What are the basic rules for body care? Priceless tips: the basics of proper body skin care at home

Beautiful, well-groomed, healthy body, to which you want to touch again and again - the dream of every girl. Let's talk about how to make this dream come true. Body care is a whole art, which involves methods of caring for the skin both from the inside and outside. First of all, you need to remember that the body of your dreams is the result of regular, everyday care for it! Mandatory Care behind the skin of the body consists of 5 important components: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating and protecting. Unlike others, exfoliation is performed 1-2 times a week, all the rest should be done every day.

Body skin care

  • First of all, it is, of course, cleansing. Every evening and morning you should definitely take a bath, or better cold and hot shower. In the evening, to wash away the dirt and fatigue accumulated during the day, as well as to allow the skin to breathe and actively recover at night during sleep. In the morning, to wash away the sweat and oil that our skin has secreted during the night and, of course, to cheer up and get energy for the day. In no case should the water temperature be hot - this is harmful for your skin, its optimal temperature is about 37 ° C. You should not take a bath for longer than 15-20 minutes (they adversely affect the functioning of the heart). At the end of each bath or shower, it is advisable to rinse the body with cold (or cool water) this will increase blood flow to the skin, speed up the metabolism, and also help your skin stay supple. for a long time. You should wash yourself using a hard washcloth or mitten, and massage the skin vigorously in a circular motion, this will help rid it of dead cells and activate the metabolism.
  • 1-2 times a week our skin needs deep cleansing. Try to do it, they contain large abrasive particles that remove the top layer of dead skin cells, which starts the process of cell renewal and our skin becomes smooth and tender. Also, this procedure preserves the tone and elasticity of the skin and prevents the appearance of cellulite. The scrub is applied to a wet body with massage movements. Legs, hips, buttocks and arms are massaged intensively, but the stomach, chest, neck and décolleté should be massaged gently and gently. It is advisable to leave the scrub on the body for 3-5 minutes, then rinse off.
  • After cleansing (and especially after scrubbing), moisturizing, softening or moisturizing agents should be applied to the body. nutrients. It can be lotions, milk, creams, gels, oils, balms or body mousses. In winter, the texture of your body wash should be more oily and nourishing (body butter works well) to protect your skin from the effects of cold, dry indoor air, and synthetic fabrics. In summer, its texture may be lighter. should be given Special attention elbows, knees, neck and décolleté, it is these areas that, with insufficient care, give out a woman's age, and sometimes add a couple of extra years to her. You should also not apply body products too often: 1-2 times a day is enough.
  • While applying body products, it is very useful to do self-massage. Choose the hand massager that suits you (there are a huge range of them on the market) and after applying the body product, massage your body thoroughly with the massager. Hips, buttocks and sides should be massaged more intensively than other parts of the body. You can also ask your partner to give you a relaxing massage using special cream and oils. It will be a real compliment for your skin.
  • Bath and sauna are also very useful for the skin. Such procedures stimulate the normal work sweat glands which is often violated. During the reception in the bath and sauna, our skin gets rid of harmful toxins and poisons. Also, our pores, during such procedures, open and the dirt, sweat and excess fat that have eaten into them leave our body along with sweat. At the same time, the condition of the skin improves and all metabolic processes in the skin return to normal. Some time after the bath (or sauna), be sure to stop sweating, apply a nourishing cream or body oil to the skin.
  • Just a magical effect is exerted not only on the skin, but also on the whole body by physical exercises. Thanks to the regular implementation of which, your skin will always be in good shape and shine with its beauty, due to the flow of blood to it during exercise, which provides it with active saturation with oxygen and all nutrients. Do a small 15-20 minute warm-up in the morning to activate and invigorate your body, as well as an intense workout in the afternoon, after which a contrast shower is very appropriate. This will give you not only a beautiful toned figure and elastic skin but also excellent health and good health.
  • And of course, do not forget about the correct and good nutrition. No wonder they say: “We are what we eat!”. For the normal functioning of your skin, and accordingly for its attractive appearance, your body must receive daily essential vitamins and minerals. You can read about what vitamins and microelements are vital for our skin and about their mandatory daily amount.

A set of physical exercises

on every day

For the health of the body and its proper functioning, it is important to physical state. Even if there is no time for the gym or fitness, it is necessary to give the body every day physical exercise. We have developed for you a set of meditation exercises for every day, which are best done in the morning as a charge. So, we turn on relaxing music for relaxation or meditation and proceed to perform all the stages of the set of exercises, we do all the exercises smoothly, we keep our breathing even and peaceful, we think about something pleasant and sublime, we feel every movement, we imagine how light our body is, as in it circulates energy and passes right up to the fingertips:

  • First stage Let's loosen our neck. We stand straight, legs shoulder-width apart, tilt our heads forward - backward - right - left (we repeat the entire chain 10 times). Next, we make circular movements of the head in one direction 10 times and in the other 10 times.
  • Second phase- stretch the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. We take our hands in the castle and make rotational circular movements in the hands 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise. Next, we open our arms and raise them up, hold an even breath and begin to stretch up, leaving our shoulders and the whole body in place, only our arms stretch, we feel how the fingertips stretch up (we do this exercise for 1 minute). Now we place the handles to the sides parallel to the floor with the palms down, we only stretch our arms to the sides, leaving the shoulders and the whole body in place (we do this exercise for 1 minute).
  • Third stage- muscles of the back and legs. We sit comfortably on the floor, put our hands behind our backs, gently tilt our heads back and try to achieve a state in which you will feel how the muscles of your arms, back and lumbar region stretch, close your eyes and meditate to the music in this position for 1 minute. Next, we sit exactly in the starting position and lean forward, trying to reach our toes with our hands, while our knees are even, we try to freeze in this position for 5 seconds to start, then 10 and so on with time up to 1 minute, relax in this position.

This completes the set of meditation and warm-up exercises, after which you will need to feel cheerful, relaxed, you will have good mood and energy for the whole day.

How to choose body cosmetics

Whether it's dear or budget cosmetics, it may contain substances that are very harmful to the skin and regular use can harm. The WB team wants to help you choose good means and rid your skin of trouble. Next, we will describe the chemicals that should not be in your cosmetics.

Harmful substances that cosmetics can contain and what is fraught with its use:

  • Sodium laureth and lauryl sulfate - when using products containing this chemical compound, fat is removed from the skin by oxidation, while the skin turns red, rashes and itching appear. It is also dangerous for hair - it contributes to hair loss and dandruff.
  • Parabens - when using gels, shampoos, etc. with content given substance media reports increase the risk of breast cancer. Although there was no direct confirmation of this fact, it has been proven that it causes allergies, irritations and accelerates the aging process of the skin.

If the list chemical substances long, and there are no natural additives at all, we strongly do not recommend that you use such cosmetics.

Also an indicator of the unnaturalness of funds is strong smell, which is the result of the work of chemists and, of course, is of little benefit to the body.

Advice: The WB team advises not to skimp on beauty. If there is a choice between cosmetics that are more expensive, but natural, and cheaper, but stuffed with chemical compounds, then choose naturalness. Treat those side effects, which can be more expensive when using a low-grade product, and your body will definitely not forgive this just like that.

What are the types of skin

and what are their features

Oily skin - problems with this type of skin will disappear if you properly care for it following our advice. For washing and washing, you should use special gels and foams for oily skin, you need to rub them evenly and gently, and not in a hurry, about two minutes. It is strongly not recommended to use ordinary soap, which can only enhance the effect of oily skin. Also, do not use alcohol-based cleansers, as after using such products, the effect of oily skin may increase. Use gentle gels and other means.

Dry skin- This is a variant of the skin type in which the upper layer of the skin is deficient in moisture, and the lower ones try to compensate for it. Due to such processes, the skin experiences discomfort, the skin turns pale due to a slowdown in metabolism, and the skin becomes more susceptible to disease. To improve the condition of your skin you need:

a) do scrubs and exfoliating procedures, you need to do them often, at least 2 times a week, to allow the top layer to be updated.

b) use lotions, gels, etc. detergents which will not dry the skin even more, after bathing, smear with a moisturizer or other moisturizers
c) nourish the skin, do moisturizing procedures with the help of masks and creams.

normal skin type– this type of skin is characterized by a normal moisture balance in the skin, such skin has healthy shine, elasticity and firmness, no wrinkles. But if you are lucky and you have this type of skin, this does not mean at all that it does not need care, but rather, on the contrary, you need to preserve its excellent characteristics, since it will be much more difficult and sometimes even impossible to restore them. Make masks, baths, try to use natural gels, shampoos and other detergents that do not contain those bad substances that are described above.

Body scrubs at home

Body scrub is very common and effective. cosmetic procedure beauty salons. Such a procedure can be carried out calmly and without any effort at home with the same amazing effect on the skin. To do this, you do not need to purchase expensive store-bought scrubs at all, you can easily and on a budget prepare a body scrub at home, the effect of which will be no worse, and sometimes even better than after purchased ones. On this moment There are many recipes for homemade scrubs, the best of which we have collected on this site especially for you. So, choose your favorite scrub and get better every day, admiring the men around you and making the girls jealous!

Body scrub with orange peel


Orange peel - 1 tbsp. l.

Almonds - 2 tbsp. l.

Olive oil - 1 tsp

How to apply:

  1. Grind the zest and nuts in a coffee grinder and mix with the oil.
  2. Apply the scrub with circular massaging movements on the body.
  3. Intensely massage problem areas and the whole body for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave the scrub on your body for 10 minutes.
  5. Wash clean, warm water.

Coffee scrub with almond oil


Ground coffee or coffee grounds - 2 tbsp. l.

Almond oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Essential oil of citrus fruits (bergamot, mandarin, orange or grapefruit) - 4-5 drops

How to apply:

  1. Stay with the scrub on the body for 3 minutes.
  2. Take a contrast shower.

Scrub for weight loss with orange oil


Sea salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Essential oil of orange - 6 drops

How to apply:

  1. Combine the ingredients in a separate bowl and mix well.
  2. Spread it on a wet body with massaging movements and carefully massage problem areas for 10 minutes.
  3. Stay with the scrub on the body for 7 minutes.
  4. Rinse your body with warm water.

Sugar scrub with cinnamon


Sugar (preferably brown) - 2 tbsp. l.

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l.

Essential oil of orange - 4 drops

How to apply:

  1. Combine the ingredients in a separate bowl and mix well.
  2. Spread it on a wet body with massaging movements and carefully massage problem areas for 10 minutes.
  3. Stay with the scrub on the body for 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse your body with warm water.

Body baths at home

Body baths are one of the key elements of body care. With their help, our body is cleansed of the sweat, fat, dust and dirt accumulated during the day, and also relieve us of fatigue and heaviness.

Our site contains many recipes for body baths that have a relaxing, soothing, rejuvenating, moisturizing or invigorating effect, and can even help you lose weight.

Make body bathing a pleasant and healthy procedure!

Milk and honey bath

Saturated with vitamins and microelements, perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


Milk - 0.5 l

Honey - 5 tbsp. l.

Sea salt - 6 tbsp. l.

Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to apply:

  1. Heat milk and dissolve honey in it.
  2. Add salt and oil to it and mix everything well.
  3. Pour this mixture into a bath of warm water.
  4. Rinse your body with warm clean water and pat dry with a soft towel.

Bath with essential oils

Valerian - soothes and prevents insomnia.

Sandalwood oil - relaxes and helps the cardiovascular system.

Rose oil - helps with depression, soothes and pacifies.

Patchouli - removes nervous tension, disinfects and relaxes.

Neroli - relaxes and relieves nervous tension.

Melissa - relaxes and soothes, also refreshes the skin.

Lavender - helps with stress and depression, relieves muscle pain, relaxes and soothes.


Milk - 1.5 l

Honey - 150 g

Salt (cooking or iodized) - 400 g

Sour cream - 200 g

How to apply:

  1. Warm up the milk a little.
  2. Melt our honey in a water bath.
  3. In a bowl, combine milk with honey.
  4. In a separate container, mix salt with sour cream, you get a kind of scrub.
  5. Scrub the body with massaging circular movements, wait 5 minutes and then rinse it off.
  6. Pour the milk-honey mixture into the filled bath.
  7. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Rinse your body with clean water and pat dry with a soft towel.
  9. Enjoy the beauty of your skin.

Rose oil bath

After taking such a bath, your skin will become smooth and tender.


Milk - 1l

Honey - ½ cup

Dry rose petals - 1 cup

Olive oil - 200 ml

How to apply:

  1. Pour dry petals with oil and heat in a water bath for 2 hours, then strain through cheesecloth and pour into a filled bath.
  2. Warm up the milk a little.
  3. Melt honey in a water bath, then dissolve it in milk.
  4. Pour the composition into our bath.
  5. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Rinse your body in the shower and pat dry with a towel.

orange bath

Visibly tightens the skin and makes it smooth and silky, it is also anti-cellulite.


Orange - 5 pcs.

Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Water - 0.5 l

How to apply:

  1. Squeeze juice from citrus fruits.
  2. Mix it with oil and warm water.
  3. Pour into a stocked tub of cool water.
  4. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

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Women tirelessly seek out wrinkles, bumps and roughness on their bodies. Age is a very unpleasant matter, cosmetic persuasions and all sorts of aspirations of beauties to maintain elasticity and gloss are not arguments for him. The skin of the previously attractive thighs becomes decrepit, the hands swell, and the silkiness is greatly reduced in case of insufficient or improper care behind the body.

Of course, modern high-tech methods of resurrecting youth pleasantly amaze lovers cardinal changes. But the main rule of attractiveness at any age remains regular home care behind the body. Attractive appearance is the result of monitoring nutrition, the amount of physical activity and the correct cosmetic care. It is these three whales that keep the fragile island of health and beauty of any person afloat.

Body care at home

To begin with, everyone needs to review the arsenal of body wash products.

Soaps and gels have been in a global battle for several years - many experts talk about the inappropriateness of showering in the company plain soap, based on data on its detrimental effect on the acid balance and so exhausted modern life human skin. Shower gels conditionally meet these requirements and significantly expand the functionality of bathing. With them, you can the softest peeling and saturate the skin with oils.

Body wraps

After a properly carried out washing, you can please the body with a wrap. Body care at home includes not only elementary hygiene instilled by parents, but also regular stimulation of skin cells to restore and increase its tone. Wrapping is a profitable way to bring the areas of the body affected by cellulite and stretch marks back to normal.

hot wrap

At home and, it would seem, very limited conditions You can fully carry out both a hot wrap and an invigorating cold one. For this, the most famous Dead Sea mud, high-quality brown algae or homemade mixtures are often used. For cooking home composition for hot wrapping you will need the following components:

  • 50 g of ordinary finely ground coffee (the price category will not affect the result in any way);
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • a little warm and low-fat milk (do not use too hot).

Preparation and application of the mixture

In a tall and sturdy bowl, mix coffee and warmed milk, as a result of their combination, a thick porridge should form. It is necessary to pour the prepared oil into it in a thin stream, after mixing, the mixture must be slowly distributed over the entire surface of the body parts that have fallen out of favor, and covered with several layers of strong food film.

Such body care includes changing temperature regime body, so the next step is to wrap the body in a warm blanket. The time interval of the procedure ranges from 40-60 minutes, after which you can safely wash off the remnants of the cream.

Cold wrap

No less popular is the cold wrap. Due to the cooling effect, such body care helps to significantly reduce the amount of fluid in the upper layers of the skin, significantly increase its tone and relieve treacherous puffiness. Before cold procedure it will not be superfluous to carry out peeling with the help of sugar scrub and a cleansing shower, the pores of the skin must open.

Next, you can proceed to the wrap itself. Armed with a few selected potatoes, you need to prepare a mixture. Potatoes should be grated and mixed with a few drops of anti-cellulite essential oils (orange, grapefruit). After applying the resulting base to the skin, it must be wrapped with several layers of cling film. It is not worth warming up during a cold wrap. The body will have to work hard on its own to heat the body without the help of clothing.

Body lotions

Next comes the turn of women's favorite body care products - lotions. them in last years became especially numerous. Anti-cellulite, moisturizing-invigorating, nourishing - it is worth plunging into the world of these colorful bottles and jars! After such sophisticated torture as a cleansing shower and body wrap, you need to "appease" the skin with a light but nourishing lotion. At home, you can use a dry lotion that has proven itself. It is easy to apply in a circular motion and does not leave behind a treacherous greasy traces on sheets and clothes.

Homemade lotion with oils

Body skin care is often based on self-preparation of products - so the quality will be excellent, and the cooking procedure itself will allow you to relax. A mixture of honey, lemon and olive oils will be a wonderful and fragrant assistant in personal care. To be effective, honey and olive oil must be taken in equal parts, while lemon oil should be added no more than 3-4 drops (for starters, you should limit yourself to two drops). Rub the product into the skin, rinse after twenty minutes.

No less important is the care of the skin of the body dry and normal type- for them, a cocktail of sesame and almond oils. Equal proportions of oils must be mixed, applied to cleansed skin and rubbed with slow, even movements over its entire surface.

Many fashionistas start body care before summer season. Such a reckless event can end very sadly - the skin will never change for such short term, and the efforts spent will put pressure on the psyche. Only regular procedures can lead to significant results.

Therefore, body and face care must be comprehensive, and it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of an arsenal of products. You should not risk your appearance by chasing brands and magazine tips. The skin of the face is always in sight, under the constant influence of ultraviolet radiation and bad weather. It is she who needs to carry out regular restoration actions.

Minimal, but effective care behind the body and face is a simple trio: it is a gentle cleansing, proper hydration and concise nutrition. Clean delicate dry and normal skin Faces need soft milk - its action is much more accurate than soaps or tonics. It is worth applying the liquid not on cotton wool or a swab, but on the hand itself (before this, hands should be thoroughly washed). Rinse off any product should be slightly cool water. Oily skin is subject only to foam. It is her bubbles that can properly open the pores and wash off the sebaceous particles.

Facial rinse and cream application

The contrast rinsing of the face perfectly tones the skin - the regime of a sharp change in water temperature gives the cells vigor and strength. Moisturizing and nourishing creams it is also worth applying according to the established regulations: daytime - 30-45 minutes before going out and nightly - 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. So the skin will have the optimal amount of time to absorb all the active substances.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know what body and face care should be. We hope that thanks to our tips you will be able to make your skin smoother.

At home is the only possible way take care of your beauty. Do not be upset if you do not have time or opportunity to visit beauty or SPA salons, since you can also carry out most of the procedures effectively and efficiently at home. We should also not forget that the success of any event depends, first of all, on the internal mood, so let's assume that we take care of our body at home, because we like it, and not because the nearest salon is several kilometers away or there are sky-high prices. prices.

A little cream or unrefined sunflower oil mix with coffee grounds. Rub the mixture all over the body and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash away.

Oatmeal scrub.

finely ground cereals mix with liquid natural honey and apply to the skin after taking a bath.

ground coffee for scrub

Mix finely ground coffee beans with honey, sour cream or olive oil. Rub the mixture well all over the body, leave for a few minutes, and then rinse.

Scrub mask with honey and salt.

Mix a glass of finely ground sea salt with two large spoons of powdered milk and two large spoons of blue clay. Add 1/3 cup honey and 1/3 cup jojoba oil. This scrub can be used not only for the body, but also for the face. in a circular motion rub the mixture into damp skin, let it sit on the skin for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse off.

To get rid of body fat and reduce it, it is very effective to do hot or cold wraps for the skin. These cosmetic procedures should be carried out only on problem areas. The following ingredients can be used for wraps: mud (thermal mud, Dead Sea mud or mud based on clay), clay, kelp, honey, anti-cellulite oils, green tea or ground coffee beans. For a cold wrap, mint or natural menthol is also added.

Wrapping should be done as follows: apply the selected composition to the problem area of ​​the body, wrap with a thin cling film, cover with a warm blanket and wait at least 30-40 minutes.

The difference between hot and cold wraps lies in the principle of impact on the body. Hot - warms, opens pores, stimulates the breakdown and removal of fats. Cold, due to the addition of cooling substances, on the contrary, cools the body and constricts blood vessels. In this case, the body spends a lot of energy in order to warm up. As a result of a cold wrap, edema disappears, slags and toxins are removed along with the lymphatic fluid, fatigue disappears and skin bumpiness decreases.

Get rid of this cosmetic defect How loose skin and you can increase the tone with the help of contrasting wraps. That is, problem areas are first heated and then cooled.

Baths have an excellent healing and tonic effect on the skin. For example, once a week you can indulge yourself with such a procedure as "Cleopatra's bath". To do this, prepare a mixture of banana pulp, butter, yogurt, honey and milk (take all components in equal proportions). Rub the resulting mixture into the skin and after a couple of minutes, immerse yourself in a bath of warm water. After twenty minutes, simply rinse the body with clean water.

In an attempt to keep a youthful face, to warn early wrinkles and drying of the skin, beautiful ladies often forget about body care. Yes, the skin of the body is denser, it has less sebaceous glands and it ages much more slowly, but if the process has begun, it is almost impossible to reverse it. It is easier to prevent the onset of unpleasant changes by doing simple daily procedures care at home, observing the daily routine and nutrition.

The human body is an ideal system that is able to independently regulate its metabolic processes, maintain health and beauty. So it was as long as people bathed in spring water, ate exclusively homemade products and did not use chemical skin cleansers. When we moved to the cities, began to use chlorinated water and soap, to eat non-natural products, the skin began to lose its ability to regenerate and maintain youth on its own. The beauty and health of the body has become a luxury and the cherished goal of many women.

The process of withering of the skin of the body is slower than that of the skin of the face and becomes noticeable by the age of 35-40. By this age, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and flaky. The arms, legs, thighs and buttocks are the first to suffer. in these areas the smallest number of sebaceous glands, without emergency assistance after a couple of years, they are joined by the back, neck and décolleté. Timely care, exercise and proper nutrition will help prevent this.

1. Basic rules for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin

Staying young starts with understanding what the body needs to maintain balance and regulation. metabolic processes. The concept of "care" includes not only timely water procedures and applying moisturizer. The skin and body of a person, like a mirror, reflect the internal state of the whole organism, to maintain it at the proper level it is necessary. If you exclude unnatural products in the form of chips, crackers, chemical sweets and drinks from your diet, give up cigarettes and excessive alcohol, much less toxins will accumulate in the body, and this will positively affect external state body.

Hotel attention should be paid to compliance drinking regime. Drunk daily intake pure water able to nourish the skin with moisture from the inside and provide it with a decent appearance.

In order for the skin to look healthy, the muscles of the body must also remain in good shape. To do this, it is not necessary to be a professional athlete or disappear in the aerobics hall every day, the usual morning work-out. A few physical exercises in the morning will increase blood flow, maintain muscle tone and help the body wake up.

Useful procedures are massage, aromatherapy and SPA-care for tired and weakened skin. By wrapping, rubbing and nourishing the surface of the body with professional products, the skin becomes dense, smooth and silky. In addition, visiting the salon itself brings girls pleasure and cheers up, which also has a positive effect on appearance and well-being.

2. Secrets of body care at home

Unfortunately, nutrition and exercise alone are not enough to maintain good body condition. If there is no time, opportunity or desire to attend expensive cosmetic procedures, even minimal care at home will help save the situation.

There are several mandatory steps that must be followed when caring for the body:
1. Purification. This is the first and mandatory step before any cosmetic procedure, it is impossible to apply moisturizing and nourishing products to uncleaned skin, otherwise they will become an excellent breeding ground for harmful bacteria. The water in the shower should not be too hot or cold, ideal temperature 37º. It is not advisable to use the usual toilet soap it dries out the skin too much. It is better to give preference to gels with the addition of essential oils and vitamins.
2. Scrubbing and deep cleaning. This is not an obligatory stage of daily personal hygiene, it is advisable to scrub 1-2 times a week. Thanks to this stage of cleansing, dead cells are exfoliated, the skin becomes smoother and silky. For this, there are many professional tools, but no less effective are simple recipes home scrubs. The most common of them: coffee scrub, salt with honey, ground peach or apricot kernels, oatmeal. The dry component must be mixed a little with honey, oil or just water and applied with massage movements from the bottom up, hold the scrub on the body for 5-7 minutes, then rinse.
3. Moisturizing and nourishing. This is very milestone body skin care, it should not be missed even if there is no free time and a limited budget. Facial cosmetics are no longer suitable tight skin body, these funds should contain more fatty oils and moisturizing ingredients. At the same time, body cosmetics should be quickly absorbed and not leave marks on clothes and bed linen. Moisturize and nourish the skin after each shower or bath, evenly distributing the product throughout the body.

If a woman has skin problems in the form of rashes, stretch marks or cellulite, you can use by special means that reduce these problems. So to fight the effect orange peel products containing cayenne pepper are well suited, and for rashes and redness, chamomile and aloe vera extracts are indicated. They can be included in any of the stages of body care, maximum effect can be achieved if you use a whole series of tools that replace all stages.

3. Selection of cosmetics, depending on the type of skin

Secret beautiful skin body lies in correct selection cosmetic care products. The most common and affordable option is the cream and its varieties in the form of mousses, milk, gels and balms. All of them differ from each other in consistency and fat content, they should be selected individually for each type of skin.

If on the street hot weather and the skin type is not too dry, then you should give preference to light options for creams and mousses. They will absorb quickly enough and do not leave an unpleasant sticky feeling on the skin. Do not neglect the presence of SPF filters in the composition of care products, in sunny weather this necessary measure protection from hazardous radiation.

In winter, the skin suffers from drying out due to heating and constant contact with synthetic clothing She needs extra nourishment and hydration. In this case ideal solution will fatty creams And natural oils. Along with specialized body products containing grape and peach seed oils, primrose or rose, you can use the usual base oils such as olive or coconut. You can add a few drops of vitamin A or E to the cream on your own, this will also help improve the condition and appearance of the skin, add elasticity and tone to it.

A woman who looks and feels good. For supporting perfect image not much is needed, just timely body and hair care, manicure, moderate physical activity, and compliance with the drinking regimen.

While we are young, fit and slender, the thought that the beauty of our own body can evaporate does not bother us much. No, of course, every girl is aware that beauty and health are by no means eternal companions of our life, and over time they pass. But, despite the fact that we all know how important quality care behind the body, for some reason, many of us simply ignore its elementary requirements.

If referring to own body carelessly, it will answer you the same. It is from here that the roots of many problems “grow”, including cellulite, a sagging figure, unhealthy state skin. If you do not want to get acquainted with these complexities on personal experience time to take immediate action! We hope that our review on body care will be useful to you.

Step 1: We are what we eat

A beautiful figure not only in youth, but also in adulthood can remain an unattainable dream if you do not follow the diet. That is why you will have to balance your diet as much as possible, including more fruits and vegetables, herbs, foods rich in useful trace elements and vitamins. Reducing the consumption of sweet and starchy foods, as well as alcohol, will not be superfluous.

In addition, it is important to eat in small portions, but often - your daily diet should be divided into 5-6 meals.

And, of course, you can forget about filling up at night.

Step 2: Take a contrast shower

The undoubted benefit of this procedure is that if you take a contrast shower regularly, you will not only be able to improve the condition of the skin, but also improve your health by increasing the body's resistance to viruses. In addition, the contrast effect of water different temperatures makes it possible to improve the condition of blood vessels and gives you cheerfulness for the whole day.

Step 3: Warmth Conquers Evil

Even our ancestors knew how beneficially they affect general condition health systematic trips to the bath or sauna. The thermal effect on the body can literally work wonders - improve the condition of the circulatory system, strengthen blood vessels, remove toxins along with sweat, help speed up metabolic processes, and simply improve mood. But you need to remember that visiting a bath or sauna may have contraindications, therefore, if you have hypertension, heart and vascular diseases, problems with the spine from the acute stage, you should refrain from this procedure.

Step 4: Get Your Skin Care System Right

The skin of the body undeservedly gets where less attention than facial skin. But this is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that proper body care is impossible without the familiar three-stage system, which includes cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. That is, the same thing with which we pamper the face should also go to the body. But at the same time, remember that saving on cosmetics in this case is not worth it - the fact is that facial cosmetics, if used for the body, simply will not give the desired effect.

The skin is cleansed while taking a shower, especially if you use a hard washcloth or a special massage mitt. Also, cleansing occurs while you soak in the bath. Just remember that the water should not be too hot - otherwise you can even harm the skin. The use of scrubs is another effective step in business. deep cleansing skin.

As for nutrition and hydration, the selection of cosmetics should be based on what type of skin you have.

By the way, keep in mind that it is especially important to provide decent nutrition and hydration to the skin at a time when it simply needs it - in the summer heat and during the period of central heating.

Step 5: Choosing a lotion and cream

If your skin is oily or combination, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​using creams with a dense texture - light fluids and lotions will do you much more good in this case. If the skin is dry, prone to peeling, then you simply cannot do without a cream or body oil. It is best to apply any of these products after you have taken a shower or bath.

Step 6: sport is the head of everything!

A beautiful figure is unthinkable without regular exercise. And even if you are a naturally slender and not prone to fullness girl, you should not think that this will always be the case. With age, even the most slender of us can face, if not fullness, then certainly flabby muscles and sagging skin. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to choose the sport that you like best and devote time to it regularly. Pilates, yoga, strength training, running, walking, cardio - any of this should be included in your daily routine if your goal is a beautiful figure.

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Step 7: Massage Time

Even if you can't afford to go to the massage parlor too often, choose a period of time when you go to a specialist, and the rest of the time, do self-massage. Moreover, if you have problems with your figure, you can choose an anti-cellulite massage, and if you just want to relax and gain strength, a simple classic session will do. also in Lately growing in popularity Thai massage- it also has a positive effect on the condition of the body.

Step 8: Take time to relax

Be sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Someone may say that sleep and the state of the body are in no way connected, but this is not true. Really feeling chronic fatigue, which appears if you do not constantly fill up, can result in muscle flabbiness and stoop.

Step 9: Down With Synthetics

No matter how practical underwear from synthetic materials wearing it all the time is too risky. The fact is that artificial fabrics cannot provide the body with the ventilation it needs, and can also cause skin irritation. Therefore, it is best to give preference to natural linen.