Making your own valentines from paper. Unusual Valentine's cards. Step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami Valentine card

IN Ancient Rome Lupercalia was celebrated in honor of the gods of fertility.

This is a special holiday, which began with an oracle, which, when asked what to do to increase the birth rate, announced the ritual of corporal punishment of women with belts made from the skin of sacrificial animals.

The connection between this holiday and Valentine's Day will be discussed in this article.

So, the celebrations were very loved by the ancient Romans.

After the feast, naked young men (lupercalia) ran around the city and hit women they met with whips. By the end of the evening, women were also naked.

The process of national extinction in Ancient Rome was actually solved with the help of lupercalia. These celebrations were banned with the advent of Christianity.

And then, instead of such a unique day of love, a celebration came in honor of the Christian priest - St. Valentine.

Marriage was prohibited in the army of Emperor Claudius. However, Saint Valentine secretly married the lovers. For this he was sentenced to death.

Now the celebration of Valentine's Day is secular. In Russia, this holiday became known quite recently - in the 20th century.

Valentine's Day

How did Valentine come about?

Valentine is a symbol of the holiday.

When Saint Valentine was awaiting execution in prison, he saw the beautiful daughter of the prison guard and fell in love with her. He wrote her a letter of recognition, and it is called the first Valentine.

In the 15th century, the Duke of Orleans wrote love letters to his wife from prison, and in the 18th century, declarations of love written on a heart-shaped card became known as “Valentines” and became widespread.

How to make a voluminous valentine with your own hands

Volumetric valentine made from paper, fabric or buttons.

Such works do not require much skill, but they look great.

Card "Valentine's Heart"

Volumetric paper valentine is made of white thick cardboard, and also from red paper.

That’s it – the “Valentine’s heart” talisman is ready!

Postcard “Lovers”

To make such a voluminous valentine, you need to prepare a template from thick paper, then carefully cut it out with a blade, bend it at the folds and glue it to a scarlet base.

Quilling style

Volumetric ones using quilling technique.

Using the quilling technique you can depict volumetric heart. To do this, take narrow strips of colored paper (red0) and screw them onto a pencil.

The resulting paper ring is slightly pressed with your fingers, then loosened a little.

The resulting spirals are glued onto a prepared heart-shaped base.

You can also lay out a heart shape on a white cardboard card using spirals.

We use felt

Most fashion trend— these are valentine pillows made of felt.

Prepared multi-colored small heart-shaped felt pads are glued onto a base of thick cardboard and original postcard Ready for Valentine's Day!

One large volumetric heart made of felt, decorated with beads - also great idea for a voluminous valentine!

Balloon valentine

Volumetric valentine heart from balloons.

A garland is woven from inflated balloons of the same diameter in a “four” pattern.

The garland is then shaped into a heart shape. A wire frame is used for this.

A great option for decorating a room for celebrating Valentine's Day.

Valentine's card from flowers

Volumetric Valentine heart made of flowers.

This option for making a common gift for Valentine's Day is suitable for a young man in love.

To make a valentine, a wire frame is used; roses purchased in advance and prepared by florists for such a craft are placed on it.

Such a valentine will definitely win the heart of your beloved!

Valentine card made from artificial flowers

You can make a voluminous valentine from roses yourself by replacing real roses with fabric flowers.

Roses made of scarlet fabric are glued to a base made of thick cardboard. It is possible to make such a valentine different sizes- from very small to be worn on the chest, to big size for interior decoration.

Most lovers make their own valentines from paper. There are many ways to make a Valentine card with your own hands from the most different materials- cardboard, salt dough, felt and even candy.

The history of the most romantic holiday - Valentine's Day

Whether it is true or not, the legend about the cruel Emperor Claudius, who saw in every young man a warrior, not a family man, has remained forever, and therefore imposed a strict ban on marriages.

But love will always find a way: even on the battlefield, lovers were able to unite in sacred bonds thanks to Holy Father Valentine. Quite a lot happy couples he got married before he was exposed and executed. And no matter how many years have passed since then, his name is not forgotten. Every year, Valentine's Day, or St. Valentine's Day, is celebrated in honor of this priest.

And in memory of the messages that Valentine himself conveyed to his beloved, on this day all lovers send each other symbolic declarations of love - valentines.

Card with heart and roses

You can simply cut out a heart from it. Or you can make this heart part of a card by decorating it with improvised rosebuds. We cut out roses from rolled paper.

Glue the roses onto the heart base.

Decorate the card with twisted green paper elements. A beautiful card for Valentine's Day with roses is ready!

Heart-shaped paper valentine

You can make a very beautiful heart-shaped card from paper. For this we will need blanks as in the photo.

Glue it on red openwork heart pink. On the reverse side you can also glue a simple red heart in a mirror (this will give the craft volume).

Glue on a congratulatory inscription.

Glue a frame and a small heart on the side. DIY Valentine card - ready!

You can make a real one beautiful postcard for Valentine's Day. To do this, we decorate another red heart and attach it to our valentine using a special rivet (it can be found in scrapbooking kits)

DIY Valentine card with palms and heart

This valentine with palms will become very tender a touching gift. We glue two layers of white and purple paper together so that the purple layer protrudes slightly beyond the white.

Cut out a heart from red paper and fold it like an accordion.

Glue a heart and flowers to the palms. Glue a congratulatory inscription or declaration of love below.

Can be issued paper heart and even more in an original way– miniature chrysanthemums, which are easily made from chopped paper strip. We cut the pink paper into strips and make cuts along one of the edges. We wind the strip onto a stick, fixing the tip with glue.

We straighten the ends a little - we will get a tender pink flower. We make quite a lot of these flowers.

Cut out a heart from red paper and decorate it with our flowers. Inside there may be congratulations and a declaration of love!

Heart - valentine with roses

Cut out a heart from red cardboard and make holes along the edges. We trim the edge of the heart with ribbon.

Cut out a circle from yellow paper. We twist it and fasten it with a stapler according to the sample.

Glue stems, leaves and flowers onto the heart. Bottom part decorate with ribbon. We'll make a gorgeous Valentine's card with flowers.

Valentines made of cardboard and rhinestones

Cardboard valentines look even more original and solid, especially those decorated with adhesive rhinestones and sequins. Cut out hearts from thick cardboard and color them.

When the paint dries, glue on beautiful large rhinestones.

Hearts can be made in any color scheme. We will get a very simple and bright valentine.

Sequin valentine

You can make an ordinary paper heart look fabulously beautiful by gluing bright shiny sequins onto it.

Sequins can cover the entire surface paper heart- this will make it graceful and airy.

You can also make a decoration in the form of a Valentine’s card for February 14: with your own hands you just need to glue a stick holder to a ready-made or homemade heart.

We will succeed very well beautiful decoration in the shape of a heart.

Nothing less original idea– multi-layer valentines made of thin papyrus paper. It is enough to cut out several identical hearts.

Place them in a stack and stitch in the center.

We straighten our voluminous hearts. Ready! You can tie threads to them and use them as decorations.

A valentine card looks even more interesting - a souvenir made of beads and beads. For our heart we used beads and chenille wire.

We string the first bead and secure it with a knot.

We string the remaining beads one at a time and secure the ends. chenille wire. We bend the wire in the shape of a heart.

Salt dough lovers can use it as the basis for their hearts. Knead salty dough and roll it out. Using cutters, cut out hearts.

Dry the hearts in the oven.

Color the hearts with red paint.

While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the hearts with red glitter.

Salt dough valentines can easily be turned into pendants and keychains.

Watch how to make a Valentine heart from salt dough in the video:

And from corrugated paper and foam plastic you can make volumetric heart, decorated with ribbons. Cut out the base of the craft from foam plastic.

Decorating the base corrugated paper. Using double-sided tape, glue the ribbons and ribbons along the edges.

It can be an excellent base for sweets. We also fix it on the heart using double-sided tape. We got a wonderful decoration and delicious gift for Valentine's Day.

Watch how to make a Valentine card from candies in the video:

Valentines cards made using the popular scrapbooking technique look very interesting. Cut out a heart folded in half from colored scrapbooking paper. Glue on it an openwork red snowflake and a design with a heart.

Glue the angel figurine and decorate the composition with paper flowers and ribbon.

You can use the materials and inscriptions that you have available. The main thing in scrapbooking is multi-layering.

An alternative to them can be hearts using the quilling technique, which will decorate any postcard. We roll colored rolls from special paper tapes for quilling.

We place the rolls on a cardboard base in the shape of a heart.

Glue our heart onto the base of the card, cardboard folded in half. We complement the card with flowers, lace, heart and congratulatory inscription. These little decorative items can be found at a craft or hobby store.

See how to make a Valentine pendant using the quilling technique:

Felt Valentines

Felt is one of the most favorite materials for creativity. Felt valentines turn out to be very tender and touching. To make valentines, cut out two large identical hearts and one smaller heart from colored felt.

We finish the edges of the small heart with stitches and decorate it with decorative stitches and a button. Sew it to the big heart. Big heart We also decorate with stitches and beads. Next we sew two big hearts between themselves, leaving a small hole. We stuff the heart with padding polyester and sew up the hole.

We make very beautiful valentines from felt with a pattern.

A very original Valentine card can be made from wire and beads. For this work we will need an easily bendable wire of medium thickness. The easiest way to work with wire is with small pliers.

For those who want to turn a Valentine's card into a real gift, there is such an option as topiary. This could be a simple topiary in the form of a voluminous cardboard heart planted in a flower pot. To make such a topiary, glue or sew several hearts in the center. We straighten them and attach them to the rod. We decorate the rod with leaves and ribbon.

In a decorative pot or plastic cup pour alabaster and fix the rod in it. You can fix the rod in the pot using plasticine or modeling mass.

Decorate the bottom of the pot with sisal. We will succeed very well spectacular gift for Valentine's Day.

Topiary with coffee hearts

Or maybe more original product in the form of a three-dimensional coffee tree - a heart. For this craft we will need foam hearts. We color them in Brown color and glue it with threads and coffee beans.

Pour into a small flower pot plaster and insert curved branches into it. We are waiting for the plaster to dry and the branches to be tightly fixed in the pot.

We attach hearts to the top of the branches. All that remains is to decorate the topiary with bows. A very elegant gift for Valentine's Day - ready!

Whatever idea you focus on, remember the main thing: this Valentine will always be the best for its recipient, because it will retain a piece of your love and warmth.

You can decorate your Valentine's card with another symbol of Valentine's Day - an angel.

Angel drawing

DIY Valentines on video:

Beautiful valentine with flowers with your own hands (movable):

Valentine's card with a surprise:

DIY Valentine card reviews:

I like the idea of ​​making a Valentine’s card with candies...You can also make it with chocolate ones) (Alexandra)

There are very few days left for Valentine’s Day, which means that it’s time to prepare nice gifts for your family and friends and, above all, for your loved ones – homemade Valentine’s cards. Of course, you can buy a Valentine’s card in a store, you say. However, to make such beauty from pure heart, with your own hands– it’s much more interesting and economical. Especially considering that you will need a lot of valentines.

Fortunately, ideas for making valentines there are plenty of them online today.

  1. You can see photos of stylish colored paper heart(and there are both the most simple options for children, and real works of art for adults).
  2. Just find and cut out templates, in which you can then write down your wishes.
  3. Master a small master class on making gifts for Valentine's Day. It could be anything:

And so that you don’t get lost in this variety of pink romantic madness, we have prepared excellent video lessons, and detailed diagrams and descriptions of the most fashionable and original valentines of the current year.

DIY paper valentines: ideas for creativity

Postcards self madean extremely valuable and memorable gift. That’s why it’s always so nice to make your own valentines from paper on Valentine’s Day.

They can be given not only to your loved one or husband, but also to your mother, friends and even colleagues. It would seem like a small and modest present, but the sad and far from summer atmosphere on February 14 is filled with real vibes of spring happiness. Ideas for cards for Valentine's Day are, as they say, in plain sight.

Step-by-step master class on DIY paper valentines

Who said you can't make a gorgeous Valentine's card at home? On the contrary, in this exclusive product you put all your love and present to a loved one really incredible surprise. And right now we will teach you how to make a Valentine card with your own hands from paper. We will look at the whole process step by step, and it will not be simple card, but a real work of art that you create yourself.

So, for work we need:

Of course, we only showed one of the options holiday cards . Your possibilities are unlimited.

  • You can do Valentine's card using origami technique.

Large homemade valentines with different decor that will tell about your great love.

Creative and tender valentines as a gift for boyfriend.
funny valentines for friend with wishes to meet your love

How to make a soft valentine from felt?

Sometimes lovers lack words and all kinds of ways to express their feelings. All gifts seem so small and insignificant compared to your love. However, we know one secret - you can make some cute felt hearts, and they themselves will tell your significant other how much you love and appreciate her.

Prepare everything you need:

  • felt in red, white and other romantic colors;
  • needles for sewing and embroidery;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • beads, buttons and other decor;
  • scissors;
  • padding polyester, padding polyester, cotton wool, etc.

So, we’ll tell you how to make a valentine from felt step by step.

What else can you make a Valentine card from?

In fact, a Valentine's card can be made from anything. There are various simple ways and basic tools to make gorgeous gift for your other half.

You can do sweet valentine made from sweets.

Mega heart made of pompoms.

Give a regular hanger a heart shape, and then cover it with an insulating pipe, as shown in the photo. Secure with duct tape.
Decorate the base with homemade pompoms.

Traditionally, the preparatory assault for the celebration of St. Valentine's Day begins for many of us about five days before the holiday date. During this period, so much needs to be done, take care of a gift, decorate the place where you plan to spend romantic evening, as well as buying or making a heartfelt valentine. We showed various variations of garlands of hearts in, you can take them into service, but today we want to tell you and clearly show how to make original valentines.

A Valentine card is most often a red or pink card in the shape of a heart, inside of which lies a romantic congratulations on the holiday or an ardent declaration of love.

How to make a Valentine card.

Valentine card made of cardboard and woolen threads.

You won’t surprise anyone with traditional valentines anymore, or it’s a non-standard fluffy specimen. To make it, you need to cut out a heart from thick cardboard, then remove the inner part so that the side parts are approximately 1-2 cm wide. Then we take wool threads, the best curly ones and always red, and we begin to methodically wrap the cardboard blank. The result is very beautiful heart, attach a piece of paper with a declaration of love to it with a nail pin, your other half will be amazed at the work done.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from paper.

Method number 1. Valentine envelope.

Cut out a large heart from paper, you can immediately write on it love letter. Next, fold the side parts inward (see photo below), turn the sharp part up, fold the bottom, then fold the top closing part, and decorate the tongue with a rhinestone.

Method number 2. Volumetric heart.

We cut out two identical hearts from thick cardboard, then prepare two strips 8 mm wide along the length of the side circles. Which we immediately glue to the side parts of one of the valentines, then on top we glue the remaining valentine with a pre-written congratulation by hand.

Method number 3. Volumetric valentine box.

We redraw the template presented below onto thick pink paper, cut it out and bend it along the marked lines, in in the right places glue with PVA glue. The top of the product can be decorated with a bow or rhinestones.

Method number 4. Beautiful valentine made of voluminous roses.

Cut out a heart-shaped ring from cardboard. Then we start creating roses, for this we draw a spiral on red double-sided colored paper, which we then cut out with scissors and wind from the OUTER end onto a skewer, thereby forming a rose bud, as soon as you remove the winding from the skewer the bud will take the required form. According to this scheme we create required amount buds, and glue them tightly to each other on a cardboard blank in the shape of a heart. You can glue beads or rhinestones to the center of each bud.

Method number 5. Wicker valentine.

According to the template presented below, we cut out two strips with marks in the center, bend each of them in the center and create slits with scissors. Then we start weaving, simply alternating contrasting stripes. The result is a wicker heart.

Method number 6. Beautiful postcard.

Let's take it beautiful paper for scrapbooking, fold it in half to form a base, then cut out a rectangle from orange paper and glue it to the center of the workpiece, cut out flowers, a bird and a heart, and also glue all the details to the surface of the card (the templates are presented below, you can redraw them). From satin ribbon we tie a bow and also fix it on the surface of the card, and write a love message inside.

Method number 7. Beautiful three-dimensional origami heart.

Details of how to create this beautiful heart shown in the photo below.

Method number 8. Panoramic heart.

Probably many people had panorama books in their childhood, such a heart is just from that opera. Let's look at all the stages of its creation below, where you will also find the primary template for redrawing. In short, we redraw the template onto paper, cut it out with a sharp knife exclusively along the marked lines, and bend it just above the top part, thereby lifting the structure. We close the postcard.

Method number 9. Valentine card with flowers and carnations made of paper.

Fold the red paper in half, cut out a heart, but do not cut all the way through on one side to create the effect of an opening postcard. From pink paper cut out strips 10 cm long, approximately 8 mm wide, cut each of them on top of the fringe, then wind it on a skewer, thereby forming a flower bud. We glue the finished flowers to the surface of the valentine; the product can also be decorated with quilling-style patterns or added with rhinestones.

Method number 10. Valentine boat.

We fold a boat out of paper (the stages of creating a boat are shown in the photo below), glue a matcha from a skewer into the center, and instead of a sail and a flag, hearts with a love message.

How to make original valentines from paper clips.

A plain piece of paper with a love message can be decorated with valentine hearts created from red paper clips. To do this, take a paperclip and bend its long edge upward, photo below. At first glance it looks like a krakozyabra, but when you put it on a piece of paper, you will see a cute heart.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from half-pearls and cardboard.

We cut out 2 identical hearts from cardboard, leave one of them whole, cut the second in the form of a heart-ring, so that the middle is empty. Glue it on top of the whole heart, and glue half-pearl beads inside. We glue a ribbon on the back, which can also be glued between valentines, thread a key onto the ribbon, and give it to you with the words “this is the key to my heart.”

Valentine card on a clothespin.

Let's take it wooden clothespin, with a marker we write “message to you” on it. On the end part, where the clamp is created, draw an envelope with paints. Next, take some tiny paper rectangular shape, write “I love you” on it, and glue it to back side clothespins. When you press on the top of the clothespin, it will reveal a love message.

Valentine's card made from fresh flowers.

Cut out a heart from cardboard and glue rosebuds on short cut stems to it. The result is very beautiful live valentine.

Felt valentine.

We cut out two hearts of equal size from red felt, and also from white felt one smaller heart, use a blanket stitch to sew the white heart to the center of the red one, then sew two red ones.

Valentines made from stones.

On the street you can look for heart-shaped pebbles, which you can then paint with red emulsion paint.

Valentine card made of wire and thread.

It is necessary to form a heart from the wire, which is then generously wrapped with red thread. The result is a very beautiful product, especially considering how easy it is to make.

Valentine in a bottle.

Cut out a big heart from paper, write a declaration of love on it and holiday greetings, then roll the heart into a tube, insert the message into the neck of the bottle, tie a ribbon and present a surprise to your other half.

Ice valentine.

This is a short-lived surprise, so it should be given as a gift immediately after being removed from the refrigerator. Making such a heart is as easy as shelling pears; place viburnum branches or a rose bud in a plastic heart-shaped mold, fill it with water and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely. Then remove from the refrigerator and lower the mold for a short period of time into a basin with hot water, the ice will melt a little and the heart can be easily pulled out. Various variations of ice products for winter decoration garden plot you can see .

Dear readers, now you know how to make a Valentine card, we are sure that from the ideas presented in this review you will be able to choose the right one, and your significant other will be sincerely surprised by the surprise. Some valentines from the list above can be used to decorate your home for February 14th, in particular festive table With romantic dishes, well, you can figure out how to use such hearts yourself, the main thing is that you now know how to make original valentines, which are also absolutely not difficult to make.

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Olesya Linnik

16:10 5.02.2017

Valentine's Day - romantic holiday, which all planetary lovers are eagerly awaiting to confess their love to their other halves. If you haven't bought a Valentine card yet, there's still time to make one yourself.

Paper cards and valentines

Would you say a postcard is banal? Not true! Firstly, it can be made from scrap materials that are only available in the house. For example, from satin maps, guidebooks, colored cardboard, ribbons and threads.

And secondly, A postcard made by yourself will be a real exclusive!

A good idea is to cut a lot of small hearts, hang them on dry branches or dress them up indoor flower. Don’t forget to write a wish, an emoticon or a declaration of love on each one!

Textile hearts

You can make such an original valentine from felt.
You can also use a simple silk ribbon to decorate a pillow in a festive manner.

Or cut a heart out of red fabric and sew it onto a simple apron. You can give it to your mother or friend. Believe me, sometimes they also need to confess their love.

Photo surprise

Are you planning to spend a romantic evening at home? Then create the appropriate festive atmosphere. Instead of candles, take a garland, hang photos with your loved one on it and enjoy the bright moments together.

From balloons or acorns

The simplest but most memorable gift. To do this you will need about 20 balloons and patience to inflate them.

Cute and very creative valentines in eco style can be made from acorns, if you paint them with white and red paint.

Edible gift

This is how you can start celebrating Valentine's Day in an appetizing way early in the morning. Make a sweet breakfast of fruits, pancakes and other products, and serve it to your loved one right in bed.

Photo in article: Pinterest

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