Small square nails design. Forms of nails for manicure - varieties, photos, schemes

Polls show that stylish and active women choose a manicure for square nails. Why did he deserve such popularity? What are its main advantages? What design to choose for such a form? Let's figure it out in order.

  • This form is notable for good practicality. If you have a lot to do, but still want to have stylish manicure, then square nails will not greatly interfere with daily routine work.
  • Square nails are more resistant to breakage and delamination. The plate is less susceptible to injury, breaks of the long edge do not occur too often.

  • Working at a computer will not cause you much inconvenience. This is probably the main advantage for a business woman. The square shape of the plate harmonizes perfectly with clothing classical style. So this is the perfect solution for a stylish business woman!

Summing up, we can say that square nails are the perfect solution for energetic women who combine the role of a business lady, a caring mother and a stylish fashionista.

Who suits square nails?

If necessary, you can visually adjust the shape of the plate. The easiest way to give square shape flat nails.

But there are cases when you should refrain from such a stylish decision.

  • The square shape lengthens the nails, makes the fingers thinner. But if your fingers are already very thin by nature, then it is better to round the free edge.
  • If the nails are thick and wide, then you should also refrain from such a form., otherwise it will look sloppy.

Read also: What is a French manicure?

  • In order for a manicure on short square nails to look natural, it is necessary to grow at least a few millimeters of the free edge. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to give the plate the desired shape. As observations show, women choose short nails much more often, because it is easier to deal with them.
  • Medium-length square plates look best. For women in whom wide palms and plump fingers, a square shape is not the best choice. Even considering that such a configuration visually lengthens the fingers.

  • Manicure for long square nails more suitable for women who are not too burdened with household chores. To make extended nails, use special square shapes. Masters claim that they are more practical and durable than sharp ones.

How to give nails the correct square shape?

To do this, follow the simple step-by-step instructions.

  • First you need to cut off the free edge perpendicular to the base (at a right angle).
  • You need to file the nail with a nail file from the corner to the middle. First on one side and then on the other side.
  • To make sure that the shape of the plate is correct, you need to attach the edge of the nail to a flat surface (for example, to a table).
  • Make sure that the length of the free edge is the same on all nails.
  • The sides of the plate also need to be processed with a nail file, making movements from the bottom up.
  • Using soft nail file slightly round the sharp corners of the plate, especially if the nails are short. The corners of long extended nails can be left sharp. Then you can start decorating with shellac or regular varnish.

The most successful designs for square nails

Almost any design, if desired, can be adapted to a square shape. But now we will name the most successful and popular of them.

Read also: Sophisticated and modern black dress manicure: tips and tricks from experts

  • Monochromatic dark finish. Great any will do saturated color varnish! Especially for short nails. We advise you to pay attention to the popular shades that are fashionable this season: cherry, silver gray, black, red, purple, marsala color.
  • Nude shades and delicate pastels. Dark finish on long square nails sometimes it can look a little aggressive, so it is better to use light shades in this case. A solid beige or light pink base of long plates can be decorated with modest patterns or patterns.

  • French manicure on square nails. An even stripe-smile looks very impressive on square nails, and making it at home is even easier! A colored jacket looks especially stylish, but traditional version- no less effective solution.
  • Reverse (lunar) French. It is possible to realize the design in different configurations. For example, masters suggest drawing the border of the hole parallel to the tip, changing the usual shape of a semicircle to a straight line.

  • Floral paintings. Compositions of flowers fit very nicely on long nails. Moreover, it is better to depict exquisite artistic masterpieces on stylish square nails, and not stylized "children's" flowers. It could be chinese painting or painting with a thin bone. We do not argue that this is not easy to do at home. But if you watch video tutorials from professionals, then the task will seem quite doable!
  • Animal prints. Square plates - perfect base for applying fashionable animal prints. There is no doubt that sharp reptile-skinned nails will look too aggressive, and rounded ones will look too soft. Leopard and snake print look most impressive on square nails.

Well-groomed nails - an invariable attribute modern woman. fashion trends constantly throwing up new ideas, so helpful information And step by step description how to make a square shape of nails will be useful.

Our article provides detailed instructions to the process of creating a square shape of nails at home, as well as given important recommendations and advice when such changes would be inappropriate.

Benefits of "square" nails

Nail - the design of the use of a rectangular shape since its inception has always been more or less popular. This is due to the fact that such a model is extremely convenient and gives a limitless field for excellent design ideas.

There is a so-called "soft" square, when the outer corners are slightly rounded and "sharp", in which this is not allowed.

Soft square example

soft square definitely deserves the most close attention, because such a manicure is distinguished not only by its excellent appearance, but also by practicality.

The edges nail plate will not interfere with daily activities, and accidental damage can also be avoided.

sharp square a little more difficult to perform, and also suitable only for strong and strong nails. Otherwise, accidental chips cannot be avoided, which means the loss of attractiveness of such a manicure.

Pros of using square nails:

  • Stylish and modern look.
  • The perfect combination with any type of nail design.
  • practicality in real life.
  • Possibility of execution even on short nails.
  • Preservation of the health of the nail plate.
  • Ease of doing it yourself.

Particular attention to the square manicure should be paid to the owners of long and thin fingers. Such a design will make them incredibly beautiful, but for girls with plump and short fingers, it is better to use a different type of manicure.

How to make a square nail shape yourself

A big advantage will be the ease with which you can master a square manicure. Professionals will make such a design in a matter of minutes, but at home you can quickly master this technique.

To create square nails you will need:

Tool purpose
Knippers - manicure tweezers with a fairly wide cutting surface. Can be replaced with scissors with straight and sharp blades or special wire cutters Trimming of the nail plate should be fast enough and in one motion to avoid chipping and damage.
Nail file. With it, you can evenly and accurately cut out the cut edges.
Disinfectant, most commonly used nail polish remover. With its help, you can not only remove the old coating, but also optimally degrease and wipe the nail plate.
A buff for nails or a nail file with a fine abrasive. Ideal for polishing the nail plate and provides a secure grip with the new coating

Table of tools for creating a square shape of nails

Creation Guidelines home manicure simple and understandable to everyone. First of all, you need to take care of the health of the nail plate in advance, because any coating on weak and brittle nails will look messy. It is also necessary to grow nails long enough to give them a square shape.

How to make a square shape at home from scratch:

  1. Remove old coating, apply moisturizer or make nutritional bath With sea ​​salt for maximum plate strength.
  2. Trim the edge of the nail in one motion at a selected distance. The cut should run parallel to the base.
  3. file the edge of the nail with a file with a fine fraction. Hand movements should be only in one direction, otherwise the edge will subsequently begin to peel off.
  4. To create a "soft" square, you also need a little cut and round corners. This must be done at an angle of 45 º to the base.
  5. Polishing cut corners also need to be done with a nail file with a fine abrasive.
  6. Standard manicure also includes trimming and trimming cuticles, as well as polishing the surface of the nail plate with a buff.
  7. Before applying a new coating must be degreased nails and take advantage suitable basis to strengthen the layer.

It is best to entrust the manicure to a professional who will show you how to competently and step by step perform this procedure, properly sharpen your nails.

There is also a little trick that allows you to quickly and easily learn such a manicure. To do this, you need to visit the salon several times and carefully look at the movements of the stylist. In the intervals between procedures, you can try on your own, and in case of failure, come again. So you can gradually learn how to perform a square shape, taking into account individual features your nails.

How to reshape nails

In addition to the square shape discussed above, there are also many varieties of no less attractive manicure. Oval or almond-shaped manicure is very popular. It does not take much effort to remake the shape from an oval to a square; in general, the algorithm of actions will remain the same. The main thing to consider is that trimming the edge should capture the widest possible surface of the nail plate so that the corners of the nail remain small. Sawing should be done carefully.

The main feature of a square manicure will be the need for regular correction. At least once a week, the edge of the nail plate is carefully filed to make the geometry more pronounced. If the nails are not varnished, this procedure can be done every three to four days.

You should also not limit yourself to using a square manicure exclusively for hands, because a pedicure with such a design is no less impressive. The pedicure master will help to make the most attractive shape, after which you will only have to file and update the edges regularly.

Nail styles - designs for a square shape

Depending on the chosen design, any type of manicure is suitable for square nails. Fashion trends of this season allow the use of this form for very short nails and for long ones. A french manicure looks especially good on long nails.

Lunar manicure

Lunar manicure will emphasize the beauty of long nails and can be performed in various variations. The most natural look is the use of shades of the "nude" type. This arrangement is perfect for Everyday life, office style and subtle makeup. If you use juicy shades of purple and lilac colors that are fashionable this season for manicure, you should also pay due attention to the style of clothing.


Gradient on sharp square

The gradient looks appropriate on nails of different lengths.

The main feature of this manicure - the use of shades from light to dark should occur towards the edge of the nail. This means that the tip of the nail plate is always darker than its beginning.

You can choose the most incredible colors for the gradient, variety is now in vogue.

Floral motifs

Floral motifs will help to create an incredibly touching and attractive design. In this case, a suitable pattern can be applied by the most different ways, from stickers to art molding.

This manicure is in great demand for solemn events and wedding ceremonies.

geometric ornaments

Geometric ornaments are now at the peak of popularity, they look especially appropriate on square nails. Manifold modern technicians will allow you to choose the best option for you. It is quite possible to learn such techniques from video tutorials or videos on the Internet. Contacting the salon will give even more opportunities, because sometimes such a design is a real work of art.


French manicure will look great on long nails, and for some variety, you can use the technique when one or two fingers are highlighted using modeling or an original pattern.

Square nails are always in trend, because their shape helps to perfectly emphasize the beauty and grace of nails. It is quite possible to create such beauty on your own, but it is best to entrust this matter to professional manicure masters.

The advantages of this shape will allow you to use any type of coating and decorative elements, while the length of the nail plate can be not only long, but also short. This will help make the nail design practical and incredibly stylish.

Square nails are one of the most practical and spectacular forms. Despite the growing popularity of the ballerina shape, the square still occupies a leading position. Square manicure is the easiest to create, but there are important nuances, which manicure masters take into account in their work so that the lines turn out straight.

Strict square outlines will suit the owners of an oblong plate. Right angles will look good on long graceful fingers. But there are those for whom strict design is not suitable:

  • owners of a short and wide nail plate - a manicure will make them visually shorter and wider;
  • those who have a trapezoidal plate;
  • if narrow nail bed do correct lines will not work. The shape will be like a pointed "almond";
  • owners of long and thin fingers - it will look out of place;
  • not suitable for those who have weak nail plates.

Do not be discouraged if you fall under one of the above points. Modern nail design offers various modifications of strict lines. For example, "soft square", "shortened", "rectangular". And drawings on square nails will help make this configuration look perfect on any fingers.

Disadvantages of right angles in manicure

Despite the ease of creation and the possibility for creative experiments, the square has disadvantages. Due to the sharp corners, the manicure is impractical (the exception is a soft square and a short length): the corners catch on clothes, it is inconvenient to do household chores, they break easily.

Direct outlines on long nails look spectacular, but dress code rules do not allow such a manicure everywhere. Make sure that the edges have clear straight lines.

How to make smooth straight lines

Manicurists believe that the "square" is easy to do at home. Before starting a manicure, decide on the length. The practical length is medium and short.

Important! A short square is better to choose for owners of a long, slightly elongated nail plate and a narrow long brush.

As the plate grows, you need to master the technique of filing and creating square outlines and equal angles.

  1. Max up to top edge file your nails in a straight line.
  2. Round off the resulting irregularities.
  3. When the length increases, repeat the previous steps. Thus, the outlines of your plate will become like a "soft square". This is when the protruding edge is straight with slight rounding at the corners.
  4. When you make a straight line from edge to edge, forming sharp corners, then it will be the correct outline of the square.

This method is suitable for owners round shape nail plate. If the length allows, then you just need to know how to properly file your nails to the desired straight, even lines.

  1. Sew off the raised edge to a straight line.
  2. In the same direction, process the side faces - you get two right angles.

For beginners, the main difficulty lies in creating even right angles. How to make square nails? To facilitate this process, professionals advise during filing to substitute the nail file to the base of the nail plate so that it is parallel to the protruding edge. Of course, the tool must be straight. When you get a straight line, proceed to the side edges, which must be filed strictly at a right angle.

Important! When you create a square shape of nails, follow the movements with a nail file strictly in one direction. So the nail plate is not deformed, and will not exfoliate. And so that the filing does not violate the structure of the plate, it must be strengthened with acrylic powder.

If you can't create strict straight lines, you can always make a soft square shape.

In an effort to create unusual design you must remember that the main thing is moderation.

  1. It is not recommended to use acrylic modeling and large rhinestones.
  2. The pattern should not be too large and not too small.
  3. Calm pastel shades are suitable for long nails, bright colors are suitable for short nails.
  4. In the variant moon jacket the emphasis should be on the root part.

Design options for long square nails

Long nails of this shape look catchy and immediately attract attention. But create them natural plate not so easy, because, growing, it begins to wrap itself inward and the charm of the square is lost. Therefore, masters often resort to an artificial option. If you like a long length, it is better to make a "soft square".

Nail design experts advise you to take a closer look at delicate pastel shades - nude, powdery, beige. Right angles become less aggressive and add naturalness to the manicure.

But also dark shades will look good on long nails. To do this, combine these colors with decorative sand, which makes such a manicure less catchy. To create gentle romantic image choose a combination pastel shades with velor lining.

Design options for a short square

A popular square shape length is short. Because it is easy to do both on a natural nail plate and on an extended one. This length is practical and suitable for any dress code. Looks especially charming on short nails "soft square".

At such a length, a dark rich palette of shades looks advantageous. Therefore, feel free to add bright decor elements. Looks luxurious on short square lines matte manicure. But you must have a perfect nail plate, because irregularities with this design will be noticeable. You can add manicure and rhinestones. But it is better to place them in the middle or at the base of the nail.

More and more owners of a short square manicure opt for nail contouring. A light shade is used as the main color, and then applied to it thin lines dark varnish, without going beyond the side edges. This design makes short and wide plates visually thinner and elongated.

You can also choose the “ombre” technique - it has the same visual effect like nail contouring due to smooth transition shades. If the nail plate is wide, it is better to do a vertical “ombre”. Lacquer applied to the center light shade, and along the edges - dark or contrasting color. For short square nail fit drawing in the form vertical stripes- they will seem narrower and longer.

Design options for an extravagant beveled square

Such an angle is created only on extended plates. Because this variety needs sharp lines and a beveled corner, which is not easy to make. Nails must be perfect shape and with a strong plate. The square shape of the nails and the beveled tip look bold and original.

In this variation, rhinestones are glued to the tip of the nail. Overhead will cope with the load, and the design of the protruding edge will only emphasize the originality of the form. For solemn events you can do aqua design - nails will look extravagant and unusual.

Beautiful design options for a soft square

Another common configuration for short length. A soft square has a similar shape to an oval. It is great for experimenting with nail design. The combination of a soft square and a velvet cover looks elegant. matte texture and muted dark shades make the manicure discreet and luxurious.

It looks interesting combination of matte and glossy finishes. Make glossy patterns in the form of stripes, peas on a matte background. The velvety of the nail is emphasized by gold and silver colors.

Volumetric patterns look spectacular on soft square. Multi-colored varnishes look advantageous on a soft square. Also an interesting design is the creation of a marble pattern. If you create a pattern on all fingers, then it should occupy no more than half of the nail surface. And if the pattern is only 1 or 2 - apply to the entire surface.

Classic French and its variations

One of the successful design solutions is a square jacket. It could be like classic version with a straight smile line. But interesting solution there will be a V-shaped line.

White french jacket- This a win-win. But modern tendencies allow you to experiment with bright colors. The combination of cherry or black with a gold line is an option for a beautiful and luxurious manicure.

Due to the fact that the area of ​​​​the protruding edge of square nails allows not only to make a “smile”, but also to draw an ornament. Make a non-standard geometric jacket, but to make it less strict, use matte finish. For owners of a wide nail plate, a vertical jacket is suitable. This will make the nails visually narrower and longer.

The following variation of the French design is popular - lunar. An island is drawn at the base of the nail bed. We accept both the classic version and the combination bright colors. Emphasize it with a pattern or rhinestones. An inverted jacket does not fit square short nails, just make them visually shorter and narrower. A smile is drawn at the base, which should be decorated with rhinestones.

A variation of the ombre jacket suits nails with a square length. Transitions can also be done with glitter. original solution is a smile that repeats square lines. To smooth out the angularity of such a manicure, paint a couple of nails in pastel soft color Or decorate with rhinestones.

The square shape of the nails, despite the clarity and severity of the lines, looks elegant and graceful. With the right choice color design and design manicure will look gentle and feminine. Girls and women will be able to attract the attention of others by making interesting and bright accents. Having mastered the creation of straight lines, you will add an interesting and stylish twist to the image.

Today, going to work or coming to visit with unkempt, ugly nails is akin to a shame for a woman who takes care of herself. But it is not at all necessary to spend on an attractive appearance his fingers a fortune and every week to visit the salon, not at all. give nice shape every woman can do nails herself and at home, the main thing is to know how to do it. And our article will help you figure it out and tell you about all the nuances of "finger" art.

Nails may have the following shape:

  • Square.
    It can be clear, soft or oval.
  • Almond.

  • Stylet.

  • Pick.
    Very similar to the previous view, differs from it more narrow shape and the sharp edge of the nail.

  • Oval.

  • Beveled shape.

Today, perhaps, few will decide to make a stiletto or pike, but the most popular form of nails is a square in all its manifestations. It is about him that our article will tell.

List of required tools

How to square nails at home without resorting to salon care? What tools will be needed for this? Their set is very simple:

  • nail file;
  • wire cutters or scissors (the first is preferable).

A variety of nail files on the shelves of stores can drive an inexperienced person into a stupor. Let's see - which ones should you choose?

Nail files come in different abrasiveness: from 80 to 1200 grit. The more abrasive, the softer the nail file. Average values ​​to choose are 200-400 grit. For example, for artificial nails you can choose the "hard" option - up to 120 grit. If the plates are soft and weakened, then it is necessary gentle option: 350-400 grit For healthy natural nails 220-300 grit is the golden mean.

How to make a square shape of nails on your own, without harming them? To do this, you need to know what materials the files are made of and which one to give preference to. In stores you can find tools:

  • Glass.
    They are very effective, but they are very expensive.
  • Metal.
    Try to avoid them. Now, after all, there are much better materials, and this one is “the last century”. The metal is too rough and can cause delamination of nails.
  • Sand.
    They are very soft and comfortable, have many color solutions, cheap, but afraid of water and their service life is short.
  • Ceramic.
    Gained popularity for good reason, as they are great for exfoliating nails because of their ability to "seal" their edge. Suitable for natural nails, but not for artificial ones.

Well, we studied the theory, let's move on to practice? Below are the main steps for creating a square nail shape.


Before making a square shape of the nails, the first thing to do is to remove them. old varnish(if it exists). After that, treat the cuticle.

Before cutting your nails, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, making sure you remove all dirt from under your nails.

Dry your hands thoroughly. Dry them until your nails and fingers are completely dry. This is necessary, since it is inconvenient and inefficient to work with wet nails with a file.

Trimming nails to shape

How to make a square shape of nails on your beautiful fingers? There is nothing easier! The main thing is to do it in one motion. It is very good if you have tweezers, and not nail scissors, since it is much easier to make a “biting off” movement with them. The main thing here is to put the tweezers evenly so that the line runs strictly perpendicular to the finger.

If you only have scissors, no problem. With their help, you can also cope, but it takes a little more time and diligence. In the same way, cut the edge of the nail plate in a straight line. If you doubt yourself, first draw a line with a felt-tip pen, visually evaluate how it will look, and only then cut it.

Processing cuts with a saw

Well, the nails are cut off. Let's move on to the next step. How to make square nails perfect? They need to be processed with a nail file. Wielding it (even the softest), apply some effort. However, the pressure should not be too strong, because if you overdo it, you can damage the nail plate.

After trimming, treat the sides of the nail first, quite a bit.

Then go to its edge.

If you want to create a clear square shape, then do not touch or round the corners of the nail. If the nails are trapezoidal, then first you should carefully file the side edges at a slight angle, making the plate narrower, and then proceed to the edge.

If you like the square-oval shape of the nails, then after processing the edge with soft movements from the center of the nail to its sides, slightly round off the corners of the plate.

Nail polishing

If desired, after giving the nails a square shape, their surface can be made smooth and shiny by polishing it. In addition, if you are going to apply varnish, then this step simply cannot be overlooked. On polished nails, it lies more evenly and such a manicure looks amazing!

It is worth saying that polishing nails should not be carried away often. Once a month is more than enough, because this procedure can make the nail plates thinner and weaker if used unwisely. But we don't need that, do we?

The final stage

Congratulations, now you know everything about how to square nails! Left small The final stage. Check your new nails for "quality". Run each of them over a piece of fabric. If you did everything right, there should be no discomfort during this action. If there are any bumps, chips or hooks, they need to be eliminated and checked again.

If everything is ok, bravo! You are just great.

You can start creating a manicure.

Square shape nails. Photos and examples of manicure

One of the main advantages of the square shape of nails is its convenience in everyday life.

On such a finger, extraordinary ornaments with rhinestones, and a calm classic French manicure, and almost any other nail design will look great.

The square shape, as you already know, can be different. Above is a manicure on a "clear square".

In the photo above and below - examples of manicure on a softer, square-oval shape of nails.

Choosing for yourself this form of nails, it is worth remembering that it will visually make your fingers a little shorter. "Square" will become ideal solution for owners of long thin fingers.

If you cannot boast of such, but the shape is extremely attractive to you, then stop your choice on soft version slightly rounded, oval shape.

When choosing a manicure, one of the most basic things is the choice of the nail. In doing so, you can follow fashion trends, advice from experts, or just stick to your own shape, making it more elegant and comfortable.

Manicure base

Now you cannot have a single pair of people who will have an identical form. A modern ways processing allows you to create absolutely any: square, oval, round or pointed. But, before making a choice in one or another favor, you need to look at your cuticle and nail bed, which can tell you the right choice.

If you have an oval shape of the nail, then it will harmoniously look wide and palms. Short little nails and the moon round shape Suitable for round nails. Because, in this way, you will avoid their fragility and strengthen the foundation.

As for the thin fingers, the square moon, they suitable square the shape of the nails, because then they will look longer graceful. Medium-sized fingers can be visually lengthened with a pointed nail shape. But if your nail bed is wide and short, then take a closer look at rectangular shape but with rounded corners.

It is important that when choosing, you also rely on the practicality of one form or another, and be able to compare your professional activities and the ability to do manicures with frequent intervals. Only then can you avoid constant brittleness and.

paper form

Recent innovations include the emergence new form pape nails, which every day wins more and more fans. Because it is unique and looks quite original. With the help of your natural nails, it is almost impossible to create a similar shape. Often it is created with the help of extended nails. It resembles a spherical tube and is in the middle between an almond-shaped and a square shape.

Distinctive features of this type of nails can be considered the following:

  • Parallel side faces;
  • Free edges can be of any shape;
  • When creating a paper form, you cannot use tips;
  • The main thing in the process of building up is to create correct form, and in the very center make a small influx. If you do not clamp the ends, then the form will not be correct and will soon collapse;

According to experts, wearing such a uniform is very convenient and practical. Moreover, it can be used to create a large number of design with the help of varnishes, sequins and applications. And a gel or other coating will be able to hide all the bumps and roughness, so they will look just perfect.

almond shape

This type of nails is very popular and versatile. Because such nails look like natural ones. In addition, they give a more sophisticated and elegant look. But to give such a form, you need to have some experience and abilities. Therefore, not everyone will be able to create it on their own at home.

It is important to remember that they are easily damaged, so when washing dishes and using household chemicals gloves should always be used. If you create this shape with gel or acrylic, then pay attention to sawing off the edges. Because one mistake can cost you your entire nail look. When deciding to change the shape, it will be necessary to shorten them greatly, to the end of the entire sharp base.


French is considered a universal manicure, because it goes with all looks and all clothes. In addition, it can hide all the defects of your own nail. The main thing when creating this form is to outline a smooth smile line. To do this, the line at the junction of pink and white color must be clear and complete. In addition, you can create such a manicure on any form and everywhere it will look good.

oval shape

If we talk about the most universal form, then it refers precisely oval shape. Because it is the middle between round and long manicure. Therefore, it is very comfortable to wear domestic plan. They will suit absolutely everyone, they will go well with various clothes suitable for any event. It is important that all lines are correct, smooth and clear. But it is necessary to make sure that the end and the base itself are the same in form.

It is worth noting that this species the nail plate is easily damaged, especially if you have thin and brittle nails. Therefore, it is important to strengthen them polymer varnish or other coatings.

Sharp nail shape

Women who wish to elongate their fingers and make them more majestic can make themselves sharp shape nail plates. They are not very practical, so women who are spinning in business and have little contact with water and chemicals make them for themselves. It is easy to give this shape: cut off the ends until sharpness is formed. Make sure they are happy with the long ones. Otherwise, they will quickly break off. In addition, manicure and correction will have to be done much more often.

Square shaped nails

As for the square shape, it is suitable not only for women, but also for men. In addition, it will look good on thin and long fingers. Even young mothers can give themselves such a gift, but then the ends need to be rounded, this will give them versatility, beauty and you will not be able to injure your baby.

To create such a form, you must first grow them enough. And then use a nail file and scissors. It is necessary to perform movements with a nail file according to one straight line. If at the same time sharp ends and corners began to form, then slightly round them with a nail file. Maintaining this appearance is simple, just undermine them with a straight line. And then lightly sand the sides. In this case, do not use metal nail files. Glass or with a special coating on a cardboard basis are best suited. They will not allow the plate to break too quickly and create cracks in it.

And this means that the correction will have to be done much less frequently. In any case, the choice is yours. But you need to proceed precisely from the shape of your cuticle, because only then the shape will look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

At the same time, do not forget about observing the basic rules for caring for nails. It doesn't matter where you do it, at home or in the salon. Because one mistake can threaten big problems, which will then be decided by the doctor. After all, the beauty of nails and hands is as important as the condition of hair, skin and the whole body.


Are you really satisfied with life with such a disease? With its side effects? Are you ready to endure the itch, hide your legs from others, suffer from pain, lose your nails?