New rules of conduct for educated children. Books: "Rules of conduct for educated kids"

M, Eksmo, 2006

Funny children's audio poems by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children" will help the youngest child school age understand how to behave at home, at school, in transport, will introduce you to the basics of etiquette: "I appeal to those, friends, / Which of the little guys / Was going to kindergarten, / Who prepared for the lessons / And tried to find out everything, / Who wanted to cure eight teeth without doctors, / How to help mom in the kitchen, / So that hands do not get hurt, / Take a hammer from dad / And hammer a bag of nails, / How to use the elevator / In order not to fall into the mine. / A lot, friends, / I want to tell you. "For ease of use, the collection of audio poems is divided by topic into chapters:" At home "," At school "," In transport ".
We offer you to listen to audio poems online or for free and without registration, download audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

Audio poems for children "New rules of conduct for educated children", "Owl's Poem": "Owl flapped its wings, / Looked at the people of the forest / And said: - Well, friends, / I'll tell you today, / How do you need to live at home, / How to keep order, / Help mom and dad / Create a cozy home ... "We invite you to listen online or download children's ...

Do not break your furniture: "I jumped on the sofa - / I portrayed a Sedoka, / And the sofa creaked, groaned / And I didn’t want to be a horse ..." You can listen online or download children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children" .

Do not drive the ball around the room: "I love to play football / And score a goal! .." You can listen online or download for free and without registration children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O, Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children" .

Do not jump from a height: "... Once - and I'm already flying! / I'm falling painfully, screaming! / I hurt my knee, my side - / The parachute didn't help me." We invite you to listen online or download children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

You must take care of books: "Kids are obliged to know, / That you shouldn't spoil books ..." You can listen online or download children's audio poems by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"We played with the guys, / We portrayed elephants ... / But the bell rang at the door, / A neighbor looked into our gap ... / He complained to his mother ... We can no longer be elephants." We invite you to listen online or download children's audio poems by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"The music sounds loud.../ Suddenly a neighbor knocks on the wall.../ Another knocks on the ceiling.../ Everyone keeps saying only one thing:/ You disturb people's sleep./ Everyone has to get up early tomorrow./ We must think about others/ And don't disturb them!" We suggest listening online or downloading children's audio poems by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"... I took oil paints, / I took out crayons, felt-tip pens / And I began to draw a landscape: / Houses, a car and a garage ... Wallpapers in the house are not suitable for training on them! .." You can listen online or download children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"Our TV is arranged / Just wonderful! .. / Lamps, tubes, spirals / And colored wires - / ... There were so many of them! .. / I confessed to my parents: / - Our TV set is broken. / They, of course, were upset, / We messed around with it for a long time, / Even the masters were called, / To arrange all the details ... "We offer you to listen online or download Galina's children's audio poems ...

"... It's great to drive nails / In cabinets, benches and a bed !!! / I'll drive a little into the floor, / As if steel rain has passed! .." We invite you to listen online or download children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New Rules behavior for educated children.

"I found a box of matches / And poured it on the table, / I wanted to make fireworks - / Everything blazed, the light went out! / I don't remember anything else! .." educated children."

“Mom worked, saved money, / Once I bought new curtains ... Only now my mother, returning from work, / Suddenly turned a little pale for some reason ... "We offer you to listen online or download children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva" educated children."

"In our kitchen, gas is burning, / It pulls me like a magnet. / Like a mother, I want to be able / Turn all the knobs on the stove, / And deftly light matches ..." You can listen online or download children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules for educated children".

"Friends, you need to take care of your health. / And therefore it is necessary to wash / Fruits and vegetables before eating ..." You can listen online or download audio poems for children by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules for educated children."

"Do not spill on yourself / Hot soup or tea ... / Eat calmly, do not fidget ..." You can listen online or download audio poems for children by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

Vitamins are tasty, / Both useful and important ... / The doctor must tell / How they should be taken. We invite you to listen online or download children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"They turned on the phone for us... / Call on business! / Do not take the phone / And do not distract people!" You can listen online or download children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"... How could I not understand / That you can't tease dogs! / Help me out, friends !!!" We offer you to listen online or download children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O, Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"Do not touch - you are not your own enemy - / Stray cats and dogs. / From them scabies and lichen / You can easily pick up by chance. / Stroke - you can get infected / And you will be forced to be treated." We suggest listening online or downloading children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

Don't talk on the phone with strangers. "... Goodbye! - say, / Quickly put down the phone!" We invite you to listen online or download children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

Be careful with open fire. "... Rush to put out the fire without a hitch: / Cover with dense, heavy matter, / And then fill it with water as soon as possible!" We suggest listening online or downloading children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

Be careful with electricity. "... The current in the socket is very evil ..." We offer you to listen online or download very useful children's audio poems by G. Shalaeva and O. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"... Sharp objects / Do not throw them on the floor. / You will step on your own unnoticed - / They will take you to the doctor with a wound." You can listen online or download children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"If you burned your hand, .. / Under a cold stream / Remove the pain and calm down, / Oil the burn later / And cover it with a bandage ..." You can listen online or download audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children ".

"If you want to open the window - / Try to be careful: / Do not get up on the windowsill / And do not press on the glass ..." You can listen online or download the children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

"... Do not climb on the railing, / Do not bend low - / It will be difficult to resist ..." You can listen online or download the children's audio poems by Shalaeva and Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children."

Don't open the door for strangers. "Who's there?" always ask ..." You can listen online or download for free and without registration audio poems "New rules of conduct for educated children."

Don't ride on the railing. "Know: it's dangerous to ride along the railing! You can accidentally not hold on, or suddenly catch on to something - it hurts, my friend, to fall down the steps! If you fall into the opening - what then ?! - This is already a worse trouble! So, please, Don't take risks, don't ride, And calmly go down the stairs!" You can read, listen online...

Do not turn on or off electrical appliances wet hands. "All children must know: electrical appliances must not be turned off when their hands are wet from water. Such negligence is a step to disaster! First, dry them better, my friend, Then turn off the samovar, iron. Joking with electricity is very dangerous! Why do you need to take risks in vain? " Can you...

Do not use electrical appliances when you are in the water. "Remember: in the bath and under the shower you don't need a hair dryer at all! The player will also wait - the turn will come to it! While you are sitting in the bath, do without them, baby. If there is water nearby, electricity is a disaster!" You can read, listen online or download for free and without registration audio poems "New Rules ...

Do not touch unfamiliar objects. "There are a lot of bottles in the apartment, various tubes and jars. They store different means, even sometimes dangerous ones. You don't need to drag creams, pastes and tablets into your mouth, children - poisoning is guaranteed and health is mutilated!" We offer you to read, listen online with your children or download for free and without audio registration...

Do not attempt to repair the appliance while it is plugged in. "If the device accidentally sparks, stops heating or suddenly smokes, turn it off quickly! Only then find out to the end what happened and how to deal with it, whether this device can be repaired. If the device remains on - it is very dangerous to touch it: Or you'll get hit...

If you see a fire, call for help. "Smoke and fire are not good, just know, call adults for help as soon as possible, and call 01 as soon as possible: firefighters urgently! They will help! And don't hide under the bed - keep in mind that you can't just get away from the fire. in an apartment with fire, but get out in an accessible way: tie your nose and mouth with a wet scarf, go to the front door through ...

Be careful with boiling water. "Not only fire, but also steam burns when it is released from the pan. So be careful with boiling water and learn these rules reliably: do not jerk the lid off the pan, but gently lift it from the edge. Not where you are standing, - on the other hand, your hands must not suffer!

Don't open the door with your keys in front of strangers. "For some reason, the stranger is standing in the entrance, he has a suspicious, closed look. Don't rush to open the door with the keys in front of him, it's better to leave the entrance yourself for a walk. ". We offer you to read and listen online with your children or download ...

Don't forget the keys outside the door. "You're already quite big, and you're going home alone. Open the door with the keys, but don't leave them in the lock! After all, if you forget to remove them, someone can pick them up, someone else can enter you ... Be careful, keep in mind!" We offer you to read and listen with your children or download for free and without registration audio poems "New Rules ...

Do not enter the elevator with your back. "Do not enter the elevator with your back, it threatens you with trouble. You are waiting for the elevator, the door opened, but you always check whether the cabin is there or not, and whether the light is on in the elevator. Maybe sometimes, keep in mind, suddenly the cabin does not come! So that you don’t enter the mine fall down, everyone must make sure: here is the cabin, the light is on, everything is in order, the entrance is open. We offer...

Don't play or jump in the elevator. “Don’t play in the elevator car and don’t press the buttons in vain, and it’s also not good to jump, because something can happen: the elevator will stop descending, the cabin will get stuck at the top ... They won’t come soon with help, it’s better not to touch too much!” We offer you to listen online and read with your children or download for free and without...

Don't get on the elevator strangers. "If your apartment is high and it is not easy to get there, use the elevator, but just keep in mind: do not enter the elevator with strangers! They can offend you, scare you, You can seriously suffer then ... Be careful, my friend, beware and do not get into the elevator with strangers sit down!" We invite you to read and listen online together ...

If someone is in trouble, please help. "Has trouble happened to your friend? Don't you ever leave him, but cheer him up, "everything is in order!" - say, help yourself as much as possible. If you can't help him, don't run away in fear, call adults for help as soon as possible! do not spare your strength!Remember: in the forest, on the ground, on the water, people are people...

Never take a bowl of food away from a dog. “The hare doesn’t know what to do. He began to tease the dog - to have fun! He jumps nearby, calls for him and takes away a plate of food. The dog endured for a long time, whined, but could not restrain himself, bit him. The hare will now be treated for its paw ... It is necessary was it to tease the dog?" We invite you to read and listen online together ...

Don't touch little puppies. “I want to warn the guys: don’t touch the little puppies! If you want to take them in your hands, the dog will protect. And it can even bite, you can’t get close to them! When they grow up, then play, but don’t offend the kids!” We offer you to read and listen online with your children or download it for free and without audio registration...

Do not enter the entrance if there are strangers there. "If at the entrance - why? Why? - Strangers are standing, It's better for you not to go in alone: ​​Maybe they want to offend? You ask people you know to see you home, and once in your apartment, close the doors tight!" We offer you to listen online and read with your children or download for free...

Audio poems for children G.P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Learn to wake up to school yourself" The little bear sleeps in a crib. / About textbooks, notebooks / He does not want to remember - / Looks at his tenth dream. gets up, Doesn’t go to school in the morning. / He slept through all the lessons - / Only at dinner did the dormouse get up! / Only ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Cook school clothes in advance" "The goose rushed about the room, / He was going to school in the morning: / - Why is the shirt crumpled? / I stroked her once! / And the pants disappeared - / How they fell through the ground! / Tie, where are you? Respond! / And appear on the neck! / For a very long time Gus tried, / Fussed, ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Have breakfast before school." "A bunny is sitting over a plate of cabbage, / He looks dissatisfied and sad. / - Mom, listen, I'll go to school / And I'll find a blade of grass along the way. / Let's eat, but I don't want to! / I shouldn't have been at the table for so long I'm sticking out! / Mom-Hare answers him: / - Every baby is sure to ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Take with you everything you need for lessons." "A monkey sits at a desk in the classroom / And quietly says to his neighbor: / - Yesterday, not before school, girlfriend, I was, / Therefore, I did not fold my portfolio, / And this morning I was in a hurry to class, / And what is the result, look , it turned out! / Portfolio...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Take care of school textbooks." "The main assistant in studies is a textbook. He is a silent and kind wizard, Wise knowledge forever keeps. You save it holiday look! Immediately wrap it in the cover, Do not stain with a pen, do not tear and do not wrinkle. A glorious textbook will teach everything - Be grateful to him for this!" You can ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Take care of school property." "The wolf cub had fun in the classroom, Swinging on a chair endlessly, Drawing on the walls with chalk and opening the door with his foot. The guys turned to him, the cub was strictly explained: - Nam school- this is the second house, Everything here is taught to you and me, And we must protect it - Hooligans don't...

Audio poems by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Sit quietly at your desk, do not fidget." "The Fox is sitting at the desk, / But she can’t sit still: / She straightens her fur coat, / Then checks the time by the clock, / Then she turns around to see, / What the Bear writes in her diary. / All twisted, twisted / And learned nothing. / That's why, like the Fox, / you ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not hide bad grades from your parents." "The bunny got a D, / I decided to hide it from everyone, / I didn't tell my mother at home, / So I kept it a secret. / Mom found out anyway, / She scolded her son very much / And she said: - You know, / There will be a" deuce "- do not hide, / And do not hide, like a mouse in a mink. /...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not offend the weak." "The Sheep has curly braids, / They curl like rings. / Only the Sheep is not happy with curls: / - Mom, I need to cut the pigtails! / The bully-boys pull them, / It's sad, insulting and painful for me too much! / That's the problem Boys, please note: / Girls in your class ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Use the briefcase for its intended purpose." "The Elephant did not part with the briefcase: / He rode on it from the mountain in winter, / He played football like a ball, / He trained the blow on it. / The briefcase endured, cracked, fastened, / Then it fell apart. / Now it is completely unsuitable he... / And with what to school tomorrow, Elephant? /...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Behave well in the school cafeteria." "Call! All in a friendly crowd / An arrow flies into the dining room. / And here there are rules of their own, / Remember them and repeat them! / Eat carefully, do not rush, / Do not splash, do not crumble on the floor, / Take care of bread and respect, / Ate - and put away, my friend, / Your dishes for ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Put on clothes suitable for school." "The fox was going to school / And, as for a ball, she dressed. / The outfit shone, shimmered - / The whole class flocked to look at it. / What a dress! it is necessary, / But not to consider ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not take toys to school." “Piggy reasoned sadly: / - It’s sad at school without toys. / Maybe take a typewriter / And ride under the desk? / I miss the soldiers, / I don’t know what to do with myself. / Maybe blow a whistle, / To think: " Call!"? / Only that, kids, / School is...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Prepare for the lesson at recess." "The bell rings loudly, / And the lesson begins. / But why is it barely / Everyone takes out their briefcases / And they start looking there / A textbook, a pen and a notebook? / The teacher says sternly: / - Again, not ready for the lesson! / I want to, guys, you say: / Be ashamed of the time...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "When the teacher enters the classroom, do not forget to get up." "Another piece of advice to students: / When the teacher comes to you, / Let each student stand / To show him respect. / The teacher will tell you: - Sit down! / Sit down quietly. / When the class sits noisily, / The teacher is angry with you. " Can you...

Audio poems by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Don't cheat." "The puppy runs up to the kitten, / Takes him aside / And whispers: "My friend, help me out! / Write off the task urgently! / I didn’t manage to solve it, / And I didn’t really want to ... " / Our hero wrote off the task, / But he didn’t understand the meaning of it. / I couldn’t answer at the blackboard, / And the Puppy got a “deuce”. /.. .

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not draw on the desks." "Here he sits at a desk / At school, a Rhinoceros. / The desk is painted / Along and across. / The flowers are beautiful, / The equations are complex, / And the cars are different, / And the figures with faces. / This is a disgrace / It is desirable to stop, / This desk should be cleaned / It is necessary necessarily. / Let from now on ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not forget your things at school. "The elephant returned from school / And rummaged in the briefcase for a long time. / Sees that he forgot the pencil case, / Didn't take his diary. / And I had to run back ... / What can I say here ?! / Be sure to remember: / You have to be .. .

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of behavior for educated children", Always write down homework in a diary. "The baby elephant was spinning at the desk, / He was in a hurry to leave the class, / He quickly collected the portfolio, / He did not write down the task. / But at home he does not know how to be: / How will the lessons be taught? / Let's quickly remember, /...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Come out to answer with a diary. "Every kid definitely knows: / If the teacher calls to the blackboard, / You must always go out with a diary, / To get a mark in it. / Do not forget to show the diary at home / To mom and dad: is there "two" or "five"? / How. ..

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Write in a notebook beautifully, competently and accurately. "What a notebook Behemoth has! / Everywhere there are stains from something. / And it's disgusting for everyone to pick up / Such a dirty notebook. / He writes in it unevenly, crookedly / And completely ugly. / Mistakes ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of behavior for educated children", Do not be greedy in the classroom. "The squirrel was drawing a Christmas tree, / She broke her pencil. / A Raccoon is sitting next to her, / The squirrel quietly says: / - Help, my friend, / Give me another pencil, / You have a lot of them - / Enough for five! / But Raccoon in...

Audio poems by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva for younger schoolchildren "New rules of behavior for educated children", Do not talk in class. "Two tailed Magpies / Were blabbing in class / And got a 'deuce' each, / Disappointed our loved ones at home. / Well, let them know now: / They don't talk in class. / You are not asked to answer? / So, it's better ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not eat in class. "A raccoon sits at a desk / And chews a delicious pie. / His teacher calls, / The raccoon does not answer him - / He can't chew at all ... / The teacher had to say: / - Listen, student Raccoon, / You stuffed your mouth with food in vain. / ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not run at breaks. "The cub is in a hurry for a change - / Who can resist such pressure ?! / He runs like a young deer, / The animals bypass him ... / If someone does not have time to move away, / He will regret it very much later: / ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of behavior for educated children", Do not read extraneous books in class. "A Monkey took with her to a lesson / Once she brought a book / And she sits and reads it, / Doesn't notice anything / And doesn't hear an explanation. / What happened in the conclusion? / I didn't memorize the rule, / That's the "deuce" ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Collect a portfolio in the evening. "How quickly the morning came! / Squirrel jumped off the bed / And began to get ready for school, / Throwing around the room with an arrow. / And, in a hurry, throw it into the briefcase / Pencil case, ruler and notebook. / When to go to school ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Be able to calculate the time for school fees. "There are so many different things to do in the morning! / You washed and ate, / You get dressed, in a hurry, / You run merrily to school. / But everyone needs to remember: / For the morning to pass without problems / You need to get ready for ...

Audio verses for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of behavior for educated children", Do not prompt. "The little bear tried so hard, / He tried to tell everyone. / Apparently, he knew a lot - / He didn’t stop talking for a moment! / Then the teacher says: / - You guys, sit down, / And the Bear will explain to us, / Why he is not silent, / ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Try to learn more. "The Frog did not read books, / And even though she did the tasks, / She studied poorly. And the girlfriend / Gave this advice to the Frog: / - Listen to me, dear, / I absolutely know, / You want to receive "A" - / So ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Respect teachers. "The teacher in the class is the most important, / He good friend, glorious mentor, / And he will teach you everything, / You need to help him. / He does not need to be distracted - / Giggle loudly and chat. / After all, if you start to play pranks / And ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Try to study well. “I’ll tell you in conclusion: / It’s not about luck at all. / And he will get “five”, / Who sits and teaches honestly, / Who is not afraid of work, / Who likes to study, / Whoever drives laziness away, / Who ready...

Audio verses for younger schoolchildren by Z. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", In transport. "Excursion, excursion / Announced with us! / All the animals are going to the city / In about an hour. / Everyone is discussing this, / A little excited. / Owl's advice / Asked for a path. / - Animals, - said Owl, - I want .. .

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not play around at the bus stop. "At the bus stop, the Bunnies / The bus was waiting. / They jumped like balls / They jumped merrily. / They merrily jumped: / Jump and jump around. / And the old Mishka / They pushed him in the side with an elbow. / Waiting at the bus stop - / Stop and ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", First let the passengers out of the transport, then come in yourself. "A bus approached, / Bunnies in a crowd / The doors besieged, / They are torn, as if into battle! / There was a crush / At the hares, / Give way / They don't want to, / Passengers get out / Hares don't let. / Everyone ...

Audio poems for children by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Correctly calculate the time when traveling. "The Little Wolf was driving and swearing loudly: / Somewhere he himself was delayed along the way, / Somewhere he waited a long time for the bus / And he was an hour late for school. / Here I must say to the Little Wolf: / Be able to calculate the time of the road. /...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Know exactly the route of transport. "Once a Raccoon was going to an exhibition. / I accidentally chose the wrong bus. / It took a long time - he arrived where? / I can't figure it out, well, it's just a disaster! / The Raccoon began to go back, / He got on the bus again at random / ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "The hare, as always, was in a hurry. / He jumped on the bus / And he was pleased that he was in time, / He just didn’t see the number. / And the driver, the old Dog, / took the Hare far away. / The Hare began to return - / He was late for school. / So what, dear guys, / If ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "If you, my friend, / Have a travel ticket, / Then you need to present it in transport / Always present it. / You run into the bus, / You meet the controller there. / As an exemplary passenger, / Do not be lazy and show / Your travel pass ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "The mouse on the bus huddled in a corner / And hid behind the Elephant's back, / Rides, worries, is very afraid: / Control may appear by chance, / Only the Mouse has no ticket - / It's a pity for her to pay money for a ticket! / Ride for free ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", "An elephant rides, a backpack is carrying, / He took the whole passage with him, / He grabbed a lot of bags - / Laid out on the seats. / The controller arrived in time, / Ordered to pay for the luggage. / He said: - Listen, Elephant, / You occupied the entire cabin! / Or for ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Keep the ticket until the end of the trip." "Once on the tram, a Crocodile / I bought a ticket for travel. / He looked - what a miracle! - / He has a lucky ticket !!! / And luckily the Crocodile / He swallowed that ticket. / The controller approaches him - / And he does not find a ticket. / He says: - Come out / Or...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Don't get on the bus with ice cream." "The elephant ate ice cream, / He got on the bus right with him. / The ice cream melts there, / It hits the neighbors. / Suddenly the driver slowed down, / The elephant dropped the glass - / Only splashes flew! / The passengers were stunned. / I want to turn to you: / In order not to...

Audio verses for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Give way to the elders." "The lion was sitting on the bus / And staring out the window. / Grandmother was standing nearby, / Holding a full bag. / A lion, both strong and big, / He didn't want to give up his place for the sick grandmother. / She stood, he sat. / It's sad and it's a shame, / And, of course, ashamed of Leo. / ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not litter in transport." "The people are indignant: / The squirrel gnaws seeds, / The floor is covered with husks. / The Hare approached the Squirrel: / - Squirrel, they don’t do that, / They don’t throw garbage on the floor. / But I managed to sketch - / So manage to clean it up." We invite you to listen online, read or download ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not dirty the seats in transport." "Somehow Behemoth rides, / Carries a bag full, / It's all dirty - / Dirt on it is visible everywhere. / In violation of any rules / Put a dirty bag / On the seat Behemoth. / People are indignant: / - How then to sit here? / Doing so is not...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not throw garbage out the window." "Somehow a Little Bear is driving, / He is carrying a barrel of honey, / And also a bag of sweets. / There is no strength to resist! / He began to eat sweets, / Throwing candy wrappers at the windows - / He littered the whole road! / The wind swirled garbage / And blew it around the city. / Dissatisfied with the janitor Dog: / We must again ...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not lean out the windows of transport." "Animals were driving, they opened the window. / Immediately some gray cat / suddenly wanted to stick out her head - / The audience did not dare to object to her. / She rides proudly in the bus, / And her head is visible from the window. / Sees: a truck is hurrying towards, / Passed by...

Audio poems for younger students "Do not push other passengers." "The bus was packed full. / The bear decided to get deep, / Pushed all the passengers / And proudly stood in the middle. / The Conductor says to him: / - Although you have a proud look, / Remember: you are not alone here, / Not the most important gentleman! / You help yourself with words, / And not with pokes and...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not scandal and do not be capricious in transport." "A pig with a pig got on the bus / And took a free place there, / She put Piglet there, / But he was capricious with all his strength: / - To the window! Put me to the window! / Let me look outside! / Cars on the street. ..

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not talk loudly - you interfere with others." "Two Crows began to croak - / They discussed all the problems. / There is a noise around the Crows, / It makes the passengers angry. / Everyone is ready to run away soon / From such conversations. / But where can you run away? - / You go, endure and be silent! / So what V...

Audio poems for junior schoolchildren G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "Do not step on the feet of passengers." "The hippopotamus stands in the aisle. / To everyone who passes near him, / Manages to interfere / And step on his paws. / And while he stood like that, / Offended the passengers, / The elephant, having hesitated a little, / Stepped on his foot. / The hippopotamus from howled pain, / At half a meter ...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "Magpie rode, chattered, / She pestered everyone with a conversation: / She talked a little with the Fox, / Discussed the problem with the Goat, / She told the Hedgehog about the Cat - / And she chatted and chatted! / The animals supported the conversation, / But from the Magpie so tired! / Yes, ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." “The Squirrel is riding in the tram, / But she doesn’t know where to get off. / And she asked the Fox: / - How to get to the hospital? / The Fox did not answer, / Although she knew the answer very well. / She didn’t help the squirrel - / It was very harmful! " Read and listen with...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "The bus was full of people. / It was difficult for the Sheep to get to the door. / Look, this is her stop! / The sheep rushed to the exit awkwardly, / Angry, pushed and even sweated, / But, however, she did not have time to get out! / Well to do here? - Let's go...

Audio poems for younger schoolchildren by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "Granny Goats get on the bus, / It's hard for them to climb the steps. / Why are you sitting on the sidelines, guys, / Brave, fast Goat brothers ?! / Help the old grandmothers to get in, / Kindly give up your place. / When they gather .. .

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "The wolf took skis on the bus / And stood up with them in the aisle. / They clung to the animals, / Rolled sticks on the floor, / They prevented everyone from passing ... / How should they be carried? / Cover them just in case, / And besides it would be better / to stand on the platform at the back, /...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "The Hedgehog was chatting with the driver, / He distracted him from the road; / So he spoke, / That the driver forgot / Stops to announce ... / Everyone began to scold the Hedgehog: / - Come on, Hedgehog, stand aside, / Leave the driver alone, / Don't distract him, / Better don't confuse him. /...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." “The Dog went to visit a friend, / He took a large vase as a gift. / Only he treated her carelessly! / Yes, and the bus tilted slightly, / Then the passenger could not resist - / Dropped a large vase on the floor! / The vase broke! What a shame! / Before you go with...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children." "There is a small button on the bus above the door / There is a small button. / And if it is very urgent / You need to suddenly stop, / Then you approach the door, / Pressed the button - / A short signal comes to the driver. / And if it is possible / He needs to slow down / The driver carefully / Will be able to ...

Audio book for younger students G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not spoil the walls and seats in transport. "Take care of transport, my friend, / Do not scratch everything around, / Take care of its interior - / let it last a long time!" You can read and listen online with young children, and also download for free...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Be careful in transport when closing doors. "So that the doors do not press you / (You hardly wish this), / Try to stay away from them / And make your way from the entrance to the salon. / If, nevertheless, someone is pressed, / Instantly give the driver signals: / On ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Respect other passengers. "Everyone is in a hurry with us: / V kindergarten, to the school class, / to work, to the store. / Everyone is in a hurry, you are not alone. / Our transport is always in service, / It is in friendship with all of us, / It is called public. / That means you'll have to...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", If you are offended, attract the attention of adults. "The Wolf saw the Lamb, / Pushed it into a corner, / Says: - Come with me! / I'll dine with you! / Although the Lamb was frightened, / Fortunately, he was not at a loss, / He shouted loudly: - Help! / And protect from the Wolf !!! ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", If the bus breaks down, go to another one. "The raccoon is sitting in the bus, / Looking out the window thoughtfully. / But the noise of the engine stopped, / The bus suddenly stopped, / The passenger Raccoon heard: / - The bus will not go any further, / Suddenly the engine broke down! / The raccoon slightly ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not linger at the door, go into the middle of the cabin. "You entered the transport, friends, / But you can’t stand at the door! / There you will interfere / Create a problem for everyone: / People need to get out - / You will have to bypass; / Suddenly they will push you! You will fall, / Hand, ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Get into public transport correctly. "In public transport, please do not forget, / It is supposed to go in the back door. / Entered - go to the salon as soon as possible. / Do not build a reliable barrier at the door. / Go to the front doors to the exit, / But the main thing is that ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Behave properly in the subway. "When your path lies in the metro, / Do not forget this advice. / Please: pay attention, / That all the iron tracks / were separated by a strip of light, / So that they would not go beyond it. / The train stopped nearby, / But you can’t take it by storm .. .

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Be careful on the subway escalator. "Are you standing on the escalator? - / Be careful, baby: / Don't shawl there and don't turn around / And don't sit on the steps. / Always stand on the right / And if you're in a hurry - then / Walk around those standing on the left, / Don't stumble on ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Learn to pack only the necessary things for the journey. "Have your family gathered for a trip? / Oh, how much joy for you! / And you can help in any way possible - / Collect your toys. / But be sure to take into account / That things are hard to carry. / You look through all the toys / Take extra ones with you ...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not get lost at the airport; Stand still while checking your luggage. "Finally, the airport! / There is a crowd around... There are people around... / Oh, how many fathers and mothers are here! / Look, do not get lost yourself! / Now the porter will come up, / He will take things to the counter, /...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Position yourself correctly in the cabin. "Happy flight! / The stewardess is waiting for you, / In the cabin / She will take you to the seat; / And she will help you place it / She's hand luggage: / After all, your bag can / interfere with the neighbors." We invite you to read and listen...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", "The turbines hummed, / The plane trembled ... / Just before it / Rushing into flight, / Don't forget to fasten your seat belts / Seats ... / That's it! Are you ready? - / Let's hit the road!" You can read, listen online or download for free and without...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Do not be afraid of anything on the plane. "The plane, like a bird, / With a silvery arrow / Rushing over the open spaces, / Don't worry, my friend! / Look, there's a river / Appeared in the distance, / And now - the clouds / Like snowdrifts lay down. / And don't be afraid of flying, / Blue heights. .. /...

Audio book by G. P. Shalaeva and O. M. Zhuravleva "New rules of conduct for educated children", Dress for the weather at the landing site. "All passengers strive to get out ... / But how to dress before leaving? / The city is different, the situation is different, / Therefore, first let's find out / What is the weather like overboard ... / Dress as you need, and only then / .. .

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People know from childhood
What is etiquette...

And do you know what it is? Rules of etiquette for children are magic rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Knowing these rules, you will be able to communicate more easily and simply with your friends, parents, relatives and people completely unfamiliar to you. You can easily learn how to greet, give and receive gifts, how to visit, talk on the phone and much more ...

So, are you ready to learn? Then get to work!

Greeting rules

Rules of conduct with adults - For educated children

Friendship Rules - For Kids and Teens

It is very important to know the rules of conduct in the theater, cinema and at a concert not only for children, but also for adults. Since in our time there are also adults who behave not quite culturally at such events.

When going to a theater or a concert hall, you must remember very strict rule established by etiquette regarding clothing in which you can visit such establishments. Take it seriously, so as not to look like a black sheep among the people present there!

It is not customary to come to the theater in jeans and sneakers, and even more so in tracksuit. Men usually wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie. Women, as usual, come in evening dresses.

You need to come to the theater or to a concert early so that there is enough time to put yourself in order, put in the wardrobe outerwear, and just take a walk in the lobby.

If your seat is in the middle of the row, try to take it in advance so as not to disturb those who are sitting at the front of the row. But if such a situation has already happened, go facing those sitting, and do not forget to ask for forgiveness for the trouble.

During the performance it is bad form to eat and drink something

It is better not to go to the theater with a cold. With your cough, you will interfere with both the audience and the performers, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward situation.

At a concert, do not sing along to the performer, understand, because people did not come here to listen to you sing.

At music concerts, in order not to look stupid, do not rush to applaud if you do not know very well musical composition, because a pause in the performance may not mean the end of the performance, but a break between parts.

In the cinema, the rules are simpler than in the theatre. However, you still shouldn't relax too much. There is no need to turn the cinema hall into a dumping ground for popcorn, candy papers and cans of drinks. Behave yourself.

In the cinema, you usually do not take off your outerwear. However, you must always remember about the people sitting behind you. Take off your hat before you are asked to. Not only boys should do this, but also girls.

If the person in front did it for you, be sure to thank him.

It's a sign of bad manners to predict what's going to happen in a movie. Do not comment on what you see, do not express your opinion about the film and attitude towards the characters in the course of viewing. It disturbs others. And if someone thinks otherwise, there can be an argument or a noisy discussion, which does not belong in a movie theater. Don't forget that people came to watch the movie, not to listen to comments and arguments.

Theater visit in Lately is becoming more and more popular among both young people and adults. That is why it is very important to know the rules of behavior in the theater, like the multiplication table. After all, if a child behaves provocatively in the theater, it will certainly attract condemning glances at his parents. In order not to blush and not feel awkward, you need to teach the child these simple rules in a timely manner.

How to give gifts

Not everyone knows how to give gifts correctly. But this event also has its own special rules etiquette to learn and remember.

The holiday is coming ... and we, as always, are at a loss ... But what ... to whom ... and how ... can we give?

So let's get started. How to give gifts according to the rules:

- When preparing a gift for your relatives, you can draw something, embroider something, do something with your own hands. For the birthday of your mother or father, you can learn a poem or learn a song.

If you are buying a gift for a friend in a store, ask an adult to help you choose it.

- It is indecent to give money to a friend and advise at the same time "to buy yourself whatever you want." If you really care about the gifted person, then you should work hard and come up with the right gift that will bring joy.

- First of all, it is important to take into account the tastes and hobbies of the recipient. Remember what this person loves and what he is fond of!

- It is best to pack a gift - unwrapping it is very nice!

- You can attach a card with a wish to the gift.

Don't forget to remove the price tag from the gift.

- You can not give animals, if it is not discussed in advance! Your friend will most likely be very happy, but his parents may be against it.

New Year- This magical holiday when everyone is waiting for miracles and surprises! Therefore, gifts should be made to all relatives and friends, and gifts can be inexpensive, but pleasant trifles. In preparation New Year's gifts try to show a sense of humor - it will greatly please and amuse your friends and family.

- Remember, well-chosen and heartfelt gift a person will enjoy, and will remember well about you. No one will use a gift that is boring or made for a mere formality, such a gift will be given to someone, or even simply thrown away.

Now you know how to give gifts, which means you can safely wait for the next holidays to congratulate your loved ones according to all the rules of etiquette!

Teaching children good manners is one of the most crucial moments. family education. The way a child behaves at a party or on the street, in any public place is the best way to characterize what orders exist in his native family what kind of speech sounds in the walls of his house. That is why you need to take it as seriously as possible.

Without a doubt, a decisive role in instilling sociocultural norms in a child will play personal example his parents. By looking at how they behave themselves, children, consciously or not, will learn patterns of behavior. But no less important role in this process will be played by directed education and training. An indispensable condition for them are didactic materials - books and other visual aids.

Cover of the book "Rules of conduct for well-mannered children"

good example can become "Rules of conduct for educated children" - a book that will certainly appeal to not only children, but also adults.

What is this book?

A manual with vivid illustrations, where in poetic form set out the basic rules of conduct that every child of school age should know.

For convenience, the material is divided into thematic categories devoted to behavior in kindergarten, at school, at a party, on the street. Thus, it will not be difficult for a parent to conduct thematic classes, from time to time paying attention to one or another issue.

Opening of the book on the rules of conduct

When is the best time to study this book with children?

The book about the rules of conduct for educated children is designed for a child of preschool age. It was then that the time comes, called in pedagogy "a sensitive period for the assimilation of behavioral norms." More plain language- during this period, the child most easily learns the rules of behavior in a given situation. Therefore, they need to be given special attention. And considering that not a single child is born with ready-made ideas about the rules of behavior in society, a great responsibility for this lies with his parents.

Starting from a very early age, the child must get used to the fact that his life will gradually include restrictions, and even prohibitions, with which he will need to reckon.

The first acquaintance with the book is optimal at 4-5 years old.

Lack of understanding of this will lead to the fact that the child will grow up spoiled and unprepared for the difficulties that life has in store for him. In addition, knowledge of the rules of etiquette will allow him to win over people, find an approach to a variety of interlocutors and feel at home in any company.

How can a book help in raising a child?

With the guide "Rules of Conduct for Well-Behaved Children", learning the rules of etiquette from a boring duty can become exciting game and real pleasure.

Thanks to the bright, colorfully illustrated book, boring moralizing and long tedious conversations will remain in the distant past. Easily and unobtrusively, in a poetic form and in the most simple, understandable language for a child, she will tell him about the rules of etiquette.

One of the verse rules from the book
  1. Thanks to this, he will understand how to behave at home, in the clinic or in the theater.
  2. How to become a cordial and hospitable host and how to behave if he himself is invited to visit.
  3. How to communicate with peers and adults.
  4. What safety rules should be observed while at home, on the road, in any unfamiliar place.

And accompany him in this exciting journey in the country of good manners there will be familiar characters who will now and then find themselves in situations familiar to every child.

What should a child do if he goes to kindergarten for the first time, where he does not know anyone at all? And how to behave if he was left at home alone? How to behave in an unfamiliar place? The answers to these and other questions will be given to the child by a book that he will be happy to read with his parents. In addition, an interesting and bright book can become good gift for a child for any occasion.

Poem about behavior in kindergarten

How to work with a book?

The situations described in the book are very easy to discuss or play with the child with the help of toys, or role playing by modeling them with friends or loved ones of the child. By the way, this book can be great helper not only for parents, but also for caregivers or teachers lower grades: organize thematic lesson or Classroom hour will no longer be a major problem.

Poem about order in the house

With bright and unusual didactic materials you can convince even the most stubborn child that the rules of etiquette are not at all boring, but simple and exciting!

Video: About the book "Rules of conduct for educated children"

In a civilized society, one cannot do without the application of the rules of etiquette. Therefore, children should be taught from birth and demonstrated by personal example. This is very important, because if the family does not follow the rules good manners, then it will not be realistic to teach a child. Why does a little capricious need etiquette? It is believed to be correct well-behaved child will know how to behave in society. Society is a kindergarten, a playground, a school, a clinic, everything that a child visits in the first years of his life. He receives the basics of etiquette in the family. As soon as he begins to understand at least something, he needs to be explained "what is good and what is bad." For example, ask to pick up a fallen grandmother's wand and give it to her, or bring a newspaper to grandfather. The basic rules of etiquette for children begin precisely with such trifles. Therefore, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, older brothers and sisters should help kids learn etiquette. In the civilized world, the problem of ethical education is more acute than ever. Modern children less and less they think about the rules of good taste, because the eternally busy parents did not have time to convey to their child the basics of correct, good behavior inherent in well-mannered person. In cultured and well-mannered parents, children know and apply in practice the rules good behavior: with older people, peers, strangers, caregivers and teachers; at home and in in public places(in kindergarten, school, clinic, transport, etc.); away; at the table; in a telephone conversation and so on.

Etiquette - generally accepted norms and rules of behavior of people in society. So has he outlived himself? Looking at the manner of communication of modern adolescents, many psychologists are wondering if etiquette has become obsolete in principle. However, they immediately pull themselves up, saying that without him to build normal relationship impossible, because there will be a rollback (degradation) to almost primitive times.

Types of children's etiquette

Exists a large number of types of etiquette. However, there are fewer types of etiquette for children than for adults.

Weekend - Take the kids for a walk

On the street, as well as at home, as well as at a party, certain norms of behavior should be observed. Parents should pay a lot of attention to ensure that their child behaves well on the street.

Without fail, the child must learn that:

    Garbage should be in the bin, not on the ground;

    It is forbidden to walk on the lawns;

    You can’t point fingers at people, point out their shortcomings;

    To avoid collisions with passers-by, walking on the sidewalk, you should adhere to right side;

    In the event of a stop, you should step aside so as not to interfere with passers-by;

    It is forbidden to eat on the go, it is better to stop or sit on a bench;

    Remember the rules traffic;

    You can not leave the place where the parents asked to wait;

    Do not give your address and phone number to strangers;

    You can't go anywhere with strangers.

It is good when a child has the opportunity to develop culturally. Therefore, parents should pay this issue attention and at least occasionally take the child to theaters, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, etc. At the same time, parents should take care in advance to teach the child good manners.

For example, in the theatre:

  1. You should look neat, it is unacceptable to come in dirty or torn clothes;
  2. You should come in advance so that there is time to put yourself in order, put your outerwear in the wardrobe;
  3. It is necessary to take a seat, especially if it is located in the middle of the row, in advance, so that later you do not have to disturb the rest of the audience;
  4. You should move along the row to your place only facing those sitting, apologizing for the inconvenience. Do not forget about the words of gratitude;
  5. During the performance, it is forbidden to make noise, share impressions, talk on the phone - this can be done during the intermission;
  6. During the performance, it is forbidden to eat and drink;
  7. During the performance, you should sit still so as not to interfere with those sitting behind.

Guest - For the birthday of friends

It is very important to teach the child how to receive guests at home and how to behave at their home. For this, it is worth remembering only some simple rules:

  1. Do not come to visit without an invitation, but, in case of urgent need, inform the hosts about your visit yourself. Unexpected guests almost always bring anxiety and trouble to the owners;
  2. Do not persistently call or knock on the door - no more than two times;
  3. When going to visit, you should definitely take a gift or a gift with you - it is impolite to go on a visit without a gift;
  4. At a party, you should behave calmly and with restraint, it is forbidden to make noise and run;
  5. It is forbidden to touch things of the owners without asking, look into locked rooms, open cabinets, etc.
  6. Can't give bad grade home of the owners, including the existing mess, bad smell etc.
  7. In the case of an invitation to the table, you should eat carefully;
  8. You should not stay away for a long time;
  9. Before leaving for without fail it is worth thanking the hosts for the warm welcome and refreshments;
  10. Guests should be invited in advance;
  11. It is mandatory to pay attention to each guest;
  12. Before guests leave, thank them for their visit.

IMPORTANT: Instill in a child good manners, to make a well-mannered person out of him is only possible for those parents who themselves follow the rules of etiquette. After all, absolutely all children learn, firstturn, on personal examples of adults.

Passenger - On a trip, at least every day

In order for parents not to blush because of the limping behavior of the child outside the walls of the apartment, even at home you should tell him about the rules of behavior in public places. Special attention I want to pay attention to the rules of etiquette in public transport:

  1. Before you enter the transport, you should let everyone who gets out of it;
  2. Men and boys should let women and girls go ahead of them, and only then go into the salon public transport;
  3. It is forbidden to push passengers with their elbows, moving deeper into the cabin in order to take free place;
  4. You should give way to the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women and passengers with children;
  5. When entering the transport, you should take off your satchels and backpacks so as not to interfere with other passengers;
  6. Do not crowd at the entrance if there is no need to get off at the next stop;
  7. In public transport it is forbidden to eat, shake off dirt, raindrops, snow from clothes;
  8. In the passenger compartment it is forbidden to run, talk loudly, dirty the seats;
  9. It is forbidden to closely examine other passengers in the public transport cabin;
  10. Animals should be transported in special bags or cages, and dogs in muzzles;
  11. In transport, you should prepare in advance for the exit;
  12. On the street, standing vehicles should be bypassed from behind, only trams - from the front.

Speech - Politely speak and thank

Junior schoolchildren, like preschoolers, should learn the rules for communicating with people, for this, if necessary, they should be reminded of the rules speech etiquette outlined in the section above, pin them. There are also rules for communicating with people that absolutely everyone should follow. These rules should be taught to children from the very beginning. early childhood. Still quite kids should know that:

Family - Respect comes from the family

Etiquette rules should be observed everywhere, and the family is no exception. Even the smallest baby should know:

  1. With parents, grandparents, etc. should communicate respectfully, politely;
  2. You can’t argue with relatives, swear with them. Entering your parents’ room, you should knock;
  3. It is forbidden to swear, fight with brothers and sisters, taunt them;
  4. You should adhere to all the rules and traditions established directly in the family;

IMPORTANT: It is best to teach the child the rules of behavior in the family by personal example. In addition to parents, a role model for a child is his environment, so you should pay attention to who your child communicates with.

Canteen - Nobility needs to be brought up

From the time when the baby begins to eat with adults, he must be taught the rules of behavior at the table. Not needed with early years teach too complicated rules behavior at the table: why do you need a certain fork or some kind of glass. The child will learn all this later, if necessary. The basic rules of decency are enough. The basic rules for the behavior of a child at the table are that it is impossible:

  1. eat, champing, smacking and chewing with open mouth;
  2. do not use a napkin while eating, licking your fingers;
  3. stuff your mouth hard;
  4. sit down at the table if the child is not washed, not combed, untidy dressed;
  5. put your elbows on the table;
  6. take food with your hands (poking around);
  7. spit out food
  8. recline and swing in a chair;
  9. sit at the table, lounging.

Need to:

  1. wash your hands before eating;
  2. start eating with everyone together;
  3. eat silently;
  4. use napkins;
  5. thank you at the end of the meal for a delicious meal.

Telephone - Hello? Hello!

Parents should explain to the child that during a telephone conversation, all the rules of speech etiquette should be used. Along with these rules, the following can be attributed to telephone etiquette:

  1. should be unnecessarily restricted phone calls from 21.00 pm to 08.00 am, and on weekends from 21.00 pm to 10.00 am;
  2. Phone conversation it is worth starting with a greeting, and at the end of the conversation you should definitely say goodbye;
  3. In places where the rules of etiquette do not allow talking on the phone, you should turn it off;
  4. If you told someone that you would call back, then you should definitely do it;
  5. Etiquette rules prohibit answering someone else's phone calls;
  6. If you dialed a wrong number, you should apologize;
  7. The rules of etiquette do not allow talking loudly on the phone in public places;
  8. It is forbidden to play with the phone;
  9. All messages must be well-written.

Training - You need to study politely

There are also certain rules behavior at school. These include the following:

  1. Respect teachers;
  2. You should come to school 10-15 minutes before the start of classes;
  3. You should come to school prepared - do all your homework, do not forget books and notebooks, do not forget your sports uniform;
  4. It is forbidden to leave the school on your own during classes;
  5. During class, if there is a need to go out, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher for permission;
  6. Missing lessons is only permissible for a good reason;
  7. Turn off the sound while exercising mobile phone;
  8. At the beginning of the lesson, you should greet the teacher standing;
  9. If you have a question or want to answer the question posed, you should raise your hand and wait for the teacher to pay attention to you;
  10. Keep order in your workplace;
  11. It is forbidden to eat during the lesson;
  12. The bell at the end of the lesson is for the teacher. You should wait until the teacher has finished;
  13. During the break it is forbidden to run, shout, swear, fight - to disturb the order in the school.

At what age should you start teaching etiquette?

Many parents may be surprised to learn that the rules of etiquette need to be taught to a child from birth. Even a very small baby can easily begin to be taught good manners with a look, intonation, and certain phrases. For example, you should wish the baby Bon appetit, thank him if he handed you a rattle, etc.

IMPORTANT: Already in the early age it is worth praising the child for good manners, as well as showing the intonation of the voice when he does not act quite right.

From two to four years, parents should begin to actively teach the child the rules of etiquette. You should tell him how to act and how not to, motivate the child and do not forget about personal example. From four to six years old, the child should realize the need for teaching good manners - this will help him in communicating with peers and with adults. Important role in education is given not only to parents, but also to teachers of preschool institutions. Teaching etiquette is also carried out in schools, but by this age the child should already have some knowledge in this matter.

Rules of good behavior are such rules, knowing which the child will not get into an uncomfortable situation, will not look impolite or ill-mannered. Without these rules you can not do in any kind of activity. Teaching a child etiquette should begin as early as possible and mainly by setting a positive personal example. Parents do not need to start abstruse conversations and boring moralizing about the rules of etiquette. Psychologists and experienced teachers they say that such forms of education only turn children away from observing the norms of etiquette and contribute to the development of an inferiority complex. It is best to start acquaintance of the smallest with the rules of etiquette using a play form. For example, with the help of dolls or toys beloved by the baby, you can play the situation of a visit or a theater, a telephone conversation, a dinner party. Suppose a child, in the role of a hospitable host, receives guests or, together with his toy friends, goes to a performance in puppet show. Children's books help to understand the rules of etiquette well, in which, using the example of characters understandable to the child, the rules of politeness and accuracy are explained.

The basic rule of good manners is that the child understands how important it is to treat others with respect. This law is the basis of all other rules of decency, because the rules of etiquette are nothing but good habit treat people with respect in different situations.

Teach kids etiquette game forms, can be in the form of purposeful communication. There is a huge amount of materials and lessons that will help both parents and teachers to properly build a conversation and easily convey necessary information children.

It is worth remembering that the conversation should be:

  1. Not tiring for children, and therefore not long;
  2. Emotionally colored, not monotonous - children should be interested;
  3. Bilateral - children must take Active participation in conversation;
  4. Bright and memorable - you should use a variety of illustrative examples in the form of pictures, audio materials, video materials

IMPORTANT: Teaching the rules of etiquette in the form of a conversation is best used for older preschool children and schoolchildren.

When a child of 4, 5, 6 years old or school age has before his eyes an example of parents, relatives and friends who have good manners and know how to behave, this is wonderful. The kid will understand that this is how it should be, he will take an example from the people around him. In parallel with this, training in etiquette should also take place purposefully. It is necessary to start teaching the child the rules of behavior as early as a year old, because it is at this time that he “separates” from his mother for the first time and begins to lead active life- walk independently and try to communicate with other children. At this age, parents can control the child's behavior with the help of intonation, facial expressions and gestures, the words “can” or “not”, praise and blame (which, again, are expressed by the intonation of the voice). At about two years old, the baby should already have certain communication skills and the makings of good manners, because at this age, most likely, he will go to kindergarten. His socialization will begin. At 4-6 years old, preschool age, the child must already consciously, purposefully and systematically learn the rules of good manners and communication. Parents and teachers act as teachers preschool. The kid must understand that good manners and good manners are his assistants in making new friends, communicating with peers and adults. Teaching a preschooler etiquette takes place in the game. At school, the demands on the child increase. He is already independent and conscious. From the ability to behave and communicate in many respects depends on his success in school, good attitude to him from teachers, authority among classmates. The child already knows how to read, he needs to be offered children's books on etiquette.

You have probably heard more than once that children are empty vessels, what their parents fill with is what they will be. Have you noticed that children, playing with their toys, can retell almost everything that you just talked about? Therefore, the purity of the child's speech directly depends on us. If our speech is pure and literate, then the child will naturally absorb it. If we talk calmly, without raising intonation, then the child will not “turn on” the volume. Speech is quiet, fast, loud, of course, refers to the manner of speech, but the main thing is courteous speech.

Rules of conduct for educated children.

In kindergarten


Not tired? Enough strength? -
Flynn politely asked.
And he said: - Today I
I turn to those friends
To those of the little animals
Who is going to kindergarten.
How to be friends with guys
How to live a day without sadness
How to behave in the garden
To get along with everyone.
Keep quiet,
I'll start talking.


In the garden, as the kids know,
They've been walking since morning.
And they wanted, they didn't want
Gotta get out of bed fast
Don't make a fuss, don't scream
And don't yell at your mom.
Gotta learn, brothers
You wake up with a smile.
A new day has come again -
Hey friends, it's time to get up!


Mother of a white kitten
Brought me to kindergarten.
But a furry child
I couldn't calm down.
He began to meow, to cling
Paw for her hem,
I didn't want to stay in the garden
He didn't join the group.
Mama Cat was in a hurry
And saying sadly:
Lost from Kitten
And she left in tears.
No, don't do it guys.
Cry and scream loudly
Mom is in a hurry somewhere,
Mom might be late.
Moms love you all very much,
Waiting for a long-awaited meeting
Children will not be forgotten -
Will definitely come!


Our Kitten burst into tears
In the dressing room, on the floor
Sat down under the bench.
I sat in the corner for two hours.
Comforted me as much as I could
But the mode in the garden is no joke
And she went to others.
And the Kitten heard the group,
Heard games, jokes, laughter.
Finally decided it was stupid
Hiding in a corner from everyone.
- In the group and accept me,
I roared for the last time!
Aunt Duck, I'm sorry!
I promise to listen to you.
Yeah, don't be stubborn
I'll tell you not melting
The teacher is like a mother to you,
Group - new family.


The fox was playing in the corner
And I didn't want to go to sleep.
Quietly hiding somewhere
And in a quiet hour did not appear.
Call, the teacher became -
The minx did not answer her.
Where could she go?
I had to get a little excited.
The fox was still found
Very angrily scolded
They said: - Do not play hide and seek,
Called - answer immediately.
Well, now run to bed,
It's high time for bed!


Elephant wanted raspberries
AND toothpaste ate:
After all, it had a picture -
Strawberry and raspberry!
He lost his appetite
His stomach hurts:
There is no toothpaste now -
Swallowed her sick!
If you want to eat something
Gotta read the inscriptions
After giving yourself the answer:
Will it be beneficial or harmful?


The duckling was very sad
But he didn't say anything
But he just sat, was silent, sighed,
Friends did not listen, did not play.
Then Aunt Duck came up,
She asked: - How are you?
Why the sad look?
Perhaps something hurts?
The duckling is sitting not himself,
Shakes his head quietly
Nobody can understand him
Maybe a doctor can help him?
Friends, when you are sick,
Don't be silent, really
Everything the educator should know
So that to you rather a doctor call.


Climbed a tree Puppy
And caught on a knot
Hanging, whining, can't get off,
Shouts: - Save who is here!
There was a fox nearby,
Hastened to help a friend,
But just began to climb -
How he got stuck in a crevice.
Hanging on a tree together
And they whine very plaintively.
Squirrel hurries to them soon,
And to save my friends
She brought help
Big smart Goat.
When your friend is in trouble
He failed or got stuck
Always call adults for help
Skillful, experienced and tall.


The kittens were laughing, the kittens were playing
And suddenly they began to quarrel,
But the Mouse ran up and said:
- Don't need kids!
No need to get angry
Scold and get angry.
I offer you
Reconcile quickly.
And this huge jar of jam
Rather, friends, reconciliation will be noted!
Please guys
Don't forget at all
Someone quarreled
Write down to reconcile!


A hare played with a doll -
The doll's dress was torn.
Then I took a typewriter -
Disassembled in half.
Found a small ball -
This ball is pierced.
And when the designer took -
Lost all the details!
What to play now others?
No, you don't have to be like that!
You take care of toys
And keep it carefully.


Rain outside again
We had to walk in the rain.
The puddles around are full,
But the animals don't care.
Jumping, running, playing
Boats are allowed in the puddles.
Walking away from the animals
Sprays fly to the sides.
Everyone got wet, they were taken out,
Two hours then dried!
- No, we won't go again.
For a walk in the rain!


Animals fussed in the snow, like boys,
Wet and their mittens, and panties.
They should put everything in the dryer,
They forgot to dry their pants.
It's cold outside, winter and frost,
Animals will freeze, they are sorry to tears!
Dry your clothes, I advise you,
So that in the wet then do not go home.


What is it to be neat?
It means clean, neat,
That the pants did not know holes.
Those are trousers, not cheese.
But sometimes the kids
A T-shirt is falling out of panties,
Kneeling down the hole
From fighting in the yard.
So familiar Piglet
Spent my day in the garden
Very dirty child
Pope with mom in trouble.
Mom pampered her son
Dressed clean in the morning
Came to pick up
Couldn't recognize him!
She is ashamed of her son
So guys, no good!


Mouse poorly paws soap:
Only moistened with water
I did not try to wash with soap -
And the dirt remained on the paws.
Towel - in black spots!
How unpleasant it is!
Microbes get into your mouth
It may hurt your stomach.
So kids try your best
Wash your face with soap often!
Necessary warm water
Wash your hands before eating!


At the table puppy Antoshka
Eating fish with a tablespoon
I tried to eat soup with a fork -
I didn't want to listen to advice.
And although I tried my best,
So he remained hungry.
Well, where does it fit!
It's time for everyone to learn
Eat with a fork, eat with a spoon
And not to do like Antoshka.


Teddy bear chewed bread -
He dropped bread crumbs.
Spoke with a full mouth
What? Nobody could understand.
Then he took up the compote -
The table was doused with his stomach!
Everyone laughs loudly at him,
Embarrassed the teddy bear:
- You do not know? At the table
You have to eat with your mouth closed
Don't rush, don't talk
Do not litter crumbs on the floor.
After getting up from the table
In a fur coat as clean as it was.


Squirrel was sitting at the table,
In front of her was a plate
In it from bread, butter, lard
The squirrel was building a house.
So, friends, do not act
And they don't play with food.
Eat at the table, friends,
You can't mess around here!
And eat - you are free,
And play however you like.


Moles are sitting at the table,
The nose is turned up, they do not eat:
- We do not want this porridge!
We don't eat black bread!
Give better than tea us,
Poor little Moles!
I will remind you of one thing:
Don't make faces at the table
Do not be capricious here -
Eat whatever they give you!


The group wants to have breakfast,
Everyone around is in a hurry to help
Bring dishes to tables.
Only the Hedgehog said: - I won't!
I won't go, I'll sit
And I will look at you
I don't want to help
Better to just wait.
It's unpleasant for everyone.
Everyone does not respect Hedgehog.
He himself is quite small,
And what a big laziness!


Everyone ate, got up
And they went to the toys.
The children began to have fun.
Who will clean up?
Who will take the dishes?
Who will wipe the tables then?
To keep flies away
And they didn’t sit on the crumbs,
Well, quickly, without words,
We're clearing the tables!
And with dishes, as we can,
Let's help our babysitter!


All the toys were taken apart
Belka wasn't enough.
Everyone around her was playing
And she was sad.
But she was tired of being sad -
Belka set to work:
Chairs moved into a circle
I began to build a teremok.
All the animals came running
Belka began to help
Bring your toys
They want to play in the teremok.
Take an example from Squirrel:
No toys - don't be sad
Make up your own games
From what is at hand!


Holiday, holiday celebrated!
Animals march together
Everyone dance and sing
And Ezha is called to himself.
But he curled up into a ball
rolled into a corner,
Just looked out of there
To say: I'm not going to speak,
Because I am shy.
But the prickly Hedgehog is wrong:
Will a talent emerge?
May sparkle on the stage
A real diamond!


Somehow a gray wolf cub
We took Bunnies into the game.
Quarreled all the Wolf cubs
And hurt the kids.
He boasted and teased
And deceived the Hare,
And now his Bunny
They don't even want to see it!
This is a quarrel. Here's a shame!
You don't have to hurt your friends
We do not need evil quarrels,
Tears, arguments and strife.


If it's warm outside
The sun blazed from the sky
And there won't be any rain
Dress for the weather!
Let's put away the fur coat!
You don't need a cape either!
Will you run and play
And sunbathe in the sun!
Everyone should always try
Dress according to the weather.


Dear friend, remember this -
hands after toilet
Wash with warm water.
To keep out of your mouth
So that the stomach does not hurt,
So that with you, my friend, trouble
Never happened!


Formerly Little Penguin
Was very, very alone
He didn't play with others.
And that's why he was bored.
But now he has changed.
He made friends with everyone
Have fun and laugh
Doesn't want to go home.
After all, it's interesting with friends -
Everyone knows this!


They did not like to play with the Raccoon.
More than once the Raccoon was told
What fists interfere with in a dispute:
They don't solve problems!
The raccoon did not try to understand.
Just a little - he immediately fought with someone.
And now one sits
He sighs heavily and mourns.
Nobody plays with him anymore
He does not invite him over.
It's simple if you figure it out:
You don't have to fight with your friends!


The bunny was fast asleep at first.
Suddenly woke up, it became clear -
It's time to go to the toilet.
Didn't dare to ask
You can go out or not
To run to the toilet.
He was silent, endured, tried,
Holding on tight to your stomach
He clenched his teeth with all his strength -
But the bed got wet!
And then my stomach hurt.
So why did he suffer?
It's bad, really!
If you really wanted
That troubles here, right, no
Ask to go to the toilet.
caregiver never
Won't want to harm you.

DON'T Tease And Don't Call

monkey monkey
Teased everyone around:
Hare, Squirrel, Dog,
Lion crocodile.
Called it any way
Splashed from a puddle -
And now one is left
Nobody is friends with her.
Monkey, be smart
Better try
Become kinder, kinder
And do not call names!
Everyone will be friends with you
It will be more fun to live.


Although the lamb was
Small in age
Willingly he gossip
I wrote about everyone.
Always very bad
He spoke about everyone
For this Lamb
Nobody loved.
And they don’t play with him, they don’t believe him:
- Tell stories to yourself!
When you don't know what to say
It's probably best to just keep quiet.


The animals played together
After sleep you need to go to bed.
Quiet time comes
Silence is needed now.
Even if you don't sleep
Lie down, don't make noise
Don't let your friend sleep
And rest easy!


At the end of a quiet hour
A sound sleep is gone from you.
If you can't sleep anymore
Still no fun
And you don't have to mess around
And throw pillows.
It's hard to jump on the beds.
Stay quiet better.
To keep the feathers from flying
Like February blizzards.
Lie down, shut up
And wait for the rise.


Time for a walk! Hurry up to get dressed!
But Bobrenok began to dig for so long!
Already all dressed, went for a walk,
And then they came back again
And he's still sitting in the locker room: - And me?
Have you walked without me, friends?
To keep up
From funny friends
Learn to dress
My friend, hurry up!


Red cat walking
I pulled a candy in my mouth
that lay on the road.
After that, everyone was worried:
His stomach hurt so much
That the cat got to the hospital!
Dirt is harmful, it is dangerous,
It has microbes! It is clear?


Bunny mom did not wait
And headed home:
- I'm not far away
I can easily run alone!
Aunt Duck won't let you in
Zayzu sternly explains:
- Never, please, my friend,
Don't go home alone!
Better mom Wait,
Just go with your mom!


Here comes the evening.
They come for the animals
Moms, dads, uncles, aunts,
You will go home now.
The teacher must know:
Have they come to pick you up yet?
Reported? Fine.
Goodbye! The day has passed.


We had such a case, they say:
The wolf came to the kindergarten for the kid.
Called the goat, said: - Do not be sad,
Mom asked me to bring you.
Well, do not linger, Kozlik, let's go
To the goat brothers
to your little house.
But there was no big problem
The goat did not believe him then.
I called adults for help soon,
The villain immediately escaped from the kindergarten!
You can not leave the kindergarten with strangers!
Only with friends, only with your own!


Children live in kindergarten
Here they play and sing
Find friends here
They go for a walk with them.
Together they argue and dream
They grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
You love him kids
The kindest house in the world!