We paint the windows. Option No1: Figures made from threads. Materials for drawing patterns on windows before the New Year using salt

The holiday is coming to us, the holiday is coming to us... Well, it's time to look unusual ideas for home decoration that will make it even more special and memorable!

We present to your attention 5 the best ways and 30 photos for inspiration!

Painting with stencils is the No. 1 way to decorate windows for the New Year

Decorating windows using a stencil is perhaps the easiest way to create a magical mood for the New Year and Christmas. Of course, you can use your imagination and simply draw on the windows everything that you associate with the holidays. But if you are not confident in your artistic abilities, then we have selected several for you simple templates and stencils that can be printed, cut out of paper, or even simply redrawn. Santa Claus, snowmen, deer, hares and cozy houses - just what you need!

Fabulous New Year's decorations for windows made of paper

Unlike painting with paint, paper decor for windows it will be much easier to clean. Today it is not so often glued to glass as it is hung on threads and garlands or even placed on a windowsill. In the photo below you will see how beautifully you can decorate windows for the New Year using just scissors and paper. It is quite easy to draw and cut out fir trees and houses, but you will find stencils for snowflakes in our article.

Window decor with New Year's wreaths and garlands

Wreaths and garlands are one of the most popular New Year's decorations, so they are sure to be found in every home. But even if not, then, inspired by the ideas in the following photos, you can easily make such decor with your own hands.

Also read:

Christmas decorations, colored paper, old cards and garlands are still far from full list how to decorate a window for the New Year. Further more!

Decorating windows for the New Year with candles and lights

The days have already become very short and stores are the first to start putting up Christmas trees and turning on New Year's lights. It's time for us to join and warm our homes and streets together!

LED garlands are safer, and candles are more romantic and cozy - which one will you choose? Tell us about your favorite Christmas decorations in the comments!

How to decorate a window for the New Year with natural materials

Today, people are much more conscious when choosing decor for their home, preferring things whenever possible. natural origin. Moreover, they are in fashion today. If you want to know how to best decorate windows for the New Year 2019, then the last 5 photos in this article are especially for you!

Also read:

How to decorate a window for the New Year 2019 - 5 ways and 30 photos updated: December 17, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko

The idea of ​​painting on windows arose even before the appearance of curtains - this was how to ward off evil spirits. A little later, when decorating glass with patterns, people simply hid personal life from prying eyes. Ornate figures of animals - dogs, horses, birds - were applied to glass before the holidays, bringing into the house a joyful atmosphere of expectation of something kind and good. If you also intend to create beautiful drawings on windows for the New Year 2018, examples of images on glass applied with brushes and stained glass paints, as well as toothpaste, will inspire you to create real masterpieces. Find out how and what you can draw using stencils at school and kindergarten— master classes with photos and videos will give you great ideas.

Thematic drawings on windows with toothpaste for the New Year 2018 Dogs, stencils

The simplest and quick way create “frosty” windows and bring the spirit of the upcoming holiday into your home - use stencils. By applying them to the glass and painting the part not covered by the stencil, you will get neat, even patterns. In general, the history of stencils goes back tens of thousands of years. Even before our era, templates were used to paint rock paintings. In France, stencils reached their peak of popularity between 1700 and 1800—they were widely used in the mass production of objects such as playing cards, fabrics and wallpaper. With the advent of new computer technologies in the 21st century, designers have the opportunity to offer consumers the most intricate patterns. Modern thematic drawings on windows for the New Year using stencils for 2018. Dogs can be created using acrylic paints, gouache, and toothpaste. Under no circumstances should you paint with oil - then you simply won’t wash the glass.

Ideas for drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 Dogs using stencils

Since the New Year 2018 passes under the sign of the Dog, you can make or buy ready-made templates with dogs and, using a sponge, transfer the image of the symbol of the year onto the glass. We also have photographs of other templates related to thematic drawings on windows for the coming New Year and ideas for stencils for 2018 Dogs.

Drawings of patterns on windows for the New Year with toothpaste - Ideas and examples

Since childhood, many remember how their parents and grandparents prepared for the New Year and painted the most incredible curlicues on the windows, openwork snowflakes, funny Santa Clauses. Of course, decorating windows with paints or paste for a holiday is every child’s dream. However, since children cannot always accurately depict their plans, adults should help them draw patterned designs on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste. See ideas and examples of such New Year’s “glass illustrations” here.

Examples of New Year's drawings on window glass using toothpaste

In December, everyone begins to actively prepare for the upcoming New Year holidays - decorate the apartment, buy original jewelry for interior decoration. However, there are those who are in no hurry to make purchases. These people know for sure: the best patterns on windows for the New Year are made with ordinary toothpaste. . Try to save on purchasing window stickers and other decor and you will find ideas and examples of how to turn a window into a magical winter picture with the help of simple toothpaste in our photos and videos.

Beautiful gouache drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 - Master class with photos and videos

Wanting to give the house festive look, a week or two before December 31st, start decorating the windows. Some may choose special New Year-themed stickers for this, while others will prefer more economical ones. budget options. One of them is to create beautiful gouache drawings on windows for the New Year 2018. You won’t need anything other than paints and brushes, and a master class with photos and videos will help you choose the theme of the window painting.

How to make New Year's drawings on windows with gouache - Master class with photos and explanations

If only white images can be made with toothpaste, then with the help of gouache an artist who knows how to deftly combine different colors, will be able to create a real multi-colored winter's tale! Why not put on the glass Santa Claus in a red fur coat, a green Christmas tree decorated with yellow, orange, blue, purple balls, red foxes and gray bunnies? To create the most beautiful drawings on the windows with gouache for the New Year 2018, use our master class with photos and videos. Given here general description proper operation with gouache when applied to glass.

Prepare a template drawing for work (you can use only your imagination), gouache different colors, brush and onion.

  1. Before starting work, grease the window glass with an onion cut in half. This way the paint will adhere better to the glass and will wash off faster after the New Year.
  2. Place the stencil on the window and paint over the open parts of the design with gouache of a suitable color.
  3. Wait for the paint to dry. After that, draw the details of the image by hand.

Patterns and drawings for the New Year with paints on the windows

Using a bath sponge, you can apply patterns and designs to New Year acrylic paints on the windows and create a whimsical, festive picture. This technique is quite simple and does not require much experience. To work you just need to cut it out of a sponge New Year's figure(snowman, Christmas tree, star), prepare all the necessary materials and start working.

How to draw Christmas trees on windows with a sponge - Master class with photos and explanations

Before you start applying patterns and designs for the New Year with paints on the windows, purchase them in the store liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. By mixing it with acrylic paint, you can then quickly wash the drawing.

What to paint on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush

Before New Year's colors Teachers invite children to decorate the group room with garlands, balls, and decor. What can preschoolers and adults paint on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush? It could be funny snowmen, And funny Grandfathers Frosts with granddaughters Snow Maidens, hares, foxes, dogs. When decorating windows, adults in mandatory help their students.

Examples and ideas of drawings for the New Year 2018 in kindergarten

Since 2018 is under the auspices of the Dog, this animal of the Eastern Zodiac will give you the idea of ​​what to paint on the windows for the New Year in a kindergarten with a brush. Draw funny puppies on the glass together with your kids. New Year's hats, doggies in the snow, or even dogs carrying Santa Claus on a sleigh.

What to paint for New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home with paints

Do you want to feel the real New Year's atmosphere, but are not yet sure what to paint for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home? Our ideas will tell you how to choose a design and how to transfer it to glass.

Ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

Think about what you want to get in the coming year and try to draw it for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home using paints. Before you start, imagine what you associate with the coming year. What would you like from him? Perhaps you can try to draw a Map of Desires on glass? Then, with the chiming of the chimes, Santa Claus will learn about all your cherished dreams and will help to implement them. However, no one canceled the traditional New Year's theme.

What to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018

It is very rare to find stained glass windows in modern apartments. They cost a lot, and they are difficult to find in stores. But how fantastic they look at home! Find out what you can paint on glass with acrylic or stained glass paints for the New Year 2018 and create an atmosphere New Year's magic!

When thinking about what to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018, look at examples of how people who are not professionally involved in fine art have created truly enchanting paintings on windows. Do not chase the size of the picture - the windows should let in enough light. Use black in minimum quantities; Don't get carried away with red. When painting stained glass, choose more blue-green and yellow shades.

How to draw patterns on a window for the New Year with a brush and sponge - Step-by-step steps and instructions

If you want to decorate your apartment in a special way for the coming 2018, remember how to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and sponge. The step-by-step steps and instructions of the master class and accompanying photographs will help even a novice artist understand the simple technique of applying paint to glass.

We draw New Year's patterns on the window with a sponge and brush - Master class with photos and explanations

If you have a dish sponge, toothpaste and a brush in your home (preferably all new), you can create the most beautiful window decoration. How to carefully draw these patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and sponge will tell you in detail the step-by-step steps and instructions of our master class .

Important: there are now pastes on sale in different colors - you don’t have to limit yourself to just the white version.

So, start painting on glass...

Having decided to create drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Dog, stock up not only with New Year-themed stencils, stained glass and acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste and brushes, but also a lot of patience. You will need it when you study our master classes with examples and photos explaining how and what to draw on glass for the holidays at school, kindergarten and at home. Create the most incredible patterns, and with them, a unique New Year's atmosphere.

They will tell you how to make beautiful thematic drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 at home, in kindergarten or school. detailed master classes With step by step photos and video. For work you will need templates and stencils, and the image itself frosty patterns, ornaments, the symbol of the Year of the Dog or various traditionally winter characters can be applied using a sponge or brush with toothpaste, soap, gouache and stained glass paints. Such a bright, original and colorful picture will be an excellent addition to the New Year's ambiance of any room and will definitely lift the spirits of both children and adults.

What to draw on the windows for the New Year Dogs in kindergarten and school - simple ideas for decoration

When thinking through holiday decorations for educational and play areas and choosing what to draw on the windows for the New Year of the Dog in a kindergarten or school, you should take into account the age of the children who will complete the task. Guys 3-5 will not be able to cope with a complex image yet. For them, it is better to make a composition template on glass, and then offer to decorate it with simple gouache paints.

Children 6-8 years old can already be assigned a more difficult task. They will easily be able to independently depict simple New Year's characters like the Snowman, Santa Claus, hares or the Snow Maiden on the window.

It is appropriate to invite middle and high school students to develop a template on their own window decoration, including not just one, but several heroes at once New Year's stories and fairy tales.

If you want to decorate a large window in a single style, you need to think through a whole composition, where each glass will contain a separate fragment of the plot.

To create such an image, it is better to take colored paints so that New Year's picture It turned out brighter, richer and more colorful.

It is advisable to involve as many children as possible in the work. Let each of the kids contribute and in this way take part in creating a good winter miracle.

Master class on video - what to draw on the window for the New Year 2018 at school and kindergarten

Santa Claus is a classic character winter holidays. You can draw it on the window for the New Year 2018 both at school and in kindergarten. The video master class below will tell you how to do this correctly. Following these simple tips, both kids and older children can decorate windows beautifully.

Interesting drawings on windows for the New Year of the Dog 2018 - stencils and templates

To apartment, school classroom or playroom in the kindergarten they looked elegant and festive; it is not enough to decorate the walls and doorways with winter paraphernalia. In addition, you need to apply interesting drawings to the windows, symbolizing the onset of the New Year of the Dog 2018. To create thematic pictures You will need templates and stencils. They will help make your images clearer and more attractive.

Examples and options of stencils and templates for New Year's drawings on window glass

The Santa Claus template is always relevant and perfect for any New Year's composition.

It can be combined with other characters, for example, with the Dog, the symbol and patron of 2018.

Or with Snegurochka - an irreplaceable companion and granddaughter of a kind, bearded old man.

Or with a constant partner and faithful assistant, the Snowman.

Stencils of snowflakes and New Year's balls will serve as an addition to such paintings.

They can fill the empty spaces of the picture, making it more rich and multifaceted.

How and how to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year - photo examples of pictures with toothpaste, soap, artificial snow

The easiest way to decorate windows for the New Year is to draw original and unusual frosty patterns on them. To work, it is not necessary to have the talent of a painter or use stained glass paints. You can make images with simpler materials at hand, such as toothpaste, soap or artificial snow. Such designs will last a long time, and after the holidays they can be easily washed off with plain water and a small amount of detergent.

Options for winter frosty patterns for decorating windows for the New Year

Frosty patterns made on glass with toothpaste are very attractive and look natural. In this way you can decorate a window, creating a truly festive atmosphere indoors, even if there is no snow outside. Enough toothpaste dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and for application use not a brush, but a hard one toothbrush. Then the image will look exactly as nature would have created it.

If you have enough time and a great desire to turn a window into a luxurious winter picture, you should arm yourself with a thin brush and, dipping it in diluted toothpaste, draw by hand New Year's patterns. No stencils or templates are needed here. You can improvise to your heart’s content and create unique, exclusive snow-white lace on glass.

To create a thematic design on glass, use a piece of cream soap white you will have to grate it on a fine grater, combine with half a glass warm water and beat with a mixer until a strong, thick foam forms. Then you can dip a brush or foam sponge into this mixture and create various New Year’s patterns on the glass.

To work with artificial snow, you will definitely need stencils or templates of snowflakes, patterns or New Year's characters. You will need to glue them to the glass, and then treat the surface around it with a spray can. artificial snow. The image will turn out very delicate and will flicker beautifully both with the light on and in the dark.

To make the window decor look more original, you can depict on the glass not only falling snowflakes, Christmas trees or candles, but also figurines of angels.

This decoration option will also be relevant for New Year's holidays, and for the upcoming Christmas.

Thematic drawings on windows for the New Year with toothpaste - an example of finished work with a description and step-by-step photos

This lesson describes in detail how to make toothpaste on your own at home. window glass beautiful thematic drawing. The work is quite simple, but the finished image looks very attractive and fits harmoniously into any interior, filling the house or apartment with a festive mood and the feeling of a fairy tale.

Necessary materials for making a New Year themed drawing on a window with toothpaste

  • toothpaste
  • foam sponge
  • thin brush
  • bamboo stick
  • scotch
  • plastic stencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a New Year's theme on a window glass using toothpaste

Bright drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 with gouache and brush - master class with photos and videos

A master class with photos describes how to apply a bright New Year's design to a window using gouache paints and a brush. There are no particular difficulties in the work and it can be completely safely entrusted to a child. And it’s best to complete the task together, receiving great pleasure and a lot of pleasant, positive emotions.

Necessary materials for creating a bright New Year's pattern on window glass using gouache and a brush

  • set of gouache paints
  • brushes
  • stencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a bright, festive picture with gouache on a window for New Year 2018

  1. Using a stencil, apply the contours of a snowman figure to the window. Place it closer to the bottom of the glass so that there is more free space on top.
  2. Tint the figure with white paint and wait for the gouache to dry.
  3. Draw a smiling face, a New Year's red cap, a bright scarf, hands and buttons for the snowman.
  4. Green paint behind the figure different shades depict a pine forest.
  5. Make blue-blue snowdrifts below.
  6. At the top window frame draw a few bright balls and carved white snowflakes. Allow the work to dry completely.

What to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year - photos of the best ideas for home, kindergarten and school

Decorating glass with painting is a long-standing and very pleasant tradition. Windows in houses, apartments, shops are decorated with beautiful thematic designs for the New Year. shopping centers, schools and kindergartens. For work they use the most different materials, but the most successful and picturesque images are those made with special stained glass paints. Subjects are chosen depending on the location. For children's institutions, fairy-tale compositions with such classic New Year's characters as Snowman, Father Frost, Snow Maiden and The Snow Queen. Look appropriate in office or retail spaces congratulatory inscriptions, forest landscapes or lace garlands of colored snowflakes, balls and other festive attributes.

Photo examples of interesting New Year's drawings on windows using stained glass paints

Beautiful, bright image of Santa Claus and Snowman framed snowdrifts and icicles - good option for decorating windows in kindergarten or classrooms junior school. The drawing is done together with the children, since it is quite conventional and does not have large quantity complex parts. The teacher or one of the parents draws the outline of the composition and figures, and the children happily take part in coloring their favorite holiday characters.

For decorating classroom windows primary school Drawings of not only the Snowman and Santa Claus, but also some forest inhabitants, for example, fluffy hares, are perfect. And the addition is images of fir branches, New Year's toys and bells. They combine the entire composition into a single picture and make it more complete.

The traditional winter landscape looks nice on the windows. Children can easily do it themselves, without even resorting to the help of their parents. Templates and stencils are not needed for this work. It is enough to allow boys and girls to show their imagination and draw what they want on the glass. And it doesn’t matter at all that the picture will turn out to be quite simple. The main thing is that it will have a bright individuality and a reflection of the character of the child who has put a drop of his soul into the drawing.

Deer is another classic attribute winter pictures. True, it is more often depicted on clothing and this pattern is called Scandinavian. But also on window glass it looks quite appropriate, especially in the context of a winter forest landscape and an elegant New Year tree.

If the window is small and due to some circumstances does not allow you to place a large-scale composition on the glass, it is worth decorating the glass with a snowflake pattern. For this you will need a stencil suitable size, sponge or piece of foam rubber and white paint.

Despite its simplicity, the image will turn out to be very attractive and elegant and will delight the eyes of both the inhabitants of the apartment and people passing by for a long time.

Beautiful drawings on windows for the New Year with paints - master class with photos

A step-by-step master class with photos tells how to create a beautiful, bright and attractive design on windows using stained glass paints in honor of the New Year. It is best to do the work together between adults and children. Moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, teachers or educators will depict the main contours of the picture, and children will have great pleasure coloring the composition with catchy, effective tones. A thematic drawing will provide a festive atmosphere in the room and create a joyful, optimistic mood in everyone’s soul.

Necessary materials for creating a beautiful New Year's pattern on window glass

  • set of stained glass paints
  • brushes
  • marker
  • sponge or foam sponge
  • alcohol

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a winter composition for the New Year on a window

  1. Immediately before starting work, degrease the glass surface by wiping with ordinary medical alcohol or special liquid for windows and wait completely dry. After this procedure, the paint will lie flat on the surface and there will be no stains on the picture.
  2. To create a drawing, use a template or use a marker to draw a snowman figure by hand. There are no clear image criteria here. Expression of imagination and a creative approach to drawing are allowed.
  3. When the contour is ready, dip the sponge or foam rubber in white paint and cover the main surface of the snowman figure with it. To prevent the paint from going beyond the boundaries, walk near the edge with a brush and draw white coating as close as possible to the black outline.
  4. Use a red tint to paint the bucket on the snowman's head and the flag on which the congratulations will then be written.
  5. Use green to tint the scarf and mittens, and yellow-brown for the flag pole and the snowman's arms.
  6. When the drawing is completely dry, write on the flag with yellow paint New Year's greetings, and draw the outline of the snowman’s figure in black, dipping a thin brush into it.
  7. At the end, draw a smiling face for the snowman. Additional decorate the free space of the window with snowflakes painted with white paint or cut out of shiny paper.

First of all, I would like to say that not every material is suitable for painting windows. If you don’t know this, you can decorate the windows in such a way that you will then have to make a lot of effort to remove them from them.

Don't even think about painting watercolors on the windows. It is much more difficult to remove from the glass surface than, for example, gouache. Also, you cannot use professional stained glass paints. Once you decorate your windows with this paint, you will never wash them again. Carefully choose the material for painting in specialized stores.

How can you draw on windows?

A simple toothpaste works great for painting windows. You can also use gouache, artificial snow and finger paints. Some people use children's stained glass paints to decorate windows. However, if you have chosen this particular material for painting, you should know that such designs are not applied to the glass surface of windows.

How can you apply a design to windows?

We have sorted out the question of what you can use to draw on windows. Now a new one has arisen: how can you apply a design to windows? If, of course, you have a talent for drawing, then you will not ask yourself this question. This applies to those who have the desire and inspiration to decorate windows for the New Year, but do not have any skills. In this case, you can do the following:

  • Use a printer to print any template you like, cut it out, and then redraw it onto the window.

  • After printing the template, redraw it on whatman paper. Then attach the Whatman paper from the street side using tape. It will be very easy for you to draw on the finished contour using the selected material.

  • Use a stencil. You can either buy it or . Paint over the gaps in the stencil with paint or any other material of your choice. By the way, if you use paint, then for convenience, apply it with a small piece of sponge.

New Year is a long-awaited holiday. Young and old fall under his spell. There are snowdrifts on the streets, and on frosty days there is a special smell. The closer the New Year holidays are, the brighter and more beautiful it is on the streets and in the shops. Everything sparkles with garland lights and shimmers with tinsel. If you want to fully feel the approaching holiday, start decorating your home right now. Window decoration is also an integral part New Year's decor. Make the world more beautiful and share the beauty you create with others.

We decorated the house in the past, but don’t forget about no less important place in the house it is a window. Decorating windows is a more than noble task, because already from the street festive mood will captivate your guests and passers-by. You yourself will be pleased to stand out from the outside view among the many identical apartment windows. Moreover, for this you will not need special costs materials and forces to create a fairy tale on the window.

If you have children in your family, you will probably have no problem finding watercolors or gouache with brushes. With their help, you can easily draw snowflakes on the window or depict frost along the edges of the frame. Don’t forget to involve your family in this action, the whole family will be delighted. There are also simpler options; you can purchase special stencils in advance, with their help, painting over the gaps in them, draw snowmen, crescents, Christmas trees, snowflakes, etc.

The room will take on an outlandish look if you attach it to the curtain satin ribbons different lengths with those tied to them Christmas balls. I am sure that every home has a box of Christmas tree decorations and there should be no problems here. There you will also find tinsel, rain - all this can and should be used.

A light garland will definitely attract the attention of passers-by if you hang them along the cornice. To make it visible from the room, the curtains should be removed. This can be done using a clamp; there are special garters made of ribbons or with magnets. Here you can show your imagination and decorate the holding area, for example, with a composition of Christmas tree decorations with tinsel.

Place tangerines, pine cones, fir branches, you can also use figurines with New Year theme, If there are any. Cotton wool, oddly enough, can be used as artificial snow or you can use it to make a garland, it will be magical.

Finally, paper is suitable for creating a picture on the window. These can be simple A4 office sheets or cardboard, plain or colored, whatever you have on hand. And here, start imagining, maybe it will be a variety of snowflakes, or perhaps a whole composition of objects and characters.

Snowflakes on windows made of paper with stencils

Snowflakes are a miracle that winter has created for us. Surely all of you cut out snowflakes from paper as a child. A little imagination and originality - and here she is, an openwork beauty! Don't be afraid to experiment, you can't have too many snowflakes!

Today there is no need to rack your brains if it really doesn’t work out desired result. A special selection of stencils for you is below.

Watch a master class on how to simply cut out a beautiful snowflake

How to paint snowflakes on windows with toothpaste

Stencils can also serve as a basis for your beautiful snowflakes on the windows, they will look like a light drizzle without clear contours, which will give a naturalness to the pattern. We will apply it with regular toothpaste; by the way, the paste can be replaced with gouache if desired.

The toothpaste is generally very universal item and is great for drawing snowflakes on glass. And pasta is easily accessible in every home. There is another advantage - cleaning up toothpaste is not difficult.

To create an image of a snowflake on a window, you need to select stencil templates that you like and cut them out of paper. Next, prepare a bowl of water, toothpaste, a toothbrush or sponge, and a soft cloth.

When all preparations are made, let's begin. The finished snowflake stencil should be placed in a bowl of water for 1 minute. If the size of the stencil does not fit into the bowl, place it on the table and blot it with a wet sponge. Place the wet stencil on the window glass and blot it with a dry cloth for a tight fit. It is also necessary to collect excess water from the glass so that the surface around the stencil is dry. Then squeeze a little toothpaste into a bowl and dilute with water to a light paste. By the way, for color, you can add it to diluted toothpaste watercolor paints, desired colors. You will get a light shade, bright colors you won't get it this way.

But now the fun begins, be sure to give the children the opportunity to carry out this procedure, they will be delighted. Take a toothbrush, it’s better to use a hard one, dip it in a bowl with toothpaste pulp, and shake it off a little. Spraying is very easy, just run your finger along the bristles of the brush directly onto the stencil on the window. If you want a more saturated pattern, repeat the procedure until the desired effect. You can replace the toothbrush with a sponge. To do this, also dip it in a bowl of paste and blot the stencil in and around it.

Decorating windows for the New Year 2019 with Pig stencils

The coming New Year is the Yellow Earth Boar, although we are probably still closer to the cute domestic Pig. Don't forget about her. Below are stencils of cute pigs that will decorate and complement your paintings on the windows. I tried to choose simple drawings so that even children could draw them. With their help, you can recreate a whole story on the window and, together with your children, come up with a story on this topic.

Stencils for New Year's window decoration

Who said that there should only be snowflakes on the windows? There are many more options for creating art on window glass - these include deer, angels, bells, holiday balloons etc. and so on. The symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree can be decorated right on the window, and why not? This option will be very relevant if you have small children and there is no way to dress up the forest beauty. But no one has canceled the holiday and nothing should stop you from creating a New Year’s aura!

Garlands for the windows for the New Year

It happens that the drawings on the windows are not to your taste, but it doesn’t matter. Very good Garlands that you can make yourself without much difficulty will look very stylish and impressive on the windows.

Paper garland of circles

We will need: white or colored paper, scissors, thread, if available sewing machine- this will simplify the task. Cut out circles with a diameter of 3 cm, then stitch them in the center. Let's make a few of these garlands of different or the same length as desired and attach one vertically along the entire length of the cornice.

Snow garland made of cotton wool or felt

White felt holds its shape very well; in the absence of such, we replace it with cotton wool. It is necessary to make balls of different diameters from cotton wool or felt so that they resemble miniature snowballs, then string the resulting balls onto a thread in random order. You can add foam snowflakes to this garland.

Original garland on a branch

Things made with your own hands warm your soul in a special way. When it comes to handmade toys, it’s doubly nice, since only you will have these. You can wrap simple ones Christmas decorations scraps, sew funny figures from felt, knit snowflakes from yarn or the toys themselves. Then simply secure them to a branch and place them on the window.

I also described ideas with garlands; it is also quite possible to decorate a window with them.

Vytynanka on windows with templates

Vytynanka is artistic carving paper patterns. Old Slavic folk decorative arts. Sheets of white paper are usually used for cutting. To cut out templates from protrusions, you can use a stationery knife, a special breadboard knife, or regular nail scissors.

Cutting out the protuberance is not difficult, as it might seem at first glance. Cut out the template and use a utility knife to cut out the pattern inside the template, you should get little windows. Remember, the middle of the template is cut out first, the outline last.

Glue new Year decoration you can use a soap solution to pierce the windows or simply place the cut out figures on the windowsill.

A few stencils for you below.

Decorating windows for the New Year in kindergarten

Who, if not children, is looking forward to the New Year holidays the most? In kindergartens, they prepare for them in advance; teachers, together with the children, decorate the rooms and prepare various New Year's crafts. If you haven't read the article, I recommend it.

And, of course, when passing by kindergartens, we always pay attention to the beautifully decorated windows. Perhaps this video will give you new ideas for decorating your loved one. kindergarten or at home.

Dear friends! Approach the holidays creatively, decorate the world around you and share the beauty with others.

I wish you to celebrate the New Year in a warm and cozy atmosphere. And I hope that today's window decoration tips will help you turn this magical holiday like New Year, in a fairy tale. With coming!