Proper trimming of nails on women's feet. How to cut your nails correctly

It is well known that well-groomed fingers and toes help to visually reduce a woman’s age. We know perfectly well how to properly sand nails with nail files with varying degrees of abrasiveness, giving the free edge a suitable shape, and use a buff to polish the surface of each plate to a perfect shine. But cutting nails is not a common thing for each of us, and yet this important procedure has a significant impact on the health of the nail plates and the surrounding skin, which is vulnerable to all kinds of injuries. Step by step instructions and the video lessons published in this article will help you learn how to properly cut fingernails and toenails, as well as trim the nails on the tiny fingers of newborn babies.

By the way, one of the common causes of ingrown toenails is soft fabrics thumb on the leg there is incorrect shortening of the plate. For example, there is a misconception that the oval shape of the free edge of the toenails is the least traumatic for the periungual ridges. However, strong rounding of the corners of the free edge can greatly change the direction of growth of the nails and the ingrowth of the plate into the soft tissue of the finger causes inflammatory processes. Trim your toenails in short steps, keeping natural form free edge, and the sharp corners just need to be slightly filed with a nail file. The easiest way to polish and level the durable surface of toenails is to use a special machine with attachments for hardware pedicure.

Concerning hygiene procedure for babies' fingers, then let's first find out the answer to the question of when you can start cutting the nails of newborn babies. It is recommended to shorten a baby’s overgrown nails no earlier than 3 weeks from the moment the baby is born. And to prevent the child from scratching himself with long nails, special anti-scratch cotton mittens are put on his hands. Let us immediately note that cutting nails is not the most desirable procedure for a child. A newborn angel can have his overgrown nails trimmed during good sleep, if you can move your tiny fingers very carefully. And for an older child, it is best to get a baby manicure immediately after sleep, when he has just had a swim or eaten a hearty meal.


❶ If you notice manicure residue on your nails, remove it with nail polish remover. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and remove accumulated dirt from under your nails with an orange stick;

❷ It is very useful to take a bath with warm water before cutting to soften the nail plates. It is much easier to give soft nails the desired shape without leaving jagged edges at the end of the free edge;

❸ It is best to trim your nails with sharp nail scissors with slightly curved edges so that the nail plates do not peel off after the procedure. We will also need tweezers to round the edges of the nails. Don't forget to disinfect manicure tools antiseptic before use or heat treatment in a glasperlene sterilizer;

❹ Even if you like to wear manicure on short nails, try to leave a free edge of at least 1 mm, since the poorly protected matrix is ​​easily injured and becomes vulnerable to infection;

❺ When choosing the shape of the free edge, be sure to consider the structure of your fingertip. It is ideal if your nails follow the shape of your fingers. Sharp corners round off the free edge, even if you like, for example, the square shape of your nails;

❻ Start cutting your nails from the edge nail bed to the middle, moving in small steps and using only the tips of the scissors. If you cut top part nail plate in one movement, closing the blades of the scissors to the very end, then you risk damaging the matrix and causing nail delamination. Moving in small steps, first on one side of the nail and then on the other, we make a perfectly even and neat shape of the free edge;

❼ It is not always possible to carefully trim the tips of the nails in hard-to-reach places in the periungual area. In this case, nail clippers come to our aid. Bite off small pieces of the nail plate with the tip of the tool;

❽ To ensure that the tip of the nail is even and smooth, file the free edge with a fine glass or ceramic file, moving the tool from the edge to the middle in one direction (back and forth). forward movements It is easy to spoil the structure of the nail and cause delamination). The surface of the nail plate can be polished with a buff;

❾ After the procedure, it is useful to rub in with massage movements nutritious cream into each nail plate or make a strengthening mask from ground red pepper. If your nails are very weak and brittle, soak your fingers for 15-20 minutes in a restorative salt bath with iodine.


❶ Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly steam and disinfect your toes. Make a bath with soap and soda solution: add 2 tbsp to 3 liters of warm soapy water. spoons of soda, 1 tbsp. spoon sea ​​salt and 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice. We keep the feet in the bath for at least 20 minutes so that the nail plates become softer and more pliable for cutting;

❷ Carefully handle tweezers, sharp scissors, glass files antiseptic or thermally disinfect necessary tools in a sterilizer, if you have one;

❸ Improper treatment of toenails can quickly lead to the edges of the plate growing into the soft tissue of the fingers. It is also not recommended to make absolutely any shape of the free edge of the nails under fashionable pedicure. The best option- square shape with slightly polished sharp corners along the edges. Optimal length The nail plate is defined by a white rim covering the pad of the finger. Under no circumstances cut the free edge of the nail to the root!

Take nail scissors and begin to cut off the protruding part of the free edge with small progressive movements in a straight line;

❹ Now we polish the tip of each nail with a nail file and file the side corners quite a bit so as not to injure the soft tissues of the fingers with sharp edges. Trim the cut from the edges of the plate to the center, getting rid of burrs and rough areas;

❺ Using an orange stick, remove dirt from under the nails, and with a pusher, carefully clean the nail plate from the keratinized layer of pterygium, slightly pushing back the cuticle;

❻ Then you can lightly sand the surface of each nail with a ceramic or laser file with a fine abrasive, and then polish it with a buff;

❼ Using massage movements, rub the nourishing, moisturizing cream into each nail plate and into the periungual area.

What to do if you couldn’t avoid an ingrown nail into your finger?

Stage 1 onychocryptosis(swelling, redness around the ingrown nail, discomfort when walking) can be eliminated at home. If suppuration and pain appear when pressing on an ingrown toenail (stage 2 of onychocryptosis), be sure to consult a podiatrist or surgeon to choose a modern treatment method for onychocryptosis .

How to correct an ingrown toenail yourself:

First, steam the legs for 30 minutes by filling the bath with warm water and an antiseptic solution (furatsilin, chlorhexidine);

Gently rub antimicrobial ointment (Levomikol, for example) into the periungual ridges with the ingrown nail;

Using an orange stick or a disinfected toothpick, we try to carefully pick up the ingrown edge of the nail and bring it out;

Now you can lightly file this tip of the nail with a nail file and cut it a little vertically with manicure scissors. In this case, the nail plate will be pulled more towards the middle, freeing up the periungual fold. But it is best to cut with a thin file with a coarse abrasive vertical stripe 4-5 mm wide and approximately 1/3 of the thickness of the nail in the middle or on the sides of the nail plate, so that during growth the edges slightly rise above the matrix;

Prepare a small piece of sterile bandage (or gauze) and make a tiny tampon out of it. Cotton swab Apply brilliant green to the area of ​​skin damaged by the ingrown nail and then place a swab under the exposed edge of the plate;

- in the photo: correction of an ingrown nail

Nail plate will gradually grow back and the free edge will be located above the periungual ridges. In the future, pay more attention proper care for your nails, try not to wear too narrow ones for a long time, tight shoes. In no case should you completely cut off an ingrown toenail, as this can cause recurrence of onychocryptosis as the plate grows back.


❶ To avoid accidentally injuring your baby’s little fingers when trimming nails, buy special safety scissors with rounded tips for cutting children's manicure;

❷ Disinfect the scissors with an antiseptic and wash your hands with soap, and then wipe your baby’s hands with a disinfectant wipe (if you cut your baby’s nails while he sleeps, then treat his hands before he falls asleep);

❸ With a smooth movement, lift the baby’s hand and carefully move the pad of the finger so that the nail protrudes noticeably above it;

❹ Now place the scissors under the nail and, in a few movements, trim off the excess part of the free edge. Leave at least 1mm of free edge length on each baby's nail. We round off the corners of the nails on the baby’s arms, but leave them on the legs;

❺ It happens that, due to inexperience, a young mother can slightly cut delicate skin cut the baby with scissors and a drop of blood will appear from the wound. In this case, you can wet a piece of cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe the wound;

❻ How often can a small child’s nails be cut?
It is important to consider that the growth rate of nail plates is different for each person. The average is once every 10 days. But it happens that for some children, the nail plates grow literally by leaps and bounds and they have to be shortened every three days. And for some children, cutting their nails once a month is enough.


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Manicure and pedicure are important procedures, with which you can not only maintain the beauty of your nails, but also maintain their health. And if almost everyone takes care of their hands, many simply forget about their feet. However, you should understand that they also need to be monitored. This article will discuss how to properly trim your toenails.

How are toenails and fingernails different?

The nail plates on the hands and feet have several differences from each other. These should be considered in more detail:

  1. The speed at which nails grow. They grow more slowly on the lower extremities than on the upper extremities. This feature is an advantage, since thanks to it, haircuts can be done less frequently.
  2. Thickness. On the feet, the nail plates are rougher and thicker. This feature, unlike the previous one, is a problem, and it is most relevant for thumbs. Due to such a nuisance it is necessary to resort to various tricks to facilitate the care procedure.
  3. Problems caused by the use of closed shoes. First of all we're talking about about the growth of a significant layer of cuticles. They need to be constantly softened and trimmed. In addition, because of this, nail plates often grow ingrown.

And before you figure out how to trim your toenails correctly, it’s worth remembering all the features described above, since they require the use special tools and funds.

How often is maintenance required?

On the feet, the nail plates should be trimmed as they grow. You cannot cut them at the root. Otherwise, the question will subsequently arise about how to trim correctly. The optimal cutting length is 1-2 mm of the light nail plate. Subsequently, you need to stick to it, doing a pedicure every 2 weeks.

Sometimes the growth rate may differ from normal rates. In such a situation, determining the timing of care must be approached individually. Some may only need it once a month.

Distinctive features of nail treatment

So, how to trim your toenails correctly? First you need to purchase all the necessary tools:

  1. Pedicure nippers. With their help, it will be possible not only to shorten the nail, but also to trim burrs with keratinized ridges.
  2. (rounded and straight). With their help, you can adhere to a certain shape and length of the plate.
  3. File.
  4. A finger separator that will increase convenience will make care more comfortable.

It is also necessary to purchase pumice and cosmetics to treat the skin and plates.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the procedure, you should prepare your feet. First of all, you need to steam them in warm water with special oils and cosmetics. This procedure helps to moisturize the skin and simplify the treatment of nails. The process will be painless.

Before you start, you need to disinfect your feet. When figuring out how to properly trim your toenails, remember to be sure to get rid of any dirt using a rough brush. After this, it is recommended to treat the feet with any disinfectant.

Technical features

When trimming your nails, try not to get close to the pink part. We need to leave a small reserve. Give nails rounded shape using scissors or wire cutters should not be used as this is dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended to cut the nail plates at a right angle, which should then be filed down.

How to properly care for your nails if they curl? In such a situation, you should not cut them off, but constantly shorten them using a file. After some time, you will notice that the nail plates are straightening. Surely, not many people know how to cut their toenails correctly to avoid ingrown nails. To do this, you simply shouldn’t give the plates square shape, regularly handling sharp corners.

Caring for children's feet

In most cases, taking care of children's feet causes negative emotions. Very young children are especially often capricious. To avoid such situations, it is worth resorting to some recommendations. Thanks to them, the care procedure will be simplified:

  1. The baby's foot should be wrapped using a towel or other cloth. Thanks to this, during care you will not tickle the skin and cause unnecessary pleasant emotions The child has.
  2. Using clippers or scissors with rounded edges, you will be able to avoid injury skin. The procedure itself should not be performed more than once every 10 days.
  3. How to trim your child's toenails correctly? This procedure can be performed while the baby is sleeping. But you should make sure that the lighting is good.
  4. Caring for children's feet should be done after a bath. This will simplify the process of cutting the nail plates.

If the nail is ingrown

How to properly trim a big toenail if it is ingrown? There are several stages that will determine exactly how to carry out the care procedure. At the first stage, redness and significant discomfort when touched appear. In this situation, care can be carried out independently at home. First of all, the foot must be steamed to soften the nail plate. Then, by carefully prying it off, you can shorten the nail. Subsequently, to prevent similar situation, you need to take care of your nails more carefully and more often, avoiding severe shortening.

When observing the 2nd or 3rd stage (inflammation, the appearance of pus, etc.), it is best to seek help from an experienced surgeon, since independent actions will lead to even greater troubles.

Let us repeat once again how to trim your toenails correctly. To begin with, you should know that care must be correct and constant. Then the procedure will become easy and pleasant. It is also worth using special means: a variety of creams, oils, masks and balms.

Pedicure, like manicure, also involves the use of nail coatings. Thanks to high-quality varnish, you will be able to avoid cracks and chips on the nail plates. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing shoes so that they are not tight and uncomfortable.


With the help of regular and proper pedicure manage to keep your nails intact healthy condition, support them beautiful view. It is not recommended to save on purchasing quality tools, cosmetics. Then problems with ingrowth will not torment you.

You can trim your nails correctly and accurately only with high-quality tools made of good steel. They are durable, do not bend or break, and do not leave cracks or nicks on the nails. The most common tool is nail scissors. They are indispensable for thin, easily bending nails. It is convenient to use scissors to give the plates a round or oval shape. They are also indispensable for very convex nails. The best option is a tool with thin curved blades.

Even household tools need disinfection. After each treatment, wipe the blades with alcohol or dip them in a special disinfectant solution.

If you prefer a square nail shape, it is better to cut them with clippers. Choose a self-sharpening tool with wide, comfortable blades and long handles. These nippers are ideal for working with very tough ones - for example, on the legs. In addition, it is impossible to cut yourself with this tool, which is why nippers are used for children's manicures.

In addition to cutting tools, you will need files for polishing the edges of the nails, mini cuticle and hangnail cutters, and a pusher for creating holes.

Features of a beautiful manicure

Before trimming your nails, do warm bath for hands. It will soften the plates, you will be able to cut them without damage or delamination. Choose the shape and length of your nails in advance. Women prefer oval, square or almond shaped nails, male hand An oval looks best. Length women's nails can be different, and children's hair is cut level with the fingertip. Do not try to cut the plates “at the root” - this will deprive your fingers of the necessary protection, and you can also injure your skin and nails.

Start processing with the middle finger of your left hand (if you are right-handed). All nails must be the same length. You need to cut the plate in one or two movements. If you are using nail scissors, you can start from the side. Using the clippers, position the cutting surface parallel to the cuticle and centered on the nail. In one motion, cut the plate into desired length. Then you can trim the side parts and create a hole at the base of the nail.

If your nails are very fragile, do not cut them. Remove excess length with a ceramic or glass file - this will help protect the plates from damage.

After finishing the haircut on one arm, evaluate the result. Perhaps the length of your nails is uneven - adjust it. If your nails have different size stock, it will be difficult to make them the same. Women who constantly paint their nails can apply varnish before cutting, give the plates the desired shape and length, and then wash off the enamel.

DIY pedicure

Cutting toenails has some special features. Podologists recommend cutting your nails straight, without rounding the corners, to prevent ingrown nails. For pedicure it is better to use nippers big size. After trimming, be sure to file the edges of the plates with a fine-grained glass or ceramic file.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about how to properly cut fingernails and toenails, and also tell you a lot of interesting things about this procedure. From the article you will learn:
  1. How to cut your nails to keep them healthy;
  2. How to cut an ingrown toenail;
  3. How to cut a child's nails;
  4. Favorable days for cutting nails lunar calendar;

Human nail: growth features

The nail plate is a collection of keratinized scales that are very tightly connected to each other.

Each person has their own nail shape, but the structure of the nail plate is the same for everyone. This:

  • Nail root– located under the nail or protrudes slightly from behind the back cushion;
  • Hole– the arched white part of the nail, located at the base of the nail plate;
  • Cuticle– keratinized epithelium that borders the hole at the base of the nail;
  • Nail folds– the part of the skin that comes into contact with the nail on the sides and at the root;
  • Free edge– part of the nail that should be trimmed.

All people know that nails need to be trimmed regularly. Some people do hygiene procedures related to cutting their nails more often, others less often.

The growth of the nail plate depends on many factors. For example, in people with good immunity nails grow faster, and in people who are on diets and do not adhere to principles balanced nutrition, they grow more slowly.

An interesting fact is that men's nails grow slower than women's. If you are left-handed, then it is on your left (working) hand that your nails will be longer. IN winter time year, the nail plates of all people grow more slowly than in the summer.

No matter how well your nails grow, you should know in detail how to properly carry out the procedure so that you do not suffer from unwanted consequences afterwards.

How to cut toenails and fingernails

Many women, and even men, are confident that they know everything about how to cut their nails. But today, every second person faces the problem of an ingrown toenail. This indicates that not everyone carries out the procedure of cutting the free edge of the nail correctly.

In fact, fingernails and toenails need to be cut differently. You can give your fingernails a rounded shape by cutting off the free edge in the shape of a crescent. And toenails can only be cut in a straight line, without rounding the ends.

How to cut your nails

Several tools are suitable for carrying out a hygienic procedure for cutting nails.

  1. Nail scissors.
  2. Special scissors with rounded ends (for children).
  3. Wire cutters.
  4. Spencer – toenail clippers.

The most convenient tool is scissors, but you can also choose wire cutters. The main thing is that they are well sharpened and really cut, and do not tear the nail.

How often to cut your nails

Everyone's nails grow at different rates. On average, this is 0.1 mm every 24 hours. An adult must decide for himself when it is time to do the next hygiene procedure.

As for children, parents should cut their children's fingernails every 5 days and their children's toenails every 10 days.

Preparation is important for a proper haircut.

The preparatory stage is no less important than the nail shortening procedure itself. The success of the entire “operation” depends on how carefully you prepare for cutting your nails.

  • Step 1. Remove the varnish or its remnants with a special product.
  • Step 2: Wash your hands with soap. Thanks to this procedure, you will get rid of any remaining nail polish remover and pathogens.
  • Step 3. Make a nail bath. To do this, put a pinch of salt, soda or a few drops of lemon juice in a vessel with warm water. After this, dip your fingers there for 10-20 minutes. Thanks to the bath, the nail plate will soften well, and top edge the nail will be easier to remove.
  • Step 4. Dry your hands after taking a bath..

How to cut fingernails

After you have completed all the preparatory procedures and steamed the nail plate, you can proceed to trimming the nail.

  • First, prepare the tool with which you will remove part of the nail.
  • Be sure to disinfect your scissors or cutters.
  • Decide on the desired shape and length of your nails. The shape can be absolutely any. The most comfortable are considered to be slightly rounded nails, the top edge of which follows the shape of the hole.

As for the length, you cannot cut the nail under the base. The minimum length is considered to be 0.5-1 mm. But too much long nails They don’t look aesthetically pleasing and interfere with basic actions.

Having mentally imagined the desired shape and length of your nails, you can begin the procedure itself.

  • Using the tips of the scissors, start cutting your nails starting from the edge and moving towards the middle. There is no need to cut off the entire free edge in one movement. This way you can cut off the excess. We advise you to take small steps. Thanks to this, your nails will not peel off in the future.
  • After you have cut all your nails, file the free edge. This will prevent the nail from becoming brittle.

Agree that there is nothing complicated in the procedure itself, but many people miss small but very important details.

The procedure for cutting toenails is not much different from treating fingernails. Nevertheless, it is important to know some nuances and not forget about them during the haircut process.

  1. After you steam the nail plates, you need to take nail scissors or special tweezers (nippers), the blades of which are located parallel to each other (spinser) and disinfect them.
  2. Now you can begin the procedure of shortening the nail. When cutting a nail, you need to move in a straight line. If you round the ends of the nail, this will lead to ingrown nails.

    When it comes to the shape of your toenails, you have little choice. In order to avoid the problem of ingrown toenails, you need to make a square shape.

  3. After you have trimmed your nails, you can file the edges a little.
  4. The final stage is to treat the skin of the feet and nail plates with a nourishing cream.

How to trim ingrown toenails

Most often, nails grow into the skin on the feet. This happens for several reasons.

  1. Uncomfortable, tight shoes.
  2. Irregular nail shape.
  3. A nail cut too short.
  4. Genetic predisposition.

If you encounter this problem, then it needs to be solved as quickly as possible, otherwise it may lead to surgery. We are not exaggerating, but warning about possible complications.

If you feel discomfort and pain in the nail area, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

  1. Steam your feet in water with furatsilin. This solution will disinfect the treated area.
  2. Dry your feet.
  3. Lubricate the area of ​​skin where the nail is ingrown with antifungal ointment.
  4. Try to pry the nail with an orange stick and file its ends.
  5. File or cut the free edge of the nail vertically. Thanks to this, the nail will be pulled towards the cut.
  6. Place a piece of bandage or gauze under the edge of the nail.
  7. Do not cut the nail at the root.

If all your manipulations did not bring desired result and your condition is only getting worse every day - be sure to seek help from surgeons.

More details about the procedure in the next video.

How to cut children's nails

The rules for cutting children's nails are the same as for adults' nails.

Parents must remember that the child must have his own scissors, which neither mom nor dad use to cut their nails. This tool must be in a case and kept out of the reach of children.

The main problem that parents face is the inability of young children to sit in one place. They can struggle, be capricious, and even scream, jerking their arms and legs, which often leads to undesirable consequences.

Adviсe experienced parents about how to cut a child's nails.

How to cut children's nails

Parents have the right to choose for themselves how to cut their children's nails. These can be either scissors with rounded ends or wire cutters. The main thing is that the blades are well sharpened and the tool itself is disinfected.

How to persuade a child to cut his nails

If your child does not allow his nails to be cut, we recommend using a few tips that will help you carry out the procedure easily and painlessly.

  • Trim your child's nails while he sleeps. 10-15 minutes after falling asleep you can begin the procedure. This is exactly how long it takes for a baby to fall asleep soundly.
  • Try to come to an agreement with the baby. Tell him that after cutting his nails, a surprise awaits him, and to get it, he needs to be patient a little.
  • Keep your child busy with cartoons.

Every mother knows her baby better than anyone else. Therefore, decide for yourself which recommendations are right for you.

Is it possible to allow children to grow their nails?

Very often, girls, imitating their mothers, decide to grow their nails. Experts do not recommend doing this. Long nails on young women look unnatural and cause a lot of inconvenience.

Mothers in such a situation should talk to their daughters and tell them that they have not yet reached the age when they can grow their nails. Try buying false nails for your daughter, after sticking them on she will feel discomfort and the desire to have long nails will quickly disappear.

How to cut nails for a newborn: rules and useful tips

Almost all children who have just been born have rather long nails.

But if the free edge of the nail is too long, the baby can scratch himself. In this case, we recommend putting scratch pads on the handles.

Sooner or later, the nails still have to be cut off. This must be done using a special children's manicure set, which is sold in pharmacies or children's stores. It consists of safety scissors, wire cutters and a file.

Attention! All instruments must be disinfected before the procedure..

It is better to trim a newborn's nails when he is in a good mood. Some parents carry out the procedure while the baby is sleeping. The main thing is not to make the baby hysterical and if he cries, bends over and does not give his hand, it is better to postpone cutting.

Now we’ll tell you how to cut children’s nails.

  1. Disinfect tools and wash your and baby's hands.
  2. In order to conveniently cut the nail, you need to move the skin under the nail (bundle) slightly in the direction of the palm. Then the nail will protrude well and be easy to cut. This movement is done with two fingers of the mother.
  3. Take the scissors with your other hand and, using forward movements, moving from the edge to the middle, cut off the nail.

Important! You cannot cut the nail at the root. Leave 0.1-0.2 mm of the free edge of the nail.

  1. Move on to the next finger.

If you are performing the procedure on your hands, then your nails should be shaped like a crescent. If we are talking about feet, then cut the nail only in a straight line.

What to do if a mother injures her child’s finger while trimming her nails?

There are situations when a mother accidentally cuts off excess hair and blood appears on the child’s finger. No need to panic, just treat the wound, for example, with hydrogen peroxide and lubricate it with fucorcin.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers are confident that in order for nails to be healthy, they need to be cut favorable days according to the lunar calendar. More precisely, during the new moon or during the waxing moon phase.

Our nails need the same careful care as any other part of the body. That's why we've put together recommendations to help keep your nails healthy.

  • Wash dishes and clean the apartment only with rubber gloves.
  • After washing your hands, lubricate your skin and nails with moisturizer.
  • Don't forget to massage your nails.
  • Polish your nails.
  • If you decide to apply varnish, then before doing this, apply a base for the varnish.
  • If you are going to do dirty work (for example, replanting flowers), run your nails through the soap. It will be under your nails and no dirt will get there.


Trimming your fingernails and toenails is easy. The main thing is to know the basic rules and not neglect our advice. If you do everything as we described, then you will never encounter the problem of ingrown nails.

Useful articles:

The neatness of our hands, or rather our nails, can say a lot about us. For example, who we work for or what we did Lately. But the most important thing is that this sign can be used to determine how much a person takes care of himself. The first step in nail care is to control the length. We'll talk about how to cut your nails correctly in this article.

Nail structure

The nail plate consists of several main parts:

  • hole(lunula) – crescent-shaped zone white at the very base of the nail;
  • root– this is the part of the nail located under the skin or slightly protruding from behind the back roller;
  • free Front edge – in its raw form it repeats the shape of the hole, this is the free part that protrudes beyond the border of the bed and it is this that we have to grow or trim;
  • nail folds– there are rear and side ones, in the form skin fold, they limit the plate;
  • cuticle- the horny part of the epidermis, which lies on the nail plate at the base.

Features of growth

The length of the regrown edge is mainly determined by the genetic background of the person. The thinner the plate, the shorter its length and vice versa. But sometimes depletion of the nail plate can be caused by acquired diseases.

The nail is an ever-renewing part human body, so you can always influence it and correct flaws with the help of cosmetology or medicine. Irreversible processes can begin only if the nail root is damaged.

Choosing the length: when to cut long nails

Short nails - protruding slightly beyond the finger, but not extending their border to the nail bed - this is the most convenient and universal length.

  1. It does not require special skills to process it.
  2. With this manicure it is much more convenient to attend sports training, travel, do housework, relax or just attend evening events.
  3. Such nails will always look quite neat.
  4. With short nails it is quite difficult to scratch someone or catch on something. Therefore this perfect length for new mothers.

Nails that extend beyond the finger to a length of 30 mm or more are considered appropriate only for strictly special holidays, for example at weddings. For Everyday life This size of the regrown edge is unacceptable.

Long nails are considered to be nail plates that grow from the finger to the length from 5 mm to half the size of the nail bed. This length is always good for women: it visually lengthens the finger itself and allows you to experiment with manicure.

And even if the owner of such a manicure has quite curvy hands, they will seem longer, thinner and more graceful. For such a nail area, the most spectacular designs with sequins and rhinestones are used.

The only rule which any girl should be guided by when choosing the length of the free edge of the nail plate is convenience and comfort. Some women feel insecure with a short hem, while others feel the opposite. We must strive so that the length does not cause discomfort, but only brought pleasure from even one glance at my hands.

There is one unspoken law among manicurists: short nails can be painted with the brightest varnishes, and on long ones they use only bright hues and French manicure.

You can trim the overgrown plate at any time, the main thing is that the length of the overgrown edge does not exceed a few millimeters. At constant care It is enough to carry out a haircut every 1-2 weeks.

How to cut your fingernails correctly

Required Tools

  • Clean and sharp nail clippers or nail scissors for trimming the edges of the nails on the feet and hands.
  • Bath for steaming hands.
  • Tool for cutting cuticles (nippers or scissors).
  • Moisturizing cream.
  • File.

Preparing for the haircut procedure

Before cutting your nails with scissors or nail clippers, you should wash your hands with soap and soak them in a bath of warm water for a few minutes. Next, select a cutting tool: nail scissors or nail clippers. All cutting tools that will be used during the manicure process must be disinfected.

Step-by-step instructions for cutting nails with scissors

  • Hands should be placed on a hard surface in a comfortable position.
  • Determine how deep you want to shorten the free nail edge.
  • Turn the scissors towards the nail plate with the curved side, that is, so that the line of the edge and tips of the scissors resemble parallel lines curved in one direction.
  • Cut off the overgrown area in small steps, and then file it with a nail file.

Features of cutting fingernails with a nail clipper

  • Disinfect the clipper and soak your hands in a warm water solution in advance.
  • The clipper is placed relative to the nail edge at an angle of 90º so that the cut is perfectly even.
  • First, the regrown area is cut off in small areas, and then the required edge line is leveled with a nail file.

How to choose a nail clipper and how to cut your nails with it - watch the video:

How to properly shorten nails using a hardware manicure: step-by-step instructions

  • We install a diamond nozzle of medium abrasiveness and process the cuticle and skin along the entire perimeter of the nail plate.
  • We shape the nail using a cylindrical or trapezoidal cutter.

There should be 2mm of plate left above the fingertips.

  • When polishing nail plates, it is important not to press too hard with the nozzle on the surface of the nail and not to linger for a long time on one area.
  • We clean the plate from dust with a small brush or with oil, which we then wash off. If desired, coat with varnish.

Special occasions for cutting nails

How to conveniently cut nails with your non-working hand

To trim the edge of the nail right hand, you should make an effort, because you need to achieve the ideal, identical shape of the plates on both hands at the same time. The most convenient way to do this is use a clipper. We move small cuts along the edge of the nail, and then clean the corners from the cuts with a nail file.

Those for whom it is unacceptable to perform such a procedure with a non-working hand can use special scissors for left-handers.

Features of nail cutting for men

More often DIY manicure Every man has to cut his nails with a nail clipper. If the procedure is carried out by a specialist, then for men the shape of the outermost nail is not selected; it is created along the contour of the fingertip.

How to cut children's nails correctly

How to trim an ingrown toenail

For this you will need steam your finger in warm water containing furacilin or chlorhexidine. Then wipe off Dry your leg or arm and apply antiseptic ointment, for example Levomekol, pry off with disinfected wooden stick or file the ingrown edge of the nail, try to straighten it out, and then - file down.

Then you can cut off all the excess edge towards the center. The nail plate will “want” to grow together and will be drawn towards the center, so the skin will gradually become free. The treated area of ​​the nail can be smeared with brilliant green, and a piece of sterile bandage can be placed under the nail itself.

If the ingrown toenail is already inflamed, then the recommendations in this video will help you trim it:

Nail cutting, at first glance - simple procedure, but since there are many nuances, she can cook for you and unpleasant surprises: from bleeding on the cuticles to ingrown toenails. Therefore, this event must be approached very carefully and prepared in advance.