Frequent hiccups in a 7 year old child. Why does a child hiccup and how to help him? Video: How to get rid of hiccups

All parents have experienced such a phenomenon as frequent hiccups in a child. This is funny for some adults, but for most kids the unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by a characteristic sound reminiscent of “hic.” Caring parents may have questions about this. What causes their child to hiccup and what does it mean? In order to help a child in such a situation, parents should know what hiccups are, what causes them and what to do in this case.

Hiccups are very common in children. It is characterized by nonspecific convulsive jerky contractions of the diaphragm and is manifested by short respiratory movements.

From a medical point of view, hiccups in a child are an unconscious and obsessive attempt to breathe, repeated many times with a sharp narrowing of the glottis. In this case, a characteristic sound or involuntary cry appears, by which hiccups are easily recognized.

1 What are hiccups?

Some researchers believe that hiccups are a reflex that helps remove excess air from the stomach that gets there along with food. But how then to explain that even those not yet born.

This phenomenon is often observed in the last months of pregnancy and is expressed by weak, regular, periodic fetal kicks. There is still no reliable explanation for this fact. Only hypotheses have been put forward that hiccups in an unborn child are explained by:

  • development of respiratory and swallowing reflexes;
  • accidental ingress of amniotic fluid into the stomach of the fetus;
  • lack of oxygen in the mother's blood, causing fetal asphyxia.

Long walks on fresh air during pregnancy will help reduce the likelihood of fetal hypoxia. Quitting nicotine and alcohol will also minimize this risk. If, nevertheless, seizures do not born baby continue, it is necessary to make special breathing exercises, especially on last month pregnancy.

This is an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm with a simultaneous contraction of the intercostal muscles. The spasm occurs suddenly with a violation of the respiratory process, completely stopping the breath for a short time. Most babies, unlike adults who easily cope with hiccups, find it difficult to do so.

Frequent and prolonged bouts of hiccups in a child - warning sign which cannot be ignored. Sometimes it is combined with chest pain and difficulty breathing. In this case, a visit to the clinic is already a necessity. Regular seizures that continue in the child long time, also require medical examination. If hiccups constantly occur in a child after eating, you need to contact pediatric gastroenterologist. Other specialists, such as a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a surgeon, can also join in solving the problem.

2 Causes of hiccups

The causes of hiccups in children can be divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological hiccups can occur in a completely healthy child. It usually lasts a few minutes and goes away on its own. This type does not cause much discomfort to the baby and does not require medical intervention.

The main causes of physiological hiccups in children are:

  • nervous excitement;
  • improper absorption of food;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • starvation;
  • hypothermia.

In newborn babies, any irritating factor can cause an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. This could be a suddenly turned on bright light, a sharp sound, fear due to strangers, or any emotional overexcitement. In such a situation, there is no need to panic, but it is better to try to find out exactly what factor provoked the hiccups and calm the baby. It should be noted that infants Rarely can they cope with an attack on their own.

Infants may begin to hiccup if, during feeding, food enters the stomach along with air or they are “choked” by too strong jets breast milk. In this case, the baby may choke, which provokes an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, which turns into hiccups. An attack can be caused by simple overfeeding. In this case, after feeding the baby, you need to hold it upright until he burps and stops hiccupping.

Hiccups can also occur in a hungry child. If a sufficiently long period of time has passed since the last meal, and the child begins to hiccup, then it is logical to assume that he is hungry or thirsty. In this case, to get rid of hiccups, you need to feed or drink warm water to the baby.

Too much low temperature ambient air and the baby's cold nose will indicate that in this case the hiccups were due to freezing. In this case, he needs to be dressed warmly, covered and given warm water to drink.

Physiological hiccups in children over the age of one year occur for the same reasons, but available ways its elimination becomes more. At this age, the child can already make it clear why he hiccups.

By the age of 1 year, in the diet of most infants, in addition to breast milk or children's nutritional mixtures a variety of complementary foods are already present. Switching to drier foods doesn't always go unnoticed. If the child's body does not have time to adapt to such food, then it can react to it with bouts of hiccups. Dryer foods can trigger an unconscious bout of thirst. Therefore, if the child began to hiccup during this period, most often it is enough for him to give him a little drink. warm water or tea.

Increased emotional excitability remains the main reason why a child continues to hiccup often even at the age of 5 years and older. Often, a hiccup attack occurs during crying or prolonged laughter. It is also associated with air entering the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to switch the attention of the baby, divert him to a more relaxed activity, limit him to excessive activity or calm him down. Drinking carbonated drinks can cause hiccups in young children.

Pathological hiccups occurs when painful conditions body. The duration of the attack may vary. It can last from several minutes to several hours and even days. Pathological hiccups are nonspecific symptom many diseases. Depending on the reasons that caused it, it happens:

  1. Toxic, characterized by damage to the central nervous system that develops when toxic substances enter the body. Attacks of toxic hiccups occur due to poisoning with alcohol, drugs, mushrooms, poor-quality food, etc. Attacks of toxic hiccups occur with general intoxication of the body, which occurs in the case of severe kidney failure when the body cannot remove toxins on its own, when diabetes mellitus(poisoning from excess glucose), in case of severe infectious diseases.
  2. Reflected, occurs against the background of many diseases. Characteristic of lung tumors, pleurisy, damage to the diaphragm and phrenic nerve (neuritis), various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, food allergies (gastric neurosis). Characteristic of intestinal pathologies, i.e. enteritis, enterocolitis, ascariasis and other conditions.
  3. If periodic attacks of hiccups appear against the background of any disease, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating this disease. Hiccups in themselves do not harm the body and cannot cause any complications, but it is necessary to treat and prevent the occurrence of diseases that can cause prolonged bouts of hiccups.

Young parents are often concerned about hiccups in their infants, although in most cases this is a very harmless reaction. child's body to internal and external stimuli.

Not many people know that children hiccup while still in the mother’s belly - this is how the child’s diaphragm prepares for new living conditions. After birth, the baby’s nervous and digestive systems are not yet perfect, it is difficult for him to adapt, so for up to a month or even two, he is tormented by gases, colic, liquid stool and hiccups.

Hiccups in a baby - causes of hiccups, how to get rid of hiccups in a baby

Babies hiccup due to contractions of the diaphragm, which reacts to various irritations. Some pediatricians believe that this is due to the vagus nerve, which is excited for no particular reason. The vagus nerve directly influences the diaphragmatic muscle, causing it to contract.

Causes of hiccups

Attentive parents may notice that hiccups occur immediately after feeding the baby, or even during the meal. Overfilling the stomach causes it to stretch and put pressure on the diaphragm, and the child begins to hiccup. The baby’s intestines, which are full of gases, have almost the same effect.

Causes of hiccups infants can be not only internal, but also external, i.e. normal hypothermia during ingestion air baths or while walking in most cases cause an unpleasant symptom. As soon as the baby's nose or fingers become cool, hiccups begin.

Those. To briefly summarize, there are basically only two reasons:

Moms take note!

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  1. Hiccups while eating;
  2. Hiccups from hypothermia.

BUT, a serious symptom that requires immediate treatment at the hospital can be hiccups, which are repeated very often and without visible reasons, lasting for a long time, and severely exhausting the child. The cause in this case may be an inflammatory disease of the lungs or digestive organs, because inflammatory processes irritate the diaphragm. Encephalopathy or pathology of the spinal cord causes persistent hiccups, which prevents the baby from breathing normally. Although this is extremely rare, be on the safe side and consult your pediatrician.

What to do, how to stop and save a child from hiccups?

When hiccups begin in a baby, not many mothers know what to do, and in order not to get confused, you need to remember a few simple actions to help the baby.

Method 1 Hiccups while feeding

For example, if a baby hiccups while eating, then you do not need to continue feeding, but lift him upright and press him with his tummy. Perhaps the baby swallowed air when he ate too greedily, and regurgitating the excess will make him feel better.

Since it is very difficult to stop a baby from hiccups after eating, and you will need to wait until the milk is digested in his ventricle, the only thing parents can do is hold the baby upright. When lying down, a full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, and hiccups can last a long time.

Method 2 Hiccups from hypothermia

There are several ways to rid a child of hiccups that started from mild hypothermia. First of all, you need to warm the baby by dressing him warmly, covering him with a blanket or simply holding him close. Even if feeding time has not yet come, you can give your baby breastfeeding or warm milk formula - this will quickly warm him up.

When a baby has hiccups, there is no need to panic and think that the child is seriously ill: in most cases, this is simply a reaction of a small organism to irritants. The calmness and confidence of parents is passed on to their children, and the nervousness of the mother can provoke anxiety in the baby.

Hello dear parents! It would seem that the child hiccups, what is unusual here? Everyone hiccups.

We agree that prolonged hiccups are not a pleasant phenomenon, but not terrible at first glance. And at the same time, you should not leave it unattended. What is a hiccup?

Hiccups are called frequent and short inhalations, which are repeated involuntarily, while the diaphragm is in a sharply narrowed state. It is believed that hiccups are normal, quite understandable. physiological phenomenon characteristic of both adults and children.

However, if it stubbornly does not go away and at the same time causes discomfort to the child, you can try to stop it. And to begin with, try to determine the cause of the appearance of hiccups in a child.

Why does the child hiccup?

There are two types of hiccups - long-term and episodic. Typically, children experience episodic hiccups, the causes of which may be:

  • hypothermia, that is, the child is simply cold;
  • prolonged thirst, have you given your child anything to drink lately?
  • in older children - dry food, in infants - overeating;
  • increased nervous excitement of the child.

Children often develop hiccups while crying or after laughing for a long time. This is due to the fact that an excessive amount of air enters the baby's stomach. Sometimes hiccups can be caused by carbonated drinks, which, by the way, are contraindicated for children.

Babies often hiccup from overeating, and you may notice that the baby is often and plentifully. Also, the cause of hiccups in infants may be too rapid outflow of breast milk from the mother or from the bottle.

Rarely, such debilitating hiccups can indicate a disease associated with brain damage, with neuritis, diabetes, compression of the phrenic nerve, and some infections.

It happens that prolonged hiccups is a sign of a child having problems with the intestines, it may be a sign, and perhaps even a baby has an injury chest.

In addition to the fact that the child hiccups, he may experience other unpleasant symptoms such as: heartburn, chest pain, difficulty swallowing.

So if your baby has this problem, it is better to once again show it to the doctor, and together with the specialist to make any decisions.

What to do and how to stop hiccups in a child?

Normal episodic hiccups do not require special medical attention. First, invite your child to drink. If it is possible that the child could simply be cold, give him a warm drink and dress warmly.

An older child can be asked to take a deep breath, while the air must be retained in the lungs for at least 20 seconds. So the phrenic nerve will calm down, and the hiccups in the child will pass.

To prevent hiccups in babies, carry your baby in a “column” after feeding. You will hear how after a few minutes in this position he will belch air and either there will be no hiccups at all, or it will immediately stop.

If you're overfeeding your baby, it's worth trying to feed a little differently, such as often and in small portions. Try changing the nipple on the bottle, if there is a lot of breast milk flowing out, express milk a little before feeding.

It happens that a child hiccups regularly, and the hiccups can last for hours, and no methods to eliminate them help the baby. In this case, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor and undergo an examination.

But in the vast majority of cases, hiccups in children do not require additional medical intervention. She is frequent and at the same time non-hazardous phenomenon especially in relation to young children.

And finally, in no case, if a child hiccups, do not scare him. Desired result you will not achieve, but will only disrupt his nervous system. By the way, sometimes you can just wait and the hiccups will go away herself.

Since hiccups usually bother adults, many people find that they also bother babies. However, children usually do not experience discomfort. In fact, many newborns can sleep through bouts of hiccups without being disturbed, and the hiccups rarely impede or have any effect on the baby's breathing.

Most episodes of hiccups last from a few minutes to an hour. In any case, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, many babies find hiccups quite funny. Hiccups in a baby are normal body reflexes and parents should not worry at all.

Why does the child hiccup?

The baby hiccups even in the womb, from the second trimester. When a woman is pregnant, sometimes she feels that the baby's body is pulsating rhythmically. Perhaps at this moment the fetus has hiccups.

So why does a baby hiccup in the womb?:

  • the brain sends a signal to the fetal diaphragm to contract, and when it contracts, the fetus sucks amniotic fluid which causes hiccups;
  • Fetal hiccups also occur when the baby develops a sucking reflex and thus sucks in amniotic fluid;
  • Rarely, a significant increase in hiccups may be a sign that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus's neck and restricting the flow of oxygen, known as cord compression.

You shouldn't worry too much about this. But if anxiety increases, tell your doctor and he will order an ultrasound to check if everything is normal.

Common causes of hiccups in newborns:

  1. Immature diaphragm. A newborn often hiccups when its immature diaphragm contracts suddenly and irregularly. As the baby grows, the contractions of the diaphragm, along with the muscles between the ribs and abdomen, become more synchronized and stronger, which gradually reduces the frequency and severity of hiccup episodes.
  2. Overfeeding. This is one of the common reasons why an infant hiccups after feeding. Rapid distension of the stomach or its fullness can provoke a spasm of the diaphragm muscle, which will lead to hiccups.
  3. Swallowing air. This is another reason why babies hiccup. Most babies tend to swallow a lot of air when feeding, which can also lead to hiccups. The occurrence of hiccups in an infant also depends on the position in which the baby is fed and other factors, such as whether you allow the baby to burp frequently during feeding to reduce the amount of air swallowed.
  4. Decrease in temperature. Hiccups can also occur if body temperature drops suddenly. Because a newborn baby is less able to maintain its body temperature, any significant changes in environment can significantly affect the temperature of his body. Therefore, it is recommended to keep children warm and cozy.
  5. Mother's diet. The baby often hiccups due to the mother's diet. No matter what the mother drinks or eats, the nutrients consumed are passed on to the baby through breast milk. Newborns are more likely to experience hiccups after feeding if the mother consumes peanuts, eggs, wheat, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits and soy products before feeding the baby. For achievement best results avoid food products, which can cause hiccups in the baby at least an hour before feeding.
  6. Acid reflux. Regular hiccups, even when the baby isn't overfed or swallowed air, can signal a possible underlying problem. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (known as GERD) is a condition in which some of the contents of the stomach are regurgitated into the esophagus. This can cause pain and hiccups. However, hiccups are not usually the only symptom of GERD. Other indicators that the child has include colic-like behavior associated with pain, nighttime whims, frequent regurgitation and abdominal pain after breastfeeding. If your baby hiccups frequently or has any other symptoms related to GERD after making feeding changes, talk to a specialist about the problem.
  7. Allergy. The baby may be allergic to certain proteins found in formula or even breast milk, which in turn causes inflammation of the esophagus called eosinophilic esophagitis. As a reaction to the condition, the diaphragm spasms, causing hiccups.
  8. Irritants in the air. Babies have a sensitive respiratory system, and any airborne irritant, such as fumes, pollution, or intense aroma, can trigger a cough. Repeated coughing puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing it to vibrate. This may be the reason why your baby hiccups.

How to get rid of hiccups in a child?

Even if hiccups are almost always harmless, it is better to relieve your child of these spasms.

Try it the following methods if the baby is tormented by hiccups, but one at a time:

  • One of the simple ways to stop hiccups in a newborn is to lactation. Hiccups occur when the diaphragm becomes irritated. Use is not large quantity breast milk, when supplied slowly, can cause the diaphragm to relax and return to normal movement;
  • give the baby some sugar. It was a popular remedy for hiccups in ancient times. If your baby is old enough to eat solid food, place a few sugar crystals under his tongue. If he is too young to consume solids, you can dip the pacifier in some freshly prepared sugar syrup and place the pacifier in his mouth. Or dip your finger in the syrup and give it to your child.

    Make sure the nipple and finger are clean.

    Sugar will loosen the tension in the diaphragm, thereby stopping the baby's hiccups;

  • baby back massage This is a more direct way to rid a newborn of hiccups. Position the child in an upright sitting position and gently rub in a circular motion on his back from the waist to the shoulder. You can also put the baby on his stomach and do the same movements;

    Be gentle and don't apply too much pressure. The idea is to release tension in the diaphragm.

  • keep your baby upright after feeding. Hold the baby upright for 15 minutes after feeding. Staying upright will keep the diaphragm in its natural position, preventing any muscle flutter. You can also gently rub his back to encourage him to burp, which will allow the air swallowed during feeding to escape. This will relax the diaphragm, thus reducing the chances of hiccups;
  • take the child away. Every time your baby suffers from bouts of hiccups, try to distract him with a rattle. Hiccups are caused by muscle spasms, which can be caused by nerve impulses. Changing the neural stimuli through touch (such as a massage) or through some sensory input (observing a favorite toy) can reduce the frequency of a child's hiccups, if not stop them entirely;
  • try dill water. There is no scientific proof in favor dill water for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems in infants. However, it is one of the most popular solutions for treating stomach discomfort that has caused hiccups in babies. Check with your pediatrician before giving your child dill water.

You can try one or more of the above methods for hiccups. It is important to remember that in a state of increased anxiety, you can sometimes do things that will do more harm than good to the child. Therefore, control your emotions and evaluate your actions wisely.

How to prevent hiccups in children?

You can prevent your baby from getting hiccups by being careful with what he eats. According to many pediatricians, overfeeding is common cause hiccups in babies. Never feed your baby large quantities at one time, as this will cause severe distension of the stomach.

Remember about the following points when feeding a small child:

  1. Feed your baby in small amounts for more than long period time, rather than “filling” his stomach in one sitting. This will help prevent overfeeding, which is a cause of hiccups in babies.
  2. Keep your baby upright when breastfeeding/bottle feeding at an angle of 35 - 45 degrees as this will ensure a smooth flow of milk through the esophagus.
  3. When your baby is old enough to sit, you can feed him in a sitting position. Position your baby with his back to you to support his back. Feeding while sitting will prevent air from being swallowed.
  4. Hear the sound your baby makes while feeding. If he is making too much noise, he is probably swallowing a lot of air. Adjust the pacifier in your mouth so that there is a small air gap in it. When breastfeeding, make sure your baby's mouth covers the entire nipple.
  5. Clean and wash your bottle regularly to prevent milk from collecting in the nipple. An obstruction during feeding can cause the baby to swallow more air than milk, causing hiccups.
  6. Never let your child sleep with a full bottle. Unlike the breast, where milk flows only when sucked, the bottle ensures a constant flow of milk. In addition to being life-threatening, increasing the risk of caries, it can also cause overfeeding, which in turn leads to hiccups.

When a child hiccups, what should you not do?

There are certain hiccup remedies that are suitable for adults. Never try them on your babies, as getting rid of hiccups in a newborn can be with adverse consequences.

  1. Never try to scare if a newborn hiccups to get him to stop hiccuping. The loud bang of an explosion plastic bag, commonly used for hiccuping adults, can cause damage to infants' sensitive eardrums.
  2. Sour candies are great for adults, but are not intended for children. Even if your baby is over 12 months old, it is not recommended to feed him sour candy or other acidic foods to relieve hiccups. Most sour candies contain powdered edible acid, which may not be healthy for your baby.
  3. Don't slap your child too hard on the back. The ligaments in your baby's skeleton are still flexible, and any shock or brute force can cause serious damage to them. For this reason, never slap your baby hard on the back to prevent him from hiccupping. You can knock gently, but any excessive force may cause damage.

Hiccups in a child are a temporary nuisance. But if it repeats frequently, then it’s time to visit the doctor.

When to contact a specialist?:

  • if it is gastroesophageal reflux. If a child constantly hiccups and always regurgitates a little liquid, we can assume the presence of gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux is usually accompanied by other signs, including irritability, arching of the back, and crying a few minutes after feeding. If you suspect reflux, contact your pediatrician immediately;
  • hiccups interfere with sleep and feeding. It is normal for a baby to hiccup from time to time, but if the hiccups are interfering with his daily activities such as eating, sleeping and playing, then you should take him to the doctor. When hiccups become chronic and interfere with daily activities, the baby automatically shows signs of discomfort. This means that hiccups may be caused by another cause that requires medical attention;
  • when hiccups last for hours or days. Babies, including newborns, may hiccup almost daily for a few minutes or up to an hour. If they generally feel comfortable and happy, then there is no reason to worry. But if the hiccups show no signs of abating and continue for an abnormally long time, then the cause may be serious.

Observe whether your baby's hiccups are accompanied by an abnormal sound, such as wheezing. In such cases, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Patience and observation will help you and your baby smile through the hiccups. Home remedies are simple methods to suppress and even prevent hiccups in the baby. Always remember that if your baby hiccups, it is completely normal and does not harm the baby. So never worry about it as it is a natural event. Some basic precautions during feeding will help manage your baby's hiccups. When hiccups are chronic, consult your pediatrician.

Everything in a newborn’s body is so fragile and unclear that many mothers panic for any reason. Today we’ll talk about hiccups in a child of any age, why they occur and how to deal with them.

Causes of hiccups in children

First of all, you need to find out what hiccups are. This is a contraction of the diaphragm muscles, as a result of which air comes out of the lungs in points.

Hiccups can be episodic or long-lasting. Episodic - one that goes away on its own and lasts 15-20 minutes. Long-term is characterized by prolonged attacks that occur almost every day. Standard remedies for getting rid of hiccups do not help in this case.

Causes of episodic hiccups:

  • severe stress, most often fear;
  • cold, it causes involuntary muscle contraction to keep warm;
  • binge eating;
  • swallowing air during;
  • hunger or thirst - yes, in some cases our body reacts to them exactly like that;
  • after the child ate something dry, for example, a sandwich without tea;
  • after laughing.

If the baby eats very greedily, then you can not do without hiccups after. In this case, it is simple to cope with it - you need to stand the child in a “column”, holding it in your arms. And walk with him like that for about 15 minutes, excess air will come out naturally. Sometimes, it can be accompanied by regurgitation of excess.

If a child hiccups for more than half an hour and it does not go away on its own, an adult should intervene. Most likely, the problem is one of the reasons from the list above; eliminate it and the hiccups will go away.

By the way, even a fetus in the mother's stomach can hiccup. And this may be due to:

  1. Sudden ingestion of amniotic fluid.
  2. Preparing the baby for independent breathing.
  3. Fetal hypoxia.

And if the first 2 reasons are physiological and do not cause danger, then with the third reason there is a threat to the baby’s life. In any case, you should tell the doctor you are registered with about this.

Frequent hiccups in a child

Frequent hiccups are characterized by daily attacks lasting more than 30 minutes, which cannot be controlled. This indicates the presence in the body various pathologies. In this case, independent treatment is unacceptable - after all, you can apply irreparable harm little man. Therefore, if you notice regular attacks of hiccups in your child, immediately contact a specialist.

Pathologies that can cause frequent hiccups in children:

Be sure to consult a doctor. Once the cause is identified and eliminated, the attacks will stop.

How to get rid of hiccups in children

It is easy to overcome physiological hiccups in infants - by standing the child upright. So, in order to relieve a one-year-old baby from an attack of hiccups, you need to do various manipulations.

Help for hiccups:

  1. If hiccups occur outside or in a cool room, it means the child is simply cold. Feel his nose, it's cool. To get rid of such hiccups, you just need to give your baby hot tea.
  2. The method of holding your breath is considered the most effective. Dial full lungs air and don’t breathe as much as you can. This will help the diaphragm relax and the hiccups will stop.
  3. Children over 3 years old can benefit from this method. Offer to eat a slice of lemon or a teaspoon granulated sugar. There is no need to eat or drink anything.
  4. Drink warm water in small sips. It is recommended to hold your breath.
  5. There is another, “old-fashioned” way to get rid of hiccups. Scare. But this method is not recommended, as it can provoke a mental disorder in the child and lead to stuttering.
  6. There are a number medicines that relieve hiccups. But only a pediatrician can prescribe them, having first verified the need for drug treatment Problems.
  7. Sucking helps relax the diaphragm muscles. You can offer the baby a bottle or mother's breast. For an older child - a piece of ice or ice cream. The main thing is to consume in small portions so as not to provoke hypothermia of the larynx.

Hiccups, including hiccups in children, are a phenomenon that periodically occurs even against the background of complete health, which becomes pathological condition, if it appears often and lasts a long time.

Hiccups are periodic involuntary contractions respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm, accompanied by short breaths and peculiar sounds that are formed with the rapid passage of a stream of air through a closed glottis.

Hiccups in children - common occurrence

The mechanism of hiccups

The diaphragm is a large muscle that is located on the border of the thoracic cavity with the abdominal cavity. If it is relaxed, it resembles a dome; when tense, it flattens. Along with the flattening of the diaphragm, the volume of the chest cavity increases, and the lungs expand when inhaling. The intercostal muscles also work together with the diaphragm; together they expand the chest.

During hiccups, the process described above occurs at an accelerated rate, muscle work is unsmooth and jerky. At the same time, the vocal cords are in a closed state and instead of a normal inhalation, only a peculiar sound is produced that accompanies hiccups.

The mechanism of hiccups is also mediated by the nervous system, namely the vagus and phrenic nerves. The line of exciting impulses passes precisely along these nerves, and if you open the reflex arc by influencing one of its links, you can stop it.

The occurrence of hiccups is closely related to the functioning of the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems. This means that disorder in one or another organ can provoke this unpleasant sensation.

Hiccups in a child, especially at an early age, occur quite often and can be caused by a number of reasons not related to diseases.

Overeating, bloating and air intake

For example, a child under one year old, especially when feeding, takes in a lot of air in his mouth, and may also simply overeat. Because of this, he begins to hiccup. In this case, it is usually enough for the mother to hold the baby standing for a while so that he burps the excess and the hiccups stop.

If the baby overeats, then you should try to feed him less milk, but apply it to the baby’s breast more often. In addition, the child should not be hungry for a long time, this will promote excessive sucking and swallowing air into the stomach.

Also for the same reason it is important correct application baby to the breast. He should capture with his mouth not only the nipple, but also its areola ─ this way less air will get into his stomach along with the milk.

Excessive gas in the tummy and bloating can also cause hiccups.


The next factor that can contribute to the appearance of hiccups in young children is general hypothermia. At the same time, the child is tense, many muscle groups are in good shape, trying to generate energy in order to warm the baby. At this time, involuntary contractions of the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles may appear. In order to save the child from unpleasant sensations, it is enough to warm him up and continue to ensure that his body temperature is always normal.

Nervous tension

Emotional overexcitement can cause hiccups in a child

If a child is scared and tense, stress hormones are released into the blood, which increase muscle tone and can cause involuntary contractions of the diaphragm and other muscles, causing hiccups.

What diseases does hiccups indicate?

Hiccups may not be as harmless as they may seem, and may be a manifestation the following types pathologies:

Hiccups in older children occur for reasons similar to those listed above.


Almost all episodes of hiccups are short-lived and quickly end on their own without attracting the attention of parents. However, if hiccups still force you to see a doctor, he is faced with the difficult task of identifying the main triggers for hiccups.

You should be concerned when hiccups occur several times a day and each attack lasts more than 60 minutes. Then you need to consult a doctor to diagnose and determine the causes of such hiccups.

If persistent hiccups occur, the child should be seen by a doctor.


  • Collects anamnesis. Finds out when hiccups appear, what triggers them, how long a typical episode lasts, what brings relief and helps you cope.
  • Performs a complete examination of the patient, including otorhinolaryngological and neurological examinations.
  • Appoints laboratory research: held clinical analysis blood, biochemical analysis, including indicators of the functioning of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, as well as the level of electrolytes in the blood.
  • May I recommend going through the following instrumental studies to clarify the diagnosis: endoscopic examination of the esophagus and stomach, esophageal manometry and pH-metry.

The doctor collects all the information received and makes a decision regarding the treatment of his patient.

Traditional methods

There are many traditional methods fight against hiccups. These are ways to scare a hiccupping person, drink a whole glass of water in one gulp, take a deep breath and hold your breath, and others, have a basis. For the most part, they rely on changes in the activity of the vagus nerve.

Many of these methods are not suitable for children: for example, you should not frighten your child, this may affect his mental state and further development.

And in children under one year old it is impossible to apply most of the folk recipes, since the babies are still too small to follow the instructions of adults.

For children under one year old, parents can learn how to do a light tummy massage. It will promote better absorption of food and reduce the accumulation of gases after eating and promote their elimination.

Taking a deep breath and holding your breath will help get rid of hiccups

Traditional therapy

In young children, the following is used to treat hiccups:

  • Mild sedatives: Dormikind.
  • Carminatives (helping to eliminate flatulence): Espumisan.
  • In older children, the following are used in the treatment of this unpleasant condition as prescribed by a doctor:
    • Antihistamines.
    • Neuroleptics.
    • Antispasmodics.
    • Carminatives.

Despite the fact that hiccups are most often a harmless and self-limiting condition, parents should not lose their vigilance, and at the slightest suspicion of any disease, they should consult a specialist.

Many parents worry and worry when their child often hiccups, as this phenomenon is not very pleasant and brings a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes frequent hiccups can cause severe discomfort, the baby becomes irritated, capricious, and it takes away his appetite.

Hiccups in children can often indicate that they are cold or have overeaten.

Hiccups in children are divided into two types - long-term and episodic. Most often, the baby suffers from episodic, the main factors of which are:

  • the baby may be cold, you need to dress him well;
  • the baby is very thirsty;
  • a newborn child has overeating, and an older child has malnutrition;
  • the baby is emotionally overexcited.

Often the baby hiccups after crying a lot or if he for a long time laughed. This is caused by the fact that a lot of excess air enters the baby's stomach, which puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing spasms and involuntary contractions.

Often a child hiccups after drinking a lot of drinks with gases. For children under 6 years of age, such drinking is generally contraindicated.

Breastfed babies experience frequent hiccups due to overeating, and the spasms are accompanied by profuse regurgitation. During feeding, it is necessary to ensure that the baby latches onto the breast correctly and is in a comfortable position. Otherwise, he will swallow a lot of air, which will result in prolonged spasms.

If the disease is serious, then hiccups are always accompanied by chest pain, burning, and problems swallowing food. So if you are experiencing some of these symptoms, the best solution will do comprehensive examination baby and find out why the child often hiccups.

What to do and how to stop hiccups?

If the nature of the child’s spasms is episodic, then there is nothing special to do. Doctors say that no medicines have been found that would calm the hiccups themselves, unless, of course, they are the result of a hidden disease. When your baby starts hiccupping, try to find out the cause and eliminate it.

Give the baby something to drink and the illness should go away. The second reason may be that the baby is cold, warm him up. After breastfeeding, always try to hold your baby upright. This way, excess swallowed air will be released from the stomach, freeing it from spasms and reflux.

Do not overfeed your baby. Change your feeding tactics. It's better to give him less food at one time, but give him more often. At first, the baby may not like it. However, it is worth implementing a routine so that the newborn is less likely to experience cramps. If artificial feeding, use special bottles with a valve that prevent the swallowing of excess air; colic will also go away at the same time.

Do not scare the baby - this is not a method of getting rid of spasms in the in this case. Its effectiveness has not been proven, and the child will be even more upset.

For children over 1 year old, try to constantly give plenty of fluids. The food in their diet may often be dry, which will cause an attack of cramps. For a child who is older, ask him to take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then exhale and relax. This will calm the diaphragm from involuntary contraction.

A strong emotional event can also be a consequence of frequent hiccups. Try to calm the child down. Together, establish a calm rhythm of breathing, this will relax the diaphragm and the spasm will pass. For older children, offer a special breathing exercises, which will relax the diaphragm muscles and stop hiccups. Take a deep breath, raise your hands up, hold your breath for a few seconds, lower your hands, exhale and relax. After 3-4 such approaches, the attack basically stops.

The next appointment will also require your participation. You need to pinch the baby's nose and let him drink water. You need to repeat 2-3 times. You can give the child a massage of the nose, on which there are points that, when massaged, should stop the attack.

Sharp irritation of taste buds can also be effective in overcoming spasms. Invite your child to eat a slice of lemon or drink a glass of warm water with sugar. Try to improve your child's correct mode day and nutrition. So that he begins to eat healthy food and exercise. This method helps to get rid of many diseases and will give a positive charge for the whole day.

If your baby hiccups a lot every time or even constantly, do not delay and visit a doctor so that he can determine the underlying cause and begin treatment.

When to see a doctor?

If spasms in a child are observed for a very long time, sometimes every day or many times without an apparent root cause, consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary set of examinations for the baby. Very often, the cause of spasms may indicate the presence of worms in the body. In this case, the doctor will prescribe special medications for the child. If the worms are not found, then you will have to be examined by a neurologist.

If the child is a year old or less, then the cause may be an unformed nervous system. In this case, you need to wait until the baby grows up. Don't let him get overexcited, play calm games, rest. You can do a relaxing massage once or twice a day.

Older children may also suffer from spasms due to overstimulation. It happens that the child cannot calm down all day, and in the evening he has an attack of spasms, which can continue on the second day. Monitor the baby's condition. The doctor may prescribe sedatives or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

If found in the body inflammatory processes or elevated blood sugar, the doctor will prescribe you the necessary treatment that will save the child from the disease and stop its consequence - hiccups.

Hiccups are a common phenomenon that every person has encountered. It occurs in an adult and in a child, and is a non-specific and non-dangerous respiratory disorder. What to do if an adult or child hiccups all day?

Most often, prolonged hiccups provoke nervous tension.

Most often, hiccups are caused by factors that do not indicate health problems. It is called idiopathic. Unpleasant sensations are present for up to a quarter of an hour and do not cause severe discomfort. Hiccups are a reflex phenomenon.

Psychogenic hiccups often occur in suspicious and anxious people. She may appear before important event when you are overwhelmed with anxiety.

Hiccups may be caused by irritation of the vagus nerve. It is localized in the chest and abdominal cavity, which are connected to each other by the diaphragm, where the nerve passes. The esophagus is also located in this place, which can pinch it.

This happens because:

  • overeating;
  • hypothermia;
  • fast eating;
  • hunching over during meals;
  • fright;
  • poor chewing of food.

In addition to safe hiccup provocateurs, there are pathological causes phenomena:

  • metabolic disorders, such as diabetic, uremic or hepatic coma;
  • problems with the central nervous system, for example, a stroke, a neoplasm in the brain, encephalitis, etc., while hiccups all day cause severe discomfort;
  • poisoning with barbiturates or muscle relaxants;
  • intoxication of the body due to excessive alcohol consumption;
  • inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract, for example, with pancreatitis, reflux esophagitis, diverticulitis or ulcers in the stomach or duodenum;
  • problems with the spine (hernia);
  • defects in the spinal cord;
  • oncological diseases;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Such hiccups can last a whole day and occur for no reason, without being associated with other factors.

What to do?

№ 1

A method of swallowing known to many. It is necessary to open your mouth wide and hold it in this position without swallowing. During hiccups you need to swallow. In 5 minutes of such “gymnastics” the unpleasant condition will go away. At the same time, clothes should not be tight.

№ 2

You need to take a full lungful of air and hold your breath. When hiccups come, you need to “swallow” air. A similar method involves slowly “swallowing” a small amount of air until the moment when you can’t breathe and need to exhale.

№ 3

The hiccupper needs to inhale slowly and deeply and exhale when he cannot hold in the air. After exhaling, you need to immediately stick out your tongue and fill your lungs with oxygen, while closing your ears. You need to hold out like this for some time. After this, you need to exhale slowly.

№ 4

Helps eliminate discomfort water. Some people recommend simply drinking it in small sips so that you can hear the person drinking. Another way is to drink water without using your hands, such as through a straw.

№ 5

It is recommended to use cucumber pickle. You need ½ tsp. drink every 10 seconds until the hiccups stop.

№ 6

Honey and brown sugar help. You need to eat 20 g of the product, after holding it in oral cavity about 10 seconds. After this you need to drink some water.

№ 7

№ 8

Sneezing can help relieve hiccups. To do this, you need to smell something that can cause a sneeze, for example, pepper.

№ 9

The most popular method of getting rid of the problem is fear, but it is impossible to use it yourself, since you need to actually be scared.

№ 10

If hiccups happen frequently, you can use a mixture of mustard and vinegar. It should be smeared on the tongue 4 times a day for a minute and washed off with water.

№ 11

If someone constantly hiccups, he can be helped by a decoction of dill seeds, a teaspoon of which must be steamed in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. The medicine is drunk three times a day, half a glass.

If hiccups are a consequence of an illness, it will be accompanied by other symptoms, for example, painful swallowing, difficulty breathing, heartburn, etc. That is why if you experience prolonged discomfort, which bothers you at the same time as other unpleasant sensations, you need to consult a doctor.

Why does my child hiccup all day?

The causes of hiccups in a child are no different from those in adults:

  • rapid consumption of food or liquids;
  • binge eating;
  • hunger;
  • freezing;
  • excessive worry, fear.

It happens that the baby hiccups all day long, and no methods help. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, as most often it indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Regular hiccups may indicate the following abnormalities:

  • birth injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • injury to the chest or spinal cord;
  • problems with the nervous system, etc.

What to do?

You need to get rid of hiccups in a child correctly, it is better to do it in the form of a game. You can breathe into a paper bag, as if inflating a balloon. Helps tickle the baby. A loud laugh will get rid of hiccups, so you can try to make your baby laugh. The discomfort goes away if you sit with your knees tucked to your chest.

Why does my baby hiccup all day and how can I help him?

Newborns hiccup just as much as adults. There are many factors that can cause discomfort. Mostly, they are harmless, but if this is a constant phenomenon, you should consult your pediatrician. The reasons for hiccups are as follows:

  • Binge eating. Newborns, when sucking milk, swallow air or eat more than necessary. You should not overfeed the baby. Milk bottles come in different shapes, and if it does not fit, air is constantly swallowed in the process of drinking, which causes discomfort. If a baby under one year old is on breastfeeding, you need to pick comfortable position for feeding. It is recommended to hold the baby in a column, vertically, after eating. This way, the baby will regurgitate excess food and air.
  • Freezing. Infants under one year old may hiccup from hypothermia. In this case, it is necessary to dress the child warmly and give him warm water to drink - the hiccups will go away.
  • Fright. Children under one year old can get stressed from a large number of people, the visit of a pediatrician, or noise. It is necessary to distract the little one and carry him in his arms. He will stop hiccupping.

Frequent hiccups are explained by the fact that in children under one year of age, connections between the diaphragm and the brain are not fully established. If it is a consequence of pathology, the doctor will definitely notice it.

Examination and treatment

Frequent and prolonged hiccups are a reason to consult a doctor. If the process causes discomfort and does not stop for 2 days, hesitate medical care not worth it. The doctor will prescribe a series diagnostic procedures that are able to identify the source pathological process. Diagnostics includes the following tests:

  • blood biochemistry (to identify problems with the digestive organs);
  • electrocardiogram;
  • X-ray examination using a contrast agent.

Based on the diagnostic results, the patient is prescribed:

  • hypnotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • drug treatment.

To relax the muscles of the diaphragm, Aminazin, Baclofen and other drugs are recommended. If the hiccups are painful, pain relief medications (Ketamine) may be prescribed. Sometimes sedatives are needed.

The material below contains information about the causes of hiccups in children of different ages and ways to get rid of this unpleasant condition.

Why do people hiccup - the nature of the origin of hiccups

Hiccups are short, intense respiratory movements controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which are a nonspecific disorder of external respiratory function.

The cause of hiccups is a series of convulsive, jerky contractions of the diaphragm (diaphragmatic spasm). During this process, a sharp increase in the volume of the chest occurs due to a sudden jerky contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle. As a result, the lungs stretch, causing an involuntary sharp breath. Sudden physical activity air affects the nerve endings of the lining of the larynx, which leads to reflex closure of the glottis. It is according to this pattern that hiccups occur.

What types of hiccups are common in children?

  • Long . Prolonged hiccups, accompanied by prolonged attacks and occurring daily, may be a consequence of the development of some pathological phenomenon. In this case, only a doctor can determine the cause and prescribe treatment.
  • Episodic. Episodic hiccups appear suddenly and are characterized by short duration and spontaneous disappearance of symptoms.

Causes of episodic hiccups in children :

  • hypothermia;
  • binge eating;
  • stress;
  • emotional shock;
  • nervous overexcitement.

Hiccups in a baby during pregnancy -Why do children hiccup during intrauterine development?

The hiccup reflex is established even when intrauterine development. Even an unborn baby experiences bouts of hiccups that last from a few minutes to half an hour. This phenomenon future mom can be felt from the 7th month of pregnancy. It manifests itself as rhythmic periodic contractions of the abdomen.

The cause of a child's hiccups during intrauterine development is the ingestion of a certain amount of amniotic fluid, which causes a sharp contraction of the diaphragm and, as a result, hiccups. This phenomenon is a breathing exercise that trains the diaphragm. It is not dangerous for the baby, however frequent hiccups may indicate the presence intrauterine hypoxia fetus.

Why do hiccups occur in babies and how can we help newborns get rid of hiccups?

Hiccups are a reflex phenomenon of nervous origin that does not have a direct connection with the digestive process. However, it is often nutritional errors that cause this process.

The main causes of hiccups in children under one year of age are :

  • Binge eating.
  • Thirst.
  • Swallowing air during feeding.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Bloating.
  • Nervous shocks.
  • Strong laughter.
  • The presence of pathological processes.

How to help your baby get rid of hiccups?

Causes of hiccups in newborns How to help your baby get rid of hiccups?
Binge eating. During feeding, it is necessary to take short breaks, that is, feed the baby in small portions. If hiccups occur, place your child in an upright position to make the process easier. You can also give your child a small amount of warm water.
Hypothermia. The child must be warmed by moving him to a warm room. It is advisable to immediately feed him or give him warm water.
Stress, nervous tension. Minimize the number of emotional shocks (bright lights, loud music, strangers etc.), try to calm the baby, neutralize and distract him with some activity or toy.
Strong laughter. Calm the baby. While standing, help the child stretch to take the deepest possible breaths and exhalations, and also give the child a small amount of warm water to drink.
Long abstinence from drinking or water. Carefully give the child something to drink in small sips. The water must be warm.
Air that enters the baby's body during feeding. After feeding, it is necessary to give the baby an upright position. This will facilitate the easier passage of air entering the stomach and prevent regurgitation.

Hiccups in children over 1 year of age: causes and methods of relief

Children over a year old Quite often they suffer from hiccups, the causes of which can be overeating, hypothermia, dry food, thirst, as well as the presence in the body. Therefore, if a child begins to hiccup quite often, it is worth contacting a pediatrician to clarify the cause and possible method treatment.

Ways to get rid of hiccups:

  • Expand the diaphragm and You can relieve spasms with take a deep breath .In this case, it is necessary to hold your breath for as long as possible.
  • When holding your breath, take 10 small sips and one large sip of water. , then exhale. Repeat this manipulation up to 4 times.
  • Eat something sour (for example, a slice of lemon) or, without drinking, take a teaspoon of granulated sugar .
  • If the cause of hiccups is hypothermia, then in this case A warm drink (such as warm tea) will help.
  • Distract your child with some active play and the hiccups will go away on their own.

When is hiccups a sign of illness in children?

Frequent and prolonged hiccups indicate the presence of various diseases. So this can be a sign of pneumonia, severe damage to the central nervous system, inflammation and tumors of the mediastinum (damage to the phrenic nerve), neuritis and aneurysms that compress the nerve of the diaphragm, helminthic invasions and others. In this case, only a specialist can establish the exact cause and prescribe treatment by conducting additional diagnostic and laboratory tests.