Script for a bachelorette party. Games and competitions for a bachelorette party. We'll have to go outside. Competitions for a bachelorette party for a fun company of girlfriends

A bachelorette party is an integral part of pre-wedding preparations. Every bride wants this evening to be fun and sincere. And in order not to turn a significant ceremony into an ordinary meeting with friends, organize funny contests, themed fun, and your bachelorette party will be remembered by everyone for its unforgettable atmosphere.

Games for bachelorette party at home

Being a bridesmaid is a great opportunity to please the departing new life girlfriend, arranging for her small holiday filled with all sorts of fun. If the bachelorette party takes place at the bride's house, then girlfriends can do the preparation of the apartment for the party. Try to hang out bright balls with helium or launch them under the ceiling, arrange decorative flowers and lay out wedding towels, which will once again remind the bride of the upcoming exciting day. Let's not forget about treats: set the table with various delicious snacks and prepare colorful cocktails that will further enhance the holiday feeling.

You can also entrust the choice of games for a bachelorette party to your friends. And then you will only have a joyful exclamation to meet another cheerful surprise.

Games for a bachelorette party in a cafe

Going to a bachelorette party in a cafe or restaurant, you greatly facilitate the process of preparing for the celebration. A change of scenery, music and a varied alcohol menu will set you up for a mischievous mood. To noticeably stand out among other visitors, pick up clothes that are similar in style or decorate yourself and the girls with the same accessories.

Games for a bachelorette party in a cafe should not require a lot of space and be difficult to prepare. The first fun, which will be discussed, is called "Now do it!". For her, you will need to write a lot of fun and simple tasks on sheets of paper in advance, for example: “Borrow a salt shaker from the table from five visitors”, “Sing a duet with any stranger in this place”, “Meet a guy in a cafe and get his phone number”. During the game, each girl in turn draws cards from the general pile and always fulfills it. For each completed task, the participant should expect a small incentive bonus.

The second game is "Show your kindness." To start the game, the girlfriends will have to shake out their bags. Now every little thing has its own value! The bride is responsible for scoring:

  • Lipstick, lip gloss, mascara, powder - 10 points.
  • Adhesive plaster - 10 points.
  • Chewing gum or sweets, marmalades, dragees - 8 points.
  • Mirror or powder with a mirror - 5 points.

The girl with the most points wins.

We must not forget that a cafe or restaurant - public place, and you need to respect other vacationers, so you won’t be able to make a lot of noise in the hall. The third question-and-answer game does not require any noise or action at all. If you find it difficult to shoot questions at lightning speed, prepare a small list in advance. It is desirable that they be in a humorous form.

Selection of games for the theme of the party

Keep the wedding theme throughout the bachelorette party to keep the holiday spirit going. Any bride will be pleased to know that even after two or three hours her friends have not forgotten what they had gathered for. Adjust the most ordinary game by asking questions or guessing words related to the upcoming wedding. For example, pigeons, registry office, rice, honeymoon.

The selection of games should be taken more seriously if the bachelorette party is not just a wedding, but also thematic. For example, you decide to organize a sabbath and dress up as witches, then arrange fortune-telling. And if you have Hawaiian party, then the game "Limbo", in which you have to dance under a stick with a stretched rope, will be an excellent choice.

Remember that the most important thing is to organize a bachelorette party with comfort for all the friends who came to you. If there are closed girls in the company who are not used to noisy parties with games with challenging content, they may feel uncomfortable. Try to pick up fun that will be ideal for the whole company.

Divination at a bachelorette party

You can start your bachelorette party with fortune-telling or wait until it gets dark outside. Remember that in such undertakings, the appropriate atmosphere is very important. Turn off the lights, light candles to add mystery or table lamp draw the curtains. Here are some fortune-telling ideas that are perfect for your bachelorette party:

  • Fortune telling on nuts. The bride should take a handful of nuts and, turning away from the rest, throw them behind her back. Girlfriends, divided into a “blue” team and a “pink” team (you can tie ribbons to give more weight to what is happening), are trying to catch nuts. After that, the newlywed considers who collected how much. The number of fruits for the "blue" team - so many sons will be young, for the "pink" - and so many daughters will be. You can also throw acorns or candies.
  • Fortune telling on Kinder Surprise. Buy all kinds of kinders - the more and more varied, the better. Each participant opens her egg and tries to explain the toy that has fallen to her. For example, if you got a figurine of a dog, then perhaps the girl will soon be presented with a puppy. The game is very pleasant: you can treat yourself to delicious chocolate, and it is unlikely that anyone will see a bad omen in Kinder.
  • Prophecy. Come up with good predictions and write them on pieces of paper, place them in inflated air balloons and invite your friends to choose one for themselves. The girls will pop them and read out the predictions.

Fanta game

Old good game a touch of adventurism will enliven your bachelorette party. Girls put their personal item in a common bag. The presenter takes out the items in turn and gives the task to the owner of the phantom taken out. For example, you can guess:

  • Tell me about your most romantic date.
  • Eat an apple or some other fruit with your hands behind your back.
  • Sing a song or recite a poem.
  • Come up with a fairy tale where the main characters are the bride and her groom.


This is a fun, groovy game for a bachelorette party, in which you have to actively move. One girl thinks of a word, the other should show with gestures what exactly was said. Use "wedding" words: ransom, cake, groom. You can come up with them in advance and write on pieces of paper, or, if you have no doubt in your imagination, generate them as the game progresses.

You can even arrange a small competition. Break into teams and take turns asking a player from the enemy group a word that he will have to explain to his teammates.

If you don't want to make up words yourself, you can buy a special set.

"Question answer"

Another one old game for a bachelorette party, which you probably played as a child. On a large sheet of paper, write a question at the very top and bend the top, that is, do not let others see what is there. As a result, you should get an accordion. Give the paper to a friend next to you, but do not pronounce your question in full, but say only part of it so that it is extremely difficult to guess what it is about. After that, the girl tries to answer your question in writing, and then writes her own. Pass the sheet around until there is no more space on it. By this time, everyone should be very curious about what came out of the recordings. When you start reading this masterpiece aloud, no one will be able to keep from laughing.


Before starting the game, prepare a pencil, envelopes, sheets of paper and a phone on which you can make many alarms. The essence of the game is to hide different tasks in envelopes, but not to get them all at once, but only when the alarm rings. Just imagine: a bachelorette party is in full swing, suddenly someone's phone rings, and the first girl goes to envelopes. She takes the one on which the "ringed" time stands, and performs the task from it. It will always come as a surprise!


Kangaroo is more of a prank than a game, but he is very kind and funny. The leader and the main player are selected. At first glance, such fun resembles "Crocodile", as the presenter reports that she will now take the player girl out of the room to say which animal she will show without words. Behind the door, the host thinks of a kangaroo, and then warns, secretly from the main player, the others about it. And he asks not to guess the word for anything. Now all that remains is to watch with laughter as the performer desperately tries to show the hidden animal, wondering why her quick-witted girlfriends can’t guess it in any way.

"Know Me Better"

This bachelorette party game will bring your friends closer together. Prepare several identical questionnaires and distribute to the girls. You do not need to sign questionnaires. Make the questions varied: the name of the guy who stole the first kiss, the most favorite "junk" food, the best place for relax. Also fill in the questionnaire unexpected or even tricky question to add spice to the game. Once completed, put the questionnaires together and read the answers aloud, trying to guess who filled it out.

"Blind Game"

Pack a few items in a bag or opaque bag that you can use quickly. Sit in a circle with your girlfriends and pass the package while the music plays. Try to do it as quickly as possible. When the music stops, the girlfriend with the package in her hands and the girl who last handed over the package stand in the center of the circle. After a simple draw, the rest of the participants tie something over their eyes, for example, a scarf or a scarf. And the winning girl takes the first item out of the bag and tries to somehow apply it to the loser. She paints her lips if she took out lipstick, or tries to pull a stocking over her if she pulled it out.

It's really funny game for a bachelorette party for both the two girls in the center and for the satisfied observers.

"How long is your carrot"

Choose the longest carrot. The first participant holds it between her legs, preferably with her knees, and tries to pass it to the other participant from behind. If the attempt is unsuccessful and the carrot falls, a little is cut off from it. Whoever doesn't drop the carrot last wins. Such a funny in its absurdity game for a bachelorette party that will make everyone laugh out loud.


Each girl takes a pen and a sheet of paper. The one that comes up with all the words is selected. In this game, they may or may not be related to the wedding. Associations to the word are given in detail, the minimum is a phrase, the maximum is a sentence. interesting psychological game will allow you to learn a lot about your girlfriends.

"Guess who"

In this game, the participating girls stick stickers on each other's foreheads with a mysterious character written on them. Asking one question each, to which other girlfriends will answer “yes” or “no”, the player needs to guess who is written on his piece of paper.

"Portrait of the future bride"

Which of the girls draws the best? Take paper, pencil and find out! The first girlfriend depicts on clean slate some part of the bride, for example, an element of the face or body, then the second participant draws another element and so on in a circle. It is not necessary to stop at one drawing, it will be very interesting to compare several works. The end result will surely surprise and amuse you.

Games at the bachelorette party will diversify your holiday, turn ordinary friendly gatherings into a fun, mischievous adventure that you will never forget. This day will remain a warm bright memory throughout your life.

What girl does not dream of a cool and unforgettable wedding? But a miracle will not happen by itself, you need to carefully prepare for it. Our ancestors prepared for the wedding for months and a lot important place this was the bachelorette party. Today they also occupy an important place in the series wedding events, but are handled differently. If earlier girls gathered at a bachelorette party and cried about the passing youth of their girlfriend and about the difficult fate ahead of her in a strange house, today this event is by no means sad. Rather, it is a cheerful farewell to her bachelor carefree and free life and a joyful anticipation of a new round in the fate of the bride.

We offer scenario cool bachelorette party .

How to spend a bachelorette party?

There is no single answer. The choice remains with the bride, but the young girlfriends can also participate in this or even organize a holiday for her as a surprise. It will be interesting if, for example, the witness, secretly from the bride, invites her girlfriends, thinks over the scenario and entertainment. And then he will invite the future bride to visit, they say, you need help with choosing a dress, general cleaning etc. And then, unexpectedly, as in American films, guests appear, the "action" begins. It will be real holiday for all!

How to organize a bachelorette party?

The rule of three “nos” will help to have a bachelorette party fun: “no” to envious girlfriends, “no” to indecent behavior and “no” to a bad mood.

Celebration time

A bachelorette party is a holiday dedicated to saying goodbye to unmarried life. Choice right day celebration will allow you to have fun and not ruin the wedding.

According to Russian tradition, a bachelorette party is held on the eve of the wedding. Previously, the bachelorette party was not violently celebrated, because the girls said goodbye to the "free" life and accompanied the event with crying and dreary songs. Over time, the tradition changed and the bachelorette party began to be fun.

It is better to spend a bachelorette party a week before the wedding, then the bride will be able to put herself in order, get enough sleep and prepare for the wedding.

  • the day before the wedding. It is unlikely that the groom and guests will be pleased to look at the sleepy bride.
  • a month before the wedding. Having celebrated a bachelorette party like this, you will lose the festive mood.


The bachelorette party is celebrated cheerfully, with competitions and thematic direction. You should not invite people to the celebration, in whose presence the bride will feel constrained.

Invite friends, colleagues, relatives to a bachelorette party - but only those with whom you communicate closely.

Bridesmaids are obligatory at a bachelorette party, often they organize the event.

As soon as you decide on the list of guests, proceed to the design of invitations.

Decide in advance on the place of the bachelorette party, make a program and choose a dress code.

Original bachelorette party ideas

Having applied more strength and preparation time, you will get a really cool bachelorette party.

Oriental party

Have a bachelorette party oriental style will be to the taste of those whose favorite childhood cartoon was Aladdin.

Oriental-style party invitations decorate with coins or decorate in the form of Aladdin's lamp.

Start preparing by decorating the room. Hang transparent tulles, pick up oriental music to create an entourage. Scatter rose petals from a flower shop under your feet.

Define a role for each friend. Possible roles: fortune teller, dancer (teacher oriental dances), a harem princess. Even without a prepared script with such images, you will not get bored.

Let the girlfriends dress up in oriental costumes, use scarves with coins. Large decorations and bright makeup eyes will complement the image of oriental beauties.

The bride dresses up in oriental costume white color.

river walk

The decision to walk can be made based on the weather forecast. Accompany a bachelorette party in nature with beautiful photographs.

The disadvantages of a river walk are seasickness, a possible change in weather.

Celebrate a bachelorette party maritime theme, then the celebration will be original. Work out this idea in advance, and at the bachelorette party everyone will comply with the dress code.

Launch the balloons into the sky by writing on them what the bride loses when she gets married: maiden name, freedom, parties. Symbolically send the bride on a big voyage called "family life."

Dress code for sea ​​party assumes the presence of sailors and the captain of the ship. The bridesmaids dress up as sailors (use vests), and the bride in the costume of the captain of the ship.

Visiting Carlson

Where to celebrate a bachelorette party in an original way, if not on the roof of a skyscraper - in warm time Years of impressions from the holiday will be unforgettable. romantic girls will be delighted with such an event.

Prepare contests in advance. At the end of the event, launch balloons into the sky with maiden name bride.

The dress code for the bride and bridesmaids will depend on the theme of the event. Classic variant implies dresses of the same tone for girlfriends and a contrasting dress (you can take white) for the bride.

Master Class

Girlfriends at such a bachelorette party will help prepare accessories for the wedding. Hold this event at least 2 days before the wedding.

Organize a master class at home or sign up for a ready-made one, where professionals will teach you. To see the interest at the bachelorette party with all the girlfriends, these options will help:

  • Creating accessories for bridesmaids for the wedding;
  • Preparation of decorations for the wedding table;
  • Dance master class. Having learned the dance to your favorite motive, you will surprise and amuse the guests at the wedding.

Get the same accessories, for example: a veil, a veil, a bright bracelet, a headband. Then it will feel celebration atmosphere. It is desirable for the bride to dress for a bachelorette party in white.

Standard bachelorette party

Take advantage ready-made ideas for a celebration if the bride and bridesmaids don't have time to come up with ideas.

home party

A home bachelorette party takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, watching children's photos or dreaming about future life.

Treat your girlfriends with dishes from the delivery service or prepare cupcakes with a “surprise”: for each girlfriend, write funny predictions and hide them inside. So the holiday will be remembered by everyone.

Create a collage in the form of a wish card (according to the principle) for the bride from old magazines. At the end of the party, each bridesmaid will share their ideas about the future life of the bride. For example, make it in the form of a presentation or a short video.

The home option will allow you to spend a bachelorette party inexpensively and save the nerves of your future husband - he will not have to worry about where and what you do.

Dress code ideas for a house party:

  • for girlfriends - pajamas, plain home overalls, ugg boots (all colors except white).
  • for the bride - white pajamas, white home overalls, white ugg boots.


The sauna used to be a popular place to celebrate a bachelor party, but now the girls celebrate the holiday there too. Ancient traditions advise choosing this celebration option, because all the rituals of farewell to the girl’s past life were carried out in the bathhouse. Apply ancient rites to have fun celebrating a bachelorette party in the sauna.

Steam the bride well, then all past failures, sins and unnecessary memories will remain in past life and wash off the skin.

After that, the bridesmaids braid the bride's braids, while singing wishes for a happy future life.

Sauna dress code ideas are limited, so complete your bridesmaid and bridesmaid outfits with a veil. The bride's veil must be white, the bridesmaids are allowed any color except white.


Prepare in advance a list of the bride's favorite songs, or songs with which good memories are associated with the whole company.

Let the bridesmaids arrange a surprise: surprise the bride with a specially written song.

The dress code is the same for everyone, dress up in jeans and white T-shirts. Amuse the image of a boa made of feathers.

Complete the image of the bride with a white veil so that she stands out among the bridesmaids.

Night club or bar

Inviting to a bachelorette party a large number of people who are unfamiliar with each other, it is better to avoid this type of celebration. Some guests may be shy and act awkward.

The option is suitable for "party girls": if the bride and bridesmaids love noisy companies, fun and loud music, then it will not be boring.

Dress code is free. Match the theme of the given party.

Limousine rental

One of costly options bachelorette party celebrations. Take a photographer with you - just riding around the sights of the city is not interesting. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to take original commemorative photographs.

For a daytime celebration for girlfriends fit dress With floral print and a headband of flowers, for an evening celebration - black dresses and openwork black eye masks.

The bride should choose white or red plain dress. Complete the look with a fishnet mask for an evening celebration and a floral headband for a daytime celebration.


Suitable option for a small company.

After meeting with your girlfriends, take a walk around the city, take photos, and then relax during the procedures, drink tonic cocktails.

After the procedures, go home with the guests and continue the holiday in a relaxed atmosphere.

The bridesmaids dress up in jeans and white t-shirts with "bridesmaids" written on them. Complete the look with red lipstick.

The image of the bride is distinguished by the inscription on the T-shirt, make it double-sided. On the one hand - "bride", on the other - "I'm getting married."


An affordable option for those who dreamed of celebrating a bachelorette party by the sea.

In the water park, the bride and her bridesmaids will have fun and get a dose of adrenaline while riding crazy slides. During breaks, sit in a cafe on the territory of the water park and discuss the details of the wedding.

Don't bother with the dress code: everyone is dressed in swimsuits and good mood.

Competitions for a bachelorette party

After funny contests the bride and bridesmaids will have something to remember.

"Hello Stranger"

Before the start of the bachelorette party, have fun in the company of strangers.

Props: cards with prepared tasks, bag.

The bride and her bridesmaids pull out the cards from the bag and complete the tasks.

Examples of street tasks for a bachelorette party:

  • Take phone numbers from five brunettes;
  • Kiss the blond on the cheek;
  • Scratch a man's elbow;
  • Take a photo with three men;
  • Convince a man to kiss his hand;
  • Get autographs from three men;
  • Shake hands with a man in a tie;
  • Persuade the bartender for a free cocktail;
  • Ask to touch the mustache of a man;
  • Ask a man to marry you;
  • Take a selfie with your dog.

With such questions cheerful bachelorette party sets the tone for the entire company.

"The bride's stash"

The task of the bride and bridesmaids is to sell things from the men's basket. Film this bachelorette party contest on video.

Props: a bottle of alcohol, socks, a flashlight, a pack of cigarettes, a shoehorn, a breath freshener, maps, a float, a tie, a video camera.

Hold the competition in a public place. The bride and bridesmaids sell items from the basket to the men and form the bride's stash.

"It will not work"

Competition for the best excuses for men.

Props: paper, pens.

All girls write down popular male excuses on a piece of paper. The winner is chosen by the bride.

"Secrets of the Groom"

The bridesmaids prepare the contest in advance. They ask the groom personally or by phone 10-15 questions about him. The answers are filmed.

At a bachelorette party, bridesmaids ask the bride questions about her lover, comparing her answers with the groom's answers in the video.

Props: camcorder, paper, pens, laptop or TV.

"The Bride Knowledge Test"

First the bride, and then the bridesmaids answer questions about the life of the bride.

For example:

  • What is the bride's favorite dress?
  • Why does the bride love the groom?
  • What did the bride dream of becoming as a child?

The girlfriend wins, whose answers match those of the bride.

Props: paper, pens.

What Not to Do to a Bride at a Bachelorette Party

  1. Bring men to the feast.
  2. Get involved in alcohol. A pregnant bride on a bachelorette party should not use it at all.
  3. Bringing a stripper to a bachelorette party without the consent of the groom. Warn your friends ahead of time.
  4. Emphasize that YOU are getting married - girlfriends remember the reason for the party.
  5. Show Wedding Dress. Keep the tradition of the bachelorette party and keep the outfit a secret.
  6. To provoke quarrels of girlfriends - refrain, they still have to go to the wedding together.
  7. Constantly being in touch with the groom is an evening spent with girlfriends. With my husband, I have my whole life ahead of me.

Gifts for a bachelorette party

Gifts are a pleasant reminder of a past bachelorette party. It is better to give a gift for a bachelorette party for the bride not from yourself, but from all those present.

Gifts for the bride

  1. Silk linens.
  2. A beautiful robe.
  3. Erotic lingerie.
  4. Umbrella for two.
  5. Tray for breakfast in bed.
  6. Cake for a bachelorette party with the bride's maiden name.
  7. Album with funny moments from life.
  8. Organization of a bachelorette party - if a bachelorette party is organized and paid for by girlfriends.
  9. Photoshoot.
  10. Bride and groom cartoon.
  11. A dream come true. It can be a horse ride, a parachute jump or swimming with dolphins - the bride will definitely not forget such a surprise for a bachelorette party.

Gifts for guests

Our ancestors at a bachelorette party cajoled friends and relatives with gifts in order to avoid damage and the evil eye on their part. Now gifts are given for a bachelorette party so that guests can leave something as a keepsake from the holiday.

  1. Thematic attributes of a bachelorette party: veils, bracelets, T-shirts, headbands.
  2. Cakes with the initials of each girlfriend.
  3. Wishes for a bachelorette party in verse for each guest.

When going to a bachelorette party, do not forget to bring a good mood and a willingness to have fun!

In order for the bachelorette party at home to be memorable and bright, you need to first consider entertainment program: contests, dances, musical accompaniment, prepare delicious snacks and invigorating drinks. We have prepared the most interesting ideas games, contests, divination, and even sample menu. You will learn how to spend the last weekend of your single life in style and fun from this article.

  1. Pajama party. One of the most popular scenarios of modern bachelorette parties. main idea carrying out in this style - compliance with the dress code. All guests must be in pajamas: sets, peignoirs, dressing gowns are welcome. In such clothes should be comfortable. The purpose of a pajama party is to remember the most pleasant moments of youth, dream with friends, laugh heartily or nostalgic about childhood a little. Important Details entourage - a lot of ice cream, fruit, champagne, light cocktails.
  2. Pirate holiday. This option will appeal to desperate and daring girls. The guests and the hero of the occasion dress in pirate style. Costumes can be rented or made by yourself: wide shirts two sizes larger, leggings, belts, scarves and blindfolds will come in handy. light alcohol, hot and cold snacks in the form of a buffet table will give guests the opportunity to refresh themselves and will not turn the celebration into an ordinary feast.
  3. In retro style. Prepare appropriate decor in the spirit of the 30s, music, costumes. For carrying out, a gramophone and vinyl records. Surely in my mother's or grandmother's wardrobe there is a retro dress, skirt or blouse. Complete the look with a boa, flirty gloves, red lipstick and a bouffant hairdo.
  4. barbie style. What girl has not dreamed of an American long-legged beauty? A bachelorette party in this style is an opportunity to once again play your favorite game and remember a carefree childhood. Stacked curls, bright lip gloss pink clothes and accessories - distinctive features bachelorette party in the style of Barbie.
  5. Home spa. Relaxing beauty treatments are more than ever useful before the wedding. By holding a bachelorette party in this style, you can combine business with pleasure: open up, dream with close friends, and also tidy up and relax before important event. At the service of the bride and her guests sea ​​salt, incense, oils, cosmetic clay for masks, body wraps, other cosmetic procedures that you can do on your own.

Here interesting video from a bachelorette party in the style of "pajama party":

And here detailed instructions how to throw a great spa party:

Entertainment program for a bachelorette party

The most important part of a home bachelorette party is entertainment.

Fun games and contests.

"Match". Participants light a match and pass it around. The one in whose hands the fire goes out must tell some ambiguous fact from her biography. How close and friendly the gathered team will affect the sincerity and sincerity of the stories.

"School photo album". You will need baby photos of the bride and her friends, and the more the better. The game is that in a pack of photographs, each girl is able to determine who is who.


Karaokegreat option have fun for those who love to sing. It doesn't matter if a person has vocal abilities. By the way, there are certain problems with hearing - it will even be funnier.


The usual tear-off disco or themed dances - everything is in the hands of the guests and the hero of the occasion. You can just loudly turn on your favorite music, under which the bride and her friends fell in love, were sad and had fun at discos or clubs. Or you can invite a dance teacher for a mini-lesson of salsa or incendiary tango.


What is the evening before the wedding without fortune-telling? Mirrors, maps, simple books will come in handy, according to which the future will be predicted. As a rule, the bride does not guess, but actively helps fortunetellers. After all, she had already met her betrothed. But the bridesmaid and other girls can ask powerful forces about where their fate is.

Divination examples:

  1. Ship. This fortune-telling concerns the bride, it allows you to find out the future fate of marriage. Bridesmaids write on paper possible options events that may occur during family life, and laid out on the sides of a plate filled with water. IN nutshell a candle cinder is placed and such a “boat” is launched into the water. What written prediction he sails to will come true.
  2. Burning candle. You will need a spoon, water and a candle. The candle must be stoked over the fire and the wax poured into a spoon. Once the spoon is full hot wax poured into water. According to the figures that turned out in the end, the girls judge their future: transport speaks of an imminent move, a stroller - about replenishment, flowers - about grooms.
  3. Newspaper. The one who wants to know her fate crumples the newspaper and sets it on fire. While the newspaper is burning, it is not moved. When the paper is completely burned, it is placed so that the shadow is reflected on the wall. The shadows foretell future events.
  4. On pancakes. Bridesmaids are baking pancakes. They take them out into the street and offer them to passing men. It is believed that the name of the one who took the pancake from the hands of the girl will be called her future husband.
  5. Hug the fence. These are the most cool option divination. The girls approach the nearest fence and try to "hug" him. You need to remember how many boards were open arms. If it is an even number or a pair, then your couple is just around the corner, if not, marriage will not be soon.

home theater

In order to organize a real home theater, all romantic films are suitable. A prerequisite is that the film must have a good ending: Jane Eyre, The Thorn Birds, The Best of Me, The Memory Diaries, Pretty Woman, Runaway Bride, Message in a Bottle, Love Actually.

Treats for a bachelorette party at home

Greek salad with Adyghe cheese. For cooking, you need 500 g of tomatoes, 400 g of cucumbers, 350 g of paprika, 200 g of Adyghe cheese, 150 g of sweet onions, 150 g of olives. The same salad can be made with shrimp -

Great drink option- scarlet martini "Romantic". For a cocktail, take 2 parts raspberry vodka, half a lime juice, 3-4 drops of sugar syrup, a few raspberries and lime zest to decorate. Ice. Put all the ingredients together with ice in a shaker, shake vigorously and pour into a martini glass, having previously covered it with a sieve. Decorate glasses with raspberries and lime zest.

To arrange for yourself unforgettable holiday it is not necessary to go to the ends of the world, a bachelorette party can be held at home. All you need is a friend and a little imagination.

Tell your parents about your plans. If they won't let you have a party, try to be perfect for two or three days and then come back with your request. They will probably agree.

Order pizza from a cafe that has a good reputation. Your friends and you will be pleased.

Select films. Depending on what your friends like to watch, choose the right movies. Horror films will not be to everyone's liking, and may even ruin someone's mood. If you can't find a movie that everyone wants to see, then pick up a movie that nobody likes and say so. Only if your friends want it. (Some may be offended.) You can also ask your friends to bring movies with them, so everyone will have at least 1 movie they like.

Create a fun look! Use body lotion, gel, eye shadow, toner, mascara, blush! You can weave beads into your hair, or pick flowers on the street and pin them in your hair. Perhaps your parents will allow you to use temporary hair dyes in cheerful colors (be sure to check with your parents).

Read fashion magazines. Do not read magazines like Glamour or Cosmopolitan because they contain advice for women and you are unlikely to be interested in this information. You do not need to know 50 tips on how to attract a boyfriend. You are likely interested in boys, makeup, clothing, body issues, and reading inspirational stories, so look for magazines such as Twist (all about celebrities), Quizfest (getting to know your friends), Girls Life (all about fashion), Seventeen (ideas on how to create your own style), or Teen Vogue ( high-fashion and all about celebrities).

Take up needlework. Why not embroider your wallet with ribbons? Make your unique wallet. You can try making collages from your favorite magazines and write amazing articles.

Host a fashion show. put on beautiful outfits, use suitable accessories and put on a glamorous fashion show. Build a podium before the fashion show. Also, practice walking like a model.

Play "True or False" or "I'd Like" games...". This great way get to know your friends better and have fun! However, do not go to extremes when inventing forfeits for friends.

Try to make your party a fun holiday.

When your guests want to come home, don't persuade them to stay any longer. Let them decide when to go home.

Take a portable DS or PSP, and use Wii, Xbox, etc. d.