Traveling in a car: what to do with a child on the road? How to entertain a child on the road

Here comes the moment when the whole family goes on a long-awaited trip. It would seem that things are packed, tickets are bought, but the question arises, how to entertain a child on the road so that he does not get bored? How to make a trip not only routine, but also interesting? At first, children are immersed in new experiences: they look at the landscape outside the window, listen to new sounds, walk around the train compartment, but when the baby starts to be frankly bored, it's time to come up with something for him. original entertainment. We present to your attention the TOP 10 ways how to entertain a child on the road.

1. Traveler's diary

Try to start a real travel diary with your child - it can be an album with thick sheets or a notebook. Encourage your child to draw whatever interests them. When you make a stop - you can collect beautiful flowers and dry them, and then paste them into a diary, you can also paste photos, tickets, maps and much more into a notebook. Mom can make interesting comments to the most successful shots. Believe me, when you get this diary in a couple of years and look at it together, it will give you a lot of pleasure and give you pleasant memories of the trip.

2. Word games

You can invite your child to count cars on sparsely populated roads or complicate the task and count only cars of red color or a certain brand. Word games are no less popular, for example, “Guess the word or the Field of Miracles”, the principle is the same as that of the popular game, an adult thinks of a word, and a kid can name letters or ask leading questions that can only be answered “yes” or not".

No less interesting is the undeservedly forgotten game of "Cities" or "Verbal Dominoes", when a person needs to name a word that begins with the last letter of the previous one. You can practice writing a sentence for one letter, for example: Mom soaped, Masha chalked with a broom. You can solve crosswords, riddles, puzzles together, play associations: figure out what the shape of clouds or a distant forest looks like.

3. Drawing boards

Board games often take up a lot of space, but a drawing board will fit even in a small purse. Take an album, colored pens, stencils with you on the road - children love to mess with flowers. It is better to leave pencils and coloring books at home, pencils break easily, and it is at least inconvenient to constantly clean them on the road. An interesting option pastime will be a spirograph, various stamps, stickers. Stores sell soft chenille wire from which you can create funny figurines- all this is useful for the entertainment of the baby.

4. Games on paper

With older children, you can arrange competitions in Tic-Tac-Toe or Sea Battle. You can offer your child a map so that he can follow the route himself and mark all the settlements that you have already passed. Such an activity will captivate him for a long time, and you do not have to worry about organizing your child's leisure time. If you are traveling by train, you can try to practice the art of origami: learn how to put together a flower, a crane, an airplane or a paper boat - no special skill is required here, it is better to practice more complex figures at home, because they will need glue, scissors - on the road it will just be uncomfortable.

5. Books and educational games

For quite small child you can prepare educational books - the pages of such a book are made of fabrics different texture, beads, buttons are sewn to them, stickers are pasted. You can read aloud to your child, look at the amusing illustrations together. good option there will be audio fairy tales - fortunately, almost everyone has a phone or tablet, at least for half an hour it will be possible to occupy the child with an interesting story, but it’s better not to watch cartoons on the road - they excite nervous system, and in a car, plane or train you can’t really clear up.

6. Treasure boxes

You can take a box and make a travel kit for painting or any craft. Invite the child to create his own “treasure chest” on the way, take a good look at them, and then play: invite the child to put his hand inside the box or bag and determine by touch what object he is holding now. This and fine motor skills develops, and the child is much more interesting to go. Shells, acorns, magnets, small toys, brooches and much more can get into the chest.

7. Board games

These are not quite games in their classical manifestation, but still board games. Often the games are quite bulky, so it is quite possible to get by with a flat surface on which to play: in a train or plane, this is a folding table; in a car, a tray that can be taken from home. On the surface, you can lay out words, play dominoes or lotto, draw, write.

8. Come up with a story together

Very interesting way to pass the time on long journeys is to write own story. Invite the child to help you, and draw in the margins of the notebook funny drawings. You can play a game of opposites: come up with sentences that are related to each other, but one begins with the words “unfortunately” and the other “fortunately”. For example: Unfortunately, the sea was cold and we were not allowed to swim. Fortunately, the next day the sun came out and the weather improved.

9. Finger games and theater

Do not discount the nursery rhymes loved by many children and finger games. If you wish, you can create a whole puppet theater by making puppets from improvised materials - paper, handkerchief, beautiful flower and so on. puppets can talk entertaining stories and fairy tales, to learn rhymes and songs with your child - and you pass the time, and your child will learn something useful and new.

10. Creativity

Many children love to make things: wire and paper figurines, pieces of plasticine, appliqués and much more can please your child and entertain him on the go. You can make your own fantasy map with unusual names and descriptions like "a village with a lot of cows" or " children's city”, children love creativity, so do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize with them.

Clouds are floating above the road, the sun is shining, flowering meadows are filled with warmth and fragrance. You are driving in a car and singing songs with the whole family…. It doesn't matter if you went to the sea or to the village to visit your grandmother - you always feel awe and delight inside! After all, both adults and children love traveling.

However, before plunging into the long-awaited salty captivity and falling into the bushes of ripe raspberries, you need to overcome a certain number of kilometers. It's good if the destination is nearby. But sometimes you have to spend many hours in the car or even more than one day. In this article, you will learn about some organizational moments travel and most importantly what to do with a child on the road by car, to make your journey pleasant, comfortable and interesting.

pros long car trip with a child

Of course, a road trip lasting a day or more is a tiring business, but with proper organization it is quite real and even pleasant.

  • Firstly, it is very interesting: in a day you will overcome several regions and natural zones, which means you will see and learn a lot of new things!
  • Secondly, during long trip by car with a child you will spend day and night all together in a small enclosed space. And it will be a wonderful family training. All members of your family will discover a lot of new things in each other, you will become friendlier and closer.
  • Thirdly, autotravel will save you a decent amount of money when compared to spending on rail or air tickets.
  • Well, in the end, sometimes a car - the only way get where you need to go!

So let's go!

We will not dwell on the household organization of the trip in detail, since, fortunately, our roads are well provided with gas stations and food outlets. If you do not want to spend the night in a car or in a tent, this issue is also easily solved by motels and hotels along the route.

But what to do with a child on the road by car - this point needs to be thought out especially carefully. Of course, part of the way the children will sleep. It is better to leave early, for example, at four in the morning, so that night sleep continued in the car. Then you will be able to use the light part of the day more efficiently. Take care of comfortable sleep for children. If they are still small and traveling in a car seat, choose chairs with the ability to organize lying position. It is better to spend energy looking for a good chair than torturing a child with a “sitting sleep” with his head thrown back and sliding. For older children, I recommend stocking up on pillows or blankets so that you can comfortably attach your head.

Things to do with kids on a car trip:choose activities and games by age

The key to a successful road trip with a child - frequent change activities. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of small passengers. As soon as you see that the child begins to get tired of his activity, offer another.

Children from birth to two years

Babies sleep a lot on the road, and this makes your task easier. However, it can be quite difficult to put them to sleep peacefully, especially if you are caring and law-abiding parents and transport the child in a car seat. Take juices, a bottle and get used to breastfeeding in such a way that the child can fall asleep, and he does not have to constantly shift back and forth and wake him up. Take your baby's favorite toys, but only those that are easy to clean - they will fly around the cabin, and then they will certainly fall into the mouth.

So now let's talk about what to do with small children on a car trip ? Perfectly entertain kids:

  • lacing, slingobus
  • suspension arches
  • finger or puppet theater
  • musical toys / books (do not overdo it, take care of the driver's psyche)
  • finger games (counting, bending fingers, forty, etc.)
  • song games
  • drawing tablets

Children three to five years old

At this age, children are especially inquisitive. A long car trip with a child provides many opportunities to explore the world around. Therefore, imagine yourself as a guide for a day and tell and explain everything you see around: where and why the clouds float, where the trucks come from, how wheat grows, how cows find their way home, etc.

Take on the road:

  • books with interesting illustrations (preferably one or two new books) and favorite books
  • a doll with clothes, cars (they drive perfectly through the windows)
  • little animals for role playing
  • musical instruments for family orchestra
  • insert frames
  • coloring books and an album with pencils / a magnetic drawing board
  • memory cards
  • speaking alphabet

For a change, you can invite children to guess riddles, words according to the description. It will be great to come up with a fairy tale about your journey. You can play with colors with children from two and a half to four years old - you either simply remember objects of a certain color, or look for them outside the window, asking the child: “What do you see white, green ...? ”

What to do with childrensix to eight years oldon a trip by car

Kids this age are great companions! They are no longer so capricious. And with them you can discuss with mutual pleasure everything that you see outside the window, as well as things at work, in the garden, school, in the yard. In addition, a trusting family environment - a great opportunity to put some important philosophical thoughts into the soul of the child.

And what kind of entertainment is suitable for a child of this age?

  • Pencils and paper
  • Magazines with puzzles and puzzles
  • Rubik's cube and analogues
  • Not too small designers, transformers - what you can do with your fingers when, after talking or reading, you want to "dig deeper"

With children of five to eight years old, you can play words, cities and colors, setting the difficulty acceptable for your child. The game is as follows: the first participant calls the word, and the second must remember another, starting with the last letter from the word of the first participant. Example: house-tangerine-nose-dog, etc.

Riddles are also good. If you only teach your child to count, you can spell words, write short notes. During the trip, you can master and consolidate the elementary mental calculation ㅡ so you will make the trip not only interesting, but also useful. If your car can accommodate you and your children back seat, a huge range of card games opens here, for example, memory and others. You can do intuition training (and even with children younger age). Imagine and keep an object in your mind, and let the children guess. Play the game "which hand has the ball in?". Close your eyes and guess how many fingers your partner is showing in the game.

Teenagers decide for themselves

But what to do with an adult child on the road by car - You don't have to worry too much about it. These are already completely independent people, so support this independence in them and give them the opportunity to get ready for a trip without your help. Let them choose what they will do: a player, books, notepads, puzzles, problem books, Board games that can be fitted in the car. But be an attentive mother - save a surprise for a growing child: new game, magazine or book.

Stopovers and communion with nature

Of course during long trips by car with a child of any age is very important - to make stops and get out of the car. Even if you spend an additional two or three hours on stops, the trip will radically change and be enriched with impressions.

Let the kids run around the fields, go to the streams, swim in the lakes, even just walk a few laps around the car. If it’s raining or a blizzard is raging outside, stop so that the kids can freely climb on the car. Let the child sit behind the wheel in a car standing on the side of the road, honk, pretend to be the driver.

A separate adventure can be called a picnic. Even if you haven't brought anything hot with you and are planning to dine in a cafe, stock up on fruit and tea and picnic biscuits. This is a rest, giving a surge of strength, and a warm-up.

Take a compass, magnifying glass and binoculars. You will be able to observe nature, teach children to determine the cardinal points and in vivo prove that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If you have time, make a fire. Even if any event takes up half an hour of your travel time, for children this time can be a source of strength for the whole journey.

What else can you do during long car trip with a child ? Of course, photography! Try to capture as many moments and interesting things around you as possible. Photos from a summer trip will warm and delight you all year round. And if, upon your return, you and your children can write the story of your adventures, then you can publish a real book. I hope now long trip by car with a child any age will bring you a lot of positive emotions and impressions. Bon Voyage!

Catherine Fedotov, storyteller, mother of three mischievous boys

When planning a not very distant trip to relatives or to the sea within the country, we often prefer personal transport - a car. Of course, it is both convenient and individual, and the route is completely up to you. In addition, everything in your car is organized according to only your desires and needs, and the children feel almost at home here - after all, everything is familiar and dear in their car. But there are also disadvantages. It is very difficult for young children to spend several hours almost motionless in child car seat, so they soon show their discontent and the inability to throw out the accumulated energy through whims and pampering. And to prevent this from happening, the children were not capricious and did not get bored on the way, and the rest began from the moment the engine was started, you need to think in advance, what to do with kids on the road and what to take with you to the salon, so that the trip is not boring and interesting.

For a child, any change of scenery, which is accompanied by the need long time being in a confined and confined space is a real stress. Only infants, who sleep or eat most of the way, carry the road without problems. And older children are already quickly tired of monotony.

What can you do with your child on the road?

1. Listen to music and fairy tales.

Take with you music CDs with children's songs, rhymes and audio fairy tales. Any little fidget will be happy to listen to his favorite songs and favorite fairy tales. Songs can be sung together, and if the child already knows them by heart, then you can take turns singing verses or lines of the song. good fun- voice riddles. Mom or dad, sing a song or recite a poem, constantly changing the intonation of the voice, and the child tries to guess by the features of speech, on behalf of which fairy tale character or animal it sounded.

2. Draw.

Take a magnetic board or a small album with wax crayons on the road. If the kid does not know how to draw yet, he will be happy to see how you draw for him. You can even draw a whole fairy tale. And you won't notice how time passes.

3. Please with a surprise toy.

Be sure to prepare some new (or well-forgotten old) toys for the baby on the road. Save them for the moment when the child is tired, will be naughty and he will get tired of everything. You can take a bottle of soap bubbles with you. Children are so directly happy when iridescent transparent balls fly and burst in the palm of their mother or on their own heads.

A new toy book with bright illustrations, laces, rustlers and Velcro can keep a child busy for a long time. Be sure to take a new car for a boy, a small doll with accessories for a girl. You will also like a bright rainbow spring, kinder surprise, musical toy with different melodies and many buttons (choose with quiet and pleasant sounds), children's mobile phone. You know your child's tastes best.

4. Play with stickers.

Instead of inconvenient paints or sticky plasticine in the car, take a book with stickers on the road. If the kid quickly gets tired of sculpting them on ready-made stories, you can come up with something yourself. Cut out shapes in advance from self-adhesive colored film - ovals, circles, squares and triangles and glue them onto a small piece of cardboard. At the same time, the baby will learn geometric figures. Or you can just buy a sheet of stickers and depict the whole picture or compose a fairy tale.

5. Arrange a puppet theater.

Set up with baby puppet show in which the actors will be their own fingers. Well, if you have figures for the finger theater, and if not, it doesn’t matter. Take a pair of old gloves with you, cut off the fingers, and you can draw funny faces with felt-tip pens.

6. Play the game "Think of an object."

The kid has already eaten, and slept, and painted, but is the goal of the trip still ahead? Don't be bored! Play with your child with colored cars or objects. Guess the color of the car and look out the window. Whoever sees it first wins. The same can be done with objects. Choose any object (bridge, river, sunflower field, cow, bike) and compete to be the first to notice. Let the kid win all the time.

7. Arrange a physical education session.

Be sure to use stops for active games. You can't do without it, no matter how fast you are. Pediatricians and psychologists unanimously argue that if a child is tired of immobility, it is impossible to interest him in any calm and quiet activity, no matter how exciting it is. Therefore, carefully monitor your little one and determine the time of the next stop by his reaction. On average, children under 6 years of age require a stop once every 2-3 hours, depending on their character and temperament. Run, jump, play hide and seek. The kid needs to use the accumulated energy. If the baby quickly gets tired of sitting, and it is often not possible to stop, arrange for him to dance right in the car. Turn on the songs and clap your hands together to the cheerful music, jump your legs, turn your head. Name the parts of the body that need to be moved one by one. For a child, this will also be an anatomy lesson. Dancing lips, eyebrows, eyes, nose or tongue look very funny. Is your toddler happy? And you have already arrived! HOORAY!

Here is my little list of things you need to take with you in the cabin of the car:

1. Drink in a sports bottle, non-spill bottle or juice with a straw.

2. Foods that don't crumble: bananas, yogurt with a straw, sliced ​​apple, small cheese sandwiches, dried fruits.

3. Wet wipes.

4. Small pillow.

5. A change of clothes and a diaper.

6. Camera and mobile phone. You can show your baby a photo or a game from your phone.

7. CDs with children's songs and fairy tales.

8. Children's books.

9. small toys: cars, soap bubbles, small constructor with a small number of large parts, musical toys.

10. Magnetic board, album and pencils.

11. Travel first aid kit.

If possible, pack all this into one bag that will not take up much space and will always be at hand. Put all other items and things in the trunk, because the clutter of the cabin causes additional inconvenience and fatigue for both children and adults.

Happy travels and have a great holiday!

Traveling by car or plane restricts little fidget the ability to move; and since "to act" is natural baby's condition, then it can be so difficult for him to sit in a limited space, and even “quietly”. Adults have to be especially inventive in keeping the child's mind busy while the child's body is buckled in seat belts. Therefore, in order to entertain the baby, take with you road bag, put in it some small toys, a finger puppet, a toy airplane, a glass prism (which is meant for older children), and a cassette player with a few stories or songs on it.

To make the contents of the bag arouse the interest of the child, put in it an unusual toy - a “magic” slate board, a small chalkboard, or several toy characters from fairy tales. And for older children, come up with simple "magic" tricks. Children often experience hunger during long car rides. So that they stop whining and acting up, offer them food that is at hand. True, it would be better if, instead of the usual lollipops, you take bags of raisins, cheese, crackers and breakfast cereals with you.

Traveling by car (by bus, by ship, by train, by plane) is a great opportunity to observe the world around you. Invite the children to describe in detail everything they see, especially things that can easily be missed: the color of the clouds, the birds perched on poles, the length of a shadow on a winter day. Make up stories about people in other cars or about pedestrians. If you are no longer interested in watching what is happening outside, keep your child busy with games. The tips suggested here are just a few things to get you started. Try to come up with other activities, and if the child is interested, the road will seem shorter.

Record the story on tape.

Take a tape recorder and a blank cassette with you in the car, then your child can record his “radio story” on tape on the way. And to ensure creative process, first tell me the place where the action can take place - a forest or a seashore. Then help choose the characters in the story. You can start like this: “Once, walking in the forest, I saw a huge, big and fluffy ...”, and then let the child continue on his own. At the same time, do not forget to turn on the tape recorder in time. When the kid has finished his story, turn off the tape recorder and ask him questions about what he has already told. Have the narrator rewind the tape from time to time and listen to it from the beginning. If there are several children in the car, they can create one common fairy tale in turn. Each of them should be singled out for a story. certain time, but so that the wait does not become tiresome.

Continue the story for several journeys, or you can come up with a new one each time. Some children enjoy the process of recording stories on tape, but then they lose interest in them. Others enjoy listening to their stories more than once before going to bed or at some other suitable time.

This idea of ​​the Schlessinger family can appeal to everyone, regardless of age. You will be able to make your passengers laugh with just one simple inscription "Wave if you are famous." It is better to write it in huge letters on a piece of cardboard or on a large sheet of paper. Have the children hold the poster in the window and be amused by how others react to it.

First letter.

During a long trip, you can play the "first letter". Have your child come up with words that start with the same letter as their name. Give him some examples. If your child's name is Maria, then you can ask her: “What do you think, who is dad? He is not a woman, but…” Or: “There is an M-shaped object under the hood of the car that makes the car move. It is…” Ask her: “Who drives the train? When the stock of words on "M" runs out, you can move on to any other letter.

Signs of the times.

Children who are not yet able to read can be occupied with images on advertising stands. Draw your child's attention to these "pictures" as you drive by and ask them to name the product depicted in them. Some children like to sing TV advertisement songs. Talk about which of the advertised items your child has used this week and which the whole family has. Don't forget the bread, even though it's not advertised.

Children who are learning letters can find them in the signs you pass by. Older children can be occupied with this exercise: who will quickly name all the letters of the alphabet. And if the child begins to read advertising inscriptions, he will have a great opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of letters, sounds and words.

Difficult words.

Words are a generous gift to children. The richer they are lexicon the sooner they learn to process complex thoughts and feelings. The limited space of a car can be a convenient place for a word game. One of the games that help to replenish the child's vocabulary is to search for compound words. Along the way, you will certainly meet a gas station, a car, a dairy. Maybe you will see a helicopter, an airplane, a sports ground, a steamer, a dump truck, a waterfall, a bus station, an airport. At the same time, you can talk about how one complex word is formed from two words. Maybe you will pass a parking lot, a TV tower, a skyscraper. Looking out the window, pay attention to the telephone booth, to the cargo van, and at the intersection, slowing down, to the line of cars. Then, together with the children, name them with complex words: pay phone, truck, convoy.

In addition to compound words, there are stable phrases when two words denote one subject. For example, a telephone booth, an apartment building, a footpath, a police post, an advertising stand. Try to explain to the child that the simultaneous use of two words is necessary to designate these concepts; it is impossible, for example, to say only “telephone”, because it can be a station, a handset, and a service; if you leave only the word "booth", then you can think about the dog. Let the child himself try to play with words, supplementing in turn the first and second parts with suitable meanings.

For younger children, the exercise can be easier: try pronouncing the words in syllables. Do the stress on each syllable. Let the child repeat after you, and then together count the number of syllables. He learns that the word av-to-mo-bil has more syllables than the word sa-mo-let or ra-ke-ta.

Recall an incident.

Think of a recent event you and your child were involved in: how you visited favorite aunt how they celebrated a birthday or how they went shopping. Take turns telling what you saw and what you did. Your child might start like this: “When we were visiting Aunt Jane, I played train with Craig and Todd.” You add, “And Aunt Jane made French toast,” and your son will also remember, “And you spilled syrup on your blouse.”

Remember in turn as many details as possible until there is absolutely nothing to add. Then select another event.

What to do when in a bad mood.

If your child wants to talk about some unpleasant incident, listen to him to the end, and then ask what he should have done so that this trouble did not happen.

Think back to events that happened recently. It is not necessary to delve into the distant past, except, of course, for some special case. Do not reproach the child for forgetting the moments that seem important to you. Be sure - someday he will clearly remember what you completely forgot.

Guess my song.

Sing the first line of a song that your child probably knows. If he recognizes her, let him sing the next one. If he doesn't find out, continue your vocal practice until he remembers. The child will support you as soon as he understands which song you have chosen. Then it's his turn to test your musical ear.

What I see?

Draw your child's attention to what you are passing by. Let him help you describe the city and country landscapes passing by the window. Celebrate the appearance with some exclamation unusual items, such as hanging on telephone poles, a car with a dent on the side of the road, sports shoes hanging on a wire, and ask questions. For example: Let's count how many children are in the group? Are there more old or young people here? Look at the trees: are they the same? How are they different? How many churches (cafes, cows, fire stations, libraries or pharmacies) can you count?

Older children can be asked questions that require analysis: “Why do you think machines harm environment?", "Why high buildings is it more profitable to build?”, “What is the difference between houses in the city center and houses on the outskirts?”

Quick sketch.

Encourage your child to become an artist: have him draw some pictures of what he sees from the car. Give him paper and a pencil. If you're on a long trip, have some colored pencils, felt-tip pens, or crayons handy. It would be nice to have not only a spare tire in the trunk, but also a notebook with a box of colored pencils, unless, of course, your child is sick in the car.

Traveler advice.

It would be nice to have a plastic tray in the trunk as well. It can come in handy if your child has an idea to write or draw something - the tray can serve as good table for drawing.

If your child is diligent and likes to diligently display the details in his drawing, ask him about each of them. Are there trees near the house? Are there clouds in the sky? Who are the people in the picture? However, when your child runs out of patience or is simply a fidget, advise him to make small sketches of what he saw during the trip: let houses be in one picture, cars in another, people in the third, trees and sky in the fourth, etc. If your child is a dreamer, give him the opportunity to rely on his own impressions and reflect them in the drawings.

Do not forget!

Even if the journey was not easy and you arrive late, be sure to take the time to look at the drawings, and then carefully set aside, telling the child that later, at home, you will look at them in detail.

Chorus in the car.

Since you are riding in your own "chariot", you can sing along to the beat of the melody. Everyone chooses a popular song that everyone can sing together. If there are several people in the car, then the "choir" can be divided into two or three groups. The car is a great place to teach kids the songs of your childhood or parents to get to know the songs they sing at school. If you like songs from musical films, listen to their recordings and learn the words together. Sing tunes from your favorite TV shows. Teach your child the songs you love and in turn memorize his favorite songs.

Advice to music lovers.

If you have a tape recorder in your car, put on recordings of children's songs or your favorite folk songs and sing along. Of course, you can do it on your own, and it will be even more interesting if you take an empty cassette into the car and record your choral family performance.

Talk like me.

It is amazing what effect can be achieved by saying the same thing in a different manner. The child, by changing his voice, learns the difference in sounds more easily. Try like this. Repeat the alphabet or read the nursery rhymes in a normal voice. Then change the way you speak: speak very quickly or very slowly, in a high, thin voice or deep bass, constantly stopping at different syllables or stressing every third word, etc. Let the child imitate you, repeating exactly what he hears. Most children like to play with words by changing their voice. So they learn the world of words and language. For example, a simple change in intonation can nursery rhyme“My cheerful sonorous ball, where did you rush off to?” read as a lyric poem, or as scary story, or as a political appeal. Try reciting with a French accent, or groping in German, or in fragmentary syllables like the Chinese, or changing "e" to "e" like the southerners.

Pick a tune.

Try using your favorite tunes for your family songs. If, for example, you are visiting Aunt Bonnie, who has a fat, fluffy cat named Delilah, you can borrow the tune from the song "A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest" with the words:

And Delilah the cat
Stripes are good,
They live in stripes of flea beetles.
Rub it, rub it!

Take any song and change the words however you want to make your own song. Probably, some of them will seem funny to you and will become a favorite in your family. Record the most successful ones on a tape recorder so as not to forget them.

Sad look.

Look out the window and look at the world critical eye. Every time one of you notices something that spoils the beauty of the landscape, or is harmful to health, announce: "Pollution" - and explain what it is. It could be a littered street, a suffocating truck exhaust, a smoking factory. Discuss the cause of the contamination. Compare the degree of pollution in the areas you pass through.

If you are burning with the desire to help nature, it would be a good idea, when traveling by car, to make small stops from time to time to clear at least those places that seemed especially attractive to you from garbage.


Invite everyone in the car to watch objects of the same kind from the window. It can be dogs, trees, flowers, road signs, trucks, institutions, etc.

Whenever any of you notices an object of this kind, he names and points to it. Everyone is trying to determine its distinctive features. If you have chosen dogs, you need to establish what breed it is - a poodle, a collie or a mongrel. If these are buildings, then name their purpose - a library, post office, hospital or school.

This game is best played with older children, but it is no less interesting for adults. It is especially convenient to play it when the car is moving slowly. Of course, you don’t really want to understand the breeds of dogs or read the signs on buildings if the car in front of you constantly slows down in front of you.

To add variety, you can write the name of the selected object on paper at the top of the sheet, and have your child draw a picture at the bottom. Have him make notes about each kind of object you see. Then you can choose other objects to observe and draw a new picture. By the end of the trip, you will know not only the quantity, but also much more about what you met along the way.

And all these trips will remain in the family memory as “a trip with cows” or “a trip to churches”.


Repeat any sound several times. You can lightly knock on the glass, click your tongue, repeat one syllable (la-la-la), stomp your foot, etc. Let the child listen carefully and count how many times you have done this. Then he should repeat the sound, imitating you. Then it is his turn to make sounds, and you need to count and repeat them. Be patient if the child does something wrong. Remember that this is not a test of his ability, but just a game, and the more you practice, the better he will become to distinguish sounds.

Grandma's chest.

This fun game strengthens memory and helps to concentrate. Someone begins to chant: "I went to the attic and found ..." - and calls any object he wants. It could be real, or it could be fictional. For example: “I went to the attic and found a purple dog with yellow stripes (or a submarine floating upside down, a gold pocket watch, three Martians, a one-armed doll).”

The second repeats: “I went to the attic and found ...” At the same time, he must name the item that the first participant in the game chose and add his own, continuing the story. And then each next player repeats everything that was said by the previous one, and adds his own. Count how many items you can remember in sequence by the time the game ends.

A variation of this game is "grandfather's story". Here, too, it is necessary to name objects, but only alphabetically. For example: "When Jane went to the attic, she found an antelope, and I found a butterfly." Then the next player repeats the words for "a" and "b" and adds the word for "c".

Traveler advice.

Come up with your own exercise for memory training, where objects are listed sequentially and a new one is added with each repetition. Call on your imagination to help. For example, "I went to a strange zoo where I saw a tiny red elephant, a snake wearing night slippers, a little giraffe, etc."


Take turns choosing any letter and, looking out of the car window, look for objects starting with it. If the child is just learning letters, help him.

When there is an older child in the car, he can write down the named words, and younger children can draw the objects they have seen.

Try to start the game with the letter "T" and carefully watch from the window for transport, taxis, tractors, telephones, pipes, tracks, trolleybuses, trams. The student may also notice: a trailer, a freight train, a theater, a dachshund, a ticket, a crowd. If all the “T”s that you meet on the way have dried up, then you can call any other words starting with this letter: dance, slippers, plate, cottage cheese, television, cart, calf, telescope, body, pace, temperature, tennis, shadow, warmth, thermometer, territory, dough, notebook, tiger, goods, theme, darkness, mud, push, brake, fat man, crack, tomato, ax, etc.

Start by looking for ten words that start with the letter "T" and try to beat your high score. Then try to do the same with other letters.

Write a poem.

Start with a simple one-syllable word such as "cat" and add nouns in turn to rhyme: year, mouth, mole, honey, ice, vault. Then try to compose a quatrain, something like this:

Don't bite me bee
Tell me how you're doing.
Make a circle for goodbye
And fly to the motley meadow.

Then see what happens to your poem if you combine the same words in a different order:

A bee buzzed me:
"My deeds are good:
I don't want to bite
I'd rather fly to the meadow."

Even if you are not sure about the poetic gift of your child, you still need to give him a chance. After all, even adults with their large vocabulary sometimes write such nonsense.

Guess what it is.

Maybe you have played this simple game with their parents, and they with theirs. Think of an object and ask the child to guess what it is. Give him one hint. If he doesn't guess, tell me again. Keep helping him until he names the thing correctly. To make the task easier, you can describe the features of the item and how it is used. For example, if you chose the steering wheel of a car for the puzzle, the first clue might be: "It's something round." Then: "It helps to steer the car in the right direction." Third clue: "He's being touched by the driver." Then: "I need to hold it when I'm driving." At first, your descriptions should be simple and specific so that the child can easily guess the item. As he gains experience with this game, the item can be described in more veiled terms and detailed descriptions only when necessary. Ask such riddles to each other in turn.

Account on the road.

If your child is impatient to get there as soon as possible, have him count some objects along the way. You can calculate how many traffic lights with red light will meet, how many intersections are located at a distance from home to to only like this: “Were you shown on television last year?”, “Was it funny?”, “Was it serious?” etc.

By tradition, you can ask only twenty questions to guess who in question, but you can continue the game. To do this, the "famous person" must give you three clues, and you ask twenty more questions. You can come up with any other rules.

License plate.

In any country, children play with inscriptions on car license plates. Here are the variations of these games:

Doublets and triplets - look for letters and numbers that are repeated on the sign;

States - see how many license plates of different countries you can find;

Unusual license plates - look for signs with interesting combination letters, choose the funniest of them and try to understand what they mean;

21 - look for numbers whose sum of digits is equal to twenty-one or any other number that you think of;

Alphabet - Finding the letters on the license plates, name them in alphabetical order.

How do we hear letters?

Bye younger children playing license plates, you can use another exercise to develop the ability of older people to distinguish letters by ear. To do this, one of you names a word, and the other must name a word that begins with the last letter of the previous one. For example; elephant, rhino, hyena, stork. Play around in a counterclockwise direction. Have the children name 5 words in 60 seconds or 10 words in 2 minutes. Then test yourself to see if you can do it faster.

Journey "somewhere".

Imagine that instead of going to work or shopping, you and your child are going "somewhere". Decide where you would like to go, what you need to take with you and what you will do there. Pack imaginary luggage for a trip "somewhere" and imagine what kind of entertainment awaits you there. Together come up with the details of the trip and what you will see there.

Traveler advice.

Sometimes you have to drive on a busy highway, which requires calmness and full concentration of your attention. To keep your child busy during this time, please bring hourglass for 2-3 minutes. If the traffic on the road is heavy or you are tired, give your child this watch and ask him to sit quietly while the sand pours down. If necessary, have him turn them over and wait until the sand is poured over again.

Cassette with a fairy tale.

Traveling in a car provides a happy opportunity to interact with your child, but there are times when the situation on the road requires your full attention. It is difficult for a child to sit still while you are driving with concentration. At such moments, give him a player with headphones. Let him listen to the recordings that you have made, bought or borrowed from the music library. But be sure to take time later to talk about what he was listening to.

Pizza in the car.

If you are going to have lunch or dinner when you arrive home, and long road tired you, depriving you of your appetite, then while still in the car, you can excite him. Think about what you would like to eat; Let's say your child chooses pizza. Start "cooking" an imaginary pizza right in the car. Ask him what it takes. If he says that you need to take the dough, then ask how he is going to cook it. Talk about what tomato paste is made of, how to grate cheese, and how to get dried seasonings.

Menu care.

Save your taste buds. Don't imagine pizza on the day you're about to serve mashed fish for dinner.

If your child enjoys cooking in the car, go ahead and cook a real pizza at home, and of course with the participation of your little helper, while remembering with him what you discussed in the car.

Words in alphabetical order.

Pick some kind of object, animate or inanimate, such as animals, familiar people, items of clothing, or places to go. Then name the words from the selected category in alphabetical order, for example: antelope, ram, wolf, hyena ... Small children can be prompted. The meaning of the game is not only to have fun, but also to learn letters, sounds, words.

If there are older children in the car, you can play this game with two teams. First, the younger one calls the antelope, then the older one calls other animals with "A", for example, a shark or an alligator. An adult can also play or help each of the children. If you can't find a word quickly, don't linger, keep going without making the kids bored.


When you get home, pick an object or animal your baby doesn't know about and read about it in a book. You will be interested too.

Sweet Beads.

A supermarket shelf offers more than just food. This is a rich material for various entertaining crafts. For example, buy a dry breakfast "Rings". These delicious circles can make excellent beads and bracelets. Tie the end of the thread to the table, and let your child, after connecting the ends of the thread, make long beads from these circles. Then put the beads in a plastic bag until your next car ride. And then put them on the child's neck, and let him gnaw them when he wants.


If your child is trying to learn which is right and which is left, help him by spending five minutes playing Directions. You can do this only on quiet sections of the road and, of course, not in the middle of the highway. Let him control the movement of your car, giving commands "right" and "left". If he raised left hand tells you to turn left, you do so. After accepting the command, you can also raise your left hand and say: “Yes, the car is turning left.” If he tells you to turn right, and there is no right turn in this place, then drive up to the sidewalk, stop the car and say: "The command is incorrect, the car cannot move in this direction." After doing a few exercises, check whether the child, mentally repeating this situation, can give the right command.

Spatial relations.

When your child is a little older and will already know where the right one is and where left-hand side, you can use the car to help him develop a sense of distance. To do this, you drive a quarter of a kilometer, half a kilometer, a kilometer, and then name the distance - 250m, 500m and 1000m, that is, the one that you drove.

Who will see first.

Let the children come up with their own road rules. For example, if you see a cafe, you should say "coffee". If you cross railway- raise both legs, and if you see a dog - bark. The point is that every time you have to be the first to correctly fulfill the rule. The one who scores ten points first wins the game. If everyone reacts at the same time, everyone gets a point.

Puppet fingers.

During rush hours, you and your child may find yourself in a stream of fast moving cars and you need to pay close attention to the road. This is one of the games that is designed for that atypical situation when a child wants to talk to you, but you cannot. Going on a journey, take a felt-tip pen, and preferably two, different colors, and draw faces on your child's fingers - smiling, displeased and surprised with open mouth- three on one hand and two on the other.

Have your child name each "doll" and introduce them to each other. Ask him if he can tell them a story, sing a song, and entertain them in some way as you drive along a busy stretch of road.

(3 votes : 5 out of 5 )

All mothers know that only soundly sleeping children behave ideally on the road. Most passengers treat children's whims with understanding. However, as practice shows, parents rarely manage to avoid negative comments addressed to them. In order not to waste your nerves and get the most out of the trip, parents should think in advance how to organize and what to do with their child during the flight. Of course, all kids are different. They are different in age, in temperament, and in their interests. We bring to your attention 45 ideas of what to do with your child while traveling by plane, train, car.

Traveling with a child on an airplane: 15 games and activities for children during the flight

15 fun activities and games for kids on an airplane

  1. The first entertainment that will clearly interest any child is getting to know a new space. Tell your child about the plane, show and let them touch everything that surrounds the little passenger. After takeoff, you can lead the child around the cabin, telling where the pilots are sitting, what the flight attendant does, etc. In this way, you will not only distract the child, but also allow him to get used to the new territory for him.
  2. Now you will be surprised, but food can be great fun on the plane. Of course, the child cannot chew something all the time during the flight. But for a while, mashed potatoes in a beautiful jar can distract him. Passengers with children are allowed to take liquids into the aircraft cabin - juices, water, mixtures. You can also bring fruit and dried fruit on board. Parents of older kids can take a pair of Chupa Chups with them, which will be very helpful during takeoff when they block their ears. Children under the age of one usually do not experience such problems.
  3. Prepare little surprises for your child that children simply adore. However, they need to be taken out and presented to the child gradually. For example, first you take out of your bag - a set for drawing or coloring. Of course, along with pencils. For half an hour, or even an hour, little artists will definitely not disturb anyone. Detailed and simple picture instructions for drawing animals will help parents quickly teach their children how to draw a bear, tiger, turtle and other representatives of the animal world.
  4. Then you can get a treasure box from the bag, in which there will be small funny things, such as: a bracelet, a ring, small beads or constructor toys from Kinder Surprises. You only need to take a plastic container with a toy on a plane, it is better to leave a chocolate egg at home. Kinder Surprise toys are able to interest not only children, but also adults.
  5. Remember in Soviet time was the slogan: best gift- book". Take a couple of small but interesting books with you on the plane. A new book with bright pictures will definitely captivate your child for a while.
  6. A simple sheet of paper in a confined space can also become wonderful entertainment. Show your child how to make an airplane out of paper. Fly on a plane and "design" the plane yourself. By the way, ready paper airplane can be colored.
  7. Entertain, distract and interest the child for a long time finger toys. With them, you can put on a whole performance, on the go (or rather on the fly) inventing all sorts of stories.
  8. Some airlines give little travelers special kits that include puzzles and puzzles.
  9. It is much easier to captivate teenagers, they will be happy to watch a movie from the repertoire of an air cinema, play games on a tablet, listen to music, etc.
  10. When purchasing toys for travel, pay attention to Oogie men, who have suction cups on their arms, legs and head. As a rule, kids enjoy playing with these toys.
  11. You can buy an army of soldiers and arrange a real battle on a folding table. The main thing is that the baby does not see these toys in advance.
  12. Don't forget to take your child's favorite toy with you on your trip. With her, he will feel more confident.
  13. Massage can be great fun. To do this, parents need to purchase a Su-Jok ring massager at the pharmacy. This ball is very useful for the development of the baby's speech. It's inexpensive and the kids love it.
  14. Many children adore all kinds of stickers, so for them it is worth buying a special book in advance, into which small stickers are pasted.
  15. And, of course, any child will be distracted by a tablet with cartoons for a while.

Make up interesting stories about people who live in houses, about different animals that live in the forest you are passing by. The kid will become interested, and for some time he will be happy to look at the landscapes outside the window.

  • When he gets tired of sitting in one place, give him a tour of the car. Perhaps your child will find a fellow traveler, and it will not be so boring for him to endure a long road.
  • Colored pencils, felt-tip pens and an album - these supplies will also distract your child for a while. Ask him to draw a train, railroad, houses, a forest, etc.
  • Books have always been indispensable assistants on the road. Read to him or let him see for himself bright pictures in baby books.
  • Take the alphabet with you and start learning the letters. At home, as a rule, there is not enough time for such activities.
  • According to many mothers, finger toys will become an indispensable attribute on any trip. They can put on a real show. Children will be happy to take part in it directly.
  • With older children, you can play board games, put together puzzles.
  • For a long time will captivate the child entertaining games in "Words" or "Cities". Each word must begin with the letter that ends with the previous one. For example, a car - an antenna - a bus - an airplane, etc. Cities: Moscow - Anapa - Astrakhan - Norilsk, etc. Of course, the choice of game depends on the age of your child.
  • Older children like to solve riddles. Therefore, they can buy special books. Teenagers enjoy solving puzzles and crossword puzzles.
  • Teenagers enjoy playing Monopoly with great pleasure. This economic game perfectly develops logical thinking.
  • Sea battle - old, but very exciting game also help pass the time on the train.
  • Kids can buy new toys on the road - prefabricated small cars, soldiers, a fortress that needs to be assembled.
  • And if mom takes with her on the road colored paper, scissors, glue and patience, then her child will diligently cut and glue.
  • A big salvation for parents will be the presence of a DVD player with a screen. Cartoons are loved by all children without exception. Many children are delighted with good cartoons, cars, etc.
  • If your child meets other children on the train, then the “watch” of entertainment can be shared with another mother. An hour you entertain children in your compartment, an hour she.

What to do with children on the road by car: 15 ways

A long journey in a car can be very tiring for little fidgets, because their movement is limited, they cannot run and frolic. What is left for them to do? Of course, to be mischievous and capricious.

How to travel by car with children: advice from doctors

According to psychologists, a trip in a car for children from 1.5 to 3 years old can be a real stress. At this age, it is difficult for children to be tied to a chair for a long time. Therefore, doctors recommend that every 2 hours make a stop and give the baby the opportunity to move around, take a walk.

Children over the age of 3 are usually willing to travel in a car, for them this is an interesting adventure. And yet, after looking out the window for a while, they demand attention and entertainment. How can you entertain a child in a car?

15 Ways to Make Car Driving Fun for Kids

  1. Despite the common opinion about the dangers of tablets, psychologists do not see anything wrong with such entertainment. It all depends on the games, cartoons, films and the time that the child will sit “buried” on the tablet correctly selected by the parents. Doctors recommend: for children under three years old, set a viewing limit of 20 minutes a day. Older children no more than one and a half hours a day.
  2. Audiobooks can be great fun for kids.
  3. Small children can listen to songs, children after three years perfectly perceive radio fairy tales.
  4. Teenagers willingly listen to audio performances and audio books.
  5. Toddlers love hanging toys in the car.
  6. For a long time, small children play with soft toys.
  7. Children older than three years of age willingly look at picture books.
  8. You can entertain the child in the car by playing with him in interactive games. For example: "who will be the first to see a yellow car, a cyclist, a red house, etc." The child can be given the task to count roadside poles or watch for the appearance of GBDD.
  9. With teenagers, you can study the brands of cars. As practice shows, they are delighted with such interactive activities.
  10. A great activity in the car can be word games.
  11. You can organize a competition for the most interesting story about car travel.
  12. Forgotten by all, the Rubik's Cube will become a lifesaver for travelers.
  13. You can also draw in the car. Of course, it will be quite difficult for a child to portray something, but he can easily draw a “squiggle”. The goal of the mother from this "squiggle" is to create an artistic masterpiece.
  14. For a long time, the child will be distracted by a performance performed with the help of finger puppets.
  15. If several children are driving in the car at once, then you can compose a fairy tale in turn. The first child says one sentence, the second continues the story, and so on. Such fairy tale therapy will relieve stress and calm you down.

The road will become an interesting adventure for the child if the parents take the time to communicate with him and think in advance about how interesting and useful to spend time on the road. Dear parents, cherish every minute spent with your children. Because they grow so fast!

And we can only wish you a happy journey!