How to make a man miss you. Ritual for meeting a guy. Mobile number conspiracy

you suffer from unrequited love Or do you want to increase your partner's attraction to your smell, hair, voice, body, but your chosen one is away on a business trip or just on business? Of course you want him to miss you. Make a conspiracy that causes melancholy in a man at any distance!

With the help of conspiracies, you can “attach” the energy of your loved one and play with it as much and as you want!

That is, a loved one will miss and yearn for you, remember, think. But of course, when conspiring to catch up with melancholy, remember that as a result you invade his essence and forcibly subjugate it. But what not to do in the name of love!

People love and in this they are selfish! They all want their "object of adoration" to constantly think about them and miss them. This is especially true for women, who, by the nature of their character, are much more emotional than men. The question often arises before girls:

How to make a man yearn and miss? What measures can be taken to ensure that the husband arrives as soon as possible, or at least just calls? How to convince him that he is the father and your child needs? A conspiracy to longing for a loved one can help with this.

Find in this article the most suitable way and put it to good use!

What is a conspiracy to longing for a man at a distance?

Longing conspiracies are certain magic spells that can cause the person on whom they are cast to have a feeling of inexplicable sadness and longing for the customer of the impact. The victim of the conspiracy begins to get bored, and she has an irresistible desire to see, hear, hug the customer of the ritual.

  • Depending on the method of influence, all conspiracies for longing and love for a loved one can be conditionally divided into white and black.
  • The white conspiracy for longing and love is weaker, but also safer, both for the victim and for the customer of the ritual.
  • Such conspiracies "knows" white magic, the effects of which, in comparison with black magic, are softer and less deep.

Behind black a conspiracy to melancholy "answers" black magic. To bring a strong black conspiracy to the guy's longing, his biological materials are used:

  • blood,
  • saliva
  • sperm,
  • hair,
  • nails.

To enhance the impact, the black magician can turn to the forces of darkness and perform rituals in the cemetery. Such influences have quite serious consequences, both for one and for the other "side" of the ritual, causing depression, illness and misfortune. Getting rid of black influences includes, in addition to conducting special conspiracies, so as not to yearn,:

  • reprimand with prayers;
  • the use of consecrated water and Thursday salt, which is made before the Easter holiday on the night of Maundy Thursday.

Let's figure out what time of day and what moon they read a plot on a guy's longing for a girl.

White rituals can be performed in the morning, afternoon, evening or night - any time will do. Among the four lunar phases: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning, the most auspicious time to spend love rituals is the waxing moon. As for black rituals, they are best done at night on a full moon.

There are many different conspiracies love longing.

As "auxiliary" ingredients in such rituals, they use:

  • wind,
  • salt,
  • apple,
  • photo of a loved one
  • morning dew.
  • meat, etc.

At first glance, it seems that to bring strong melancholy on a loved one by a conspiracy is simple, but this is far from the case. The success of the enterprise depends on the strength of the customer and performer of the ritual, as well as on the degree of resistance of the victim.

A conspiracy for melancholy in the distance

Remember me, (name), without me you eat - do not eat, drink - do not get drunk, you will not like anyone but me. I lock the longing in you, I close it with a key-lock. On the other hand, you do not know, do not kiss, do not have mercy. As I said, so be it.

To better concentrate, you can look at a photo of your man or mentally imagine his face in as much detail as possible.

A conspiracy to make your loved one miss you

This conspiracy can be accessed simply by calling on the phone or in a personal conversation. All you need is while you hear the voice of the man you love, quietly say:

I hear you, and you breathe me. Let it be so.

Previously, in order to make your loved one feel sad and bored in this way, you had to guess the case so that the bewitched person would not guess anything. But today it is much easier to use this conspiracy.

A conspiracy to longing for the moon

This conspiracy helps to rekindle feelings and makes you remember. Use it when the moon is visible in the sky. You can make your man dream about you, thus fixing your image in the subconscious itself, or you can send love longing. Try to imagine the details of the dream as best as possible before sending it to the addressee. Formulate the intention in colors, then look at the moon and say:

A dream about me is a dream for you, for (his name) about me, (your name).

A conspiracy to longing for fire

Fire has long helped our ancestors in love affairs. Yes, and the very feeling of love is like a fire: it also consumes those who do not know reciprocity. Speak cherished words on the flame - for this you can use a candle.

As a candle burns, so do you, (name), burn like wax without me, melt away, don’t know peace without me, remember me. As I said, so be it.

To make the fire plot work better, you can visualize the image. Imagine melting wax, you can imagine love in the form of a fire, quickly flaring up dry grass. love plot on a candle is not suitable for romantic dreams, but for inciting strong passion.

How to independently read a plot for the longing of a loved one at a distance

Reading a conspiracy to miss a beloved man or boyfriend has always been and will be in demand among the fair sex. This simple magical ritual helps to evoke in a man - a loved one or just a pretty one:

  • a feeling of longing for the performer,
  • obsessive thoughts about her
  • desire to see and be with her.

A conspiracy to longing is nothing more than a special energy installation that works on the principle of changing the state of the soul of the person who has become a victim of the rite.

Don't equate it magical effect To love spell. Unlike a love spell, a conspiracy is characterized by more light action and does not imply karmic attachment. Nevertheless, as a result of this ritual, there is still a slight intrusion into the consciousness of a person and the suppression of his will, because love longing does not appear by itself, but arises as a result of the use of magic. It is for this reason that rituals for the melancholy of a man should not be addressed too often, without understanding the possible consequences.

The thoughtless use of witchcraft in itself is already dangerous and fraught with negative manifestations, up to the complete destruction of the lives of the performer and the victim.

How and in what cases to conduct ceremonies?

Most male yearning spells are white in nature and are considered relatively safe, but only on the condition that everything was done according to the rules, without abuse. Therefore, you need to cast these magic spells only in really necessary cases:

  • in order to push the chosen one to the first step towards the performer and to the beginning of a love relationship;
  • in order to refresh feelings in a long-term relationship, when cooling is observed on the part of a loved one;
  • in order to return a loved one, if parting with him occurred as a result of a quarrel or actions of a rival who has long been a thing of the past.

Whatever the goal of the performer, to magic ritual, aimed at calling longing, should be addressed only with absolute certainty that the chosen one does not experience any negative feelings and emotions in relation to her. Otherwise, a man on a subconscious level will strongly resist the impact of the conspiracy, which can lead to sad consequences:

  • alcoholism,
  • addiction,
  • suicidal
  • inclinations.

As for the timing, like everyone else love rituals, during the growth of the night star. However, some may apply when the moon is full in the sky.

On the growing moon

Pronounced on the growing moon. It is desirable that the weather was windy outside. You can read a conspiracy to melancholy both with an open window and on outdoors. Words:

“On the island of Buyan, the wind is strong. Day and night he grinds stones. Fly you, wind, to my dear, stream his heart, catching up with melancholy. Let the heart of God's servant weep and cry(name of the chosen one). Let his longing for me, the servant of God (his name), wait and wait for a meeting with me. Like a baby without mother's milk, like a fish without water, so be it, (the name of the chosen one), can neither be without me, nor live, nor eat, nor drink, neither in the dawn of the morning, nor in the evening, nor at noon, neither with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor with the sun in the day, nor with the moon in the night. Amen (3 times)!”

For a flour dish

This conspiracy can be applied by a woman already living with a man ( married couple, for example) - in the event that separation is planned with a loved one. The ritual makes the faithful yearn for the performer, protects from betrayal. To make it, you need to cook with your own hands any flour dish (pancakes, pie, cake) - the main thing is that the sweetheart likes it. Stock up in advance:

  • flour
  • sieve
  • cinnamon.

A woman should sift the flour with a sieve, do this 7 times. At each time, you should pronounce the words (during the entire sifting process):

“I grind and sow flour, my dear for flour. Let the servant of God grieve(name of the chosen one) and worries about his blood. Let someone else's beauty not embarrass the body. Let the evil eyes not touch the thoughts of the brave. Let the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) strive for God's servant (his name), I pour cinnamon for this. Amen!"

When cinnamon is mentioned in the plot, the flour needs to be seasoned with it a little - just a little bit so that it is almost not felt in the finished dish. Ready-made pastries from charmed flour can be given to a man with you on the road, or you can drink tea with him at home.

For salt

Salt is an element of many rituals. It can also be spoken in order to make the chosen one yearn, of course, on the growing moon. The charmed salt needs to be poured under the threshold or the door of the sweetheart, so that he will definitely step through it. The text is as follows:

“I’m not pouring salt, but laying pain. I do not take peace, but steal peace. Smiles and laughter(man's name) take away, take away joy. So that the light becomes not sweet - from pain and longing. To be bored and longing - both day and night, and under the moon, and under the sun. Salt - eat in, and melancholy - warm up. Amen".

A conspiracy for salt for longing is strong and effective way attract the attention of the "object of passion." To perform the ritual, you will need a red candle and a handful of ordinary salt. First you need to speak salt, which you will later throw to your loved one. At midnight on the growing moon, light a candle, pour salt into a clay container and read the following plot for a man’s love longing, stirring the grains of salt with your hand:

“I pour salt, pour it, I command the Servant of God (name of a loved one) to obey me. I pour salt, pour it, I put fog in the head of the Servant of God (the name of a loved one). I pour salt, pour it, I cover the eyes of the Servant of God (the name of a loved one) with darkness. My word is true, my desire is strong.

After reading the hex on salt, you can proceed to the second stage of the ritual. Pour salt into a bag and, at the first opportunity, throw it to your loved one, it is better to do this at the threshold of his house. Spilling salt, you need to continue to read the plot for boredom and longing - the success of your entire “enterprise” depends on this:

“I don’t spill salt, I evoke longing and boredom. You will no longer see rest, the Servant of God (name of a loved one), without thinking about me (your name), neither day nor night. Neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, nor live - you love me alone. As no one can collect grains of salt, so no one can remove my conspiracy. My word is true, my desire is strong.

For the plot to work, after the salt is spilled, you need to quickly leave without turning around and not talking to anyone.

On the picture

A strong conspiracy to longing for a photo will help the wife remind the “forgetful” husband of her existence, and the mistress will “take over the heart” of her married chosen one even more. The essence of the love effect lies in the fact that a woman, visualizing the image of a sweetheart, enters into astral contact with him, influencing his thoughts and behavior.

  • In order to “create” a conspiracy on the melancholy of a man at a distance from the photo, you must first “get” his picture, in which the guy would be depicted alone and in full growth.
  • The photo should be relatively recent, not "older" than a year.
  • You will also need a red or white candle for the ritual.

Before going to bed, light a candle, pick up a picture of a “dear friend”, carefully look into his eyes and, stroking his head with your fingers, start reading the plot from the photo so that your loved one yearns:

“From all worries, from all your troubles, I clear your thoughts. I fill them with sadness, torment and longing. On a fine day under a clear Sun and a dark night under the Moon, you will love me alone, and you will begin to think of me.

Then move your fingers to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe man’s heart and, stroking the picture, continue to read the plot on the longing of your beloved guy:

“With my love, I will warm your heart, even if it hurts and thrills from love for me. I will reward you with spiritual longing, I will order you to love me alone.

You need to end the ritual with the words:

"Let it be so".

Put as much of your energy and faith into them that everything will work out for you.

At the end of the ceremony, extinguish the candles, put the photo of the man under your pillow and go to bed. Read this conspiracy to bring love longing to your loved one as many times as you need. The only condition: try to make sure that no one sees the charmed photo of the man, and no one touches him. It is quite powerful and fast acting plot on love longing, so if you did everything right, then the guy’s desire to see you will increase “by leaps and bounds.”


A conspiracy is pronounced in the phase of the growth of the moon on a fresh photo of the chosen one. In the photograph, he should be alone, his eyes should be clearly visible. They say the words three times: at dawn, in the afternoon, at sunset. The performer should look directly into the eyes of a man and say:

“How can not a servant of God(man's name) without his shadow, the servant of God (man's name) cannot do this without longing for me, God's servant (his name). Go and stumble, suffocate from longing. As the sun goes across the sky, so do you along any road to me, God's servant (your name), go. My word is strong and stucco. Amen!"

The photograph must be hidden in a safe place, closer to you. No outsider should see him.

How to make a guy miss a girl on playing cards

For a conspiracy, you need a new playing card, which is well shuffled and removed with the left hand. Then 9 cards are laid out in a circle, the words are said at the same time: “Thirty (1st card) six (2nd) cards (3rd) four (4th) suits (5th) bring (6th) longing (7th) to (8th) ... (here the name of a loved one is pronounced and the last 9th card is placed) ".

And so the whole deck is laid out in a circle, it should turn out 4 circles, while the cards are face down. The cards of the first layer are revealed and cards of the same rank, but of a different suit, are selected. They are placed in the middle, the process is similar to making solitaire. If all the cards have developed, then longing for a loved one is directed.

Catch up on a guy at home with a strong conspiracy, reviews, Stepanova

Conspiracies Siberian healer very efficient and helpful in various life situations. Conspiracies are easily done on your own at home. To say longing, you need to take a piece of bread and say:

“Like a dog running after a bitch, chasing, howling at the frequent stars, so that the slave (name) followed me everywhere, howled from longing. The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried, so I, God's servant (name), the heart of the slave (name) lock, lock, bury, bury. Teeth, lips, key in the ocean-sea. Amen".

Then give the bread to the dog to eat.

To catch up with melancholy on a guy likes or not, on the growing moon, apple

The hex is pronounced in front of an open window or on the street in windy weather on the growing moon:

“On the island of Buyan, the wind is strong. Day and night he grinds stones. Fly you, wind, to my dear, stream his heart, catching up with melancholy. Let the heart of God's servant (name of the chosen one) sob and cry. Let his longing for me, the servant of God (his name), wait and wait for a meeting with me. Like a baby without mother's milk, like a fish without water, so be it, (the name of the chosen one), can neither be without me, nor live, nor eat, nor drink, neither in the dawn of the morning, nor in the evening, nor at noon, neither with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor with the sun in the day, nor with the moon in the night. Amen (3 times)."

Take a red apple and cut it in half. Take out the core and put paper with the guy's name in its place, saying:

“As the apple dries, so the servant of God (name) will miss!”. Connect the halves and tie with a red ribbon. Put an apple in a sunny place and a man will get bored and dry along with the fruit.

Catch up with melancholy through the cemetery, demons, thing, hair, smoke, willow,

To catch up with melancholy through the cemetery, you need to muster up the courage and go to it after midnight. Find a fresh grave so that the name of the deceased matches the name of the loved one.

Approach the grave and bow 9 times, saying:

“The dead man sleeps in his coffin, he is tired of lying on only one side. He tried to roll over, but he couldn't wake up. He will not be able to get up from the grave and walk among living people. The dead man goes to the grave, the grave to the ground, and the slave (the name of the beloved) forever and ever to the slave (his name). Amen".

The current plot to catch up with melancholy on a man in the distance

If a man is far away, then you can catch up with longing for a photograph. At midnight, light 2 candles, put a photo of a man, press down with a stone and say the words:

“I invoke the spirits of the earth. Come help. Bring longing to the heart of a slave (name of a loved one). I will put a heavy stone on his soul. Let it press hard, don’t let me forget about me. ”

The stone is left in the photo for the whole night, and the candles are extinguished. Go to bed better in another room.

To catch up with longing for a loved one to miss, yearn for, come to me

Take a handful of salt and say it:

“I don’t pour salt, but lay pain, I don’t take peace, but steal peace. Take away laughter and smiles (name), take away joy, From anguish and pain, so that the light becomes not sweet. To yearn, miss, day and night,
Under the Moon and under the Sun. Eat salt, get warm longing. Let it be so!"

This salt must be scattered under the door of the beloved.

1 more way:

Take a photo of your husband, put it under your right bare heel, step on the image with it and say three times:

Catch up with longing with the help of runes, with the help of a candle

On the growing moon, a ceremony is performed with church candles. At midnight, a candle is lit and placed on the table, at which time the name and date of birth of the man are written on paper. Then you need to mentally imagine the happy moments spent with him. From a candle, they set fire to paper and say:

“I read a magic spell on the servant of God (name). To yearn and miss me, To not see his life without me! I bring on him a strong longing, a sad sadness! Let him walk around and around me, Let him only please me, Let him only see happiness with me! Amen!"

To catch up with melancholy and thoughts about yourself to your husband about your wife is a strong way

Take a photograph of your husband and stand on it with your bare heel and say:

“How my body presses you hard, Let your love for me crush you. As your body is heavy under my heel, So your heart will be heavy without me. Amen".

Catch up with melancholy in a gypsy way

At night, go out into the field or into the wasteland, for a conspiracy you need a lot of space, raise your hands to the moon and say 3 times:

“It illuminates the face of the radiant moon. On this day, I ask you to do this for me. Make me sad. Let everything think for me, find no place during the day, not sleep at night, and during the day let the soul fly towards me like a magnet. The forces of magic are in a hurry, they want to help me in love. My image is before you. You will start to miss me. Amen"

Arriving home, you must definitely pray with a lit candle.

Catch up with melancholy in the window, right look

Open the window and whisper into it 9 times: “Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

Wind conspiracy

An old conspiracy to longing for the wind can make your ex boyfriend remember about you, which will serve as a “push” to ensure that he returns. For loving wife words of a conspiracy to longing will be the beginning of recovery family relations, which "gave a crack." You can do the ritual at any time of the day and in any weather, as long as it is windy. In a deserted place, find a hill and stand on it in such a way that the wind blows in your face.

Stand on the hill for a while, feel the gusts of wind and try to clearly imagine the image of your loved one. Then start reading the conspiracy to longing for the wind:

“As on the glorious island of Buyan, Wind Vetrovich walks. Everyone bows to him, everyone honors him. I will bow my head low to the ground, I will ask Wind Vetrovich for mercy. Fly Wind Vetrovich to my dear (name of a loved one) in his home side. Bring him Wind Vetrovich a burning longing, a longing boredom for me (your name). Let great sadness gnaw at him, let thoughts of me (your name) haunt him. Let his heart inflame with love for me (your name). Let him not sleep, do not eat and cannot be without me (your name). Let it be so".

After reading this strong conspiracy to the longing of a loved one, leave immediately without turning around and without talking to anyone. At home, the plot can be read in open window or in a window.

Conspiracy for the rain

To make the guy yearn, a conspiracy to rain will help. You can perform the ritual at any time of the day, the main thing is that it rains - the stronger, the better. Consider a brief algorithm for this ritual:

  1. To get started, write your name and the name of the man on a piece of paper.
  2. Then go out into the rain and, holding a piece of paper with written names in your hands, begin to read a conspiracy for strong longing: “As raindrops wash away traces, so our separation will be washed away. Let the water take away your joy, I will leave you only boredom. Let the one who erected a wall between us be no longer a hindrance to us. You will love me only one, only I am your joy in life. Let the rain bring longing for me. A date with me may only save you. As soon as the water merges our names together, fate will bring me together with my beloved forever. Let it be so".
  3. After reading the plot, go into the house and take the spelled sheet with you.
  4. The leaflet with the names must be dried and hidden in a secluded place.

You can “catch up” with longing with a strong conspiracy to rain without leaving your home. To do this, you will need to read the plot through an open window or window. During the recitation, raindrops should fall on a piece of paper with names written on it. However, it is worth noting that the first version of the ritual works better.

Conspiracies for smoke and steam

An example of a strong conspiracy that makes a guy sad is a smoke ritual. To perform the ceremony, you need to melt the stove and wait until the smoke goes out. Then open the oven door and read the plot to catch up with love anguish:

“Burn logs, crack - fly to the sweet (name of a loved one) with smoke. Bring me peace as soon as possible, reward me with melancholy and sadness in return. Fly, circle, bewitch his wild head. Penetrate into the soul, envelop his haze in his heart, do not let him fall in love with anyone. Let him only miss me very much, let him not notice anyone else. His salvation will be a meeting with me, now and forever he is only mine. Let it be so". In a few days, your loved one should submit a “newsletter” about himself. Once that happens, don't miss your chance to "get him on your side."

A “bath” ritual is considered to be a fairly effective conspiracy for melancholy. To bring depression to a loved one, you need to heat the bath, and, taking off your clothes, take a good steam. Then take the broom that you used in the bath and read over it one of the most strong conspiracies for longing and for love:

“In the steam bath, I took a steam bath, walked around with a broom. I washed off boredom and longing from myself - I prepared it for my dear (name of a loved one). I will leave the bathhouse, I will stand on a silk broom, I will call the call to the eight winds. Eight winds will fly to me, from eight directions they will come. I will give the winds boredom-longing, I will order to take it to my dear (name of a loved one). The winds will fly to distant distances, they will find the winds of my dear (the name of a loved one), they will reward him with boredom and longing for all eternity. My dear (name of a loved one) will not see either peace or joy, only sadness will be his companion. How longing for me (your name) dear (name of a loved one), how to cry. Only love for me (your name) will be his joy and consolation. The word is spoken, the deed is done."

After reading, the charmed broom must be taken with you and hidden. The result of the ritual will not be instantaneous, but true.

Conspiracy for a thing

Strong conspiracies for love longing, which cause an immediate reaction from a man, are done using his personal belongings. In order to “unleash” longing on a loved one, the first thing you need to do is “get” this very thing. A suitable thing for reading a plot on a guy’s longing would be such an object with which he is constantly in contact.

  • In this regard, wardrobe items and various “working” devices have proven themselves very well: a pen, a notebook.
  • A conspiracy on a departed husband for love longing can be done using the things he forgot, which you will later return to him.

Now let's move on to the ritual itself. A conspiracy to longing for a man should be read after midnight on the growing moon. At the appointed hour, you need to be alone, light a red candle and read quick plot to the lovesickness of a man:

“The loon bird flew in the high sky, it saw everything, knew everything. I will call on the loon bird, I will order it to fly to distant lands, for blue seas over the high mountains. Fly bird, circle, my dear Servant of God (the name of a loved one) bewitch me forever. Drive melancholy-sadness on him, take away joy-happiness from him. Without me, he will not see the Servants of God (your name) rest, he will not know other dear ones. Let the fog into his violent head, bring darkness to his eyes, so that he sees only me, the Servant of God (your name), only he misses me with mortal boredom. Enter his dreams and his thoughts so that he dreams only of my name. So that without me he would no longer be able to eat, sleep, spend the day, or spend the night at night. Let it be so".

Even the best and the strongest conspiracies they will not work for melancholy without your energy replenishment. Therefore, during the recitation, you need to clearly imagine a man, investing as much as possible more power and energy in every spoken word.

  • After reading the conspiracy, the “depressing” should:
  • put the charmed thing under your pillow and go to bed,
  • and the candle, at the same time, does not need to be extinguished - let it burn out to the end.
  • At the dawn of the morning, you need to get the thing and return it to your loved one as soon as possible.
  • How you do it - it does not matter - the main thing is that he does not guess that you have spoken to her, and be the first to touch her after you.
  • The wax of a burned-out candle must be very carefully collected and disposed of by throwing it into the river or burying it under a young tree.

The action of the conspiracy on the thing will begin immediately after the man touches the charmed object, while very good results show things that the man will use all the time. With each touch to such an object, in addition to his desire, your image will “pop up” in his thoughts. Wardrobe underwear has a strong effect.

  • Black magic in such rituals "suggests" to sprinkle the charmed objects with blood or use other human biological materials.
  • However, these methods are very dangerous and have severe consequences, and it is quite difficult to cancel or divert such an impact, no matter how much you want it.

Raw meat conspiracy

Love magic, both black and white, is rich in a wide variety of conspiracies. Among them there are those whose “ingredients” seem somewhat unusual. good results can be expected from a conspiracy to longing for food for animals, where raw meat acts as food. To perform the ritual, you need to take a piece raw meat and read a plot over it:

“Like a male without a bitch toils, barks, howls at the moon, so may the Servant of God (name of the man) without the Servant of God (your name) not live from longing, like a dog howled. I, the Servant of God (your name), take the rest of the Servant of God (name of the man) forever, I lock his heart from others with three locks. Let it be so".

After reading the meat, you need to feed the hungry dog ​​and wait for "news" from your loved one.

Miss me

“Both day and night, the blood beats in the temples Let your heart begin to ache with longing. I will become your constant vision, In a dream you will see me as an obsession. I take all your thoughts to myself, I conjure you to dream of me! As soon as longing creeps into you, Your path will turn to me. Amen, amen, amen!"

With black candles

The conspiracy requires a specific list of ritual things. This ritual for melancholy is the most powerful. Buy black ritual candles. Get a fresh photo of your loved one. Exactly at 24:00 close in any room, light candles, forming from them vicious circle. Place the photo face up in the center of the circle. Looking at the flame of candles, and imagining the image of the person you are interested in, read the plot seven times in a row:

“I will stand blessed. I'm going to cross myself. From the house to the door, from the yard to the gate. I will find a clean field in the east side, where the hut stands, in the middle of the hut lies a board, and under it melancholy creaks. Longing is crying, longing is crying, waiting for the white light, the white red light of the sun is waiting, rejoicing and having fun! Likewise, let the servant of God (name) wait for me, the servant of God (name), rejoice and have fun, cannot live without me, cannot be without me, drink and eat neither in the morning nor in the evening; like a fish cannot live without water, like a small child without mother's milk, without the mother's womb can not live. Drink, longing, eat, longing, into the chest, into the heart, into the stomach of the servant of God (name), grow and spread through all his veins and bones with aching and dryness for the servant of God (name).

After completing the reading of the plot, wait until the candles burn out completely, collect the cinders, wrap them in a sheet on which the plot is written and bury them in a place where a person’s foot does not step. The photograph must be kept away from prying eyes.

A ritual that saves from longing

It's quite simple, but very effective conspiracy from longing. Helps even in seemingly hopeless situations. To begin with, take a transparent decanter and go to church with it, where it should be sprinkled with holy water, crossed three times:

  1. Arriving home, wrap the decanter in 7 layers of paper, in one linen towel and put it away from prying eyes.
  2. Under no circumstances should anyone take the decanter!
  3. The countess should lie down and wait for his finest hour, which will come during a big celebration or celebration, when a large number of of people.

Anyone who wants to get rid of longing must prepare the whole holiday himself - from cleaning the premises to cooking. When all this is done and ready, red sweet wine should be poured into the decanter. While pouring wine, you should have time to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Pour, sweet wine, into a transparent decanter, my sadness. Whoever sips this wine will forget about his misfortune, along with his misfortunes, my longing will also go away, it will grow grass, it will flow into the sea with water. I will pour this wine for everyone, I will satisfy all misfortunes. And when the wine is over, I will become happy again and forget my sorrows. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Throughout the holiday, you should follow the decanter, do not take your eyes off it.

  • Only the author of the conspiracy should pour wine for guests, and no one else! How more guests drinks wine, the faster sadness and longing will vanish.
  • The main condition is the empty decanter by the end of the evening and the last guest.
  • When the decanter is empty, and the guests disperse, you need to wash the decanter with your own hands, and so carefully, as if you are cleansing your soul and heart from pain.
  • When the decanter is clean, pour silver water so that your soul is also filled with joy, peace and tranquility.
  • Put the carafe of water in the cupboard and do not take it out for seven days.
  • After this time, the decanter should be broken, throwing it with all your strength on the ground, so that the grief with which you parted through it will never return.

Collect the fragments and bury them near your house. At the place where the fragments were buried, plant a pumpkin that absorbs the residual negativity well. While burying the fragments, read the prayer nine times: "Our Father."

simple rite

A conspiracy to call the one who is needed should be read according to the rules given above. No need to “try” - act only when such a need is really ripe. Put a feeling into every word, then your beloved will definitely respond.

“Dear, anyone, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine! Call me, tell me what's in your heart.
Ethereal communication - mobile communication, unite us! I'm a virgin-queen, there is no more beautiful than me, you take the phone, you say "hello!". Pick up the phone, make a call. I will respond - I will break into your heart! Amen."

The given plot is read alone, without prying eyes and ears. Say the formula several times until the heart says: “enough!”. It should be borne in mind that this conspiracy is suitable in cases where the relationship has long been established, but there was a small quarrel. The conspiracy is well suited for the young man to be the first to decide to take a step towards reconciliation.

Online oracle on the latest phone numbers

Here you will find a rather interesting free online divination by the phone number of your loved one: a guy, a man or a woman. Enter the last four digits of your lover's phone number and get some life advice from Oracle. Despite the apparent simplicity and playfulness of this oracle, the derivation of predictions is based on the system of numbered divination cards by Maria Lenormand - and in fact is in some way a random layout of them.

Strong rite

For successful ritual a few simple conditions are required:

  • Handle items with care.
  • Imagine that they are made of a very fragile material.
  • So fragile that you can inadvertently crush your fingers.
  • Emphasized respect must be shown to objects, careless movements, tapping, twitching are not allowed.

You will need:

  1. blank paper,
  2. photograph of a loved one
  3. pen.

Ritual sequence:

  • Sit at the table. Put a pen in front of you, a photo of a loved one left side away from you, and a piece of paper to the right.
  • Take a pen in your hand and read the plot;
  • Put a piece of paper in front of you and read the plot;
  • Write your phone number on paper and read the plot;
  • put a photo front side to the written number and read the plot;
  • Flip the sheet over with the photo so that the sheet is on top of the photo.

Conspiracy text:

“My dove, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine, my desired-long-awaited!
Remember, remember! How good we were.
Remember, remember! I opened my heart to you.
Soon soon! Remember my number.
Soon soon! Make an appointment.
Not in the week. Not one of these days. This minute!
I'll be waiting for your call!

Of course, the ritual with a conspiracy is performed without outsiders. Even if the plot was successful - the young man called, you don’t have to rush to the phone and show off to your friends. You have an agreement with the Force - this is the keeping of a secret.

For a new friend

This conspiracy is recommended for the case when you and a young man are superficially familiar and you have not yet developed a relationship. But before the conspiracy, you need to ensure that the young man calls you at least once, then the conspiracy for the man to call will work with a guarantee.

  • Before the conspiracy, you need to find a secluded place.
  • Find in the phone list the number of the person you want to call, but do not dial the number.
  • As soon as the number flashes, hold the phone to your ear and imagine the voice young man.
  • Let it be a small greeting phrase like “Hi! How are you? ”, but in the imagination the voice should sound exactly the same as you would hear it in reality.

As soon as this happened, turn off the phone with the words of the conspiracy and immediately, repeating the conspiracy, turn it on again.

“Navi! Reality! Rule! I hear your words.
Rule! Nav! Reality! They run to me.
Reality! Rule! Nav!
In thoughts they sound in order to appear in reality!
Phone call
Repeat words!

The conspiracy can work so unexpectedly that you can get confused and start answering the young man inappropriately. Of course, this can somewhat spoil the first impression of you as a companion. Therefore, before a conspiracy, it is advisable to prepare and write down one or two on-duty phrases for an answer. Then you will not have to remember in a hurry about what you wanted to say, but you will just have to read the prepared phrases.

For salt and water

You will need: a candle, a white (unprinted) handkerchief, a red string, a glass of water, and a salt shaker.

Rite sequence:

  • Light a candle and place it in front of you;
  • Spread a handkerchief between the candle and you on the table;
  • Lay out a circle on a scarf with a lace. If the lace is long, then make a circle of several turns. The more turns, the better.
  • Place a glass of water in the center of the circle;
  • Take the salt shaker in your hand and imagine how a young man dials your phone number and calls you. Put the salt shaker in place.
  • Grab a glass of water with your palms and imagine how your lover is looking forward to dialing you. Put the glass back.
  • Take a pinch of salt from the salt shaker and, without raising your hand, immediately shake the salt into the salt shaker, do this twice. And for the third time we throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and, reading the plot, we observe how the salt dissolves.

"Like salt in water, the thought of me
Dissolves into you. high shores,
Among them is water, only I am alone
You need. The circle closes
Cute smiling phone in hand -
Calls me! Amen"

After the conspiracy, pour one half of the water into a flower pot with the name male, and the remaining water - in a pot with a flower, which bears a feminine name.

It is known that the heart of a girl is impatient, sometimes she wants so much to push a young man to an important step! But it is not always convenient for a girl to do this with the help of words, and then magic comes to the rescue. Read a conspiracy from a rival at home.

Good day!

The desire of a woman to receive reciprocity from the person to whom she is attached is quite natural. But due to circumstances, it often happens that a guy thinks about his beloved quite rarely. How to change the train of thought of a lover, how to make a man miss you, the psychology of relationships will be discussed in the article.

Obsession to achieve boredom on the part of the stronger sex is unrealistic. Therefore, if you want him to think only about you and look forward to meeting you, you need to disappear from his life. Just give free time and space for reflection so that he can understand how much you are needed when you are not.

In order for a guy to start thinking about you, you need not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to entertain yourself or keep yourself busy with new things. When your partner asks what you do, you don't have to be direct and open: you can talk a little in riddles and even joke. This will give you a reason to think more about what you can do.

If you do not live together, but you want him to miss you, you can leave a personal little thing in the house - a comb, disk or earring, which will remind you of you and hide the warmest memories. But the most effective method that works 100% is to be necessary for a person, to be a friend, lover and soulmate in life.

If you provide your loved one with comfort, coziness and peace of mind while spending time together, then your absence will be noticed by him immediately, and soon he will start thinking about you.

Why isn't he bored?

There are times when a girl is desperately trying to make a guy miss her, but it doesn't happen. Why? It's simple: it may not be necessary at all. And then there is only one answer: it is not worth trying to force a person to do what he does not want.

If there is spark and potential in your relationship, then it is quite reasonable to use some tactics to create a deficit in your society for a guy.

10 Proven Methods

Consider psychological methods how to make a man miss you.

Method number 1 Pleasant memories

Use perfumes that will not let you forget. As soon as a loved one hears this fragrance on the street, he will involuntarily remember you, because it has been scientifically proven that memory for smells is the longest. A similar method that we talked about is to leave your scarf or other piece of clothing or accessories at your beloved home.

Method number 2 Remember charisma

If in the presence of the second half you will always be cheerful and cheerful, there is a high probability that your lover will remember you. Young men love women who literally explode with their positive and infect others good mood. When laughing in your absence, he will definitely remember your positive and appreciate it.

Method number 3 Congratulations

If you want to become not only a beloved girl, but also a friend for your idol, you need to write down in a notebook all the holidays that are related to him. On the appropriate dates, you need to write an SMS to the guy or call and unobtrusively congratulate him on the holiday.

Method number 4 Happy moments

If you want to leave a deep imprint in the heart of a loved one, remind him of how many happy moments you spend together, this will allow him to understand how much you really have in common.

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What girl does not dream of becoming the one and only for a guy, without which he will feel lonely and restless! However, not all young lady manages to bind the young man he likes to himself so much. It often turns out that in separation he is not at all sad - and, instead of constantly calling and reminding himself, he has fun with others to the fullest! How to become irreplaceable for him, how to make a guy bored?

Golden Rules for a Serious Relationship
If you set out to create strong and long term relationship, in which you will play the role of a prima in the life of your boyfriend, you have a difficult job of "taming" him. Moreover, during this process, you will have to “work” not so much on your loved one, but on yourself.
  1. community of interests. First of all, you must become a real friend for your boyfriend, who will share all his hobbies and accept life values ​​as his own. Believe me, for most men in the first place is not romance and gentle lisping (although they also love this), but the presence in the face of a woman of a reliable girlfriend of life, looking in the same direction with him. Therefore, come to grips with the study, or at least a superficial acquaintance with everything that is his hobby and hobbies. It can be as rock music and riding scooters, as well as fishing and reading. classical literature. In other words, you literally have to raise your level not only in terms of outlook, but also grow in this way in the eyes of the chosen one. It is you who should know the answers to all his questions and be able to maintain a conversation on topics close to him. Thus, any more or less long absence of yours will create for your boyfriend a tangible feeling of lack of you as an interesting interlocutor and an understanding like-minded person.
  2. Support your boyfriend in everything. Even if deep down you disagree with his opinion. Moreover, this should come from the soul, since men are no less sensitive to deceit and pretense than girls. Your position must fully coincide with the position of your life partner, especially if it is expressed in the presence of third parties. At the same time, of course, you do not need to obsequiously look into the mouth of your beloved and nod joyfully in response to every word he says. Hold on with dignity and support your friend, and at home, pick up a moment and in mild form tell your sweetheart what he is still “a little” wrong about. Satisfied that he has such a reliable and devoted friend, he will certainly take your comments into account, and in the end, both of you will win. It is hardly necessary for you to explain that, being constantly near wise girl, always ready to share his point of view, he will definitely feel a sense of insecurity and discomfort when his beloved is not around.
  3. Be irresistible! Strive to master the perfect sense of style in clothes and other elements of your image. Take care of yourself and, when dressing and applying makeup, remember the sense of proportion and taste - the two most important components female beauty. Make every effort to please his close friends (not to be confused with flirting, we are talking about human qualities and feminine charm!), so that in case he appeared alone, they would remind him of you by asking about the reason for your absence. Your authority and respect in the eyes of friends is a huge plus for your person, because a guy will certainly develop a sense of pride about owning such an extraordinary girl; besides, thanks to your popularity among friends, a slight amount of jealousy and fear of losing such a treasure should appear, which, of course, is only to your advantage!
That, in fact, is all simple ways tie a guy to you and make him feel like a fish without water without you. The main thing is that even if a quarrel became the reason for your separation, keep your composure and dignity and do not bother your beloved with endless calls and SMS. Let him mature himself to such an act. And the same friends will help him in this, to whom you will sadly hint at a “random” meeting how much you miss him!

Many women want to make a man miss, think and yearn for their own person, even if they are already in a relationship with him. official marriage. Attracting the opposite sex is the desire of most girls, regardless of age and the presence of fans. These instincts are inherent in nature, so this phenomenon is absolutely normal. Practical Tips And psychological tricks help you achieve your desired goal. Well-designed strategy and step by step actions will allow in the most as soon as possible attract the attention of the chosen one.

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Top 10 women's secrets

Female representatives often think about how to arouse interest in men and make them bored. The most attractive in this regard for guys are ladies who have the following qualities:

  • originality;
  • mystery;
  • optimism;
  • sexuality;
  • attractive appearance;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • self confidence.

But even in the absence of any of these qualities, a woman is quite capable of making any man bored. The main thing is to know how to act correctly and not be too intrusive, otherwise you can achieve the exact opposite effect. Psychologists have identified 10 female tricks which will help to achieve the desired effect in the very near future.

How to behave


1. Maintain an attractive appearance

External attractiveness is the most powerful weapon in the fight for male attention. A woman at any age should take care of her figure in order to look luxurious. Manicure, clothes, hairstyle, properly selected accessories - everything must be perfect. Even if a woman is married and lives under the same roof with a man, she should take care of herself. Greasy robes, shapeless T-shirts, dirty hair and an unwashed body is taboo. Light dresses, seductive sexy outfits and chic underwear will help to capture the attention of a man.

2. Cause jealousy

A man is a hunter by nature. The prey that is in his hands loses its attractiveness. The attention of other men signals to the partner that his companion is sexy and attractive. The admiring glances of strangers increase the self-esteem of a man, he understands what he did right choice, and his woman is a worthy contender for the hand and heart. However, a girl should not act provocatively or openly flirt with men.

3. Learn to listen

To interest a lover and make her husband bored, you should learn to listen and empathize. Psychologists recommend showing your interest by asking questions so that a man sees the interest and involvement of a woman.

4. Be different

Monotony and boredom negatively affect the development of relationships. For a man to want to be around, a woman needs to learn to be different: sultry, passionate, sexually unbridled, calm and cold. The main thing is not to overdo it and not overdo it so that frequent change sentiment did not lead to a break in relations

5. Create a romantic atmosphere

Not only women appreciate romantic gestures. Men like it too pleasant surprises. A short SMS message of erotic content in the middle of the day or an extraordinary wish will help warm up the interest of a loved one. good morning in an unusual way. If the couple lives together, the woman can write a declaration of love on the bathroom mirror or slip the note into the pocket of her jeans. Homes can be arranged romantic dinner by candlelight, which will end in gorgeous sex

6. Leave each other personal space

If a woman plunges headlong into a relationship and completely dissolves in a man, nothing good will come of it. In order for a lover to think about you and miss you, you should become a versatile person. A girl should have her own circle of interests. It is important to understand that a man is not the center of the universe.

7. Don't try to control your partner

Relationships in a couple largely depend on the woman. Next to a strong lady, a man relaxes. Don't try to control your loved one. The best thing a girl can do is to entrust the reins of power to a guy. The man should be the head of the family. Let him make important decisions on his own

8. Don't be mercantile

Men can't stand consumer attitude. A woman must remember one simple rule: before you demand something, you need to learn how to give in return. You can make a man miss you and think about you only by giving him tenderness, warmth and care in unlimited quantities. Guys hate manipulation, so if a girl wants normal relationship, she should show patience and learn to sincerely rejoice at every, even a minor sign of attention

9. Diversify sex

Quality sex is a powerful weapon in the fight for male attention. If a woman dreams of making a man bored and thinking about her 24 hours a day, diversity in intimate life will allow her to achieve what she wants. Erotic toys, joint viewing of films of erotic content, acquaintance with new poses and techniques, striptease, oral and anal sex, intimate relationship in unusual places and much more will ignite genuine interest in a man. It is highly likely that after violent intercourse, the partner will run after the woman and will try to capture her attention

10. Find a hobby

A woman who has concentrated all her attention on the family becomes boring. Routine, everyday life and monotony negatively affect the girl's self-esteem. The psychology of men is such that they are attracted to the one that has own interests and acts. If the wife does not work, she is advised to find a job to her liking. This is the only way to really make your husband miss you and strive to be there.

natural instincts

If desired, a woman can achieve that a man will think about her, even being at a distance. This can be done by connecting natural instincts. For a guy to think about a girl, she needs to create some kind of “anchors” with which she will be associated with her beloved.

Ttype of perception "Anchors"
visualA small souvenir in the form of a keychain for a phone, an unusual lighter, a photo on the desktop of a smartphone or laptop will direct a man’s thoughts to his life partner. If a couple does not live together, but a woman periodically visits a man’s bachelor apartment, she can “forget” some little thing there: gloves, a scarf, a comb or even panties. Having found an accessory in his house, a man will definitely remember the one who left him
OlfactoryWith the help of ordinary women's perfume, a lady can remind a man of herself during the day. To do this, she should choose a pleasant aroma for him. By applying perfume to her body, the girl will definitely leave a mark on her partner's clothes during physical contact. The next time a guy goes to bed without a loved one, the scent of her perfume on the pillow will direct his thoughts to right direction and make you think about her
AuditoryYou can seduce a companion romantic setting and have passionate sex with music. The next time he hears a familiar melody, bright pictures and he will surely remember unforgettable night V the smallest details. This is very effective method make a man bored from a distance

In a person's life there are different situations. Sometimes, having met an interesting young man, you really want him to constantly think about you, or having a quarrel with your loved one, there is a desire that he misses you and takes the first step towards reconciliation. In this case, a special conspiracy can help you. To make a guy bored, you just need to carry out a simple ritual.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at home)

For the ritual, you do not need any special magical props. You just need to use your imagination. Imagine that you and the young man you are interested in are standing opposite each other, and look intently into each other's eyes. Imagine how invisible ropes bind you together. After that, lightly biting the tip of the tongue, read the plot:

“I bite my tongue, I call on the thoughts of the servant of God (name). Think of me night and day, constantly imagine the two of us. Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so you cannot find a place for yourself without me. As I said, so be it. Amen".

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read on photo)

If you have a photo of a young man you are interested in, then with the help of it you can also perform a ritual that will help you make the guy miss you.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony after sunset. You must be alone in the room. Sit at the table, put a photo of your loved one in front of you. WITH right side light a church candle from it. Looking at the photo, say the following words:

After reading, blow out the candle, put the photo under your pillow and go to bed.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at dawn)

Another effective ritual to be done in the morning. Get up early in the morning, go outside and stand barefoot on the grass, and now read the following plot:

A strong conspiracy to make the guy miss and think

This ritual should be performed on a full moon. When it gets dark, open the window and, looking at the moon, read these words:

Read the plot three times, then cross yourself and say:

“As I said, so be it. Amen!".

Another popular and quite effective ritual is the longing of a guy, which can be done at home using a ripe red apple for this. The fruit must not be wormy. Cut an apple in half and put a note with the name of a loved one in it. Then connect the halves together and, holding the apple in your hands, read:

“As this apple will dry, so will the servant of God (name) miss the servant of God (name). Amen".

Tie the apple with red thread and place it in the sun. The more it dries, the stronger guy will mourn.

Video: a conspiracy to make your loved one miss you