A newborn baby has bloating, what to do. Why does bloating occur, what are the reasons for this? The main symptoms of flatulence in infants

The baby cries loudly, it is impossible to calm him down with caress or toys. Common cause such a phenomenon is bloating in newborns. How can you play and laugh if gases are bursting from the inside, which cause severe pain? Adults know that you need to endure only a few months, then the digestive system will get stronger and everything will pass, but how to explain this to the baby? The problem will be completely solved only with age, and now parents should do everything possible to protect the child from suffering.

Why is the tummy bloated?

The baby was born, and his whole body is now forced to adapt to new conditions. The stomach will have to learn to accept and assimilate food, the intestines need to do an unusual job - to push feces and gases out. All this cannot happen in one day, so the first time the baby is worried about digestive problems. It is especially difficult for newborns whom a woman cannot feed. breast milk. No amount of the best scientific development can create a mixture that is as pleasant for the baby's tummy as mother's milk.

The intestines struggle to push through the processed food. Lumps often get stuck, clog the narrow passage, and the gases cannot get out. In a child, everything is so miniature that even a small bubble exerts a sensitive pressure, the baby hurts, he screams. imperfection digestive system is not the only cause of gas, and a caring mother should eliminate all other causes of pain in the baby's tummy.

  • While eating, the baby swallows air. Do not let him suckle greedily, and after eating, hold him in vertical position.
  • The baby does not absorb mother's milk well, in such cases, newborns have to be transferred to artificial feeding. If the cause is the wrong formula, try another baby food.
  • Mom is too fond of peas, beans, radishes, radishes and other foods that cause a lot of gas. Avoid these foods while breastfeeding.

Be sure to tell your pediatrician about this problem so that he excludes serious illness requiring urgent treatment. It can be both an infection and a pathology requiring surgical intervention. Perhaps, to improve digestion, he needs special drops or lactobacilli, but only a specialist should prescribe them.

Help a crying baby

You can’t be careless about the baby’s crying, be sure to figure out if his colic is bothering him or he screams for other reasons. Untie the baby and look at his posture. With swollen intestines, he randomly moves his legs, trying to bend them to his chest. Sometimes the baby tenses, blushes, as if he is going to poop. The abdomen swells and becomes hard. Usually, gases do not torment the child for a whole day, he feels good for a long time, plays, communicates with mom and dad, and only some time after eating, pain and crying begin. If this is not the first time this has happened and you are convinced that the baby has ordinary gassies, try to help him. First, try using the treatment of folk remedies:

  • put heat on the stomach;
  • give dill water;
  • put vent tube;
  • massage around the navel in a clockwise direction;
  • more often let him lie on his tummy.

Do not forget that the quality of breast milk is affected not only by the mother's diet, but also by her mood. Avoid unpleasant and conflict situations, do not fall into hysterics if your sworn friend starts gossiping that she saw your husband in the company of some beauty, do not listen to stories that will cause you a storm of emotions. The most important thing now is the child's health, other problems can wait a few months.

If folk treatment does not help, you have to use drugs. Pharmacy employees do not have the right to diagnose and recommend pills or drops, but they constantly violate this rule. Do not listen to pharmacists, consult a pediatrician who knows your child well. The doctor may recommend "Bobotik" or "Espumizan" for gases, "No-shpu" or "Drotaverine" to relieve spasms, or other means.

Do not forget that bloating in a newborn will only increase if the baby is nervous. Take it in your arms, warm the swollen tummy with your warmth. Swing and gently talk to the baby, sing a song to him. He already understands a lot, knows that mom can protect from all adversity. The baby will feel completely safe, calm and relaxed. When the intestines are not tense, gases will be able to pass out of it.

If you ask for dill water in a pharmacy, they will give you a solution of fennel oil or Plantex. There is nothing wrong with these remedies, but it is better to prepare the infusion yourself. You will invest in the composition of your love for the baby, the good energy of your hands and get a real miraculous elixir that quickly relieves bloating in newborns. To prepare the medicine, we will need not the plant that we used to put in soups and marinades, but fennel, which is also called pharmacy dill.

Fennel seeds can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it is better to grow your own or buy from those who grow medicinal plants on summer cottages. Pour 3 g of seeds with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and strain. This infusion has many healing properties, but now we are interested in its effect on the intestines of the newborn. When taken, spasms relax, blood supply to the intestines improves, inflammation is removed and constipation disappears.

How much water can be given to the baby depends on his age, without the advice of a pediatrician, it is better not to start treatment. But you yourself can drink half a glass of the composition 30 minutes before feeding. There will be more milk, and it will be enriched with healing components. After such a “dinner”, the child is unlikely to be disturbed by gases, he will fall asleep calmly.

Even during pregnancy, young mothers need to prepare for the fact that the baby will bring not only joy, but also problems. Almost everyone has gone through bloating in newborns, and you and your baby will do everything to overcome this difficulty. Be patient try different ways, determine which treatment best helps the baby. Do not rely only on drugs and doctor's recommendations, do not forget that the most potent medicine is mother's love and affection.

Parents of newborns are often lost when their child screams and worries for several hours (and more often in the evenings).

Attentive mothers and fathers, carrying an exhausted baby in their arms, feel how his tummy is literally shaking. They would be happy to help the baby, but sometimes they are not sure of the correctness of their actions and do not know what they can do on their own, and with what symptoms you need to see a doctor.

The term "colic" refers to episodes of acute abdominal pain in children during the first six months of life. Usually, colic begins at the 3rd - 4th week of a child's life, more often in the evening. Initially, they are repeated 1-2 times a week and last no more than 30 minutes. But then they become regular and can last 3-5 hours. After passing gases and feces, abdominal pain usually subsides, but in advanced cases they resume.

The term colic is derived from the Greek kolikos, which means "colon pain". Colic - paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, accompanied by severe anxiety of the child. The causes of colic are diverse: this is the functional immaturity of the neuromuscular apparatus and the enzymatic system of the intestine, the tendency to increased gas formation, resulting in increased pressure on the intestinal wall and muscle spasm occurs.

The most commonly affected by bloating, or as they are also called, intestinal colic, babies. The fact is that the microflora of their stomach is not yet fully formed and the diet of a breastfeeding mother must be very well organized in order to avoid such phenomena. One of the best means dill water has been a trusted and proven remedy for relieving colic for many decades to relieve bloating in babies.

In the first three months of life, more than 70% of children have functional intestinal colic. In the vast majority of cases, these colic are not a pathology (disease), but an adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract(GI tract) of the baby to new conditions (after all, before that, for 9 months, the baby's gastrointestinal tract did not "work", and for the first 2-3 weeks it was under the beneficial influence of maternal hormones).

Usually, in the first two weeks of life, the baby receives exclusively breastfeeding. mother's milk. Its volumes are small, so digestion is quite easy. By the third week of life, the amount of milk needed for the baby increases, and for many mothers, due to improper attachment or insufficient time at the breast (remember the old recommendations - 15-20 minutes - no more!) Milk "decreases" and the baby receives more "front milk" is excessively saturated with carbohydrates, which can contribute to increased gas formation. All parents are familiar with this picture: against the background of feeding or shortly after it, your baby suddenly begins to draw his legs up to his tummy, to show anxiety. And then he blushes sharply and starts screaming, this situation can continue for a long time. This is "intestinal colic".

There are quite a few reasons and theories explaining the occurrence of intestinal colic in children. This is the wrong preparation of mixtures for baby food; and too fast sucking, swallowing air; and the reaction of the baby's intestines to foods consumed by the mother and penetrating into breast milk; and some components of mixtures. It is noted that intestinal colic is more common in firstborns and in babies whose mothers experience increased anxiety for them. There is an assumption that colic may be due to a lack of the hormone progesterone in the mother.

There is a certain pattern in the manifestation of colic, the so-called rule of "THREE":
- colic begins by three weeks of age;
- last about three hours a day;
- occur mainly in children of the first three months of life.

Symptoms of colic in newborns can be determined literally "on the fingers." Every mother needs to know this in order to be able to take action in time and start treating newborn colic. If episodes of colic:
- observed at the age of the first 4 months of life,
- accompanied by a piercing cry, bloating and rumbling in the tummy, which subside after the passage of gases and/or feces,
- the child's stool is not changed,
- weight gain corresponds to the age of the child or ahead of him.

Where should parents start? First, answer three questions:

1) At what age did colic start?

2) What are the manifestations of colic?

3) What is their frequency and duration?

If seizures intestinal colic began at the age of 4 months, manifested the above symptoms and pass after the discharge of gases and feces, are not observed every day, and their duration does not exceed 4 hours, then you can start treatment without consulting a doctor. Let's call it the first option.

If intestinal colic is daily, prolonged, resumes even after passing gases and feces, if the child's stool is changed or colic occurs at an older age, it is necessary to start with a doctor's consultation. Bowel diseases are possible, which require additional examination and treatment. This is the second option.

In the first case, it is necessary to start with non-drug measures. Hold the baby upright during and after feedings to allow him to burp air. If the baby is being bottle fed, make sure that the nipple is firmly on the nipple and that the opening is not too large. At the first sign of pain, a warm diaper or a warm heating pad should be placed on the baby's tummy to reduce spastic contractions of the intestines. Can do warm bath, and putting to bed, turn on quiet music or sing a lullaby to the baby.

Give your baby a tummy massage (stroke clockwise). You can use any baby oil for massage or special oil from colic. WELEDA Baby Bloating Oil is specially designed for a gentle preventative massage to help prevent bloating. If the baby already feels discomfort, with the help of a stomach massage, you can quickly cope with colic. natural essential oils, which are contained in given oil WELADA, improve digestion processes and help reduce gas formation in the intestines.

"Dill water" will help - this is the best and most harmless remedy for flatulence in a baby. It is necessary to give one tablespoon of this water about three to six times a day.
There are no contraindications. Sold in pharmacies.
But you can also cook at home: brew 2 teaspoons of dill seed with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour (it should be noted that this is a completely different remedy that cannot be compared in effectiveness with pharmacy dill water).

Lay your baby on your tummy more often!

With bloating in children, the exercise "Bicycle" is excellent. Put the baby on the back and alternately bend and unbend one or the other leg, pulling them to the chest - as if the baby is riding a bicycle. According to the experience of many mothers, the "bicycle" helps with colic in the tummy.

If the child is breastfed, limit or exclude dairy and gas-forming products in the mother's diet - cabbage, especially sauerkraut, onions, tomatoes, apples, pears, watermelons, mushrooms, black bread, kvass, etc. If your baby is on breastfeeding it's much simpler: make sure the baby is properly attached to the breast and let him suck for as long as he wants - and this alone can solve all problems.

If the mother does not like cow's milk and rarely drank it before pregnancy, or nausea, flatulence, and loose stools appeared after it, then it is better to replace milk with fermented milk products during breastfeeding.

If breast milk is not enough, and you are forced to supplement the baby with a mixture if your baby was born a little prematurely, if the birth was difficult - these reasons, unfortunately, can contribute to the occurrence of more pronounced and frequent colic. Frequent change weather can exacerbate the symptoms of intestinal colic.

In pediatrics for the treatment of functional intestinal colic and relief pain syndrome at infants apply the following measures:

* To relieve pain at the time of colic, they are used sequentially (each subsequent action in the absence of the effect of the previous one): heat, a change in position, as well as mechanical means - a gas tube or an enema.

* With a preventive purpose, the background use of carminative and mild antispasmodic drugs based on plant materials is advisable. The best results are shown by the use of PLANTEX tea, which contains fennel fruits, its essential oils and lactose.

Fennel fruits and essential oils stimulate digestion by increasing the secretion of gastric juice and increasing intestinal motility, so food is quickly broken down and absorbed. The active substances of the drug prevent the accumulation of gases and contribute to their better discharge.

If the baby is receiving formula, then you should check if they are bred correctly. It is recommended to choose soy-based formulas that do not contain iron or cow's milk, it is good to include in the child's diet fermented milk mixtures- about 1/3 of the total daily amount.

If the nutritional correction is not successful within 3 to 5 days, the child should be added drug preparation- emulsion "Espumizan" of the German company "Berlin-Chemie". Espumizan is available without a prescription, as it is safe drug. It is not absorbed in the intestines and does not affect the body as a whole. Its action lies in the fact that, by destroying the shell of gas bubbles formed in the intestine, espumizan prevents stretching of the intestinal wall and the development of pain. On the other hand, the discharge of gases is facilitated, their accumulation and bloating are reduced. The effect of the drug is usually noted on the 3rd - 5th day of treatment, depending on the severity of intestinal colic.

No effect from drug therapy within 7 days indicates the presence of another bowel disease, in which intestinal colic is only one of the manifestations. This is a reason to consult a doctor, since without examination and treatment of the underlying disease, the above measures will not lead to success.

And further. All types of treatment should be combined, gradually adding them and choosing, focusing on the reaction of the child. Don't expect immediate results. Treatment of the first variant of intestinal infantile colic usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. In the second option, the treatment lasts from 3 - 4 to 8 weeks and is always carried out under medical supervision.

What can parents do to help their child? First of all, calm down. Releasing psychological stress and creating an aura of confidence helps to reduce pain. The kid should feel that you are not afraid of anything and will definitely help him.

In order to pediatrician it was easier to understand this situation, you should answer next questions:

* when colic occurs: before or after feeding (this will allow you to correctly choose the most comfortable position for the child and clearly know at what time it is better to give drugs that relieve pain attack);

* the duration of colic in time and their increase during the day;

* time of the most severe colic - morning, evening, night. Is it always the same clock? Reaction to the weather;

* type of feeding (breastfeeding; artificial mixtures, which).

Children are our joy, but sometimes the state of their health becomes a cause of anxiety and sleepless nights. What to do, for example, if, once approaching crying baby, did you feel a stomach hard as a stone? situations that cause similar condition, a bunch of. Some require urgent medical attention, while others can be “fighted” at home.

In this article, we will look at why newborns have a hard stomach from time to time and what to do in such cases.

Why does the stomach get hard?

In the abdominal cavity, as in all other organs, there are nerve endings. Their damage (irritation) just causes the occurrence of pain and tension in the abdominal muscles, only in each situation there are own development mechanisms. In children, including a newborn, the tummy may harden due to:

  1. Peritoneal irritation. Pain and tightness in the epigastric region appears due to inflammation occurring inside one of the organs. The exact localization of pain is not always determined, but medical assistance necessary. This happens, for example, with peritonitis.
  2. Muscle spasm of the peritoneum. Muscles spasm when psychological stress or diseases internal organs. The one to whom the appendix was cut out knows firsthand about spastic pains. In medicine, this condition is called protective tension in the abdominal muscles.
  3. Reflex tension of muscle fibers. This is the same spasm that occurs reflexively to a certain stimulus: touching the stomach with cold hands, renal colic. But in infancy, the muscles spasm mainly due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract and provoking factors: air bubbles got into the intestines, the nursing mother ate a large amount of fermenting foods, etc.

Dangerous states

There are a number of diseases in which you should not hesitate to contact a doctor:

  1. Intestinal obstruction. characterized by partial or complete cessation the movement of the products of digestion through the intestines. Always accompanied by loud prolonged crying, an attempt to take a less painful position, vomiting, bloating and an excruciating desire to defecate are possible. If timely assistance is not provided, the intestines become necrotic.
  2. Peritonitis. The most dangerous state when the purulent contents of one of the organs enter the abdominal cavity. In addition to other signs of peritonitis, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are very painful on palpation and very tense. The condition is called "board symptom".
  3. . Inflammation of the appendix, characterized by a rapid rate of spread and tissue damage. It is difficult to diagnose it in infants, since they cannot yet indicate the place of pain and describe its nature. In children up to a year in 80% of cases complications occur in the form of peritonitis. Therefore, babies must be examined by a surgeon on the day they appear. acute pain And hard tummy.
  4. Hernia incarceration. In the presence of an umbilical (or inguinal) hernia, there is always a risk of infringement. If the pain spreads throughout the abdomen, the hernial sac is tense, and the hernia itself is not reduced, you need to act very quickly.

In addition to these diseases, such as volvulus of intestinal loops, hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, acute pancreatitis, pyloric stenosis, gastroenteritis and various abdominal injuries are considered dangerous.

How to help

Call immediately " ambulance", if the child, in addition to bloating and a hard tummy, has at least one of the following symptoms:

  • severe pain and crying continues more than an hour accompanied by constipation or diarrhea;
  • pain when touching the abdomen;
  • body temperature 38 o C or higher;
  • streaks of blood were found in the feces;
  • yellow-green vomit.

It is forbidden to give the child antispasmodics and antipyretics before the arrival of the ambulance. This complicates the diagnosis of the disease, and the lost time does not work in favor of the baby. Do not try to feed the baby: if he needs an operation, this will only complicate it.


Most often in infants, a hard abdomen is associated with bloating and colic, characteristic of this period. Almost all babies suffer from intestinal colic, starting from 2 weeks of age, and so on up to 3-4 months. The symptoms are easily identified. After feeding, after 20 minutes, the baby becomes capricious, blushes, cries plaintively, bringing the legs to the tummy. The umbilical region is tense.

You just need to survive colic, while helping the baby in all available ways.

This continues for an average of half an hour, then a break until next feeding. The second half of the day is usually more hectic, as the spasms increase as evening approaches. What can a mother do to alleviate the suffering of a child?

How to help

The principle of treatment of infantile colic is based on three pillars: calmness, warmth and reduction of gas formation.

  1. Calm yourself and calm the baby by taking him in your arms. The child does not have a pathology, there are no health problems, you just need to go through this period. Rocking in the arms, an affectionate conversation with the baby, the warmth of mother's hands and the sound of her heart beating - in some cases this is enough if the pain is not severe.
  2. Apply a warm, ironed diaper (not hot) to the tummy, or make warm bath, if possible, with decoctions of soothing herbs.
  3. Give the baby a massage. Lay it on your back or on your arm and gently massage your tummy in a clockwise direction. On the one hand, mother's warm hands act, on the other hand, peristalsis improves and gas accumulations slowly disappear.
  4. To remove gases from the intestines, special preparations based on simethicone were developed for the newborn: Infacol, Espumizan. Do not forget about the classic dill water, chamomile and fennel infusions.

In order to prevent the occurrence of colic, it is recommended to do the following techniques:

  • Place your baby on your stomach before feeding.
  • During meals, make sure that no air bubbles enter the gastrointestinal tract with milk or mixture. You should not hear smacking when swallowing. It may be necessary to change the position in case of breastfeeding, or buy a special bottle with an anti-colic valve.
  • After feeding, hold the baby upright so that air that accidentally enters the stomach can escape.


Another common cause of a hard tummy is constipation. They manifest themselves in stool retention. The baby does not defecate for 2-3 days, and the feces at the exit are solid, the baby groans, turns red and bends from pain.

There are safe remedies for elimination, however, in order to completely cure the baby, first you need to find the cause of the disease.

In medicine, there is also such a thing as physiological constipation in breastfed children, when, along with the absence of stool for 3 days, the child feels quite normal, and the defecation process itself does not cause difficulties. Such "going to the toilet" is considered the norm and a sign that breast milk almost completely absorbed by the body, without "waste production".

How to help

If help is still needed, you can put a glycerin suppository on the baby, a Microlax microclyster, or give drugs based on lactulose. But all these actions only temporarily eliminate constipation as a symptom. To fully cope with the problem, it is important to establish the causes of delayed bowel movements:

  • malnutrition of the mother;
  • imbalance of the intestinal microflora of the baby;
  • transition to another mixture, the beginning of complementary foods;
  • lack of fluid intake in the body;
  • diseases associated with neurology.

If you understand the cause of constipation, the treatment will be more effective and comprehensive.

So, a hard stomach may be the result of infantile colic or constipation, which is easy to treat, or it may indicate a disease that requires acceptance. urgent measures. Listen to your child. Any unusual crying against the background of seals in the tummy should alert. And do not be afraid to call an ambulance once again, even if this call turns out to be false. Remember: you are entrusted with someone else's life, which must be protected in every possible way.

When bloating occurs in a newborn, the tiny man cannot talk about his problem and screams until he turns red, jerking his legs. Mothers do not understand what is happening, they do not know how to calm the baby, whose whims sometimes last for hours and take away all his strength. However, bloating is considered normal for the baby as his intestines continue to form. Also, the body adapts to new conditions. By the 3rd month of life, the state of the tract usually stabilizes.

Why does flatulence develop?

Bloating is associated with increased gas formation, the medical name for which is flatulence. There are several reasons for the rejection.

  1. Swallowing air during feeding. Excess air accumulates in the digestive system, and the baby tries to get rid of them by spitting up. In some cases, this process releases back a large number of milk or mixture. To prevent regurgitation and bloating, hold the baby in a “column” for 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. Errors in the diet of a nursing mother. Sometimes women do not stand up and eat food that provokes gas formation in the baby. For the period of GW, pears, cabbage, radishes, and legumes become forbidden foods.
  3. lactase deficiency. Lactose enzyme deficiency prevents babies under the age of one year from digesting mother's milk normally. The problem is solved by transferring the baby to adapted mixture.
  4. Infection of the gastrointestinal tract with Escherichia coli. The baby could get pathogenic microflora in the maternity hospital, children's hospital or at home.

Reactions of the newborn to bloating

Usually swelling of the tummy occurs in the evening. Some time after feeding, the baby begins to worry and scream. Trying to get rid of swelling, he twists his legs, pulls them up to his stomach and blushes from unsuccessful attempts. The abdomen is rounded and enlarged. It feels solid to the touch.

Attacks of intestinal colic are measured in minutes and even hours. Relief comes after emptying or release of gas. The agony of the baby is unbearable, so parents should do everything possible to fast elimination discomfort.

With flatulence in a newborn, pediatrician Komarovsky recommends installing a gas outlet tube. The child is placed on the left side or back, the anal area is lubricated with petroleum jelly and the device is slowly inserted no more than 5 cm. The gas will soon come out.

How to eliminate bloating without medication

You can save a newborn from pain with a warm diaper. The thing is ironed and applied to the baby's stomach during an attack. Heat relaxes the body and has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas. Instead of a diaper on the tummy, you can put mother's hand or put the baby himself on the mother's or father's stomach.

home treatment a newborn from bloating is carried out in a different way.

  • Gymnastics. Tension in the intestines perfectly relieves the exercise "Bicycle". The baby is simply alternately bent and unbent legs, pulling them to the stomach.
  • Light massage. Manipulation is carried out warm hands confident movements, but without pressure. Stroking should be done around the navel in a clockwise direction.
  • Wearing on hand. Parents carry the baby upright, allowing him to tighten his legs and hugging him. The second option is the horizontal position of the newborn on the mother's hand, in which the baby lies on the tummy.

Medical help for bloating

If flatulence cannot be eliminated, parents should consult a doctor. The pediatrician will tell you which medicines are best to give the baby and what to do to prevent bloating. Usually babies are prescribed:

  1. Probiotics. The preparations of this group correct the ratio of the intestinal flora, the imbalance of which leads to dysbacteriosis. The disease is diagnosed by the responses of the analysis of feces. For safety net, probiotics are not given to children.
  2. Antispasmodic and carminative drugs with simethicone. Medicines stop the pain and provoke the rupture of gas bubbles that fill the intestines.
  3. Prokinetics. These drugs are prescribed for constipation to improve intestinal motility, the weakness of which is due to the immaturity of the central nervous system.
  4. Enzymes. Means make up for the deficiency of substances that distort the digestive processes. With lactase deficiency, babies are prescribed the enzyme lactase.

Phytopreparations for newborns should contain fennel, cumin, dill seed, chamomile, anise. They are produced in the form of oils, granules and drops. At home, mothers can make decoctions and infusions on their own from dry grass.

Our expert comments

  1. While the baby is breastfeeding, the mother will have to give up foods that cause bloating. These are nuts, eggs, mushrooms, sweets, black bread, muffins, whole cow's milk, carbonated drinks and water.
  2. If the baby's stomach often swells, give him relaxing baths with string and chamomile.
  3. For bottle feeding, buy nipples that mimic female breast. So the baby will not swallow air.

If flatulence is not treated, examine the child for intestinal obstruction, colitis, dysbacteriosis, or enteritis. Bloating is a symptom of these diseases.

A famous doctor explains about colic in a baby


How to help a newborn baby with bloating?

The baby cries loudly, it is impossible to calm him down with caress or toys. A common cause of this phenomenon is bloating in newborns. How can you play and laugh if gases are bursting from the inside, which cause severe pain? Adults know that you need to endure only a few months, then the digestive system will get stronger and everything will pass, but how to explain this to the baby? The problem will be completely solved only with age, and now parents should do everything possible to protect the child from suffering.

Why is the tummy bloated?

The baby was born, and his whole body is now forced to adapt to new conditions. The stomach will have to learn to accept and assimilate food, the intestines need to do an unusual job - to push feces and gases out. All this cannot happen in one day, so the first time the baby is worried about digestive problems. It is especially difficult for newborns, whom a woman cannot breastfeed. No amount of the best scientific development can create a mixture that is as pleasant for the baby's tummy as mother's milk.

The intestines struggle to push through the processed food. Lumps often get stuck, clog the narrow passage, and the gases cannot get out. In a child, everything is so miniature that even a small bubble exerts a sensitive pressure, the baby hurts, he screams. The imperfection of the digestive system is not the only cause of gases, and a caring mother must eliminate all other causes of pain in the child's tummy.

  • While eating, the baby swallows air. Do not let him suckle greedily, and after eating, hold him in an upright position.
  • The baby does not absorb mother's milk well, in such cases, newborns have to be transferred to artificial feeding. If the cause is the wrong formula, try another baby food.
  • Mom is too fond of peas, beans, radishes, radishes and other foods that cause a lot of gas. Avoid these foods while breastfeeding.

Be sure to tell your pediatrician about this problem so that he can rule out a serious illness that requires urgent treatment. It can be an infection or a pathology requiring surgical intervention. Perhaps, to improve digestion, he needs special drops or lactobacilli, but only a specialist should prescribe them.

Help a crying baby

You can’t be careless about the baby’s crying, be sure to figure out if his colic is bothering him or he screams for other reasons. Untie the baby and look at his posture. With swollen intestines, he randomly moves his legs, trying to bend them to his chest. Sometimes the baby tenses, blushes, as if he is going to poop. The abdomen swells and becomes hard. Usually, gases do not torment the child for a whole day, he feels good for a long time, plays, communicates with mom and dad, and only some time after eating, pain and crying begin. If this is not the first time this has happened and you are convinced that the baby has ordinary gassies, try to help him. First, try using the treatment of folk remedies:

  • put heat on the stomach;
  • give dill water;
  • put a gas outlet pipe;
  • massage around the navel in a clockwise direction;
  • more often let him lie on his tummy.

Do not forget that the quality of breast milk is affected not only by the mother's diet, but also by her mood. Avoid unpleasant and conflict situations, do not fall into hysterics if your sworn friend starts gossiping that she saw your husband in the company of some beauty, do not listen to stories that will cause you a storm of emotions. The most important thing now is the child's health, other problems can wait a few months.

If alternative treatment does not help, you will have to use medications. Pharmacy employees do not have the right to diagnose and recommend pills or drops, but they constantly violate this rule. Do not listen to pharmacists, consult a pediatrician who knows your child well. The doctor may recommend "Bobotik" or "Espumizan" for gases, "No-shpu" or "Drotaverine" to relieve spasms, or other means.

Do not forget that bloating in a newborn will only increase if the baby is nervous. Take it in your arms, warm the swollen tummy with your warmth. Swing and gently talk to the baby, sing a song to him. He already understands a lot, knows that mom can protect from all adversity. The baby will feel completely safe, calm and relaxed. When the intestines are not tense, gases will be able to pass out of it.

If you ask for dill water in a pharmacy, they will give you a solution of fennel oil or Plantex. There is nothing wrong with these remedies, but it is better to prepare the infusion yourself. You will invest in the composition of your love for the baby, the good energy of your hands and get a real miraculous elixir that quickly relieves bloating in newborns. To prepare the medicine, we will need not the plant that we used to put in soups and marinades, but fennel, which is also called pharmacy dill.

Fennel seeds can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it is better to grow them yourself or buy from those who grow medicinal plants in summer cottages. Pour 3 g of seeds with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and strain. This infusion has many healing properties, but now we are interested in its effect on the intestines of a newborn. When taken, spasms relax, blood supply to the intestines improves, inflammation is removed and constipation disappears.

How much water can be given to the baby depends on his age, without the advice of a pediatrician, it is better not to start treatment. But you yourself can drink half a glass of the composition 30 minutes before feeding. There will be more milk, and it will be enriched with healing components. After such a “dinner”, the child is unlikely to be disturbed by gases, he will fall asleep calmly.

Even during pregnancy, young mothers need to prepare for the fact that the baby will bring not only joy, but also problems. Almost everyone has gone through bloating in newborns, and you and your baby will do everything to overcome this difficulty. Be patient, try different ways, determine what treatment works best for the baby. Do not rely only on drugs and doctor's recommendations, do not forget that the most potent medicine is mother's love and affection.

The most beloved and long-awaited child was born, and with it OVERWEIGHT. But worries about the child do not leave time either for themselves or for gyms. And most diets can have dangerous consequences for both mom and baby.

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What to do with bloating in a newborn

Young parents often face indigestion in their baby, which is accompanied by colic and bloating. It is important to know the causes of these problems and how to treat them.

Bloating in newborns is almost always the same:

  • the child often cries, pulling his legs to his chest;
  • the abdomen is swollen due to gases;
  • the tummy is hard to the touch;
  • gases can escape;
  • the baby often spit up;
  • bouts of bloating appear half an hour after feeding.


Bloating is formed due to increased gas formation, that is, flatulence. The reasons for the appearance are as follows:

  1. During feeding, the baby swallows air. It accumulates in the digestive system. The baby, spitting up, tries to get rid of excess air and thereby returns the remnants of food.
  2. Mom's non-compliance with the diet. It happens that lactating women sometimes eat foods that are prohibited during the feeding period. It is necessary to know from which products the belly of a newborn swells.
  3. Lactase enzyme deficiency. Sometimes a baby simply cannot digest mother's milk.
  4. Escherichia coli. Gastrointestinal upset can occur due to infection.

How to eliminate

If the baby has colic and bloating, you need to do the following:

  1. You should take the baby in your arms and try to calm him down. Doctors recommend taking young children in your arms as often as possible, since contact with the mother is very important in early age.
  2. You need to massage the baby's tummy. To do this, gently stroke the stomach with your palm in a clockwise direction.
  3. Such massotherapy it is advisable to alternate with bending the legs of the child. They are slowly raised to the stomach and lowered so that the gases quickly descend through the intestines.
  4. A warm heating pad that parents should put on the baby's tummy helps to eliminate bloating. The heating pad can be replaced with a warm diaper.
  5. If the baby loves to swim, you can prepare a bath for him. Infusions give a good sedative effect medicinal herbs that can be added to water. First of all, it is a string and chamomile.
  6. Your pediatrician may prescribe medications to help with bloating and colic.
  7. good effect gives "dill water". It relieves symptoms and calms the child.
  8. You can do the following: put the baby on the tummy, bend the legs and insert a cotton swab soaked in vaseline into his anus for 1-2 cm.


If it is impossible to get rid of bloating in the usual ways, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor will tell you what to do with severe bloating in newborns, and prescribe treatment, which consists in taking the following drugs:

  1. Probiotics. They correct the intestinal flora and prevent dysbacteriosis. These medicines are prescribed only on the basis of a stool test, so they cannot be given to a child on their own.
  2. Prokinetics. Medicines are needed if the child has constipation. Prokinetics effectively improve peristalsis.
  3. Carminatives or antispasmodics. They eliminate pain and reduce the number of gas bubbles in the abdomen. This allows you to alleviate the condition of the baby and eliminate flatulence.
  4. Enzymes. These funds are required to fill the deficiency of substances that interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive tract.


In order for the baby not to have problems with digestion, parents need to know to follow a few rules:

  1. Before feeding a newborn, it must be briefly placed on the tummy.
  2. Abdominal massage should be done as often as possible.
  3. During feeding, the child should not be distracted, since it is at such moments that he swallows air.
  4. You need to swaddle the baby freely so that he can move his legs, bending and unbending them. This will help more gases to come out on their own.
  5. The mother of a newborn needs to follow proper nutrition.
  6. It is possible that the whole thing is in the mixture, so you need to choose the most suitable one.

Dill water

This is the cure for young mothers often used to treat bloating and colic in newborns. You can cook it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. The composition of purchased water includes a solution of fennel oil, dill and anise. This medicine has a lot of advantages, it:

  • relaxes spasms of smooth muscles;
  • cleanses the body;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces pressure on the intestinal walls;
  • improves appetite;
  • copes well with constipation.

If it was not possible to find a remedy in a pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take 1 tsp. dry crushed fennel seeds and pour 250 ml hot water. Insist 1 hour. After this, the medicine can be added in 1 tsp. into formula or expressed milk and give to baby.

Very young children under the age of 1-2 months can drip 10-15 drops of water on the tongue. You can store the home-made remedy for no more than a day. Dill water can also be taken by mom 150 ml half an hour before feeding. It will improve the composition of milk, increase its quantity, and you can not give medicine to the child. Important: fennel seeds can be replaced with dill seeds.


The foods that a nursing mother consumes affect the health of a newborn baby. Therefore, it is necessary that she adhere to a diet and refuse junk food for the duration of feeding. This list includes:

  • coffee, alcohol;
  • spicy seasonings and sauces;
  • various canned food, smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • black bread;
  • green apples;
  • kefir;
  • nuts;
  • sauerkraut;
  • undercooked meat.

A nursing mother must definitely make her diet so that the baby does not have bloating and colic. The menu should include a variety of products containing required amount fats, proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, it is important to monitor the number of calories a mother consumes. On average, you need 4000 kcal. It may be more or less, but extremes should not be allowed.

If the food is too lean, it will affect the fat content of breast milk. Therefore, the child will not eat. Important: pediatricians recommend that nursing mothers include bananas, mashed potatoes and dried apricots in their diet. These products have a calming effect on digestive tract newborn, relieving him of bloating.

And you can prevent the appearance of intestinal colic with the help of ordinary prunes. But you need to eat it a little so that the baby does not have allergies. Breastfeeding mothers need to drink plenty of fluids. Be sure to drink milk clean water, as well as weak tea.

Food should be steamed or boiled, as a large amount of fried food negatively affects the baby's intestines.

In the first months of life, a child often has digestive problems, especially if the mother does not adhere to the rules of feeding or the mixture is not chosen correctly. But by 5-6 months, babies outgrow the problems of bloating, everything is normal. If this does not happen, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.


Bloating in newborns

  • Bloating: symptoms
  • Colic: a mysterious syndrome
  • Treatment

In the hospital, your baby behaved almost perfectly: he slept peacefully, calmly, as a baby should, periodically waking up to refresh himself. But two weeks have passed since you returned home, and then terrible sleepless nights and weekdays begin, filled with the piercing cry of a child. And the fault is bloating in newborns or intestinal colic.

Is there any way to avoid such a problem? If not, how can you make yourself feel better? baby? And what medicines should be in every first-aid kit of a newborn?

Bloating: symptoms

The picture of bloating in newborns is familiar to almost all parents:

  • the baby cries helplessly, pulling the legs to the chest, while the arms and legs are trembling;
  • the tummy is swollen from the accumulation of gases in it, so outwardly it seems that it is large, hard to the touch;
  • discharge of gaziki and frequent belching is possible;
  • spasms and bloating are paroxysmal in nature, occurring most often half an hour after feeding.

Bloating brings a lot of suffering to the baby, as the accumulated gases irritate the intestinal walls.

Colic: a mysterious syndrome

big tummy, towering due to excessive gas formation, does not necessarily mean that the child is seriously ill. The most common cause of crying in babies is intestinal colic. And according to statistics, infant colic is characterized as a behavioral syndrome that occurs in a third of children, and 95% of these babies are absolutely healthy.

Surprisingly, medicine still cannot name the exact causes of intestinal colic, and there is no adequate effective treatment for them.

For colic, the “rule of three” applies:

  • they appear in the third week of life;
  • the attack lasts about 3 hours in a row;
  • disappear without a trace after three months.

However, bloating in a newborn may be associated with other causes. With which?


Digestive immaturity

With birth, the baby begins to feed through the mouth, and not through the umbilical cord. In addition, the intestines are gradually populated with beneficial microflora, and its composition changes periodically. The gastrointestinal tract "learns" to empty the bowels regularly and get rid of the accumulation of gases.

Violation of the diet of a nursing mother

The situation can be aggravated by the adoption by the mother of products that provoke the development of fermentation processes and an increase in gas formation. If a mother eats white cabbage, black bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, the risk of getting a big swollen tummy increases.

There are products with the reception of which it is better to wait for a new mother
lactase deficiency

A condition in which the digestive system is deficient in lactase, the enzyme responsible for digesting the milk sugar lactose. It is worth noting that the disease is rare, so do not hastily abandon breastfeeding before the diagnosis is finally confirmed.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Reflux disease is not actually associated with bloating, but may be the cause. frequent regurgitation and restless behavior of the infant. The essence of the phenomenon is that due to the anatomical location of the stomach and esophagus in a newborn, food and hydrochloric acid are thrown from the stomach into the esophagus through the sphincter. Parents need to know about this in order to show the baby to the doctor in time if frequent and painful regurgitation occurs.


On this point, the opinions of pediatricians differ radically. Some argue that there is no such thing as dysbacteriosis at all. However, it cannot be disputed that if the mother took antibiotics after childbirth, which entered the child's digestive tract with breast milk, the intensity of colic and abdominal pain increases. Probably the balance of intestinal microflora plays an important role in digestion.

In the process of feeding, there is a high probability that the child swallows air
Swallowing air with food

A big problem is getting air bubbles into the gastrointestinal tract during feeding. If the baby is breastfed, swallowing air occurs when improper application to the breast when he does not completely capture the nipple, with a strong flow of milk, or if the baby is an ordinary greedy, who believes that you need to eat everything at once. Bottle feeding is also fraught with the adoption of air cocktails. In both cases, in the process of eating, smacking and other extraneous sounds should not be heard.

Immaturity of the nervous system

Sometimes it is possible to calm the baby using only psychological influence: contact with the mother, carrying a newborn in her arms, or being distracted by the sound of flowing water. Hence the hypothesis of painful sensations at the level emotional instability. It has also been proven that the mother, who is in depressed state, is able to transfer stress hormones to the baby with milk, which can also provoke stomach pain.

Allergy to milk protein

IN this case flatulence and soreness will be accompanied by skin rashes and diarrhea. Squirrels cow's milk can get to the baby if the nursing mother consumes dairy products, or during complementary foods.

Intestinal infection and enterocolitis

In addition to swelling and painful palpation, intestinal infection always accompanied by diarrhea and fever. If they were discovered similar symptoms you should definitely call a doctor.


Treatment will largely depend on the condition of the baby and the cause of flatulence. Medicines are usually given when other methods fail. What are the ways to reduce bloating?

Correction of digestion without medicine

First you need to figure out whether we are dealing with a disease or a condition that is common for the infantile period. Therefore, before you sound the alarm, answer the following questions:

  1. Does the child have diarrhea, constipation, profuse gushing regurgitation?
  2. Does the pain appear regardless of feeding, or is it somehow related to eating?
  3. Is body temperature elevated?
  4. Are there any changes in skin color?

If you answered no to all questions, you can try to cope with flatulence at home with the help of folk methods, namely:

  1. During seizures, apply a warm diaper, heating pad or mother's hand to the baby's tummy, take a warm bath with decoctions of chamomile or lavender.
  2. Massage the tummy in the navel in a clockwise direction. This improves peristalsis and gas passage.
  3. To prevent air from entering the stomach, select correct posture for feeding. If your baby suckles greedily, try shortening the interval between feedings.
  4. If the baby is bottle-fed, do not change the mixture unnecessarily. Children do not tolerate such changes very well. Make sure the nipple on the bottle is appropriate for the age of the baby, it does not let air in, and the formula flow is not too fast.
  5. Adjust your own diet. To avoid fermentation in the stomach of a baby, do not eat fresh or sauerkraut, tomatoes, raw apples, pears, do not drink kvass and carbonated drinks.
  6. Before feeding, lay the baby on the tummy. This not only enhances intestinal motility, but also strengthens the back muscles.
  7. Do gymnastic exercises such as raising and lowering your legs to the sides, pedaling a bicycle. Important conditions for charging: the baby must be in good mood, exercise should not be done immediately after eating.
  8. After feeding, carry the baby in a column until all excess air has passed.
  9. If the swelling is too painful, help the baby by inserting vent pipe V anus. This mechanically promotes the release of accumulated gases.

Toddlers love to lie on their stomachs, especially if they are being massaged at this time.

Medical correction

Pharmaceutical companies have released a lot of drugs that help get rid of colic and bloating. And although there is no universal cure, through trial and error, you can choose for yourself the remedy that will be effective in your case.

Fennel-based preparations

This group includes the well-known dill water, which can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook at home (a teaspoon of dill is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for about an hour; give a teaspoon after each feeding). Based on fennel, there are also modern facilities in the form of powders, emulsions and granular teas. These include Plantex, Baby Calm, Bebinos.


The remedy, although of chemical origin, does not have any effect on the body. negative impact. But simethicone reliably captures gaziki and accelerates their removal to the outside. Outstanding representatives: Espumizan, Infakol, Sub Simplex. Remember that if the solution is an emulsion, the bottle must be thoroughly shaken before each use.

Espumizan in suspension is absolutely safe for newborns.

The action of probiotic preparations is aimed at restoring the balance of the intestinal microflora, especially if an antibiotic was previously taken by a child or his nursing mother. Infants are prescribed drugs such as Linex, Bifiform baby, BioGaya. If the medicine is available in the form of capsules, then for use by infants, the contents are poured into a spoon and given pre-diluted with water.

As you can see, not a single child is immune from colic and bloating. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home, after prior consultation with a pediatrician. We wish you a successful experience given period and help your child.

Flatulence in a baby is a serious test for his parents. Because of the pain in the tummy, the child cries, refuses to eat and cannot sleep properly. Let's figure out why there is bloating in the crumbs, and what is its treatment.

The essence of the problem

Gas formation in the intestines is a physiological process. A small amount of air enters the gastrointestinal tract with food, then nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other substances released during the digestion of products are added to it. Normally, gases are gradually absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted with feces. But if there are too many of them or the exit is difficult, then bloating (flatulence) occurs.

Babies under 6 months of age are most susceptible to it, since their microflora and enzyme system are just being formed, and intestinal motility is not always coordinated. Food is not completely digested, bacteria multiply in its remains, triggering the processes of decay and fermentation. Counter waves and spasms occur in the intestines, preventing gases from escaping naturally. Due to the sensitivity of nerve fibers with increased formation of gas in infants, severe pain occurs.

Flatulence in a baby is accompanied by:

  1. inconsolable crying
  2. bloating
  3. pulling up the legs, arching the back
  4. refusal of food
  5. restless sleep

The condition instantly improves after the gases leave. Do not be afraid if farting is accompanied bad smell. The characteristic aroma is the result of intestinal bacteria.

In addition to the physiological immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, the causes of flatulence in infants are:

  1. nutritional problems
  2. excessive swallowing of air
  3. overheat
  4. lactase deficiency and dysbacteriosis

Nutrition problems

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky believes that flatulence in an infant most often occurs due to overfeeding: "excess" food remains undigested, and fermentation begins. How to avoid overeating?

  1. do not put the baby to the chest more often than once every two hours, and do not make long intervals between meals, otherwise he will get hungry and overeat, optimal break- 2-3 hours
  2. do not feed for more than 15 minutes
  3. give an adapted mixture, strictly adhering to age norms
  4. do not make the mixture thicker than indicated in the recipe

The second factor that provokes bloating is the diet of a nursing mother, or rather, the presence in it of products that cause flatulence. Among them: legumes, soybeans, peanuts, whole milk, raw vegetables and fruits, especially with peel, coffee, factory sweets.

A lot of gases will also be formed if the baby receives an excess of foremilk saturated with sugar (lactose), which is a fertile environment for the reproduction of bacteria. You can solve this problem by expressing some milk before feeding and offering one breast during one meal.

In "artificial" problems with the tummy are associated with the wrong selection of the mixture. Baby food each brand has its own characteristics, so it's worth a try various mixtures: standard, hypoallergenic, fermented milk.

Swallowing air

The ingestion of a large volume of air into the child's gastrointestinal tract along with food will lead to bloating of the intestines. Why might this be happening?

  1. the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly - takes only the tip into the mouth, without the areola
  2. the hole in the nipple from the bottle is very large, and the food flows in a plentiful stream, it is easy to check the correct size of the hole - when the bottle is turned over, the mixture should not flow out, but drip
  3. the child is fed in a horizontal position, but it is necessary that his head be above the legs
  4. adults hold the feeding bottle incorrectly - there is not only mixture in the nipple, but also air
  5. mother rarely offers breasts to the baby, a lot of milk is released, as a result of which the child “chokes”, this can be avoided by taking reasonable breaks between feedings and expressing milk before meals

After the meal, the baby needs to be held vertically for 10-15 minutes, pressing his tummy to his chest. This will give him the opportunity to burp air along with excess food.


Dry and hot air in the room, clothes that are not suitable for the season, lack of drinking - all this leads to overheating of the baby and the loss of fluid along with sweat and breath. As a result, the juice in the intestine becomes thick and cannot digest food. It rots and gases form. To avoid this, Dr. E.O. Komarovsky advises:

  1. normalize the air parameters in the children's room - the temperature should be 18-22º C, and the humidity - 50-70%
  2. dress the child according to the weather
  3. solder it clean water in case of extreme heat

Lactase deficiency and dysbacteriosis

Flatulence may be the result of such disorders in the digestive system as lactase deficiency and dysbacteriosis.

In the first case, bloating is caused by a lack of an enzyme in the baby that is responsible for the absorption of milk sugar. Other symptoms of this condition are underweight and watery stool with foam. Treatment of lactase deficiency is to exclude dairy products from the mother's diet or switch to a lactose-free mixture. In severe cases, the enzyme lactase is required.

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the proportion of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal microflora. It can be the result of an infection, antibiotics, food allergies. Signs of dysbacteriosis in a child - green chair with mucus, flatulence, profuse regurgitation, rash on the body. His treatment consists of dietary modification and probiotics.

Physical methods of assistance

What to do if the baby is crying due to accumulated gases? To begin with, try to facilitate the passage of gases by physical methods:

  1. put the baby on the tummy for a few minutes
  2. warm the stomach with a warm diaper or your warmth (put the crumbs against your chest or stomach)
  3. do a massage - move your palm around the navel clockwise
  4. depict a "bicycle" - bend and unbend the legs at the knees, pressing them to the tummy

If this does not help, then you can put a gas outlet tube. Before the first use, it should be boiled, then thoroughly washed with soap and water. The end of the glass tube should be lubricated with petroleum jelly and inserted into the anus of the baby lying on his left side. Insertion depth - 3-4 cm, rotational and translational movements but no effort.

After insertion of the tube, the baby will fart, and bloating stomach will pass. But you don't have to do it all the time. It is more important to understand the causes of flatulence and eliminate them.

Medicines and herbal medicines

With inefficiency physical methods bloating in a baby can be treated with the power of herbal preparations and medicines.

The most popular herbal remedies are decoctions of chamomile, dill, fennel, mint, which have carminative properties. You can do them yourself. Many mothers note that after their use, the gas in the child disappears. Although Komarovsky believes that the secret of success dill water lies not in the dill seeds, but in the very fact of drinking a liquid that makes the intestinal juice less thick.

Among the medicines, the most popular drugs with simethicone (Espumizan, Sub Simplex) are defoamers that lead to the destruction of gas bubbles in the intestines and its natural excretion. They are not addictive, are not absorbed into the blood and can be used for a long time.

Also, products consisting of their extracts have proven themselves well. medicinal plants, for example, "Bebinos", "Baby Calm". They have a carminative and analgesic effect. But you need to be careful with them, because phytocomponents can cause allergies in the baby.

Treatment with any pharmacological drugs and folk recipes should be agreed with the doctor.

There are many ways by which you can alleviate the condition of the baby with bloating. But it should be remembered that flatulence is not a disease, but one of the manifestations of trouble in the body of the crumbs. Therefore, before treating a child for gases, it is necessary to find out their cause. Most often, it lies in violation of the diet of the baby. Most effective ways bloating prevention - abdominal massage, which should be done before each feeding, swimming and fitball exercises.

In video medical worker shows how to properly place a gas outlet tube for a baby.