What signs for the new year must be observed in order to attract love, luck and wealth. New Year's rituals: how to celebrate the New Year

yellow Earth Dog is already looking forward to the Rooster transferring his powers to her. New symbol year personifies friendliness, kindness and constancy. This inspires hope that the coming year will bring a lot of good things. Peace of mind, peace of mind. Strengthening friendships and family ties. Loyalty in love. And for this to be so, you need to know how to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that it is happy. So, first things first.

  • Where to celebrate the New Year 2018
  • New Year's dress code

Where to celebrate the New Year 2018

The dog is a pack animal. Of course, it is necessary to celebrate the holiday in cheerful company. If you're young go to a party New Year's disco, out of town or to your favorite club. Yes, anywhere! For those who are older, it is better to invite old friends to your place for the New Year. Or go visit yourself. The most important thing is not to be alone.

If you are used to spending new year's eve only in the family circle, do not stay all night in the four walls. You can drink champagne under the chimes, appreciate festive dishes and then all go outside together. Take a walk, admire the festive illumination, fireworks, decorated with a Christmas tree in the square. Recharge with positive, meet your neighbors and acquaintances. And to please the Dog, which loves to walk.

New Year's Eve is long, and here no one limits your imagination. When you meet her, you will spend the whole year like that. At this time, even miracles happen. Anyway, no one will lose if you celebrate the New Year cheerfully and sparklingly.

come up with interesting scenario holiday so you don't get bored. Arrange fun quizzes, games, contests. Do not sit at the table for a long time - dance, have fun. The new mistress of the year likes this.

How to decorate a house for the New Year

To create festive atmosphere, it is necessary to make the interior bright. But here it is important not to overdo it. To make the house look elegant and stylish, it is enough to use two or three colors that are combined with each other. For example, red, silver and the main color of the year - yellow, with any of its shades.

Hang garlands, silvery snowflakes. Make a bed beautiful tablecloth to the holiday table. The room will be transformed if you decorate the windows with festive curtains.

The main attribute of the new year is the Christmas tree. It can be dressed up with fiction and fantasy. In whatever style. Let electric garlands burn and shimmer, beautifully wrapped gifts lie under the tree, and the whole house will be filled with magical light.

New Year's dress code

To appease yellow dog dress up in her favorite colors. These are yellow, black and gold.

Just do not forget that the shining color of gold does not need additional decorations. It is very bright on its own. Don't overdo it!

A classic black dress, suitable for any occasion, just need to spice up bright accessories- a brooch, a fabric flower, a necklace, a belt. It is better if they are yellow or golden.

Yellow has many shades. Apricot, bronze, orange, red, copper. All the colors of autumn that go to many women. The choice is huge.

Avoid clothing in brindle, leopard print. dog k cat family does not treat well, and it will be unpleasant for her.

High lace collars are in fashion, long sleeves. Ultrashort minis are already being squeezed out elegant dresses and skirts to the middle of the knee. And in long evening dresses simplicity is important. So that the outfit does not look boring, give preference to fabrics with an interesting texture.

Men are easier classic suits do not go out of fashion, they are perfect for a New Year's banquet. A jacket or jacket can be matched to the color of the symbol of the year. Not canary yellow, of course, but beige, light brown.

Can add small parts, which will enliven the image, bring zest. It can be a tie with a herringbone pattern or Christmas balls, golden cufflinks.

And for the informal friendly party V country house it is best to wear a cozy sweater with winter patterns, fashion boots- uggs.

What to put on the New Year's table

Meat is the most desired food for the Dog. Therefore, it should be mandatory on the New Year's table. Fried, boiled, stewed or baked. And as much as possible.

It is not necessary to cook fish for the New Year's table. A dog is not a cat, it is indifferent to fish. But for a sugar bone, she is ready to give everything! Do not be lazy, prepare a ceremonial dish - meat on the bone. And put it in the center of the table. Maybe it will be a ring of ribs. Or any leg of lamb. Doesn't matter. And the guests will be delighted, and the Dog will be just happy.

Arrange a holiday of the stomach, let there be a lot of everything on the New Year's table. After all, the Dog is not a gourmet. For her, the main thing is that it was tasty and satisfying. The hostess will act wisely if she prepares a plentiful festive table - by this she will attract happiness, health and prosperity to her house in the coming year.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Happy New Year!

The symbol of 2019 New Year is the Yellow Earth Pig. This is the animal on which the cycle ends Eastern horoscope. From time immemorial our ancestors followed certain rules so that in the New Year there will be prosperity, well-being and joy. What awaits us this year and what signs must be followed in order for it to be successful, successful and prosperous?

    • On New Year's Eve, dress in yellow, maybe pink . Better if the outfit is new. The sign says that if this condition is met, then expect a lot of new things next year. You can use yellow and pink not only in clothes, but also in jewelry and accessories. Also place dishes, cutlery, tablecloth, napkins in similar colors on the New Year's table. If you follow this sign, then joy and harmony will reign in the family. whole year. Pig loves and appreciates calm, kind, cheerful, optimistic people. Therefore, try to follow these qualities not only on New Year's Eve, but also throughout the year.
    • Avoid pork dishes . However, all other dishes, meat can be used. It is desirable that they are prepared with love and by yourself. New Year's Eve holiday table should contain fruits, wheat, rice, nuts. He must be rich so that there will be abundance in the new year. Dishes should not be cracked or chipped. This will scare away the possible profit!
    • Buy a figurine of a pig . It is believed that she is strong talisman. The figurine can be made of clay, cardboard, wood, metal, knitted, embroidered. It can be placed in the bedroom, living room. The pig will bring joy, success, prosperity to the house. In addition, it will protect the residents of the house, give any of them a chance to fulfill themselves, and attract prosperity. The figurine will teach you to rejoice goals achieved. The figurine can also be put on the New Year's table. It will be a wonderful decoration.
    • Buy a piggy bank . This is a great way to bring money into your home. Get in the habit of putting coins in there every day. It is better to choose a piggy bank Pink colour.
    • Clean your house or apartment to make it clean and comfortable . Although there is an opinion that a pig is a dirty animal, it is not so. With mud, she protects herself from pathogenic microbes, but in fact she loves cleanliness. Spend general cleaning of all premises, may the New Year begin with cleanliness in the house and heart.
    • Buy more Christmas decorations . Preferably if they are round shape brown, yellow, green or pink. Such toys will protect the family from quarrels and omissions, bring harmony to space. Avoid toys with sharp corners. The top should be put on first and taken off last. This will protect you from malevolent and envious people. However, if three Christmas decorations break, this will indicate that replenishment is expected in the house.

  • Do not meet the year of Yellow Earth Pig with empty pockets . Be sure to stock up on large bills. This is necessary in order to live in abundance in 2019 and not deny yourself anything! It is better to put more large bills in your pockets, but not a trifle.
  • Return all debts . Don't start the New Year with debt. Well, if you return the debt 3 days before the New Year. If you do not follow this sign, then various debts are possible in the New Year. January 1 should not borrow or give money.
  • Watch your cat . The sign is that the one to whom the cat comes up immediately after the chimes strike, he will be financially secure in 2019. He's got great luck.
  • When the chimes start to beat, you need to take a coin in your hands and say: "I have a lot of money", then throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it to the bottom. After that, get a coin and put it in your wallet, always carry it with you for good luck and prosperity.
  • Buy a pendant with a figurine of a pig . It is desirable to always wear such an ornament around the neck. The material can be different: from precious to jewelry. The pendant can be part of a ring or bracelet. Every day, at school, at work, at home, the symbol of 2019 will accompany you and bring joy and success in various deeds and accomplishments. However, do not let anyone wear your jewelry.
  • If you live in a private house, then it is a good omen to acquire a young piglet. . However, it is strictly forbidden to score in 2019. Better to wait until next year. If you do not follow this sign, then all sorts of problems will be the result.
  • And finally, celebrate the New Year in good mood . After all, as they say: "How you celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it." Celebrate with family, loved ones, friends. Celebrate the New Year with hope and positivity. At the festive table, you can’t swear, get angry, fight and engage in a showdown. Celebrate cheerfully and joyfully, of course, adhering to the above signs.

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It just so happens that a miracle happens on New Year's Eve: the counter of our failures is reset to zero, and life begins with new page. This counter is not at all an invention of lazy people. It’s just that any “game”, in order to understand its rules, must have a beginning, an end, and at least some “transit points” that make it possible to take a break before a new “level”. And the New Year is just such an item.

So that you can properly use the "stop" website will tell you how to make plans for the coming year so that they will certainly come true. Get out a piece of paper and a pen!

1. Find the right goals

The first step in formulating any desires and plans is to literally put your life on the shelves - in order to understand exactly what you need. It will help to do this very simple and visual diagram- "Wheel of life balance".

The life of each person is divided into several individual areas. When all spheres are well developed, we are in a state of complete harmony. But if one of them suffers, it immediately seems to us that something is wrong in life and there is at least one problem or dissatisfaction that constantly pops up anxiously in thoughts before going to bed.

Draw this wheel and fill in the areas that you are completely sure of. Empty or partially filled fields will immediately open your eyes, and you will understand on which front of your life you should throw all your strength in the new year.

2. Evaluate your plans

There are those who like to write wish lists like: “I want to become a multimillionaire, buy a fighter jet and fly to Fiji.” It is not right. Your task is not to write a letter to Santa Claus, but to formulate clear actions that you are really capable of implementing.

To check your desire for adequacy, use the SMART formula. Its essence is encrypted in the abbreviation:

S specific - specific
M easurable - measurable
A chievable - achievable
R resourced - backed up by resources
T imed - relative in time

If your desire passes through all these points, feel free to write it down in the plan.

3. Formulate desires in the present tense

Subconsciously, you will leave desire as desire if you write: “I want new job”: you will calmly continue to want her until the next new year. Instead, you need to write ideas in the present tense: “I have a cool new job.” So you seem to be asserting your intention.

4. Forget the “not” particle

In the statement of the goal, avoid using the particle “not”. The motivation will be much greater if you do not stop doing something, but start.

Example: “I won’t smoke anymore” - “I drive healthy lifestyle life."

5. Write it all down on paper

Surely everyone in the class had such a loser, let's call him Petya, who, when asked by the teacher why he did not write down the lesson, answered: “But I will remember everything anyway.” So, don't be Petya!

You will not be able to remember everything in detail - take a pen and fix the plans on paper. And the more accurately you write down their implementation (and we remember from the previous points, they must be realizable), the better you will root all these thoughts in your head. With such a scheme, it is much easier to make dreams come true than just with thoughts hovering in your head, because you already have a ready-made script.

New Year is considered magical holiday. And, of course, you can't believe new year signs and superstition. But for some reason they work surprisingly well. Maybe they shouldn't be so neglected.

After all, they have, if not magical, then psychological significance. And through simple rituals, your subconscious will tune in to the execution cherished desires. And if our subconscious mind is tuned in to something, it will stubbornly bring it to life, regardless of the voice of reason.

Many of the signs are familiar to you from childhood, you most likely heard them from older people. And you will learn about some for the first time or just remember them.

And the first sign, familiar to everyone: “As you spend New Year's Eve, you will live the whole next year". Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate the year as cheerfully as possible. Surround yourself nice people, delicious dishes and a beautiful interior.

New Year's signs and superstitions to attract good luck, money and health

What you need to do before the New Year.

  • Wash your body thoroughly - the water will wash away all negativity and you will have a healthy energy field in the new year.
  • Make a general cleaning by December 30th. On the 31st it is better to finish the preparations for the holiday and take care of yourself.
  • Wash all the dishes in the house.
  • Throw away any broken or cracked dishes. It is believed that such dishes bring poverty and lack of money into the house. You must have heard that in Italy before the new year they throw away old furniture from windows)
  • Forgive those who offended you and ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended (at least mentally).
  • Light candles in all areas of your house and let them burn out. This will clean your home negative energies. You can do this in turn, but carry out the procedure before you sit down at the table.
  • Pay off all debts by December 31st. This affects not only well-being and fortune, but also your health.
  • Before meeting the new year, put coins under the threshold and you will have money all year long.
  • And at the bottom of the refrigerator you need to put a red bag with 3 yellow coins, tails up. Tails - this is the side where the value of the coin is written, for example - 10 rubles.
  • But on December 31, January 1, on the first Monday of January, January 6 and 7 - you can’t give anything to anyone from home and borrow money too. Otherwise, give away all the good, and keep the bad for yourself. Of course, you understand that this does not apply to gifts)
  • Buy a new broom and don't use it. And put it upside down, to the handle that will be below, you need to tie a red ribbon. On January 1, sweep all floors with this broom. At the same time, say: “Broom, broom, bring a lot of money.” And the old broom - throw it away or even better - burn it.
  • Bring a treat to the brownie New Year's table: a glass of wine and a spoonful of salad.

How to decorate a Christmas tree to bring prosperity to the house

Remember that the Christmas tree is not just a decoration, it is a magical attribute. It is believed that she takes on all the bad things that have accumulated in the house for a whole year. And when you throw away a tree, at the same time you throw out lack of money, failures and illnesses from the house.

New Year's table signs and superstitions

  • Be sure to make a wish to the chiming clock. And it will come true. Why? And because it is at this moment that a huge number of people, in a single impulse, turn to the Universe. And it creates such a powerful energy flow that almost any cherished dream comes true.
  • And don't throw chocolate into champagne, otherwise you'll be spinning all year round like bubbles that fly out near a piece of chocolate.
  • It is better to wash the yellow coin cleanly and put it in the first glass of champagne. And after you drink a foamy drink, put it in the closed part of your wallet. And always carry it with you. She will attract money to you!
  • Swearing at the New Year's table is the worst of signs. The whole year will go wrong.
  • Empty New Year's table to need and poverty.
  • Bread for the holiday must be cut before dusk.
  • And you must definitely put pastries that you made yourself on the New Year's table.
  • Crayfish, shrimp and lobster should not be used on the festive table. They tend to move backwards, and this can affect your income downward.
  • If the family is fully assembled, then you need to entangle the legs of the table with a rope. This is in order to keep it all next year in full force.
  • White tablecloth - will attract good luck and show your readiness for change.
  • And under the tablecloth, in all corners of the table and under all the plates, put yellow coins. This will attract the energy of wealth from all over the world to your home.
  • The feast should be from 7 different dishes. This will help to attract not only money, but also good luck.
  • Green candles, in the amount of 7 - will bring prosperity. Green - the color of money, the fire from such candles - symbolizes the energy of money. And let these candles burn out to the end.
  • IN last minutes of the old year, you need to peel the tangerine and put it under the tree.
  • On January 1, do not wash the dishes, otherwise you will wash away good luck and prosperity!
  • Throwing food from the New Year's table - Bad sign, throw away luck.
  • And between the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas be sure to keep pastries and sweets in the kitchen. So you will attract luck or money to the house.

How to dress up on New Year's Eve

  • Ideally, if all things are new on you and made in the colors of the symbol of the coming year. It helps to get rich and lure happiness and good luck. But if it is not possible to buy all the things, then let at least one little thing you put on for the first time.
  • To wear other people's things - the whole year will be in debt!
  • Throwing old things out of the house - troubles will also go away with them.
  • And if you want to attract love, then you need to dress in red. Or (and) put a cinnamon stick in your pocket and carry it all next year in a bag or pocket.
  • To meet the new year, be sure to put your talisman and money in different currencies in your pocket (or handbag). It will attract great luck and success this year.
  • Before the chiming clock, you need to put on a scarf or cape. And after the last blow - throw it off. Together with this cape, you will throw off everything bad, including diseases. Thus, all bad things will remain in the old year.

And also open the doors after the last strike of the chimes and let good luck, joy and health into your home.

Signs and superstitions of New Year's Eve.

  • Step into manure or find a horseshoe to increase income or promotion.
  • Why on New Year's Eve everyone screams loudly, clap firecrackers, and burn sparklers? This is an echo of ancient beliefs that noise and fire scare away evil spirits from your home. If so, then why not make some noise? Moreover, the whole country will make noise that night!
  • If you sneeze on December 31, you will be happy all year. Just don't go without a hat on purpose)
  • If you want to get pregnant, then invite a woman in a position to celebrate and hold her hand during the chimes.
  • Write yourself a wish card and seal it in an envelope along with banknote. Print out January 1, and carry the bill with you all year. Then the wishes will come true, and the money will be in abundance for the whole next year.
  • Listen to the sounds outside the windows. Unless, of course, you can hear something through the through artillery of firecrackers). Better yet, wait for them to subside. If you hear a dog barking, then this is for a new friend, but for unmarried girls- to the groom. If you hear a church bell, this is important event. cat meow- to a new neighbor.
  • If in the morning, looking out of the window, you see a man, then the year will be happy.

What Not to Do on New Year's Eve

  • Meet New Year in an untidy room with cracked wallpaper, with broken furniture.
  • On the night of December 31 to January 1, you cannot take out the garbage from the house, otherwise you will throw away your luck.
  • On January 1, you can not do dirty, difficult and unwanted work. (The ceremony with a broom is not considered - this is not cleaning). Otherwise, the whole next year you will be mired in unwanted work.
  • It is strictly forbidden to wash before January 2 - you will bring trouble!

And to attract money in the year of the pig, you need to put a piggy bank in the form of a pig on the table and put a large bill or a yellow coin under it!

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that it is successful, what needs to be done for this, what little tricks and secrets should be remembered? These are, perhaps, the main questions that worry and worry each of us who believe in the magic and magic of this holiday. As the owner knows coming year becomes Yellow Earth Dog, belonging to the elements Earth, which promises us all calmness and balance. Astrologers say that the year will be successful and prosperous for absolutely everyone, many will come to realize family values and relationships, well-being is expected in all areas of life. But in order to feel for yourself from the very first days positive influence Astrologers recommend that the owner of the year treat the meeting of the holiday correctly, or rather, its organization, which to a greater extent will allow you to enlist the support of the Dog until next year.

How to celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog?

According to the Eastern Chinese horoscope, The dog is such an animal that will surely bring peace and kindness to every home and family, the lonely will be able to find their soul mate, the hardworking will achieve great success in their work. The dog favorably treats those who do not sit in one place and are constantly on the move, and, therefore, it's time to go on a trip.

That 2018 has become successful and prosperous in absolutely everything, astrologers recommend adhering to the following simple, but very effective advice which will benefit everyone. What is this advice?

    1. In no case do not celebrate the holiday alone, most the right option there will be a cheerful and noisy company in which there is simply no place for boredom. fun party you can organize at home and gather many guests, or go to visit yourself.
    2. A holiday with family, relatives and friends, since the Dog is a very devoted and faithful animal that truly knows how to appreciate loved ones and dear to my heart of people.
    3. In no case should you sit at the TV all night watching New Year's entertainment shows, because you have to organize your show yourself. In other words, think over in advance contests and games with which you will please your guests and relatives, while it will be interesting and fun for you and them. You can also go outside and have fun there, because even strangers and passers-by will not mind having fun in the fresh air.

What to wear?

Another important one, especially for lovely ladies, is the question concerning their appearance and image, because on this New Year's Eve you want to look like a real queen of the ball and catch admiring glances on yourself, even if you celebrate the holiday at home with your family. If you want to please the new owner of the year to the maximum, then preference must be given to the following attributes and things.

  • First, the yellow palette. It is this color, according to astrologers and fashion designers, that can bring joy and warmth, help get rid of various stresses and depression, is a kind of symbol of romance and tenderness.
  • Secondly, Brown color and all its shades will surely bring you good luck, prosperity and success this year.
  • Thirdly, orange, gold, beige, ashy tone can also be called an acceptable palette.
  • Fourthly, bright, red and fiery tones, as well as leopard coloring and prints, are absolutely not appropriate in this year's outfit.
  • Fifthly, the outfit should be restrained, but at the same time stylish, as the owner of the year categorically denies extravagance. Eg. It can be floor-length dresses, discreet trouser suits, carnival outfits. As for men, it is best for them to give up black and gray suits, and try to find an outfit in yellow-brown tones.
  • Sixth, in no case is it recommended to wear very shiny outfits. Ask why? It's simple, since the Dog is considered a rather modest animal.

Where to meet?

Agree, the choice of the meeting place of the holiday depends on many factors. So, what holiday options and ideas are appropriate and acceptable for this year?

  1. Holiday in home environment. If you decide to celebrate the holiday at home, then you should prepare well. First of all, everything needs to be decorated with golden tinsel, various decorations, of course, the best yellow and brown shade. Agree, the interior decoration of the house should be fully consistent with the theme of the holiday. It is also necessary to carefully consider the scenario of the holiday so that no one is bored, and for this, pick up various funny contests and games. Simply put, at home you can have a party of absolutely any theme, the main thing is to warn your guests and relatives about this in advance.
  2. Journey, trip to warmer climes. This option, probably, will appeal to everyone, because after winter frosts and cold weather, hardly anyone will refuse to bask in warm sun and sand, bathe in the gentle sea. Such an idea of ​​​​celebrating a holiday will help you not only relax, but also gain the necessary charge of vivacity and energy, as well as get acquainted with the customs and traditions of other countries.
  3. .Journey through Russia. Agree to hold new year holidays You can have fun and unforgettably with us, traveling around the country. The main thing is to choose the right route so that it becomes really interesting for everyone. Where can you go? To Moscow, where a lot of exciting and interesting things await you, to Veliky Ustyug to the residence of Father Frost, Baikal, where you can enjoy the unique and unique natural landscapes in the whole world.

It would seem that, simple rules and tips, so why not actually test their effectiveness and catch your luck, while you have absolutely nothing to lose, and as a result of such preparation, your holiday will become memorable for absolutely everyone.