Liquid gold: the benefits of olive oil for expectant mothers. Olive oil consumption during pregnancy

The health benefits of olive oil have been known for a long time. The ancient Greeks called it "liquid gold" and valued it on a par with it. Today, it has also gained recognition due to its qualities and is used not only in cooking, but also for other purposes. Olive oil also plays an important role for women during pregnancy. However, you need to know the nuances of the safe use of this most useful product.

Benefits of olive oil for pregnancy

The most important characteristic vegetable oils, on which their nutritional value depends, is the fatty acid composition. Olive oil unique in that it contains 60-80% oleic omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acid - the highest among all vegetable oils. Its benefits to the body are known and well studied. It is necessary for the normal functioning of every cell of the body. The lack of oleic acid affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails and can lead to the appearance of heart disease, oncology, diabetes, obesity and other health problems.

The level of consumption of olive oil in Russia is in second place after sunflower

Oleic acid can be synthesized by the human body from other types of fatty acids. But it takes energy and useful substances, therefore, its intake with food will save the resources of the body.

In addition, the composition of olive oil includes:

  • palmitic (up to 10%), stearic (5–8%), arachidic (3%) saturated fatty acids;
  • linoleic (omega-6) polyunsaturated fatty acid;
  • vitamins B4, E, K, precursors of vitamin A - carotenoids;
  • minerals Na, K, Ca, Fe;
  • sterols, squalene, phospholipids, flavonoids and other phenolic compounds.

The mineral composition depends on the variety of olives, the region and height of the trees, the time of harvest and the method of production of the oil.

The benefits of olive oil are due to the components that make up its composition. Omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids contribute to the normalization of the circulatory system, improve coordination of movements, tissue regeneration, accelerate the healing of wounds and burns, antioxidants prevent aging, protect against cancer, vitamins improve hair growth and nail condition, have a positive effect on tissues, intestinal muscles and bones , and phenols strengthen the immune system, which is reduced in expectant mothers for physiological reasons.

For pregnant women, the benefits of oil lies in its effect on the development of the fetus. Monounsaturated fatty acids are actively involved in the construction of the nervous, bone and brain tissue of the baby, so the use of olive oil plays important role V correct formation and development of the child.

Another plus of olive oil is its ability to improve the functioning of the digestive system. The use of this product will be a good prevention of constipation, which many pregnant women suffer from.

Olive oil can provide positive influence and the birth process. It softens the cervix and prepares it for dilatation, so if there is evidence, the doctor may recommend that the pregnant woman increase its proportion in the diet 2-3 weeks before the baby is born.


The use of olive oil is contraindicated in:

  • cholelithiasis, as oil can cause stones to start moving;
  • cholecystitis (inflammation gallbladder).

Modern doctors prohibit expectant mothers from taking vegetable oils on an empty stomach, as this can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Due to its ability to soften the cervix, caution should be exercised when adding olive oil in large quantities to salads and other dishes for women before 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Some sources advise to massage the perineum with oil, including olive oil, in preparation for childbirth. Only a specialist can prescribe such a massage, and even more so, it can be safely carried out.

Uterine tone and other possible negative consequences of taking oil on an empty stomach in early and late pregnancy

In many sources one can find folk recipes» from constipation and to stimulate childbirth, based on the ingestion of vegetable oils, including olive oil, on an empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before breakfast. It should be noted that this method is really effective for constipation, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially if there is a threat of its interruption. Oil intake - most often it is also recommended to drink it warm water- causes increased contraction of the intestine, which can provoke tone and contractile activity of the uterus. Accordingly, on early dates this experiment threatens to turn into a miscarriage, and in the later ones - premature birth.

As a start of the delivery process at the 40th week of pregnancy, drinking oil on an empty stomach is not only ineffective, but also dangerous, since it is not possible to predict the reaction of a woman’s body for sure - childbirth will begin or persistent vomiting and diarrhea will begin, which threaten dehydration of the body of the mother and baby - not a single doctor will be able.

Drinking oil with water is directly contraindicated for those who have gallstones or cholecystitis.

Olive oil in the diet of the expectant mother

The use of olive oil by pregnant women is recommended to be limited to 1-2 tablespoons per day. Make it a habit to add it to salads and other dishes not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth.

When introducing complementary foods to a child, olive oil is preferable to other fats, since most of all in its composition it resembles fats in breast milk women.

We evaluate the quality

When choosing olive oil, you need to pay attention to the labeling.

  1. Extra Virgin olive oil - extra class oil. The term Virgin indicates that it is obtained by physical first cold pressing without chemical processing. This allows you to keep everything useful components such as vitamins, micro and macro elements, fatty acids and other compounds.
  2. Olive oil or Pure olive oil - this type is obtained by mixing refined olive oil and extra-class oil, while the share of refined reaches 85%. During the refining process, phospholipids, up to 80% of vitamins, 10–70% of sterols are removed from the product, vitamins are destroyed, so its value is significantly reduced compared to Extra Virgin olive oil.
  3. Pomace oil is second-pressed pomace oil obtained from previously used raw materials with the help of chemical solvents. In it, as in Olive oil, oil of the highest class can be added to improve taste and aroma.

For cosmetic purposes and adding to salads, it is best to use Extra Virgin olive oil.. Its price is higher compared to other types of olive oil, but the benefits of its use are much greater. Olive oil can also be used for food, but it contains fewer nutrients, so it is more suitable for cooking with heat treatment. Pomace oil is recommended for frying when you need a large amount of oil, for example, deep-frying.

The advantage of olive oil is a high smoke point - the temperature at which it begins to smoke and form carcinogens, free radicals and others. harmful substances. For Extra Virgin class, this value averages 190 degrees, and for refined - 240, so olive oil, especially refined, is suitable for cooking by frying.

What products are combined with

You can add healthy and tasty olive oil to salads, cereals, vegetables and vegetable juices, such as tomato juice, use it in marinades, when baking, replacing other less healthy fats and butter. It goes well with strong-smelling foods such as garlic, celery, pepper, suitable for cooking seafood, has nice smell and taste, brings zest to every dish.

The digestibility of olive oil by the human body is close to 100%.

Olive oil is great for baking. It makes the dough more docile, makes it easier to knead, gives a piquant flavor to products, forms a light crispy crust, goes well with sweet ingredients. It can be used in any recipe in place of butter or margarine, using the information from the table.

Table: replacing butter and margarine with olive oil in baking

For baking, it is better to take oil squeezed from ripe fruits. It has yellowish color and a milder flavor, in contrast to the more tart, greenish oil from early olives.

Olive oil will benefit the most in salads, especially those with tomatoes and greens.. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that is absorbed from the intestines 4 times better thanks to mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Vegetable fats help to assimilate 7 times more and another necessary antioxidant necessary for vision - lutein, which is abundant in foods. Green colour. Also, with oil, the body will receive 18 times more beta-carotene from vegetables. Therefore, salads with olive oil are not only very tasty, but also healthy.

Those who do not like the smell of olive oil can be advised to prepare a wonderful pouring sauce. For vegetable salads 3 tbsp. l. of this product are whipped with the juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, half tsp. salt and 1-2 garlic cloves. Lemon juice beats specific smell and the taste of oil. Another recipe for salads with eggs, cheese and ham: beat 50 g of sour cream or 20 percent cream, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Also, olive oil is often flavored to give a spicy touch to dishes.

Video: 4 Fragrant Olive Oil Recipes

Drinking oil is not necessary at all: proper treatment and prevention of constipation

Adding 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil daily to your meals will help keep your bowel healthy. This method of prevention is recommended even in courses for expectant mothers held in women's consultations. The laxative effect of the oil is explained, among other things, by its effect on the functioning of the gallbladder. The role of bile for digestion is difficult to overestimate. It helps to digest fats, improves the digestion of food, participates in the formation stool Therefore, regular use of olive oil from the very beginning of pregnancy will prevent the problem of constipation.

However, olive oil should not be abused as a food product during pregnancy, but to solve serious problems with a bowel movement, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will select other products that are safe for pregnant women, for example, glycerin suppositories, Forlax or Duphalac.

Photo gallery: remedies for constipation, allowed during pregnancy

You can prevent constipation if you follow a balanced diet, move more, walk daily, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day and eat more vegetable fiber: vegetables and fruits, greens, buckwheat, legumes, rye or bran bread.

To preserve feminine beauty

Olive oil is actively used to care for the skin of the face and body, hair and nails. It is well absorbed, usually does not cause allergic reactions and does not clog pores. The oil has a noticeable effect on dry skin, adds shine to hair, prevents hair loss and dandruff, improves the condition of brittle and thin nails.

Olive oil can also help relieve itchy, dry, inflamed skin.

Prevention of stretch marks on the body

Stretch marks are the #2 problem for women after cellulite. Olive oil - the best remedy from stretch marks and the itching that accompanies them. It supplies the cells with the necessary to maintain elasticity and normal level moisturizing organic acids, vitamins and minerals, stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

Vitamin E in olive oil has a powerful antioxidant and regenerating effect.

Olive oil can be used as part of a cream or lotion. best effect will give an unrefined product of the first cold pressing.

Video: olive oil for stretch marks

beautiful thick hair

Olive oil activates metabolic processes in the scalp, which improves nutrition hair follicles. This, in turn, makes the hair more beautiful, thick and silky.

For oily hair you can make a mask according to this recipe. Mix honey and oil in equal parts, add 2 egg yolks, mix thoroughly and apply the mixture on the hair, giving Special attention roots. Wash your hair after 30 minutes regular shampoo. This mask will help keep your hair fresh and light for a long time.

Do not add protein to hair masks! Egg yolk contains lecithin and will help rinse the strands well. And the protein curls up on the hair and is difficult to comb out.

To revitalize dry hair, rubbing olive oil into the scalp in pure form or with the addition of other oils. It can be mixed in equal proportions with castor and coconut,

If you are not allergic to essential oils, you can add them to hair masks (1-2 drops per mask). Suitable for dandruff elimination tea tree, lavender and rose. Juniper, ylang-ylang, cloves, cinnamon and bay oil help in nourishing hair and accelerate their growth.

Face and hand care

Olive oil is an important ingredient in many cosmetics, creams, lotions and even soaps. It is indispensable for the preparation of nourishing and rejuvenating masks at home. It can be used neat, applied to the skin for 20-40 minutes after a shower, or cooked from it. nutrient mixtures. Olive oil takes good care of sensitive skin around eyes. It nourishes it and helps to smooth fine wrinkles. The oil is used in the same way as any other care product for this area of ​​the face: it is applied in a small amount to the skin and driven in with light tapping movements.

You can prepare a face mask by combining 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and flour. It is better to take rice, rye or oatmeal, but if there is none, then wheat will do. Flour can be substituted if desired. cosmetic clay. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained and put on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For the preparation of masks, you can use fatty cottage cheese and egg yolk(for dry skin), gruel from fresh vegetables or fruits: cucumber, potato, zucchini, banana, persimmon, apricot (for oily skin). Do not be afraid to experiment: any fresh food contains many vitamins that, thanks to olive oil, penetrate the skin, nourish, saturate and protect it.

Photo gallery: what products can be combined with olive oil as part of masks

Banana and other fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for skin and hair Choose cosmetic clay according to skin type

The happy period of waiting for a child is sometimes overshadowed by a disruption in work digestive tract, the appearance of stretch marks, hair loss and other unpleasant changes in health and appearance. By using olive oil during pregnancy, these problems can be prevented or minimized.

The product is completely natural and safe for the unborn baby, but still it must be used carefully, taking into account contraindications. Let us consider in more detail the features of the use of olive oil during pregnancy.

From the point of view of medicine and cosmetology, olive oil is necessary for a woman, and for future mother- especially. It contains a complex of vitamins (A, B, C, E, K), minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium), as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Olive oil has the following effects on the body of a pregnant woman:

  • Strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, normalizes the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract, helps.
  • Beneficial effect on the formation of the brain and nervous system fetus.
  • Prevents the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Combats dry skin and brittle hair.
  • Increases the elasticity of the mucous membranes, reducing the risk of vaginal injuries during childbirth.

But olive oil during pregnancy is not always beneficial. With excessive ingestion, it can provoke diarrhea leading to dehydration and. Given the choleretic effect of this product, it is not recommended to use it for cholelithiasis.

Individual intolerance is also possible. Allergic reaction on olive oil occurs quite rarely, but this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. Its cause is intolerance to the lecithin contained in the olive fruit.


Olive oil is not medicine and can be used in food and externally at the request of a woman. It is especially useful in the following conditions:

  • brittle nails, hair loss, dandruff;
  • dry skin;
  • joint pain, osteochondrosis, arthritis;
  • irregular stool, tendency to constipation, ;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • frequent colds.

It is also noted that the use of olive oil during pregnancy in a small amount suppresses the feeling of hunger. Therefore, its addition to food is justified when increased appetite and excessive weight gain.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite all the useful properties of the product, there are conditions in which it is better to refuse it. Basically, the restrictions apply to the use of oil inside. It is contraindicated if a pregnant woman:

  • cholecystitis;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • diarrhea;
  • stones in the gallbladder.

How to apply olive oil?

There are several ways to use oil. It is added to food, face and hair masks are made, applied to the skin, used for perineal massage for the purpose of prevention. Let's consider each of the options.


There is information on the Internet that taking olive oil on an empty stomach during pregnancy, a woman can safely get rid of constipation. The same method is recommended for stimulation labor activity if the baby does not want to be born on time.

However, doctors do not approve of this method of self-treatment. A very likely complication is vomiting and diarrhea, which is undesirable for the expectant mother and child, especially on the eve of childbirth. In addition, a pregnant woman may experience an attack of hepatic colic.

It will be much more useful to add 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil for salad. Together with plant foods, it can be fully absorbed by the body and will have a mild laxative effect. With olive oil successfully combined: greens, leafy cabbage and broccoli, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkin. For a stable effect, you need to use such salads daily.

But you should not use olive oil for frying. During heat treatment, carcinogens are formed in it that provoke oncological diseases, and vitamins lose their properties.

Skin health and nail strengthening

Many expectant mothers face the appearance of stretch marks on their skin as they gain weight and grow their belly.

If a woman has a predisposition to this (the epidermis is not elastic enough), it will not be possible to completely eliminate the problem. But you can try to keep the number of stretch marks to a minimum and make them less noticeable.

To do this, you need to use the product already from pregnancy - olive oil is rubbed into the skin with massaging movements in the most vulnerable areas (chest, abdomen, thighs). It is better to do this after taking a shower, when the body is most receptive to such procedures. After the massage, excess oil is removed with a paper towel.

Daily application of olive oil to the skin will deeply moisturize it, increase collagen production and accelerate cellular regeneration. In addition, it will help get rid of skin itching, often disturbing expectant mothers, will eliminate dryness and flaking.

Olive oil during pregnancy can also be used as part of face masks. If the skin is dry, it is recommended to mix 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and butter, apply on problem areas, wait 15 minutes and then wash off. For oily and prone to acne skin cottage cheese is replaced with cosmetic clay, white or green.

Getting rid of brittle nails with olive oil is even easier. Need to soak in it cotton swab and grease nail plates. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day.

Hair masks

During pregnancy, all the resources of the female body are directed to the formation of the baby. The increased consumption of vitamins and minerals cannot but affect the appearance, and the hair is the first to suffer from this.

Olive oil masks will help keep the curls healthy during pregnancy. To prevent hair loss, take 1 egg yolk, 3 tbsp. l. oils and 1 tsp. honey. Mix the ingredients and apply the mask on the root zone of the hair.

Then put a shower cap on top and wrap your head in a towel. The mask is kept for 40 minutes, after which the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water and shampoo. Frequency of application - 1-2 times a week.

To eliminate brittleness and split ends, use a mask of the following ingredients: 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar(incomplete), 3 tbsp. l. olive oils. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and slightly heated. The mask is applied to the ends of the hair in a thick layer, wrapped around cling film and covered with a towel.

After 30 minutes, the product is washed off with warm running water. If after that the hair still seems greasy, you can use shampoo. The mask is done twice a week.

Perineal massage to prepare for childbirth

Another use for olive oil during pregnancy is to massage the perineum. This procedure improves muscle elasticity pelvic floor located between the vagina and anus. Such a massage is performed in cases where there is a threat of tissue rupture, for example, there are scars from trauma in previous births.

The procedure can be performed only with the permission of the doctor observing the pregnancy. If a woman has infectious diseases vagina or threat premature birth, perineal massage is contraindicated for her.

The expectant mother can strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor on her own or with the help of her husband. But it is better that the first procedure is carried out by a doctor.

Precautionary measures

Moderation is important when using olive oil. hurt yourself cosmetic procedures difficult, but ingestion should be dosed. As already mentioned, drinking olive oil during pregnancy on an empty stomach is strictly prohibited. Instead of the expected normalization of bowel function, this can lead to dangerous consequences- vomiting, diarrhea, uterine hypertonicity.

The maximum amount of olive oil per day for a pregnant woman is 2 tbsp. l., and you need to use it in conjunction with plant foods. If you are allergic, carefully monitor the body's reaction to the product. If you experience hives and itching, swelling of the face and difficulty breathing, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care. The use of refined oil will help reduce the risk of allergies.

Olive oil is a product with a unique vitamin and mineral composition. Subject to precautionary measures, it can be a great help for the expectant mother in maintaining beauty and health.

Useful video: how to choose olive oil?

During the period of bearing a baby, all future mothers take a particularly responsible approach to the issue proper nutrition and choice useful products nutrition. Indeed, during this period of their life, they should not only be tasty, but also very useful. The diet of pregnant women should without fail contain products that are balanced with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins that contribute to the normal development of the unborn baby. Olive oil during pregnancy will become a real storehouse of everything you need during this period of life. future mother useful substances and elements.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Pregnancy

Olive oil is a source of very useful human body fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins (K, A, D, E), as well as polyunsaturated compounds. Despite the fact that this product is an oil, it prevents the process of fat deposition in the body, significantly reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the functions of the digestive system. Based on this, it becomes clear why many experts strongly recommend including olive oil in the diet of pregnant women.

Very often women use olive oil as an auxiliary cosmetic product, including during the period of bearing a child, when the skin requires additional care. IN female body all sorts of transformations take place and outwardly it also changes - the chest increases, the tummy grows, etc. And one of unpleasant consequences such changes can be stretch marks, which pregnant women try to avoid by any means. Olive oil during pregnancy is just a prophylactic against the appearance of stretch marks. To do this, it will simply be enough to rub it regularly into the areas of the body most vulnerable to stretch marks.

Oil is widely used for hair restoration and care; during pregnancy, many women experience a deterioration in their appearance. Therefore, it will be useful to rub olive oil into the scalp once a week, then you need to put on a plastic cap, wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, everything can be washed off with warm water and a mild shampoo. In order to help restore the ends of the hair and prevent their splitting, you need to regularly rub a little olive oil into them, this procedure can be done more often, three times a week. With regular use, after a short period you will be pleasantly surprised by the strong and healthy hair.

In addition to the external use of olive oil, its use inside has a positive effect on the condition of pregnant women. One of positive properties of this product is its ability to prevent constipation, which often haunt expectant mothers, especially in recent weeks bearing a baby. Experts do not approve of the use of medicinal laxatives during pregnancy, but food product even very suitable in the form of a prophylactic agent and the fight against constipation.

one more useful property olive oil is its ability to significantly reduce the risk of late toxicosis, which may occur on later dates pregnancy and is very hard to tolerate by many women.

There is also an opinion of experts that regular use of olive oil during childbearing has a positive effect on the cervix, while its walls become more elastic and soft, which should contribute to easier childbirth.

Considering all of the above, olive oil can rightfully be attributed to products that are simply necessary in the diet of expectant mothers.

Olive oil is also called liquid sun. It received this name for its useful and valuable qualities. These qualities are especially important for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. What are the benefits of olive oil during pregnancy?

Benefits of olive oil during pregnancy

  • In fact, the presence olive oil in the diet of a pregnant woman very important. Especially during the formation of the nervous system of the unborn child and his brain. Olive oil helps in the formation of these processes.
  • Olive oil is able to normalize the metabolism in the female body, which is often disturbed.
  • An excellent property of olive oil is that, subject to its regular use, it is capable of save a pregnant woman from late toxicosis, what is not less important! You can read about toxicosis in the article.
  • Most pregnant women often suffer from constipation, especially on recent months pregnancy. This problem can be solved with olive oil. To do this, you need to take it one tablespoon for several days.
  • The composition of olive oil includes a substance such as Omega-3. This a vital component, especially necessary during pregnancy. You can read more about what Omega-3 is and what it is responsible for during pregnancy in the article.
  • Olive oil can strengthen the immune system and strengthen protective properties organism.
  • Olive oil can also relieve the manifestation of various allergic reactions.
  • Olive oil will significantly strengthen the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman if taken regularly. But the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman experiences a double load!
  • In childbirth, olive oil helps the process. If you have taken it regularly throughout your pregnancy, it will help your cervix to open more painlessly during labor.
  • Great help olive oil for prevention. After all, it can perfectly moisturize dry skin.
  • The composition of olive oil contains a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids, which are necessary for normal development future baby.
  • Olive oil can also lower cholesterol levels.
  • Another valuable quality of olive oil is that it can significantly relieve the digestive system.
  • A particularly valuable quality of olive oil for a pregnant woman is that it can prevent long and difficult childbirth.

The use of olive oil during pregnancy

  • You can take olive oil just like that, one tablespoon.
  • Chances are you won't enjoy drinking olive oil, so you can use it in a variety of flavors. vegetable salads. Add to prepared meals.

In stores, you can find pure olive oil (pure olive oil), and mixtures of it with other oils. The latter are much cheaper, but contain only a certain percentage of olive oil (indicated on the package), and everything else is other vegetable oils.

Real 100% olive oil comes from Mediterranean countries and is expensive. It is not possible for everyone, as it has a pronounced choleretic effect. If you suffer from cholelithiasis, it is better to refrain from using olive oil during pregnancy.

Olive oil during pregnancy is a very valuable product for both the expectant mother and the fetus. The spectrum of its influence on the body of the mother and child is huge:

Olive oil during pregnancy serves as a supplier of omega 3 fatty acids necessary for the formation of the baby's nervous system

Olive oil is resistant to oxidation, thanks to which vitamin E remains intact in its composition for years, this vitamin maintains pregnancy and is needed for the development of the fetus.

Olive oil, despite its high calorie content, reduces appetite and thus contributes to the normalization of weight.

Olive oil during pregnancy normalizes bowel function, having a laxative effect. For a laxative effect, it is enough to drink olive oil on an empty stomach; during pregnancy, it is enough to take 1 teaspoon of olive oil 2 times a day with liquid.

Olive oil is a storehouse of fat-soluble vitamins (D, E, K, D), it is rich in calcium, which is important for skeletal system mother and child. Olive oil during pregnancy is an invaluable supplier of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Olive oil does not contain any substances that can provoke allergic reactions.

If you drink olive oil during late pregnancy, it contributes to the rapid opening of the cervix during childbirth, accelerating its maturation. It is worth starting to take olive oil in order to prepare for childbirth about two weeks before childbirth, this will relieve yourself of constipation and contribute to the easy opening of the cervix during childbirth.

Olive oil during pregnancy and stretch marks

The use of olive oil for the prevention of stretch marks is very effective. No woman will be pleased with stretch marks during pregnancy, olive oil can prevent them from appearing, and if you are late, it will help make them less noticeable.

How to use olive oil for stretch marks?

Apply olive oil during pregnancy after a shower on the skin of the abdomen and thighs 2 times a day, you can also use it for the chest. The skin must be kept moist, and then the olive oil will retain and preserve this moisture. Olive oil after pregnancy can be used to eliminate already existing stretch marks. It should be noted that they will not disappear completely, but only brighten. It is better to use creams containing olive oil.

Olive oil can also be used when carrying out. The labia and perineum are generously lubricated with olive oil, 2 fingers are not deeply inserted into the vagina (do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly), and with gradually increasing pressure, stretch it down until it tingles, then pause and repeat. Elastic perineum is a guarantee that there will be no gaps in childbirth.

When using olive oil during pregnancy, remember:

- If you cook with olive oil, repeated frying with it, like with any other oil, leads to the release of carcinogenic substances, which can be harmful.

It is best to use olive oil during pregnancy for dressing salads and adding to food without heating, when heated, vitamins are destroyed.

A large number of olive oil inside, especially on an empty stomach, can cause diarrhea and even hepatic colic.