Frozen pregnancy causes. Symptoms of a missed pregnancy at a later date. The diagnosis of "frozen pregnancy" was confirmed. What to do

A frozen pregnancy is a cessation of the development of the fetus and its death for up to 28 weeks. The reasons for this unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous phenomenon can be very different - a missed pregnancy may be the result of genetic disorders in the embryo (or fetus), caused by an exacerbation of an infectious disease, or even bad habits. Frozen pregnancy is more often diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks). Missed pregnancy reasons for early dates different from later ones. Let us consider in more detail such a phenomenon as a frozen pregnancy, its causes and preventive measures.

So, even during the planning period of pregnancy, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages(especially in large quantities) and smoking. Alcohol and smoking do not always lead to a missed pregnancy, but the risk of its occurrence in such women increases.

Absolutely during the planning period and the pregnancy itself (in order to avoid miscarriage and frozen), you should not use medications without a doctor's prescription. And before you start taking them, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug, perhaps there is pregnancy in contraindications. In addition, many drugs have the property of being excreted from the body for a long time. The expectant mother may not know that pregnancy has come and take any medicine and, as a result, she is frozen. The embryo is highly susceptible to teratogenic effects. But, meanwhile, a frozen pregnancy is unlikely to be caused by taking medications at a very early date - 7-10 days from the day of fertilization of the egg, since during this period there is no relationship between the unborn child and his mother close connection. And after 8-10 weeks, the placenta partially protects the child from teratogenic effects and, accordingly, the number of missed pregnancies over long periods is somewhat reduced. If you work in a hazardous industry, then you also have an increased risk of miscarriage.

The cause of a missed pregnancy may lie in violations hormonal background women, most often, this is a lack of progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy. If you have a history of a missed pregnancy, a miscarriage, there are often delays in menstruation and hair growth is observed male type, then before planning a pregnancy, you need to take tests for hormones and, if necessary, undergo treatment, so you reduce the likelihood of a missed pregnancy in the future.

The next reason for a missed pregnancy is not only in the early, but also in later dates are all kinds of infections. Especially dangerous is not the exacerbation of existing infectious diseases, but their infection during pregnancy. Infection with some of them (for example chicken pox and rubella) can lead not only to a missed pregnancy, but, worst of all, to abnormalities in the development of the fetus. And then you will have to decide on the issue of termination of pregnancy ... It is infections that can cause such a state as a missed pregnancy in the later stages.

How to avoid a missed pregnancy due to an exacerbation or infection with an infectious disease? First, you should look at your nursery medical card or ask your parents (if you don’t remember yourself) about whether you had diseases such as rubella and chickenpox in your childhood. If not, and besides, you are at risk (working with children), then in order to avoid infection with them and as a result of a missed pregnancy or miscarriage, it is better to vaccinate against them 3 months before planning a pregnancy. If you have STIs (sexually transmitted infections), then you should first of all get rid of them and only then plan a pregnancy.

But if the pregnancy came unexpectedly, then in order to avoid a frozen or miscarriage, the doctor may prescribe an antiviral course for you.

For the prevention of missed pregnancy and other troubles, all women, without exception, need to strengthen their immunity during the happy expectation of the baby. There are a lot of ways, it is not necessary to drink dietary supplements and vitamins. It will be enough to be correct good nutrition. During pregnancy, immunity always decreases, this is due to the production of a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin, one of the functions of which is to protect the unborn child from the immune system of his mother. Without this, the mother's body perceives the fetus as a "foreign" object that needs to be disposed of, and here you have another possible cause of a missed pregnancy.

But, nevertheless, the most common cause of missed pregnancy is genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Nature itself does not allow the “sick” embryo to develop and a missed pregnancy occurs. As a rule, if this is the cause of a missed pregnancy in a woman, then there is a high probability that this will not happen again if the parents themselves are healthy.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy and its diagnosis

Unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy at an early stage may not make itself felt. Later, the symptoms of a missed pregnancy in a woman can be cramping pain and spotting. bloody issues. This usually occurs at the beginning of the detachment of the fetal egg, that is, the beginning of a miscarriage.

The subjective symptoms of a missed pregnancy at an early stage can also include a sharp cessation of toxicosis (if any). Also, the soreness of the mammary glands and the basal temperature may decrease. Usually, these symptoms of a missed pregnancy do not go unnoticed by a woman. Frozen pregnancy in the later stages is characterized by the absence of baby movements.

There are three ways to diagnose a frozen pregnancy: take a blood test for hCG, go for an examination to a gynecologist, or do an ultrasound.

With a frozen pregnancy hCG level lower than it should be at this stage of pregnancy. Ultrasound shows no fetal heartbeat. And on gynecological examination the doctor determines the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age.

So, if you suspect that you have a miscarriage, know that the symptoms are a minor sign. The main thing is medical evidence, so to speak ... With such a phenomenon as a miscarriage, symptoms in different women may be different or even absent.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy ends with a “cleansing” of the uterine cavity in stationary conditions. But in the early stages, it is possible to conduct a vacuum aspiration or induce a miscarriage with the help of certain medications (under the supervision of a doctor). Sometimes, with a frozen pregnancy in the early stages, doctors take a wait-and-see attitude, that is, they expect a woman to miscarry spontaneously. And if this does not happen within the time specified by the doctor, or the remains of the fetal egg are diagnosed by ultrasound in the uterus, then curettage (curettage) of the uterine cavity is performed.

Pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

Doctors recommend planning a pregnancy after a missed pregnancy at least six months later. During this time, treatment is carried out to prevent future cases of missed pregnancy. There is no standard for treatment, it all depends on the cause that caused the missed pregnancy. But it is desirable for absolutely everyone to pass some tests and undergo examinations.

First of all, it is worth taking a smear for all kinds of sexually transmitted infections by PCR, taking a blood test to determine the level of hormones in the blood, and undergoing an ultrasound examination. If necessary, determine the karyotype (own and partner), group compatibility and other tests and examinations, as well as undergo the treatment recommended by the doctor based on the results of all examinations as a preventive measure for future miscarriages.

A woman who has experienced a condition such as a missed pregnancy may not need treatment at all if all test results are normal. As we wrote earlier, a missed pregnancy, most often, happens due to a genetic error, which is unlikely to happen again ... But if a missed pregnancy did not happen for the first time, then treatment is most likely in any case will be needed.

The best prevention is a healthy lifestyle and regular visits to the gynecologist, and then you are unlikely to be threatened by a miscarriage.

Fetal fading can occur in a woman at any age. This pathology means the death of the fetus and develops with a combination of several factors.

Before planning a pregnancy, every woman should know possible risks, as well as be able to recognize the signs of any pathology and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Frozen pregnancy is quite rare, among doctors this condition is called a failed miscarriage, since the death of the embryo passes without obvious signs termination of pregnancy. The fetus can die at any time, regardless of the age of the woman, although most often the pathology develops among women in labor over 40 years old. Pregnancy fading in most cases occurs for up to 13 weeks, the causes of the pathology are a variety of factors: chronic diseases, infections, genetic disorders, etc. However, the fetus may die without obvious reasons, but in any case, the fading of the fetus poses a threat to the woman's health, in particular, it can lead to infertility.

Causes of fetal fading

Fetal fading is provoked by many factors, and a combination of several circumstances is often observed. It is not always possible to establish the exact cause of such a pathology, since after the death of the fetus tissue necrosis occurs, which makes the study quite difficult.

Among the causes of fetal death are hormonal disruptions, chromosomal abnormalities, infections, etc. The most common cause of pregnancy fading is alcohol and cigarettes. Herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, etc. can also lead to the death of the fetus, so doctors recommend that you undergo an examination before planning a pregnancy and cure all existing diseases.

The reasons why the fetus stops developing and dies are not well understood, but experts identify several main factors:

  • hormonal imbalances can lead to a deficiency of progesterone, due to which the fetus does not receive the necessary nutrients, which ultimately will provoke a halt in development and death of the fetus. Usually such a reason provokes fading in the first trimester. In addition, thyroid disease, polycystic disease and other ovarian dysfunctions can cause fading.
  • immunological factor, which Lately viewed more and more often. female body fertilized egg is perceived as a foreign body, since it contains about half of the genetic information of the future father, in this regard, the body begins to produce antibodies that prevent the development of the fetus. In other words, the immune system women are killed by an embryo.
  • autoimmune disorders associated with a large number of antibodies to plasma phospholipids - antiphospholipid syndrome. This pathology leads to fetal fading in almost 5% of cases. Freezing risks at repeated pregnancy rise to 42%. The cause of antiphospholipid syndrome is mainly heredity, this pathology leads to the formation of blood clots and over the course of pregnancy, the risk of complications may increase, in addition, antiphospholipid syndrome can affect childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • infectious diseases both in chronic and acute form. The most common diseases that can lead to fading are herpes, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc., which may be present before pregnancy, however, with a decrease in immunity, the disease begins to manifest itself more aggressively.

Cytomegalovirus can provoke pregnancy fading in the first trimester, if infection occurs at a later date, this can lead to serious defects development. Syphilis, gonorrhea also pose a danger to the health and life of the child.

  • chromosomal disorders. During the development of the embryo, various developmental disorders may occur, for example, pathology of the zygote, misdevelopment placenta.
  • stress, abuse medicines especially antidepressants.
  • bad habits(drugs, alcohol, cigarettes)
  • external influence(air travel, gravity, exposure, excessive sun exposure)
  • causes of an unknown nature. The fading of pregnancy has not yet been sufficiently studied, and in some cases it is impossible to determine why the development of the fetus has stopped.

Why does the fetus freeze?

It is quite difficult to single out the main reasons why the fetus freezes, since several factors can lead to this pathology at the same time. For example, hormonal disruptions and chromosomal changes in the embryo or infection.

Also, the use of drugs, alcohol, smoking during pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases can cause intrauterine death of the fetus.

How to provoke fetal fading?

Fetal fading in some cases can be provoked by the woman herself. Smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, drug abuse can cause the development of the embryo to stop. In addition, frequent nerve strain or stress, coffee, a sedentary lifestyle disrupt the normal development of the fetus, lead to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to it.

Signs of fetal freezing

Fetal freezing has several symptoms that a woman can determine on her own. Most often, fading occurs in the first trimester, often this pathology is detected during a routine examination or ultrasound. In this case, fading can be detected several weeks later than the death of the embryo occurred.

In the early stages, an abrupt cessation of toxicosis, a decrease in basal body temperature, breast tenderness.

In some cases, these signs are ignored or are perceived as a natural manifestation of pregnancy.

At a later date, it is possible to determine that the death of the fetus has occurred because the child has stopped moving, also severe pain in the abdomen or open bleeding may indicate a pathology.

The first signs of fetal fading

It is rather difficult to determine the fading of the fetus in the early stages on its own, since in each case the pregnancy proceeds individually. For example, some women do not have toxicosis or other manifestations of pregnancy (dizziness, weakness, cravings for salt, etc.). In the first trimester, an abrupt cessation of signs of pregnancy (provided that they were) can indicate the death of the embryo. If a woman initially felt well, then it is possible to detect fading when visiting a doctor or on an ultrasound scan.

At a later date, pathology may be indicated by the fact that the child stops moving. In most cases, when fetal death occurs, the woman begins miscarriage. But in some cases, a woman can walk with an already dead fetus inside her for several days and even weeks. The fact that the fetus is dead and the decomposition process has begun can be indicated by pulling or severe pain in the abdomen, spotting.

Fetal freeze at 8 weeks

The eighth week of pregnancy is a rather early period at which the umbilical cord and placenta have not yet formed, the main purpose of which is to protect the fetus from external negative factors. At this time, the embryo is extremely vulnerable, and an infection or hormonal disorder can provoke malformations that are incompatible with life. Fetal fading at such an early stage is quite common and in most cases ends in spontaneous miscarriage.

Fetal freeze at 16 weeks

Fetal fading most often occurs for up to 13 weeks, however, it happens that the fetus dies in the second trimester. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the risk of pregnancy fading is extremely high and several factors can contribute to this.

Intrauterine fetal death can occur due to infection, chromosomal developmental disorders, conflict between the Rh factors of the child and mother, and abortions in the past.

To identify the fading of pregnancy at week 16 allows monitoring the growth of the uterus and ultrasound. Signs of a missed pregnancy (moving the baby, pain in the lower abdomen, spotting, etc.) do not always indicate the death of the fetus, confirm this diagnosis Can only specialist and ultrasound.

After confirming the death of the fetus in the womb, the doctor prescribes an emergency operation (cleaning) to remove the fetus from the uterus, otherwise it can lead to inflammation, infection, severe bleeding.

After cleaning, the woman is observed for several days and spent full examination to determine the causes of fetal fading.

After the pregnancy fades, it is advisable to plan the next one at least six months later.

Fading of one fetus with twins

During a twin pregnancy, the death of one of the embryos occurs once in a thousand pregnancies. Fetal freezing can occur different reasons, often one fetus dies due to developmental anomalies, improper blood circulation, developmental disorders of the placenta, umbilical cord. Also, the death of one of the embryos in twins can be facilitated by a mechanical factor, for example, an acute lack of oxygen in a single placenta and one fetal sac.

The death of one of the embryos leads to serious health problems of the second, as well as death. According to statistics, in the event of the death of one of the embryos in the first trimester, the probability normal development and the birth of the second reaches 90%. If one fetus stops developing for up to three weeks, then the embryo completely resorbs or softens and dries out (“paper fruit”).

If the death of one fetus with twins occurred at a later date, then the second may develop a severe lesion of the central nervous system, internal organs or death.

If one of the embryos dies, the woman may not feel any symptoms. Usually, the pathology is detected on ultrasound (lack of heartbeat, movement). One dead fetus with twins in the second and third trimester can lead to a large loss of blood in a living child. Through the connecting vessels, blood from a living fetus flows to a dead one, and since the heart does not work, dead organism able to absorb quite a lot of blood. Due to large blood loss in a living fetus, severe anemia can begin, which will lead to damage to the central nervous system and oxygen starvation.

The actions of the doctor directly depend on the period at which the death of one of the children occurred. On recent months pregnancy, the doctor may decide on an emergency delivery, despite the unavailability of a live fetus for birth. In this case, for a living child premature birth are less dangerous than further stay with a dead body and the less time passes from the moment of fetal death to artificial delivery, the better for the second child. With the timely detection of a missed pregnancy, the probability of a successful outcome for a living child is approximately 55%.

For the treatment of pathology in the second trimester, the termination of any relationship between the two organisms and the transfusion of blood to a live fetus are used if there is no possibility of delivery.

In the third trimester, only artificial childbirth is used, since a dead organism poses a strong threat not only to a living child, but also to the mother, since coagulation disorders (blood clotting) are possible.

How to determine the fading of the fetus?

Fetal freezing can occur without pronounced symptoms. Identification of pathology occurs after a visit to the doctor. If there is a suspicion of pregnancy fading (the uterus is not large enough, there are no movements of the child), then an ultrasound examination is always prescribed for a more accurate diagnosis.

You can also determine the fading of the fetus by analyzing urine and blood, which show deviations from the norm.

Fading of the fetus in the early stages

Often, the fading of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy is difficult for a woman to identify herself, since often the symptoms are hidden.

In most cases, the fading of pregnancy in the first trimester accompanies the disappearance of toxicosis, rapid fatigue, a decrease in basal temperature, the cessation of swelling and soreness of the mammary glands.

In most cases, these signs are ignored or attributed by the woman to her new condition. It is possible to identify the fading of pregnancy after some examinations.

The doctor prescribes an analysis for hCG, if the level of this hormone has dropped sharply or stops increasing, then the pregnancy is expected to fade.

In some cases, an ultrasound examination may show that there is no embryo in the ovum.

Fetal fading in the second trimester

Fetal fading occurs most often in the first weeks of pregnancy. The death of an embryo before 18 weeks is usually due to various genetic disorders, and it is impossible to maintain such a pregnancy. Less often, pregnancy fades in the second trimester, as a rule, the reason for this is the flu, exacerbation of an infectious disease, hormonal disorders, etc. Only a specialist after an additional examination can determine the cause of pregnancy fading. In some cases, the cause of the fading remains unclear.

In the second trimester, the main sign of a violation of the course of pregnancy is the lack of fetal movement. At about 18-20 weeks (in those who give birth earlier), the fetus begins to move, if a woman notes that the child has not moved for more than a day, then this is a good reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

During the examination, the doctor will determine the size of the abdomen, the ultrasound will listen to the fetal heartbeat, and placental abruption can also be diagnosed. In addition, pain or bleeding may indicate an abnormal development of pregnancy.

The fading of pregnancy in the second trimester is quite rare, the main cause of the pathology is serious illnesses maternal or genetic disorders. Also, intrauterine fetal death can occur as a result of trauma.

Fading of the fetus in the later stages

Fetal fading in the later stages can be determined by more pronounced signs. The main symptom of pathology is the lack of movement.

In addition, there are a number of signs that may indicate a fading pregnancy:

  • the breast becomes softer, not swollen
  • great weakness
  • appetite changes (if it was absent before, it appears and vice versa)
  • The main examination of a woman is to pass ultrasound pelvic organs, swabs to detect diseases, urine, blood, analysis for infections, research thyroid gland, tests for hormone levels.

    Also possible additional methods studies that a doctor may prescribe based on the woman's medical history and individual features organism.

    Fetal fading is not a sentence for a couple who dream of having a baby. In the early stages, the death of the embryo most often occurs due to a developmental anomaly that is incompatible with life. In the case of repeated pregnancy, the probability of fading is practically eliminated. Compliance healthy lifestyle future parents, the implementation of the doctor's recommendations, a complete examination before planning pregnancy and the treatment of all existing diseases will prevent the development of this pathology.

A missed pregnancy is an intrauterine fetal death that occurs before 20 weeks of gestation. Since a frozen fetus is rejected sooner or later during pregnancy, an inevitable consequence of a frozen pregnancy is a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

How common is a miscarriage?

According to world statistics, every second pregnancy “freezes” and ends in a spontaneous (spontaneous) abortion. In the vast majority of cases, this happens even before it happens and the woman finds out that she is pregnant.

The risk of a missed pregnancy after the second line shows is about 15-20%

An increased risk of missed pregnancy is observed in women older than 35-40 years, as well as in women who have already had a missed pregnancy once.

At what time can a missed pregnancy occur?

The fetus can “freeze” at any time, however, in the vast majority of cases of missed pregnancy, this occurs in the early stages (up to 13 weeks of pregnancy). Frozen pregnancy in the later stages (closer to the 20th week of pregnancy) happens much less frequently.

The longer the pregnancy, the lower the risk that it will be interrupted. So, for example, the risk of missed pregnancy at 9 weeks will be higher than the same risk at 10-12 weeks, etc.

Why does a frozen pregnancy occur?

Every woman who is faced with the problem of a missed pregnancy asks the question why this happened to her. There is a range possible causes miscarriage, but the cause of each competitive case often cannot be determined.

So, the most common causes of miscarriage are:

  • Chromosomal or genetic errors

In most cases, the cause of a missed pregnancy in the early stages is a “mistake” in the development of the embryo. It is in the first weeks of pregnancy that the most important processes in the formation of internal organs take place, and therefore even a small mistake can lead to the death of the embryo. Problems with chromosomes or genes can occur even if both parents are completely healthy.

As a rule, if the embryo has serious chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, frozen pregnancy occurs for a period of 2-4 to 7-8 weeks. However, with some deviations, the fetus can remain viable for much longer, in which case a miscarriage can occur for a period of 13 to 20 weeks.

  • Anembryony (anembryonic pregnancy)

Sometimes in the early stages of pregnancy, the cells responsible for the development of the embryo stop dividing, and the cells responsible for the formation of the future placenta continue to multiply. This condition also applies to missed pregnancy. At the same time, a frozen pregnancy for a period of 5 weeks can already be determined using ultrasound.

In this case, the doctor will see a fetal egg on an ultrasound scan, but the embryo will not be visible inside it. The absence of an embryo in the fetal sac (empty fetal sac or an empty fetal egg) in medicine is called anembryony. Anembryonic pregnancy sooner or later ends in a miscarriage.

  • Pathology of the uterus

The normal position, structure, size and shape of the uterus is essential for maintaining pregnancy. Underdevelopment of the uterus (“baby uterus”), a bicornuate uterus, septa in the uterus, can cause a missed pregnancy in the second trimester of pregnancy (for a period of 12 to 20 weeks). For example, a missed pregnancy for a period of 14 weeks can be caused by a pathology of the structure uterus.

  • Taking certain medications

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.), birth control pills and others hormonal drugs in early pregnancy, it can provoke a missed pregnancy for a period of 4-5 weeks or even earlier.

  • Intoxication with vapors of chemicals

Women forced to inhale vapors of certain chemicals (formaldehyde, benzene, ethylene oxide, gases used in anesthesia) are susceptible to increased risk frozen pregnancy. In this case, a frozen pregnancy can occur at any time in the range from 4 to 20 weeks.

  • Chronic diseases in pregnant women

Severe chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, as well as disorders of the hematopoietic system (anemia) can cause miscarriage in early and late pregnancy.

  • Multiple pregnancy

Despite the fact that in most cases, pregnancy with twins or triplets ends in the birth of healthy children, the risk of a miscarriage in case of multiple pregnancy slightly higher than that of women bearing one child.

  • Pregnancy with IVF

For unknown reasons, pregnancy that occurs with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique often "freezes". If this happens, then usually a missed pregnancy is detected already in the first trimester (up to 9-12 weeks of pregnancy).

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy?

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of how to determine a missed pregnancy. The insidiousness of this condition lies in the fact that it is often asymptomatic: from the death of the fetus to a miscarriage, it can take several days, and sometimes several weeks.

What are the first signs of a missed pregnancy? You may suspect that the pregnancy is no longer developing if you have the following symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • emerged from the vagina
  • Pain in the back or lower abdomen
  • If the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.) suddenly stop
  • Breasts during a frozen pregnancy can stop hurting
  • Body temperature during a missed pregnancy usually remains within the normal range, but with inflammatory processes can rise to 37.5C ​​and above

The signs of a missed pregnancy listed above are not reliable and can occur with normal developing pregnancy, as well as at . Therefore, if you have the above warning signs, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination to clarify the diagnosis. The diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is never made only by the presence of the symptoms listed above.

What will a pregnancy test show?

Many women who suspect they have a missed pregnancy run to the pharmacy for a test. Will the test show a frozen pregnancy or is it a waste of money?

A frozen pregnancy or a missed miscarriage is a condition when the fetus stops developing and dies for up to 28 weeks.

The concept of "frozen pregnancy" came from the fact that future child already died, and his expulsion from the uterus did not occur. Frozen pregnancy is one of the options for miscarriage.

Meets similar condition, as it is not regrettable to realize this, quite often, from 10 to 20% of all (both those who want to give birth and those who want to terminate) pregnancies. Moreover, the risk of "fading" pregnancy increases with the age of the woman.

Threatened deadlines

Pregnancy can “freeze” at any time. But especially often this happens in the first trimester, that is, up to 13 weeks. Experts identify the most dangerous terms pregnancy for "fading" (however, they coincide with the timing of the threat of interruption):

  • 3-4 weeks
  • 8-11 weeks
  • 16-18,
  • 22-24,
  • 28-30 weeks.

Especially dangerous is the period of 8 weeks of pregnancy.

Attention! You can read about ways to terminate a missed pregnancy in the early stages in our special article.

Causes of fading

The reasons that lead to the state of "frozen pregnancy" are very numerous. These include:

Hormonal imbalance

The lack of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone - inhibits the progression of pregnancy, which ultimately leads to the death of the fetus.

Androgens, or rather their excess or hyperandrogenism, may also be guilty. Accordingly, diseases such as ovarian sclerocystosis, thyroid and adrenal diseases, and other endocrine pathologies can lead to intrauterine death of the embryo/fetus.

Genetic disorders

Chromosomal aberrations of the fetus or the inheritance of an abnormal gene from one of the parents leads to the formation of a karyotype of the unborn child, with whom life is impossible. That is, nature itself eliminates defective embryos.


Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, herpes and others), as well as common infectious diseases (rubella, influenza, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection) in the early stages lead to the death of the fetus, and in the later stages to gross malformations. It is to identify infections and reduce the risk of pregnancy fading in women that swabs are taken three times for flora.

Often, after IVF, the pregnancy “freezes”, which is most likely due to the reasons that prompted the woman to turn to this method of getting pregnant.


The older the woman, the higher the likelihood of a missed pregnancy. Particularly high risk given state in nulliparous women over 35 years of age.

Autoimmune conditions

Antiphospholipid syndrome, in which the amount of antibodies to blood phospholipids increases, leads to thrombosis, including in the uterus, as a result of which the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrients and dies.

Immunological factor

The fetus inherits equally genetic material from the father and from the mother, due to any condition, the mother's body perceives the unborn child as a foreign agent and kills him.

Unfavorable environment

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy

Early terms (I trimester)

In the early stages, the following signs may alert a woman about a missed pregnancy:

  • early toxicosis. The sudden disappearance of all signs of early toxicosis (nausea, intolerance to odors, vomiting, drowsiness) up to 10 weeks indicates a missed pregnancy
  • Breast. The chest stopped hurting, there is no feeling of engorgement of the mammary glands.
  • basal temperature. A decrease in basal temperature to 37 degrees and below indicates both the threat of interruption and the death of the embryo.
  • Pregnancy test. The pregnancy test began to show weakly positive or negative result(decrease in hCG).
  • Pain. Aching or pulling constant pain in the lower abdomen and / or lower back.
  • Slight spotting from the genital tract is usually dark.

Late terms (II-III trimester)

  • Absence of fetal movements (main symptom);
  • Pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature;
  • Slight to moderate bleeding.


First of all, a gynecological examination plays a role in the diagnosis of a missed pregnancy.

In the early stages, the doctor determines the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age (it is for this purpose that a vaginal examination is performed in the first trimester at each appointment).

In later terms, the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus lag behind the normal, corresponding this deadline. In addition, the fetal heartbeat is not heard.

The second stage of diagnosing a frozen pregnancy is coming Ultrasound of the uterus and determination of hCG in the blood.

In the early stages, ultrasound does not determine the fetal heartbeat, the size of the embryo does not correspond to the norm, or anembryony is diagnosed ( membranes present, but no embryo).

The level of hCG in the blood decreases or does not increase. In the later stages, in addition to ultrasound, cardiotocography is performed, which confirms the absence of a fetal heartbeat.

Consequences of a frozen pregnancy

Consequences after a frozen pregnancy are possible, but their probability is extremely low.

The risk of complications increases with an increase in the number of missed pregnancies in history.

Almost all women after miscarriage give birth to normal and healthy children in the future.

Possible consequences:

Infection of a woman

With a long-term undiagnosed missed pregnancy or if a woman does not go to a doctor, the fetus in the uterus begins to decompose and undergo aseptic inflammation. For the time being, this does not threaten the health and life of a woman, until an infection joins the aseptic inflammation. In this case, the infected dead fetus is a powerful source of bacteria and toxins, which, penetrating into the woman's blood, lead to her infection and the development of sepsis. In addition, the development of DIC is possible, which is fraught with massive and intractable bleeding. Both sepsis and DIC can be fatal.


Any termination of pregnancy, especially a missed miscarriage, leads to a breakdown in emotional and mental strength and can cause long-term depression.

Fetal mummification

A similar phenomenon occurs in multiple pregnancies, when one fetus develops normally, and the other dies, while turning into a "mummy" or paper fetus.


A lithopedion is a petrified fetus, that is, a dead fetus undergoes calcification (deposition of calcium salts). This phenomenon It is very rare, with only 300 cases known to date. Lithopedion can exist in a woman's body for years, although the "pregnant" woman herself does not suspect it.


In order to prevent a failed miscarriage, it is necessary to carefully prepare for pregnancy not only for those women who have had this complication, but also for everyone else:

  • quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs for both sexual partners at least 3 months before the planned pregnancy;
  • do necessary vaccinations(rubella, hepatitis, influenza and others) no later than 3 months before the expected pregnancy;
  • take swabs for sexually transmitted infections and, if necessary, undergo appropriate treatment (plan pregnancy 3 months after recovery);
  • treat and correct chronic extragenital diseases;
  • to investigate and, if necessary, normalize the hormonal background;
  • refusal of abortions;
  • maintaining a balanced diet (with the obligatory use of fresh vegetables and fruits);
  • genetics consultation (women over 35 years of age and the presence of hereditary diseases);
  • reception folic acid 12 weeks before the planned pregnancy (prevention of malformations neural tube fetus).

Some research on pregnancy

Fetal miscarriage occurs in women of various age groups, while the causes of a missed pregnancy in each of them can be radically different. Appears this problem due to various factors: diseases, heredity, hormonal disruptions and others.

Fortunately, only a few know firsthand what a missed pregnancy is and what are the causes leading to the death of the fetus. Although the pathology is rare, the expectant mother should know what the signs of this condition are, so that in case of danger, see a doctor in a timely manner to save the life of the baby and, possibly, her own.

The causes of missed pregnancy in the early stages are diverse and often have a complex effect. It is impossible to unambiguously establish the factor that led to the death of the fetus. After removing the embryo from the uterine cavity, the doctor sends the material to, which in most cases is difficult due to maceration of the tissues of the dead fetus.

In the first trimester there are two critical period when various complications of the course of pregnancy can occur: from 6 to 8 weeks and from 11 to 13. It is during these intervals that a woman should special attention treat your health and at the slightest violation and suspicion of problems, immediately consult a doctor.

There are many reasons leading to a missed pregnancy in the early stages of fetal development:

  • genetic disorders;
  • chromosomal aberrations;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • acute infectious processes occurring in the mother's body;
  • chronic infection;
  • bad habits.

Let us consider in more detail each of the prerequisites that can lead to intrauterine death of a child.

Genetic developmental anomalies

A special place in the etiology of missed pregnancy is occupied by structural disorders affecting the chromosome set of the fetus. Normally, a person has a haploid set of chromosomes, but when various genetic aberrations occur, the number of cells can change in the direction of decrease or increase, which leads to the appearance of congenital disorders in the child.

Possible deviations:

  1. Trisomy (2n+1). In the human karyotype, a change in the haploid set occurs, and it acquires an additional chromosome. This is the most common type of chromosomal aberration, which leads to the fading of pregnancy. If intrauterine death does not occur, then the born child has multiple defects in the physical and mental development. These include (trisomy 21), trisomy X, Enwards syndrome (trisomy 18), and Patau syndrome (violation of 13 pairs).
  2. Monosomy (2n-1). When such a change in karyotype occurs, intrauterine death occurs in 98% of cases, and only 2% of children are born, however, they have serious violations(Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome or CW monosomy).
  3. Triploid (3n) and tetraploid (4n) sets of chromosomes are rare. Even if the death of the fetus does not occur during fetal development, the born baby has a wide range disorders incompatible with life.
  4. Translocations. In addition to violations of the number of chromosomes, there are also karyotypes in which chromosomes change with each other in their parts. This pathology can be inherited by one of the parents. When interviewed, it often turns out that cases of miscarriage have already been observed in the family before.

Hormonal discorrelations

This type of violation ranks second among the causes of miscarriage in the first trimester. In this case, the death of the embryo occurs due to the fact that the level does not reach the level necessary for maturation. corpus luteum limit, and estrogens are produced in excess. Hormonal imbalance does not allow the embryo to receive the necessary nutritional components, which causes the cessation of life.

another reason hormonal disorders are endocrine diseases that a woman suffered before pregnancy.

Bad habits

Drug addiction during pregnancy leads to the fact that falling into female body harmful substances have a toxic effect on the child. This can lead to developmental disorders, and in some cases, to the fading of pregnancy.

Alcohol and drugs are of particular danger in the first trimester, when the placental barrier, and everything that enters the mother's body, with the blood flow enters the uterine cavity, where the embryo is located.


A pregnant woman is allowed a small list of drugs that can be taken while carrying a child, since many medications have a teratogenic effect. Some drugs are capable of causing minor disturbances in the fetus, while other drugs lead to serious anomalies that are incompatible with life.

Spontaneous abortions are caused by the following medications:

  • Mercaptoturin;
  • Colchicine;
  • Methotrexate.

Check with your doctor before taking this medicine to see if it will harm your child.


Another reason that can lead to miscarriage is teratozoospermia. This pathological condition spermatozoa, when present in the ejaculate a large number of abnormal male sex cells.

Most often, this causes a partner, however, in some cases, conception occurs, but due to the fact that the spermatozoa are pathological, the death of the embryo will soon occur.

External factors

A frozen fetus in early pregnancy can become for many reasons. Very often it is impossible to predict at all what caused his death.

Sometimes intrauterine development stops due to banal factors:

  • weight lifting;
  • climate change;
  • long flight by plane;
  • radioactive radiation;
  • prolonged exposure to scorching sunlight.

Why can there be two missed pregnancies in a row?

After a woman has already had a pregnancy fading once, the biggest fear in her life is the subsequent conception, during which intrauterine fetal death occurred. Those who have experienced such a shock often do not know how to live on, and whether they will be able to get pregnant again and give birth to a healthy child.

Doctors say that if a woman applied for medical care in the event of the death of the fetus, and she was prescribed appropriate treatment, then she is highly likely to become a mother.

The recurrence of the sad experience is possible in those situations where a woman does not quite adequately relate to sexual life and motherhood, if the subsequent pregnancy occurred spontaneously, and the appropriate treatment after the first case of intrauterine fetal death was not carried out. Doctors advise to refrain from conception for 6-12 months so that the body recovers from the loss of a child and prepares for the acceptance of a new life.

2 missed pregnancies in a row sometimes happen, however, this is not a pattern, because the reasons for repeating the sad experience may be as follows:

  • uncontrolled sex life within a year after the fading of pregnancy;
  • identified genetic disorders that require consultation with a geneticist at the stage of family planning;
  • an infectious disease that has not been completely cured (this is especially true for sexually transmitted infections, when treatment of both partners is required);
  • hormonal disorders that have not been treated.

If a woman is serious about her health and is determined to become a mother, then she will listen to all the advice of the attending physician and follow his recommendations, which will reduce the likelihood of re-fading of pregnancy.

How to avoid repeated frozen pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there are no methods of specific prevention against missed pregnancy, because its causes in the early stages cannot be predicted. Very often, fetal growth arrest occurs due to neural tube defects.

For this reason, all women during the planning period and from the first days after conception are recommended to take prophylactic doses of 0.4 mg. If a woman has previously experienced pregnancy fading, as well as violations of the formation of the neural tube in the fetus, then the dosage of vitamin B 9 is advised to be increased to 4 mg.

In order to avoid the effects of the causes that cause a missed pregnancy at 6-12 weeks, it is necessary to follow a certain tactic for monitoring the condition of the expectant mother when re-conceiving:

  • Carrying out with the help, determination of markers of whey proteins and.
  • If there is a family history of information about congenital anomalies development, it is recommended to perform an invasive antenatal determination of chromosomal aberrations and other genetic disorders.
  • Amniocentesis according to indications.
  1. Prevention of infection and timely elimination of signs of an infectious lesion. To this end, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy and immunomodulators.
  2. Inhibition of the autoimmune reaction. For this, it is recommended to drip parenteral administration of γ-immunoglobulins every other day, 0.025 liters each.
  3. Elimination of hemodynamic disorders. Taking direct-acting anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

Such measures play a big role in preventing the fading of a subsequent pregnancy and increase the likelihood of acquiring a new status: a happy mother.

The causes of a missed pregnancy in the early stages can be different. Unfortunately, in most situations it is impossible to predict when this will happen. No woman is immune from the fact that the loss of a child can happen. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a responsible approach to planning conception, timely detection and subsequent therapy various diseases reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Useful video about the causes of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

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