Why does the skin on the hands dry and crack? Baths with medicinal herbs. Causes and factors of appearance on the hands and fingers

  • Dry skin: main signs
  • Causes of dryness
  • seasonal care
  • Baths for hands
  • Nutrition tips for dry skin
  • Preventive measures
  • Overview of care products

Dry skin: main signs

Dry skin can be caused by both genetic predisposition and external factors - the use of poorly selected cosmetic products or harsh weather conditions.

Dry skin does not retain moisture well because its natural moisture is damaged. protective layer- hydrolipidic mantle. Particularly often this problem affects areas with thin skin: eyelids, hands, neck, décolleté.

Causes of dryness

If it's not about atopic dermatitis or eczema, there are several causes of dry skin on the hands.

    Frequent hand washing with harsh cleansers and use of germicidal gels (especially important for doctors and nurses).

    Use of funds household chemicals without gloves.

    Too much frequent use and, as a result, a violation of the integrity of the protective barrier of the epidermis.

    Working with chemicals, solvents and other aggressive substances.

    extreme weather: heat or vice versa, hard frost and an icy wind.

    Low indoor air humidity is a common winter problem, because when the central heating is turned on, the air, as a rule, turns out to be too dry.

To prevent your hands from becoming dry, wear gloves when cleaning and washing dishes. © iStock

Proper care for dry skin

Hand care is not limited to cream alone, especially if you take it out of the drawer only in emergency situations. A simple care regimen will help keep your hands in excellent condition.

    Note, how do you wash your hands and how often you do it. If dry hand skin is your constant problem or your job requires you to wash your hands many times a day, change the classic lump or liquid soap for a more gentle cream remedy purification.

    Important limit skin contact with household chemicals, for example, when washing dishes: use gloves or replace products with moisturizers and hypoallergenic ones.

    Hand scrub is not very popular, but it does not hurt to get one. Regular (a couple of times a week) exfoliation removes dead particles of the epidermis and causes cells to renew faster. The skin not only becomes softer and more tender, but also better perceives the beneficial substances that are part of the products for subsequent care.

    Hand cream should be on the bedside table of every woman (you can throw the second in your bag, and the third in the office desk drawer). Without it, the skin of the hands will age prematurely.

    As an emergency procedure for quick recovery, use hand mask: it could be like special remedy, and any greasy cream applied in a dense layer. Wear cotton gloves over the top.

Use hand cream several times a day © iStock

seasonal care

As with facials, hand care regimens change with the seasons.

  1. 1

    For the skin, this is the most difficult period, when frosts and piercing winds on the street are combined with dry indoor air. Remember to wear gloves and keep nutritious cream for hands. And as an emergency measure, use emollients for rough skin.

  2. 2

    Trouble-free time, only if you are not in a dry and hot climate. Moisturizing cream will help to put your hands in order, plus do not forget about cuticle oil.

  3. 3

    Autumn and spring

    Characterized by a changeable climate, on cold days, focus on nourishing the skin, on warm days, on moisturizing.

Hand scrub makes skin softer and smoother © iStock

Baths for hands

Before applying the cream, you can make a 10-minute hand bath with sea salt. A teaspoon of salt is enough for a small container: it will nourish the skin with microelements and moisturize it.

After the bath, do not dry your hands dry, just pat them dry with a towel. Then apply cream.

A balanced diet for dry skin

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the advisability of taking vitamins to improve skin condition. Today, doctors believe that a person should receive the necessary substances with food. That's why universal advice- adjust the diet so that the menu maintains a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

    It is customary to consider them universal evil, in fact we are talking about fatty acids, thanks to which the skin looks healthy and radiant. Fatty acids are found in foods such as vegetable oils, seeds and nuts, some types of fish.


    They are known to be rich fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. Although, according to the latest scientific data, the content of nutrients in frozen fruits is not much less. The champion in the concentration of vitamins and minerals can be called spinach, rich in vitamins B, C, E, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. However, all leafy greens incredibly beneficial for skin health.

Preventive measures

These tips will help prevent unpleasant peeling of the skin on your hands - so take note of them.

  • Tidy up the house and wash the dishes strictly with gloves: cleaning products (even if not marked “avoid skin contact”) contain a high concentration of aggressive surfactants (surfactants). It will not harm dishes and plumbing, and it will definitely dry out the skin of the hands.

In ancient times, the true age of a lady and the nature of her work were judged by the condition of her hands. For housekeepers, it was dry and cracked, but for real ladies, it was tender and soft. No one makes such a class division anymore. However, very dry skin of the hands - what to do with it - is an actual problem to this day. Any woman can become a victim.

Very dry hand skin - causes

provoke this problem may be the following factors:

  1. Dry air. IN winter time heating appliances are to blame, and air conditioners in hot summers.
  2. Allergy. It can be caused by food and low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Chlorinated water. Contact with it leads to tightness of the skin. In addition, it becomes rough and dry. Too hot water has the same effect.
  4. Exposure to household chemicals. They gradually thin the protective layer of the epidermis, and with prolonged contact completely destroy it.
  5. Avitaminosis and insufficient water intake. With a poor diet, health problems begin, this also negatively affects the condition skin.
  6. Certain diseases (these include diabetes, and other ailments). If the cause is caused by diseases, then external influence on the problem area is meaningless: it gives only a temporary result. It is important to find out why very dry skin on the hands, and then treat the disease itself that caused this condition.
  7. Natural aging process. Age changes Not the best way affect the condition of the skin. It loses its elasticity, becomes rough.
  8. hereditary factors. If there genetic predisposition, a woman needs to be prepared for the emergence of this problem.
  9. Wrong care. This also includes the habit of not wiping your hands after washing. The moisture remaining on the surface during evaporation dries out the epidermis.

How to moisturize very dry hands?

If the epidermis is flaky, cracked and burns slightly, all this indicates advanced stage Problems. However, very dry skin of the hands requires treatment even before the onset of the above symptoms. Find the problem on early stage a simple test will help. Its essence is as follows: you need to lightly press your finger on the brush, and then abruptly release it. If a stain remains on the surface for some time, this indicates increased dryness of the skin. Treatment aimed at moisturizing should not be postponed.

Cream for very dry skin

There are several types cosmetics intended for of this type epidermis. These include such products:

  • a nutrient with a dense texture;
  • moisturizing hand cream (has a light, delicate texture);
  • a product with a protective effect that forms a film on the surface of the cover;
  • therapeutic cream, which contains healing substances;
  • anti-aging product (it actively fights the signs of aging).

Before purchasing a hand cream, you need to pay attention to such points:

  1. Product appearance. If the product is factory packed, it is worth looking at its date of manufacture. It is not recommended to purchase the product 3 months before the expiration date.
  2. Compound. Every cosmetic product industrial production contains preservatives. It is important that these are safe components (methylparaben or benzoic acid). However, bronopol and methylisothiazolinone are undesirable: they provoke allergies.
  3. Package. Beauticians recommend giving preference to products in tubes. Such a cream is less in contact with air, and it is considered more hygienic.
  4. Storage. If a cosmetic product is displayed in a showcase brightly lit by the sun, it has already lost most of its valuable properties.

When the skin of the hands is very dry - what to do is a natural question. In this case, it is not enough to choose the right cream, it still needs to be used correctly. Do not apply this cosmetic product before going out. Otherwise, in the cold, the components contained here will turn into ice crystals and injure the skin. The following creams will help moisturize your hands:

  • Neutrogena Nerwegian Formula instant action;
  • "Double breath" from Faberlik;
  • Absolue Mains by Lancome with UV protection;
  • Water Therapy by Clinique with active water.

Moisturizing hand mask

It can be used as cosmetics of industrial production, as well as a self-made product. However, to achieve the expected result, it is important to alternate moisturizers, otherwise the epidermis will get used to it and will no longer respond properly. A mask for very dry skin of the hands in its composition may have the following components:

  • milk;
  • vegetable oils;
  • parsley;
  • potatoes and so on.

Moisturizing hand gloves

This tool does not have age restrictions. Its use gives amazing results. High efficiency gloves is explained by the presence in their composition natural ingredients. Such products for very dry skin of the hands are available different types. These are the most commonly used:

  • SPA Belle, which contains lavender extract, vitamin E and olive oil;
  • reusable Naomi gloves, where the silicone lining contains a green tea enzyme;
  • Faberlic products, which can be used up to 50 times (the gel is made from plant extracts and vitamin E).

Moisturizing hand baths

Such procedures can be performed both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. When the skin of the hands is very dry in winter, baths should be done systematically (twice or thrice a week). For preventive purposes, the number of procedures should be reduced to 1 time in 4 weeks. You can do the following baths at home:

  • emollient based on starch;
  • soda with severe dryness of the integument;
  • tea-olive for rough skin;
  • rejuvenating and softening based on oils;
  • milk for rough and dry skin;
  • mineral, which softens the epidermis and accelerates metabolic processes.

Lotion for very dry hands

To the choice of this cosmetic is important special approach. Only the lotion, which contains natural substances, can soften very dry skin of the hands. These are vegetable and essential oils, aloe, as well as beekeeping products. However, there are enemy components: artificial flavors and alcohols. Immediately after application of a lotion containing these substances, the skin appears to be healing. However, in the long term, the use of a cosmetic product with these components aggravates the situation. These lotions have proven to be excellent:

  • Protect Hand Lotion, created on the basis of tangerine and orange oils;
  • Babe Laboratories Hand Lotion, which contains shea butter and vitamin E;
  • silk lotion "Tender hands";
  • Lavande from L "OCCITANE and others.

How to restore very dry hand skin?

Salon and home procedures will help to cure the epidermis. The first is biorevitalization. This procedure includes the introduction hyaluronic acid. As a result, very dry skin of the hands with cracks is rejuvenated, saturated with moisture, and all damage heals. At home, you can do restorative masks, baths, body wraps and other manipulations. For therapeutic purposes, procedures should be carried out systematically.

Revitalizing hand cream

Such a cosmetic should intensively nourish the tissues and ensure their regeneration. As part of a high-quality regenerating cream, there are protective components that form a thin film on the surface of the epidermis. It protects the cover from negative external factors. These cosmetics are well aware of how to restore dry skin of the hands:

  • "Intensive care" from Garnier with allontoin;
  • Nourishing Hand from Oriflame (based on sweet almond oil);
  • Douceur Des Mains by Payot with almond oil.

Revitalizing hand mask

Make it like this medicinal composition can be made from vegetable oils, vitamins (A, E), honey and other miracle ingredients. In addition, purchased restorative agents can be used. If the skin of the hands is very dry in winter - what to do in this case? Beauticians recommend:

  1. Review your diet.
  2. Do restorative procedures (masks,) twice or thrice a week.
  3. Choose the right cream and use it regularly.

Very dry hand skin - folk remedies

At home, you can make many different cosmetics that will help soften the cover. So, glycerin can be used from overdried and cracked skin of the hands. In addition, they have a softening effect vegetable oil(especially good), yolks, liquid honey, water. All of them can be used in combination or separately.

The recipe for a restorative composition

Dry skin in dermatology is called xeroderma. She needs more care and hydration. How to return the epidermis normal condition and what needs to be done for this and this article will tell.


Dry skin in winter may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal or physiological changes in the body, which are displayed by the development of dry skin.
  2. Insufficient fluid intake, due to which there is a lack of moisture in the body. In this case, the cells do not receive the necessary moisture, which affects the condition of the skin.
  3. Bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol extremely negatively affect the functioning of body systems, including the condition of the epidermis.
  4. In women, dry skin on the hands in winter can be associated with menopause. In this state, the problem can be solved only through drug therapy.
  5. Incorrect or insufficiently thorough skin care. For example, insufficient hydration in people with sensitive epidermis in a week can lead to dry skin.
  6. Using soap for washing and washing hands that will dry out the skin. It is especially harmful to use laundry soap, whose aggressive alkali will affect the early aging of the skin.
  7. The effect of cold on unprotected skin can lead not only to dry skin, but also to flaking, irritation and redness. In more severe cases, spider veins may appear on the skin of the face.
  8. Skin aging, which is accompanied by a decrease in the production of sebum and as a consequence of this - dryness.
  9. Use of poor quality decorative cosmetics or the use of funds whose expiration date has already expired. In this case, in addition to dryness, a person can observe himself allergic reaction, manifested in the form of a rash, itching, redness, etc. In this condition, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible.
  10. Using makeup that dries out the skin. Such are foundation creams and powder. In general, cosmetologists do not recommend the frequent use of such cosmetics. Instead, it is better to apply a regular protective cream on your face.
  11. Poorly balanced diet, in which a person does not receive enough vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin deficiency is especially evident in winter and spring. In this case, not only the skin can suffer, but also nails, hair, vision and general well-being of a person.
  12. Some diseases can affect dry skin digestive system as well as diabetes mellitus. In this case, the problem is solved only by eliminating the root cause of the disease.
  13. The frequent practice of scrubs and peels injures the skin, which can cause it to dry out.
  14. Washing with hot or chlorinated water.

What to do

If you have a problem with dry skin, you should follow these tips:

  1. Drink more fluids to maintain normal water balance in the body. In a good way, you need to drink at least two liters of pure water per day.
  2. Review your diet and enrich it with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Thus, more greens, fruits and vegetables should be added to the menu. It is also good to eat dairy products, dried fruits, nuts and meat. You can drink juices. After a month of such nutrition, you will see noticeable improvements in the body.
  3. Refuse bad habits(smoking, drinking). This will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also minimize the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
  4. If the problem of dry skin is caused by a disease, then you need to undergo a full diagnosis and start a course of treatment. In this case, you need to contact several specialists at once - a neurologist, a dermatologist, a gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist.
  5. It is important to install a humidifier in the room so that the skin does not dry out so much.
  6. Should be abandoned frequent use"heavy" decorative cosmetics, as well as completely eliminate the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Winter care tips for dry skin

Dry skin care in winter includes:

  1. Use of moisturizers.
  2. Application of nourishing masks.
  3. Use of protective creams.
  4. The use of essential oils.

Care for too dry skin should be regular and aimed at its maximum hydration. To do this, you should use several different types of care cosmetics at once - creams, gels, mousses, scrubs.

It is important not to wipe the skin dry after washing, but only lightly blot with a towel so that moisture remains on the epidermis.


Moisturizing the skin with creams is mandatory step care. This is especially true for dry skin that needs regular moisturizing most.

The composition of such creams should include vitamins, fats and other nutrients. In winter, it is worth using more oily creams and light in summer.

It is also worth noting that with age, work sebaceous glands changes accordingly, and it will not be superfluous to change moisturizing creams in order to maintain the normal state of the epidermis.

In winter, moisturizing face and body creams can be enriched with essential oils.


The best masks for dry skin are:

  1. Honey mask. Mix equal amounts of honey and olive oil. Apply to skin even layer. Wait ten minutes and thoroughly wash off the remaining mask with clean water.
  2. Mix half a glass of milk and the same amount of mineral water. Wipe your face with this mixture, then wash with water.
  3. Mix avocado and banana. Add some cream and apply the mixture on dry skin. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse with water. You can also use this body mask after taking a shower.
  4. Applying aloe juice and kefir to dry skin.

Folk recipes

The best folk recipes for dry skin are:

  1. wet paper napkin in milk and apply it to dry skin. The same can be done with kefir. After ten minutes, remove the tissue and moisturize the skin.
  2. Wipe the skin with aloe juice, in which you need to moisten a cotton pad. Repeat the procedure daily for two weeks. After that, the skin will become softer and saturate with vitamins.
  3. An excellent tool is beeswax. It must be melted in a water bath and mixed with olive oil and aloe juice. Ready tool wipe the skin in problem areas.
  4. Oils help a lot. They nourish the skin, saturate it with vitamins and other useful substances. Oil can be used for this purpose. apricot kernel, almond and Peach oil. Jojoba oil can also be used on the face.

Video: Basic mistakes

What not to do with dry skin

In order not to aggravate the situation even more, with dry skin, you can not do this:

  1. Do not take a bath with ordinary soap, as this will worsen the condition of the skin.
  2. You can not visit the sauna and take a hot shower.
  3. It is forbidden to apply the main moisturizing cream based on hyaluronic acid less than half an hour before going out into the cold. The same applies to the use of water-based creams.
  4. Do not use greasy baby creams, despite the opinion that they are useful. In fact, such creams are good only for children's skin. For an adult, they are harmful, as they disrupt skin respiration, which leads to blockage of pores and their inflammation.
  5. People with dry skin are not advised to visit the pool, as they contain chlorinated water.
  6. Do not use scrubs to cleanse the skin, as they will severely damage it.

How to help hands

Hands, as you know, are the part of the body that they turn to. close attention when meeting. They must always be in perfect condition.

The problem of dry hands in winter is very common, and to help eliminate it, you can massage your hands using oils. Flaxseed and almond oils are great for this.

Also work well paraffin baths and applying hand balms.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the importance of using protective hand creams in winter and wearing warm mittens who will save delicate skin hands from freezing and redness.

When to See a Doctor

You should consult a doctor when the first signs of dry skin appear, since a person alone will not be able to identify the root cause of the disease.

Moreover, if dryness caused a disease, then the sooner it starts to be treated, the better for the person.

In addition, in no case should a visit to the doctor be postponed when, with dry skin, wounds, redness or itching began to appear. This danger signs allergic reaction, which should be eliminated by medication.

When it comes to dry skin, it is important to use the following tips:

  1. Skin care products should include oils, waxes, fats or glycerin. It will provide normal level moisture.
  2. If the skin of the body is dry, cotton clothes should be worn that will not dry out the epidermis.
  3. When choosing cosmetics, it is important to pay attention not only to their composition, but also to the container and expiration date. If you doubt the quality of a particular product, it is better not to buy it.

The same applies to the consistency of creams. It should be uniform, without the presence of lumps or streaks. Otherwise, this will indicate poor product quality.

  1. Dry skin can react differently to cosmetic masks and other products, so it is important for a person to individually choose for himself what suits him best.

Photo: Before and after

Winter is not best time years for your hands. However, knowing some tricks, you will forget about such phenomena as dry skin, its peeling, cracks, and your hands will always look great!

Comparison of hands in winter before and after care

How to get rid of cracked hands

One of the common problems in winter is too dry hand skin and the appearance of cracks. To forget about this phenomenon, use baths 2-3 times a week. The easiest option is . The salt bath helps to moisturize and heal the skin of the hands, and also has a positive effect on the condition of the nails.

If there are scratches and cracks on the hands, an infusion of chamomile or string will help: pour the dry mixture (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (220 ml). The time of infusion is a quarter of an hour. Strain, dip your hands into the hot infusion and wait until it cools down. Apply cream, wrap with a towel. Just a few of these baths, and soon you will forget about all the problems.

Here is another healthy recipe for winter hand care: pour flaxseeds (110 ml) with water (220 ml). All this is cooked to the consistency of gruel. Dip your hands into the cooled product and hold them for about 20 minutes. Do not wash them for at least half a day. To soften the skin, mix a glass of milk and strained chamomile broth, immerse your hands in the mixture for a few minutes, rinse with cool water.

What to do if the skin on the hands peels off

If your skin often flakes, then hold on them for half an hour next mixture: honey (1.5 tsp) + ground coffee (200 ml). Don't forget to apply moisturizer after rinsing. It is advisable to do this mixture at least once a week.

Hand scrub with honey and ground coffee

They are able to get rid of peeling and microcracks. In addition, they moisturize and heal the skin, nourish it useful vitamins and micronutrients. This is one of the simplest and effective ways get your hands in perfect shape.

Hand protection in winter

To protect the skin of the hands in the cold season from the effects of frost and environment, use the following composition: water (110 ml), talc, boric acid, food gelatin (1.5 g) and starch (20 g). Apply the mixture on the skin and dry without wiping. Do the procedures weekly.
If your hands are chapped and rough, it's time to peel. IN ground coffee add a little water, rub the gruel into dry skin. Wash off after 20 minutes.
Particularly good peeling fruit stones like peach or plum. Put the bones in gauze, tie tightly. Drive with this bag for 10 minutes in a circular motion on the hand, after washing it. This trick will significantly improve blood flow. Use cool water to remove the product.
There is another excellent tool for skin care in winter. Make a scrub out of sea ​​salt, chopped tangerine peels and a couple of drops essential oil. Massage your hands and rub the mixture thoroughly. Then rinse and apply cream.

Salt hand scrub

  • In the cold, do not save on good protective cream. Ideally, it should contain vitamins A, E, B5, beeswax, glycerin, aloe juice, natural oils. Such a tool will moisturize, soften the skin of the hands. By the way, bactericidal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects are characteristic of such creams.
  • If you need a deeper therapeutic effect, use masks and do not forget to massage your hands.
  • If your hand skin becomes very dry in winter and you don’t know what to do, then use the following remedy: make a mask from a bread crumb filled with a glass of warm milk. It is necessary to withstand the soaked crumb for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off the mask and apply a nourishing cream on your hands.

Would you like to learn more about winter hand care, how to properly apply all products and give yourself a massage? Take a few minutes and watch the video:

Winter is the time when your hands need your attention and care the most. Don't forget to take care of them! Using these simple tips, you will forget about cracks and dry skin of hands in frosty time. Or maybe you have your own secrets? Write in the comments!

You can find more useful articles on how to properly care for your pens in our section.

Women are much more likely than men to experience such a phenomenon as very dry skin on their hands. What to do if previously soft, tender and velvety hands suddenly become rough, irritated and covered with microcracks? daily worries and the influence of cleaning agents dehydrates the skin, and only careful, quality care will help keep your hands in order. You can’t limit yourself to cream, because wrong image life or illness can also cause dry hands.

Causes of dehydration of the skin

Damage to the skin of the hands appear not only due to external factors, but also as symptoms of diseases. TO external reasons relate:

Some diseases of the body are reflected in appearance and can cause dry skin on the hands. Causes, as well as treatment, can only be determined by a doctor based on laboratory research. TO such diseases include:

Focal dryness, redness and microcracks in certain areas of the hands - clear sign developed illness.

Light, small scales on the palms indicate a lack of vitamins A and D. Extensive peeling on the palms and fingers indicates a fungal infection. With a lack of fatty acids in the diet, the skin becomes rough and covered with small and large cracks. If, in addition to external damage, itching also appeared, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible - a feeling of irritation and a constant desire to scratch reddened skin are symptoms of psoriasis or acute dermatitis.

The skin on the fingers usually becomes dry due to lack of moisture, especially in old age. Therefore, care can be limited to thorough moisturizing. May crack and become brittle nails on the hands, which means that the hands suffer due to infection with a fungus, and you can get rid of it only with the help of treatment under the guidance of a dermatologist.

If dryness on the hands is not focal in nature, and the skin evenly reddens and becomes rough, then the matter is either in the wrong (or absent) care, or in overly aggressive detergents.

Hand treatment and care

Skin Save Myths

Virtually every woman guided by its own principles in building a body, face and hand care program. And often these principles are built on unreliable, and even harmful information:

10 beauty rules

Hand care does not take much time and often does not require financial injections. Enough to follow ten simple rules to keep your hands beautiful for as long as possible:

Recipes for homemade masks and baths

All masks are best used before bed. In the evening, you need to lubricate the skin with the composition and put on clean cotton gloves. In the morning, gloves are removed and the mask is washed off with warm water.

You can enhance the effect of masks if you use the listed recipes in compresses. The compress is made from gauze or bandage soaked in the mixture. You need to wrap your hands with such a cloth, wrap it with polyethylene on top, and then with a warm towel. The duration of the use of compresses should be no more than 20 minutes. After this time, all layers of tissue and film are removed, excess mask is removed with a cotton pad.

Herbal baths

The use of baths not only softens the skin and eliminates peeling, but also accelerates the healing of microcracks and “accelerates” blood circulation. Before using any infusion or decoction, make sure that the tub you are about to put your hands in is not too hot. The temperature of the water should be warm so as not to burn the skin. The time of application of any bath should not exceed 20 minutes.

Medical treatment for dry skin

If you regularly apply cream and scrub, do massage and gymnastics and do not follow harmful myths, and the skin suddenly began to peel off, consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the reason why the hands dry, and prescribe a treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. During the treatment period, try not to use home remedies so as not to provoke an allergic reaction and not aggravate the condition of the hands.

After consulting a doctor, you can apply:

  • Chlorhexidine or Miramistin - for skin disinfection.
  • "Panthenol", "Solcoseryl" or any other wound healing ointment.
  • Vitamins A and E in capsules (usually a solution in linseed oil) can be applied to the skin by crushing the capsule, as an emollient and nourishing agent.

If the doctor has not identified any disease, and dryness is caused climatic conditions(For example, sunburn or frostbite), choose one of the pharmaceutical ointments to help rejuvenate the skin.

These are the basic rules for hand care. Take care of your skin, spare no time and money, and then your hands will always look beautiful and young.