How to make him call. A strong ritual for calling your loved one from a photograph. Conspiracy from a photo so that your loved one writes

There are often situations when one phone call can restore between loving people former relationship. However, a woman does not always decide to take the first step and call herself, since such actions can be considered intrusiveness. In such cases, folk magic will help, keeping many different spells that will help return the attention of a loved one. If there was no quarrel between the lovers, but the girl misses her boyfriend, then she can perform a ritual that will remind the guy of her, and he will want to hear her.

A person who interferes in the life of another must know that his actions will have consequences. Black magic rituals are more powerful and quick effect, but their consequences for both participants are very dangerous. The most common diseases various types. Using white magic spells, a person risks less, and the result will also not have to wait long.

You can use conspiracies to get a guy to call in the following cases:

  • if there is a quarrel in which the man is to blame;
  • if a girl met a young man, left him her phone number and is now waiting for a call;
  • when people, for a number of reasons, are at a great distance from each other;
  • if a girl really misses her boyfriend and wants to talk to him, but at the same time does not want to impose herself on him.

Rituals help restore relationships with a man with whom a woman has not had contact for a long time.

When reading conspiracies, you should remember that you only need to read them by heart. If a girl recites a text written on paper, this will reduce the effectiveness of the ritual. In addition, in order for a guy to call now, you must adhere to some general rules:

  • pronounce every word magical conspiracy with feeling, invest all the strength of your desire into it;
  • pronounce each word clearly;
  • there should be no other persons in the room;
  • you cannot report the planned ritual and share its results;
  • The ritual must be performed strictly according to the instructions.

Candles for spells should only be taken from churches. A woman should buy them on her own, without entrusting this even to close people. Most strong conspiracy for a man to call is often carried out using a photograph of a loved one.

To find out what ritual fits better All you need to do is read a few descriptions. You need to spend the one you liked more than others.

If the girl fails to learn the words or someone distracts her, then the ritual should be postponed to another day, because in this way otherworldly forces suggest an unfavorable moment for performing the ceremony.

A quick spell to make a guy miss you and call today

You can get a man to call you using simple ritual, which will not require any additional items other than a mobile phone. The conspiracy will only work if the man knows the phone number of the girl who performs the ceremony. Before magical actions you should make sure that no one will disturb you, since the words of the conspiracy must be read loudly.

The mobile phone should be placed on the left palm, and covered from above with the palm of the right hand. The spell must be read 9 times. At the same time, you should submit young man and visualize his call on the mobile phone display.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows: “Let the servant of God (name of the guy) remember me, the servant of God (his name), and call as soon as he can. Just as a person cannot live without water, so let (guy's name) cannot live without me. Let him want to hear me and see me. Let him only want me, let him meet with the servant of God (her name) waiting. Let it be so".

9 strong conspiracies to call a loved one

There are many different ways, which can push the beloved man to call the woman. However, some of them are difficult to perform or require professional magical knowledge, which makes it impossible for anyone to use them. The rituals listed below are easy to perform, so any girl can do them at home.

Candle spell

Fire has great strength therefore candles are used in many rituals. They increase the flow of energy directed to the beloved man. To call back the one you like, you can carry out a simple ceremony, for which you will need a church candle, a sheet of paper, a pen and a printed photo of the guy. Digital images cannot be used.

You need to perform the ritual before going to bed. The girl should put a photo of a man on the table, and on top of it is a piece of paper with her phone number written on it.

The paper should be folded several times. Using matches from a new box, light a candle and, holding it in your hands, read the following text 9 times:

“As wax melts from the flame of this candle, so let the heart of God’s servant (the man’s name) soften. Let him remember me (his name) and be sad. Let him want to hear my voice. Let him not be able to wait for the fire to spread melancholy in his heart. Let him dial my number and invite me to meet. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the spell has been pronounced, the candle must be extinguished, and the photograph and paper must be placed under the pillow. In the morning, immediately after waking up, photos and paper are burned in a candle flame. The ashes need to be scattered outside the window, while simultaneously saying the following words: “I send my wish to (the name of my beloved), I’m waiting for a call from my dear one. Wind, carry my words to (man’s name). (Boy's name), call me today. Let it be so".

Proven phone call

To make a new friend call, read the spell on the phone. It’s better if you have the number of the young man you like. In this case, the plot is read on paper with numbers written on it. However, if there is no number, then you can pronounce the text of the hex, imagining the desired telephone conversation. The words are as follows:

“There is a city in Russian land, and in it there is a house. My beloved (boyfriend's name) lives in that house. He suffers alone, he misses me, his heart breaks, he can’t cope without me. Let him pick up the phone and dial my number. Let him invite me on a date and surprise me with his love. Let it be so".

Salt and water spell

A spell to call a guy can be done using salt, which has strong magical properties. In addition to this, you will need a sheet of paper and a transparent glass of water.

Draw an even circle on the sheet and place a glass in it. Three pinches of salt are carefully poured from the palm into the water, while saying the following words:

“Hear me, my beloved! Come into my circle and be mine.” It is important to get a picture of how ex-boyfriend calls, what he says and what feelings he experiences. The glass should be kept away from prying eyes in a circle until the long-awaited bell rings. After which the water can be poured under any tree except fruit trees.

Making a call after a quarrel

The strongest conspiracy to make a loved one feel very bored after a quarrel is carried out with the help of 2 church candles and a photo of the beloved. This ritual will help in cases where there has been a major disagreement or even separation. You cannot use a photo on your phone; you should only take a printed image. It is placed on the table, and lighted candles are placed on the sides.

Then, looking at the flame, you need to imagine the image of your loved one as clearly as possible, and then read the following text:

» I remember happy Days with you and I appreciate them. So you too remember our happiness. Remember how you loved me, how you couldn’t live without me. I was born for you, you are for me. So let your soul fly to my soul. Call me, talk, bring back the old, strong, passionate feelings. Let it be so".

If the ceremony was carried out correctly, then the man will certainly call first after a quarrel.

Spell for a glass of water

If a girl misses her boyfriend and wants the guy to miss her too and therefore call her back as soon as possible, you can use a simple spell with water.

To do this, you should retire, take a glass clean water, put it on your phone and say the following words 9 times:

“As water flows and penetrates everywhere, so I send my love to you. Let it flood your soul and make you want to love me fully. Let the longing for me spread all over you and turn into an emergency call. Call me, call me, call, our hearts will no longer languish. Let it be so".

A call to the water will revive love in a guy, which will make him call the girl.

Conspiracy on a photograph

A powerful white magic spell can be performed using a photograph of your beloved man. The ritual should be performed in the evening. You should write down your phone number on a small piece of paper and place it on top of the picture so that the numbers are in the head area of ​​the image. Unlit candles are placed along the edges of it.

While pronouncing the words, you should visualize the desired conversation. The text of the plot is as follows:

“My beloved, long-awaited! My beloved and most valued friend! Remember our happiness, open your heart to love me. Remember my number, call me quickly and invite me on a happy date. As soon as the spell is read, the darling will call back. Let it be so!"

The picture should lie on the table all night. In the morning, candles are lit and paper and photos are burned using their flame. Ashes are flying outside the window.

Spell on a phone number

You can also do it only for numbers effective conspiracy; In order for your loved one to call, you need to read it 9 times. On a piece of paper, the girl should first write her number, and then write down the numbers on top of it mobile number, which belongs to a loved one. After this, you need to bring the paper to your lips and whisper the following words:

“Numbers intertwine, souls come closer, thoughts reach out, hearts fall in love. Just as the earth cannot live without water, so the servant of God (his name) cannot live without the servant of God (his name). Remember me, be sad, lower your heart into melancholy and dial my number right now. Let it be so!"

A piece of paper with numbers should be placed under the pillow. The paper should lie there until your loved one calls. If this did not happen, it means that the girl did not visualize the ritual clearly enough or her desire was weak. The leaf should be burned and the ashes should be poured out the window.

Spell for an urgent call from a loved one

There is a ritual aimed at getting a guy to call right away; the plot requires great desire on the part of the girl.

You don’t need any items, you just need to read the following text into the open window:

“I, (my name), am calling you, (the name of my beloved), to my porch. I assign guide angels to you: the first - in front, the second - behind, the third and fourth - on the sides. Angels, lead my dear one to me, show him the path, bring love for me into his heart, return his thoughts to me, carry him to me, lead him, release him at the very threshold of my house. Come to me, bow down and be filled with love for me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Night spell on the wind

If a woman wants a man with whom she has not communicated for a long time to call her, she should perform a ritual invoking the element of wind. It is better to read it on the street, but if for some reason this cannot be done, then you can perform the ceremony on the balcony or with an open window. It is important that the weather is windy. In this case, the impulses should be directed at the face of the woman who is performing the ritual. They do it late in the evening, and after reading the text they immediately go to bed. At the same time, before going to bed, they imagine the image of a man and a conversation with him.

Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

The words to be spoken are:

“Like standing in an open field, in a wide expanse, 4 oak trees, 4 whirlwinds. You are 4 oaks, 4 whirlwinds, go find the servant of God (his name), put a seed of love for me in his heart. Let (his name) be sad about me, let him be sad and yearning, let him want to hear me, let him want to see me. I lock my spells with a strong lock and hand the keys to the pike fish. Fly the wind, carry the desire for the servant of God (beloved name) to call me."

At home, the ritual can be performed 3 days in a row at the same time. Then its effectiveness will increase.

How to get your loved one to call?

In order for someone you like to call you back, you can use rituals that involve objects taken from your loved one. Rituals performed during different phases of the moon are effective.

Ritual for the waxing moon

To make a man feel sad, remember the girl and want to call her, you can perform a ritual on the waxing moon. However, it should only be done on Friday. A woman will need a photo of her loved one, a red or Pink colour, and mobile phone.

The photo and the phone are placed next to each other and tied with ribbon, after which they say out loud:

“How I stand, a beautiful maiden, at the window and call Wind-breeze to help me. Wind-breeze, help me, do my service. Fly to the palace of your beloved, and fill his little head with longing for me, the sad one. Let him see me in a dream, let him feel sad and bored. Let him want to hear me, let him want to see me. You whirl, Wind-breeze, around your beloved until my image remains in his mind. Let him wake up in the morning, drunk, and call me, endowed with love. Let it be so!"

The photograph and tape should be hidden in a secluded place away from prying eyes.

Gypsy ritual at the bell

A simple ritual for receiving a call from a loved one can be performed using a bay leaf and red wool threads. The ceremony must be performed near the river. Three leaves should be tied with threads, after which, lowering them into the water, say: “The leaves are floating on the surface of the river, the beloved is calling to me.”

Ritual for any cute thing

A conspiracy using a thing is often read by wives who want to quickly receive a call from their spouse. To carry out the ceremony, you can take a gift from your husband, his clothes or another thing that he often uses. If a girl wants to wait for a call from her beloved guy, then you can take an object that he often touched in her house.

“(Boy's name), why don't you call me? My beloved (name), remember how beautiful, pleasant, interesting, active I am. Take your phone and dial my number quickly. Only by hearing my voice will there be peace in your heart, joy in your soul, languor in your body. Let it be so".

Another version of the slander is this: “(Name of your loved one), why don’t you call me? I am beautiful, stately, unusual, pretty, kind and interesting to you. Take your phone and dial my number on it. As soon as you hear my voice, your heart will immediately be filled with happiness. Let it be so".

Ritual with a coin

A ritual using a coin is performed when they want to receive a call from a man with whom they have not communicated for a long time. To do this, take a coin with an image of a male profile on one side. You need to imagine that it depicts a loved one, put a coin under your arm, hold it there for some time, and then throw it at an intersection, and you need to do this unnoticed. After the coin has been tossed, the following words are recited:

"Mangabloba Ashnara Harud Nain Isail Abhob." The emphasis in these words is on the last syllable.

You should leave the intersection in silence, without answering the questions of passersby, if they suddenly follow. You can't look back either.

Most Full description in all the details - a conspiracy to call the one who is needed with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

There are situations when you wait a long time for a phone call, but as luck would have it, the device is silent. In this case, you can bring what you want closer to yourself with the help of magic. All rituals are simple and do not require special skills, which means that everyone can cope with them.

Conspiracy to make the one you need call

It is necessary to hold a phone or an object that is associated with a person in your hands and say the following words:

“My light is dear, my light is dear, why did you forget me?

Turn your gaze to me, dial my number.”

How to make a person call - conspiracy

A simple ritual is suitable if a recent acquaintance does not get in touch, and you are afraid to call yourself. It is important to consider that the conspiracy will only help if the meeting and exchange of contacts took place very recently. The ritual should begin exactly at midnight. Spread a red cloth on the table, and place a candle of the same color in a saucer or candlestick on it. Place your phone next to it, screen facing up. Looking at the device, imagine how the man is calling, your dialogue, etc. After that, read this three times effective conspiracy so that the right person calls:

Pour melted wax onto your hand and roll it into a small ball. During this, repeat the plot again. Carry the ball next to your phone, for example, place it in a case or in the pocket of your bag. When the person gets in touch, the ball can be thrown away.

A spell to make the right person call

If the man you like long time does not make itself felt, then it is worth pushing him to decisive action with the help of magic. To perform the ritual, you need to take a lit church candle in one hand and hold it so that the flame deflects outward. In your other hand, hold an object that is related to the object of your adoration, for example, his lighter or photograph. After that, repeat this spell:

“I lie down, pray, and when I get up, I get baptized. There are worms under the ground, and animals above the ground. The sun and moon rose, and I was alone. So may the Lord bless me and help me in my work. Prickly Lock. Language".

Repeat the words until the candle goes out on its own. It is important to pronounce words without stopping or hesitating.

What spell should you cast so that the one you need calls?

The feeling of falling in love is always accompanied by numerous experiences. Calling each other can become a real problem when one person is waiting for attention or a regular telephone conversation, and the other is embarrassed to dial the number for fear of seeming annoying. You can push your loved one to do this simple conspiracy. There are many rituals intended for such purposes, but each of them is among the least dangerous from the point of view of magic.

Simple ways

Before carrying out the ritual, it is important to understand the main rule of conspiracies - you should pronounce words and perform rituals only if you are confident in your desires and feelings. Such methods should never be used for fun. Any conspiracy, even the safest one, is an intervention in the energy of another person.

Prayer for a call from a loved one:

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call and talk to me? I’m a stately, pretty girl, good for everyone and everything, and for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

Strong conspiracies to make a guy call immediately after reading:

“My light is dear, my light is dear, why did you forget me? Turn your gaze to me, dial my number.”

“In a clean field, in a clean expanse, there are four oaks, four whirlwinds. Four oaks, four whirlwinds, go find the servant of God (name), put sadness and longing in his heart, so that he will grieve for me, the servant of God (name). I’ll lock my strong spells with forty locks, I’ll give the keys to the pike fish so that she won’t tell anyone.”

“There is a city in Russian land, and in that city there is a stately house. In the house of my beloved lives (name of the chosen one), he calls himself. One (name of the chosen one) is bored, does not know happiness with fun at all. He will take his phone in his hand and dial my number by heart. He will call me on a date, he will find happiness with me alone.

Rituals using additional attributes

For any item that was in the hands of the chosen one or chosen one:

“I lie down, pray, and when I get up, I get baptized. There are worms under the ground, and animals above the ground. The sun and moon rose, and I was alone. So may the Lord bless me and help me in my work. Key. Lock. Language".

For phones connected with a red thread (your phone and the device of your chosen one or chosen one, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which should be kept for yourself, and the other placed on your loved one):

“The bell is ringing for me. I want to hear my beloved voice every hour, every day. Let him need me like stars in the sky, like a river in water. Let the spark of love fly between the phones and be stuck forever. Let it be so!".

To your phone:

“Servant of God (name of the chosen one), you don’t eat or drink, but you will find peace when you call me and tell me about yourself.”

For any subject of the chosen one, so that he calls within half an hour:

“(Name), I’m interested in you, I like you, but why don’t you call, why don’t you talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone and dial my (your name) number. My voice on the phone will respond, and your heart will fill with joy.”

To the photo, so that the one who loves will call:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! Remember how good it was for us, open your heart and soul. Quickly remember my number, make a date soon!”

On a napkin or scarf with knots tied diagonally, which the chosen one was holding in his hands (read exclusively on the waxing moon; during the ritual you need to look at the sky):

“I tied a knot in a handkerchief, your name, my beloved, I made a wish. Your heart aspires only to me, and may you dream of my face. In the morning, pick up the phone and dial my number.”

On the phone (on your device you need to dial your loved one’s number and say the words):

“Call because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call me because you want to love me. Call me, because you can’t live without me.”

Strong spell to call

If contact with a person occurred relatively recently or there was only an acquaintance, then the spell to call must be read according to different rules. In order for the right person to call now, you will have to prepare and do more strong ritual. In situations where communication occurs regularly, you can use simple methods impact (on own phone or subject).

An example of a ritual:

  • the table should be covered with a bright red cloth
  • in the middle of the table you need to place a red candle in a candlestick or on a saucer
  • You need to place your phone in front of you (screen up)
  • looking at the phone, you need to not only remember the person’s face, but imagine the upcoming dialogue as realistically as possible (you need to literally “hear” the words)
  • after such actions, the words of the conspiracy are read three times:

Gypsy ritual

For the ritual you will need a glass two-thirds filled with red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. You need to make a pendulum from a ring and a thread and light a candle. Having pronounced your name, you must wait for the ring to hit the walls of the glass as many times as there are letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped). Similar actions are carried out with the name of the chosen one or chosen one. The ring on the thread must be dipped into the wine and wait until the candle burns or its flame goes out. After the ceremony, you need to drink wine and mentally imagine the long-awaited dialogue.

How to read conspiracies correctly?

Conspiracies to make a specific person call can be read at any time. For the ritual you can use your own energetic forces or apply some attributes. It's much easier to get a photo of a guy or girl now. You can use, for example, social networks. If you are interested in a person when you meet, then you can prepare for the conspiracy in advance by giving him a piece of paper to hold (even regular napkin). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the ritual. If you lack confidence in your abilities, the result may not live up to expectations.

Rules for reading bell spells:

  • During the ritual, it is necessary to imagine as clearly as possible the facial features of the man or woman for whom the plot is being read.
  • when performing the ritual, the atmosphere around should be as favorable and calm as possible (there should be no children, animals, or other objects nearby that could distract from the ritual)
  • if there is an object that the chosen one or chosen one was holding, then when reading the necessary words you need to hold it in one hand, and in the other - a lit church candle
  • You cannot use a conspiracy for personal gain (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
  • if there is no candle, then it is recommended to read the plot after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows on the face during the ritual)
  • bell spell refers to love magic, so it's too common to use it on different people not worth it (negative consequences may occur)
  • it is recommended to read the plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame goes out)
  • if a mobile phone is used in the ritual, then while reading the plot you need to imagine the numbers of the number of your loved one, the music that is on the call, and also try to mentally reproduce the person’s voice
  • words must be pronounced as confidently and clearly as possible (stammering, incorrect pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce magical power ritual)
  • simple spells (without using additional attributes) can be read at any time of the day, repeating the words 3 or 9 times in a row
  • if there is no photograph or object that the chosen one was holding, then when reading the plot you need to hold your cell phone in your hand
  • When using a spell, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind the right person, does not affect his feelings, so the upcoming phone conversation can be on almost any topic (work matters, discussion of a situation, etc.)

Despite the fact that bell spells are considered one of the safest, and performing the ritual is not difficult even if you have no experience, it is difficult to call the rituals weak. With the help of such spells, you can remind yourself even to a person whom you have not seen or heard for many years. The only condition for success is that your chosen one or chosen one has your phone number.

A strong conspiracy to make a guy call: your loved one will “dial” you immediately after reading

There are many rituals on the Internet, but they do not work, since there is a conspiracy, but there are no rules for execution. For example, a strong conspiracy to have your beloved guy call immediately after reading it is described in some detail, but when you try to carry it out, you will be disappointed. We will try to reveal the secrets of the correct execution of a spell to call a loved one.

Household magic is not alien to modern devices. You can unobtrusively remind yourself using an unconventional method.

Execution Rules

A conspiracy is not just a poem or gibberish, but in the verbal formula there is hidden a gate into the subtle world. There is a lock on the gate. You need to pick up a key to the lock, then your desire-command will find its string in subtle world. The string will vibrate, the magical melody will spread throughout the world, tugging at other strings until the wish is fulfilled.

To be able to make conspiracies, we first need your consent:

  • First consent. Don’t squeak the gate unnecessarily if there is no need. A conspiracy is not pampering or a poem, but divination.
  • Second consent. If you need a loved one, your soul trembles, then call with your heart. The heart cannot speak with a soulless synthesizer: if it loves, then there is love in every word.
  • Third agreement. Don’t talk about hidden skills, their power is in secret. Every time you talk about a conspiracy to an outsider, you lose a little bit of power that you will never get back.

Having given three consents, you receive the power to conspire. Now in detail about how to carry out a conspiracy to get a guy to call:

  1. Never do anything “just because”. Making a conspiracy without desire, or doing it out of curiosity, is a road to nowhere.
  2. Before the conspiracy, gather yourself, tell your doubts: "Scram!". Loves the heart? Don’t hide it, open the gates to the Force.
  3. Before the conspiracy, you need to imagine your lover in front of you. Let the image be bright and clear: not a soulless picture, but a guy breathing, blinking and looking lovingly into your eyes.
  4. The spell is performed in a sing-song tone, but with a clear rhythm. The beginning is calm, towards the middle there is an outburst of emotion, then a calming ending.
  5. The last phrase of the conspiracy is pronounced in a confident affirmative form. The intonation should be consistent with the statement "I know!".

Simple ritual

The plot to make the one you need call should be read according to the rules given above. There is no need to “try” - act only when such a need really has arisen. Put feeling into every word, then your lover will definitely respond.

“Dear, anyone, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine!

Call me and tell me what’s in your heart.

Etheric ligature - mobile communication, connect us!

I am a virgin queen, there is no one more beautiful than me, take the phone and say “hello!”

Take the phone and make a call.

I will respond - I will make my way into your heart!

The given plot is read alone, without prying eyes and ears. Say the formula several times until the heart says: “enough!”. It should be borne in mind that this conspiracy is suitable in cases where the relationship has been established for a long time, but there was a small disagreement. The conspiracy is well suited for the young man to be the first to decide to take a step towards reconciliation.

Online oracle on the latest phone numbers

Here you will find a rather interesting free online fortune telling by the phone number of your loved one: boyfriend, man or woman. Enter the last four digits of your lover's phone number and get several life advice from Oracle. Despite the apparent simplicity and playfulness of this oracle, the derivation of predictions is based on the system of numbered fortune-telling cards by Maria Lenormand - and in fact is a somewhat random arrangement of them.

Strong rite

Perform the ceremony meaningfully, with a pure heart and good intentions.

We recommend this conspiracy for a more effective impact. He has great strength than the previous one, since in addition to the verbal formula, a simple ritual is used. As a rule, as a result of this conspiracy, the guy calls immediately after reading it.

For successful ritual a few simple conditions are required:

Handle items with care. Imagine that they are made of a very fragile material. So fragile that you can inadvertently crush your fingers. It is necessary to show emphatic respect to objects; careless movements, tapping, twitching are not allowed.

You will need: Blank sheet paper, a photograph of a loved one, a pen.

  • Sit at the table. Put a pen in front of you, a photo of a loved one left side away from you, and a piece of paper to the right.
  • Take a pen in your hand and read the plot;
  • Put a piece of paper in front of you and read the plot;
  • Write your phone number on paper and read the plot;
  • Put a photo front side to the written number and read the plot;
  • Flip the sheet over with the photo so that the sheet is on top of the photo.

“My dove, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine, my desired-long-awaited!

Remember, remember! How good it was for us.

Remember, remember! I opened my heart to you.

Soon soon! Remember my number.

Soon soon! Make an appointment.

Not this week. Not the other day. This minute!

I'll be waiting for your call!

Of course, the ritual with the conspiracy is performed without outsiders. Even if the plot was successful - the young man called, there is no need to rush to the phone and brag to your friends. You have an agreement with the Force - this is keeping a secret.

For a new friend

The phone can be used as a magic item.

Recommended this conspiracy for the case when you know a young man superficially and you have not yet developed a relationship. But before the conspiracy, you need to ensure that the young man calls you at least once, then the conspiracy to get the man to call will work with a guarantee.

Before conspiring, you need to find a secluded place. Find in the telephone list the number of the person whose call you want to achieve, but you do not need to dial the number. As soon as the number appears, hold the phone to your ear and imagine the young man’s voice. Let it be a small greeting phrase like “Hello! How are you?”, but in your imagination the voice should sound exactly the same as you would hear it in reality.

As soon as this happens, turn off the phone with the words of the conspiracy and immediately, repeating the conspiracy, turn it on again.

“Nav! Reality! Correct! I hear your words.

Correct! Nav! Reality! They are running before me.

They sound in your thoughts so that they appear in reality!

The plot may work so unexpectedly that you may become confused and start answering the young man inappropriately. Of course, this may somewhat spoil the first impression of you as an interlocutor. Therefore, before the conspiracy, it is advisable to prepare and write down one or two stock phrases for the answer. Then you won’t have to hastily remember what you wanted to say, but will just have to read the prepared phrases.

If he's offended

This conspiracy has a very strong impact, so it should only be used in extreme cases. It is indispensable if a major quarrel occurs between you and a young man. Your lover in strong offense, and the situation does not allow you to take the first step towards reconciliation. There is only one way out - magical intervention.

Before the conspiracy is executed, a number of steps must be taken:

  • Divide the number of digits in your phone number by two. If it is not divisible without a remainder, let one part of the numbers be one more than the other.
  • You need to get to the entrance of your beloved and within the courtyard to find pebbles, the pebbles of which will be about the size of a ten-ruble coin. The number of pebbles must be equal to or more than half number of digits of your phone number.
  • You collect the rest of the pebbles in your yard; the closer to the entrance you find the pebbles, the better.
  • Do not mix the pebbles collected from different yards yet! Pebbles should be washed well and allowed to dry.
  • Arrange the stones from left to right in next sequence: your pebble (from your yard), his pebble (from the young man’s yard), your pebble, his pebble, etc., alternating pebbles from different yards.
  • Now, in the order of your phone number, write the corresponding numbers on the pebbles with a water-resistant marker.
  • Made from black fabric natural material Sew a bag with drawstrings so that all the collected pebbles fit freely in it.
  • As soon as dusk comes, light a couple of candles and, while reading the plot, put the pebbles in a bag and tie the string tightly. We tie the lace not on a “bow”! We make a triple knot, casting a spell on each knot.

Here you are with my own hands We have made a magical item that is designed to help you in your relationship with your boyfriend.

“Pebble on pebble. Number on a pebble.

From numbers number. From the phone number.

About my heart my beloved

Take the phone! Amen"

As already mentioned, this conspiracy is very strong, to the point that the young man may become dependent on you. Before you begin the conspiracy, make sure that you calmly accept the fact that your lover will call every five minutes.

Topic: Rules and practice of love spells on a cigarette

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Topic: Natalia Stepanova's love spells, have you tried them?

For salt and water

You will need: a candle, a white (without pictures) handkerchief, a red cord, a glass of water and a salt shaker.

  • Light a candle and place it in front of you;
  • Place a handkerchief between the candle and you on the table;
  • Using a lace, draw a circle on the scarf. If the lace is long, then make a circle of several turns. The more turns, the better.
  • Place a glass of water in the center of the circle;
  • Take the salt shaker in your hand and imagine how a young man dials your phone number and calls you. Put the salt shaker back in place.
  • Place your palms around a glass of water and imagine your lover impatiently calling you. Put the glass back in place.
  • Take a pinch of salt from the salt shaker and, without raising your hand, immediately shake the salt into the salt shaker, do this twice. And the third time we throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and, while reading the plot, watch how the salt dissolves.

“Like salt in water, Thoughts about me

Dissolves in you. Vysoki Brega,

There is water among them, I am the only one

You need. The circle closes

Cute smiles Phone in hand -

Calling me! Amen"

After the spell, pour one half of the water into a pot with a flower with the name male, and the remaining water - into a pot with a flower that bears a feminine name.

It is known that a girl’s heart is impatient, sometimes she so badly wants to push the young man to take an important step! But it’s not always convenient for a girl to do this with words, and then magic comes to the rescue. Read a conspiracy from a rival at home.

Fortune telling for a date

While waiting for the long-awaited call, try to guess what the date with your boyfriend will be like? What awaits you? It's very simple!

A conspiracy to call someone who is needed immediately for various items

Situations often arise when it is necessary to receive a call from someone who is needed at the moment.

If a friend or relative has disappeared, when a dear person has not contacted you for a long time, or you urgently need to convey important news to someone, you can use a special conspiracy, which will hasten the object to call the bewitching person. In most cases, conspiracies work in a time period from an instant to several days.

Simple conspiracy

At night, you should look out the window or window, present an image the one who should call and say 9 times the spell:

“I, (name), call (name of the called), call,

I remind you of myself.

Know I need your call

Pick up the phone now

Until you do so

You won't be able to sleep.

Per strand of hair

After sunset, they put on light clothes without ties or belts, let their hair down, go out onto the balcony or open the window.

After that cut off a strand of hair, is placed in an iron container (so that a fire does not happen) and a plot is recited:

“Just as I cut my hair, I put strength into the words I spoke.

Every hair of mine is my voice in your (name) head.

I’m calling you, I’m in a hurry, I’m waiting for your call.

As soon as the fire lights up on my strand, you, (name), will begin to worry.

As the ashes fly in the wind, you will pick up the phone and dial my number.

It will happen, I know. I'm expecting a call."

After reading the plot 12 times, it is necessary burn the strand(use only matches), and blow the resulting ashes into the street.

To phone

To perform the ritual you need phone with photo the person who should call you. So it follows:

  • display the photo on the display;
  • imagine that the number of the desired person is displayed;
  • place one palm under the device and the other on top of it;
  • pronounce the words of the conspiracy 21 times in a row without hesitation and stops.

I will order you to call me (the name of the person from whom you are expecting a call).

Until you pick up the phone

And you can't dial me

You will suffer, you will suffer,

To grieve with fierce melancholy.

My speeches are on your shoulders,

My thoughts are in your mind.

You talk to me, don't joke.

How will our conversation take place?

Your melancholy will evaporate."

In order for the desired person to call you, you need to collect 13 coins golden color, take printed photo person (required in full height, without glasses and with a clear image of the face so that you can see the eyes) and the phone. In the evening, a candle is lit on the table, a photo is placed on a spread scarf or tablecloth, coins are placed on it, and a phone is placed on top of everything.

Looking into a person's eyes in the photo you should say:

“I am sending 13 devils to you,

let them help me quickly.

They remind you of me,

They force me to call.

How will you, (name), pick up the phone?

Yes, you will have a conversation with me,

So the devils will get away from you,

Make me call.

Dial the number quickly

Free yourself from the devil."

After reading the spell text 13 times, collect coins V left hand and go to the crossroads on foot, where they leave the money exactly in the middle, saying three times:

"I pay you with coins,

I want to hear (name) rather.

You must leave without looking back, in silence. About perfect action don't tell anyone. The plot will work within 24 hours.

A ritual is being performed with open window and a lit candle from the church. In the right hand they hold a photo of the object, in the left - a burning candle. Read the text by heart three times, standing in front of an open window:

“In a wide pole, on a big expanse,

The old oaks stand, creaking with melancholy.

Fly wild whirlwinds, carry that melancholy,

Give her (name) to the slave.

Let him not sleep and do not eat,

Can't find a place

Force him, oaks and winds,

Order him (name), dears,

Dial my number.

(number of hours or days to wait, for example - a week) period.

Let everything be as I want

I will receive the cherished call.”

To call immediately after reading the plot

Most fast way get news from the right person like this:

  • You wait until evening, sit down at a table in a room where there is no one and all electrical appliances are turned off.
  • A photo of the person being called is placed on the table.
  • In the photo, place a transparent glass filled to the middle with wine. It is advisable to place the dishes on the subject's head.
  • A ring taken from your hand is tied to a red thread or ribbon (the material from which it is made does not matter). The length of the string should be such that when your elbow is placed on the table, the ring does not reach the poured wine, but ends up in the glass.
  • Now you need to tune in - imagine the object itself divination, clearly imagine how the phone rings and the conversation takes place.
  • Now the ring is lowered into the glass and your own full name is pronounced out loud (you can say an abbreviated one if the person you are calling is you full name does not name).
  • The ring will begin to swing - it should knock on a glass as many times as there are letters in the name you named.
  • Now the ring is stopped, the name of the object is called, and the pendulum is allowed to swing again. He must again hit the glass a number of times equal to the number of letters in the name of the object.
  • After this, the ring is removed and drink wine while casting a spell: “I poured the wine and called you, (name). Tart, strong. I heard the ringing and remembered my name. Pick up the phone and call me. If you don’t call right away, you will suffer and be tormented. And if you fulfill my order, your melancholy will go away in no time. I finish my wine and invite you, (name), to talk. My words are strong like wine. My works are like wax, moldings. Amen".
  • The candle is extinguished by breathing.

After the ritual the object calls in the next few hours. As a rule, this conspiracy makes a person want not only to talk on the phone, but also to meet in person.

Spells for a phone call from a person you need should only be used in situations where you need to talk really necessary. For the ritual to work as it should, do not be distracted by anything during it, concentrate on specific person and the task at hand and, most importantly, believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracies being created.

How to get a guy to call you if he is missing and there is no news? You recently met, and the guy, although he promised to call, does not do it? What to do so that he remembers you, so that he calls? In this case, a magical strong conspiracy will help to make the beloved call. The time and phase of the moon are not taken into account in these rites.

Important! If you have a person’s personal item or at least an object with which he came into contact (paper, pen), then the effect of the ritual will be more powerful.

This conspiracy to make your loved one call is carried out if the meeting was a one-time meeting. The guy liked it, and he liked you too. He even left his cell number, but for some reason does not call. Forgot? We need to remind ourselves!

Take some of his thing or object that he touched. If there are no such items, then write on paper his cell number. Take an object or piece of paper with a number in your hand and try to vividly imagine the image of this guy, your entire meeting.

After this, read the plot 9 times:

“My dear (name), why are you silent, don’t call, don’t write, don’t talk to me?
Quickly pick up the phone and dial my number!
When my voice responds on the phone, my soul will be filled with joy!”

Say these words with all the strength of your emotions. Can you imagine your boyfriend hearing this call and immediately dialing the phone number. This conspiracy is very powerful if done correctly.

The thing will connect your thoughts and transmit them at a distance.

Ritual with a photo

If you quarrel and your sweetheart is silent, take his photo. Light a candle, look at the image of what you want and soulfully recite this plot to make your loved one call:

“(Boy's name), remember our joy and happiness!
Remember that I was desired by you!
After all, I am your happiness, joy and love!
Take away the grudge, dial my number, bring back happiness!”

Even during a quarrel and separation, an invisible connection remains between you. Your and his subconscious are tuned to each other, and the person will catch your call for him to call.

Ray of love

This rite can be performed if you are well acquainted, and also in order for the husband to call (for example, if his cell phone is turned off and you cannot establish contact). Relax and vividly imagine the image of your loved one. You can call him by name several times.

When contact is established (and you will feel it), imagine how your beloved husband or boyfriend dials your phone number. Try to be as specific as possible about this image, you may even be able to feel the person’s breath or smell.

Now imagine that from your solar plexus a shining ray comes out emerald color, it shimmers and sparkles. Now the ray has reached the husband's solar plexus, and the same ray has directed from his solar plexus in your direction.

If you were able to do everything right, you will feel warm in this place, or even hot! This means that the husband received the message of love along with the image of the cell phone. His subconscious picked up on your request for a call. Do not doubt, your beloved husband will instantly respond and connect with you.

Magic pebbles

To perform this magical ritual you will need the following components:

  • pebbles from the road;
  • marker;
  • canvas bag.

Dial as many pebbles on the street as there are digits in your cell number (with all codes). Rinse the pebbles and dry. Then write your phone number on the pebbles with a marker (one digit on each pebble) and put them in a cloth bag sewn by you.

When you put the pebbles, shake the bag and say a spell to make the guy call:

“Like my number is written on pebbles,
So it will be written down in the memory of my beloved.
How these pebbles knock against each other,
So his heart will beat when he thinks about me.
Let my beloved (boyfriend, husband, person) call me!
Let my number burn with fire in his heart!

Keep the bag in a secluded place. You can use it as needed to have your beloved husband or boyfriend call right time. This is a very powerful ritual, and the reviews about it are good.

The plot is read as many times as there are digits in the phone number.

This conspiracy to make your loved one call is done if you have had at least once contact with a person by phone. Take your cell phone in your hands, imagine that you hear his voice, as if your dear one just called you.

As soon as you manage to recall his voice, read the plot to make your loved one call:

“Like now I hear your words,
This is how they will sound in reality!
How in my dreams I hear your voice,
So he can become real!
Let your call wake up the silence,
And your wish will be
Call me now!

Call to name

If a guy is silent for a long time, you need to do the following. Write his name on a piece of paper, light a red candle and set the piece of paper on fire. While the leaf is burning, say the words in an authoritative tone:

“Body and soul burn on fire until you call me!”

Scatter the ashes from the leaf outside the window. You will hear from him soon.

Ritual with black pepper

For a person to make himself known, perform such a ritual. Take from a new pack as many peppercorns as full years fulfilled by the called one. Throw them on a pre-hot frying pan, and when the peas start to jump, say:

“How this pepper jumps and flops,
So let (object’s name) toil until he calls me!”

Vividly imagine the image of a person when you read the text and look at the jumping pepper. Wrap the remains of the burnt peas in paper and take them to the intersection.

There, leave the ransom in coins (six rubles per ruble) and say:

This conspiracy for a loved one to call, you need to fill with your feelings, try to convey longing and passionate desire see you. A person will definitely receive these signals in his subconscious and respond to the call!

To perform the ritual we will need the following components:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • glass of water;
  • three pinches of salt.

Draw a circle on a large piece of paper and place a glass of water in it. Take the salt in your palm and slowly pour it into the water, saying:

“Hear me, my dear friend!
I’m waiting for you, come back to my circle!”

At this time, you should imagine how your loved one remembers you, picks up the phone and dials the number. The brighter you can imagine this picture, the sooner what you want will come true.

Leave the glass standing in the circle until you wait for the bell to ring. And then pour some water under any tree, but a fruit tree.

Ritual with a coin

If a person is silent for a long time and does not respond, do this. Find a coin with a picture of a man's profile (Lenin will also work). Now you have to imagine that this is not Lenin, but the person you need.

Place the coin under your arm for a while, and then throw it away at a crossroads (try not to be noticed) and say the following spell:

Ashnar Haruda
Nain Isail

All stress should be placed on the last syllable. Do not mix up the words, otherwise the ritual will not work. Go home silently, without looking back.

IN romantic relationships women like increased male attention. The girl perceives it as a tragedy if the guy doesn’t call or write. In this case, you can resort to the most radical means, including a conspiracy to get your loved one to call. But such rituals do not always act positively for many reasons.

Reasons for turning to magic

Many girls decide to do bell spells because:

  • they want to manipulate a loved one from a distance, to prove to him and themselves their strength and superiority;
  • they want to subjugate him so that he immediately calls them on the phone;
  • because of their pride, they do not want to make the call first, so as not to intrude;
  • too shy to call first;
  • dream of ensuring total control over a man’s number;
  • they want to show that they value the love of a young man;
  • after a conflict or even a breakup, they dream of getting him back;
  • We are convinced that a conspiracy is an effective and quick ritual of magic so that a man remembers a woman, falls in love and asks her to marry.

The ringing spell is also used by middle-aged married people who have had a quarrel. It seems to the wife that after reading a strong conspiracy, the relationship with her husband will go well. new level. She knows how to use the rituals of Stepanova and even Vanga, but she still needs a universal ritual.

  • in the turbulent flow of life, he simply forgot about a certain girl;
  • due to absent-mindedness, he lost his phone number;
  • this man - married man, he doesn't want to destroy his family;
  • No suitable conditions make a quick call;
  • the guy is too modest, does not dare to be the first to show his interest in the girl;
  • doesn't count needed first take any steps;
  • wants to test a woman with the help of such manipulation;
  • cannot find topics of conversation with this girl;
  • realized that he did not want to continue communication.

Before deciding to plot to make a guy call, it is better to try to collect as much information about him as possible, then perhaps the need to plot to call will disappear on its own.

Conditions for using spells

A conspiracy to call a loved one should be resorted to in the most extreme cases; it has its own characteristics:

  • it must be remembered that a conspiracy is white magic, which is far from always harmless, it invades a person’s energy and affects his freedom;
  • the calling spell should be used when a person is needed urgently and no other way to call him comes to mind;
  • you need to be aware that the consequences can be unpredictable - the girl may regret that the man remembered about her;
  • the girl must have a strong spirit in order to go to the end during the ritual;
  • You can’t do this for fun;
  • the condition for a strong conspiracy to make a guy call is positive energy, pure heart, the sincerity of the girl doing this;
  • You shouldn’t tell everyone around you about your intention to make a conspiracy when the guy calls you.

Types of conspiracies

Before choosing a type of conspiracy, you need to think through everything in detail, evaluate your strengths and capabilities, and understand how much time will be enough to wait - several hours or you need your loved one to immediately write or call. It is also necessary to distinguish who the object is - just an acquaintance or a legal husband.

These rituals can be performed at home without special preparation. It is advisable to read specialized literature before starting.


When a relationship is just beginning, feelings are just beginning to ignite and there is no guarantee that they will eventually turn into true love, and to be on the safe side they use a proven ritual. First, you need to clearly imagine the image of your loved one - not only his facial features, but also his facial expressions, remember his voice, some actions, movements he makes, understand whether he knows the cell phone number of the girl who constantly thinks about him.

This girl should take her phone in her left hand right hand cover the screen and repeat by heart the text 9 times, which calls on you to remember the girl and dial her number:

“Beloved (name), take your phone, call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

To distract yourself, you can reboot or turn off your phone. There is evidence that this is a conspiracy to call or write the right man, valid for 12 hours.

Fast acting

Among the conspiracies to get a loved one to write a message or make a call, ladies often use a fast-acting and powerful ritual. To perform it, you need to wake up late at night, stand by an open window, imagine in detail the image of your beloved guy, imagine that he is holding a telephone receiver in his hands.

The woman herself should pick up an object from the man and say several times:

“Body and soul burn on fire until you call me!”

After this, put the object under your pillow, mentally ask the angels to help you and sleep until the morning. There is information that after reading this conspiracy, a man makes himself known within 7 hours.


Some conspiracies should be read after a serious disagreement or when a young man does not show himself for a long time. To complete this, you need to take paper with a pen and a photo of your loved one. Place the photograph on the left side of the table, and the writing utensils directly in front of you.

You need to write your number on paper while simultaneously addressing your loved one:

“Servant of God (name of the chosen one), you don’t eat or drink, but you will find peace when you call me and tell me about yourself.”

Then you need to repeat the words, covering the written phone number with the front side of the photo, then you need to turn the paper over with the image facing up.

A strong conspiracy to get a guy to call works very quickly. They say that after reading the guy appears no later than 3 days.

A strong spell to call is combined with the use various items- pebbles that must be carried to the beloved’s house or his phone number written on them, or candles that can simply burn during the ritual. Also, with a super-strong conspiracy, salt, sugar, and a scarf are used, with the help of which a man is attracted from a distance.

Sometimes girls come up with their own rituals - they burn a photo of a guy or some of his things. The result can be different: indifference on the part of the young man or the exact opposite action - the girl will wait to not only talk to her, but also invite her to visit.

Some of these rituals need to be repeated several times or until they help to become more effective. The most enterprising women repeat the rites every time a loved one does not call them.

Many girls believe that it is possible to make a conspiracy for love, and they perform various rituals for this, the same applies to a love spell, when a person’s will is completely paralyzed, and a woman is unlikely to be pleased that a weak-willed creature is next to her. It is impossible to force to fall in love against the will, you can only contribute to this by your actions.


Deciding on an event like this magical ritual, a woman must represent possible consequences, some of them are dangerous. Knowing about them can influence your refusal to engage in risky activities. Among these consequences:

  • if a man remembered a woman and called, then there is no guarantee that the relationship will continue further and lead to a long-term family union;
  • a guy can become a lover who successfully settles down at the expense of a woman;
  • a conspiracy on the phone can negatively affect the personality of a man - he can change in the worst side, the girl will no longer want to be with him;
  • a young man after such an attraction can become very intrusive - the girl will try to get rid of him;
  • even if such a remedy helped the girl, then over time she will begin to feel negative changes in physical and mental health;
  • such rituals are elements of magic, an invasion of the realm of angels and demons, which can bring negative changes in life.


Conspiracies are not a panacea in relationships between men and women. Girls should remember that it is more convenient for a man to take the initiative, that a conspiracy so that a guy writes or calls may not work on various reasons. A girl should not become fixated on one person, but believe that mutual love, when both parties want to communicate, she will definitely meet.

Zolotareva Ilona Albertovna

Hereditary white witch. For more than 20 years, she has been helping people cope with troubles, removes damage and the evil eye, and conducts cleansing rituals. Doesn't practice black magic. Provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

Magic is something that helps simplify life in many ways. At the same time, we must pay attention to the fact that sorcery develops together with other sciences and teachings of mankind. Here’s a conspiracy to make a guy call right now - this is a relatively “young” ritual that arose in the last century. It helps to urgently attract a young man. A similar conspiracy against a guy will ensure that he receives a quick call or SMS.

A plot for a guy to write immediately after reading it is best read if you already have a serious relationship with your loved one, but just had a quarrel. Then the ritual will help regain his favor, and perhaps ensure that he arrives or comes soon. Also, sometimes you need to attract a young man you like, but the girl is afraid to take the first step. Then the conspiracy to meet will be ideal - they will soon make an appointment, or maybe right now, at the very minute when you perform the ritual.

These methods are now actively used, especially since in fact this is not a love spell, which means that karma should not suffer.

How to get a guy to write

This white conspiracy most often used by young girls so that the young man of interest writes. As you know, SMS in Lately For many, it is the main way of communication and a message can decide a lot in people's relationships. The ritual is simply ideal for those who already have strong feelings, but a quarrel has arisen. Then you need to say the following words alone:

“My dear, call me now, call me and I will answer right away!”

By the way, after reading the spell so that your loved one writes, it is quite possible to also make a spell to call. This will not be a mistake or some kind of wrong action. The only condition from a magical point of view- this should be resorted to only in case of extreme necessity, and not just for the sake of interest. Also while reading cherished words, you need to pronounce them with your soul, putting maximum emotions into the meaning.

The main thing is to understand in your soul: “I want this!”

And, of course, one should take into account a number important rules for similar rituals:

  • there is no doubt about the outcome. You need to be confident in luck;
  • you need to pronounce the words in a sing-song tone, without raising your voice;
  • intonation should only be affirmative;
  • any love ritual can only be carried out if love really exists. You cannot attract a person for whom there is no love.

The simplest ritual

This call spell is really the simplest, but after reading the spell, it usually begins to work within a couple of minutes. To do this, take the phone in your left hand, and cover the screen with your right. After this, they read a conspiracy to force the one who is needed to call. In order for a person to get bored and call, you need to read 9 times:

“My dear, why don’t you call me? After all, I’m good and pretty, I’m ready to answer you and your heart will rejoice again.”

As readers write, there are often cases when a loved one came or arrived, and did not just call. Although forced to make a phone call in in this case- excellent result.

Sometimes a similar spell can also be used to forget a person. To do this, you just need to say in any form your wishes to forget the person forever, just as you are now forgetting his number.

Strong spell to call

This strong call spell often produces immediate results. The reason is that in addition to the verbal instructions, the ceremony itself is also carried out. Starting it, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, a pen and a photo of your loved one. At the same time, it is important to show emphasized respect to objects and treat them as if they were crystal.

The ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the girl sits down at the table;
  • the pen lies in the center, the sheet on the right, and the photo on the left;
  • is taken a pen and the plot itself is read on the phone;
  • The phone number is written on the sheet, then the photo is placed face down on it, and then turned over (the photo will be on the bottom and the sheet on top). After each of these actions, a conspiracy for a meeting or call is read.

The text is: “Call me! I open my heart and wish you!”

Plot for a call from a guy who doesn't know your number

Sometimes it may happen that a guy doesn’t know his phone number, but you really want to hear his voice right now. To do this, it is necessary to make such a strong conspiracy that he himself wants to quickly find out the treasured numbers. You just need to put the phone to your ear and clearly imagine that your loved one called, hear his voice in your head, and speak an approximate dialogue. Ideally, if the girl just has the guy’s number, then it’s better to first display the phone number on the screen and talk about it all later.

There is no need to read any special conspiracy to make your loved one call. After pronouncing the words of the dialogue, you just need to tell the phone: “Repeat!”

Such a conspiracy, so that a man gets bored and calls, is usually called the Ray of Love for the reason that the ritual is carried out with a light on church candle. Ideally, choose a day for this when the moon is in its waxing phase, even better - if it is some kind of big celebration. They read a plot to meet alone at night. Readable text you need to address the flame, as it were. They say the following words:

“Let this ray ignite the fire of passion in the heart of my betrothed, awaken the desire to see, hug, kiss me as soon as possible.”

If this is a conspiracy to get the guy back, then you need to emphasize that feelings need to be reawakened.

Call to name

Most often, such a conspiracy to get a guy to call is used if you have a quarrel with your loved one. Very often girls want the guy to come himself or come, and as quickly as possible. But of course she cannot force him to do this. Often, after the girl has read the cherished words, the guy will not only return, but also ask for forgiveness.

Such a conspiracy for a meeting is best read at night, when no one sees it. To do this you need to go to open window and say these words:

“Oh, you pure and unclean spirits, call, hail the servant of God (name). Let him love me, love me. And my words will be strong now, forever. And let my beloved call me tomorrow and kiss me. Amen".

As a rule, the conspiracy begins to work very quickly and you do not have to wait long for a visit.

Ritual with things

It is best to read the plot for a meeting by the river. To do this, they come there with 15 bay leaves and a scarlet thread. Next, three leaves are tied with a thread and floated into the water. The spell to receive a call from a loved one must be repeated upon departure of each such boat. They say: “Let my raft follow to the very heart and help bring back the guy (name), tying him with this thread and providing the same sensitivity as laurel leaves."

With the help of such a ritual, you can easily quickly attract the attention of a guy from a distance and make him miss you. Therefore, the ritual is considered strong and at the same time universal.