What to give an 8 year old boy. The boy's birthday is eight years old. A selection of the best gifts

The birthday of a boy of 8 years old is a holiday that requires special careful preparation and contemplating gifts. The birthday boy is no longer a first-grade preschooler, now he is an adult who has a number of important responsibilities related to the school, and also, probably, with some section or circle. Therefore, you need to choose what to give with all possible adult seriousness.

Features of the age of eight

The leading line of the life world of an eight-year-old is schooling. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to overwhelm the child with felt-tip pens, pens and copybooks, because he still has quite standard hobbies for a baby (for example, toys), but at the same time new ones have appeared (doing some kind of sport, dancing or playing on a musical instrument). So the usual set of presents for intellectual or physical development and hobbies remains, but with significant additions and fashionable features.

At the age of eight, many boys are seriously passionate about sports.

Who gives

In principle, it doesn’t matter at all who your birthday is: son, godson, nephew or grandson. The main thing is that the gift is appropriate. And, of course, if you are not too close with the boy's family, then you should not give pajamas with your favorite cartoon characters about the Barboskins (even when you know for sure that he is delighted with these characters) - it will turn out to be too intimate a present. The same can be said about surprises from peers and classmates: it is better to stop at a neutral souvenir associated with hobbies or school life.

What surprises will be inappropriate

The list of inappropriate surprises is standard for younger kids. school age although there are some extenuating circumstances.

  1. Casual clothes and shoes. Boots, a jacket and other wardrobe items - this is what will please parents who can save the family budget. But such things will not impress the boy. But if you donate fashion sneakers or sneakers with spikes, like a real football player, then in the eyes of the birthday boy your gift will rise to an unattainable height.
  2. Bed sheets. The effect is the same as with clothes, if it is not a cover with the heroes of computer strategy games that the boy is fond of.
  3. Hygiene products. There are no reservations here, that's for sure. bad gift for an 8 year old student.
  4. Sweets. modern children you won’t be surprised by sweets-cakes, so even the most intricate author’s cake should be backed up with a typewriter or a board game.
  5. Everything for the school. Backpack with compartment for boxing lunch the child is unlikely to delight with its practicality. But if heroes are depicted on the bag star wars which he likes so much, delight is guaranteed. In this category of presentations, the main thing is originality.

Suitable gift ideas at 8 years old

Undoubtedly, The best way do not miscalculate with a present - talk with the hero of the occasion about what he would like to receive. But even without this condition, it will not hurt to learn about trendy gifts for modern boys if such an event is planned in your environment.


At the age of eight, children do not yet understand the sarcasm of the expression: “There are good gift, bad and ... book. So you can safely give encyclopedias, reference books, works of art. Moreover, they (if they correspond to the interests of the boy) stimulate the craving for reading - something that modern children clearly lack. Gift edition options:

  • a reference book for a young mechanic, electrician, biologist, etc.;
  • a series of books about mysterious events on Earth, historical facts that shook the world, etc.;
  • encyclopedias dedicated to specific sciences;
  • illustrated fiction (The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island and others).

Encyclopedias about space will be very appropriate, since at the age of 8 many boys are interested in the origin and development of the Universe

Board games

At 8 years old, a board game is not just entertainment, but an intellectual activity. If earlier it was not the content that was important, but the development of fine motor skills (the child spins a roulette wheel, throws dice, etc.), now these are already full-fledged applications for the education of a boy.


It trains not only the accuracy of movement, but also spatial thinking. The essence of the game is to create a tower of wooden blocks on a table or floor. The players take out the elements of the finished building one by one and put them on top. The player whose bar was last before the tower collapsed loses.

The boys are happy to play Jenga not only in the company, but also with themselves, actively delving into the process of rational rearrangement of elements.

The material from which the game is made is very important, since the child still strives to get to the very essence, that is, to disassemble, look, try to break, etc. The tree in this case is practical and reliable.

A variant of Jenga is Jenga Boom. In it, the tower is built on a special stand. Moreover, this substrate is a kind of bomb that is about to explode, so you need to get and put the bars as quickly as possible.

Jenga develops intelligence, spatial thinking of the child


A game that develops mindfulness, memory and broadens the horizons of the child. 50 cards are laid out face down, the players turn them over in turn and look for pairs. Who found more - he won. The subject of the cards is very diverse: here are the cities of Russia, and animals different parts lights, and birds, etc.

game of life

An absolutely amazing toy that trains a child ... to live. A kind of monopoly strategy. The player needs to choose the direction of his life (family, study, work). During the game, participants study, stay at home, get married, have offspring and, in the end, retire.

Table hockey or football

A toy that can captivate a representative of the strong half of humanity at any age. And you definitely won’t have to complain that dad doesn’t spend time with his son after buying table football.

Table football captures men at any age

Naval battle, Battlefield

Naval strategy with a set of ships, guns, chips to indicate hit and miss, the second fields to control the number of victims of the opposite team teaches tactics, develops logic and fine motor skills, guarantees an exciting pastime.

Sports gifts for a child

If the boy has specific sports hobbies, then you can choose the appropriate gift (for example, a ball for a football player, a rapier for a fencer, and so on). In addition, there is a well-defined list of gifts for sports and outdoor activities:

  • sneakers-rollers (shoes on wheels, combining two functions - to ride and walk);
  • skate (the board can be supplemented with drawings, engraving, making it the most original);
  • unicycle - unicycle;
  • a long-range slingshot that shoots real bullets made from rubberized materials;
  • darts, ring thrower, flying saucer, etc.

If the birthday boy doesn't have a bike yet, then it's time to give him this one. useful view transport

An eight-year-old boy can already not only be an active participant in traditional family activities, such as, for example, a tourist trip to the mountains, but also show interest in this or that activity. So a tent, an age-appropriate backpack, a fishing rod and similar things are very good choice for a birthday.

What can you give a creative boy

At the age of 8, many children attend circles, sections that develop them musical ability or the makings of an artist, sculptor, dancer. If the birthday boy is a subtle, creative nature, then you can present him:

  • good headphones, speakers;
  • synthesizer with learning function;
  • guitar
  • discs with music that the boy likes;
  • costume or shoes for dancing (although it’s better to give a certificate for the purchase of these things);
  • easel (a palette for paints, watercolor sheets, albums of different formats, etc.).

Especially interesting option- 3D pen creating three-dimensional paintings. It will not only captivate the child, but will contribute to creative development.

Video: how to draw with a 3D pen

As already mentioned, the boy at 8 years old still plays with toys. But at this age they are put difficult, sometimes even incomprehensible to an adult.

  1. A set of cars. It can be a collector's item, for example, the HOT WEELS series.
  2. Radio controlled car.
  3. Trash Pack silicone figures. The collection, consisting of a total of 100 heroes, is the pride of a modern boy aged 7–10.
  4. Furby boom interactive pet that eats, plays, dances and sings. Pay attention to the language of the version, as it is still quite difficult to find a Russified model.
  5. Nintendo video game console.
  6. Glow in the dark and make sounds like a Jedi sword.
  7. Transformer robots that turn into space creatures, vehicles and weapons.
  8. Ball-maze - modern version Rubik's cube. There are 100 actions in this puzzle.
  9. Constructors, including Lego. For the age of eight, choose sets of 500-1000 parts. Their theme should correspond to the hobbies of the birthday boy: transport, construction of an airfield, the creation of residential areas and others.
  10. Models railways complete with stations. The trains in these versions not only completely copy the real ones, but also emit special signals. The most popular toys are Racing PRO, Woody.
  11. Home planetarium that will allow the boy to explore the map starry sky as well as the planets of the solar system.
  12. Ball-antistress. The toy, of course, is more relevant for adults, but children are also happy to squeeze a gel-filled mesh in their hands so that many small bubbles appear.
  13. The grabber is a newfangled hobby of modern children.

Gallery: photos of modern fashion toys

Pet Furby boom is a great training before buying a pet. Many children, especially boys, collect Trash Pack heroes. Both children and many adults really like anti-stress balls.

Video: how to play with the Hvatator

Useful gifts

These gizmos not only bring joy to the owner, but also benefit in the learning process. They awaken in the child the spirit of the explorer, the tester. These gifts include:

  • microscope with reagents for observations;
  • binoculars;
  • globe;
  • crystal growing kit

Children are happy to conduct experiments in the field of chemistry, physics, biology

Separately, it is worth dwelling on such an important, status thing for a man as wrist watch. You can give an eight-year-old boy stylish model with interesting technical additions (compass, flashlight and others). The main thing is that it is of high quality and lasts for several years.


A completely separate class of gifts, requiring from the child, on the one hand, creativity, and on the other - helping to learn how to work with both the head and hands.

Impressions as a gift

If the birthday boy has everything, then the best gift will be positive emotions. To do this, it is enough to present:

  • invitations to a new circus performance;
  • tickets to the museum to visit the exposition dedicated to, for example, paleontology;
  • an invitation to a master class (dance, culinary, music or other).

Many adults are quite indifferent to their birthday. But for children, this day is one of the most important of the year, they are waiting for it, preparing for it. The task of adults is to make sure that this day is without disappointment.

Therefore, the question of what to give a boy for 8 years should be thought out in advance. To make the birthday boy happy, you need to choose a present taking into account the interests and preferences of the child.


Toy - classic gift child, and 8 years is far from the age when you should give up games. Of course, you need to choose toys taking into account age, because the boy is no longer a baby and he will not be interested in primitive toys.

What toys can be purchased as a gift for a boy for 8 years? Here are some ideas:

  • Radio controlled toys. The boy will be happy to replenish his “technopark” with another machine, helicopter or boat.
  • Transforming robots, this toy is produced in different options, so you should know in advance the preferences of the birthday man.
  • Constructors of different types. It is not only fascinating, but also very useful game, developing spatial thinking, accuracy, perseverance.
  • Games for the development of logic. It can be various puzzles, including three-dimensional ones, puzzles, rebuses. unraveling logical riddles can captivate not only the birthday boy, but also his family members, so a gifted game can become one of the favorite ways to spend family leisure.

Gifts for learning

An eight-year-old child is no longer a baby, but a schoolboy. Therefore, there are options for good gifts besides toys.

First of all, these are books. If a child loves to read, then he will once receive a colorful encyclopedia as a gift or fiction, of course, age-appropriate.

In the event that the boy is not too fond of reading, you can give him audio books. After listening fascinating stories about travel and adventure, the child may become interested in literature and ask his parents to buy him books.

A great gift for a boy on his 8th birthday is sets for various experiments. You can donate, for example, a children's microscope. The child will be interested to see various items at high magnification.

If a child is fond of the mysteries of space, then he will be very happy with such a gift as a home planetarium. This device will not only allow you to enjoy beautiful view starry sky, but also get a lot new information O solar system, planets and stars. Another option interesting gift for a child who is passionate about space, this is a children's telescope. Having such a thing young explorer will be able to independently consider space objects.

There are excellent sets for conducting chemical and physical experiments on sale, they will allow you to get acquainted with the basic laws of optics at home, grow a beautiful crystal on your own, etc.

Gifts for sports and active games

The boy must be strong and dexterous, physical education should become familiar to everyone healthy child. Therefore, the best gift for a boy is Sports Equipment. Of course, you need to choose from the preferences of the child. For example, if the boy is already engaged in the section, then it is worth giving sports accessories associated with the selected sport. You can give a hockey player new good skates, a helmet, protective ammunition. Swimmer - new goggles and a cap.

But you can give gifts for general physical development, for example:

  • Stacked dumbbells so that the child (with the help of parents) can regulate their weight.
  • Skateboard board or roller skates. For this gift, do not forget to give a protective helmet, knee pads and elbow pads.
  • Skates, skis or snowboard. This gift would be appropriate if the birthday falls in the winter months.
  • Soccer ball. Most boys love to kick the ball in the yard.
  • Punching bag and a pair of gloves. This gift will help develop strength and agility.

Electronic gadgets

If you want to make an expensive gift for a child for 8 years, you can buy him:

  • new phone;
  • laptop;
  • tablet;
  • game console.

Perhaps the child already has these gadgets, so you can give them additional accessories: a comfortable mouse, speakers, headphones, webcam. You can give games for a computer or console, but in order to choose a game that will really interest a child, you need to know his tastes.

Gifts for creativity

Many boys love to make things with their own hands. Such children should be given various sets for creativity. With their help, you can, for example, collect from small parts models various equipment, or make an exclusive souvenir out of sculptural clay or salt dough.

Money and certificates

If the donor does not know the child well, then he is unlikely to be able to choose a good gift for him. In this case, you need to either consult with your parents, or go on your own. easy way- donate money or a certificate to a children's goods store.

In principle, eight-year-old children already perfectly understand the value of money, so such a gift is unlikely to disappoint them. But still, in order not to spoil the impression of the holiday, it is worth adding some funny and pleasant souvenir to the envelope with money. A model of a car, a box of favorite sweets can complement a “cash” gift, because it is very important for a child to receive pleasant experience on the day of the holiday.


It is very difficult to choose gifts for a child who has everything. He is no longer pleased with either newfangled gadgets or toys. In this case, it is worth giving the child not material things, but emotions and impressions. There are many options for such gifts, you need to choose according to the preferences of the boy.

  • An animal lover will be happy to visit the zoo and ride a pony or swim in the pool with dolphins.
  • The adventure seeker is formed of the opportunity to "fly" in the aeration pipe.
  • A thoughtful researcher will be interested in visiting a museum, especially since many museums have developed special programs for children of primary school age.

If the gift budget is limited

Almost all the proposed gift options require investments. But what if the budget that the donor can allocate for a gift is small? How to choose a thing that will be inexpensive, but will please the birthday man?

For example, you can arrange for the hero of the occasion an exciting quest to find a "pirate treasure". The child is given an “ancient map” on which the search route is indicated, and at each stage various “obstacles” await him, in order to go further, you need to solve a logical puzzle, complete physical exercise, solve the cipher, etc. And a box of chocolates can act as a treasure. You can also make a more interesting “treasure”, for example, make a souvenir out of sweets with your own hands - a car, a ship, etc. Such a gift for a child will not require large expenses, but will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Examples of Bad Gifts

In order not to spoil the birthday for the birthday, you should not buy gifts such as:

  • Stuffed Toys. Teddy bear or a bunny - gifts that can please a baby, but not a boy of 8 years old.
  • Shoes, clothes. Buying such things as a gift is risky, since the risk of “missing” is very high, both with the size and with the choice of model. The taste of the donor and the taste of the child can be drastically different.
  • Animals. The idea to give the child a puppy or other pet may seem very good. Yes, and the birthday man himself may show a desire to have a pet. But you can make such gifts only after the purchase of a pet is approved by the boy's parents, because the main burden and cost of maintaining the animal will fall on their shoulders. In addition, it must be taken into account that the child himself or one of the family members may be allergic to wool, which makes it impossible to keep the animal.

TO New Year's holiday you have to prepare in advance - choosing gifts for relatives, friends and colleagues in one day is not at all easy. For them to really bring joy, you need to carefully consider what to give. And what New Year's gift will a boy of 8 years old like? This is an age that is characterized by a rapid leap in development: outwardly, the boy wants to seem like an adult, but inside he still remains a child. And a gift for New Year such a grown-up child will determine his general emotional state.

What will tell the child's age?

The age of eight is a period when a child wants to be in the spotlight, and caring for him causes a sharp reaction. Most of the toys become uninteresting to the child, or he will begin to show his "adulthood", outwardly demonstrating dissatisfaction with such a "childish" gift. Before adult presents, the boy has yet to grow and grow. Where is the intermediate option?

When choosing a gift, you should focus on the hobbies of the child. But not everyone is aware of what the boy likes. In this case, there are several win-win options.

Taking into account hobbies

What can 8 year old boys do? Someone has the ability to music, the energy of others is spent on football. At this age, it is already clearly visible who is interested in:

  1. Sport.
  2. Music.
  3. Art.
  4. Computer.

Many modern "computer geniuses" will like the long-awaited game on the disk - this is a good, and most importantly, inexpensive gift on New Year's Eve the boy is 8 years old. The "football player" will be interested in the ball with the corporate logo, he will be delighted with a set of clothes, on reverse side which is written the name of your favorite athlete. A "musician" will be delighted with a microphone on a stand, a drum set or other instrument on which he plays. An alternative would be unusual musical instruments used by different peoples peace. The “artist” will not refuse a set of wooden puzzles that need to be assembled and then painted on the resulting figure. A good option is a selection of stained-glass windows or a set for painting on canvas.

Subject to temperament

All children are different. Some prefer to play alone, while others need to be the center of attention. Some spend hours achieving some result, others quickly lose interest in a painstaking type of activity. And such children like different surprises. How to choose a New Year's gift for a boy of 8 years old in this case? Just a little thought is enough.

There are active children who just need to move every second. For them it will be just right racing cars, launched on special tracks.

A sociable little boy will like to get a game that he could play with friends, relatives, acquaintances. These are any board games such as the fun "Headlegs", the economic game "Monopoly", "Memory", "Operations" or "Sea Battle".

A phlegmatic child can create something for hours, there would be ideas and material. For him, you can purchase a designer or some other set for creation. These are kits for creating alarms from electronic circuits, building 3D knightly castles, huge puzzles with interesting picture, simple sets for burning or chasing (creating unusual pictures from metal). You can give a constructor that allows you to create a real child chair or robot, car or animal.

For those who are not shy about being a boy

Interest in cars for many boys does not fade away all their lives - and at the age of 8, an anti-gravity car - a toy that rides on walls and ceilings - will cause a lot of enthusiasm.

With pleasure, the children will receive as a gift an LED constructor, a racing track, they will be happy with a multi-level parking for cars, a play tool kit that includes a drill and a grinder. There will also be a ring thrower, wall projectors with pictures underwater world or interactive toys(dog, robot, etc.).

Gifts "in an adult way"

A boy at any age can be interested in everything related to technology. Of course, he is no longer fond of primitive games with cars. But it was during this period that he can be introduced to wonderful world collectibles. Great gift for the New Year, a boy of 8 years old is one of the collectible cars, which is an exact copy of a modern car or its other full-size original.

If an 8-year-old schoolboy considers himself very mature, serious and responsible, money in a piggy bank - in an envelope for money - will be a good gift for him: everything is like in adults. He will be able to plan his purchases on his own, and this will show that they no longer see him as a baby.

A few more options

8-year-old boys will enthusiastically receive gifts in the form of a kit for conducting tricks or experiments. Let it be something from an assortment for experiments with magnets, a collection for growing a wide variety of crystals, a useful kit for conducting optical experiments. Such toys are interesting for all family members, and they allow a little researcher to visually get acquainted with some physical and chemical laws. No less interesting would be a telescope or big encyclopedia with interesting pictures.

But with the purchase of complex gadgets, you should wait. Children of this age know how and love to handle them, but more often only to the detriment of their health and development. However, if you agree on the rules for using the gadget, then such a gift is quite suitable.

From expensive and relevant to winter holidays skis, inflatable cheesecakes for skiing down the mountain or a fashionable snow scooter are suitable options.

If you give a child what he considers a gift, and not an adult, then even at such a specific age you can accurately guess the desires of the child - what to give for the New Year to a boy of 8 years old to see his shining eyes and sincere gratitude for the gift received. You need to trust your taste a little, listen to advice, take into account the age and wishes of the child.

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Children, like no one else, are waiting for the fabulous fulfillment of desires in new year's eve. Adults can only write a letter to Santa Claus with their son or daughter and make a little dream come true. But what if you need to pick up a gift not for your child? Read what gifts for the New Year to a child of 8 years old are relevant in 2019.

Universal New Year's gift for an eight-year-old child

At the age of eight, the child already goes to school. However, this does not mean at all that the time has come for unlimited responsibility and seriousness, and it is time to forget about childhood with its amusements. Despite the appearance of certain responsibilities, the student still wants to play, have fun and believe in a New Year's miracle.

So, what can you give children for 8 years for the New Year? The desires of boys and girls at this age are already fully formed.

Here are a few universal options gifts that are suitable regardless of the gender of the baby:

  1. Electronic device. Here it is better to consult with parents - many are against computers and smartphones at this age.
  2. Fascinating book. Find out what the child is interested in and present a colorful book on the desired topic.
  3. Board game. This gift is a great alternative to a computer. Board games allow you to have fun with the whole family or a group of children.
  4. Sport equipment. Skates, skis, rollers and other devices will help physical development and diversify the student's leisure time.

A similar New Year's gift for a child for 8 years will appeal to both a girl and a boy. But there are also individual options. We will talk about them further.

Before buying a gift for the New Year, consult with the child's parents

What to give a girl 8 years old for the New Year?

Considering new Year gifts for a girl at the age of 8 from Santa Claus, you should not lose sight of toys. Nevertheless, this age is still childhood, and the game has not yet faded into the background.

Here are such gifts-toys for an 8-year-old girl that will appeal to you:

  • dolls - baby doll, barbie, toy of the popular series, collectible porcelain beauty;
  • dollhouses or furniture;
  • soft toys for the collection - relevant if the girl collects certain representatives of the fauna;
  • radio-controlled toys - the choice of high-tech designs is not limited to the fleet, it is quite possible to pick up something for a girl.

At this age, the child consciously approaches the developmental game. You can give girls board game, puzzles or jigsaw puzzles. Now popular 3 D-puzzles, which are assembled into an intricate figure. In the future, she can decorate the room as a souvenir.

The girl will be delighted with her own furniture. On sale there are game tables and chairs, kitchenettes and counters. A good option is the original children's lamp.

If you like practical gifts, you will be interested to know what useful gifts you can give an eight-year-old girl. Such gifts can be divided into categories:

  1. Sports and leisure . It can be a bicycle, skates, rollers, badminton rackets, darts, jump rope.
  2. Creativity and needlework. A diligent girl will be delighted with sets for drawing, appliqué or creating jewelry, as well as various blanks for crafts.
  3. For beauty and personal care. The little lady will love hair accessories and jewelry, body or hair care kits, as well as small "female things" - a handbag, a scarf, an umbrella, etc.
  4. Book. The best option is an encyclopedia, a coloring book, a panorama book or a personalized diary.

If you show imagination, a New Year's gift for a girl will be inexpensive. It is quite possible to keep within 1000-1500 rubles.

Win-win option - tickets to the theater, zoo or circus. But here you need to ask your parents if they have time for the event.

What to give a boy of 8 years for the New Year?

So, we figured out the girl, now it's time to pick up New Year's gifts for a boy-child of 8 years old. The newly minted schoolchild is still interested in toys, but not as primitive as just 2-3 years earlier.

Give the boy:

  • radio-controlled robot, helicopter, tank or boat;
  • constructor;
  • magician's set;
  • puzzles;
  • Board games.

The presentation can be customized. For example, a boy will be interested in putting together a puzzle with his own image.

If the boy is curious, he will like a gift that will help him explore the world around him:

  • travel books or encyclopedias;
  • sets for experiments;
  • telescope;
  • globe-cache.

Gifts for an 8 year old boy can be useful. To instill in your child a love of a healthy and active lifestyle, the following things will help:

  • dumbbells;
  • rollers with protective overlays;
  • football or basketball;
  • punching bag;
  • swedish wall.

However, before giving the boy sports equipment, ask the parents about the health of the child. Perhaps you should limit yourself to chess or checkers.

Boys can be carried away not at all by sports, but by some creative pursuit. For example, woodcarving, drawing, modeling ships or aircraft, wood, plastic or plaster blanks. Knowing about the hobbies of the child, you can give him a hobby kit.

The child will love and recreational activities. After all, winter holidays are vacation time, which means that it is quite possible to spend time with the whole family in a circus, dolphinarium, theater or other institution.

Consider the interests of the boy when choosing a gift. Not everyone is suitable for dumbbells or a drawing set

What should not be given?

There is a list of anti-gifts for the New Year. The things listed below will not please both children and their parents. The child will not be able to hide the disappointment from the present when he did not like it. If you do not want to see the baby upset, use the recommendations on what not to give.

  • Not good a good optionsoft toy . An exception will be if the child collects a certain collection (for example, bears or elephants).
  • Pet also not the best choice. First, the maintenance of the pet will fall on the shoulders of the parents. And, secondly, there may be allergy sufferers among the household who will definitely not say “thank you” to you.
  • An eight-year-old already has his taste preferences and ideas about how to dress. For this reason Don't donate clothes or shoes.
  • Taboo - school supplies and household items. It is unlikely that a child will be delighted with such gifts. Think about what can be fun and joyful for a boy or girl in donated curtains or textbooks? Of course, these are the necessary things, but will the child want to tell his friends about such gifts?

Approach the choice of a gift as reasonably and responsibly as possible. You, as an adult, will be able to put yourself in the place of a child and understand what a boy or girl will be interested in.


Choose a gift based on the interests and hobbies of a boy or girl. If you are practically unfamiliar with the child, it is advisable to consult with the parents before buying a New Year's souvenir.

Do not give gifts that can upset the baby or his household. Remember what you loved and what you rejoiced at the age of eight. Start from your feelings and approach the choice with special care.

December 20, 2017

Tell me why you love your birthday? Reason to get together with loved ones, get new ones pleasant emotions, sum up your achievements and tune in to new achievements ...

Why do children love this holiday? Of course, for gifts! Remember yourself with what anticipation you were waiting for your name day precisely because of the presents. Therefore, it is very important to decide what to give a boy for 8 years if your son, brother, nephew, grandson or friend celebrates such a birthday. After all, it is the gift that will make the child's holiday happy and unforgettable!

Whether you are preparing a gift for 8 years for a boy or an adult, always remember the following before choosing:

  • Relevance. If the age or lifestyle of the birthday person is much different from yours, then you are at great risk of making the wrong choice, relying only on your taste and intuition.
  • Ask for advice. If you are not at all aware of how to please the hero of the occasion, then do not hesitate to ask what he wants to receive as a gift. He himself or his parents, friends. Follow his page on social networks, conversations, behavior in the mall.
  • No copies! It is very embarrassing and unpleasant if you and someone present similar or even identical gifts. Therefore, if possible, find out what other guests are cooking.
  • Timeliness. A gift, and even more so for a child, should be relevant here and now. No “next season or year”, “when you grow up”.
  • Surprise is pleasant! He should not offend, frighten the birthday man, call him negative emotions or bad memories.

Who are you at 8 years old?

To make a choice, it is necessary, first of all, to clearly represent the addressee. And the first feature is that a child at 8 years old is no longer a match for a 7-year-old. He has completely different psychological features, their own vision of the world and themselves.

Let's briefly get acquainted with the characteristics before presenting a gift for a boy of 8 years old:

  • The emergence of dreams and plans. The child is already thinking about what he wants to become. He appears and cherished dream which he strives to achieve with all his might.
  • Frequent mood swings. Here he just had fun and laughed, and then he suddenly became thoughtful. Do not be alarmed, this is typical for an 8-year-old child.
  • The emergence of idols. They can be heroes of books, cartoons, games, TV shows and movies. Also, these are famous actors, musicians, athletes.
  • Independence. The child in many ways wants to show his independence, to get out of the custody of his parents.
  • Knowledge comes first. The boy seeks to embrace the immensity, gain knowledge, make new acquaintances.
  • Personality socialization. Yes, at the age of 8 little man there is a need for recognition and respect of others! After all, at this age he reaches the first achievements - in studies, sports, hobbies.
  • The disappearance of perseverance. Activity at this age can be envied - the boy literally cannot sit still.
  • Loss of immediacy. Yes, already at the age of 8, many children have secrets that they will never reveal to adults.

Gift themes

Well, we all know what he is, an 8-year-old boy. And on the basis of this, it is much easier to choose a suitable present for him - see the selections below.

Games and toys

Yes, a school, sections appeared, the boy became more mature and more serious. But this does not mean that a carefree childhood is in the past! Believe me, now he is no less than before, happy to receive a cool toy as a gift!

What to give 8- summer boy in this topic:

  • Radio controlled toy. Not only a machine. It can be a robot, a helicopter, a whole train. What can we say about the boy, even an adult guy will be delighted with such a present!
  • Constructor. There are a lot of options in the children's store today. We recommend that you look at the ones marked "8+".
  • Board game. The range here is also very rich. It is better to focus on what will definitely be interesting to the boy, is of interest to his peers.

  • Puzzles. An excellent game that captivates not only children, but also adults. Today, not only standard pictures are available, but also 3D models - when you need to assemble a figure from parts.
  • Sets - creative, for scientific tricks, cultivation. Cheerful, interesting and at the same time useful gift. In the game, the child learns, learns something new.

Little smart guy

Some boys at the age of 8 are so serious that they deliberately put the process of knowing the world in the first place. Our job is to help them get started.

What can you give a boy for 8 years here:

  • Book. We invite you to pay attention to colorful publications with high-quality illustrations. See that the book matches the age of the birthday person and his personal preferences. And you can stop at the encyclopedia, and at the children's classics, and at today's popular bestsellers for schoolchildren.
  • Sets for home experiments. "Do it yourself" - such gifts were valued by boys at all times. The set can resonate with the birthday boy's passion or allow him to discover something new for himself. The main thing is that it be interesting and understandable for an 8-year-old child.

  • Telescope, globe, microscope, binoculars and other devices that will help you better understand this world.
  • EBook. We advise you to carefully choose such a gift - only with a widescreen "electronic ink" screen, so as not to spoil the birthday person's eyesight.

Advice! As an option, present the boy with an invitation or a paid course for an interesting children's master class.


It is not necessary for the birthday person to be head over heels in sports in order to give him something from this category. Active life, normal physical exercise required for all children of this age.

What we will highlight here is a gift for an 8-year-old boy:

  • Home exercise equipment, sports equipment. The boy will have the opportunity to constantly engage in his physical form.
  • Soccer ball, punching bag, new kimono, tennis set, high quality stick, skiing… In other words, a gift consonant with the sport to which the boy has already given his preference.
  • Trampoline, inflatable pool. ABOUT physical activity should not be forgotten in the country.

  • Bicycle, skateboard, scooter, rollerblades, skates, snowboard, cheesecake. These are faithful companions of almost every boy, who not only give him a lot of joy, but also develop him physically.

Advice! Choosing sports gift boy, be sure to ask your parents if there are any medical contraindications that would prevent the child from using your present.

To the young creator

And someone at the age of 8 is already trying to find himself in creativity, making the first masterpieces of art.

If we have such a child in front of us, then a gift for an 8-year-old boy may be as follows:

  • Sketchbook with paints. The gift will help the young artist to create not only at home, but also in the park, in the city, in nature.
  • Suitcase with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Believe me, anyone creative child This gift will blow your mind!
  • Set for a specific type of creativity. This can be a prefabricated model of an old sailboat or a modern fighter, a kit for sculpting figures from plaster, clay or wood burning with your own hands. Do not forget about the usual plasticine.

Advice! Original gift from parents creative child- wallpaper-coloring in his room. boy in free time can equip the design of his home to his own taste.

Present impression

And, of course, at any age it is difficult to do without a gift-emotion, which for a long time or even forever will leave the celebration in the memory of a person.

Here is what can be distinguished in this category for a boy - selection instructions:

  • Journey to a place, a city where he had dreamed of going for a very long time. This is both a tourist trip with mom and dad, and an independent one - with a children's group, to a country or even a foreign camp, and so on.
  • Communication with animals. Many children at the age of 8 ask their parents to buy a dog, cat, hamster or fish. If, due to a number of circumstances, you cannot afford such a gift to a child, then it’s a good idea to visit a petting zoo on your birthday, go on a horseback ride or a husky sleigh ride, to an ostrich farm or to a circus for a bright performance.

  • Fun day. You can spend this day the way the birthday person likes - ride the most dizzying rides, visit trampoline park or a room of fear, finally visit the most unusual cinema in your city, eat plenty in a pizzeria or a fast food restaurant, ride an ice slide or arrange a roller-skating chase.

More ideas - in the video in this article.

Advice! Parents and friends can also organize an exciting quest for the birthday boy, the reward for completing which will be the Main Gift.

Unusual gifts

Recently, a fascinating tradition has appeared to please loved ones for the celebration with an original gift.

Here is what you can pick up in this category for an 8-year-old boy - a list and a photo:

  • Virtual reality glasses.
  • Named wooden weapon.
  • Music rug.
  • Children's electronic watch.
  • Mechanical wooden 3D constructor.
  • home planetarium.
  • Solar-powered constructor robot.
  • Glowing constellation map.
  • Apparatus for making popcorn.
  • Children's telescope.
  • Spy mini camera.
  • Express sculptor.
  • Mug-designer.
  • Smart ring that integrates with your phone.
  • Neogam.

  • Talking interactive toy.
  • Case with the game "Tetris" on the smartphone.
  • Home wigwam.
  • Antistress toy.
  • Flying saucer.
  • Inflatable tubing.
  • A set of crystals for growing.
  • Snow scooter.
  • Toy railroad.
  • Inflatable suit.
  • Puzzle ball.
  • Ant farm.
  • Set for growing plants.
  • Radio controlled tank.
  • Sneakers, cap, laces, headphones with backlight.
  • Mini finger drum set.
  • Luminous pillow.

Folding bottle