
  • Lioele.

Facial Serum Recipes at Home

An effective branded face care serum is not a cheap pleasure. If you do not agree to give a tidy sum for the next miniature bottle of a miracle remedy, prepare a concentrate from natural ingredients on one's own. This process will not take much time, and the funds spent on components for homemade serum will not greatly affect family budget. The main thing is to determine the type of product that would ideally fit your face. Below are the recipes for different types of serums:

  • Vitamin for oily and problematic skin: take a small dark glass vial with a dropper. Pour 5 ampoules into it ascorbic acid 2 ml, 10 ml of pharmacy glycerin and 10 ml of boiled chilled water. Shake well until all ingredients are completely mixed.
  • Rejuvenating essential oil: mix 30 ml of oil apricot kernels with 15 ml of rosehip oil and the same amount of carrot oil. Add 15 drops each of rose oil and frankincense oil, followed by 8 drops of orange blossom. Blend until smooth.

Milk serum

Very useful for normal and combination skin milk serum. Milk and sour milk contain a large amount of nutrients: proteins, vitamins, amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on skin cells. Milk whey nourishes and moisturizes the skin very well, makes it healthy, well-groomed, elastic, perfectly smoothes wrinkles. To prepare a care product from milk, you just need to ferment it in a convenient way, then separate the cottage cheese, and use the resulting milk concentrate for cosmetic procedures.

How to choose the right serum

Before heading to the store to buy a miracle serum that will help you quickly solve problems with the skin of the face, you should carefully study the market for concentrated cosmetic preparations. Remember that every woman, like her skin, is unique, and it’s not a fact that a product praised by a friend will suit your face. To choose the most effective serum for yourself, pay attention to a few important points:

  • Serum for face care is selected solely according to the type of problem that is on this moment worries you the most.
  • It is important to consider your age when choosing a concentrated product. Anti-aging serums help fight wrinkles, but young women should not use strong liftings, so as not to end up with the opposite result.
  • All serums are very concentrated and may not be suitable different people, so it's a good idea to do a simple allergy test before buying to make sure the product won't harm you and won't waste your money.
  • Girls from 25 years old should not immediately look at anti-aging products. You should start with moisturizing, brightening, regenerating serums, and use anti-aging ones only after 30.
  • It is strongly not recommended to mix the use of different concentrates in the care at the same time. Take only one concentrated product that will solve your skin problems as much as possible. Another version of the serum can be tested only after a few months.


Serums in the catalogs of budget manufacturers cost from 500 rubles, and world-famous companies value their products from 10,000. Serums from different companies are presented on the shelves in cosmetics stores, but specialized online stores offer a wider range of concentrated preparations for the face. In addition, you can often order a good product from them at a significant discount. Delivery, as a rule, is carried out by mail, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg - by courier. Approximate Moscow prices for serums, see the table:

The product's name


Volume, ml

Cost in rubles

Natura Siberica for oily and combination skin

For narrowing pores

Clarins Bi-Serum Intensif Anti-Soif


Shiseido Bio-Performance


It's Skin Hyaluronic Acid Moisture Serum


La Prairie White Caviar


Biotherm Aquasource Deep Serum


Mizon Barrier Oil Serum


Givenchy Blanc Divin


Almea H.A. Serum


Vichy Liftactive Surreme Serum 10


The Saem Urban Eco Harakeke Ampoule

For problem skin

Natura Siberica White


Farm Stay All in One Honey Ampoule



Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector Optimizer

Tone equalization

Lioele Blackhead Clear

Against blackheads

Guerlain Abeille Royale

From age spots and to narrow pores

MRB Biochange Tissue Activator Serum




Alina, 27 years old

After the second birth and prolonged feeding my face became very dry. I didn’t know what to do anymore, because not a single cream helped. A friend of the cosmetologist advised me to try a moisturizing serum. At first I felt sorry for the money, but in the end I bought it and now I can’t get enough of it - after a week of use, my skin just shines!

Svetlana, 43 years old

I use concentrated preparations for a long time and regularly, 3-4 times a year. Not all of the products I have tried are the same, but there are some favorites. Most of all I liked the Korean anti-aging serum from It's Skin with collagen. It acts instantly - in two days the face begins to renew itself, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Angelina, 31

I have problem skin since childhood - redness, acne, comedones, and recently wrinkles began to appear ... In general, a whole bunch of shortcomings. Decided to splurge on good serum, chose on the site according to the photo and description, but did not receive the promised effect. The face brightened a little and became cleaner, but not for long. Very sorry for the money spent.


What is Serum Cream?

Serum cream is a product in which contains a high concentration of active ingredients. Its basis is water or oil. In general, this tool affects the skin in the same way as a regular cream. Individual serums can rejuvenate the skin of the face, cleanse, moisturize, nourish, treat acne or other skin problems.

The peculiarity of such funds is that their assets are concentrates of effective components. A small bottle of cream serum contains about 10 times more active ingredients than a jar of cream. Accordingly, such a tool brings quick and positive results. That is why the popularity of this cosmetics is so high.

What are the types of serums?

Serum creams, depending on their action, can be divided into the following types:

  • anti-aging;
  • restorative;
  • Tonic and tightening;
  • Nutritious;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Anti-stress agents, soothing;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Serum or cream

What is the difference between face serum and cream:

  1. Due to the high concentration of components, serums contain more active substances.
  2. Serum cream is much lighter in consistency than regular cream. Therefore, when applied to the skin, most of the components are absorbed into its deep layers, affecting not only the surface. The cream, because of its density, "works" only at the epithelial level.
  3. Cream-serum does not weigh down the skin, so it is suitable for all skin types.

Choosing the right product

In order to choose a truly effective tool, it is necessary to take into account certain features. First of all, it is important to understand that when choosing a serum, in contrast to choosing a cream, you need to focus not on your skin type, but directly on the problem.

It is important to consider your age and the severity of the problem. Serums are very rich, so the application powerful tool can be harmful in some cases.

Serum creams are much more likely to cause allergic reactions than conventional creams. Powerful bioactives that are not suitable for your skin can cause itching, redness and irritation. Therefore, be sure to test the product before use on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm.

Cosmetologists do not recommend using serums for people under 30 years old. Young skin itself is able to restore its structure and functions. The use of such a concentrated remedy can only harm natural processes.

good creams

This tool allows you to saturate the skin with vitamins and nutrients, prevent aging of the skin of the face and preserve its youth. The composition contains valuable oils - shea, wheat germ, which increase the elasticity of the skin and give it tone.

Approximate price: 165 rubles.

Serum "Shine of Youth" - One Hundred Beauty Recipes

The cream has a light texture, perfectly absorbed, leaving no oily sheen. After using the serum, the skin becomes soft, smooth, and its cells are saturated with moisture. Can be used as a day or night cream, suitable for all skin types.

The composition contains jojoba oil, creatine, blackcurrant extracts, green tea rose hips, collagen and linden flowers.

Approximate price: 50 rubles.

Black pearl - concentrate for face and eyelids

The structure of the cream is very light, which ensures rapid absorption and penetration into the deeper layers of the skin. The product perfectly moisturizes the skin, does not leave a greasy sheen and the effect of tightness. Perfect as a base for make-up.

Approximate price: 130 rubles.

Serum cream is suitable for sensitive and dry skin types. Contains an extract damask rose, cameli oil. The basis of this cosmetic series is the Dead Sea water. The drug perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, perfectly refreshes the skin of the face and fights the signs of aging. Dead Sea creams are effective and useful remedies.

Approximate price: 220 rubles.

Natura Siberica serum "Narrowing the pores" for combination and oily skin

Natura Siberica - natural cosmetic. As part of the serum to narrow the pores, there is an extract of Japanese Sophora, Altai chamomile, flax and calendula. The tool allows you to narrow the pores, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. It also tones the skin, nourishes and cleanses it.

Approximate price: 570 rubles.


Features and Benefits of Whey

The serum has a light structure and is considered the most effective product. It contains a large number of active substances that penetrate to the deep layers of the skin.

Serum molecules are small in size, so it really helps to get rid of many problems.

Note! A regular face cream will not significantly improve the appearance of the skin if it is used for a short time. This should be taken into account when choosing what will be best for the face: cream or serum.

Serum contains:

  • acids (lactic, hyaluronic, glycolic);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • active substances.

The latter, in comparison with the cream, are much larger. If, for example, we compare a cream with a serum in terms of the content of hyaluronic acid, then in an expensive and high-quality cream its content is about 10%, and in serum it can reach up to 50%.

At the same time, choosing the best remedy for the face, it must be borne in mind that it is impossible to fully replace the cream (nourishing or moisturizing) with serum, since it does not protect against adverse external factors.

The benefits of whey are as follows:

  • it is more effective than a cream, since the amount of active substances in its composition is higher;
  • it is easy to apply;
  • after application, there is no feeling of dryness / oiliness;
  • a large selection in the range;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • improves the external condition of the skin;
  • removes inflammation;
  • whitens;
  • fills with useful components;
  • smoothes and tightens;
  • strengthens blood vessels.

Face cream

These funds mainly have an oil structure. Their texture is varied. You can choose a product based on the type of skin, which is very important.

The effect of creams on the skin also differs. Some products moisturize, others nourish, others soften, fourth cleanse, fifth rejuvenate.

Creams contain:

  • mineral salts;
  • natural extracts and oils;
  • vitamins;
  • fragrances;
  • emulsifiers.

The benefits of creams are worth highlighting the following:

  • practically no side effects;
  • there are no special contraindications;
  • prolong youthfulness of the skin;
  • restore the structure;
  • make the skin smooth;
  • maintains an optimal Ph level;
  • eliminate discomfort - feelings of dryness, tightness, peeling;
  • even out the tone
  • protect skin from harmful effects environment;
  • saturate with vitamins;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • restore metabolic processes.

What's better?

Understand distinctive features of the funds under consideration will help their comparative characteristics.

Cream and serum should be considered from positions such as: for what type of skin they are used, what effect they have, for what cases they are suitable, rules for use, and others.

What skin are suitable for?

Serum can be used regardless of skin type. It soothes the sensitive, increases resistance to stress and protects against temperature extremes.

For those whose skin type is oily or problematic, serum is a real find, as this remedy will help cleanse pores and reduce sebum production.

Creams are selected only in accordance with the type of skin. The use of this tool for other purposes may provoke adverse consequences.

What action do they have?

The action of serums is varied. These products are able to moisturize the skin of the face, give it a natural radiance, restore elasticity, relieve symptoms of fatigue, swelling, and improve color.

There are serums that have a complex effect: reduce pigmentation, make pores less visible, relieve the appearance of pimples.

There are serums that have a restorative effect. They restore the skin to its natural beauty.

Revitalizing serums relieve redness, swelling, prevent the appearance of scars that may occur after rejuvenation procedures.

The main task of the cream is to moisturize, protect the skin from the harmful effects of external factors, maintain the balance of moisture and fats at the required level, eliminate wrinkles, make the skin more elastic, heal small wounds.

In what cases is it better to use?

You can start using the serum from the age of 25. But at the same time, you should choose either restorative or moisturizing. Anti-aging serums are best used after 30 years.

As for the face cream, you can start using it literally from the age of 15-16. At this age, it is best to purchase moisturizing cosmetic products. After 30 years, not only a nourishing cream is needed, but also a regenerating one.

From the age of 40 you can use anti-aging creams that will keep the skin in excellent condition.

If the skin requires only normal care and there are no significant problems, then using the cream regularly, you can ensure desired result. But if there are acne, dryness, peeling, then it is better to use both serum and cream.

Selection rules

Before buying the best cosmetic product, it is worth knowing about some selection rules, which will allow you to better navigate.

When choosing a serum, consider the following factors:

  1. Bottle volume. It is better to choose a small one.
  2. Skin needs. Based on this, you need to choose a tool.
  3. Age for which the product is intended.
  4. Season in which the serum will be used. Spring and summer - water-based products, oil-based products in winter.

When purchasing a cream, you need to consider several points:

  • A good cream doesn't have to be expensive.
  • When buying a new cream, you should first purchase a sampler.
  • It is better to choose a cream not in a jar, but in a tube.
  • The cream must be safe. This will be indicated by the corresponding factor on the packaging.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date.
  • The consistency of the cream should be homogeneous and stable.
  • When buying, special attention should be paid to the composition of the cream. Natural substances should be at the top of the ingredient list.
  • It is necessary to purchase a cream in accordance with the type of skin and the desired effect.

Important to remember! Overall skin health depends on correct selection cosmetic products therefore, when choosing a face cream or serum and which one is better, you should know the type of skin, the features of the products and the rules for their use.

How to use correctly?

Which is better: face cream or serum, the instructions for using these products, which has its own characteristics, will help you figure it out. You should follow the basic recommendations when applying serum:

  1. Before applying, it is necessary to cleanse the face (peeling, tonic), remove makeup.
  2. To make the effect stronger, experts recommend applying the product to moisturized skin.
  3. For application, a small amount of this agent is sufficient, since the composition has a high concentration.
  4. Squeeze out a few drops of serum and spread it with fingertips all over the face. The area around the eyes should be avoided.
  5. Rub in the direction from the center of the forehead to the temples. Then you need to go down the contour lines of the face, neck to the collarbone area.

Serum can be used for as long as necessary. Serums should be changed depending on the season. In hot weather, use light serum consistency, cold - dense. In winter, serum must be applied 30-45 minutes before going outside.

When using the cream, you must also follow a few basic rules:

  • Cosmetologists advise to rub the cream on your fingers before applying.
  • Each cosmetic product is designed for its time. Day cream should be used just before going outside, night cream - a few hours before going to bed.
  • Before applying a nourishing cream, the skin must be cleansed.
  • Apply the cream gently in a circular motion massage lines.

  • Experts advise to periodically change the cream.
  • Nourishing cream is not recommended to use every day.
  • Vitaminized or nourishing creams do not apply above the upper lip, in the crease between the eyebrows, on the chin area.
  • When using any cream, it is important to observe the measure.

What result to expect?

The result from the use of high-quality serum can be seen almost from the first application, as the skin will instantly receive all the necessary substances. However there are serums, when using which the results will not be visible immediately, but after 4 to 6 weeks.

Maximum effect from the use of face cream, you can notice weeks after 3.

Which is better: face cream or serum? The results of the use of these funds
Serum cream
Improving the appearance of the skin Ideal hydration
Whitening effect cleansing
Nourishing the skin with nutrients Rejuvenation
Wrinkle reduction Reduces the number of wrinkles
The skin regains its elasticity Increased regeneration
Rejuvenation effect The relief is leveled
Normalization of the sebaceous glands Narrowing of pores
Improved blood flow The skin becomes matte, silky
Getting rid of dryness Reduction and elimination of redness


Despite the many advantages, both the cream and the serum have their drawbacks.
Serum, unlike face cream, has the following disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing which one is better - the first or second:

  • Some products can get clogged in pores. In this case, professionals advise using a facial scrub after a while.
  • Serum must be used carefully in hot weather, as a greasy sheen may appear on the face. This is especially true for those women who fat type skin.

  • Serums do not protect against UV rays.
  • The long-term effect of protection and moisturizing is not preserved.
  • Expensive quality product.
  • Short shelf life.
  • If the skin has several defects, then you will need to buy several products.
  • Not suitable for those who have pronounced spider veins on their faces.

Among the disadvantages of creams are the following:

  1. The composition of creams may include dyes, preservatives, artificial additives.
  2. Some creams increase the greasiness of the skin.
  3. No long lasting moisturizing effect.
  4. If you choose the wrong cream, you may experience discomfort - itching, peeling.

Can it be used at the same time?

Note! It is undesirable to use serum and cream for the same problem. In such a situation, the skin will be oversaturated with active substances and the effect will be completely opposite.

However, this rule does not apply to anti-aging serums. If you apply a cream with the same effect, the effect will be more noticeable.

Which is better: face cream or serum, it is definitely difficult to answer. Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. Cosmetologists advise taking a complex approach to skin care, so it is advisable to use both products.

Serum is also called "serum". It is a by-product of certain processes: milk souring, butter churning, blood clotting. And it has always been known that this sediment contains a lot of useful and necessary substances, so they rinsed their hair with milk serum and wiped their face, and in medicine the serum was used for treatment and diagnosis.

High-end product: serum is not for everyone

In cosmetology, serums are not new: experts have used them for a long time. Also in Soviet times in some salons, after masks, a few drops of something fragrant and tender were applied to the face and driven in with fingertips for a couple of minutes. At home, such remedies were not used: they were considered potent and could harm if used incorrectly. And it was known a lot folk recipes the use of milk whey - they wiped their face after washing, rinsed their hair after washing and included it in masks.

Cosmetic serums: fast-acting serum

Now almost every cosmetic company produces serums for home care. Moisturizing serums were the first to arrive on the counter, then oil serums appeared, and even later - for different areas, for example, eyelids, neck, lips.

The novelty of our time - serum fast action. A few minutes after application, the face looks fresh, ruddy, rested, without fine wrinkles and toned.

All these miracles occur due to the fact that, firstly, serums contain much more useful substances - vitamins, minerals, and most importantly, acids. If in a jar of cream, for example, contains 1% of vitamin C, then in the serum it is already at least 10%. Hence the third name of the remedy - concentrate. And secondly, the serum penetrates the skin much faster and deeper.

In what cases does the skin need a serum and which one to choose?

  • The skin has become dry, and the cream does not help restore it to its previous state. In this case, you need a moisturizing serum with an impressive dose of hyaluronic acid.
  • You are over 25 years old, have noticed the first wrinkles and want to get rid of them. Suitable serum rich in elastin and collagen. containing retinol, antioxidants, antiseptics.
  • The face is shiny all the time, inflamed, acne often appears on it. In such a situation, a serum containing retinol, antioxidants, antiseptics will help out.

Serum cons

As you know, our shortcomings are our advantages in a hypertrophied form. The same can be said for serums. High efficiency due to the large dose of strong components, it is fraught with allergies, so before buying a whole bottle, take a sampler and conduct an anti-allergic test.

The next danger: under the influence of vitamins, not only the skin “blooms”, but everything that is on it, for example, moles, papillomas, and so on. And it is possible that, getting rid of wrinkles, you will get a more "weighty" problem.

Genetic engineering: an invasion with unknown consequences?

The more active the serum, the more likely it contains enhancers. They help the agent to penetrate very deeply and work out its program. There are serums that are called that - activators-enhancers. The term denotes a section of plant DNA, in fact an agent whose task is to deliver the substance to the target. Thanks to it, active substances overcome all obstacles, such as cell membranes, and interact with human DNA. How deeply the consequences of such an invasion are studied is unknown.

Cosmetic serum: rules of use

It is not enough to choose the right serum, you still need to be able to use it. Before the serum, it is better to clean the face with cleanser and water, and not with milk and tonic. A few drops are applied to the face, eyelids and other areas. To avoid overdose, many vials are equipped with pipettes or dispensers. Serum is not rubbed, but driven in with fingertips. The cream is applied over the serum after 5-10 minutes. At night it is better to do without it. Serums are used in courses with short breaks.

DIY whey

It is very simple and safe to use whey from sour milk. The main thing is that the milk is really natural, without preservatives and other additives. You don't even have to separate the actual whey from the curdled product. Stir, you get yogurt, and use it for a mask. Recipes can be changed at your own discretion: added egg white - got a lifting effect, fruits or berries - enhanced vitamin properties, ground coffee - the face acquired a matte, slightly swarthy shade. Essential oils also suitable for this company.


How to choose a face serum

Elixir of youth, activator, serum - and these are not all the names of serum for facial skin. This beauty novelty broke into the skincare market for a reason. With a light texture, a minimum of fat and a huge concentration of active ingredients, it eliminates many problems, whether it be acne, age spots, wrinkles or dryness. But the choice of serum must be approached no less seriously than the selection of face cream. How not to make a mistake with the choice and purchase "your" remedy, estet-portal.com will tell you.

What is the difference between serum and face cream?

First, let's take a look at the difference between a serum and a cream. The cosmetic product that we are talking about today in this article is more concentrated than a regular face cream. And its base is not water and not fatty, as in other cosmetics. Often the basis of facial skin serum is fruit acids, healing minerals, vitamin A and E concentrates, as well as special substances that provide permeability to the skin. It is thanks to the active ingredients that the dermis becomes toned, smooth, velvety and more “alive”.

The texture of the serum is lighter than the cream, which is distinguished by its density. The product instantly penetrates the skin, so it will be enough to apply 3-4 drops without rubbing.

Unlike a cream, where the active ingredients act only in the upper layers of the skin, the elixir provides for a more radical action. Its components are activated in the deepest layers of the dermis, thereby providing a therapeutic effect. The result from the use of the product is achieved instantly, which cannot be noticed when using creams. Therefore, the serum is good to use before the upcoming celebration.

Having learned about the unique properties of the serum, you should not immediately run to the store cosmetic products and buy the first jars and bottles that come across with the inscription "serum". Otherwise, you can purchase a completely inappropriate product that creates new problems that will have to be eliminated very hard and for a long time. Therefore, do not neglect a thorough study of products even before you purchase a product. Also, take into account the following tips from experienced cosmetologists: Facial skin serum is not selected according to the type of dermis and time of day, as is usually the case with creams. When choosing a product, the problem that the cosmetic product successfully solves is taken into account. Serum should also be chosen according to age. This criterion must be taken very seriously. After all, a cosmetic product that does not match your age can even harm. Do not buy this product if you are under 30. Penetrating into young skin, it can have an effect on it. Negative influence. Do not choose the same remedy for all seasons. For the winter, get a serum with a denser texture, and for the summer - with a watery one.

If allergic reactions are characteristic of the skin, it is better to refuse serum or consult a beautician before buying. After all, a high concentration of active substances can easily cause a rash, itching, and other unpleasant symptoms.

Choosing a tool depending on the existing problem

If your skin is dry, look for nourishing products that have a light texture. They are rebuilding lipid barrier, remove the feeling of dryness and tightness, and also have a softening and soothing effect. In addition, such a cosmetic product smoothes fine wrinkles, thereby rejuvenating the dermis. Also perfectly saturate with moisture and rejuvenate dry skin restoring essences.

For dehydrated dermis, moisturizing serums are suitable, which enrich each cell with moisture and perfectly fight against the signs of photoaging. If you are concerned about the loss of elasticity of your dermis, lifting serums can save it, which, having proteins, vitamins and microelements in its composition, increase the tone and elasticity of the cover. Suitable for skin with visible wrinkles anti age serums that restore the epidermis, enhance collagen production, and also smooth existing wrinkles.

And if age spots are noticeable on your dermis, give preference to whitening cosmetics. Those who have education, they brighten, and the rest are not allowed to be created. In addition, these serums make the dermis more elastic, smooth and beautiful.

Choosing the right serum, you will get rid of many problems quickly and effectively. The skin will thank you with youth, tenderness and impeccable appearance.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that it is very important to consult with your specialist regarding the selection of home care products. Be sure to ask your doctor to prescribe the most suitable remedy for you, and this will help to preserve the youth and beauty of your skin for a long time!


What is the difference between facial serum and cream: what is better to choose, differences and differences, reviews of Bielita Perfect Skin

Modern cosmetology does not stand still and new products designed for skin care are constantly appearing. Serum is one of them. In practice, not everyone knows how a face serum differs from a cream and why it is considered more effective. Let's understand this issue so that you can decide for yourself which product is better for you to use.

What is serum and cream

First, let's look at the terminology. A serum is a personal care product that is characterized by a particularly high concentration of active ingredients and acts intensively, solving one specific problem.

A cream is also called a means of a more complex action. It deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it noticeably better.

Main differences

As you can see, the main difference is that whey is more concentrated. This remedy contains many more active substances, so it works better than a cream, solving the problem faster and more actively. You will notice the result of its active action much faster, since all components are absorbed by the body much easier.

The special composition of the serum makes it more permeable, so it is easier for the other components to penetrate into it.

Vitamins E and A, as well as useful minerals penetrate deeply, revitalizing the skin and moisturizing it. In general, the skin becomes noticeably better, and the final result depends entirely on which product you choose.

But, if you decide to choose a serum to solve some problem associated with the dermis, then you need to remember that this product still cannot become a universal remedy. Choose a product exclusively for your skin type and your problem. Fortunately, this is not at all difficult to do, because there are serums with the effect of moisturizing, nourishing, lifting. Also popular are anti-aging and anti-stress products that solve the most important problems of the inhabitants of the modern city.

Another important feature that distinguishes serums from creams is that they are not selected according to skin type. They should be chosen depending on the composition and the specific problem. So, for example, if you suffer from acne, then a good sebum-regulating remedy will come in handy. And for skin tightening, you should choose a high-quality anti-aging agent with a lifting effect.

Remember that the wrong serum will only harm you. Especially if you have sensitive skin. Such an epidermis will react to an inappropriate product in a completely unexpected way - inflammation, rashes.

Beneficial features

But be that as it may, serums are still able to have a positive effect on the skin.

Their active ingredients can improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, even out the moisture balance, make the skin younger, well-groomed and toned. But for each individual person, a certain product is selected.

For more on the benefits of serum, how to use it correctly - see next video.

Let's look at some of the most popular types of facial serums that girls and women of all ages should pay attention to.


Most often, girls choose liquids for rejuvenation and face. The fact is that to obtain a noticeable effect and get rid of wrinkles, you need a high concentration of hyaluronic acid. It is just contained in the serum. The concentrated product quickly activates the skin rejuvenation process, and the result becomes externally noticeable.

The product also contains useful plant extracts and fruit acids. They help fight the aging process. And due to the fact that the skin is more open to the penetration of active substances, it becomes better and more alive.


Another popular product is a moisturizing serum. This product can be used on very dry and flaky skin. The serum, aimed at solving this problem, contains components that retain the necessary level of moisture in the epidermis.

As a result of using this product, the skin becomes more even, hydrated and smooth.


This product is often used to restore the epidermis after the use of inappropriate cosmetics, cleansing procedures, or simply after the skin has been exposed to strong ultraviolet rays.

The repair serum works well on the skin, reducing visible redness, removing puffiness and preventing the skin from scarring. All these effects are achieved due to the fact that the composition of the serum is rich in collagen, vitamins, elastin, and, of course, hyaluronic acid.

In addition to those listed above, there are quite common remedies for combating acne and age spots. Anti-stress serums have a more complex effect on the skin.

How to use

There are several ways to apply serum. It can be used instead of cream or together with it.

In any case, before using this product, the skin must first be cleaned. Next, you can swipe across the face cotton pad dipped in tonic. Thus, the skin will be ideally prepared for the next step.


Beauty concentrate: a review of the most effective serums-2012

Cosmetic serums are face and body care products (especially the neck and décolleté area) with an ultra-intensive formula that have a high concentration of active substances in a form that is easily absorbed by skin cells. Since the molecules of these substances in the serum are much smaller than in the cream, and their number, on the contrary, is greater, the serum is able to solve point problems, penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin.

It is a mistake to consider serums as a means of only “age-related” care. Among them are products that give the skin radiance, saturate it with oxygen, moisturize, have an anti-stress effect (eliminate traces of fatigue), enhance the effect of a day cream, help in the fight against minor troubles that prevent you from feeling beautiful ... Hollywood celebrities always include cosmetic serums into a daily or special skin care program - including, for example, Kim Cattrall and Vanessa Paradis.

Serums as a cosmetic product appeared in the mid-1990s and today are widely represented in the lines of all luxury brands: for example, SkinCeuticals, which, among its cosmetic must have contributed by Keira Knightley, Estée Lauder, favored by Kim Kardashian or Emma Watson and Kate Hudson's favorite Lancôme. The subtleties of the choice and use of serums - in our review!

Serums are called a beauty concentrate for a reason: they contain 10 or more times more biologically active ingredients than creams. At the same time, the composition of the serum is always quantitatively less: 7–10 components against, on average, against 20–30 included in the cream.

The leading components in the composition of the serum are one or two (hyaluronic acid, glycolic, lactic acids, plant extracts, vitamins A, C, E, minerals, etc.). The remaining substances (fruit acids, peptides, etc.) serve as conductors to the deep layers of the skin, inaccessible to the cream, moisturize and protect the skin, fixing the therapeutic and cosmetic effect of the active ingredients.

The result of using a serum, unlike a cream, is noticeable literally from the first application, as the skin instantly receives the required amount of active substances in the most absorbable form. At the same time, the serum is not a universal beauty product (that is, it is designed to solve specific problems) and does not exclude the use of daily care products: cleansing milk, tonic, cream.

Oksana Tatarskaya, dermatocosmetologist at the Paracelsus 2001 aesthetic surgery and laser cosmetology clinic: “Serums do contain a high concentration of one or more active substances, and in a form that is “convenient” for the skin. This means that the active ingredients included in the composition penetrate the skin better and exert their biological effects where it is needed.

The creation of serums has significantly expanded the possibilities of external cosmetics, since many active ingredients are extremely unstable and cannot be stored unchanged for a long time in creams or after opening a cosmetic product. Another indisputable plus of serums is the absence or minimum content of preservatives in the composition, since the serum, after opening the ampoule, is consumed, as a rule, within one or several days.

Serums for the face should not be chosen according to the type of skin, but according to the age for which the product is intended, and according to the problem that the active components of the product solve. It is important to take into account the season: in winter and spring, serums are recommended for face care. oil based, in summer and autumn - on light water. Also, in winter, it is undesirable to constantly use products with an antiseptic effect, since such concentrates make the skin drier.

Before choosing a serum, it is best to consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist. For example, owners of dark skin should avoid serums with a whitening effect. Those who have particularly sensitive, allergy-prone skin should also carefully choose such skin care products.

And one more thing: you should not play it safe and use anti-wrinkle and anti-aging serums under the age of 30, otherwise you can overload the skin with active ingredients and harm it.

Serums can significantly improve the appearance and tone of the skin, prolong its youth, moisturize, saturate it with vitamins and nutrients, “say goodbye” to a dull complexion. The active components of these products, depending on their purpose, are able to improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels, even out the moisture balance in the skin, soothe and strengthen it, have a whitening effect, etc.

A number of serums, due to their powerful antioxidant properties, protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment.

Why are serums sold in ampoules or small dropper bottles like pharmaceutical products? These drugs, due to the high concentration of active substances in them, are used in very small doses, in drops. The amount of serum in a package for home use, as a rule, is designed for the required course in order to avoid oversaturation of the skin.

Before applying the serum, the skin of the face must be cleansed and toned. Then you should apply 2-3 drops of the concentrate with light patting movements on the entire surface of the face or 1-2 drops locally on the problem area.

Serum is used as an independent beauty product, and together with a face cream. If you need to apply a cream to keep the serum from evaporating and enhance its effect, it is better to keep an interval of 7-10 minutes between these stages of care. It is advisable to use serum and cream of the same cosmetic line and brand.

Serum should be applied 1-2 times a day in the morning and/or evening. The course of application can last from 10-15 to 30 days, and the effect lasts from 2 to 6 months. Cosmetologists recommend conducting such a course 3-4 times a year, while, if there are no contraindications, you can alternate types of serums or apply them on different parts of the skin at the same time. A good addition to facial and body skin care with the help of serums are hardware procedures and massage.

Oksana Tatarskaya: “Serums are applied, as a rule, once a day in the evening. This is especially important if the drug has a rejuvenating effect, since skin activity is highest at night. I would also recommend using all brightening and whitening serums at night, especially in the spring and autumn.

In addition, you can further enhance the effect of the serum if you make a light one before applying it. home peeling- for example, before important event when you need to quickly bring the skin in order and look good. You can repeat this manipulation no more than once a week.

Photo: Splashnews/Alloverpress.ru, promo brands

At first glance, the difference between serum and cream is not particularly noticeable, but it is. The care product must be chosen according to the type of dermis.

Serum is a concentrated facial treatment. The serum is literally filled to capacity with various useful substances: antioxidants, vitamins, moisturizers, acids, ceramides, peptides. Approximately 5-7 components are in one product in high concentration.

Thanks to this composition, it penetrates deep into the epidermis of the face and shows magical results.

Serums do not contain emulsifiers, thickeners, softeners, film formers, unlike creams.

There are two main types.

  • Water-based serums. If the serum is of a gel-like type, it does not contain lipids, which means that it must be used only in conjunction with a cream.
  • On oil. It has the form of an emulsion, it contains lipids, this complex is suitable for independent use without overlapping with a moisturizing and nourishing base.

What you need to know about facial serums?

  1. You can not use it constantly, the course of application should be 1-2 months, 3-4 times a year.
  2. It is recommended to use serum and cream of the same manufacturer and series.
  3. After application, it is advisable to use a moisturizer with a break of a few minutes.
  4. The use of serum gives the maximum effect with a cleansed and toned dermis.
  5. IN winter time must be applied to the face strictly 45 minutes before going outside, otherwise the epidermis will become dull and dehydrated
  6. The age most suitable for application is from 25 years.

Top 3 Best Organic Serums

  • Organik zone with hyaluronic acid. Tightens, relieves bags under the eyes, smoothes, rejuvenates. Price - 450 r.
  • Kiehl's Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate. Smoothes wrinkles, adds glow, makes the face contour clearer. Price -1590 r.
  • Berezka Lab. Moisturizes, helps restore elasticity, replenishes elasticity. Price -5120 r.

Face cream features

A cream is a product that is based on oils, most often does not have a gel base, and is opaque in color. It is desirable that the oils are organic. Manufacturers often ignore this rule and use mineral oils that are based on petroleum. There are many types: anti-aging, regenerating, nourishing, with a lifting effect, etc. Their use depends on the age of the woman or man.

All components can be divided into two parts.

  1. Active substances that stimulate cells.
  2. Stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners.

What ingredients are effective in the composition of the cream?

  • Vitamin A.
  • Extract, mucus of snails.
  • Aloe juice.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • AHA acids.
  • Placenta.
  • Vitamin E
  • natural acids.
  • Flower water.
Useless Components
  • Glycerol.
  • Petrolatum.
  • Botox.
  • Mother's milk.
  • Particles of gold and silver.

Some of these ingredients lose their benefits within a few days after opening, even if the cream is stored in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to replace the cream with serum and vice versa?

Serum contains 10-15 times more active ingredients than any face cream. The result after using the serum is noticeable after a few days. Not a single moisturizing complex can give such an effect in such a short time. Serum with peptides can also be used as independent remedy no harm to skin. But in any case, you will have to take a break, after a couple of months, replace it with another remedy for the duration of the pause.

In addition, no serum protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment.

The cream can be used at the age of 15, and the serum is better from 25.

Top 3 Best Organic Face Creams

  • Weleda, iris. Refreshing, with a bacterial, healing effect. The cost is 700 rubles.
  • Spivak, cream-oil. Dense and nourishing, helps the dermis become silky and soft. Price - 200 r.
  • Olesya Mustaeva, with hyaluronic acid and silk peptides. Retains moisture, provides long-lasting hydration, increases the protective barrier. The cost is 520 rubles.

Both tools work successfully on the dermis, it is difficult to underestimate the need for each. You should not choose one thing, it is important to pay attention to both creams and serums. But it is better to opt for organic brands that have earned their trust from hundreds of thousands of customers.

Serum is the most highly effective cosmetic product. Therefore, it has become a favorite ❤ for facial skin care. If you haven't used serums yet, it's time to start.

In this post, we will find out why you need a face serum, how a serum differs from a face cream, how it works, when to expect the effect, and how to use a face serum correctly.

The composition of the serum for the face

Serums are the hardest hitters and one of the most effective face care products. Why?

The main feature of serums is that they contain a large percentage of active ingredients in high concentration. Up to 70% of the composition of the serum - active ingredients.

Therefore, a serum is often referred to as a facial concentrate. Another serum is sometimes called face serum - this is a tracing paper from the English name.

Serums are literally packed to capacity with usefulness - antioxidants, vitamins, moisturizers, acids, ceramides, peptides, anti-age components.

High concentration of active ingredients - main reason why competent serums are expensive.

Serums practically do not contain structure formers (thickeners, emulsifiers, emollients (softeners), film formers). Often do not contain preservatives, fragrances and dyes. First of all, this applies to ampoule serums. Ampoule facial serums are used immediately after opening and are not stored for a long time.

How is a serum different from a cream?

Which is better - serum or face cream? What is the difference between serum and face cream?

The main task of whey- deliver maximum benefits to the dermis. Due to its composition, serums quickly and deeply penetrate the skin.

The main task of the cream- create a protective barrier between the skin and environment. It retains moisture and nourishes. But the main mission is to maintain the epidermal barrier of the skin and protect against adverse conditions external environment.

Therefore, the basis of the cream is thickeners, emulsifiers, emollients (softeners), film formers and other structure-forming components. This base makes up to 90% of the composition. And only 5-10% are active ingredients.

Serums are based on:

  • water;
  • lipids (oils, ceramides);
  • glycerin, aloe;
  • silicones.

Serums (even based on lipids) are always a lightweight product. They are instantly absorbed, carry away usefulness to the dermis and do not create a protective barrier on the skin. And they do not contain SPF protection.

Therefore, face cream and serum are used in tandem.

  • Serum, like a vitamin smoothie, gives a boost of benefits to the skin.
  • And the cream closes them inside, creates a protective barrier, prevents moisture loss and protects against UV radiation.

The effect of face serum

Serums are highly concentrated chests of active ingredients. Therefore, they are used to maximize quick decision cosmetic problems.

Types of face serums

Whitening serums fight pigment spots and even out complexion, anti-age - reduce wrinkles and give a lifting effect, anti-acne - treat inflammation and clean pores, moisturizing - replenish moisture in dehydrated skin, antioxidant - fight signs of stress and prevent age-related changes, soothing - return comfort to irritated skin.

If you need to solve some problem in the shortest possible time, serums are the best choice.

When to start using face serum

Serums can be used at any age. There are no restrictions.

Even young and healthy skin You need high-quality hydration and a charge of antioxidants. And the sooner you start using serums, the longer you keep your skin young and beautiful.

Serums can be used courses or constantly - depending on the specific remedy.

Keep in mind that serums generally do not contain SPF. Therefore, if you apply serum on your own (without cream), be sure to use a product with SPF on top. In addition, UV radiation and oxygen can provoke oxidative processes, which means that the active components of the serum are destroyed before they have time to work (this is especially true for vitamin C). Therefore, a good SPF is a must.

Serums are easy to combine with other therapeutic agents anti-acne. Apply serums before or after - experiment to find the order of application that works best for you. Wait 15 minutes between products so that they have time to fully absorb and not mix.

Briefly about the main

    Serums are packed with benefits and practically do not contain structure formers, preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Up to 70% of their composition are active ingredients in high concentration. This is the main feature of serums.

    The difference between a serum and a face cream is that the serum delivers benefits deep into the skin, while the cream forms a protective barrier between the skin and the environment.

    The combination of serum with cream gives the maximum result.

    Serums are used to quickly solve cosmetic problems. Their effect can be immediate. The maximum effect is after a month of regular use.

    Serums can be used at any age.

    Choose a serum according to your skin type and depending on the problem you need to solve. Pay attention to packaging.

    Apply serum morning and evening, under cream. Wait 5-10 minutes before applying the cream. SPF protection over serum is a must.

Do you use serums? Share in the comments.

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Recently, the number of various serums for skin care has significantly increased, whereas earlier they could only be found in the arsenal of professional cosmetologists. In addition, the vast majority of the fair sex preferred to use classic creams. What is the reason for the growing popularity of this type of cosmetics? Are they really more effective than conventional creams? Let's consider these questions in more detail.


Serum is a superficial skin care product with a high concentration of active ingredients and an ultra-intensive formula.

Cream- a complex cosmetic product of the emulsion type, which has a deep moisturizing effect.


Serum is a highly concentrated product with a huge amount of active ingredients. Concentrates often act as its constituent elements. fruit acids And natural vitamins together with various healing minerals. The basis of the cream is the usual emulsion - a mixture of oil and water in certain proportions, fixed with emulsifiers. The serum contains only an insignificant part of the oil phase, and therefore significantly tightens the skin and cannot fight its peeling. However, it acts much faster than the cream due to the high content of active ingredients. In order to avoid oversaturation of the skin, the serum is used in very small doses for short courses. Alas, the effect of its use does not last long, and the serum is simply not able to deal with deep problems.

The cream is intended for regular use. The result of its use will be noticeable only after 3-4 weeks, after skin renewal. Overcoming the stratum corneum, its components are able to have a deep anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and moisturizing effect, as well as fight pigmentation processes. Being the most complex product, the cream is able to solve a lot more problems.

Findings site

  1. The composition of the serum includes a huge number of active ingredients, while the main components of the cream are water and oil.
  2. The serum visibly tightens the skin, while the cream, on the contrary, moisturizes and smoothes it.
  3. Serum gives an instant effect, the result of using the cream appears only after 3-4 weeks.
  4. The serum is applied in short courses, the cream is intended for regular use.
  5. Serum is a means of superficial action, the cream penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.
  6. Unlike serum, the cream is a more complex product and is able to fight the processes of pigmentation, aging, inflammation and dry skin.