The speech of the bride at the wedding to her parents in prose. Words of gratitude in verses from the bride and groom. Certificates of appreciation and medals for parents

My beautiful, beloved and dear,
You gave me life, understanding, warmth,
good kind person brought up
Thank you my parents for everything, for everything.

Thank you for not sleeping at night
They rocked my cradle and guarded my dreams,
Thank you for supporting all decisions,
And they helped me make all my dreams come true.

Thank you family for your understanding
And for your tolerance, I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
For you, I have always been a favorite baby,
Today, I am already a bride, and I am creating my own family.

Thank you mommy for being by my side
Daddy, thank you for being my wall
Mommy, you always understand even with a glance,
Thank you for always waiting for your daughter home.

no one is happier
I am not in the world
I am grateful to you
Parents for this.

you raised me
In kindness and kindness
I was with you
Fairytale princess.

Tenderness, love
You did not regret yours
And today white
They put a veil on me.

thank you for everything
At the wedding I say
I love you very much
Parents, I love you.

Thank you parents
And bow to the ground
You raised me
Forgetting peace and sleep
For your work and attention
I thank you
Today is my wedding
I am the bride now
Thank you again,
Relatives, for warmth,
I am very strong with you
Lucky in the world!

Dear Mom, dad,
I love you the most
And with all my heart I wish
See only light in life!

I want to say thank you
That cherished for so many years
Married daughter released
Gave the right advice.

Thank you for the warmth
For tenderness, kind words,
For my childhood, my best
Thank you for all this.

Thank you my family
For all the care and warmth,
Over the years bright, colorful,
I am very lucky with you!

You are my reward for me
I will always appreciate you
And of course I'm very happy
Say these words to you!

I created my family
But you are forever in my soul!
I love you two very much
And I will love you more!

Dear parents, today I became a wife beautiful person, wonderful man, today our family was born. I would like to thank you for your love and sincere support, for your noble upbringing and moral values for strong faith and wise advice. Be healthy, beloved, happy and strong.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I am leaving my family.
for care and understanding
And thank you love.

Low bow to you today
For happy years.
Your kindness and patience
I will never forget.

Be happy, healthy
My dear, relatives,
Help me with advice
As always, dear ones.

Dear parents, thank you
On my wedding day I want to tell you
That I have always loved you immensely,
I haven't forgotten a day from my childhood.

Let everything be nice with you,
Wishes were fulfilled so that properly.
Let your health grow stronger
And the joy in the souls never fades.

Our glorious parents dear to my heart people, we are immensely grateful to you for everything that you have given us and done. I promise to remain an obedient daughter and listen to your advice. You will always be an example for us, and we will also try to build a strong, friendly, happy family. Today I am still a bride and I hug you tightly, and tomorrow I will wake up as a wife, but our meetings will be as joyful and kind as before.

Thank you, parents
Without you, I do not understand life and the day,
Thank you for life, my saints,
Let grief and trouble go around you.

Bow to you low, sincere tears
We give honestly, without prejudice,
Let thunderstorms not rumble over your house,
Well, comfort reigns in the hearts, peace lives.

Parents are the dearest and important people in everyone's life. Indeed, it is from loving fathers and mothers that the child receives the support and protection necessary for harmonious development personality. It so happened that on each family celebration children say words of gratitude to their parents - at the wedding, the most sincere and warm "thank you" for love and priceless advice. On the birthday of a daughter or son, mothers and fathers of the "heroes" of the occasion also hear many pleasant words of gratitude from their beloved children and guests. And what beautiful words thanks are dedicated to parents at graduation in grades 9 and 11! In our selection you will find examples of the most heartfelt words of gratitude in verse and prose - to you, beloved and respected parents!

Touching words of gratitude at the wedding to the parents of the groom from the bride - in verse and prose, video

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds and their parents experience not only joy, but also quivering excitement. So, a new family life begins for the bride and groom, and mothers and fathers are preparing to let their adult children go “free swimming”. According to tradition, at the wedding it is customary to say words of gratitude to the parents of the "heroes" of the occasion - for having raised and educated, warmed them with their boundless care and love. The groom's parents will be extremely pleased to hear the bride's thanksgiving speeches with words of gratitude for a loved one and hope for a happy future together. It is better to prepare such touching words of gratitude in advance by memorizing the text or arranging it in the form of a beautiful postcard. We bring to your attention examples of words of thanks in verse and prose for the wedding for the groom's parents, as well as videos that will touch the soul and leave an unforgettable impression on everyone present at the family celebration.

Examples of touching words of thanks from the bride to the groom's parents - prose in their own words and poems:

Dear our parents! I want to thank you for the fact that once you gave this world a kind, honest and good man- my husband. I am infinitely grateful to you for accepting me and I promise to be a good daughter, always take care of your son, love him and help him through life. Thank you for allowing me to become his soulmate from now on and for the rest of my life!

Mom, dad, dear,

I will call you tenderly

I am grateful to you, golden ones,

How could they raise such a son?

You put your heart and soul into it,

They taught loyalty, kindness,

They gave me a husband today

To be happy with him.

You have done a lot for me

I'll try to answer now

So that your path is easy,

You nursed your grandchildren until you were a hundred years old.

I bow to you, thanks from me,

I'm glad to be your family.

Mom and Dad! Thanks a lot Thank you for helping to organize this celebration for us. Thank you for giving the world such a wonderful person. And now that he has become my husband, I promise to carry our love through sorrow and adversity, wealth and poverty, tears and joy, and never leave him!

Sincere words of gratitude in prose and poetry at the wedding - to the parents of the bride from the groom, video

It is important for all parents that their beloved children are happy with their soulmate, walking hand in hand through life. Mothers of brides are especially worried - after all, most often after the wedding, the daughter leaves her father's house and goes to her young spouse. Sincere words of gratitude uttered by the groom to the bride's parents will confirm the good intentions and reliability of the daughter's chosen one. Of course, it is often difficult for men to express their feelings out loud - especially on own wedding and to the "newly" mother-in-law with the father-in-law. Therefore, one cannot do without preliminary preparation, as well as ready-made template texts, which can be supplemented with poems and "author's" prose. How better for the groom thank the bride's parents at the wedding? Future relatives will like warm sincere words gratitude for the beloved woman, for whom he now and forever promises to become a reliable defender and faithful husband. We have selected several texts of thanksgiving speeches from the groom in verse and prose and video - we are sure that such words will resonate and melt the heart of the most strict parents.

Thanksgiving speech texts at the wedding - beautiful words of the groom for the bride's parents:

Dear Parents! I want to thank you for being able to raise such good daughter. (Name of the bride) has all the qualities of a wonderful wife and I am extremely lucky that she chose me. Thank you for your care and help, I promise to protect your daughter from any evil and from any misfortune. I promise to carry my love through all the years of our married life to be faithful and good husband, keep and idolize! Thank you!!!

Thank you for the smart bride

She is smart, beautiful and kind.

In her, I will say, I fell in love not like a child

And marriage, for me, is not a game at all!

I will be a faithful and good husband,

I will take care of your daughter.

I'll be the one she needs to live

And I will kiss her feet!

Mom and Dad! You know better than anyone how good (name of the bride) is! Thank you for accepting me with all my heart and allowing me to love your daughter. I am incredibly happy even at the mere thought that from now on we are husband and wife. Be next to us and further, without you we will not be as happy as everyone sees us today!

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the wedding - in verse and in your own words

A wedding is a celebration of the unity of two destinies and loving hearts into one whole. How beautiful the newlyweds are today! Indeed, on this wonderful day, they enter into a completely new life, which they will build themselves - brick by brick, year after year. However, among those present at the wedding, a special place is given not only to the bride and groom, but also to their parents. So, for these closest and dearest people, beautiful words of gratitude sound - their young people can say it together, turning in turn to their and “new” parents. For a solemn thanksgiving speech, it is better to choose a time when wedding guests will be present at the table so that everyone can hear your sincere words. Why thank your parents at the wedding? First of all, “thank you” must be said for giving birth and raising such a wonderful person as your soulmate. If the parents presented to the wedding of their beloved children expensive gifts or helped in organizing a festive banquet, then this, of course, deserves the most heartfelt thanks - in verse or in your own words.

How beautiful it is to thank your parents at the wedding with words - the best options:

Dear parents! Thank you for the bread and salt you have carefully prepared, for your patience, for your support and for everything you do for us and will continue to do. We promise to cherish our happiness as carefully as you cherished our sleep in childhood. We promise to keep the hearth the same as you always kept it. We promise to be as patient as you have always been. We promise to be with you and meet your expectations!”

Let us say the words

After all, there is a new chapter in life.

From our young family

For those who saved our lives.

Parents, our relatives,

Thank you for your concern.

For everything you did for us

Because we are here now.

We will always be by your side,

Support with deeds, not words.

We love you very much, we appreciate you,

You are everything in this life for us!

Thank you, our dear parents,

Forgive us if you have been offended by something,

Thanks for the help, for the blessing,

Thank you for your wisdom and patience.

We want to wish to cry only from happiness,

Let them bypass the side of misfortune

We will love and help you

And always look forward to visiting.

Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding - from the bride and groom in verse, video

From birth, parents are close to their children, giving them all their tenderness and love. Growing up, each of us is looking for his own way in life - we fall in love, get married, give birth to our children. However, for our mothers and fathers, we still remain children for whom their parental heart will always worry and worry. When choosing words of gratitude to parents at a wedding, it is better to give preference to heartfelt verses, learn them by heart and read them to touching lyrical music. The bride and groom can make a “general” speech of thanks, and then highlight the appeal to each pair of parents in words - no doubt, everyone will like such a sign of attention and respect from the newlyweds. The video shows an example of thanksgiving words to parents from the bride and groom, which can be used when compiling a wedding script.

Examples of thanksgiving words for parents - wedding poems:

Thank you, parents

For everything you gave today

For a good look nice words.

After all, there will be a new chapter in our life.

Thank you for your kindness and warmth

For the comfort created for the two of us.

We know that we are very lucky

To be born to such parents.

Glory, praise and honor to parents!

I think people will agree

What a toast to parents should be raised,

We wish you health and happiness!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses

For the happiness of mother, father,

And I offer all guests

For this drink to the end!

Thank you for the bread, for the salt,

For the happiness that they gave us.

For the fact that our life is the role

You have written so beautifully.

Thank you for the warmth

For the love that was given to us.

We're just very lucky

And we thanked you.

Kind words of gratitude to parents - on their birthday from their daughter, prose and poetry

Birthday is my favorite children's holiday in which everything comes true cherished dreams and desires. Of course, in childhood, the role of good "wizards" was always played by parents who prepared surprises and gifts, sharing this with their beloved daughters and sons. significant event. Many, as adults, remember with warm tenderness their birthdays in their father's house and the affectionate smiles of their parents. Time flies quickly and there comes a moment when on your birthday adult daughter parents receive words of gratitude from her - for happy childhood, for support and love, for the gift of life. In our selection you will find a selection of words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their daughter - in verse and prose, which can be said in person or sent by SMS.

A selection of words of gratitude in verse and prose for parents - for the daughter's birthday:

Parents, my two favorite and dear person, thank you very much for the fact that, despite the many past days, you do not stop loving me and consider me your precious child! There was not a day that you did not give me your attention and tenderness. Thank you for always being there and always in a hurry to wish me a happy birthday, I love you!

Mom and Dad!

Thanks for all!

For a happy childhood

I remember him!

Years fly - your daughter has matured,

But the fact that I listened to you - I did not regret it.

I'm in daddy with early childhood went:

character and appearance,

Like two boots!

I also took a bit from my mother:

Calm a little, took a smile.

Thank you folks, I love you so much!

And although I rarely tell you ...

Never in your life have you forgotten to congratulate me,

Parents, you are the dearest in the world.

You gave me so much every time

During this time, you have become golden to me!

Thank you for the many kind words

Thank you for your tenderness and attention.

I appreciate your crystal clear love

Your patience and understanding!

Thanks to parents on their birthday from their son - heartfelt words of prose

Son's birthday important holiday not only for the "hero" of the occasion, but also for his parents. After all, for loving mothers With dad, it's so nice to hear words of gratitude and appreciation from an adult son - for love and support, advice and unlimited patience. Such heartfelt thanksgiving speeches can be delivered in person, made a Skype call, or simply sent an SMS to your phone. When congratulating your friend or good acquaintance on his birthday, do not forget to express gratitude to his parents - with wishes family well-being, good and for long years life. Such a beautiful and sincere gesture will warm the soul of the parents and cause a sense of pride in their son. We bring to your attention examples of the most heartfelt words of gratitude to parents on the birthday of their son - from the birthday man himself and family friends.

The best examples of heartfelt words of gratitude for parents on their son's birthday:

My dear dad and mom! Thank you for all the effort you put into my upbringing. You are the most kind-hearted, patient and forgiving people! I will not get tired of thanking you all my life!

My dear dad and mom, congratulations! Without your marriage, there would be no me. So that makes it essential to my very existence. Let yours continue living together always going well and happy. May it bring you only joy.

Happy birthday to your beloved son! I wish him and you health, happiness, good luck, optimism, kindness. Let him always remember that he has such wonderful parents, and surround you with warmth and care. And you are proud of your son, you have him a real man: honest, kind, sincere.

Words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 11 from children - texts in verse and prose, video

School years fly by unnoticed and very soon the students will finish the 11th grade and celebrate their graduation - a long-awaited and a little sad holiday. According to tradition, in honor of the graduation at the school are held solemn events, on which the most sincere words of gratitude are addressed to the parents of students, as well as teachers. Indeed, the support of parents on a long and difficult school path is truly invaluable for today's graduates. Therefore, 11th grade graduates prepare gratitude speeches in verse and prose, dedicating them to the dearest and closest people - for endless patience, care, warmth. It is better to pick up such touching words of gratitude to parents and teachers in advance and rehearse them properly on the eve of the prom. With the help of our texts, you can compose a beautiful thank you speech, the words of which will move parents, teachers and other listeners to tears.

A selection of texts of a thank you speech for parents from grade 11 graduates - poems and prose in your own words:

Thanks to our beloved parents,

For the fact that the lessons were forced to learn.

Thanks to our beautiful mothers,

That we were protected before our fathers.

For eleven years you have been our support,

Eleven years of faith, truth served,

Not just a parent, you were a miracle.

Believe me, because the children will not forget this.

And may you give help more than once,

Please accept our congratulations today.

Today these lines sound for you -

You helped us open the way in life.

Parents, you are the whole ten years

Spent on our education

We hope that the vow given to us

For you, all the years would not be a torment.

And congratulations from the graduates

Today is festive, solemnly sounds,

Well, his motive is this:

Let the bird fly for you!

Our beloved, dear, respected parents. Today you congratulate us on graduation and wish us everything and more. And we want to thank you in return for everything you have done for us in this life. You helped us to be born, brought us up, gave us your warmth and affection. And for this low bow to you!

Sincere words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 9 - from the teacher and students

For 9th grade students, after graduation, new interesting changes in life are coming - many will go to colleges or technical schools, continuing their studies outside the walls home school. On graduation party there are many sincere words of gratitude to teachers and parents of ninth grade graduates. When compiling a thank-you speech for parents, you can emphasize their boundless love, patience, tenderness. As the "main speaker" it is better to choose a student with good diction, and give the rest of the graduates separate words-cues. Parents of ninth-graders will also be pleased to hear words of gratitude from teachers. Usually, classroom teacher gives a speech of thanks to his parents at the graduation party former students– for their hard work, support and wisdom.

Examples of words of gratitude to parents in verse and prose - from grade 9 graduates and teachers:

Dear parents! We're glad you came to last call their children. You naturally remember how you brought the kids to the first line on September 1, how you took them to their class for the first time. Remember all your worries about your child, how is he there, is he crying, is he tired, is he all right? And behind all these experiences, imperceptibly, but for someone noticeably, eleven years have flown by. And today the school bell will ring in last time not only for your children, but also for you as parents of students.

Graduated from the ninth grade!

Congratulations on this event!

Thank you for helping along the way.

Without you, the children would not have passed the exams!

For all the guidance on the true path

Thank you, even though I'm a little sad

But there are plenty of new joys ahead.

Thanks from the class leader!

I want to express my deep gratitude

To beloved grandparents,

To see joy only in lovely faces,

May everyone be kept by the Lord.

Thank you for being with us in childhood,

For the fact that you are next to us now,

We are on vacation with you, as in the kingdom,

We liked to visit in the summer every time.

Thank you, our dear people,

For kindness, care, sincerity of the soul,

We appreciate you very much and love you very much,

With all our hearts, we rush to you endlessly.

What to choose words of gratitude to parents? At a wedding, from the bride and groom, it is customary to thank moms and dads for a loved one, and on a birthday from a daughter or son, parents, together with the birthday man, receive the most my sincere congratulations. And how many sincere words of gratitude are addressed to parents at graduation in the 9th or 11th grade - touching to tears! In our selection you will find examples of beautiful words of thanks in verse and prose with videos that you can dedicate to parents at the most important events and celebrations. Thank you, dear and beloved parents!

At the wedding after congratulatory speeches it is customary for parents to give a response to the newlyweds to the young. Often the groom has the question “What to say?”. It is best to speak from the heart. Perhaps even offhand. However, if you want to get ready, then here are examples of "".
Thank you, Dear Parents for a wonderful daughter. You raised a gentle, economic, kind, beautiful, sweet, caring girl. I am immensely grateful to you for trusting me to make her happy. Dear mother-in-law, thank you for that. That they raised their daughter as a true keeper of the hearth. Dear father-in-law, you are the ideal man for my wife. And I understand that it will not be easy for me to match you. But I will do everything in my power to make our family strong, secure and happy.

The groom's gratitude to the bride's parents, in verse.

You raised your daughter well
We became quite family with her,
Thank you for your daughter
We are glad to see you with us,
Call for no reason
And come visit.
In memory of this day
It's nice to give a present to me.)
Here is a gift. Generally, this good tradition- to give a gift to the parents of the bride.

Here is another example gratitude poems the bride's parents. Answer word groom.

Today is a holiday for you
With which I heartily congratulate!
I want to thank you
We are walking now because of you.
You gave me happiness
And here she is with me.
We promise to live together
And for each other to be a mountain.
Thank you for what you
This is how my fiancee was raised.
Raised in happiness and love
Helped with all issues.
I was raised a princess
They gave her only the best
And all the cherished dreams
When could you perform
She will always understand, forgive,
Look into your eyes with love.
Yes, and it happens that it flares up,
But the little things are not grief for us.
Thank you for this hour
We have become a strong family.
Let all the hardships, if anything,
We are all bypassed!

Another example of a thank you speech.
Dear parents of my beloved bride, I sincerely thank you for all your care, for sleepless nights, for experiences, for education, for all the strength and all the love that you gave to your daughter. I promise to do my best to make her happy. I am very glad that fate introduced us and I am happy that she is now my wife. I understand my responsibility for her and for our family. Thank you for everything and I believe that we have a long, happy, harmonious family life ahead of us. We count on your support, on wise advice, understanding and participation in the upbringing of our future children.
And parents in response to this thank you speech can give a special

Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding are one of the most touching moments. After all, a wedding is the day when the newlyweds leave their parental home and go to their new family. Therefore, it has become a glorious tradition to thank parents for all the good moments. After all, it was largely thanks to them that this wonderful holiday. Who knows how life would have turned out if it were not for their upbringing and daily work. touching gratitude from the bride and groom, in prose and poetry - in our article you will find soulful words for this.

Suggestions: how to give a thank you speech

In order not to forget the words from excitement at a crucial moment, it is better to think over the speech in advance. Better yet, write it down. You can arrange the records in an unusual way, for example, make a roll stylized as an old scroll, or sign beautiful postcard. On your wedding day, give it to your parents, and then they will re-read it for a long time, remembering a wonderful holiday.

It is better to give a speech to two newlyweds. This will be a sign that they have become one whole, one family. And from now on they will help and complement each other.

Thank not only your parents, but also the parents of your young spouse.

Avoid too pretentious phrases and complex speech turns. It's hard to hear. Simple, concise language will do much better. You can insert a couple of short quotes into speech famous people or aphorisms relevant to the topic.

Words of gratitude in prose

Such gratitude is especially appreciated, since it is usually prose that is pronounced “from the heart”.

The main points that you can touch on in your words:

  • The fact that young people have the best parents;
  • About the fact that they taught a lot - to love, forgive, take care of a loved one;
  • Parental example is a sample of happy family life for a young couple;
  • That you will not leave them with the beginning of family life. On the contrary, having married off a daughter (having married a son), they also acquired a son (daughter). And soon there will be small continuations of two families - grandchildren;
  • Ask forgiveness for everything unpleasant situations and the trouble you gave them;
  • Remember the most vivid and touching moments of childhood;
  • Promise that you will be equally good parents to your children.

Video congratulations in prose:

Gratitude in verse

Poetic gratitude also sounds impressive and touches the hearts of those present. It is better if the poems are your own composition or written to order specifically for your wedding. The battered cliches are already rather tired, but the original poetic speech will be the perfect end to the holiday. If you don’t know how to compose yourself, and the author’s prices are unbearable, use ready-made poems. But choose from very carefully - it is better not to take them from the first page found by the search engine. Look for the most unusual, rare and close to you poems. You can make some edits “for yourself” - it’s not so difficult to do it in a finished verse. And the result will please.

Below is a video touching words gratitude in verse.


Perhaps the most original look gratitude from the young - songs of their own composition. Many wedding planning agencies have long caught this trend, and you can turn to them for a song. This is especially true if the vocal data is at its best, but the epistolary genre let us down. Select according to your preference musical accompaniment and write the text, and the newlyweds will have to sing - and catch a storm of applause. In the video below - a few of these congratulations.


When giving a speech of thanks at a wedding, remember some things that you should never say:

  • Moral teachings and allusions to unpleasant situations. Of course, young people may not consider their parents ideals in everything. Of course, there can be resentment and disappointment. But a wedding is not a place to sort things out. Just keep silent about slippery moments, thanking them simply for the fact of birth.
  • The same applies to the family life of the parents. If they are divorced, or you do not approve of the choice of mother and father, do not announce this at the wedding. You can not call them an example for yourself - do not say anything.

Do not forget, gratitude to parents is a joyful moment that will cause tears of emotion in all those present. Tune in a positive way - and everything will go well!

Thanks from daughter

Usually women are more eloquent than men. Therefore, it is the speech of the bride that touches everyone present to tears. You can take ready-made clichés as the basis of a thank-you speech, add your personal feelings and experiences to them.

"Dear Mom and Dad! Thank you for your care, for protecting me all my life. Thanks to you, I have become what everyone sees me now. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me even in the most difficult situations. Thank you for this holiday, for your help and for your love. I promise that our connection will not be interrupted, our family will always be there. And I will do everything so that you can be proud of me!”

“Our beloved mommy and daddy! Today is a magical day, a holiday of true love - our wedding. You taught us a lot, and we will always remember that the most important thing is love, understanding and respect for each other. At this celebration you are the main ones, because without you there would be no this day!”

Thanks from son

The son is the pride and support of the parents. Therefore, his words of gratitude to his father and mother are very important. Here sample text speeches:

“My dear parents, dad and mom! Thank you for giving me life, raising and educating me to be a worthy person. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me and for all the truths you have revealed to me. Today I became a husband beautiful girl, my favorite. I promise you that I will live my life with her with dignity, I will be the real master of my house and the protector of my family. Thank you!"

Thanks from the bride to the groom's parents

“Our dear parents! Please accept my sincere gratitude for the fact that you gave the world a wonderful person - the one who became my husband today. I am very grateful that you accepted me, and I promise to be your daughter, take care of my husband and love him. Thank you for being lucky to be his soul mate!”

“Dear dad and mom! Thank you for not sparing yourself and raising a kind, honest and sympathetic person. Today he became my husband. Only with him I found true love, and I promise to carry it through all the hardships!

Thanks from the groom to the parents of the bride

These are special words. The man openly thanks the bride's parents and thus shows them that his daughter is in good hands. Men usually speak clearly, to the point and in their own words. Therefore, just write down the groom's thoughts on this matter in advance so that the speech turns out to be smoother.

"Dear Parents! Thank you for raising a wonderful daughter. And I'm happy that she chose me. I promise that I will love and cherish her all my life. I promise that I will be a faithful and caring husband, and I will carry our love through my whole life!”

One of the most touching moments at any wedding is the part festive evening when young couples thank their parents and guests for agreeing to share one of their better days their lives. It is up to you to decide whether it is better to do it - carefully prepare for delivering a speech or simply rely on inspiration and do everything impromptu. So, impromptu can be chaotic, but sincere, and a prepared speech can be even, but memorized and too “bookish”. Today we have prepared for you universal wedding thank you templates that you can use as they are presented in the article, or as a guideline, and write something from your couple based on them. We wish you inspiration!

Thank you parents at your wedding

Dear ours! Thank you for your blessings and wedding loaf! We will make every effort to protect our family, happiness and love, we will treat them with all responsibility and responsiveness - just as you, dear ones, treated us. We will appreciate each other as we once appreciated every crystal of salt that you presented to us today. We thank you for the love and care you continue to envelop us with. We thank God that we have you!

Dear dads and moms! Today's bread is especially tasty, because it was presented to us by the dearest people - you. Words cannot express how happy we are to have you. It is impossible to express how grateful we are for your support and unconditional love. Thank you, dear ones, for raising us for each other and sharing this day with us. Thanks to the fact that you are near, it has become even more beautiful!

Dear and dear parents! Today we want pure heart thank you for the years, days, hours and seconds you have dedicated to us. Thank you for the support we have received from you throughout our lives! Thank you for the unconditional love you have wrapped around us. Today our family has doubled in size - more relatives and loved ones. Thank you for this wonderful holiday - we couldn't have done it without you! We thank fate and God for the fact that we have you, dear ones!

Our Precious! Today I would like to express everything that, perhaps, we have not said before - all love, respect, gratitude and admiration. Thank you for your support, for accepting our chosen ones as relatives, for this holiday, for every minute you devoted to us! Your love and care have become a reliable shield for us from the first seconds and for life! We will do our best to keep our family strong and loving. We want to delight you every day. Thank you for all the love you've given us!

Thank you wedding guests

Dear guests! On behalf of our newly created family, I want to sincerely thank you for agreeing to share this one with us! We are especially grateful to you for all those kind words and wishes that were addressed to us today. Thank you again and we wish you as many joyful moments and happiness as possible in your life!

Dear friends! We are very glad to see you at this table today, at our wedding! Without you this day would not be so wonderful! Thank you for your attention, generosity and sincerity, for your time - it means a lot to us. Now she sits at the table alone big family because each of you is truly dear to us! As a token of our gratitude and in memory of the holiday, which has become special thanks to you, please accept these small souvenirs (in case you plan to give guests bonbonnieres). Thanks to you, our dear ones, the celebration was held in a warm, friendly and cheerful atmosphere. We really hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Each of you will always be a welcome guest in our house. Thank you again for being with us on this special day!