How to clean a suede bag at home. We wash suede correctly. How to clean a suede bag

A suede bag is always expensive and presentable appearance products, quality top level and diversity beautiful shades. Therefore, accessories made of this material are so popular in the fashion world. The fair sex is happy to purchase bags of this kind and get great pleasure from owning such an attractive thing, while not knowing how to take care of it.

When worn, suede manifests itself as a strong and durable material, but over time, any stylish accessory gets dirty and loses its presentable appearance. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a dry-cleaner, where professionals will solve any problem, so they come into action. folk methods and time-tested advice from experts who rarely fail.

Folk remedies

Light dirt can be cleaned with a special brush. It should be purchased before buying any suede item as it is the easiest method to get rid of various stains. It is made of rubber, and sometimes has a metal pile or the usual bristles.

It is desirable to use it as daily care and prevention from pollution, while it is able to remove fresh traces.

Excellent tool anti-dirt is an eraser used to erase a simple pencil. It is always at hand, and a few easy movements will get rid of stains and even greasy. For a light accessory, you should use a white eraser, and there should not be any special problems with dark shades.

The eraser will not cope with strong stains, but zero sanding paper or pumice stone is suitable for them.

This option is applicable only in very difficult cases, since it is possible to completely ruin the fabric. movements sandpaper should be slow, smooth and very gentle so that the skin remains in order after the procedure.

Grease is easily removed by a special solution that is easy to prepare at home. taken in equal parts low fat milk and baking soda , after which the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The product is applied with a cotton swab to the fabric, and then lightly cleaned with pressure movements.

After the pollution has ceased to be visible, the remnants of the product are removed with a dry sponge, and wet suede blot thoroughly with a napkin or towel and send to dry.

The most common cleaning option is a soapy solution, which includes any detergent(shampoo, gel, rubbed laundry soap) and lukewarm water. The application takes place with the help of a foam rubber sponge, which is slightly wetted in the solution and squeezed out to remove excess liquid. Rubbing dirty places should be done carefully, then wet textile napkin soap residue is removed.

good helper in the fight against greasy places is considered vinegar solution , which is made from the following calculation: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of running water. Its concentration should not exceed 9%.

You can use such a tool on fabric of absolutely any color, and after washing it is recommended to rinse the fabric well to avoid ugly streaks.

For dark suede, coffee grounds are suitable, which are carefully applied to the product. Problem areas seem to be overwritten in a circular motion, and after drying, the remnants of the thick are removed with a brush.

Ammonia solution (1 to 5) will also get rid of stains, which is successively applied to the necessary places with a soft bristle brush. It allows you to save color, does not give streaks and weathers on its own.

Many use ammonia in an amount of 50 ml per 150 ml of water. It is applied, like other liquids, with a sponge or a napkin, you can take a microfiber cloth. Problem areas are actively wiped and left for ten minutes, after which they are washed off. wet wipe. If necessary, the procedure is repeated, but quantity ammonia will have to increase by 20 ml for effectiveness.

You should not be afraid of an obsessive smell, because it evaporates quickly, but you will have to work in a well-ventilated area.

Quite often, bags are stained with blood, grease, wine or coffee, in these cases, many methods are ineffective, except for powders without fragrances. It can be talc or baby powder, the main thing is the absence of unnecessary components in their composition in the form of a fragrance. The powder is gradually distributed over the surface and remains there until its color changes. This indicates that the product works and absorbs impurities. As needed, it will have to be changed until the stain completely disappears.

Traces of ice cream are well wiped off with an ordinary damp cloth, and then you need to walk over the product with a brush to “comb” the villi and give it its original appearance.

The steam bath helps to get rid of unpleasant contaminants.

To do this, you need a pot of water and a little time to heat it up to desired state. You just have to hold the bag over the steam, and then clean it with a rubber brush.

Gasoline is applicable not only as a fuel, but also as a cleaning component. Quite suitable pure AI-95, AI-98 applied with a lint-free cloth or cotton pad. In this state, the bag remains for 5-10 minutes, depending on the reaction, after which edible salt is rubbed. She needs time to absorb fat and excess gasoline, but sometimes this stage has to be repeated. After all the manipulations, you should comb the pile.

Can it be washed?

All suede care recommendations state that washing is unacceptable, especially in the washing machine. Water greatly deforms it, the shade becomes faded, and the appearance loses its former gloss and charm. The bag can be wiped with a damp cloth, but it will not withstand more due to the properties of the material.

If the bag gets wet in the rain, then as soon as possible it must be wiped with a dry towel or paper napkins.

Better try the steam cleaning option, great if it is a powerful steam cleaner.

In order to get rid of salting, it is necessary to pre-soak the product. Spots Brown, as well as black and blue blotches are not too visible on dark suede, but they can also be easily removed using folk remedies. Soak the grease stain in soapy water.

Ways to clean light suede

Remove dirt and stains from the product light shades is a difficult task that few funds can cope with. Not only cleanliness is important here, but also the subsequent whiteness without which the thing will simply lose its appearance.

Instead of powder or talc, experts advise using tooth powder, which is not inferior in efficiency to analogues, but at the same time retains whiteness. It is rubbed with fingers into the skin, left for half an hour, wrapping it all cling film. This happens several times until the pollution disappears. Residues are simply shaken off or removed with a vacuum cleaner.

A solution of hydrogen peroxide and water is also suitable for this purpose, which is made in proportions of 1 to 4. It is quite simple to use, since it does not have to be washed off after cleaning. You just need to apply the product to problem areas, wet everything with napkins and leave to dry.

Products made of natural suede look spectacular and elegant. Accessories from it give elegance even to a simple business suit. But this material is not very practical. Scuffs and dirt immediately become noticeable on a velvety surface. Careful attitude in combination with competent care and cleaning will help to keep the beautiful appearance of a suede bag.

Differences between cleaning natural, artificial suede and nubuck

Natural suede - soft skin with a velvety surface. It is made from the skins of medium-sized animals using the fat tanning method. The material is porous, elastic, wear-resistant, breathable and therefore very comfortable, but expensive. Its modern substitutes are close in their characteristics to the original, and in some they even surpass it. This, of course, does not apply to fragile and quickly losing shape products made from cheap substitutes. In appearance, it is sometimes quite difficult to distinguish between artificial and natural suede, but upon careful examination, the differences can be found:

  1. Smell the surface of the bag. Real suede has a distinct smell of leather. Artificial does not smell.
  2. Take a close look at the surface. Natural suede has a porous structure and a slightly uneven color. Synthetic materials usually have a perfectly even color.
  3. Run your finger along the pile: real suede will change the shade to a lighter one.

Faux suede is distinguished by a variety of colors, no smell and even texture.

Artificial material is much less finicky in terms of cleaning. If the bag is not on the frame, then it can be washed using a gel for wool and delicate fabrics.. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that the artificial pile will “stick together” and it will not work to straighten it with a suede brush. Alcohol and other solvents may damage the finish in some cases.

If you have a bag faux suede strictly follow the instructions on the label.

Natural suede should be cleaned with special products, and washed only with a special shampoo. A aggressive detergent and improper drying can spoil the shape and color of the product. Suede will lose its softness and brightness. But it can, if necessary, be cleaned with alcohol solutions.

Produced from the skin of cattle, nubuck is machined with abrasive materials to create a suede effect. But not fats are used for tanning, but water solution chromium salts. Outwardly, these materials are quite difficult to distinguish, but in use - the difference is obvious. Nubuck, which has not undergone special treatment with fat-containing substances, quickly loses its appearance, becomes dirty and greasy. Unlike suede, nubuck is categorically unacceptable for cleaning with moisture-containing products, washing, and even more so washing. He is shown only dry cleaning with special means.

A nubuck bag can only be cleaned with dry methods.

What to Expect When Taking Your Suede Bag to the Dry Cleaner

If for some reason you do not want to clean the bag at home, you can give it to the hands of professionals. Before that, it is recommended to clarify which method and preparations will be used in the processing process, as far as they are consistent with the recommendations indicated on the factory tag.

There are several ways dry cleaning. They differ in the degree of aggressiveness of the drugs used and the risks of damage to the product being processed.

  1. Dry cleaning with perchlorethylene requires specialized equipment and strict safety procedures. This is the most common way to remove difficult spots, but also risky: along with grease and dirt, paint can also be easily removed. If before that the thing was treated with water-repellent or protective impregnations, they will be violated.
  2. Cleaning with hydrocarbons is the most delicate and gentle way, does not damage the structure of the fabric. The surface remains soft, retains its original color and does not specific smell. The method is most suitable for cleaning suede, but not suitable for heavily soiled.

How to properly clean a suede bag

One of the features of suede is that the pile fibers easily break and wrinkle, and the surface of the material quickly becomes dirty and begins to shine. Regular cleaning is essential to remove dust and even out fluff. For this, a brush for cleaning suede and nubuck is best suited. To the set special tool to care for such materials, a sponge and an eraser are usually also included.

Tools for dry cleaning suede - photo gallery

Talc removes grease and protein stains from suede.

If the stain does not come out, you can try to remove it with ammonia:

  1. Mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:4.
  2. Wet a sponge with the solution and rub the stain, then scrub it with a brush.
  3. Blot the surface thoroughly and dry the bag.

To remove greasy stains, the following method is also used:

  1. Make a slurry of ammonia and starch.
  2. Apply a small amount to the stain.
  3. Let dry and then brush off.

If dirt is difficult to remove, treat it with refined gasoline (for lighters). But this must be done very carefully, since gasoline is too aggressive an environment for delicate suede.

Glossy areas are removed with starch: you need to pour it on the stain, hold for half an hour, and then remove it with a brush. Worn places are restored by rubbing with bread crust.

…and from water stains

Talc also cleans water stains:

  1. Sprinkle the powder over the area to be treated.
  2. Brush well with a toothbrush.
  3. Shake off any remaining talcum powder.
  4. Hold the product over the steam to soften the material.
  5. When the bag is dry, brush the pile with a soft brush.

The pile is combed with a toothbrush or other tool with a soft bristle.

We clean up dirt without panic

If your suede gets splashed with mud, don't try to wipe it off right away:

  1. Dry the stains first.
  2. Then shake off large particles of dirt with a stiff brush.
  3. And work the material with a rubber brush.

A special eraser is used as a tool for cleaning suede from dirt, but you can also take a simple clerical one.

Washing a suede bag: we evaluate the pros and cons and act carefully

Natural suede does not like moisture. Therefore, to use so radical way cleaning, like washing, should be done with care and only when more gentle ones do not give the desired effect. A compromise option is a careful washing of the material:

  1. Prepare a detergent composition from shampoo for washing suede and water at room temperature. Approximate proportion: 20 g of product per 1 liter of water.

    If you decide to wash your suede, do not skimp on a special shampoo, it will cost less than a new bag

  2. Clean the bag of dust with a brush and lay it on a flat surface.
  3. Soak in detergent composition cotton swab or sponge and wipe the suede. The process should take place as quickly as possible so that the material does not have time to get wet through.
  4. Then also wipe the bag with a cloth soaked in clean water, rinse it and repeat, cleaning the surface of the detergent residue.
  5. Blot the surface thoroughly terry towel. Do not twist or rub the bag.

    At the end of washing, the surface of the bag should be blotted with a towel or napkin.

  6. Flatten the product and hang to dry indoors. Do not use a hair dryer or hang a bag near heating appliances..

Features of cleaning white and colored suede

So that the material does not lose its brightness or the color does not change in place of the former dirty spot, use various means:

Folk recipe: cleansing white suede with soda milk

  1. Prepare a mixture of skimmed milk and soda (half a cup of milk, 1⁄2 tbsp. baking soda).
  2. Dampen a soft brush with the resulting mixture and gently wipe the dirt.
  3. Remove the composition with a sponge dipped in clean warm water.
  4. Dry the surface with a napkin and finally dry the bag in a straightened form with room temperature.

A mixture of skimmed milk and soda is an excellent cleaner light bag suede

How to restore softness to a bag after wet cleaning

To restore stiff suede, the easiest way is to use professional conditioners - Suede Revive, ECCO, Proofer.

Conditioners for suede soften the material, retain its color and elasticity

Of course, there are folk ways solutions to this problem.


Hardened material can be softened by steaming.

  1. The bag is placed over a container of boiling water for about half an hour.
  2. The product is straightened, hung and dried at room temperature.
  3. Repeat steaming. You need to do at least 5-6 cycles.
  4. After the last drying, the material is treated with a suede brush.

For the same purpose, you can use an iron with a steamer, only the treatment should be carried out without touching the material, but by passing it in the air at a distance of 2 cm.

To process suede, the easiest way is to use a steamer, setting the minimum steam temperature on it.

Glycerin treatment

A common way to soften leather and suede is to use glycerin.

  1. Prepare a solution of glycerin: half a teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water.
  2. The surface of the product is moistened with a sponge.
  3. After the solution is absorbed, the bag is wiped with a napkin.
  4. Dry at room temperature.

After treatment with glycerin, suede softens

Use of vinegar (essence)

A tablespoon of the essence is diluted in 1 liter of water and applied with a sponge to the surface of the bag. Further actions- as in the treatment with glycerin.

After carrying out major cleaning and refreshing operations of the bag, such as washing, steaming, mechanical cleaning of large areas, treat the suede with a special conditioner and impregnation to protect against moisture.

To keep the bag looking good for as long as possible, treat it after cleaning with special protective equipment.

Video: what cleans suede better - home or special products?

To care for suede, a variety of methods and simple cleaning techniques are used. Proper use of improvised means will help to maintain a good appearance for a long time even for such a delicate accessory as a bag made of natural suede.

Many people are wary of suede items, since this material is considered very difficult to care for. But such an opinion is nothing more than a stereotype: at home it takes not much more time than the same procedure for smooth leather products. For suede, there are a lot of proven professional tools and tried folk ways.

At the time of buying suede products you should immediately purchase a special brush for this material. As a rule, such brushes are made double-sided: one side has rubber teeth, and the other is covered with nylon bristles (in some cases, the bristles are supplemented with metal pile). To remove persistent dry dirt and restore the velvety of suede, brush the rubber side of the brush over the surface of the product several times with moderate pressure. To comb the pile and remove dust, you should treat the surface with the nylon side. If the brush is equipped with a metal pile, then it is necessary to act carefully, without pressure, so as not to damage the surface.

Important! If the product is damp, it must be dried at room temperature before cleaning.

Available in the form of aerosols, foam and cream. Many of them not only remove dirt, but also impregnate suede, making it softer, repelling moisture, dirt and preventing rapid greasing. Detailed information How to properly use such a tool can be obtained by carefully reading the instructions attached to it.

  • Salton (Russia);
  • Erdal, Salamander Professional and Silver (Germany);
  • Avel (France);
  • Tarrago (Italy).

Folk ways

To clean a suede bag at home, you can use one of the most reliable folk methods:

  • Use a regular stationery eraser, which should rub all contaminated areas. If the bag is light, the eraser should be white color, otherwise there is a risk of stains on the suede, which later will be even more difficult to remove. Carrying out this procedure, you should not press the eraser too much, so as not to damage the suede.
  • In case of severe abrasions and dirt, you can use M40 sandpaper (“zero”). But it should be used only in emergency cases, such a remedy is not suitable for everyday use.
  • In order for the suede product to acquire its original presentable appearance, it is recommended to treat it with soda and skim milk. These components must be taken in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly. Next, wetting a cotton pad in the resulting solution, you need to clean the bag, and then remove the remnants of the substance with a damp sponge. At the end, the product must be blotted with white napkins.
  • Apply a mixture of water and ammonia in a ratio of 4: 1 to the stain with a sponge or cotton pad. You shouldn't rub hard. Then the bag must be dried, as in the previous method.
  • Treat the greasy areas with a solution of vinegar (1 liter of water will require 1 tsp of acetic essence).
  • clean up suede bag brown, you can use coffee grounds. A little thick should be applied to the brush and lightly rub the problem areas. When the bag dries, it must be brushed with a pile.
  • Handle greasy spots with their tooth powder, talcum powder or crushed chalk. One of these remedies is recommended to be applied to the problem area and wait a few hours. After that, treat the bag with a special brush for suede.
  • Gently rub the greasy areas with a crust rye bread(only suitable for cleaning dark bag e.g. black or blue).

Wet cleaning

If the pollution is strong, the following remedy will help: warm water need to dissolve a little liquid soap and shampoo, moisten a foam sponge in this solution, wring it out slightly and treat problem areas. After that, soap residues are recommended to be removed with a clean, damp cloth. Just wait for the bag to dry. At the same time, in no case should it be dried on a battery or exposed to the sun, otherwise the suede will lose its shape and become rough.

Even if the bag is so dusty that you want to wash it by hand or in washing machine, you should not do this - after washing the material will become rough and lose its shape.

To externally refresh a suede product, you can sometimes arrange for it steam bath: bring the water in the pan to a boil and, without turning off the gas, hold the bag over the pan for several minutes. Immediately after this, things made of suede are advised to be cleaned with a rubber brush.

After cleaning, it is advisable to treat the suede bag with some kind of protective agent. Thanks to him, the product absorbs less contaminants during operation, and you do not have to frequently clean it.

Suede clothes, shoes and bags have always been a sign refined style And good taste. If you are partial to this material, then you will be interested to know how to clean a light suede bag at home. We know that there are many such people and not everyone wants to take a bag to dry cleaning, so homemade tips come in handy.

General rules for using suede items

In order to suede thing lasted longer, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Keep suede items in closets that are regularly ventilated. Do not use for storage plastic bags, as condensation can collect in them, which will harm the suede. It is better to use fabric or non-woven covers.
  • Products made of light or colored suede should be stored in separate cases. Bags are placed in separate non-woven bags.
  • If the handle is long, try to fold it carefully so that there are no wrinkles or marks on the surface of the bag.
  • Suede items must be aired during storage. This should be done in dry weather, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • In case of contamination of suede, it is necessary to start removing dirt and stains as soon as possible, because old dirt from suede is more difficult to remove, streaks and shine form in their place.
  • For stubborn stains, it is best to go to a dry cleaner.
  • In no case do not dry suede items near heating sources, a hairdryer, an iron. Such methods can lead to deformation, staining and cracking of suede.
  • For supporting appearance buy suede items special means care for suede in trusted stores.

Ways to clean suede bags

We remember that we need to clean a suede bag when we have a responsible event ahead of us. We want to warn you that a quick cleaning can only ruin a thing, so take the time for such a procedure and choose a cleaning method. The choice will depend on the degree of soiling, the presence of stains and the need to refresh the lining.

What you need to clean a light suede bag at home:

  • Be sure to purchase a special brush for cleaning suede products. On the one hand, it has a rubber or rubber surface, and on the other, it has bristles that will help you quickly clean off dirt, cope with jams, and restore velvety.
  • If you don't have on hand special brush You can use a stationery eraser. Rub the glossy spot with the side of the eraser that is used to erase a simple pencil.

Important! We remind you that the eraser must be clean, otherwise you will stain the material.

  • The eraser and brush can also be replaced with a crust of bread or a pumice stone. Gently rub the dried dirt with a pumice stone or a crust of dried bread. If the suede is light, take White bread. Clean dark suede with black rye bread.
  • To clean a light suede bag at home, you can use the abrasive properties of salt. Pour coarse salt on the surface of the product, while you can rub your hand over the material a little. Then - clean off the salt, trying to do it in one direction.
  • Delicate suede items are best cleaned over steam, especially if they have formed wrinkles and shiny places. It is better to do this over the spout of the kettle, which gives a directed stream of steam, and then clean it with a rubber brush.
  • If you've been splashed with dirty water from a puddle, or your purse has fallen into the mud, don't rub it right away, as you'll only increase the stain. You better wait complete drying dirt, and then clean it with a special brush with hard bristles, pumice or bread crusts.
  • It happens that, due to our negligence, we manage to smear the bag, put a stain with a dye: berries, juice, cosmetics, wine. Spots like these need to be dealt with immediately. The affected area needs:
    1. blot with a clean paper towel;
    2. be sure to wash with detergent;
    3. clean with a brush after drying.

    Important! To remove such stains, you need to use a special stain remover or soda solution.

Another problem is greasy stains. Suede very well absorbs fat of any origin. Spots and streaks form at the site of its impact. To clean a light suede bag at home in this situation:

  1. Prepare a solution of one glass of water and a tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. Wipe stains with this product, removing grease and unpleasant odors.
  3. After drying, work the surface with a brush, eraser, pumice stone or bread crust to restore the original look.

Washing suede bags

According to the rules, you can clean a suede bag at home using only dry methods. Washing - any, not recommended, since suede is a very specific material and does not like an abundance of moisture. If, despite all the warnings, you decide to wash a suede bag at home, this can be done in two ways.

Important! The result of such an experiment directly depends on the initial quality of the thing and the correctly selected processing modes, temperatures, and means. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that after washing you can finally lose this accessory.

Washing in a washing machine

If local cleaning does not give desired result, the whole bag looks sloppy, and the lining is dirty and smells bad, you can wash the bag in a typewriter - the water temperature is 30-35 C. Choose a mode without pre-soaking and spinning.

Important! Use only liquid products for washing, liquid for washing woolen things is best suited.


The best option if you do not need to wash the entire bag, but only certain places. Prepare a mixture of shampoo and water, lather it well, and then apply with a sponge to dirty places. In this case, you will not wet the surface too much.

If you only need to wash the lining:

How to dry a suede bag?

  1. After washing, do not wring out the bag. The water must drain naturally.
  2. Do not use heaters and batteries, irons and hair dryers for drying.
  3. If you have been exposed to rain or the bag is damp after washing, you need to dry it naturally. temperature conditions. This is not a very fast process, but the handbag does not deform, does not sit down.
  4. Inside the bag, you can stuff dry paper, which needs to be changed periodically. This will maintain the original shape of the bag, plus the paper will draw out excess moisture. Change it as often as possible.

Important! After washing and drying, suede can become rougher, tougher, unattractive. It doesn't matter: go over the entire surface of the product with a metal suede brush or sandpaper with the finest grit.

Features of cleaning light suede

A light suede bag looks very beautiful, gentle, but at the same time it quickly gets dirty, other things easily shed on it. However, these products also have their own cleaning methods.