This is what the children of the hottest men in the world look like. Embryo development by day and week

Experienced obstetrician healthy newborn will immediately distinguish a child from a baby with pathologies. He knows very well what newborn children look like, and he is not afraid of a wrinkled face or a disproportionately large head. But mothers who have an idea of ​​what a newborn baby looks like only from pictures or after looking at beautiful little ones walking with their parents in the yard can experience a real shock in the first minutes after giving birth.

What does a healthy newborn baby look like?

What does a newborn look like when it has just been born? The delicate skin of the baby in the first days is red in color with pronounced fine-scaly peeling, but after 7-10 days it will become pink and smooth. The skin of a newborn is rich in blood vessels; more than half of the total blood volume is in the skin. Sweat glands are insufficiently developed, and the function sebaceous glands intensifies even before birth, producing a lubricant that coats the baby’s body and facilitates movement through the birth canal.

In the photo of what newborn babies look like, you can see that the lubricant is located in both the axillary and inguinal folds:

Take your time to thoroughly cleanse the skin of it, it plays a protective role and will disappear as the baby bathes. Over the entire surface of the skin, especially on the shoulders and back, you will find soft vellus hair, which will gradually disappear.

Sometimes, if a child is restless, some ancient old woman or ignorant neighbor will say: the bristles on his back are prickly, that’s why he screams. And he will offer a folk remedy for removing “bristles”: make a lump of bread crumb and roll it along the back. After this procedure, previously invisible vellus hairs, twisting together in several pieces, really resemble black prickly stubble, which the “healer” presents as proof of her innocence. Don't be fooled by the ignorant: a human baby can't have stubble!

A photo of a healthy newborn baby shows that he almost always lies in a boxer position: his arms with clenched fists are bent at the elbows, and when you try to straighten them you feel resistance:

The legs are also bent at the knee and hip joints and do not want to straighten. And don't try to do that. In my mother’s tummy, this position allowed it to take up as little space as possible, and now the usual position is supported by increased muscle tone in the upper and lower extremities.

The arms will straighten by 2-2.5 months, and the legs by 4 months. And don’t even think about swaddling your baby tightly, forcibly straightening his legs, supposedly to create harmony. Tight swaddling has once and for all been recognized as harmful, disrupting deep breathing, promoting the appearance of diaper rash on the skin, and suppressing the freedom and development of the child’s personality.

Look at the photo of what a newborn baby looks like - at first glance, the baby seems disproportionate, he has a large head on a short body with thin arms and legs:

This ratio will soon change, but for now his head is relatively big sizes. In a full-term newborn it is 1/4, in a premature newborn it is 1/3, and in an adult it is only 1/8 of the body. The head circumference of a full-term baby is 34-35 cm. While stroking the baby's head, you will feel a small depression above the forehead, devoid of bone tissue, and feel the pulsation of this area. This place, located between both parietal and frontal bones, has the shape of a diamond with sides 2 cm long and is called the greater fontanel. So that after birth the child’s brain has the opportunity to grow and improve, nature did not limit its freedom with a dense cranium, but left connective tissue between the bones, which allows the flexibility of the skull while passing through the birth canal and provides the brain with conditions for further growth and development. Expansions of connective tissue at the border between bones form the so-called fontanelles, of which only two can be identified - large and small. The small fontanel is located closer to the back of the head and closes in the first months, while the large one remains open for up to 9-12 months.

Immediately after birth, the doctor examines the baby's genitals and perineum to make sure the girl has an anus and vagina. Now let’s take a closer look at the condition of the external genitalia. In girls, the labia majora may be swollen, and from the genital slit there are often bloody issues. This is due to the influence of maternal hormones and will disappear without a trace in 2-3 days.

Feel your son's scrotum: are the testicles in place? They are defined by dense rounded formations the size of beans. If only one testicle is found or none is found, you will have to contact a pediatric surgeon. In the fetus, the testicles are located retroperitoneally back wall belly. From the 6th month of the intrauterine period, the process of descent of the testicles through the inguinal canal into the scrotum begins. For most boys, this process ends before birth. But sometimes there is a delay in this process, and the baby is born with one testicle or an empty scrotum. This condition is called cryptorchidism. If the movement of the testicle has stopped in the inguinal canal or abdominal cavity, where the temperature is 1.5-2 °C higher than in the scrotum, then the development of spermatogenic tissue may be impaired. And this can lead to irreversible consequences in the future. Timely request for medical care and moving the testicle to its rightful place contribute to the restoration of its normal structure and fulfillment reproductive function in adult life. Sometimes the testicle descends into the scrotum on its own. In any case, the child should be examined by a pediatric surgeon in the first months of life.

Now let's look into the baby's mouth.

Pay attention in the photo to what the mucous membrane of a newborn looks like - it is bright pink due to the many blood vessels, is somewhat dry because the salivary glands are not yet active enough:

The oral cavity is almost completely filled with a relatively large tongue. This is how nature took care of the baby, providing him with a tool for extracting milk from mother's breast. The act of sucking involves the muscles of mastication and the muscles of the lips, as well as dense fat pads located in the thickness of the cheeks. They are called “Bishat's lumps” and are present even in low-weight premature babies, making it easier for them to suck. The salivary glands function from birth, but their activity is low, and little saliva is secreted, so the oral mucosa is dry and easily damaged. pathological processes, primarily the development of thrush. If, when crying, you find 2 symmetrically located white peas on the roof of your mouth, do not be alarmed. This is another feature of the newborn period, the so-called Epstein pearls, which will soon disappear.

Every mother should know what the eyes of a newborn baby look like, because they are almost always closed by swollen and heavy eyelids. But an attentive mother can sometimes see hemorrhages under the conjunctiva that arose due to high blood pressure on the head as it passes through the birth canal. To protect the eyes from infection by microorganisms, mainly from gonococci, which can enter during passage through the birth canal, the midwife instills a solution of silver nitrate into the conjunctival sac or applies an antibacterial ointment.

When palpating the abdomen, the doctor determines the condition of the liver and spleen and always asks whether the newborn has had stool. On the first day of life, the original feces - meconium - are usually released; it has a creamy consistency and a dark green color. While in the womb, the baby swallowed amniotic fluid with exfoliated epithelial cells and metabolic products contained in it. Now he brings it out. After a few days, the stool will take on a normal character for a newborn: yellow liquid porridge with a sour smell. From the first minutes of life, the intestines are populated by microbes, forming their own microflora.

The doctor will not ignore your baby’s hip joints and feet to rule out congenital dislocation hip joints and congenital clubfoot. These pathological conditions, detected in the first days of life, can be easily corrected, and late diagnosis leads to more complex and lengthy treatment.

Now you know what a newborn baby should look like, it’s time to find out what unconditioned reflexes the baby has from the first days of life.

What are the innate physiological reflexes of a newborn baby?

The doctor assesses the state of the newborn’s nervous system by the presence of innate reflexes and muscle tone. In the first months, the life of a newborn is determined innate reflexes, the most important of which are sucking and swallowing. No one taught him how to extract milk from his mother’s breast, but look how deftly he grabbed the breast, began to suck and swallow the life-giving moisture. If you touch his cheek with your nipple, he will immediately find the breast - this is a search reflex. If you touch his mouth with your finger, he will stretch his lips forward - this reflex of newborn babies is called proboscis. Place your finger in his palm and he will grasp it tightly - grasp reflex. Also, a newborn baby has a withdrawal reflex - he will definitely pull back the handle if he pricks his finger with a needle. The protective reflex, expressed in the blinking of the eyelids, and the indicative reflex, consisting in the movement of the eyes behind the light source, are well expressed at birth. Place the baby on his stomach and his sole
m your palm. He will immediately push away from your hand, as if he were about to crawl. This is a crawling phenomenon.

What other reflexes of newborns definitely need to be checked? Raise the baby so that his feet touch a hard surface, and you will be surprised to find that he rests on his full foot and seems to be standing on bent legs with a straightened torso. This is a support reflex. Stepper physiological reflex In newborns it is caused by holding the baby under the armpits and placing the legs on the table. He will shuffle his legs as if he is trying to walk.

A healthy full-term newborn has a well-defined sucking reflex, which is easily evoked by touching the nipple to the baby's lips.

The presence of well-defined unconditioned reflexes indicates that the spinal cord in a newborn is better prepared for functioning than the brain. Some unconditioned reflexes accompany a person throughout his life: swallowing, coughing, sneezing. Others gradually and not simultaneously fade away, having fulfilled their role during the first 3-6 months: searching, proboscis, sucking, etc.

What first vaccinations are given to newborns in the maternity hospital?

For prevention hemorrhagic disease On the first day, newborns are given vitamin K by injection or orally, which improves blood clotting and reduces the risk of hemorrhage in vital tissues.

Even in the delivery room, blood was taken from the baby’s umbilical cord to determine the group and Rh factor. After a couple of days, a few drops of blood will be taken from the heel for a screening test. All newborns undergo this examination to exclude the most common congenital and hereditary diseases: hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, galactosemia, cystic fibrosis and adrenogenital syndrome. These five diseases, thanks to mass screening of newborns and early treatment, no longer lead to mental retardation and disability in children.

In the maternity hospital, newborns are given their first vaccinations 12 hours after birth - this is vaccination against hepatitis B. What other first vaccinations are given to newborns during their stay in perinatal center? In 3-4 days he will be vaccinated against tuberculosis with the BCG vaccine. Both of these first vaccinations for newborns are included in National calendar vaccinations, but parents have the right to refuse them by submitting a written application addressed to the chief physician of the maternity hospital.

Doctors once did not give these children a single chance to survive even to school. But they live and learn. The magazine “Names” together with photographers Kanaplev & Leidik are the stories of those that it’s time for all of us to pay attention to.

13-year-old Angelina is an excellent student. 22-year-old Margarita graduated from school with a gold medal and is already a graduate of Yerevan State University. Each of the guys - they all live in Minsk - has a very rare incurable genetic disease. And they were able to survive only thanks to the faith and incredible efforts of their parents. There is not one in Belarus state program aimed at supporting such children. They often go unnoticed in society too. Because for months, and often years, they see only the walls of a room or hospital.

Famous Belarusian photographers Kanaplev & Leydik decided to make the “Genomov” children noticed. In this photo project, children with rare genetic diseases look like stars from the covers of glossy magazines. Looking at these incredibly charming children, boys and girls, it is difficult to determine which of them has spinal muscular atrophy, which has Duchenne myotrophy, glutaric acidemia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or von Willebrand-Diane disease. The vast majority of us are not even aware of the existence of such diagnoses. But all the participants in the photo project are genuine heroes, to whom it is high time for all of us - both the state and society - to pay attention.

Yana is afraid of talking about death and dreams of the sea

Yana is a smart, cheerful and spontaneous “talker,” as she calls herself. She says everything she thinks and not a word less. She is only afraid of talking about death, so she made her mother promise her that she would live to be a hundred years old. And when he meets his grandmother, he constantly repeats that she should take care of herself and live long. To everyone who is willing to listen to her, she is endlessly ready to talk about new places where she would like to go, about the sea and how she will ride on a train or on a ship. She is fascinated by computer games and video blogs, however, there is a problem with them - Yana has a weak, very old laptop, and many programs and games work poorly or don’t work at all, and when there is so much free time, a laptop is a second life.

At the moment when Yana Gerina was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy type II, she was no different from her peers. Although no, it was different. She was only a year old, and she was already reading a poem to the doctors and saying “thank you” to everyone.

She was first diagnosed by a professor in the presence of students and colleagues. He then easily and casually said to those present in the audience: “Look, weak reflexes, a weak back, he can barely sit, he can’t walk.” Yana sat on the couch, smiled, and tried to do everything that was asked of her, and as best as possible. The doctor, without any emotion, told the students that the girl’s muscles were being destroyed. And next to her stood mom Anna, who understood one thing from all these words: her girl was dying.

He's dying. There was no talk about the fact that muscle tissue was slowly being destroyed and the quality of life needed to be improved. The professor's words only hid the main outcome. This action seemed to me such wild blasphemy, and the only joy was that Yana was still too small to understand what was happening,” she recalls today. “I took her in my arms, I had the strength to say “thank you, goodbye,” and also look into the audience in the hope of seeing at least one look in which there would be sympathy and understanding, and not scientific interest.

“People like Yana should not live and spend taxpayers’ money”

Geneticists from the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Mother and Child” confirmed the diagnosis several months later. From that moment the race began. Parents were in a hurry to pay Yana more attention, to give her the maximum of what she could still accept, depending on her physical capabilities. After all, its capabilities today may no longer exist tomorrow.

Today Yana is nine, and with her attitude towards the world and others, she involuntarily teaches people to love life. “Why is this big girl sitting in a stroller? - children passing by often ask Anna and Yana on their walks. Their parents shush them, feel embarrassed, and Yana shouts after them: “I’m disabled, my legs can’t walk!”

Anna Gerina heads the public association “Genome” and cannot control her emotions when she hears something like: “People like Yana should not live and spend taxpayers’ money,” “Yana will never pay taxes and will not useful to society", "It is useless and unprofitable. You don’t need to invest energy in her, because she will die soon,” “You shouldn’t love her so much, otherwise you will suffer a lot later,” “These are just flowers, the worst is yet to come,” “And in general, if I have my way, I , like Yana, would be euthanized so that she would not interfere with the lives of others and would not eat other people’s bread.” These are real words from real people.

All the orthopedic rehabilitation equipment needed by Yana, as well as all children with neuromuscular diseases, are expensive. An electric wheelchair that gives freedom of movement costs more than four thousand dollars. We also need a verticalizer (a device that allows us to stand upright) and a corset; Yana has been trying to get them for the fifth year now. And it often happens that while they are collecting money for one thing, there is an urgent need for something else. Running in circles, endless search for money.

It's constant heartache. She’s louder and quieter, but she’s always with me,” admits the girl’s mother.

Her daughter Yana's lung capacity is gradually decreasing (now it is 70%). Scoliosis intensifies, arms become weaker, and infections set in. Yana would like to go more where other children go, but many cool and trendy children's events are not adapted for children with disabilities.

Sofia and Boris are eager to visit Prague for the zoo and Lego museum

Boris is eight years old. He has a sister, Sofia. Both he and his sister find it easy to study, but Boris is upset that he cannot play football or karate like his classmates. He can't even dance. His passion is Lego. He tirelessly tinkers with this construction set all day long. And dreams of going to the Lego Museum in Prague.

Sofia and Boris Rusakov are sister and brother. They will gradually weaken. It is difficult for them to climb stairs, it is impossible for them to carry backpacks, and they cannot open a heavy door themselves. That’s why mother Natalya always accompanies them. They look the same as healthy children until they begin to climb the stairs - they cannot do this. And on the stairs in a store or in a passage they may be pushed and told: “Why are you crawling? Come quickly!". Sofia and Boris have progressive myopathy, but a reliable diagnosis has not yet been established, which means Sofia, Boris and Natalya do not know what kind of disease it is, what the prognosis is and how to deal with it.

Sofia is nine years old. She is an inquisitive and wise girl beyond her years. She always supports her mother Natalya and helps her around the house. She knows how to make friends. When Sofia falls in class, the children don't laugh at her—they rush to help. In spite of her health, she plays sports as much as she can: she swims and has mastered roller skating. Sofia practically independently takes care of her pets: a dog and two chinchillas. She loves animals and dreams of visiting zoos in Prague or Berlin because she has a goal of becoming a zoologist.

The fact that there was a problem became clear when the children were three and four years old: Natalya began to notice that they had difficulty climbing the stairs, did not jump or run. They were referred to a neurologist, who gave a referral for examination by geneticists. Genetic analysis did not reveal the disease, since geneticists in Belarus can only confirm certain types muscle atrophy. Later, Sofia and Boris were admitted to the hospital for examination, according to clinical signs A diagnosis of congenital myopathy was made. This diagnosis has not been confirmed to date; there are no such resources in Belarus, and the family is looking for opportunities and funds for an accurate diagnosis in Europe (in Belgium or Germany, where there are institutes for myopathy), because an accurate diagnosis of the disease will give the family a guideline in life and a chance for treatment .

Sofia and Boris daily struggle with the barrier environment of the school, in which they have to walk on the steps of many stairs every day and where, in spite of everything, they like to study: they cope with all subjects (except for physical education, from which they are exempted). homework They do it almost on their own. The children and mother are warily awaiting fifth grade, when they begin to move from office to office - they will have to climb these stairs every break.

Being a mother of a child with a genetic disease in Belarus means relying on yourself

My first feelings when I found out that the children were sick were a feeling of resentment and fear of the unknown. But thanks to communication with other families, I seemed to share our common pain, and feelings and emotions began to return to normal,” says Natalya. - Being a mother of a child with a genetic disease in Belarus means relying on yourself. First, look for information about the practice of treatment or diagnosis of this disease in the world. Then think for yourself how and where to take your child for diagnosis and how to treat, if possible. Without help, such mothers and such families feel thrown into the ocean without a lifeboat.

Maintaining immunity is one of the main tasks for Sofia and Boris. In order to solve it, regular trips to the pool are necessary. A moderate load on the muscles is also needed every day - here a home exercise machine, either a treadmill or an exercise bike, would help the family. But the first item on the agenda is diagnostics in Europe to establish a reliable diagnosis. There is no money for it yet.

Gold medalist with a diploma from Yerevan State University Margarita hopes to find a job

Margarita believes that she became an excellent student precisely because of homeschooling, because you couldn’t count on not being called on and therefore not learning a lesson. I had to prepare and learn every lesson every day. A free time dedicate to your favorite drawing. Margarita says that she likes to draw people because this is one of the the most accurate ways get to know the person. After school, she chose the specialty “visual design and media” at the correspondence department of Yerevan State University. “I was lucky that I studied there, because I see from my friends with disabilities who study here that they are faced with the opinion, like, why invest in someone who, in general, does not live long enough. This applies not only to education. Once a doctor refused to prescribe a corset for me, citing the fact that “why do you need a corset, it won’t help you anyway.”

Spinal muscular amyotrophy Werdnik-Hoffman. Nothing can be done. There is no solution or help anywhere in the world. She will live up to 3-5 years,” the doctor told Teresa, Margarita’s mother, when the girl was one year old. Teresa put an end to all her interests and activities and focused only on her daughter.

Today Margarita Shnip is 22, and she is a certified designer who received a diploma from Yerevan State University with a degree in visual design and media. And he only thanks his mother for this.

The fact that I am now living and drawing cost my mother all her health. I am her profession. She had to give up absolutely everything she had in order for me to live. She couldn't work because I needed ongoing care. There were and are no specialists, many are afraid, and mother has to do everything herself.

Margarita cannot take a shower or go to the toilet on her own without outside help. Teresa's back is torn off, and every time physical assistance daughter is a difficult test for her. There is no money to adapt everything to Margarita’s needs. The special lift at the entrance, which Margarita and Teresa have been waiting for for almost two years so that they could leave the house more often, constantly breaks down.

“We could become people included in the life of society, work and pay taxes”

In a word, the life of this family cannot be called easy, but Margarita does not complain or become embittered, believing that it is very easy to suffer, and to feel happy you need Full time job above oneself. And she always laughs when they say that her disease is fatal.

This is so strange. As if those who say that will never die. Life in general is “lethal,” says Margarita.

Margarita is deeply convinced that people with diseases like hers have potential that no one in our society wants to pay attention to:

It seems to me that if we were allowed to realize ourselves, if the attitude was not so indifferent, then we could become people included in the life of society, work and pay taxes.

While she does not have a job, and therefore no decent income, Margarita has to live on a meager disability pension. Teresa receives the same penny allowance for caring for her daughter. Taken together, they only allow you to avoid dying of hunger, but nothing more. You have to save for months for “extras” like paints and canvases. When Margarita was given two canvases, she didn’t touch them for a year and a half because she was afraid of ruining them.

Constant exercise therapy, massage or seaside holidays - all that strengthens Margarita's neuromuscular system - are not available to the family. How unavailable is a good wheelchair that will fit everyone physical features Margaritas.

And this is the most difficult thing,” the girl sighs. - After all, it has already been proven that constant rehabilitation and quality care prolong the life of people with the same disease by 20 years. But I don’t have the means and the necessary support to do this constantly, because it’s like breathing, and not once or twice a year.

Vlad dreams of going outside on his own in an electric wheelchair.

Vlad is an ever-smiling, friendly guy, he makes contact easily and quickly makes friends with anyone. He studies the cultures of different countries because he dreams of visiting different countries. Once he managed to visit China, so Vlad believes that dreams come true. He loves music and does beadwork. Vlad studies in general education school curriculum. He has success in history, biology and computer science. After school, the guy would like to learn computer graphics. Vlad has many volunteer friends who accompany him at all events. When he talks about his dreams, he also mentions a medicine that will help him live a long life.

When Vlad was six years old, doctors tried to find out why he had such short stature for his age, but they found out that the boy was suffering from a rare and severe genetic disease - Duchenne myopathy. Then the geneticist said that it was incurable, and it was strange that he was still alive. But the doctor did not prescribe treatment for him and advised his mother not to give birth to any more boys and to prepare for the fact that Vlad would not live long.

Today Vlad Bykov is 18 years old, and he reacts painfully to the words “disabled” and “sick”. When he just started stumbling, often getting tired, he began to walk like a duck, people began to pay attention and ask questions about why he walked like that and what was wrong with him. It was difficult and painful to answer everyone. It's still painful and difficult. At the age of ten, an illness put him in a wheelchair, and at first Vlad refused to appear on the street - he was afraid that everyone would look at him and point fingers. His fears were justified, but over time, both Vlad and his mother Olga came to terms with people’s reactions and stopped paying attention to it.

Now Vlad is an adult, and the state is providing almost no help

The life of Olga and Vlad differs from the life of ordinary families in that Olga needs to be with Vlad constantly, around the clock, she is literally tied to the house without the opportunity to go to work or plan a vacation. For the last five years, the state has provided Vlad with a free trip to a summer camp once a year, and he also underwent rehabilitation twice a year. But now Vlad is an adult, and the state no longer provides this kind of help, and almost no help at all.

And we need help. For example, Vlad needs special enteral nutrition. A year ago, the guy underwent surgery to correct scoliosis in Finland. They inserted a metal structure into his back, it straightened out, and internal organs recovered, but due to muscle atrophy, digestive problems began, and he lost a lot of weight. Belarusian mixtures are not suitable for Vlad, and the family does not have money for imported ones. Olga does not work, she takes care of her son, but his “adult” pension is not enough even for food, and the family also has a younger sister, Vlada. Plus, Vlad needs a lift to make it easier to move him from bed to stroller, to the toilet, to the bath, to the car, and so on. He needs a “cougher” so that if he gets sick he can cough up phlegm. We need an electric wheelchair - Vlad cannot move around in a regular wheelchair himself, but this is his dream - to go outside in a wheelchair himself. And he, like almost all seriously ill children, dreams of the sea. He has never seen him, but often talks to his mother about him.

Angelina loves mathematics and wants to become a fashion designer

Angelina moved to fifth grade. The program is general education, homeschooling and no concessions. She is an excellent student, but Angelina has particular success in mathematics; it comes to her easily and without much stress. After lessons - Internet, games and lesson preparation. Her mother is constantly asked: “Why should she study at all? Live as you live and don’t torture your child.” But for Angelina, studying is a joy. She has younger brother Pasha and sister Veronica. They are healthy and help their mother take care of her sister. Angelina dreams of becoming a fashion designer. She loves her mother, sister and brother and is almost never sad.

Angelina was born in Oshmyany thirteen years ago. Mom, a good house, farming. The girl walked until she was one year old. And then she began to weaken sharply. It took two years to make the correct diagnosis - spinal muscular amyotrophy (SMA) type II.

In Oshmyany there were no qualified specialists who were faced with such a diagnosis, and the ambulance was not always in a hurry when called. And Marina Samusenko, Angelina’s mother, after two years of endless trips from Oshmyany to Minsk and back, decided to move to the capital, where there was a better chance of providing a child with SMA with the necessary medical care. Three years ago, Angelina suffered severe pneumonia, spent five months in the hospital and has been on a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation) ever since.

Angelina lies on the sofa all day. At night, she constantly needs to be turned on her side, then on her back. There is a special call sign, Angelina gives it when she no longer has the strength to lie in one position. Mom always sleeps lightly, and wakes up every half hour or hour to help her daughter. The family lives amicably and modestly. A lot of money is required. Consumables for a ventilator and an electric suction device cost prohibitive amounts for a family and are not reimbursed by the state. The family rents an apartment.

To extend Angelina’s motor functions to the maximum possible period, she needs constant sessions of specialized exercise therapy, massage and hydro-rehabilitation, but due to the high cost this is not available to Angelina. And Angelina always asks for an electric wheelchair with controls; her hands still work, which means she can handle the controls and be able to drive along the sidewalks and go to museums and cinemas.

Margarita doesn’t speak, but her mother understands her at a glance

“Beautiful, smart, strong, sensitive, kind, persistent, our little general,” is the only way Natalya Dalida says about her daughter Margarita. Margarita doesn't talk. Natalya understands everything by facial expressions, sounds, looks, sighs, crying, touches. She can’t even explain it - everything is intuitive and by voice. And this communication is gentle. A teacher comes to Margarita two or three times a week. She had never worked with children with disabilities before, but after meeting Margarita, she specially received training from rehabilitation therapists and speech therapists in order to stay with Margarita. They have been studying for four years now, and the girl likes their classes. Children love Margarita, but adults are not so kind. One told her mother: “Why do you need her? Give it to an orphanage and give birth to a new one for yourself. healthy child" And one day it came from an official: “Disabled people are a burden and problems, but healthy people and those with many children are prospects and a future.”

Margarita was born healthy, was very long-awaited, and everyone was happy. One day Natalya, Margarita’s mother, noticed that her daughter was slightly dropping her head. And it seemed like nothing was wrong, but we turned to a neurologist, who recommended not to find fault with the child. At first they set a delay physical development with complete order with the intellect, no one sounded the alarm, everything went under supervision. When Margarita was one and a half years old, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This was an incorrect diagnosis, but the parents found out about this six months later.

Somehow, unexpectedly, problems with food began. At the sight of food, Margarita began to cry. She spat out and was nervous. Then gastroenterologists got involved: “Let him eat little by little, but the protein is meat, buckwheat porridge.”

Mom began to intensively feed her daughter meat and buckwheat. As a result of the diet, Margarita, a beautiful and active girl at the age of two, fell into a coma. Then came the diagnosis - glutaric acidemia, a disease in which protein must be excluded from food, as it can cause coma. Margarita emerged from a coma, having lost the ability to think and speak. Nutrition is through a tube (in medical language - gastrostomy tube). If the doctors had made the correct diagnosis right away, the girl would have gotten away with a special diet and careful attention to her immune system.

“Sometimes I think: what if I die before her? And I'm scared. Who will take care of her and love her the way I do?”

The lifestyle of Margarita and Natalia has changed dramatically. Natalya left work and became completely involved in caring for the bedridden Margarita. The whole life was adjusted to the needs of the daughter. Things and furniture appeared that never existed with healthy children: a medicine cabinet, wide doorways, specialized electrical appliances. Everything was new, scary and wildly expensive. To live, Margarita needed special food, which costs the equivalent of $500 a month, and at the time of discharge from the hospital she could not receive this food for free.

At a personal meeting they explained to me: “Why do we need to help your one child? We'd rather use this money to buy a hundred syringes for the sick. diabetes mellitus, we’ll buy the same insulin, in terms of money it’s the same as helping one of your children.”

Natalya came a long way in her fight against the state machine, and two years later the state finally purchased this specialized mixture for one year. And then to the next one. And every year Natalya worries whether they will buy it this time.

Her back and joints have become weak because she has to constantly lift and carry her paralyzed daughter. Appeared White hair. And also - the ability to break through “impregnable walls” in the person of officials and civil servants. The ability to defend the rights of the child and receive what is due by law.

I learned to rise from scratch and live again, appreciate simple things and enjoy the little things. Happiness is when I can eat with a spoon, says Natalya. “But sometimes I think: what if I die before her?” And I'm scared. Who will take care of her and love her the way I do?

It’s very difficult for Natalya. After all, the same disability pension does not cover even a tenth of all the material costs necessary to simply support Margarita’s life. Natalya is constantly looking for money for exercise therapy classes, massages, swimming, speech pathologists. For diapers disposable diapers, wet wipes, sterile wipes, antiseptics. Margarita needs a high-quality therapeutic wheelchair; without it, the girl cannot leave the room and cannot breathe air on the street. You should also always have a spare gastrostomy tube and consumables for it, because the one that is in the child can fail at any time.

How can you help

The social charitable public association "Genome" is an association of parents who raise children with incurable genetic neuromuscular and rare diseases. This organization was created in 2013 and at first worked exclusively on a volunteer basis. She collected data throughout Belarus about children with rare and incurable diseases, provided them with psychological support, and helped with raising funds for the most necessary things.

But our experience has shown that until there is a clear system of work, then, having collected funds for one sick child, in his place we simply get another child with the same request, and after him another, and another, but at the same time trained specialists There are no more people who could help these children constantly. But there are more people who need help, and it is becoming more and more difficult to aggregate resources. And in order to aggregate these resources, we need staff, we need the stability of the “Genome”. In the future, we need a real foundation to organize systemic care, improve and not ignore the quality of life of children with rare, lethal genetic neuromuscular diseases, explains Anna Gerina, head of Genome." “But first, we need a permanent staff to systematize the work of Genome and establish stable support for our children and parents.

“Names” announced a fundraiser for the work of the Genome Foundation project, and thanks to your donations, Genome was able to hire a permanent staff. It consists Social worker(he coordinates work with families, analyzes parents’ requests, maintains contact with regular sponsors, leads a group on social networks and answers questions in it), curator of projects (for example, seminars for parents to improve knowledge in caring for children in wheelchairs or seminars, where parents are trained to maintain home ventilators), clerk, accountant. “Genom” also needs to pay for communications, Internet, rental premises, and utility costs. Another part of the expenses is office furniture and equipment. In total for a year of work it is necessary to collect 42,536 rubles. There are already 31,421 rubles in the account.

Thanks to the fact that Genome works systematically, it has already provided and continues to provide assistance to its wards, which is measured in much larger amounts. Here are just a few examples.

Thanks to fundraising, Genome hired a consultant pediatrician who has experience in prescribing medications for children with SMA (rare genetic diseases). The fact is that not all medications that can be used to treat the same common cold in ordinary children are suitable for treating a cold in a child with SMA. You need to understand which drug in a given case can contribute to the development of pneumonia and which cannot. Then monitor the child’s condition daily in order to cancel or, conversely, increase the dosage in time.

“Genome” purchases personal hygiene products for children, specialized food, consumables for artificial lung ventilation devices, and rehabilitation equipment; pays for health rehabilitation for disabled children in medical centers, courses of specialized anti-contracture massage with home visits and visits to the swimming pool for children.

"Genome" provides humanitarian assistance to the families in their care - in just three months, more than three (!) tons of things were delivered to them in the form of clothes, shoes, bed linen, toys, books, personal care products, washing powders, softeners, etc.

Today there are 73 “genome” children in Belarus. Plus families that have adults, that is, already adult children with a rare diagnosis. In total, Genome cares for 120 families. They need our help. Click the “Help” button in this article so that Margarita, Vlad, Angelina and more than a hundred other seriously ill children and adult wards of Genome have a chance to have their dreams come true.

At home, all relatives imagine an angel at the moment they meet and are slightly disappointed when they see something similar to a frog - just as small and helpless. If we talk about the appearance in the first seconds of life, then it does not at all look like the child in the picture and many mothers, especially if this is the first birth, experience fear and slight bewilderment, because they think that something is wrong with their child. To initially prepare mothers, there is a school for young mothers, where a gynecologist will talk about this and much more and psychologically prepare them for an adequate reaction when they see their own child.

Ugly or normal?

When a baby is born, it has a large head and a small body, and this is normal for some time. The head has an ovoid shape, this is what it becomes during passage through the birth canal, this is explained by the fact that the bones of the skull are very soft, and they will take a normal shape after a few days. The vegetation on the head can be very diverse - you can see how complete absence hair, and long hair... The eye color is approximately the same for everyone, reminiscent of a sea wave; during the first year of life it will become clear whose eye color the heir or heiress borrowed. It happens that in the presence of birth edema, the baby cannot fully open his eyes. There is no need to sound the alarm in advance; already on the 5-10th day of life the baby will delight his parents with his big eyes. Parents react especially sharply to their children’s squint. The thing is that the eye muscles will become stronger over time, and by six months this symptom will disappear.

More often, babies are born with fluff all over their body and birth lubricant that looks like a white cream. With the help of this lubricant, it was much easier for the baby to move along the birth canal; the fluff is also intended to provide some protection to the delicate skin and will disappear imperceptibly over time. The red color of the skin indicates that the layer of subcutaneous fat is quite thin and all the vascular webs are simply very noticeable. Already on the second day after birth, after several doses mother's milk, the skin color permanently changes to pale pink.

Due to hypertonicity of the baby's muscles, many mothers sound the alarm in the first days and even hours - why is the baby so crooked, his hands clenched into a fist, his legs bent under his tummy? This fact should not worry adults until about 3-4 months of the child’s life, because this is the norm and does not pose any threat to the health of the newborn.

A mother always falls in love with her baby at first sight, she is not put off by his appearance, not at all. On the contrary, she thinks - how small, defenseless and the most beautiful you are! This is facilitated by changes in hormonal levels immediately after childbirth; maternal instinct begins its eternal, restless work.

The way the fetus develops over the weeks is a real miracle. In just 38-40 calendar weeks embryo of several cells, similar to bunch of grapes, becomes a baby with a very complex body structure. Immediately after giving birth, he begins to use a whole arsenal of skills and reflexes, quickly adapting to new living conditions. In our article - short description the development of the child by day from the very moment of conception, photos of the embryo and features of different months of pregnancy.

Human embryo in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most important and difficult stage in the development of a human embryo. It is at this time that the rudiments of its organs are laid, the nervous and other systems are formed. This period is associated with a large number of risks and requires the expectant mother to special attention to your health and lifestyle.

Embryo growth by week in 1st month of pregnancy

It is not without reason that the first month is considered one of the most important and exciting, because it is now that new life. At the beginning, his pregnancy has not yet actually occurred, but the body of the expectant mother is preparing for it, regulating hormonal levels and the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. All this is necessary not only for conception, but also for normal implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the start of its development.

First trimester - beginning of pregnancy

1-2 week

From the 1st to the 14th day of the new menstrual cycle, the follicle matures in the ovaries, from which the egg is released. He moves along fallopian tube and meets a sperm - one of almost 900 million that enter the vagina. After fertilization, the morula embryo “descends” into the uterine cavity and the endometrium is implanted - approximately on days 12-17 of the cycle. At this point the actual pregnancy begins.

3 week

The fertilized egg continues to divide and grow into the wall of the uterus with lining cells. In parallel with this, the formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins - organs vital for the development of the fetus, through which it will receive nutrients. Now the embryo consists of more than 100 cells.

4 week

At this time, the first “breakthrough” occurs in the child’s development: the formation of all systems of the baby’s future body begins. Especially important stage- formation of the neural tube, from which the brain and the entire nervous system are subsequently formed. The embryo grows to the size of a poppy seed with a diameter of less than 1.5 mm, from which time it is called an embryo. It is intensively implanted into the endometrium, which affects the level of the hCG hormone. It is at 4 weeks that a woman may notice a delay in menstruation and early signs of pregnancy.

Development of a human embryo at 4 weeks of gestation

Embryo development at 2 months

In the second month of pregnancy, fetal development continues every week and is accompanied by significant changes in the structure of its body. During these 4 weeks the umbilical cord will form, neural tube, the rudiments of limbs and fingers, the face will become even more proportional, and the internal organs will differentiate.

5 week

The fifth week is the transition period between 1 and 2 months of pregnancy. Now the embryo has a conditional coccyx-parietal size up to 2.5 mm and weight about 0.4 g. Body systems are rapidly developing: the neural tube is improving, future parts of the brain, lungs, stomach, trachea are being distinguished, blood vessels are growing.

week 6

The embryo grows from 3 to 6 mm, it looks like a fry, because... limbs are not yet developed. The placenta begins to form from the chorionic villi, and hemispheres appear in the brain. The small heart, in which division into chambers occurs, is already contracting, driving blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients for building the body.

week 7

The embryo at this week of development is 13-15 cm long, more than half of the “growth” occurs in the head. Its body still has an arched shape, with a “tail” remaining on the pelvic part. On the upper limbs, which are ahead of the lower ones in formation, the hand and fingers are drawn.

8 week

The size of the embryo increases to 20 mm - the baby grows almost 2 times in just a couple of weeks. He has a brain with two hemispheres and several sections, lung rudiments, a heart, and a digestive system. The face is becoming more and more like a “human” - the eyes, ears, nose and lips, covered by eyelids, are clearly distinguishable.

Photo: what an embryo looks like at 8 weeks of pregnancy

How the fetus develops week by week at 3 months

At this stage of development of the human embryo, its length doubles, with a third of the growth occurring in the head. Gradually, the proportions will change, and now the baby begins to move his arms and legs, foci of ossification appear in the cartilaginous rudiments of the skeleton, the skin becomes less transparent, and is divided into layers in which the rudiments of hair follicles are formed.

Week 9

The ninth week is the transition from the second to the third month of pregnancy. During this time, the child's development day by day will be accompanied by a rapid increase in height from 22 mm at the beginning to 31 mm at the end. The baby’s heart beats at a speed of 150 beats per minute, and the musculoskeletal system improves. The embryo's head is pressed tightly to the chest and appears disproportionately large relative to the body and limbs.

10 week

By the end of this week, the baby will have grown to 35-40 mm according to the CTE, most of the time he will be in a half-bent state. The way the embryo looks also changes: the “tail” disappears, and buttocks form in its place. The baby floats freely inside the uterus and, touching its walls, pushes off with his feet or hands.

11 week

More than 250 thousand new neurons are formed every minute in the embryonic brain. The baby begins to develop the rudiments of baby teeth and nails. His limbs are bent, but the child regularly makes spontaneous movements with them, clenching and unclenching his fists. The iris forms in the eyes.

12 week

The most important event of this week of embryo development is the beginning of the active functioning of the placenta, which protects and nourishes the fetus. Thanks to it, the baby will receive air and all the necessary substances for the growth and construction of his own body.

Embryo development at the end of the first trimester

Stages of embryo development in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all organs are already laid down, they begin to grow and function. During this period, fetal development is “directed” towards rapid growth and improvement of body systems.

How the embryo changes day by day at 4 months

In the fourth month, the way the fetus looks is constantly changing: every day it looks more and more like a human embryo, the limbs gradually lengthen, the head and torso will be more proportional by the middle of the trimester. The baby’s organs are actively developing, forming different body systems.

Week 13

This week of pregnancy is a transition week between the first and second trimester, when, as a rule, the first scheduled screening is prescribed. It is necessary to assess the development of the embryo day by day and exclude pathologies. By this time, the baby has a height of 6.5 to 8 cm and a weight of up to 14 g. The limbs, body and head become more proportional. The musculoskeletal system is actively being built, and the jaw already has the rudiments of 20 teeth.

Week 14

Now the baby receives all its nutrition through the placenta and umbilical cord. It grows up to 8-9 cm, a chin and cheeks are visible on its face, and the first colorless hairs appear on its head. The kidneys begin to secrete urine into amniotic fluid. In girls, the ovaries move into the pelvis; in boys, the prostate gland begins to form.

Week 15

What does the fetus look like on days 99-105 of development? His proportions are approaching normal, CTE increases to 10 cm, and weight - up to 70-75 g. All parts of the face are formed, eyebrows and eyelids can be distinguished, the ears acquire a characteristic shape and relief.

Week 16

The baby's CTE reaches almost 12 cm, and his weight is 100 g by the end of the week. The development of the embryo day by day at this stage is impressive: all its organs are already formed, the heart and kidneys are actively working. The structure of the facial muscles improves, thanks to which the child begins to grimace.

Baby after 16 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the 5th month: how the embryo develops by day

At the 5th month, the baby is growing rapidly, all his organs are gradually involved in their work, different systems of the body are improved and coordinated. In particular, the baby’s movements become more coordinated, and thanks to the increased weight of the fetus, the expectant mother will be able to feel the first movements.

Week 17

The fetus grows up to 12 cm according to the CTE and already weighs about 140 g. This week the baby’s own immunity comes into play, which, together with the placenta, will protect him from negative impact external factors. Thin skin becomes covered with vernix, and subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate underneath it.

Week 18

By the beginning of the week, the baby’s CTE is more than 14 cm, and his weight is from 140 to 200 g. How does the fetus develop day by day? First of all, its proportions change: the limbs grow faster than the head. The hearing aid is active, the child reacts to sharp and loud sounds. The structure of the brain becomes more complex, the transmission of nerve impulses improves, thanks to which movements become more coordinated.

Week 19

The CTE of the fetus increases from 15.3 to 19-20 cm, the weight is on average 240 g. The baby's skin is covered with lanugo fluff. The bronchial tree grows. Sexual and thyroid gland hormones begin to be produced. The entire body is protected by thick vernix lubricant.

Week 20

The development of the fetus by day of this week is associated with changes in its appearance and coordinated work different systems his body. Due to lanugo and the gradual accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the baby's skin becomes less transparent. More than 25 liters of blood passes through the heart per day.

Fetal development by week at 5 months

6th month: how does the human embryo change?

In the sixth month, the structure of the baby’s brain improves. The length of the body and limbs and the size of the head become proportional, and the overall appearance is the same as that of a newborn. Interestingly, by this time the child already has a unique pattern on the pads of his fingers.

21 weeks

By the end of this week, the baby grows to 26.7 cm and weighs about 300 g. His movements are clearly felt, and the child’s daily routine can be traced by his movements. What changes occur in fetal development? Its digestive and excretory systems are trained, acid appears in the stomach, and taste perception is improved.

Week 22

The child’s CTE increases to 28 cm, the weight is already more than 400 g. The volume of subcutaneous fat increases, due to which the fetus becomes more and more like a newborn every day. Thanks to the rapid development of the brain and nervous system, the baby begins to “explore” the surrounding space - he pulls the umbilical cord, evaluates the taste of amniotic fluid, reacts to changes in lighting and different sounds.

Week 23

The baby's height from heels to crown exceeds 29 cm, weight reaches 500 g. How is the fetus developing this week? From the second month, his brain has increased 40 times, reactions to stimuli and movements become logical and coordinated. According to some studies, the child begins to dream.

Week 24

At this stage, the baby grows to 30-32 cm and weighs about 530 g. A surfactant lubricant appears in the lungs, which is necessary for protection during breathing. The cerebral cortex becomes covered with new grooves and convolutions. Subcutaneous fat accumulates more actively.

What does a fetus look like at 6 full months?

Position and development of the fetus at 7 months

In the last month of the second trimester, the baby's skin smooths out, becomes denser and gradually acquires light shade. Subcutaneous fat, vital for normal thermoregulation, accumulates underneath it more and more quickly. The child opens his eyelids more often, exploring the surrounding space and reacting to bright light.

Week 25

The height from crown to heels is about 34.5 cm, and the weight increases to 700 g. The facial features are fully formed. The bone marrow takes over the function of hematopoiesis. Alveoli develop in the lungs - bubbles that will open after the baby's first breath.

Week 26

At this stage, the size of the fetus changes slightly more slowly by day than in previous months. The baby's height is about 35 cm, and his weight is 760-850 g. All systems of his body are “trained” and prepared for work outside the womb. Thanks to the coordinated work of the brain and adrenal cortex, the synthesis of new hormones begins.

Week 27

By this time, the child has gained another 1 cm in height and already weighs about 900 g. He gradually accumulates subcutaneous fatty tissue. The hair on your head, eyelashes and eyebrows may become slightly darker. The organism becomes more and more viable, i.e. even in case premature birth the chances of saving the life and health of the baby increase.

Week 28

The development of the child by the end of the 7th month allows him to survive even outside the mother’s womb in the absence of pathologies in the structure of the organs. He gains enough subcutaneous fat, although for normal independent thermoregulation its volume must increase significantly. At this time, the hemispheres of the brain work more actively; it is already known whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed.

After 7 months, the baby begins to gain subcutaneous fat

Embryo development by week in the 3rd trimester

The last trimester of pregnancy is a time of active accumulation of subcutaneous fat, improvement and coordination of the functioning of body systems. All this is necessary to prepare the child for childbirth and life outside the womb. How does the fetus develop over the weeks?

Fetus at 8 months gestation

In the eighth month, the baby quickly gains weight and continues to grow. His bones and muscular system. The lungs are preparing for breathing, the diaphragm is constantly “training”. The brain is already fully formed, but its structure and functioning are constantly being improved.

Week 29

There is less and less space in the uterus, because the child grows up to 38 cm in height and already weighs more than 1 kg. Because of this, his tremors become more noticeable and can cause discomfort in expectant mother. All systems of his body are actively working, in particular, the kidneys excrete almost 500 ml of urine per day into the amniotic fluid.

Week 30

How does the fetus develop day by day? First of all, he very quickly accumulates subcutaneous fat, which is why his weight increases to 1.3 kg. Gets stronger skeletal system, limbs lengthen, height from crown to heels is more than 39 cm. The skin brightens, folds are gradually smoothed out. The lungs actively produce a protective lubricant called surfactant.

31 weeks

This week the child already weighs more than 1.5 kg and grows up to 40 cm. Based on his activity, one can track his sleep and wakefulness patterns, as well as reactions to external conditions - noise, bright light, lack of fresh air, uncomfortable position moms. The eyes are fully formed, the color of the iris is the same in most babies, it will change after birth within three years.

Week 32

The child's height is 42 cm, weight is about 1.7-1.8 kg. The development of the fetus day by day is aimed at preparing its body for independent functioning. To do this, the recruitment of subcutaneous tissue is accelerated, the respiratory and sucking reflexes are constantly trained, digestion and blood supply are improved. The work of the excretory, nervous and endocrine systems becomes more complicated.

Fetal development at 8 months: the baby already looks like a newborn

9th month: what does the baby look like and develop?

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered by many to be the “finish line.” Indeed, the development of the child by this time makes him viable: the baby will be able to suck milk independently, and the risks of problems with breathing and thermoregulation decrease every day.

Week 33

The child grows to 44 cm and already weighs about 2 kg. He feels cramped, which is why even slight movements are clearly felt. At this time, the baby takes its final position in the uterus - head or feet down. At week 33, the size of the heart increases, the tone of blood vessels increases, and the formation of alveoli in the lungs is almost complete.

34 week

The baby's height increases by another 1 cm, while the weight gain due to the gain of subcutaneous fat can amount to almost 500 g. The baby's musculoskeletal system is strengthened. The bones of the skull are still soft and mobile - this is necessary for passage through the birth canal. Hair on the scalp grows faster and may change color.

Week 35

On average, height from heels to crown is 45 cm, and weight is from 2.2 to 2.7 kg. The child looks well-fed and accumulates more and more subcutaneous fat every day. His fingers are clearly visible nail plates, lanugo vellus hair becomes slightly smaller.

Week 36

The height and weight of babies at this stage can vary widely. The body length is from 46 to 48 cm, and the weight is from 2 to 3 kg. The child's skin becomes smooth and bright, the number of folds decreases. All his organs are ready to work, and the body becomes completely viable.

Baby development by the end of the 9th month: the baby is ready for birth

Child development in the last weeks of pregnancy

The 10th month of pregnancy is an exciting time: labor can begin any day. The development of the child by this time makes him completely viable, and there are no longer any risks to his health during delivery.

Week 37

The baby grows to 49 cm. Every day he gains about 14 g. His appearance will not change before birth. The cartilage in the nose and ears gradually strengthens. The lungs are ripe, the alveoli, protected by surfactant lubricant, are ready for the first breath. The intestines perform periodic contractions to prepare for full peristalsis.

Week 38

The fetus looks exactly like a newborn. His body is fully formed and ready to function. The baby takes its final position in the uterus and rests its head against its base. The bones of the skull are still mobile: thanks to this, the child will be able to pass through the birth canal.

Week 39

The baby gains 20-25 g per knock, his height can vary from 50 to 55 cm. He “sinks” into the pelvis and begins to put pressure on its bones. The limbs, body length and head dimensions are completely proportional. All senses are well developed.

Week 40

By this time, the development of the fetus is completed - it is ready for birth, has all the necessary reflexes to maintain health and nutrition. This week the placenta gradually ages, and hormonal changes in a woman’s body, the natural process of childbirth is triggered.

Everyone admires world stars. What about their children? Today we will tell you about the children of the most famous and famous celebrities. They keep up with their parents, and looking at them, it becomes clear from whom they inherited this appearance! So, let's go!

Alain Delon

For a long time, this famous actor was a favorite of women. He has been called the most attractive actor in the world more than once! Delon left his genetic set to his son, Alain-Fabien Delon. The guy’s appearance is absolutely model-like: is it any wonder that with such external data he shines on the catwalks today?

Alec Baldwin

The famous actor Alec Baldwin has several children. His daughter, Ailrend, has been shining on blue screens for a long time and fashion shows. Because of her truly outstanding appearance, the girl is often invited to star in various films. By the way, at this time Baldwin had other children growing up who would probably choose a career as an actor!

Jude Law

Who would have thought that the forever young Jude Law already has three children? By the way, Iris, his eldest daughter, is already professionally engaged in modeling. And her brothers, Paris and Dylan Lowe, look great too! Who knows, maybe they will decide to become models in the future?

Clint Eastwood

The son of cult actor Clint Eastwood, Scott, is very similar to his father. The guy definitely decided to follow the beaten path of his star dad. He is already acting in films and TV series. We are sure that Scott has a great future ahead of him!

Antonio Banderas

The famous actor is known primarily for his role as Zorro in the cult film series. Antonio Banderas has been called a sex symbol of both Spain and the whole world more than once! Is it any wonder that his daughter (born from actress Melanie Griffith) is so beautiful? Hardly!