How to make a beautiful Valentine card. Beautiful and original valentines. How to make your own Valentine card using toilet paper


One of the favorite youth holidays is approaching - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Having recently appeared in the vastness of our Motherland, it very quickly spread throughout cities and towns and now this holiday is celebrated by most of the country's population.

In Catholic Europe many are produced annually greeting cards, named after the saint, Valentines. A variety of materials are used for their manufacture, but traditionally the most widespread are paper or cardboard valentines in the form of postcards, the shape of which is a heart.
More and more different valentines can be found in almost any store and pavilion. The choice is very large, but, you see, it’s more pleasant to receive a Valentine’s card made by the hands of a loved one as a sign that you are very dear to him and he is happy to spend his time not on sleeping and eating, but on making you at least a little bit happier.

So, it's decided! We make a valentine card with our own hands from paper.
This matter is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Even if papermaking experience is limited, everyone can find perfect option a spectacular valentine that even a child can make.

The simplest valentines

To make an exclusive Valentine card we will need:

  • a sheet of double-sided colored cardboard that can replace colored paper having a red tint (pink, crimson, ruby ​​or pure red).
  • paper for “scrapbooking” with a small patterned pattern, and in its absence - any light one of pastel colors. It is desirable that it be monochromatic,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • double sided tape,
  • short length beautiful braid or lace ribbon.

Making a simple card with a heart

We fold a sheet of cardboard in half and get the base of the future postcard. We put a pre-prepared stencil in the shape of a heart from any paper on the first, front page of the postcard and trace it with light strokes with a pencil.

Now let’s try to carefully cut out the heart without creasing our card. This is not difficult to do: just fold it in the middle, pinch the fold with your fingers or a small paper clip just at the level of the heart

and carefully cut it out.

From a sheet of colored or patterned paper, cut a piece equal to the size of the folded postcard and carefully glue it from the inside so that the pattern falls in place of the previously cut out heart.

The inside of the glued sheet will be plain.

Using double-sided tape, attach the selected lace or beautiful braid to the card. The result is the first exclusive Valentine card!

Want to give a big Valentine? No problem! Glue pre-cut pink and red hearts onto a cardboard base.

To make this valentine more presentable, you can decorate it with a frame, and free space write sincere words congratulations.

Small hearts can become their own Valentine if they are cut out of colored paper and lightly decorated. Even a cute button can make a Valentine card from a simple paper heart. Do it on the back dedicatory inscription and the valentine is ready.

You can also make real paintings from small postcards.

Volumetric paper hearts

Look unusual volumetric hearts from unevenly colored paper. When using plain colored paper, the effect produced finished product will be lower.

To make them square sheet We fold the paper in half, with the faded side inward, and bend it in half again to make a small square. Expand it and get the main guide lines.

Now we take the left vertical side of the square from the side and bend it twice inward, towards the middle, and the right side we also bend twice outward. We bend the upper and lower sides of the resulting rectangle inward to obtain the following guide lines and unbend it again.

Traces of three folds appeared on the rectangle. Now we bend the top side of the rectangle in half to the topmost fold, do the same with the bottom side - bend it in half to the nearest bottom fold, straighten it.

Using scissors, make two vertical cuts from the edge to the new fold closest to it.

We bend each of the resulting four ends - corners inwards.

It turned out to be something like a fence made of two pointed boards.

Now we fold each of the four sharp tips in half, bending them towards themselves.

Fold the resulting sheet in half again, with the tips bent inward.

We bend the right and left lower corners and hide them inside. It turned out to be a heart!

We carefully iron it and give it as a gift, or by stringing it on a cord or ribbon, we decorate the room with something covered for the evening. romantic dinner table

Bright, fiery valentines made of thin corrugated paper

You can quickly and easily make spectacular hearts from thin corrugated paper.
To work on them we will need:

  • cardboard, preferably red,
  • red corrugated paper (it can be replaced with red napkins),
  • a moderately pointed wooden or plastic paint brush handle or toothpick,
  • PVA glue.

First, cut out a heart of the required size from cardboard - this will be the basis unusual valentine. On one side of the heart we write words of love, and on the other we will work.

Apply a layer of PVA glue to the base. We cut squares of corrugated paper with a side equal to 2 cm.

Place the end of a toothpick in the middle of the square and wrap it slightly.

Press the tip firmly against the edge of the base with glue and remove the toothpick.

We do the same with the second square, gluing it next to the first along the edge of the heart. We glue all subsequent squares tightly to each other, covering the entire surface of the heart.

The impression will be spoiled if a base of a different color is visible between the folded, sparsely glued squares. We prevent such mistakes by filling the entire surface of the heart with corrugated paper.
It turns out very beautiful effect flames or fluffiness.

Using the same principle, you can make a three-dimensional structure. In this case, foam is used as a basis, and instead of a toothpick, an old pen rod is used.

Valentine's card decorated with a pattern

For such a gift you don’t need to be an artist; it’s enough to be able to hold a pen, markers, colored pencils or a brush.

Even children can please their loved ones with such valentines.

To do this, on a base of light or white paper with a fountain pen, we draw everything we want on the theme of the holiday: hearts, curls, funny animals in love, and so on.

There are very few days left for Valentine’s Day, which means that it’s time to prepare nice gifts for your family and friends and, above all, for your loved ones – homemade Valentine’s cards. Of course, you can buy a Valentine’s card in a store, you say. However, to make such beauty from pure heart, with your own hands– it’s much more interesting and economical. Especially considering that you will need a lot of valentines.

Fortunately, ideas for making valentines there are plenty of them online today.

  1. You can see photos of stylish colored paper heart(Moreover, there are both the simplest options for children and real works of art for adults).
  2. Just find and cut out templates, in which you can then write down your wishes.
  3. Master a small master class on making gifts for Valentine's Day. It could be anything:

And so that you don’t get lost in this variety of pink romantic madness, we have prepared excellent video lessons, and detailed diagrams and descriptions of the most fashionable and original valentines of the current year.

DIY paper valentines: ideas for creativity

Postcards self madean extremely valuable and memorable gift. That’s why it’s always so nice to make valentines from paper with your own hands on Valentine’s Day.

They can be given not only to your loved one or husband, but also to your mother, friends and even colleagues. It would seem like a small and modest present, but the sad and far from summer atmosphere on February 14th is filled with real vibes of spring happiness. Ideas for cards for Valentine's Day are, as they say, in plain sight.

Step-by-step master class on DIY paper valentines

Who said you can't make a gorgeous Valentine's card at home? On the contrary, in this exclusive product you put all your love and present to a loved one really incredible surprise. And right now we will teach you how to make a valentine card with your own hands from paper. We will look at the whole process step by step, and it will not be simple card, but a real work of art that you create yourself.

So, for work we need:

Of course, we only showed one of the options for holiday cards. Your possibilities are unlimited.

  • You can do Valentine's card using origami technique.

Large homemade valentines with different decor that will tell you about your great love.

Creative and tender valentines as a gift for boyfriend.
funny valentines for friend with wishes to meet your love

How to make a soft valentine from felt?

Sometimes lovers lack words and all kinds of ways to express their feelings. All gifts seem so small and insignificant compared to your love. However, we know one secret - you can make some cute felt hearts, and they themselves will tell your significant other how much you love and appreciate her.

Prepare everything you need:

  • felt in red, white and other romantic colors;
  • needles for sewing and embroidery;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • beads, buttons and other decor;
  • scissors;
  • padding polyester, padding polyester, cotton wool, etc.

So, we’ll tell you how to make a valentine from felt step by step.

What else can you make a Valentine card from?

In fact, a Valentine's card can be made from anything. There are a variety of simple methods and basic tools to make gorgeous gift for your other half.

You can do sweet valentine made from sweets.

Mega heart made of pompoms.

Give a regular hanger a heart shape, and then cover it with an insulating pipe, as shown in the photo. Secure with duct tape.
Decorate the base with homemade pompoms.

The very first big celebration after New Year's it's Valentine's Day. Very soon, lovers will begin to intensively prepare for this day: come up with romantic gifts for each other, plan how best to spend this day and, of course, do things first.

It has already become a tradition for Krestik to help you find ideas and inspiration for any reason, so we will start preparing in advance for February 14th!
Let's see how you can make paper valentines with your own hands, so as not to waste too much time, but as a result you will get beautiful and Original gifts for loved ones.

To start making a valentine with your own hands, especially if you are planning to make it out of paper and in the shape of a heart, you should prepare a template. If you can easily draw a beautiful heart by hand, then go ahead and get some thick paper and a pencil! If you are not sure that you can do it yourself, then download the heart templates we have selected, print them on a printer and carefully cut out the heart along the outline.

First make a slit with a utility knife, then use small scissors, such as nail scissors.

As a result, you should end up with a blank like this, tracing it along the contour on beautiful leaf paper, and then cutting it out, you will get a neat heart.

So, we figured out how to cut an even and cute heart from colored paper. It's time to choose an idea for decorating your Valentine's card.

Super simple valentines

Let's first look at the simplest methods. A huge Valentine heart can be made from small hearts, each of which is glued to a cardboard base.

Small heart blanks themselves can become full-fledged valentines if you cut them out of beautiful paper and decorate them with buttons.

The valentine card has a special space for the recipient's name or a romantic message.

A full-fledged picture of paper hearts is the height of simplicity and genius!

After watching the video of the master class, you will learn how to make a heart box with your own hands:

Valentine card with a drawing

The beauty of this method of creating a paper heart with your own hands is that you don’t have to be a talented artist; even a child can make such a valentine.

On a white heart or any other, but better light color, ordinary ballpoint pen draw simple curls, hearts, flowers and other delights.

Then, using the usual watercolor paints, color only some fragments:

As a result, you will receive a one-of-a-kind Valentine card!

Such valentines can be given not only to a loved one, but also to friends (after all, we love them too))

By the way, do you know why foreigners write the letters XO on their Valentine cards?
In fact, everything is very simple: X conventionally means “kisses”, and O - “hugs”)

Original master class

Valentine card using a stamp

The method using a heart-shaped stamp is also quite simple and popular when making paper valentines. To do this, you just need to buy one or more stamps. They come in different prints and different sizes:

If you can’t buy it, don’t despair - make it yourself from ordinary wine cork. Draw a heart and carefully cut it out with a utility knife.

Then apply gouache to the sponge and try to make an impression on a sheet of paper.

Now let's see how to make a Valentine's card with your own hands using a stamp.

Using a small piece of masking tape, carefully attach the blank with a heart inside to a blank for a postcard (you can use a ready-made one, you can fold a sheet of cardboard in half). Then, using a stamp, we fill the entire surface inside the workpiece with hearts, and the color of the hearts can be different shades red

After the paint has dried, remove the paper blank and the valentine is ready!

Original master class

Another idea for making a heart stamp is to cardboard cylinder from toilet paper give it a heart shape, wrapping it with tape for security.

With this stamp you can decorate a large sheet of whatman paper on which to write declarations of love!

Valentine's card with hearts

Fans of beautiful scrapbooking paper will definitely love the idea of ​​creating a romantic three-dimensional card with hearts.

The technique for creating a Valentine card is very simple. Using a shaped hole punch, you need to cut out hearts from paper.

The number of hearts should be 2 times Furthermore, which we see on the postcard, because each heart will be double-layered.

In this version of the valentine, all the lower hearts are made of the same type of paper, and the upper ones are made of different ones.

Take ready-made base for a card or make one yourself, and then mark the location of the bottom layer of hearts and glue them on thin double-sided tape. Simply sew the top hearts to the bottom ones. sewing machine- it’s not difficult, the main thing is to be careful.

Original master class

Using the same principle, you can make small Valentine cards:

And voluminous heart-shaped valentines:

If you don't have a sewing machine, sew on the hearts by hand. To do this, first place the paper on soft surface, for example, a towel or ironing board, and then pierce it with a needle, using a thimble to push the needle (watch your fingers!)

Ideas for decorating your home for February 14th

And finally, get inspired with ideas for decorating your home for Valentine's Day. They also won’t take up much of your time, but will definitely create a romantic atmosphere!

Romantic wreaths

The paper heart wreath is based on a circle of thick cardboard or a piece of plywood. You can glue the exact same circle on top from decorative paper and then just stick it on it a large number of hearts!

It's even easier to make a wreath from stripes double sided paper for scrapbooking. First bend them in half, and then glue them on top, giving them a heart shape. By gluing such blanks to each other, you will assemble them into an original wreath.

How more hearts, the larger the circumference of the wreath.

Garland of hearts

In addition to the wreath, you can also make garlands with hearts. will come to the rescue figured hole punch with a heart and a regular hole punch for piercing round holes.

The garland can also be made from hearts folded from strips of paper (it is based on the “heart” element, borrowed from quilling)

Of course, we will definitely show you more complex and interesting options for creating valentines with your own hands, but if for some reason you need to make a valentine very quickly, you can always use one of the ideas listed here!

New Year and Christmas celebrations will fly by quickly, and a little over a month later another wonderful one will come winter holiday- Valentine's Day. And all representatives of this category will rack their brains over gifts, come up with romantic surprises, and look for instructions on how to make a Valentine card. However, the postcards themselves usually remain undeservedly forgotten - they are bought ready-made, often at the last moment (). But making valentines with your own hands from paper is quite simple - it won’t take much time, and your loved one will receive a card filled with warmth giving and one of a kind - like himself.

Simple instructions on how to make a Valentine card with your own hands

Of course, the main shape of any valentine is a heart. So there is no question about the form, but then you need to know exactly how to make a Valentine card. If you know how to draw and are confident that you can draw a perfect heart, all you need is paper and a pencil. If not, then you should add a template to them.

So, to get a blank that is used to make beautiful valentines, you need to use nail scissors - with their help it is easy to make a neat cut, and then cut out the heart completely. After that, all you have to do is choose beautiful paper for your valentine, put your blank on it, trace the outline with a pencil and cut it out. Everything is clear on how to make a Valentine card at this stage. When such a cute and neat paper valentine heart is ready, it needs to be decorated.

There are many options for using these hearts. But how can you make your Valentine's card amazing with them? You can cut them out larger and attach them to a piece of cardboard, you can decorate them with buttons (to which you can attach a beautifully cut strip of paper with a confession), or you can even create a whole picture out of them - it’s all in your hands. In fact, you can attach almost anything that comes to hand to a heart.

Using a drawing: how to make a paper Valentine card interesting

Knowing how to make a Valentine's card with an adorable design doesn't require you to be a pencil and brush genius. It's so simple that even a child can do it. To apply a pattern, it is difficult to choose a base of any light color, including white.

So, first you need to draw on such a heart different patterns, whatever you know - curls, simple ornaments, flowers and similar cute things. Then you need to decide how to make your Valentine’s card unique. To do this, you need to take the most ordinary paints and carefully paint over some of the depicted delights. Result - unique postcard created by your hands and imagination. It's amazing how easy it is to make a Valentine card! You can give it not only to your other half, but also to other loved ones - friends, family and even colleagues.

And if you want to amuse your loved ones and make them think, write “XO” several times on the heart. You yourself don’t know what this means? It’s very simple: “I kiss (X) and hug (O).” Here's how to make a paper Valentine card mysterious and funny.

Original do-it-yourself valentines made of paper: stamp in your hands!

You can also use a die to make a cute heart-shaped paper card for Valentine's Day. With its help, a lot is possible, but how to make a Valentine card?

Nowadays there are many different stamps on sale, which differ in both sizes and shapes of the prints, so it will not be difficult to find one that matches your idea. If you still can’t do this, do it yourself, it’s as easy as making a Valentine’s card later. A stationery knife, a wine cork, a little patience - and your exclusive stamp is ready. Now all that remains is to find out how to make a Valentine card with your own hands and with its help. Draw a simple shape on the cork, for example... a heart. Then carefully cut it along the contour with a stationery knife, and for coloring it is best to use gouache: apply it to a sponge, press your stamp into the sponge and try to leave an impression on the paper. Happened? Now you can make wonderful beautiful valentines!

For it you will need a blank for a postcard ( ready-made option or just a sheet of cardboard folded in half), preferably a light color, a template with a cut out heart and a small piece of masking tape. With these materials you can start making a paper valentine. Using the latter, you need to attach a template to your workpiece, and then fill the entire surface of the heart with prints - it will turn out more interesting if you use several colors, for example, shades of red from burgundy to soft pink. With this palette you can decide how to make your Valentine's card more romantic or passionate.

The next step is to be a little patient and let the paint dry. Then the template is removed as carefully as it was attached, and all that remains is to add the most sincere words of recognition to the unique product. As you can see, making valentines with your own hands from paper is very interesting.

How to make your own Valentine card using toilet paper

Another interesting option for using a homemade stamp would be very big postcard- sheet of whatman paper. Curious how to make a Valentine card from paper of this size? It's actually simple. For stamp in in this case an ordinary cylinder of toilet paper is used - you need to bend it in the shape of a heart, secure the resulting result with tape and dip it in paint - this way a lot of original hearts with congratulations, confessions and simply kind words to a loved one. So, we learned how to make a Valentine card with your own hands and a few in simple ways. If you are confident in your abilities, you can try to do more delicate and painstaking work.

Fashionable cards: how to make a Valentine card from scrapbooking paper

A little bit more difficult option holiday card for Valentine's Day involves the volume and use of paper for scrapbooking, the very process of choosing which easily turns into a holiday, and making beautiful valentines from it is an incomparable pleasure.

You will need a card blank, scrapbooking paper, a shaped hole punch with a heart, glue, double-sided tape and a sewing machine. So, how to make a Valentine's card in fashionable style? You need to choose one type of paper for the bottom layer of hearts and a variety of different ones for the top. As is already clear from the explanation, the hearts on the card will consist of two layers, so there should be twice as many blanks as you planned to place on your valentines on February 14th.

Using a hole punch, cut out cute little paper hearts- so they will turn out to be the same size. Then carefully mark on the workpiece where they will be located and using tape, carefully secure the bottom layer to the marked places. But how to make two-layer valentines? The top layer of hearts is simply sewn to the bottom layer using a sewing machine. This stage is not so much complicated as it is painstaking, requiring patience, attentiveness and accuracy.

The same method of making valentines from paper with your own hands can be used for small cards - here an interesting result will be obtained by using three or four layers of paper, as well as just heart valentines without a base.

Since not everyone has a machine, we offer the option of manually stitching postcards. But how can you make a neat Valentine’s card in this case? To make everything work out the best way, you need to place your workpiece on a soft fabric surface (for example, an ironing board or just a complex cloth), and use a needle to make holes at an equal distance. When the job is done, all that remains is to fasten the workpiece with thread - and the hand-sewn valentine is ready! If you were wondering how to make a Valentine card with your own hands, here is your answer.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami Valentine card

However, a Valentine's Day card doesn't have to be just heart-shaped. Very interesting option– kissing lips folded using the origami technique, which are glued to a blank for a postcard. Such ideas for valentines have not yet become widespread, so you will show off your originality. For them you will need colored paper of any shade of red. Cut a square out of it and fold it in half diagonally so that color part ended up on top. Mentally or using a ruler, divide bottom edge the resulting triangle into three parts and fold it to the left so that it is indented by one third.

But how to make a Valentine card if you don’t have a ruler at hand and you have trouble with your eye? Fold the sheet into a Z shape and press down lightly. So interesting little secret How to make an origami Valentine card if you have a minimum of tools at hand.

Making origami valentines requires patience. After this, carefully bend the corners extending beyond the edges of the “envelope” down and inward.

Now the paper needs to be unfolded and placed with the non-colored side up - half of the postcard making process is completed. To learn how to make valentines with your own hands using this technique, read on. Now we need to start the second part of production unusual postcards. First, bend the tip of one of them bottom corners, then fold the rest of the corner inward on both sides.

The same must be done with the corner on the opposite side.

Next, according to the instructions on how to make a Valentine card using the origami technique, you should turn the sheet over so that the colored side is on top and fold it with the tips of the “lips” facing each other along the folds that remain from the previous folding.

Needless to say, making origami valentines is not easy, but the work is almost finished - all that remains is to fold the corners inward, and then, also inward, bend the edges of the workpiece. All that remains is to glue the sponges onto the card - and you can be sure that no one else will receive one.

If you can’t figure out how to make a Valentine card, don’t be upset, you can watch the master class and try again.

Master class: Valentine-origami lips

New trends: quilling valentines for your loved one

But the ideas for valentines don’t end there. Another very interesting technique for the manufacture of voluminous postcards on February 14 - this is quilling. But how to make such a Valentine card? This original postcard It is easy to make and even inexperienced needlewomen can do it - you will need a sheet of cardboard, several simple elements (curls, flowers, etc.), the number of which will depend on the size of the postcard, and glue.

The prepared elements (multi-colored or one tone) just need to be glued to the workpiece, laid out in the shape of a heart. We can talk a lot about how to make valentines with your own hands using the quilling technique, but it’s better to use your imagination, and we’ll just give you a few basic ideas.

You can make a heart outline from multi-colored curls and decorate it with flowers inside or outside. You can make a big red heart entirely from curls, or you can make a flower field, in the middle of which you attach a curlicue heart. You can find several photos of similar postcards and copy them. In any case, such quilling valentines will be an unusual gift.

Whether you choose one of the proposed options or come up with your own, the postcard will be unique in any case and every element in it will speak about your feelings.

Master class: how to make basic quilling elements part 1

Master class: how to make basic quilling elements part 2

How to make your Valentine's card magical? Share your heart with her

It is not necessary to tell your loved one about your feelings for him on a special day. But who knows - perhaps it was on February 14 that the postcard made with loving hands, will become a real magical gift, and the words written on it - written from the heart and with real feeling - will remain in the heart of your half forever. And it doesn’t matter how exactly the valentine’s card is made - let the card with a heart tell him everything about what you experience when he is near and when he is far away. Love, give and be there!

Good afternoon everyone. How are you feeling after? New Year's holidays?! How was your first one? work week?! I think that even though it was difficult, it was nevertheless joyful, because you also need to take a break from the holidays))

Although we do not forget that there is a new batch of events ahead, and we are all waiting for a very romantic event, because someone will confess their love, and someone will gain secret admirers (admirers), and many will strengthen their existing relationships. You probably all guessed that the name of this holiday is Valentine's Day.

Of course, some do not consider February 14th to be a holiday, and do not celebrate it in any way. But still, for most people in love, this great occasion once again show your sympathy to your other half and make it pleasant, gentle and warm. Since ancient times, the role of such a present has been valentines, such special hearts on which they write warm declarations of love, and this can be done anonymously.

In our modern times you can already buy ready-made heart cards, but hand-made valentines are much better, and for adults this is also a way to remember their student days, and school years when we were waiting for confession or secretly sending it ourselves. Therefore, today I want to devote an article to making these cute gifts.

Of course, the most simple option manufacturing beautiful hearts are confessions made from paper. Moreover, you can use any paper: regular, colored, cardboard and other types. Making such a gift is quite easy and simple, and the costs are minimal, and most importantly, such valentines always turn out to be very sincere.

Well, let's quickly see what and how you can do on Valentine's Day.

And the simplest option is a heart-shaped card. I suggest you familiarize yourself with step by step photo instructions.

We will need: colored paper, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, wooden stick.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take red cardboard and fold it in half. Cut out the heart.
  2. Now take the paper Pink colour and cut into thin strips. They need to be cut in half in the form of “grass”.
  3. Using a wooden stick, wind pink paper, it will turn out to be a flower.
  4. Now cover the base of the heart with paper flowers and write a message inside.

You can also do a big heart. To do this, take cardboard as a basis, for example from any box, and stick a lot of small hearts of red, pink or scarlet on it.

Or, for example, you can create a whole picture. Take a white sheet of paper and stick some hearts on it. different shapes, bend some of them and insert them into the frame. Everything is brilliantly simple.

Or follow voluminous valentine. To do this, we cut out several hearts of different sizes, then glue or sew a small one to the big one, and so on smaller, bending it in the middle. All is ready!!

Well, or a very simple version of volume:

You can show your imagination and supplement the confession with Cupid’s arrow:

Or glue pieces of corrugated paper onto a paper base, wrapping them in different directions.

And here's another great idea 3D Valentines, watch the video story, maybe you’ll want to make just like this.

Master class on making Valentine cards

If you have a lot of time, then you can complicate the task a little, get creative and make great gift- a postcard, I think anyone will be pleased to receive it this holiday.

We will need: colored cardboard, glue, sequins, beads or rhinestones, tape, ruler, pencil.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Lay out the cardboard according to the diagram in the photo below.
  2. Now bend the cardboard along the drawn lines.
  3. Take another piece of cardboard and cut out a heart.
  4. Using glue, decorate it to your liking with beads, rhinestones, and sequins.
  5. Next you need to cut the tape to the required length. These will be the ties for the card.
  6. Glue the heart. (Look at the photo)
  7. And inside we write or also paste a pre-printed congratulation, a declaration of love.
  8. All that remains is to close the card and tie the ribbon.

You can also make a present using stamps.

Moreover, the stamp itself can be made from an ordinary wine cork and a stationery knife:

Well, the card itself is easy to make: take a base from any color of paper, fold it in half. Next, cut out a heart from another sheet of paper and attach it to the gift. Using a stamp, we fill out the form, let it dry, and write confessions inside.

Here are a couple more ideas that I found on the Internet:

Templates of original valentines for Valentine's Day

For those who want to please their significant other, but are sorely short of time, I suggest using ready-made stencils. Print, translate to required material, cut it out and go ahead to delight your loved ones!!

  • Those who don't know how to cut out hearts, catch them!!

  • Hug hearts

  • And this is for those who are fluent in cutting techniques

  • You can make it more complicated and make an image inside:

  • Simple postcard

  • Bears in love

  • Angels

How to make hearts for February 14 (pictures inside)

Of course, the main attribute of the Valentine's Day holiday is hearts, we make flower arrangements in the shape of it, we try to select appropriate dishes, decorate the house in the form of different symbolic garlands.

And all this can be done with your own hands. I really liked the hearts made from ribbons, now I’ll tell you how to make them.

You will need: cardboard, ribbons of two colors, glue, scissors, thread.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out a heart-shaped base from cardboard. Prepare your ribbons.

2. Twist each ribbon into a color, securing it with thread at the bottom and straightening it out at the top.

3. Cover the base with flowers on all sides.

You can also do more difficult crafts and more practical ones, for example, these topiaries:

  • If you know how to weave beads, then it would be great to give a heart using this technique:

  • Well, don’t forget to decorate your home with this cute garland:

You can still surf the Internet and find a lot interesting ideas, I shared what I liked.

DIY Valentine card stencils for kids

I think no one will argue with me that in most cases such gifts are given by our growing children. After all, this is so interesting, exciting... For example, in childhood we even counted who received the most confessions, and then wondered from whom they came...

That’s why I made a couple of templates for the guys, download, cut out and color, and don’t forget to give them to your chosen one(s)!!

  • Make these postcards:

And at your leisure, together with your child, make a Valentine card with the symbol of the year of the dog, and give it, for example, to dad, grandmother or other relatives.

I congratulate you on the upcoming February 14th, I wish you a lot of love, single people find their soulmate, and couples a new positive direction. Love and be loved!! Happy Valentines Day!!