How to make a beautiful crown. Top of the simplest and most beautiful crowns or How to make a crown with your own hands

Approaching New Year 2019 Yellow Earth Pig makes many of us already today think about the upcoming children's matinees. And it doesn't matter if it's kindergarten or Primary School. All of us, without exception, want our children to look as bright and beautiful as possible, regardless of their location. For this purpose, each caring mommy carefully selects and thinks through a fabulous image for her baby. Of course, princesses are especially popular. With the intensified efforts of needlewomen, chic puffy and airy dresses are created, gentle makeup, Gorgeous Hairstyles With Shiny Curls. Everything is full of beauty and grace, splendor and nobility. But the most important thing to keep in mind at the Christmas tree festival is the crown. For your girl, she will be simply necessary. Indeed, as a rule, beloved princesses cannot do a single minute without their main attribute, which, in fact, gives them important status and general respect in a certain society. Of course, many parents run to the shops in search of this jewelry, and some, who have excellent handicraft skills, try to create real masterpieces of art at home, which, with their originality and unsurpassed quality, can easily outshine the market goods of this direction. If you have never had to deal with the manufacture of these products, then on the eve of the New Year holidays, you should definitely try. After all, your little daughters want so much that in this early age everyone admired and admired their beauty and perfection, and this decoration, made by you with your own hand for New Year's party, will give them self-confidence and some grace. If you do not know how the original crown for a girl is made on New Year 2019 do-it-yourself at home, then you should read our article, which presents to your attention 57 photo ideas and simple master classes available for your understanding and creativity.

Christmas paper crown

In order to make a paper crown for the New Year 2019 for your girl, you will need inexpensive materials and a little patience. If you try, then with your own hands you can create quite interesting and spectacular beauty products that will emphasize the individuality of your child.

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • tape measure;
  • foil roll;
  • decorations - sequins, rhinestones, beads, shiny stones, beads, snowflakes and much more that you will like.

Work process:

  1. First you need to measure the circumference of the child's head using a regular centimeter tape.
  2. Now we draw a rectangle on paper or cardboard, the length corresponding to the girth of the child's head, plus 2-3 cm for the margin. The width depends on the desired height of the future crown, approximately 10 cm.
  3. After that, you need to draw the teeth. It will be more convenient if you deviate from top edge about 4-5 cm, draw another line. This will be the maximum height of the teeth, which can be depicted the same or different.
  4. Cut out the resulting image. According to this sample, we create with our own hands a similar foil decoration, which subsequently needs to be glued to the paper base with glue. It remains to fasten the two sides. If desired, we transform the resulting product with rhinestones, beads, snowflakes, tinsel or sparkles.

This is how easy and simple you can create a crown for your girl for the New Year 2019 at home. Such a seemingly elementary detail will play important role V in a magical way your princess.

Browse through our photo ideas to greatly enrich your imagination and help you get creative.

If you want to please your daughter more elegant option then use the kanzashi technique. If you have not come across it, then watch our training video, which will clearly tell you about all its secrets.

Master class on making a crown in kanzashi style

Crown of wire and beads

To make a crown for a girl for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in an original and without special efforts, it is worth considering the option of making such jewelry from wire and beads. The result will certainly amaze you, because such a product really looks like what the princess wears in cartoons. For your little daughter, this will be real pleasant surprise that will make her really proud of you. To create such a charm, it is not necessary to go to the store, since many mothers have their own stocks of beads, beads and various similar items in special boxes. Choose the most appropriate "jewels" for your baby's look and create interesting and dazzling masterpieces of beauty with their help.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • finished bezel;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • a set of beads that you have.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Before you start work, you should prepare our base - remove all unnecessary decorations, leaving only the clean surface of the rim.
  2. Now we proceed to the direct manufacture of peculiar branches, which will make up our New Year's crown. If you remember, the middle row of these weaves should look much longer and brighter than the sides. To do this, we take a small piece of thin wire and string a large bead on it, after which it is worth connecting the two ends of the wire and weaving them together to decorative element held firmly and did not hang down. We do the same with the following beads, only they need to be put on two branches of the wire, which we previously twisted into one. The alternation of small beads with large ones will give effect in this work. The play of colors will also make its additions and accents. like this in a simple way we managed to create the central row of branches, which should consist, as a rule, of 5 - 7 beads. We will fasten them in the middle of our rim using the ends of the wire.
  3. By similar actions, we create side branches, which will be shorter than the middle ones.
  4. Next, we proceed to make a crown for your girl for the New Year 2019 with our own hands. To do this, we securely fasten our blanks to the rim, placing them in such an order that large voids do not form between them, as this will spoil the aesthetic appearance of the head decoration.

This is how you can simply do this creative work at home. For those who have not really figured out the technique of such an implementation, we advise you to watch our video tutorial, which will explain to you all the secrets and subtleties in a step-by-step and accessible form.

Master class on making a crown from beads and wire

If you have read this video and all your questions are resolved by themselves, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our photo ideas collected in wonderful selection. It will serve as an excellent example for you for independent creativity.

As you have already noticed, the perfection of the crown is achieved not only with beads, but also with beads, decorative shiny stones, flowers and other additions. The end result depends entirely on personal imagination, and the richer it is, the more chic the hand-made product will look on your daughter's New Year's party.

Crown "Snow Queen"

If your girl does not want to be a princess at the Christmas tree festival for the New Year 2019, but expresses her desire to become a queen, then fulfill the child's request and create for her the costume of a fabulous Snow Queen with a beautiful and majestic crown made by yourself. There will be no limit to amazement, you'll see! Good mood and a joyful warm smile will decorate your child at the matinee. Don't delay, get to work to meet the deadline.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • silver snowflakes - 5 pcs.;
  • wire;
  • needle;
  • yarn "Grass" with lurex or something like that;
  • silver thread.

Work process:

  1. Before proceeding with the design of the New Year 2019 crown, it is worth creating a frame for the future product from a certain piece of wire. Measure the volume of your girl's head and weave a kind of round mesh that will serve as fasteners for decorative New Year's items.
  2. After the base of the head decoration takes on the proper form, it should be wrapped around with Grass yarn, without missing a single component of your product.
  3. The final part will be the transformation of our creation, created by our own hands. For this purpose, we need silver snowflakes. We must fix them on the crown by sewing on with a silver thread. If you want, you can get shimmery beads, rhinestones, sequins and embellish your magnificent work with them. In general, the richer and more luxurious you create a children's crown, the more realistic and interesting your baby will look like a cold and proud Snow Queen on new year holiday V kindergarten or elementary school.

We invite you to view our photo ideas on this topic, which, in fact, will help you choose the best one for you. independent work option.

Master class on creation new year crown from an old diadem, tulle and mesh with sequins

Royal lace crown

You are confused and can’t gather your thoughts, from what you can make a crown for a girl for the New Year 2019 with your own hands quickly and quite simply, then turn your attention to the royal version of lace. It will not be difficult for you to create such a charm with your own hands at home. Don't believe me, see for yourself.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • beautiful openwork lace, 40 - 45 cm long;
  • PVA glue;
  • wax paper;
  • spray in a can of silver, gold or some other color;
  • hot glue;
  • sponge to remove excess glue.

Work process:

  1. We spread wax paper and put an even piece of lace on it. If the lace is slightly crumpled, it is advisable to iron it properly.
  2. Now we need PVA glue in order to thoroughly coat our braid in two or even three layers. We wait complete drying our workpiece.
  3. We proceed to the decorative part of the work. In this case, we need acrylic paints or, better, a golden or silver spray. We process our product with it, capturing each pattern. After that, you need to give time to dry the lace.
  4. After the allotted hour, we should connect the ends of the openwork, thereby recreating the festive crown for your girl for the New Year 2019 with our own hands.

If you are extremely careful in your creative work, you will create true perfection, which will eclipse everyone at your daughter's New Year's party. And we offer to view our photo ideas that will provide you with new opportunities in this area.

We offer another simple option on how to make the main royal attribute for festive image your child. Our interesting video tutorial will provide you step by step instructions of this technique.

Master class on creating a crown from cardboard, organza and sequins

DIY plastic bottle crown

Creating a crown for the New Year 2019 from a plastic bottle is a fairly cheap option among all of the above. Indeed, in almost every home there is a similar auxiliary material from which you can create incredibly beautiful jewelry for your little girl's head with your own hands.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • two-liter plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • Blank sheet;
  • marker of any color;
  • glitter glue;
  • decorative elements of your choice.

Work process:

  1. With sharp scissors, carefully cut out about 1/3 of the plastic bottle so that you get a cylinder.
  2. On plain paper draw a template for the future crown.
  3. Using adhesive tape, attach the resulting stencil to inside plastic cylinder. Outline the drawing with a marker, no details need to be drawn.
  4. Now, with the help of sharp scissors, we cut out along the contour of the picture so that traces of the marker do not remain on the plastic. Please note that the shape must be cut with a rim.
  5. We attach the template to the workpiece again and, using shiny glue, circle our resulting product along the contour and draw all the details.
  6. It remains to let the glue dry. To do this, you should remove our creation for two hours in a place that will not be accessible to your children.

That, in principle, is the whole complexity of this work. Do not be lazy, and you will create a beautiful decoration for your girl for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in a matter of hours, for which she will certainly be grateful.

Don't forget to check out our photo ideas that you will find useful and quite interesting.

If this option seemed too primitive to you, then we advise you to watch our video tutorial. Thanks to this, all the secrets of creating a New Year's crown from wire and beads will be revealed to you.

Master class on making jewelry for the head at home

Chenille wire crown

The process of making a crown from chenille wire. The flexibility and colorfulness of this material allows you to create unusually beautiful jewelry in the form of bracelets, rings, hairpins and funny figures. When you first encounter chenille wire, you will be amazed at its pliability and pleasant to the touch quality. Holding it in your hands, your imagination will automatically begin to draw great ideas for creativity. This perfect option in order to please your girl for the New Year 2019 with something excellent and unique. So, let's start our skill at home with you.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • chenille silver wire - 10 fluffy sticks;
  • finished bezel;
  • pliers with sharp teeth;
  • brocade or wide satin ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • various elements of jewelry: rhinestones, beads, snowflakes, white fur, confetti, sequins and more.

Work process:

  1. On initial stage we need to free our bezel from all kinds of decor. Thoroughly wipe the surface and proceed to further steps.
  2. We take silver chenille wire and create from it something like diamonds. They can be either diamond-shaped, or round, or simply - simply form a variety of curls and zigzags, but so that your fictional designs fit into the framework of the "royal" design of the crown.
  3. Attach decorative silver pieces to your base so that they hold firmly and firmly without hanging or falling off. Do not worry, such an improvised material as chenille wire is quite "obedient" and reliable in use. Having planted all the elements, you should connect them with each other with a kind of plexus or something like that. Your imagination should work hard to achieve the desired excellent result.
  4. After the work done, you should carefully examine your product for flaws and various disadvantages. If you are faced with the fact that annoying tails of chenille wire remain, spoiling the entire appearance of your jewelry, take pliers with sharp teeth and remove all defects.
  5. Once you've completed your pattern, you'll usually have empty place on both sides of the rim, since this crown implies the location of the “pattern” only in the center, capturing a little the side parts of the base. This, of course, is more like a diadem, but the aesthetic appearance is in no way inferior to other types of decorations for the New Year's party. For beauty and grace, we need to refine the remains of an unformed rim, masking them with a silver satin ribbon or a piece of brocade of the appropriate color. We make peculiar curling movements around the hoop and fix our material with hot glue.
  6. As for the transformation finished product, then here you can rely only on your taste and personal preferences. However, it is worth noting that rhinestones and small silver pebbles will perfectly complement and even emphasize your efforts.

So the decoration for the New Year 2019 is ready, made by hand quite quickly and easily. Your girl will certainly appreciate this creation and thank you with a warm smile and excellent festive mood. Fantasize and make your dreams come true, thereby making your loved ones and friends happier and kinder. And to create fertile ground for your thoughts and considerations, we invite you to browse our selection of photo ideas, which will provide many the most interesting works for consideration.

    The simplest and original way making a crown with your own hands is as follows:

    You can make it not only from paper, but from thin cardboard, preferably multi-colored. We decorate our crown with multi-colored rhinestones different sizes and headdress for new year carnival ready.

    Here are some more crowns for inspiration:

    To make a crown out of cardboard, for this you can buy cardboard blanks for cutting out the crown and gluing, you can print it yourself. There are such blanks for the crown

    Or you can draw it yourself, for example, such a drawing of a crown

    cut and cardboard

    glue and decorate as you like

    Can beautiful stones and rhinestones, as in the photo

    IN this case cardboard will give the product good fixation and strength.

    I propose the following version of the crown.

    In order to get cardboard with a corrugated side, you must perform next sequence actions.

    You can also decorate the crown yourself and glue different beads and rhinestones.

    To make for the holiday beautiful crown with your own hands, you can use the template, download it and stick it on a cardboard base. From jewelry, you can take sequins, beads, rhinestones, beads, artificial flowers, lace, so that the girl in the crown looks like a real princess.

    According to taste, the crown can cover the entire head or be narrow and will not have to be attached to the hair with hairpins and hairpins.

    A beautiful crown can be made not only from paper and cardboard, but also from lace, from foil, from a plastic bottle, tinsel, and ways can be found here.

    To make a crown, we prepare about 10 squares measuring 8-10 centimeters, after which we bend each square diagonally.

    Now you need to unfold one of the squares and put another one (folded) into it, then lubricate the workpiece with glue and bend it back.

    Now we apply glue to each subsequent square and insert it into the previous one, of course, alternating different colors.

    We continue the whole process until we get right size and volume, peck the end and the beginning of the crown - done. This crown more suitable for boys, because they also want to feel like kings or princes).

    I propose to make a cardboard crown in the shape of a kokoshnik:

    To make a crown, you will need the following:

    1) Wide hairband;

    2) Double-sided tape;

    3) Colored cardboard;

    4) Foil;

    5) Satin ribbon(about 2 meters)

    6) album sheet paper;

    7) Thermal gun;

    8) Pencil;

    9) Various decorative elements.

    Manufacturing steps:

    I will offer another option for making a cardboard crown.

    First action. Cut out these squares from cardboard (the size of the squares is about five by five centimeters, the number of squares depends on the diameter of the head on which you plan to wear this crown):

    Second action. Bend these squares in half, you should get the following blanks:

    Third action. We begin to fasten these squares using glue, you should get blanks, which are shown below in the pictures:

    The result is creative work you should get a crown made of cardboard and having the appearance:

    To make a crown, I propose to enlarge this template or download it from the link

    Putting the template on back side cardboard and carefully cut out. If you used thin cardboard, it is advisable to glue a rim of stiffer paper to the bottom of the crown.

    The crown can be painted silver or gold using spray or acrylic paints. Now on sale for cheap Finger paint(for toddlers to draw with their finger), you can use them too.

    Let's go to the important procedure- decoration of our crown. It can be painted with paints, felt-tip pens, various sparkles and even ... precious stones.

    Make a crown out of cardboard simple enough. Take cardboard (any box will do), draw a simple pattern on it and cut it out. Then connect the two ends with a stapler into a circle. Cardboard crown can be covered with glitter (even varnish for nail fit, if there is nothing else at hand), glue rhinestones, stars on PVA glue or superglue, at your discretion.

    phased Master Class:

    Also, the crown can be pasted over with a cloth and decorated with flowers:

    Cardboard crown template you can use this:

    I wish you success!

    If the crown is small, like a princess, then it can be pinned with invisible hairpins and hairpins. You can make a crown according to the circumference of the head, then we measure the head with a centimeter for dressmakers and cut out the template for the entire length, leaving room for gluing. When the template was cut out, foil was glued on top. You can cover with silver paint and glue beads.

In children's games, it is very important to use accessories. They give the game a realistic touch, and are appreciated even more if they are made by hand. paper crown can be used not only in entertainment, but also for theatrical performances that are held in kindergartens and schools. Hurry up to please your child, and we will tell you how to make a paper crown at home.

paper crown

To get to work, prepare:

Now we can get down to business. We perform the following actions:

Paper crown: option 2

Let's make a crown in a different way. For work, take:

  • cardboard with a low density;
  • gum;
  • hot glue gun;
  • elements for decoration (can be replaced with felt-tip pens, paints or pencils).

Let's do the following:

Color the crown as you wish: paints, felt-tip pens, pencils.

Volumetric crown with gold overflow

It will be a little more difficult to make such a crown than the previous ones.

Get ready for work:

  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

We do the work:

We smooth the finished crown with our hand and you can put it on!

Crown for a girl

Prepare the following materials:

  • colored paper of high density (30 cm wide and 30 cm long);
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • compass;
  • glue.

We make a crown for a girl as follows:

Crown of the Snow Queen / Princess (with snowflake)

To make a beautiful crown, prepare a sheet of paper, scissors, glue.

We perform the following actions:

  1. We draw the outlines of the crown (you can use templates).
  2. We cut strips of colored paper, 25 cm long, 7 cm wide.
  3. For the base of the craft, we make circles in the amount of 20 pieces, rhombuses in the amount of 2 pieces. We connect the circles with glue to get the 1st row.
  4. Diamonds with glue in the gaps between the circles. This will be the 2nd row. We repeat the procedure, alternating circles and rhombuses.
  5. To make a snowflake, we glue multi-colored rhombuses and circles and fix them in the center of the crown.

Advice! To make the crown look more magnificent, make each subsequent row a little larger than the previous one.

The quilling crown looks very beautiful.

Monarch headdress for a boy

Any boy will be happy with the chic crown of a real king.

You will need:

  • a sheet of high density paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • rhinestones and beads for decoration.

How to do?

  1. Make a strip for the base of the crown, glue the ends together.
  2. Take paper of a different color and cut out 2 more strips, which should be wider than the previous one. Glue them to the base with the letter X. Measure on your head and see if anything is in the way.
  3. Cut out 6 stripes to decorate the crown. Trim one of the ends of the strips to form a semi-circular oblong border line. Glue the opposite side of the strip to the base of the craft from the inside. It turned out something like the sun with rays.
  4. Examine the photo of the crown and shape the stripes accordingly. Attach the decoration at the top. Decorate the craft with prepared decorative elements.

Cutting templates

Video instructions

The training videos selected for you will help you to understand the subject and the method of work in detail, to choose the appropriate option.

origami crown:

Royal crown:

Foamiran crown:

Forest Fairy Crown:

Something stretched into Lately on the crowns... Today we are making two more crowns, this time crowns for the king and queen.

If we made the crown of the Russian Empire from a plastic bottle and polyethylene foam, then we prepared for the royal crown thick cardboard 2-3 mm thick, which can be bent without leaving creases.

royal crown V ready-made looks like that:

Crown pattern, about 58 head size:

Of course, the teeth of the crown can be drawn in any shape you like.
We first cut out the crown from whatman paper, try it on, adjust the height of the crown.

Cut out a piece of cardboard crown. We glue it with an overlap (did you forget about the gluing allowance?).

We are preparing a glue gun with a large supply of rods, various ribbons, cords. The color of the braid does not matter - everything will be painted in gold. We glue the cords and braid on the crown with a glue gun (or universal glue "Moment-crystal") as your fantasy tells you

We paste all sorts of different beads, pendants, buttons, brooches - everything that is at hand. It is desirable that the beads were assembled on a thread, so it is more reliable than gluing them one at a time.

When the decorative fantasy runs out, you can paint the crown. Primer first, then paint with gold. I pre-painted with black spray paint, because. I wanted to give the crown some antiquity. You can prime with white paint - then the gold on the crown will appear especially brightly.

Do not be alarmed that this photo shows a different crown. This is the crown of the queen, which will be discussed later. The principle is the same.

Now paint with golden spray paint.

This crown, without much philosophizing, I decorated acrylic rhinestones on an adhesive basis.

The crown for the king is ready. Oops! I almost forgot to show the inside of the crown.

I really like this wrong side: the rivets are just like real ones. But they didn’t turn out from a good life: when I bent the cardboard blank of the crown into a ring, my cardboard gave a hall in one place. I strengthened this hall by gluing a piece of cardboard on the inside of the crown. At the same time, of course, I had to stick them evenly around the entire perimeter of the crown. Then, with a glue gun, you need to quickly and quickly set the dots on these inserts, and then even faster (until the glue has cooled down) with something sharp like a thin screwdriver or the tip of a knife, push the dots in the middle. This is how the forged rivets on the crown turned out.
Below, on the inside of the crown, I have a soft part of the Velcro tape glued - this is so that the crown does not crawl on the head.

Now about the crown for the queen.

The following crown shape was taken as a basis:

The process of making this crown is no different from making the royal crown. But in decorating the crown for the queen, more expensive rhinestones, pearls and glue semi-pearls, sequins were used. In total, there are 5 pentagons on the crown, highlighted with a glued cord. Between the pentagons, horizontal reliefs are "drawn" with a glue gun.

Finished crown for the queen:

Good luck to everyone in your work!

What is the most important thing in preparation for the holiday?
Mood! And how to create it?

Simple, quick and easy to make a crown for your girl to make her feel like a princess or queen.

If you have a lot of time to prepare, then we make a kokoshnik on a frame, or using cardboard, we cut out a template, according to which we will make a crown for a snow maiden or a snowflake.

Unfortunately or fortunately, our kids are arranged in such a way that they need a crown in an instant, literally in a few hours, and even better, in a few minutes.

Notice the crowns above. Each of them is done quite quickly, which cannot be said about these crowns in the next photo.

The first one is made in kanzashi technique. A fairly well-known technique that has gained popularity when a product is made step by step from ribbons. This is the first photo, you see, beautiful and exclusive, but very fragile and not suitable for children.

The second photo is already a beaded creation, it can be either on a wire frame or without it. See how the sequins and large stones fit in here.
The rest of the beads complete and add charm. These are all the details you will find in any bead shop, there will also be wire, stones and everything else that is required for such a creation.

Photo 3 is a kokoshnik embroidered with threads with elements of beads and made on the frame. Such beauty requires a lot of patience, attention and perseverance from needlewomen.

These crowns are very beautiful, but they are not suitable for little girls, as the time spent and the amount of labor exceeds the few minutes that the little ones are willing to endure.

Therefore, consider quick ways creating crowns, while they are very spectacular and beautiful, they are not inferior to kokoshniks at all, having the main advantage - they are light!

  1. from foil;
  2. from a plastic bottle;
  3. from a peat pot;
  4. from cardboard roll;
  5. frame decorated with tinsel;
  6. from lace;
  7. from paper.

We chose exactly 7, since hundreds of thousands of options are made according to these templates, they will differ only in details in execution or decoration.

Having begun to master the creation of a crown, we suggest that you remember that you also need it. Lots of ideas and tips from shoes, tights to finishing touches to accessories and crowns.
How to make a costume from what you have at home or decorate a dress to create an exclusive outfit.

And the crown will look perfect on hairstyles specially selected in this article. They will suit snowflakes and queens, Christmas trees, Cinderellas and princesses. Many photos and videos are available to show how to repeat them on your girl's head, making it easy to recreate them.
It's time to practice and make one of the proposed or your own version based on photo ideas.

Have you already chosen a hairstyle for your princess?

foil crown

To create such a crown, you need a roll of foil for baking, tear off and make voluminous rolls, creating a ring, then attach the top to it.

The foil bends well and maintains its shape. In addition to the crown, you can make other signs of royalty.

It is very easy to add new parts or whole knots, the only negative of this material, if it is too compressed, it is very difficult to straighten it, but we recommend using everything that is at home and decorating it in 2 layers, giving it a “silver” look.

Plastic bottle crown

We immediately found 3 options, they differ in the method of giving color and decoration, but the basis is the same - these are the familiar and familiar plastic bottles that are in every home.


The golden crown is a plastic bottle painted with lacquer, its main advantage is that it is not closed in a ring, it covers ¾ of the head, which allows anyone to wear it, an ornament of their own opinion and taste.

Pay attention to the photo, painted plastic is well decorated with stones and other decorations.

You can buy them in a store or look for a needlewoman in her "hamster" stocks from her mother. Often purchased just in case. Choose sew-on stones or with a flat inside.

What is the crown decorated with?

The stones are glued with a hot gun or superglue. Sequins are glued around them, one bag will be enough to decorate the entire plane. Beads are also suitable, but we recommend choosing a small one, it weighs less.


To create a diadem, you need a 2 liter bottle and a template, according to which we will draw a drawing with sparkles. Then we carefully cut it out and it is ready, if there is still time, then we paint it and glue rhinestones, stones, so it looks more valuable.


The base is a plastic bottle wrapped in shimmery paper, and the front is adorned with rhinestones in the shape of shells or sequins.

  1. Cook 5 liter bottle and apply the contour of the upper part on it, first measure the baby's head. The volume of the head should be equal to the length of the resulting shape and bottle.
  2. To make it beautiful and without alterations, draw the outline for the first time not with an indelible marker, but with a corrector or pencil, but only after correcting errors with a marker. We want to reassure you, even if it didn’t work out the first time, it’s not scary, because the front part will be decorated and the flaws will be hidden.
  3. We cut out the edges and make sure that they are 1-2 mm larger than the contour, because. by running a lighter along the edge, we will make the edges not so sharp and dangerous for the child.
  4. We paste over the inside with shiny paper, this can be wrapping or from gift bags. We do this with tape, a hot gun or superglue, which is at hand. Remember about double-sided tape, it will perfectly stick to the plastic and hold the paper.
  5. We glue the sequins with a hot gun or superglue, apply from the bottom up so that the bottom layer overlaps the top one.
  6. We decorate the lower part with matching tinsel. For a better fixation, use a stapler, it will speed up the fastening process and the staples will not be visible, because. she is brilliant. Double sided tape will work too.
  7. To make sure the construction is strong, turn it upside down before trying it on, let it dry for several hours, so that the glue grabs everywhere if you used it.
  8. Such a crown will suit a queen or a mermaid, or maybe a butterfly or a queen. It all depends on the chosen color of the suit and the mood of your beauty.

Crown made from a peat pot and a cardboard roll

And these materials are exactly in every home.

You will need: cardboard foil roll or baking sleeves or film, possibly toilet paper, paint, washcloth, stones and sequins for decoration, a mustache clip, a hot gun or superglue, a paint brush and a pen.

Its manufacture is very similar, with a crown made of a cardboard roll, so we will not give a second description.

  1. We draw peaks on the crown to see the necessary cutouts.
  2. We paint with white paint, it is better to take acrylic, we need to paint our future crown inside and out;
  3. We cover with golden paint so that our crown looks like a real one, we use a sponge for this.
  4. We decorate with rhinestones, beads, sequins, then glue the hairpin for fastening.

When making from a cardboard roll, you need to make a bottom. The rest of the roll is perfect.

  • Attach the crown to cardboard or any heavy paper. Circle in the shape of a circle, but the circle should be 2. One is equal to the diameter of the crown, and the second is 2-3 cm larger.
  • We cut out in a larger circle and make cuts, right up to the second circle, we bend these segments, we glue them inward so that the bottom holds firmly.
  • It is extremely important to glue inside, because. the outside will look less aesthetically pleasing, so make sure that you do not get confused and all the tails of the bottom are inside.
  • The rest of the points are similar.

Frame decorated with tinsel

It is very tight on the finished frame, preferably tinsel or rain is wound on glue or 2-sided tape, if possible, add beads to the peaks of the peaks.

It is important to check and neutralize all sharp or scratchy parts with tape or other means. If there are sharp tips, then drip on them with a hot gun or dip in PVA glue and let dry.

Talk to the child, what shape of the crown she wants, show different variants, while choosing not the most difficult.

Tinsel with a steel vein has appeared in stores, if you meet it in a store, you will speed up the manufacturing process several times. You do not need to wrap anything, you just need to connect the individual parts.

We make a crown of beads on the frame, but you can’t call such a crown simple and quick, so it remained outside the top, but crowns sometimes turn out to be simply breathtaking. For its manufacture you will need: pliers, round nose pliers, wire, beads and beads, a lot of time and patience.

Lace crown

We starch any lace you like or grease it with PVA glue (or rubber glue), let it dry, paint acrylic paint and attach the desired size (put on a jar or bottle).

What if you don't have lace?

Take a closer look, maybe there are some lace curtains or an unnecessary blouse with lace elements. All of this will work too. It is only necessary to cut out the desired openwork element desired length and then everything is according to the algorithm, so do not worry, even if this piece is stained or divorced.

The pros of this crown are simplicity and accessibility, the minus is the time it takes to dry.
The video will teach you how to make a lace crown:

paper crown

Paper is a material that is in every home, so making a crown in a matter of minutes from it is the easiest. Naturally, it will be far from festive and will be simple, but spending a little more time decorating it, you will see that it will surprise and delight many guests of the festive matinee.
What are the simplest options for crowns:

  1. according to a paper template;
  2. origami;
  3. diadem;
  4. kokoshnik;
  5. from a paper plate.

Now a lot of templates have appeared on the Internet, print and put on a rigid base - get a crown, like Alternative option- glue it on cardboard.

Pay attention to the 5th and 6th crowns, just cardboard or paper is decorated with sequins, and in the second case, lace and some beads are glued.

Before cutting the crown, measure the child's head to determine whether it will be elastic or tight.

How to make a piece of art out of a simple crown?

  1. Choose a suitable simple template than easier themes better. Apply it on whatman paper, print it out and transfer it in a pencil or immediately draw peaks on whatman paper.
  2. Cut out according to the desired length. If the drawing paper is not very dense, then we glue the inside in one more layer or with silver colored paper.
  3. Purchase at a needlework store: silver snowflakes, silver ribbon with rectangular or pointed, rectangular parts, glitter glue or glitters (gel glitter) can simply be replaced with PVA glue and sparkles.
  4. We apply a pattern on the cut out template that resembles drawing frost on the windows only in a very simplified version, leave room for snowflakes - they are the main accent of the crown, glue them with a hot gun or super glue. Lay a braid along the edge so that each bend is with a fringing of them. If you don’t feel like drawing, then choose a piece of fabric with such a pattern in white or transparent.
  5. Try on the finished crown and sew on an elastic band, if you planned it, but pre-treat the edges with tape or glue a wide elastic band if you did not glue the 2nd layer of paper.

It is important to choose exactly everything in silver, then white + silver will look elegant and in the style of snow.

Such a crown is suitable for both snowflakes and Snow Queen, as well as princesses or other fairy-tale characters.

For a crown according to the template, you need: a crown template, cardboard from the box, silicate and super glues, beads, beads, sequins, a hoop, rhinestone stickers, a container for glue, brushes for glue and a tool for laying out beads.

How this can be done at home is shown step by step in the video:

Crown for the Snow Queen

Similarly, a paper kokoshnik is made, like a diadem, for decoration, they often use tinsel or rain, but the braid looks more advantageous, like snowflakes instead of sequins.


In the technique of origami

You will need: a sheet of paper and strictly repeat the bends according to the instructions, decorate to match your princess's costume with rhinestones, sequins, snowflakes, beads and beads.
But that's not all to make a high origami crown. It is enough to bend the right sides correctly.

Please note that there are 2 instructions in the photo, so choose the version of the crowns that you like best.

All our top is closed, but one more kind of crowns is left behind. The reason for this is that they are easy if you know how to crochet.

Note to needlewomen

Simple crowns or kokoshniks, with and without beads

If you own the technique of beading, then you can make these crowns for your pet. We recommend making crowns on a wire frame, then the problem with maintaining the shape will not bother you.

crochet crown

To crochet a crown, we don’t take cotton (cotton) threads, remember, lurex threads will make sequins and small rhinestones invisible.

Delicate crowns for snowflakes

We offer right now to tie a crown in 30-40 minutes even for a beginner!

You will definitely know the answer to the question of where to get it with video tutorials for beginners.
Here is a crown on the rim, a hairpin, ideas for creating a crown for any head size. Just set aside 30 minutes and take a hook, thread, and then there will be the magic of transformation.

Tie any of the crowns of the desired size and volume, all special calculations are given.

A few more secrets about knitting beads, pay attention to the photo.

What to do if the threads are of the wrong color?

When making a crown from threads of the wrong color, you should not be upset, you can dye it, but then you should not knit beads, it is better to sew them on later.

Beads, if you knit along the edge, another option is to put on a loop, but if you want it to be on top of the product, then it is better to string it on a thread before knitting and knit it through a double crochet, so all the beads will lie on top. With a single crochet, we show 2 knitting methods in the photo. 1 is an option on the Russian-language Internet, and 2 is an English-language option.

Now you are full of ideas and ready-made instructions for implementation, if our review was useful to you, click on the buttons on social networks.

If you have a boy, then we offer you variations of crowns. So which of the crowns will suit your knight? It's time to choose and make a crown with your own hands according to his order. Moreover, master classes with photo and video instructions.

And also New Year's costumes: squirrels, hedgehog, bunny, for everyone who wants to look original and surprise their friends and those invited to the holiday.

And if you need more ideas for creativity and tips, then pay attention to this link l. Many will get a prize for original suit! It's time to start right now and create your own version New Year's costume because you are only limited by your imagination.

A step-by-step master class for making a universal crown

This crown is ideal in that it has no size and is simple, suitable for both a very young snowflake and an older one.

You will need: a thick elastic band or stretchable bandage, plastic cup, snowflakes, lace and for decoration all the beautiful sequins and semi-beads.

  1. Cut out a shape similar to a diadem from a glass.
  2. Sew the elastic to the plastic form on both sides.
  3. We cut off the bottom of the glass, where there is a bent threshold, and decorate it with lace, sew it to the bottom with stitches using a needle and thread. We glue half-beads on top of the lace to get the desired accents.
  4. We lay out a diadem from snowflakes and glue it with a hot gun or superglue.

How to make a universal crown for any head size for a snowflake, video tutorial:

diadem crown

We will need: an old tiara, a mesh with sequins, tulle of 2 densities of blue and white color, snowflake, scissors and thread, sewing machine.

  1. In order for our snowflake to be fixed and kept on the diadem, it is necessary to make a rigid tulle backing.
  2. To do this, we measure the size of the snowflake, applying it to the tulle and making a cut with a margin. From the resulting piece we make a dense dense assembly either with a needle or with a typewriter. The denser the base, the better, so we make the assembly frequent.
  3. The resulting voluminous detail will not suit us, it is necessary to make it flatter and even with the help of an iron with a tulle or guipure mode.
  4. We tune the blue tulle to white.
  5. The third layer is a thin white tulle, it will be the background for the snowflake. Therefore, we lay it with uneven bending and then attach it.
  6. We cut off the lower uneven edge of the tulle, then glue the diadem on top of it, thereby covering the seam. We glue with a hot gun.
  7. Similarly, in the center we glue a snowflake.
  8. We cut off all 3 layers, giving the crown a shape similar to a diadem. We move from the sides to the center, where our snowflake is located. Check that it is symmetrical.
  9. Then with an iron we add volume and splendor to the back layer.
  10. The crown of the fairy princess is ready, it's time to try on and go to a ball or a matinee to a school or garden.

Video on creating a crown from an old diadem:

beaded crown

Beaded crown on headband

autumn crown

Autumn crowns are another type of individual beautiful jewelry, which is the time to please your girls in the fall, when there are especially many autumn leaves.

How is a leaf crown made?

There are many options for creating autumn crowns:

  1. weave a wreath from maple leaves;
  2. from maple leaves using darning with the tips of neighboring leaves;
  3. glue or fasten leaves on a finished frame made of paper or wire;
  4. cut out leaves from paper or other materials and glue or sew in the desired sequence.

On a rim of leaves

We fix the leaves with adhesive tape

Another option with threads for attaching to the rim

Autumn paper crown

Leaf darning method

forest crown

Gorgeous crown made of: hoop, wire, beads and roses.

Detailed video on creating a crown:

Great mood and inspiration for creating a costume with a crown.