Homemade mask for dry hands. Moisturizing and softening hand mask. Effective nutrition and softening

Hello my dear readers! Excessively dry hand skin is an extremely unpleasant problem for all of us. Because of it, we not only feel discomfort, but also lose in terms of appearance - the hands look unkempt, and the skin wrinkles and may even become wrinkled. home mask for dry hands will be a real salvation in this situation. About what and how to make it, we'll talk this time.

A few words about the reasons

The epidermis may suffer from excessive dryness, flaking, cracks and wrinkles due to the following reasons:

  • your body is dehydrated - you may drink little water, but a lot of coffee and tea;
  • there are problems with internal organs- thyroid gland, liver, intestines;
  • perhaps the dermis is suffering due to the hot sun, wind or severe frosts and you don't protect it well enough with cream or gloves;
  • you wash your hands with insufficiently mild soap, harsh, too hot or too cold water;
  • your body lacks vitamins A or E, or important trace elements;
  • perhaps your pens often come into contact with harmful chemicals or detergents;
  • you don't take care of your skin, you forget about hand cream.

best face mask for very dry hands

My friend Jeanne suffered from this problem since childhood. Despite the quality cream and salon procedures with paraffin, her hands were always very dry. In autumn and spring, the problem worsened - the skin began to peel off, in some places it even cracked and bled. girlfriend hosted vitamin complexes and vitamin A oil from the pharmacy, it helped, but not for long. She was saved by a special nourishing mask for. Thanks to her, Zhannochka not only got rid of dryness and cracks, but also made her hands smooth, tender and beautiful, literally returned their youth!

Here is the recipe for this wonderful composition: you need to grind a very ripe banana into a puree, pour a spoonful of olive oil and one raw yolk into it. The mass must be applied without sparing, and left for 20 minutes, then rinse warm water, and lubricate the skin with cream. By repeating the procedure 2 times a week, you will forget about such a problem as dryness.

By the way, this mask will also return your nails to health. It can also be safely applied to the face if it also suffers from dryness.

In addition, Zhanna spoiled her hands with starch trays. This helped her forget about peeling and cracks. The bath is made simply - you need to boil liquid jelly from water and potato starch, cool it to a pleasant warmth and hold the handles in it for 20-25 minutes.

To make the handles look “one hundred percent”, you must not only nourish, but also moisturize them. IN next video You will find several great recipes for moisturizing masks for dry hands at once.

Rejuvenating mask for dry hands

My mother is a great fellow, she very diligently looks after not only her face, but also her hands. The composition with glycerin and honey helps to keep the skin soft and young. To prepare it, mom mixes a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of glycerin, a spoonful of warm water and a spoonful of starch. She holds a warm mass on her hands for 20 minutes, then rinses it off with warm water. This mask for dry hands can be safely used not only by ladies aged 45-50, but also by young girls suffering from dryness.

Tip: if you suddenly didn’t have starch on hand, it’s okay - replace it with plain flour.

And in the next video you will find a recipe for another bath that removes dryness, as well as numerous reviews about it.

Did you know:

  1. How to get rid of cracks on the hands at home?
  2. What masks will rejuvenate your hands?
  3. What is the best mask for dry hands?

moisturizing hands and proper care after them - essential condition preserving their beauty and youth. Most of the most beneficial skincare treatments, such as baths and natural masks, are very easy to prepare at home. Read on to find out what recipes will help moisturize and soften dry skin on your hands.

Prevention of dry hands

Many girls face excessive dryness skin of the hands, often forgetting that its appearance can be prevented. Prevention has always been and will always be the best medicine, so do not ignore ground rules keeping the skin of the hands healthy.

Not a single moisturizing mask will bring the expected effect if you do not help the skin from the inside. Balanced diet, containing a sufficient amount of proteins, healthy fats, trace elements and vitamins, provides the skin with all the necessary substances by 70%. Therefore, dairy products, eggs, fruits and vegetables, nuts and lean meats, greens, honey and plenty of clean water should always appear in the diet.

The skin on the hands, as well as on the face, needs everyday attention. Apply hand cream regularly, while in the morning and throughout the day you can use moisturizer, and in the evening and at night apply more oil nutritious cream. Prefer to wash your hands mild soap with the content of cream, lanolin or glycerin.

No less important is the protection of the skin of the hands from aggressive external factors, such as all kinds of detergents, cleaning products, cold wind and low temperatures. Therefore, rubber gloves must definitely settle in the kitchen, and warm gloves for the cold season in the purse.

Natural masks and sledges based on honey, oils, dairy products, fruits and vegetables will complement proper hand care. Applying them at least twice a week will help keep your hands beautiful and soft for as long as possible.

Moisturizing hand masks

With honey and oils

Mix ½ tbsp. l. honey and olive oil and apply on the skin for 15 minutes. You can enhance the softening properties of the mask by adding 2 tsp. lemon or lime juice or 4 drops of lemon phytoessence. The mask is contraindicated in case of allergy to bee products.

Melt clean beeswax 2 tsp, add warmed linseed oil 2 tsp to it. and so much honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a wooden or ceramic spoon and, after allowing the mixture to cool slightly to a tolerable temperature, apply it on your hands. The recipe helps to visibly moisturize and soften the skin, and also slightly brightens it.

With vegetables and fruits

Almost any vegetable or fruit has moisturizing properties, since most of them contain a large percentage of water in their cells. If you need to soften the dry skin of your hands, then use the pulp of boiled potatoes or pumpkin, banana and avocado at home, and masks based on strawberries, pears, tomatoes, apples, kiwis and cucumbers are useful for moisturizing.

Grind a quarter of an avocado and half a small raw potato in a blender. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. agave juice and 3-4 drops of rosemary phytoessence. Make a mask 1-2 times a week, applying it for 15-20 minutes. You need to wash it off without soap, ideally with chamomile infusion.

Owners of their own suburban area even more lucky, because almost all summer you can not only make preparations for the winter, but also use any fruits and vegetables from your garden to moisturize the skin on your hands.

Milk masks

Milk is an excellent skin moisturizer. You can also use yogurt, cottage cheese, cream or kefir to prepare masks.

1 st. l. mash cottage cheese (preferably natural rustic) with a fork along with half a tomato, previously peeled. Keep it on your hands for half an hour. After the mask, it is useful to use a nourishing cream.

To prepare another mask, combine the following ingredients:

  • 1 chicken or 2 quail yolks;
  • 1 st. l. yogurt;
  • 2 tsp strong green tea.


Vegetable oils have a triple property - nourish, soften and moisturize. To moisturize your hands, you can choose lighter base oils e.g. almond, grape seed, wheat germ. And as a more powerful artillery in the fight against dry skin, shea butter and cocoa butter, as well as olive and corn butter, will come in handy.

To moisturize your hands at home, apply a small amount of slightly warmed oil on the skin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water or remove with a hydrolat and apply a nourishing cream. Oil treatments for hands are best done at night.

Baths and peels

Masks are not the only option for intense hydration hands at home. All kinds of baths very effectively soften the skin with their regular use. The rules for their use are very simple. Hands should be lowered into a pre-prepared bath and hold them for 15-20 minutes, after which it is enough to get wet with a napkin and grease with a moisturizing lotion or cream.

For the preparation of the bath, the following compositions are useful:

  • olive oil, lemon or orange juice;
  • infusion of chamomile, linden and St. John's wort;
  • solution sea ​​salt in water with the addition of phytoessence of lemon, patchouli or rosemary;
  • milk and water in equal volumes and honey.

Also effective for moisturizing baths with soda, which can be dissolved in warm water or milk.

Any cosmetic product will bring the maximum effect if it is applied to the skin cleansed with peeling. For hands, it can be a mixture of clay and water, fine sea salt and lemon juice, ground coffee and honey. Regularly, about 2 times a week, exfoliating the dead epidermis from the skin of the hands, you can not only prepare them for moisturizing procedures at home, but also help cells renew themselves faster.

If you know the secrets of how to moisturize your skin with home remedies, share them and leave feedback on the application of certain masks in the comments section.

Hand masks are important element dry skin care. After all, beautiful and well-groomed hands- that's what characterizes real woman paying attention to their appearance. Hands always give out the age of a person, so care for them must be given maximum attention.

It is clear that the hands are not only in plain sight, but also constantly involved in some kind of manipulation, therefore they are exposed to heat and cold, chemical detergents and tap water with a high content of alkalis. All this leads to a loss of skin elasticity, and even the appearance of allergic reactions. We want to tell you about which hand masks for dryness at home will return softness and silkiness to your skin.

Hand masks: application nuances

To your appearance, including state skin, affect not only external factors, but also . Do you want to look good? Learn to react less to a lot of irritants. It's hard, but possible.

So, hand masks at home do not guarantee quick effect. A noticeable result is possible only with the regular use of emollients. If you do them occasionally and according to your mood, there will be little sense.

It is unlikely that most women have extra money to visit salons and take special care behind the skin of the hands. Indeed, as practice shows, homemade masks are no worse than salon masks, since they consist exclusively of natural ingredients and are quite gentle.

Homemade hand masks for dry skin are done at least 2 times a week. First, carefully study the ingredients of the mask, and if necessary, conduct an allergy test, and only then begin treatment procedures.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to prepare: wash your hands clean and massage the skin well, dispersing the blood. It is necessary to apply the mask, starting with the fingertips and making circular movements. Your main goal is to cover the skin completely.

The level of neglect and dryness of the skin on the hands can be different. If you are acting as a preventive measure, then it is enough to start with a half-hour session. If the skin of the hands is badly damaged, get ready to keep the mask for 3 to 10 hours, while creating a greenhouse effect with polyethylene. For getting maximum effect on top of the cellophane, warm your hands with cotton gloves.

When wrapping your hands with polyethylene, make sure that it is tightly fixed around the wrist and does not allow cool air to enter. You can wash off the mask with ordinary warm water, but if you use a decoction of calendula, chamomile or lavender for this purpose, the effect will be more pronounced and healing.

Hand masks at home: hit recipes

What will you get as a result of applying natural masks for hands? Healing, moisturizing, regeneration, restoration of softness and elasticity of the skin. In addition to regular masks, you can nourish your hands with your favorite cream or make additional ones. nourishing baths. And now let's talk about the most effective masks for hands.


2 tsp lemon juice should be thoroughly rubbed with 2 grated potatoes, cooked "in uniform". Apply a warm mixture to the skin of the hands, wrap with cellophane and warm with gloves to create a greenhouse effect. The mask must be kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water or herbal decoction. This mask is great for moisturizing dry skin.


Such a mask contributes to the fact that the skin acquires its former tenderness, and is minimized. Take 2 tbsp. l. natural honey (preferably liquid), add a couple of drops of lemon juice, 1 yolk and 25 gr. olive or almond oil. Mix thoroughly and apply to brushes. Keep your hands warm with cotton gloves. Ideally, such a hand mask is made at night, and washed off with warm water in the morning.


Promotes the rejuvenation of aging skin, eliminates excessive dryness of the hands. Make a healing mixture by mixing 1 tsp. floured oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. and 1 loose yolk. Spread the mass over the skin, warm your hands with gloves, hold for several hours.


Potato ideally softens and nourishes the skin of the hands, so this mask is suitable for everyone without exception. Make mashed potatoes with milk without salt. The consistency should be semi-liquid, but not flowing. Apply the mask on the skin for 3 hours, wrapping hands in polyethylene and gloves.


Heat half a glass of cow's milk, crumble a couple of slices of white wheat bread and stir the mixture until pureed. The mask is applied to the hands for 15 minutes, warming with gloves.

For very dry hands, it is recommended to mix honey and vegetable oil and then apply on the skin of the hands for at least 3 hours. After the mask is removed, the hands are additionally lubricated with Shea butter or a rich moisturizing and nourishing cream containing vitamin E.

Hand masks after 60 years at home

Anti-aging hand masks, in addition to traditional components, contain the following additional ingredients:

  1. Chopped greens.
  2. Wax.
  3. Peach and almond oil.
  4. Shea Butter.
  5. Butter.
  6. Gelatin (which is also actively used as a).
  7. Dairy products etc.

Hands are one of the most involved and at the same time the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Hands are constantly doing something; they are also affected as an exposed part of the body by cold, bad water and detergents. From this, the skin suffers greatly and loses its natural balance: it becomes dehydrated, dried out, flaky and loses its elasticity. To avoid such consequences, the skin of the hands needs special care. Can be done at home special masks; they provide therapeutic effect and give a long lasting effect.

How to make a hand mask at home

Regardless of the condition of the hands, procedures should be carried out regularly. Traditionally, masks are made 2 times a week, it is especially important to follow such a schedule in cold weather. Some recipes can be used more often.

First of all, it is worth checking if there are any contraindications or allergies to the components of the composition. For example, hot hand masks should not be made if the skin has damage or wounds. Such manipulations are prohibited if the nails are affected by fungal infections, and the skin is affected by eczema or a rash.

To improve the effect, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. A few minutes before applying the composition, the hands should be scrupulously washed with soap and massaged. The first layer of the mask is applied in a circular motion, and start from the fingertips. The second layer is applied evenly, so as to completely cover the skin. If the condition requires radical measures, the mask is left for 3 hours, after wrapping hands with polyethylene and putting on warm gloves. The plastic film must be fixed on the wrist so as not to let in cold air.

Usually the mask is washed off after half an hour with warm water without soap or a decoction of medicinal herbs(in particular, from chamomile, lavender, calendula). After the procedure, it is not recommended to use soap and detergents, wash dishes and do laundry for 3 hours.

Hand mask recipes

At home, they prepare compositions that will help get rid of the main problems with the hands: using home cosmetics the skin can be moisturized, revitalized, protected from exposure low temperatures. After the masks, the skin becomes elastic and soft, the number of small cracks and wrinkles decreases; this type of hand is retained for a long time. Additionally, you can do nourishing baths, and every day it is recommended to use a protective, moisturizing or nourishing cream.

  • If the skin on the hands looks tired and aging, an egg-honey mask will help. To prepare, you need to mix a tablespoon of natural honey with egg yolk and add half a tablespoon oat flour. You should get a thick mixture, the consistency is similar to a regular cream. The mask is applied with massage movements on the hands, then another uniform layer of the mixture is applied. After 20 minutes, the mixture should be washed off with warm water. The oatmeal mixture can be left overnight; then you need to wear cotton mittens or household cotton gloves. Honey and egg mask regular use will make the skin on the hands silky and smooth, and smooth out wrinkles. At home, oatmeal can be made by grinding dry small flakes in a coffee grinder or blender.
  • Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice (a tablespoon) and with glycerin (a teaspoon is enough). The mass should be applied for 20 minutes or half an hour, then washed off with warm water without soap. Glycerin softens the skin and protects it from dryness, while lemon juice restores damaged or weakened areas. It should be noted that glycerin mask for the hands is contraindicated in people who have problems with hemoglobin or chronic diseases blood, it is also not recommended to use this composition for damage to the skin.
  • To soften and refresh the skin, make a honey-glycerin mask. Mix honey and glycerin in equal proportions, then add two tablespoons of boiled or non-carbonated mineral water. Add one teaspoon of oatmeal to the emulsion (you can use wheat and rye). Apply the resulting dough even layer on hands and leave for half an hour, after which they are washed off without soap.
  • Three tablespoons of oatmeal is ground with a spoon or crushed in a blender along with fresh blue grapes. Depending on the size of the grapes, you need up to 12 berries; the result should be a slurry of medium density. Since the grapes were crushed along with the seeds, the mask has a peeling effect. The mixture is gently applied to the skin with massage movements for a quarter of an hour. When the time is up, the peeling mask should be washed off with water. room temperature and grease your hands essential oils such as olive, aloe or jojoba.
  • A teaspoon of natural honey, two teaspoons of olive, almond or lavender oil, fresh egg yolk and half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, mix thoroughly, then apply to the skin of the hands. After an hour, it is recommended to wash off the mixture with warm water, and moisturize the skin with cream. This mask can also be done at night.
  • Pro medicinal properties homemade cottage cheese has been known for a very long time. On its basis, you can prepare a mask for hands with a restorative effect. After curd therapy, the skin will stop cracking and flaking. Three tablespoons of cottage cheese are mixed with a teaspoon of olive or grapefruit oil. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed, after which you can apply the gruel on your hands in a uniform layer. After half an hour, approximately, the mask is washed off. Fatty mayonnaise or whey is sometimes used instead of cottage cheese. Also curd mask can be left for several hours, wearing gloves made of natural material.
  • Two boiled potatoes in their skins are rubbed with two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. You should get a puree that is quite thick in consistency. The mixture is applied in a thick layer to the hands, then put on plastic gloves or wrap with a film, and on top - warm natural fabric. The mask is washed off after two hours, and the skin is lubricated with a nourishing or baby cream.
  • Good basis for night mask may become potatoes. Two potato puree diluted cow's milk(about 5-6 tablespoons), and the mixture is applied to the hands 30 minutes before bedtime. To fix the mixture, hands are wrapped with stretch film or wide plastic gloves are put on. In the morning, the potato mask is washed off with warm water or infusion of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula.
  • A mask of potatoes and honey will help to make the skin of the hands soft and beautiful. To prepare such a mask, you need to grate one raw potato on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of honey and freshly squeezed lemon, carrot or cabbage juice. You can also add the juice of other citrus fruits, as they are rich in vitamin C. Then the mask is applied to the hands, for about 30 minutes, until the potatoes turn dark, and washed off.
  • Another one will become relevant in cold weather potato mask for hands. Two potatoes boiled in their skins are peeled, chopped and diluted with 100 ml of green tea. The result should be a homogeneous gruel. It is best to use tea without additives, and make tea leaves strong.
  • Melon, which contains many trace elements and vitamins useful for the skin, has a rejuvenating effect. Pounded melon pulp is mixed with a teaspoon of starch and fresh lemon juice. A mixture of melon is applied for 20 minutes; after washing off the mask, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a cream.
  • To whiten and soften the skin of the hands, use the following recipe: the pulp of fresh white bread soaked in warm milk. Then the mixture is applied to the skin and left for half an hour.
  • Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin mask of linseed oil. You need to take one tablespoon of linseed oil and honey, egg yolk and 6-8 drops of fresh lemon juice. Before applying the composition, you need to wash your hands with warm potato broth to steam the skin. Linen mask can be done at night.
  • Parsley mask has a moisturizing effect. Half a teaspoon is added to the juice from fresh green parsley (teaspoon). fish oil and three teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese. Then the mixture is applied to the skin, and the hands are wrapped with a film or carefully put on. natural gloves(preferably cotton). After 40 minutes, everything is thoroughly washed off.
  • Making a hand mask at home is not difficult, but it is worth using only fresh ingredients; You can store the composition for up to three days in the refrigerator. The quality of the mask also depends on the preliminary preparation for the procedure and on the regularity.

In the cold season soft skin hands especially requires attention and care: wind, snow, excessive humidity - all this contributes to skin flaking, and accelerated processes aging. In order to be fully equipped with your hands every day, you need to take care of: purchased or homemade masks for dry skin of the hands, creams and lotions.

Dry skin of the hands and causes

Hands are a business card of a girl. Few people know that it is also a kind of sensor of the state of the body.

Dry skin can be caused by several factors:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • circulatory disease or endocrine system(anemia, lack of iodine);
  • weather change, strong wind, snow, etc.
  • lack of proper hand care;
  • working with chemicals or detergents without protective gloves.

Even in the cold season, try to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, be sure to drink vitamins, this will not only support the appearance, but also improve the internal state of the body.

If the creams that are sold in stores are somewhat expensive, or do not inspire confidence, then you can make moisturizing and nourishing hand masks at home.

Be sure to do a manicure and pedicure at home once a week: cut off rough skin, remove cuticles, model the shape of the nail. Perform and nails, and then you will not face any dryness or cracks.

When working with detergents, generously lubricate the handles with cream, and then wear gloves.

Video: Making a hand mask at home

Nourishing hand masks

Honey-based creams work great, and such products are universal: they are also moisturizing and whitening hand masks.

  1. You need to take 3 teaspoons honey and 1 olive or corn oil, mix until smooth, then add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the mixture and apply overnight. You can wear cotton gloves for more intensive moisturizing.
  2. heat up honey, it should be warm and slightly runny. Mix it with the yolk and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Apply the paste on your hands and leave overnight. After some types of panties and bras, inflammation or diaper rash occurs on the body. Use this cream on damaged areas.
  3. Banana- Not only good remedy to cheer up, but effective method combating seasonal dryness of the skin of the hands. Mash the fruit into a pulp and mix with a teaspoon butter and honey. Lubricate your hands with the resulting solution and leave for 40 minutes - an hour. Wash off with water.
  4. effective nourishing mask for hands can be made even with ordinary boiled potatoes. The vegetable needs to be crushed and mixed with milk, grease the surface of the hands with this mixture and leave for three hours.
  5. Widely used to improve skin tone cereals- this cereal not only removes toxins from the body, but also nourishes dry skin. Steam 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a tablespoon of water, mix the porridge with any cosmetic oil and 1 serving of glycerin. Also, this tool effectively fights black dots on the face. Both for hands and is considered one of the effective means to soften the skin. Photo: banana mask for hands
  6. Has proven itself very well bread mask . Nutrients, which are contained in the usual white crumb, are well absorbed by the skin of the hands. Soak a piece in warm water, and apply the resulting puree to your hands. Wash off after half an hour.
  7. Grape. You need to mix berries with oatmeal(ground) and with the help of water make a slurry of the ingredients. After massaging your hands with this solution, and wash off after 20 minutes. After the sugar hair removal or after a Brazilian epilation, apply this mixture on the treated areas of the skin and leave for 40 minutes - this will restore balance and reduce irritation.

Moisturizing hand masks at home

  1. Green tea It helps to fight tiredness and dry skin. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a spoonful of strong tea, add a teaspoon of oil (sunflower or olive), and a little lemon peel, mix and hold on your hands for half an hour.
  2. Cucumbers and zucchini also able to saturate the body with moisture. We rub any of the vegetables on a grater, mix with oatmeal, you should get a strong slurry, apply on hands and face.
  3. linen mask- a weighty argument in the fight against congenital dry skin. We mix the plant oil with a tablespoon of honey, the juice of a whole lemon and apply it on our hands. We put on gloves on top and wait for two hours, then we wash it off with a decoction of potatoes.

Home remedies for chapped and aging skin

Rejuvenating hand masks

Hands age faster than the whole body, and therefore care must be much more thorough. Helps well french rejuvenating hand masks based on oats or eggs.

Paraffin hand mask

  • Medical paraffin 2 kg (sold in every pharmacy).
  • A good nourishing cream (say, honey with olive oil).
  • Patience.

We put the paraffin in a high enameled bowl (the container must be absolutely dry), and melt it over low heat. Before starting the procedure, be sure to cleanse the skin with a hand scrub and apply a nourishing cream. Now take the paraffin off the fire, it should be nice warm temperature do not bring the mixture to a boil. We begin the procedure by dipping the hands. First, lower your fingers for a few seconds, check the temperature, then completely immerse your hands in the mixture for 10 seconds and remove, repeat this action 8 times.

As a result, a paraffin film should form on the skin. We put on cotton or terry gloves and keep the mask for half an hour. After the end of this time, the wax will be removed from the hands along with the glove, apply a nourishing cream and enjoy the result.