I am pregnant, my back hurts what to do. Treatment of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. What to do so that your back does not hurt

Waiting for the birth of a child for every mom is the happiest moment in life. But sometimes these joyful moments are overshadowed by rather unpleasant sensations, such as back pain in pregnant women.

From about the second half of pregnancy, when the baby in the womb begins to gain weight and grow actively, the female spine receives a tremendous additional load. The center of gravity in a pregnant woman begins to shift forward, which is the reason why her back hurts during pregnancy. At first, pains occur occasionally, then more or less regularly with certain intervals of calm. If you do not learn how to unload your spine, back pain can develop into a permanent problem that will drive you crazy.

Women who, despite their delicate position, continue to wear back pain during pregnancy are much more likely than those who prefer comfortable shoes on low heels. Therefore, if you do not want to become a hostage to this problem, give up the hairpin for a while, please your legs with comfortable sneakers, boots or shoes with a small, neat heel. This will allow you to significantly reduce the load on the spine and protect yourself from back pain.

Some women begin to complain that their back hurts during pregnancy already for initial terms. This is explained increased concentration specific hormones in the blood that relax the muscles of the uterus for a more comfortable stay in the embryo. But their relaxing effect extends not only to the uterus, but also to other muscles, including the limbs. In some cases, the action of these hormones can even lead to inflammation of the muscle tissue, causing back pain as early as the first trimester of pregnancy.

During pregnancy?

If during pregnancy your back hurts, then you can perform a series of simple exercises to reduce this pain, or even learn how to get rid of it. The easiest exercise is to lie down on hard surface, bending your knees and lie down in this position until the pain subsides and completely disappears.

Try to reduce physical activity as much as possible, reduce walking, do not load packages while shopping, because as soon as you walk or stand longer, your back immediately begins to make itself felt. Her muscles get tired from such loads, and as a result, her back hurts during pregnancy. You can shift part of the household responsibilities to your loved ones - this will help reduce the volume physical activity.

Loads on the back recent months pregnancies occur even during sleep. Many women begin to experience discomfort when they try to lie on their back. This is due to the fact that, increasing in size, the walls of the uterus, pinch blood vessels on the back. As a result, blood flow is disturbed and pain immediately occurs. In such cases, it is necessary to choose more comfortable posture for sleep. You can lie on your side with a pillow between your knees.

When your back hurts during pregnancy, you can start visiting. Being in the water will help all muscles and organs relax. This will get rid of obsessive pain in the lumbar region.

However, if back pain becomes systematic, and no relaxing techniques help to drown it out, then you need to see a doctor for help, because such pain should not seem normal to you. The minutes of waiting for your baby to appear should be remembered as the happiest, and should not become burdensome and painful.

Back pain during pregnancy is a fairly common problem, they cause great discomfort. weight gain, hormonal changes and preparation for childbirth, changes in posture and gait, and stress can all cause back pain, which can range from mild to very severe. There are many ways to get rid of this discomfort.


Exercise to reduce back pain

    Do it regularly physical exercise. According to studies, moderate exercise during a normal pregnancy is not associated with risks and is even beneficial. However, if you develop back pain in the later stages of pregnancy, you must be careful when introducing new loads.

    Watch your posture. Since the center of gravity shifts forward during pregnancy, you may begin to strain certain muscle groups in order not to fall forward. Keeping track of your posture will allow you to shift your center of gravity back, reducing muscle tension.

    Stretch the muscles in your lower back. Get on all fours and alternately straighten and round your back. Hold in each of the positions for a few seconds, but remember to be careful, gradually increase the load so that you complete the exercise ten times. This type of stretch is sometimes referred to as the "cat and cow" pose.

    Sign up for prenatal yoga classes. In addition to reducing back pain, prenatal yoga can improve your sleep, reduce stress, and relieve symptoms such as nausea and headache. Pregnancy yoga also allows you to strengthen the muscles that will be needed for natural childbirth.

    Swim or do pregnancy exercises in the water. In addition to gymnastics, physical exercises in water help to reduce the load on the back and joints. Because the water pushes out while supporting the weight, swimming or walking in the pool will help relieve pressure on the lower back.

    Squat and use your legs if you need to lift something. Do not bend over at the waist or lift anything with your back muscles. If needed, ask someone to help you.

    Use pain relievers. You should definitely check with your doctor about which medications are safe for you. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is generally safe in pregnancy, while non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen and napraxen, are not.

    Seek advice from an osteopath or chiropractor. An osteopath or chiropractor will suggest several options for relieving back pain using certain techniques or refer you to the right specialist. Make sure that the doctor you are seeing is working with pregnant women and has the appropriate experience in this. To search for such specialists, you can use the Internet and specialized sites.

    Try acupuncture. Find a certified acupuncturist who has experience working with pregnant women. Studies have shown that acupuncture can help reduce back pain in pregnant women.

    Get a massage. Ask your spouse or partner to gently massage your back. You can also book a prenatal massage with a specialist.

    Consult a specialist to relieve stress. Ask your doctor, obstetrician, friend, or spirit guide for a recommendation a good psychologist. You may have to meet several specialists before you find a good one. Ask your therapist about their experience with problems like yours. It can even be helpful to just talk to a friend or spouse about the stress you are experiencing and your worries.

Back support

    Wear shoes for flat sole with a good supinator. Choose your shoes wisely so that you can walk more comfortably without straining your back. Studies have shown that during the 20th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy, a shift occurs in which all the pressure is redistributed on the foot. That's why it's important to see a podiatrist to evaluate whether an arch support would be good for you.

The lower back and back during pregnancy hurt every second woman. Some complain of discomfort from the first weeks, others begin to feel heaviness and discomfort towards the third trimester. One way or another, you need to monitor your feelings and know how to deal with them. We will tell you why expectant mothers are breaking their backs different terms and how to relieve back pain during pregnancy.

Why does my back hurt during pregnancy?

TO common reasons low back pain during pregnancy include:

  • changes in body proportions and a shift in the center of gravity;
  • increase in the body weight of the expectant mother;
  • softening of ligaments and muscles under the action of hormones;
  • wrong image life - sedentary or with excessive loads.

All these factors appear at different times and can be corrected through exercise, relaxation, bandaging, gentle massage and other simple ways.

Early dates

Normally, during pregnancy in the first trimester, the lower back hurts moderately, and when you change position, the discomfort quickly passes. Unpleasant sensations are most often caused by progesterone: under the action of this hormone, the ligaments and muscles soften. Because of this, the distribution of loads changes somewhat, the pelvis slightly begins to diverge, the uterus grows and gradually puts pressure on the pelvic organs. As a result - a slight pain and a feeling of fullness.

Causes of lower back pain in the first trimester

Second trimester

The cause of lower back pain in pregnant women after 14 weeks is most often a change in the location of internal organs and an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system. The height of the uterus before conception is about 7 cm, and by the end of the second trimester, its bottom is located 28 cm from the pubic joint. As it grows, it begins to put pressure not only on bladder and intestines, but also on the pelvic bones. The stomach increases, goes forward, shifts the center of gravity. Because of this, kyphosis is formed, i.e. the deflection in the lower back increases. The usual body weight is unevenly distributed along the spine, areas of tension appear in the lower back, which make themselves felt during long walks, sedentary work and sleeping in an uncomfortable position. To this must be added the fact that if a woman often rests on her back for such a period, the risk of squeezing the great vena cava increases. One of its indirect consequences, among other things, is back pain.

third trimester

The most common back pain during pregnancy later dates. In the third trimester, weight becomes the main factor that provokes discomfort. Child in the last 3 months prenatal development begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat faster, recovers and future mom. This increases the volume of blood circulating in the body. The load on the kidneys doubles, which often leads to edema and congestion. The peristalsis of the intestine, squeezed by the growing uterus, is disturbed, i.e. digestive waste is excreted much more slowly. Due to all these prerequisites, weight increases, and with it, the load on the spine. Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis and other problems are only getting worse. At the same time, hormones prepare the pelvis for childbirth and soften the ligaments, the cross-iliac joints become mobile, and this only aggravates drawing pains in the lower back during pregnancy.

Why does the lower back ache in the later stages?

Many expectant mothers are interested in the question at what stage of pregnancy does the lower back begin to hurt. Firstly, back discomfort is not manifested by everyone. It all depends on the state of health and physical training. If a woman has a normal body mass index, long time played sports in moderation, trained a muscular corset and does not gain excess weight, then until the very birth, she may not notice any problems such as heaviness or aching pain. For those who lead a sedentary or, conversely, hyperactive lifestyle, lower back pain usually appears by the middle of pregnancy. At this time, the rapidly increasing coccygeal-parietal size fruit, for building it skeletal system calcium is taken from the mother's body. In addition, the baby begins to gain subcutaneous fat and gradually becomes heavier. Due to such processes, the center of gravity of the body quickly shifts, the distribution of loads on the spine changes, as a result - pain and fatigue during prolonged walking or sedentary work.

anxiety symptoms

In some cases, low back pain during pregnancy cannot be ignored, attributed to weight gain or fatigue. To respond in a timely manner to anxiety symptoms, you need to be attentive to your well-being and its changes.

So, if the lower back and lower abdomen hurt during early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), and the woman notes weakness, palpitations and dizziness, you need to urgently call ambulance. Similar signs can signal detachment and the onset of a miscarriage. In the second trimester, you should be wary of the appearance of girdle pains that radiate to the coccyx, pubis and thighs. If they do not go away when resting in the supine position for 20-30 minutes or become rhythmic (last for the same time and appear at the same intervals), you should also call a doctor. Perhaps such sensations are associated with hypertonicity or the onset of premature labor activity. The sooner you seek help, the greater the chances of maintaining a pregnancy.

When should you seek help?

Back pain in late pregnancy should also be reported to the gynecologist in a timely manner - in the third trimester, an increase in uterine tone worsens blood flow in the placenta, adversely affects admission nutrients and oxygen to the baby and can lead to fetal hypoxia. There are also a number of diseases in which severe pain during pregnancy in the back.


Inflammation of the pancreas is manifested in digestive disorders, deterioration, similar to toxicosis. During pregnancy, the back pain associated with this disease is girdle in nature, localized in the upper abdomen and moving towards the spine during attacks. Such symptoms are a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor, self-medication in these circumstances can be dangerous not only for the course of pregnancy, but also for the health of a woman.

Osteochondrosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia

Pinched intervertebral discs, salt deposits, inflammatory processes are accompanied by discomfort not only at the site of localization, but throughout the entire musculoskeletal system. So, due to osteochondrosis, sciatica or hernia during pregnancy, the entire back or its large sections hurt. Constant tension can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and premature birth. It cannot be left unattended - after consultation with a gynecologist, therapist and surgeon, exercise therapy and treatment methods that alleviate the condition of the expectant mother can be recommended.

Back problems can cause back pain during pregnancy

kidney disease

Glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis usually affect only one kidney at first, respectively, in the case of similar diseases during pregnancy, back pain on the right or left. Such problems will not go unnoticed, since violations of the kidneys can be tracked by a urine test, which a woman regularly takes when observed in antenatal clinic. Similar states amenable to treatment, but they can not be run. To their grave consequences include eclampsia and preeclampsia.

What to do if your lower back hurts during pregnancy?

The first thing to do if your lower back hurts during pregnancy is to go to the doctor. There is no need to run to the consultation at the slightest discomfort in the back. If unpleasant sensations begin to worsen the quality of life - they interfere with sleep, do not go away during rest or after doing relaxing exercises - you should seek advice.

In some cases, an examination is enough for a specialist to determine the cause of the problem, in others it will be necessary to take tests, undergo an ultrasound scan, or consult a doctor in a related field of medicine. Only a comprehensive and qualified approach to diagnosis will allow a pregnant woman to get rid of pain in the lower back and back, or at least reduce it to a possible minimum. It is absolutely impossible to self-medicate. First of all, for different types pains are meant different techniques: warming up can aggravate inflammation, and improper exercise therapy can worsen the condition of the hernia. The same applies to ointments, painkillers and folk recipes- habitual and effective means far from always allowed for expectant mothers and can be dangerous for both the baby and the woman herself. In a word, for any problem during the period of bearing a child, the first step should be to consult a doctor.

If your back hurts a lot during pregnancy, you need to coordinate the treatment with your doctor.


If the back hurts during pregnancy not due to complex diseases, but due to physiological reasons You need to rethink your lifestyle. Those who work in a sitting position for a long time before giving birth should buy a comfortable chair or armchair, take a break every 40-60 minutes - get up, warm up. During work, you should try to keep your back straight: the “curved” spine distributes the load evenly, which increases lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis and other unpleasant problems.

Women who spend a lot of time on their feet - due to the nature of their professional activities, caring for a second child or everyday life - also need breaks. You need to rest, if possible, in a prone or half-sitting position, raising your legs a little or placing pillows under your back so that the lower back is “stretched” and relaxed.

Expectant mothers should sleep only on their side; for greater convenience, you can purchase a pillow for pregnant women or make it yourself from a blanket or blanket. Such a device will help fix the pelvis and shoulders in a comfortable position, eliminate improper loads on different parts of the spine and make rest better. Sleeping on your back from the second trimester is not recommended - the growing and growing uterus puts pressure on the great vena cava, and this is fraught with circulatory disorders, numbness and tiring aching pains in the back after waking up.

Sleeping position should be comfortable and correct

Physical activity

Training before childbirth should be moderate, their task is not sports records, strengthening the body, delicately increasing its endurance without excessive stress, preparing for childbirth and speeding up recovery after them. If your lower back hurts during pregnancy, you need to minimize exercises that involve vertical loads on the spine. TO the best options physical activity relate:

  • Swimming - immersion in the water mass reduces weight own body, when swimming, they are switched on in turn different groups muscles, i.e. the risk of "overtraining" of some department is excluded. At the same time, such training improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increases the adaptive and protective functions of the body, literally helps to relax and relieve stress.
  • Aqua aerobics - group lessons in the pool and fitness club are conducted under the guidance of an instructor who, on the side of the pool, shows exercises with different equipment aimed at strengthening the muscle corset, gentle stretching, increasing the elasticity of the ligaments and breathing exercises, which will not only help get rid of lower back pain during pregnancy, but and prepare the body for childbirth.
  • Mom yoga - this yoga format excludes twisting, tilting and inverted poses in classes for beginners, all asanas work to relax different parts of the body, relieve tension from the back and legs, consciously and correct breathing, after class, you feel a surge of strength and increased tone.

Yoga can help with lower back pain during pregnancy


The prenatal bandage is orthopedic product in the form of a belt of variable width. It has adjustable buckles that allow you to change size and wear the same model until the end of the third trimester. Wearing a bandage begins on the recommendation of a doctor, usually from 5-6 months of pregnancy, when the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the organs and shift the center of gravity. The use of such an accessory, if the lower back hurts during pregnancy, will help redistribute the load and reduce discomfort. You need to put on the bandage correctly - in the prone position, securing a wide base under the stomach. The belt will be invisible under clothes, it will not only reduce discomfort in the back, but also serve as a prevention of early stretch marks.

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy: 5 simple recommendations

  • alternate work and rest;
  • wear comfortable shoes with small heel and comfortable shoe;
  • swim in the pool without high loads;
  • To sleep in correct posture;
  • do not neglect the bandage in the second trimester.

Back pain is a phenomenon that is quite considered common during the period of bearing a child. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, muscles, joints and ligaments relax under the influence of hormones.

Weight gain occurs, posture changes, which causes additional stress on the back This is why your back hurts during pregnancy.

Low back pain is the most common but can be accompanied by discomfort in the shoulders, upper back, chest and between breasts.

Some pregnant women may suffer from inflammation sciatic nerve, which gives a sharp pain of a shooting character in the legs. In some women, it occurs due to instability hip joint pelvic pain - in the pubic joint.

Back pain during pregnancy can occur if a woman has had problems with the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • underdeveloped muscles responsible for tilting the pelvis.

Why does back pain get worse during pregnancy?

In order to understand why the back hurts during pregnancy, it should be taken into account that all the causes that provoke pain are divided into: physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes- occur as a result of pregnancy itself. A woman feels pain that does not harm her health and the baby.

Back pain during childbearing can manifest itself in each woman in different ways: with different intensity and at different times. Someone has pain already in the first half, but 50-70% of women have back pain from the 20th week of pregnancy.

When a woman is already 34-37 weeks pregnant, her back hurts more, as there is not only excess weight, but also the child's pressure on the lumbar region.

It should be highlighted main physiological reasons:

  1. The very first pain in the back is caused by relaxation and softening of the intervertebral ligaments under the influence of the hormone relaxin (from the 20th week of pregnancy).
  2. An increase in the weight of a woman provokes an increased load on the lower back.
  3. The shift of the center of gravity forward, which leads to a change in the woman's posture and back pain.
  4. Prolonged standing.
  5. An increase in the size of the uterus leads to compression of the nerves and blood vessels that surround the spine. (Begins already by the third trimester).
  6. The pressure of the head of the child in the later stages.
  7. When false contractions in a pregnant woman hurt her back from the 38th week of pregnancy. The pain is aching in nature when the uterus comes into tone.

Pancreatitis, pyelonephritis and other causes of back pain

In addition to physiological causes, pathological ones are also distinguished, which are provoked by the development of diseases of other organs and require mandatory treatment.

Among these reasons are:

  1. Drawing pain in the back is felt with kidney disease, but aching - with inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), but sharp cramping pains occur in the back with renal colic. The back hurts a lot during pregnancy, and it is almost impossible to ease the pain. Cloudy urine (sometimes mixed with blood) is the main symptom of the disease. With pyelonephritis, the temperature rises.
  2. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) rarely occurs in pregnant women. The disease can be caused by fatty and abundant meat food, non-compliance with the diet, alcohol consumption, stress, heredity and impaired bile outflow.

    The main symptoms of pancreatitis are acute girdle pains in the upper abdomen, lower back, vomiting, low blood pressure, and impaired stool.

  3. Myositis- inflammation of the muscles that occurs after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to a draft. The pain is very sharp, and the movements are not easy to carry out.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. When it happens renal colic, in the lower back is felt sharp pain, nausea, frequent urination or vice versa.
  5. Neurological diseases(sciatica, osteochondrosis, herniated discs). Pain have a shooting character and can give in the leg. Get stronger after a long walk.
  6. Threat of abortion accompanied by pulling cramping pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, the appearance of bloody discharge is likely.

What to do for back pain during pregnancy?

You can eliminate back pain or at least alleviate it with the help of the following recommendations (provided that the pain syndrome is not associated with the threat of miscarriage or diseases of the genitourinary system):

Acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy. Conducted only on doctor's orders. Quite often, such procedures may be contraindicated, although they are suitable for many women. Such procedures should only be performed by qualified personnel.

This video will show you what to do for back pain during pregnancy

It should be remembered that during the bearing of a child, it is advisable to avoid taking medications for pain relief and relieving inflammation. Such drugs are allowed to be used only on the strict prescription of doctors when absolutely necessary.

This video provides some more doctor's advice on how to get rid of back pain during pregnancy.

In addition, remember that all of the above recommendations and exercises should be performed not only when pain exists, but also for preventive purposes.

Back pain during childbearing usually occurs due to the ever-increasing uterus, changes hormonal background, displacement of the center of gravity. More often, women complain of discomfort, irradiating and buttocks. To eliminate them, you do not need to take pharmacological drugs - doctors recommend more rest and daily exercise.

Physiological causes

During the bearing of a child, sharp, severe or aching pressing pains may occur in the back. Sometimes discomfort in the lumbar region persists throughout the day and disappears only after long rest. But more often there is a short-term pain after an increase motor activity, increased physical activity. To eliminate it, it is enough to exclude the provoking factor - to lie down or sit down for a while.

Regardless of the location of the pain, its severity and duration, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination to determine the cause of the discomfort. In most cases, pain in the back during pregnancy is physiological, due to the preparation of the body for the upcoming birth.

dependency graph female hormones from the day menstrual cycle: 1) During the follicular phase, one or more follicles mature 2) On the days of ovulation, the dominant follicle ruptures and an egg is released from it ready for fertilization 3) In the luteal phase, under the action of progesterone, changes occur in the endometrium that, during pregnancy, will help the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterus

First trimester of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman notices that her gait, posture are changing, and difficulties arise when performing certain movements. The reason for this condition is a shift in the center of gravity and an increase in the load on the lumbosacral vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The spinal column is slightly modified. This exacerbates lordosis - the physiological curvature of the spine, in which its bulge is facing forward. The uneven distribution of loads on the vertebral structures causes overstrain of the skeletal muscles and the appearance of the first painful sensations.

Around the 8-9th week of pregnancy, a woman begins to gradually gain weight. In the absence of good physical fitness, this leads to an increase in the load on almost all structures of the musculoskeletal system: joints, ligaments, tendons, vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The body does not have time to adapt to the changes that occur due to the constantly increasing body weight, therefore, pain signals the need for rest. Also physiological causes of back discomfort include:

  • prolonged standing or sitting. On early term pregnancy women lead habitual image life - work, take long walks, play sports. But temporary changes in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system often do not allow maintaining the same motor activity;
  • frequent hormonal changes. Immediately after conception, the level of female sex hormones in the body increases. The ovaries produce estrogens that regulate the formation of bone, cartilage and connective tissue structures. But at the same time, relaxin is also produced - a hormone that causes relaxation of the ligaments of the pubic articulation of the pelvic bones.

In the first trimester, women still wear tight shoes on high heels. This not only worsens the blood supply to the legs, but also provokes an uneven distribution of loads on the spine. In such cases, they arise due to strong tension in the muscles of the lower back. To improve well-being, it is enough to wear shoes with orthopedic insoles on a small heel.

Second and third period of pregnancy

Pain arising from natural causes usually increase in late pregnancy. Especially if a woman does not follow medical recommendations for classes physical therapy or gymnastics. The weight of the fetus and the size of the uterus increase, which begins to compress the nearby internal organs, blood vessels, pelvic bones. The innervation may be temporarily upset, the abdominal muscles weaken. To compensate for the negative changes that occur, the tone of the skeletal muscles of the lumbar spine begins to increase. woman feels constant pressure in the lower back, sometimes accompanied by pain of varying severity.

In late pregnancy, back discomfort occurs for other reasons:

  • the periodic appearance of "false contractions" Braxton-Hicks. At normal course pregnancy, they should not be aggravated by other symptoms. The onset of labor is indicated by pulling pressing pains in combination with thick secretions from the vagina;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies of inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic origin. During the bearing of a child, relapses often occur, intercostal neuralgia,. The leading sign of all is.

Symphysopathy may develop in the third trimester of pregnancy. This pathological change tissues of the pubic symphysis, diagnosed in almost half of women. Pregnant women complain to the doctor about shooting or pulling superficial pains above the pubis. Their severity increases significantly with physical exertion and even ordinary walking. With symphysopathy, the gait often changes, there are difficulties in performing certain movements. To eliminate tissue destruction, it is usually sufficient to wear a bandage, frequent rest, additional reception calcium with vitamin D3. All symptoms of pathology disappear after 4-6 months after childbirth, but sometimes persist for a year.

Pathological causes

During the bearing of a child, the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system not only become aggravated. There have been cases of the development of diseases during pregnancy, which served as a provoking factor. The probability of occurrence of pathology increases with the existing slight destruction of cartilage or bone tissues. With weight gain (especially with multiple pregnancy), a change in the hormonal background, the disease began to progress rapidly. Provoking factors are age (from 35 years), a sedentary or overly active lifestyle.

After the diagnosis is made, therapy is carried out immediately or delayed for postpartum period. If the doctor decides on urgent treatment, then it will certainly be gentle. A woman is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy, massage, a course of pharmacological preparations in reduced dosages.

Pathological cause of back pain during pregnancy Characteristic clinical manifestations
Renal colic resulting from a sudden violation of the passage of urine, increased pressure inside the pelvis and renal ischemia. From the lower back pain radiates to the thighs, rectum, genitals. The attack is accompanied by tachycardia, fever, chills, fever, urge to vomit
Pancreatitis A progressive inflammatory-destructive lesion of the pancreas, resulting in a violation of its intra- and exocrine function. With an exacerbation chronic pathology there is pain in the abdomen and left hypochondrium, radiating to the sides and lower part back. The relapse is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bloating and yellowness of the skin
Pyelonephritis Nonspecific infectious pathology kidneys, caused by the penetration of microbes into the body or the activation of bacteria belonging to the conditionally pathogenic microflora. Characteristic symptoms- soreness in the back on palpation (positive Pasternatsky's symptom), increased urination, hyperthermia, chills, neurological disorders
Myositis developmental pathology. inflammatory process in the skeletal muscles of the back. Leading clinical manifestation- local pain in the affected muscles, aggravated by movement and palpation. If left untreated, there may be muscle weakness and/or atrophy

How to get rid of pain

Before conception, it was possible to get rid of by taking a pill. During pregnancy, the use of most analgesic drugs is strictly prohibited. This is especially true in the third trimester, when all the vital systems of the child have formed. In addition, a single pill will not solve the problem - many women experience back pain several times a day. Under a categorical ban: Ketorol, Nimesil.

In some cases, the use of painkillers is allowed, but only with the permission of the doctor and in minimal dosages. Active ingredients penetrate the bloodstream in small amounts and rarely cause systemic side effects. But many, creams, gels, balms are prohibited for use in late pregnancy.

Often women for cupping pain syndrome start drinking infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs, considering them a worthy, and most importantly safe alternative to pharmacological drugs. This is an erroneous opinion. IN chemical composition"harmless" plants contain a huge amount of biologically active substances, including those with antispasmodic action. Therefore, doctors often immediately warn women about the inadmissibility of this method of eliminating pain. To improve well-being, they recommend the following activities:

  • posture correction. Gynecologists advise women to wear special bandages already in the first trimester of pregnancy. When using such devices, there is no excessive load on the muscles of the lower back, there is no aggravation of lordosis. A woman herself must control her posture - while walking, straighten her back, tighten her buttocks, take her shoulders back;

Bandage for pregnant women.

  • frequent changes in body position. It is better to sit while carrying a child on a chair with a hard back. This contributes to an even distribution of loads on all parts of the spine. In addition, there is a desire to change the position of the body, which leads to improved blood circulation. Conveniently located in easy chair or on the couch, a woman can be in one position for a long time. It is not surprising that when she gets up, she feels;
  • physical activity. Back pain occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, and as a result of excessive physical exertion. A woman should constantly listen to her feelings. If you feel tired, you need to rest or work in slow motion. At least once a day, you should do a warm-up - make tilts to the sides, circular rotation of the body, walk around the room, raising your knees high. It is advisable to purchase special orthopedic mats. After lying on them for a few minutes, you can feel the weakening of painful sensations.

Doctors recommend sleeping on and only on your side to eliminate pain and as a preventive measure. It is advisable to purchase special pillow for pregnant women, on which you can comfortably position your legs. Sleep improves, spasmodic back muscles relax.

Pain in any part of the spine that occurs during pregnancy becomes a signal for immediate medical attention. After the examination, he will give recommendations on how to eliminate it, and if necessary, prescribe a gentle treatment that will not harm either the expectant mother or the baby.