Cleansing face masks: we put the face in order at home. The best cleansing face mask at home

Face masks - real secret weapon women. These concentrated multi-component mixtures, designed for intensive face and neck care, are able to solve an incredible number of tasks - moisturize, nourish, dry, exfoliate, tone, whiten, rejuvenate. And the dormant beauty industry continues to throw girls more and more options! Special half masks for the eye area - patches, indelible night masks sleeping pack, fabric magnetic masks, film masks... Finding the only one among them that will be the best for you is quite difficult. In our ranking - the best face masks that the cosmetic industry offers us.

Choosing a face mask

First of all, you need to decide what effect you want to get from the mask, and find out if it is suitable for your skin type. For example, as part of masks for dry and sensitive skin there should be no alcohol, but natural oils, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids are welcome! Among the desired ingredients of masks for oily and problematic skin - essential oils chamomile and tea tree, allantoin, aloe vera, clay, zinc.

You also need to decide where the mask will be used. Yes, for home use funds in jars and tubes are perfect, and it is much more convenient to take on trips and business trips disposable masks in a sachet: made and thrown away. For express care, when you urgently need to put yourself in order before some important event, it is better to choose alginate masks or hydrogel patches.

How to increase the effectiveness of masks

It would seem that applying a mask - the simplest procedure that even a teenager can handle eyes closed. But here you need to know about some subtleties that affect the final result.

First, before the mask should be qualitatively clear the skin- not only wash, but also wipe your face with lotion or tonic; It will not be superfluous to use a scrub. A perfect option- pre-steam the skin over a decoction of herbs so that the pores open well and take in the maximum of valuable substances.

Secondly, during the procedure need to lie down. Forget about the habit of putting on a mask and going to finish cooking borscht, talking on the phone with a friend or ironing your husband's shirt! Popular blogger, cosmetologist and author of skin care books Olga Fem explains that the mask is a rather heavy substance, and if worn in vertical position, it will pull the skin down, giving the opposite effect instead of tightening.

Thirdly, after thoroughly cleaning your face from the mask, do not forget apply cream on the skin of the face.

And don't use masks! Two to three times a week is enough.

And pick up the best mask for a face according to skin type, our rating, created taking into account the opinions of professionals and reviews of ordinary users, will help you.

Combination skin needs regular cleansing and toning. We offer to consider the best folk cleansing face masks that you can make at home, where you can buy ready-made funds and their beneficial properties.

Recipes for all skin types

A mask of honey, eggs and milk will help tighten enlarged pores, cleanse them of dirt and fat, and normalize excretion. sebum. Mix together 1 egg, 1 tablespoon milk and 1 honey. Apply to face and neck. Leave until solidified. Wash off with cool water.

This mixture can be modified slightly to help combination skin acquire natural healthy shine, eliminating the egg, increase the amount of milk and honey by 2 tablespoons, use every day. Apply for 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

egg mask for the dermis excellent tool deep cleanse the face of dirt. As a rule, it draws out dust, fat from the pores, while calming the dermis, giving it a beautiful pinkish color, smoothing out wrinkles. We recommend using homemade eggs. Separate the yolk from the protein. Beat the yolk, spread on cleansed face and neck for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water. After whipping the protein, apply to the same areas again for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer immediately. This principle of application stimulates blood circulation, helps to smooth out wrinkles.

The tomato remedy makes the skin tighter and closes the pores. When you make tomato juice, the remaining pulp (fresh, not overcooked) should be applied to problem areas. Tomatoes have a huge variety of enzymes and vitamins that perfectly cleanse the face and tone it up.

Banana mask. Truly, this is the most famous and effective mixture for normal dermis, which cleanses the face, gives it velvety, eliminates mimic wrinkles. To do banana mask, mash 1/4 banana while it remains oily, apply the paste on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and then use cold water so that the pores close, the face acquires elasticity, tone, elasticity.

Acetic mask - vinegar restores the acid balance of the skin, and also acts as a mild exfoliant. Try adding 1 cup raw apple cider vinegar V warm bath to facilitate the separation of peeling skin. Do not wash off the liquid after the procedure for several hours.

Video: chamomile cleansing mask

Masks for dry problem skin

Cucumber Remedy: cools, soothes, relieves inflammation and moisturizes the skin. Wash and cut the cooled cucumber into thin circles, then put vegetable slices on all problem areas, even in the area around the eyes. Relax and let the coolness soak into your skin, cucumbers are also used to make decongestant mixtures.

Yogurt-banana cleansing mask - this cooling mixture nourishes the dermis, cleanses it from the inside, gives a feeling of freshness, removes tightness, helps get rid of acne and blackheads on dry epidermis. Thoroughly mash one banana, combine with 2 teaspoons of plain semi-fat yogurt and 1 teaspoon of honey, it may need to be heated in a water bath so that it becomes liquid and can be mixed into a homogeneous mass. Mix thoroughly, apply to face, let dry completely before rinsing. Gentle banana-based anti-aging products help create a lifting effect at home, tighten the contour of the face, nourish the skin with vitamins and antioxidants.

Milk formula. Milk baths are a popular treatment for inflamed and dry skin, they help clear up pimples and blemishes, and are great for age spots, wrinkles. Mix ¼ cup organic milk powder with enough filtered water to make a thick paste. Apply to clean skin, rub for a few minutes like a scrub, but then leave to dry. We advise you to wash off soft sponge. Sometimes you need to heat the components, this enhances the effect.

Photo - Oatmeal

avocado recipe. Scientists have found “good fats” in this fruit, which help to quickly recover dry facial skin, cleanse it of dirt and sebum, and eliminate itching, burning, and a feeling of tightness. Cut in half, cool the half that you will use, the second can either be used as a hair mask or left for a second session. Cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent the surface from hardening. When the avocado has cooled well, it must be mashed and mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply to face for 30 minutes.

Mass of oatmeal. Oats have long been used to soothe skin inflammation on dry and sensitive dermis. To prepare, you will need to grind 1/3 cup of oatmeal in a food processor until you get a homogeneous powdery consistency. Add 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons full-fat milk, stirring until the mixture thickens (thin it if too thick). Let it brew for 10 minutes and then apply on the face for half an hour.

Peaches on guard against young dry problem skin are super-refreshing components of masks. Peaches contain enzymes that unclog and close pores. It is necessary to clean one small fruit from the stone, then cut it into small pieces. Add one egg white and beat thoroughly. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Summer mask for cleansing problematic dry skin from blackheads. Mix 1 small peeled cucumber with ¼ cup aloe juice and 200 milligrams of aspirin. After the paste becomes homogeneous, it must be put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, the chilled mixture is applied to problem areas. This remedy is excellent for burnt skin, relieves pain with itching during rashes.

Masks for oily skin

To clear clogged enlarged pores, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  1. One tablespoon cucumber juice;
  2. Can be mixed with blue clay: if the dermis is combined, we recommend using kaolin, and if you have aging problematic skin, then suitable pink or green clay;
  3. Lemon (a teaspoon of juice);
  4. One beaten egg white.

Mix everything, apply to clean skin until dry, rinse with warm water without the use of detergents, then walk over the face with a hard cloth, for example, a terry cloth or a special sponge.

Photo - Fruit masks

Good narrowing cleansers homemade masks for the face are obtained with fruits. For example, take one apricot, mash it and mix it with a teaspoon of blue clay, add the same amount of yogurt (you can use fatty kefir). Mix until smooth, apply to the face, avoiding the eye area, rinse after 30 minutes.

An excellent whitening mask is obtained using lemon (2 tablespoons), olive oil(1) and banana. Beat everything until smooth and spread on problem areas. Wash off after 20 minutes. This includes whitening ingredients, so it will help get rid of freckles.

Gelatinous- this is a face mask that cleanses the pores of oily and acne skin, acts deeply and for sure, there are very good feedback. We mix a bag of powder with a spoonful of milk, put it in a water bath, it is necessary that the mixture swells, then we spread the skin nourishing cream(otherwise it will be very difficult to remove the product), leave until solidified. After we pull the edge of the film and remove it, it is also called the Velcro tool, thanks to the “dead grip”.

From homemade homemade cleansers for oily skin considered one of the leaders tar mask. We do not recommend using natural Birch tar, because it is very difficult to individually select the proportions, it is better to lather tar soap, mix foam with face cream from it, lubricate the dermis with the resulting solution, rinse after 15 minutes.

For aging oily skin with acne and blackheads suitable mask from potatoes with tincture of calendula. We rub one potato on a grater, combine with an egg and a spoonful of calendula tincture, apply to problem areas of the face, excluding the eyes and mouth for 20 minutes.

Photo - Tar masks

This recipe is often used: mix with oatmeal blue clay(1:1), season the mask with olive oil (1 spoon) and gently massage into the face.

Hot yeast cleansers are also known for their good and strong effect, they are used if you need to cleanse the face before the mask. You need to buy active yeast, combine it with milk, as for dough, and put it in a warm place, then add olive oil and oatmeal to the solution, mix again, the mass should get a fairly cool consistency. We put it on the fire to warm up, it is very important not to overheat, the mass should be hot, but at the same time, create a pleasant feeling of warmth on the face, but not burning. Wash off after 10 minutes. This tool will help get rid of wen and purulent acne.

  • Chamomile, nalfeya, thyme;
  • Calendula, parsley (whitens), strawberry leaves;
  • Plantain, knotweed, cornflowers.

In masks, do not use fruits that you are allergic to. If you pay attention, you can see some consistency in the recipes. So nourishing masks contain oil components and fruits, they do not help with acne and acne, but contribute to self-cleansing of the skin, restoring its immunity.

For combined porous dermis, it is recommended to use a peeling agent. If you have rashes in an active form, then we advise you to use super-narrowing mixtures, which include soda, sea ​​salt, Maybe, lemon acid. For sensitive dermis prone to acne, recipes should be used, which are based on gentle abrasive substances - oatmeal, fruit acids etc.

Most of the listed products are suitable for making with your own hands not only effective cleansing home masks for the face, but also for the body and hands.

professional tools

Made masks are most often more effective and useful, but there is not always time for " folk art”, so we suggest considering super-cleansing and tightening professional masks.

Photo - Gelatin masks

Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories:

  1. Exfoliating (aka peeling) - Mary Kay, Nivea film;
  2. Powder cleansers (scrub) - Daniel Jouvance, Natural Pharmacy;
  3. Anti-inflammatory - for sensitive skin - Glorion, Vichy;
  4. Natural remedies (on herbs, animal fats, acids) - warming masks in the sauna (for face and body) with spruce and other oils, cosmetics with extracts of various plants - Dr. Nona (Israel), Loreal, Pure Line.
  5. Cream masks (not washed off) - Avon, Amway, Green Pharmacy, Vitex.

When not to wear masks contraindications:

  1. With seborrhea, lichen and other chronic skin problems in the active stage;
  2. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients;
  3. With open wounds;
  4. Do not make masks with acid components during the diet;
  5. Women's forum advises pregnant women to be very careful, a professional recipe book is of the same opinion.

Of course, self-prepared products will turn out to be cheaper in terms of ratio, but ready-made cleansing face masks will quickly solve all your problems. To buy them, visit a special cosmetics store.

Methode Jeanne Piaubert is a brand with rather specific products. For example, caring for slim waist, cream for fast weight loss, knee shaper, anti-hair deodorant and so on. The main thing to know is that this is not a marketing ploy. Means really working, but pointwise. The same can be said about the Douceur D "Eau cleansing mask. It acts at the deep levels of the epidermis, so do not be surprised if a rash appears on the skin a few days after use - it means that the process of cleansing the skin of the face has begun. What is in the composition? Basic " characters» - kaolin and hydromilk complex. We thank them for their work.

Energizing mask Vax "In For Youth, Givenchy (2,950 rubles)

There is not a word about cleansing in the name of the mask. Quite a logical question: “How did the product get into our rating?”. We answer: yes main task masks - restore radiance and youth to tired skin from stress. To do this, a complex was added to the composition that stimulates cells to produce their own longevity protein, which is scientifically called HSP70. But in order for the miracle complex to achieve its goal, the skin must first be cleansed and all toxins removed from it. The mask for "five plus" copes with this task.

Clay mask for deep cleansing and narrowing of pores Rare Earth, Kiehl's (1,790 rubles)

One of the main priority differences of the mask is its cost-effectiveness. With reasonable use, you will have enough of it for a year. If suddenly during this time the mask begins to dry out, sprinkle it thermal water- the texture will be the same. The basis of the mask is white Amazonian clay (the brand is American, so it's not surprising). The mask perfectly copes with pollution and cleanses the skin of toxins - thanks to the minerals from the island of Marajo, which is also located at the mouth of the Amazon River.

Cleansing oxygen mask O2 Ecocell White Clean, Storyderm (2 640 rubles)

Storyderm- natural cosmetic originally from Korea. Her "trick" is that she fights skin pollution with the help of oxygen. The O2 Ecocell White Clean mask is no exception. In addition, the product contains as many as 12 plant extracts: roses, fig fruits, garden purslane, Japanese koptis roots and aloe vera leaves. The product moisturizes, gives the skin radiance and tightens pores (this is important for cleansing oily facial skin), and also has a whitening effect. One of its features is that you do not need water during application. Simply apply the mask on dry skin, wait until bubbles appear, and then remove the product with massaging movements.

Cleansing gommage Sebo Vegetal, Yves Rocher (490 rubles)

This gommage from Yves Rocher captivates not only by the “price-quality” ratio, but also by the fact that one of the main ingredients in its composition is the Baikal skullcap vegetable powder (very patriotic!). We must give it its due, it has antiseptic and sebum-regulating properties, and this is what you need for problem skin. Although the tool provides deep cleansing facial skin, Yves Rocher experts have developed a whole line of products based on the Baikal skullcap, so in order to achieve a greater effect from the use of gommage, we advise you to pay attention to them.

Purifying mask based on clay and mint Skin, Herbalife (920 rubles)

Those familiar with Herbalife know that the brand specializes in nutritional products for weight management. However, few people know that the range of the brand contains skin and hair care products. When creating them, they were guided by the principle " balanced diet to preserve youthful skin. The cleansing mask is suitable for all skin types - it removes impurities and absorbs excess oil. For this, mineral clay is present in the formula. Peppermint and rosemary oils give the product a pleasant aroma, but vitamins B3, C, E and aloe vera are heavy artillery, adding bonuses to the mask in the form of slowing down the aging process, restoring cell DNA and protecting the skin.

Purifying face mask Masque Purifiant, Eisenberg Paris (about 2,000 rubles)

The Eisenberg Paris brand appeared in 2000, but over the 15 years of its existence, it has found its place in the beauty industry. The brand belongs to the “luxury” class, cosmetics are not cheap, but they belong to the category about which it is customary to say “works!”. The Masque Purifiant Purifying Face Mask contains the patented trio-moleculaire complex (13 years of research and 2 years of clinical and medical testing). This three-molecule formula (enzyme, cytokine and biostimulin) has antioxidant properties, promotes skin nourishment and oxygenation. In addition to the complex, the mask contains green clay and koalin (absorb excess sebum), rosemary (cleanses) and tinder fungus (calms). If you need to reduce pores, then apply a mask on your face. thin layer for 15-20 minutes, if you get rid of a pimple - dotted at night. In a word, it will be possible to forget about cleansing the skin of the face with folk remedies.

Cleansing mask B-Active Sebumasque, Environ (3,000 rubles)

The composition of this mask can be safely compared with the composition medicinal product. Judge for yourself: kaolin regulates secretion sebaceous glands, panthenol heals, salicylic acid provides an antifungal effect, Australian walnut oil is a natural antiseptic, tecopherol is an antioxidant that protects the cell membrane. But, you see, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the product! The mask is suitable for problem skin. To achieve maximum results, leave the mask on the skin for at least an hour, and preferably all night. After use, do not stay under direct sunbeams- the risk of earning pigmentation is very high.

Purifying facial mask with thermal clay and brown algae, Frais Monde (1,380 rubles)

Frais Monde is a natural cosmetics from Italy. All products of the brand are based on sulfuric thermal water that restores the acid-base balance of the skin from the Terme Ripole spring, located on the outskirts of the town of Crotone (Calibria). There is also a mask, which also has thermal clay (cleanses), brown algae extract (normalizes the sebaceous glands), as well as lemon and burdock extracts (remove microscopic impurities). Personally, we also liked the packaging design - concise, but at the same time decorating any bathroom.

Absorbent mask Masque Absorbent, Sothys (about 3,000 rubles)

Facts unknown to the general public: Sothys - professional brand, which pays much attention to the scientific and technical base. He has his own laboratories in which a lot is done scientific discoveries. They, for example, own the development of an ampoule form for storing concentrates (this happened back in 1946), they brought dosage sets for salon programs to the market (in 1966). Therefore, it is not surprising that the brand approaches the development of each of its products with special trepidation. Masque Absorbent neutralizes oily sheen, exfoliates the stratum corneum, opening up access to oxygen for the skin, protects against the action of UVA and UVB rays due to its constituent kaolin, powder apricot kernels, oxides of zinc and titanium. As a result: the skin is dried and looks matte.

The skin of the face is that part of the body, the shortcomings of which disappoint a woman in the first place. Undoubtedly, it is on the face that we pay attention from early morning, starting water procedures. It is on the face that we see small wrinkles that irritate us terribly. On the face, we are disappointed with the remnants of poor-quality creams and makeup products that clog pores and do not allow the skin to look even and smooth. It is about how to make the skin velvety and smooth that we want to talk about. In our article, we will consider the procedure for cleaning the face at home, and also tell you which pore cleansing face masks will be effective for your skin type.

Facial cleansing means deep steaming of the skin and complete cleaning of all pores. In no case should you ignore facial cleansing, because it is it that allows you to remove accumulated body fat get rid of sebaceous formations that clog pores. As a result, the color and relief of the face are aligned, general state the skin becomes much better, because the skin is one of the main organs of the human body.

Facial cleansing is not recommended in the presence of serious inflammation on the skin., the presence of microtraumas and microcracks, eczema and other skin diseases. If you have no contraindications, you can safely proceed to the procedure.

Facial cleansing is important because it greatly enhances the effect of subsequent skin care procedures. So, let's move on to action:

  • Wipe the skin of the face with a cleanser: milk or makeup remover, lotion, or 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Exfoliate with a scrub (store-bought or ground coffee beans mixed with sour cream). Rub the scrub on your skin for a couple of minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Do steam bath for face. Breathe over the steam for 15-20 minutes (until the pores are completely open). You can prepare a bath with chamomile, rosemary, or horsetail - for this, simply pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the composition of boiling water. Herbal decoction will improve blood microcirculation, eliminate irritation and peeling. Moisture that appears on the skin of the face should be periodically blotted with a napkin, but in no case should it be rubbed!
  • Proceed to the step of manual blackhead removal. To prevent infection, wash your hands with soap and water, dry them and disinfect with alcohol. Now wrap your fingers with a sterile bandage soaked in a 1% solution. salicylic acid. Remove greasy dirt plugs with light finger pressure. From time to time, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide. In no case do not use alcohol-containing products instead of peroxide!

Cleansing masks for all skin types

If you had no problems with the face reading procedure, it's time to fix the effect with homemade masks. We offer you a choice x several universal options:

  • white clay mask. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of white clay with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cucumber juice or parsley juice. Add a couple of drops to the mix lemon juice. Apply to dry face for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
  • mask from sauerkraut . Grind the cabbage to the state of gruel, apply the resulting composition in a thick layer on the skin of the face. Wash off with warm water after 20-30 minutes.
  • mask from oatmeal . Mix oatmeal and hot milk in a 1:1 ratio. apply the composition for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.
  • Honey mask. Take some slightly warmed honey with your fingertips. Then, with patting movements, beat the honey into the pores of the face. Touch your palm to your face and tear it off sharply. Continue patting and touching with the palm of your hand for 5-7 minutes. Rinse the honey off your face with warm water.
  • Rye bread mask. grind Rye bread and pour a little hot water. Apply the resulting porridge on skin light massage movements. Wash off the mask with cool water after 10-15 minutes.
  • Creative mask. Pound 3 teaspoons of fresh cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. Now apply the resulting mass on the face and wash off the mask after 20 minutes. cotton pad dipped in cold milk.
  • Tomato mask. Grind the pulp of a ripe tomato, add 4 drops of vegetable or olive oil, apply on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with cool boiled water. A worthy effect of this mask can be obtained after 10 procedures.
  • Dill mask, 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon corn oil. After mixing all the ingredients, apply the composition on the face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Protein mask. Mix 2 egg whites, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and then cool to close the cleansed pores.
  • Mask with soda and salt. This mask can be done once a week. The mask is made as follows. Lather your face with facial cleanser or cleansing milk. Dilute fine salt and soda in equal proportions and gently apply the mixture on your face. After massaging the skin for 2-3 minutes, leave the composition on the skin for 7-10 minutes. Rinse the composition off your face with warm water and wipe the skin with a tonic.
  • Quince mask. Grate the quince on a fine grater, add 1 beaten egg white to the foam. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes. As a result, not only the skin will be cleansed, but small wrinkles will also be smoothed out.
  • Currant mask. Taking the berries of red or white currant, crush the fruits and mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch. After applying the mask to the skin of the face, rinse the mixture with warm water.
  • Green apple mask Cut a half from an apple, chop it on a grater, add 1 teaspoon of chopped horseradish, add egg white whipped into foam. After combining all the ingredients, apply the mask on your face. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.

Cleansing masks for oily and problem skin

Masks for oily skin of the face not only cleanse, but also moisturize the skin and reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, evening out the tone of the face and relieving delicate skin from oily sheen.

  • Mask #1. You will need: 2 teaspoons of dry sage leaves, 2 teaspoons of dry crushed rose hips, 0.5 teaspoons of dry mint leaves, 0.5 cups of boiling water, and gauze or bandage. Pour boiling water over dry herbs and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Put the cooled broth on your face, apply gauze (leaving open eyes, nostrils and lips). Wash off the mask with water after 30 minutes.
  • Mask number 2. You will need: 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 1 teaspoon brandy. Beat the protein, add the mix with the remaining ingredients, apply for half an hour and rinse.
  • Mask #3. You will need: 2 teaspoons of dry yeast, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. After mixing the components to the consistency of sour cream, apply the composition for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
  • Mask number 4. You will need: 3 teaspoons of cottage cheese, 3 teaspoons fruit juice, 0.5 teaspoon of fine salt, a little mineral non-carbonated water.

After mixing all the ingredients, apply the first layer of the mask on the face. After 15 minutes, apply a second layer of the mask. After another 15 minutes, wash off the mask with mineral water.

Cleansing masks for dry and sensitive skin

Dilute red or black clay with a little water and stir to a creamy mass. Apply to face for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

Soak 1 cup of white or red beans for 3-4 hours. Then put the beans on the fire and boil them. While still hot, pass the beans through a sieve and mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. While the mass has not cooled down, apply it on the skin and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Masks for aging skin

  • 1 st. dilute a spoonful of yellow clay with water to a state of sour cream. After 10 minutes, the mask can be washed off the face.
  • 1 teaspoon rice flour mix with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Apply the composition to the skin, massage a little and leave to be absorbed for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.

Combination and normal skin type

If you have mixed or normal type skin, pink clay mask, which is prepared in the same way as other clay masks, will be effective.

Reading and smooth skin faces are no longer a Hollywood dream, but a reality. Now you know all the secrets, which means that the only thing left is to act!

½ cup of oatmeal should be soaked overnight with 1 cup of milk.

Then add 1 tablespoon of honey there and mix thoroughly.

At first. Leaning over the washbasin, massage the skin of the face with gentle movements, and then leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes.

The mask is washed off with cool water to close the pores.

After the mask has been washed off and blotted with a clean towel (not wiped, but blotted), apply any of your favorite moisturizers to the skin.

Super cleansing and revitalizing mask

Oats themselves are very beneficial for the skin. It contains saponins, substances that have very high surfactants and form a lather. This mask perfectly not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes and moisturizes. All this is due to the addition of vitamin E to it.

How to prepare a mask:

  1. Grind 1/2 cup oatmeal in a coffee grinder. If you have oats, you can do the same with oats (), which will be even better and more effective. This volume is enough for you to make a mask not only on the face, but also on the décolleté. If you want to make a mask only for the face, reduce all the ingredients by 2 times;
  2. pour the ground oatmeal with warm water to a state of thick sour cream;
  3. add 1-2 tablespoons of honey;
  4. now cut the vitamin E capsules and add to the mask. You need 3-4 capsules. Mix everything well;
  5. Apply the mask on your face, avoiding the eye area. Now take a horizontal position and rest for 15 minutes;
  6. now the mask must be washed off with gentle massaging movements.

For mature skin cleansing

This mask not only deeply cleanses the pores, but also promotes the healing of small scars and wonderfully evens out the complexion.

The main ingredients are honey and. Both products are very active!

Honey - opens the pores and shows its anti-inflammatory properties, and turmeric is the strongest antibacterial agent.


  1. honey - 1 tablespoon,
  2. turmeric - 1/2 teaspoon,
  3. 1 egg yolk,
  4. 1/2 teaspoon olive oil,
  5. 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice.

All products must be combined and applied to the skin of the face. Due to turmeric, the mask has a beautiful and bright color. Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the main part with a paper towel, rinse the rest with warm water.

For problem skin

The face of any girl should look beautiful, attractive and well-groomed. But, unfortunately, we do not always manage to get the skin that we would like. And industrial creams and nourishing lotions in this situation often simply do not help.

But there is a more accessible and operating method- masks. They can be made from absolutely any food. And not just food.

But the recipe for the mask should be made by a cosmetologist or someone who is well versed in the action of individual ingredients on the skin of the face and must take into account the type of skin, age and reaction to various elements. It is not always necessary to believe the advice of friends, because they can advise a remedy specifically for their skin type, but it may not be suitable for yours - this will not be considered a problem of the creator, but your indiscretion.

Cosmetic clay for problem skin

These clay masks are wonderful:

  • can shrink enlarged pores
  • mattify the skin
  • degrease the skin
  • and also bring an element of anti-inflammatory action.

½ tablespoon of powdered white clay (for acne - blue) dilute using clean water to a homogeneous mass of medium thickening.

In the presence of acne, dilute the clay well with a decoction of chamomile (one teaspoon of dried flowers is poured with half a glass of boiled water, boiled for five minutes, then covered with a lid, and aged until completely cooled, then filtered).

White clay can be diluted with cold and fresh milk for combination skin that does not have acne.

If you also want to treat your skin, add honey to the line, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that soothes the skin of the face.

When young skin is oily and problematic, the action of masks must also be directed to:

  1. slightly degrease and soothe the skin,
  2. but at the same time, do not overdry its surface layer.

And curd-kefir masks are very well suited for a face that has such problems as increased fat content and acne.

Curd-kefir mask to reduce fat content

1 tablespoon of fat-free cottage cheese is thoroughly rubbed with 2 tablespoons of low-fat kefir.

Then to this mixture you need to add another 1 tablespoon of grated apple pulp (without peel), if possible sour variety.

Apply the prepared mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes and after this time, wash off the mask with warm water. This type of mask perfectly soothes and slightly degreases problematic facial skin.

In principle, cottage cheese does an excellent job of cleansing on its own. Any will cleanse the skin and revitalize.

Cucumber-honey, cleansing

This mask is good because, on the one hand, it absorbs excess coffee fat well, and on the other hand, it perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face. Therefore, it is suitable for both oily and dry skin.

The ingredients are very simple:

  1. cucumber;
  2. cereals,
  3. yogurt (or kefir);

The cucumber must first be peeled and grated.

Oatmeal can be left as it is, or you can grind it in a coffee grinder.

All ingredients should be mixed until smooth and applied to the face (without applying around the eyes) for 15 minutes. Then gently remove with soft paper towels and rinse with warm water.

And here is another option cucumber mask with cottage cheese ... Very simple and of course useful.