Love passion how long does it last. How long does passion last? Metamorphoses of love

Passion is one of the most powerful human feelings. initial stage love. Mostly unconscious, instinctive energy. It cannot be induced artificially by experiment. This is a feeling that every adult has experienced at least once in his life. This is a state that you want to live again and again. Therefore, a person who has known this rushes in search of the object of passion again.

As a result of evolution, nature has created not just two different body, but also two various types brain, two ways of thinking. Therefore, male and female passion are initially different in nature. In order for passion to grow into love, it is necessary to understand and accept these differences. Otherwise, the rejection of one’s own manifestations in a fit of passion and inadequate demands built on the basis of some perfect image to a partner, often lead to the destruction of relationships that do not even have time to strengthen.

A better understanding of the mental and physiological processes in men experiencing passionate feelings will help women in many ways change their ideas about the "mysterious" behavior of men. And in the future to avoid mistakes in the process of creating a longer love relationship.

Watching in modern society many examples of born, but, alas, did not take place love between a man and a woman, I come to the conclusion that it is not understanding and rejection of the behavior of a partner on transitional phase from passion to love interferes with the continuation of the relationship.

What kind of a man is he in passion? Why is he behaving like this? What actually happens? Every woman asks these questions. We will try to answer them.

Passion is...

For many centuries, we have observed manifestations of male passion in literary works, fine arts, music, architecture, science, and feats. Everything beautiful created by men, everything scientific discoveries, made by them, personal feats - all this in the name of a woman and in a fit of deepest passion. By the way, everything beautiful created by women (and they also know how to create) was created in a state of love. Those. at the next level of manifestation of feelings and experiences. So what is passion?

Passion is an innate emotional process, a strong, persistent feeling of a person that dominates other impulses. Unaccountable unbridled attraction, characterized by enthusiasm and leading to the concentration of all aspirations and forces on the subject of passion. The objects of passion can be both people and objects and even ideas. Most often, the word "passion" is used to refer to high degree sexual arousal combined with emotional attraction to this partner. Passion can be accepted, sanctioned by a person, or it can be condemned by it, experienced as something undesirable, obsessive.

The main sign of passion is its effectiveness, the confluence of strong-willed and emotional moments.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, in his definition of passion, wrote: “In an animal, passions are merged into one with reason, forming a wake-up call, in the passions of an animal there is always a measure. The passions of man, on the contrary, are separated from the rational principle, subordinate to it, but they are always at enmity with it and do not know any measure. This definition most clearly characterizes the manifestation of passion for male type. Since the process of experiencing passion in a man covers the deep structures of the brain. More on this later.

The fact that the object of passion can be an idea or an object is also more of a masculine type of passion. Since in the female version, the manifestation of passionate desire for an object or idea is not observed. This is also primarily due to physiological characteristics female body and responses.

The passion expressed by a person leads to self-affirmation, creates a state of joy, promotes the manifestation of integrity and gives meaning to life.

How it all starts. Biochemistry of the process

Man is a polygamous being. At the same time, he likes many women. He can show signs of attention to a woman even on the basis of a momentary Have a good mood. Often there is nothing more to consider.

The first thing that happens at the stage of creating attraction is smell recognition. The individual combination of bacteria on the surface of the skin creates an individual combination of gases emitted by them, which in turn forms the unique smell of each person.

This smell contains pheromones - an external secretion product secreted by the body to attract individuals of the opposite sex. Pheromones signal that the partner is ready to mate. In humans, the effects of these chemicals on the brain are weaker, but no less important. Yes, in the composition male sweat included Chemical substance androstenol, which attracts women. And the composition of female vaginal secretion includes substances called copulins. Studies have shown that they increase the sexual attractiveness of a woman in the eyes of a man. In addition, it turned out that men react more positively to the smell, women at the time when she is ovulating. At this point, it is decided whether the smell will attract the partner or not. If not, then no matter how cool the girl is, he will not choose her. Because the odor molecules, penetrating into the sinuses, do not enter the brain, but immediately into the limbic system. This is an unconscious process. If the smell is suitable, in the organ of sexual smell in the nasal sinus, some of the odor molecules are stopped and stored, periodically warming up the brain with a small release for a long time. This odor recognition lasts 10-15 seconds and is essential for recognizing the compatibility of immune systems. If immune systems are not compatible, this will affect the offspring. The next stage is recognition endocrine systems- hormonal status. Lasts for the next minute at the level of neural determinants.

Next is the stage of bodily sympathy. This is where unconscious ideals of beauty come into play: body shape and size, hair color, voice timbre, etc. The external attractiveness of a woman plays for a man great importance. Based on a peculiar type of thinking, he needs to examine, create a visual image and supplement it with his own fantasies. Usually a man pays attention to 1-2 especially attractive features of a woman.

Whether passion arises depends on these coincidences. These stages go through each individually: from 15-20 minutes, up to a day. And if all this coincides, the first stage of love begins - passion.

When recognition has taken place, the instincts define it as stressful situation giving a signal to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the center of pleasure and displeasure. At this level, evaluation takes place: I like it.

The hypothalamus is involved in the regulation external manifestations emotional behavior by controlling somatic (muscles of the face and limbs) and autonomic (glands and muscles internal organs) reactions. Further, the hypothalamus selectively stimulates different zones brain. In particular, the hippocampus with its ability to respond to signals of unlikely events and turn on emotions as a compensatory function in case of a lack of information. The emergence of emotional stress is accompanied by a transition to forms of behavior other than in a calm state, mechanisms for evaluating external signals and responding to them in accordance with the dominant principle. The hypothalamus also launches the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, performs an activating function. It turns on at the moment of tension to mobilize special resources of the body, ensuring readiness for additional active actions. The hypothalamus in turn releases corticotropin into the blood. Corticotropin, having reached the adrenal glands, induces the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the adrenal glands. The adrenaline phase starts. Adrenaline causes an increase in heart rate, vasoconstriction abdominal cavity, muscles, mucous membranes, helps to relax the muscles of the intestine, dilate pupils, accelerates protein metabolism, reduces muscle mass, increases body temperature, increases sweating. Norepinephrine constricts blood vessels and increases the level blood pressure. They allow you to mobilize the resources of the body.

Signals from the motor cortex go to the nuclei of the facial nerves and in the brain stem, from where they reach the facial muscles along the axons of motor neurons. There is an explosive effect. This reaction is manifested in the fact that the level of testosterone, the male hormone, rises in the blood of men. Which makes a man start hunting and repel an attack. The level of serotonin decreases. All this chemical and mental compote gives rise to a state of passion. For a man, this feeling is like a long-awaited, fresh sip that gives an incredible amount of strength, a storm of emotions, an incredible rise in motivation.

Psychology of male passion

The increase in testosterone turns on the unconscious instinct of animal hunting, but on a conscious level, a man does not see the object of a true hunt in front of him. This dissonance often leads to confusion. Therefore, in a fit of passion for a woman, a man often does not behave decisively. It is easier for a woman to provide a safe territory for a man and create all the conditions for a man to take his first step.

In a relationship based on passion, the satisfaction of his desires in a man comes first. In this state, a man wants to experience vivid love emotions, to be with a woman, but is not ready to become attached.

During passionate love in the male, testosterone is injected into the bloodstream in five or seven waves a day, with the highest wave occurring at sunrise—about twice as high as any other.

In a man at the level of the corpus callosum, the number of neural connections that ensure the exchange of information between the left and right hemispheres is 30% less than in a woman. The logic and emotions of a man exist almost separately from each other. Therefore, a man in a given situation is either emotional or analytical. During the period of passionate love, the life of a man is not limited only to the object of passion, there are other vital, professional tasks. And since in order to get a result (and a man, by his specifics, is aimed at the final result, unlike a woman for whom the process is important), he needs to focus on what is being done in this moment In fact, while the biochemical processes in the body do not fade away, the state of passion extends to all actions. During this period, efficiency in all its spheres of activity increases tremendously. The impossibility of being constantly near a woman (seven times a day) makes any process an object of passion, revealing the creative potential in a man.

First sex and affection

The physiology of a man makes him think first of all about the body of a woman, about different ways how to achieve it, not about romantic relationship. The main erogenous organ of a man is his brain! His imagination! Creating the image of his chosen one in any situations, poses, in any clothes and without it, a man forces his limbic system to work almost to the point of wear and tear. High level hormones and neurotransmitters requires an urgent discharge - you need sex, and it is with her.

Body contact excites erogenous zones. The impulses from them go to the brain. That, in turn, gives the command to release dopamine (the hormone of pleasure). Dopamine increases sexual excitability and the need for sex. Copulin, produced in a woman's vagina, acts like a drug on a man. It helps to relax and get rid of stress. Once in the body of a man, copulin increases testosterone levels by 1.5 times.

During sex, only particularly deep ancient parts of the brain are activated in a man. The sex center is located in the hypothalamus, which is several times larger in a man than in a woman. Given that the hypothalamus is stimulated by testosterone, which is 20 times greater in a man than in a woman, a man is ready to have sex anytime and anywhere. At this stage, phenylethylamine, and possibly also dopamine and norepinephrine.

Phenylethylamine enhances metabolic processes in the human body and reduces appetite. By the way, it is present in some natural substances, such as cocoa and pink water(that's why candy is so popular gift). These substances are on a par with the so-called amphetamines - stimulants, under the influence of which a state of euphoria occurs.

During sexual intercourse, the pituitary gland of a man releases vasopressin, a hormone that causes attachment. The appearance of this hormone in the blood causes a man to warm, tender feelings to a woman. And only now there is a personal perception of a woman. Such changes in perception are influenced by female hormone- oxytocin, which a man receives from a woman during sex. It causes a benevolent disposition, allows you to believe the words specific person, This hormone is female body participates immediately after childbirth in the formation of the mother-child relationship. The same psycho-emotional experiences are experienced by a man immediately after sex, as after birth.

After the first sex comes dopamine - the endorphin stage of passion. Dopamine betrays a certain emotional contrast of uniqueness and uniqueness to the partner. Instinct imperiously says that you need to be with this partner. There is a state similar to cocaine intoxication. This stage can last for about 3 years, or until the baby is born.

An important reason for marriage for many men is just the desire to have regular sex, moreover, without the threat of infection, which is fraught with casual relationships.

More than anything, a man is afraid of being erectile dysfunctional in the eyes of his wife or another beloved woman. First of all, in the sexual, as well as in the financial sense. For a man, a lot of things in life are connected with work, with the means that it gives, with its social status. Along with the loss of a place or own business, a man loses respect for himself. And as you know, a person with a humiliated sense of self-worth and a bad husband, and an unimportant lover, and no father.

Therefore, the birth of a child causes a state of achievement with a new increase in testosterone and a new round of passion. And at the same time, female oxytocin strengthens a man's attachment to his beloved.

Everything flows, everything changes. And feelings too. Just yesterday you were thrown into a fever at the mere memory of a kiss, and today it has turned into a "duty smack". Why such metamorphoses?

Love, it turns out, has stages of development. Stendhal counted seven: admiration, the idea of ​​pleasure, hope, the birth of love, crystallization, doubt, the second crystallization. He explained the idea of ​​crystallization as follows: if you leave a branch in the salt caves, you will not recognize it in a few months, as it will be covered with crystals. So it is in love. The image of a loved one is overgrown with many virtues that we attribute to him in a fit of passion. Modern scientists suggest that a deep feeling has three phases: sexual attraction, spiritual attraction and affection.

This idea was picked up even by porcelain manufacturers: in Spain they produced a series of figurines of a man and a woman called "The Evolution of Love". The first pair of porcelain lovers kiss passionately, and their faces are covered with small flowers. They are blinded by each other so that they can't see or hear anything. The second tightly merged pair is even more densely covered with flowers. The third is entirely in flowers, which symbolizes the unity of souls. It turns out that by the third period only the unity of souls remains?


This is the most romantic and passionate stage of love. Here you have solid crystallization, and wild sex, and childish jealousy. According to research lasts romantic love from 18 months to three years.

PSYCHOLOGY. All that is needed during this period is to be close to the object of love. Lovers do not want to eat, sleep, work under duress - all thoughts are only about the second half. From the outside, this resembles a slight insanity, which, by the way, is close to the truth. Scientists have proven that romantic love is akin to an obsessive state, neurosis. Dr. Renshaw of Loyola University Chicago says: "If a person likes another person, his blood flow increases in the area of ​​​​the brain responsible for the emergence of neurosis and drug addiction. It is difficult for lovers to think about anything other than the object of passion." The brain of a lover at this time resembles the brain of a patient with mental disorders: it is also prone to looping. Love at this stage is blind - it idealizes a partner, not noticing his shortcomings.

SEX. Why did nature need to blind people so much at the beginning of the novel? It's simple - to be fruitful and multiply, without being distracted by mutual claims like: "Yes, you're not in bed at all!" or "Will you ever learn how to make money?" At the first stage, we are all like this: passionate, sexy, extraordinary, successful ..- We are ready to have sex in any convenient and uncomfortable place. The acuity of sensations is breathtaking (and will be breathtaking many years later, when you embark on memories of the past: could I really do that?!). Later, as you "crystallize", you begin to realize this. that a temperamental macho is an egoist, and a self-confident businessman, in fact, is an ordinary beer alcoholic with a pretty shabby potency.

SECRET OF SUCCESS. You can do nothing - nature will do everything for you. Even if you have not succeeded in the technique of sex, the lover will not notice it. You will seem to him the most amazing woman in the world.


Having discovered that the object of passion is not perfect, many try to overthrow him from the pedestal: "Scoundrel, you betrayed my feelings!" Disappointment in a partner can be so great that the matter ends in parting. However, much more often events develop according to an optimistic scenario - having rediscovered a partner for ourselves, we are ready to put up with his shortcomings (secretly comforting ourselves with the hope of re-educating him).

PSYCHOLOGY. The chosen one is already annoying in some way, but still worries. Yes, love and ardor pass, but love remains. And this is normal - you can’t “fistful” forever, otherwise we will sooner or later find ourselves in a psyche-chebniye.

SEX. The intensity of passions is not the same. And if a partner offers to do "it" at the zoo, right next to the cage with lions, you will most likely twist your finger at your temple - why? After all, the bedroom is much more comfortable. If earlier you loved each other for breakfast, lunch and dinner, now the service is a service, and lunch is scheduled.

Rhythm intimate life also changes. And with the birth of a child, overlays are completely possible. A man usually does not mind immediately after childbirth. However, the missus is not at all up to intimacy. For the first six weeks it is impossible for medical reasons, then ... you don’t want to: lack of sleep, washing, cleaning, feeding and constant anxiety for the baby do a dirty job. The mother returns to her former sexual form six months to a year after giving birth. And it is very important that her husband supports her return, because the wife often begins to be associated only with the image of the mother, and not the mistress.

SECRET OF SUCCESS. The romance of the first years will return if sex is revived with something new: clothes, positions, unexpected places for love pleasures, role playing. The constant novelty of sensations stimulates the production of lopamine, a hormone that is responsible for past romance.


Although most of the poems are devoted to the romantic phase of love, the mature stage is no less beautiful. Passion cools down, but does not go away: they continue to love each other warmly and truly.

PSYCHOLOGY. Relationships are like friendships. He massages her, she scratches his back. He buys a football ticket, she persuades him to go to the theater, and he agrees.

SEX. Children have grown up, you can devote time to yourself, but with intimacy, alas, an overlay is possible. There are couples who get used to it with age, but most of them "gorge themselves" and limit themselves to a couple of contacts a month. Sex becomes routine, however, this is no longer very scary - now they value spiritual intimacy much more highly.

SECRET OF SUCCESS. Sex stagnation can lead to an emotional outburst. In men, it most often coincides with a midlife crisis, when uncles over forty indulge in all serious. And the wife is unlikely to be able to rekindle the lost flame of passion in her husband. It is important to maintain internal independence here. The man will be afraid that the missus may go to another. Attach sexual experience and ... novelties from the sex shop to independence. You will see - the fire of passion will burn again!

December 2011
good advice

How long does passion last?

From the aunt torknulo, as much as two topics started. Like an adult, but asks such stupid questions.

Always last. Periods, then a lot, then nothing.

Uncontrollable, that's a fact. And the brain remembers feelings. So the only way out is either to meet or tear. finally. and not meet with him.

It cannot last for years, just with a good set of circumstances, it turns into calmer feelings, love, affection.

With a perfect match of temperaments.

We had an insane passion for three years, it covered so that at least climb the walls if we quarreled. Then it got quieter, calmer. Together 7 years.

If anyone had a similar relationship, how long did it last and how painful was the breakup.


It's been going on for 5 years now, we can't sleep together.

With my mind, I understand that it's just some kind of chemistry-hormones in the blood, and outwardly even he is not quite my type, but I feel like some kind of veil before my eyes when we are together. And now I can't break it.

I have 6 years lasted. And at one moment, as a hand cut off! Now it started again with another 2 years in captivity. I wonder when it will end this time.

Near three years, and then I have a child, and he had more important things to do.

The topic was created in 12, it would be interesting to hear the author's answer today

Meet for a month married lover, from the very first meeting we were very fired up for each other, a very great physical attraction. This is a very strong and pleasant feeling, but unfortunately it is not durable and we have no future. I feel that I'm bogged down, it's like a drug if you take it away it will be breaking. I heard that in men passion passes faster. Sometimes I regret that I got involved in this, but now it's too late to control the mind, it does not lend itself, although I understand that it can be very painful. If anyone had a similar relationship, how long did it last and how painful was the breakup.

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How long does passion last?
I have been meeting with a married lover for a month, from the very first meeting we were very fired up for each other, a very great physical attraction. This is a very strong and pleasant feeling, but unfortunately it is not durable and we have no future. I feel stuck

How long does passion last between a man and a woman

The question is not very correct, because a certain pattern of behavior is laid, the correspondence to which is the input condition for posing the question.

Passion (and love) as a trigger that turns off any interest in other members of the opposite sex is a setting that is more characteristic of most women than most men.

Therefore, if you ask how long men turn off their interest in a woman in connection with the appearance of a certain superwoman in his life - one thing.
And if you are interested in the duration of an exceptional passion for a woman in general, the term will be different.

There are no clear boundaries. I judge by myself.

In principle, I am one of those who strongly focuses on the beloved. And almost does not notice strangers.
However, there were precedents.
Perhaps this explanation:
when you are loved and desired, self-esteem automatically takes off,
and it seems the sea is knee-deep, and a little affair finds you by itself, it happens “easily and naturally”, without much remorse, etc.
But it does not become a system! After all, you understand that only your beloved is really needed, she is the best.

That is, you notice the charms of others, but you do not look for them! And these are different things.
How long does passion last?
Chemists say three years, I think.
In my opinion, if it is “shaken before use”, it is almost eternal.

The life of lovers is like a tangled quest - all covered with secrets and mysteries: they are looking for secret places to meet, deftly get out of their suspicions. legal spouses, encrypt their SMS messages. And it seems that there is no end to this quest.

But if there is no opportunity or desire to live together, then once these relationships end. How long on average can such an affair last on the side?

When a relationship is only passion

A mistress for a married man is, first of all, a sexual partner, who is drawn to bed at the first mention of her. This is where almost all relationships begin. There is no specific love yet, there can be no talk of divorce from his wife, but falling in love with the body of another woman is some kind of madness.

If the relationship is based on sex, then they can be either fleeting or, conversely, very long. It all depends on the circumstances:

    If both lovers are married, then it all depends on the possibility of meetings. They do not need any joint trips to the theater and other events, they need to snatch time for sex. Meetings can be so rare that lovers may not see each other for months, although the relationship lasts for years. The end of their romance may come due to large gaps in time between meetings, and lovers simply cool off for each other.

    If the lover is lonely, and to her married man pulls “by feeling”, that is, for the sake of sex, then everything can end very quickly. Any of her whims about divorce, demands for money or even blackmail are quickly stopped, and the lover disappears. Little of, former lovers they can even part as enemies and hate each other all their lives, considering this connection a strange obsession.

Relationships that only rage sexual passions, as a rule, are short-lived if sex with a partner begins to "pall". But only not in those cases when the lover herself “pours oil on the fire”, keeping her lover in suspense:

    She is constantly in shape. Takes care of her appearance, follows fashion, visits beauty salons and GYM's. Her impeccable appearance distinguishes her from "everyday" women with tired faces.

    She is always ready to surprise her lover with something new in bed. She is well aware that a simple five-minute "fuck" quickly gets bored. Bold poses and sophisticated prelude turn the head of a man.

    She is unpredictable and cunning. That mysteriously disappears, then suddenly appears, or even at all for a long time does not answer calls, pushing the man to the pangs of jealousy. And he does not consider it necessary to report to him.

A man from such a woman loses his head and cannot control his mind. He tries his best to break up with her, but he can't. One has only to beckon his mistress with her finger after a mysterious disappearance, as he rushes to her, obeying natural instincts.

This condition can be compared to drugs: you need treatment to give them up forever, but any breakdown threatens with new troubles.

It sounds naive, but many believe that the mistress bewitched the man with some kind of potion. Relationships can resemble a broken dash-dotted line: either lovers put an end to the relationship, then they resume it again after a few months, or maybe years.

When a lover is an "outlet"

It also happens - it seems that passion subsides, sex with a mistress becomes not as bright as it was before, but still a man is drawn to this woman. She creates a special comfort for her boyfriend, and he feels happier on the side than in the family:

    She does not require anything special from him - just to be there.

    She sincerely rejoices at his comings and prepares a romantic dinner for him.

    With her, everything is simple - no domestic problems and scandals.

Such an idyll can last for years and decades only if the mistress has something to lose, and specifically, the love of this man. While she is silent and endures, everything suits him, he goes to her for "holidays".

Everything begins to collapse from the moment when a woman begins to "strain" - to demand to create a family with her. You can understand her: there is no personal life, I want to have children, and a loved one does not give her such a perspective. Like a dog in the manger - I myself will not give a din to another.

But for a man, this woman is not so dear as the comfort that she creates around him. He knows very well what family life with his problems, so he doesn’t want to change anything, because he doesn’t see prospects with his mistress.

Tension began - the romance of dinners ended, the smell of quarrels wafted, which means that much began to resemble family squabbles. The man is running from it. But the point of staying is that the passion is already passing, the feelings are cooling down, and he does not need any troubles.

Therefore, in such a relationship, the end date is unknown: it can be a month or ten years, until the mistress's patience runs out or a promising groom appears on the horizon. But it is unlikely that she will once again have a desire to meet with someone else's husband because of the bitter experience in the past.

Such a typical situation is described in the article. Unfortunately, you can’t command the heart, and some mistresses sacrifice their personal life for short meetings.

When there is a choice between family and mistress

No matter how much the rope twists, the end will come.

Russian proverb

The proverb is to the point, since men sometimes flirt so much in their quest that they do not notice surveillance by their wife. And not only surveillance - his spree is so obvious to everyone around him that there is no point in hiring a detective.

When a wife finds out about such a terrible relationship with her husband, she either does not forgive the betrayal and kicks her husband out, or sets a condition: me or a lover. The man starts throwing.

The statistics are such that most often a man remains in the family. It holds for many reasons:

    Well-established life. Have your own housing, bought household items, home appliances, in general, there are all the benefits that a person uses daily.

    Common children. If a man is caring and loving father, then for him this is a good reason to stay in the family. He may not love his wife, but he will not leave his children.

    Habit. He knows the character and behavior of his wife and still loves in his own way, well, or simply pities her. Its burden - it's a pity to quit.

    Relative pressure. It is they who inspire all the enormity of the changes, that he loses a lot: both materially (with alimony) and morally (many will turn away).

It looks like the point has been made. The relationship lasted exactly as long as the rope twisted, and the end was not found. But this is not yet a fact.

The husband can behave ideally for the first time, as befits a family man. And then feelings for a mistress can flare up with new force. Only lovers will be encrypted more carefully, without repeating previous mistakes.

virtual relationship

Such a romance lasts like a shot, maybe in slow motion. If lovers are separated by a long distance, and there is no possibility of meetings, then correspondence and calls quickly get bored with the stronger sex.

Men, unlike women, are not so romantic and dreamy, so they are sensible about this state of affairs: if there is no way, then why continue to torment each other?

A man needs healthy sex and care for him. He does not tolerate a long absence of a woman, so why abstain if there is real wife? Therefore, the "virtual" lover should not be surprised that her phone is silent and the email box is empty. The man had already lost interest in her.

Love comes unexpectedly, pushes people to the most daring deeds, makes you look at the world in a new way.

However, this feeling cannot last forever, it passes. People often ask themselves: how long does falling in love last? To get an answer to it, you need to read the answers of psychologists.

What it is?

They call it falling in love positive feeling that occurs when looking at the object of sympathy.

Consciousness at this moment narrows, which leads to ignoring the shortcomings of the object.

Man idealizes him, draws attention only to positive qualities.

This feeling is the hope for possible happiness. A person experiences a vivid feeling that inspires him, gives rise to love for life and everything around him.

However, the lover most often experiences feelings not to a real person, but to her image which he represents. He becomes dependent on the object of adoration.

At the physical level, this phenomenon is explained by the functioning of certain glands in the human body.

The hormone dopamine leads to a powerful surge of emotions. It helps a person to go to his goal, overcoming obstacles.

What are the signs?

Recognizing a person in love is quite simple., the following signs help in this:

In addition, a person partially loses the ability to think logically. He makes rash decisions, does stupid things.

Concentrating on anything can be very difficult. Some people experience craving for creativity. They have inspiration to write poetry, music, paintings.

Signs of love:

Difference from love

An important detail that many people forget about: there is love. For the birth of love in any case, it will take time. Falling in love is the first step on the path to true love.

How to distinguish love from falling in love? Find out from the video:

Feeling duration

How long does a man's love last?

The duration of falling in love largely depends on the individual qualities of a man. This feeling usually lasts 2-3 years..

After this time, the man begins to notice the shortcomings of his beloved, which he will either accept or reject. At this stage, the relationship becomes stronger or the couple breaks up.

How long does a woman's love last? The love of women and men is the same: 2-3 years. At this time, the girls do not notice the shortcomings of their chosen ones, idealize them.

When 2-3 years pass, the euphoria disappears, the woman begins to evaluate her beloved more rationally. In this case, she will either accept his shortcomings or part with him.

When does true love begin?

It all depends on the couple themselves: sometimes this feeling lasts for several months, and sometimes for many years.

Usually when love ends true love begins.

Despite the revealed shortcomings, people continue to love each other, care and treat each other with tenderness.

This strong feeling, which can last a lifetime.

Psychology of a man in love:

Hypothesis about 3 years

Why is it said that love lives for two or three years? There is a theory that love lives for three years. Actually there is some truth in it. but not the whole truth.

In the first three years of a relationship, people feel a strong passion, euphoria. Feelings are bright, intense, literally bind people to each other.

However, feelings gradually weaken, people get used to each other, they begin to see shortcomings. This leads to quarrels, scandals, which lead to emotional wounds.

As a result, love disappears, but sometimes it is very difficult to leave a loved one. People get used to each other, become attached, remember joyful moments.

If in this case a person tries to understand his soul mate, accepts her shortcomings, a real feeling will be born that can last a lifetime.

People will come out to a new one. Three years later love does not pass, but only begins.

Euphoria, wandering in the clouds and selfishness disappear. People begin to take care of each other, become truly close. Even without euphoria, they continue to be together, enjoying each other's company.

Is it true that love lasts 3 years? Expert opinion:

When will passion subside?

Passion is a vivid feeling that occurs in both men and women. Although passion can literally control a person, bind to the second half, it cannot last forever.

Its duration depends on the person himself, his character traits, interests, personality traits. According to psychologists, passion lasts from several weeks to one year.

Passion without love disappears quickly, especially when a couple begins to live together. Cohabitation - The best way to know a soul mate and not everything will suit her.

If previously a person felt passion, exalted the object of adoration, then during cohabitation, he falls from heaven to earth and understands that the object of adoration is quite ordinary, a real man which is far from ideal.

However, passion could turn into something more serious, which leads to strong relationship, but for this people must be able to listen to each other, work on themselves.

If they want to save the relationship, get used to each other, passion will turn into affection, care, love.

How long does passion last? Psychologist's opinion:

Do feelings fade with time?

Love pushes people to create a family, have children. However, even the strongest feeling can fade with time. People then cease to feel love and decide to leave.

Love passes because of the routine, the monotonous life, frequent quarrels. There can be a huge number of reasons. There are couples that show strong love throughout life, but these are very few.

They are distinguished by the fact that they were able to go through many obstacles with their loved one, they did not give up their feelings, continue to take care of each other.

Very often, love passes when the tastes and preferences of a person change.

He moves to a new stage of development, begins to see the world in a new way and is surprised to find that his soulmate does not share his new ideas, plans for the future.

Disagreements arise that can lead to a break in relations. To save love, it is recommended to communicate a lot, try to understand loved one to see the world through his eyes. The ability to compromise can save a relationship.

Even those couples who have lived together all their lives, faced at least once with scandals, quarrels and a real relationship crisis. Don't think they were perfect.

The difference between such couples is that they were able to compromise, overcome obstacles. They tried to escape from the routine by traveling, romantic dates. Such people continued to work on relationships, solved difficulties together. It only strengthened the feeling of love.

Over time, love may pass, or it may remain. It all depends on the people themselves and those efforts that are applied in the process of relationships.

According to statistics, 45% of couples break up after 3 years. This suggests that almost half of the couples are unable to overcome this threshold. If we take a longer period of time - 10 years, then statistics say that in this case 70% of couples break up.

Not everyone can overcome a 10-year relationship. Their mistake is that they stop working on relationships. notice only the negative qualities of each other.

Any grievances must be resolved together, you need to learn admit your mistakes and work on them getting better.

Falling in love and love are different feelings that people very often confuse, make mistakes in relationships and, as a result, part. Knowing the peculiarities of these phenomena and working on themselves, people will be able to overcome all hardships together and maintain love relationships.