Foot care - the most effective tips, methods and methods. Foot care at home - recipes

8 043 1 Every woman knows that you need to use creams for the face, hands, regularly exfoliate the body, and do not neglect hair conditioners. But not everyone knows and knows how to properly care for their feet, feet and nails. But nice legs is that part female body which 90% of men pay attention to. They are subjected to a huge load every day, because they must withstand the weight of our body. Therefore, foot care involves regular procedures for their improvement. So, how to properly care for the feet at home.

Our feet, heels need love and care no less than other parts of the body. Knowing some tricks, you can improve, unload, moisturize and pamper your feet, spending a minimum of time and money.

  1. Regularly, i.e. daily spend a few minutes on the feet and legs (apply a nourishing cream, massage them);
  2. wear comfortable shoes, avoid big heels;
  3. Walk barefoot more often on grass, sand, pebbles;
  4. Once a week, remove the coarsened layer of skin on the feet, do a pedicure;
  5. Periodically visit a beautician or pedicurist who will produce a professional, comprehensive care behind the legs;
  6. If you have problems associated with a fungal infection, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.
  7. In saunas, swimming pools, hotel showers, etc. do not go barefoot, so as not to "catch" the fungus or something like that.

A girl, a woman who has seriously decided to take care of her legs, should know and have an idea about all the procedures that are designed to give a second youth to her legs. This:

  • Baths with herbs and aroma oils;
  • Foot masks;
  • Massage of the lower extremities;
  • Pedicure;
  • Peeling feet, heels, shins.

Regular foot care is the key to healthy feet

All foot care procedures can be divided into daily and weekly procedures.

Every day you can pamper your feet:

  • massage- it perfectly relieves tension, fatigue of the lower extremities. Contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins.
  • Trays- depending on the content of the foot bath, it can tone, relax, relieve swelling, fatigue, and even produce a healing effect.
  • Cleansing procedures- while taking a shower, rub your feet and legs with a stiff brush. So you clear the skin and activate blood circulation.
  • Nourishing, moisturizing creams.

No more than once a week, but regularly, the feet should be cleaned of rough skin. To do this, you need to steam the feet for 15-20 minutes in warm water, after which remove the stratum corneum with a pumice stone or a special scraper.

After cleansing, you can apply a foot mask that will moisturize the skin and help get rid of cracks, calluses and corns.

Once every 7-14 days, do not forget about the pedicure, where pay special attention to the nails.

Causes of leg discomfort

There can be many reasons for discomfort. Foot health is affected by both internal and external factors.

First, it is a sedentary lifestyle, overweight. Because of sedentary work the blood circulation of the lower extremities is disturbed, as a result of which swelling and dryness of the feet appear.

Secondly, the wrong shoes. This can lead to the appearance of corns, corns.

Thirdly, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene can cause various fungal infections.

Fourth, an ineptly done pedicure will lead to ingrown nails and infection of the skin.

Nail care

It is equally important to take care of your toenails. They should be cut regularly, paying special attention to the technique of this procedure. An improperly cut nail causes an ingrown nail nail plate into the skin. Sometimes this can lead to surgical intervention. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

  • Cut the nail straight without rounding it;
  • File with smooth movements from right to left, or vice versa. This technique minimizes negative impact files on the nail and prevents its delamination;
  • Nail on thumb do not cut "at the root", it should be slightly longer than the rest.
  • The cuticle on the toes does not need to be cut, it is enough just to push it back with an orange stick, or other tool.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can not worry about the condition of the nails, because they will always be healthy.

What problems are fraught with ill-fitting shoes

At first glance, the legs are not the most important part of our body. Most of the year they are hidden under shoes, and some problems (cracks in the heels, fungal infection nails) can be "camouflaged" by wearing closed shoes. But neglecting foot health can lead to more serious problems that affect all organs. For example, wearing uncomfortable shoes, a woman runs the risk of rubbing a corn, due to discomfort, the foot takes wrong position, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly, it is deformed, and this entails problems associated with the normal functioning of the organs abdominal cavity. This is a slightly exaggerated situation, but quite real.

In addition to high heels, shoes that are too tight or too loose have a negative effect on the feet. Because of such boots, shoes, sneakers, the foot takes the wrong position, gradually deforms. In addition, no one is immune from the appearance of corns.

Shoes should be comfortable, comfortable, natural materials, with a normal heel height (it should not be felt).

Foot care products

The beauty industry offers a huge range of foot care products. There are quite a lot of them, each performs its function. They are divided into the following groups:

  1. Scrubs, peeling - products designed to remove dead cells. Apply to soft areas of the skin from the knees to the feet. It is recommended to use scrubs before the depilation procedure to prevent ingrown hairs. It is enough to carry out peeling every 7-10 days.
  2. masks - cosmetics that moisturize, nourish and saturate the skin useful substances. Pamper your feet with masks once a week after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed. This remedy You can buy at the store, or make your own from existing products.
  3. Foot bath products - a substance that is added to the water, where the feet are subsequently placed. Depending on the content, they are able to relax, reduce swelling of the feet, heal the skin, and even contribute to recovery from a cold. They can be used both daily and with a short period of time (from several days to a week). Foot baths can be done with the addition of:

Massage and gymnastics for legs

Foot and leg skin care in general involves such a pleasant procedure as massage and gymnastics. Scientists have proven that a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, massaging which you improve the functioning of all internal organs. In addition, massage improves blood circulation and activates the internal strength of the body.

Every day, with pressing and rubbing movements, walk along the entire foot, starting from the socks, moving to the heel. Pay special attention to each finger.

In addition to massage, the legs require special health-improving gymnastics. It is not complicated at all and takes a minimum of time and effort, and the effect is felt instantly.

  • standing in vertical position, get up on your toes and go down. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Walk on your toes around the perimeter of the room for a couple of minutes.
  • Stand on the inside of the foot and walk a few circles around the room, then change the position of the feet, standing on the outer edge of the foot.
  • In a sitting position, squeeze your toes with force, and then sharply unclench. Repeat the exercise 5 times for each leg.
  • Pick up an object from the floor with your toes.
  • While sitting at the table, roll the ball with your foot to improve blood circulation.

These few exercises will help restore vigor to the whole body and relieve tension after a hard day's work.

Never miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on grass, sand, pebbles. Even if you walk through the scattered children's designer on the carpet, then involuntarily perform a foot massage.

Foot care at home. Folk remedies

Foot care at home does not require a lot of special knowledge and skills. Making baths, masks, scrubs from existing products, you not only fill your legs with life, energy, but also practically do not spend money.

Sea salt bath

This bath can be done daily. in the pelvis with warm water pour a handful of sea salt (or ordinary table salt) and place tired feet there. After 15-20 minutes, there will be no trace of fatigue.

Contrast foot baths

Take 2 containers, pour warm water into one and cool water into the other. Alternately dip your feet in cold and warm bath. This procedure perfectly removes puffiness, but is contraindicated in case of varicose veins veins.

Baths with the addition of St. John's wort

Great for healing cracked heels. For such a procedure, you need 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort to pour 1 liter of boiling water.

egg mask

In 3 days, such a mask will eliminate bad smell foot sweat. You will need 1 a raw egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Beat the egg and mix with the rest of the ingredients. We apply the resulting mixture on the feet, after which we put on socks and go to bed. Wash off the mask in the morning.

Peeling with orange peels

Gently cleanses the skin and gives it healthy look. Dried up orange peels chop, add olive oil and apply the resulting mass on the skin with massage movements from the knees to the fingertips. Then rinse off with warm water.

Beautiful, healthy feet and heels are not a myth, but a reality. Every self-respecting woman should take care of her legs, because a girl is not at all difficult, does not require much time and money. Regularly cleansing the skin, using masks, massaging the feet, you can transform any legs beyond recognition. Please yourself with pleasant procedures, and then you will not be afraid of the problems associated with your legs.

In the fight for beautiful legs, a new electric file can also help you , which millions of women have already experienced.

Every day during the day, our legs undergo heavy loads, because they have to bear the weight of our body, often for high heels and in uncomfortable shoes, plus very often we carry something in our hands. In the conditions of an active lifestyle in the evening, each of us simply does not feel our own legs. Very often the thoughts come to lie down on a soft sofa and not move. And why not relax for the benefit of yourself?

Foot care at home

Regular foot care at home should consist of the following basic procedures:

  • Cleansing.
  • Massage.
  • Cream.

IN special attention feet need to be kept clean and free of roughness. To do this, with each wash, it is recommended to clean them with a pumice stone, after which they are wiped dry, and a cream is applied to them.

Before we start exploring all kinds of homemade foot baths, scrubs and masks for foot care, let's figure out what are the causes of corns and roughness.

Calluses on the legs and their causes

The main reasons for the formation of corns and roughness on the feet are as follows:

  • Dryness of the skin.
  • Standing lifestyle.
  • Uncomfortable shoes.
  • Permanent foot contacts with synthetics.
  • Missing care measures in general.
  • Long-term stay in closed shoes.

To avoid overdrying of the skin, and as a result, cracks and roughness, it is necessary to constantly exercise proper care behind the legs at home.

  • In the summer, before you go out, moisturize your feet with cream.
  • For better blood circulation, it is recommended to massage the feet with moisturizing oils. For this purpose, you can purchase specialized cosmetics or prepare a cream at home.
  • For well-groomed feet, prepare foot baths at least once every seven days and remove the stratum corneum from the surface of the skin.
  • Use pumice.
  • Never use a razor to get rid of rough skin, it damages the skin very much. It is better to steam your legs well and remove everything with a pumice stone.

Homemade baths will tell you how to give your heels softness. In this case, the components are selected in individually in every specific case. When choosing ingredients, always be guided by the type of your skin and personal taste. Similar baths are made from herbs, soap, soda, salt, etc.

Bath solutions

1. Skin softening bath

You will need: dry chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and water. All herbs are mixed with each other in equal proportions and poured with boiling water for fifteen minutes, after which the solution is filtered, and legs are lowered into it. It is necessary to soar the feet in the solution from twenty minutes to half an hour. proportions of water and herbal collection- one and a half liters of hot water is taken for forty-five grams of dry herbs.

2. White wine bath

Two hundred and fifty grams of wine is heated to bubbles on fire, after which fifteen grams of linden flowers are poured, mixed and boiled for five minutes. The finished broth is poured into a cup and feet are lowered into slightly cooled water for fifteen minutes. After the time has elapsed, the feet must be thoroughly rubbed with a stiff brush and again immersed in the decoction. After the bath, it is recommended to walk in the footsteps with a piece of pumice stone and lubricate them. olive oil or nourishing cream. This procedure should be carried out every thirty days.

3. Vnnochka on milk

Pour in two hundred and fifty grams of milk, the same amount of a viscous solution of soap, and forty-five grams of table or sea salt. When the salt crystals are completely dissolved, it is necessary to immerse the feet in the solution for half an hour. As water cools, you can add hot water.

4. Vinegar foot bath

Pour five tablespoons into a bowl of warm water apple cider vinegar, and steam in the resulting solution of the foot for no more than fifteen minutes. Then the legs are massaged with a soft washcloth, rough skin it is removed with a pumice stone, at the end of the foot they are rinsed in warm water and a cream is applied to them. This bath effectively helps to get rid of the rough skin of the feet.

5. Bath of soap and soda

Half a glass is poured into a liter of water baking soda and a quarter glass liquid soap. We put the feet in the resulting mixture and hold for about ten minutes, then with three brushes, at the end we apply the cream.

Presented available decoctions and solutions will provide minimal foot care at home for any of you.

Traditional medicine in the fight against corns

Now we will analyze foot care at home, folk remedies for corns.

Baking soda is great for corns. To do this, every day you need to do a soda bath. Just dissolve a spoonful of soda in a liter of water and hold your feet there. Then rinse your feet in water and dry with a towel, you can also anoint your feet with cream.

Another great remedy is a salt bath. The principle of preparation is the same as soda. It is recommended to use sea salt, but if it is not available, you can do with ordinary table salt.

No less effective folk remedy is aloe juice. This beautiful plant is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases, body and face care. Feet are also no exception to the use of aloe when foot care is needed at home. Reviews of aloe indicate that it helps to soften the skin of the heels and effectively helps to cleanse them of the stratum corneum. You need to cut a couple of fleshy leaves from the plant, cut them in half lengthwise, and attach the juicy pulp to the rough skin of the heels. Fix all this with a bandage and go to bed. In the morning, wash your feet with warm water and walk on them with a pumice stone, spread with your favorite cream.

Simple and effective foot care recipes

Foot care at home involves not only washing and cleansing the feet, it should also include measures to soften the skin of the heels.

In this case, the usual egg. We take only the protein and lubricate the feet with it, leave it for twenty minutes, after the time has elapsed, remove it with warm water.

Soften and make more fair skin stop will help mayonnaise with sour cream. They must also be applied over the entire surface of the foot and kept for at least forty minutes, then washed off.

Sometimes, due to lack of time, we neglect the care of the feet, and as a result, they become rough and cracked. Foot care at home will help us cure this ailment - folk remedies that can be found at the hostess in any kitchen. One of these is cabbage. We take a couple of sheets of fresh cabbage, grind them in a blender and apply the resulting slurry to the feet. We wrap the top with polyethylene and put on socks. After half an hour, remove the socks with the film, rinse your feet with warm water, wipe dry and rub the cream with massaging movements.

Corns - your "headache"?

Often we are faced with the problem of neglected calluses. Ordinary potatoes will help to say goodbye to them. To this end, do not throw away the potato peels after cooking, it is better to rinse them thoroughly and prepare a decoction that will help soften the skin. Thoroughly washed cleanings, pour a little water and cook over low heat until they are completely softened, you should get a slurry.

Before immersing in potatoes, legs should be well steamed in a solution of soda, and then lowered into a gruel of potato peelings and held for twenty minutes to half an hour. After that, the feet are washed in warm water and rubbed with a towel. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to actively rub the heels with a pumice stone, while the softened stratum corneum is easily erased. After cleansing the heels, apply cream.

Fast and effective heel care

In popular publications, headlines are very common: “Foot care at home: photos, before and after”, under which the dream heels are like those of a child, and instructions on how to achieve this result. Here we will now consider one of these methods.

So, in order for the heels to be soft and pink like a baby, it is not necessary to buy expensive products, ordinary oatmeal can help with this. Cooking oatmeal, as usual, with the addition of oil, put it in two bags, one for each leg, and place the feet there, put socks on top of the bags. It is recommended to walk in such “oatmeal socks”, the longer the better, at least an hour, and then the feet are simply washed with cool water. After this procedure, the feet become soft, and the heels are pink.

Variety of masks for our feet

Also included in foot care at home are masks. It is not difficult to prepare them, consider some recipe options that will help solve any problems with the skin of the legs without special efforts and costs.

1. Mask of celandine

Grind in a meat grinder or grind fresh celandine leaves in a blender and apply this porridge on the surface of the feet at night, in the morning everything is washed off with water.

2. Curd and sour cream mask

We mix cottage cheese and sour cream, smear the feet and wear for twenty minutes, rinse. These components perfectly moisturize the skin.

3. Olive oil

So that the skin of the feet is soft and velvety, lubricate them with olive oil.

To soften the skin of the foot, apply aloe gruel over the entire surface and leave for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

All famous foot masks are best applied at night, it is at night that our legs relax, and it's time to revive them.

When reading the article, you noticed that all home foot care - recipes - end with the application of a moisturizer to the feet. I would like to suggest a recipe. homemade cream for feet, which you can easily prepare yourself.

To do this, we need: vitamin A, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy and calendula ointment. We take part of the ointment and two vitamins "A", mix and place the resulting composition in a container with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

These are so simple and enough simple tips for the care of your legs will get rid of unnecessary imperfections, because your legs are worth it.

Beautiful well-groomed legs not given by nature. You have to constantly support them in perfect condition, resorting to folk and cosmetics. Clean skin, smooth heels and beautiful healthy nails- the result of regular and thorough care.

Foot care at home

Feet should be taken care of regularly and in a timely manner. This will help avoid several problems:

  • ingrown nails,
  • cracked heels,
  • calluses,
  • fungal diseases,
  • joint diseases.

There are three main principles for taking care of the skin of the feet - this is cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing. For care can be successfully used as purchased funds, and traditional medicine recipes.

A beneficial foot treatment is a massage that normalizes the circulation of the foot and provides it with rest. Gymnastic exercises put muscles and joints in order, preventing the development of a number of diseases.

Soothing baths and natural masks

The procedure for taking a foot bath is not only pleasant, but also useful. With the help of herbs and oils, you can get rid of many problems. The masks also keep the feet in order.
Foot baths:

  • With sea salt. Helps relax muscles and fights leg fatigue. For 2 liters of warm water, take 4 tablespoons of salt. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
  • With a decoction of chamomile or lime blossom. Such a bath is necessary for women whose legs are very swollen. Chamomile or linden flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes and added to bath water.
  • With essential oil. Baths normalize blood circulation, provide nutrition to the legs. Oil is selected depending on the problems. If the skin is dry and flaky, you need to add an essential extract of lavender, patchouli or ylang-ylang. Lemon will help with dry calluses.

Advice! With severe fatigue and pain in the legs, add 1 tbsp to the bath. l. sea ​​salt and 3 drops each of lavender and juniper essential oils.

To protect your feet from fungal diseases, add tea tree phytoessence to the bath - it has a disinfecting effect.

Foot masks do not have to be bought in the store. From the products available at home, you can cook healthy and nutritional formulations. The procedure should be carried out regularly, 1-2 times a week.

Homemade mask recipes:

  • To soften and whiten the legs, cottage cheese or sour cream is applied. Keep the mask for about an hour to achieve a good result.
  • With cracks, a mixture of rubbed raw potatoes(or starch) and chopped cabbage leaves. The mask is kept on the legs for 30 minutes.
  • To nourish the skin of the feet, a mixture of egg yolk, 2 spoons of honey and lemon juice. Keep no more than 30 minutes.

After the procedure, rinse the feet with cool water and apply a nourishing cream. Baths and masks relax and tone up, tension, fatigue and pain in the legs that have accumulated during the day disappear.

Massage and gymnastics in the care of legs and feet

There are many nerve endings on the skin of the feet, so massage helps to relax it and improve blood circulation. Daily procedure Applying a moisturizing foot cream can become even more pleasant if you stroke and knead the skin with your hands. Massage is done from 5 to 15 minutes. Thanks to him, the legs get rid of fatigue.

Attention! Foot massage is contraindicated in diabetics due to impaired metabolic processes in organism.

You don't need to be a professional to perform the procedure. Just pay attention to every millimeter of the skin of the foot, not forgetting about the toes. Massage favorably affects not only the condition of the legs, it improves the health of the whole organism as a whole. Gymnastics of the foot kneads the joints and bones. It serves as a preventive measure for various diseases.


  1. Without getting out of bed, draw numbers or letters in the air thumb legs.
  2. Lay out on the floor small items different shapes and textures. Now with your toes try to collect them (raise).
  3. Roll a small ball alternately with both feet on the floor.
  4. Tighten the toes of one leg with an elastic band and try to stretch it. Repeat for the other limb.
  5. Rise and fall on your toes on your toes, standing on a flat surface.
  6. Sitting on the floor, legs straight and together, stretch your feet towards you and away from you.

Such simple exercises relieve you of any kind of pain with tired legs, strengthen the joints and muscles, including the calves. A video about massage will help you take better care of your feet and relieve tired legs at the end of the working day.

How to take care of your nails

Nails should only be trimmed in a straight line to avoid ingrown nails. It is easiest to cut them after steaming your legs in the bath. Next, you need to move the cuticle, give desired shape apply varnish if necessary.

Attention! Be sure to consult a doctor at the first signs of a fungus - yellowing, thickening and dryness of the nail plate. The disease spreads rapidly, making the nails brittle and brittle.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

Shoes should be made from high quality natural materials. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, and the skin of the legs is in the "steam room" all day, it sweats, provoking the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and increasing the risk of rubbing corns.

For everyday use, it is better to choose a 2-5 cm heel. Shoes with too high or missing heels cause damage to the foot irreparable harm and increases the possibility of injury.

Choose models according to the size and fullness of the leg. You can't expect shoes to wear out over time. The small size is very bad for the condition of the nails. The sole must be flexible. IN summer time choose predominantly open shoes to let the skin breathe.

Useful video


Foot care is not easy, but the result is healthy and beautiful legs. Even at home, you can achieve the desired effect. It should be taken into account, the type of skin and the presence of existing problems with the nails or feet. From the first time, whether it is a bath or peeling, it is impossible to get a perfect result. Only regular thorough care will bring the skin of the legs and nails in order.


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Verified Information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

In order for your legs to always look perfect, you need to constantly take care of them, do special moisturizing and cleansing procedures for the legs so that they are elastic and elastic. If this is not done, the skin on the legs and feet will become rough, the heels will begin to crack, which will subsequently lead to.

And besides, this leads to the development of complexes in women that prevent them from wearing open shoes or just walking barefoot along the beach. And how to carry out at home, we will now tell you.

Cleansing procedures

Cleansing procedures should be carried out at home regularly. It is necessary at least once a week to clean the feet from dead cell particles. To do this, you need to steam your feet in warm water and treat their skin with a pumice stone or a stiff brush. Just don't use a razor! This severely damages the skin, making it painful and rough.

After you have completely removed dead cells from the skin, dry your feet and treat them with a nourishing cream. Put cotton socks on top and leave them overnight. If you carry out such a procedure weekly, your heels will never form, and the skin will be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Such home care behind the legs not only improves the appearance of the foot, but also heals the skin, relieves fatigue and prevents.

Foot care at home

It should be noted that proper foot care also implies the use of various baths, especially in the summer, when we wear open shoes, as a result of which the skin is constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

In the summer, we are often faced with such a problem as. And it is from this scourge that baths will help us. They should be carried out using a decoction of medicinal herbs, which will not only help eliminate irritation and swelling, but also moisturize and nourish the skin.

At home, for proper foot care, you can use the following herbs to prepare decoctions:

  • St. John's wort, nettle and mint (they cleanse the skin and refresh it);
  • oak bark and thyme (help reduce sweating of the feet);
  • chamomile or clip color (relieve swelling, prevent the reproduction of pathogens).

It is also useful to add various essential oils, which favorably affect the condition of the legs, are regularly used in beauty salons for professional foot care.

Baths with the addition of sea salt are considered especially useful. It not only tones and cleanses the skin of the feet, but is also an excellent prophylactic against fungal infections.

Foot care at home will help you not only give them a beautiful appearance, but also relieve fatigue after a long labor day. For this, contrast baths are ideal, which are also an excellent prophylactic against varicose disease.

To carry them out, you will need several deep containers. In one you need to pour hot water, in the other cold. You need to periodically lower your legs into them, alternating them - first in the cold, then in the hot.

It is worth noting that if you have chronic or inflammatory diseases, you should not use too hot water for bathing. This can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and a deterioration in your well-being.

The duration of one procedure can last from 5 to 15 minutes. The rougher the skin on the legs, the more time it takes to steam it. If you do everything according to the instructions, then such foot care procedures will make your legs soft and flawless.

Home foot care with various masks

Naturally, foot care at home simply cannot do without the use of special ones. It is better to do them immediately after you clean your feet and steam out the skin. After these procedures, skin open pores to facilitate penetration nutrients into the deep layers of the epidermis. These foot care methods will be effective if they are carried out regularly.

At home, you can use a celandine-based foot mask. This herb is powerful healing actions. It will quickly relieve you of irritation and inflammation, and will also help accelerate the healing of wounds, if any, on the surface of the legs.

To prepare a mask from celandine, you will need fresh grass, which needs to be crushed to a mushy state (you can use a meat grinder or blender). The resulting slurry should be applied to the skin of the legs, wrapped with polyethylene on top and wait about 30 minutes.

After this procedure, the legs should be washed under running water using a pumice stone. The keratinized particles are easily removed from the surface of the skin, as a result of which it becomes soft, like a baby's.
For proper foot care at home, you can use lemon juice, which softens and whitens the skin of the feet. To do this, cut one lemon and simply rub the skin of your feet with it, and after 15 minutes, rinse your feet in warm water.

Useful means for foot care are masks based on cottage cheese and sour cream. These ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin of the feet for 20 minutes. After that, the remnants of the mask are removed with warm water, and the skin is treated with a rich nourishing cream.

If you have painful cracks on your heels, then remove unpleasant symptoms and to speed up the process of wound healing, gruel made from cabbage leaves will help you. It is applied to damaged areas of the skin for half an hour, and then removed with plain warm water.

In order for such rules for foot care at home to bring a noticeable result, they must be performed 2-3 times a week for several months, until a lasting positive effect is obtained.

Taking care of your toenails is just as important as taking care of your skin itself. They need to be trimmed regularly. Just remember that you can’t cut the corners, otherwise they will begin to grow into the skin, causing severe discomfort when walking.

If it happens that the nail has already grown into the skin, it must be removed. To do this, stretch your legs and use sharp nail scissors to remove the ingrown nail. Then treat the damaged area with an antiseptic and place a piece of bandage under the nail. Wear it constantly until the nail grows back. Otherwise, he will again grow into soft tissues. If you cannot fix the problem yourself, contact a specialist.

Take care of your legs, keep your feet and nails clean and tidy. Provide professional care feet at home natural remedies using quality components.

When allergic reactions or other violations, you should stop using cosmetic masks or creams, and be sure to consult a specialist for advice about the health of your legs!

Don't forget about daily care behind the legs, and that often the cause of problems with the skin of the feet is wearing uncomfortable and poor quality shoes. If the material from which the shoes are made does not contribute to the penetration of air, then the feet in it begin to sweat, forming a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. And this is the main reason for the development of fungal infections. Remember that foot care starts with the right shoes!

Also, do not forget that wearing shoes with high heels also negatively affects the condition of your feet. Firstly, it leads to the formation of corns and dry calluses, and secondly, to varicose veins of the legs. With such a pathology, blood circulation in the legs is disturbed, which causes swelling of the soft tissues and they begin to receive little nutrition. This can result in dry and rough skin on the heels and soles.

If you regularly take proper care of your feet, the skin on them will always be in perfect condition. And the more often you carry out various procedures for its cleansing and restoration, the less time it will take you to bring the appearance of your legs in order.

foot care video

Hello friends!

I have written extensively in the past about how to take care of your feet.

The blog has accumulated a large number of article, I decided to combine them into one, under the general name - foot care.

Here you will find everything about how to make your heels soft and smooth, get rid of cracked feet, how to deal with excessive sweating how to get rid of unpleasant foot odor and much more.

The legs, unlike the arms, carry a huge load of the body.

They are affected by the friction and pressure of the shoes, which affects the entire body as a whole, since there are reflex zones on the soles associated with internal organs person.

A lot depends on the health of the feet.

Some interesting facts about the skin of the feet

  • The feet have two types of leather: the outer part and the sole;
  • The skin of the outer part of the foot is similar in structure and physiology to the skin of the face;
  • From the side of the sole with the skin of the palm, it is devoid of hair. but has sweat glands.

The skin of the sole requires special care, it often becomes inflamed, coarsens, covered with calluses and corns.

Basic principles of foot care

Foot care includes the following important points:

  • Comfortable shoes;
  • Hygiene: clean socks, pedicure, cleansing, scrub, masks, foot baths, paraffin therapy and reflexology;
  • High-quality cosmetics for feet;
  • Foot massage.

How to take care of your feet - useful video

Everything about how to take care of the feet, depending on specific problems, is described in detail in these articles.

How to make heels soft and smooth

The main reasons why heels crack and how to get rid of it forever

Why feet sweat - causes and ways to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon

How to get rid of bad foot odor - affordable recipes

More about this unpleasant problem,

How useful is a soda foot bath and how to use it correctly?

How to get rid of corns - simple and effective treatment recipes

For more details you can read

How to get rid of corns - the most effective ways

How to use hydrogen peroxide to treat heels