What to do if your skin is burned in a solarium. How to remove redness after tanning: effective ways

The reason for getting burned in a solarium is always the same - you chose the wrong time to stay under the radiation. Although special lotions and creams for solariums contain a protective SPF filter, which significantly reduces the risk of getting burns, they cannot completely eliminate this possibility.

If you do happen to get sunburned in a solarium, know that your skin has received damage identical to sunburn. The first symptoms of sunburn appear a few hours after visiting the solarium. You can feel slight dizziness, temperature rises, the skin will begin to redden and itch.

Cool damaged skin by taking a cool shower or bath with baking soda. Do not use soap or shower gel, do not dry yourself with a towel, let the moisture absorb into the body.

Creams and sprays containing panthenol will help restore burnt skin. For more serious injuries, purchase burn ointment with hydrocortisone from the pharmacy. Apply the medicine to the affected areas of the skin thin layer every 2 hours.

In cases where the necessary anti-burn agents are not at hand, you should resort to no less effective folk recipes. Aloe juice perfectly moisturizes and soothes the skin, accelerating the regeneration process.

Any low-fat fermented milk product will also provide first aid for burns. Lubricate burnt skin with kefir or natural yoghurt. It is better not to use sour cream - the resulting greasy film will block the access of oxygen to the skin.

Apply thin slices of cucumber to the burnt areas of the skin. To alleviate the condition, you can make cold compresses from chamomile infusion. Pour 2 tablespoons of the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for at least half an hour, cool. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the decoction to promote healing.

Decrease painful sensations you can use a mask from oatmeal. Mix flour with water to the consistency of sour cream, cool and cover the affected areas for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

For minor burns, restore healthy skin possible almost overnight, using “grandmother’s” recipe. Wipe the burnt parts of your body with vodka or alcohol tincture of calendula before going to bed, and in the morning there will be no trace of redness left. A similar effect will be achieved by smearing the burns with whipped egg white. After the protein mask has dried, wipe your skin with a damp towel and repeat application. At the end of the procedure, use a moisturizing lotion or nourishing body milk.

Bubbles and blisters that appear on the skin should not be pierced under any circumstances: you risk getting an infection. Wash your hands with soap and water before touching burned areas. Even when the redness goes away, continue to moisturize the skin generously, because it takes more time to restore the deep layers of the epidermis.

A tan gives your appearance beauty and attractiveness. And get desired shade skin can be treated in a solarium at any time of the year. However, sometimes instead the skin turns red, unpleasant itching and blisters appear. But a red face and body, irritation after a solarium are not at all what is needed.

In this article you will learn what to do if the skin of your face or body is burned in a solarium, the causes of the burn, and how to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of burns in solariums

The main reason for redness after tanning is too long exposure to the lamps. Ultraviolet radiation affects the skin, causing burns to the upper layer of the epidermis.

At the same time, a burning sensation is felt, the skin feels hot and painful to the touch. Small watery blisters with ichor and blisters may appear.

However, redness can be caused not only by burns, but also by allergies to ultraviolet radiation or sunscreens. Some people's skin does not tolerate prolonged exposure to the sun; redness of the skin is similar to a burn, but takes much longer to go away.

How long does it take for a sunburn burn to heal?

When the redness will go away after the solarium? The duration of skin recovery after a burn resulting from sunbathing in a solarium depends on the degree of its intensity. If the damage is not severe, it will go away quickly enough, it will take 2-3 days.

How long will it take for the redness to go away if the skin is severely burned in a solarium? With more severe burns, medical help and long-term rehabilitation may be required. The pain will be especially intense for the first 1-2 days, then gradually subside. For this reason, it is in the first days that compresses and masks must be done several times a day.

How to avoid getting burned

Burns and redness are very unpleasant. But how can you avoid getting sunburned in a solarium? You can get a tan in a solarium without harm to your health, the main thing is to be careful. Often you want to tan faster and precautions fade into the background.

To avoid burning your face and body in a solarium, and to prevent skin damage, you should follow simple rules for tanning in a solarium:

  • The duration of stay under the lamps should be increased gradually. For the first time optimal time counts as 3 minutes. Maximum time stay under ultraviolet light – 10-15 minutes. Between sessions you should take breaks of 24 hours.
  • You should only choose cosmetics that are special for tanning in a solarium; such products are available in every salon.
  • Even if you don't feel any signs of a burn after tanning, it is recommended to apply after-sun cream or a cooling spray. This will restore the water balance in the epidermal cells.
  • It is not recommended to carry out water procedures before visiting the solarium, and then use scrubs and peeling, as this can damage the skin.

Sensitive areas of the body should be protected:

  • Use special glasses, as ultraviolet rays can harm your eyes.
  • Solarium is very harmful to hair, so you must wear a cap during the procedure.
  • To protect your breasts from harmful effects use stikini - special stickers (or caps) for nipples.
  • For lips, balm or lipstick is suitable.

Basic ways to relieve redness after tanning

According to the degree of intensity, burns after tanning can be divided into several types:

  1. Redness of the skin;
  2. Redness, painful sensations and itching;
  3. Redness, pain, itching and blistering;
  4. Charring is the most terrible of burns.

The first two types are easier to tolerate than others; they can be treated independently at home.

How to quickly remove redness if the skin is burned in a solarium? There are some rules that will help get rid of redness after an unsuccessful stay under ultraviolet lamps:

  • You should drink more fluids, this will help restore your water balance, since a burn, especially a large one, causes dehydration. Diluted juices, warm green or black tea, mineral water, and here alcoholic drinks better to exclude.
  • The use of medications against burns will help eliminate burning and pain, as well as speed up the healing process; it is optimal to choose products with panthenol or aloe juice. If touching the damaged area is painful, use spray medications.
  • If you don’t have any special preparations on hand, you can use baby cream; cucumber masks or masks work well for burns. raw potatoes, low-fat kefir and sour cream.

  • For mild redness, a cool shower or bath without the use of soap and gel, which will further dry out the skin, will help soothe and cool the skin. When taking a bath, it is optimal to add half a glass of soda and chamomile decoction; they will have a calming and softening effect.
  • Affected areas of the skin should be lubricated with medical or folk remedies every 2-3 hours for better healing.
  • At severe pain and any painkiller will help with itching; if the redness is caused by an allergic reaction, then you need to take an antihistamine.
  • If your facial skin is burned after tanning, you should not use decorative cosmetics until the burn heals.
  • You should forget about the solarium for a few days so that damaged skin has time to return to its original state. normal condition. And also try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

If you notice severe redness after a tanning salon, and the burn in general is very strong, a lot of blisters appear, it is strictly forbidden to pierce them, you can get an infection, which will lead to inflammation and suppuration.

If watery formations are damaged, you feel unwell, nausea, dizziness and high temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Herbal cold compresses

If the skin of your face or body is burned in a solarium, it is recommended to apply compresses to soothe and restore it. Cold compresses made from herbal infusions are an excellent way to relieve redness after an unsuccessful visit to the solarium:

  • knotweed. Add 2 tablespoons of herbs to 300 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 5-10 minutes. When it cools down, you can apply it to the burned area of ​​the skin.
  • Chamomile or calendula. Pour one tablespoon of the plant into a glass of boiling water. Wrap in heat and leave for 15 minutes, then strain and let cool, after which you can use.
  • Cabbage. Soak gauze in squeezed cabbage juice and apply to damaged skin, or use whole cabbage leaves.

Masks for burnt skin

Masks can also help remove redness if your face or body is burned after a solarium. But not just any, but specific ones will do:

  • Oatmeal mask. Mix 3-4 tablespoons oatmeal and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook until foam appears on the surface, collect it and lubricate the damaged areas. Oatmeal decoction relieves pain and itching.
  • Honey mask. Mix 1 glass of fresh milk and 2 glasses of water, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Cool the prepared mixture. To apply to the body, soak gauze in the mixture and apply for 10-15 minutes. Do the mask several times a day. The mask should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Aloe mask. To prepare the mask, you will need fresh aloe leaves; they can be crushed into a paste in a blender. Apply the mask to the burned areas, not allowing it to dry out - either rinse the mask with water or apply another layer.
  • Egg mask. You should choose fresh eggs, separate the whites for the mask and beat a little. Just like the aloe juice mask, the egg white mask should not dry out.

Using the above folk remedies, you can do procedures to quickly restore skin that has been burned in a solarium.

So you have learned how to remove redness from your face or body if your skin is burned in a solarium. By following simple rules for skin care after tanning in a solarium, you can achieve get well soon. Follow the above recommendations and after a short time Burnt skin will regain its softness and elasticity.

Follow the rules for visiting the solarium. Remember that burns and redness are easier to prevent than to treat.

In contact with

A dark body always looks very beautiful, attracts attention, and allows you to wear revealing outfits. But not everyone can afford to sunbathe on the seashore several times a year. There is an alternative to sea tanning - a solarium. With its help, you can remain dark-skinned with an even complexion all year round. beautiful tan. But opponents fake tan They believe that it causes significant harm to health. In addition, there is a risk of serious burns, and allergies may also appear after solarium. If you get burns after a tanning salon, the question immediately arises - what to do?

Causes of burns

After long stay In a solarium, the skin may become red and burns may appear.

It is worth noting that the body will never immediately turn brown when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. There is a stage of redness that needs to go through, and it happens differently for each person. Some people's body and face first turn slightly pink, and then immediately become dark. Some people first blush a lot, and only then get a tan. This is a completely natural process, this is how the skin reacts to more high temperature, protecting the body. In the case where there is no burn, the red skin after a solarium is restored after a couple of hours, but the redness can last the whole day. It also happens that after artificial tanning a real burn of the skin appears. This can happen even to those who take all precautions.

And yet, burns after a solarium are primarily suffered by those who are too long time spends under lamps. They provoke burning of the upper layers of the epidermis. The symptoms are as follows: discomfort appears in the form of a strong burning sensation, pain, the body and face become hot and may even become blistered with liquid inside. A rash may appear after tanning.

Also, redness of the skin after visiting a solarium can cause allergic reactions to ultraviolet radiation. Allergies can also be to tanning products. Some people have ultraviolet intolerance, and they often confuse an allergic reaction with a burn because the symptoms are similar. An allergy to solarium, by the way, takes much longer to go away, the redness does not go away, and the skin is very itchy. You can often hear: “I’m itching after tanning.” In case of allergies, solarium should be avoided.

Burns and rashes occur after taking certain medical supplies, or at hypersensitivity skin.

Allergies to ultraviolet light can manifest as redness and rashes

What to do with a red face

The worst thing is when the skin on your face burns in a solarium. If we can hide the body under clothes, then the face is always visible, and severely reddened skin must be restored as quickly as possible. We all know that prevention is better than any treatment, so before a tanning session you need to moisturize your face well using special cosmetic preparations. They will help retain moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis, prevent redness, and protect against burns.

Attention!Those with oily and problem skin types are advised not to apply products to the face so that ultraviolet light dries the skin on the face, reducing greasiness. In this case, it is advisable to stay under the lamps for only a short time to prevent burns.

To prevent your face from burning, it should be well moisturized with a nourishing cream while tanning in a solarium.

We will help you choose the necessary cosmetics professional cosmetologists. At the same time, they will advise you on how to care for your skin before and after tanning.

If your facial skin burns in a solarium, what should you do? What remedies can help relieve redness on the face? How to remove redness after solarium?

  • Pharmacies and cosmetic departments of stores sell special sprays and lotions intended for use after sunbathing. They will cool a red face after a tanning bed while moisturizing it. You cannot use products that contain essential oils, as they will only worsen the redness and burning of the skin on the face.
  • All cosmetics are selected taking into account what skin type you have. Why is it important? There can be no benefit from an incorrectly selected product, and it is very easy to cause harm.
  • If, after applying the products to your face, symptoms such as strong burning sensation, rash, irritation, the skin began to itch very much, the redness became even greater, swelling began, this is most likely a manifestation allergic reaction. In such cases, you must immediately take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Cetrin, Diazolin or any other) and stop using these cosmetics. It’s even better to choose those cosmetics that contain only natural ingredients.
  • Redness on the skin of the face after a solarium due to a burn will be removed by this pharmaceutical drug, like Panthenol. After applying it, itching and burning will disappear, redness will decrease, and if you use it at the very beginning of redness, you can prevent the appearance of blisters.
  • If blisters do form on your face, try applying Solcoseryl or Bepanten ointment to the skin.

Attention!If you have burns, you should not apply products that contain alcohol to your face. It has a negative effect on burned skin, aggravating its condition.

These drugs will help cope with burns on the face
  1. After sunbathing, you should take a cool shower without using scrubs, peelings or washcloths. It is allowed to use a soft gel shower with a pH balance of no more than 5.5. Don't forget that skin care after visiting a solarium should be mandatory.
  2. After any tanning, the epidermis loses moisture, so it needs to be properly moisturized. Moreover, only on a well-moisturized body will the tan last better and longer. Gels and mousses with natural ingredients, for example, with chamomile. It’s good if they contain menthol, which will help cool the burned areas. Fatty nutritious cream It is better not to use it after a solarium.
  3. If you do get a burn after a tanning bed, try applying avocado pulp to your skin. Also, red spots after solarium are well removed by any oil, for example, peach oil.
  4. If the skin on the body is very red, you can apply a compress of brewed black or green tea, parsley, chamomile, sage.
  5. Moles after solarium deserve special attention. Inspect them carefully to ensure that they do not increase in size.
  6. Be prepared for what may appear dark spots after solarium, as well as white spots on the skin.

What to do if you get burned in a solarium

Regular sour cream will help reduce pain from burns
  • If you feel the symptoms that your body is burned, you should immediately drink as much clean drinking water as possible.
  • If your body temperature has risen several degrees above normal, take an antipyretic drug: paracetamol, ibufen, aspirin. After this, it is better to immediately take a horizontal position.
  • You can use the proven method and apply it to the burnt area. skin covering sour cream. This is very effective method, and the only downside is bad smell. After you wash off the remaining sour cream, apply any vegetable oil to your body.
  • Among home recipes, applying potato and aloe juice to reddened skin is very effective. Sweep this remedy no need. You can also try placing circles on your skin fresh cucumber. This vegetable quickly relieves redness after tanning.
  • Helps eliminate itching and burning sea ​​buckthorn oil. It quickly restores damaged tissues without causing allergies. It should be used simply: the oil is applied in a thin layer to the affected area and is not washed off. In a couple of days all problems should go away. True, if you oily skin, this method cannot be used.

However, if it begins to appear on the body a large number of blisters that form wounds when opened, the temperature rises sharply, chills appear, the skin begins to swell, this indicates that you should immediately seek medical attention medical care. And remember that to prevent burns in a solarium, you should use properly selected cosmetics and stay under the lamps for a short time.

It's no secret that tanned skin gives the image a sexy look and also makes it visually slim. In addition, aristocratic pallor has long been out of fashion, so most modern women tries to maintain a summer tan at any time of the year, using a solarium for this purpose. This artificial substitute natural sun you can visit all year round. However, it is a mistaken belief that ultraviolet rays in a solarium are absolutely safe. If you don't stick certain rules If you stay in a solarium booth, there is a high risk of getting a burn. So you can get burned under the lamps, and quite seriously. To avoid trouble like this, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not exceed the time spent in the booth;
  • always be interested in replacing lamps (new ones have a much stronger effect on the skin than old ones);
  • use protective compounds for tanning in a solarium.

But still, if such a situation has already happened, and you notice that your skin is “blazing with fire” after visiting a solarium, then use the recommendations that we will share in our publication today.

First aid for burns after solarium

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most simple and accessible ways“rescue” of burnt skin.


In any pharmacy you can purchase panthenol-based creams or ointments, which will relieve you of painful sensations in just a few minutes. In addition, such medications soften, moisturize and anesthetize damaged skin, promoting fast healing fabrics and making it easier general state the victim. It is recommended to apply these medications once an hour, without allowing the skin to completely absorb the product and dry out.

Healing compresses

Cold lotions will help significantly relieve the pain of burnt skin. You can take a cool shower, rub ice cubes on your skin, or apply a cloth soaked in a cold herbal infusion to the affected areas. Any medicinal plants are suitable for these purposes.

To avoid dehydration, be sure to drink as much fluid as possible. This will also help maintain a sufficient amount of moisture on the surface of the skin.

Folk remedies

The same rules apply here as when receiving a regular sunburn. Usually, traditional healers Recommended for use on burnt skin areas dairy products. Low-fat sour cream, kefir or yogurt will perfectly soften and soothe the skin, relieving pain. However, you should not use products that are too fatty, as they may interfere with oxygen exchange and make the situation even worse.

If your face is burned, you can use cucumber mask. To do this, grate a cucumber chilled in the refrigerator on a fine grater, apply the mixture to your face and hold for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

A compress of cool green tea also perfectly relieves pain and eliminates excess redness on the face. Brew tea, let it cool, soak soft tea in the mixture. flannel fabric and apply to your face, changing as it dries.

  • in the first days after an unsuccessful visit to the solarium, avoid direct rays of the sun and, of course, do not use artificial tanning services;
  • if the pain is very strong, then you can take a painkiller tablet;
  • Should not be applied to a burnt face decorative cosmetics until the burn goes away completely;
  • When you next visit the solarium, be sure to use creams with high protection from UV rays.

And remember that skin burns are easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, do not exceed the time you spend in the solarium booth, use protective equipment for the skin and at the first signs of sunburn, use the “first aid” tips that we shared in our today’s publication.

Getting sunburned in a solarium is a real situation that more than one girl who visits a solarium has encountered.

You can get burned in such cases

  • They changed the lamps in the solarium without notifying you about it. New lamps work harder, therefore the skin tans faster. With new lamps you need to reduce the number of minutes you are inside the solarium
  • You for a long time were in the solarium. If you make a difference of 5 or more minutes between visits to solariums, the skin will burn, because... you need to increase the amount of time gradually, let the skin get used to the radiation.
  • after the first visit to the solarium.

Such cases are also possible, again, as in the previous case, you were inside for too long. On your first visit, you need to take a very small number of minutes, you also need to take into account the condition of your skin, how quickly you tan, your color type, and if you tan quickly enough, take no more than 5 minutes, but if your skin is prone to burning, then it’s better to take 2- 3 minutes, even though the tan after the first visit will not be visible and the skin will practically not darken, but you will definitely not burn. Even during your first visit to the solarium, ask your consultant when last time changed the lamps, specify which solarium: vertical or horizontal and ask for advice on how many minutes to take a session for the first time.

And, of course, to prevent a situation with burnt skin, be sure to use special tanning products in a solarium. They can be bought in solariums, where various brands are presented, in professional stores, and on the Internet. All of them various actions and are selected strictly taking into account your skin type, and are also divided into creams for various parts body (face, legs), according to the degree of protection, etc.

If you happen to get burned, don't panic! You can, of course, use the old ancestral methods - treat burnt skin with sour cream, but why resort to such methods when you can buy it at the pharmacy special means for burns - creams, gels based on Dexpanthenol. The most common of them is Panthenol. It can be purchased as a spray, cream or gel. It perfectly relieves irritation, redness, it practically ambulance for your damaged skin. To begin with, try to touch your skin less, it is already damaged, give it a “rest”, apply Panthenol, and wear clothes made from natural materials(no synthetics!). Because burnt skin, skin needs intensive hydration, Panthenol is applied to damaged skin several times a day. After the first application, you will feel how it gradually relieves heat on the skin. When taking a bath or shower, try to use warm water, not hot, do not rub the burnt skin with a washcloth.

Also, in addition to Panthenol, you can use special creams for burnt skin with a cooling effect. They are available in various brands. It is best for you to be advised by a pharmacist at a pharmacy or a doctor.

And a few more tips for caring for sunburned skin:

  • If your face is burned, do not use decorative cosmetics for a while. Limit the use of powder, foundations and so on.
  • refrain from going to the solarium for several days, it is better if it is 3-4 days. Believe me, your skin will only say “Thank you” to you.
  • if the skin is very painful and itchy, take a painkiller, but do not overdo it - one tablet is enough to relieve the pain.

And, remember, it is better to prevent burns than to prevent them, and therefore when visiting solariums, do not forget to use special cosmetics, protect sensitive areas of the skin and increase the time spent in the solarium gradually!
Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

Visitor question:

What to do? I burned in a solarium, severely burned the skin on my chest and butt.

What to apply, how to relieve itching, pain, and discomfort?
And in general, is it dangerous? Maybe I should check with a dermatologist?