16 weeks pregnant what happens to the fetus. How do they do it, do they need preparation? Other possible problems of this period include

Toxicosis and other unpleasant sensations associated with the expectation of a child recede by this period, and future mom can enjoy relative peace and comfort. Usually, during the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman does not encounter problems.

How does the baby develop

The size of the fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy is comparable to the size of an avocado. The size of the child's body is 10.8-11.6 cm, and the weight is 80-100 g ... He continues to develop continuously. The 16th week of pregnancy is associated with the following changes:

  1. The child begins to move actively. If the girl is in interesting position, she may not notice the movement of the fetus. However, women who are pregnant for the second and subsequent times can already feel the baby moving.
  2. The neck of the fetus is strengthened. The unborn child begins to hold his head straight.
  3. It is possible to determine the sex of the fetus with high accuracy. To do this, you need to undergo an ultrasound.
  4. The child begins to actively gesticulate. The fetus often opens its mouth.
  5. The child's heart is active. It pumps over about 25 liters. blood per day.
  6. Internal organs are actively formed. The liver is responsible for the digestive function. Gradually, the organs of the digestive tract begin to function. However, at week 16, they are not yet fully operational.
  7. The first contents appear in the baby's intestines. It is composed entirely of bile.
  8. The kidneys begin to function bladder.
  9. The composition of the blood is completely formed. The child's brain is responsible for hematopoiesis at week 16. There is a determination of the blood type of the fetus and its Rh factor.
  10. In the blood of the fetus, hemoglobin of newborns is still preserved. It will completely disappear only six months after the birth of the child.

When the 16th week comes, a little more than 14 weeks or 3.5 months have passed since the conception of the baby.

Changes in a woman's body

As the child changes, so does the mother. If you carefully observe yourself at the 16th week of pregnancy, you can notice changes in well-being and appearance:

The hormonal background at week 16 becomes more stable. This is reflected in the mood of the girl. It no longer changes so rapidly. Improving and general state well-being.

Symptoms of the 16th week of pregnancy

During the 16th week of pregnancy, there is much more blood in the body of the expectant mother than usual. Its increased volume leads to rounding of the cheeks and a more pronounced lip pattern. The skin takes on a pink tint. Others may begin to notice that the expectant mother began to look much better. A woman during the 16th week of pregnancy looks healthy and vigorous.

The main symptom of the 16th week of pregnancy is the ability to feel the movements of the fetus for the first time. However, a girl who is expecting a baby for the first time may not notice his movements. Experts do not advise to worry if it was not possible to feel the child. Some mothers feel for the first time motor activity fetus only on .

There are other symptoms that indicate that the girl has been expecting a baby for 16 weeks. These include:

  • the volume of the body of the expectant mother increases;
  • increased appetite;
  • a girl may feel pleasant excitement for no apparent reason;
  • the general condition of the body improves;
  • new moles or age spots may appear on the body.

At week 16, the girl's gait may become "proud" or "duck." This is due to the fact that the center of gravity of the body shifts as a result of the increased volume of the uterus.

Possible occurrence and unpleasant symptoms. The girl may experience rhinitis. During pregnancy, you will not be able to completely get rid of the problem. You can only alleviate your condition with the help of washing. Rhinitis, which appeared during the 15-16th week of pregnancy, will pass on its own when the baby is born.

Feelings at 16 weeks pregnant

By week 16, toxicosis usually ends. The woman does not experience constant nausea. Appetite improves. However, the expectant mother may experience discomfort associated with bowel problems. The uterus puts more pressure on nearby internal organs. This leads to constipation and intestinal disorders.

At week 16, causeless nosebleeds may occur. The phenomenon can be repeated with a certain frequency. A woman may also notice increased bleeding of the gums.

The amount of vaginal discharge increases. Their color can vary from transparent to whitish. This phenomenon is considered normal and should not cause concern. A woman is obliged to carefully monitor hygiene. Ignoring the generally accepted rules of self-care during pregnancy can lead to a fungal infection. Its presence is evidenced by the changed color of the discharge. They become greenish or grayish and exude bad smell. Inhomogeneous discharge may also indicate the presence of a problem.

During pregnancy, the girl should carefully monitor her condition. The appearance of secretions Brown or blood in them should cause concern. It is worth visiting a doctor immediately. The presence of a symptom may indicate the existence of a risk of abortion.

By week 16, most of the pain associated with the changes taking place in the body should pass. The girl can only experience discomfort in the lumbar region caused by increased load. Pain in the lumbar region should not be associated with urination and fever. If this is the case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pain in this case may indicate a developing kidney disease -.

During the 16th week, the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen should not disturb the girl. Similar state characteristic of the period before childbirth. If pulling sensations occur during the 16th week of pregnancy, this may indicate an increased tone of the uterus. This condition can be the result of physical exertion or stress. If you experience a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of a miscarriage.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 16th week of pregnancy, a repeated prenatal screening. This comprehensive examination doctors usually prescribe at 16-20 obstetric weeks. However, the optimal period for its implementation is the period from 16 to 18 weeks.

During screening, a woman should do a blood test and. Studies are performed to determine the level of alpha-fetoprotein and free estriol.

An obligatory part of the examination is the passage of ultrasound. Based on the results of all procedures, specialists check whether the obtained indicators coincide with the norm, and determine the likelihood of the risk of occurrence chromosomal abnormalities. If the potential for problems is high, a late amniocentesis may be ordered. During the procedure, the doctor collects amniotic fluid using a special needle.

Ultrasound at week 16 allows you to accurately determine the sex of the fetus. If parents do not want to know in advance whether they will have a boy or a girl, the doctor will not provide this information. A young mother who wants to see a child may ask a specialist to take a photo of the fetus. Modern technologies allow you to see the unborn baby in advance.

Possible dangers at 16 weeks pregnant

As during the 15th week, the risks of complications for the expectant mother or child during this period of pregnancy are low. However, the risk of pathology cannot be ruled out. There is a risk of termination or the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy. Some experts are of the opinion that pathologies at 16-18 weeks appear more often than in other periods of waiting for the birth of a child.

The risk of problems increases if a woman has experienced a fetal freeze and is now pregnant again.

To find out in advance if there is a problem, you should know. These include:

  • mammary glands lose elasticity;
  • the discharge becomes brown or contains blood;
  • in the lower abdomen, pain is observed, which is characterized by a cramping character;
  • a girl may feel that her right or left side hurts, and also pulls her lower back;
  • there is an increase in the general temperature and a decrease in the basal.

Often, due to the cessation of the development of the child, the girl begins to bleed, followed by the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. However, in some cases, the help of specialists may be required.

Such a state is dangerous. If a girl has revealed at least one of the above signs, you should immediately contact a specialist. The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

During the 16th week of pregnancy, an increase in the tone of the uterus is possible. If a girl feels that she is pulling her lower abdomen, or there are other unpleasant sensations, you should immediately contact a specialist. Do not put off a visit to the doctor until later. Ignoring the problem can lead to a miscarriage.

To minimize the likelihood of problems and discomfort, a woman should follow the recommendations of specialists:

  1. The amount of salt in the daily menu is better to reduce. This will minimize the chance of swelling.
  2. When preparing food, you should follow all the rules of hygiene. You can use only fresh and high-quality products. Even small deviations from the rules of cooking and sanitary norms can lead to disruption of the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Experts advise not to neglect hand washing. This will minimize the likelihood of infection in the body.
  3. and diarrhea are the first symptoms of poisoning. If they occur, do not self-medicate. You need to visit a specialist immediately. If a girl experiences nausea at the 16th week of pregnancy, this should also be a reason to visit a gynecologist.
  4. It is worth starting the use of a vitamin-mineral complex. Its selection should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. developing fetus requires a large number nutrients. To provide the future baby with everything necessary, a woman should include fresh fruits and vegetables in her daily menu. But the number of sweets should be reduced.
  5. From shoes to high heels must be abandoned. When wearing it, there is a high risk of falling. Neglect of advice can cause injury and complications.
  6. Drinking is not recommended. It is better to give preference to weak tea, juice or fruit drink.
  7. It is recommended to sleep on the left side. Sleeping on your stomach or back is contraindicated.
  8. Do not forget about rest. After 40-45 minutes of work, it is worth taking breaks. Its duration should be 15-20 minutes, if circumstances permit. Strenuous mental or physical labor should also be abandoned.
  9. You should not travel during pregnancy. Travel can be cancelled. The law grants such a right to a girl.

The 16th week of pregnancy is associated with an improvement in the general well-being of a woman. Toxicosis passes, appetite improves. The child during this period is the formation of internal organs. He begins to move actively. It is worth paying special attention to the state of health during the 16th week of pregnancy. Timely response to the occurrence of problems will minimize the likelihood of pathologies.

Four full obstetric months is exactly 16 weeks of pregnancy. The age of the fetus, respectively, is 14 weeks. Week 16 is part of the second trimester.

For this difficult, but such important period, in the body of the expectant mother and the baby growing inside her, there was a mass of all kinds of wonderful changes.

The fetus continues to grow rapidly, and the tummy, in turn, is more and more rounded. The second trimester, unlike the previous one, continues to please with a stable emotional state and absence. The time has come when the mother's body concentrates all its forces on the work, perhaps even more active than before, namely the immune system.

The most important thing at 16 weeks pregnant

Child size:

  • Growth: Normally, the fetus stretches up to 108 - 116 mm;
  • Weight: norm (average parameters) about 80 g;
  • Pulse: average rate from 140 to 160 beats per minute;
  • BDP (biparietal head size)– from 31 mm to 37 mm;
  • LZR (fronto-occipital head size)- from 41 mm to 49;
  • OB (abdominal circumference of the child)- 102 mm.


The 16th week of pregnancy (according to the obstetric calendar) suggests, basically, good health and, accordingly, normal emotional condition. Loads can still provoke a feeling of fatigue or weakness. But it all happens in mild form. After a short rest, these sensations, if everything is normal, pass.

Constant weakness and fatigue, as well as pain, at this time, in the lower abdomen, are the reason for seeking the advice of a doctor.

In some cases, especially when carrying twins, nausea and even vomiting may occur. If unpleasant symptoms continue, then you should also consult a specialist.

During the period of 16 weeks, some women feel the first movement of the fetus. If this is the first pregnancy, then it is difficult to understand what exactly this long-awaited event is happening. After all, it resembles rather the fluttering of a butterfly inside. The kid first reminds of himself with very soft and light jolts.

If the movements are not felt, then this is also considered the norm. Many women begin to experience fetal movement only by the 20th week.

Physiological changes

Physiological changes continue to occur in the body of the expectant mother. They concern different systems and organs.

What happens in a woman's body?

  1. First of all, the fetus continues to grow, and accordingly the uterus and stomach. In the uterus, the amount of so-called amniotic fluid also increases. At 16 weeks, the uterus is located between the navel and pubic bone. Its growth provokes stretching and thickening of the ligaments. Against this background, a pregnant woman may experience pain in the lumbar region, in the hips and even in the groin.
  2. A feature of this period is considered to be a more noticeable manifestation of age spots on the body, which disappear some time after childbirth.
  3. Frequent urination, if the pregnancy is within the normal range, at this time is no longer a concern. But slowness in the work of the intestines often leads to constipation, which should not be allowed.
  4. Continues to change its size in the direction of increasing the mammary gland. During this period, the chest still remains sensitive, but it is the painful sensations that gradually weaken.
  5. If nothing bothers, and it should be so during a normal pregnancy, then the woman's appetite increases. A complete, but without overeating, nutrition is important both for the expectant mother and for the intensively developing fetus.
  6. At this time, the need for the body of the expectant mother in iodine increases. During this period, the intake of multivitamins and foods rich in iodine is indicated.
  7. Due to increased metabolism, it is considered normal for 0.1 - 0.2 degrees during this period (16 obstetric weeks) to increase the body temperature of a pregnant woman. It is recommended to measure twice a day.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

The main achievement of the baby on this period is his ability to make different facial movements - now he knows how to frown when he doesn’t like something, squint and smile, while good mood. The kid has already learned to hold his head straight, gesticulate with his hands and open his mouth.

At this time, the entire body of the child is already covered with fluff, which in medicine is called lanugo. He protects skin baby, which are covered with a secret, and remains on the body until the very change of its fine hairs. Sometimes lanugo remains on the baby's back for some time after birth.

The 16th week of pregnancy is characterized by the beginning of the formation of the voice-forming apparatus. But, the ability to make sounds in a child will appear only by childbirth.

This week, the baby's intestines lengthen and begin to twist into loops, the external genitalia begin to form.

The sensitivity of the skin at this period is very high and in response to its irritation, the baby clenches his fists. The reason for this is the development nervous system.

During this week, the child's arms become more proportional to the body, and the legs are still short.

His heart is already passing through itself about 25 liters of blood per day. The urinary system continues to function actively.

Weight gain

Permissible weight gain for the mother at the current term is 450-550 g. The total average increase in body weight from the beginning of pregnancy to week 16 can be from 2.2 to 4.7 kg. This figure will directly depend on the physique and height of the expectant mother. Well, with multiple pregnancies, these figures are almost twice as high.

belly size

Mom's tummy at this time is already noticeably rounded. But, if you successfully choose the style of clothing, it is quite possible to hide it from the surrounding views. The uterus at this time weighs approximately 250 g, and the location is 7 cm below the umbilical level.

Analyzes and examinations

At this stage, according to the pregnancy plan, the expectant mother will be assigned a number of tests.

She will have to donate blood for alpha-fetoprotein (in order to identify the risks of developing defects in a child), for the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (in order to determine possible violations during pregnancy, including its fading).

In addition, you need to do a urine test for the presence of protein in it, and other pathological phenomena. Blood pressure, body weight and belly size will be monitored.

Amniocentesis is also scheduled for this week of pregnancy and is an analysis of amniotic fluid. Its purpose is to identify various genetic disorders in a child. fence amniotic fluid is associated with a certain risk, and therefore this type of research can be carried out only with the full consent of the expectant mother.

An ultrasound examination will be scheduled according to the plan in order to remove different sizes fetus. By the way, during this period, the level of the possibility of determining the sex of the baby is already high.

objective data

The height of the bottom of the uterus at this time is 14-16 cm. The very same tummy of a pregnant woman looks like a slightly vertically elongated ball.

In addition, a woman at this time will be prescribed tests for TORCH infections (, gonococcus, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV, rubella virus and cytomegalovirus). Based on the results of these studies, an assessment will be made of the strength of the immune system of the expectant mother and the level of probability of fetal infection. The evaluation of these results is carried out by a dermatologist.

Ultrasound examination

At this time, ultrasound can show the sex of the child, the most exact dates pregnancy (according to the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus), as well as control the weight of the child.

HCG at 16 weeks pregnant

At this time, hormone levels chorionic gonadotropin a person should be in the range of 6140 - 103000 mIU / ml.

Factors affecting the fetus

Narcotic substances, alcohol, inhaled air mist and others chemical substances, anabolic steroids, antibacterial agents tetracycline and other drugs, ionizing radiation in any form - all these are factors that can cause irreparable damage to the development of a child inside the womb.

It is also necessary to reduce the intensity of physical activity so as not to provoke fetal fading and miscarriage.

Professional sports with elements of competition also have a negative impact. It is important to exclude such activities at the beginning of pregnancy and switch to regular physical education with moderate physical activity.

Possible complications of pregnancy

Given the fact that the uterus is putting more and more pressure on the intestines, a woman may have problems with digestion. These will include: bloating, heartburn, constipation. All these conditions are corrected with the help of a properly selected diet.

What can be the selection?

Normal vaginal discharge at this time are colorless or whitish mucous membranes, yellowish discharge. In the event of unusual discharge, it is urgent to contact your doctor for diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Periodic back pain is not a danger during pregnancy. But, if they are accompanied by a rise in body temperature, this may be a signal for the development of an abortion. In this case, the woman needs to be hospitalized.

At this stage of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the rest regimen. You can not overwork much, and try to rest more. Remember, rest can be moderately active, for example, walking in the fresh air.

You need to rethink your wardrobe and choose clothes that are more loose-fitting. You can’t already wear tight-fitting clothes this week that hinder movement and squeeze your stomach.


Nutrition at this stage of pregnancy should be balanced. To prevent intestinal disorders (constipation and heartburn), you need to include in the diet as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the level of calcium in the body, which is contained in dairy products.


Be sure to start taking multivitamin complexes, but only after the recommendations and appointment of a doctor leading the pregnancy. He will make appointments based on the indicators of the tests passed.

Reception continues folic acid, and vitamin D.

Even last week, you should stop taking iodine-containing vitamins.


If the expectant mother feels well, sexual relations are not forbidden to her. Intimacy should be abandoned only in case of poor health, with pain in the lower abdomen, lower back.


Moderate physical exercise for a pregnant woman at this time will only benefit. Swimming or outdoor activities are recommended. You can also continue to attend gymnastics classes for pregnant women, in a group of women with the appropriate period.

Medicines and medical procedures

Medicines are prohibited for use during pregnancy. In cases of a cold or any other disease, it is necessary that only the attending physician prescribe the treatment, taking into account the position of the woman and all the peculiarities of the course of her pregnancy.

16 weeks pregnant with IVF

At this stage of pregnancy after in vitro fertilization, the risk of miscarriage or miscarriage is already significantly reduced. Almost all symptoms of toxicosis recede. The mood of the expectant mother rises and emotional background improves significantly.

Otherwise, such a pregnancy proceeds without features that distinguish it from pregnancy with natural conception.

Features of multiple pregnancy

To features multiple pregnancy at this time, only a significant increase in the uterus and abdomen of a woman applies. Otherwise, it proceeds as calmly and without much difficulty as a singleton pregnancy.

Reminders and useful adviсe

  1. Don't forget about prevention proper nutrition, but not in any case the independent use of laxatives);
  2. Do not forget to buy clothes for pregnant women, let your trips to specialized stores become joyful and pleasant event;
  3. Avoid stressful situations;
  4. Take enough time to rest;
  5. At night, it is recommended to sleep only on your side, so as not to squeeze your stomach, you can put a soft pillow under your feet;
  6. Limit your communication with people that are unpleasant for you, but rather try to avoid it altogether, fill yourself with good emotions, watch good films, read positive literature;
  7. In all situations, try to remain calm and composure.

Photo of tummies

Photo ultrasound scans

Video about 16 weeks pregnant

The kid has already grown up and got stronger enough, his organs and systems are actively developing, the skeleton is being formed, due to which he can already hold his head evenly. In girls, the laying of eggs occurs, the ovaries take their place in the pelvis, the amount of urine separated by the fetus gradually increases. This increases the amount of amniotic fluid, and speeds up the mother's metabolism in order to more actively remove the waste products of the fetus. The tummy has begun to grow and is already protruding a little, it's time to get screened for fetal malformations - a triple test. Very soon you will be able to feel the first stirrings.

What happens to the body at week 16

The sixteenth week of pregnancy corresponds to the second trimester, this is the fourth obstetric month. Now your position is becoming more and more noticeable, and soon you will reach the equator of pregnancy, there are only four weeks left. Now the tummy is already protruding a little, although in spacious clothes it is still imperceptible. Toxicosis completely stupefied, he was replaced by a good appetite and a period of weight gain. The waist is already rounded and smoothed, your spring look is gorgeous. Many women literally bloom, hair becomes thicker, nails become stronger. The baby is actively growing and developing, all the threats of the first trimester have passed, and you have become calmer. The placenta has formed and taken over the functions of producing hormones, and by this time supportive drugs (duphaston or utrozhestan) are usually canceled, vitamins and mineral supplements remain, calcium, iron and iodine can be prescribed.

Fetal development at the sixteenth week: weight, size and gender

The baby is already quite big - it is still measured from the crown of the head to the coccyx (KR of the fetus), which is about 11-12 cm, while he has already gained about 110-120 grams. Due to the active intake of calcium through the placenta, the skeleton is strengthened, the legs become longer than the handles, strengthen, nails form on the fingers of the limbs. Due to the formation of the vertebrae, the baby can already support the neck straight, and the head does not lean towards the chest. Gradually, the ears and eyes are approaching their rightful places, making the face more expressive and beautiful.

The internal organs are actively working - the heart pumps blood through the vessels, it can be up to 24 liters per day, and the liver has taken over the digestive functions instead of hematopoietic ones, and is now actively producing the first bile. The stomach and intestines are included in the work, they are joined gallbladder. So far, they digest only small portions of amniotic fluid, gradually forming meconium in the intestines, the original feces (it will only pass after childbirth). Meconium is made up of digested cells and amniotic fluid mixed with bile and is dark green or almost black in color. The kidneys are actively functioning, they supply urine to the bladder, which the baby releases into the amniotic fluid every 40-60 minutes. Due to this, the amount of amniotic fluid increases and they are actively updated up to ten times a day. The bone marrow is completely ready for work, and it has taken away the functions of hematopoiesis from the liver, now all blood cells are produced in the fetus, the blood group and the Rh factor are determined. there is a lot of special fetal hemoglobin circulating in the blood now to maintain sufficient oxygen, which will disappear immediately after birth. There is still little ordinary hemoglobin, since it is fetal hemoglobin that can carry many oxygen molecules.

The external genitalia are already well developed, and sex can be determined, girls are actively laying eggs in the ovaries, boys develop testicles, but they are located deep in abdominal cavity and will descend into the scrotum closer to birth.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Now pregnancy feels like the most pleasant time - no more debilitating nausea and vomiting, less need to go to the toilet so often, soreness and tenderness in the breasts disappear, although the breasts continue to grow, preparing for the feeding process. normal course Pregnancy is almost no discomfort. There is a sharp emotionality and anxiety, a feeling of eternal lethargy and drowsiness, strength and mood appear, a feeling of calmness and slowness comes. No sudden changes mood due to hormonal background Gradually, the wife is immersed in her happy motherhood, forming in the brain a special “dominant of pregnancy.” This is a special state of the body that directs all its forces towards a favorable outcome, protecting it from unnecessary extraneous thoughts and feelings. Appetite appears after a long period of its almost complete absence due to toxicosis, the pregnant woman begins to eat well and gain weight, often not caring about her figure at all. But you need to be reasonable in food, so as not to gradually gain too much.

In this period, thin mothers or multiparous women can feel the first, barely noticeable movements of the fetus. They are so light that they are often mistaken for the work of the intestines, but gradually the mother learns to distinguish them from everything else. But if you don’t feel the movements yet, this does not mean that the process is proceeding incorrectly - children are different, and the time for feeling the first movements ranges from 16 to 20 weeks, you will soon feel them.

Condition of the uterus

The growth of the uterus is intensive and it has reached a weight of 250 grams, while it is already well felt through the abdominal wall, as it has risen from the scarlet pelvis, now its bottom is determined approximately 7 cm below the navel. At each appointment, the doctor will determine the standing of the bottom, and compare it with the term. Also, the doctor will feel the tone and consistency of the uterus, determine the position of the fetus and parts of its body. Measurements of the circumference of the abdomen are also made, which also have a certain growth dynamics. The growth of the uterus leads to pressure on the intestines and its displacement towards the spine. This can disrupt its normal peristalsis and lead to bloating, heartburn, or constipation.

The growth of the uterus leads to the appearance of a small rounded tummy, distinctly protruding forward. During the first pregnancy, the tummy may be smaller, and during repeated pregnancies, it is usually more visible due to the extensibility of the abdominal muscles and ligaments. Shows through more clearly pigment streak from the pubis to the navel, it will be with you until childbirth, and then gradually disappear.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks

One of the most exciting events for expectant parents every time is an ultrasound. It helps to see the baby, to see his body parts and face, movements, movements and reactions to external stimuli. The baby can already express dissatisfaction or joy with facial expressions. The sex is determined, it is also possible to see the baby during a 3D ultrasound. The doctor measures certain indicators on ultrasound - height and weight, the amount of amniotic fluid, the girth of the head and chest, the length of the bones. This gives an idea of proper development and deadline. The doctor also carefully examines the structure of the placenta and the place of its attachment, the walls of the uterus and the area of ​​​​its neck, the blood flow in the umbilical cord.

Discharge from the genital tract

The abundance of secretions increases somewhat, but they are still whitish or transparent, of a uniform consistency and practically odorless. This is a way to protect the cervix from penetration of an infection from the vagina into it, there should not be any discomfort with such secretions. If there is a burning sensation in the genital or vaginal area, itching and redness, pain in the lower abdomen - this may be a sign of infections. Signs of infection can also be a change in the consistency of the discharge - it can be cheesy or heterogeneous, the appearance of green, yellowish or gray color, mucus, lumps or foam in the discharge, as well as the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The probability of colpitis or vulvovaginitis is also not excluded. All of them require immediate treatment in order to exclude the penetration of infection into the fetal membranes.

Personal hygiene and washing of the genitals is especially important for the prevention of violations of the vaginal microflora. It is necessary to wear exclusively breathable natural underwear.

Dangerous can be brown discharge, indicating the appearance of blood. This may be due to erosion, placental abruption, or other threats. Especially dangerous bloody issues or the appearance of scarlet blood, this may be a placental abruption or a sign of an abortion. An ambulance must be called immediately.

What tests to take

At week 16, you will have to take tests, and these are not only standard blood and urine, but blood biochemistry, coagulation. A screening blood test (triple test) is also prescribed, in which the levels are determined:

  • AFP (alpha-fetoprotein),
  • hCG level,
  • the level of NE (unconjugated estriol).

Progesterone is no longer determined, since its level is indicative and does not give important information. But the previous indicators, if there is a significant deviation from the norm, sometimes indicate a deviation in the development of the fetus, they suggest the presence of malformations or developmental defects, chromosomal abnormalities, anencephaly, Down syndrome, craniocerebral hernia or defects in the spine. But only the data of analyzes is not a sentence, they can be wrong. However, deviations in these analyzes indicate the need for additional invasive diagnostic methods. These include amniocentesis - sampling of amniotic fluid for a detailed study of the composition.Under the control of ultrasound, a puncture of the uterus is performed with the introduction of a needle and sampling of material, which makes it possible to identify up to 40 different malformations. However, such a study is associated with the risk of termination of pregnancy, therefore, this test is decided only with serious suspicions and the question of the future fate of the pregnancy. If a woman does not want to conduct it, she has the right to refuse.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

Usually during this period there are no pain in the abdomen or lower back, since the abdomen is still small and the center of gravity is not greatly displaced. However, discomfort may occur, extending to the right side or left, due to the tension of the wide ligaments of the uterus. These sensations are weak, inconsistent and disappear after changing the position of the body.

When wearing shoes with heels, long standing work or health problems, lower back pain can occur. In such cases, you need to rest as much as possible, raising your legs or lying down. It is worth choosing a comfortable sleeping position for yourself, now you can’t sleep on your stomach, you can sleep on your back or on your side. Sometimes sleeping on your back can cause back pain and dizziness.

Pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature can be dangerous - these can be signs of uterine tone or inflammation of the bladder. It is worth visiting a doctor and being examined.

Cold and runny nose

At this time, the placenta is already actively functioning and does not allow viruses and microbes to pass to the fetus, so at this time the cold is no longer so terrible. But in itself, a runny nose, cough and fever can be dangerous in terms of negative impact on the baby, including due to medication. With a cold, if the temperature rises, strict bed rest and a doctor's call, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. Mandatory fight against the common cold, as shortness of breath leads to fetal hypoxia. Cough is no less dangerous, due to the tension of the anterior abdominal wall, it can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.


By this time, you can add about two to three kilograms, although so far the weight can be restored even after loss due to toxicosis of the first trimester. From this period, the weight will arrive quickly enough due to a good appetite, but you should not gain too much weight either, especially with a tendency to be overweight. In this regard, proper nutrition becomes relevant.

It also requires a full four or five meals a day in small portions with light snacks between main meals. for a pregnant woman, a full hot breakfast, lunch with a first course, should be mandatory, but dinner can be made lighter. Between meals, it is good to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, juices and dairy products. If you really want to eat, you can drink kefir or yogurt at night.

There are no strong dietary restrictions, only alcohol is strictly prohibited. Strongly salty and spicy dishes should be gradually excluded from the diet, they provoke thirst and puffiness. You should also avoid smoked fried foods, heavy for digestion, marinades and pickles, a large number of sweets and flour dishes. It is worth giving up carbonated drinks and fast food products, they will not bring benefits, and there are an excess of calories in them, they give bloating and heartburn. Pregnant women are especially dangerous food poisoning Therefore, you need to eat only fresh food, carefully check all the expiration dates of the products, its good quality in appearance and smell. In the diet, meat and fish dishes, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, eggs, cheeses are required.

Additional nutritional supplements of vitamin-mineral complexes are shown, with special attention to such substances as iodine, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Sex in the sixteenth week

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, sexual relations between partners are not prohibited, they will bring new sensations and diversify the life of a pregnant woman. This auspicious time for making love, the tummy is still small and does not interfere with sex, the choice of positions largely depends on your preferences. Do not be afraid to harm the baby, it is reliably protected by the cervix and amniotic fluid, and the release of pleasure hormones will benefit both the mother herself and her baby. Feelings during sex can change in better side- fear disappears, the woman becomes more relaxed and sensual, due to the blood filling of the genitals. Feelings may be more intense.

Contraindications for sex at 16 weeks may be the threat of termination of pregnancy, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, or low placentation with the threat of detachment.

Signs of a missed pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy is a stop of intrauterine development of the fetus for a certain period, usually this occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, but it is possible at 16-18 weeks. with a missed pregnancy, the child dies in utero as a result of infection, chromosomal pathology or developmental anomalies that are incompatible with life, the influence of external negative factors. This is a difficult test for any woman.

With a frozen pregnancy, the stomach stops growing and the bottom of the uterus rises, the sensations in the chest disappear, the fetal heartbeat is not heard and its movements are not noted. In the presence of exact signs a missed pregnancy must be interrupted, since a dead fetus can become a source of infection for the uterus and the mother's body. Carry out the procedure of artificial abortion for medical reasons. In the future, long-term rehabilitation and planning of pregnancy at least a year later is necessary.

16 obstetric week is 14 weeks from conception - the embryonic gestational age, as well as 16 weeks from the start of the last menstruation. The baby has already grown so much that it is already with a high probability that you can determine who will be born to you, a boy or a girl.

Fruit size

What happens to the fetus

Small hands constantly try to grab the leg, other handle or umbilical cord. Do not worry, the umbilical veins of the cord are reliably protected by a special mucous film. The kid is not able to damage them or accidentally pinch them. And if you have not just a pregnancy, but a twin pregnancy - 16 weeks, this is the period when the babies in the womb begin to actively “communicate”, grabbing each other. At the same time, the muscular system is also being improved - constantly unbending the knee, elbow, hip joints kid is exercising. Immediately after birth, the baby will not be able to move at such an intense pace as it is now, because, as you know, it is much easier to make movements in water.

The organs that were laid down earlier are actively working and at the same time developing very quickly. All organs and systems are actively working, the heart pumps blood, the liver performs the functions of digestion. In training mode, the gallbladder, stomach and intestines work. In the intestines, the original feces appear, consisting of bile and having a dark green color. The work of the kidneys and bladder is coordinated. The fetus urinates into the amniotic fluid approximately every fifteen minutes. At the same time, hemoglobin appears in the blood of the fetus, the same as in an adult, but its content is very low. Only by childbirth will it approach 30%.

What does a child look like

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to actively grow the bones of the limbs, the legs and arms are increasingly stretched in length.

At 16 weeks of gestation, the baby already holds his head straight, his facial muscles are formed, and he involuntarily winks, frowns and opens his mouth. Your baby is rapidly gaining weight. His body has become more proportional, although the photo shows that his head is still quite large. Whitish hairs appeared on the head. Soon hair follicles will begin to produce pigment, and your child will acquire a hair color determined by nature.

He knows how to spread his fingers, suck his thumb, move his head, make swallowing movements and already knows the basic facial movements. Thanks to the active supply of nutrients and the saturation of amniotic fluid, the fetus develops rapidly. The genital organs are already well developed, and ultrasound can already determine the sex with a high probability.

The size of the fetus is now about 14-16 centimeters, we are talking about the distance from the crown to the coccyx. The weight of the baby already exceeds 100 grams.

Fetal development

  • Calcium is already sufficient for the formation of bones, the joints of the legs and arms have formed, and the process of hardening of the bones has begun.

  • The body and face are completely covered with fluff (lanugo).

  • The skin of the child is still very thin, and through it shine through blood vessels.

  • You can already determine the sex of the unborn child.

  • The baby moves a lot and sucks his thumb, although the woman may not feel it yet.

  • The fetal chest makes respiratory movements, and his heart beats twice as fast as his mother's.

  • The fingers are already acquiring their unique skin pattern.

  • Marigolds are formed - long and sharp.

  • The bladder is emptied every 40 minutes.

  • The weight of the baby reaches from 75 to 115 grams.

  • Height - about 17 cm.

  • The movements of the child become more coordinated. The baby can already swallow, suck, turn his head, stretch, spit, yawn and even fart. And also clench your fingers into fists and play with legs and arms.

  • The umbilical cord is strong and elastic, capable of withstanding a load of up to 5–6 kg. By the 16th week of pregnancy, its length is already 40–50 cm, and its diameter is about 2 cm.

  • Neurons (nerve cells) are actively gaining growth. Their number increases by 5000 units every second.

  • The adrenal cortex makes up 80 percent of the total mass. They are already producing right amount hormones.

  • The work of the pituitary gland begins, the control of the nervous system by the baby's body becomes more noticeable.

  • In girls at 16 weeks of gestation, the ovaries descend into the pelvic area, the fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina are formed. In boys, the external genitalia are formed, but the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity.

  • The baby is still breathing through the placenta.

  • The function of digestion is added to the already existing functions of the liver.

  • The fetal blood contains erythrocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes. Hemoglobin begins to be synthesized.

  • The baby already reacts to the voices of loved ones, hears music and sounds.

  • The auricles and eyes are in place, the eyelids are separated, the shape of the nose is drawn, and eyebrows and cilia are already appearing.

  • The subcutaneous tissue is not yet fully developed, the baby's body is covered with a white lubricant that protects it until the very birth.

  • At the 16th week of pregnancy, the voice-forming apparatus begins to form, but the baby will be able to make sounds only after birth

  • The heart works at a frequency of 140-170 beats per minute.

What happens in a woman's body

At this time, it is already clearly clear to everyone around that the woman is pregnant. Especially if the pregnancy is the second, then the stomach protrudes forward even earlier. And with the first, the ligaments of the abdomen and the muscles of the uterus are in an unstretched elastic state, so the tummy may not be so clearly visible. The main thing is that mommy feels it. The uterus at the 16th week of pregnancy is located in the center between the navel and the pubic bone, causing stretching and thickening of the ligaments as it grows.

With the growth of the abdomen in the appearance of a woman, other striking changes occur. The more the belly grows, the better it becomes visible dark stripe, dividing it into two halves from the navel. This is due to the melanin pigment that builds up in the skin during pregnancy. Also, such a pigment can appear on the cheeks, forehead, around the eyes, bridge of the nose throughout pregnancy. It's not scary at all - it will disappear after childbirth brown stripe, as well as all age spots acquired during pregnancy.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, you can feel the first movements, and, accordingly, experience the first exciting emotions.

The uterus expands, and the amount of amniotic fluid is already about 250 ml.

Hormones affect the mucous membrane, causing it to swell, the nasal mucosa is no exception. That is why pregnant women often have nasal congestion.

The active work of the mammary glands begins, the breast becomes sensitive, swells. Due to increased blood flow, a venous pattern appears.

While brushing your teeth, blood may appear, this is also the action of hormones, namely progesterone. These hormones make the gums vulnerable to bacteria, which is why they become inflamed.

Good to know

Tiny nodules may form on the gums that are sensitive to touch and bleed when brushing teeth. These nodules, called "pyogenic granulomas" (or "tumors of pregnancy"), should not cause you concern; they disappear shortly after birth. If they make you uncomfortable, your dentist may drain or remove them.

Some women may experience numbness and tingling of the hands - carpal tunnel syndrome, itching in the abdomen, feet and palms.

Swelling of the fingers, face and ankles is no exception for this period of pregnancy. But you should be careful about gaining weight too quickly - it can be a symptom of preeclampsia.

You have gained from 2.2 to 4.5 kg of weight. The uterus increases in size, and you have a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen - this is due to the sprain. This pain usually resolves on its own, however, you may develop lower back pain due to increased exertion.

Urination is normalized, which cannot be said about the work of the intestines - its work is complicated by the lethargy of the muscular wall. Constipation poses a threat of miscarriage, is a factor in the development of hemorrhoids - you should be more attentive to the issue of nutrition and regular bowel movements.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge may also change. In some women, they become whitish in color, and the abundance increases slightly. This is completely normal, such discharge is normal. In general, at this stage of pregnancy, the discharge should be homogeneous, not cause discomfort in the form of burning and pain, and not be accompanied by pain in the abdomen.

And yes, with a high degree of probability, toxicosis has left you! Enjoy your fortune!


Your tummy is growing by leaps and bounds! Every day you notice more and more that it is getting bigger! If you are expecting twins, then at this time your uterus will be much larger than that of women expecting one baby. Accordingly, the stomach will grow much faster.

Video blog

From the 16th week of pregnancy, your tummy is already quite visible, and you probably want to change your wardrobe. Pants with an elastic waistband or overalls, a cozy dress, and the right tights should already appear in it. Better if you wear special underwear for pregnant women, which consists of natural cotton, and will not press the stomach. Things should be spacious and not squeezing. Perhaps you should reconsider your attitude to shoes with heels.

The 16th week of pregnancy is the period when the fetus needs a lot of calcium for bone growth, and if you do not eat enough of this trace element, then be prepared for caries. To prevent calcium deficiency, be sure to include in your diet dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, etc.), nuts (peanuts and almonds are especially rich in calcium), dried fruits and fish. It is enough to eat 100 g of dried fruits and 2 sandwiches with cheese or drink 3 glasses of kefir per day.

For constipation, try drinking a glass of non-carbonated mineral water an hour before meals and add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet. Minimize the use of flour products and try to eat 100 g of a mixture of dried apricots every day. Eat right!

The diet must contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats for good nutrition child. Protein deficiency leads to miscarriages, anemia and pathologies in the development of the child. Lack of fat will cause improper development of the baby's nervous system. An insufficient amount of carbohydrates reduces metabolic processes and increases the risk of fetal death. Try to eat healthy food, not just tasty food. It is desirable to balance the dishes in consistency, because solid food may lead to constipation.

If you're worried that you can't feel your baby's movements, try lying on your back, freeze and listen to your feelings. Perhaps after a few minutes you may feel like a butterfly is fluttering in your stomach.

As often as possible during the day, a woman should lie down horizontally, without a pillow, in order to unload her tired back and help the heart and blood vessels to properly distribute the entire volume of blood in the body. Lying down, you can listen to beautiful music, relax, talking with the baby - he, of course, will also like such pauses of rest, and he will respond to them with grateful gentle pushes into the wall of the uterus.

At this time, many families are worried about how the birth will go, what kind of parents they will be. It `s naturally. If you have time, where women with the same period as yours discuss their pregnancy, share their experiences, and then raise their babies together!

Since the tummy has grown noticeably, it is necessary to reconsider sleeping positions. It is worth abandoning the position on the stomach completely, since the fetus may experience discomfort at the same time. Sleeping on your back is also undesirable, because the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the vessels that are located behind it, and fainting may occur. It is best to sleep on the left or right side. A comfortable position will help to take special pillows for pregnant women, which are sold in stores for expectant mothers. If you haven't purchased this pillow yet, now is the time!

If during pregnancy the sexual life of the parents was interrupted, because the mother could feel unwell or feel unwell in the first months of pregnancy, now the entire second trimester is a rather favorable time for making love. If doctors do not indicate any contraindications, then intimate life now can be very interesting. The sensations of both partners due to changes in the structure of the female genital organs will be bright and new. It is only worth choosing comfortable positions for sex, since the tummy is already quite tangible in size, and any pressure on it is highly undesirable.

Yoga for pregnant women

Lesson number 5. Inverted poses. Their importance.


It must be remembered that interruption can happen, as well as at any other time, so be attentive to any kind of discharge and pain.

Good to know

The growing uterus contributes to a gradual change in the angle of the pelvis, which can cause lower back pain. But lower back pain can be a symptom of a miscarriage, so be sure to tell your doctor about it.

The greatest danger is pulling, aching, cramping pains in the lower abdomen: such pains almost completely indicate an increased tone of the uterus. When such pains appear, it is necessary to lie down and relax, and if the pains continue for more than 2-3 hours, be sure to go to the doctor, or even better, call an ambulance so as not to delay medical care and not make the situation worse.

Also, abdominal pain can be the result of dysfunction digestive system: soreness of the abdomen causes constipation, increased formation of gases, bloating. And therefore, too, a properly composed diet during pregnancy is a must.

At this time, the threat may still be:

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency - with such a pathology, the cervix is ​​​​shortened and may not hold the fetus. To correct this condition, obstetric pessaries(a special ring that takes the weight of the child on itself, unloads the cervix and prevents its early opening).

Primary placental insufficiency - this condition may be accompanied by fetal growth retardation. Most often, the cause of primary insufficiency is not environmental factors, but changes within the mother (enzymatic, vascular insufficiency).


At the 16th week of pregnancy, it is time to take even more tests than in previous weeks. In addition to the usual ones (urinalysis, weight control, pressure measurement, listening to the work of the fetal heart), blood tests (AFP, hCG, NE) will also be added - Triple screening test to determine the presence of defects and fetal development. Such a blood test makes it possible with a high probability to determine chromosomal abnormalities that provoke, for example, a craniocerebral hernia, Down syndrome, anencephaly, and a malformation of the spine. However, the test results obtained at this stage of pregnancy cannot be the final diagnosis. Additional research is needed to be sure.

Good to know

"Triple test" (prenatal screening of the second trimester, biochemical screening II trimester) - the study is aimed at identifying fetal malformations. Blood is taken for analysis from a vein, where the level of human chorionic hormone (hCG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and estriol (E3) is determined. This study only suggests malformations. To confirm the diagnosis, special examinations are needed.

If a woman is at risk, that is, her age is more than 35 years and / or if there are relatives with genetic diseases, or the results of the analyzes revealed the possibility of pathology, or previous experience was unsuccessful, there was a birth of a child with a pathology, or a late pregnancy termination. Your doctor will recommend an amniocentesis procedure. The procedure consists in the fact that with the help of a needle the stomach is pierced above the uterus and amniotic fluid is taken from the uterus. This whole process is controlled by ultrasound. The procedure is painless, as the puncture zones are anesthetized. This procedure is unsafe, there is a chance of miscarriage from 0.5 to 3%. Because of this, a pregnant woman herself decides whether to do this procedure or not, that is, you can refuse such a procedure.

Good to know

Amniocentesis is biochemical research amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the fetus in the womb) to look for oxygen starvation fetus and the definition of malformations of its development. Amniotic fluid (from 3 to 30 ml) is obtained by puncturing the anterior abdominal wall, uterus and amnion (a protective bladder with a liquid in which the fetus is located). Together with the fluid during amniocentesis, desquamated fetal cells are also taken, by which experts judge the presence or absence of gene mutations.


At 16 weeks, it is already possible to accurately determine the sex of the baby on an ultrasound scan, if you are lucky and he does not turn his butt to his parents.

This is interesting

Only 64 percent of expectant mothers in Europe want to know the gender of their baby. Finding out the gender in advance is like opening a present before Christmas.

Most often, the second planned ultrasound occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. At 16 weeks, a woman needs to pass a series of mandatory tests, including tests for hormones and all kinds of infections, to make sure that everything is in order with her unborn baby. During the ultrasound, the main measurements of the fetus are made, and the diagnosis of its development is evaluated.

To diagnose the normal rate of fetal development, the following are measured:

  • Biparental size (BPR) - the transverse size of the baby's head, which at this stage of pregnancy varies between 31–37 mm.

  • Head circumference (OG) - important size to determine the gestational age. At week 16, this size is 112-136 mm.

  • The circumference of the abdomen of the fetus (OC) at week 16 is 88–116 mm.

  • The length of the humerus (HB) varies within 15–21 mm.

  • Thigh length (DB) - varies between 17–23 mm.

  • Lower leg length: 15–21 mm.

  • Forearm length: 12–18 mm.

IN without fail the bones in the extremities are evaluated. The left and right limbs should be symmetrical, long bones smooth, clear, without broken lines.

During ultrasound, the size of the placenta is also determined, on average it is about 18 millimeters. The placenta during this period is already fully formed and independently supports successful development pregnancy.

Do not be very scared if you have been diagnosed with intrauterine growth retardation. Such a diagnosis is very often not confirmed, especially in the case of short and incomplete parents. Do not neglect ultrasound, so as not to miss the moment of placental thickening, which can be cured with medical intervention. This is usually caused by infectious diseases, diabetes or the difference in the Rh factor in the spouses.