How to make the skin of the body smooth at home. How to make skin soft and smooth

Our skin is the largest and most exposed organ of the body, exposed every second to heat, cold, winter frosts and the baking sun or tight clothing. As a result, our skin needs daily care.

Skin care at home is not difficult, especially if you follow the tips below

Ideal condition of the skin of the face and body - cherished dream every member of the fair sex. And let the ideal oval of the face or a beautiful nose not get by nature, let the lips be thin, and the shape of the eyebrows leaves much to be desired, or the signs of the first cellulite appear ... If the skin glows with purity and health, the whole woman is transformed, becomes attractive.

perfect skin

Ideal skin is considered to be soft, supple, sufficiently moisturized. There should be no wrinkles, blackheads or enlarged pores. The complexion can vary from pale white to swarthy. But it must be healthy, no redness or earthiness.

Our skin is an excellent indicator of the state of health. Any trouble in life is reflected on the face in the form of wrinkles, pimples or other problems.

Our beauty depends on us. Each of the women is beautiful in her own way, in order to be even more beautiful and maintain youth, it is necessary daily care behind the skin

Pledge of beauty appearance- self confidence. A woman who knows she looks good carries her head high, smiles slyly, her eyes glow. The gait becomes light, slightly dancing, and the voice becomes soft and confident at the same time. That is, women's self-esteem is directly related to appearance, or rather, to the condition of the skin. Even minor defects, such as freckles, small redness, can shake self-confidence, to say nothing of larger problems, such as acne.

Beauty tips for skin care at home

By "care" is meant not only a cosmetic set in the bathroom, but also ten assistants to maintain perfect skin.

  1. Bath and sauna. The benefits of this procedure, due to which there is an improvement in blood circulation, removal of toxins, acceleration of metabolism, removal of dead cells, can be stated indefinitely. To keep your skin young, supple and firm, go to the sauna as often as possible, for example once a week.
  2. Cold and hot shower. The soul, with great confidence, can be attributed to almost all the advantages of baths and saunas.
  3. Shower gel. Preferring ordinary soap, many people ignore special shower cosmetics. And in vain, as ordinary soap takes away from the skin protective layer, degreasing it and draining it. Currently, on the shelves of stores there is a huge range of products, for example, soap, milk or gel, the most important properties of which are addressed both to cleansing the skin and caring soft care.
  4. Body lotion. An indispensable preparation in the bathroom is lotion, in order to protect the skin after water procedures. Rub it in in a circular motion, especially scrupulously massaging the knees and elbows, where the skin is rough and dry.
  5. Oil. The oil compensates for the lack of moisture in the skin cells, and also retains it there. Oil can be both liquid and dry, but the second option, which does not leave marks on clothes, is preferred.
  6. Cotton or thermal underwear. The use of synthetic underwear can threaten the skin with itching, irritation or even allergies, moreover, it upsets the exchange of heat, retaining sweat and preventing the skin from breathing.
  7. Outerwear based on natural fabrics. Outerwear, like underwear should be not only comfortable, but also pleasant for your skin. Especially not recommended synthetic fabrics those who already quickly get oily and sweaty skin. Tight latex tights or leggings look pretty sexy, but do not forget that the skin also lacks air in it. Choose only comfortable and high-quality clothes.
  8. sunbathing And Fresh air. Our skin, like all living organisms on Earth, needs sunlight, that is, ultraviolet radiation. Nothing is more satisfying than the first tan, with which it is important not to overdo it and not burn out in the sun. Ultraviolet nourishes our body through the skin and gives us the so necessary for beauty and health. Fresh air strengthens vitality body, helps us to be in good shape and makes the skin healthier and more elastic.
  9. Skin massage. Any of us have heard about miraculous properties massage. Our body and any part of it is open for both relaxing and tonic massage, because both improve blood circulation, which leads to regeneration and rejuvenation of not only muscles, but also the skin itself.
  10. Physical exercise. There is an acceleration metabolic processes in the cells, which gives the skin elasticity. The female body is not an accordion - I will lose weight, and then I will get fat. It is very important to control your own weight, because the skin suffers from sudden “weight loss” and “thickening”, in the first place. In addition, any activity is a healthy supply of oxygen necessary for the skin.

And the body acquires an unpleasant roughness due to dead cells of the epidermis - the upper layer of the skin. To restore the lost smoothness, it is necessary to free the surface of the body from dead cells. Today, there are many different methods for cleansing the skin, and the easiest and most affordable of them is the regular use of a suitable scrub.

Scrub is a special or gel containing the smallest abrasive particles. The mechanism of its action is very simple: when applied to the surface of the body and rubbed, the solid particles of the scrub cling to dead skin flakes and exfoliate them.

Depending on the purpose, scrubs can be soft, delicate for the face and sensitive areas body; containing sharp or rounded abrasive particles; they may include emollient or healing essential oils and a variety of nutrients.

Applying scrubs to cleanse the skin is very simple. After a shower, apply a scrub on the body and massage it well, evenly distributing the cosmetic over the surface of the skin, then rinse with water. Dead scales will be removed along with the remains of the scrub and the skin will shine with freshness and smoothness. After applying the scrub, it is advisable to smear the body with a moisturizer to relieve irritation from mechanical stress and saturate fresh skin with moisture.

The simplest scrub can be made from improvised means. For example, take a handful sea ​​salt and mix it with olive oil or body butter. The effect of such a procedure will be like visiting a mineral spring. If as abrasive particles for homemade scrub use the thick after drinking natural coffee, then in addition to effective cleansing the skin will take on a shade of light tan.

Not less than effective method skin cleansing is her stiff bath mitt or body brush made of natural bristles. However, it is important not to overdo it and not damage the skin by mechanical action. It is most effective to use a bath mitt during a shower or bath, actively rubbing roughened places. After finishing the massage, you need to rinse the entire body with water to wash away dead cells.

Regardless of which cleansing method is used, during the procedure, the main attention should be paid to problem areas where the skin becomes rough the fastest. These include elbows, knees, top part hands, and heels. Rubbing a cleansing scrub into these areas can spare no effort. At the same time, the scrub should be applied with caution on such sensitive areas How inner surface arms and thighs, abdomen and décolleté.

In order for the skin to always be smooth, soft, even and velvety, it is not enough to smear the first cream that comes across once. Care must be regular! It's good if you can afford to visit the spa at least once a week, get massages and other treatments - pamper yourself, but if not? In general, properly caring for the body is a whole science, and it must be mastered.

So, morning! water procedures. A critical look in the mirror and a sigh about, of course, a plump tummy... Do you take care of it properly? Now every morning before taking a shower, you will massage your stomach in a circular motion with a soft terry mitten or washcloth. Naturally, you do not take a shower without gel or soap. Choose products that contain caring ingredients. Now many cosmetics manufacturers include moisturizing creams in their shower products. There are also liquid and solid soaps with moisturizing additives, as well as various nutrients and plant extracts. Complete the water procedures with a contrast shower.

Now you can use a body moisturizer or an emollient non-alcohol lotion. Very good remedy- hydrating oil, but it can be much more expensive than a cream. Body butter is usually scented (except for low-scented hypoallergenic baby oil), and this fragrance is quite intense. Keep this in mind when you apply perfume! Particularly dry areas of the body - feet, palms, buttocks, thighs, shins, elbows, knees. Give them more attention and do not feel sorry for the cream!

Our advice. Of course, nothing terrible will happen if you smear, say, face cream on your lower leg. But it is still better to use tools specially designed to solve local problems.

body breath

You probably use facial scrubs. Did you know that the skin of the body also needs exfoliating treatments? Body scrub should be applied once a week, remembering to use moisturizers afterwards. Body scrubs, unlike facial scrubs, contain larger particle granules. Body exfoliators may contain aromatic oils such as peppermint, rosemary, almond, or lemon. Very good effect- in particular anti-cellulite - scrubs with sea salt! Salt crystals are supplemented in them essential oils. Don't forget about special scrubs for feet and nails!

Our advice. Salt scrub. When you take a bath, sprinkle some sea salt on the bottom!

Salt, until dissolved, will act on the skin of the buttocks as a scrub, and also have a slight massage effect.

Without cellulite

There are many, but the first thing you should remember: no, even the most expensive anti-cellulite gels or slimming creams will not help if you do not follow a diet and exercise! Well, at least do exercises in the morning ... But in combination with exercise and diet, weight loss products work, and how! Moreover, they include lifting components, plant extracts that improve blood circulation, as well as eliminate subcutaneous fat. There are anti-cellulite products with a thermal effect, that is, warming up the skin.

Our advice. Use after a hot shower, rub well problem areas towel! Then the effect of their application will be much stronger.


Hard hairs breaking through can negate all your efforts to give the skin the desired softness and velvety. If there are not very many of them, then, probably, you should not run to a beauty clinic and do an expensive laser hair removal. It is quite possible to get by with devices such as an electric epilator, a hair removal machine, or a special hair removal cream. Leg hair removal cream is not suitable for the bikini area!

A certain inconvenience is caused by the fact that after shaving the hairs appear the very next day, and after applying the depilatory cream - on the fourth day. But the epilation process does not take much time, so this inconvenience is only apparent. Waxing is quite painful. With a lower threshold of sensitivity, it is better not to do it.

Our advice. After epilation, after removing hair with a machine or an electric epilator, use a special cream or gel. They relieve irritation, moisturize the skin, and some contain additives that prevent ingrown hairs!

Chest forward!

Do not think that if you now have a luxurious elastic chest then you don't have to take care of it. The skin of the chest is very sensitive and delicate, which means that you need to give it Special attention. “Loves” a contrast shower, soft self-massage and special physical education, but too hot bath and exposure to UV rays are absolutely contraindicated for her! Even if for some reason you cannot take a bath or shower (for example, you are traveling on a long-distance train), then take care of your breasts! If it is not possible to wash the chest with soap or gel, at least wipe it with a damp towel.

In addition to self-massage and contrast shower just need to apply special creams for breast care. Try to choose those that contain collagen, elastin, algae extracts, ginkgo tree bark. Of course, with just cosmetics problems such as strong stretch marks (for example, after losing or gaining weight) or sagging breasts will not be solved. Care products are effective when you notice only the first signs of an impending “trouble”. But to get lasting effect, you must, firstly, regularly use the remedy (or a number of remedies), and secondly, strictly observe the method of its application. Breast care products increase skin tone, which means they model the shape of the breast, fight free radicals, slowing down the aging process. The sooner you start giving your breasts the attention you need, the longer it will be the way you want it to be!

Our advice. There are many special means for breast enlargement. If you decide to use them, be sure to consult your doctor!

In order to be truly sexy, you must have a well-groomed, pleasing to the eye body. This is one of critical factors sexual attraction. We can say that in some cases grooming is more important than the possession of certain external data obtained from nature. If the body is not well-groomed, then it will not be fully perceived as sexy even with a good figure. In some cases, the dignity of the figure can even be completely reduced to nothing. Be that as it may, sleekness implies a certain level of respect and love for oneself and gives the female appearance that necessary chic, which in many cases can replace the impeccable perfection of forms.

What should be a well-groomed, attractive body for the opposite sex? Firstly, taut, elastic, moderately trained and by no means loose. Secondly, it should not be painfully pale, with an unhealthy skin color, but, on the contrary, slightly touched by a tan. Thirdly, the hands and feet must be put in perfect order, that is, they must be manicured and pedicured. Finally, where necessary, unwanted hair must be removed from the surface of the skin.

The feeling of self-grooming, sleekness gives a woman great self-confidence. Many pop stars have become Lately strenuously improve your figure, trying to bring it into ideal condition. We see that some of them have achieved amazing harmony and grace, regardless of age. How much more advantageous their appearance has become in terms of sexual attractiveness!

The cult of a fit, young, sexy body is beginning to penetrate into Russia more and more. The cult of youthfulness and external attractiveness came to us from the West, or rather, from America. They give it a lot great importance. This factor is extremely important not only for success in personal life but also for a career. When applying for a job, considerable importance, except for professional qualities, has the appearance of the candidate. This approach is understandable. After all, it is very pleasant to be and work among fit, well-groomed, attractive-looking people, it improves mood and ability to work, creates a good emotional fund. As for Russia, in it, as in any other country, of course, it has always been highly valued female beauty. But the question is different. Everywhere the cult of grooming and external attractiveness, adopted in society, consists in the fact that people living in this society are already ready to make conscious efforts in order to achieve improvement in their appearance and maintain it in great shape not only in youth, but also at a very respectable age. To do this, they are not too lazy to go jogging in the morning, visit swimming pools, GYM's etc. In order to be proud of your appearance, you need first of all the will to improve. Without this, one can hope to be attractive to the opposite sex only in youth, which, as you know, passes very quickly ...

REMEMBER: smartness and grooming give the female appearance a special sexy chic, which can partially replace the impeccable perfection of forms.

beauty diet

When the body is strong, elastic, dense, then even fullness is not an obstacle to attractiveness. What determines the elasticity of the body and how to achieve it? Achieving the desired tone contributes to the appropriate diet and exercise. The most favorable diet for keeping the body in excellent shape, consisting of a sufficient amount of vitamins ( natural fruits and vegetables), as well as from light protein foods. By the way, such a diet is typical for the "powerful of this world", who are very concerned about their health and maintaining a great shape.

Fruits and vegetables should try to diversify and eat raw, in kind(then they best preserve vitamins) or in the form of all kinds of salads, seasoned mainly vegetable oil. As for proteins, to maintain muscle elasticity, the best choice is lean meat, poultry, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, fish of good varieties, and meat, poultry and fish should be consumed in boiled or lightly fried form, without fatty additives (such as sour cream and mayonnaise). ) and hot spices.

And here are examples of food that spoils the figure, makes the body loose, "unappetizing." These are bread and rolls (with the exception of crackers and crispbread), cereals with butter and sugar, rich soups, pasta, pies, cakes, pastries, sweets, meat dishes with gravy, dairy products with a high percentage of fat content, canned food and, in general, all complex, multi-component dishes.

No less important for the preservation of beauty is what we drink. The best choice is mineral water and natural juices sugarless. Many top models claim that drinking helps them stay in great shape. a large number mineral water(up to two liters per day), as well as a full long sleep. In order to preserve the beauty of the figure, you should refrain from drinking milk with a high percentage of fat, cocoa nanite, cream, sweet compotes, lemonades, etc.

Make yourself a luxurious figure!

Elementary physical exercise, provided they are performed regularly (at least for twenty minutes a day), are able to keep the body in good shape. More effective means for this purpose are simulators. The most common of these are an exercise bike and a moving walkway. Loads are dosed as needed. Jogging is a great way to keep fit. With a slow, calm run, all muscles work evenly, internal organs are slightly massaged. Thanks to this, excess fat disappears, the muscles become elastic, and the body is trained, toned.

For those who strive to achieve more impressive results, there is shaping. It is a weight-bearing exercise that targets specific muscles. Shaping works wonders, thanks to it you can create an amazing body! The optimal exercise schedule is calculated on the computer, based on the desired changes in the figure. Thanks to weight-bearing exercises, you can build individual muscles, giving them desired shape(The word "shaping" in translation from English means "shaping"). For those who are obsessed with the desire to acquire a magnificent body with impeccable forms and, most importantly, are ready to make the necessary efforts for this, nothing is impossible!

Finally, let's not forget swimming. Swimming is good because during it, just like when running, all the muscles of the body work. At the same time there is a uniform massage internal organs and the skin, which becomes more elastic from this. Best result brings swimming in the sea, as the massaging effect of salty waves increases the beneficial effect. Well, throughout the year a subscription to the pool - excellent tool to save slim figure and, in addition, improve mood.

REMEMBER: regular exercise on the muscles for at least twenty minutes a day will give the body harmony, and you - confidence.

Smooth skin

Vinegar-salt massage will help make your skin smooth. It is done like this: during daily water procedures, you need to vigorously massage the body with a hard washcloth moistened with an acetic-salt solution (two tablespoons of salt plus two tablespoons of vinegar dissolved in one liter of water). The best thing for this purpose is a long massage sponge with two handles. Thanks to this massage, keratinized particles are removed from the skin surface, blood rushes to the skin, metabolic processes in it intensify, it becomes pink, fresh, young. The rejuvenating effect of this procedure is especially great with its regular use.

Peeling and scrub creams are great to achieve a similar effect. It should be remembered that scrubs are designed to remove dead skin particles from denser areas of the skin, for example, from the elbows and feet. It is necessary to apply a peeling or scrub on wet skin, massage it in circular motions for about 5-10 minutes and rinse with a little warm, and then cold water. It is enough to carry out such a procedure once every five to seven days.

Apply to skin after shower or bath thin layer moisturizer or emollient balm and allow it to absorb (this is especially important if the water you use it is hard and dries the skin). After all the above procedures, you will feel much better.

A visit to the solarium at least once every two to three weeks helps maintain a pleasant, healthy, fresh skin tone. It must be said right away that strong tan now it is no longer in fashion (and it is also harmful to health, as it dries out and ages the skin excessively). But a light golden-peach shade of tan will give you a well-groomed, rested look. Of course, it is better than in a solarium to sunbathe under the natural rays of the sun, but in most cases such an opportunity is available only in summer. The body will look healthy and attractive if it is regularly exposed to Sun rays, breathes air, is blown by a light breeze. It needs it! If the skin does not receive such natural care, then it looks pale, unhealthy and pampered.

REMEMBER: Regularly apply treatments to keep your skin fresh, healthy and young.

Manicure and pedicure

The most important sign general grooming are manicures and pedicures. There are classic and so-called "European" manicure and pedicure. At classic way the skin growing around the nails is cut off, and with the European one, with the help of special tools, it softens and moves away from the nail hole.

Regarding the length of the nails on the hands, the following can be said: too short cut nails look semi-childish, ascetic, unfeminine. Excessively long nails filed with sharp peaks are more like claws and can even look intimidating. Although in fairness it should be noted that such a “cruel charm” has an exciting effect on some men. Optimal length nails on the hands - 3-4 mm, and it is best if they are filed with a beautiful oval.

And in some cases, when you need to look "one hundred percent", you can use artificial false nails. Especially they can help in cases where your own nails are brittle, exfoliating, uneven. Of course, false nails are not suitable for everyday wear, but they are quite good for going out.

The most recent advance in this field is nail extension technology, but it is too expensive and exotic to be recommended to a wide range of readers.

As for the color of the varnish, this is a matter of taste. Certainly, bright nails look the sexiest. True, some men can not stand intense red polish. Others, on the contrary, cannot resist the extravagance of persons with nails of a dark beetroot, almost black shade. Whatever color of varnish you choose for yourself, remember the main thing: women's pens should give the impression that they were created in order to caress, give, the joy of hugs, gentle and soft, or, conversely, passionate and unbridled ... And in no case, by their unkemptness, should not suggest that the only purpose of their owner is work, work and work...

Speaking separately about pedicure, it is especially important to keep your feet in perfect order in summer when worn open shoes and the feet are visible. If you want to shine on the beach, then make sure that the pedicure is always fresh, otherwise your sex appeal will be incomplete.

You can learn how to do your own manicure and pedicure. To do this, it is enough to visit the salon once or twice and carefully follow the manipulations that the master does with you. Arsenal needed for self manicure and pedicure, consists of the following items:

sharpened nail scissors with curved ends for cutting the skin around the nails;

tweezers for cutting nails and burrs;

- a narrow spatula for pushing the periungual skin;

long file;

special grater for heels;

foot cream (to soften the feet and relieve fatigue);

nail polish;

nail polish remover;

top coat that fixes the varnish (promotes quick drying);

disinfectant (alcohol, cologne, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

REMEMBER: well-groomed hands and feet are an important component of modern female attractiveness.

Legs are silky and exciting

Nowadays, the ideal of beauty and sex appeal requires that the body be smooth, silky. To achieve this result, it is necessary to remove unwanted hairs on the legs, in the armpits and on the so-called “bikini area”. Now there are a lot of tools that allow you to easily achieve what you want. These are special hair removal creams, epilators and, finally, the usual safety razors. To make the process of shaving more pleasant, you can apply a special softening gel to the skin before the procedure. If during shaving it was not possible to do without a cut, it is necessary to disinfect the scratch. In order for the skin to always look flawlessly smooth, it is necessary to shave the hairs at least once a week, and in the summer, of course, more often, especially in cases where open clothing is used. Well, it goes without saying that, going to the beach, one must be very meticulous about this issue so that there are no flaws in the appearance. By the way, epilators allow you to remove hair more radically, and although the procedure for using it is a bit painful, you should be patient in order to get a well-groomed, excitingly smooth body. After all female legs, overgrown with hair, look so unerotic!

Make it a rule to arrange a "beauty salon" at your home once a week. Take a full bath hot water, beat in it fragrant plentiful foam. Apply to face and neck nourishing mask, dive into the bath and enjoy! Treat yourself, because, as they say, you deserve it. After the bath, shave unwanted hairs on the body, do a manicure and pedicure. The main thing that you get after all these procedures is relaxation, rest and feeling well-groomed, beautiful woman with a sleek body worthy of admiration and love. If you yourself immerse yourself in such a feeling, then it will be transmitted to others, believe me!

REMEMBER: in order for the body to be excitingly smooth, sexy, be sure to remove unwanted hairs from the surface of the skin.

The smell that drives him crazy

Let's talk about smells and the miraculous power that they possess. Recently, annoying, sugary smells like "oriental harem" are clearly not in favor. On the contrary, subtle, barely perceptible fragrances are now popular, rather evoking a whole wave of sensual associations than hitting the olfactory nerves. Nevertheless, in a sexy smell there must certainly be a light sweetish note, on the one hand, and a tart, bitter shade, reminiscent of the smell of wormwood warmed by the sun, on the other. Sexy can be called a smell that brings confusion to the soul of a man, gives hope and leaves behind a trail of sweet memories ... A halo of a seductive, exciting aroma can change your image more than you think. We all know what an intriguing effect a passing woman has on us, leaving behind an exciting imagination of chips. Without an erotic scent, the image of a charming sexy woman will be incomplete. Do not deprive yourself of this powerful attribute of female attractiveness!

How to choose your perfume toilet water and so on.? Firstly, in reputable stores, and not anywhere else, otherwise you risk spending money on an insignificant fake. Secondly, it is best to first buy a trial small bottle of perfume of your favorite brand. This will give you the opportunity to check how the smell "behaves" on the skin during the day, whether it changes its original note, as it sometimes happens. The very choice of smell is a completely individual thing. Here it is best to trust not other people's recommendations, but your own intuition, because the smell affects the subconscious.

Be dizzy!

REMEMBER: the halo of a seductive, exciting aroma can change a lot in your life, do not deprive yourself of this powerful attribute of female attractiveness!

Every woman dreams of a beautiful, tender, smooth well-groomed skin. But external irritants, such as polluted air, improperly selected cosmetics, the sun, hard water and more negative factors from a number of malnutrition and inadequate skin care, make their own adjustments. However, in our article we will tell you about easy ways to make your skin perfect!

1. Provide skin care. A lot depends on this. We know the basic rules, very simple ones, for skin care, but we rarely follow them. But all you need to do is get enough sleep, never go to bed with makeup, drink plenty of water, give up sweets. These are the main points that will help you keep your skin in good shape, avoid rashes, irritations. Below we will tell you more about interesting masks for the face, after application of which you simply will not recognize your skin!

2. Why Buy Expensive Skin Scrubs, which include a huge amount of chemicals, if all the best you can do at home. Effective, natural, useful and inexpensive. All you need for a homemade scrub is half a cup. ground coffee, 40 g olive oil and 10 g of honey. By the way, this scrub is perfect not only for the face, but also for the whole body. For the best effect, we recommend that you apply it to the steamed body and massage all areas for 15-20 seconds. The advantage of this scrub is that its texture is very delicate, which is why it can be used on particularly sensitive areas of the skin.

3. Embrace rose oil. It can be bought at a pharmacy. This is a universal tool that can be used in the manufacture of masks, massage with it, add a couple of drops to the shower gel. This oil makes the skin very tender, moreover, gives it a wonderful aroma.

4. To relieve stress, make the skin softer, and also have a tonic effect, orange water will help you. Preparing it is very simple: you need to grate the zest from three oranges on a fine grater, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and two glasses of orange juice. How to apply this water? Add it when you take a bath. It is recommended to do this procedure 1-2 times a week.

5. Kefir mask. This is a great recipe that young girls will love. All you need to prepare this mask is a liter of kefir, a few drops of rosemary oil and two tablespoons. cosmetic clay. Apply the mask on the body and hold for no longer than 15 minutes. The mask should be done regularly - once a week.

6. A curd mask will help you achieve breathtakingly silky skin. To prepare it, you need to take 1 kg of cottage cheese and 1 liter of cream, preferably fatty. Mix the ingredients and apply all over the body. The exposure time of this mask is 30 minutes. During this time, your skin will acquire a much more well-groomed appearance, as well as indescribable tenderness.

As you can see, taking care of yourself is quite simple. It doesn't require a lot of effort or a lot of time from you. And most of the proposed recipes are inexpensive, and the components for them can be purchased at a pharmacy or a nearby store. Please everyone with your beauty!