Yellow loose stools in the baby. While mom is feeding, a lot of fruits and vegetables are forbidden for her. In the diet, you can only leave bananas and green apples. What is the difference between loose stools and diarrhea

The appearance of the feces of a newborn is the subject of endless experiences for young parents. Let's figure out what color the feces should be in the norm: yellow, green or brown. And also find out what characteristics of the stool indicate the presence of problems with the health of the crumbs.

The norm for breastfeeding

The stool of a newborn in the first days of life is a thick black-green mass called meconium. In the future (until the end of the 1st week) there is a liquid green feces with a grayish tint. Starting from the 2nd week of life and up to 5-6 months, bowel movements healthy baby who receives only mother's milk, acquire character traits, which include:

  1. yellow
  2. smooth, mushy texture
  3. cream density
  4. not very pronounced "curd" smell
  5. frequency - 4-12 times a day, usually the baby empties the intestines after each feeding, but as they grow older, the number of bowel movements decreases

Often the feces contain white lumps (undigested milk) and slight inclusions of mucus. Its shade, aroma and consistency may vary slightly: soft light yellow, yellow-green, bright yellow stools with a slightly sour smell - these are all variants of the norm. So the baby's body reacts to the products used by the mother.

Cause of yellowness

Why is the normal stool of a newborn colored precisely in yellow tint? This color of feces is formed due to bilirubin, a yellow-brown blood pigment formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin.

This substance is excreted from the body along with feces as part of bile. With the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, bilirubin is present in the stool in a certain range, which determines their color.

The rich yellow color and creamy consistency of the discharge indicate that the baby receives a sufficient amount of mature milk and absorbs it well. But the frothy and very liquid feces of green or gray color with a pronounced sour smell - this is a clear sign of trouble.

The norm for artificial feeding

The feces of an infant feeding with an adapted milk mixture almost immediately acquire a rather thick (almost solid) consistency, a homogeneous structure and bad smell. Its color can vary from light yellow to brown. If the mixture is enriched in iron, then very dark discharge. In any case, inclusions should not be present in the masses, their presence indicates the wrong choice or preparation of food.

“Artificial” children empty their intestines not very often - 2-3 times a day. Therefore, a sudden increase in the number of bowel movements up to 6-7 per day is considered an alarming symptom. Especially if at the same time there is a liquid, frothy and unusual color stool.

Bowel movements after the introduction of complementary foods

After the introduction of complementary foods, the baby's stool changes significantly: it becomes hard and formed. From now on, its appearance will depend on the properties of the products used. The color of feces is the most unexpected: after beets, they can turn red, after carrots - orange, and after spinach - green.

After acquaintance with new foods, undigested pieces of food and mucus inclusions are most often present in the feces. If the little one feels great at the same time, then you should not remove this product from the diet. The body just needs time to adjust to digesting it.

Liquid, foam stool with a lot of mucus, accompanied by pain in the tummy, may indicate intolerance to a new dish or poisoning. Too hard consistency of stools and their dark color in most cases, they are signs of constipation, which also affects the condition of the baby.

Problems with stool and nutrition

Green, frothy and liquid feces with a sharp sour odor may be the result of errors in the diet of a baby or a nursing mother. Namely:

  1. Your baby is drinking too much sugary fore milk and not getting enough nutritious back treats. Signs of this problem are underweight and flatulence. You can solve it by pumping a little before feeding
  2. Mom abuses foods that cause allergies or contain substances that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Among such dishes are whole milk, chocolate, fast food, treats with chemical additives. In addition to problems with stool, allergies are indicated by a rash on the baby's body, itching and restless behavior. For elimination unpleasant symptoms Mom needs to change her diet. You may need to take medication (sorbents and antihistamines), but only as directed by a doctor

Feces and diseases

In some cases uncharacteristic appearance feces of a child is one of the symptoms of pathologies associated with improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Too frequent loose, frothy, bright green or bright yellow stools mixed with mucus, blood, and pungent odor may be a manifestation of diseases such as:

  1. lactase deficiency - deficiency of the enzyme responsible for the absorption of milk sugar
  2. dysbacteriosis - an imbalance of beneficial and pathological microorganisms in the intestine
  3. rotavirus infection - inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by rotavirus
  4. celiac disease - gluten intolerance

In any of the above cases, foamy stools will not be the only symptom of the disease. Typically, these conditions require medical care, accompanied by a decrease in appetite, causeless crying, bloating, pain and fever (with infection).

Soft feces in different colors yellow color is normal for breastfeeding. Parents should be wary if the stool becomes intense green or gray shade and have a very strong odour. But it is not the appearance of the chair that is decisive, but the behavior of the child. Many pediatricians believe that if the baby eats only mother's milk, feels good and develops correctly, then it does not matter at all what his feces look like.

Yellowish liquid stools are not a parental concern unless the child has sleep disturbances or weight gain problems or other reasons for concern. The food of a newborn is absolutely liquid, besides, it is perfectly digested and absorbed, so the consistency of the stool should not be thick, this is a natural phenomenon. Do not confuse only liquid feces baby with diarrhea.

loose stool the baby is not yet a cause for concern for parents, because the child eats breast milk during this period

Feces with different types of feeding

It is the way the baby is fed that lays the foundation for what the stool will be like, in particular its color and consistency:

  • Breast type of feeding. Many parents mistakenly call loose stools in a newborn, which happens quite often and has a mushy consistency, with diarrhea (we recommend reading:). color shades bowel movements can be very different: yellow, golden and even greenish. The color will be influenced by the maternal diet. A large intake of dairy products will give the feces a yellowish tint. Foods rich in herbal ingredients will give stool greenish color. The presence of curdled lumps in the feces is also absolutely normal. The smell of feces is sour.
  • Artificial type of feeding. The consistency of feces is more dense and thick, resembling a paste. Shades can vary from light yellow to orange and light brown. The smell of faeces is characteristically unpleasant.
  • Mixed type of feeding. Chair at this type food will be close to the chair of an adult.

The characteristic density of the stool will appear in a child closer to six months. At this age, the introduction of complementary foods begins, which will help to give more adult forms to the feces.

The chair of the child directly depends on the type of feeding

Stool frequency

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When a baby poops often, this is a completely natural age variation:

  • With breastfeeding. In the first month of life, the number of bowel movements in a child can reach 9-10 times a day. A newborn can go to the toilet after every meal. At the age of 6 months, this amount is reduced to 2-5 times a day. After six months of age (closer to 8-9 months), the baby begins to poop even less often - from 1 to 2 times a day and even less often. Portions of feces are small.
  • At artificial type feeding. Based on the fact that the digestion time adapted mixture more than at breastfeeding, then the number of bowel movements also decreases by almost 2 times. Volume stool while being large. When an artificial child does not poop for up to 2 days, this can be considered normal and is not constipation. The absence of gaziki and anxiety suggests that there are no problems.
  • At mixed type feeding, the number of bowel movements is from 1 to 3 times a day (see also:).

Frequent stools in a newborn are the result of the digestive system adapting to a new diet. The intestine during this period begins to be actively filled with beneficial microflora. Enzymes are still not enough to digest food, and the digestive tract organs are located so that food quickly enters the stomach, is quickly digested and also quickly exits.

How to distinguish loose stools from diarrhea?

If the baby is not worried about anything, then loose stools are quite normal phenomenon. Especially if the first month of his life is considered, because digestive system not yet fully developed

A child is diagnosed with diarrhea if:

  • stool becomes more frequent;
  • there is wateriness and abundant liquid feces;
  • the process of bowel movement is carried out very rapidly;
  • feces with an even more pronounced sour smell;
  • pronounced green tint;
  • the presence of additional impurities in the form of foam, mucus and blood.

It is important to control the well-being of the baby. Does he sleep well, eat well? Are they tormenting him? Is there a rise in temperature and excessive capriciousness? Diarrhea in infants usually goes away on its own, without any special therapeutic measures.

What to do with loose stools?

Consider the options offered by Komarovsky if you find loose stools in a newborn baby:

Continue breastfeedingDue to their inexperience, young mothers are often afraid that the cause of loose stools in a child is in breast milk (see also:). In no case should breastfeeding be interrupted, because it contains unique substances that help a fragile body overcome many intestinal troubles and avoid allergies. It is mother's milk that supplies the young body with beneficial bacteria that help the digestion process. The presence of liquid feces indicates that a lot of water leaves the body, and mother's milk is just able to make up for these losses.
Change your dietThe quality of the stool in month old baby. Juices, fruits, as well as vegetables and herbs strongly affect the consistency. It is good for a nursing mother to keep a food diary in which she will note all the innovations in her diet. Everything new should be introduced in small portions and only one at a time. Always watch your baby's reaction.
Watch the baby's reactionWhen a child suddenly becomes sharply worse, you can not delay and postpone your visit to the doctor.
Eliminate nutritional imbalanceA greenish stool in a baby, while rapid and liquid, may indicate an imbalance in nutrition. The baby sucks out only the anterior watery milk, and does not get to the more nutritious hind milk. That is why the child quickly becomes hungry again, and his stool becomes watery. Increase the time the newborn is attached to each breast.

When a child is on an artificial type of feeding, it is recommended to change the mixture. It is the composition of the mixture that can cause loose stools in infants. make a selection new mixture Better together with local pediatrician. At the same time, do not forget that a change in diet can also lead to loose stools.

When should you see a doctor?

If loose stools are accompanied by other painful symptoms then you need to call a doctor.

Frequent watery stools in an infant are a reason for parents to be wary. If you have the following symptoms, you should visit a doctor immediately:

  • Anxiety and capriciousness. The baby is increasingly knotting its legs, while there is a refusal to eat, bad dream, bloating - be sure to visit a doctor for a consultation.
  • dangerous manifestations. Did the child vomit along with watery stools, lose weight and have a fever? Such symptoms can be extremely dangerous, both for the health of the baby and for his life. First of all, call the ambulance.
  • Dehydration of the body. The child becomes lethargic, cries weakly and without tears, the skin is strongly stretched, and the fontanel sinks. In addition, the color of the urine becomes darker and with a pungent odor. You rarely change diapers (2-3 times a day) and your body temperature rises. All this clear signs dehydration that occurs with diarrhea.
  • The smell of faeces becomes putrid and very unpleasant. Most likely this is the result of the presence of harmful microorganisms in the intestines.
  • Dysbacteriosis (more in the article:). When a baby has liquid green feces, this may be a consequence of a violation of the microflora in the intestine. bowel movements in this case may be with lumps of undigested food, and the skin around the anus gets red. You can find out if your child really has dysbacteriosis only after a special analysis.
  • Infection intestines. The severity of the disease depends on the pathogen itself. Additional features intestinal infection will be vomiting, impurities, fever. After analysis, the presence is diagnosed a large number fat and leukocytes.

Malabsorption is a fairly rare disease that can be caused by several causes.

Malabsorption during breastfeeding. The essence of the disease lies in the absence in the child's body of certain enzymes that are necessary for the digestion of food. Malabsorption is of two types:

  • lactase deficiency - with it, the child does not have enough enzymes to digest milk; this disease manifests itself from the first days of life: green color feces, foamy stools, vomiting and colic; this deficiency is treated by transferring the baby to a lactose-free diet, which can correct the situation in a few days;
  • celiac disease - this disease damages the small intestine: all cereals are impossible to digest (rye, wheat, oats); the disease makes itself felt within 4 months after the first test of these products was started; the stool is characterized by frequency, brilliance and foaminess; the problem is solved by eliminating prohibited foods from the diet; the child may be allergic to the components of the adapted mixture due to the presence of a foreign protein in them ( cow's milk or soy); all this will not be useful for the child, but on the contrary, it can cause allergic reactions in the intestines, lactase production may fail; external manifestations in the form of a rash is usually not observed; many foods are poorly digested, including lactase; when a baby on a mixed type of feeding often and liquid poops, tests should be taken to identify allergens.

The presence of watery feces in a child of the first year of life is a variation of the age norm. Constipation, colic and bloating should worry parents a lot more. By the color, quality and smell of feces, you can tell a lot about the intestines of the child, including identifying some violations. The presence of loose stools in a baby and at the same time his excellent health is not a reason to worry about his health.

In infants, this is normal. However, many mothers, upon discovering it, panic. Therefore, the questions of what to do if a newborn has loose stools and how to recognize if this is the cause of serious health problems for the baby remain relevant at all times.

In a newborn, loose stools are considered the norm.

The color and consistency of the feces of an infant are directly dependent on the method of nutrition. It happens that parents confuse liquid, mushy and frequent stool with diarrhea.

Usually, the stool of a breastfed newborn has the color -, density - sour cream, the smell - sour milk. However, these indicators are conditional and deviations from the norm can often be found.

They are associated with the peculiarities of the mother's diet or the introduction of complementary foods. For example, the predominance of dairy products in the menu will give the baby's feces a yellowish tint. And if the basis of nutrition is plant foods, then expect greenish stools. The presence of curdled lumps in the feces is considered the norm.

In infants in the first year of life, stools can occur 7-10 times a day. Sometimes he defecates after every meal. In children from one to one and a half years, this process is repeated 2-5 times a day. After 1.5 years - 1-2 times. The amount of feces is small.

What is the stool in formula-fed babies

In feces, it is as yellow and mushy as in babies growing on breast milk. But nutrition with mixtures can provoke the appearance of a darker and thicker stool. This is considered the norm. The color of the feces may vary, depending on the composition of the mixture, from pale yellow to brown.

Since it takes more time to digest the artificial mixture, then, accordingly, the number of bowel movements is reduced by about half. The volume of feces is greater. In artificial people, stool retention up to 2 days is quite acceptable. If the baby is calm, he does not have gaziki, then the parents do not have much cause for concern.

How to distinguish loose stools from diarrhea

Loose stools are not always a pathology

It is possible to distinguish ordinary loose stools from pathological ones by several signs:

  • Significantly increased number of bowel movements
  • Thinner, waterier stools
  • The bowel movements come out with a sharp emission
  • The smell becomes more pronounced, sour
  • The bowel movements become
  • In the feces, you can find blood, foam or mucus.

Important to track general indicators baby's condition. Deterioration of appetite and sleep, the formation of gas, colic, capricious behavior of the crumbs are alarming signs.

Diagnosing is not so easy, because his digestive system is far from perfect. Therefore, if the feces are completely absorbed on the diaper, leaving only a watery halo, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Causes of pathological loose stools

Loose stools, which are not the norm, signal that not everything is in order in the baby's body. The reasons for this pathology can be different:


If loose stools in a newborn appear shortly after eating, then most likely it is associated with various eating disorders. Perhaps the baby food was cooked incorrectly, or the baby overate, maybe the breast milk was replaced with regular milk, or personal hygiene was not followed sufficiently (they washed the dishes badly).


Very serious reason. If the problem with nutrition is easy to fix, then it will be long and troublesome. Depending on its type, which can be determined only by analysis, therapy is prescribed. In this case, it is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

immune deficiency

The main thing is the well-being and mood of the baby

With reduced immunity, the child's stomach is not able to fully function, so a failure may occur in the form of loose stools. In such a situation, after consultation with a specialist, measures are taken to strengthen immunity.

Congenital malformation of the digestive system. Such a pathology is diagnosed exclusively by specialists in honey. institutions. Diarrhea can also be an accompanying symptom.

Often, loose stools are not independent disease, but a concomitant symptom signaling another pathology. For example, diarrhea in newborns accompanies:

  • urinary tract infections
  • colds
  • teething period
  • throat infection.


- violation of the stomach. Such an ailment brings many painful minutes to both the baby and his parents. However, it passes rather quickly.

What to do with loose stools in a newborn

If a liquid stool is found in a newborn, a number of simple measures must be taken.

  1. Watch out for general condition baby. If there is any deterioration, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Make changes to your mom's diet. Since her diet can affect the consistency of feces, the menu should be somewhat revised. It would be great if a nursing woman kept a special diary where she recorded the introduction of a new product and the child's reaction to it.
  3. Never stop breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains special antibodies that help fight intestinal infections and allergies. In addition, it contains beneficial microorganisms that inhabit. With frequent loose stools, mother's milk can prevent dehydration.
  4. It might make sense to try a different mixture. After all, it is possible that the appearance of loose stools in newborns may be associated with a reaction to its composition. The choice of nutrition for new mothers should be taken seriously.

In what situations it is necessary to consult a doctor

It's not just the texture that matters, but the smell as well.

A number of signs accompanying loose stools should alert the mother. If these are found, an immediate appeal to the pediatrician is required.

  • Body temperature rises to 38
  • Profuse and frequent diarrhea
  • Vomiting 3 times a day in a row
  • Dry lips and mouth
  • The baby cries without tears
  • Feeling sleepy and lethargic
  • The presence of foam, blood inclusions in the feces
  • The appearance of a rash or peeling of the skin.

Before the arrival of a specialist, it is necessary to provide the baby with plenty of fluids. With diarrhea, he loses a lot of fluid, it is important to replenish it in order to prevent dehydration. Do not give any medication under any circumstances. Don't stop breastfeeding. Constantly monitor the body temperature of the crumbs. Breastfeeding mothers adhere to a certain diet.

After a bowel movement, it is necessary to sprinkle the skin with baby powder, sometimes treat it with a cream. In this way, it will be possible to avoid diaper rash that can aggravate the situation.

Important! Loose stools in a newborn, accompanied by vomiting, elevated temperature and rapid weight loss, can be dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the baby.

Loose stools in and of themselves are no reason to be nervous.

If a child has frequent bowel movements, and at the same time he does not gain weight, then this may be evidence of an enzyme deficiency in his digestive glands.

How often should a baby's bowel movements be excreted and what does watery stool in a newborn, similar to diarrhea, mean? These questions concern all parents who do not have sufficient experience in caring for children. If a child eats easily digestible food, his feces will not be formed. It resembles a liquid slurry, but it is not a sign of diarrhea. In another situation, strange feces deserve detailed study.

Norms of feces with different feeding

The color and density of defecation products in infants are determined by the method of nutrition.

  1. When breastfeeding, the stool is liquid and mushy, resembling diarrhea in appearance. The color of the mass is yellow, green, golden. The diet of a nursing woman is responsible for staining food waste. Dairy products, consumed by her, make the stool yellowish. If herbal ingredients predominate in the diet, the newborn may have greenish stools. Cheesy lumps among feces are also considered the norm. The stool exudes a sour smell.
  2. In children who are on artificial feeding, shades of feces vary from pale yellow to light brown. The consistency is dense and pasty, the smell is unpleasant. Thick and more or less formed feces in a child under the age of one year becomes after the introduction of complementary foods.

About the frequency of stool, Dr. Komarovsky says that in the first month of life, the baby can empty up to 10 r. per day (almost after each feeding). "Artists" poop half as often and in large portions. Stool retention up to 2 days without manifestations of flatulence is not considered a deviation.

Why is the consistency of the stool broken?

One of the causes of altered feces in infants is intestinal infection. If the physiological development of the crumbs corresponds age norms, but often liquid watery stools are released, this condition indicates a prolonged adaptation of the tract to new living conditions.

Unformed chair remains under the influence of various factors.

  • Violation sanitary norms during cooking baby food. Bacteria can remain on poorly washed dishes, provoking a disorder in the digestive tract.
  • Abrupt transition from mother's milk to cow product some children cause intestinal problems.
  • Congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract. Deviations are detected only in the clinic. Treatment is carried out by the medical staff under the supervision of a doctor. IN special occasions the involvement of a surgeon is required.
  • Dysbacteriosis. The imbalance of the gastric microflora distorts the work of the entire digestive system.
  • Decreased immunity. A weak defense system alters bowel function, causing the tract to release watery stools.

Liquefied feces in the morning, doctors do not link with nutrition. The symptom usually refers to nervous state a baby who needs more attention and a calm environment.

Differences between loose stools and diarrhea

Parents can distinguish simple loose stools from diarrhea by several signs. Consider what happens with diarrhea.

  1. Increased frequency of bowel movements.
  2. The stool becomes even more liquid and watery.
  3. From the anal canal, feces are thrown out sharply.
  4. The masses have a pronounced green color and a sour smell.
  5. Mucous or bloody streaks, foam are visible in the feces.

In addition to these symptoms, the attention of parents is attracted by the altered state of the crumbs. Capriciousness, poor sleep, refusal to eat, increased gas formation and temperature changes confirm his poor health and require medical advice.

Solving the problem of watery stool

What to do if a baby has stool like water? First of all, the mother should review her diet and start a food diary, in which all the foods eaten and reactions will be entered. child's body on their intake with milk. Juices, fresh fruits and vegetables are capable of thinning feces. They deserve special attention.

No matter how much a woman wants to eat diverse foods, she must understand the importance of breastfeeding and apply the baby on demand. Mother's milk contains antibodies necessary for the crumbs to fight intestinal infections, and beneficial bacteria that form the flora of the tract. HB with frequent liquid emptying will serve as a prevention of dehydration of the child's body.

If watery stool the “artificial” defecates, most likely, the composition of the consumed mixture does not suit him. In this situation, the mother should consult with the pediatrician and choose a new diet. However, switching to other mixtures, especially frequent ones, also leads to a change in stool.

Reasons for an urgent visit to the pediatrician

One-time episodes of strange stools in children aged 2-3 months are physiological standards. Up to 1 year there is a formation of all body systems, but changes in the gastrointestinal tract are expressed most clearly. At good health The baby has nothing to worry about.

But if the baby is nervous, loses weight, twists its legs, vomits and burns from high temperature, you need to urgently call a doctor at home. Frequent liquefied stools are dangerous for the baby by dehydration.

The following symptoms help to recognize it:

  • stretched skin;
  • weak cry;
  • tearless crying;
  • sunken fontanel;
  • lethargic state;
  • dark, foul-smelling urine;
  • increased body temperature;
  • a small amount of bowel movements (diapers get dirty only twice a day).

How to treat a child with watery stools, the specialist will decide after a general examination and receiving answers from the analysis of feces. In case of intestinal infection and dysbacteriosis, antibiotics, sorbents, probiotics will be prescribed to a small patient. With severe dehydration, the crumbs are saved with electrolyte solutions.

Breastfeeding a baby is not an easy period and, frankly, it requires many abstinences so as not to provoke digestive problems in your crumbs. Recall that during the first two months of his life, the baby's digestive system is still continuing its formation.

Loose stools in a newborn do not always indicate a health problem and the onset of any disease. Inexperienced parents can be very puzzled by this, but we hasten to reassure, this is how the body matures, adapts to the world and new food. The frequency of stools in infants will increase after about the fourth day of life. Usually mushy stools light color practically odorless. It can be right after feeding or two or three times a day.

The less frequent bowel movements, the fewer calories the baby receives.

By the age of two months, the baby's stool will become more systematized and regular.

2. Causes of liquid stools in infants during breastfeeding

Do not worry about loose stools for a baby, let's try to figure out the main causes and problems together. The causes of loose stools can be:
1. Infection. One of the explanations for this problem is intestinal infection. Unfortunately, even with very clean and hygienic parents, this is possible. The fact is that the body is still beginning to form in the baby, and the protective functions of the stomach are weak.

Often, microorganisms that are not dangerous for an adult cause significant damage to a newborn.

Infectious disease occurs abruptly, with pain in the tummy, the baby cries a lot. Sometimes a high temperature rises;
2. Dysbacteriosis. A common cause of loose stools in children. Reaction to various drugs, antibiotics. The consistency of the stool may vary. And the treatment for this reason is the intake of probiotics in a return dosage. And which ones, of course, only a pediatrician will tell you;
3.Violation of proper nutrition of the mother.Not proper nutrition mother or child, can also cause diarrhea for the baby, the use of products that help thin the stool, such as cucumbers, beets, apples, pears, etc. There may also be a reaction to the introduction of new products that the baby’s body is not used to yet;
4. Intolerance to certain products. Separately, I would like to highlight the congenital intolerance of the child's body, specific components. This is due to pathology and enzyme deficiency, which is the cause of the violation of the digestive process of the intestine. Pathology manifests itself gradually. The medical name for this is malabsorption syndrome;
5. Teeth. Not always loose stools, indicates intestinal diseases. When the first teeth appear in infancy, diarrhea frequent occurrence. This happens mainly after the age of six months, but it happens at four and even three months.
However, if something is still very alarming for you, contact a specialist and consult, only a competent doctor can identify the exact cause and prescribe a course of treatment or dispel your suspicions.

Proper treatment of loose stools is supported individually, depending on the causes. From general rules it is worth highlighting only that with loose stools, a lot of water is lost, dehydration may occur. To avoid this, let's saline solution Oralitis or rehydron. Also in medicinal product enterodesis is part of Activated carbon, and he, as you know, has a suction effect of all toxins. Any of these funds, it is advised to have in the first-aid kit at home all the time. Give your baby water, both from a bottle and with a pipette, in small doses so as not to provoke vomiting. Ordinary boiled water is not enough, it is important to give salt-containing water in order to restore the water balance.

In addition to solutions, you can give smecta, polyphepan, enterosgel. These medicines like a sponge, they absorb toxins that have entered the stomach. However, this does not contribute to the complete destruction of bacteria. Also review your diet to exclude provocative foods from it, these include apples, cucumbers, etc. (a more detailed list is in our article: “Nutrition during breastfeeding”.

Loose stools in newborns look like water and, as mentioned earlier, are quite common in the first days of life. But if the baby less than three months, and you are already changing the diaper for the fourth or even fifth time, then do not self-medicate and urgently call the pediatrician. You can heal on your own, best cases until constipation. Be careful!

What is suitable for an adult, in case of illness, can harm the baby.

Nutrition during infection must be continued, but in smaller volumes. Babies who are on artificial nutrition, it is advised to feed fermented milk mixtures. When feeding, you can add half a tablet of mezim-forte. Watch your child's reaction to the foods you eat, but it can change, so the baby adapts. Loose stools in a child, as we have already said, are due to intolerance to certain products, namely the enzymes that they contain. To identify which, you and your baby will have to go to the clinic and take tests.

This is a disease, which in common people is called intolerance to certain enzymes found in products, namely, not the ability to perceive them. It is divided into two types:
1. Lactase deficiency is an intolerance to milk and manifests itself from the very birth of a child while breastfeeding. Stool with insufficiency with foam, greenery, accompanied by colic and vomiting.
The baby must be transferred to a lactose-free diet and within a month the condition returns to normal.
2. Celiac disease is a disease of the damaged small intestine. With this disease, the body is not able to digest the cereal category of products, such as wheat, oats, rye. This problem manifests itself in the first four months after the introduction of these products into the diet. chair with foam and oily sheen, frequent. It is enough to exclude these products from the diet and the condition is restored.

Often, the protein found in artificial mixtures is foreign, for example, from cow's milk or soy. baby it is of little use, unlike breast milk. Allergic inflammation in the stomach may develop, lactase production will be disrupted. Such processes are rarely manifested by a skin rash and outwardly it is not noticeable. At the same time, there are failures in the absorption of many substances in the intestine, a violation of the digestion of lactase. And therefore, if a child has mixed feeding for a long time diarrhea continues, you need to be examined for allergens.