How to dye red hair. Who suits red hair color: photos, tips

It is difficult to confuse the owner of red hair with someone else - the girl seems very bright against the backdrop of the gray crowd. According to legend, God created Adam's first wife, Lilith, from red clay and gave the girl bright fiery hair. But her husband’s relationship with her did not work out - she turned out to be a very wayward wife. Only after this did the Almighty decide to make Eve from Adam’s rib. From Jewish mythology, similar legends migrated to European folklore, and the red-haired woman became a symbol of an insidious seductress, a witch. In the Middle Ages, girls with fiery hair were forced to hide it if they lived in Europe - the superstition was so great that red hair was burned at the stake.

There are few girls with the red hair gene these days. Most owners of such hair are dyed, but how do you know that this color really suits you?

Who suits dyed red hair?

  1. There is an opinion among people that people with red hair have a perky, or even quarrelsome character, which is partly true. Red color can emphasize a person’s bright temperament, his inner openness and cheerfulness.
  2. The choice of shade of red depends on your skin tone. Probably every girl understands that against the background of a bronze tan, fiery hair will look quite strange, but a little dark skin quite suitable. Representatives of the fair sex with pinkish skin are suitable for any shade; they can use both light dye and dark red hair color. Golden chestnut red goes well with olive skin, and reddish colors suit dark-skinned girls.
  3. Also focus on eye color: chestnut, gray, green and blue colors combined with bright, natural red and its shades: peach, sand, etc.
  4. Hue painted color determined by your own hair color. Dark colors, if they are not spoiled by lightening first, are well repainted into dark red, wine tones. Blondes can choose any color from the red palette, while fair-haired girls can easily choose from those that are darker than their natural shade.

Who doesn't suit red hair?

  1. Red hair dye emphasizes the face and makes it stand out, so if you have facial wrinkles, it is better not to use red color - it draws attention to skin defects.
  2. On White hair red also goes wrong, modifying the pre-planned shade. If you decide to dye your gray hair, contact a professional colorist, otherwise you risk being unpleasantly surprised when you see a new shade of hair.
  3. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, red does not go well with age spots and freckles, highlighting them on the face. If natural redheads have freckles that look organic and very cute, then when painted, such things can seem quite strange.

Henna or paint?

This dispute has not been resolved for a long time. Of course, there are different dyes: from tinted shampoos, which will gently make your hair “redder” by several tones, to permanent bright colors which negatively affect the hair structure. IN in this case natural dye clearly wins: on natural hair henna applies softly, lasts a long time and gives exactly a bright red color. The key word is natural, on dyed hair henna can give a completely unexpected effect, even a green tint, when interacting with some components of the paint. The main disadvantage is the duration of action: on light brown hair, henna must be kept for 40 minutes, on dark hair – from 2 to 8 hours. The procedure needs to be repeated with some regularity, but since henna does not damage the hair, big problems it doesn't cause.

If you are doing professional painting, opt for paint. If at home you risk making your hair weaker, then a professional hairdresser will not make such a mistake. In addition, there are permanent dye options that last much longer than henna.

Choosing hair dye

There are 3 types of paint:

  1. Coloring agents such as tinted shampoos. They wash off quickly and only change the shade a little.
  2. Semi-permanent dyes - last up to 2 months, do not destroy the hair structure.
  3. Permanent paints - for a radical change of color or masking gray hair. They affect the hair structure, making it thinner. Nevertheless, they last longer than other types, there is only a need for touch-up.

When choosing paint, look at its components.

The fewer chemicals it contains, the better. Of course, there is no absolutely neutral dye; it must contain an active substance like hydrogen peroxide to wash out the natural pigment, but still, the lower its concentration, the less harmful the hair dye is.

The style gained popularity in the 2000s. It looks new, fashionable, extravagant. Ombre consists of dyeing the hair dark at the roots and dark at the ends. light shade. The same effect can be obtained with brown hair If a girl with dark brown hair actively sunbathes on the beach in the summer, her hair will fade, and when it grows back, the roots will be dark.

Ombre on red hair looks elegant when red is used as a transition shade, that is, the roots are chestnut, the middle is red, and the ends are light red or blonde, depending on the desired smoothness of the transition. Of course, you can use red as the darkest shade, but then the hairstyle will look pale, and if you dye the ends, the hair will seem too dark.

Ombre looks good on wavy hair when the transition is smoothest. On straight hair, it is extremely difficult to make the shade “bleed out” from the shade, especially if you make an even transition.

Dyeing red hair in bronding style

- this is the same highlighting, but when dyeing, the strands do not start from the top of the head itself, but with some indentation, which has its advantage: the hair does not need to be tinted as it grows.

Bronding is suitable for girls with a light red tint; the introduction of more dark strands will give your hair more volume.

You can also use a fade to blonde, but this is more for those with chestnut or dark red hair.

Hair coloring

Coloring is the dyeing of individual strands in bright, contrasting colors. Red is no exception. You can use the usual bright red shade, or vary the colors, giving your appearance a more original look. For example, you can dye your hair red and blue or red and green colors. It looks fashionable and bright on dark hair.

Nevertheless, attracting attention with dyed hair is considered a trait of teenagers. If you need to be taken seriously, don't try to stand out that way. IN as a last resort you can dye a few strands in the front tinted shampoo, if you need to make your hair less pale, but it is not recommended to get carried away with coloring.


If you want to get a bright red shade without ruining your hair, pay attention to elumination. This procedure is considered the most gentle of coloring agents, since it does not contain either H2O2 or ammonia. This technique is based on physical effects on the hair. Penetrating inside, the dye not only effectively colors it, but also treats it, which has a positive effect on the shine and volume of the hair.

Before you decide to take such a serious step as dyeing your hair, try coloring your hair with colored chalk and see the result. Such products do not last long, are easily washed off with shampoos, but provide temporary bright effect, by which you can understand whether a given color suits you or not. This bright effect is good for festivals, special occasions in nature, rallies (very often “Protestants” dye their hair in the colors of the flag in a similar way. Of course, there are those who use permanent paint, but most limit themselves to crayons). You shouldn’t come to work like this, there are several reasons: crayons can fall off and smear, which will make your white shirt colorful, but it’s unlikely to give you joy; The effect is short-lived, literally after 4 hours the brightness will disappear, and the paint will require updating.

Color sprays

They act on the principle of crayons, but last much longer. Sold in cans, which are enough for up to 4 hair colorings middle length. Again, the effect is bright, but not suitable for constant “wearing”. Unlike crayons, the spray has a varnish base, which is quite durable, so they should be applied to dry clean hair, if you don’t want the effect to be drooping hair in greasy strands. If you have Thin hair who react poorly to varnishes, try to avoid colored sprays.

Care after coloring

Any dyeing procedure worsens the condition of the hair (except, perhaps, elution), so it requires special care:

  1. Make moisturizing and... They contain oils that stimulate hair restoration. Please note that they are applied not only along the entire length, but also at the roots, which need to be given special attention.
  2. Try to use a hair dryer, straightener and curler less. Any temperature changes negatively affect the condition of the hair. It is for this reason that in summer and winter, try to cover your head with a hat or cap. If you have problems styling your hair, use foam; use a straightener as a last resort.
  3. Some people ask, can red hair be washed frequently if it is dyed? The color is bright, so it washes out quickly. Try to wash your hair as little as possible.

Shades of red hair: photo

Photos will help you better understand what the red color is. If you decide that you need red hair, the photos will help you decide on the shade and type of coloring.

To whom red will do hair color: photos, tips was last modified: May 12th, 2016 by MaximB

518 03/08/2019 6 min.

Red is one of the most fashionable hair colors this season. Let's figure out who might be suitable various options such a tone, how to choose the right hair color, dye for yourself and apply it at home to get best result staining.

What color type suits red hair color?

Red hair color is most suitable for representatives of two color types: spring and autumn. And if in the first case, predominantly fair-haired women look very good, golden shades red, then in the second, rich red tones, up to the darkest color, are more suitable. These are the hair colors that are natural for representatives of these color types. For women, autumn or red hair color is one of the most flattering, it sets off the color of their face and eyes well, and also usually goes on very well with their hair.

Representatives of these color types can choose almost any shade of red and any coloring options, including the use of natural dyes. The risk that the result will turn out to be very bad is minimal in this case.

Who should avoid this hair color?

Red hair color in all its variations is strictly not recommended for representatives of the other two color types: summer and winter. For them, it is not natural and disrupts the overall contrast of appearance, which is why ladies who have dyed their hair in this tone may look sickly.

An exception to choosing such a tone for your own color type can be made only in one case - if a woman decides to wear colored lenses and selects options suitable for red hair color foundation for face. In this case, she will be able to imitate the color type of spring or autumn, for which this shade of hair will definitely suit.

Current shades of red

This season, several interesting shades of red have appeared in the face. Among them:

  • ginger red. One of the softest reddish shades and easiest to maintain on hair. Allows you to create the image of an intelligent girl;

Ginger red

  • natural, strawberry-red color. This tone is most suitable for blondes with pale skin;
  • medium red. Such an intense tone will look good on those ladies who have decided to dramatically change their hair color. Suitable for brunettes;
  • red. This is the most radical coloring option, which is most suitable for young ladies. However, only those who do not have skin problems can choose it, since this hair tone will highlight any unevenness and redness;
  • caramel red. Another option for an intelligent red tone. looks very natural and highlights healthy color faces;

Caramel red

  • brown with red. Like and are considered the most winning options for girls of autumn color type. This color looks noble and can suit ladies of any age.

Despite the list of trendy shades of red, when choosing a color for yourself, it is very important for you to start from your own type of appearance and, of course, the expected result. To avoid mistakes, carefully study the shades fashionable color and, of course, ask your hair stylist how it will look on your hair immediately after dyeing.

How to choose the right paint

For dyeing red, both permanent and tinted balms are suitable (if your original hair color is light red or golden). To choose the best shade from the entire palette on sale, you need to initially (since the coloring result depends on it) and carefully study the information on the packaging of each product. However, in this case, what should interest you is not the declared basic tone, but the predicted result of dyeing: usually on each package of dye there is a diagram that helps determine what the shade of hair will be on curls of different colors.

The result of staining in various shades colors

You should also study reviews of this product on various forums on the Internet before purchasing paint. Your task is to make sure that dyeing with such a product is easy and successful, and also to determine what shade the dye gives on hair that has the same color as yours. Only after this you can buy paint.

According to reviews on the Internet, it is also worth choosing henna for coloring, since different kinds give this dye different shade on the hair.

If you cannot independently determine which tone is right for you, seek help from specialists. Good stylist will easily select for you the right tone taking into account your color type, as well as the original hair color.

Dyeing technology

If you are using ready-made dyes for dyeing red, you will only need to prepare the mixture for dyeing according to the recipe on the label of the product itself and distribute the dye over your hair. If you are dyeing your hair for the first time, you first need to color your hair along the entire length, and after a few minutes apply the dye to the roots; if you use dye constantly, it’s the other way around. Next, you need to wait the time specified by the manufacturer and wash off the paint. After this, you need to apply a special protective developer balm to your hair.

To protect your skin from paint, be sure to use special gloves for your hands, and apply a greasy oil to your face and neck. protective cream. If paint gets on these areas, it will wash off very easily.

Also, if you have previously dyed your hair a different color, you will need to lighten it a week before the procedure, otherwise the dye may simply not adhere to your curls. If you were painted dark black or, both lightening and coloring are best done in a salon.

Salon hair coloring

You can also use it to dye your hair red natural dyes. Henna is suitable for this purpose. You need to buy henna dye, brew it with boiling water, let it brew for up to 10 minutes, distribute it through your hair, put on a shower cap or wrap your hair cling film.It is advisable to cover the top of the dyed strands with a towel. You need to keep this dye on your hair for an hour or longer, depending on how intense the tone you want to get as a result.

If you want a more chocolatey version of ginger, add in home paint some coffee. You can also add two tablespoons of tea leaves to the mixture.

Remember also that henna should not be applied to hair that has previously been dyed with regular store-bought dyes and vice versa. Otherwise, you will get green or purple hair color that will simply be impossible to wash off.

Hair care after the procedure

Immediately after dyeing your hair red, you must follow the basic rules of hair care so that it maintains its new tone and recovers faster after the dyeing procedure. Among these rules, the most important are the following:

  • cannot be done immediately after dyeing perm and other similar procedures. This can ruin your hair;
  • It is necessary to choose new hair care products that are designed specifically for colored curls. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of masks and balms that protect color fastness;

Treatments for colored hair

  • It is very important to protect your hair from intense exposure to sunlight immediately after dyeing. It is not recommended to take long daytime walks at this time or appear on the beach without a hat;
  • Also, immediately after the coloring procedure, you should temporarily abandon thermal devices or at least use special ones when styling with a curling iron or flat iron. This step will help you avoid drying out your hair.

Violating these rules for caring for colored hair can result in drying out curls, as well as a change in hair shade (so your rich golden color can turn yellow or even green). It will be extremely difficult to restore your strands after such changes.


For more details about dyeing your hair red, watch the video.


As you can see, getting a fashionable one is not so difficult for any girl these days. You just need to determine your color type and choose one for it good shade red, and also carefully select the dye and apply it strictly according to the instructions. And then the result of such coloring will pleasantly surprise you.

Red-haired girls have always attracted special and close attention. Previously, they were called witches, but at the moment they were simply bright and healthy individuals. The fiery tone has a huge palette, is quite multifaceted and effectively emphasizes female beauty.

Who suits

To those who have expressive eyes and fair skin, you can safely use bright red hair color. This applies to a greater extent to women with the autumn type; pure copper, amber and all shades of carrot-red and gold will suit them. Girls with yellowish and olive color faces can also use the whole palette, especially if they are naturally brown, green, dark gray or Blue eyes. But for the beauties Nordic appearance with very light elements of appearance it is better not to use such provocative shades.

How to get bright red hair color

Dyeing your curls copper is not a problem today. In the store you can find a huge number of products with different palettes. For a long and lasting color, chemical dyes are sold, and to give a light shade, a variety of tonics and shampoos are sold. It happens that after dyeing a woman is dissatisfied with the result, and the use of tinting agents is just an excellent solution in this case, since they are quickly washed off. An intermediate option is the use of plant-based components (most often a combination of basma and henna). This product does not destroy the structure of the strands, does not burn them, but, alas, does not give long-term results, so it needs to be used quite often.

Short curls

Hair is suitable even for women who do not have very thick hair. Bob or pixie haircuts would be perfect for this option. If a girl wears bright colors, then you should not use a bob, as it may look vulgar. But for a redhead, a “ladder” is perfect. Thanks to this hairstyle, you can experiment with volume, length and choose a variety of styles to suit your mood. If a girl has beautiful and healthy curls, then you can let them grow. The main thing is to properly care for your mop and, of course, choose stylish hairstyles.


To say bright red hair color is an understatement. There are so many shades that it would take a long time to list them. Before choosing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the range of all current tones.

1. Fire and gold (metal). They always remain relevant. They are often mixed into any tone, revitalizing and ennobling it. The following are mainly produced:

Golden-copper, it is warm and unobtrusive;
- red gold, not recommended for women with dark skin;
- golden chestnut - this tone looks especially beautiful on curly locks.

2. Copper group. If we talk about bright red hair color, then these shades are also considered very popular:

Light copper, it contains red notes with a hint of wheat;
- dark copper, fully meets all fashion trends, imitates naturalness, is distinguished by depth and warmth;
- copper-brown, contains cold tones;
- copper-chestnut, is natural for the autumn type of women;
- copper brown is considered basic, it can be easily obtained by tinting;
- cinnamon is a natural, deep and warm shade.

3. Mahogany group, traditional palette and constantly at the peak of fashion. It includes all wine, dark, scarlet and purple colors.

4. Spicy, sweet and fruity shades - this range is associated with living nature:

Coffee with caramel is considered a universal tone, as it harmonizes with any skin color;
- strawberry-red, today fruit shades are in trend;
- honey is sweet, warm, and thanks to it you get very beautiful light red hair.

Style and makeup

After you have achieved a bright red hair color, you definitely need to take care of your image, since this color requires certain accents. For girls with fiery curls, you need to choose clothes that are predominantly green, brown and orange flowers. It is better to choose a wardrobe in which a flashy palette takes first place. But with makeup you have to take a completely different approach. More suitable for such girls natural paints. Eyebrows should not be made dark or, conversely, left very light. Natural ones are best brown pencils and color for eyebrows, thanks to this they will not get lost on the face. Gloss or lipstick is matched to the color of your hair.

Dye your hair bright red with henna

Lawsonia leaf powder should be applied to dry and clean strands. Before starting the procedure, the head is washed with any shampoo without using balm and mask. Next, the curls are thoroughly dried, and you can begin mixing the mixture. The purchased powder is poured into a container and poured with boiling water. The resulting slurry should look like thick sour cream. If you add a little during cooking lemon juice, then short red hair will become much brighter. Next, the process of obtaining the required tone begins.

1. Cream is applied along the hair growth line to prevent staining of the ears and forehead, and the shoulders are covered with a towel.
2. The curls are divided into three equal parts: left, right and occipital. It is better to start with the last one; it is recommended to pin the remaining two sections with hairpins.
3. Initially, you need to apply the product to the roots, and then to the entire length. Afterwards, you need to check whether the henna is evenly distributed on the surface so that the coloring goes perfectly.
4. Next, short red hair is picked up, and the head is wrapped in a bag or cling film and a towel.
5. The time you need to keep the product on your hair depends on the natural tone and the result you want to get in the end. For light tinting, 10-15 minutes will be enough, but for those who want to get a more saturated shade, you will have to spend several hours with the pigment.
6. When washing off the paint, you also need to divide your hair into curls and rinse them little by little under warm water. Then the dark red hair is dried in any usual way. It is not recommended to use conditioners and shampoos for at least two days after dyeing, since the coloring pigment does not appear immediately, and during this time you can fully see the final result.

How to get different colors

When dyeing with henna, if you use little tricks, the most incredible shades come out:

When adding cloves, the result will be much brighter and richer;
- beet juice will add a purple tint;
- ground coffee and henna will make dark red hair;
- strong tea will give a slight yellowness;
- when adding cocoa you will get a slightly reddish tint;
- for golden curls, it is recommended to add a small amount of chamomile infusion;
- kefir will darken the resulting shade;
- if you dilute henna with strong tea or wine, you will get a bright red hair color with a copper tint.

The best paints

Today the market is overflowing with offers of both natural and chemical pigments that will help you achieve desired result. The most popular, according to users, are the following brands.

1. Garnier offers the consumer 4 collections, including a product without ammonia. The company adds various oils to maintain the health of the hair, the dye adheres perfectly, and the result is a high-quality and even color, and the hair remains healthy.
2. L’Oreal has 6 main lines and a large palette of various shades, thanks to which you can achieve bright red hair color. The paint colors evenly, and the pigments on the curls linger for a long time.
3. Schwarzkoupf & Henkel can satisfy the needs of even the most capricious clients, as it represents a professional line and a series for home use. It contains useful amino acids that prevent damage to the structure.
4. Londa, in addition to high-quality pigments, produces brighteners and tonics. Contains microspheres that provide durable and bright color.
5. Wella and Estel are not inferior in quality to each other and are excellent for home use, they have a lot positive feedback, contains a keratin complex that helps restore curls from the inside.

Coloring rules

Obtaining fiery shades involves meticulous consideration of all stages of transformation, from choosing the right company to the correct application of the paint itself.

1. Owners of gray locks need to contact a hairdresser, since the hair is devoid of its own pigment, which ultimately complicates the whole process. Since the dye cannot adhere to the strands, the shades often turn out yellow and dull. To prevent this, the procedure is carried out in several stages, gradually darkening and obtaining the desired color.
2. It is recommended to shade light red hair a little using coloring, which will improve and enrich the strands.
3. Owners of chestnut hair can safely use copper shades, while choosing a color 3-4 shades lighter than your own. This focus adds purity and depth.
4. If a girl has dark hair by nature Thick hair, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get the desired result the first time; it is better to entrust the process to a hairdresser. If you still need to do this yourself, then you need to purchase a paint specially designed for dark strands.
5. It is important to understand hair, since rich red and bright orange tones are suitable for young girls, but with age, such a choice will make a woman visually older.

Partial staining

Highlighting is practical way to freshen up your appearance. The process involves selectively lightening strands of the same width. Looks colorful on bright copper hair. For a natural overflow light strands You will need to do partial highlighting with thin strands. Dyed red hair is a rather problematic basis for such a procedure, so for this it is better to contact a highly qualified specialist.

Another partial coloring technique is coloring. It is great for middle-aged women. It combines tones such as light blond, wheat and flame copper. Dyes help refresh and improve bright red hair color.

Henna is not suitable for such dyeing; for this you will need to purchase high-quality and professional products that quickly tint.


1. It is necessary to protect yourself from the sun, since red pigments do not tolerate ultraviolet radiation.
2. Cosmetics for colored hair are used. They are designed to last long pigmentation, maintain shine and depth of color.
3. Chlorinated water should be avoided, as the component may change the color. Therefore, when swimming in the pool, be sure to wear a cap.
4. Strands must be rinsed regularly cold water, as it closes the hair cuticle, allowing the color to linger longer.

People with red hair experience increased attention. Natural color is usually accompanied by freckles, which often leads the owner to complexes.

Who suits red hair?

IN Lately dyeing your hair red has become popular. It is a common belief that a person has fire not only on his head, but also in his heart, so men, anticipating an acquaintance with a passionate temperament, rush to win the attention of a fiery girl.

People with a strong character deliberately paint themselves red, so there are not as many of them as there are brunettes and blondes. They are not afraid to attract attention, be at the center of discussions and are ready to maintain the image of a medieval witch who was desired by the strong and feared by the weak.

Only 2–4% of the inhabitants of planet Earth have been endowed by nature with natural red hair color. However, many more people want to stand out from the crowd. The thirst for experimentation does not always lead to the expected results, but bright color not so easy. Who really the redhead is coming hair?

  • Dark-skinned girls are impressed by dark shades of red, caramel and honey tints.

Not all people can dye themselves such a bright color. It is contraindicated for older people whose hair has lost its own pigment and turned gray. Expression wrinkles are more clearly visible, and age-related folds are even more emphasized with bright shades. Combined with red hair, freckles and dark spots they begin to ripple, and the face merges into one spot with the hair, which develops complexes about one’s appearance.

Advice!Women with frequent blushing should refrain from bright colors red hair.

How to choose shades

To choose the right shade of red, first of all pay attention to your skin tone. Those with pinkish skin can safely dye their hair either light red or dark. Golden chestnut excellent suitable for a girl With olive tone skin. Dark-skinned girls are better off giving preference to rich red-red flowers. Pale-skinned people are advised to pay attention to natural shades.

You should also pay attention Special attention cosmetics, they will preserve the color and protect the hair from the effects of external negative factors. Ombre on red hair needs regular correction. You should also pay special attention to cosmetics, they will preserve color and protect your hair from external negative factors. For haircuts, the ladder method, cascade and other multi-layer options are best suited.

Light-skinned girls are recommended to beat honey shades, they look the most natural and calm. Blacks should look for colors like mocha, eggplant, mahogany and red. If appearance oriental type, you can complement the ombre technique with a chocolate or nut accent.

Advice! You should not perform the Ombre technique yourself at home. You can ruin not only the color, but also the structure of your hair. It's better to trust the professionals.

How to eliminate unnecessary redheads

Red color is the most durable color on hair. Its shimmer remains even after being completely painted over in a different dark color. Going into light colors is completely problematic. However, girls love to experiment with their appearance and the issue of eliminating red hair is also relevant in the world of the beauty industry.

At home, you can use proven folk remedies:

Unfortunately, home remedies are not always effective. It is better to go to a beauty salon, where specialists will remove the bright color with a special remover. But this procedure can ruin the hair structure and is not cheap. Professional product Apply to hair for 15–20 minutes and lighten it by several tones at a time. Most likely, one procedure will not be enough and tinting will be required after it. Such a complex will harm the hair, so before eliminating the red color, you should think about hair treatment in advance.

Advice! The only way to get rid of red color without harming your hair is stylish haircut. It will be short, but the hair will be completely renewed.

About the rules of dyeing red in the video

Finally: 5 interesting facts about redheads

  1. There is a strong opinion that Adam’s first wife Lilith, created by the Lord from clay just like Adam himself, had red hair. According to her husband, she had bad character, because she claimed that she was no more stupid than him. As a result, God had to urgently create a second wife for the first man, less demanding and more obedient. According to another version, the first red-haired people began to be born from Lilith and Satan.
  2. IN Ancient Egypt people with red hair were sacrificed to the sun god to obtain good harvest grains The reason for the association was golden color wheat ears.
  3. The Scots believe that underground fairies have fiery hair color, and people with hair of all shades of flame are their descendants and themselves have magical powers.
  4. IN Ancient Greece The attitude towards people with such hair was twofold. On the one hand, fair-haired slaves, including red-haired ones, were especially valued on the slave market. On the other hand, it was believed that it was those with fiery hair who became vampires after death.
  5. There is a hypothesis that the word “Rus” itself was formed from the word “red,” since the Latin “russus,” which was the name for the Vikings, means “red.”

The red shade is one of the most capricious, so you shouldn’t rush into this color without studying in detail the photo with the rules for transforming the old image into a new fiery one. Of course, you should definitely take into account the color of your skin, eyes, and the presence or absence of freckles. Girls of British origin are simply lucky to be born fiery beauties with freckles and curls. But those who want to implement transformation at home should watch videos and photos with methods of coloring and changing from one shade to another.

Who suits red hair color?

Matte and perfect smooth skin plus green, blue and grey eyesperfect option for a bright mop. Courage in experimenting with your beauty is inherent in women under 40, so you shouldn’t change so dramatically in adulthood, it can add extra years and make you look older.

Before changing the color of your hair, you should accurately determine your own shade, and it is desirable that the dye be similar to natural. The shape of the face does not play a special role, it is important to choose the right palette and choose the most suitable one for you. There are many ways, for example, professional paint, for example, Estelle and henna, a decoction of onion skins, which is ideal for rinsing after painting.

Shades of red hair color with photo color name

To achieve a beautiful result, study the photos and names of all existing shades today. Copper, golden, caramel, honey, burgundy, chestnut, carmine, bright blond and red - from this long list you can choose the right shade based on reviews and photos. Do not forget that after a successful transformation you need to monitor color scheme in clothes that will once again emphasize the brightness of your mop. If your look is saturated with green, blue or red, you will stand out in the crowd.

Who suits dark red hair color?

Nothing is impossible in this world, so the question of who suits red hair cannot be answered unambiguously. After all, today you can even change the color of your skin. Very dark shade suits brunettes with brown and black eyes, which belong to the winter color type. Intense and ginger is only possible if your face does not have any imperfections such as pimples and age spots. Fiery hair will once again highlight these shortcomings and you will not look your best. better light. If you are determined to change and are wondering how to do it, look through as many photos as possible with examples.

Photos of successful transformations into dark shade redhead:

Light shades of red hair suit which girls?

First of all, to owners of light brown hair light will do ginger. Pale skin covering, blue or green iris is ideal for carrot and gold. For olive and marbled skin, bright fiery hair is more suitable. With such an expressive head of makeup, you need calm and not so bright makeup, welcome pastel shades on the lips and eyeliner on the eyelid.

Successful examples of light shades:

Painting red at home and vice versa

Photo and video information on how best to get rid of the old shade and switch to a new one will help you not make mistakes and do everything correctly without harm to your hair.

Coloring, grading and highlighting, as well as ombre should already be done after coloring. You can achieve all this without a hairdresser.

How to dye your hair red with henna at home

A natural and harmless competitor to chemical coloring is henna, which is produced in Eastern countries and is still used in the field of beauty, tattoos and cosmetics. If you just dye with henna without adding additional elements, then over time the hair becomes shiny and smooth. Henna is also used in painting, and is also very successful.

First, conduct a test for this product to identify or exclude allergic reaction and you can safely use it for home repainting. If you mix three packets of henna with half a packet of ginger, pour it all over hot water and mix, you get real paint. Apply the mixture to your curls and leave for as long as you want a dark or light result. It will turn dark if you keep it longer - 2-3 hours. Once a month you can repeat this procedure yourself without going to the hairdresser. This paint also has a good effect on general state hair, strengthening and healing it.

But one thing to consider important detail, it is almost impossible to display this color afterwards. It’s even more difficult to paint it over with household paint, which is absolutely unpredictable on curls dyed with henna.

How to recolor your curls with household paint

If you are interested in how to dye your hair red with household dye at home, then you should remember a few simple rules:

  1. You should dye your curls with household dye on dirty hair. You can add a few drops of any oil to preserve the beauty and shine of your hair.
  2. Before starting the procedure, do a test for allergies - lubricate a small area of ​​skin behind the ear and wait 5 minutes. If there is no redness, the paint is suitable for you.
  3. In order to achieve light color, take an oxidizing agent of 9%-12%, and for darker ones - 3%-6%. Most often, household paints have a ready-made set of the paint itself and an oxidizing agent, but if you want to use a professional set, select all parts of the coloring mixture separately.
  4. Apply ready mixture, starting from the roots of the frontal part of the head, gradually moving towards the occipital part. Afterwards, comb the strands well and cover with cling film.
  5. Keep the dye on your head for no more than 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with shampoo 2 times with warm water, using a softening balm afterwards.
  6. Over time, the color fades and is washed off; in order to refresh your hair, use a tint balm, which is applied for 8-10 minutes, adding freshness and brightness.

How to paint red hair dark or light

If you need to know how to dye red hair dark or light, then try starting with choosing a shade.

If you want to go lighter, buy light household paint that is 2-3 shades lighter than your current color. Don't try to make too much of a change too quickly, as this can be very damaging to your locks, causing them to become dry and lifeless. A safe transition from one color to another occurs gradually over 2 or 3 months. A mandatory addition to the procedure will be a separately purchased purple tint balm, which neutralizes red hair well. This is the most main secret professional hairdressers who face the difficult task of changing their image.