If the baby has constipation, what should Komarovsky do? And what then is considered constipation in the chest? Possible causes of colic and constipation in newborns

Constipation is a violation of the regular cycle of bowel movement, which is characterized by long periods of time between acts of defecation, their difficulty, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and rectum.

Children's constipation is a fairly common phenomenon due to the fact that not all organs in a growing body develop in the same way, and also on the basis of other reasons. Timely measures taken to eliminate problems with defecation will help get rid of this ailment, but children do not always report their well-being to their parents. Therefore, you should carefully monitor how often the son or daughter goes to the toilet in order to prevent complications.


In order to determine constipation in children, it is necessary to know the approximate number of bowel movements per week in children of his age. Below is a table that contains statistical data on the average number of bowel movements in children from 6 months to 7 years.

Please note that these tables are only approximate figures based on general statistical studies. The number of bowel movements of an individual baby may differ slightly from the average.

Constipation in children can be diagnosed not only in violation of normal schedule bowel movements, but also if differences in the appearance of the stool are found while maintaining a normal number of bowel movements per week.

For example, in children aged 6 months to a year who are on breastfeeding and get food normal stool should resemble a loose sausage light brown. If the feces are dark and dense, and the patient experiences discomfort during defecation (grunts strongly, pushes and turns red, cries), then constipation can be diagnosed and treated.

Children older than a year also experiencing pain during defecation, undoubtedly suffer from this ailment.

When diagnosing, doctors determine the type of this ailment, depending on its possible cause. Today in medicine there are the following types childhood constipation:

  1. functional;

  2. Organic;

  3. Temporary;

Consider each species separately to find out the symptoms and possible causes of their occurrence.

This type is the most common in children from 1 year old, it is due to the fact that the regulation gastrointestinal tract gives crashes. The most extensive description of this type of violation of the normal process of defecation is given by Dr. Komarovsky. According to his articles, the causes of functional constipation in children can be:

  • Mistakes in catering for a nursing mother or baby food;

  • Insufficient amount of water drunk per day;

  • Early and abrupt transition to artificial feeding;

  • Changes in diet;

  • The increased content of proteins and fats in the diet of the baby;

  • Various diseases, the symptoms of which are constipation (rickets, Iron-deficiency anemia, damage to the central nervous system during childbirth, intestinal dysbiosis, food allergies (for the prevention of allergies, you can take acipol);

  • Incorrect (too frequent) use of drugs to improve digestion, which led to inhibition of bowel function (in this case Acipol can be used for treatment: it will restore the disturbed microflora).

Komarovsky distinguishes two types of functional constipation in children:

  1. Spasmodic constipation: occurs when the tone of the intestinal muscles increases, which makes it difficult to pass stool on the gastrointestinal tract. The result is the so-called "sheep feces" (hard peas).

  2. Hypotonic constipation: characterized by a long delay in the act of defecation, as a result, cylinder-shaped plentiful feces come out.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, organic constipation is associated primarily with malformations separate parts colon, which interfere with the normal mode of its emptying. Komarovsky states that this species constipation is diagnosed in the first year of life (up to 2-4 months), when there is no natural defecation.

With constipation in children, the cause can be found in the following:

  • Hirschsprung's disease (diagnosed up to a year);

  • Anatomical defects acquired after birth (intestinal tumors, adhesions after surgery).

Dr. Komarovsky seeks to reassure mothers who are worried about organic constipation that causes difficulty in defecation: chronic constipation in children is diagnosed already in the first year of life, and such cases are quite rare. In addition, modern surgeons have sufficient experience to cope with the solution of this problem and provide effective treatment.

Temporary or transient constipation may occur in children who have not previously experienced such ailments. From the very name of this species, it is clear that transient constipation is episodic.

Komarovsky identifies several reasons for the development of transient constipation in children:

  • Mistakes in nutrition (a lot of proteins and fats that are difficult to digest by the child's body);

  • Dehydration during illness (high temperature and sweating remove excess moisture from the body);

  • Children from 4 months to a year may have a temporary delay in defecation due to insufficient amount of received mother's milk or frequent vomiting.

This type is not serious illness and does not require drug treatment: it can be eliminated by correcting feeding errors. Dr. Komarovsky recommends increasing the amount of drinking water for constipation in children. Often, the treatment of constipation in children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old in this situation is not required at all, since the defecation regimen is restored naturally. If you still want to be sure that this will not happen again, use acipol. This drug will not only restore the intestinal microflora, but also prevent dysbacteriosis. Acipol is a natural drug, so it can be given to children without fear (you can also do this as a preventive measure).

This type of constipation, although it has a functional background, is isolated due to a completely different method of treatment. Starting from 1.5 - 2 years, the process of defecation is already a conscious action, so it can influence its course (strain or, conversely, endure).

Some children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old may experience embarrassment or discomfort when they are forced to go to the toilet in an unfamiliar place, so they deliberately do not allow the intestines to empty on time, which leads to stagnation of feces in the large intestine.

In addition to fear of an unfamiliar place, psychological constipation can be caused stressful situation(getting used to kindergarten, relocation, divorce of parents). In addition, babies aged 2 to 3 years old can consciously restrain the urge to defecate during potty training, so Komarovsky is convinced that this process should be gradual.

Treatment of constipation in children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old in this case requires the psychological support of parents. If you do not talk with your baby in time about how to go to the toilet correctly, the constant suppression of the natural process of bowel movement can cause weakening and violation. natural mechanism, which may lead to the development chronic constipation, which will need to be treated already with drugs.

Fortunately, for the treatment of prolonged constipation in children 2 to 6 years old, a large number of medicines(for example, dufalac, acipol). Let's consider some of them.

  1. Acipol. active substances this drug are kefir fungi and live lactobacilli, which gently and naturally normalize bowel function. Acipol is prescribed for constipation in children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old, caused by violations of the intestinal microflora. The drug acipol helps with bloating, is used for constipation for children, with allergic skin rashes. Acipol is produced in the form of capsules.

  2. Dufalac is a physiological regulator of the natural function of the gastrointestinal tract, which is safe in the treatment of digestive disorders and bowel movements in children, pregnant and lactating women. This medicine recommends Dr. Komarovsky.

  3. Raglan is a prokinetic that stimulates the activity of the intestines, which helps to get rid of constipation for children.

In addition to duphalac and acipol, in the treatment of constipation in children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old, you can use other laxatives that are allowed to be taken by children: Senna, Bisacodyl, Normaze, Lizoplak, Castor oil. If the medicine does not help within 12-24 hours, an enema should be given. warm water. After that, it is recommended to drink acipol to restore the intestinal microflora.

Those mothers who do not want to use acipol or other drugs can turn to folk remedies for the treatment of constipation in children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old.

Bran and sea ​​kale - These are natural laxatives that are good for constipation in children. Use them in the process of preparing daily meals or give them separately from a spoon. Due to their property to swell in the intestines, these products help to eliminate feces.

Sena infusion relieves intestinal tone and gently weakens. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed dry senna leaves, pour them with a glass of water. Leave to infuse overnight, strain in the morning. Dosage for constipation in children: 1 spoon 3 times a day.

Olive oil will help with bowel movements if you give it 1 spoon before the morning meal.

Carrot- This is an excellent remedy that is used for constipation in children 3-4 years old. Let's gnaw carrots every day and you will forget about constipation.

Dill seeds- This is another effective folk remedy for constipation for children. To prepare the infusion, you need to grind a tablespoon of seeds in a coffee grinder and pour it with a glass of boiling water. After 2-3 hours, strain, give the baby 1 tablespoon of infusion before each meal. This infusion can be given to children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old.

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To establish regular bowel movements, it is necessary to adhere to a certain daily routine. When all actions (eating, sleeping, going to the toilet) must be done at the same time, the baby does not experience stress and prepares for them physically and mentally.

It is advisable for children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to go to the toilet in the morning. To ensure a successful bowel movement in the morning, after waking up, give the child a glass of water and do exercises with him. If this does not help, you need to try again after breakfast.

Dr. Komarovsky insists that during the day the baby should move more, as physical exercise beneficial effect on the process of digestion and removal of processed food from the body.

In order for the child not to experience difficulties, he must be taught how to go to the toilet correctly. It is necessary to create for this the maximum comfortable conditions, explain to him that soon the pain will pass and he will be able to defecate normally.

After the course of treatment, it is necessary to drink the drug acipol. This tool gently restore the intestinal microflora. For prevention, acipol is dosed as follows: 1 capsule per day for 2 weeks. The lactobacilli contained in acipole help the intestines to start working more efficiently.

In order to treat problems with bowel movements in children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet. Here's what to do:

  • A child over 1 year of age should drink at least 1.5 liters of water and juice per day;

  • Increase fiber intake for constipation in children (fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread);

  • Exclude the following dishes that delay the process of natural bowel movement: semolina, rice porridge, meat broth, strong tea and coffee, jelly, pears, muffins, chocolate;

  • Try to reduce your intake of dairy products: they are often the cause of constipation in children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old;

  • For prevention, children from 1 year old can drink a course of acipol. The purpose and dosage of the course of the drug acipol depends on the recommendations of the attending physician.

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I think that every mother in months ... or even years, will receive an enormous amount of knowledge about what size, weight, color, smell, volume a child's poop should be and how many times he should go to the toilet. But at the beginning of this journey, young mothers do not know anything about this and the absence of poop in diapers or a diaper during the day or (Holy horror!) Several days makes them horrified and panicked. But is it worth worrying in all cases?

I think Dr. Komarovsky's explanations about constipation in babies will be very useful to them.

Komarovsky about constipation in the baby

In each of his communications with the parents of babies, Dr. Komarovsky repeats over and over again - the absence of a chair in a baby for even a few days is not a reason to worry. This only indicates that the mother milk is fully digested the body of the chest.

So again, stool frequency, how often a child has a bowel movement, is not an indication of constipation. Infrequent stools are not a cause for concern. With one caveat - the absence of a stool is not considered constipation if the child does not show anxiety, does not refuse food, and while defecation is calm - without pain and crying of the baby.

According to Komarovsky, the absence of stool for up to 5 days, if the child does not have any other behavioral abnormalities or other symptoms, is not constipation. And even the absence of stools for up to 8 days for newborns and infants who do not receive complementary foods or artificial nutrition, may also be normal.

And what then is considered constipation in the chest?

Video - Why does a breastfed child rarely poop - Komarovsky

You will easily understand that the child is constipated, because during a bowel movement, the baby will be in pain or discomfort. They will push, strain, even cry. And the poop will be drier and tougher than normal, often like small dry balls or pellets. Sometimes you can see small drops of blood or small cracks in the delicate skin - due to damage to the anus during the passage of hard stool. And it hurts so much.

If this happens, you can very gently lubricate the anus sea ​​buckthorn oil or aloe juice.

The only laxatives that Dr. Komarovsky recommends in case of actual constipation in the baby are Glycerin suppositories (choose in the form for children) and Lactose - a probiotic with lactobacilli. These drugs are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions and are recommended for infants by doctors in all countries.

In the video below, Dr. Komarovsky talks about constipation in infants and infant defecation norms.

All mothers (well, most of them) sooner or later face a similar problem. When my daughter was born, all the problems with the stool began in the maternity hospital, at the same time my baby received her first (I hope she won’t repeat with us soon) enema. Even the very first chair (such a nasty, dark green color) we had difficulty moving away. Over time, the child's defecation began to be more or less permanent, but sometimes no, no, and they skipped " hard days»))). My friend suffered a lot with her baby, they had a chair only after setting vent pipe(this lasted literally up to 6 months), then I started looking for some adequate information. I found it with my beloved Dr. Komarovsky. Here is an article about constipation in older children, and a video about constipation with breastfeeding. Quite competently and understandably (however, as always with Komarovsky), read, look, a lot of useful information. By the way, when we gave our daughter the first “lure”, it was at 6 months, cauliflower puree, then it began to change with us stool, it first became shaped, and then, literally in the second week of complementary foods, we had a real constipation. This is how the intestines reacted to the change in food. Didn't poop for 3 days. It was evident that it was necessary to help the baby already, since all her attempts to push ended in crying. The glycerin suppository helped. On the advice of Komarovsky. But about the reception of "dufolac", I can say a double opinion. One of the not-so-pleasant side effects he has bloating - flatulence. Which will add anxiety to your baby. So “glycerin suppositories” are our everything!)))
So, actually, the article.

Let's start with a definition taken from the Encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms". So, "CONSTIPATION - delayed, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movements." Having decided, we will try to understand the essence of the problem, which for thousands of people of all ages is very relevant.

The attitude towards constipation - their danger to health and the intensity of the methods of therapy - is largely determined by the age of the person. It is fundamentally important that serious causes - congenital disorders of the structure of the intestine or metabolism, are detected, as a rule, in the early childhood. If a person is over three years old and, at least outwardly, looks healthy - not dystrophic, not severely obese, age appropriate mental development- the likelihood that the cause of constipation is associated with any congenital anomalies, is extremely small.

The main conclusion from the previous paragraph is that constipation in early childhood should be taken much more seriously than during the rest of the year. human life, since it is at this time interval that one should make sure that there are no serious reasons for worry.

By and large, in children of the first year of life, only one disease is serious and dangerous cause constipation is Hirschsprung's disease (H. Hirschsprung, 1830-1916, Danish doctor who described this disease). The essence of the disease is that nerve cells are not developed in one of the sections of the intestine. The reason is a violation of the development of embryonic tissue, and no one knows for sure why this happens. It is clear that if nerve cells do not function correctly in a certain area of ​​the intestine, then this area itself does not function correctly. In Hirschsprung's disease, the “irregularity” manifests itself in the fact that the affected area of ​​​​the intestine is in a constant state of contraction - fecal masses accumulate over it and, quite naturally, constipation occurs. Treatment of Hirschsprung's disease is only operational. The meaning of the operation is the removal of a non-working part of the intestine, and the complexity of the intervention is obvious, especially considering that children of the first year of life have to be operated on. But without surgery, a person is doomed.
Fortunately, Hirschsprung's disease is not so common (one case in 2 - 5 thousand newborns). Therefore, 99% of constipation in children and almost 100% of constipation in adults do not pose a danger to life, although they can really overshadow this very life.

It should always be remembered that through individual labor activity, i.e., without the help of a doctor, it is quite difficult to establish the cause of constipation. In the end, constipation is often not an independent disease, but only a symptom of another disease - peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, dysfunction thyroid gland etc. At the same time, and this happens quite often, the most in-depth examination does not reveal the cause of constipation. By the way, this very reason is much more often not detected than it is detected. But undertaking medical attempts to eliminate constipation - whether special diet, enemas or laxatives - you should always be sure that there is nothing more serious. Hence, a completely logical conclusion: an appeal to a specialist doctor (gastroenterologist) will always be useful.
It is quite obvious that if the examination revealed a specific disease, then the main therapeutic efforts should be directed not to salvation from constipation, but to the treatment of a specific disease. But if nothing has been revealed, then this article may well come in handy for you - if you decide to self-medicate, then try at least not to do stupid things and know, as the great proletarian poet used to say, “what is good and what is bad” .

1. Constipation is bad. No problem, no tragedy. Trouble. You can help yourself or your child. But how?
2. There are two essential conditions normal bowel function. Providing the body, firstly, with a sufficient amount of fluid and, secondly, with a sufficient level of potassium. If a person loses a lot of fluid, the work of intestinal juices is disrupted. This is possible, for example, at high body temperature due to some infectious disease or due to dryness and high temperature ambient air. Plus, the habit of drinking boiled water, generated by the fear of getting infected and poisoned. No one argues that boiled water is better than tap water, but we must not forget that there are no mineral salts in boiled water. Potassium is to the intestines like gasoline is to a car. With a lack of potassium, intestinal contractions (the so-called peristalsis) are sharply weakened, and this may well be the cause of constipation. Most potassium - in raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs. If you already drink boiled water - eat the indicated products, and even better, cook compote and drink to your health. Parents, remember: overheating and boiled water are the main causes of constipation in infants. The best drink for babies is a decoction of raisins. One tablespoon of raisins in a glass of boiling water is best steamed in a thermos.
3. The principles of diet therapy are as follows. Protein-rich foods are undesirable - chocolate, cottage cheese, nuts. Desirable - yogurt, one-day kefir and yogurt. Black bread is better than white bread. Apple juice is better than a whole apple. In general, with constipation, vegetarianism is very good. By the way, the use of one glass of yogurt + 20 pieces of steamed prunes at night allows you to get rid of constipation in 25% of cases without any other medicines. In any case, remember: it does not happen with constipation, it is categorically possible and categorically impossible. It is always desirable to solve the problem and not spoil your or your child's life with eternal diets. Therefore, if you really want to, then you can.
4. Of the laxatives that can be used without the advice of a doctor, we note two groups medicines. Firstly, liquid oils (castor, almond, olive, vaseline) and, secondly, mild laxatives containing senna (senna leaves, senadexin, senade, glaxena, regulax). The essence and rules for the use of these drugs are as follows:

It is necessary to ensure that the chair was at least once a day and in certain time. Best of all - in the morning, before breakfast and generally before everything else. In short, it is better to start the day with this - get out of bed and sit on the potty (an option is to visit the toilet);

Before going to bed, you take 1/2 tablet, for example, Senadexin. It is possible that this dose will be enough for you. If habitual problems arise in the morning, increase the dose. The task is to find the minimum dose at which going to the toilet in the morning will not be a test for you. Let's make a reservation right away: if you follow the principles of diet therapy described above, do not overheat and consume a sufficient amount of potassium-containing foods, and taking two Senadexin tablets at night for three days does not eliminate constipation, all attempts at self-treatment must be stopped immediately and, you want that or do not want to, but go to the doctor. In any case, do not exceed the dose of two tablets at night;

After picking up the dose, maintain it for about 10-14 days. It is important not only to achieve regular stools, but also to form in the body a reflex to empty the intestines at a strictly defined time. Then, slowly, start to slowly reduce the dose (a quarter of a tablet every 3-4 days), in no case stop taking it right away. If there are problems when reducing the dose, return to the previous amount of the drug.

5. We should not forget that the treatment of constipation, as well as the treatment of any disease, should be comprehensive. It's not taught in the papers, it's taught in medical school. The arsenal of remedies that a doctor can prescribe for constipation goes far beyond just taking laxatives - these are drugs that reduce intestinal tone, and enzymes, and the so-called eubiotics, and much more.
6. A common cause of constipation is hemorrhoids and fissures in the anus, when you are ready to go to the toilet at least three times a day, but it is so scary that you endure it to the last. In this situation, in addition to specific treatment, very good effect provide suppositories with glycerin and suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. By the way, candles with glycerin are one of the most affordable and safe ways control of constipation in children of the first year of life. At least before giving the child an enema, these suppositories should be used.
7. In addition to the problems with the process itself, mentioned in paragraph 6, there are often problems with the place where this process takes place. The toilet itself - its location, temperature, the presence of a queue, sanitary conditions, smells and much more - may well be the cause of constipation, but not at the level of the intestines, but at the level of the head. Of course, we do not always have at hand, or rather under the buttocks, a warm toilet in an isolated apartment, but we, at least, simply have to take this fact into account before rushing to the pharmacy for castor oil.
The essence of this article is as follows. Constipation is very common pathological condition, caused most often not by serious disorders in the body, but by an elementary misunderstanding that not going to the toilet for three days is wrong and that the frequency of stool must be monitored. Constipation is a disease of civilization, its components are stress, lack of coarse food in the diet, boiled water, unattractive toilets. But, unlike many other diseases, constipation in the vast majority of cases responds well to treatment, and the means used for this are quite safe. So maybe try?

Komarovsky about constipation during breastfeeding.

Here is what I found from the Q&A series. As always clear and humorous.

My son is already 8 months old, and he still poops only with an irritant - with glycerin suppositories. Our mother does not want to give any medicines prescribed by a pediatrician (glycine, bifidobacterin, etc.). And I have doubts, how long can I wait !? The doctor also said that the baby does not poop, because "something is wrong with his head." It is true that it is not so difficult to say. My wife tends to think that everything is wrong with the doctor herself, grandmothers drink valerian, I am no longer sure of anything. We are all waiting for your advice. And tell me, please, what could be the reason for such chronic delay stool, if the child feels well, eats only breast milk, the stomach is soft, the stool is good, gruel.

To begin with, it is necessary to answer the question: who is still bad? A child who hasn't pooped or moms-dads-grandmothers who didn't find coveted poop inside a diaper? “If the child feels well, eats only breast milk, the stomach is soft, the stool is good, gruel ...”, then the health of relatives causes me many times greater concern. The most fundamental point is the very fact of breastfeeding. For, according to very many and very authoritative (though not ours) pediatricians, a child with breastfeeding does not have to relieve great need every day. Among American pediatricians, the following rule is even common: "A breast-fed child has the right to any smell, color, frequency and consistency of bowel movements, if this does not affect his growth and development."
That is why, I would advise you, firstly, not to dramatize the situation, and, secondly, in addition to suppositories with glycerin, discuss with the pediatrician the possibility of using lactulose syrup. It is he, and not glycine and bifidobacterin, that is the number 1 generally accepted drug worldwide for helping with constipation in children of the first 4 years of life.

The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky describes constipation in children as irregular, untimely or difficult bowel movements. In the latter case, the defecation process gives the baby quite unpleasant, sometimes even pain. And if the child does not poop on time, colic, gases, bloating and other troubles begin to bother him. A baby may not have a chair every day. It is important to monitor his condition. If the child is breastfed and walks “largely” once every 1-3 days, while he is cheerful, cheerful, feels good, do not panic. This means that mother's milk suits him and is completely absorbed. But if you notice painful constipation in the baby, Komarovsky strongly advises to take action immediately.

Komarovsky video: Constipation


Constipation in newborns Komarovsky defines as rare cases of defecation, which cause poor health and discomfort.

Often inexperienced parents begin to sound the alarm if they do not like the consistency, color, appearance baby chair. But the pediatrician insists that a breastfed baby may have completely different indicators. And this is not a problem if he is gaining weight and developing normally. Constipation Komarovsky comments on the video in this way: constipation cannot be the only symptom of the disease, if it exists, it will be expressed in other signs. You should definitely be concerned bloated belly, behavioral disturbances, difficulty swallowing. You need to start fussing when the child does not poop and at the same time feels bad. In other cases - patiently wait until everything happens by itself.

If your baby still has constipation, Komarovsky advises, first of all, to reconsider the diet of the mother if she is breastfeeding, and the child if he is already receiving complementary foods. Some foods may not be well absorbed by the child's body. The child needs to get enough fluid, it stimulates peristalsis and helps to remove all unnecessary from the intestines. Due to the lack of water, the feces become dense, move with difficulty through the intestines, scratch the walls, thereby causing a lot of trouble for the baby. If a child receives complementary foods, his diet should have a sufficient amount of fiber: vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, cereals.

Komarovsky recommends in no case to stimulate the intestines with soap, a thermometer and other improvised means. Komarovsky allows children's constipation to be treated independently with the help of two medicines: lactulose syrup and glycerin suppositories. The syrup helps to increase the volume of feces and their excretion, and also stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microflora in the intestines. And candles with glycerin are much safer and softer than, say, a bar of soap stuck in a child's bottom. If the two named methods did not help, then you need to urgently go to the doctor.

And once again, the pediatrician reminds that it is possible to treat constipation without consulting a doctor only when it is the only symptom.

Komarovsky interview: Constipation

We strongly recommend that you watch the full video clip online, which is located on the same page. It goes into more detail about the problem of constipation. The article displays the main points that Evgeny Olegovich highlights, which parents should know first of all. In addition, you can read Dr. Komarovsky's books, where you can emphasize a lot of new and useful things for yourself. The problem of constipation is described in detail in the book "Health of the child and the common sense of his relatives" in the chapter "Constipation".

A newborn baby constantly requires care and supervision. One has only to leave the baby alone for a minute, and something will definitely happen to him. Sometimes there are a lot of children's problems, and for some reason the solution does not always come on time. Sometimes there are even troubles that not every mother can immediately get rid of and with which she is able to cope. One of the most common problems for babies up to a year old, with which mothers do not know what to do, is colic or constipation in a newborn. Digestive system babies are still poorly formed, which in turn negatively affects correct work breast intestines.

The digestive system must be able to handle the intake, pushing and digestion of food. Also, its important functions are absorption useful substances. You also need to get rid of toxins. And this is very difficult. The problem can arise at any stage of product processing.


According to statistics, a bowel movement in a newborn occurs 3-4 times a day. With mixed and artificial feeding- perhaps less often. There is a bowel movement after every meal. Milk does not stay in the body. In the future, the number of bowel movements and natural, and artificial feeding, reduced to 1-2 times a day.

If you notice the presence of constipation in a newborn while breastfeeding for more than a day, start to closely monitor the well-being of the child. Suddenly he tries to get rid of the contents of the intestine, but he does not succeed. The first signs by which you can notice constipation in the baby - the baby experiences pain and discomfort, he is naughty for no reason and wriggles. The crying of the baby, in general, always informs the mother about any problem. constipation baby- one of the most common causes tears and whims.

If the delay continues for 1-2 days, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. Also, it is worth contacting a neonatologist if the baby's bowel movements are hard and hard. The specialist will recommend what is best done in this case and how to help the baby. The main thing when a child has colic is not to panic. Almost every mother has encountered the problem of constipation in infants, especially with artificial feeding. Methods of treatment and preventive measures have long been invented and tested on millions of babies.


Komarovsky identifies several types of constipation in an infant:

  • Functional constipation in infants. This type is the safest and most common in newborns. It is not associated with disorders in the body of the child. The reason lies in malnutrition or some other external factors, for example, in artificial or mixed feeding. The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky claims that more than half of the cases of stool retention occur for this reason. And fixing it is very easy.
  • Atonic constipation in infants. It is quite difficult to correct such constipation in an infant, because it is based on a weakening of the intestines. Its tone is so reduced that it is not enough for normal digestion. In this case, the stool at first has a very hard consistency and almost all of it comes out for the first time with pain and discomfort, and after it the remains mostly flow out. Dr. Komarovsky puts this type of constipation in breastfed newborns in second place in terms of prevalence. However, he describes the treatment quite clearly - it is necessary to massage and return the intestines to tone.
  • Spastic. This type Dr. Komarovsky classifies as the most unpleasant. The baby's feces are very small, round, like those of sheep. Hard stools pass with great difficulty, often accompanied by bloating and pain. Usually such constipation in an infant occurs due to intestinal spasm.


There are several reasons for constipation in babies. Dr. Komarovsky calls one of the main malnutrition newborn. However, besides it, there are many other reasons for delaying stool.

  • Bowel disease, spasms, colon defect, Hirschsprung's disease, and the like. Rarely, but it happens even in an infant.
  • Heredity. congenital diseases. They will tell you about them in the hospital.
  • Lack of nutrition.
  • Lack of fluid (especially important with artificial feeding).
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Lack of plant fiber.
  • Lactose deficiency, lack of body weight.
  • The abrupt transition from breastfeeding to artificial is a big shock for the baby.
  • Incorrect mixture composition.
  • Inappropriate or strong remedy for diarrhea.
  • Medications, antibiotics that the mother or child took.
  • Sudden change in the composition of milk.
  • Mode change.
  • Heat.
  • Insufficient physical activity.
  • Violation of the intestinal microflora, dysbacteriosis.

Another cause of constipation in an infant, which is worth dwelling on in more detail, is psychological. If the child is given to eat at the same time every day, he will quickly get used to this regimen. Any changes will cause dissonance in the newborn. If the food is not digested, then it is possible that it was not received at the usual meal time. Hence the colic and constipation in the newborn. But when according to plan the time will come eat, the child will be hungry.

The absence of a mother will cause a similar dissonance in the infant. After all, it is she who constantly feeds him. If a woman leaves a child, for example, with her husband or sister for the first time, it can be a shock: it is customary for a baby to receive food only from her mother.

It is also quite common to experience hungry constipation in an infant. This is a case of no stool due to the fact that there is simply nothing to remove from the intestines. If the mother does not have a lot of milk, then all its components are simply digested and absorbed. There is nothing wrong with the complete assimilation of milk, but a young mother can perceive this as constipation in a newborn and sound the alarm.


As you can see, the absence of a chair in an infant can have many different reasons. Moreover, among them there are both dangerous to life and health, and absolutely harmless. Therefore, before dealing with the problem and treating babies, it is necessary to identify real reasons constipation in infants. It is desirable that the diagnosis and treatment is carried out qualified specialist and not a mother or kind-hearted relatives.

There are several ways to treat constipation in a breastfeeding newborn. The most harmless of them way to help - massage the tummy. Massage is very easy to do. For example, to get rid of colic, you need to do a bicycle or press both legs to your stomach. You need to do massage regularly, then the massage will be effective. You can also take a bath with your child - this will help him relax and make it easier for the stool to pass.

There are also candles for constipation - glycerin. Candles need to be cut into 4 parts and insert a piece of candle into anus. Grandmothers also, instead of a shop candle, are advised to use baby soap or potatoes, making candles out of it, this folk way help. Soap also needs to be cut. can be tickled anus cotton swab. cotton swab should be lubricated with oil or cream and carefully inserted into the anus.

Beetroot juice can help relieve constipation. However, colic cannot be treated with undiluted juice. Prepare a mixture of water and beetroot drink 1:1. Beetroot juice should be given - no more than one teaspoon per day.

You can try to wash the stomach of a newborn - sometimes it helps with constipation. Give your baby some water to drink, feed him some real fruit puree made just in the kitchen from fresh fruit. It is known that a good folk laxative is prunes. You can add a little to the bowl.

It is better to forget about laxatives, which usually help adults, as a remedy for constipation for newborns. Indeed, in an infant, the intestines and mucous membranes are much weaker and more vulnerable than in a mature person. Such treatment can inadvertently harm the baby.

The best constipation medicines for newborns are a mixture of natural laxatives. They are quite common and can be given to babies. These are Duphalac and Forlax. The tablets act on children's body quite soft and not addictive.

When deciding to give a child medicine, be sure to consult a pediatrician and carefully read the instructions so that the treatment is beneficial. So, for example, many mothers like to do an enema for constipation. Whereas, modern medicine categorically against enemas. The enema irritates the anus. Plus, the enema washes out the entire microflora.


Of course, it is better to prevent constipation in a newborn than to treat it. Often mothers give babies Plantex. Plantex is a natural herbal blend consisting of fennel extract. Plantex can be given to infants 1-2 times a day. The mixture is absolutely harmless. Take Plantex after meals.

There are also a number general advice helping to keep mothers and babies calm. So, the best means for constipation for newborns are:

  • Frequent water intake.
  • Lots of movement.
  • Drawing up a clear regimen for mother and baby, which must be followed steadily.
  • Eating only quality products. Minimize toxins entering milk.
  • Try to lead healthy lifestyle life.

Remember, everything you eat is bound to end up in milk and affect its composition. That is, all the poisons and toxins, juices that you swallow, be sure to enter the child's fragile body. In order not to suffer later, not knowing why this happened, what to do and how to solve the problem, carefully monitor yourself and your child, reporting to the doctor about all the changes.

Use folk methods for prevention. The same beet juice and massage. Or a more modern Plantex. And remember that you should not treat constipation by giving your baby an enema. Be sure to look at what Dr. Komarovsky advises to do with constipation, watch the video. Together with his recommendations, you can easily overcome all constipation in an infant.