Accumulation of energy and increase in energy tone. How to save and save energy from renewable sources

"One can also speak of the chemical death of a person when the supply of psychic energy is depleted.

We can talk about resurrection, when psychic energy begins to be replenished".

The Fiery World, part 3, item 414.

What is Psychic Energy? It is the life-giving energy on which the existence of man depends. No Psychic Energy(hereinafter PE) - there is no life, physical decomposition, illness and death occur. There is a PE - there is a life full of creative upsurge, health and happiness.

Synonyms for PE: grace, prana, Chinese energy Qi, fire of Hermes, Kundalini, fiery tongues of the Holy Trinity Day, Vril Bulwer-Lyttona, free energy Killy, Mesmer's fluid, Reichenbach's Od, Zoroaster's living fire, Sophia of the Hellenes, Sarasvati of the Hindus, and many, many others.

Signs of decline in PE: mental and physical fatigue, drowsiness, amorphous consciousness, and in severe cases - nausea.

Signs of a PE tide: joy and optimism, creative activity, desire for achievements and fruitful activity.

Seven ways to save PE

1. AURA. Leaving the house in the morning, mentally outline around you at a distance of an outstretched elbow an energy shell in the form chicken egg so that your body is in the center of this auric egg. Thus, you will strengthen the protective network of your aura, which protects your PE from unwanted intrusions.

2. VAMPIRES. Try to avoid communicating with people with an extinct and cloudy, shifty look - this energy vampires, after communication with which there is a sharp fatigue. The look of a person cannot be faked. The eyes are the most reliable indicator of the presence of PE in humans. Those who do not have their own PE often become an energy vampire and try (often unconsciously) to steal it by simply approaching the donor's aura.

3. CROWD. IN public transport, or a similar crowded place, discreetly make a quick assessment nearby standing people. If one of them caused you a slight rejection, then move away from him to another place. When human auras come into contact, your PE flows magnetically into another aura, and the PE of another aura flows into yours, and there is no way to prevent this energy metabolism is a hard law.

4. HANDS. IN in public places try to avoid direct contact with bare hands with commonly used objects and things, such as door handles, handrails, shopping cart handles, etc. If possible, then winter time do not take off your gloves for a year or buy thin ones, for example, kid ones. If there is no way to avoid direct contact with bare hands, then find a place that is least used. Human hands radiate strong flows of PE. With each touch, a person saturates with his PE those objects that the hand has touched. Be attentive to old, unfamiliar things. They can carry a charge of negative PE, from contact with which you will spend a lot of your PE to neutralize it.

5. IRRITATION. By all means avoid irritation, which can be especially annoying in public transport, in shops, in heavy traffic on the road while driving a car, at home, etc. Mental irritation generates negative PE, which destroys your positive PE.

6. INTIM. Lead a moderate intimate life, because the reproduction of seminal fluid requires a large consumption of PE.

7. ANIMALS. Do not keep animals at home so that your PE does not leak to them. Animals, like all living things, have their own aura with their own PE, which is much lower in quality than the PE of a person. When the auras of a person and an animal come into contact, the same exchange of PE occurs as between people. Do not saturate your aura with the lower animal PE.

Seven ways to enhance PE

1. AIR. Breathe more natural, clean air. Prana, solar PE, is dissolved in it. In large cities with a population of over a million, the air is not clean, so try to either go out into nature more often, or even move out of town or to a small town.

2. SPACE. The boundless universal expanses are filled with cosmic life-giving energy, which is akin to human PE. You just need to mentally call, pull it from there. Look at the starry sky and imagine that it is an ocean of energy, by touching which you can easily strengthen your life energy.

3. FRIENDLY. Be friendly to everyone around you. Do not wish harm to anyone, even your enemies. Kindness and a friendly attitude not only give rise to positive PE radiation in your aura, but also evoke in people the same response vibrations of their auras. Friendly people exchange positive PE with other people simply because they evoke the same positive PE in other people.

4. HEART. The main ruler of a person's PE is his heart. Listen to your heart, not your brain. The rational brain is often deceived into correct assessment life situation and sometimes leads to a dead end. The heart is never deceived and knows much more than the mind can imagine. Listen to the voice of your heart in stillness and silence. It will tell you how to follow the path of life so that at its end you can say that you have lived a happy life.

6. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Eat raw vegetables and fruits - they are full of solar PE deposits. Try not to eat fried foods. overcooked butter releases poisons that kill your PE. Do not eat meat, it is full of invisible energy of disease-causing fluids of decomposition, which begins immediately after the death of the animal. Even the freshest meat is full of not only low animal PE, but also energy microbes, when eating which your body will spend a lot of PE to neutralize them. Legumes can easily replace meat products.

7. DREAM Before going to bed, do not worry, and even more so do not swear with your family. Try not to watch negative and criminal TV shows that cause bad emotions. It is better to watch a good movie, or read good book or listen to soothing music. Before going to bed, take a shower to cleanse not only your body of sweat deposits, but, more importantly, to wash away the energy accumulations of the day from the aura. Pure water has the ability to purify PE. Having gone to sleep in a clean body and a calm, peaceful spirit, your PE will rush to the pure layers of space, where it will receive reinforcement and nourishment. In the morning you will feel vivacity and strength to live the coming day with dignity.

Since ancient times, people have sought to know the secret happy life, and the person who revealed this secret could have all the benefits of humanity. He became healthy, successful and lucky. This secret for a long time remained a secret, accessible only to a select few. For many centuries, the secret was kept in ancient teachings and passed from teacher to student, remaining closed to the bulk of people. And only now it is becoming available to an increasing circle of people.

The secret of a happy life lies in the fullness of a person divine energy, which transforms him and turns him into a creator. The sacred energy of life (prana) rightfully dwells in us, thanks to it we live. The loss of vitality makes a person lethargic, apathetic, sick. But as soon as you learn to accumulate energy, life changes, becomes easy and joyful. The secret is simple, you just need to know the causes of energy loss and ways to accumulate it.

Because accumulation and loss of energy occurs at different levels - physical, ethereal, astral and mental, we will consider each of these levels. By analyzing yourself, you can see where your life force is draining and where there are options to "recharge". Gradually working on yourself, you can put these energy channels in order and achieve harmony and happiness.

Causes of Energy Loss

At the level of the physical body:

Diseases displace energy from us and fill us with pain and despondency, and curing or facilitating their course makes the body stronger (see);
- useless physical activity, whether it be the bustle of the city or a mass congestion of people subject to any energy vampirism, for example, discos or rallies, contribute to the loss of energy;
- poor posture and sleep awkward posture prevents the free movement of energy;
- overeating negatively affects the digestion process and, accordingly, leads to loss of energy and loss of strength, as well as obesity, which is already a disease;
- balance is necessary for any physical activity, In sports, intimate life and rest;
- you need to watch your body, adhering to the right and leading healthy lifestyle life.

At the level of the etheric body:

Stay on fresh air, which, of course, is preferable to the gassed city stench, prevents the loss of energy;
- with fatigue, a loss of energy is inevitable, which makes a person weak and morally unstable;
- lack of contact with mother nature threatens with nervousness and loss of connection with the universe and even greater loss of energy.

At the level of the astral body:

Strong emotional experiences associated with any type of addiction (love, game, serial) loop consciousness on an external object, bind, take away vitality and give it back;
- negative emotions, such as anger, revenge, envy and lust, make a hole not only for the leakage of light energy, but invite the dark negative energy of destruction to visit;
- past unresolved grievances and traumas contribute to the loss of energy, they rot inside a person like a garbage heap, poisoning the place where a flowering garden can be with a stench;
- obsessive desires tear apart from the inside, do not allow to focus attention on anything else, poison the existence. The agony of desires must be stopped, and divine energy will accumulate in the vacated, tormented place where they were stored;
- any outburst of anger causes a surge of negativity that spills over a person, spills out into space and directly onto people. In such cases, it is necessary to adopt the main methods of energy protection.

At the level of the mental body:

Negative thought is dangerous and harmful, it is the trigger for shooting emotion, and then dark energy;
- restless thoughts about the past and future take a lot of time and energy, the moment of the present is a reality that you should pay attention to, realize, live in the Now moment;
Don't waste your life force on useless things. Switch your attention to something really important and necessary;
- having streamlined your life, filling it with positive emotions, you will see that thoughts automatically circle around positive objects,.

Working through dualities and other psychological or psychotherapeutic practices can also help stop the senseless loss of vitality. In addition, you can listen to Sergei Serebryakov's seminar "Secrets of the Mind", based on ancient Vedic knowledge. This will help you understand the topic better.

When the loss of energy is stopped, and a person is able to save it and direct it to the areas he needs, the quality of his life, the quality of work, the quality of relationships and, of course, his well-being improves. But if we go further and set the goal of accumulating energy, then the prospects open up much wider and more fully. A person establishes a connection with his inner, he knows harmony and bliss, and those who are still sleeping are also opened. psychic abilities and then he is able to work miracles.

Energy Storage Secrets

At the level of the physical body:

At the level of the etheric body:

The connection of man with nature is the first step towards the accumulation of energy, awareness of oneself and one's role in the great divine plan;
- the realization that everything around is energy: living beings, plants, objects, the moon and stars. Energy is in everything, and everything consists of it, but initially everything is;
- breath is the basis of life and the key to the gates inner world each of us. It is necessary to monitor breathing, it must be mandatory through the nose, exhalation is longer than inhalation, it will not be superfluous to use therapeutic yoga breathing, which includes three types (diaphragmatic, clavicular and costal) breathing;
- meditative immersion in oneself over time will be more complete, the accumulation and movement of energy will be tangible, attention will be concentrated, and work on oneself will become a pleasure.

At the level of the astral body:

Honesty is something without which it is impossible and, therefore, the accumulation of energy. When a person is honest with people, with himself, does not put on a mask of pomposity and importance, his prana (life force) does not go to match the invented role. He honestly admits and accepts his feelings, not afraid to show them. He lives every emotion, knowing himself through it;
- negative energy can be processed into a positive one, if we disregard the assessment of emotions as good and evil, and perceive it as a rich, vivid experience that needs to be lived. There is only one energy, the person himself gives it shades, dark or light;
- be the master of your emotions, regardless of external factors, possibly with high self-discipline and accumulated energy;
- emotions, and although they live inside a person, they are not part of his higher "I". He can feel them, let go and attract, observe their appearance, but they are still an object of observation, and not the observer himself;
- awareness of oneself as one with everything that exists contributes to the accumulation of the energy of love and compassion, since only ourselves we forgive big and small mistakes, justify and protect ourselves. If a person recognizes himself in another person, in his actions, even if they are not true, he will understand him and regret him.

At the level of the mental body:

Understanding that we are responsible for every thought, causing emotion, and subsequently the action, contributes to the accumulation of energy;
- restless thoughts will run into each other until they are stopped by an effort of will, and the mind is not immersed in the long-awaited peace;
- self-awareness comes not only during meditation, but also during the day - a person clearly feels that he is not a thought, he is its master;
-becomes possible not only in a state of rest, but also in ordinary life, a person realizes himself and falls into a meditative state of blissful peace, performing everyday household activities.

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⁠ Chapter 2

Energy storage:

The human system is dominated different types energy necessary to maintain life and the manifestation of any kind of activity. The following methods contribute to the systematic replenishment and to some extent the accumulation of this internal energy person. Their conscious application will significantly increase the tone of the practitioner and will contribute to success in all his endeavors.


Food consumption is one of the vital methods of energy storage.

We are what we eat.

From the point of view of yoga, food consists not only of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, but also of prana - a universal vital energy that pervades all space. Depending on the amount of prana in food, food is divided into three types, according to three qualities (gunas), which are universal characteristics of the nature of our world:

  • Sattva - clarity, lightness, purity.
  • Rajas - energy, passion, movement.
  • Tamas - inertia, ignorance, inertia.

Sattvic food is fresh vegetable products that have absorbed the energy of the sun. Without complex industrial processing.

Rajasic food has a sharp taste. Too spicy, bitter, salty, spicy, dry, cold or hot. As well as semi-finished products and refined products.

Tamasic foods include meat, fish, and eggs. Too fatty food, food subject to fermentation, canning, food half-cooked or cooked too long, food that has been processed many times.

Most of the vital energy (prana) is contained in sattvic food, much less in rajasic food and not at all in tamas food.

This division is very conditional, since sattvic food consumed in bad conditions turns into tamasic food. While rajasic onions and garlic can bring significant benefits to the body in case of illness.

Of course, tamasic food, despite the absence of prana, contains energy in the form of calories, but such food will not contribute to health and awareness, therefore, it is desirable to exclude it from the diet, or minimize it.

An important component of nutrition is not only the food itself, but also how and where they are prepared and consumed. Food prepared with love will carry more prana. Food eaten in a calm, relaxed environment will be more beneficial than snacking on the run, in a crowded place, or in parallel with another activity, such as watching TV.

In order to get the maximum energy from food, it must be chewed properly. It is believed that it is desirable to chew one lump about 30-40 times (depending on the consistency of the food), while focusing on the taste of the food.

Such thorough chewing can be called an independent practice for the development of awareness, because. in this case, a person learns not to rush anywhere, focusing on taste sensations being in the here and now.

It is better to get up from the table until the moment when you feel full, overeating is not allowed. It is believed that the stomach should be filled with a third of food, a third of liquid and a third of air.

It is desirable to eat food at the same time: 2-3 times a day, by this time a slight feeling of hunger should appear. It is undesirable to have dinner less than 4 hours before bedtime.

It is undesirable to eat too cold or too hot food.

It is undesirable to drink liquid immediately before, during or immediately after a meal. It dilutes the gastric juice, impairing digestion.

It is better to eat simpler food, mix the least.

It is desirable that raw vegetables and fruits make up at least a third of the entire diet.

One or two times a month, you can practice cleansing fasting. Consuming during the day only clean water, we give unloading to our digestive organs, thereby maintaining their health.

You should be mindful in nutrition, reasonably approach the choice of food and its quantity. It is important to select convenient time for a meal, as well as thoroughly chew food. Then the body will assimilate more prana, the abundance of which contributes to an increase in overall awareness.


Sleep is the second vital required method energy storage.

It is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time.

It is advisable to fall asleep before 11 pm, even better before 10. It is believed that 1 hour of sleep before midnight is equal to 2 hours after.

Sleep duration ranges from 6 to 8 hours. Optimal sleep duration depends on physiology and energy level a person, as well as from the energy of the place itself (you can sleep faster in nature than in an apartment).

Before going to bed, it is advisable to let go of all the inner worries and chores of the passing day, try to calm the mind. It is not recommended to excite before going to bed nervous system any strong emotion.

It is useful to sleep on a hard bed, alternately on the right and left sides.

Strict observance of the sleep schedule lays a solid foundation for the manifestation of awareness throughout wakefulness.

Hatha yoga

Asanas and pranayamas in combination with bandhas and mudras, as well as shatkarmas are classical methods energy storage yoga.

These practices allow not only to accumulate energy, but also clean the energy channels, thereby increasing the energy intensity and energy efficiency of the body. Thus, by practicing hatha yoga, the energy from sleep and eating will be absorbed to a greater extent and spent more rationally.

Hatha yoga can not only prolong, but also restore the health and youth of the body.

Asanas also prepare the body for practices such as mantropenia and meditation.

Pranayamas act directly on the mind, calming it, which helps to increase awareness. Shatkarmas purify the body, and, consequently, the mind is also purified.

Hatha yoga through work with the body and breathing directly teaches the practice of developing awareness. Further, this skill should be applied everywhere in all spheres of life.


Studying the relevant literature, videos, audio materials, attending seminars and workshops, communicating with like-minded people aimed at developing awareness, spirituality, harmony, self-knowledge - all this energizes the practice.

In the esoteric teachings one can meet various extremes and quite incredible theories, they should be treated without fanaticism, studying them through a sound prism of skepticism.

Having reached a certain level of theory, it is important to concentrate on practice. Strive to apply the acquired knowledge in Everyday life. Accumulate own experience, carefully monitor how certain knowledge works in the reality of your life. In parallel, you should continue to acquire new knowledge, but do it in a dosed manner.

There are many different teachings, theories, practices. If you constantly switch from one to another, you will not succeed in any of them. After a certain horizon of knowledge has been formed, it is important to determine the priority direction and actively develop in it.

After you have clarified certain spiritual knowledge for yourself, after a while, in the bustle of everyday life, you may notice that their awareness has weakened. Therefore, it is recommended that you periodically reread the works that inspire you in order to refresh your knowledge and strengthen yourself in them.

Conscious reading of literature on spiritual development raise your consciousness to new level only if you can apply this knowledge in life.

Mantropenia, relaxation and meditation

These methods are able to provide the practitioner with a significant amount of energy, and they are also practices for the development of awareness.

To accumulate experience and energy from the practice of mantropenia, it is enough to use one sacred syllable - OM. It is the most classic and powerful mantra. IN different traditions There is different variants his singing: O-M, A-U-M, A-O-U-M.

If desired, you can use other mantras, including those invented by yourself.

What is now perceived by the majority as meditation does not correspond to the "dhyana" described in ancient treatises, and is only relaxation. In order for relaxation to pass into meditation, it is necessary to practice long and hard. At least master one of the meditative postures to perfection (the ability to stay in it motionless long time, ideally about 2-3 hours), but this will probably not be enough, and you will also need to observe positive mental settings, cleansing energy channels in the body, mastering basic pranayamas, achieving perfection in the practice of concentration.

At the moment of relaxation, the practitioner sits in a meditative position and tries to stop the flow of thoughts, concentrating on something, for example: breathing, candle flame, object, body part, mantra, thought. When the mind is completely calm and concentration increases, relaxation can voluntarily turn into meditation.

The more calm the mind is in daily life, the more mindfulness the practitioner is able to manifest, his ability to act judiciously, and not be subjected to uncontrolled emotions, increases. Regular practice of these methods will help you to ride the wandering mind and make it your ally, thereby increasing your awareness.


Good mood is an important factor conducive to energy storage. Only by possessing it can one count on success in spiritual practices.

Unpleasant deeds done in a good mood become neutral, neutral deeds become pleasant. Even the most mundane and routine things can and should be done with a positive attitude.

By switching the consciousness to an optimistic mood, all internal forces (physical, mental, creative, willpower, etc.) increase, but one should not fall into the extreme of rose-colored glasses or an idle lifestyle.

By cultivating and maintaining a joyful and cheerful disposition, you become its distributor in contact with other people. Thus, by charging yourself with energy, you energize the surrounding space and other living beings.

By daily monitoring and maintaining a good mood, the practitioner trains his mindfulness. This should become a natural process similar to breathing.

Other Methods

There are other methods to simultaneously increase (update) the level of energy, many of them, depending on the circumstances, can both increase energy and decrease it.

  • contrast shower and other types of hardening
  • sports
  • massage and self-massage
  • sex
  • retreat
  • connect with someone who inspires you
  • listening to music
  • creativity
  • stay in nature
  • contemplation of beauty.

Main reasons losses energy at the level of the physical body:

Energy-wasting postures: stoop, hunchback or excessive looseness in the position of the body.
- Diseases, especially chronic and accompanied by pain or any other negative effects.
- Unconscious muscle clamps.
- Sharp and chaotic movements, unconsciously copying a nearby energy vampire: most disco dances, unconscious imitation of the gait and body posture of another person.

Main reasons losses energy at the level of the etheric body:

Incorrect breathing: not rhythmic breathing, inhalation is longer than exhalation (normally it should be vice versa), mouth breathing, etc.
- Lack of contact with nature and fresh air.
- Identification with a state of low energy tone and the impression that weakness will last forever.

Main reasons losses energy at the level of the astral body:

Negative emotions: aggression, anger, envy, lust, depression, pessimism, despondency, etc.
- Contradictory desires, tearing a person apart.
- Internal conflicts involving emotions, addictions, attachments, etc.
- The presence of unresolved problems in the past.
- Emotional clamps and trauma.
- Negative emotions of other people directed at the person.
- Not healthy sleep or sleep disorders: insomnia, nightmares, excessive or insufficient sleep, sleeping at the wrong time, such as during the day, getting up late and going to bed late.

Main reasons losses energy at the level of the mental body:

A restless mind, an excessive number of thoughts, and an inability to be aware of oneself not identified with them.
- Negative thoughts leading to negative emotions.
- Excessive immersion in your own dreams and dreams.
- Thinking about things that don't matter to you, such as solving problems in the distant future or empty thoughts about the past.

Accumulation energy at the level of the physical body:

Healthy lifestyle: daily routine, nutrition, exercise and sleep. Wholesome food and the rejection of intoxicants.
- The cure of diseases, or at least some progress along the way.
- The use of various cleansings: therapeutic fasting, herbal decoctions, yogic cleansing methods (shankhaprakshalana, gaja kriya, etc.), cleansing the liver, kidneys, blood, lymph, etc.
- The practice of relaxation meditation to relieve muscle clamps (nidra yoga technique, etc.).
- Practice of Eastern disciplines: hatha yoga, tai chi quan, tai chi, qigong, etc.

Accumulation energy at the level of the etheric body:

Awareness of breathing and gentle attempts to direct it in the right direction: breathing through the nose, not through the mouth, exhalation is longer than inhalation, etc.
- Life in harmony with nature and frequent exposure to fresh air.
- The ability to remain calm during a decrease in tone and not be identified with it.
- The practice of various energy disciplines that involve concentration on chak
- The practice of various energy disciplines, involving concentration on the chakras and other points of the body to master the subtle energy.

Accumulation energy at the level of the astral body:

The ability to maintain an elevated mood almost constantly, regardless of the circumstances and events occurring in life.
- Overcoming the tendency to negative emotions. To do this, you can use various psychological and spiritual practices.
- Elaboration of emotional clamps and traumas.
- Emotional openness and positive interaction with people.
- Termination of communication with negative people and energy vampires.
- Self-development divine love to all things.

Accumulation energy at the level of the mental body:

Practice meditation, trataka, awareness of your thoughts throughout the day.
Stop unnecessary and negative thoughts.
- Observation of thoughts and as a result - the ability to identify oneself with thoughts (to understand that I am not a thought).
- Understanding that every thought entails karmic consequences.

A person with a sufficient supply of energy is calm and contented with life. He has a strong immune system, he is hardy and healthy. However, in modern world there are very few such people: the frantic pace of life requires a colossal expenditure of energy and strength, many experience a chronic lack of them. Katie Silcox, author of Healthy, Happy, Sexy, gives advice to those who want to accumulate enough vitality and feel great.

The power that feeds us

In Ayurveda, there is the concept of "ojas" - a complete energy reserve of the mind and body, a kind of container in which it is all stored (a psychophysical shell, or a protective screen). In our society, the energy of ojas is not treated with due respect. The more we have, the less we are prone to disease and negative influence surrounding. The strong power of ojas acts as a soft protective shield, helping to resist stress and illness caused by physical and psychological pathogens (go away, energy vampires!). Thus, our spirit is inside a strong, reliable vessel. Thanks to ojas, we experience a sense of satisfaction with life.

Despite the fact that people in the 21st century suffer from a lack of ojas, it is still the most important element which we need to develop. If compared with electric light bulb, ojas - as the power of the lamp itself. If you do not increase the power, your options will always be limited, no matter how much energy is supplied to the light bulb.

To increase the level of ojas energy, it is not enough just to accumulate it. It is also important not to lose the already existing power and not to waste it.

When there are too many stimuli in your life, for example, you spend too much time on the Internet, drink too much coffee, exchange an endless string of text messages with friends, the energy flows imperceptibly through the five senses. As a result, we feel exhausted, depression or anxiety may appear. Control of the sense organs by limiting speech and sexual activity and proper rest, relaxation and sleep helps to preserve the reserves of vital energy.

The next time you feel exhausted, try turning your mind inward instead of turning to external sources for solace: for example, try lying down and focusing on the sensations in your body. Better yet, follow the ancient Ayurvedic guidelines on a regular basis. In this case, you will feel much better.

  • Switch to organic food: Eat organic, seasonal produce, locally grown whenever possible.
  • First cleanse and detox, then restore and renew: If your body is clogged with toxins from excessive consumption of meat, sugar, drugs, alcohol, processed foods and fried foods, do not immediately go on a diet of ghee and dates! To start with, eat very simple and clean foods for a few days, such as whole grains, lentils, vegetables, and high quality fats ( olive oil). Then, when you feel that the body has been cleansed, move on to more nutritious foods - ghee, avocados, dates, milk and honey.
  • Don't Overeat: it weakens the digestive fire.
  • Avoid overstimulation while eating: if you want to restore your vitality, do not watch the evening news at dinner and do not dine at the computer.
  • Rest: eight hour sleep necessary condition to accumulate ojas. In addition, rest is when you take a break and stop constantly doing business, relax.
  • Don't Forget Body Oils: Ayurveda teaches how to use them and which ones are right for you depending on your body temperature and season.
  • Use oils internally: yes, you heard right. When you drink oil and add it to food, ojas builds up. Use more oils: hemp, linseed, avocado, coconut and ghee butter(ghee).
  • Get rid of everything that robs you of energy: avoid people, places and gadgets that disturb the mind and suck the blood out of your soul.
  • Spend more time in nature: nature restores energy, pacifies and gives peace.
  • Let's rest the mind: do restorative yoga - most yoga studios now have restorative yoga classes.
  • Love loved ones true love and devotion feed our vitality and immunity like nothing else.

How to keep cheerful in late autumn and early winter

In autumn, the air element predominates: imagine a windy autumn day. The air is dry, cool and mobile. In autumn and early winter, these qualities are enhanced in nature and in every person. At this time, we remember impermanence and death. This is the season of winds, desolation, harshness and dryness. By listening, we will understand that physically and emotionally during this period we want to curl up.

Winter is like a turtle, pulling its head into a protective shell. This is a time of sharpening intuition, fading and dying. In case of violation internal balance in winter, fears, constipation, crunching and pain in the joints, dry skin, anxiety, insomnia, seasonal depression associated with a lack of sunlight. How you take care of yourself in the fall will determine your body's ability to stay healthy in the winter.

Winter is the time when you need to stay warm, make sure that the body does not dry out, is provided with nutrition and protection.

  • Sip a little warm ginger tea throughout the day.
  • Do yourself every morning oil massage. Not only is it good for the skin; such a massage helps to pacify anxiety, insomnia, or both of these disorders. An excellent winter oil is sesame, it has nourishing and warming properties. Another great warming oil is Ayurvedic Mahanarayana oil. It is good for joint pain and other painful sensations.
  • To stimulate the body, take warm baths with ginger powder.
  • Go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00. Good rest is the main means of strengthening immunity. Only in winter can we afford to sleep as much as necessary. Generally speaking, our not so distant ancestors slept a lot during the cold season. In the absence of heating and electricity, 14–15 hours of sleep was common.
  • Dress warmly. This advice may sound trite, but don't overdo it.
  • In winter, try to wear less clothes black and dark blue. Everyone loves black, it is always in fashion and slimming, but black absorbs light. Too much black - and you get a feeling of emptiness and loss in a vast space. This feeling is even more acute in winter.
  • Eliminate all raw and cold foods: salads, ice water, smoothies. Yes, yes, my dears, you all know very well that our great-grandmothers did not eat salads in winter, and for good reason.
  • Don't beat yourself up for wanting to stay at home. In winter, more than in other seasons, with the approach of the holidays, we indulge in all serious. In place of the old community rituals and traditions - to get together with the whole family and enjoy the warmth of the home, the hearth, nutritious warm food - the time has come for crazy spending, endless parties, air travel and family quarrels. Try to keep your holiday traditions were soothing. If possible, don't go anywhere. Stay at home. Light the candles.
  • Before going to bed, drink a drink with a mild hypnotic effect (for example, medicated hot milk with spices). Add 1/2 tsp to it. ghee: this will help to accumulate ojas and strengthen immunity).
  • Avoid loud music physical overvoltage, too much active classes love, travel. Do not eat yesterday's food, do not cleanse the body and fast, and try to talk less.
  • In cold winter, you can engage in slightly more active, warming up exercise. At this time, it is useful to practice more mobile types of yoga, if you like them. Focus on backbends and lateral stretches - this will contribute to good spirits and cheerfulness in dark time of the year.

And here's something else. There are things that drain vitality: moving from place to place (especially by plane), excessive physical activity, serious physical injuries, severe hunger, a tendency to overanalyze, think too much and everything else that disturbs the peace of mind - doubt, disbelief, anger, greed, envy, as well as unlived emotions - anger, anxiety, anxiety, grief. Try to keep it out of your life (or at least make sure that all this is present in it as little as possible).