Cleaning of gold jewelry with stones. Ammonia for gold jewelry. How to clean products with hard stones

Various ways cleaning gold items at home: washing, chemicals, mechanical action, folk remedies. Tips for cleaning products with stones, from white gold and with matte areas.

A girl's best friends are diamonds and gold items. But often sparkling, shining and shiny gold upsets its owner, losing its original beauty. In jewelry stores, of course, there is a cleaning service for gold items. But why pay more if you can restore the former radiance at home, using what everyone has at hand.

Gold is a very soft metal. And, if jewelers did not add other metals in the production of gold items: copper, zinc, nickel, etc., then it would quickly lose its shape, that is, it would break. But it is these additives that lead to a change appearance favorite products. Also, over time, products simply become covered with dust (and it can certainly be removed without the participation of a specialist), fatty or sweat secretions from contact with the skin.

Clearing dark spots, black spots, sweat fat and returning shine is a matter of a few minutes. But even if you do not notice any changes in your jewelry, you need to clean them regularly, at least once a month. Cleaning gold at home can be divided into several stages and methods.

Necessary equipment for cleaning gold

To complete such a responsible task at home, you will need very simple tools:

  • boiled water, in some cases hot; laundry soap or baby shampoo;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • sugar;
  • bulb;
  • potato;
  • lipstick from a ladies' cosmetic bag as a paste substitute;
  • Toothbrush;
  • cotton buds and discs;
  • beer;
  • vinegar;
  • dentifrice;
  • 1 egg;
  • soft cloth;
  • container for immersing products.

the washing up

Quite often it is difficult to determine the degree of pollution precious item. You just see that it has faded. It is worth starting the gold cleaning procedure with easy wash in soapy water. This will help determine how heavily soiled your ring, chain or bracelet is. Pour warm water into a deep container, approximately 50 degrees, add any detergent there ( baby soap, shampoo, dish detergent, washing powder) and immerse the items. Remember, they must be completely submerged. In this state, the product should be left for 1-2 hours. Soapy water allows all impurities to dissolve, so that in the future they can be easily removed with a cloth or brush. Having taken out gold jewelry after 2 hours in a soapy solution, they should be cleaned with a brush and rinsed thoroughly with running water. If after that gold has not acquired original form then stronger means are needed.

First of all, you need to wash the gold product

chemical attack

In this case, it is worth resorting to such chemicals like ammonia, hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare a mixture for cleaning gold with ammonia?

You will need a glass of water, a large spoon washing powder or any other detergent and a teaspoon of ammonia.

Add powder and ammonia to boiling water. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, place your products in the mixture and wait 2 hours. After the end of the procedure, you need to rinse the jewelry with running water and dry it with a soft cloth.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and detergent

All you need is the same glass of water, 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of detergent. All components are mixed. In this solution, the product should be left only for 10-15 minutes, otherwise you risk damaging the surface. Then everything is also washed and dried.

Chemical treatments also include various food products which we use daily for cooking. Some experts classify them in the category of folk remedies. But if you think about it, then everything given in the article is a folk remedy for combating the darkening and fading of gold items.

Soda comes to the rescue

Ordinary baking soda, which is in the house of every housewife, can work wonders with a gold item. You need to take a glass of water and 2.5 tablespoons of soda. Mix them and boil for two minutes. Products should be immersed in a chilled solution. Rinse and dry afterwards as well. You can also store your products in such a solution.

There is another option for using soda: lay foil on the bottom, pour everything with the same solution (only soda should be used one and a half spoons, not 2.5) and leave the products in the mixture for 8 hours.

You can use soda in conjunction with detergents. The same proportionality of water and soda, only in this method there will be no foil, but there will be half a teaspoon of detergent. Put a rag on the bottom of the container, put your tarnished jewelry there, fill it with a cleaning boiling (we draw your attention, boiling) solution and let the water cool with the products inside. After the usual washing and drying.

Gold can be cleaned with improvised means

water and sugar

Dirt on gold does not like sweets, unlike women who wear gold items. With just a glass of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar, you can easily and permanently get rid of plaque and add shine to your jewelry. Products in a warm solution should be soaked for 8 to 12 hours. Final stage preserved: rinsing under running water and drying with a soft cloth.


There is always salt in the house, and if you can forget to buy peroxide and put off cleaning the products for another day, then you can’t get away from salt. All you need is 3 tablespoons of salt and half a glass of water. Dissolve the salt in warm water and place the products there, leaving them in this position all night. In the morning you wash and wipe it all. Everything shines like new.

Lens fluid

Putting gold jewelry in lens fluid overnight is also considered chemical exposure. After such an environment, they become smooth and sparkling. And the simplicity lies in the fact that you do not need to cook or mix anything. You can simply purchase such a liquid and enjoy its action.

mechanical cleaning

If soaking in various solutions does not help your products, and black spots are still visible on them, then cleaning cannot be avoided. Here it is worth using special or so-called folk cleaning products. Remember, you can not resort to using soda, it can scratch the surface. There are special pastes in jewelry stores that gently clean the surface. Nomes today are talking about how to do it without the participation of professionals. Your usual lipstick from a cosmetic bag, or onions, or potatoes will come to the rescue here.

Bow to the rescue

Of course, this tool will give your products a spicy smell. But it's not for long. After thorough washing bad smell will disappear. If you do not want to experiment with this option, then just change the onion for potatoes.

The golden ring will shine after being treated with onions

How to prepare a miracle cure? From a small onion or potato, it is worth preparing gruel, that is, grating them (preferably fine). Next, it is worth draining excess water through gauze, and put the gruel in a container. For two hours, immerse the products in the dish you have prepared. Then rinse and wipe. If the pollution was strong or you have very openwork jewelry, then you can additionally clean hard-to-reach places cotton swab.

How lipstick works

You have probably heard about the effectiveness of Goi paste - special agent for cleaning jewelry. If you don’t have such a paste bar, then you can resort to using ordinary lipstick, which is in your arsenal anyway. Lipstick color can be any. This will not affect the effectiveness of the method. You can apply lipstick directly to the product, and then carefully wipe everything off with a soft cloth. Or you can thickly smear a cotton pad with lipstick and rub your jewelry to a shine with this beautiful side. Then everything is erased from the surface of the product with a clean cotton pad.

Egg white and beer

Men, of course, will not be pleased with this fact, but beer can really make your gold jewelry shiny. It is worth mixing one protein and a couple of tablespoons of beer so that they form a homogeneous mass. Apply this liquid to a soft cloth and wipe the product with it.


To make the product shine again, as soon as it is bought, you can moisten a cotton pad with table vinegar and wipe the product. Believe me, the shine will be unique.


It is one of the most common means for mechanical cleaning gold. The only thing to remember here is not to use powder with a whitening effect. It will have a similar effect on gold, that is, it will become dull.

All of the above are ideal methods for cleaning stone-free gold items. When using, for example, ammonia for products with amber, you can spoil the stone. How then to be with jewelry that contains expensive stones.

Cleaning of gold jewelry with stones

Products with stones should be given Special attention. Care must be taken when choosing a cleaning agent and cleaning method. It all depends on the type of stone and the method of fixing it. They clean such jewelry with cotton swabs, which are moistened in alcohol or cologne. Remember, if the stone is attached with glue, then you can not put a ring, necklace or brooch in water. After cleaning, such products are simply wiped dry with soft cloths. Instead of alcohol, gasoline can be used, but this is an unpleasant smell in the room.

Jewelry with stones requires a special approach

Products with pearls

As you know, pearls are a natural organic compound, so it tends to lose its luster. Cleaning pearls is a very painstaking job. Tools for this is a brush for shadows. It is washed in soapy water, washed with water and left to dry, without the use of tissues.


Products in which diamonds are inserted are often framed in platinum and gold. Clean such jewelry only in soapy water using shampoo or liquid soap. Can't take laundry soap. It does not add shine to platinum, but rather deprives it of ammonia. You can also use ammonia. Then it is worth preparing a solution according to the proportions that were indicated above.

How to upgrade matte gold

Matte gold is also a very delicate type of product. This surface is very easily exposed mechanical damage. Use only soft flannel cloths. Of the solutions, a solution of ammonia is suitable. You can prepare a mixture, which is then applied to the jewelry and removes unwanted scuffs. It is a mixture of a teaspoon of lime, water and a pinch of salt with a teaspoon of baking soda. This mixture is infused for several days, then the product is simply immersed in it, thoroughly washed and dried. And that's it, your product has gained a new life.

professional tools

Not always gold is earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces. In some cases, these are watches, picture frames and other massive objects that simply cannot be placed in a small container. And directing a whole basin of saline or ammonia is not very profitable and convenient. Then a special tool isedol can come to your aid. This cleaner is used in churches for stonecrop salaries, candlesticks and more. And you can buy it there for quite affordable price. This product is applied in a thin layer on the product and washed off after a few minutes. The last stage is wiping with a cloth, that is, the final removal of the product from the surface of the product.

Rules for the care of gold jewelry

Cleaning jewelry is a very difficult task. Rather, here to speak regret and resentment at oneself, that beloved beautiful decoration faded so quickly. Sure to know everything easy methods, quick and affordable cleaning of gold at home is good and will not hurt anyone. But it is also worth following the rules for caring for them. This will reduce the need for frequent cleaning and keep the natural shine for a long time.

  1. It is worth avoiding the interaction of your jewelry with alkalis, acids, mercury, sulfur and chlorine compounds. Where can you meet them if you don't work in a chemistry lab? All this is likely to be used in detergents ah, cosmetics, nail polish remover, ointments. That is, when starting to wash, do a manicure or wash the dishes, you should either remove jewelry or put on gloves (in the case of a manicure, this option is not suitable).
  2. It is worth removing jewelry when you are going to take ultraviolet baths, take x-rays, handle paints or abrasives (harsh cleaning agents).
  3. Sauna, bath, solarium - these are all enemies of gold jewelry. If you know, then go where it will happen sharp drops temperature, leave jewelry at home.
  4. It is worth considering the storage conditions of products. Cardboard that contains a large number of sulfur is not a favorable environment for gold jewelry.
  5. To avoid scratches and abrasions, always remove jewelry before playing sports.

All these tips will extend the life of your favorite gold jewelry. We have provided several methods for you to choose from. You have the right to try them all and choose the most acceptable and suitable for your gold. May your jewelry always shine, as well as your eyes with happiness.

Helpful Hints

First, it is worth emphasizing that gold needs to be cleaned non-abrasive materials. Wearing contaminated gold items is harmful, not to mention that they do not look very nice. Dirt on gold earrings, for example, can lead to earlobe inflammation.

In order for gold jewelry to bring you only pleasant moments, shining and decorating you, you need to take care of.

Gold can be given to a specialist for cleaning, but if you want to save cash and time, then cleaning can be done at home.

Before you start cleaning gold, you must first determine the type of dirt that has accumulated on a particular product.

For example, light dirt such as dust can be safely removed using soap solution.

But it often happens that gold jewelry is wrapped in pollution caused by the oxidation of metals, which are part of the alloy from which the products are made. Because gold is gold and is quite soft material, which is easy to damage, in the manufacture of gold jewelry, metals such as silver, zinc, copper and nickel.

When these metals come into contact with moisture, they may turn black or green(as copper does). Black or green spots may appear on gold jewelry. Some of these types of contaminants may be too small to be seen with the naked eye.

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How to clean gold with ammonia

You can effectively clean gold items with ammonia by wiping them and then washing it off with soapy water.

Add 6 drops of ammonia into a glass and put it in golden decoration. After 30 minutes, take it out and wipe the frame with a Q-tip. After that, lower the product into the solution again and immediately pull it out and blot it with paper.

The result will be better solution of ammonia and soaked chalk. After such cleaning, the products also need to be washed in soapy water.

How to clean gold with stones

The process of cleaning gold items with precious stones must be very careful. This is especially true when it comes to stones that do not tolerate high level humidity - malachite, amber, pearls, turquoise, opal and Moonstone.

Ear sticks will help clean rings and rings with stones. Dip your wand in cologne and start cleaning the stone from the bottom and top.

To get rid of greasy spots alcohol will help you. IMPORTANT: if the stones are glued to a gold item, the latter cannot be immersed in water. After treatment with alcohol, the product can simply be wiped with a slightly damp cloth.

To remove the grease film, use gasoline and a soft toothbrush. IMPORTANT: Tooth powder or paste can scratch the tartar and should not be used.

The hardness coefficient of such stones as diamond, ruby, quartz, aquamarine, topaz, sapphire, emerald and beryl equal to or higher than 5, which means that products decorated with such stones can be cleaned using a solution of washing powder and a soft cloth. Next, you need to rinse the product with water.

What if the stones on your gold items have a hardness factor below 5

Opal, apatite, turquoise, malachite and moonstone are just such stones and all products containing them should be washed in soapy water, and then wiped with a cloth and dried.

IMPORTANT: protect your products with stones from temperature changes, as, for example, direct Sun rays can affect the color of turquoise, garnet, topaz and ruby.

How to clean gold with diamonds

Gold items that contain diamonds clean monthly. This is because they get oily quickly.

It is also worth highlighting the fact that it is desirable to clean gold with diamonds at home. liquid detergents and warm water. A toothbrush can serve as a cleaning tool.

For better shine diamond is desirable to use liquid soap or shampoo. The use of laundry soap can reduce the luster of the gold or platinum in which they are set.

How else can you clean gold at home

When cleaning gold items, you should avoid abrasive products and keep your gold away from chlorine-based products, as they can cause discolouration.

Here are a few more folk ways gold cleaning:

1. Add 2-3 tsp to a glass of warm water. granulated sugar and place your jewelry in the resulting solution overnight. This method can give shine to products, but will not clean them.

2. Dissolve a tablespoon of laundry detergent in a glass of water and place in jewelry for 30 minutes in the solution.

3. For removing heavy pollution a solution consisting of the 1st ampoule of ammonia, the 1st ampoule of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 tsp will help you. washing powder diluted with water. All ingredients must be mixed in glass jar and place inside the gold jewelry. After 5 minutes, take them out, rinse with water and dry.

4. It is worth noting that the lower the standard of gold jewelry, the greater the amount of alloys in it. If you have jewelry made of this type of gold, then you can clean them with a special paste. It can be made by mixing equal parts water, powdered chalk, petroleum jelly, and soap shavings. You should get a thick paste, which must be applied to the product and wiped with a soft cloth. Next, rinse the gold with water.

*Regular toothpaste can be used instead of special toothpaste.

How to clean white gold

In fact, white gold is an alloy of gold, copper, nickel or palladium. White color alloy gives nickel, which replaces silver. Although white gold plated with rhodium, which is a fairly stable element, over time it can simply be erased. Based on this fact, it must be taken into account that white gold should only be cleaned with a soft cloth. IMPORTANT: never clean white gold with powders, pastes or a toothbrush.

1. Create a solution of water and ammonia (50/50). You can add shampoo if you like. Dip your products in the solution for 30 minutes, and then rinse and be sure to dry, as moisture can adversely affect the alloy.

2. To remove grease and dirt from white gold, you can use 25% water solution ammonia.

3. To restore shine to gold, one folk method suggests using a soft cloth and lipstick. Titanium dioxide, which is contained in lipstick, helps to remove blackness from the surface of the product. Apply lipstick to a cotton swab and start cleaning, then lightly polish the product.

4. It may happen that your white gold jewelry has a stain from iodine. This is not a problem, the problem can be solved by lowering the jewelry for 20-25 minutes in a hyposulfite solution (used by photographers), which can be bought in amateur photography stores.

Gold jewelry is the pride of their owner. In order to maintain their attractive appearance, it is necessary to carry out cleaning, as in the process of use, the products become covered with plaque and lose their luster.

For many people, the question is how to clean gold at home in order to get a good and durable result. Achieving high results will help knowing what composition gold jewelry has.

Gold in pure form it is not used without the addition of other substances, since this metal is very soft, therefore, jewelry contains a number of substances that improve physical and chemical parameters.

The appearance of plaque contribute to:

When interacting with ambient air or water, including sea water, oxidation occurs. It is necessary to purify gold, since pollution not only spoils the appearance, but also harms health: plaque can cause inflammatory and allergic reactions.

In order for gold to shine spectacularly, and plaque does not form, it is necessary:

  • avoid contact of the product with alkalis and various acids(housework should be done with gloves);
  • avoid exposure to solvents and other aggressive substances (including nail polish removers);
  • protect from exposure to paints and abrasives (remove or work with gloves);
  • not be affected high temperatures and exposure to ultraviolet light.

To prevent contamination, the cleaning process should be carried out regularly, even if these recommendations are followed.

The nuances of the cleaning process

Before you start cleaning, there are some important things to consider.

  • Many pieces of jewelry have complex shapes and places that are hard to reach for self-cleaning, for example, places where stones are inserted, bends, and joints.
  • The container for the preparation of the cleaning mixture must be chosen so that the product can be completely accommodated in it.

If you take into account these nuances, then the work will be faster, and the result will be of better quality.

Cleaning process: preparation of a solution with ammonia

We clean gold correctly using ammonia and ordinary washing powder. It is necessary to give preference to containers made of glass or plastic in order to exclude the possibility of oxidation. To obtain a cleaning solution with ammonia, you will need:

  • boiled water - 250 ml;
  • ammonia - 4 ml;
  • washing powder (without coloring additives) - 1 tbsp.

If there is no powder, then you can safely use dishwashing detergent.

The mixture is stirred, the powder should completely dissolve, leaving no lumps.

Products are placed in the solution for 2-2.5 hours, after which they must be rinsed with clean running water and wiped dry using a soft, lint-free towel and volumetric pictures or the same cloth.

If it was not possible to buy ammonia, then you can use other recipes that will effectively clean yellow or red gold at home.

1. Use dishwashing detergent as the main component. To do this, you need to take:

  • water - 1 glass;
  • dishwashing detergent (preferably with a softening effect) - 1 tsp.

The container that should be used for the cleaning process should be chosen taking into account that the composition will be heated for several minutes. A soft cloth should be placed on the bottom, then the decorations that need to be cleaned, and then all the components to create the solution are added to the container. The heating process lasts 10 minutes. Then the products should be removed and washed under running water, wiped with a soft towel. The method is suitable for cleaning jewelry and jewelry made of yellow, as the most popular, and red, which is gaining popularity, gold.

2. Liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide are also used when there is a need to clean the gold from dirt and plaque. Need to mix:

  • water -250 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 40 ml;
  • liquid soap (it is better to choose soft, without unnecessary additives) - 1 tsp;
  • ammonia - 1 tsp

The water needs to be heated, but not boiled - it should be warm, about 37 degrees, then add all the other components and mix. Then put jewelry in need of cleaning into the container. The exposure time is 20 minutes. At the end, gold items should be washed with plain water and wiped using a lint-free cloth.

3. Salt, which is likely to be found in every home, is also used to clean gold from dark deposits. An effective way for those who wish to achieve a good and lasting result includes following components in the solution:

  • water - 160 ml;
  • salt - 3 tbsp.

The ingredients should be mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. Jewelry is placed in the solution for 12 hours, then washed under running water.

4. One more easy way cleaning gold - using foil. Products will shine and sparkle. Required:

  • water -1 glass;
  • soda - 2 tbsp.
  • foil.

At the bottom of the selected container, foil should be laid so that it completely covers the surface. It is required to mix water and soda, pour into a container and put decoration into a solution. The cleaning process also continues for 12 hours, after which the gold should be washed and wiped with a towel from soft tissue.

Cleaning gold with a matte surface requires special attention.

5. The number of jewelry made using this type of metal is increasing every day. Therefore, the question of how to clean gold at home and not damage the surface is especially relevant. Accuracy, slowness and delicacy are important here. Powders, brushes can not be used.

You can use the following solution - ammonia (25% solution). The product is placed in it for 2 hours, then washed with water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Lime mixed with water is also suitable for cleaning matte gold. Lime (3-4 g) must be mixed with water, put a little soda (1 g), mix. The mixture should be infused for 3 days. Then the products are placed in it for 4 hours. At the end, the gold, as usual, is washed and dried with a soft towel.

Mechanical cleaning of yellow and red gold items

In some cases, this method is necessary. For example, if none of the proposed methods had any effect and pollution remained, mechanical action is indispensable. It is important to consider that abrasive pastes are not used in this process, especially if the products are with cubic zirkonia, since the surface of jewelry and stones is very easily scratched.

  • toothpaste (without additional elements);
  • petrolatum;
  • crushed chalk;
  • laundry soap;
  • water.

All components should be mixed well. Soap should be grated beforehand. The proportions of each substance should be the same. The resulting paste is applied to the product with a soft cloth. Then you need to rinse the gold thing to get rid of the Vaseline. At the end, the product is additionally rinsed under water and dried.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I always try various means, ways, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Pure, shining gold jewelry always looks attractive and embellishes its wearer.

Unfortunately, in the process of wearing, the metal tends to fade, scratch and become covered with a layer of dirty plaque.

Not everyone knows how to effectively clean gold so that it does not lose its attractive appearance. Why does it get dirty and how to properly clean it?

Causes of Gold Pollution

Gold jewelry is not made of pure gold, as the material is very soft and unsuitable for frequent use.

Copper, silver and other metals are added to the alloy. Along with durability, products become prone to rapid contamination. , can be found here.

The following factors also contribute to this:

  • skin contact contributes to the oxidation of metals, which are contained in jewelry other than gold. This is manifested in the appearance of dark spots;
  • use of hand creams, decorative cosmetics, perfumery leaves traces on products;
  • city ​​dust and dirt;
  • skin secretions such as sweat and lard.

Dirty jewelry loses its natural luster and gems become like cloudy glass. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to regularly clean gold products from dirt.

Why is it necessary to refine gold?

Purification of gold from natural impurities is necessary, as it can be harmful to health and lose its original appearance:

  • earrings that have dirt on them can infect and cause infection, especially for piercings in unusual places;
  • dirty jewelry is prone to scratches;
  • dirt can get into holes in jewelry, under precious stones and spoil the appearance.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to professionally clean jewelry in a specialized workshop; in this case, there are many methods for self-cleaning.

Folk ways to clean gold

Folk methods for cleaning gold items are based on tools that are always at hand.

Delicate cleansing is performed using the following methods:

  1. soap solution helps to clean products that are not heavily soiled. To prepare it, the soap is rubbed on a grater and dissolved in water, then it must be placed in the decoration solution and left for 2 hours. After that, the products must be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and rinsed under warm water. If you wear jewelry, read here.
  2. Cleaning gold with ammonia restores shine and removes impurities medium degree. To do this, it is necessary to immerse the products in the solution and leave overnight. Then rinse thoroughly under running water.
  3. Ordinary toothpaste works well with visible dirt. Apply a small amount to a soft toothbrush and clean the gold, then wash off the residue and dry the product.
  4. Borax solution Helps remove stubborn dirt. A small amount should be applied to a soft cloth and in a circular motion wipe the surface of the decoration.
  5. Matte surfaces can be made shiny with Kaiser's mortar.: grind lime, mix it with water to obtain a homogeneous slurry, add table salt, baking soda and leave for a few days. Then place the decoration in the mass and leave for a couple of hours. After that, the product must be thoroughly rinsed.
  6. To add shine to jewelry, a sweet solution is made. based on sugar and water, decoration is placed in it at night.
  7. Aqueous detergent solution can eliminate small impurities, for this you need 1 tbsp. dilute the powder in warm water and place the products there for 1 hour, then rinse and wipe with a soft cloth.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide solution ammonia, soda and washing powder is able to clean the jewelry from the most severe dirt.

The use of abrasive products is not recommended, as they can add small scratches that detract from the appearance of gold. If you are wearing silver chain and noticed that, the reasons can be found here.

Professional cleaning methods

Master jewelers know perfectly how to clean gold so that it shines.

Not used in workshops folk methods cleansing, there are special formulations that gently clean pollution of any degree of complexity:

  • Isedol used for cleaning large surfaces - picture frames, mirrors and other gold items;
  • lens fluid also often used by jewelers. It contains the necessary chemical compounds that gently cleanse the metal. To achieve the desired effect, jewelry must be immersed in liquid overnight;
  • dentifrice copes with dirt quite quickly - you need to apply a small amount of the product to a soft toothbrush and gently clean. It is important not to use a bleaching agent, it can dull the gold;
  • paste GOI used for rubbing jewelry, its use guarantees a renewal of shine and the elimination of dirt;
  • liquid and special wipes for cleaning gold "Aladdin»;
  • SILBO;
  • Jewels and Pearl Bath for the care of products with pearls;
  • Jewelery Polishing Foam;
  • Talisman for all kinds of jewelry;
  • ultrasonic cleaning used to clean items with fine details and without precious stones, as they tend to crack under the influence of high-frequency sound.

Cleaning white gold requires a more thorough approach so that the piece does not lose its original luster. Experts know how to clean white gold - you need to place the product in a container with alcohol, close and shake vigorously for 5 minutes, then remove, wash and dry the jewelry.

Cleaning of gold jewelry with stones

Gold jewelry with precious stones require more gentle care so as not to damage them. Cleaning gold with diamonds is prohibited using sharp objects that can scratch the product.

The most common method of cleansing after professional products:

  • apply ethyl or ammonia to a cotton swab and carefully clean (instead of alcohol, you can use gasoline or kerosene);
  • like white gold items, can be placed in a bottle of alcohol and shake, then rinse and wipe with a soft cloth;
  • products with pearls can only be cleaned with a soft brush, soaked in soapy water. Since pearls are of organic origin, using chemicals can damage the product;
  • diamonds can be cleaned with soapy water using liquid soap or shampoo. The use of bar soap, and especially laundry soap, can lead to a loss of the natural shine of the jewelry. Jewelry with diamonds can be gently cleaned with cotton pad or sticks soaked in alcohol;
  • light dirt is removed with a soft flannel cloth;
  • instead of alcohol, glycerin can be used, however, in this case, the product must be additionally rinsed under water;
  • stones that are attached to metal with special glue it is impossible to wet, such products are cleaned only with dry means;
  • soft minerals, such as turquoise, coral and amber should not be cleaned with aggressive chemicals, only wiping with a soft cloth is possible.

How to clean a gold ring with stone inserts?

Universal Council no - each product requires individual approach to cleansing. When cleaning, it is necessary to take into account the color of gold, the type of stones and minerals, as well as the features of the product itself. Applying all the rules of cleaning will prolong the life of the product and restore the natural shine and cleanliness.

To decorate for a long time looked perfect, it is important to follow the following recommendations for cleaning jewelry.

How to clean gold chain or other product without harm to appearance:

  1. Jewelry with many small parts such as chains, bracelets and pendants surface cleaning not able to completely get rid of pollution. To do this, use a toothpick with cotton wool soaked in alcohol. The ideal option is to contact the jewelry workshop for professional help.
  2. Gold below 585 is cleaned with soapy water, so. How products containing ammonia can react with the alloy and the appearance of the product will deteriorate significantly.
  3. Before cleaning or when buying, it is advisable to consult a specialist about cleaning the product.
  4. White gold should be cleaned with soft cloths to avoid damage to the top layer of the jewelry.
  5. Gold-plated products do not tolerate the rough intervention of abrasives, as they can damage thin layer gold.
  6. After cleaning, it is recommended to polish the product with a soft cloth or specialized napkins - this will help give the jewelry its original shine.

Rules for wearing, caring for gold

When wearing gold jewelry, it is important to follow some rules so that you have to resort to cleaning as little as possible:

  1. Contact of metal with acids and alkalis is unacceptable. They are present in almost all modern cleaning and detergents. It is advisable to remove jewelry when cleaning with aggressive detergents, or wear special rubber gloves.
  2. When using nail polish remover it is important to ensure that it does not fall on a precious metal. Chemical compounds, which contain most solvents, adversely affect jewelry.
  3. When working with paint or abrasive substances, jewelry must be removed to avoid contact with them.
  4. Before going to the gym It is important to remove gold rings as they can be accidentally deformed.
  5. Before visiting the sauna or bath it is also recommended to leave jewelry at home, as during these procedures a large amount of sweat is released and sebum which contaminates jewelry.
  6. It is forbidden to store jewelry in cardboard boxes, as they contain sulfur in their composition, which leads to blackening of products. It is advisable to keep jewelry in individual boxes with a soft backing, if this is not possible, you can wrap each item in a soft cloth and store it in a box.
  7. Bathing in hot water or washing dishes can tarnish the metal.

Proper storage, care, wearing and gentle cleansing jewelry is a guarantee of maintaining an attractive appearance for many years.

Every woman has her favorite jewelry, with which she almost never parted. But over time, everything gets old and wears out, loses its original attractiveness. Gold jewelry is no exception. They become dirty, precious stones tarnish, gold becomes stained. To clean them, you can, of course, use the services of a jewelry salon. Take your time, because there are many effective ways to cleanse at home.

  • Gold with constant wear must be cleaned once a month.
  • If the stones are glued, in no case do not lower such a product into the water. It is best to clean it with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water.
  • The alcohol cleaning method is suitable for all gold jewelry. They are good at cleaning products from old greasy stains. Dip the ring or chain in alcohol, wipe with a soft cloth.
  • Do not use laundry soap for cleaning. Gold from contact with it loses its luster. It is better to use shampoo or liquid soap.
  • To make the yellow metal shine even better, dip the jewelry for half an hour in warm water with two teaspoons of sugar.
  • At home, it is convenient to clean jewelry with a hygienic cotton swab. Soak it in cologne and gently wipe the product. Finish with a suede or flannel cloth.
  • Transparent large stones can be cleaned with a burnt match head. Light a match for a second and extinguish it immediately - the cleaning agent is ready!
  • To clean accumulated dirt in hard-to-reach places, dip a Q-tip in glycerin and gently go over these areas.

Protect all gold jewelry without exception from sudden temperature fluctuations and direct sunlight.

How to care for hard stone jewelry

This group includes stones with a hardness factor of at least 5 on the Mohs scale: diamond, quartz, ruby, topaz, beryl, aquamarine, sapphire and emerald.

  • Jewelry with these stones can be safely cleaned in a detergent solution with a soft cloth or a brush with a delicate bristle. Prepare the solution as follows: add 10-15 drops of liquid soap or shampoo to a glass of water. Be sure to rinse the gold in clean water. Be sure to lay the chain on a soft cloth so that it dries faster.
  • To get rid of stubborn dirt, mix liquid soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. Put the gold into the solution for 5 minutes, rinse clean water and dry with a soft towel.
  • To clean diamond rings or earrings, use ammonia. Add 6 drops of ammonia to a glass of water. Dip the jewelry in the liquid for half an hour. Remove, wipe hard-to-reach places with a cotton swab. Dip again in the solution, immediately pull out and wipe with a flannel.
  • Oily plaque is perfectly removed with a soft toothbrush moistened with gasoline.
  • Zircons, citrines, cubic zirkonia shine better after cleaning in a solution of ammonia (6 parts of water and 1 part of ammonia).
  • Diamonds, rubies, topazes, sapphires and emeralds can be cleaned with special pastes that are sold in jewelry stores.

What if they are soft?

The coefficient of such stones is below 5. This group includes apatite, malachite, opal, turquoise, moonstone, as well as materials of organic origin - pearls, coral and amber.

  • Pearl, amber and coral jewelery retains its beauty best when cared for with soft suede and flannel. Such napkins are sold in optical stores.
  • Soft gemstones do not tolerate moisture well, so wipe them thoroughly with a flannel after each contact with water.
  • To remove dirt, wash the jewelry in a light soapy solution, wipe with a damp cloth dipped in clean water. Blot with flannel.
  • Pearls cannot be cleaned with vinegar, because this mineral dissolves in acid.
  • Jewelry with coral, turquoise and pearls are afraid of ammonia, and they lose their shine from detergents, so it’s better to wash them alcohol solution in a ratio of 1:1.

And remember that products with soft stones should never be cleaned with abrasive pastes or tooth powder.