How to weave a wreath on the head of flowers. Wreath of rose buds. Composition of limonium and ruscus

Once upon a time, fresh flowers were the only available decoration for girls. Wreaths were woven from them, which were worn during holidays and ceremonies. Weaving wreaths in those days was a needlework school for young girls. Subsequently, he gave them the opportunity to more successfully master the science of knitting, sewing, weaving, embroidery and weaving.

By the end of the last century, only one of the ancient traditions remained - a ceremony with flower wreaths on But sometimes the well-forgotten old still returns to our lives. This is what happened with the wreaths. Everything today more women and girls prefer to decorate their hair with flowers, which makes them more feminine and cute. A wreath of flowers on the head is gradually gaining a leading place in wedding fashion. Decorations from famous florists are expensive, but what bride would refuse on the main day of her life from a pretty multi-colored wreath that brightly emphasizes her charming image! Sometimes the wedding dress code involves the presence of all women and girls in dresses and flower wreaths at the event.

Do-it-yourself wreath of flowers on the head

You will need:

  • Natural flowers;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors,
  • wire cutters;
  • two pieces of green wire.

Step 1

Measure the circumference of your head and cut the wire with wire cutters. Do not forget to add 2-3 centimeters of allowances for loops to the length. Make loops at both ends of the wire.

Step 2

Choose fresh fresh flowers. Cut them up.

Step 3

Attach flowers one at a time to the base wire, wrapping around the second piece of wire. Weave them almost to the end.

Toward the end of the wreath, weave the flowers in the opposite direction. Make the transition as seamless as possible.

Step 5

To make a wreath of flowers on your head look prettier and better fixed, thread ribbons of the required length into the loops. Tie them already when trying on. Everything, the wreath is ready!

Note: how to make a wreath of artificial flowers

If the idea of ​​creating this beautiful decoration was to your liking and you really want (or really need) to make a similar decoration from artificial flowers, then you should think in advance in what style the wreath will be made, what flowers it should consist of, how many of them will be needed. Also decide on the material of the flowers themselves. They can be paper, fabric or fashioned. It is possible to master the manufacture of artificial flowers on your own, but it will take a lot of time. Therefore, as an option, look for the necessary blanks in hand-made stores or order a master florist.

How to make a head wreath with artificial flowers? Just like from living ones, only a little faster, because their stems are usually made of wire, which means it will be easier to bend and take desired shape. In addition, it will not be difficult for you to weave smaller inflorescences and various leaves between large flowers. A wreath from this - and, accordingly, your image - will only benefit. A little advice: Do not mix pastels and pure colors in this decoration. It is better to make a wreath of flowers on the head or delicate pastel shades, or use only bright colors to create it.

A beautiful flower wreath on the girl's head evokes the idea of ​​river nymphs and fairies. This simple, but at the same time, magical accessory has become wildly popular in Lately, and without it, not a single friendly party in nature takes place. Knowledge of how to weave a wreath came to us from ancient times, but is still relevant today.

Flower wreath - magical decoration

Weaving flower wreaths is a whole art. Since ancient times, girls have adorned their heads with this unusual but affordable accessory. And there was a whole science of how to weave a wreath of flowers. A certain set of different types of flowers in the correct order could give its owner happiness in family life, well-being, love or health.

Not a single ceremony or festival could do without a ritual decoration of flowers. They were hung on the door as a talisman, put on women in labor to ease contractions and prevent the evil eye. It was especially important to know how to weave wreaths for Ivan Kupala. Such an accessory was considered powerful tool against evil spirits, capable of protecting their mistress. This is due to the fact that wormwood was woven into the decoration, which, according to legend, has magical properties.

Strong protective amulet

In ancient times, it was believed that any object with a hole denotes a sacred feminine and is a symbol of feminine nature and the birth of life. Strong amulets there were not only flower wreaths, but also rings, rolls, hoops and stones with natural holes, called the chicken god. Such objects were credited with the ability to scare away misfortune and illness, remove the evil eye and negativity, disgusting to a person. These were the most accessible amulets that any woman or girl could create, you just needed to know how to weave a wreath of flowers in order to get desired result. They were used to decorate homes and pets, thereby increasing positive energy, fertility and prosperity.

Wreath for Ivan Kupala

Weaving jewelry for this holiday was quite important, because it was not only a protective amulet, but also a way to find out your fate. Wild flowers were collected for him, such as chamomile, poppy, hops, wormwood, periwinkle, immortelle, cornflower, mint, yarrow and many others. It is important enough that 12 medicinal plants were used in a ritual object, only such a wreath could bring happiness.

After the celebration, they began the process of divination. To do this, they let wreaths with a lit candle into the river, and depending on how they floated, they interpreted all fortune-telling. For example, if the candle on the decoration quickly faded away, this foreshadowed trouble. If the wreath quickly floated with the flow, then this promised the girl an early marriage. The magical knowledge of how to weave wreaths for Ivan Kupala and how to tell fortunes for this holiday was passed down from generation to generation, and each region had its own customs of using this ritual object.

Pledge of happiness of the newlyweds

The wedding wreath has long been considered a symbol of the birth of a new life in Slavic peoples and was required attribute for newlyweds. The rite of exchange of wreaths between the bride and groom originated much earlier than the exchange of rings. Marriage jewelry was kept for a long time, sometimes for a lifetime. They were put in a prominent place or hidden in chests, sewn into the pillows of spouses and their children.

A periwinkle, which has always been a symbol, was necessarily woven into the wedding decoration. eternal love able to endure all adversity. Bird feathers were also woven, while wealthier newlyweds could afford to buy peacock feathers. The less affluent wove dyed green color chicken. Feathers symbolize lightness life together spouses, and the green color meant the beginning of a new life. The mystery of how to weave a wreath for a wedding has come down to our days. And now it is quite popular to use these attributes on modern wedding ceremonies in ethnic style.

Wildflowers - the main assistants in weaving

The most affordable and cheapest material to create bright decoration are wild flowers. But do not underestimate them - the smells of wild plants create the effect of aromatherapy, and their beautiful view gives the decoration tenderness and naivete. Before weaving a wreath of wild flowers, it is better to understand what they mean. Poppy is a symbol of passing beauty and youth. White field chamomile has long been considered a symbol of innocence and tenderness. Cornflower is a sign of modesty and holiness, strength and health. Periwinkle meant a declaration of love, yarrow meant free will, and immortelle meant health.

Previously, before weaving a wreath of wild flowers, ribbons were woven into it, each of which had its own meaning. For example, a red ribbon meant that the girl was engaged. Greens were worn by those who had reached the age for marriage, but had not yet acquired a groom. The blue ones were intended for orphans, and the white ones adorned the heads of girls who had not reached marriageable age.

How to weave a wreath of dandelions?

Weaving ornaments from flowers was part of the obligatory entertainment program summer holidays for every girl. Many people still remember how to weave a wreath of dandelions. Flowers are best chosen with a long and strong stem. Finding them is quite simple: they grow in the shade of trees. To make the wreath lush and beautiful, the buds need to be selected fresh and with large heads.

The technology of how to weave a wreath (the process diagram is given above) is quite simple. Reaching desired length jewelry, you need to connect its ends. Having attached the end of the product to the beginning, we unfold the flowers away from us. Then you need to take a new dandelion and attach it to the beginning of work. Next, we start the stem behind the head of the first flower and wrap it until it becomes short. Then we take the next one and repeat this procedure until the entire base of the wreath is hidden behind the flowers. You can fasten the decoration with the help of blades of grass or thread.

Romantic wreath of dandelions, thanks bright yellow color, looks very impressive, but has several drawbacks. Such decoration is not particularly durable and after a while loses fresh look. You can also get milk on not only your hands, but also your dress. It is better to weave a decoration from a field chamomile, which can be found in any clearing.

How to weave a wreath of daisies?

Chamomile has always been considered a symbol of purity and innocence, and jewelry from this flower gives freshness and romanticism. Weaving a wreath of chamomile does not take much time. To do this, you only need a bunch of flowers with long stems and a couple of blades of grass or a thread to fasten the composition. You need to start weaving a wreath with two flowers, for this you should wrap one stem around the other, after which the third flower is taken and applied to the structure. Wrap the third flower around the second bud, creating a loop and holding the stems together. So next flower we do exactly the same, and this procedure must be repeated until the desired length of the decoration is obtained.

The principle of how to weave a wreath of daisies is almost the same as weaving from dandelions. The only thing to consider is that chamomile stems are denser, and you need to weave them a little tighter. It is better to choose younger plants, with a flexible stem, this will facilitate weaving. When the wreath becomes the desired length, you should fold the ends together and carefully tie them with thread or blades of grass, trying to hide the ends of the stems under the buds.

Gorgeous flower wreath

To create a beautiful and stylish decoration from fresh flowers, you need to have a taste and be able to combine colors. The fact is that for such accessories it is recommended to use several types of buds, and it is quite important to be able to select flowers that are in harmony with each other. To create jewelry, you need to stock up on medium-thick wire, wire cutters, satin and floral ribbons, flowers and herbs.

Before weaving a wreath, you need to measure the volume of the head with a centimeter tape and create a wire frame for this size. For each flower, it is necessary to cut the stem to a length of 5 cm, after which, applying the stems to the frame, wrap them with a satin or floral ribbon. You need to repeat this until the entire frame is hidden under the buds. You can slightly increase the volume of the product, for this the flowers are collected in small bouquets of three or four pieces and only then attached to the frame.

Arrangement of artificial flowers

Some ethno-style events are also held in winter time when it is difficult to get fresh flowers. In this case, artificial buds, which differ little from real ones in their appearance, will be the best way out of the situation. Before weaving a wreath on your head from artificial inflorescences, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • Artificial flowers, spikelets and grasses.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Mounting tape or tape.

From a sheet thick cardboard cut out two bagels of the desired diameter, while one of them should be slightly smaller. Now you need to create the volume of the base, for this we wrap newspapers around it and wrap everything around the mounting flight. If there is no tape, you can use transparent tape. Over newspapers to give the product neat look, glue the second part of the base.

Now you can start decorating the wreath. To do this, we divide the flowers into parts and use a heat gun to glue them to the base. We lay ears of corn and blade of grass between the buds. To get a magnificent accessory, you need to try to glue the buds as tightly as possible, hiding the gaps under the flowers and herbs. If you attach several satin ribbons, then you can get original accessory with Ukrainian flavor.

The science of how to weave a wreath is quite simple. You need to take some flowers and add patience and a lot of imagination. From this mixture you will get a stylish and original accessory that will be appropriate at any picnic or outdoor event and will give its owner charm and seductiveness.

Since ancient times, the head of the bride was decorated with various accessories. A wedding wreath is the oldest decoration of a newlywed, which always remains in fashion. It is created for gentle brides-dreamers. The wreath is used as an attribute for a festive hairstyle and at the same time as a fastener for wedding veil or even replace it. This important accessory, which together with rings, dress, creates a charming, unique image bride.

wedding wreath options

In the old days, a crown adorned the head of every bride. It was a sign of girlish beauty and chastity, only virgin girls were allowed to wear it, and after the wedding, the crown was put on the water as a symbol of outgoing innocence. In the old days, wreaths were decorated with wildflowers, leaves, ears of wheat. Now the golden hands of professionals make crowns from fresh or decorative flowers, delicate lace, satin ribbons, crystals, beads, beads, rhinestones, light feathers.

From fresh flowers

A unique attribute that perfectly supports the overall style wedding celebration, - a wreath of fresh flowers on the head for the bride. According to tradition, the decoration on the head was woven using flowers symbolizing love and romance, evergreens were often added to the composition. If fresh flowers will be your decoration in your hair at a wedding, pay attention that they are in harmony with the bouquet in terms of their content and color palette. For the manufacture of a headdress on the day of marriage, it is suitable:

  • Bush rose. The ancient Greeks revered this flower very much and showered the bed of the newlyweds with its petals, rose buds were also used to create wreaths for hair. The headdress, in which spray roses are woven, will become the most good choice For short girls. The height of such decoration reaches 10-15 cm, which will visually lengthen the height of a miniature bride.
  • Spirea. Using the flexible long branches of this plant with densely strewn with tiny white flowers, it is easy to make an original wreath. It is necessary to roll up only one shoot in the form of a hoop.
  • Composition with miniature flowers and berries. Hair decoration with viburnum, barberry, mountain ash or other bright fruits and small flowers is a custom that originates from the ancient Slavic peoples. The combination of sprigs of red bright berries and small flowers gives a special color to the image of the bride.

  • Wildflowers. A voluminous wreath of daisies, rue, mint, ears of corn will emphasize the gentle image of the bride.

  • Gypsophila. A wreath with this flower symbolizes purity, tenderness. The plant is very resistant, will last in great shape throughout the holiday. These flowers are suitable for girls with a pretty, delicate face. Snow-white inflorescences of gypsophila have small size, therefore well suited for complex wreath compositions.
  • Alstroemeria. This flower will give the image of the bride sophistication, elegance.

From artificial flowers

In the fashion world, a wreath with artificial decor is gaining more and more popularity. It looks original, almost does not differ from a wreath with fresh flowers, it is worn even after the wedding. This hair ornament is made in the form of a crown for the entire hairstyle or several large flowers. Wreaths of light, pastel shades are in trend. Decorative buds come in various sizes and shapes. You can also play with the color scheme artificial materials- choose a decoration to match the shade of the wedding dress or make a bright contrasting accent.

From feathers

Hair wreaths with feathers can create several images at once: refined and delicate, outrageous and daring, pompous and modest. With such extraordinary bold accessory You are sure to grab the attention of your guests. It is luxurious, comfortable, beautiful. A wreath with feathers, complemented by jewelry or flowers that are in tune with the style, will help bring a climax to the image of the newlywed and give it a twist.

From satin ribbons

Wreaths with satin ribbons, the color scheme of which matches the tone of the bride's dress, look very sophisticated and aristocratic. A ribbon for a wreath is used both as a base and as a decorative element with flowers or other decorations. Using it, you can make flowers, bows. To create such an accessory, narrow and wide, dense and medium density tapes are used.

Wedding wreath in Ukrainian style

National wedding dresses Ukrainians are famous all over the world for their embroidered ornaments and flowers. The wedding dresses of Ukrainian women amaze with their beauty, and the bride’s head is covered with no less chic Ukrainian wedding wreath with fresh wildflowers and ribbons. Traditionally, the crown is considered an important symbol of the Ukrainian people. There is even a special list of elements that must be in the product.

The wreath was woven using twelve flowers. Each had its own interpretation:

  • marigolds - a symbol of magnificence, devotion;
  • immortelle - good health;
  • viburnum - youth, cheerfulness;
  • lovage - fidelity;
  • hop tendrils - intelligence;
  • poppy - sadness for a loved one;
  • chamomile - girlish purity and humility;
  • yarrow - disobedience;
  • forget-me-not - devotion, stability in relationships;
  • periwinkle - means love of life and immortality of the soul;
  • cornflower - girlish beauty;
  • mallow - hope;
  • peony - love;
  • ruzha - faith.

In addition to flowers, the Ukrainian wreath is decorated with multi-colored ribbons, which should protect the newlywed from the evil eye and diseases. They are woven into the crown in a certain sequence:

  • First, one light brown ribbon is knitted in the middle - as a symbol of the earth.
  • On each side of the brown, one yellow ribbon is tied, which means the sun.
  • Green ribbons are knitted next on both sides, symbolizing youth, beauty.
  • Then blue - a sign of sky and water.
  • Further orange, mean bread.
  • Behind them, purple is a sign of wisdom.
  • The next crimson, mean honesty.
  • Pink ribbons are added last - welfare.

Decorated with beads or rhinestones

Instead of a crown for a magnificent wedding, stylish tiaras are used, made with the addition of accessories in the form natural stones, rhinestones, beads, sequins. A wreath inlaid with pebbles, rhinestones will be perfect decoration for the bride who wants to feel like a princess. This attribute looks no less stylish if it is decorated with beads. A crown for decorating a hairstyle, like other wedding accessories, is selected taking into account the style of the bride's dress.

Stylized wedding wreath

The crown is a necessary part to create perfect image newlyweds at the now popular themed weddings:

  • Classic. A crown in an aristocratic style will suit a newlywed who prefers a conservative marriage, without excessive decor and innovations, but with carefully thought out details. The image of a young woman with a wreath in this style is charming and refined. Carnation, hypericum berries, gypsophila, ranunculus are suitable for decoration.
  • Cartri. For such a wedding, a wreath with flowers of lemon, peach and orange tones would be appropriate. It is advisable to add ripe spikelets of wheat or rye to its decor.
  • Rustic. A wedding in this style is distinguished by simplicity and restraint, and therefore it is best to use ruscus, succulents, limonium or tanacetum for a wreath.
  • Boho. For a forest wedding ceremony ideal solution there will be voluminous bright crowns of a burgundy shade and a light, airy dress like a fairy tale. In the decor of such wreaths, it is customary to use rosebuds, peonies, wild flowers, leaves.
  • Shabby chic. Velvet and sophisticated peonies are best suited for a bride who has chosen this elegant direction.
  • Wedding in color. Now it is fashionable to choose a ceremony stylized in a certain color scheme: red, blue, blue, white. An excellent addition to such a celebration will be a crown with flowers or decorations that will match the theme of the ceremony.
  • IN Greek style. For a bride at such a wedding, crowns with bay leaves, real or artificial flowers, and a gold rim are suitable as hair ornaments. Greek-style wreaths are decorated with rhinestones, beads and beads.

What wedding dress will suit

When choosing a wreath, it is important to take into account the proportional ratio of the volumes of the headdress and wedding dress:

  • TO fluffy dress choose a wreath with large buds.
  • More modest flowers of small sizes are suitable for a straight narrow dress.
  • In combination with an empire or A-line dress, a miniature wreath with small flowers or one large bud will look great.

Wedding hairstyles with wreaths

When creating the image of the bride, a lot of attention is paid to the hairstyle. It is important that all elements are in harmony with each other. First of all, you need to consider the length of the hair:

  • Long curls. A suitable decoration for such a hairstyle is a voluminous or lush wedding wreath. To create more romantic image it is worn over a veil. Owners of long hair should not wear small wreaths, the buds should be medium or large.
  • Hairstyle in the Greek style or hair collected in a bun. In this case, a not too voluminous decoration is selected, or rhinestones and beads are used instead of flowers on a wreath.
  • Long flowing hair with pigtails. In this hairstyle, live flowers are woven into a braid and create a crown.
  • Short hair. Suitable for such a hairstyle would be a decoration of several flowers or lace ribbon with a small flower bud on its side.
  • Hair middle length. Here, compositions with delicate medium-sized inflorescences will be more suitable.

Video tutorial on making a wreath with your own hands

Wreaths decorated with fresh flowers are gaining immense popularity. Handmade very much appreciated. If you want to impress your invited guests with an original floral wedding wreath, watch the video tutorial below. Using this example, you will learn how to easily create beautiful wedding decorations without much cash outlay.

Photo of wedding wreaths on the head for the bride

Stylish beautiful wreath- an indispensable accessory of the wedding image modern bride. It symbolizes infinity, purity, purity, and the flowers and other decorative components woven into the product can tell about the feelings that the newlyweds have for each other. The variety of such decorations is amazing. They look very harmonious in an ensemble with wedding dress, creating a unified style of the bride and groom. Now it's not only traditional attribute, but also a fashionable accessory that looks pompous on wedding photo collages.

The Slavs have long considered a wreath a symbol of new life and birth, it was an indispensable attribute at weddings. The girls braided beautiful accessories from natural flowers, dreamed of a prosperous family life, happiness and prosperity. Modern ladies also pay tribute to traditions, complement beautiful images stylish wreaths of fresh flowers.

Tips for Choosing Natural Flower Wedding Wreaths

  • The accessory on the head should be in harmony with the wedding attire. Pick up beautiful composition will help professional florist. The master will choose fresh flowers depending on the dress and appearance of the bride, taking into account fashion trends and preferences of the girl.
  • Floral attributes on the head look natural on young girls, emphasize their youth and innocence.

  • Wreaths look especially beautiful on long hair. Girls with short hair can also use natural flower accessories in their bridal look, but they will need to spend more strength looking for a suitable option.
  • The head accessory should be combined with the bride's bouquet in terms of color and content.

  • For long curls select voluminous wedding wreaths, for short hair it is better to take a closer look at delicate miniature living compositions.
  • The collected hairstyle will become complete with compact plants.

  • Asymmetric attributes on the head - original solution, which looks especially bright in combination with short strands.
  • Do not give up fresh flowers because of their short life. Today in the arsenal of florists there are a lot of magical helpers, which will retain the original appearance of plants.

  • If the bride has chosen a wedding wreath on her head as a decoration, then there is no need to use any additional attributes.
  • An accessory on the head should not cause embarrassment or be a cause of constant concern. A convenient wreath will allow you to fully enjoy the holiday of creating a new family.

  • A wedding attribute made of fresh flowers must be periodically sprinkled with water so that it does not wither until the end of the celebration.
  • You can decorate with a live flower arrangement not only the image of the bride, but also her bridesmaids. In this case, it is necessary to highlight the main accessory more magnificent forms or tint.

  • As a rule, a wreath and a veil are not comparable. However, by connecting your imagination and enlisting the support of a specialist, you can make a beautiful wedding look with all the desired details.

Variety of fresh flowers

A wreath on the head should not only emphasize the coherence of the image, but also personify the character of the bride. exotic composition or tender picture- for every girl there is an ideal option. In ancient times, the pride of a woman was long and Thick hair, so the impeccable wedding look combined beautiful flowing hair and a neat head accessory. Today it is not necessary to grow hair for the wedding, you can create a stylish, charming hairstyle on short curls.

Arrangement of wild flowers

Light and delicate plants emphasize the natural beauty of the girl, her natural charm. The wedding attribute looks favorably against the background of light flowing hair or a tight braid, it goes well with a flowing floor-length dress. A wreath on the head of wild flowers looks especially tender against the background blue eyes and ornaments in folk style.

Bells and marigolds will suit cheerful and carefree girls, woven spikelets will emphasize female modesty. Accessories with mallow, rue and viburnum look stylish and patriotic. Girls who do not want to overload the wedding look with unnecessary details should take a closer look at neat chamomile compositions. Thin wreaths emphasize the elegance of the image and subtle nature owners.

Volumetric fresh flowers or miniature plants - elegant creations will become a real highlight of the wedding look. Romanticism and conciseness, girlish purity and tenderness are combined in one accessory.

Rose head wreath

The Queen of Flowers is revered throughout the world, admired and worshiped for her beauty. wedding accessory from living roses will turn the bride into a gentle and romantic person, will raise the girl to the ranks of queens. In addition, bush or climbing plants able to visually increase the growth of beauty.

Specialists create mono-compositions of charming flowers, often complementing the elements with alstroemerias. A rich palette of shades allows you to create a delicate pink accessory or a bright wreath that combines several color schemes.

Wreath of miniature plants and berries

One of the old Slavic traditions- complement floral decorations on the head with juicy viburnum berries. Today, girls often choose compositions of neat fresh flowers and bright berries, weave bunches of mountain ash and rose hips into wreaths. You can add a wedding attribute with ribbons and leaves. Saturated shades of berries and more restrained floral chords are a worthy option for bold and extraordinary personalities.

Gypsophila angelic attributes

Small flowers represent tenderness and purity, they go well with long flowers. light curls and cute baby features. Snow-white compositions are suitable for classic wedding dresses and stylish dresses. The woven crown is worthy to shine on the head true ladies, moreover, the accessory of their fresh flowers will delight you with freshness all day long.

Composition of limonium and ruscus

Rich purple hue limonium framed by ruscus greenery looks bright and colorful. Such a bouquet can keep its appearance. Limonium does not lose its shade and looks fresh for a month, ruskus turns a little yellow after 2 weeks, but this feature rather decorates the picture than spoils it.

Volume wreath of peonies

Large fresh flowers conquer with a variety of shades, attract with their magnificent forms and natural beauty. Peonies can endure all day without losing their presentable appearance.

Ranunculus head wreath

Aristocratic flowers are the subject of admiration for many women, amazing creatures often woven into wedding compositions. The unique ranunculus emphasizes the uniqueness of the girl, her romantic nature and flirty attitude.

Every bride strives to make her wedding perfect, to prepare everything so that it is one of the most happy days in life, he wants to make his image of the bride and groom unique and unrepeatable. For a sophisticated outfit stylish decoration become a wedding wreath.

Wedding wreath on the head

Since ancient times, the crown has been endowed with ritual meaning. For the newlywed, he was a symbol of purity and purity. After the wedding, the girls in no case threw it away, but after drying it, they hid it in a secluded place. It was believed that a traditional wedding wreath has magical properties and protects its mistress and her family from evil spirits. Naturally, many beliefs are associated with the crown:

  1. A wreath for the wedding of the bride the night before was woven by her unmarried friends.
  2. Each element carried special meaning. For example, chamomile meant innocence, and purple ribbons meant vitality.
  3. After the wedding, the dress should have been securely hidden, or given to the young spouse as a sign of boundless love and fidelity. The husband was also obliged to carefully store the jewelry.
  4. Now not all newlyweds give the accessory such deep meaning. More often the crown is chosen as beautiful decoration. In this case, anything can be woven into it: fresh and artificial flowers, ribbons, berries, rhinestones.

Wedding wreath of natural flowers

Live inflorescences will give the image the desired naturalness, lightness and closeness to nature. Wedding wreaths on the head of fresh flowers can be woven from absolutely everything: roses, forget-me-nots, cornflowers, mint and ears of wheat. When choosing flora, you just need to remember:

  1. If you believe in energy force plants, find out what symbolizes your chosen ones.
  2. All floristry should be in the same style. Let the same plant appear in a wedding wreath, boutonniere and bouquet.
  3. The crown can overlap with colors dresses or be a bright accent.
  4. Fresh flowers are very capricious, so you will need to avoid bright sun and spray the plants several times.

Wedding wreaths on the head of artificial flowers

Artificial plants do not carry any sacred meaning. But for such an accessory, you certainly do not have to worry. It will not fade, and all elements can be securely fastened.

  1. Weave wedding artificial wreath can be from ribbons, ready-made flowers and twigs, pearls, rhinestones, feathers and everything that suits the bride and her celebration.
  2. Foamiran wedding wreaths are gaining particular popularity. This is soft sheet material. various shades. Even a novice craftswoman can weave such an accessory.
  3. Now at the peak of fashion are delicate pastel crowns of several small inflorescences. It will be possible to put them on after the wedding as an evening accessory.

Wedding wreath of flowers and berries

Red berries of viburnum or mountain ash or black blueberries will add a special appeal and naturalness to a wedding wreath of flowers. These crowns are perfect for themed weddings. If you have chosen an eco-oriented ceremony, or boho - berries in a wedding wreath and other floristry will be absolutely appropriate.

Wedding wreath with feathers

Feathers in the decoration on the head can add lightness and angelic innocence to the image, or, on the contrary, retro chic. In old movies, feathers adorn the heads of bold and brave women who know their worth. For a wedding ceremony in the style of the 40s-50s of the last century, a wreath for the bride with feathers will be an excellent thematic accessory that will look luxurious in photos and videos.

Ribbon wedding wreath

A wedding wreath made of satin ribbons looks very aristocratic. Moreover, you can completely decorate the fabric or only individual elements: flowers, bows. It is better to choose satin in similar shades with an outfit. Excessive contrast here will be absolutely inappropriate. Like a wedding wreath with feathers, a composition of satin ribbons can also be worn after the ceremony as an attribute of an evening look.

Wedding hairstyle with a wreath

Any image, and even more so such a solemn one, should be thought out to the smallest detail. When choosing such a colorful accessory as a crown, think about what you will have Wedding hairstyle with wreath and veil. These decorations are best suited for:

  1. Loose curls different size and length. Both large curls and completely small curls. For bulk and lush hairstyles choose wreaths of large buds, and small arrangements of flowers and ribbons will be more appropriate for medium-length and short hair.
  2. Weaving. Braids have been wedding hairstyles since ancient times. Now there are a lot of weaving options. The crown can be worn over the hair. Or you can simply live or artificial buds.
  3. sloppy bun . If you are not a fan of loose hair and braids, gather your hair at the back of your head. Perfect smoothness is not appropriate here. Release a few strands and wind them. The image of a bride with a wreath on her head should be as natural as possible.

Wedding image with a wreath

A wedding wreath of flowers on the head is most of all associated with the images of a forest nymph, a Ukrainian beauty or a Greek goddess. Choose the right one for you. All solemn ceremony organize "a la Cossack wedding" or "wedding of the gods of Olympus".

  1. More simple option there will be a choice of a “color” wedding with dominance in dresses, hall decorations, floristry and other yellow, turquoise and any other shades.
  2. When choosing the main color, you can build on the shade of your hair. Brown-haired women and brunettes are perfect pastel pink, blue and brown. Bright colors will look luxurious on blondes: wine, azure, purple.

Lush wedding dress and wreath

According to tradition, the bride first chooses a dress for herself. Buying “the one” is sometimes not at all easy. But now the dream outfit has been acquired and it's time for accessories. wedding images with a wreath of flowers look most harmonious with 3 styles of dresses:

  1. Volumetric long. For such an image of the “queen of flowers”, pick up bright large buds. In alliance with them, small berries and twigs will look good.
  2. straight narrow. For such a Cossack bride, small buds and a medium-width ribbon are more suitable. Field plants will be perfectly combined, for example, with spikelets of wheat. For nature lovers, florists can add a butterfly or ladybug figurine to the bride's wreath of fresh flowers.
  3. Straight with flared hem. For such a “Greek” image, a small crown with small flowers and leaves would be the best. Weave laurel or mint would be absolutely appropriate. In addition, from these plants you will be surrounded by a thin fragrant veil. Closeness to nature will be maximum.

Wedding wreath with veil

A wedding dress with a wreath on its head creates a concise and complete image that does not need other accessories. It is often even believed that the crown itself replaces the veil. Indeed, in fact, they symbolize the same thing - the purity and purity of the bride. If you still want to add a veil, choose a simple one-layer. Medium length or long tulle is best suited.

Choosing for yourself a crown of natural or artificial flowers, feathers or ribbons, you automatically fall into the squad of original and non-standard brides. Such an accessory will certainly distinguish you from the many other newlyweds who will meet you on your wedding day at the registry office and. Get ready for increased attention from guests, other couples and just passers-by.