Frequent highlighting. Hair highlights

If you don’t want to go to a hairdresser for some reason (you don’t trust hairdressers, or it’s expensive, or the colors offered don’t suit you), then you can do highlighting at home. It's not that difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions so as not to ruin your hair and mood, respectively. Moreover, there are products for home highlighting; in the instructions attached to them, all stages of highlighting are described. However, it’s difficult to do highlighting alone; it’s better to ask a friend. Be careful and attentive!

1. Hair preparation:

First, comb your hair the way you usually comb your hair in life. The dye is applied to unwashed, dry hair.
Divide your hair into separate sections and secure them with bobby pins. Get started highlighting from the back of the head, and then gradually move to the crown of the head, sides and front of the hair.

2. For highlighting we use:

Blondorant, i.e. lightening powder
- oxidizing agent - 9-12% (you need to select it very, very carefully: what darker hair and the more you want to lighten them, the stronger the oxidizing agent should be (maximum 12%). If the hair has previously been dyed, permed, or is generally weakened and thin, then it is better to choose a weaker oxidizer (for light hair it is better to take 3%).
- non-metallic bowl

- brush for painting
- comb with stem
- foil, which should be twice the length of the hair ( for highlighting on foil). If your hair is long, it is better to use special hairdressing foil.
- silicone cap and a regular hook (special ones are sold, but you can use an old pool cap and make evenly small holes in it). If your hair is short, it is better to highlight with feathers through a cap.
Next, dilute the composition 1:2 (1 part blondorant and 2 tablespoons of oxidizing agent). See for yourself how much you add; usually, 1 spoon of blondorant is enough for medium hair.
The holding time for highlighting is from 20 to 45 minutes (from the moment the composition is applied).

Simple ways to highlight:

1. The easiest way to highlight "feathers"- this is the lightening of strands using a rubber cap (cap, plastic bag), holes are made in the cap, then they are put on the head and the hair is pulled into the holes with an ordinary hook or comb. Then apply the bleaching composition with a brush and leave it for 15-25 minutes - the paint exposure time depends on how light you want the strands to be.

After the time of the preparation has ended, without removing the cap or bag, rinse the strands with a stream of water. Then remove the cap, wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner.
The method is convenient for short hair, as long and medium hair will simply get tangled.

2. Long hair is possible highlight with foil. The foil is cut into several pieces, the width of each piece is at least 10 cm, the length should be equal to double the length of the hair.

Highlighting technique on foil:

Use a ponytail comb to separate your hair into seven large sections and secure each section with a clip. Next, starting from the back of the head, each strand is separated into different places smaller strands. After you have combed out a small strand of hair, place a piece of foil under it and apply lightening dye starting from the roots.

Then cover bottom foil, folding the foil in half. Side cuts Tuck the foil so that the dye does not get on the rest of your hair. That is, after applying the composition, simply wrap a strand of hair in foil and treat the next strand in the same way.

Thanks to this technique, the hair to be bleached does not mix with the hair that should retain its natural color. The placement of highlighted strands on your head depends on your taste.

How long to keep the dye depends on your own color; the richer and darker it is, the longer you will have to keep the dye on your hair. In any case, the time for dyeing strands should not exceed 40-45 minutes. You can check the level of lightening from time to time, as the speed of this process depends on your hair type.

I wouldn’t keep it any longer, as my hair becomes dry, lifeless and brittle.

Rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and use conditioner.

Quite a few women lighten their hair at home, and many manage to do it quite professionally, especially if this is not the first experience and the woman, as they say, has gotten good at it.

In addition to traditional highlighting, there are many other techniques with which you can make your hair more spectacular ( shatush, shambola etc.).

Female beauty works wonders. She inspires men to exploits, new discoveries and great deeds. To look flawless, stylish and bright, we undertake no less a feat - hair coloring. In addition, some representatives of the fairer sex always want to have saturated color, therefore, the strands are dyed monthly. So how often can you get your hair highlighted? We will try to understand this issue now.

What happens if you often highlight your curls?

Highlighting with natural dyes

An excellent alternative to salon painting is painting at home with natural dyes. Among them:

  • henna or basma ( universal remedy, which suits all color types);
  • onion peel (gives a golden or reddish hue);
  • cinnamon (ideal for red-haired beauties);
  • chamomile flowers (for light brown and blondes);
  • strongly brewed tea with the addition of oak bark (for dark hair).

If you are going to dye your curls using onion peels, then to achieve the effect on light-colored strands, carry out several procedures every three days. For girls with dark hair, to receive walnut color and red tints, it is recommended to add more onion peelings and a few drops of glycerin to the broth.

Every girl who is going to use natural dye should understand:

  • the color does not last long (except for henna and basma);
  • natural pigments reveal their color best on natural hair;
  • after staining with such components, the artificial dye may not take off or you may end up with an unpleasant greenish, yellowish or even lilac tint;
  • The next painting with henna or basma can be done as soon as the color begins to fade and wash out;
  • if you want to do highlighting after dyeing with henna and basma, you will have to wait 6 months, because the pigment is removed for quite a long time.

Advice. Henna and basma penetrate well into the structure of curls. To ensure that the color lasts well, when dyeing, wrap your hair in a towel or plastic bag, leave the prepared mixture for more than an hour, and under no circumstances wash your hair with shampoo (wait at least 3 days).

Tint dyes

There are many hair tinting products available on the domestic market:

  • mousses;
  • tint balms.

For example, Tonic tinted balm costs only 250 rubles, so you can refresh your curls quite inexpensively.

Features of tinting products:

  • change hair color by only 2-3 tones;
  • washed off after 5-6 shampoos;
  • includes natural ingredients(in some cases keratin), which restore curls;
  • protect from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • paint over gray hair;
  • have a rich palette (eggplant, ash blonde, mother of pearl, golden walnut, honey, cherry, etc.);
  • can change color even in brunettes;
  • suitable for colored strands.

After what time can I re-dye with tonics? Since the claimed products are practically harmless, they can be used very often - at least once a week.

To achieve the correct color:

  • read the instructions and maintain the composition depending on the original hair color (for brunettes, you can increase the exposure time by 10–15 minutes);
  • carry out coloring on clear head, as a rule, on slightly damp hair;
  • After the procedure, do not wash your curls, otherwise you risk eliminating the “weak” pigment;
  • dilute the toner for a muted shade if desired bright colors, do not dilute the product under any circumstances.

Expert advice. I wanted to dye my hair with dye after using it tint balm? Do not be fooled by the washing service offered by the hairdresser, but simply wash your hair several times.

Some girls prefer to use multi-colored crayons and powder to achieve an extravagant look for a photo shoot, party or rock concert.

Do not overuse this cosmetic often - coloring is allowed once every 2 weeks. When you apply the product, do not fix your hair with hairspray, otherwise you can significantly damage your hair.

How to preserve color for a long time

How often should you color your hair? The question is quite interesting. If your curls have faded and the color has washed out, in order not to walk around with a gray mouse, you have to take risks by re-bleaching the locks.

What to do to retain the coloring pigment for as long as possible??

  • select shampoos from the series for colored hair;
  • do not wash your hair with hot water;
  • Do not wash your hair for 2 days after highlighting, because the coloring pigment must set within 48 hours;
  • To avoid losing color saturation, do not dry your hair with a towel;
  • use conditioners and fillers for post-processing;
  • do not use the funds deep nutrition, which help the scales open and literally eliminate pigment;
  • Before dyeing, make a restorative mask a week before, which will relieve dry hair (as you know, pigment penetrates into the structure of dry curls much less easily);
  • fix the color with salon procedures- shielding or lamination.

How to care for highlighted curls

After highlighting, even partial, in mandatory required proper care behind the hair. Since moisture is removed along with the pigment due to the effect of oxygen, the curls begin to fade and lose their shine. You must definitely use moisturizers - balms and conditioners.

Do you want your hair to shine and comb well? Apply the balm after drying them. This is when they will receive enough hydration. Try to rinse off the rinse aid thoroughly.

If you're not a supporter professional cosmetics, then turn your attention to alternative medicine. For rinsing, use decoctions of nettle, oak bark, burdock roots and chamomile.

In addition to moisturizing, you should take care of hair nutrition. To do this, you can use special cosmetics or prepare restorative masks at home. Eg:

  • mix the yolk, a spoonful of honey and lemon juice;
  • restore curls with kefir;
  • make a mask based on fruit juice kiwi and orange (only natural, not packaged) and honey;
  • soak for a while in slightly warmed olive or coconut oil.

According to cosmetologists, such masks should not be done more than 2 times a week.

Please note in We all know that the use burdock oil very helpful. But if you want to preserve your color for a long time, then refuse any oils, because they contribute to the rapid leaching of artificial pigment.

Other care tips:

  • trim split ends regularly;
  • do not comb wet hair, use brushes with natural bristles;
  • do not dry your hair immediately after washing and do not make rubbing movements with a towel for this purpose - just gently pat dry;
  • put hair dryers, curling irons and straightening irons aside (you can take them out for a special occasion);
  • Do not wash your hair often, especially for those who want to preserve their color for a long time;
  • do not forget, when going outside in the summer heat, to cover your hair with a hat to protect it from the harmful effects of UV rays;
  • get a series of shampoos “For colored” or “For highlighted hair”;
  • eat properly and balanced, because hair health comes from within (eat fruits, foods containing fiber, you can choose vitamin complexes, which contain zinc).

To make your hair shine, purchase special fluid gels from a professional cosmetics salon.

Thus, there is absolutely no point in highlighting often. To make your curls shine with beauty after coloring, treat them with pleasant vitamin cocktails, moisturizing and gentle handling. Don't forget that now you need to pick up special cosmetics for caring for your precious curls. By following our recommendations, your curls will look divine and will be able to for a long time radiate rich color - so your look will be flawless!

Useful videos

How to do highlighting correctly.

Root highlighting.

Highlighting can be done on your own, although a professional can handle this procedure better. By using light strands The hairstyle looks easy and elegant.

Hair must be regularly renewed due to root regrowth. But performing highlighting procedures too often can lead to significant deterioration. general condition hair. It is better to have the strands lightened by a specialist. It's not just about the correctness and literacy of all actions. A professional knows how often to carry out this procedure while maintaining hair health.

Why is frequent highlighting harmful?

The best option is to perform highlighting once a month, this will be enough for the coloring to look excellent. You can do highlighting twice a month, but no more.

During dyeing, the color and structure of the hair itself changes. That is why it is worth providing him gentle care. You can easily do this yourself, at home. There is a huge variety of ready funds, which you can purchase in regular cosmetics stores or prepare them yourself.

Frequent dyeing can have a negative impact on general view. That is why it is worth using specialized shampoos, various balms or masks. They have many useful components, capable of giving the necessary nutrition to the hair and restoring the damaged structure.

If highlighting has managed to cause severe harm to the curls, it is necessary to protect them from the sun and chlorinated water. Also, you should not comb your recently washed hair; this can only be done after drying it.

You should definitely use fluid gels, with which you can smooth out your curls, adding a little shine if they have become dull.

If you regularly use specialized products, you can do highlighting quite often. You must read the instructions very carefully before purchasing such a product. The drug should be intended specifically for highlighted strands.

How can I get my former strength back?

During frequent highlighting, the ends of the strands can be significantly damaged. They need additional nutrition. Therefore, if you want to do partial coloring often, you need to use various means containing silicone in their composition. With their help, a special protective film is formed around all hairs. Such compositions prevent the entry of harmful chemical substances.

If your hair has become dull and lifeless, you can make your own specialized restorative mask.

Try making a restorative mask

To do this you need to take:
- orange;
- honey;
- kiwi.

Mix the fruit pulp with honey and apply it to your hair, rinsing it off after a quarter of an hour. After using this restorative mask or any other, it will be better to let your hair dry naturally. Health and beauty to your hair!


  • Hair highlighting 2017

Highlighting is one of the most popular methods of hair coloring, and the fashion never goes away; methods and color solutions for highlighting are modified, and new original combinations are invented.

Despite the apparent diversity color solutions, there are two ways to highlight hair - highlighting on foil and highlighting through.

Each of these methods has its own characteristics.

Highlighting through a cap

Next, dye is applied to the hair. It is advisable to cover dyed hair with foil and wrap it in a towel to achieve the most intense dye reaction. To achieve lightening by 1 tone, it is enough to keep it on for 10-15 minutes, for more intense coloring - up to 40 minutes, but no more. Otherwise, the dye can damage your hair, burn it and lead to hair loss.

After the allotted time, the dye is washed off from the hair without removing the cap. Final stage– remove the cap and rinse your hair well with shampoo until the dye is completely washed out. It is advisable to tint your hair in a day or two; the highlighting effect will be more noticeable and lasting.

Foil weave

Doing highlighting on foil correctly is also not very difficult.

First you need to decide on the number of strands and prepare the required number of foil strips required length, then the paint is prepared.

Using a comb with a sharp end, the strands are separated, and from them, the strands for highlighting are separated using the darning method. Paint is applied to a sheet of foil, a strand of hair is placed and paint is applied again. Then the foil is folded in half and secured as necessary. As a rule, they begin to move from the forehead to the back of the head and from the parting down to the right and left.

The duration of hair coloring coincides with highlighting through a cap. After the time is up, the foil is carefully removed and the hair is thoroughly washed to remove dye. After 1-2 hair is tinted.

Highlighting on foil is used if you need to color large strands; this method is easy to adjust the distance between the strands. The main disadvantage is that it is impossible to dye your hair from the very roots.

A common point in caring for colored hair is the application after highlighting of special products that care for colored hair. Various masks, balms not only consolidate the result, but also restore damaged hair.

In addition, you should know that highlighting should not be done if your hair has recently been dyed (henna) or curled - the result can be unpredictable. Highlighting is not recommended for poor condition hair - first you need to put it in order.

Video on the topic


  • do the highlighting yourself

According to cosmetologists, it is useful to do active nourishing, moisturizing, restoring face masks 1-2 times a week. This is quite enough to keep your skin healthy and glowing. In some cases, you can make masks more often.


It is not recommended to do face masks with active ingredients more than 2 times a week, so that the skin cells do not start to become lazy. As an exception, you can make such a mask before festive evening or going on a date to give your skin a more youthful and beautiful view and also to make sure your makeup looks perfect.

If you have mature or problematic skin, then you need to pay more attention to caring for it. She will also benefit from masks with active ingredients, enriched with vitamins and natural oils. You can use industrially produced masks or homemade masks made from natural products. The former may have a more pronounced effect, but the latter are much cheaper and no less beneficial for the skin. Milk based masks, egg white, honey, cosmetic oil You can cook it yourself by choosing your favorite recipe. All these natural products always at hand, they affect skin cells in the most in a favorable manner.

For frequent use Homemade masks based on fresh fruits and vegetables are suitable. These masks can be used as daily care behind the skin of the face. According to makeup artists, without first nourishing the skin it is impossible to do beautiful make-up. Therefore, if you want to look fresh, young every day, have healthy skin And natural color face, then find time in the mornings or evenings (which is more convenient for many women) to make berries, fruits or herbal mask.

Somewhat very simple recipes masks that can be made daily for any skin type: mix 1 tsp. orange pulp with 1 tsp. oatmeal, apply to skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse warm water. This mask improves complexion and is suitable for aging skin.

Make a decoction of plantain leaves (1 tablespoon of dry leaves per glass of water), cool. Soak the gauze in the broth and place it on your face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water - your skin will look rested and refreshed.

Peel the tomato, crush the pulp into a paste, add 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water. The mask makes tired skin firmer, more elastic and fresh.

Video on the topic

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Modern means for hair coloring allow you to create a variety of hairstyles at home. Including doing highlighting. The main thing is to decide on the color and width of the strands.

Which highlighting to choose?

This type of highlighting is recognized by hairdressers as the most gentle. After all, “ California highlighting» using ammonia-free paints. Coloring is also intended for fair-haired young ladies. The master creates several strands on the hair, as if naturally bleached by the sun. For painting they usually use light shades: wheat, honey, caramel, sand, pearl, golden and so on. This technique does not involve dyeing hair roots and sharp contrasts. The color transitions are almost imperceptible. Therefore, such highlighting does not require frequent touch-ups. Another advantage " California highlighting"is that it perfectly masks gray hair. So Hollywood divas Like Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston, they really loved this type of highlighting.

"French highlighting"

This is also a type of gentle. It is recommended only for fair-haired and light brown-haired women. Highlighting owes its name to the French cosmetics concern L'Oreal, which was one of the first to develop a paint that allows lightening by three to four tones. During coloring using this technology, the artist often combines several shades, creating the effect of burning out in the sun. The more shades used, the more the more spectacular and expensive the hairstyle looks.The advantage of “French highlighting” is to give the hair additional volume and create beautiful game glare Using this technique, you can create both warm and cool blonde tones.

"Ash highlighting"

This type of highlighting involves dyeing hair in steel shades. “Highlighting” is suitable for light and brown hair. It is possible to dye not only the entire head of hair, but also individual strands. After all ash color- very capricious. Therefore, you cannot save on this type of highlighting. You need to do it yourself the best salon. Ash strands will not only add glamor to your look, but will also make you look a little older than your age. A very beautiful combination - ash and black strands. But this is an option for the most daring. Please also note that “ash highlights” are washed off the hair very quickly. Therefore, you will need to tint your strands regularly.

"Cascade highlighting"

The peculiarity of “cascade highlighting” is that it is done from the ends of the hair to the roots. It is suitable for those women who want to return their natural hair color. The coloring is done in such a way that the dark strands at the roots gradually flow into the light ends. The owner of this highlighting can wait until her hair grows to the desired length, and then simply cut off the colored ends.

"Venetian highlighting"

This type of highlighting is intended for burning brunettes. Dyeing allows you to lighten only a few strands. The master creates the effect of sun glare: there are no sharp transitions or contrasts. Acceptable shades: platinum, lemon, cognac and chocolate. The honey palette and wet sand look especially impressive. The dyeing technique is quite fast, as it does not require work. The master chooses strands randomly, but works spontaneously. The longer the dye stays on the hair, the lighter the result will be. During dyeing, you need to retreat 3 cm from the roots. Thus, the roots after “ Venetian highlighting“are not conspicuous, and the hairstyle looks harmonious.

It turns out that highlighting is not a product at all modern fashion. Even at the court of Louis XIV, ladies realized that the effect of bleached hair looks extremely elegant. Today the urgent question is how to highlight your hair so as not to damage it.

What was the impetus for the popularity of highlighting?

Probably for the first time among the stars of the 20th century, Brigitte Bardot began to flaunt highlights. The actress was not a natural blonde, and her hairdresser Jacques Dessange decided that individual bleached strands would look much more natural and elegant, rather than banal bleaching.

The peak of highlighting popularity was the 90s, when the show “Baywatch” was launched on American television. Tanned beauties, led by Pamela Andersen, invitingly shook their sun-bleached locks as they emerged from the turquoise ocean.

Since then, highlighting has become very popular among women of different races and ages. Today, Painting is the most popular technique among professionals. It requires high-quality dyes.

Variety of means

Indeed, it is quite difficult to choose what to highlight your hair with when there are so many different products around. Undoubtedly, you need to choose only high-quality professional products.

Highlighting products from Wella, in particular Sanlight Wella, are very popular among professional hairdressers. This dye creates soft natural tints with minimal damage to curls. Features a wide palette of shades. Due to its liquid consistency and weak coloring properties, it is recommended to apply the root remedy in wide strands.

Majimaches from L'oreal are often used to highlight natural, previously undyed hair. Ammonia-free dye provides quite lasting effect. The product looks especially good on dark hair, creating a golden glow effect on it. When mixing two active ingredients a thick substance is formed that can be applied directly to the hair with a brush, highlighting without foil.

Wella's Blondor Soft Blonde cream can be used to highlight both natural and colored hair. For the product to be optimal in thickness, it must be diluted in a 1:1 ratio. Then the drug will not spread and will lie evenly.

If you are interested in which preparations are best for highlighting hair without subsequent tinting, pay attention to Blondor Multi Blond blonde powder. The formula of the product includes special molecules that prevent the appearance of yellowness.

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When highlighting, a yellowish tint often appears that you want to get rid of. This can be done at home without resorting to professional hairdressing products.

You will need


Of course, the most in a simple way To eliminate yellow highlights is to visit a beauty salon. An experienced hairdresser applies a professional solution to individual strands, after which the hair acquires the ideal shade. But it should be noted that this procedure must be repeated 1-2 times a month to maintain the result. In addition, color correction significantly hits your pocket. It is not recommended to use the drug, as it is necessary to take into account the proportions, condition of the hair, original color and other factors. The effect may worsen the situation, after which a trip to the hairdresser will be required.

It is much easier to use a tinted shampoo, which changes the color of the hair for a short period of time, hiding the yellowness. Usually, better effect achieve blonde tones that lighten the hair. This method does not require special skills and is not difficult to apply at home. It is enough to add the product to your usual shampoo and leave for a few minutes, depending on the desired color saturation.

Folk remedies are good because they have a gentle effect on hair. For example, they are effective when yellow tint white grape juice, table vinegar, onion peels, honey. Grape juice must be mixed with shampoo in equal proportions, and then wash your hair. Table vinegar added to the water during rinsing, but this must be done regularly. Onion peels help remove the yellow tint if you pre-brew it in water and soak your curls with the resulting decoction and leave it overnight. If you thoroughly soak your hair with natural honey overnight, the yellowness will disappear and a healthy shine and strength will appear.

When repeating highlighting, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist in order to obtain desired shade. An experienced hairdresser will assess the condition of the hair, select the proportions of the coloring composition, and recommend hair care products. It is much easier to prevent the appearance of a yellow tint than to then try to get rid of it.


Quite effective kefir mask. It nourishes the hair structure, makes it stronger and shiny, and has a whitening effect.

Helpful advice

Fine highlighting is a complex and lengthy procedure during which the hair is dyed in small strands, which allows you to emphasize the structure and increase volume. You can do it yourself, but it is better to trust the master.

At home or in the salon?

If you often color your hair yourself using the latest dyes, you can most likely achieve a decent effect with fine highlights, but this is very labor-intensive process, so it is better to have it done in a good salon.

Fine highlighting suitable for women with any shade of hair - from very light to chestnut. With the help of such highlighting, you can completely transform even an ordinary haircut. This type of highlighting looks especially impressive on short hair.

For this procedure, special caps with holes are usually used for short and medium hair and foil plates for long hair. Classic way highlighting using a cap is considered, sometimes called “feathers”. Thin strands are pulled into the holes, which, using special paint lighten, then (without removing the cap) wash your hair, avoiding paint getting on the main part of the hair. This method is best suited for those with short and fine hair.

For fine highlighting long hair use foil strips. First, the strands are isolated using the tail of a comb, they are placed on special foil plates, separated from the main mass of hair, dyed, and then the foil is carefully wrapped, this allows you to save neighboring strands from the effects of the dye. This method of highlighting is considered safe and is best suited for long hair.

After highlighting

After the highlighting procedure, many masters recommend undergoing hair tinting, this softens the sharp transitions between the main natural color hair and bleached strands. It's best to tint your hair after a few days.

Any highlighting, frequent to one degree or another, negatively affects the condition of the hair. However, most girls can no longer completely abandon this procedure. This means that before highlighting you need to change special approach, making it high quality and safe for hair.

What can frequent highlighting look like?

When going to your favorite hairdresser, any representative of the fair sex should know exactly what she expects from the procedure. There are a lot of highlighting options, and each of them has its own percentage of admirers:

  1. Highlighting done in contrasting shades. This hairstyle is perfect for girls who want to stand out from the crowd and, in some cases, even shock the public. Highlighting is popular warm colors: honey or beige. Thus, a certain contrast is achieved between the main color and the highlighted strands, which creates new image. For lovers dramatic changes modern industry beauty also offers a more radical option: covering the strands with multi-colored paint. Purple, pink and even green are by no means extravagant, but quite creative solution the most fashionable hairdressers in the world. However, such an image must be correctly combined with appropriate accessories in clothing so that the hair does not look ridiculous.
  2. Frequent highlighting is exclusively for dark hair. This procedure has become much more widespread than highlighting already light hair. The innovation of this method is partial clarification of the selected area. For example, only the strands framing the face, or only the ends of the hair, can be dyed a light shade. In this case, you should not choose a color that is too light in order to avoid obvious contrast. In this case, multi-colored strands can alternate with each other or go incrementally. However, hair highlighting can be done using another technique: the bleached strands are distributed evenly over the head and are quite rare. This method is applicable for those who are doing highlighting for the first time and are afraid of drastic changes. If the hairstyle is to the taste of its owner, then you can safely decide on a more radical experiment.
  3. Frequent highlighting for blonde hair. The need to lighten already light curls for most representatives of the fair sex often does not arise. In order to slightly change your image, you can simply tint the strands with a darker shade.

In addition, when deciding to highlight, you need to understand that it will last quite a long time, in some cases even longer than the most durable paint.

How is highlighting done?

Hair highlighting, like any other procedure, can be performed using different techniques, each of which provides a certain level of protection.

Classic highlighting involves selecting several strands and uniform coloring each of them along the entire length. In order to ensure hair protection, it is important to choose a high-quality dye, with which the entire process will be carried out. However, the highlighted strands in this case turn out to be quite thin - only 5 mm wide. This way you can achieve less contrast and a certain natural effect. Classic highlighting also allows you to even out hair color after unsuccessful dyeing or tinting.

A much more progressive method of changing color is also. This technique allows you to give your hair shine and naturalness. From the outside it may seem that the strands were not carefully dyed, but only faded under the bright scorching sun. This effect is achieved by applying three or four shades of paint to the selected area and simmering them under the film. An invaluable advantage of American highlighting is the versatility of its use for any type of hair: dry or oily, curly or perfectly straight.

For those who are in awe of own hair and does not tolerate chemical dyes, a gentle highlighting option is also offered - Californian. The toning process is carried out without wrapping in foil, but up to 6 different shades! The darkest of them is applied to the roots, and the lighter ones are distributed evenly along the entire length of the strand. This achieves the effect of sun-bleached hair ends. Thanks to this transition, the color lasts long enough, and, if necessary, reliably hides gray hair.

The so-called Venetian highlighting, which is distinguished by a rather specific technology, is also perfect for any hair type.

Different shades are applied parallel to each other on different parts of the hair and dried under a heating device for at least 30 minutes. Highlighting done in this way may slightly spoil the hair structure, but it will last at least three months! In this case, the girl will have to choose what to focus on: the health of her hair or its impeccable appearance.

How to care for highlighted hair?

Of course, highlighting is not dyeing, and therefore it cannot cause serious harm to the hair. However, this does not mean that highlighted hair does not need care!

At least once a week they need to make a restorative mask based on olive, burdock or orange oil. With the latter, you need to carefully monitor the proportions so as not to burn your hair. Today we offer ready-made options, however, it would be more advisable to give preference to natural ingredients.

It is necessary and possible to do highlighting without first washing your hair for several days, or even a week. A kind of protective film is formed on the hair, saving it from dehydration and damage. After the procedure, you can wash your hair at any convenient interval.

Do not forget about the dangers of scorching sun rays, especially in the hot season, wearing protective gear on your head and applying a product with a UV filter to your curls. Experts have not determined how often highlighting can be done at this time, but most of them strongly recommend refraining from a procedure that can completely ruin hair already weakened by the heat.

This is highlighting, which is performed only at the ends of the strands. This coloring is good for different types hair. It will look beautiful on dark, red, blond, blonde hair. You just need to choose the right shade.

Most often, highlighting the ends is done on long and medium hair, but there are techniques that allow you to perform the procedure on short hair so that it looks natural.

This type of highlighting has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • visually makes the hairstyle more vibrant and voluminous;
  • allows you to change the image without a sharp transition to a different color;
  • a more gentle method compared to full coloring;
  • growing roots are less noticeable;
  • does not require frequent updates;
  • suitable for women of any age;
  • looks natural and attractive.


  • chemicals for coloring are harmful, especially if the procedure is performed frequently;
  • painting can take a long time, depending on the shade and technique chosen;
  • high cost of highlighting when working with complex techniques;
  • Difficulty doing it at home.

Important! It is advisable to carry out the procedure in a salon so that the specialist chooses desired color according to your appearance and hair type. You may need to mix several shades of paint.

Types and photos

The main techniques for such highlighting are balayage, shatush, ombre and dip dye.


The strands are chosen randomly and vary in thickness and length. The transitions between tones are also not strictly separated, so the coloring turns out natural if you choose shades that are close to the natural color of the hairstyle. With this type of highlighting, foil is not used. The color stretches along the length from dark to light to give the curls maximum volume. More suitable for long hair.


Coloring technique to give the effect of sun-bleached curls. Looks very natural. Shades are selected in accordance with the natural color of the strands. It is performed without foil and is very gentle.


The ends are dyed as a whole mass of hair, rather than in strands. Can be painted in several shades. The main difference between ombre is that the transition from the main body of hair to the colored ends is quite sharp and clearly visible. You can choose any color, from simple to the most vibrant and varied.

Dip dye

The technique is suitable for light curls. The roots and length remain light, and the ends are colored bright colors. The transition from length is as sharp as in ombre. Any non-trivial colors will do: blue, red, pink, purple, green, etc.

How to choose the right shade?

When choosing a shade, you should take into account the following parameters: the length and condition of the hair, the main color, whether the hair is dyed or not.

  • For bright brunettes, rich plum and wine colors are suitable. You can also try a contrasting ombre look with very light ends.
  • For brown-haired women, a combination of chestnut and bronze shades will be successful.
  • Amber highlights will look beautiful on red hair.
  • For brown hair Caramel and creamy shades, even pearl white, are suitable. To achieve natural effect, you can first lighten your hair by 1-2 tones.
  • For blondes, delicate light shades and pearly highlights will be advantageous.

If you want to experiment, then the ends can be painted in bright colors: pink, purple, blue, green, red. They are suitable for both light and dark hair. However, dark ends you will have to lighten it first.

Technique for doing it at home

Hair must be in good condition before dyeing. It is necessary to remove all split ends so that the dye applies more evenly and the color lasts longer. The coloring composition should be diluted only in glass or porcelain containers. When painting, you should use rubber gloves.

How to dye the ends of your hair:

  1. Divide your hair into strands and secure them with elastic bands. The number of strands depends on the thickness of the hair. The main thing is that there should be so many of them that it is convenient to paint all the ends evenly.
  2. Apply to ends coloring composition with a special brush. Wait 5 minutes and then apply again, covering the hair a few cm above. Repeat after another 5 minutes. This technique promotes a more uniform color transition from the main mass to the ends.
  3. After applying all the dye, comb the ends with a fine-tooth comb.
  4. Wrap each strand in foil and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Unfold the foil and thoroughly rinse the coloring mixture from your hair.
  6. Dry the curls and apply care products.

Important! Before painting, you should do an allergy test. How to do such a test is usually indicated on the dye packaging.

How long does the result last and how to maintain it?

On average, re-dyeing of the ends should be done once every 2-3 months. The exact duration between procedures depends on the chosen technique, dyeing color, and hair condition.

For example, coloring using the shatush technique can be repeated once every 3 months, because it gives the most natural result of burnt hair. The hairstyle looks harmonious, even if the hair has grown a lot.

If dip dye was applied and the ends of the hair are colored, you will have to maintain the color and dye your hair every 2-3 weeks.

You need to take care of highlighted hair by special means . Shampoos, conditioners and masks are suitable for colored hair. You can use leave-in serums and oils for shine, which will give highlighted curls well-groomed appearance. It is advisable to dry your hair in a natural way and use curling irons less often. When styling, you should use thermal protection.

Who better not to do it?

Highlighting should not be done in several cases:

  • if staining has been done before natural dyes(henna, basma);
  • if the hair has recently been dyed with permanent dye;
  • if you had a perm less than a month ago;
  • if the hair is in poor condition (split ends, porosity);
  • if there is a lot gray hair and requires regular painting of the roots.

In other cases Highlighting the ends is perfect for changing your image, you just need to decide on the desired technique and choose the appropriate shade.

Highlighting the ends allows you to experiment with your appearance while remaining in your comfort zone. Having tried different techniques, you can choose the optimal coloring method that will make the hairstyle expressive and the owner of curls irresistible.