Fairytale therapy program in dhow. Methodology for conducting a cycle of fairy tale therapy classes. ...And so the hedgehog had a dream. It was as if a huge wizard in a cloak embroidered with gold threads flew to him and said: “Listen, hedgehog! I will transform you!”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational

establishment of the municipal formation "City of Arkhangelsk"

“Combined kindergarten No. 157 “Siverko”



Bushueva Lyudmila Veniaminovna,

teacher speech therapist,

I affirm:

Head of MADOU

Kindergarten No. 157

_____________ (L. N. Dyachkova)


1. Target section……………………………………………………………3

3.Organizational section……………………………………………..7

4.Software and methodological support…………………………………..15


Explanatory note

Fiction is a medium comprehensive development child.

At any age, fairy tales can reveal something intimate and exciting. Listening to them in childhood, a person unconsciously accumulates a whole “bank of life situations”, so it is very important that the awareness of “fairy tale lessons” beginscfrom an early age, from answering the question: “What does a fairy tale teach us?”

Familiarization with works of folklore contributes to the development of aesthetic and moral feelings, speech, intelligence, and lays a positive attitude towards the world.

Theatrical play is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of humans.

Theatrical activities are the most common type of children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deeply in his nature and is reflected spontaneously, because it is connected with play. The child wants to translate any of his inventions, impressions from the life around him into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate what he saw and what interested him, and receiving great emotional pleasure.

Getting to know works of folklore and acting them out during theatrical games helps the child develop interests and abilities, promotes overall development, curiosity, desire to learn new things, assimilation new information and new ways of acting, the development of associative thinking. The child develops the ability to combine images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity, and the ability to improvise.

    Introduction to Russian and foreign folklore.


    Culture and technique of speech.

    Development of fine motor skills.

    Theatrical games.

Classes are held once a week for children aged 6-7 years.

The implementation period of the “Program” is 1 year.


To form the artistic and aesthetic development of a preschooler’s personality through Russian and foreign folklore and theatrical games.


Introduction to Russian and foreign folklore

Continue to develop children's interest in fiction.

Replenish your literary baggage with fairy tales, riddles, counting rhymes, and tongue twisters.

To educate a reader who is capable of feeling compassion and empathy for the heroes of a fairy tale, and to identify himself with his favorite character.

Develop a sense of humor in children.

Draw children's attention to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons).

Help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work.

Instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

Continue to improve children's artistic and verbal performance skills when reading nursery rhymes, jokes, songs, etc., in dramatization games (emotional performance, natural behavior, ability to convey their attitude to the content of the work with intonation, gesture, and facial expressions).

Help children explain the main differences between literary genres.


Improve motor abilities and plastic expressiveness.

Use movements as one of the means to promote a more accurate understanding and reproduction by children of the nature of the transmitted image.

Improve your ability to convey created images using facial expressions and gestures.

Improve the ability to convey images using expressive plastic movements.

Culture and technique of speech

Promote the interaction of hearing and voice coordination.

Reproduce the text meaningfully, in a given rhythm, showing one’s own attitude to the sound of speech (rhythmodiclamation).

To form the concept of the beauty of correct speech (intonation sonority, expressiveness, beautiful timbre).

Development of fine motor skills

Promote coordination of movement and speech, effective mental and physical development.

Create a favorable emotional background.

Promote the ability to concentrate and distribute your attention.

Develop correct sound pronunciation and the ability to speak quickly and clearly.

Theatrical games

To develop in children creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image, and distinct pronunciation.

Learn to use means of expression (posture, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, movements).

Cultivate a love of theater.

Use various types of theater in theatrical games (finger, bibabo, glove, puppet, etc.)

Improve the ability to independently choose a fairy tale, song, or nursery rhyme for production.

Prepare the necessary attributes and scenery for a future production, distribute responsibilities and roles among themselves.

    Direction “Acquaintance with Russian and foreign folklore” includes an introduction to works of folklore (songs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, fairy tales, etc.), offered by the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” / ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2010) in the “Fiction” section.

    Direction "Rhythmoplasty" includes rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychomotor abilities of preschool children, their acquisition of feelings of harmony of their body with the outside world, the development of freedom and expressiveness of body movements.

    “Culture and technique of speech”: The direction combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus.

    “Development of fine motor skills”: This direction allows, through exercises and rhythmic movements of the fingers, to stimulate the development of speech, create a favorable atmosphere in class, develop the ability to imitate an adult, and understand the meaning of speech.

    "Theatrical Games" include dramatization games and performance games based on the studied works of Russian and foreign folklore from direction No. 1 “Acquaintance with Russian and foreign folklore” (songs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, jokes, riddles, fairy tales, etc.).

All components of the program are included in the structure of one lesson, being part of it.


The program course consists of 32 lessons. Classes are held from October to May. There are 4 lessons per month, 1 per week. The lesson is included in the variable part curriculum and is carried out in the evening, which does not violate the requirements of SaNPiN.

Thematic planning



Game "Rain"

Game "Planes and Butterflies"

Game "Wet kittens"

Game at the request of children

Culture and technique of speech

Exercise to coordinate speech with the movement “Walk in the Forest”

Exercise to coordinate speech with the Harvest movement"

Pronouncing phrases loudly and quietly with demonstration of movements (SA, SYA, ZA, ZYA)

Pronouncing phrases loudly and quietly with demonstration of movements (CA, TsO, TsU...)

Development of fine motor skills

Exercise “Autumn Leaves”

Exercise "Orange"

Exercise "Swans"

Exercise “New clothes”

Theatrical games

Acting out episodes from the fairy tale “Ayoga”

Using facial expressions and gestures to play off the joke “Brothers, brothers!”

Playing out the fable “Rich Ermoshka” using toys

Playing on the joke “Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?..”



Exercise "Horse"

Rhythmic etude “Clap the Rhythm”

Exercise “At the Zoo”

Exercise “We have come to the North”

Culture and technology of speech

Practicing pure phrases for the sounds S, Z, Ts.

Speaking and guessing riddles on the topic “Wild animals of our forests”

Working on tongue twisters using whistling sounds

Pronouncing the dialogue between a wolf and a fox from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox,” intonationally expressing the characters’ characters

Development of fine motor skills

Exercise "Pigs"

Exercise "Bunny"

Exercise "Count!"

Exercise "Seal"

Theatrical games

Acting out episodes from the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”

Using facial expressions and gestures to play off the joke “Did you eat the pie?”

Playing off English nar songs using “Gloves” masks

Playing out nursery rhymes at the request of children



Game "Snow is spinning"

Game “A Magpie Flew Here”

Game "Snow Woman"

A game " New Year»

Culture and technology of speech

Reciting learned songs and nursery rhymes in the voices of different animals

Speaking and guessing winter-themed riddles

Pronouncing songs and nursery rhymes with different intonations

Pronouncing dialogues using different intonations from the fairy tale “Dobrynya and the Serpent”

Development of fine motor skills

Finger game "Snowball"

Finger game "Feeder"

Exercise for fingers “Walk”

Finger game "Christmas tree"

Theatrical games

Playing out episodes of the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent”

Playing the song “Winter has come”

Acting out episodes from the fairy tale “Frost, Sun and Wind”

Playing on the joke “Stupid Ivan”



Exercise "Chicks"

Exercise "Who's in the picture?"

Exercise “In the children's world”

Exercise "Snakes"

Culture and technology of speech

Game for coordinating speech with movements “Snow, snowball”

Game for coordinating speech with movements “Fedora”

Game for coordinating speech with movements “Mom bakes pies”

Pronouncing pure sayings to consolidate the pronunciation of hissing sounds.

Development of fine motor skills

Repeating finger games at the request of children

Exercise for fingers “Helpers”

Finger game “Porridge Machine”

Exercise for fingers “Guess it!”

Theatrical games

Playing out the song “How the carol went…”

Playing the song “Kolyada! Kolyada! And sometimes there is a carol..."

Playing the song “Kolyada! Serve me some pie!”

Work on the characters of the fairy tale “Everyone Got His Own”



Game "Catch the Cotton"

Exercise “The sparrows are frozen”

Game "Snowman"

Game of children's choice

Culture and technology of speech

Saying the joke “Where the jelly is, there it sits” in voices of different pitches

Speech game"Winter"

Learning pure proverbs using sound - L

Speech game "Blizzard"

Development of fine motor skills

Finger game "Fun Counting"

Finger game "Training"

Finger game "Helicopter"

Finger game “Scarlet Flowers”

Theatrical games

Playing on the joke “Where the jelly is, that’s where it sits”

Work on the characters of the fairy tale “The Blue Bird”

Playing off the French adv. songs "What I saw"

Pronouncing the words of the main characters of the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”, playing with the text



Game "Baba Yaga"

Exercise "Icicle"

Game "Wet kittens"

Game at the request of children

Culture and technology of speech

Game "Bad Tooth"

Work on tongue twisters: say happy, sad, surprised, etc.

Game "Lullaby"

Breathing and articulation exercise “Pump”

Development of fine motor skills

Finger exercise “Mother wakes up children early”

Finger game "Swordfish"

Finger game “Building a house”

Finger exercise “Transport”

Theatrical games

Playing out the ritual song “Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa”

Acting out episodes from the fairy tale “Seven Simeons – Seven Workers”

Playing out the fable “Listen up, guys!”

Playing out familiar nursery rhymes



Exercise to develop imagination “Snake”

Game exercise “Spring”

Exercise to develop imagination “Heavy suitcase”

Children's choice exercises

Culture and technology of speech

Repeating tongue twisters at different rates

Game "Say it quietly and loudly"

Speaking tongue twisters in the game "Telephone"

Exercise “The birds have flown”

Development of fine motor skills

Exercise “School supplies”

Finger game "Planets"

Finger game "Drips"

Finger game "Wasp"

Theatrical games

Playing on the joke “Knocked down and knocked together - that’s the wheel!”

Work on the characters of the fairy tale “Don’t spit in the well - you’ll need some water to drink”

Playing out the mold. adv. songs "Snail"

Game "Transformation of objects"



Game "Droplets"

Game "Grandma Malanya"

Game "Planes and Butterflies"

Culture and technology of speech

Game "Sound Lost"

Repeating tongue twisters in the game “Broken Phone”

Game exercises to develop breathing

Development of fine motor skills

Finger game “Friendly people”

Exercise “Scarlet Flowers”

Finger game “Golden Sun”

Theatrical games

Playing with Ukrainian adv. songs "Oh, why are you, lark..."

Guessing riddles about the heroes of the fairy tale “White and Rosette”, showing images of the heroes

Playing with Russian adv. songs “Mother Spring is Coming”

Software and methodological support

    Zhukova G. E., Voloshko M. N. Program “Music and theater education for preschool children”

    Approximate basic general education program for preschool education “From birth to school” / ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. M., 2010.

    Churilova E. G. Methodology and organization of theatrical activities for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Program and repertoire. M., 2004.

    Churilova E. G. Program “Art Fantasy”.

    Shchetkin A.V. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. For classes with children 5-6 years old. / Ed. O. F. Gorbunova. M., 2008.

    Shchetkin A.V. Program “Formation of a child’s creative personality through theatrical activities.”


"Development of children's speech creativity using fairy tale therapy."

Completed by: teacher

Polulyashnaya Elena Anatolyevna

Sevastopol 2014

I. Introduction

1.1 Relevance, goals and objectives. Page 3

1.2 Stages of work. Page 4

II. Main part

2.1 Fairytale therapy - the basis for speech development in children Page. 5 -6

2.2 Program of activities for the project Page. 7- 8

2.3 Basic elements of classes Page. 9

2.4 Practical techniques for working with a fairy tale Page. 10 -11

III Conclusion

3.1 Results of the work and their practical significance Page 12

IV Bibliography Page 15

V Appendix Page 16

I. Introduction.


The rhythm and conditions of modern life exacerbate a child’s sensitivity and increase his anxiety. He has to learn the rules of life through stressful situations. For children with problems in speech development, treatment with a fairy tale is a way out of a difficult situation.

Psychological examinations show that children have increased motor activity, unstable attention, increased distractibility in some and lethargy, fatigue, decreased performance in others; some children showed a high level of aggressiveness and anxiety, others, on the contrary, are unsure of themselves, with a reduced level of self-esteem. These children have difficulty retelling, do not know how to play by the rules, or clearly express their thoughts. .


Develop children's free communication before school age with adults and peers .

Tasks defined:

To develop all components of oral speech in preschoolers: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, to form a vocabulary and sound culture of speech.

Improve monologue and dialogic speech of children through the use of fairy tale therapy.

Teach children to invent and compose fairy tales using Propp cards.

To promote the development of preschoolers’ imagination and their expression of their thoughts in simple and common sentences.

1.1 Stages of work.

I. Preparatory.

Acquaintance with literature on the topic.

Determining the content of the work.

II. Basic

Determining the content of work for each stage of story therapy

Drawing up a lesson program for fairy tale therapy

Design work, production of attributes for Russian folk tales together with children and parents.

III. Final

Summing up and identifying the effectiveness of the work.

Defining challenges for the future

Determining the practical significance of the program

II Main part.

2.1 Fairytale therapy is the basis for speech development.

“Fairytale therapy” is also the process of forming a connection between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life. This is the process of transferring fairy-tale meanings into reality. And, of course, this is environmental therapy - a special fairy-tale setting in which the potential capabilities of the individual can manifest themselves. Elements of fairy tale therapy are contemplation and disclosure of the inner and outer world, comprehension of the past, modeling of the future, the process of selecting each child his own special fairy tale. Fairy-tale stories encode situations and problems that people experience in their lives.

Using the example of destinies fairy-tale heroes a child can trace the consequences of a person’s life choice. Thanks to the multifaceted meanings, the same fairy tale can help a child in different periods solve problems that are relevant to him.

By observing the fate of the main characters, living through fairy-tale situations, perceiving the language of fairy-tale images, the child largely forms a picture of the world for himself, and, depending on this, the child will perceive various situations and act in a certain way.

A sign of a real fairy tale - happy end. This gives the child a feeling of psychological security. No matter what happens in a fairy tale, everything ends well. It turns out that all the trials that befell the heroes were needed in order to make them stronger and wiser. On the other hand, the child sees that the hero who has committed a bad deed will definitely receive what he deserves, and the hero who goes through all the trials and shows his best qualities will definitely be rewarded.

A fairy tale is as multifaceted as life. This is what makes fairy tales an effective psychotherapeutic tool.

Today, the use of fairy tale therapy in working with all children, and especially with children who have problems in speech development, is simply necessary, since this form of activity is new technology in speech development. Thanks to innovative form work, through elements of fairy tale therapy, it is possible to give children with a weakened nervous system not only the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for learning at school, but also the need to communicate with people around them, the ability to establish contacts with adults and peers, and interact with them.

Classes are an additional form of organization educational work with children who have problems in speech development. They allow you to expand the range of influence on the child and thus solve many problems. This is another form of interaction between a teacher and a child, which enriches the child’s life experience and expands the possibilities for him to more successfully master social experience.

Classes with elements of fairy tale therapy are unusually emotionally rich activities, which makes them attractive to children. It brings joy and surprise to the child, it contains the origins of creativity, children accept the guidance of an adult without noticing it. Being a syncretic activity in nature, it most fully embraces the child’s personality and meets the specifics of the development of his mental processes; integrity and simultaneity of perception, not only figurative, but also logical thinking, motor activity. This indicates the broad developmental potential of fairy tale therapy elements.

Through classes with elements of fairy tale therapy, we try, both in form and content, to fill the lives of children with developmental problems with fairy tales. The children touchingly and trustingly believed in the fairy tale that lives in a large, beautiful music hall, and most importantly, they were imbued with trust in us, the adults.

We select fairy tales and stories so that children can relate them to their life experiences: mothers and children, friends and their relationships, the behavior of various animals and children, features of life in different time periods (parts of the day, seasons).

Time is allocated in the schedule for classes with elements of fairy tale therapy. Classes are conducted with a subgroup of children. From the first days of children's stay in our preschool educational institution, we begin to introduce games and activities. First, they help the child adapt to conditions of the preschool educational institution, establish a trusting relationship between a child and an adult, and help to identify the developmental characteristics of each child, his interests and aspirations.

We distribute the same plot or fairy tale into 4 lessons, gradually complicating the content. We never tell children about what they will learn, what they have already learned, what worked and what didn’t. When planning a lesson, we implement a certain plan, but this plan is known only to us, we do not impose it on the children, but give them the opportunity to express their wishes, emotions, and feelings. The content of the classes is based on children's play activities, which do not require much intellectual and physical stress from them. Classes are conducted using musical rhythmic games and relaxation breaks, so after classes children feel rested, relaxed and peaceful.

Classes with elements of fairy tale therapy are united by a single plot theme, which depends on the content of the fairy tale or theatrical play.

2.2 I have developed a program for the project “Fairy tale therapy - the basis for the development of children’s speech.” For children from 3 to 6 years old.

4th year of children's life

Fairy tale title

Types of work


« Ryaba hen"

(rhythm games)

1st week


2nd week


3rd week


4th week


1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

3. Puppet theater performed by preschool teachers

4. Work on the expressiveness of speech in finger theater performed by children.

1st week of October

2nd week of October

3rd week of October

4th week of October


1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

3. Development of creative activity, Puppet theater performed by children.

4. Children's dramatization of a fairy tale

1st week of November

2nd week of November

3rd week of November

4th week of November


1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

3. Puppet theater performed by a teacher

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale by children

1st week of December

2nd week of December

3rd week of December

4th week of December

"Three Bears"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

3. Work on the expressiveness of speech in a puppet theater performed by children

4. Children's dramatization of a fairy tale

1st week of February

2nd week of February

3rd week of February

4th week of February

"Masha and the Bear"

2. Musically rhythmic games based on the content of the fairy tale

1st week of March

2nd week of March

3rd week of March

4th week of March

"The Fox and the Hare"

3. Art therapy (finger theater performed by children)

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale by children

1st week of April

2nd week of April

3rd week of April

4th week of April

"Shy Mouse"

1. Introduction to the Mordovian fairy tale

3. Finger theater performed by children

1st week of May

2nd week of May

3rd week of May

4th week of May

5th year of children's life

Fairy tale title

Types of work


"The Fox and the Goat"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Development of motor activity

(rhythm games)

3. Development of creative activity

Puppet theater performed by children.

4. Retelling.

1st week


2nd week


3rd week


4th week


"Stubborn Goat"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Listening to musical sketches based on the content of the fairy tale

3. Inventing a fairy tale

4. Work on the expressiveness of speech.

1st week of October

2nd week of October

3rd week of October

4th week of October


1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Collective storytelling.

3. Development of creative activity, Game-dramatization.

4. Children's dramatization of a fairy tale

1st week of November

2nd week of November

3rd week of November

4th week of November

"Moroz Ivanovich"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Development of motor activity (musical rhythmic games)

3. Making up riddles

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale by children

1st week of December

2nd week of December

3rd week of December

4th week of December

fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant"

1. Listening and analyzing the fable

2.Reading a fable

3. Work on the expressiveness of speech in the dramatization game

4. Children dramatize the fable

1st week of February

2nd week of February

3rd week of February

4th week of February

"Sister Fox and Gray Wolf"

1. Listening and talking about a fairy tale

2. Retelling

3. Art therapy (finger theater performed by children)

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale performed by children.

1st week of March

2nd week of March

3rd week of March

4th week of March

"At the behest of the pike"

1. Listening to and analyzing the content of a fairy tale (evaluating the actions of the characters)

2. Listening to musical sketches and musical rhythm games

3. Art therapy (finger theater performed by children)

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale by children

1st week of April

2nd week of April

3rd week of April

4th week of April

“Like a dog was looking for a friend

1. Introduction to the fairy tale

2. Repeated listening and analysis of the tale

3. Retelling

4. The teacher’s dramatization of a fairy tale

1st week of May

2nd week of May

3rd week of May

4th week of May

6th year of children's life

Fairy tale title

Types of work


"Swan geese"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Development of motor activity

(rhythm games)

3. Development of creative activity

Puppet theater performed by children.

4. Finger Theater. Work on expressiveness of speech.

1st week


2nd week


3rd week


4th week


"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Listening to musical sketches based on the content of the fairy tale

3. Retelling

4. Work on the expressiveness of speech performed by children.

1st week of October

2nd week of October

3rd week of October

4th week of October

"Mashenka and the Bear"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Learning the round dance “Kolobok”

3. Development of creative activity, Introduction to Propp's maps.

4. Children's dramatization of a fairy tale

1st week of November

2nd week of November

3rd week of November

4th week of November

"Snow Maiden"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Development of motor activity (musical rhythmic games)

3. Inventing with Propp's cards

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale by children

1st week of December

2nd week of December

3rd week of December

4th week of December

"Fedorino grief"

1. Listening and analyzing a fairy tale

2. Listening to musical sketches, musical and rhythmic games based on a fairy tale

3. Work on the expressiveness of speech performed by children

4. Children's dramatization of a fairy tale

1st week of February

2nd week of February

3rd week of February

4th week of February

"Arrogant Bunny"

1. Listening and talking about a fairy tale

2. Propp's maps

3. Art therapy (finger theater performed by children)

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale performed by children.

1st week of March

2nd week of March

3rd week of March

4th week of March

"Seven-flowered flower"

1. Listening to and analyzing the content of a fairy tale (evaluating the actions of the characters)

2. Inventing with Propp's cards

3. Retelling

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale by children

1st week of April

2nd week of April

3rd week of April

4th week of April


1. Introduction to the fairy tale

2. Repeated listening and analysis of the tale

3. Theater performed by children

4. The teacher’s dramatization of a fairy tale

1st week of May

2nd week of May

3rd week of May

4th week of May

2.3 I also developed presentations of fairy tales according to the program of the project “Fairy tale therapy - the basis for the development of children’s speech.”

2.3 Basic elements directly educational activities.

1) Ritual of entering a fairy tale with the help of a magic fairy, a magic scarf, a kind fairy tale teller, balloons, etc. This helps to interest children and create the mood to work together and enter the fairy tale.

2) Listening to a fairy tale in one of the options

a) Listening to a fairy tale told by a teacher using a slide.

b) Repeated listening to the fairy tale and telling it based on the teacher’s modes of action (pantomimic, facial movements, onomatopoeia).

3) Conversation on the content of the fairy tale with elements of psycho-gymnastics.

4) Listening to songs corresponding to a given topic, with a conversation on the content.

5) Musical - rhythmic games, exercises.

6) Relaxation and rest exercises.

These exercises help develop the ability to manage your emotions and actions.

7) Finger Theater.

8) Puppet theater

9) Dramatization of a fairy tale

10) Ritual of leaving the fairy tale.

2.4 Practical techniques for working with a fairy tale

The elements of fairy tale therapy are multifaceted. I have chosen several areas within which correctional and developmental educational tasks are solved. One of the directions is Analytical. The essence of this direction is the interpretation of fairy tales. This method is based on the idea that from generation to generation, people have gone through difficult situations and overcome them. Information about this is encrypted not only in the subtext of the fairy tale, but also in fairy-tale images. In class we take a well-known fairy tale. We reflect and talk about the content of the fairy tale. I started with the simplest fairy tales, such as “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Three Bears”, “Kolobok”, and discussed the actions of the heroes of these fairy tales. While discussing the content of the fairy tale “Kolobok,” the children were asked the following questions: “Who did you like best in the fairy tale?”

Who didn't like it and why?

What would you do in place of the kolobok?

The children took Active participation in discussion and reflection. In class, everyone likes the positive characters the most, and they would like to be like them. The children also paid attention to the bad deeds of the negative characters. The children reacted negatively to the actions of these heroes. Every time we traveled to a fairy tale, we established a rule on how to behave in a fairy tale. Do not shout, do not quarrel, listen carefully to each other, treat everyone with respect. We concluded that our children not only know these rules, but also know how to apply them in a fairy tale, which means they will carry them into life.

Music therapy

No one needs to be convinced that music can influence the human body: it is not for nothing that mothers have been singing lullabies to their children from time immemorial. Modern medicine has taken advantage of long-accumulated observations and developed a method of treatment with music. This is how music therapy was born, which means the creation of such musical accompaniment, which would most effectively contribute to the correction of the psychoemotional and psychophysical development of children who have developmental problems. From an early age, children are able to perceive images that express calmness, joy, tenderness, and enlightenment. We do not offer children musical works with pronounced anxiety or gloomy sound, since music affects the child physically, calms or excites him (depending on its content). We take a differentiated approach to the selection of musical works in order to stabilize the emotional state of children. The main criteria for selection were: calm pace, absence of dissonances and intense climaxes in development main topic, melody, harmony, lightness. Calming music is designed for children prone to overexcitement, and stimulating music for lethargic, passive children. Such music was selected on the “Merry Planet” cassettes; it contains popular melodies from the world, specially arranged for children. Instrumental music in modern arrangements by famous composers.

Telling tales.

Fairy tales are very pleasant to listen to, but it is no less pleasant to tell them. Storytelling has its own characteristics. In this direction we use the following forms:

    Group storytelling.

    Telling a fairy tale known to all children (each child takes turns telling a small piece of the fairy tale) using slides.

    Telling a famous fairy tale and inventing a sequel to it.

For example, we begin the lesson: “You are standing at the gates of the Magic Land of Rasskaziya. Our King ordered that those who cannot tell tales should not be allowed into the country. I see you are not like that." This statement helped even shy children to believe in their strengths and their hidden capabilities. “However, the King’s order is law. I must test whether you can tell stories and report this to the king. Sit in a circle and tell the fairy tale “Kolobok”. This is our King's favorite fairy tale. You will tell the story one by one." We entrust more active and liberated children to start telling a fairy tale in the very first lessons, taking into account individual characteristics every child. In their example, shy and introverted children tried very hard. They taught the children to recount this or that episode in detail. Then they invited the children to participate in a dramatization of the fairy tale; puppet theater, finger theater, dramatization. The children gradually relaxed, became more self-confident, and no longer felt fear when telling and playing excerpts in front of the other children.

III. Conclusion

3.1 Results of the work and their practical significance.

By implementing the analytical direction in classes with elements of fairy tale therapy, the following tasks were solved:

Children have become more active and attentive. Children have a rich imagination and fantasy. We learned to formulate our thoughts clearly and correctly. The group of children became united, mastered the ability to put themselves in the shoes of others, and look at the world from different angles.

Different forms of storytelling helped teach children to listen to each other, not to interrupt, to follow the train of thought of their comrades, and to fit their own thoughts and fantasies into the context of the story.

The vocabulary has been enriched with words denoting various emotions, feelings, and moods. Telling fairy tales in front of other children, I became more relaxed, self-confident, and lack of fear. I have accumulated experience in communicating with adults and peers. Mastered the analysis of positive and negative actions.

Implementing music therapy in classes with elements of fairy tale therapy, we concluded:

Children have mastered the skills to determine the emotional content of a fairy tale and mood.

We learned to perceive music more meaningfully, to correlate musical sounds with life phenomena.

We learned to expressively imitate movements to music, to convey images of animals, insects, and birds.

We learned to express ourselves through movement, facial expressions, pantomime through music.

They expressively convey the musical image in dance, acting, and pantomime.

Listening to bright musical fragments contributed to the development of children's imagination, fantasy, and the enrichment of children's passive and active vocabulary.

Experience has shown that it is easier to assimilate and perceive songs that are distinguished by their figurative character and emotionality. Their attention became more stable, the psycho-emotional state of the children stabilized. Passive children became more active, and hyperactive children, on the contrary, became calmer and more balanced.

The use of directions in classes with elements of fairy tale therapy showed us that children learned to solve fairytale problems, find a way out of the current situation, using their life experience. We learned to worry, rejoice, sympathize, and be sad. They have mastered the ability to express their thoughts out loud, defend their point of view, find and analyze the positive and negative actions of the heroes. We learned to transform into various emotional images and relate them to music, learned to regulate our mental processes, relieve emotional and bodily stress, and became more free and self-confident.

We learned to correlate our inner rhythm and desire with the rhythm and desire of others. With the help of therapeutic music, the children's general emotional state improved and their movements became more qualitative (expressiveness, rhythm, smooth coordination).

The thoughts and desires of children have changed dramatically, children began to think about more important values ​​in life, such as health, peace, happiness.

The importance of fairy tale therapy classes lies in the fact that they have a decisive influence on the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere, have a positive effect on the development of facial expressions and pantomime, and have a huge impact on the correction of mental processes in children with developmental problems.

3.2 Plans for the future.

Results of my work showed the need to continue to conduct such games-activities in fairy tale therapy, in the areas used in working with children with developmental problems.

In the future, I plan to use elements of fairy tale therapy not only in such classes, but also in routine moments, to include them in holidays, entertainment, and, of course, to interest and attract parents to this new form of working with children. It is necessary to convince parents of the importance of the elements of fairy tale therapy, to show what interest such activities can arouse in children, what role they play in their emotional, cognitive and motor development.

It is necessary to create a sound library and library of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrective fairy tales that would help children get rid of pugnacity, foul language, fears, fear of the dark, and greed.

Invite parents to make attributes and equipment based on Russian folk tales.

    Start classes with elements of fairy tale therapy from a young age.

    Use relaxation exercises to relieve emotional and physical tension.

    Apply a single ritual for entering and exiting a fairy tale.

    Observe the principle of equality and cooperation with children. Remember that you are an adult because you are teaching the lesson, in all other respects you are the same participant as the children. You also crawl with them on the floor, collecting imaginary mushrooms, or capriciously tap your foot. You are an example of that free, creative behavior that children involuntarily imitate and are drawn to.

    Don't compare your children unfavorably to anyone, don't put anyone in the spotlight. Remember that the main thing here is not productive achievements, but internal freedom, emotional well-being, from which both freedom of thoughts and freedom of external manifestations in facial expressions and movements will inevitably follow. Only then will the imitation mechanism in children work effectively. Children themselves will choose an example to follow, who will like what.

    Eliminate hostility towards children and your negative emotions at the time of your lessons with them. We cannot hide our negative emotional states from children: fear. Anxiety, irritation, apathy - they will involuntarily influence the state of children, as if infecting them with similar emotions. Our own nervousness can block the entire positive effect of the activity. Get ready before class, charge yourself with good feelings for the children, infect them with joy, light, and warmth.

    Eliminate from your communication with children those methods or forms of influence that cause protest or a negative reaction in them, do not suppress, teach, or ignore the child himself, but simply do not accept the immature forms of his reaction and behavior. Violent methods not only will not correct the situation, but will further strengthen the child’s personality defects and behavior.

    You shouldn’t force yourself on your child if he doesn’t want something, it’s better to think about what if you’re doing something wrong.

    Use different forms of non-verbal support for the child - a smile, an encouraging handshake, stroking the back, head, hugging the shoulders, etc., as your hands and heart tell you.

    In fairy tale therapy classes, use music that is full of artistic value: classical, meditative and instrumental.

    Involve different types of performance, include creative tasks, encourage expression of experiences in figurative words, musical and rhythmic movements, singing along with bright melodies.

Emotional well-being for a child is the same as for a sprout - light, warmth, moisture, soil, etc. In order to grow normally, a child needs love, confidence in his abilities, in his significance and value for us adults.


    L. Barleeva, I. Vechkanova, E. Zagrebaeva, A. Zorin “Theatrical games and activities.”

    S.I.Strelkova “Enter the Thirtieth Kingdom.”

    L.B. Fesyukova “Education with a fairy tale.”

    T.D. Zinkevich – Evstigneeva “The Path to Magic”, “Fundamentals of Fairytale Therapy”, “Workshop on Fairytale Therapy”, “Theory and Practice of Fairytale Therapy”.

    N, N, Zavadenko “How to understand a child: Children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.”


Program of group correctional classes

with preschoolers in preparation for school(“Fairy tale therapy”)

The program was prepared by:

teacher - psychologist I.I. Averyanova

Explanatory note

This correctional program is designed for children of primary school age, brought up and studying at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Verkhne-Avzyan Special (Correctional) General Education Boarding SchoolVIIIkind. The main assessment criterion is the system of personal characteristics of a child with disabilities.

In order for a child to feel happy, be able to adapt better and overcome difficulties, he needs to have a positive image of himself. It is necessary to teach children to overcome obstacles, reduce anxiety and aggressiveness, teach them to adapt to life in society, and the ability to get along with peers. Children need timely socio-psychological assistance. Fairytale therapy has been chosen as the main method of working with preschoolers in order to suggest to the child new possibilities and behavior patterns, attract his attention, stimulate the manifestation of hidden capabilities, strengthen optimism and hope in the child, showing him the possibility of a favorable outcome. Develop a child's imagination and achieve positive change by building on the child's inner potential for strength, self-awareness and growth.

The program is based on the book by T.D. Zinkevich “Workshop on fairy tale therapy” and collection teaching materials O.P. Stepanova and L.G. Buzunova “Trainings. Psychocorrectional programs. Business games."

Program provisions:

Fairytale therapy is a process of searching for meaning, deciphering knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it.

Fairytale therapy is the process of forming a connection between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life. The process of transferring fairy tale meanings into reality.

Fairytale therapy is the process of objectifying problematic situations. The need to create situations in which the child can think about the meaning and ambiguity of situations. Teach your child to learn the philosophy of life: there are no clear-cut events, even an apparently unpleasant situation can turn out to be a blessing after some time.

Fairytale therapy is the process of activating a child’s resources and personal potential.

Fairytale therapy is the process of educating a comprehensively developed personality.

Fairytale therapy is a process of improving the internal resources of the child and the world around.

Fairytale therapy is therapy with an environment, a special fairy-tale setting.

Fairytale therapy – contemplation and revelation of the child’s inner world, comprehension of events occurring in life; modeling the future.

Purpose of the program:

Formation of a positive self-concept: increasing self-confidence; actualization of the potential of each child; behavior correction using fairy tale therapy and socio-psychological games.

    Formation of adequate emotional reactions in preschoolers regarding themselves and their capabilities.

    Formation of adequate behavior in society.

    Teaching children techniques for constructively resolving interpersonal conflicts.

    Forming in children the experience of constructive interaction with both adults and peers.

Lesson plan:

Lesson 1: “Getting to know each other”

Lesson 2: “Walk in the forest”

Lesson 4: “The Tale “Turnip””

Lesson 5: " Sun Ray»

Lesson 7: “The Tale “Kolobok”

Lesson 8: “Local Radio”

Lesson 10: “Birthday”

Lesson 11: “Household items”

Lesson 12: “I, beloved”

Lesson 14: “Emotions”

Lesson 15: “Farewell”

Lesson 1: “Getting to know each other”

Target : getting to know children, forming friendly, trusting relationships between children, developing non-verbal emotions

Relaxation: “Choose a face”

Exercise 1: “Hello”

Children stand in a circle. Each child takes turns saying: “Hello (hello), I’m glad to see you all. My name is...I love...I can...

Exercise 2: “Artist”

Children stand in a circle. Each child plays the role of an artist. They look at each other carefully. Then one child turns away and gives a verbal portrait of his friend. All the children take turns talking about each other.

Exercise 3: “Enchanted Child”

The child is bewitched, he cannot speak, he answers questions with gestures.

Exercise 4: “I’ll show you what you want”

Children, as instructed by the coach, carry out commands: show how a doll sits, a car stands, a hat lies, a flower grows and blooms, a kettle boils, etc.

Exercise 5: “Drawing “My Mood”

Look at a white piece of paper and draw your mood. Think about what you want to draw and draw.

Exercise 6: “Learn a fairy tale”

The coach reads excerpts from famous fairy tales, the child must guess which fairy tale these words are from.

(emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 2: “Walk in the forest”

Target: expand children's horizons, develop speech, thinking, imagination, spatial orientation, fine motor skills

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Exercise 1: “Greeting”

Children stand in a circle and greet everyone by name: “Hello Vanya, hello Danil...” (all children take turns)

Exercise 2: “Walk in the Woods”


You and I will go to an imaginary forest. We walk quietly, on tiptoe, so as not to wake the bear; we step over dead wood; we move sideways along a narrow path around which nettles grow; We step carefully along the shaky bridge; we go through the stream; we jump over bumps in the swamp; we bend down and pick mushrooms, berries, flowers; we reach up to the branches.

Now think and answer:

What grows in the forest?

Berries: blueberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries...

Mushrooms: porcini, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms, boletus...

Flowers: chamomile, bellflower, bindweed, cornflower...

Trees: aspen, birch, spruce, pine, larch, cedar...

Shrubs: hawthorn, hazel...

Reading a fairy tale: “The Magic Pot”

Who lives in the forest:

Animals: elk, hare, bear, fox, wolf...

Birds: cuckoo, nightingale, oriole, lark...

Reading the fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”

The trainer reads fairy tales, discussion, comments.

Exercise 3: “Magic words”

Say the magic words: thank you, please, excuse me, forgive me...

The coach gives a task, if he says the magic word, then the children complete the task, if he doesn’t say it, then they don’t complete it:


Please clap your hands.

Sit down

Everyone please look at me

Turn around

Say yes in unison

Say "no" loudly

Please smile at me...

A leader is chosen from among the children and the game continues.

Exercise 4: “Seven-flowered flower”

In the hands of children, the petals of a flower - say a polite word and attach the petal to the flower - you get a magical seven-flowered flower.

Exercise 5: “Tower”

Construction of a tower from available materials so that it does not break (old markers, cocktail straws, tape, etc.)

Exercise 6: “Sunny Bunny” (to the music of birdsong)

Close all your eyes and imagine. That you are in a sunny meadow; grow around you beautiful flowers, tall trees, forest animals walking. Birds are singing... The bright sun is shining, grasshoppers are jumping in the grass. You're having fun. What are you doing in this sunny meadow? Maybe you're resting. Or maybe you are picking mushrooms and berries... Slowly open your eyes. And tell us what you saw in the clearing. What were you doing? And now you and I will make a clearing from plasticine.

Exercise 7: “Relaxation “We are friendly”

All children join hands and say together with the leader:

We are good, we are friendly, we don’t quarrel... We play, we sing. We have a lot of fun

Exercise 8: “The fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers”

Reading a fairy tale and viewing slides based on the fairy tale. Discussion

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 3: " Space trip to the moon"

Target : develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention

Relaxation: “Choose a face”

Exercise 1: “Hello”

Greet friends in different ways: hello, hi, wave, nod, hand, etc.

Exercise 2: “Listen to the silence”

One clap of your hands - walk around the room, talk...

Two claps - we quickly sit down and listen to the silence (discussion of what we heard)

Exercise 3: “Stone and Traveler”

1 child is a traveler, the rest are stones. The stones sit on the floor, wrap their arms around their knees and sit motionless; the traveler sits on the floor - leans on the back of the child - a stone. Then another child becomes the traveler.

Exercise 4: “Space travel to the moon” (application)

Various shapes are cut out of colored paper and a collage is made (then the children tell what happened). Use only scissors and glue.

Exercise 5: “Kitten”

Children sit on the carpet and imitate the actions of the kitten: the kitten went out for a walk, it jumps, runs, plays, stretches, washes itself, basks in the sun; scratches the rug with its paws and claws.

Exercise 6: “Feather”

Raise your hand and hold it in front of you with your open palm facing up.

Imagine that there is a feather lying on your palm, as light as feathers. The slightest breeze can carry it away. What color is it? Choose any color you like... Inhale through your nose and exhale without opening your lips... Don’t inhale too much, otherwise the feather will fly away... It slowly rises above your head; keep it in the air; take a deep breath so that the feather is in front of you; take the feather in your hand; squeeze your hand and give me the feather...

Exercise 7: “Box of Happiness”

Draw a box and what is important to you and needs to be stored in this box. Tell us what kind of box it is, big or small... what is stored in it...

Exercise 8: “The fairy tale “Dunno on the Moon”

Reading a fairy tale and watching a cartoon. Discussion.

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 4: “The Tale “Turnip””

Target :: develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: Greetings

Hello! Who loves fairy tales, raise your hands. We name the fairy tales one by one.

Exercise 2: “Tale “Turnip””

The presenter shows the masks and offers to guess which fairy tale the heroes came from.

Today you and I will be artists.

First, we will tell you a fairy tale, and then we will distribute the roles. Who will be the grandfather, grandmother, bug, granddaughter, cat, mouse.

But first answer these questions:

Who is behind the grandmother? (step forward) - granddaughter

Who is standing in front of the cat? (step forward) – Bug

Who stands between grandfather and granddaughter? (step forward) - grandma

Who's standing first? (step forward) - grandfather

Who is behind the Bug (step forward) – the cat

Who's standing last? (step forward) – mouse

Fairy tale dramatization

Exercise 3: “Pantomime”

Depict everything: a cheerful grandfather, an offended grandmother, an angry Bug, a joyful cat, a crying granddaughter, a surprised mouse.

Now stand in order: 1 stands up..2 stands up...3 stands up..4 stands up..5 stands up..6 stands up...

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 5: “Talk to yourself”

Goal:: develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Greetings”

Hello, I'm glad to see you all. I'm glad to see..

All children greet each other. I'm glad to see everyone, I'm glad to see...

Exercise 2: “Talking with your hands”

Trace the silhouette of your palms on paper. Now let's bring our palm to life - draw eyes so that it can see; ears - so that she can hear; spout - to breathe; mouth - to speak. Paint each finger a different color.

Exercise 3: “A Ray of Sunshine”

Children sit on chairs, eyes closed.

We played and played and got a little tired. They sat down to rest and dozed off. But when a ray of sunlight touches your eyes, open your eyes; touched your forehead, move your eyebrows; touched your nose - wrinkle your nose; touched your lips - move your lips; touched your chin - move your jaw; touched your shoulders - raise and lower your shoulders; touched your hands - shake your hands; touched your feet - move your feet. A ray of sunshine played with you and disappeared. Stand up and wish him a pleasant journey...we blow on his palm and see off a ray of sunshine.

Exercise 4: “The sea is rough”

Children move around the room - depict various figures.


The sea is agitated once; the sea is worried two; the sea is worried three - the marine figure freezes in place. Children stop and maintain the position they were in before the “freeze” command was sounded. The best figure is selected and the game continues with a new leader.

Exercise 5: “Attentive eyes”

The children look at each other carefully; then the children turn around, and one child stands next to the leader. Children take turns answering: what he is wearing, what his eyes are, his hair, what color his clothes are, etc.

Exercise 6: “Who is behind whom”

All children stand in a line, and one child is next to the leader. The child looks carefully at the line and then leaves the room. At this time, the children change places; the child must arrange the children as before.

Exercise 7: “Pantomime”

Using pantomime (without words) show emotions: sadness, resentment, joy, anger, surprise, calm, admiration...

Exercise 8: “Gift”

Children stand in a circle and give each other hearts:

I give you my heart because... (all children have small hearts in their hands that are passed around)

Exercise 9: “The fairy tale “Terem-Teremok”

Discussion. Role-playing.

Exercise 10: “Fairytale tower-teremok”


You and I will move into a fairy-tale house that we will create together (a tower with windows is drawn on whatman paper, not painted). Children draw their portrait in the windows (alternatively, they draw themselves on a separate sheet and paste their drawing into the window they like); paint the tower.

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 6: “Magic Land of Feelings”

Goal:: develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Gait”

Show how you walk in the following situations:

You are happy, you feel in 7th heaven

The fire alarm rang and you need to run away urgently

You hurt your leg while playing sports

You're walking in water that's up to your waist

You are crossing a swampy place in the forest

You're going down the hill

You are walking along a dark, deserted street in the evening.

You are standing on a lying tree trunk

You are holding a mug of hot water.

You are on a ship that is caught in a storm

You cross a stream, jumping from stone to stone

You are following someone and you want them not to notice you

You are disappointed in a person

While playing football you scored a goal

You just woke up

You go home after classes.

Exercise 2: “Magical Land of Feelings”

(8 pencils: red, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown, gray and black) and method form


Far, far away, or maybe even close, there is a magical country and magical feelings live in it: joy, pleasure, fear, guilt, resentment, sadness, anger, interest. They live in small colored houses. Moreover, each feeling lives in a house of a certain color. Some are in yellow, some are in blue, some are in green, some are in purple, some are in brown, and some are in black. And someone in gray. Every day, as soon as the sun rises, the inhabitants of a magical land go about their business. But one day disaster struck - a terrible hurricane hit the country. The wind was so strong that it tore off roofs from houses and broke tree branches. The residents managed to hide, but the houses could not be saved. And then the hurricane ended, the wind died down. Residents came out of hiding and saw their houses destroyed. Of course they were very upset, but as you know, tears cannot help grief. Taking the necessary tools, the residents soon restored their houses, but the trouble was that all the paint was blown away by the wind.

We have colored pencils: red, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown, gray and black. Please help the residents and paint the houses. (children color the houses with colored pencils)

Thank you on behalf of all residents. You have restored the country. You are real wizards! But the fact is that during the hurricane, the residents were so scared that they completely forgot what color each of them lived in the house. Please help each resident find their house. Let's connect the feelings with arrows with the color that, in your opinion, matches the color of his house.

Thank you! You not only restored the country, but also helped residents find their houses. Now they feel good, because it is very important to know where your home is. But how will we travel around this country without a map? Each country has borders and its own territory. The territory of the country is plotted on the map. Look, each of you has a map of the country of feelings (silhouette of a person), but it is empty. After the country is restored, the map needs to be corrected. Only you, the people who restored the country, can color this map. To do this, take magic pencils, they helped you restore the country, now they will help you color the map. The outline of a magical country looks like the silhouette of a person, and some other countries also look something like it. For example: Italy looks like a boot, and Bashkiria looks like a birch leaf. We color the map with magic pencils: red, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown, gray, black.

Exercise 3: “Ryaba Hen”

Listen to the story:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had a chicken, Ryaba. The chicken laid an egg, not an ordinary one, but a golden one. Grandfather beat and beat, but did not break; The woman beat and beat, but did not break. The mouse was running, its tail touched it, the egg fell and broke. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and the hen is clucking: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman - I’ll lay you an egg, not a golden one, but a simple one.

Discussion: questions for children

What is this fairy tale about? – about the gift of “fate” - a golden egg and what unprepared people do with it.; about stereotypes of human behavior (if it’s an egg, then it needs to be beaten, regardless of the quality of the shell); about accidents that usually happen naturally (the mouse was running, its tail touched it, the egg fell and broke); about love for your neighbor (don’t cry, grandpa, don’t cry, grandma, I’ll lay you another egg, not a golden one, but a simple one); about a broken dream or hope (a broken egg)

What does a fairy tale teach us? - keep your house clean, do not allow mice to appear - then the egg may not have broken; be able to solve problems correctly - there was no need to beat an egg. But it was necessary to find another use for it

What use is there for the egg? What can be done with the fragments? – about the fact that there is no need to give gifts that our neighbors are not ready to receive (what we need to give and what we want to receive)

What do you give to others and what do you want to receive?

Explain why grandfather and grandmother are crying? They themselves wanted to break the egg when they hit it? – did they want to break it or leave the egg whole?

Exercise 4: “Game – improvisation”

Children assign roles and dramatize the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 7: “The Tale “Kolobok”

Goal:: develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, a sense of team cohesion, developing memory.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Greeting”

Children stand in a circle holding hands:

We are all friendly guys! We don’t fight, we don’t quarrel, we don’t be capricious...

Children join their hands all together in the center of the circle.

Exercise 2: “What fairy tale are these words from?”

The presenter reads excerpts from fairy tales, the children guess which fairy tale these words are from.

Exercise 3: “The Tale “Kolobok”

Today we will tell the fairy tale “Kolobok”, discuss it and listen to fairy tale advice. This fairy tale teaches us how to live correctly; we will tell a fairy tale, draw conclusions and remember the advice that the fairy tale gives us.

So - Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They lived poorly and did not eat enough. Grandfather asked grandma to bake a kolobok. It seems like there is nothing to bake from, but here is the grandmother: she swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the tree and found flour for the cake.

Question: What do you think the fairy tale wants to tell us? - the fairy tale teaches us to stock up. There are different situations in life and we need to have food for future use. What supplies do we stock? (we collect berries - make jam; collect mushrooms - salt, marinate for the winter; grow carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage; collect cucumbers, tomatoes - marinate for the winter). What reserves do animals make? Which of the animals stores supplies? (squirrel – mushrooms, nuts)

SoThe first fairytale tip: in order not to be hungry, stock up for future use.

We continue our fairy tale: Grandma baked a bun - it turned out ruddy and beautiful. Grandma put it on the window...

Question for the children: Why did grandma put the bun on the window? - cool. They wanted to eat, but didn’t eat the bun right away? What does a fairy tale teach us? - hot food is harmful, can you imagine what would have happened to my grandfather if he had immediately eaten a kolobok - he burned his tongue.

That's whyThe second piece of fabulous advice is don’t eat too hot food, don’t rush, even if you really want to try.

You can’t leave little ones alone unattended - the third fairytale tip.

Kolobok lay down alone, got bored and rolled along the path. The bun is rolling along the path. And a hare meets him: “Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you,” and he: “Don’t eat me, I’ll sing you a song:

I am a bun, a bun - sweeping the bottom of the barrel, scraping the box,

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window

I left my grandmother. I left my grandfather

And the hare will even leave you...

And the fox ate it.

Question for children: What does a fairy tale teach us - to overcome difficulties. Kolobok doesn’t fight with anyone, doesn’t fight back. And he gets out of all situations with the help of a song. Why can't the bun fight with animals? - because he is small, and they are big and stronger than him; so he sings a song and runs away. There are situations when there is no need to fight if the opponent is stronger, but it is better to run away or come up with another way out of the situation.

SoThe fourth fairy tale lesson: don’t get lost in a difficult situation, don’t get scared, don’t cry, don’t be mischievous, don’t be capricious, but figure out a way to cope with difficulties.

Which method did the bun choose? - he sang boastful songs, but boasting does no good. The fox told him: “I will eat you” and ate you. Why? - because she turned out to be more cunning.

The fifth fairytale lesson: finding yourself in a difficult difficult situation. Always be on your guard. Be on your guard because there are dangerous people who can destroy you . (the fox destroyed the bun and ate it). You need to be careful, because... The fox is affectionate though. But it was cunning and difficult for the bun to unravel her insidious plans.

Do you think the fairy tale has a good or bad ending? – bad why? - because the fox ate it? Imagine if she didn't eat it? - then he would ride, ride through the forest, get tired, want to eat and return home to his grandparents, so what? – would they eat it? Yes, because they baked it to eat, but imagine what the bun would be like if it had been rolling around in the forest for a long time - dirty, stale... and would they want to eat this? He would have been thrown out and died. Why did they bake it? - to eat, the fox was simply luckier than the grandparents.

Sixth fairy tale advice: we all have our own destiny, our own purpose, our own talents and abilities.

Someone sings well, someone draws well, someone learns poetry well, someone makes crafts - each of us has our own purpose. What we know how to do well becomes our profession. Some people become an artist because they draw well; someone is a teacher because he knows how to teach children; someone is a carpenter. Because he knows how to make furniture: chairs, cabinets, desks; someone is a teacher because they know how to raise children. If we know how to do something, then we benefit people. And if a person has done a lot for others, they say about him that he has fulfilled his destiny.

You see how much advice the simple fairy tale about the bun gave us. What she taught us (repeat tips):

    To avoid being hungry, stock up for future use.

    Don’t eat hot food, don’t rush, even if you really want to try it.

    Small children should not be left alone, unattended.

    Don't get lost in a difficult situation; don't be scared. Do not Cry. Don't be capricious. And come up with a way to cope with difficulties.

    In a difficult situation, always be on your guard, on the alert: there are dangerous people who can destroy you.

    Everyone has their own destiny, their own purpose, their own talents and abilities.

We are all different, there are no identical people in the world

Is this a fairy tale with a bad ending or a good one? Let's figure it out. Who is Kolobok? - this is bread, a pie. Why was he born? - so that grandfather and grandmother could eat it. Its purpose is to be eaten. He was born to be eaten. At the end of the fairy tale, this is what happened - he was eaten. A fairy tale teaches us to act differently in different situations. The bun escaped from everyone in one way, but this method did not work with the fox, it was necessary to find some other way. Kolobok tested himself, overcame many difficulties; found out my capabilities. I felt how far I could go. The bun constantly increases the level of difficulty of the task. And the solution applies the same thing. But it had to be changed.

The fairy tale teaches: accept your destiny; the ability to stop in time in the process of testing oneself; be aware of the consequences of prohibitions; take a creative approach to solving problems.

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 8: “Local Radio”

Goal:: develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, a sense of team cohesion, developing memory.. development of speech, active vocabulary, vocabulary

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Tongue Twisters”

Quickly say:

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a squeeze

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass

Four little black little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink.

Exercise 2: “Guess the last word”

I hurry to get into the water in any bad weather.

But I’ll be back by lunchtime - go-go-go-cackles... (goose)

I again received a grade in reading ... (five)

On this festive spring day, the fragrant...(lilac) blossomed

Without a key, believe me, you won’t open this... (door)

The sun obeys the ringing drops. Nature has come to life, in the yard... (April)

Everyone was playing, and at the same time the goalkeeper was gnawing... (cracker)

I happened to see it in the forest. How the mighty one gnawed the bark... (elk)

The walls are ready; now we need to hollow out a window and cut through them... (door)

I think everyone knows: there are exactly... (seven) days in a week

It's frosty at night, it's dripping in the morning - that means it's in the yard.. (April)

You’re wearing the wrong thing: you don’t need a fur coat, but... (coat)

The winter vacation! Happy days! The kids need sleds, skis and... (skates)

Lucy wrinkled her face: “I won’t go to.. (porch)

Murzik the cat is not too lazy to wash his face all...(day)

Hiding from the toothy pikes, he swam by.. (crucian carp).

Exercise 3: “Name the words”

The presenter calls the word, and the children call it a diminutive:

Oak - oak tree; forest - wood... scarf, pillar, beak, year, rain, vegetable garden, pond, garden, bow, brother, cat, bush,

bridge, robe, tail, watermelon, nose, hedgehog. mushroom, tooth ice, island, cold, city.

Exercise 4: “Opposite words”

Evil - good; brave - timid; clumsy - dexterous; heavy – light; hard – soft; rough – smooth; thick - liquid; sour – sweet; distant - close; high Low; wide narrow; frequent – ​​rare; big small; curve - straight.

Peace is war; noise - silence; morning-evening, day-night; cold-heat; courage - cowardice; negligence - neatness; enemy-friend; illness-health; joy - sadness; weakness - strength; old age-youth; cleanliness – dirt; anger - kindness; rudeness - politeness; loss-find; lie - truth; idleness - work; grief-happiness.

Exercise 5: Local Radio

Each child stands up and says his first and last name, address, the names of his parents and teachers, the director of the orphanage, and the head teacher.

Attention! Attention! A girl (boy) is lost... the presenter names the signs of the pupil, the children guess who the presenter is talking about.

Listen to the poem and tell me what’s wrong:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman with a little granddaughter.

They called their red cat Zhuchka.

And they called the foal Corydalis.

They also had chicken Burenka.

They also had a dog, Murka.

And also two goats - Sivka and Burka! (Yu. Chernykh)

Exercise 6: “Riddles”

Eyes, tail, whiskers - and he washes himself cleaner than everyone else (cat...Murzik, Fluff)

He chews hay day and night. The cow gives a lot of milk...

An angry impatiens lives in the depths of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread (hedgehog...)

He is both slender and handsome, he has a thick mane! He “clop-clop” with his hooves - give me a ride, my friend! (horse..)

He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, and has a tail like a ring (a dog...)

I'm scratching under the floor, but I'm afraid of cats (mouse...)

In the summer he wanders without a path between the pines and birches, and in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost (a bear...)

With a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull, milked, not a cow (goat...)

There is a snout in front, a hook in the back, a back in the middle, and on it there is a bristle (pig...)

Exercise 7: “Fairy Tale” The Scarlet Flower»

Reading and discussing a fairy tale.

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 9: “Lifebuoy”

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “What an object does”

The blizzard (what is it doing?) is sweeping; it thunders; the sun is shining, baking; lightning - sparkles; the wind blows; rain - dripping, falling; snow - falling, falling; clouds are floating; fog - spreading; frost - crackling; sparrow - jumping, tweeting; dog - barks, bites; cat - meows, scratches; cow - mooing; sheep - bleats; rooster crows; chicken - cackling; horse - galloping, neighing; nightingale - sings; the bear growls.

Exercise 2: “Lifebuoy”


I have a lot of friends - I drew them all.

Masha waves. Pasha is plowing.

Kolya stabs. Katya is rolling.

The light is shining. Sonya is sleeping. Tonya is drowning.

But I won't let her drown.

I'll save my girlfriend and draw something.

What should you draw? ( Lifebuoy)

Exercise 3: “Name an object by attribute”

Fluffy - chicken, collar, snow, squirrel, kitten..; wooden – table, cabinet, desk; rubber - gloves, ball, ball..; silk - scarf, shawl, dress..; cunning - girl, fox...; interesting - film, book..; tall - tree, man, mountain...; prickly – hedgehog, bush..; glass – ball, glass, window, vase...; ripe – fruit, vegetable..; neat – girl, boy, handwriting..; iron - barrel, nail, roof...deep - hole, hole...; fragrant – flower, pepper, tobacco..; warm – day, mittens, stove, jacket..; dense - grandfather. forest…; brick house…; pickle..; juicy – ​​fruit, carrot, orange; cheerful - puppy, girl... round - ball, potato...; comfortable – person, shoes..; bright – poster, scarf..; delicious – fruit, vegetable, lunch..; old - person, thing...

Exercise 4: “Guess the object”

Shoemaker! Shoemaker! Help quickly! My boots are completely worn out.. (boots);

All beetles, insects, flies - a delicious breakfast for..(frogs)

In the hot sun it has dried out and is bursting from the pods... (peas)

Every student must study their native…(language)

If you have an A in your diary, it means you are an exemplary student..(student)

We need to cut some wood. File and chop. My brother and I went out into the yard: I got a drink, he got a drink... (an ax)

This morning the sky is gloomy, the garden and... (street) are washed with rain

The severe frosts have long been forgotten, white buds are blooming...(birch trees)

The new birdhouse is in a hurry to be the first to occupy the mischievous one.. (sparrow)

The rain passed, and at dawn suddenly a cold ... (wind) blew

Bird feeders have been prepared here... (guys)

The white hen has a baby - a fluffy yellow one... (chicken)

We will sow the grain, let it sprout wide field ripe...(wheat)

I have a wicker one for the market... (basket)

Brought it from the forest to our children various gifts Santa Claus)

I'll clear the snow guys, I just need... (shovel)

To make carrot juice sweet, add sugar...(sand)

We have an important job, we drain... (swamps)

I was visiting Valya and we were in albums..(drawn)

A sick person needs a doctor, he needs... (pharmacy)

Only suddenly from behind a bush, from behind a blue forest. From distant fields flies... (sparrow)

The slacker postponed his work from Wednesday to... (Monday)

Passenger, don’t yawn, it’s leaving... (tram)

On an aspen tree in the thick of the crown he builds his nest... (crow)

Exercise 5: “Answer with a complete answer”

What can you see from eyes closed(dream)

Which month is shorter (May, February)

What comb can you use to comb your head? (rooster)

What tree does a crow sit on after rain? (for wet)

Which tap can you not drink from? (from the lift)

What is the name of a tree with a white trunk? (birch)

Which flower has thorns on its stem? (rose)

What vegetables creep on the ground? (cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin..)

What trees do not know leaf fall? (coniferous)

What bird is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker)

What bird loves shiny things? (magpie)

What bird lays eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)

Which birds come to us first? (rooks)

What animal loves to eat raspberries? (bear)

Why does a cat need soft paws and sharp claws?

Exercise 6: “Guess the riddle, explain the answer”

I have a lot to do: I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, I whiten fields, houses, my name is... winter

I am woven from heat and carry warmth with me. I warm the rivers, swim - I invite you. And you all love me for this. I...summer

I open my buds. I dress the trees with green leaves, I water the crops, there is a lot of movement. My name is...spring

I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields, I send the birds south, I strip the trees, but I don’t touch the pines and fir trees. I..autumn

A troika, a troika has arrived, the horses in that troika are white, and in the sleigh sits a girl, white-haired, white-faced, she waved her sleeve, everything was covered with silver... winter

She came, smiled - the snowstorms subsided, the bell of the drop began to ring, the river awakened, the ice melted, the gardens were dressed in a green outfit... spring

It comes to visit us in the spring, bringing with it a lot of worries. Gives hot, long days so that the ears of corn can quickly ripen in the fields...summer

She walked through meadows, through forests, through fields, she prepared supplies for us, hid them in cellars, in bins, and said: “Winter will come for me”... autumn

It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but it won’t get into the house. And I’m not going anywhere while it’s raining...

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere, the lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain...cloud

It made some noise, made some noise, washed everything and left. And the gardens and vegetable gardens throughout the area were watered... a thunderstorm

White peas fall - right on your head, oh! It knocks the blossoms off the apple trees and harms the fields... hail

The golden apple rolls across the sky and smiles in the morning. And smiles-rays are very hot... the sun

What kind of artist applied leaves, grass, and thickets of roses...frost to the glass?

No arms, no legs, but he can draw... frost

From the sky - an asterisk, on the palm - water... a snowflake

The star spun in the air a little, sat down and melted on my palm... a snowflake

I lay there and lay there, but the snow ran into the river...

White flies landed on the ground...snow

There is a white nail hanging under our roof, the sun will rise, the nail will fall... an icicle

It grows upside down, it grows not in summer, but in winter, but the sun will bake it, it will cry and die... an icicle

Without planks, without axes, the bridge across the river is ready. The bridge is like blue glass: slippery, fun, light... windy

I’ll swing the birch tree, I’ll push you; I’ll fly, I’ll whistle, I’ll even drag away my hat... the wind

In the morning the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass with them, but we went to look for them during the day, we searched and searched, but we couldn’t find them... there was dew.

Exercise 7: “The Fairy Tale “Morozko”

Reading a fairy tale, watching a movie.

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 10: “Birthday Tale”

Goal: to develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, a sense of team cohesion, developing memory.. development of speech, active vocabulary, vocabulary, thinking, correct skills make proposals.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 2: “A Tale about a Birthday”

Today is the hare's birthday. He decided to invite forest animals to his place. And what did the bunny think to cook for them?

Let's help the bunny: fox - meat; to the bear - honey, berries; squirrel – nuts, mushrooms; boar – acorns; hedgehog - milk; to the wolf - meat.

The animals celebrated their birthday and went home. Tell us where the animals went, what the animals’ dwellings (houses) are called: the bear has a den; for a hare - under a bush; the squirrel has a hollow; the fox has a hole; the wolf has a lair.

In the morning the animals woke up and told their children about their birthday: the hare - to the hares and fox cubs, the wolf - to the wolf cubs, hedgehog cubs, the bear - to the cubs.

Exercise 3: “Physical training minutes »

Bear cubs

The cubs lived in the thicket, turning their heads.

Like this, like this - they twisted their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey and rocking the tree together

Like this, like this - they rocked the tree together.

They waddled around and drank water from the river.

Like this, like this - and they drank water from the river.

And then they danced, raising their paws higher

Like this, like this - they raised their paws higher.


The horse is waiting for me on the road, beating its hoof at the gate.

Her mane sways in the wind, lush, fabulously beautiful.

I’ll quickly jump onto the saddle, I won’t ride, I’ll fly:

Clack-clack-clack, clink-clack-clack.

There, beyond the distant river, I’ll wave my hand to you.


Swans are flying, flapping their wings

They bend over the water and shake their heads.

They know how to hold themselves straight and proud,

They land silently on the water.

Exercise 4: “Riddles about animals”

Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and climbs the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

You and I recognize the animal by these two signs: it wears a gray fur coat in winter, and a red fur coat in summer. (squirrel)

The fluffy little housewife is not afraid of frost: she saved dried mushrooms on the branches. (squirrel)

Guess what kind of hat it is: a whole armful of fur. The cap runs in the forest, gnawing the bark at the trunk. (hare)

Both animals and birds offend him, he is afraid of every bush in the field. In winter, under the tree, he freezes so much that in summer he does not take off his fur coat. (hare)

Slender, fast, branched horns, rushes around all day. Who is this? (deer)

Hump-nosed, long-legged, branch-horned giant, eats grass and bush shoots, it is difficult to compete with him in running. If you happen to meet something like this, you know that it is..(moose)

Here are the needles and pins crawling out from under the bench, they are looking at me, they want milk. (hedgehog)

An angry impatiens lives in the wilderness of the forest, there are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (hedgehog)

A poultry woman in a red fur coat came from the forest to count the chickens. (fox)

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden. Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox)

Near the oak tree, he was busily digging the ground with his sharp snout. Apparently he was looking for acorns, I didn’t scare him, and neither did my Polkan. He was very formidable.. (boar)

Smaller than a tiger, but slightly larger than a large red cat. On a bitch she usually lurks and waits for prey. Don’t be timid, but beware, in the forest where...(lynx) wanders

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring, and in winter he sleeps in a snowy hut to the howl of a blizzard. (bear)

Who wanders around in the cold winter angry and hungry? (wolf)

The hungry one moos, the well-fed one chews, and gives milk to all children (cow)

You stroke it, it caresses you, you tease it, it bites you. Sits on a chain, guards the house (dog)

Friendly with people, guards the house (dog)

The ears are erect and the tail is tousled and crocheted. She lies at the door, guarding the master’s house (the dog)

The muzzle is mustachioed, the coat is striped, it washes itself often, but is not familiar with water (cat)

Eyes, whiskers, claws, but he washes himself cleaner than anyone else (cat)

He has 4 paws, paws - claws - scratches, a pair of sensitive ears, he is a thunderstorm for mice (cat)

Long ear, ball of fluff, jumps deftly, nibbles carrots (rabbit)

With a trimmed mane, he gallops zealously, just touch his spurs. Who is he? (horse)

In front there is a snout, in the back there is a hook, in the middle there is a back, and on it there is a bristle (pig)

Who has a piglet that is not squeezed into a fist? He has hooves on his feet, he eats and drinks from a trough (pig)

With a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull (goat)

I'm a hunchbacked beast, but the guys like me (camel)

Long neck, red paws, nipping at the heels, run without looking back (goose)

Hisses, cackles, wants to pinch me. I'm going, I'm not afraid. Who is this? (goose)

He wanders importantly through the meadow, comes out of the water dry, wears red shoes, gives soft featherbeds (goose)

Amazing child! Just out of diapers, he can swim and dive like his own mother (duckling)

Rich in down, the beak is like a spade. Wanders in the river, waddles (duck)

Clucking, clucking, he will call the children, gather everyone under his wings (chicken)

Came in a yellow fur coat, goodbye 2 shells (chicken)

Not a rider, but with spurs; not a watchman, but wakes everyone up (rooster)

I wake up at dawn in the village yard. “Ku-ka-re-ku” I scream, I want to wake up the guys (rooster)

There are apples on the branches in winter, pick them up quickly! And suddenly the apples flew up, because these are... (bullfinches)

Even though I am a small bird, my friends have a habit: when the cold starts, right here from the north (bullfinch)

Flies all night - catches mice; and when it gets warm, he flies into the hollow to sleep (owl)

A mischievous boy in a gray army jacket, darting around the yard, collecting crumbs (sparrow)

Chick-chirp! Jump to the grain; don't be shy. Who is this? (sparrow)

On the pole is a cheerful house with a small round window. The wind shakes the house so that the children can fall asleep. Father sings on the porch, he is both a pilot and a singer (starling)

There is a palace on a pole, there is a singer in the palace, and his name is... (starling)

Spinning, chirping, busy all day (magpie)

The motley fidget, a long-tailed bird. The bird is talkative. The most talkative (magpie)

Even though I’m not a hammer, I knock on wood: I want to examine every corner of it. I'm wearing a red hat and a beautiful acrobat (woodpecker)

Far away my knock can be heard all around. I am an enemy to worms, but a friend to trees (woodpecker)

Sitting on a tree: “Kar, kar” shouts (crow)

Greenish back, yellowish belly, black cap and stripe of scarf (tit)

You recognize him immediately: white-billed, black-eyed, he walks importantly behind the plow, finds worms and beetles. Faithful guardian and friend of the fields, the first messenger of warm days (rook)

Black, agile, shouts “krak” - the enemy of worms (rook)

Whoever is at the Christmas tree is counting the bitch: cuckoo...cuckoo (cuckoo)

What bird lives in the forest and calls its name to everyone? (cuckoo)

Exercise 5: “The fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”

Reading and discussing a fairy tale

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 11: “Household Items”

Goal: to develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, a sense of team cohesion, developing memory.. development of speech, active vocabulary, vocabulary, thinking, correct skills make proposals.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Name it correctly”

Name household items:

Clothes: dress, coat, jacket, shorts...

Utensils: bowl, pan, cup, mug...

Furniture: wardrobe, table, chair...

Transport: plane, car, ship...

Shoes: sneakers, shoes, flip flops...

Exercise 2: “Match the object”

Set of cards. Separately sort household items into groups: clothing, dishes, furniture, transport, shoes

Exercise 3: “Riddles”

Two sisters, two braids made of fine sheep yarn. How to go for a walk - wear it so that you don’t freeze five and five (mittens)

I have a brim, a visor, a scarlet ribbon and a flower. I protect my head from the sun and from the cold (Panama hat, cap)

They gave the brothers a warm house so that the five of them could live. The big brother did not agree and settled separately (mittens)

There are 4 legs under the roof, and on the roof there is soup and spoons (table)

Antoshka stands on four legs, Antoshka has soup and spoons on him (table)

I am round and smooth, but not rosy and sweet. They look at me, but see themselves (mirror)

I'm comfortable, very soft - it's not hard for you to guess. Grandmothers and grandchildren love to sit and lie down (sofa)

There is a new house in our apartment, dishes live in that house, there is also a place in it for sweets, it is called... (buffet)

Although we have four legs, we are not mice or cats. Although we all have backs, we are not sheep or pigs. We are not horses, even though you have sat on us hundreds of times (chairs)

Water flows from a hot well through the nose (kettle)

If I'm empty, I forget about you, but when I'm carrying food, I won't let my mouth pass (spoon)

I feed everyone with pleasure, but I myself am mouthless (a spoon)

Guess the riddle: who are we? On a clear day we sit at home; if it rains, we have work to do - stomp - splash through the swamps (boots)

We always walk together, looking alike like brothers. We are at the table at dinner, and under the bed at night (boots, shoes)

This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs it has two wheels. Sit on horseback and rush on it, but it’s better to steer the wheel (bicycle)

On a clear morning, dew glistens on the grass along the road. There are legs and two wheels running along the road. The riddle has an answer - this is my... (bicycle)

What a miracle - the blue house! The windows are bright all around, he wears rubber shoes, and eats gasoline (bus)

A house is driving along the asphalt, there are a lot of children in it, and there is an arc under the roof, the current is always flowing through it (trolleybus)

She drinks gasoline like milk, can run far, carries loads and people you know, of course you know her (car, truck)

At any time of the year and in any bad weather, I will take you underground (metro) very quickly, at any hour.

Where does it happen that the earth is above your head? (metro)

He rushes and shoots, grumbling in a patter. The tram can't keep up with this chatter (motorcycle)

He returns moms and dads from work to their homes, and he brings everyone from one end to another, well done. We all go there, call him.. (tram)

I come in different colors: black and red, truck, passenger. Who am I? (car)

Exercise 4: “Fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge”

Reading and discussion

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 12: “The Tale of the Ugly Duckling”

Goal: to develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, a sense of team cohesion, developing memory.. development of speech, active vocabulary, vocabulary, thinking, correct skills make proposals.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Hello, my beloved”


- Make yourself comfortable. Listen very carefully and listen to what I am going to say.

Close your eyes, listen and do what I say:

Here are your legs... Place them more comfortably so that each leg can tell you: “Thank you for taking care of me.” My hard working legs. I always forget about you. From morning to evening, carry me, walk, run, hold me. Thank you legs!

Place your hands comfortably, your hands are worthy of your care, pay your warm attention to them; Place your hands calmly, feel each finger, move them. Let every finger feel your attention and warmth. Feel the warmth on each finger, let them thank you for your warmth and care. I thank my hands for being strong, skillful, and able to do a lot of things. They are warm and affectionate. They know how to receive warmth, they know how to give warmth. These are my hands and I will not exchange them for any others. I love you my hands, thank you my hands.

I breathe...I feel the air entering me, I accept it.. I exhale and the air leaves me. I'm glad I can breathe. My breathing is even and calm, I can breathe easily.

And now a ray of attention slides across my face. The tension is released from my forehead, the tension goes away from my eyes; they are resting. My face is resting, it is tired - let it rest.. The eyes are looking, the eyes are searching. Eyes speak, eyes search, eyes speak, eyes argue, eyes resist, eyes love, eyes live - eyes are the mirror of my soul, my very first and main assistants.. How much they do for me. Thank you! You show me the world, you show me the sky and the stars; sun and moon; you show me the whole world.

And my whole body - thank you! Thank you for being with me, for giving me life; I want to take care of you; I love you, and with you, myself.

I breathe evenly, calmly... I slowly open my eyes... Take a deep breath and open your eyes..

Exercise 2: “The Ugly Duckling”

Reading and discussing a fairy tale.

Issues for discussion:

Why didn't everyone like the ugly duckling at the beginning of the fairy tale?

What happened to him at the end of the fairy tale?

Have you ever felt like an ugly duckling?

What would you do if you were the ugly duckling?

Exercise 3: “Fun exercise”

The presenter tells, and the children show:

Each of you is the master of your own body..

You are awakened cats. Stretch out your front and back legs...

We are ladybugs that have fallen on their backs. Will you be able to roll over without outside help, you can’t help with your hands and feet

And now you are tigers sneaking in the thickets...

And now you are a reed in the wind, just as flexible...

Take a deep breath and turn into balloons, just a little more and we’ll fly...

We stretch upward like giraffes...

Let's jump like a kangaroo to become as agile and strong...

And now we are pendulums, heavy, bronze pendulums in ancient clocks; Let's sway from side to side and we'll have enough time for everything

And now we will launch the plane - we turn the propeller with all our might..

Let's bend like an Indian bow and become just as elastic...

Which of our two legs will jump higher today - the left or the right?

Beat your record, do one more squat than before

Well done to all of you! You are winners! The whole day will be ours!

But you don’t have to do exercises. And crawl all day like a big old turtle...

But we are not like that, we don’t want to, we will jump like nimble bunnies

Exercise 4: “Draw a portrait”

Each child draws himself.

Host: “What will you be like in a few years?”

On back side portraits children draw of themselves in the future

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 13: “Creation of the city”

Goal: to develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, a sense of team cohesion, developing memory.. development of speech, active vocabulary, vocabulary, thinking, correct skills make proposals.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Drawing in a circle”

One child draws, then another continues, the third... (in a circle).

Come up with a name for the drawing.

Exercise 2: “One day I..:

Children take turns telling who they helped.

- Once I helped...

Exercise 3: “Good Hippopotamus” »

Children stand in a line, placing their hands on each other's shoulders.

- You are all together a big, kind hippopotamus. Walk around the room, sit down, stand up, run, etc.

Exercise 4: “Creation of a City”

Each child sculpts from plasticine with his eyes closed. All the figures are put on a stand, and a common name for the city is invented.

Exercise 5: “Sunshine”

Show me how I do:

- The sun is rising (arms down, to the sides)

- The sun is shining (hands up, fingers spread)

- The sun is setting (arms to the sides, down)

- night (hands down)

Children repeat movements at a fast pace; then the leader changes the order of movements, the children perform them flawlessly.

Exercise 6: “Seasons”

Children have 4 squares: white - winter, green - spring, red - summer, yellow - autumn.

4 squares in a row is a year; every square is a season. The presenter names a color or season; children must match the color and season.

Exercise 7: “A Ray of Sunshine”


- We studied and studied and got a little tired. They sat down to rest and dozed off. But here's a ray of sunshine

Touched your eyes - open your eyes;

Touched your forehead - move your eyebrows;

Touched your nose - wrinkle your nose;

Touched your lips - move your lips;

Touched your chin - move your jaw;

Touched your shoulders - raise and lower your shoulders;

Touched your hands - shake your hands;

Touched - raise and lower your legs. you

The sunbeam has played with you, and it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Exercise 8: “The sea is rough”

_ The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three

The marine figure freezes in place.

Exercise 9: “The fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”

Reading. Watching a cartoon.

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 14: “Boat”

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger

Exercise 1: Game “The sea is agitated once”

The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three

marine figure freeze in place.

Exercise 2: “Boat”


- Imagine that we are at sea on the deck of a ship. The ship sails and rocks on the waves. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor, clasping your hands behind your back.

- The wind blew, a wave rose, the boat rocked. Press your right leg to the floor, bend your left at the knee, touch the floor only with its toe

- the wind has died down - straighten up, relax

- Attention! New wave! The ship swung in the other direction - press your left leg to the floor, relax your right

- The sea has calmed down - straighten up, relax, take a deep breath and exhale

Exercise 3: “One, two, three – speak”

Children sit on chairs, in front of them there is a drawing on which the leader draws a seashore, waves, seagulls, a steamship. Then the children turn away, and one child makes (as instructed by the leader) additions: a cloud, a bird, a pebble on the shore, a boat, the sun...)

The presenter asks the children to determine what new detail has appeared in the picture, but they need to name it after the coach says: “1, 2, 3 - speak,” the one to whom the presenter pointed responds.

Exercise 4: “Memorize the words”

The presenter calls the word, the children add one word at a time and repeat all the words:

- Sun

- sun, water

- sun, water, stream, etc.

Exercise 5: “Take your hand”

Children walk around the room, look at each other, when they hear the command “close your eyes,” they close their eyes and continue to slowly walk around the room; when the children approach each other, the leader says:

- 1, 2, 3 – take the person next to you by the hand, don’t open your eyes, and guess who it is

Children determine by touch who is standing next to them.

Exercise 6: “Hello”

Using tape, a large circle is laid out. Children stand along the outer perimeter of the circle. The presenter says:

- When you hear hello, quickly stand in a circle

The presenter says different words. As soon as the children hear “hello,” they quickly stand in a circle; those who didn’t have time take the place of the leader.

Exercise 7: “Who is behind whom”

Children line up one after another, one child comes out of the line and carefully looks at the other children. The child turns away, at this time the children change places. The child must remember who stood behind whom.

Exercise 8: “Emotions”

The presenter shows the drawn emotions. The presenter says:

- 1, 2, 3

On the count of three, children must whisper the answer.

Children show the following emotional states by facial expressions: sadness, resentment, joy, anger, surprise, calmness, etc.

Exercise 9: “The Fairy Tale “The Scarlet Flower”

Reading and discussing a fairy tale

Relaxation: “I liked it.. I didn’t like it...”, “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger...)

Lesson 15: “Farewell”

Goal: to develop spatial thinking, imagination, hand motor skills, personal qualities, attention, creativity, developing a sense of self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, a sense of team cohesion, developing memory.. development of speech, active vocabulary, vocabulary, thinking, correct skills make sentences, develop attentive and voluntary behavior.

Relaxation: “Choose a face” (emotions joy, sadness, anger)

Exercise 1: “Drawing feelings and mood »

Children draw their feelings and mood. Then the children pass the piece of paper around and each child adds something of their own to the other’s drawing; Each child's drawing should return to him.

Exercise 2: “Fairy tale quiz”

The presenter reads the questions, the children answer.

Exercise 3: “Summarizing”

Discussion with children about what they learned, what they liked (didn’t like), what they remembered, what they would like to continue with, etc.

Exercise 4 “Farewell”


- Sit back, close your eyes and listen to me. You expected something unusual, a miracle from our classes, and it happened... You have now become a little smarter, a little more mature, learned to look at the world with different eyes, learned to know yourself and your mood. You have become kinder.. Remember all our classes, what you liked, what you would like to repeat.. What you would like to be in the future, what you are doing to change.. and now slowly open your eyes

Exercise 5: “Face”

Draw a face that you like right now and a second smiling face that you will give to your neighbor. Each child has two “faces” in his hands, his own and the one given by a neighbor.

At the end of the lesson there is tea.


    Vygodsky L.V. Problems of defectology - M., 1995.

    Lapshin V. A., Puzaniv B. V. Fundamentals of defectology. – M.: Education, 1991.

    Petrova V. G., Belyakova I. V. Who are they, children with developmental disabilities. – M., 1998.

    Fundamentals of special psychology / ed. L. V. Kuznetsova. – M.: Academy, 2007.

    Psychological tests. In 2 volumes / ed. A. A. Karelina. – M., 2007.

    Domashkevich S.A. Functional-level approach to psychodiagnostics and correction of cognitive activity in normal conditions and with developmental disorders // Defectology, 2006. No. 4.

    Kosymova A. N. Correction of ideas about the surrounding world in children with intellectual disabilities // Defectology, 2006. No. 5.

    Lebedinsky V.V. Disorders of mental development in children. – M., 1985.

    Mozgovoy V. M., Yakovleva I. M., Eremina A. A. Fundamentals of oligophrenopedagogy. – M.: Academy, 2006.

    Morozova N. G. Features of behavior and development of moral relations of mentally retarded preschool children. // Defectology, 1983. No. 2.

    Kukushkina O.I. The use of information technologies in the field of ideas about the world. // Defectology, 2006. No. 2.

    Sorokotyagin I. N. General psychology. – Ekaterinburg, 1993.

    Special preschool pedagogy and psychology. \ Ed. V. I. Seliverstova. – M.: Vlados, 2001.

    Handbook of psychology and psychiatry of child and adolescence. \ ed. S. Yu. Tsirkina. - St. Petersburg, 1999.

    Chuprikova N. I. Psychology of mental development: principles of differentiation. – M., 1997.

    Shamko L. Yu. Formation of ideas about social phenomena in mentally retarded preschoolers. // Defectology, 1994. No. 4.

    Shevchenko S.G. Features of the stock of knowledge and ideas in primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties // Education and training of children with developmental disorders, 2005. No. 2.

    Elkonin D. B. Some issues in diagnosing the mental development of children. // Diagnostics of educational activities and intellectual development children. – M., 1991.

    Elkonin D. B. Selected psychological works. – M., 1995.

    Zeigarnik B.V. Personality psychology: Norm and pathology. \ ed. M. R. Ginzburg. – M., 1998.

    Special pedagogy \ L. I. Aksenova, B. A. Arkhip, L. I. Belyakova, etc. \ Ed. N. M. Nazarova. – M.: Academy, 2000.

    Special psychology / Ed. V. I. Lubovsky. – M.: Academy, 2006.

    Enikeev M.I. Psychological encyclopedic dictionary. – M., 2008.

    Stolyarenko L. D. Fundamentals of psychology. – Rostov, 2007.

    Nemov R. S. General psychology. – M., 2003.

    Stolyarenko L. D. Social psychology. – Rostov, 2009.

    Teaching children with intellectual disabilities (oligophrenopedagogy) / Ed. B. P. Puzanova. – M., 2001.

    Workshop on social psychology. – Magnitogorsk, 2007.

    Trainings. Psychocorrectional programs. Business games. / Ed. L. G. Buzunova., O. P. Stepanova. – Magnitogorsk, 2009.

    Zinkevich T.D. Workshop on fairy tale therapy. - M., 2009.

    Khabibullin D. A. Mathematical methods in psychology. – Magnitogorsk, 2006.

    Defectological Dictionary. // Ed. A. I. Dyachkova. – M., 1970.

    Organization and planning of educational work in a special (correctional) boarding school, orphanage. A manual for teachers and educators. – M., 2008.

    Innovative technologies in correctional pedagogy and special psychology. – Ufa, 2008.

    Programs of special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIItype: in 2 collections/ Ed. Voronkova. – M., 2011.

    Vygodsky L. S. Fundamentals of defectology. Collected works in 6 volumes - M., 1983.

    Corrective pedagogy. Textbook./ Ed. Kukushkina. - M., 2010.

    Trainings personal growth And professional growth. Collection of teaching materials. – Magnitogorsk, 2010.

    L.G. Buzunova, L. G. Guseva. Psychological diagnostics of the personality of a child of preschool and primary school age. – Magnitogorsk, 2009.

    Stepanova O.P., Khabibullina D.A. Clinical psychology. – Magnitogorsk, 2005.

Find material for any lesson,

Fairy tales contain a full set of “eternal” human life problems that are still relevant in our age of technological progress. Bright, impressive fairy-tale images of good heroes and strong knights, magical fairies and beautiful princesses will help to convincingly and eloquently explain to the child what is good and what is bad, in a form that is interesting for the child to convey knowledge about the world around him. It is important that the adults around the child, while reading and discussing fairy tales, carefully fill it with information that will help the child in the future make the right decision in real life.

The meaning of fairy tale therapy, specific tasks and techniques

A fairy tale is told not in order to hide, but in order to reveal, to say with all your might, out loud what you think.

Evgeny Schwartz

Fairy tale therapy (“fairy tale treatment”) is a comprehensive exercise that is aimed at working with feelings, stabilizing the emotional state, improving and harmonizing the psyche, forming the value foundations of the individual, and developing creativity child. Fairytale therapy was born and developed at the intersection of psychology, pedagogy, and cultural traditions of different peoples.

Listening to a fairy tale, a child is mentally transported to an imaginary world, undergoes tests, and experiences adventures.

Video: fairytale therapy as a method of positive attitude in a child

https://youtube.com/watch?v=fMQvsFguzXU Video can’t be loaded: Fairytale therapy as a method of positive attitude in a child. (https://youtube.com/watch?v=fMQvsFguzXU)

Tasks and techniques of fairy tale therapy in working with preschool children

Fairytale therapy solves many problems related to the development of a child:

  • disclosure and activation of creative potential;
  • development of fantasy and imaginative worldview;
  • acquaintance with the world of universal human values, age-old folk wisdom, familiarization with everyday culture and the experience of ancestors;
  • regulation of self-esteem, neutralization of psychological problems (fears, hostility, hyperactivity);
  • formation of rich, figurative speech, improvement of the child’s communication sphere;
  • honing correct pronunciation, articulation, speech breathing, development of finger motor skills and spatial thinking;
  • developing the ability to build a monologue and conduct a dialogue with an interlocutor;
  • solving problems of social adaptation, developing a safe model of behavior, a culture of a healthy lifestyle.

Fairytale therapy techniques are also varied:

Video: fairy tale therapy techniques used in working with older preschoolers

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_wSrFDfW7nk Video can’t be loaded: The method of fairy tale therapy in working with children of senior preschool age. (https://youtube.com/watch?v=_wSrFDfW7nk)

Let us consider, as an example, such a technique as retelling a fairy tale based on supporting issues. We chose the fairy tale "The Three Bears".

Children's retelling of the fairy tale using questions is accompanied by an illustration of the fairy tale. The pictures are shown by the teacher or the child. When telling a fairy tale, children try to get used to the image of the character on whose behalf they are speaking.

  • Where did Mashenka go and where did she end up? (In the picture, a girl goes into the forest with a basket)

    In the illustrations, details are important, from which it is easy to reconstruct the plot, for example, the basket in the girl’s hands suggests why she went into the forest

  • Who lived in the forest house? (Image of a house in a forest clearing)

    Pictures should reflect the main plot twists of the fairy tale.

  • Where were Mikhail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka? (The bear family went for a walk)
  • What did the girl see in the house, what did she do? (Image of a table with bowls)

    The emotions of the characters depicted in the illustrations will help to reconstruct the events

  • Whose porridge did she find the most delicious? (Masha eats porridge with Mishutka’s spoon)
  • What happened to Mishutka's chair? (Broken chair and a girl falling from it)

    Pictures must accurately correspond to the plot, but not frighten children

  • What did the girl in the other room see? Whose crib did you choose? (The girl sleeps on the smallest bed)

    The images allow children to remember the details of the story.

  • What happened when the bears returned home? Did Mishutka like the girl? (The bears examine traces of the girl’s presence. Mishutka tries to bite Mashenka)

    The teacher can draw children's attention to those moments that they do not notice

  • What did the girl do? (Mashenka running out the window)

    The illustrations should suggest what will happen next, for example, a frightened Mashenka, depicted near the window, will remind children of her escape

  • How did the fairy tale end?

Games are very popular among fairy tale therapy techniques.

You can play the following didactic games based on fairy tales with children:

  • "Who's the odd one out?" - tests knowledge of the content of the fairy tale.
  • “Name a fairy tale by its fairy-tale hero” - trains the ability to recognize a fairy tale by its characters. Pictures with images of a goat, a wolf, a fox are offered, children name the fairy tales in which they appear, for example, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” “Kolobok,” “Zayushkina’s Hut,” etc.
  • “Who is the hero of the fairy tale?” - teaches you to guess a fairy tale based on the words of the characters.
  • “Who lives in which house?” - consolidates knowledge about domestic and forest animals.
  • “Find a magic object” - children select a magical attribute for the hero in accordance with the plot of the fairy tale, for example, Buratino - a golden key, Fairy - a magic wand.
  • “Tell a story” - the child lays out the illustration cards in the correct order and retells the story in his own words.

    Older preschoolers can be given illustration cards for several fairy tales and asked to correctly assemble and retell each of them

  • “Russian folk tales” - improves attention, memory, speech; encourages initiative and independence in play with symbolic images of characters. Sequencing:

  • “Assemble a picture” - develops the ability to compose a complete picture from several parts according to a model, develops logical thinking and attention. Sequencing:
  • “Let's help the Koloboks!” - replenishes vocabulary, develops attention and memory. Sequencing:

Photo gallery: examples of didactic games based on fairy tales

Based on the illustration, children need to guess the name of the fairy tale. Children must answer which hero is not from the same fairy tale as the others. Children need to correctly assemble a picture from the fairy tale “Turnip.” Let the children “put patches” on the illustration. Preschoolers need to guess the fairy tale character by his silhouette. And who owns this one? silhouette? Invite the children to pair the hero with his attribute Which of these heroes is not from the fairy tale “Teremok”? Children need to find the odd character from the fairy tale "Geese and Swans"

Table: outdoor games on the theme of fairy tales

Name of the game Rules
"Teremok" Children stand in a circle - this is a tower. Several children put on masks of fairy tale characters: a mouse, a frog, a hare, a wolf, a fox and a bear.
Children raise their hands clasped together and say the words:
“Here stands the tower,
He is neither short nor tall.
How the animal enters it,
This is how the lock will slam shut.”
While pronouncing the words, children wearing animal masks run in and out of the circle.
When the teacher says “CLAP,” the children lower their clasped hands.
Whoever gets caught ceases to be an “animal” and gets into the little house with the rest of the children.
The game is played until the most dexterous one remains
"The Wolf and the Little Goats" A wolf is chosen, the rest of the children are goats.
Children - little goats are jumping around the playground, saying:
"We are funny little goats,
All the boys are naughty
We are not afraid of anyone
Except one wolf.
(approach the wolf)
Gray wolf, don't yawn,
Hurry up and catch up with us."
On last words The “wolf” catches up with the “kids”.
Whomever he caught (slapped), he crouches.
The game stops when most of the guys are caught.
Then a new “wolf” is selected
"Little Red Riding Hood" Children stand in a circle with their hands clasped. In the center is a child with a red cap on his head, slightly covering his eyes.
Children walk around Little Red Riding Hood and say:
"Little girl
Little Red Riding Hood
She went to grandma with a basket
And I found the guys here.
Don't take off your hat
Who called you, find out?
The child, whom the teacher points to, calls: “Little Red Riding Hood!”
She must guess who called her and name her.
The correct child becomes Little Red Riding Hood
"Barmaley" A child is chosen - Barmaley, and he is given a hero's mask. He approaches the children and says:
“I am the kindest Barmaley,
I love children very much.
Who will go for a walk with me:
Run, jump and gallop?”
The children move away from Barmaley, saying:
“We don’t want to go with you,
You’d better catch up with us!”
Children run away from Barmaley. He takes the caught children to his “house”.
The game then continues with the newly selected child
"Fly Tsokotukha" Children stand in a circle, holding hands. In the center is a child wearing a Mukha-Tsokotukha cap.
Children walk in a circle, saying the words:
“Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha,
Gilded belly
We are coming to visit you,
We'll bring whoever you want.
Maybe striped bees?
Or furry caterpillars?
Bloodsuckers - mosquitoes?
Or fat worms?
The child in the center (Fly-Tsokotukha) chooses. If a child names bees, then the children fly in a circle and buzz; if there are caterpillars, they walk in small steps; if there are mosquitoes, they fly, saying “z-z-z”; if worms, they walk in a circle, alternately tilting and raising the body.
After each show, the presenter chooses the child who, in his opinion, performs the movements best and he becomes the presenter.
"Hares and Fox" Children wearing bunny masks stand in a circle.
A child in a fox mask walks around and says:
“Oh, my house has melted,
How can I go home?
I need to run to the bunny
Take his house away."
He approaches the house of one of the “bunnies” and knocks:
Gray bunny, run out
And play with me."
“Bunny” and “fox” are racing around the circle to see who will occupy the house first. Whoever loses becomes a “fox”

Table: finger games for children 3–4 years old

Spoken text Guidelines
Once upon a time there lived a bunny -
Long ears.
The bunny got frostbitten
The nose is on the edge.
Frostbitten nose
Frostbitten ponytail
And went to warm up
Visit the kids
They clap their hands. 3 fingers in a fist, index and middle fingers - ears.

Rubbing my nose.
Clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.
They stroke the falcon.
They turn the steering wheel
At Grishenka's
Under the window
Semyon has maples in his garden,
Alena has green oak,
Marina has a raspberry bush,
Arina has two rowan trees.
And Vanya
On the fence
Hops are flying
They put out two fists.
Place your palms on the edge.
Show two palms.
They put out two fists.
Left hand: bend the fingers, starting with the little finger.
Right hand: bend the fingers, starting with the little finger.
Show palm.
They put out their fist.
Palm. Fist
Kolya is good,
Kolya is handsome,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Kolya, with your little foot
Stroke the left hand.
Stroke the right hand.
The index and middle fingers walk.
They put out their fist.
Place your palm on the edge.
Show palm
Once upon a time there were bunnies
On the edge of the forest.
Once upon a time there were bunnies
In a little white hut.
Wash your ears
Wash your little paws
Bunnies dressed up
Put on slippers
3 fingers in a fist, index and middle fingers - ears.
They clap their hands.
Showing ears.
They show the house.
Rubbing my ears.
Washing movements with the palms of the hands.
Movement of the palms from top to bottom along the body.
My fingers will tell
They will show everyone what they can do.
There are five of them on each hand.
They can do everything, they will always help.
They play the pipe
The ball is thrown
The laundry is washed
The floor is being swept
They pinch, caress -
Five and five of my nimble fingers
Clap your hands with your fingers outstretched.
The fingers of the same name on both hands touch each other 4 times.
Show extended fingers.
They clap their hands.
Further movements correspond to the text.
Show fingers of both hands
I remember the dough with my hands,
I'll bake a sweet pie.
I'll lubricate the middle with jam,
And the top with sweet cream,
And coconut crumbs
I'll sprinkle the cake a little
And then I'll make tea,
I'll invite a friend to visit
The child clenches and unclenches his fingers.
Performs circular movements with palms.
He moves his palms along the surface of the table.
The child imitates “sprinkling crumbs” with the fingers of both hands.
"Scarlet Flowers"
Our scarlet flowers
The petals are blooming.
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying.
Our scarlet flowers
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
Shake your head
The child joins his palms in the shape of a tulip.
Slowly opens his fingers.
Smoothly swings his hands from side to side.
The child slowly closes his palms, imitating the shape of a flower.
Voluntarily shakes the “flower head”
"Ball and girlfriends"
An inflated balloon by two girlfriends
Took away from each other -
Everything was scratched!
The balloon burst, and two girlfriends
We looked - there was no toy,
They sat down and cried...
The child squeezes the fingers of both hands into a “pinch” and touches only the tips.
In this position, he should blow on them, while his fingers should take the shape of a ball.
The air “comes out” and the fingers return to their original position
"Visiting the gnomes"
The gnomes invited guests.
The gnomes treated the guests.
Each guest got jam.
My fingers were glued together by that treat,
Palm pressed tightly against palm,
Guests can’t even take a spoon!
Before starting the game, the child clenches his fists on both hands.
The adult bends the child’s fingers one by one.
The adult presses sequentially on the pad of each finger of the child with his index finger.
The adult sequentially runs his index finger over each of the child’s fingers from the base to the very tip.
The child should press the pads of his fingers closely together in pairs.
The child clasps his palms tightly together

Table: finger games for children 5–7 years old

Name of the game Spoken text Guidelines
"Goat" The goat came out of the door,
He arched his neck: “Give me some bread quickly!”
“Give me some pie!”
He extended his hoof:
“Give me some water to drink!”
The left hand represents a goat: middle and ring fingers bent, the thumb presses them from below, the little finger and index finger are straightened. This situation remains the same throughout the game.
The right hand is clenched into a fist, bent at the wrist, and the horns are pointed out.
The right hand is clenched into a fist, middle finger straightened.
The right hand is folded into a boat
"Gloves and Little Mice" Nimble mouse
I found the glove.
Having built a nest in it,
She called the mice
Give them a crust of bread
Gave me a bite
Petted everyone
And sent me to bed
Open your palms, fingers spread, turn your hands either palm or back up.
Fold your palms into a ladle.
Bend and straighten your fingers, imitating a calling gesture.
Using the tip of your thumb, tap the tips of your other fingers one by one.
Use your thumb to stroke the remaining fingers in a sliding motion from the little finger to the index finger.
Press your palms together, place them under your cheek
"The Cuckoo Was Walking" A cuckoo walked past the market
She had a basket.
Suddenly the basket hits the floor - boom,
Ten flies flew!
The child “walks” along the table on straightened index and middle fingers, the remaining fingers are tucked.
Then he connects his palms with a “bucket”.
He hits his knees with his closed palms and separates his hands.
The child spreads his arms to the sides and moves his fingers
"Ten Kittens" At our Murochka's
There are ten kittens
Now all the kittens
In pairs they stand:
Two fat, two nimble,
Two long, two tricky,
Two little ones
And the most beautiful
The child folds his palms and presses his fingers together. Elbows should rest on the table.
Swings palms from side to side without separating fingers.
Taps the corresponding fingers on each other - from the big to the little finger
"Needle and Thimble" Embroiders, sews with a needle.
It hurts my finger, it hurts my finger,
And the thimble at the same moment
Jump on (child's name) finger!
He says to the needle: “Shay!”
Don’t you dare inject yourself
The child’s left palm is open, in his right hand there is an imaginary needle; the needle sews and touches the index finger on the left hand.
With your right hand, perform the same movement as if you were putting a thimble on the index finger of your left hand.
The child’s left palm is open, in his right hand there is an imaginary needle, he is sewing.
The child threatens with the finger of his left hand
"Cat Chef" Snow was falling on the threshold,
The cat baked himself a pie
In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,
The pie flowed away like a stream.
Bake your own pies
Not from snow, but from flour
The child raises his hands up and then slowly lowers his palms onto the table.
Depicts making a pie.
The child “runs” the fingers of both hands along the table.
Depicts making a pie again
"Mouse" The little mouse sat on the oil can,
And the butterdish is a sticky mushroom,
A mouse sat on it
And stuck, stuck, stuck
The child covers the fist of his right hand with the palm of his left hand.
Rotates the fist of his right hand.
He rubs the palm of his left hand on the fist of his right.
The child “tears” his left palm from his fist, but it “holds on”
"Wind, wind, breeze" The wind was blowing through the forest,
The wind counted the leaves:
Here is an oak one,
Here is the maple one,
Here - rowan, carved,
Here - from a birch tree, golden.
Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree
The wind threw it on the path
The child performs smooth wave-like movements with his palms.
Bends one finger at a time, starting with the thumb.
Raises his hands up and then smoothly lowers his palms onto the table or knees
"Giraffes and Elephants" Giraffes have spots, spots,
Spots, spots everywhere.
Giraffes have spots, spots,
Spots, spots everywhere:

On our noses, on our bellies,
on the knees and noses.

Folds, creases everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds,
Folds, folds everywhere:
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On noses, on bellies, on knees and noses
The child claps his hands all over his body.
Both index fingers touches relevant parts of the body.
The child carefully pinches himself, as if collecting folds.
The child touches the corresponding parts of the body with both index fingers.

Typology of fairy tales

The fairy-tale world offers an example of solving the most confusing and hopeless situations, but does not impose it in the form of strict regulations and laws. The child is mentally transported to an imaginary world, undergoes tests, experiences adventures, quietly gaining the most important experience and overcoming his own internal problems.

Fictional tales are traditional folk tales, as well as original fairy tales, built on the principle of the integrity of the human world and the natural world, as well as on the magic of “revival”. Fictional tales are of the following types:

  • folk;
  • fairy tales about animals, natural phenomena, plants;
  • fairy tales on everyday themes;
  • scary tales;
  • fantastic tales filled with magic.

Example: the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” will help a gullible and naughty child, “The Princess and the Pea” - a spoiled and capricious one, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” - a selfish and greedy one.

Didactic - the most uncomplicated and simple version of a fairy tale narrative, aimed at conveying practical everyday experience, everyday knowledge, useful skill and skill. For example:

  • how to cross the road correctly and safely;
  • how to wash, dress, make tea yourself;
  • how to maintain cleanliness and order in the children's room, put away toys yourself;
  • how to learn to be polite and attentive towards the people around you, why you need to congratulate friends on holidays and give gifts.

The most ordinary and boring activity can be made bright and interesting with the help of the amazing magic of transformations and reincarnations. A fairy tale story tells about the meaning and significance of a specific skill; in the end, the child will have a small task, during which he will gain real experience and consolidate theoretical knowledge.

A psychological fairy tale is a fictional story, a figment of the author’s imagination, filled with ideological meaning that has a direct psychological impact on the personal development of the child. The complexity of the author's fairy tale is that it conveys vital information in an encrypted symbolic form, hiding it behind metaphorical images. A psychological fairy tale will not tell you how to please a friend with freshly brewed tea or politely ask adults for something, but it will try to explain what true friendship is, why you should love your loved ones and take care of the natural world around you.

Video: fairytale therapy for behavior problems in children

https://youtube.com/watch?v=4uo147OlRPk Video can’t be loaded: Fairy tale therapy for behavior problems in children (https://youtube.com/watch?v=4uo147OlRPk)

A psychocorrectional fairy tale is a kind of “soft hint” that has an indirect effect on the child’s behavior and value orientations. In accordance with the moralizing intent, the narrator builds the plot in a certain way: at the beginning of the story, an ineffective model of behavior is demonstrated (hostility, deceitfulness, capriciousness, untidiness, timidity, boasting, greed), and then an alternative style is considered (benevolence, courage, generosity, truthfulness, mercy) , conclusions are drawn. The meaning of the events of a fairy tale story can lie on the surface and be easily grasped by the listener.

For example, in the beloved story of Little Raccoon, a dangerous enemy living in the river immediately disappeared as soon as main character replaced the evil, threatening grin with a sweet smile. The moral of the story is simple and obvious: how you treat the world is how the world treats you. And here is an example of a fairy tale that is more complex in the form of presentation, the meaning of which is hidden under an abstract metaphor: “A sad Tiger wanders through the forest and cries, he meets a laughing Monkey. “What are you sad about, Tiger?” - the Monkey is interested. “Nobody loves me,” the Tiger complains in response, “I’m going to live somewhere else.” “Will you take your sharp and terrible fangs with you?” - asks the Monkey.” These kinds of tales require additional discussion and explanation.

A psychotherapeutic fairy tale is the most powerful genre that has the potential to heal the soul, carrying deep wisdom and subtle beauty. Often, teachers and psychologists looking for fairy tales that can bring emotional relief and help in difficult life situations use the wealth of religious parables, fables by Aesop, I. Krylov, legends, epics and myths.

Video: psychotherapeutic tale

https://youtube.com/watch?v=20ST-LeRLC4 Video can’t be loaded: Fairy tale therapy for psychosomatic diseases in children (https://youtube.com/watch?v=20ST-LeRLC4)

Meditative fairy tales have a relaxing effect on the psyche, help relieve psycho-emotional stress, and strive to root in the unconscious an ideal model, on the basis of which a person establishes relationships with himself, the people around him and the world.

Age-related features of fairy tale therapy

At three to four years old, the following distinctive features of fairy tale therapy can be noted:

  • The child observes the facial expressions and gestures of an adult during individual or group lessons and learns to convey the feelings and emotions of the characters in the fairy tale.
  • The problem around which the fairy tale plot is built should be interesting and relevant for the child, the questions are formulated in such a way as to help them see and understand cause-and-effect relationships.
  • The plots of fairy tales should be simple and accessible to the child’s perception; it is worth remembering that fairy world From the real kids will only be able to do it at four years old.
  • Children three to four years old are close and understandable to fairy tales that tell about the interaction between people and animals. Little dreamers can easily transform into the image of an animal and imitate their habits with ease and innate artistry.

When staging “Teremka”, children can easily portray animals - the heroes of the fairy tale.

Five years:

  • Modeling stories together with the child that work through his real life situations, problems, and fears. Such a story may begin, for example, with the following words: “Once upon a time there was a boy (girl) who was very similar to you.”
  • All work takes place at a deep, subconscious level; discussion and analysis at this age are ineffective.
  • Tasks related to the continuation of the fairy tale, a circular method of joint development of the storyline, when each child in turn comes up with his own small fragment, weaving it into the plot created by common efforts.
  • Five-year-old children prefer fairy tales, see themselves in the image of a noble prince, a charming princess, a brave soldier, etc.

The task, when children take turns coming up with a small part of the plot, can be accompanied by acting out a fairy tale

Six to seven years:

  • Fairytale therapy begins with discussion and posing problematic issues.
  • Horror tales, the ending of which will be funny and unpredictable, will help relieve psychological stress.
  • Didactic fairy tales are actively used, for example, mathematical tasks woven into a fairy-tale plot about overcoming a test or the fairy tale “Two Frogs,” which symbolically illustrates the truth that one must fight to the end.
  • Children of this age are interested in philosophical and everyday fairy tales.

Methodology for conducting a cycle of fairy tale therapy classes

Step one is the active development of the content of the fairy tale. It takes place over 2-3 sessions, which include:

  • Reading or telling a new fairy tale by the teacher.
  • Conversation on topics of emotional perception, moral lesson. Example of questions for conducting a conversation based on the fairy tale “Thumbelina”:
    • How did Thumbelina's kindness manifest itself?

      Tell us how she cared for a sick swallow.

      How did she live with the mole, why was she sad and yearning?

      What would you say to the mole if you were in Thumbelina's place?

      What new and beautiful words and did you recognize the phrases?

      How to change the ending of a fairy tale so that the woman is happy too?

  • Speech exercises (working with new words, developing skills of competently constructing phrases, mastering phraseological units, becoming familiar with proverbs and tongue twisters).
  • Development of imaginative and abstract thinking (clarifying questions, tasks to modify the storyline, transform the behavior of the characters, learning the ability to express one’s point of view, give a reasoned assessment of current events and the actions of the characters). Example: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman... Kolobok rolled along a path into a dense forest, rolled, rolled, and found himself in other people’s fairy tales. Let’s look at the pictures carefully, guess what fairy tale Kolobok ended up in, and come up with a continuation in which the fairy-tale characters will help Kolobok return home.”
  • Art therapy - work on the sphere of imagination, aesthetic development of the perception of beauty, improvement of fine motor skills.

A fairy tale on the sand is one of the types of art therapy

Step two implies creative activity children, preparation and conduct of theatrical games. Another 3–4 lessons are allocated for this:

  • An educational and developmental conversation on the content of a fairy tale.
  • Dramatization of individual parts or the entire fairy tale.
  • Speech exercises to convey an emotional state using intonation expressiveness of the voice.
  • Psycho-gymnastics and psycho-correction (relieving psychological stress, overcoming shyness, fear, self-doubt). Example of relaxation exercises: “Stroking”, “Hugging”, “Fear” (the body is constrained, then relaxed), “Compassion”.
  • The main tool of fairy tale therapy is the playing out of a fairy tale role, figurative reincarnation, which stimulates the development of speech and the improvement of psychological processes.

Video: fairytale therapy lesson

https://youtube.com/watch?v=3f2UB0ZBqxI Video can’t be loaded: Fairytale therapy - an activity for preschoolers (https://youtube.com/watch?v=3f2UB0ZBqxI)

Photo gallery: riddles based on fairy tales

Riddle for the fairy tale "Three Bears" Riddle for the fairy tale "Seven Little Goats" Riddle for the fairy tale "Kolobok" Riddle for the fairy tale "Turnip" Riddle for the fairy tale "Teremok" Riddle for the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" Riddle for the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" Riddle for the fairy tale “Bull - Resin Barrel” Riddle for the fairy tale “Cat’s House” Riddle for the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” Riddle for the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” Riddle for the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”

Lesson on the topic “Fairy Tales” in kindergarten

Lesson plan:

  • The ritual of “entering a fairy tale” - techniques that promote the development of a sense of unity, the creation of a favorable psychological mood, for example, hold hands, look into each other’s eyes, smile, pass a “magic” bell, toy or beautiful glass bowl etc.
  • The main part is direct work with a new fairy tale, games, a symbolic journey, tasks and exercises for the development of the child’s verbal imagination.
  • The final part, the ritual of “exiting the fairy tale” - children symbolically take with them everything important that the fairy tale gave them. The lesson may end with some traditional symbolic action, for example, building a tower of fists - a metaphor for friendship and mutual understanding.

Creating a special fabulous atmosphere involves working in three directions:

  • musical arrangement;
  • lighting effects;
  • narration of a fairy tale, theatrical playback of the plot in role-playing performance.

Table: card index of topics on fairy tale therapy

Subject Fragment of the summary
"The Tale of the Wind"
(psychological fairy tale for the younger group)
Fairy tale
Once upon a time there was a wind in the world. He was very inquisitive and therefore flew everywhere and observed everything that was happening in the world.
Exercise “Gymnastics for the eyes”
Children perform eye movements: a) right-left; b) up and down.
Movements are carried out slowly. The head does not move.
He was interested in absolutely everything, and you can tell me now yourself.
Exercise “Who and what was the wind watching”
I show cards that schematically depict: a hare, water, rain, birds, flowers, trees.
Exercise "Laughter"
By tensing their abdominal muscles and placing their hand on their stomach, children begin to laugh, feeling the tension.
They could have been sad, then they cried (I show the card - sadness).
Exercise "Crying"
I invite the children to imagine that they are bored and start crying. Children cover their faces with their hands and imitate crying. The psychologist approaches everyone, feels sorry for them and calms them down.
They could be angry and angry (I show the card - anger).
Exercise "Anger"
When people are angry, they sometimes offend those who are nearby, they may say something offensive, or even hit. To prevent this from happening, let's get angry at the piece of paper, tear it up and throw it in the trash. Children take the pieces of paper, tear them up and throw them into the basket.
They could be kind and meek, and love each other (I show a card - love and kindness).
I invite the children onto the mat, the assistant removes the tablets with numbers, only the material for modeling remains (planks, salt dough, matches, wet wipes, disposable cups).
- Children, everyone sit down in your seats. Were you pleased to receive a gift from the wind?
- Let's give him something too. I want to invite you to choose for yourself what gift to make. It could be a bagel, a cookie, or balloon.
- Look at the gifts I made.
- In order to make a bagel, we must take a piece of salt dough, put it between our palms, roll it out, and then connect the ends, and we get a beautiful bagel.
- If you want to make cookies, you need to roll out the dough between your palms and then flatten it.
“What do the toys in kindergarten whisper about at night” for the younger group (psychocorrectional fairy tale) Fairy tale
Did you want to know what our toys whisper about at night? Then listen carefully to my tale.
When the working day ends in kindergarten, children and teachers go home. No one even realizes that when the moon looks through the window, the toys wake up from its shine.
Exercise “Toys wake up”
Children stand up and stretch their whole bodies, tensing their muscles. The psychologist checks the muscle tension of each child. Now release the tension.
It is then that we hear a quiet whisper and an interesting conversation begins.
- Just look at me! - Said the doll Katya. - I'm all painted and scratched.
- Yes Yes! - Misha the bear supported her. - Here are the paint stains left on me after the drawing class.
Exercise "Spots"
The psychologist shows the children pictures with various spots (different colors, shapes, numbers), the children must carefully examine and answer what kind of spots they are.
But then the sun came out, and the toys, seeing daylight, began to slowly fall asleep.
Exercise “Sun and toys”
“Sun” (psychologist) touches each child with his hand (“ray”), and the children, relaxing, fall asleep (children can “fall asleep” while sitting on the rug, or they can lie down).
Do you think everything is fine with the children in this group? Come on, tell me what children need to do so that their toys don’t run away from them? (children's answers).
- It seems to me that today in class you realized that toys need to be taken care of and not hurt. And I want to invite you to make toys for our group friends.
Modeling salt dough with children
We remember with the children how to divide a piece of salt dough into parts, then the children decide what exactly they will sculpt and the teacher reminds that all our toys have a round shape, and in order for it to become round, you need to take a piece of salt dough and put it on palms and rolling method between palms in a circular motion make a ball. The teacher talks about each toy separately.
“Land of Magic Words” (fiction fairy tale for the middle group)
Teacher: Guys, there is a cockerel who lives in a forest hut! What fairy tale is this from?
The children answer: “The fox and the cockerel.”
Teacher: That's right, children. Who else lived with the cockerel in a forest hut?
Children answer - cat.
Teacher: Yes, guys. Once upon a time there lived a cat and a cockerel in a forest hut. Each time the cat went hunting, and the cockerel stayed at home.
He will clean everything in the hut, restore order and sing a song. How does a cockerel sing a song?
Children: “Crow!!!”
Teacher: Guys, who heard the cockerel’s song?
Children: Fox.
Teacher: Yes. Children, what about the fox?
- Cunning, deceiver, red-haired.
Teacher: Guys, what was the cockerel like?
Children: kind, trusting, hardworking.
Teacher: Yes, what did the fox do when he heard the cockerel’s song?
Children: she came to the house and wanted to steal the cockerel!
Teacher: Correct. Let's all pretend to be a sly fox.
Children imitate the facial expressions and habits of a fox.
Teacher: Guys, what happened next? Let one of you take the cockerel, and someone will be the fox and show what happened next?
The children act out a scene about how the fox deceived the cockerel and carried him away.
Teacher: Children, do you think the cockerel was scared? Show me how scared he was?
Children show fear on their faces.
Teacher: Guys, why did the cockerel believe the fox?
The children answer that the fox addressed the cockerel kindly.
Teacher: Do you know kind words? Let's play.
Game: “Tender words”
Naughty bell,
Form a circle of guys!
The guys gathered in a circle
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.
“Please, I’m telling you this in confidence.
Be kind and don't expect candy for this.
Be kind without the game and during the game,
If you can, be kind today!”
I’ll take the magic wand in my hands and sweet Nothing I'll give it to a friend!
Children say kind words to each other.
“Magic Land of Feelings” (meditative tale)
Teacher: “There is a flower in the Magic Land, it was given by one kind and wise Fairy. If a kind person approaches it, the flower begins to glow and transfers part of the magical power to the one who stretches out his hands to it.
If you approach this flower and stretch your hands over it, you can turn into anyone. Whoever you want.
Now we will quietly approach the Magic Flower, stand around it so as not to interfere with each other, and we can turn into the one you have in mind.”
Transformation of children into fairy-tale characters.
The Mistress of the Magic Land meets them:
- Who have you turned into? Why?
Children are sitting on the carpet.
Teacher: “Somewhere far away, or maybe very close, there is an amazing country. This country is ruled by a king. He has many servants and courtiers. And since our country is not ordinary, but fabulous, his servants are also extraordinary. We call these servants feelings.
How did the king feel about the servants? (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Resentment).
Let's take a closer look at the king's servant named Joy. Who wants to show us the servant named Joy?”
Child exits (turn on music).
What do you think is the most important feeling that lives in a person? Of course, Love!
Let's put our hands to our hearts, because that's where Love lives.
Do you feel the warmth from your hearts? This means that there is a lot of love in your hearts.
Let's give our love to those who are next to us, and your heart will tell you how to do this.
“The Three Little Pigs” (fiction tale)
- Look at the card (No. 1), who do you see? (On this card I see piglets and a wolf)
- What fairy tale are these heroes from? (These characters are from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”)
- Let's get acquainted with the heroes of this fairy tale.
- I'm piglet Naf-Naf, hello!
- I'm the pig Nif-Nif, hello!
- I'm the pig Nuf-Nuf, hello!
- And I’m a wolf, hello!
- What can we call our heroes? (Wild and domestic animals)
- Show on the card (No. 2) wild animals and domestic animals. (The student shows and names wild and domestic animals)
- Well done! Tell me, where does the fairy tale begin? (Once upon a time there were three little pigs: Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf...)
- This card (No. 3) depicts a fairy tale hero, circle him. (students circle) Katya, who did you get? (I got a piglet) What animal is this? (It's a pet)
- Tell me, what kind of animal is a wolf? (A wolf is a wild animal) Correct
- Show and name wild animals on this card (No. 4) (Children’s answer)
- Naf-Naf wore a red cap, Nif-Nif wore a blue cap, Nuf-Nuf wore a green cap. Show on the card (No. 5) red objects, like the Naf-Naf cap, and blue objects, like the Nif-Nif cap. Mark green objects, like Nuf-Nuf’s cap, on your cards (Complete the task)
“We are all so different” (a psychotherapeutic tale in preparatory group)
“In a small town without a name there was a tiny garden in which a beautiful scarlet rose grew. Not far from her grew a poor defenseless chamomile. It had just blossomed; its petals, which had not yet matured, were white and ordinary. The chamomile was surrounded by many wildflowers. But nothing made her happy. In her tiny head there was a big dream - to become a beautiful, unusual flower. Chamomile looked with admiration at the well-groomed rose. When there was a drought, the owner watered his flower. When it rained, the rose was covered, and not a single menacing drop fell on the velvet petals of the delicate flower. “How good she feels,” thought the chamomile. “I wish I could be in her place,” a small yellow flower with long petals like butterfly wings never stopped dreaming.
But one day a little boy was walking along the path. Seeing the daisy, he said with admiration: “What a beautiful flower! At first Chamomile could not understand these words; until that moment she considered herself the ugliest plant. The kid explained to the chamomile that all flowers are good in their own way.”
Discussion of a fairy tale.
1. Why did the daisy look at the rose with admiration?
2. What does it mean “all flowers are good in their own way”?
3. Can this phrase be said about people?
Every person is good in their own way. We are all different: we have different appearance, voice, character. Nowhere, nowhere on the planet is there such a baby as you, there is no such wonderful girl (like..., there is no such cheerful boy. You are the only one in the world, there is no other child like him.
Let's now try to compliment each other.
- What is a compliment? (children's answers). Yes, you are absolutely right, a compliment is kind, pleasant words spoken to someone. When giving a compliment, they try to talk about the positive traits of a person. What positive qualities does a person have?
Communication game “Give a pebble”
Take one pebble from the box and give it to whoever you want, but always with the words: “I’m giving you this pebble because you are the one.” Those children who have nothing left are given stones by the presenter, but making sure to note the best qualities of each child to whom he gives a gift.
Garbage Bin Game
-Let's get rid of the embodiment of cruelty and anger.
Children are invited to tear into small pieces sheets of paper depicting scary faces and dirty blots. Then trample the anger under your feet, and put the scraps in a garbage bag, tie the bag, and throw it in the trash.
-Guys, you and I have spent so much energy with rudeness, anger, malice, so let's take a rest.
"Six Hats"
(psychotherapeutic fairy tale in the preparatory group)
The Parable of the Old Hatter
The psychologist addresses the children: “I want to tell you a parable. A parable is an allegorical story that teaches something. Listen carefully.
Once upon a time there lived a wise old Hatter. Of all the earthly riches, he only had colored felt. But he had golden hands and a wonderful, wise soul. The master gave people something more than headdresses - hats, caps, Panama hats and bonnets. Enlightened and spiritualized, determined and generous in spirit, people left the old Hatter’s workshop, taking away their order. Needless to say how famous the Master was for his skill, how grateful people were to him for the wonderful hats in which the Great Secret of the Great Master was hidden.
But the years passed. The time has come when the old Hatter passed away into another world, leaving his six sons a workshop, scraps of colored felt and hats. Six colorful hats. White hat, black, red, green, yellow and blue. “Apparently, this is the extraordinary order that my father has been working so selflessly on lately,” the Hatter’s sons decided. “This means that a customer should soon appear who will generously pay us for his father’s work. We will divide the proceeds and be able to travel around the world with them,” they planned. But no matter how much the sons waited for the arrival of the mysterious customer, they never did. There is nothing to do, we must divide our father’s inheritance.
“I’ll take a white hat,” said the first son. - She is so elegant, delightful and beautiful, I will show off in her at balls and receptions. It is this hat that will speak about my “difficult” origin. What a great honor it is to be the son of a simple hatter!”
"And I choose black hat, - said the second son. “II, it is no less elegant than white, it looks luxurious, is appropriate for any costume and event, in it I will be strict, representative and refined at the same time.”
“Well, I choose a yellow hat for myself,” said the third. - Yellow- the color of the sun, joy and wealth, and I need this so much! Maybe by owning a yellow hat I can become happy, who knows?”
“Let my hat be red,” exclaimed the fourth. - How I always dreamed of standing out from the crowd, how I wanted to be the center of attention, so that women would admire and admire me. And in this hat I will be irresistible!”
“The green hat reminds me of a spring meadow and a field, wide and endless, giving the opportunity to fly. A thousand times I flew in my dreams over the green, beautiful Earth, perhaps a green hat will help my dream come true,” the fifth son said dreamily.
“I get the blue hat, and I’m very happy about it. Blue is the color of our father’s eyes, the endless expanses of sea and sky. To comprehend their depth and height is my calling. Will there be enough strength, determination and time for everything we have planned? - thought the sixth of the Hatter’s sons.
The sons took apart their hats and went in different directions.
How did their destinies turn out, did they achieve what they dreamed of, did what they planned come true?
“Who said meow” (a fictional tale based on the work of V. Suteev) Psychologist. Who was the first person the puppy met in the yard? (Cockerel) slide No. 1. Show me how surprised he was? (Children show surprise on their faces.) Find a picture that shows surprise (children show a pictogram with the emotion of surprise). Remember who was second? (Mouse) slide number 2. And when meeting whom was the puppy afraid? Slide number 3 (Dogs). The dog was third, and who was fourth? (Bee) slide number 4. What did the bee do? (Stung the puppy on the nose). What happened to him next? (He fell into the pond.) And he felt sad. Show your sad face. (Children show sadness on their faces). Find the sad emotion in the picture. (Show a pictogram with the emotion of sadness). Who did the puppy meet after the bee? (frog) slide number 5 Well done! So who said meow? (Cat) slide number 6. The puppy got angry and became angry. Show anger on your face (children get angry). Show the same picture (show a pictogram of anger). I like it when your faces are happy and cheerful, smile. Find it in the picture joyful emotion. (Children show a pictogram with the emotion of joy)
Working with sand
There is a sandbox in our yard, let's play. Children sit down by the sandbox.
Psychologist. Guys, let's make handprints. What do you feel?
Children: I feel the warmth (coolness) of the sand. Small grains of sand. Etc.
Then it is proposed to “slide” along the surface of the sand (like a snake, a machine); “walk” with your palms, leaving marks with each finger; leave imprints of fists and ribs of the palms.
Psychologist: Guys, hidden in the sand are figures of animals that live in this yard. Let's find them.
Children find the figures and voice their actions: I found a cow, and I found a goat. I got a cat, and I got a dog. And here comes the bear. I have a pig.
Psychologist: Look at the animals and tell me who is the odd one out?
Children: The bear is superfluous. Because a wild animal, and all other domestic animals, live with humans.
“She came to visit us
(didactic fairy tale for the younger group)
Grandmother - Zabavushka: Hello, boys and girls! Let's get acquainted: my name is Grandmother - Zabavushka. I came to you not alone, but with my grandchildren Alyonushka and Ivanushka (seats the dolls).
My parents sent gifts to my grandchildren: all sorts of things and toys. I’m old, forgetful, I can’t tell which things are for Alyonushka and which are for Ivanushka. I wanted to dress up my grandchildren, but they were offended by me and won’t talk. Maybe you guys can tell me why Alyonushka and Ivanushka were offended?
(The teacher shows dolls dressed “by mistake”: the boy is wearing a skirt and a bow tied, and the girl is wearing pants and a shirt)
Children: Grandma, you dressed them incorrectly.
Grandmother - Zabavushka: But how is it necessary? Come on, tell me, the forgetful one, what girls wear and what boys wear. (Children answer)
Let's pick out clothes for Alyonushka and Ivanushka. Guys, what should we dress our Alyonushka first? (blouse) What should we wear for our girl next? (Skirt.) What should we put on Alyonushka’s head? (Kerchief or hat) What should we put on our feet? (Shoes.)
Guys, what should we wear for our Vanya first? (Shirt) What will we wear for our boy then? (Pants) What will we wear for Vanechka? (Boots)
(There is a presentation of children's clothing.)
Grandmother - Zabavushka: What can our Alyonushka wear on the street? (Coat, tie a light scarf.) What can our Ivanushka wear outside? (Jacket.) What should we wear on our heads? (Cap)
Are Alyonushka and Ivanushka dressed correctly now?
(Children note that the dolls have become beautiful, elegant, neat.) Oh yes, smart girls, oh yes, well done! So my grandchildren had fun.
"The Tale of My Heart's Desire"
(psychological tale)
Fairy tale
One warm May morning, a large beautiful butterfly flew into a fragrant flower meadow. Flying from flower to flower, she drank their sweet nectar and, thanks to this, happily served as a postman. The butterfly conveyed congratulations from one flower to another, told what was happening in different corners glades.
The butterfly even carried love messages from flowers - pollen, helping them set seeds. The butterfly was doing a very important job.
Exercise “Butterfly Dance”
The presenter turns on calm, quiet music, and the children dance with disposable handkerchiefs. The movements are soft, calm, smooth.
One fine day, when it was time to take care of her offspring, the Butterfly chose a beautiful flower and laid eggs. Invisible to the eye, they were carefully glued to the back of the green piece of paper. The flower remembered the merits of the Postman Butterfly and protected the egg from the sun's rays and raindrops.
Exercise "Flower"
Children put their palms together, representing a stem, then unclench the central particles of the palm, forming a “bud.” And finally, they open their fingers: the flower has blossomed. You need to use your hands to depict an open flower, feel the tension in your fingers, then shake your hands and relax them.
“Very soon little caterpillars hatched from them and crawled away in different directions.
Exercise "Caterpillars"
Children sit as if in an egg, then straighten up, lie on their stomachs, and crawl on their stomachs along the floor, arms extended along the body, palms down. After completing the exercises, children turn their heads to the side so that one cheek lies on the floor and relax all the muscles of the body.
Only one Caterpillar remained to live where it was born. Having twisted one of the leaves into a tube, the baby made herself a cozy home.
Exercise “Home”
Children squeeze themselves with their hands, as if they are wrapping themselves in leaves, while straining their arm muscles, then relax them (3-4 times).
- The flower didn’t really like this, because now he had one less leaf, and he began to miss the food that he received with his leaves from the sunlight.

Video: competitive lesson in fairy tale therapy

https://youtube.com/watch?v=CzOc7ri1TVQ Video can’t be loaded: Corrective and developmental technology “Fairytale Therapy” (https://youtube.com/watch?v=CzOc7ri1TVQ)

Table: summary of the lesson on fairy tale therapy “Journey through fairy tales” in the preparatory group, author T.T. Gerasimenko

Software content and hardware Program content:
  1. To consolidate children's knowledge about politeness (words of greeting and farewell), about methods of transmitting information and communication.
  2. Strengthen the ability to retell a famous fairy tale based on the main events “in a circle”; teach to understand the hidden meaning of the plot of a fairy tale; continue to learn how to ask questions correctly.
  3. Continue to teach children to give a moral assessment of the behavior of a particular hero in accordance with moral standards.
  4. Cultivating a good attitude towards each other, a sense of empathy.
  5. Normalization of the prosodic aspect of speech.
  6. Correction of the emotional-cognitive sphere.

Doll (flat) - boy Rhetoric; assistant badges (in accordance with the “School 2100...” program); Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”; microphone; puppets (according to the number of children); an easel with a drawing from the fairy tale “Morozko” with the image of a stepdaughter and stepmother of a daughter; sweets (chocolate in bright wrappers and caramels); paper hearts; chest with elements of theatrical costumes; 2 large mirrors; a balloon and elements for an air doll (drawn parts of the face, a wand, a scarf).

Organizational part Educator: - Guys, I have long dreamed of going to the Land of Fairy Tales. The only problem is, I don’t know the exact route. But I have a boy I know, whom you also know, he can help us. He loves sociable and polite children.
- What does “communicate” mean? (talk, talk, tell)
- What is communication like? (Oral, written, with the help of “intermediaries” - telephone, book, telegram).
- What does it mean to be polite? (Say “magic” words)
- What does it mean to say hello? (Wish each other health)
Finger gymnastics “Fingers say hello.”
“I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street.
I even say hello, I’m the neighbor’s chicken.”
(repeat 2-3 times with faster pace)
Rhetorician (doll): - Hello, guys! Well done! I heard everything, I can help you get to the land of Fairy Tales. But I want to ask you: “Are you ready to go everywhere and help the heroes of a fairy tale in trouble?” ("Ready!")
Then hold your hands, close your eyes. One, two, three, bon voyage!
(Children go to another room. Music plays, children open their eyes.)
Main part Educator: Here, guys, we are in a fairyland. Oh, how beautiful!
But look, I see the icons. It is Rhetoric that tells us what to do. What are they telling us? (“Look”, “Listen”, “Speak”)
(There is a book in the clearing, the Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”)
Educator: Let's remember this fairy tale and tell this fairy tale in a circle one after another, but only very briefly, the most important thing. …Liza begins to tell.
(Children tell a fairy tale)
Educator: Well done! Now let's try to tell it again in a different way.
Let's imagine that one of you is a Bear. For example... Kolya.
- Kolya, tell us how you carried the pies.
(The boy imagines himself as a Bear and talks in the 1st person)
Educator: What a wonderful Bear we have!
- And you, Nastenka, please turn into Masha and tell us how you got lost?
(The girl speaks in 1st person)
Educator: Well done!
- Guys, let's interview Bear, let him tell us why he didn't want to let Masha go? The bear will be... Sasha. The interview will be conducted by... Dasha.
(A dialogue takes place between the Bear and the girl.
Bear: One is bored, there is no one to cook, no one to sweep the floor. I love pies.)
Educator: Yes, Bear is really bored and lonely alone in the house. I feel sorry for him. How can we help him?
(I listen to the children’s suggestions)
Educator: Let's send Bear an invitation to tea from Masha, because Masha is a kind girl.
- What will we write? (Children dictate the text)
- Let’s leave it here in the clearing, the forest postman will hand it over to the magpie.
Educator: Guys, we did a good deed. We look at the icon, it's time to move on. (“Move on” icon)
(Children approach the screen. There are icons “Look”, “Think” on it. I open the screen, puppets hang on it)
Educator: Guys, what good deed do you think can be done here?
(I listen to the children's versions)
- Let's bring the dolls to life and play with them.
(Children take the dolls and begin to move them)
Educator: You see, as soon as we took the dolls, they came to life. And what the doll will do depends on our actions. Our dolls greeted each other with gestures; they can’t talk yet. They decided to take a walk (move). But suddenly a strong wind blew in, and our dolls huddled close to each other so that they would not be cold.
The wind stopped, and the dolls scattered across the clearing again. We've had a walk, it's time to relax.
(Children hang up the dolls and say goodbye to them)
“Move on” icon
We approach the easel with pictures based on the fairy tale “Morozko”.
Educator: Guys, what fairy tale do you think we have just met, and what will we do (using the “Think”, “Speak” icons)
- What do you think this fairy tale is about? Who is good and who is evil here?
- What do you think she teaches?
- Why did Morozko do this to his stepmother’s daughter?
- What would Morozko do if his stepmother’s daughter were kind?
- What would Morozko do if everyone in the fairy tale were evil and lazy?
- Why was the stepdaughter unhappy?
(I listen to the children’s answers to all questions)
Educator: Guys, you say that one girl is kind and hardworking. And the other is evil, lazy. Please take these hearts on a plate and give them to the girl you like best.
(Children sort out the hearts and place them near the girl they like.
The teacher remembers and takes notes)
Educator: So you like your stepdaughter better, a kind girl. Fine.
- But the stepdaughter and the sloth decided to treat you to sweets. The stepdaughter treats her with caramels, the stepmother's daughter with chocolates.
- Please help yourself.
(Pay attention to what kind of candy children take)
Educator: ...why did you give a heart to your stepdaughter and take candy from the sloth? (Two, three questions for children)
Educator: Yes, guys, it’s easy to speak beautifully, but it’s difficult to act beautifully.
- Guys, it seems to me that Morozko acted too cruelly with the woman and her daughter. Don't you feel sorry for them? Let's come up with another way to re-educate.
(Children make their suggestions)
Educator: You and I have done another good deed.
(“Move on” icon)
Educator: What is this? “Look” icon.
A chest, probably with jewelry. Let's get a look.
(The chest contains elements of theatrical costumes: caps, handbags, crowns, hats, etc.)
Educator: Guys, who needs all this? ... That's right, artists.
- Let's try it on. (Children try on and look at themselves in the mirror)
- ... (addressing someone) who do you feel like? ...and you, ...and you?
- Look at yourself in the mirror from all sides. And let's play the game “Freeze”. While the music is playing, you move like fairy-tale characters in costumes like artists. As soon as the music stops, you should freeze, as if it were a portrait. (We're playing)
Educator: Well done! Real artists!
- Guys, it’s very interesting here, but we have to go, Rhetorik is rushing us.
(“Move on” icon)
- We have one more thing to do. We are wizards, and now we will try to turn an ordinary ball into a wonderful doll. We will succeed if we work together, help each other and consult. First, let's try to inflate the balloon.
(Breathing exercise “Inflating a ball”)
Educator: Here is the ball. Let's get to work.
(Children glue eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair onto the balloon. Put on a dress.
It turns out to be a doll. (lesson notes from ds50.ru) Children play with it.
Rhetoric appears.)
Final part Rhetoric: Well, guys, did you like doing good deeds?
- And I liked you, I liked how you worked together and helped each other. (Individual praise)
- The journey is over, but the Fairy Tale does not say goodbye to you, it itself will come to visit you. Take the doll as a souvenir.
- Hold hands, close your eyes. Goodbye. Good luck!

Fairy tale project

A lesson in fairy tale therapy is an integrated form of educational activity that sets narrowly focused goals and objectives.

A fairy tale therapy project is a combined and expanded way of implementing fairy tale therapy, combining several multidirectional artistic, aesthetic and practical activities (speech development, psycho-gymnastics, reading, appliqué, art therapy, theatrical activities, music, drawing, modeling, etc.), united by a common theme . Creative project is implemented in collaboration between a teacher, a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a music worker, and a manager theater club, pupils and parents.

Types of projects by implementation time:

  • short-term - from one lesson to one week;
  • long-term - from a month to a year.

Project structure:

  • preparatory stage;
  • main stage;
  • final stage.

Events within the framework of the fairy tale therapy project

Areas of work and forms of implementation:

  • Cognitive development:
    • educational and psychotherapeutic conversations with parents and students;
    • quizzes and intellectual games;
    • home creative assignments;
    • fairy tale corner design, preparation demonstration material and art exhibitions (stands, mobile folders, posters, thematic newspapers, etc.);
    • staging performances and dramatizations;
    • excursions, visits to exhibitions, concerts and performances.
  • Educational games (didactic, literary, theatrical, role-playing).
  • Practical artistic activities (art therapy, drawing, appliqué, music, modeling).
  • Techniques for developing verbal creativity (composing fairy tales, getting to know riddles and proverbs, writing).
  • Physical culture - relay races, sports events.

Decorating a fairy tale corner, conducting games and activities

Table: examples of projects based on fairy tales

Project name Project content
“Our good tales” (short-term, senior group)
Stage I. Preparatory and informational:
  • Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic of the project.
  • Collection of information, literature, additional material.
  • Informing parents about the implementation of this project. A selection of methodological, reference, fiction, proverbs, sayings. Drawing up a long-term plan for this project.
  • Selection of materials and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children.
  • Cooperation with parents: conversation with parents about the need for their participation in the project, about serious attitude to the educational process in preschool educational institutions.
  • Wall newspaper competition “The Most Reading Family”.
  • Joint co-creation between parents and children “Illustrating a favorite fairy tale.”
  • Crafts competition “Our Tales”.

Stage II. Practical-cognitive:
Organization of children's cognitive activity:

  • Conduct a series of educational events. Creation of a mini-library of fairy tales.
  • Educational conversation "Fairy tales - good friends", "My favorite fairy tales."
  • Guessing riddles about fairy-tale characters. Children's stories about visiting theaters.
  • NOD "The Tale of the Little Fox and the Gray Wolf."
  • Memorizing excerpts from fairy tales for puppet theater performances for children and parents.
  • Working with the fairy tale “Turnip”.
  • Examination of illustrations by different artists for fairy tales.
  • Joint activities at home. Together with your child, draw a picture “Favorite Fairy Tale.”
  • Consultation for parents “What fairy tales to read to a child at night”, “Fairytale therapy”.
  • Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching cartoons, educational activities, making fairy tale characters from waste and improvised material, didactic and role-playing games, morning conversations “Story about a fairy tale read at home” (daily), trainings, situational communication.

Stage III. Summing up, analysis of the expected result:

  • Exhibition design family crafts fairy-tale characters.
  • Screening of the dramatization "Kolobok".
  • Project presentation.
“Let's play a fairy tale” (long-term, junior group)
Preparatory stage.
  • Selecting a project topic.
  • Creation of a group to implement the project.
  • Defining goals and objectives.
  • Drawing up a work plan.
  • Selection of literature, production of attributes.

Practical stage.
For children:

  • Introduce children to fairy tales.
  • Educational activities for speech development using fairy tales.
  • Examination of illustrations based on fairy tales (identify the characters, determine their character).
  • Making decorations and attributes for showing the fairy tale “Turnip”.
  • Reading and telling stories.
  • Plot-role-playing games: “Visiting fairy tales”, “Let’s help a fairy tale”, etc.
  • A selection of riddles based on fairy tales.
  • Open screening “Telling the fairy tale “Turnip”.

For parents:

  • Help parents in choosing fairy tales.
  • Reading fairy tales with parents at home.
  • Assisting in the preparation of attributes for fairy tales.
  • Drawings by parents to create the book “Our Favorite Fairy Tales.”

The final stage.

  • Generalization of the results of the work.
  • Collection of drawings from parents.
  • Making a family book “Our Favorite Fairy Tales”.
  • Design of the exhibition “Our Favorite Fairy Tales”.
“There on unknown paths” (middle group)
Implementation mechanisms:
  • Relaxation.
  • Outdoor game.
  • Puppet therapy (by bringing a doll to life, the child actually works out the mechanism of self-regulation and learns to adequately express his thoughts).
  • Legend or magical story.
  • Solving fairytale problems.
  • Writing your own fairy tales.
  • Making attributes and costumes for fairy tales.

Children's activity product:

  1. Fairy tale dramatization.
  2. Drawing competition “My favorite fairy tale”.

Working with parents:
development of consultations on the topic “Fairytale therapy as a means of relieving children’s anxiety.”
"Fairy tale as a means of optimizing the psycho-emotional sphere of a preschooler."
Work with children:

  • Poll “Your favorite fairy tale.”
  • “Listen to a fairy tale” - provides for introducing children to Russian folk tales. The teacher tells or reads a fairy tale, while simultaneously displaying decorations and character figures on the table in front of the children.
  • “Telling a Fairy Tale” begins with a collective retelling of a fairy tale: children tell a fairy tale, and the teacher illustrates it, changing the scenery, moving character figures.
  • “Showing a Fairy Tale” involves a dramatization of a familiar fairy tale. This involves the distribution of roles between children and the choice of decorator.
  • “Drawing a Favorite Fairy Tale” - in it, children are given problematic tasks, the solution of which requires possession of a pencil. Preschoolers help their favorite fairy-tale characters by performing a variety of drawings and graphic works.

A fairy tale corner is set up in the premises of a kindergarten group. The main goal is to stimulate interest in fairy tales, create a special cozy, secluded place where children can immerse themselves in the magical atmosphere of a fairy tale, happily leaf through the pages of their favorite book, play with dolls, look at illustrations, and draw their favorite fairy-tale episode.

Rules for designing a book corner:

  • Encourage the child to independently find something he likes, developing initiative and independence.
  • It is located away from a noisy area, creates comfortable conditions for emotional relaxation and relieving psychological stress, and sets the mood for a calm and thoughtful pastime.
  • Materials should be varied and take into account age characteristics.
  • Designed with the help of special shelves and tables, games, illustrations, books, theatrical attributes, toys should be freely available, children should be comfortable studying individually and in small groups.

The main purpose of the corner is to stimulate interest in the fairy tale.


  • Travel board games (game board with chips) based on the fairy tales “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, etc.
  • Didactic games.
  • Finger Theater.
  • Tabletop theater.
  • Masks, costumes, dolls.
  • Materials for artistic creativity (pencils, paints).

Children should be comfortable studying individually and in small groups

Table: examples of tasks for a fairy tale quiz

“What fairy tale are we talking about?”
  • The owners entered the house and found it in disarray. (Three bears)
  • The mouse came to their aid, and together they pulled out the vegetable. (Turnip)
  • He treats different kids, birds and animals. (Doctor Aibolit)
  • The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us... (Geese-swans)
  • We are not afraid of the gray wolf. (The Three Little Pigs)
  • I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)
  • He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose. (Crane and fox)
  • And stockings and shoes ran away from the dirt. (Moidodyr)
  • Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea. (Fly-Tsokotukha).
  • My light, mirror, tell me... (The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights)
  • Don’t drink from the hoof, you’ll become a little goat. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
  • The evil old woman gets even angrier... (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)
"Salad from fairy tales" The presenter reads made-up fairy tales, where there are characters from various Russian folk tales, and the players need to guess which fairy tales these characters are from?
1. “... The Wolf sits by the ice hole and says: “By the pike’s command, according to my desire, catch, little fish, big and small.” The tail became heavy, the Wolf began to pull it, but he couldn’t pull it out. The Wolf called his grandmother, the grandmother called her granddaughter, the granddaughter called Zhuchka...” (“Fox - sister and Gray wolf”, “At the command of the pike”, “Turnip”)
2. “... Ivanushka drank water from a hoof and turned into a little goat, Alyonushka saw this and began to cry. And Ivanushka says: “Don’t cry, Alyonushka, but help me better get into my left ear, and get out of my right ear and I will become a brother again...”. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Little little girl”)
3. “... Kolobok rolled along the path and saw: standing in front of him was a hut on chicken legs. And Ivanushka sits in front of the hut, playing with golden apples. Kolobok knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock!” Who lives in the mansion? “I am a little mouse, I am a frog, a frog...” (“Kolobok”, “Geese and Swans”, “Teremok”).
4. Now the snowy winter has come, there are snowdrifts up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman look at them from the window and think about their grief. “Well, old woman,” the old man says, “let’s make ourselves a daughter out of snow.” And the old woman replies: “Don’t worry, Ivan the Tsarevich!” Go to bed and eat, the morning is wiser than the evening! (“The Snow Maiden”, “The Frog Princess”)
"Songs of fairy-tale heroes"
Team members need to remember songs that are performed in fairy tales
  • Song of Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Cinderella's song.
  • Kolobok's song.
  • Song of Pinocchio.
  • Song of the Bremen Town Musicians.
  • Squirrel song (in the garden, in the city...).
  • Song of the Three Little Pigs.
  • Song of the Goat and the Kids.
"Live Pictures" Teams take turns depicting a fairy tale without words, using facial expressions,
movements and gestures. (“Turnip”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Geese and Swans”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).
"Continue the tale" Once upon a time there were toys in the children's room: a doll Masha, a cheerful clown, a mouse called Malyshka and a clumsy bear. They got tired of sitting in one place, and they decided to go on a journey. How long or short did our toys travel, and finally they ended up in a fairytale forest...
Using leading questions, continue the tale one by one)
- What fairy forest?
- What did the toys see in the fairy forest?
-Who did they meet?
- The toys got lost, who helped them?
- Who did the toys help?
- How did the toys return home?
"Fishing" Remember, in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” the old man’s occupation was to catch fish with a net, we will also go fishing now. The fish you catch are not simple ones, but with tasks. (The guys take turns going to the board, “catch” a fish and answer the question written on the back. Whoever answers correctly catches the fish).
Fish questions:
1. Who was King Dadon’s watchman? (Cockerel)
2. What was the name of the dead princess’s groom? (King Elisha)
3. How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea? (33 years)
4. Who did King Elisha turn to in search of his bride? (To the sun, to the month, to the wind).
5. What words does “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” begin with? (Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead).
6. For what price did Balda agree to serve the priest? (for 3 clicks on the forehead)
7. What words did the old woman scold her old man with? (You're a fool..)
8. Name the place where Balda met with the priest. (bazaar)
9. How many heroes did Uncle Chernomor have? (33)
10. What song does the squirrel sing in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”? (Is it in the garden...)
11. What time of year are we talking about in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (about winter)
12. What was the 1st wish of the old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (trough)
"Crossword on Russian folk tales" Horizontally:
2. The Ilya who pacified the Nightingale the Robber. 4. The heroine of fairy tales. She is the Wise One, she is the Beautiful One.7.The flower who was friends with the lark.10.In the story about the grandfather and the bear, one of them got the roots, and the other...11.He left both his grandfather and his grandmother.12.What happened when did the prince and princess meet?
1. The robber bird. 3. The scary woman... 5. The youngest son of the grandfather and woman. Usually a fool.6.Sister Alyonushka had a brother...8.What is the priest waving?9.A fairytale house in which many animals live.

How to conduct an open lesson on the topic “Fairy Tale”

An open lesson must meet certain requirements:

  • high level of professional training of the teacher conducting fairy tale therapy;
  • training work with teachers and psychologists, including methodological master classes and transmission innovative experience during the final discussion of an open lesson;
  • presentation of the results of the teacher’s work within the framework of the topic of self-education in fairy tale therapy;
  • demonstration of the effectiveness of fairy tale therapy, solving current problems of modern preschool education;
  • open showings are not required special conditions or preliminary rehearsals, however, it is advisable to psychologically prepare the children for the presence of strangers.

Video: integrated lesson based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” (junior group)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=DNRVW8DCbj4 Video can’t be loaded: Integrated lesson in kindergarten (https://youtube.com/watch?v=DNRVW8DCbj4)

Table: examples of staging a fairy tale in kindergarten

The tale “Teremok” in a new way
Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “Turnip” (for children 3–4 years old)
The first participants of the performance come out to the music,
which depict Teremok.
Narrator: In the morning the Sun woke up,
smiled early in the morning,
The sun began to shine, making everyone happy everywhere.
The nightingales began to sing around, and ringing trills were heard.
WITH Good morning! Happy clear day!
How fun we live!
Nightingales perform an impromptu dance.
Grandfather and Baba gathered at the tower in the morning.
The house was completed, and now it was time to rest.
We gathered for the Canary Islands.
This is what life is like these days!
Grandfather and Baba leave.
Teremochek is so good, you won’t find anything like it anywhere else!
The windows here are big!
The shutters are painted!
Smoke is coming from the chimney.
Who will step on the threshold?
So Komarik flew in and sat down by the window.
He knocked on the little house, but did not receive an answer.
He began to live and live and he began to wait for guests.
The mouse collected grains
I saw Teremochek.
I knocked on Teremok,
brought a bag of grain.
She will bake pancakes
will make pies,
Everyone will be well-fed in Teremka and happy!
The Frog, a big-eyed girl, was coming from the disco.
Well, Mouse and Mosquito let her into the house.
How long has it been since the time passed - the Fox from the cinema was walking.
He sees Teremok in the field.
Hey! Let me in!
When I live here with you, I’ll start teaching you how to dance!
The Gray Wolf ran along the path, what does he see before him?
Oh! Yes, this is Teremok!
He is neither short nor tall.
Open it quickly!
There's no point in waiting!
Oh, I'm tired, I can't!
I'll rest and help you!!
The Bear was walking from behind the swamp.
He sees that the gate is locked.
Open up, I'm a Bear!
Otherwise I’ll cry!
The Bear burst into Teremok,
The tower has fallen apart!
All the animals ran away.
What will happen? Yo – mine!
The animals run away, Grandfather and Baba appear.
What to do? How to be?
Where should Grandfather and Baba live?
They cry, burst into tears, and say goodbye to Teremok.
But I decided later
Dedok take a loan to the Teremok
And build a new house - both with a porch and a yard!
Just crazy! Not by the swamp!
And they got to work!
All the animals helped - after all, the housing was destroyed!
All the animals come out.
Here is the new Teremok! Smoke is coming from the chimney.
Grandfather and Baba were getting ready to rest again.
Well, a fairy tale is like a washcloth. Start again from the beginning!
The host of “Autumn” comes out:
- Hello guys!
Do you know who I am? (Children's answers.)
The wonderful time of year, autumn, has arrived.
A lot of fruits and vegetables have ripened in the gardens and orchards.
Guys, what fruits and vegetables do you know? (children's answers)
That's how great you are!!!
Look, who is sitting here with us?
(Pays attention to the narrator (grandmother)
who sits on a chair and knits socks.)
B: Hello guys! And you are a beautiful Autumn!
O: Hello grandma! And what are you doing?
B: I knit socks for my grandfather!
O: Oh, where is your grandfather?
B: My grandfather lives in a fairy tale. I forgot which one!
A: Guys, let's help grandma remember
in which fairy tale is her grandfather.
(Children name fairy tales where there is a character called grandfather.)
B: Well done guys! helped me remember
what fairy tale is my grandfather from! This is the fairy tale "Turnip".
O: Now let's watch this fairy tale.
It will be shown to children of the younger group.
On the stage there is a house in which all the characters from the fairy tale live.
Black paper or cloth is stretched between two chairs (this is earth).
Grandfather comes out with a seed in his hands.
He throws the seed into the ground and waters it from a watering can.
A: Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip has grown big - very big!
At this time, a turnip comes in to the music and sits in the garden.
Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
O: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out!
Grandfather called grandma.
D: grandma come out, grandma come out and pull the turnip!
Grandma comes out to the music.
A: grandma pulls for grandpa, grandpa pulls the turnip -
they pull, they can’t pull it out!
Then they called their granddaughter!
D.B.: Granddaughter, come out! granddaughter, come out and pull the turnip!
The granddaughter runs out of the house to the music.
A: granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,
The old man pulls and pulls the turnip and can’t pull it out!
Then they called the bug!
D.B.V.: bug come out! bug come out and pull the turnip!
A bug runs out barking to the music.
A: a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother,
grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip!
They pull, they pull, they can’t pull!
Then they called the cat.
D.B.V.Zh.: cat come out, cat come out, pull the turnip!
The cat slowly comes out to the music.
A: a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter,

they pull they pull they can’t!
Then they called the mouse!
D.B.V.Zh.K.: mouse come out, mouse come out, pull the turnip!
A mouse runs out squeaking to the music.
A: a mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter,
granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip,
they pull, they pull, they can’t pull!
Well, such a turnip has grown, there’s no way to pull it out!
Let's do it one more time!
They pulled and pulled and pulled out the turnip!!!
Then the grandmother cooked something delicious -
delicious porridge and fed everyone,
and the mouse sat in the place of honor.
All the characters dance a cheerful round dance to the music!

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Program of correctional and developmental classes in fairy tale therapy

The topic of the correctional and developmental lesson: “Fairytale therapy for children with aggressive behavior.” The correction program includes three stages:

Psychological warm-up.

The purpose of this stage is to unite the group, formulate a problem, and relieve emotional tension.

Reading fairy tales, drawing, games. The goal is to present adequate, constructive ways of behavior through fairy tales, games and drawing.

Psychotechnical games - exercise. The goal is to consolidate positive changes. The main goals and objectives of the correctional and developmental program.

· Development of the child’s emotional sphere. This implies familiarity with feelings, awareness of their purpose. Constructive expression of your emotions. Acting out situations when feelings take power over the “I”, over the center of the personality.

· Development of communication skills. Formation of positive communication models, experiencing the collective experience of collective problem solving and overcoming difficulties

· Relieving emotional stress, learning to express aggression in a constructive way, relaxation.

· Playing out the child’s problematic behavior in situations that are relevant to him.

Classes are held 1-2 times a week, their duration is from 25 minutes to one hour.

Target audience: children from 7 to 9 years old. Number of people: 8 people.

Comments for the presenter: the child should not be criticized, praised, compared with other children, lectured, indifferent or passive, or loaded with a lot of information.

Istage - psychologicalwarm-up


Goal: uniting the group, forming a problem, relieving emotional stress.

1. "Performance"

At the beginning of the group, each participant draws up a card - a business card, where he indicates his training name. At the same time, he has the right to take any name for himself.

Further in a circle, while passing soft toy, like a relay race, is asked to tell the group his name and what he likes most.

2. "Group Rules"

After the introduction, the presenter explains to the participants the basic principles of the training and the features of this form of work. Then the group members begin to develop rules for the work of their group.

3. "My left neighbor"

In five minutes, the children are invited to find out as much as possible about their left neighbor. Then you need to tell a short biography about your neighbor to all members of the group.

4. "Hello friend"

The guys stand in 2 circles: outer and inner, facing each other. And they repeat the words after the leader: “Hello friend! (handshake). How are you here? (hand on shoulder). Where have you been? (pat lightly behind the ear). I missed you! (arms crossed on chest). You came! (hands wide in different directions) Good! (light hug)."

5. "Magic bag"

Today and at our next meetings we will listen to fairy tales, draw and play. The forest gnome brought us a magic bag - heroes from different fairy tales hid in it. Remember your favorite fairy-tale characters and tell us what they are like, why you like them, describe what they look like, what you have in common with them.

And now with the help magic wand I will turn you into your favorite fairy tale characters. Show them walking, dancing, laughing and having fun.

6. "Let's draw together"

Children are asked to draw a general picture on a large sheet of paper; each one comes up in turn and draws some element, episode, part of the picture.

Summing up the lessons: What did you like most? Why? What didn't you like?


Goal: Relieve emotional stress, unite groups, maintain motivation to study themselves.

Progress of the lesson: At the very beginning of the lesson, the children should be reminded of the main rules of the training, the need to work with business cards.

1. "Greeting with a ball"

The children move, the driver has the ball, he throws it and shouts the name of any player. This player must grab the ball and shout out the name of the next one, etc.

2. "Evil and funny masks"

Close your eyes and imagine something fun, beautiful, delicious. You like it very much, your mood is good. Draw it on your face, show everyone what mood you are in.

Now close your eyes and imagine an angry and very unpleasant situation. A quarrel that causes bad emotions in you: anger, aggression, irritation. Show everyone your facial expression in this situation.

Now think about what happens to you more often? And show everyone with your facial expressions. Now make a mask with the opposite value. Think about which mask you feel more comfortable with. Go ahead and show it to everyone.

The question is asked: Why is this particular mask on your face now?

3. "Inflatable doll"

The presenter stands in the center and pretends to be a pump, and the guys act as inflatable dolls. All dolls squat down and relax as much as possible. The presenter begins pumping the pump, inflating the dolls until they stand up and tense up. Then he sharply pulls out the “wire” and all the dolls begin to deflate.

4. "Show your anger"

The boys are encouraged to show their anger. Then the fear that arises in the person who sees such anger. Then show joy and how an evil person can react to this joy.

5. "Guess who...?"

The guys come up with some kind of animal, and the rest guess which one.

Summing up: What did you like today? What have you learned?

IIstage - readingfairy tales



· Expanding children's understanding of emotions, developing the ability to convey a given emotional state through various means.

· Nurturing good feelings, the ability to feel a partner and take care of him.

· Creating a good attitude towards people.

Children are invited to choose an animal or bird (toy).

Why did you choose this particular animal? Talk quietly to your animal and ask him to give you the magical power to travel through a fairy tale. Happened? The power coming from the animals you choose will help you on your journey.

Little bear

Focus: Impaired communication with peers.

Increased aggressiveness.

This happened in one school, where various forest animals went. Every morning the forest woke up from the warm rays of the sun warming the earth, and the songs of birds woke up the forest animals, and their parents took them to the forest school.

Little Bear lived not far from this school. None of the animals were friends with him, because he fought with everyone. “Everyone wants to offend me, make me feel bad. I need to defend myself, because if I don’t fight, other animals will offend me,” thought the Little Bear.

He was sad to always be alone, and then one day he went for a walk. He walked and walked and came to a school where the animals were playing.

Look, Little Bear is coming towards us. Maybe he will be our new friend,” said Squirrel.

But look,” the Bunny shouted, “he clenched his fists and is going to fight us!”

The little bear did not hear the animals’ conversation and, clenching his fists more and more, thought: “They are agreeing to start hurting me, and I will have to defend myself.”

“We want to be friends with him, but he wants to fight with us,” the animals shouted. - We will defend ourselves!

And they ran to Little Bear. The little bear, seeing the animals running up, was very scared. He clenched his fists even tighter and prepared to fight.

Exercise " Push-pull" : Children break into pairs, rest their hands on each other, and begin to put pressure on each other. First one takes the leading position, then the other. Then the guys begin to pull each other to their side.

Oh you! “We wanted to be friends with you, but you want to fight with us,” the animals said. - We thought you were our new friend, but you! - they shouted.

We will not be friends with you!

And they left Little Bear alone. The little bear felt that he was very ashamed that he wanted to fight with these animals. Sadness filled Little Bear's heart and he began to cry. He felt very bad because everyone was afraid of him and he had no friends. “What should I do, how can I make friends with the little animals?” - thought Little Bear. And suddenly he saw that his fists were still clenched and tears were dripping onto them.

Exercise " Pass it onemotion": Children in a circle, starting with the leader, convey emotions to each other. One transmits, and the second repeats, then comes up with his own emotion and again transmits to the next, etc.

“I realized that I need to unclench my fists, because, probably, because of them, the animals thought that I would fight with them!” - Teddy Bear decided.

The next day, Little Bear came to the animals at school and did not clench his fists. The animals saw that he did not want to fight, and decided to be friends with him. The bear cub and the animals began to play various fun games together, sing songs and dance. They laughed and told each other interesting stories. And Little Bear, playing with the little animals, thought: “I will never again clench my fists and fight for no reason, because the other little animals didn’t even think of offending me. How good it is that I unclenched my fists and realized for myself that it’s bad to be a fighter! ". And this thought made Little Bear feel great.

Questions For discussions

Why did Little Bear think that everyone wanted to hurt him? Was this really so?

Why did the children in kindergarten tell Teddy Bear that they would not be friends with him? Why did they think that? What helped Little Bear make friends with the animals? What else would you advise him?


Today we again continue to travel through fairy tales.

Fairy taleOHedgehog,whichwantedtoonhimpaidattention

Focus: Behavioral disorders: hyperactivity, aggressiveness and destructive behavior caused by lack of attention.

Far, far away, beyond the seas, beyond the mountains, behind tall forests, in a dense, dense thicket, there was a small cozy clearing. All sorts of different animals lived in this clearing: squirrels, hares, monkeys, parrots and even a small hippopotamus. Among them was one hedgehog named Vasya, who was very proud of his thorns.

This hedgehog Vasya was unlike the others. More than anything, he loved when people paid attention to him. So much so that it even seemed that all people paid less attention to him than to others. The hedgehog wanted only everyone to always look at him, only to listen to him.

He gets up in the morning, takes off his pajamas and throws them away, and then his mother looks for him and swears: “Where did you put her?” Even if he screams. But still at him.

He comes to class with his squirrel teacher. As soon as she starts to tell something, the hedgehog grunts loudly and loudly. Everyone laughs, looks at him, and the teacher kicks him out of the clearing by the collar.

Then he goes to the children. There's a sand castle to be built there. A hedgehog walks in on one side, but on the other - no one looks at him. When he swings, he hits the castle with his foot. The girls are crying, and the boys are clenching their fists - they want to beat him.

And so every day. And everything seemed to be fine, but the hedgehog began to get tired of this kind of life. Of course they pay attention - it’s nice. But they scold a lot because of this, it’s sad. With such sad thoughts, one evening our hedgehog went to bed...

Exercise " Angryhedgehog": All children are hedgehogs. Children squat down, resting their hands on the floor. When the leader claps, everyone jumps, turning around their axis in any direction. The children get down on all fours, in pairs, and snort at each other.

Wrap-up: What did you learn today? What did you like? Why?

...And so the hedgehog had a dream. It was as if a huge wizard in a cloak embroidered with gold threads flew to him and said: “Listen, hedgehog! I will transform you!”

The hedgehog got scared and squealed: “No, don’t bother me, no, no.”

“Don’t be afraid,” the wizard smiled, “Better listen to how I want to cast a spell for you. I will send you to two worlds, first to one and then to the other. You often visit one of them yourself, the other you have never been to.” "When you come back, tell me where you liked it best."

The wizard waved his bright yellow wand, everything around him hissed, and... The hedgehog found himself in an unprecedented kingdom-state. And the main thing is that he himself somehow behaves strangely. He helps everyone, does nice things, listens carefully to what they tell him, doesn’t break other people’s toys, but, on the contrary, helps them fix them. And they pay attention to him for this - so much so that it’s even a little embarrassing. It’s nice for the hedgehog, and it’s nice for everyone around. Everyone praises the hedgehog, is touched by him, talks about him, but it’s as if they’re patting him on the head all the time...


Today we will continue our journey through our fairy tale. Who remembers where we stopped? Well done!

And so we will continue.

...Then suddenly everything began to change, a crash, a hiss, a wizard in a robe flashed before my eyes, and behold. another world. Here everything is the other way around. Just like in life. Everyone also looks at the hedgehog, however, because, for example, he misbehaved or beat someone or grunts loudly. And they scold him and scold him. And in the end, everyone: mom, dad, teacher, neighbor, relatives, children from the group surrounded him in a crowd. Everyone screams about their own things, the hedgehog doesn’t understand anything, but he knows that he did something wrong to each of them. Step back. More

step. The hedgehog retreats, the animals attack him. Another step and it’s as if a hedgehog is falling into a black hole, all you can hear is the cry: “I don’t want to get here”...

Exercise " Scream": Children become an orchestra, controlled by a leader - conductor. The higher the leader raises his hand, the louder the orchestra screams; the lower, the weaker the scream. It is important to be able to feel the conductor well.

...The hedgehog woke up, jumped out of bed and remembered his dream. And just when I wanted to throw my pajamas away to him, so that my mother would then look for him and swear at him, the hedgehog thought: “What if I do the opposite. Like in the first world in a dream?”

And so it happened. Hedgehog folded night clothes on the high chair and waiting for mom. Mom came, ready to swear and... She just clasped her hands: “Oh, you’re my good one. What a fine fellow you are.” The hedgehog felt good. He scratched his left front needle and decided not to stop there today.

He went to the clearing. And there the squirrel teacher taught the animals to count and prepared them for school. He crept up quietly and began to wait. The squirrel asks the question: “What is two plus three?” And all the time the animals were counting the crows, so that the hedgehog was the first to do so. "Five!" - he shouted joyfully. “Look,” the squirrel said importantly, “everyone, learn how to listen carefully.” It became even more pleasant for the hedgehog. And so, when the lesson was over, he went to the sand heap.

And it’s already in full swing new castle under construction. He approached quietly, touched the bear’s shoulder and whispered: “I can play with you.” The bear looked at him and muttered displeasedly: “Okay, sit down.” The hedgehog sat down and suddenly he was able to sculpt turrets so beautifully that soon all the animals stopped their work and just looked at him. “Wow, we didn’t even know you could do that!” - was heard from all sides. “I didn’t know myself,” the hedgehog answered embarrassedly.

When evening came, the tired but happy hedgehog came home. And at home. There was a pie waiting for him at home. “You think I didn’t notice that from today you have become completely different,” my mother said affectionately. - "I think this should be celebrated." The hedgehog didn't mind. Stuffing a thick piece of his mother’s delicious pie into his mouth, he thought once again: “How nice it is when people pay attention to you for something good.”

Issues for discussion:

What did the hedgehog want? For what? Would you like the same? How did the hedgehog try to attract attention? What do you think was his mistake? What has the hedgehog become now?

Exercise " Spontaneousdrawing": After reading the fairy tale, the children are invited to draw a picture - who wants what. The purpose of this stage may be to help move the symbolic level to the concrete and from the subconscious to the conscious. The drawings are then discussed. The drawings are not interpreted, not compared, and no conclusions are drawn from the drawings.


They say, "Kind heart." How else can you say about the heart?

Children name the words: big, hot, golden, evil, indifferent, cold, beautiful, loving, stone, etc.

What does "golden" mean? Is it made of gold? What does stone mean?

Today we are going to “The Tale of the Bunny Who Was Offended by His Mother,” and our heart will help us on the journey. The heart has incredible power if it is kind, loving, trusting and joyful. I think each of you has such a heart. Now place your right palm on your chest, close your eyes and quietly listen to how your kind heart beats. Ask your heart to give you the strength to travel through a fairy tale. Silently, to yourself... Did it work? Well done. Thank your heart.

Fairy taleOBunny,whichoffendedonmymom

Focus: Conflict relationships with parents. Negative feelings (resentment, anger, etc.) towards parents. Inappropriate response to punishment and disapproval.

Bunny lived in a cozy house on the edge of the forest. One day he wanted to play with his friends in a sunny meadow.

Mom, can I go for a walk with my friends? - he asked.

Of course you can, said mom, just don’t be late for dinner. When the cuckoo crows three times, come home, otherwise I will worry.

“I’ll definitely come on time,” said the Bunny and ran for a walk.

The sun was shining brightly in the forest clearing, and the animals were happily playing hide and seek, tag, and leapfrog. The cuckoo crowed three times, and four, and five times. But the Bunny was so carried away by the game that he did not hear her. And only when evening came and the animals began to go home, the Bunny also happily ran home to his mother.

But his mother was very angry with him for being late. She scolded the Bunny and forbade him to leave the house as punishment. The bunny was offended by his mother: he didn’t want to upset her, he just played with his friends and completely forgot about time, and he was so unfairly punished. “Mom doesn’t love me at all,” thought the Bunny. “If she loved me, she wouldn’t punish me.”

And the Bunny ran away from home into the forest, found a hole and decided to stay there and live. At night it started to rain, it became cold and uncomfortable. The bunny felt very lonely, he wanted to go home to his mother, but he could not forgive her for punishing him.

In the morning, the Bunny was awakened by the chatter of magpies who were sitting in a nearby tree. “Poor Hare,” one said to the other magpie. “Yesterday her Little Hare ran away from home, she spent the whole night looking for him in the forest in the rain, and now she is seriously ill from grief and anxiety.”

Hearing these words, the Bunny thought: “Since my mother is worried about me, it means she probably loves me. She got sick because I ran away, and now she feels very bad: I must forgive her and return home, because I too I love her." And the Bunny rushed home.

As soon as mom saw him, she immediately recovered, got out of bed and affectionately hugged her Little Bunny.

“I’m so glad that you’re back, my dear,” said my mother. - I felt very bad without you, because I love you so much.

“I love you too, mommy,” said the Bunny.

Since then, Bunny and his mother lived together and were not offended by each other. The bunny realized that his mother loves him and will always love him, no matter what happens.

Questions For discussions

Why was the Bunny offended by his mother? Would you be offended by him


Why did the Bunny return to his mother?

What did the Bunny understand from this story?


Guys, let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson. What fairy tale did I tell you? Well done. You remember everything perfectly.

Exercise " Mirror": One child becomes a mirror at will; he repeats the movements of the person looking in the mirror. The guys take turns looking at it.

Now let’s try to compose our own good fairy tale with happy ending. We will compose it in a circle. Each of you will continue the tale one after another. I will begin the fairy tale: “Once upon a time, an interesting story happened in one city. Each of you knows many stories, but this story is unusual. It happened in one family of fairy-tale people - gnomes. They are very similar to you and me, almost the same, but only very small in stature, which, however, is not why they worry at all. They lived amicably and well, but sometimes the elders scolded the Little Dwarf... And each of you knows what you can feel when this happens...

One day, mom was leaving home to do her business and said to the Dwarf: “Behave well. I’ll be back soon.” The gnome was left alone and...”

What did the Gnome start doing? Then continue on your own...

After the story, a discussion is held with the children. What happened to the Gnome, why? Did the children like writing fairy tales? What new did you learn? What have you learned?


Seven-flowered flower

Focus: Difficulties in learning at school, conflicts with the teacher, difficulties in mastering writing.

Far, far away in big city Once upon a time there lived a very ordinary boy. His name was Zhenya, he was somewhat similar to you. He was ten years old and, like all children, he went to school. He liked going there because he had many, many friends there. Every morning, when they met, they slapped each other on the back with their briefcases and ran cheerfully to class.

And everything would be wonderful, but Zhenya just couldn’t write beautifully. The letters fell to the left, then to the right, and the words ran into each other and did not want to line up. During class, he was in such a hurry to quickly write down the conditions of the problem in his notebook that sometimes he himself could not understand what he had written. This didn’t upset Zhenya himself very much, because in the evening after classes you can call a friend, and he will always tell you what was in the condition. But the strict, never smiling teacher scolded Zhenya all the time, showed his notebooks to the whole class and said that Zhenya did not try at all and wrote “like a chicken with its paw.” This brought tears to Zhenya’s eyes, and his hands clenched into fists; he wanted to run out of the classroom, slam the door so that the windows in the whole school would rattle. And the most unpleasant thing was that he began to solve problems much worse and more slowly than before, because he was always trying to keep track of the letters and numbers and forgot about the terms of the problem.

fairytale therapy correctional aggressive behavior

One fine Sunday afternoon, they went for a walk to the park with mom and dad. On the way, they happily rustled the dry leaves on the paths - it was autumn, after all - admired the ducks in the pond and ate ice cream. And when they were returning home, Zhenya suddenly saw his teacher. She was walking in the park with a boy, almost the same as Zhenya, only he did not rustle the autumn leaves in the park and did not run races with other children, he sat quietly in the stroller, and his mother rolled him along the path.

That night Zhenya had a dream that he was walking through a field among many different flowers. And suddenly among them he saw one flower, which had seven petals of different colors. Zhenya immediately realized that he had found that magical seven-flowered flower that fulfills any desire. Zhenya wanted to immediately wish for an adult bicycle with seven speeds, but he remembered that he already had one. Then he thought that it would be good if his scribbles ceased to be scribbles, but turned into even lines, like those of his desk neighbor Marinka, so that the teacher would finally stop scolding him. But he thought that he must learn to write beautifully on his own, without any magic, because he can do it himself, and magic helps only when a person cannot do something himself. And then Zhenya remembered that his teacher had a son who could not walk, and decided that, of course, the seven-flowered flower should be given to her.

In the morning Zhenya woke up very early, mom and dad were still sleeping. He made a seven-color flower out of colored paper and gave it to the teacher at school.

The first time Zhenya saw his teacher like this: she was smiling, and her eyes were as kind as her mother’s.

Issues for discussion:

How did Zhenya feel towards the teacher? Why did Zhenya decide to give away a seven-flowered flower in a dream? Why and how did Zhenya’s attitude towards the teacher change? Why did Zhenya decide to learn to write without any magic? Do you agree with him? How to do it?

With the children, after the fairy tale, a “seven-flowered flower” is made from paper, for the person with whom the child has a bad and difficult relationship. Children are told that there is nothing wrong with being the first to make peace, but on the contrary, this is a very courageous and noble act, for which people begin to be respected and appreciated. This can be discussed with the guys.


Guys, take a landscape piece of paper and draw on it the “Tree of Wrath”, the most merciless and ferocious, the way you imagine it.

Let's tear it into small pieces (you can burn it if possible) and throw it away so that it can never interfere with your plans and spoil your relationships with those people who wish you well.

Now I will tell you an interesting tale about an unprecedented country that no one can enter. This world is parallel to ours, it is a reflection of human souls, it can only be seen when you begin to think about your actions.

Fairy taleOTrees-Characters

In some amazing world, in a valley stretched among high and inaccessible mountains, grew... Trees-Characters. These were extraordinary plants. Their appearance was a reflection of the characters of people who lived far away….

Each Character Tree had four main branches and many small ones extending from its trunk. These four branches had their own names: Attitude towards people, Attitude towards business, Attitude towards oneself and Attitude towards things. Each Tree-Character had its own branches, different from others, with its own peculiarity.

On one Character Tree, the branch Attitude towards people was straight and directed upward, because it carried the trait of Truthfulness, and on the other it was twisted by a ring of Lies. Somewhere the branch of Attitude towards oneself provocatively stuck out with Narcissism, somewhere it sagged to the ground from its Humiliation, and somewhere it calmly and confidently rose towards the sun, like the embodiment of Dignity. The branches of the Relationship to things on some Character Trees were twisted from Greed, while on others they revealed their Generosity with an abundance of foliage.

Very different Character Trees grew in this magical forest. The ground cracked under some of the Characters - they were so heavy, but the light Characters literally floated in the air, barely clinging to the soil with their roots. There were Characters that were completely covered with needles - from the roots to the crown, and therefore they were very prickly. And others resembled telegraph poles with barely noticeable branches - these were straight Characters, and soft Characters were so pliable that their trunks could easily be crushed like clay. Among them were very beautiful and carefree, tall and short, slender and even crawling along the ground.

The Trees-Characters were so different because they grew on different soils, the sun warmed them differently, the wind blew differently, and the rain did not provide moisture equally. But everything in life turns out differently for every person, right?

Sometimes a fierce storm would blow into the magical valley, and it would violently rush at the Character Trees: it broke and uprooted some, it bent others to the ground, but could not break them. There were also those that did not bend under the strongest hurricane winds and only proudly straightened their mighty branches.

Many people would like to visit this forest and see what their Character Tree looks like. But no one can get into this forest, and you can find out what kind of character you have only by studying yourself and your actions.

Would you like to visit this unusual place? Aren't you afraid? How do you imagine your Character Tree? At home, draw your Character Tree for yourself; you don’t have to show it to anyone. If it is not the way you would like it to be, you can, by changing yourself, change the Tree.

III - stage. Psychologicalgames - exercise.


Goal: consolidation of acquired skills, harmonization of personality, receiving feedback.

Exercise " Myneighbouron rightsimilaron the…": Everyone takes turns saying what animal their neighbor is like.

Exercise " Applause": everyone in turn says thank you to someone in the group and applauds him, then the one who was told “thank you” continues to speak, thereby the number of applauding increases, and the last one gets the most applause.

Exercise " Mostfunnylaughter": One of the willing children should make the others laugh, while others, on the contrary, should show restraint and not laugh. Anyone can try.

Exercise " Calm downmonster" : Everyone will take turns being a monster. The monster is covered with a large piece of material and it begins to growl, everyone else must calm it down by coming up and affectionately stroking it. They all come at once.

Exercise " Givepresent": TO everyone takes turns giving magical gift whoever wants it. The gift can be anything.

Thus, using the fairytale therapy method, it is possible to teach children to express aggression in a constructive way and to relax.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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