What is better for pregnant women to take for immunity. How to boost immunity during pregnancy

Before answering the question of how to increase immunity during pregnancy, you should briefly cover the subject. It is important to understand that when it comes to health, the most the right way impact on it is the one that is maximally based on the principle of measure. Immunity is a particularly sensitive topic because... The slightest changes in the direction of weakening or, conversely, strengthening the body’s immune capabilities are fraught with consequences. Any woman asking questions like how to boost her immunity during pregnancy should be guided by medical recommendations specialist and, if possible, expand the scope of their knowledge about the subject.

Regardless of the individual differences between our bodies, the immune system has a common fundamental function - protection. For women who want to boost their immunity during pregnancy, it is especially important to understand that it works according to the principle “all means good in war.” The defense system can behave aggressively both towards foreign bodies and towards the host. This is confirmed by the radical means used by the body: lipid peroxidation, rapidly acting interferons, a kind of special forces - immunoglobulins, etc.

The basis of the immunological interaction between mother and fetus organisms

In the context of the story about pregnancy and how to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman, there is a special specificity. Why? There is an inevitability of the special immunological status of the uterus and placenta, dictated by the fact that the fetus is a genetically and immunologically foreign organism . Since the main goal of fertilization is the creation of new life, evolution has found a way to organize specific conditions for the peaceful interaction of mother and fetus. These conditions are implemented through unique and, at the same time, mechanisms organically integrated into the work of the immune system.

From the point of view of immunological processes, the interaction between mother and fetus is ensured on the basis of:

  • specificity of the expression of organ and tissue compatibility antigens in the trophoblast (i.e., the structure formed on early stages development of the fertilized egg)
  • innate immune cells in the placenta
  • special differentiation of T lymphocytes
  • control of humoral immunity

Leaving aside the physiological, genetic details, for a deeper understanding of what constitutes the immunity of a pregnant woman, it is important to note the following: there is a lot of evidence that immunogenic signals from the fetus reach the maternal immune system . Evidence of this is the accumulation in the serum of women who have previously given birth of various fetal antigens: their content and heterogeneity increases with the increase in the number of pregnancies. It is clear that a certain specificity of maternal immunological reactivity is determined by endocrine changes: progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, other hormones, the content of which increases during pregnancy, help restrain reactions aimed at rejecting the fetus.

From here the conclusion follows why it is important to pay special attention to how to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman without overdoing it, because this is a matter of fetal safety!

On the importance of measures in strengthening the immune system during pregnancy

You can sometimes hear from representatives of the fairer sex that when they are pregnant, they feel whether they have a boy or a girl inside. This fact is confirmed by a number of medical studies, which have shown that some not very pleasant symptoms during pregnancy appear stronger or weaker depending on the gender of the unborn child.

The reason for these differences lies, according to research, in immunity. Poor health begins with inflammation, which is regulated by the immune system with the help of signaling proteins (cytokines), which appear in especially large quantities if a pathogen has entered the body. This point is important for further understanding the specifics of the immune response of a pregnant woman.

The concomitant level of inflammatory cytokines in a woman’s blood during pregnancy does not depend on the sex of the child. However, everything changes if bacteria appear. Immune cells of women who are pregnant with girls react to the presence of infection much more strongly, producing more inflammatory molecular signals. Various microbes enter the body in one way or another continuously, and the immune system responds successfully, preventing the development of a full-blown infectious disease.

However, the immune response must be adequate to the danger. But precisely because the immune system is too “extended,” pregnant women may become more tired, experience more suffering due to any pain, and they may experience an exacerbation of the symptoms of chronic ailments (for example, asthma), which are associated with the pronounced activity of the immune system.

An aggressive maternal immune system can harm the baby!

That is why specialists always take into account this specificity of the immune system’s activity and, if necessary, not only take measures to strengthen it, but also implement some immunosuppressive measures .

The question of how to boost immunity during pregnancy should rather be about how to balance the immune system. Unless, of course, we are talking about diseases that imply a decrease in immune efficiency.

How to boost immunity during pregnancy with vitamins

The fact that breastfeeding and pregnancy are included in the reproductive cycle has been largely neglected in medicine, which has led to the assumption that breast milk can be replaced without any harm by artificial products.

Both during pregnancy and at the initial stage of life, the necessary substances are transferred to the child from the mother. For the healthy development of the fetus, a woman should ask herself how to strengthen her immune system during pregnancy, and this is a matter of properly preparing a diet containing the necessary vitamins.

Current products purchased in stores tend to be different low level saturation with vitamins. To satisfy the body's (your own and the fetus's) need for nutrients, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods together with vitamin complexes.

Primary elements for strengthening the immune system of a pregnant woman

Still, how to boost a pregnant woman’s immunity with the necessary nutrients? The primary elements in the context of general health and immunity are:

  • Vitamin A: has a positive effect on the visual organs, and also affects the condition of the skin, hair, and nails
  • Vitamin D: important in the context of calcium absorption (a lack of this vitamin can subsequently lead to rickets)
  • B vitamins: promote correct formation brain and spinal cord, support the activity of the liver, kidneys, affect hematopoiesis
  • ascorbic acid: helps strengthen blood vessels, plays important role in iron absorption
  • iron: participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, thereby taking part in the oxygen saturation of organs and tissues; iron is important to prevent anemia in a child
  • calcium: needed to ensure the formation of the skeleton, nerves, skin, hearing aids, vision, takes part in the regulation of heart rhythm
  • iodine: important for healthy activities thyroid gland, takes part in the regulation of metabolism

The lack of these elements is fraught with impaired development of the child and deterioration of the mother’s condition.

Natural sources of vitamins

Increased immunity during pregnancy can be achieved by replenishing the lack of necessary substances, what will help:

  • beef liver
  • lean meat
  • dairy products
  • fresh fruits, vegetables (with the exception of highly allergenic ones and those that provoke fermentation in the stomach: cabbage, grapes, citruses, strawberries, mangoes, any exotic fruits, etc.)
  • cereals
  • compotes, fruit drinks

At the same time, you should remember that chips, crackers, fast food, crab sticks, fried, smoked, spicy foods, seasonings, strong tea and coffee, fatty meat and fish, carbonated drinks, and alcohol are strictly prohibited!

Vitamin complexes to maintain immunity and general health during pregnancy

How can pregnant women improve their immunity? At the stage of gestation and feeding, the norm is to prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes containing all needed by mom substances.

These include, for example, “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”. It's comprehensive multivitamin preparation wide range actions prescribed both to those women who are planning a pregnancy, and to those already pregnant or breastfeeding. This tool It is prescribed both for preventive purposes and for the treatment of anemia and hypovitaminosis. It is part of a therapeutic complex for early and late toxicoses in pregnant women and is well suited for those who are wondering how to strengthen the immune system during pregnancy.

Also one of the most popular and effective means is the drug "Pregnacare". He is vitamin complex with micro- and macroelements necessary during pregnancy. The drug is also recommended for use before conceiving a child and at the stage breastfeeding. Thanks to the optimal combination of vitamins and minerals, “Pregnacare” helps to regulate carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism in the mother’s body; it also strengthens the immune system, promotes effective activities all systems of the body.

Other important factors in strengthening the immune system during pregnancy

In addition to the well-known factors influencing the activity of the immune system, there are not so obvious ones. Incl. This is also true for pregnant women. It is clear that the influence of various diseases is not in doubt - the mother’s body is directly related to the fetus’ body, and this also determines the relationship of immunities. In this context, it can be mentioned that the reactions of the immune system, trying to suppress the disease, often result in the most unpleasant consequences.

On the connection between depressed maternal immunity and the risk of developing autism in a newborn

For example, it is known about the harmful effects of excess weight and diabetes or some kind of inflammation in the mother on the health of the child. Several years ago, according to the results of a large study conducted by Danish scientists, it was found that women who suffered from a severe infectious disease during pregnancy (influenza, viral gastroenteritis, or, for example, a genitourinary infection) gave birth to children with significantly increased risk development of autism. Moreover, if the infection developed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, then the chances of developing autism increased three times, if in the 2nd trimester - one and a half times. Against the background of such data, it immediately becomes clear how important it is to maintain immunity at the proper level of effectiveness. How to boost a pregnant woman’s immunity is written above.

How to boost a pregnant woman's immunity by fighting boredom

It will not be amiss to know that the activity of the main immune cells - T-lymphocytes - depends significantly on the diversity environment. It would seem, what is the connection between the diversity of reality around a woman and the problem of how to boost immunity during pregnancy? And the point is this:

T-lymphocytes, which recognize foreign molecules and kill infected and cancer cells, work better when a person leads an interesting life!

This statement is also true for pregnant women. “Interesting” can be determined by passion for a hobby, regular walks, identical to a change of environment. In general, everything that implies the prevention of boredom, because the latter significantly contributes to stress.

Of course, the advice not to let yourself get bored sounds peculiar to women who already experience a lot of not very pleasant sensations during pregnancy, but you need to understand that positive attitude- This is also a way to strengthen the immune system, which will directly affect the fetus. Do not forget that emotions are associated with hormones, which play a vital role in preventing fetal rejection and adapting the mother’s body to the child’s body.

Considering the fact that T-lymphocytes regulate the strength of the immune response, a pregnant woman needs to take care of these cells: there is nothing difficult about doing conditional knitting or reading interesting literature, periodically walking in the fresh air, and not limiting yourself to four walls.

We repeat: a boring environment provokes the emergence of psychological stress, which is known to have a particularly negative effect on the immune system. Preventing such stress is a good way to strengthen a pregnant woman's immunity.

For a woman, immunity during pregnancy is a matter not only of her own health, but also of the health of the child. There cannot be any unimportant little things here: the expectant mother must fully comply with the doctor’s recommendations, not only eat right, use essential vitamins, but also create a positive emotional background around yourself.

Useful links on the topic

On the connection between diabetes and infections during pregnancy and autism in children:

About the benefits of diversity and the positive impact of an interesting life on immunity.

Pregnancy itself is a period when the body's immune defenses decrease. This is necessary for the development of the embryo, which consists of 50% of the father's genetic material. The mother's weakened immune system allows the woman to carry healthy child and not get rid of the alien, which is perceived as a threat.

Thus, the need for use to increase immunity during pregnancy is undeniable. It is during this period that it is very important to monitor your health and maintain your immunity in an appropriate state, because the fetus grows and develops solely due to nutrients which it receives from the mother's body.

The statement that the period of bearing a child is a time when influenza and ARVI cannot be treated, and any medications should be stopped, is in fact just a misconception. It may lead to undesirable consequences not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child growing in the womb.
Immunomodulators are designed to ensure normal functioning of the immune system during this important period.- or, as they are also called, immunostimulants (drugs that stimulate the immune system). They are effective when we're talking about not only about how to cure an existing viral disease, but also about how to increase immunity during pregnancy, that is, to provide the body with a sufficient supply of strength and increase its nonspecific resistance.

The best drugs

Immunomodulators, like any other medicine, should not be taken without first consulting a doctor, forgetting about the side effects that any medication has. Those who are concerned about the question of what to drink during pregnancy to boost immunity should know about the existence of a number of drugs of this class that have already proven themselves well.

Important! Inappropriate use of so-called “immune pills” and self-medication is a direct path to the development of autoimmune pathology, when the body begins to perceive its own cells as foreign.

Here is a list of the most common immunomodulator drugs used to increase the body's resistance to diseases:

Immunomodulator Russian production. Available in the form of ointments and suppositories. Created on the basis of human interferon. Approved for use starting from the fourteenth week of pregnancy. The mechanism of action of “Viferon” on the body is to block the reproduction of the virus at the cellular level, which prevents the spread of the disease.

The ointment is effective in the treatment of herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, papillomavirus infection. Suppositories are effective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, meningitis, pneumonia, intrauterine infections, sepsis.

"Viferon" is also used in complex therapy hepatitis and urogenital infections.

Application: The ointment must be applied to the affected areas every day for a week at least 3-4 times a day.

Suppositories are used one at a time twice a day with an interval of 12 hours for 20 days. After a break, which lasts 28 days, treatment continues for 5 days, maintaining the previous dose.
the ointment has no side effects. Suppositories can cause a local allergic reaction, which disappears within 72 hours after discontinuation of Viferon. The drug is contraindicated in patients with increased individual sensitivity to its components.

Immunomodulator made in France. The medicine has established itself as an effective homeopathic remedy in the fight against ARVI and influenza. Admission during pregnancy is possible only after consultation with a specialist. Available in granule form.
Application: During the period of spread of viral diseases, for preventive purposes, 1 tube is taken once a week. It should be placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved. At active phase disease for three days you need to take the same dose twice a day.

Contraindications and side effects: are missing.

The immunostimulant is developed and produced on site Russian Federation. It is based on the synthesis of citric and succinic acids. The product has general strengthening properties and is used to improve the adaptive capabilities of the expectant mother’s body. Available in tablet form.

Application: the drug is prescribed 1 tablet per day for 10 days in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, Limontar should be used 10-25 days before.
Contraindications and side effects: Possible pain in the epigastric region and increased blood pressure in people prone to arterial hypertension.

Did you know? Having studied the dynamics of child birth, scientists came to the conclusion that greatest number The babies were born on Tuesday. This day confidently holds a leading position in terms of number children born. The most unpopular days for birthdays are Saturday and Sunday.

Drops made in Hungary. The drug acts on the body as a tonic. Affects metabolic and immunomodulatory processes. Effective for micronutrient deficiency, mineral metabolism disorders, and unbalanced nutrition in pregnant women.
Application: 1 drop per 1 kilogram of body weight in three doses. Take during meals with plenty of liquid.

Contraindications and side effects: Contraindicated in diseases that are accompanied by a high percentage of iron accumulation. Side effects are missing.

The French drug is intended for use in cases of deficiency. During pregnancy, it is used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor; there are no effects on the fetus. "Magne B6" relieves fatigue (mental and physical), painful sensations in muscles, eliminates excessive anxiety. Available in tablet form.

Application: daily dose - 4-6 tablets. After normalization of magnesium levels in the blood, use should be discontinued.
Contraindications and side effects: in very rare cases, gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions are observed. Prohibited for use in patients with renal failure, hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug and fructose intolerance.

Important! The worst enemies of an immune system already weakened by pregnancy are: poor nutrition, stress, lack of physical activity and the required amount. Therefore, the expectant mother can “prescribe” herself the most inexpensive but effective immunostimulating drugs on her own, adjusting her usual lifestyle.

Prohibited immunostimulants

  • "Groprinosin";
  • "Trimunal";
  • "Immunal";
  • "Anaferon" (the effect on the body during pregnancy has not been studied enough).

Weak defenses of the body are an ideal environment for the development of all kinds of viruses and bacteria.
In this case, immunostimulants are a real panacea that can protect both the mother and the unborn child. But they should be taken only in very rare cases, when it is really necessary, and only after consultation with specialists.

The list of over-the-counter drugs to boost immunity that a pharmacist can advise a woman during pregnancy or lactation is very small. The problem is most often explained by the fact that most drugs simply have not been studied to determine how they affect women during pregnancy and lactation. Such studies are too time-consuming and expensive, so many manufacturers simply limit themselves to the words “Contraindicated” to avoid problems. And the pharmacists then suffer, not knowing what to recommend that would be both not dangerous and useful :).

So, to increase immunity and strengthen the body, pregnant women can be offered (after notifying them of the need to consult a doctor):

Viferon (Feron LLC, Russia)

Immunomodulatory and antiviral agent, international name: human recombinant interferon alpha-2. P the drug is approved for use from the 14th week of pregnancy as an immunomodulatory and antiviral agent, and has no restrictions for use during lactation. - Viferon dosages are indicated for various states observed in pregnant women, including for prevention.

Oscillococcinum (Laboratory Boiron, France)

Homeopathic remedy for the prevention of influenza and colds: in pregnant women, the drug is used as prescribed by a doctor (that is, it can be taken).

Limontar (“Biotics”, Russia)

General strengthening agent based on amber and citric acid: used as a means to increase the nonspecific reactivity of the body of pregnant women, improve its adaptive and compensatory-protective capabilities. In Russia it is available for free sale; in Belarus, unfortunately, the drug is not registered.

Beres Plus Drops (Beres Pharmaceuticals JSC, Hungary)

It has immunomodulatory, tonic and metabolic effects. Used to compensate for the deficiency of micro- and macroelements, including during pregnancy; in case of disturbances in the metabolism of mineral substances (prevention and treatment), in case of inadequate or unbalanced nutrition (including against the background special diets, chronic alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, lactation). Indications are also activities associated with great neuropsychic and physical stress, increased fatigue, overwork; insomnia, loss of appetite.

Vitamins: Magne B6 (Sanofi-Winthrop Industry, France)

Used to prevent magnesium deficiency and related disorders: sleep disorders; increased nervous excitability; state of physical and mental fatigue; pain and muscle spasms; functional manifestations of anxiety attacks.
Use during pregnancy is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Clinical experience has not revealed fetotoxic (toxic effects of drugs on the fetus during the period from 12 weeks of pregnancy to childbirth) or effects causing developmental defects. It is not recommended to take Magne B6 during breastfeeding, as magnesium is excreted in breast milk.
Vitamin complexes for pregnant women also improve overall well-being and immunity: you can offer complexes such as Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal forte (Unifarm Inc., USA), Elevit Pronatal (Rottendorf Pharma GmbH, Germany), Multiproduct For Pregnant Women (Natur Product Europe B. V., the Netherlands), Multi-Tabs Perinatal (Ferrosan A/O, Denmark), Teravit Pregna (Sagmel Inc., USA) and many others.

The following immunostimulating drugs should not be offered:

(tablets) - contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Trimunal (tablets) - contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Immunal (drops) and all preparations based on echinacea - use during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after consultation with a doctor, but you need to pay attention to the fact that these drops are alcohol-based, and alcohol is known to be contraindicated for pregnant women.
Anaferon (tablets) - there are no clinical data on the use of Anaferon during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Pregnant women should not be offered drugs such as Imunofan, Sodium nucleinate, Ribomunil, Broncho-munal, Likopid, Imudon, Cycloferon, Estifan, Polyoxidonium, Proteflazide, Glycyrrhizic acid, Neovir, Amiksin, etc.

Pregnancy is natural female condition, not a disease. However, most women in this position experience a decrease in the body's defenses. And this is already fraught with constant colds, infection with infections that are potentially dangerous to the child.

To avoid all sorts of risks, pregnant women need to listen to what the gynecologist advises and understand how to boost immunity while carrying a baby.

This is a defense system that operates on the principle of responses to the penetration of any harmful agent into the body. Simply put, to “turn on” the immune system, it doesn’t matter at all what has penetrated the human body– a viral particle, bacteria or splinter.

There are two types of immunity:

  • congenital;
  • specific.

In the first case, phagocytes are on guard - one of the types of white blood cells, whose the main task consists of capturing and digesting various foreign elements. That is why they were called “devourers”.

Factors of innate immunity include various bactericides that are secreted by sweat, sebaceous glands, saliva, as well as digestive acid and beneficial bacteria that have settled in gastrointestinal tract, vagina and on the skin.

In the second case, immunity is developed after a person interacts with an antigen - a relatively large molecule, which includes a microbe or toxin.

Upon penetration into the body, these biopolymers stimulate the release of antibodies - special protein molecules that are elements of the defense system. These substances are designed to neutralize the antigen.

Antibodies are produced by several organs and systems: bone marrow, spleen, lymphatic tissue, intestines. That is, the human body has developed complex mechanisms to counteract various foreign agents. However, this applies to the normal state.

What changes in pregnant women?

It is well known that the embryo has “ dual nature": he acquires exactly 50% of the genetic information from the second parent, and this hereditary material is foreign to the pregnant woman. That is, the emerging life is always only half compatible with the maternal organism.

Based on knowledge about the immune system, it can be assumed that pregnant women are required to produce antibodies to male antigens, but during normal pregnancy this doesn't happen. The body simply suppresses its own immunity.

Such a decrease in natural defenses can expose a pregnant woman to various infections. Colds are especially common during pregnancy.

Scientists believe that two things happen during pregnancy. critical period, accompanied by a significant decrease and vulnerability in the functioning of the immune system:

Suppression of the immune system at the beginning of pregnancy also occurs due to changes hormonal levels. From the moment of conception, pregnant women produce chorionic gonadotropin, which, among other things, helps the female body adapt to the fetus through reduced immunity.

How can pregnant women strengthen their immunity?

Pregnancy dictates its own rules for increasing the body's defenses. Thus, pregnant women are not recommended to use medications, so a gynecologist can advise a woman to strengthen her immune system through a healthy diet, taking vitamins, hardening procedures and following a daily routine.

To maintain immunity, a pregnant woman can be advised to eat properly and nutritiously. The increase in protective forces occurs due to the provision female body numerous beneficial substances:

  • Protein elements and amino acids. These components increase the release of antibodies present in the gastrointestinal tract and necessary to combat harmful agents. The main source is meat and dairy products.
  • Carbohydrate substances. Dietary fiber contained in fruits and cereals is especially useful for pregnant women.
  • Fats. Pregnancy is not a reason to give up fats, which seriously improve the immune system. These substances are contained in meat and fatty fish.

The daily diet needs to be balanced by including the required amount of nutrients in the menu: a pregnant woman needs approximately 110-130 grams of protein, 90 grams of fat and up to 450 grams of dietary fiber per day.

Forget about fast food, although it contains a lot of fat. Such products are harmful in their normal state; they will only bring various inconveniences to pregnant women and even lower their immunity due to various flavors and seasonings.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract is one of essential elements normal immunity. Intestinal microflora not only participates in the digestion of food, but also produces a complex of vitamins and prevents the penetration of various harmful elements.

To maintain normal gastrointestinal microflora and at the same time increase immunity, pregnant women need to worry about preventing problems with bowel movements and getting rid of constipation. Such difficulties have an extremely negative impact on the release of protective immunoglobulins.

To facilitate bowel movements in a pregnant woman, you can use:

  • whole grain black bread;
  • fiber-rich fruits (melon, pumpkin vegetables);
  • dried fruits (figs and prunes);
  • kefir;
  • olive oil.

To prevent constipation, you can sit on the toilet at a strictly defined time (in the morning). This is necessary to develop conditioned reflex for bowel movements.

Your gynecologist will tell you whether to take any laxative medications during pregnancy.

It is well known that vitamin compounds are involved in the synthesis of special immune formations, antibodies and other useful substances. The following vitamins and minerals are especially important during pregnancy:

  • Group B Vitamins are designed to stimulate the functioning of the protective system in stressful situations, after surgical intervention or injury.
  • Multivitamin complexes containing vitamins A, C, D, E. These vitamins can boost immunity and avoid infection.
  • Zinc, iron, selenium and iodine compounds. These minerals play an important role in the functioning of the immune system, preventing the penetration of viral agents and participating in the formation of special lymphocytes.

The most popular vitamin and mineral preparations among pregnant women include such complexes as Elevit, Multi Tabs Prenatal, Complevit Mama, Alphabet, etc.

You can buy these vitamin and mineral preparations freely at any pharmacy chain, but taking vitamins must be approved by a gynecologist.

For example, in warm time years, with adequate nutrition and a favorable environmental situation, it is not necessary to take these complexes.

Boosting immunity with folk remedies is a tempting activity for pregnant women. Activation of the defense system is facilitated by natural immunostimulants, among which the following folk remedies stand out:

Treatment and prevention of colds using traditional methods are popular among pregnant women, but only a gynecologist can recommend them.

Herbal immunostimulants (eleutherococcal and ginseng tinctures) are well-known folk remedies, but their effect on pregnancy has not been studied. Be careful!

Gynecologist Irina Prokusheva believes that the immunity of a modern pregnant woman functions only 20 percent, so it is useless to stimulate it with folk remedies.

It is better to purchase special immunocorrectors. However, gynecologist Irina Prokusheva warns that they should not be used without the doctor’s approval.

Pregnant women need to ensure a comfortable daily routine, including time for rest, optimal physical exercise.

Sleep is of utmost importance, the duration of which is usually between 8-10 hours a day.

Pregnancy also implies optimal physical activity, for example, walking, swimming, and gymnastics for pregnant women. However, you can compromise your immune system and harm your child by exercising to the point of exhaustion, exceeding your own reserves.

The body of a pregnant woman perceives hardening as an acute stressful situation, as a result of which the immune system is mobilized and adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions occurs.

Of course, extreme hardening (winter swimming) should be avoided, but the following procedures will perfectly complement pregnancy:

  • The expectant mother should wipe her entire body with a towel soaked in cool water (at first the temperature is room temperature, then drops). Rubbing occurs along a certain “route”: upper limbs, chest, back, lower limbs.
  • Contrast baths. To do this, pregnant women will need 2 basins - with hot and cool water. A woman lowers her limbs into a hot container for 30 seconds, then into a cool one for a quarter of a minute. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times. After the event, the body is dried with a towel and warm socks are put on the feet.

Water hardening cannot be done after waking up. Perfect time- Middle of a day. Perform rubbing and contrast baths daily, once a day, without getting carried away - the duration of the procedure is approximately 2 minutes.

If the skin turns blue and becomes covered with “pimples,” it means that the temperature regime is not suitable. Need to dry off more warm water and increase the water temperature of the cold basin.

"Weather in the house"

During pregnancy (and not only), a woman is most often indoors (apartment, office), which is why it is necessary to establish a climate that would help support the immune system in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

Experts advise the following steps:

  • constantly clean the room, wipe the dust (at least 2 times a week);
  • ventilate the room (at this moment you need to leave the room), especially before falling asleep;
  • use special devices that clean, humidify, ionize the air, preventing infection by bacteria.

So, pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in the body's immune defense. To correct this problem, doctors advise to the expectant mother eat right, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, take vitamins, harden up.

In addition, pregnant women should not forget about such a simple thing as good mood. A psychologically comfortable environment should become an indispensable companion for a pregnant woman, then the protective system will begin to work without interruption.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body needs much more strength For full development fetus Immunity weakens during this period and to strengthen it it is necessary to carry out special health and preventive actions so that the pregnancy passes without unnecessary problems. There are several main reasons why a woman’s immunity may weaken.

Causes of decreased immunity

  • As soon as pregnancy occurs, serious problems begin to occur in a woman’s body. hormonal changes. This affects not only general well-being (nausea, vomiting, dizziness and general weakness appear), but also a decrease in immunity.
  • Big Negative influence affects the entire body wrong image life and diet. This list includes: bad habits, consumption of smoked and fried foods, as well as semi-finished products, minimal walks in the fresh air and lack of exercise.
  • There have been negative changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal organs and normal operation digestive system violated. These disorders affect the condition of the whole organism in general and the immune system in particular.
  • A pregnant woman is more susceptible to anxiety, mood swings and even stress. She often has negative thoughts about the baby's development or future birth. A woman in this position is characterized by sudden tearfulness or, conversely, violent joy. Her daily routine changes due to drowsiness and uncertainty, and household chores still fall on her shoulders and this keeps her in some tension.
  • Low physical activity, lack of regular walks, lack of oxygen, sedentary lifestyle.
  • The woman's place of residence is in a large noisy city, near a highway or in an environmentally unfavorable place.
  • The body has an acute lack of vitamins and essential nutrients.

If a woman feels cheerful, she is in a good mood and deep sleep– this indicates a healthy immune system.

It is necessary to be in nature more often, away from the bustle of the city, cars and hazardous industries. On Fresh air It’s better to go out regularly – twice a day.

In the cold season, you need to dress for a walk so as not to overcool. You should not visit places with large crowds of people, public events and, if possible, avoid being in public transport. This will protect the woman from unexpected contact with a sick person. Other family members or immediate relatives can go shopping, and you can go to the clinic for the next examination by car.

Oxolinic ointment applied to the nasal mucosa (three times a day) will also protect against viruses in case of unwanted contact.

My home is my castle. This statement will be accurate only if the house is kept perfectly clean. Daily (two to three times a day) ventilation of the rooms is necessary. Dust should be wiped at least twice a week, and general cleaning is best done once or twice a month. It is advisable to purchase special lamp, which will clean the indoor air space from bacteria.

It is very important to do exercises every day, according to this trimester pregnancy. Do not neglect preparation for childbirth, which consists of special exercises for expectant mothers. Such exercises will prepare the body for childbirth and make it easier. Specially designed exercises help stretch the necessary muscles and increase the flexibility of the joints in the pelvic area.

Hardening is reliable way strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from colds and infectious diseases. You need to start this process with regular wet wipes. For this purpose it is used terry towel, soaked in water with a temperature of about twenty-five degrees. After getting used to this stage, you can move on to cold and hot shower, and later by dousing with cool water. With each subsequent hardening procedure, it is recommended to reduce the water temperature by one to two degrees.

Regarding the various types examinations, physical procedures or vaccinations, you must always consult your gynecologist. You must be sure that this is not dangerous for you and your unborn child. A harmless massage or flu shot, instead of the expected benefit, can end disastrously for both of you. A woman should know everything about possible consequences and complications in order to draw the correct conclusion.

Completely give up bad habits, especially drinking alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks. It is very useful for a pregnant woman to drink a lot of liquid in the form of compotes, herbal teas, decoctions and fresh juices. Raspberry, mint, ginger, linden blossom are healthy and safe basis for tea or decoction. But plain water is undesirable, as it can cause swelling.

Remember that cleanliness is the key to health. Wash your hands with soap after each use of the toilet or public place(for example, transport), after the street and after going to the clinic. Always carry wet sanitary wipes with you in case there is no water.

As a preventive measure, the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat can be rinsed daily with chamomile decoction or a weak soda solution.

The more positive emotions, the better. Try to rid yourself of unpleasant communication, worries and worries. Use your free time for your favorite activity or walk, meeting with friends or watching your favorite movie, listening to music or just sleeping and relaxing. Look for the positive in everything. A good mood is a strong immune system.

During pregnancy ethnoscience advises consuming as many vegetables, fruits and drinks that are rich in vitamins and microelements as possible. To strengthen and maintain immunity, it is recommended to drink herbal teas based on rose hips, turmeric, chamomile and ginger. Very helpful walnuts in combination with dried apricots and prunes. But with honey you need to use moderation so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Proper nutrition

Review and, if necessary, radically change your diet as you become pregnant. Completely avoid heavy foods in the form of fatty, fried and smoked foods. If one of your favorite dishes causes digestive system upset, then it is better not to eat it. Healthy eating means fresh and healthy foods. These primarily include fresh fruits (especially bananas) and juices, vegetables (especially beans, onions and garlic). Try to make your menu balanced and varied.

Why is it necessary to have garlic and garlic in the diet of pregnant women? onion? These two useful vegetable representatives contain biologically active substances that can destroy viruses and bacteria. During these nine months a woman simply needs such reliable protection as natural products. It is possible to obtain a protective effect on the body without consuming these vegetables, but only by inhaling their aroma.

It is recommended to consume as much beets, carrots, apples, pumpkins and pomegranates, as well as their juice, during pregnancy. It is very healthy to eat buckwheat porridge, beef liver, lean meat and fish, but not before bed. To prevent constipation, it is important to have dried apricots, figs and prunes in your diet. But avocados, greens and beans will provide the body with much-needed folic acid.

It’s worth limiting yourself to consuming citrus fruits, but for now you’ll have to completely forget about chocolate. These products may cause allergic reactions.

Vitamins and medicines

No one medicinal product You don’t need to prescribe it yourself. This can only be done by your gynecologist after complete tests and examinations. It is necessary to find out exactly what specific vitamins or other nutrients your body is lacking. All drugs are selected strictly individually. A woman cannot do this on her own without risking her health and the life of her baby.

Only after detailed consultation with a doctor can a pregnant woman purchase medicine, containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of such drugs. Each of them has a basic element that is found in greater quantities.

For example, in the drug “Vitrum Prenatal” there is a lot of iron and folic acid, in “Elevit” there is magnesium, in “Centrum Materna” there are large doses of vitamin A and B, iodine and folic acid. Complex preparations containing many microelements and intended for general strengthening of a woman’s body during pregnancy are “Pregnavit”, “Alphabet”, “Complevit Mama”, “Multi-tabs Prenetal”. Vitamins such as “Pregnakea”, “Femibion”, “Amway” are new and have few and mixed reviews.

Remember that the medicine may not be needed if you live away from the bustle of the city, poor ecology and adhere to healthy image life. Do not buy any medications without a doctor's prescription or at least consultation.

Health care

A woman during pregnancy experiences any changes in her body much more acutely. Excitement and panic can even cause slight increase fever and runny nose. You need to remember your interesting position and do not start treatment with the usual means that you always use when the first signs of the disease appear. Now every useful drug can cause negative consequences for the child.

Feeling unwell (fever, cough, headache, weakness, etc.) is serious reason to apply for medical care. Remember that it is strictly forbidden to take any medications without consulting a doctor, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is advisable to call a doctor at home, but if this is not possible, then take care protective equipment. Visit the clinic only when gauze bandage so as not to worsen your condition after contact with numerous patients in the corridors of a medical facility.

In fact, strengthening and maintaining normal immunity is not at all difficult. All the tips are very easy to follow. To do this, you only need your desire and confidence in the correctness of your actions. The most important thing is positive emotions and the good mood of a pregnant woman, her positive attitude. If you add to this a proper and healthy diet, regular walks, physical exercise and adherence to the daily routine, then excellent health is guaranteed for you and your unborn baby.

How to strengthen your immune system (video)