What is the best way to remove hair in the bikini area? The best way. Types of epilation of the deep bikini area

Undoubtedly, all women are beautiful, but time dictates its own fashion trends in face and body care. Getting rid of excess hair, including in the bikini area, is one of the biggest problems among the fair sex.

The complexity of the issue lies in the fact that it is necessary to carry out the procedure regularly, to be very careful when removing hair at home due to the tenderness of the skin in this area, and the intimate side of the process.

Thanks to progress in the field of cosmetology, now every woman can choose for herself The best way bikini area hair removal, which can be divided into two categories:

  • methods of depilation;
  • hair removal methods.

The first include procedures in which the hair follicle remains in the pores of the skin and within two to three days new hair begins to grow again.

After high-quality hair removal, the skin will remain smooth for a long time, but it is possible to get irritated

Epilation is the best way to remove hair in the bikini area if you are looking for long-term results. The hair is completely removed, and the skin remains smooth for a week to a month.

This is a method of depilation, which, unfortunately, does not promise long-term results. In order for the skin to remain smooth, it is necessary to carry out the procedure every day or two.

So Frequent use of a razor can lead to skin irritation, which is very sensitive in this area.

Another drawback is a change in the structure of the hair, which becomes coarser and unattractive prickly “stumps” remain during removal. This effect can be smoothed out using cosmetic oils.

The advantage of shaving hair removal in the bikini area is that it is budget-friendly. And this is the best way if you cannot afford significant material costs. Also, This type of depilation can be done at home, which will save you from embarrassment and awkwardness.

Skin in intimate area– very sensitive and many women prefer painless safe procedures that will help you get rid of unwanted hair.

In this case perfect choice– use of special gels and creams for depilation. But it is important to use them correctly.

Advantages of hair removal with hair removal gel:

  • low price of the product;
  • the ability to perform the procedure independently at home;
  • no pain;
  • at frequent use the hair still remains soft and does not become rough.

Important to remember! Any of these means has a number of chemical properties, which contribute to hair dying. Therefore, you must follow the instructions.

It is not advisable to use this depilation method if you have an individual intolerance to certain components or your skin is prone to allergic reactions.

There are three methods of waxing using:

  1. cold wax;
  2. hot wax;
  3. special wax strips.

Interesting fact! Cleopatra used a thick gel, which became the prototype of modern cosmetic wax.

If you prefer hair removal in the bikini area using cosmetic wax, then study all the positive and negative aspects each technique to choose the best method for yourself.

— sugaring

Sugaring is hair removal using honey and sugar. It not only has a “sweet”, tempting name, but also an enviable baggage of advantages.

The main advantages of sugaring include:

  1. Possibility of independent implementation at home.
  2. The likelihood of allergic reactions is almost zero.
  3. Not significant pain.
  4. No risk of burns or skin irritation.
  5. Long-term effect – at least 3 weeks.

The main disadvantages include long time carrying out the procedure, since it is necessary to go over the same areas of skin several times, which causes painful sensations. Also, Sugaring will be more effective if the hairs have grown at least 3 mm.

After the procedure, the skin remains red, but after a day this goes away.

The fashion for mechanical epilators in our country appeared in the 2000s. Back then, almost every fashionista had this oversized item in her kit, designed to get rid of unwanted hair.

It’s just that using it is an incredible challenge. Considering that The principle of operation of the product is to pull out hairs from the bulb, this is a very painful procedure. And, taking into account that in intimate areas body has a lot of nerve endings, this is hardly the best way to remove hair in the bikini area.

With prolonged use of the epilator, new hairs become softer, which reduces over time painful sensations, but this is noticeable only after 5-6 regular uses.

In addition, since their inception, epilators have been continuously improved and are now on the shelves. You can find products with additional analgesic effects, namely:

  • cooling;
  • Possibility of use under water;
  • additional massage attachments.

Electrolysis is not the best way to remove hair from the bikini area, especially if you have sensitive skin. The essence of the procedure is to apply electric current to each hair. After damage to the hair follicle, the hair is pulled out.

hair removal using electrolysis.

On a positive note is that this technique removes hair forever, but to achieve the effect, you need to repeat the procedure at least 6 times with an interval of 1-1.5 months.

There is a high probability side effects, such as extensive burns in the affected area and changes in skin pigmentation that cannot be restored.

This is another method of hair removal in the bikini area that cosmetologists offer, claiming that this is one of the best and safest options.

The procedure involves exposing a large area of ​​skin to light pulses., which damage the hair and make it brittle. In several sessions (4-8), cosmetologists completely destroy all hairs. The smooth skin effect lasts for approximately one season.

Most women who have tried this method claim that the procedure is absolutely painless, but we must not forget about a number of possible side effects.

hair removal using photoepilation.

The most dangerous disadvantages of photoepilation include::

  • swelling and redness that lasts for several days;
  • burning sensation;
  • rashes and itching;
  • burns and scars;
  • manifestation of the opposite effect, that is, after the procedure, hair begins to grow even more actively, contrary to the expected result.

According to user reviews, this is one of the best ways to remove hair, including the bikini area.

The technique involves targeted action on the hair without damaging the skin.

And although for full effect it is necessary to carry out the procedure several times after the end of the scheduled sessions, the need to visit a cosmetologist will be reduced to 1-2 times a year. The regrown hair itself will not become coarse, but rather will resemble fluff.

The procedure does not cause any side effects, but there are contraindications for use, namely for patients with cancer, pregnant women and people with diabetes.

Enzymes are protein cells that can destroy the hair structure. In combination with thermal effects, it is the basis of enzyme hair removal.

Chemical enzymes are applied to intimate areas of the skin, after which they are exposed for 30-40 minutes high temperatures. Subsequently chemical reaction the hair dies and its further growth slows down.

This is one of the safest and most painless options, which is suitable even for women with sensitive skin and low pain threshold.

The process of hair removal using enzyme hair removal is gradual, so you need to visit a cosmetologist several times.

And spend enzyme hair removal it is not possible at home, since you need to choose the right drug, temperature and duration of exposure. The only contraindication is the presence chronic diseases blood and skin.

— ultrasonic hair removal!

Ultrasonic hair removal is one of the the latest ways hair removal, which guarantees complete removal without subsequent growth.

The technique consists of three steps:

  1. Complete hair removal through wax epilation.
  2. Application of a special gel.
  3. Exposure of the desired area to ultrasound.

The result is noticeable after the first application, but considering that sound only affects hair that is in a state of maturation, the procedure must be repeated.

hair removal using ultrasound.

The number of regular visits (about once a month) depends on individual hair growth characteristics. As a rule, no more than 10.

Pregnant women should not use the service. Another advantage of the method is the ability to perform it independently at home.

When choosing a method for eliminating hair in intimate areas, you should be guided not only by prices and promised results.

Important to remember that every effect on the skin, which entails a subsequent change in the microflora of the skin, can have its own negative consequences. They should be taken seriously to avoid skin damage and related disorders.

Watch this video and learn about sugaring:

If you want to avoid problems when depilating the bikini area, watch this video:

Depilation “Deep bikini” is a relatively new procedure, but it is in great demand among beautiful ladies. Some decide to carry it out on their own, others turn to professionals for help. However, both should know exactly how to do it and what means are best suited for it.

When choosing “Deep Bikini” depilation for yourself, you should clearly understand that hair removal will occur not only along the line underwear, but also on the external genitalia. And, therefore, the procedure itself can cause severe pain, because in this area there is a rather powerful accumulation of nerve endings. However, this provision applies exclusively to classical deep hair removal intimate places, carried out using wax. Modern cosmetology science offers other methods.

The most common way to remove unwanted hair from intimate areas is waxing. "Deep bikini" in in this case can be carried out using either warm wax, and with the help of wax strips. The result in the form of smooth skin lasts for about a month, after which the hair grows back less rigid, and the repeated procedure is theoretically less painful.

Sugaring is a more gentle method. Deep depilation is carried out using a sugar mass that can capture even the smallest hairs, but without affecting the skin. Due to this, the procedure causes less pain.

Should I use depilatory cream to remove hair from intimate areas? For deep bikini, as for other depilation sensitive areas, there are certain restrictions on its use. Firstly, there are possible allergic reactions that it can provoke. Secondly, this is injury or destruction of the mucous membrane when cream gets on it and, as a result, disruption of the microflora of the intimate area. Third, high risk ingrown hairs into the skin. And therefore experts strongly do not recommend using this method depilation in the bikini area.

However, it is worth noting that the classic use of wax can be harmful if you do not follow the deep bikini depilation technique.


Regardless of where deep depilation of the bikini area is carried out, in a salon or at home, you should strictly follow the rules for its implementation.

Firstly, this is the choice of method. For depilation, you should prefer either waxing or sugaring. Both methods will allow you to purchase smooth skin for a period of at least three weeks.

Secondly, the choice of location. If you have a low sensitivity threshold, it is best to give preference to the services of a cosmetologist. The procedure will take him approximately fifteen minutes. When depilating this area at home, with a lack of experience, you can not only lengthen the time of hair removal, but also injure the skin.

Thirdly, it is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene during the procedure. So, before starting depilation of the intimate area, you should take a shower and thoroughly dry not only the skin, but also the hair on it. Next, apply the depilatory product correctly: wax - according to hair growth, sugar mass - against it. Then remove the mass with a sharp opposite movement. At the end, you should gently remove the remnants of the depilatory product and moisturize the skin: after waxing - with oils, after sugaring - with moisturizing non-alcohol lotions. It is worth noting that in salons, beautiful ladies, after completing the deep procedure, intimate depilation They also suggest applying a product to slow down hair growth, thereby prolonging the result.

Read also: Vacuum massage protects your health from cellulite

Possible negative consequences

The smoothness and velvety skin of the intimate area may have its own price, which is expressed in the possible occurrence of negative consequences. But, first of all, it is worth noting the cases in which performing a deep bikini is unacceptable:

  • presence of papillomas – there is a high risk of injury;
  • diseases genitals, having a fungal or inflammatory origin;
  • pregnancy – a relative contraindication from the point of view of cosmetologists, but an absolute contraindication from the point of view of gynecologists, because even sugaring can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus;
  • epilepsy, cancer and heart diseases.

Sometimes it seems that the fight against body hair is doomed to failure. Such thoughts arise when epilating the bikini area - after all, the skin here is the most sensitive. Many nerve endings promise pain, thin layer dermis easily responds to irritation. But it's not that scary. The main thing is to choose suitable way hair removal and subsequent skin care.

Razor or hair removal?

The easiest way to depilate the bikini area is shaving. Cheap, almost painless and fast. But the next day ugly stubble appears. You can shave it off every day, but it won’t stop pricking. Delicate skin becomes irritated from constant scraping, and new hairs often grow in. And in the heat, when the sweat ducts and sebaceous glands work hard, small painful pustules appear.

Fortunately, there is a quick and painless way to epilate the bikini area at home using creams. They soften the hair structure, allowing you to give your skin silky smoothness for a long time with one movement. Many of them also act on follicles, slowing down the growth of new hairs. It's just a pity that chemical compositions there is an allergy. This completely eliminates epilation of a deep bikini in this way.

That's why you have to use other types of bikini hair removal, performed at home or in salons. The most popular are waxing, sugaring and laser hair removal. Lately Home epilator for the bikini area is gaining popularity.

Hair wax in the intimate area

Depilation involves only superficial hair removal. Epilation also affects the follicle, preventing ingrowth and slowing down the growth of new hairs. When it comes to wax, both terms are acceptable. Although it only comes off top part hairs, and the bulbs are often pulled out. To make the procedure less painful, it is carried out in certain days menstrual cycle, and the skin is pre-steamed.

The desire to get rid of body hair pushes modern women for new ones cosmetic procedures. Among them, laser hair removal of the deep bikini area stands out.

To avoid misunderstandings, total hair removal means the pubic area, labia and inner surface of the buttocks.

Before deciding on this method, you need to understand what laser hair removal is. During the procedure, a special device uses pulses to act not on the hair itself, but on the hair follicles. The laser sends impulses along the hair protruding above the skin, reaching the follicles and destroying them.

The hair, while in the skin, stops receiving nutrition and falls out within 9-14 days after visiting the cosmetologist’s office. For effective result you need to undergo about 4–7 procedures, since it will not be possible to treat all areas in one session.

In the deep bikini area there are very sensitive areas of the skin and laser exposure to them can cause pain and discomfort. How the session will go depends on the type of laser in the device.
There are four types:

  • diode - against ingrown hairs, suitable for both dark and light skin types;
  • ruby - for black-haired girls with fair skin;
  • alexandrite – suitable for dark-haired and fair-skinned people;
  • neodymium - suitable for everyone, but rare.

    The difference between them is the depth of the skin they penetrate. The ruby ​​laser has the shortest pulse, the diode and alexandrite lasers have an average depth, and the neodymium laser has the strongest. A diode laser is most often used to remove hair in sensitive areas, as it is best absorbed by the melanin in the skin.

    Laser hair removal great option for fair-skinned girls, since pigmentation is not a problem for them.

    Dark hair is important because the laser works better on this type of hair; for other colors it is not as effective.


    Women who have undergone deep bikini hair removal using a laser forget about shaving, electric epilators, waxing and other methods of getting rid of hair. The main advantage of the laser after the end of the procedures is the absence of thorns for up to 5-6 years! The time interval between visiting a cosmetologist each time gradually increases from a month to three.

    Other advantages include:

    • minimal pain;
    • the ability to remove vegetation in delicate and hard-to-reach places;
    • there are no scars after the procedure;
    • removal of even ingrown hairs;
    • suitable for sensitive skin;
    • hypoallergenic;
    • safely.

    Each woman decides for herself whether this procedure is necessary. If in intimate relationships she and her partner are accustomed to the feeling of smoothness in the deep bikini area, and the usual methods are labor-intensive and irritating, then the solution is obvious.

    More detailed and clear information about the benefits laser hair removal deep bikini:


    For this procedure, there are diseases and other nuances in which it cannot be performed.

    Contraindications for laser hair removal of bikini:

    • any dermatological problems;
    • late stages of diabetes mellitus;
    • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
    • hair in the form of a fluff, gray, blond or red;
    • dark skin or strong tan;
    • acute infections;
    • oncology.

    Menstruation itself is not a contraindication for laser hair removal in the intimate area. But a few days before they begin, as well as the first days during them, pain can be significantly higher due to increased sensitivity.

    , effectiveness, pros and cons, as well as the consequences of this hair removal technique, all in detail in a separate article.

    For those who are interested in what RF body lifting is and how it helps you stay young and beautiful, we have a separate article on our website. You can also watch a video about the procedure.

    Another anti-aging procedure in cosmetology is non-injection laser biorevitalization, about it in detail.

    Side effects

    After the laser hair removal procedure for the deep bikini area and buttocks, there is a chance to experience a number of unpleasant moments. This may be hyperpigmentation, which goes away within a month. It is harmless, but does not look aesthetically pleasing, so for some ladies this may become a problem.

    If increased hairiness is caused hormonal imbalance, laser hair removal will not work desired result. In this case, it is better to first undergo treatment with an endocrinologist and normalize hormonal levels.

    If laser hair removal is performed incorrectly in the bikini area, there may be other consequences. For example, with high sensitivity or high laser settings, minor burns occur. Anti-burn cream is used to combat them. Mild burning and discomfort disappear within a few days.


    Epilation in the area intimate bikini for the first time is always a moral stress for women. You need to get used to the idea that the benefits of the procedure outweigh any minor disadvantages. The position itself during the procedure should not confuse you; it is practically medical service, where the cosmetologist simply does his job.

    With every movement you will be one step closer to velvety skin without annoying and prickly hair. How to prepare for laser bikini hair removal so that the results are only positive?

    The physical aspects of training include the following:

    • You cannot pluck or epilate the hair with anything before the procedure;
    • It is strictly not recommended to sunbathe or go to a solarium a month before the procedure, as pigmentation will appear on the skin;
    • the day before laser hair removal you need to shave your hair in the total bikini area, the result will be most successful during active phase growth;
    • before going to a cosmetologist you should not use any cosmetical tools for intimate hygiene.

    How it goes

    Having taken into account all the stages of preparation, the woman finds herself in the cosmetologist’s office. First, the specialist assesses the sensitivity of the skin and sets a certain mode on the device. If pain relief is necessary, then 40 minutes before starting work, a special spray or cream is applied to the hair removal area.

    The skin in the area where vegetation is removed must be clean and dry. When the laser is turned on, the patient will feel light pinpricking sensations.

    To avoid irritation and pain, the skin areas are cooled between laser treatments. by special means. After exposure to hair follicle Many hairs fall out immediately, some take several days.

    To achieve absolute smoothness of the skin you need at least five sessions.

    Most girls use this service about seven times per course.

    Rehabilitation period

    Epilation itself does not complicate things at all daily life women. There are a number of recommendations for skin care - you should not use alcohol-containing cosmetics. There will be a burning sensation for the first two to three hours after the procedure; you should wear soft cotton underwear for a couple of days.

    For 24 hours after the procedure, it is forbidden to take a bath, swim or go to the pool. You should not touch the crusts that sometimes appear in place of lost hair, as this may cause pigmentation. For the same reason, it is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun and visiting a solarium for a month.

    If some hairs show resistance and remain to grow, you need to go for a second session and say goodbye to them. With proper care of the epilated area, you can forget about these problems for several years.

    Look at the results of laser hair removal of the bikini area, photos before and after the procedure:


    Often, before sessions, a lot of questions arise - is laser hair removal harmful in the deep bikini area, what is the price of this procedure, how long does the session last - we will answer some questions below:

      “How much does laser hair removal for the bikini area cost?”

      “On average, from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles per procedure, but prices vary depending on the salon, equipment and qualifications of the cosmetologist. Salons also have promotions and discounts for repeat visits or combining several zones.”

      “How long does one hair removal session last?”

      “From 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the type of skin area being treated and its sensitivity. In the bikini area, the average session duration is 30 minutes.”

      “Can I then get a tattoo on the epilated area?”

      “Yes, you can, but only after the healing has taken place after the final session.”

      If you have decided to use laser hair removal in the deep bikini area for the first time, do not rush, take an interest in the reputation of the salon and read reviews about this method of hair removal:

      Practical daily struggle with vegetation all over the body gives girls a lot of inconvenience. This is a waste of time, painful sensations and irritation on the skin. The most frustrating factor is the short-lived results.

      Those who have long dreamed of forgetting about these problems have tried laser hair removal.

      It is especially effective when affecting intimate areas, because literally half a day after shaving, thorns appear there. If you follow the rules of preparation, you will not experience discomfort and after several sessions you will become much happier.

      We invite you to watch a video of how laser hair removal is done in the deep bikini area:

      24 533 0
      It's no secret that for a woman it is very important not only to look beautiful, but also to feel accordingly. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex perceive the appearance of unwanted hair on the body as a disadvantage and strive to get rid of it through depilation.

      Read the difference between depilation and epilation

      This procedure is safe for health only if all instructions are followed. necessary rules to carry it out. It can last from 15 minutes to one and a half hours. The hair removal process is quite painful, as there are a large number of nerve endings, so many experts do not recommend depilation during menstruation. During this period, a woman’s sensitivity threshold is quite high.

      Pros and cons of deep bikini waxing

      Even if you have been married for 20 years, you should not let yourself go, especially in intimate places, because with age, in addition to sagging forms, hormonal changes A woman’s scent also changes, but the smell from the bikini area is not comme il faut! Take care of yourself, dear women!

      The bikini has also been depilated Egyptian queens, and why are you worse?! Especially with such a large number of different ways and methods for comfortable depilation, both independently and in a beauty salon. Let's not stoop to primitive society!;)

      Types of deep depilation, their advantages and disadvantages:

      1. Photoepilation. During this procedure, the hair is destroyed and hair follicle under the influence of high-pulse light. Light radiation only effectively affects dark hair. Moreover, if the master is insufficiently qualified, the risk of getting it increases. But after a certain number of sessions, thin and almost imperceptible hairs begin to grow, their number gradually decreases. Photoepilation is a non-contact treatment method, and therefore guarantees the absence of ingrown hairs.
      2. Electrolysis. Electricity, aimed directly at the hair root, helps to stop further hair growth. This hair removal is carried out directly in the salon, since there are all the conditions for the use of local anesthesia. Such sessions are quite painful, but under the influence of electrical discharges, hair growth of any type and color stops. The smooth skin effect can last for several weeks, depending on individual characteristics body. But immediately after the procedure, redness and some swelling are possible.
      3. Laser hair removal. This is a method of removing unwanted body hair in which the hair is destroyed using a laser beam. During the session, tingling may be felt in the area affected by the laser. Most women experience no allergic reactions or damage to the skin. Laser hair removal takes place exclusively in a salon setting. Its cost is quite high, but after just a few sessions, hair growth slows down and stops. Unfortunately, this method is only used when deleting dark hair, destroy the structure blonde hair impossible with a laser.
      4. – This is a type of laser hair removal, the so-called “cold” hair removal.
      5. . Effect from 20 days. Epilation is carried out with a special paste prepared on the basis of sugar syrup. It is affordable, so it is better to use the services experienced craftsman from the salon. At home, you can remove hair from various parts of the body, but doing deep depilation of the bikini area yourself is time-consuming and inconvenient. In addition, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of preparing sugar paste, otherwise there is a risk of not getting the consistency right. The disadvantage is the need to grow hair 5-8 mm long.
      6. . This procedure helps to get rid of excess vegetation thanks to wax heated to a certain temperature. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home. But too much short hairs it cannot be removed, so a certain length is needed here. By using waxing Hair removal occurs over fairly large areas of the skin. The skin remains smooth and silky for several weeks. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of ingrown hairs. There is also a possibility of skin irritation, which goes away very quickly.
      7. Hair removal using epilator. This is a device that makes the skin smooth and silky by pulling out hairs from the roots. The disadvantages of this method are pain and risk. However, there are also advantages. The epilator does not require any separate equipment or ingredients. It is intended for use at home, so understanding the operating instructions will not be difficult.
      8. Using depilatory cream. It contains a special substance that destroys the structure of the hair and makes it unviable. This method, unlike others, is convenient and painless. Of course, manifestations are possible allergic reaction, but to prevent such moments, it is enough to apply a small amount of cream to an area of ​​skin and check its condition after a few minutes.
      9. Depilation using razor . This method is available to every woman, but its disadvantages include: fast growth shaving hair and the risk of cuts.
      10. . Effect up to 4 weeks. Many people advise carrying out this procedure in a salon, since it is at least inconvenient to do it yourself, and at most, by unsuccessfully “dodging” you can accidentally get it, because its temperature should be at least 60 degrees. Salon procedure short and lasts a maximum of 15 minutes. At the same time, the master knows his job and will treat the skin in the bikini area before and after depilation, which will reduce the discomfort from the procedure.
      11. Wax strips or cold wax . Most safe method for use at home. Depilation of the intimate area using wax strips is most widespread among Russian women. The process is not difficult: he warmed up the strips between his hands and applied them to the area to be depilated, and then tore them off with a sharp movement. So to speak, wax strips occupy an intermediate role in cost, quality, speed of execution and duration of effect between conventional shaving and professional procedures type of laser hair removal.

      The difference between deep depilation and classical depilation is that in the first case, hair is removed not only from pubic area, but also with inner surface thighs, labia and anus. If desired, you can leave a neat strip of pubic hair. During regular depilation, hair is removed only along the panty line.

      Contraindications, in the presence of which depilation can cause harm

      • Pregnancy. Since all types of depilation are quite painful, women are advised to refrain from such procedures during this period. Unpleasant sensations can negatively affect the health of the child, so during pregnancy doctors advise using a razor.
      • Any damage to the skin, as well as purulent formations at the site of depilation.
      • Diseases of cardio-vascular system, epilepsy, diabetes and oncology.
      • Disorders associated with blood clotting.
      • Fungal infections.
      • Allergic reaction to individual components.
      • The presence of moles or papillomas in the intimate area.

      Precautionary measures

      Deep depilation in the bikini area requires some precautions. Immediately before performing this procedure, you must:

      • Use a scrub and moisturizer to soften and protect the skin.
      • Expose your skin to sunlight as little as possible.
      • Use the shower or wet wipes in order to cleanse the skin of impurities.
      • Give the hairs a chance to grow. The required length for high-quality depilation is at least 5 mm.

      Advantages of salon bikini depilation over home

      Don't be embarrassed to go to a beauty salon. If you do not intend to go there constantly and are firmly convinced to carry out deep depilation yourself, then it is still worth visiting the salon for the first time. There you will learn how to do it correctly, consult with a specialist, perhaps she will advise you which means are best to choose. After all, you consult with a gynecologist and do not prescribe medications for yourself :)

      More benefits:

      • you will avoid the risk of infection;
      • you will experience less pain, which means less stress, since the master’s hand is already set;
      • you will undergo the procedure using professional equipment and cosmetics;
      • you will have the depilation area treated before and after the procedure with special treatment agents, which you can save on by doing the procedure at home;
      • the procedure at home may not always be cheaper than in the salon, taking into account retail prices for products.

      Today, inviting a specialist home to perform the procedure is gaining popularity. Why not?! If you are embarrassed to go to the salon or are afraid that they will point fingers at you later, invite a specialist to your home. But do not forget that the conditions in the salon are still more sterile. The cost of procedures depends on the class of the salon and the skill level of the specialist. In general, it varies from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the region and the level of service in the salon.

      Stages of the deep depilation procedure in a salon

      1. The woman is asked to expose the necessary parts of her body and sit comfortably on a couch covered with a sterile, disposable sheet.
      2. The master cleanses and degreases the skin with special products.
      3. Disinfects the skin.
      4. With hardware depilation, if necessary, the bikini is treated with an anesthetic.
      5. With wax or sugar depilation , wax or sugar paste applied to small areas skin along or against hair growth. It depends on the ingredients that the specialist uses in his work. For better effect The master stretches the skin and with a sharp movement of his hand tears off the wax or paste from the skin along with the hairs stuck to it.
      6. If necessary, the master can return to already treated areas in order to ensure the quality of the procedure.
      7. There is a gradual movement along skin until the skin in the intimate area becomes smooth.
      8. If individual single hairs are detected, the master can use.
      9. After the depilation session, the skin is treated with antiseptic agents, then a moisturizer is applied to it. Some beauty salons treat bikinis with a hair growth retardant.

      A woman can also carry out the hair removal procedure using sugar paste or wax on her own, according to the points listed. However, the lack of experience and necessary knowledge increases the risk of injury and the appearance of ingrown hairs. Deep depilation of the bikini area at home is possible only if you are completely sure that all necessary measures to eliminate all negative consequences. And also make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the depilatory product (sugar, honey, etc.).

      Important! The most important thing to remember when performing deep hair removal at home is the rules of hygiene. Before the procedure, take a shower or warm bath, exfoliate and dry the skin. Warm bath and scrubbing will expand the pores and lift the hairs, which will facilitate the depilation procedure. In addition, you need to remember the rules for applying depilatory products: wax is applied in the direction of hair growth, and sugar paste is applied against. After completing the procedure, be sure to moisturize your skin. This can be done with special oils, as well as oils (almond), creams or lotions (not alcohol!).

      How to reduce pain, tricks to note

      • Immediately at the moment of hair removal, take a deep breath, this will relieve the pain.
      • Cheer yourself up before the procedure. During a negative emotional state we are more susceptible to pain.
      • There is an opinion that if you switch to a dairy-vegetable diet a couple of days before the procedure, alkaline enzymes will be formed in the body, which will lead to a reduction in pain.

      Skin care after depilation of the bikini area

      After a hair removal session, you should listen to the advice of the master. He usually recommends:

      • Refrain from visiting the solarium and sunbathing for a while.
      • Use products regularly.
      • For several days after depilation of the bikini area, apply moisturizing lotion or lotion to this area of ​​skin. almond oil(a cream with a healing effect, such as Boro-Plus, is also great).
      • In case of microtraumas and redness of the skin, use additional treatment of damaged areas with disinfectants and antiseptics.
      • Make sure that clothing that comes into contact with the skin contains only natural and breathable materials.
      • 4-5 days after depilation, scrub the depilation area, this will prevent