Sensorimotor and intellectual development of the baby. Development of a child's intelligence at an early age

We will talk about the norms of emotional, mental and mental development child in the first year of his life. It is very important to recognize in time possible deviations in the baby’s health, help him catch up with his peers in development, and also correct some defects caused by one or another disease (rickets, neurological disorders, respiratory diseases).

By the end of the first month a healthy baby, lying on his stomach, raises and holds his head in a horizontal position. And if you put him with his legs on the table facing you, supporting his chest with both hands and slightly tilting him forward, he should take a few steps. It is very funny! Just remember to support his head from behind with the index and middle fingers of both hands. He knows how to fix his gaze, the first smile appears. This is very important indicator state nervous system!

By the end of the second month The baby actively responds with a smile to your smile and speech (talk to him more often, sing songs to him). If you move a bright toy in front of a child’s face in one direction or the other, he will follow it. And at two (sometimes three) months, the baby, sitting in your arms, already holds his head up and focuses his gaze on adults. From this month he actively seeks to communicate! Now, lying on his stomach, he holds his head, raising the shoulder girdle and leaning on his forearms. In this position he is amazingly good. Isn’t it true that many albums are decorated with such photographs!

At three months the child hums, turns his head towards the sound; independently (or with your little help) rolls over from back to side, right and left. If, bringing your face closer to the child lying on his back, you speak affectionately to him, the baby will delight you with playful, active movements arms, legs - he seems to laugh with his whole body, rejoices. At these moments, mother and child are united by a wave of happiness and mutual understanding. Doctors call this reaction of a healthy baby a revitalization complex, characterizing the state of the nervous system as very positive.

At four months the child responds to your advances with loud laughter, and can grab a bright, sounding toy suspended above the crib and play with it for a long time.

Try to move away from the crib and ring the rattle, call out to him, and the baby will definitely find the direction of the sound source.

At four to five months he distinguishes strangers from loved ones, joyfully expressing pleasure from communicating with relatives. Lying on his stomach, he rises, leaning on the palms of his straightened arms, his field of vision expands, information about the surrounding world increases.

At five to six months The baby begins to crawl on his stomach. This is a very important skill, since crawling not only strengthens muscles, but also promotes mental development: it expands the possibilities of acquaintance with the outside world. Stimulate this movement. Lure the child with a toy or a kind word. He tends to turn from back to stomach and from stomach to back, first with a little help from you, and then on his own; takes the toy that is offered to him. This is when you will hear the beginning of babbling. The baby becomes more mobile and tries to sit up.

At five to seven months plays with objects, transferring them from hand to hand; takes toys from a lying and sitting position, crawls well on his stomach, begins to crawl on all fours. He has even greater scope for exploring the world and new sensations. The baby is developing not only physically, but also mentally, and is already pronouncing individual syllables: “ma”, “ba”, “da”. In response to your question (for example: “Where is Lala?”) he finds and shows the toy. Can stand with support under the armpits, legs fully extended and resting on the entire foot.

At seven or eight months, pleases with the variety of movements with toys, plays with them for a long time: swings, shifts, folds; sits up independently in the crib. If you have not abused diapers, the baby will develop neatness skills (asks to go to the potty).

At nine to ten months You can and should communicate with him in a more varied way: he willingly repeats syllables, and sometimes even individual words. Talk to your baby more, talk about everything you do and what he sees. During the same period, the child steps with his legs, holding on to a fixed support or parent's hand, climbs onto a low surface and gets off it.

At nine to eleven months can get up and stand on his own, with support and even independently.

At eleven to twelve months gradually walks independently; has a stock of simple words. Communication with your baby should be even more varied.

The timing of the appearance of all these indicators of emotional and psychomotor development healthy children in the first year of life are somewhat conditional - they may appear a little earlier or later (within one to two weeks).

It is very important to be able to identify the state of muscle tone - the degree of muscle tension. In a healthy full-term baby under the age of three months, when trying to move his arms to the sides, bend and straighten them, a slight resistance is felt; up to four months - this is also noted when the legs are spread, flexed and extended. For this age, this is physiological (normal) muscle tension. An older child freely allows you to make these and other movements - you will no longer feel the same resistance. Normal (physiological) muscle tone- an important indicator of well-being: it determines the timely formation in a child of the required level of psychomotor and physical development.

Premature children lag behind their peers in development, as a rule, in proportion to their body weight at birth: the smaller it was, the greater the lag. So, for example, if a healthy full-term baby holds his head and focuses his gaze on an adult, while in his mother’s arms, at two to three months, then premature baby this skill appears at five months, if at birth he weighed 1750 g, at four - up to 2000 g, at three or four months - up to 2500 g.

The development of a child's intelligence begins from birth. The child is already able to hear, see, experience taste and olfactory sensations. In this way, the baby receives information up to two months, and later learns to feel and distinguish between integral objects, mainly people. The baby perks up at the sight of his mother or a familiar person, or when he hears a familiar voice.

Development of a child's intelligence from birth to three months

Baby development 4 weeks:

The child calms down if he is picked up and rocked;
perks up at the sound of mom's or other voice loved one(or vice versa freezes);
communicates his needs by crying. When you are hungry or want to sleep;
if you communicate with the child closely enough, he carefully examines the person’s face;
he immediately pays attention to the object placed in front of him. He looks at him carefully.

Baby development at 2 months:

During breastfeeding, he may stop briefly to examine the mother’s face and look into her eyes;
smiles back;
when they talk to him, he makes sounds and hums;
shakes a rattle placed in his hand;
follows movement with his eyes;
opens his mouth when he feels the proximity of his mother's breast and at the sight of a bottle.

Baby development at 3 months:

Recognizes the faces of familiar people;
when they talk to a child, he becomes animated and laughs in response;
looks at toys, her hands and fingers.

How to develop a child's intelligence from birth

Fine motor skills

At this time, auditory attention and skin sensitivity develop - the ability to recognize objects of different textures.
Babies love to be petted soft toy, it is better if this toy makes different sounds. Pet the baby with a toy and hide it, the child will start looking for the toy, worry, continue the game.

Walk over baby's tummy index finger and saying with the little finger:

The horned goat is coming,
There's a butted goat coming.
Who hasn't eaten porridge?
I didn’t drink milk, -
He's gored, gored.

You will see how much delight this famous goat will cause in a child.

The very first object of close attention for infants is their own hands. While in the crib, babies carefully study them, examine their fingers, and taste them. This is a very important activity that helps you feel your hands better, which contributes to the formation fine motor skills which is important for the development of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for the development of speech.

Play with your baby more often finger games, Stretch each finger, stroke your palms, rub your baby’s palms together, blow on them. At the same time you say sweet words or small poems, For example:

Clap clap,
You're a sweetheart!
Clap clap,
My little one!

Develop baby's observation skills

To develop observation skills, it is necessary to regularly replenish the baby’s objective world with unfamiliar objects. Because until three months the baby spends most of his time in the crib, be sure to arrange for him traditional entertainment– hanging toys.

It is not necessary to buy a mobile with toys above the crib; ordinary toys on a cord, balls and ribbons are even preferable; you can change toys every day. Toys should be positioned so that the child cannot reach them, but only looks at them.

Most of all, a child loves to watch moving objects, now it’s not difficult to find such a mobile, but you can connect the child’s hand or leg with toys with a ribbon, when the moving object is ready!

Prepare your baby to master speech

We are all familiar with works from childhood in which children, raised in the forest by animals, subsequently adapt to society. It must be said that these works do not have a shred of reality behind them. Children left without human communication will not be able to master human speech and, as a consequence, conceptual thinking in their own right. mental development they will remain at the animal level.

It is necessary to prepare a baby to master the stream from the first days of life. Constantly talk and communicate with the child - when you walk, bathe, dress the child. Talk to him, explain your actions, identify the objects you use.

Encourage the baby to imitate you, pronounce sounds, for starters the melodious vowels “a”, “o”, “u” and the repeated syllables “ma-ma”, “la-la-la”, “da-da-da”. Or do the opposite, as soon as the child starts to babble, repeat the same sounds after him. In this case, it is desirable that the child sees your face and the movements of your lips.

It was noticed that children began to speak earlier than others; some parents immediately reacted to the baby’s crying, immediately coming to the child to eliminate the source of the crying and simply calm him down.

The most important qualities are activity and enterprise

Genuine intellectuals are inquisitive people who are able to perfectly assimilate other people's experiences and also generate new ideas. Therefore, one should always encourage the development of intelligence, cognitive activity baby.
The baby is interested in everything. And first of all, of course, the people who surround him, their faces and voices. Play with the baby, make faces, funny faces. He may smile back or try to imitate your grimace.
To help your baby learn to focus on sounds, you can hang several bells or the “wind chime” talisman, popular in Feng Shui, above the crib.
To develop the sensitivity of the skin, offer your baby pieces of different materials - various fabrics, sponge, rubber, leather, wool. They can be used to stroke the baby's arms or body.
Already in infancy, you can begin to work with your baby according to Nikolai Zaitsev’s method, built on the principle of “all at once.” Initially, you can hang the tables and sing the warehouses while demonstrating them to the baby.

AlvoGenium is 200 mg of one of the main components of Omega-3 - Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The drug is available in convenient, soft capsules and is suitable as a source of vitamins for pregnant and lactating women. Unique, plant-based DHA, free of possible ocean pollution. Promotes healthy brain development in the fetus, strengthens the health of the mother during pregnancy and compensates for the lack of vitamins during lactation. 1


There are many types of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins based on them.

Which vitamins should you take?

For brain development and health - the answer is very simple: Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to taking DHA and vitamins for pregnant and lactating mothers, which are produced on their basis. And this is AlvoGenius. Just what you and your baby need.

Omega-3 - vitamins for beauty and health

What is the source of DHA and polyunsaturated fatty acids that provide energy for full life? Of course it's Omega-3. This substance is not synthesized in the human body, and therefore everyone who cares about their health should eat foods rich in Omega-3.

This component is especially important for expectant mothers and nursing women, since during this difficult period they must provide useful substances not only to themselves, but also to their baby.

Vitamins for nursing mothers

All organs and systems of a newborn develop very quickly, for this they need a full-fledged construction material" And it is contained in sufficient quantities in the Omega-3 complex. It’s too early for the baby to take vitamins, but if the mother takes useful material V the right amount, That children's body will receive everything you need in full.

Omega-3 is essential for:

  • Development of brain cell membranes;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Development of memory and attention.

Do you want to see your children healthy and happy? Don't forget to take vitamins during lactation!

1 Innis, S. (2005). Essential fatty acid transfer and fetal development. Placenta, S70-S75.
2 Jensen, C. V. (2010). Effects of early maternal docosahexaenoic acid intake on neuropsychological status and visual acuity. The Journal of Pediatrics, 157, 900-905.
3 Smuts, C. H. (2003, March). A randomized trial of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 101(3), 469-479.
4 Brenna, J. L. (2009). Background paper on fat and fatty acid requirements during pregnancy and lactation. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 55, 97-122.
5 Simopoulos, A. (2002). The importance of the ratio of omega6-omega3 essential fatty acids. Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy, 56, 365-379.
6 Simopoulos, A. (2006). Evolutionary aspects of diet, the omega 6- omega3 ratio and genetic variation- nutritional implications for chronic diseases. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 60, 502-507.
7 Innis, S. (2007). Dietary (n-3) fatty acids and brain development. The Journal of Nutrition, 855-859.
8 Hughes, T. B. (2005). New paradigms for supporting the resilience of marine ecosystems. Trends in ecology and evolution, 380-386.
9 Ramón, R. B. (2009). Fish consumption during pregnancy, prenatal mercury exposure, and anthropometric measures at birth in a prospective mother-infant cohort study in Spain. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90, 1047-1055.
10 Arterburn, L. H. (2006). Distribution, interconversion, and dose-response of n-3 fatty acids in humans. Am J Clin Nutr, 1467S-1476S

11 Jacobson, J. J.-E. (2008). Beneficial effects of a polyunsaturated fatty acid on infant development: Evidence from the Inuit of Arctic Quebec. J Pediatr, 152, 356-64.
12 Forsyth, J. W. (2003). Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infant formula and blood pressure in later childhood: follow up of a randomized controlled trial. BMJ, 326, 953-955.
13 Bossart, G. (2006). Marine mammals as sentinel species for oceans and human health. Oceanography, 19(2), 134-137.
14 Charuku, S. M.-D.-K. (2003). Higher maternal plasma docosahexaenoic acid during pregnancy is associated with more mature neonatal sleep-state patterning. Am J Clin Nutr, 608-613.
15 Hanson, L. K. (2002). The role of breastfeeding in prevention of neonatal infection. Semin Neonatol, 275-281.
16 Wagner, C. G. (2008). Prevention of rickets and vitamin D deficiency in infants, children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 1142-1152.
17 Prayer, D. K. (2005). MRI of normal fetal brain development. European Journal of Radiology, 199-216.
18 Paolicelli, R. C. (2011). Synaptic pruning by microglia is necessary for normal brain development. Science, 1456-1458.
19 Hepper, P. S. (1994). Development of fetal hearing. Archives of disease in childhood., 71, F81-F87.
20 Hoffman, D. T. (2004). Maturation of visual acuity is accelerated in breast-fed term infants fed baby food containing DHA-enriched egg yolk. The Journal of Nutrition, 134(9), 2307-2313.

Intellectual development child begins already during the period intrauterine life. Therefore, classes should begin before the baby is born. When the baby is born, the environment in which he will grow up will have a huge impact on the formation of his intellectual abilities.

Family education plays important role in the development of all the baby’s abilities. From this article it will become clear how to develop the baby’s brain so that in the future he becomes smart and successful.

Child's intellectual development

Intellectual development is closely related to human thinking, and yet is not limited to just thought processes. Human intelligence covers a variety of functional areas. It combines:

  • mental capacity;
  • emotional worldview;
  • physical culture.

An intellectually developed person is, first of all, a harmonious personality who easily adapts to any life situations and can:

  • be successful in learning, quickly and easily absorb new knowledge;
  • apply acquired knowledge in practice;
  • based on acquired knowledge, be able to create something new.

Intellectual development includes several areas, each of which plays a significant role. Highlight the following types intelligence:

  • verbal – teaches you to communicate with people around you, conduct a dialogue, find contact with peers;
  • logical – closely related to thinking, helps to reason, solve assigned tasks and problems;
  • physical – teaches to coordinate movements, and also has a positive effect on motor skills;
  • emotional – associated with a person’s feelings and impressions, helps to analyze one’s feelings and draw specific conclusions;
  • social – helps to establish contact with society and find one’s place in it;
  • spiritual – enriches inner world person;
  • creative - gives you the opportunity to create something new, to translate your ideas into reality.

In such a way that a person grows fully developed personality, attention should be paid to all areas of his intellect, and also, organize physical activity. Don't forget that cognitive development has a child close connection with motor function.

What influences a child’s intellectual development

The development of intelligence in children depends on:

  • heredity received by children at the genetic level;
  • nature of pregnancy: medications, alcohol, smoking, illness, emotional condition during pregnancy - all this influences the formation of future intelligence;
  • the child’s lifestyle, his motor and cognitive activity;
  • social level of the family;
  • temperament and character;
  • influence of the school;
  • development of adult intelligence;
  • personal characteristics of parents.

Some reasons that affect a child's intelligence are difficult to change. But they can be corrected.

When does intelligence begin to develop?

Training should be started from the very first days of the baby’s birth. Some mothers begin this process even when the baby is in the womb. During this period, you can take the first steps in the formation of the intellectual sphere. Nowadays, many techniques have been developed that help lay the initial foundation of intelligence. The development of the future baby is affected by:

  • color therapy;
  • listening to music;
  • communication with the future baby
  • tactile influence;
  • physical activity of the expectant mother;
  • spiritual enrichment of a woman during the period of bearing a child.

After the birth of the baby, training must continue. And yet, intensive intellectual development in a child occurs from two to eight years. At this age, thinking and emotional sphere are in their infancy.

You need to engage with your baby: play logic games, read books to him, broaden his horizons and lexicon. It should not be forgotten that cognitive development in childhood happens through the game.

Stages of intelligence formation

Have a huge impact on intelligence thought processes, and thinking, in turn, is closely related to movement. While the child is small, he needs to move a lot: crawl, run, exercise, climb stairs, jump. All this contributes to brain development.

There is no need to limit the baby’s mobility; he should explore the world in motion. Inhibitions inhibit brain activity.

The baby is two years old - it’s time to pay attention to the formation of logic. For the baby, you should choose exercises to develop logical thinking.

The main thing is that classes are conducted in an accessible form. During this period, they begin to actively enrich their vocabulary and speech; they read a lot to the baby and talk to him.

The first stage of development is 2-3 years, during this period the baby’s perception of the world is based on data provided by the senses. Cognitive development in early childhood should be organized with this factor in mind. The learning process is structured as follows:

  • The baby is given objects of various textures, and by feeling them, the baby will come to the conclusion that all objects have a different surface;
  • the formation of thinking can be influenced by exposure to a variety of aromas and tastes;
  • improvement of intellectual abilities occurs through influence on the sphere of the psyche; in this case, fairy tales are a proven assistant.

The second stage occurs in three to four years. At this age, the baby begins to feel like an individual, he has his own plans, the baby tries to do everything on his own. You should not disturb him; it is necessary to create an environment in which the child could, being active, explore the world. At the second stage, parents should pay attention to the following factors:

  • encourage the baby's initiative;
  • give feasible instructions;
  • takes the child’s achievements seriously;
  • encourage creative thinking;
  • cultivate love for all living things, teach to treat nature with care.

The third stage is preschool. Cognitive development in preschool age should take place in game form. At this age, the child’s leading activity is play: board, computer, and outdoor games will help to acquire new knowledge and skills in an unobtrusive environment. For example

The cognitive development of a preschooler must certainly include improving speech. And also the development of curiosity.

Thus, children begin to gradually become involved in educational activities.

At this age, it is necessary to focus on communicating with people. Communication skills will help you make friends and engage in activities. collective activity. The development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is the basis for learning at school.

Upon entering school, a first-grader begins to become acquainted with scientific knowledge; in addition, his social skills are actively developing. The student learns to establish relationships with classmates and teachers. affects both his school performance and the development of his social skills.

IN adolescence cognitive interest starts to subside. During this period, parents need to stimulate the teenager’s mental activity and cognitive development, prepare him for the upcoming exams not only mentally, but also emotionally.

Ways to develop intelligence

The formation and development of intelligence in preschoolers can be carried out different ways. To the most effective means include the game. These can be active collective games, or quiet games for a small number of children: checkers, chess, all kinds of Board games. There are many other ways:

  1. Children are fascinated by creative tasks. A useful activity For kids there will be modeling, design, drawing.
  2. Mathematics classes develop logical thinking.
  3. Reading helps to replenish your vocabulary and develop your emotional sphere.
  4. Computer games develop logical thinking. Great option -
  5. A preschooler is taught to ask and answer questions, this develops the ability to reason.

Classes are carried out regularly, only in this case a positive result will be achieved.

Psychologists advise parents to consider the following factors when working with children:

  • classes with children are organized in a playful way;
  • It is advisable to make toys for lessons together;
  • It is not recommended to overload the baby; all exercises should be accessible to him;
  • it is necessary to notice what the baby is passionate about, to identify his talents and abilities;
  • in cases of difficulty, you should come to help, you should not leave the baby alone with the problem;
  • cognitive development in preschool age is built in an active play form;
  • the child's achievements must be noted upon receipt positive result the child should be praised;
  • it is necessary to study the intellectual abilities of preschoolers and develop them;
  • Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren should be taught to experience the joy of learning.

Schoolchildren and teenagers need an additional source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are part of the brain structure and are responsible for memory, attention, thinking and intelligence. In order to improve mental functions, a child can be given the Omega Intellect drug for schoolchildren.

By receiving the nutrients the brain needs, the student will be better able to cope with the curriculum and mental stress. Omega intelligence for schoolchildren will be useful for both junior and senior schoolchildren.

Games for developing intelligence

There are several exercises that help develop thinking. They can be offered to children of any age. Games should be held in a friendly atmosphere.

  • Game "Treasure Hunt"

Together with the baby, they create an apartment plan on paper. It is explained to the child that the plan is a view of the room from above, a kind of map of the home. After which, a mark is made on the map, marking with a cross the place where the treasures will be hidden. The treasure can be a toy or sweets. The baby's task is to find the treasure. During the game, the baby will learn to navigate in space.

  • "Trees and Fruits"

To play the game you will need to prepare an image of trees and fruits from them, you can also make leaves. The child’s task is to select leaves and fruits for the desired tree. The goal of the game is to develop logical thinking.

Games to develop social intelligence

Such games are necessary so that the child can establish contact with people around him; they will help him master the norms of behavior in society. The game is organized in a children's group.

One participant is blindfolded, his task is to get to a certain place accompanied by a peer. The “guide” guides and tells you where to go, and helps you overcome obstacles that arise along the way.

The game teaches trust and mutual assistance.

  • "Multi-colored bouquet"

The game helps children establish friendly contacts and enjoy communication. This is achieved through the compliments that children give each other.

Adults propose to create multi-colored flowers together, each petal will be dedicated to the person present and accompanied by a compliment addressed to him. Multi-colored petals and a clearing are prepared for the game, the attributes are made of paper.

Development of a child's emotional intelligence

Emotional games help you get different sensations and analyze what is pleasant and what is not.

  • "Joy"

Children are asked to focus on their own feelings and describe how they experience joy or other emotional sensations. Each participant in the game begins his phrase like this: Joy is...

This game helps children focus on positive moments and experience pleasant sensations.

  • "Behind the glass"

Kids learn to communicate with each other and communicate to others own feelings. The presenter tries to express an emotion or state with the help of facial expressions, the rest guess what the person standing in front of them is experiencing. The person who guesses the emotion becomes the leader. In the game, children learn to be attentive to each other and understand each other's desires.

The intellectual development of children is carried out in a friendly atmosphere. Parents help children cope with difficulties. Lessons are organized daily. When choosing exercises for the cognitive development of a primary school student, you should take into account the child’s age, abilities and interests. Caring parents should know how to develop their child's brain so that he becomes smart and successful.

The child’s level of mental development occupies a leading place in assessing normativity.
The name of the human species is homo sapiens, that is, a person endowed with reason. Reason implies morality, the ability to curb one’s heavy emotions, aggression, coming to correct behavior, adaptations.
Every fourth person has a high IQ, two out of four people have an average IQ, every sixth person has a less satisfactory one, every tenth child has a low IQ. Seven percent of them are on the border between the lower norm and mental retardation. Three percent are mentally retarded.
Assessment of mental development is ambiguous and difficult problem. It is dealt with by psychiatrists, neurologists, teachers, and medical psychologists.

But the daily and interested observation of mom and dad over the development of the child with knowledge of the child’s brain gives no less than an examination carried out by a clinical psychologist.
Perhaps on the day of the test the baby is in bad mood, being tired, not interested in checking.

Due to self-doubt, laziness, desire to get rid of annoying people who force you to take the test, the child may refuse to complete the task. He will solve the test incorrectly and say that he doesn’t know and can’t do it.
After the examination, the result may not correspond to reality.

At five years old, a child must distinguish a circle from an oval and a triangle, draw a person with facial features, limbs, torso, and clothing.
But there is one thing, if the child was not taught this, or he was not interested in it, this does not mean that the child is stupid.

Or vice versa - a child can distinguish one figure from another and draw a person. Can this really say about his great mind?
As a result, you should not approach this topic categorically. This is a delicate question.
Don’t rush to draw conclusions about your baby’s mind.
One day, a respected neuropathologist and professor received a young man unknown to him. He went to the professor and placed an honors diploma from one of the leading technical universities on the table.
The young man said that the doctor advised his mother twenty years ago to send him to a special institution for the mentally retarded. But the mother did not do this; she began working hard on the child.
The school constantly judged children who later became outstanding as having low intelligence.
Anton Chekhov received C grades at school for his essays. Watt, creator steam engine, Thomas Edison, Isaac Newton were considered incapable at school.
Most of the time aimed at the mental education of a preschooler is spent with the family.
It follows from this that parents must have objective criteria about the normativity of the child’s intelligence.
If a child does not meet these criteria, it is classified as mental retardation.

If you suspect a delay, contact a psychiatrist or neurologist.
If concerns are confirmed, parents must work hard to overcome the delay.
In any case, some attention to the child’s development will have a beneficial effect on him.
It is sometimes better to make a mistake and suspect a delay in vain than not to detect it in time.

What are the standards for mental development?

These standards characterize intelligence up to 6 years, the most important in formation.
On the tenth day of life, the child tries to raise his head, he lies on his stomach, fixes his gaze on some bright object, the mother’s eyes. At the age of two weeks, the baby distinguishes between a sharp and quiet sound.

An older child listens carefully to sounds.
At one and a half months, the baby holds his head, focuses his attention on something, turns his head to keep an object that is moving in his field of vision.
At 1.5 the child wants to be held by his parents. He needs to see and hear everything to orient himself in space.
Everything that the baby notices surprises him, and through this he learns about the world. Surprise is considered an indicator of the normal development of the mind.
IN age three months, the baby carefully looks at the faces of adults, sees objects located 4-7 meters away. He looks for the source of the sound, listens and takes a closer look.
At 4 months, the child distinguishes his mother from all other people, recognizes his mother’s voice, hearing it, looks for his mother.
To attract mom's attention, he makes sounds. The child rejoices at his mother, smiles, claps his hands, moves his legs.
He shows emotions, this also affects mental development.

Over the course of six months, the activity and responsiveness of the baby is a criterion for the normativity of intelligence. But subsequently, the richer the baby’s experiences, the richer the child’s mental health. this person, more complex, deeper experience is laid.

At the age of five months, the baby can follow an object or living creature for about ten to fifteen minutes. Now the baby himself chooses the object to pay attention to. This is visual concentration. The child is able to independently turn from the back to the belly and to the reverse side, leans on his palms, raises his head and listens, looks. He grabs the object, feels it, brings it to his eyes.
At six months, the baby looks for the person/cat/dog they are asking about.

A sanguine person will immediately smile, a phlegmatic person and a choleric person will not rush to do this. He will look closely serious face. After he evaluates those whom he noticed in front of him, he will conduct an examination ( nice man or not, is it dangerous). Then he will either smile or cry, turning away.
At six months the baby begins to crawl. At seven he babbles syllables. If you ask him “where is the kitty,” he will look for the cat, and if he doesn’t find it, he will point his finger at the place where it usually lies, on a chair, for example.

A child at seven months understands much of what adults want from him. He needs to explain everything that is required of him, there is no need to shake him like a doll.
A month later, the child sits confidently, reaches for toys, and tries to move one toy from one hand to another. Keep his hands busy, now is the time. Enclose new toy during.
A child who is unable to concentrate lags behind in intellectual development.
At the age of nine months, the child already responds to his name.
From 9 months to 11 months, the child’s gaze should show an inquisitive interest in the world around him. His eyes seem to be asking a question.
Notice this interest, do not extinguish it, respond kindly to questioning glances, encourage the direction of the questioning gaze.
A child who is delayed in development looks at his parents more passively. You need to tell your baby about everything that surrounds him, name all the objects over which he glances.
The baby is happy because they are talking to him, he is trying to understand what they are saying about this or that object.
When a child has a questioning look, there is curiosity in him, the period of questions begins. He will ask them as soon as he starts speaking.

At the age of ten months, when the child is told “give”, he gives objects known to him.
When a baby is 12 months old, his speech has between seven and fourteen words.
The child is focused on one thing for up to twenty-five minutes. He is very familiar with the word “no”.

At one year, as usual, the baby begins new stage in development - walking. He has a desire, or rather, a need to get to some place. The sanguine person starts walking first, then the choleric person, and the phlegmatic person starts walking later than everyone else.

When children master this skill, psychomotor development occurs.
That is, a genetic program is unfolding, which is subordinate to the development of intelligence.
The most important thing in this program is concentration, attention, and gradualism. Complexity, the simultaneous maturation of possibilities that are interconnected.
An important recommendation follows from this - do not strive to master the next thing until you have mastered the previous one.
Everything needs to be developed as a whole. Remember that the movement of the legs and arms occurs with the help of the head. But the development of arms and legs develops the head.
A child with dexterous fingers has psycho-speech development without deviations.