Jessner Peel: A highly effective treatment that can only be done in a salon. Description of the technique and results of Jessner peeling

Chemical peel Jessner is a method of exfoliating the upper layers of the skin of the face with the help of chemical components (often it is one or several organic acids at once). What is its essence? What it is? How does something like this go?


Chemical peels are used to treat various skin problems such as acne, sun spots, expression lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture.

These include the use of chemicals such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, Jessner's solution, trichloroacetic acid(TCA) and phenol.

The chemical is applied to the skin and then removed after a while.

The top layer of your skin flakes off as a result, revealing a younger, new level.

TCA and Jessner peels are the two most popular types of chemical peels.

Such a procedure is indispensable for the skin, which subsequently age-related changes loses its elasticity, firmness and quickly becomes covered with mimic wrinkles.

These processes occur due to the fact that collagen and elastin fibers begin to rapidly break down in the epidermis. Every day, young cells are regenerated in the skin.

Over time, they begin to form a natural keratinized hard layer. Jessner's chemical peel helps to gently yet radically control the size of this layer to allow new cells to maintain a youthful appearance. appearance skin.

There is such a minus: frequent use or application to aging skin leads to thinning skin and a decrease in turgor.

This, in turn, can cause a network of fine wrinkles and “sagging” of the epithelium in delicate areas, such as the lower eyelid.

For older patients, deep peels are not recommended, as the risk of hyperpigmentation later increases.

What are the 4 main types of chemical peels?

There are several types of peels, the technique of which depends on the following factors: skin type, a problem that needs to be solved, the required depth of impact on cells, etc.

The price of Jessner is very democratic, 1 session will cost from 1 thousand rubles.

There are such types:

  1. Superficial peeling. It usually uses the smallest concentrations of the active substance (agents or enzymes). This procedure is quite possible to carry out, because this peeling is distinguished by the gentle and gentle removal of dead cells. There is an opinion that American actresses often use this view, so its second name is Hollywood.
  2. Surface. A slight chemical burn of the skin, in which it is damaged up to the granular layer. This procedure helps to significantly reduce enlarged pores, make the complexion more even, bright and pleasant, remove minor acne or prevent its appearance on the face. They are usually carried out using various. This also includes amber and.
  3. . Second degree skin burn. After carrying out the skin, a long recovery period is required, which in some cases can last a week. The burn reaches the dermal layer. After rehabilitation, the skin will look rejuvenated and refreshed, mimic wrinkles will smooth out and look less noticeable. In addition, age spots, freckles, as well as flat warts on the epidermis will disappear.
  4. Deep. This type is characterized by a very long recovery period, which in some cases can take up to 1 month. After the conduction, a deep and severe burn skin 3 degrees. After restoration, deep mimic wrinkles will become less noticeable, the color and tone of the face will even out, and the facial frame will look taut and attractive.

Chemical composition of Jessner peeling (components)

Jessner peeling is considered a gentle method of exposure to the skin. Most often it is carried out as a superficial type, although some cosmetologists use it to affect the skin at the middle level. Because of this, the composition of the mixture for application can vary markedly.

The classic peeling recipe includes following components: resorcinol, acetylsalicylic and purified lactic acids.

Depending on the depth of exposure to the skin, the concentration of lactic acid in the composition can reach up to 20% (in classic version they are mixed at 14% each).

This substance relieves inflammation on the skin, and also stimulates the active production of the moisture it needs. The intensity of exposure depends on how many layers were simultaneously applied to the upper layer of the epidermis.

Acetylsalicylic acid is responsible for exfoliating dead cells of the epidermis. This process is also called exfoliation. Together with lactic acid, they kill pathogenic bacteria and infections.

Resorcinol also disinfects the skin, it has tannic properties, which allows it to be often used to treat various dermatological diseases of varying severity.

How to choose the depth of impact of Jessner peeling?

When carrying out superficial peeling, only 1 layer of the mixture with the active substance is applied to the treatment area. In order to avoid burns, post-peeling measures should be taken immediately after rinsing.

This type of peeling is considered optimal solution in the event that it is necessary to restore the normal moisture balance in the epidermis, as well as visually improve its appearance - smooth out shallow mimic wrinkles, brighten and even out the tone of the face.

The procedure is considered painless and does not cause severe discomfort to the patient.

A few days during the rehabilitation period, slight peeling will be noticeable on the skin.

Do not worry - this phenomenon indicates that the epidermis is actively renewed and restored. After a few days, the peeling will disappear.

For the median type of peeling, 3 layers of the mixture with the active substance are immediately applied to the patient's face. The interval between applications is short, it is no more than 5-6 minutes.

The Jessner peel mix stays on the face for a total of 15 to 20 minutes. After applying the last layer, the mixture is kept for another 1 minute, after which it is removed from the skin.

This technique helps to effectively deal with visible age-related changes on the epidermis, such as deep visible wrinkles, strong pigmentation, small scars and scars.

The recovery period takes up to 5 days, during which time active peeling of the skin will be observed.

In some cases, the beautician may individually apply up to 5 layers of Jessner peeling composition, after which it begins to be considered deep.

This mixture actively smoothes even visible and deep wrinkles on the face, effectively fights age spots, and also evens out and brightens the complexion, slightly tightens its “framework”.

disadvantages this method can be considered a long rehabilitation period, which is accompanied by some complications - the appearance of redness and white spots, which are accompanied by pain and slight discomfort. After 2 weeks, the skin will fully recover, and about side effects can be forgotten.

Composition features

Doctors distinguish the following properties of peeling components:

  1. Salicylic acid . Well disinfects infected skin, dries it and eliminates excess sebum. This substance effectively destroys the molecular bonds between cells, and also provokes the active production of keratin.
  2. Lactic acid. Moisturizes and softens the epidermis, accelerates the production of collagen fibers in the body. Also, this substance takes an active part in the production, distribution and circulation of moisture in the body.
  3. Resorcinol. This component is included in the composition in order to show the effect of lactic and salicylic acids, to enhance the manifestation of their effect. In addition, it removes inflammation and redness well.

The mechanism of action of Jessner peel on the skin:

  • lactic acid makes the keratinized layer of the epidermis supple and soft;
  • moisture inside begins to bind and evaporate from the upper soft tissues;
  • salicylic acid exfoliates the old dead layer;
  • resorcinol enhances and exhibits the action of acids, disinfects the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Depending on the depth of exposure, Jessner peeling can be useful not only for mature, but also for young skin, which has typical imperfections characteristic of adolescence and adolescence.


  • acne and post-acne;
  • skin;
  • enlarged pores on the face;
  • the presence of expressed mimic wrinkles;
  • to eliminate cosmetic defects - shallow scars, scars;
  • with freckles.
  1. the presence of a herpes infection in the body;
  2. infectious, purulent diseases of the epidermis;
  3. a large number of pigmented neoplasms on the skin (including moles);
  4. with diabetes mellitus;
  5. people who suffer from cancer;
  6. in case of disruption immune system organism;
  7. pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  8. people who suffer mental illness and disorders.

If you ignore these contraindications, you may develop the following complications: streptoderma, exacerbation of herpes infection, allergy.

good and stable result can be achieved by combining a Jessner peel with a TCA peel, as well as. With complex use, the skin will look attractive, toned and fresh for a long time.

Question answer

Pigmentation is a direct indication for this manipulation. The fact is that Jessner peeling remarkably whitens the skin. But it is worth noting that in cosmetology there are other, more effective methods eliminate age spots. These include laser resurfacing, ATP therapy.

Jessner peel protocol (step by step)

Peeling takes place in the following stages:

  1. Skin peeling.
  2. Care after the event.

Preparation begins 2 weeks before the date of the procedure. You can do this at home as well.

In order for the skin to soften and the composition to work better for it, the epidermis should be wiped with a special lotion that contains fruit acids. Before the procedure, the specialist must conduct a sensitivity test (to identify individual intolerance and an allergic reaction).

To conduct the test, the cosmetologist applies a small amount of the drug to the skin for several minutes. If after 10 minutes there is no rash, redness or swelling, then you can start applying to the face.

Deep peeling can only be carried out by a doctor, a medium one can also be carried out by a qualified cosmetologist. Surface can be done independently, using purchased mixtures with acids.

For independent shallow Jessner peeling, mix with active ingredients can be bought in a specialized online store.

How is the session going?

After conducting a sensitivity test, the specialist will degrease the upper layer of the epidermis and apply a composition with acids. During their action, itching and burning will be felt on the face - this means that the acids have begun to work.

After the composition dries, a soothing and anesthetic mask will be applied.

The duration of the composition lasts from 3 to 5 hours, the remnants of the substance are washed off on their own, at home.

The time of Jessner peeling depends on the intensity of the action of acids (superficial, medium or deep type), on the number of layers applied with the solution.

Each of them is applied at intervals of approximately 5 minutes. The total duration of the procedure can be up to 1 hour.

After the Jessner peel, the epidermis becomes red (in some cases, white-colored areas may appear). The next day, the skin becomes brown, covered with a dense film.

The recovery period after superficial peeling is approximately 1 week. For the median - up to 2 weeks, and for the deep - 3 weeks.

It is very important during this period to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, take care of damaged skin and nourish it with moisturizing and healing agents.

In no case can the film that appears be torn off on its own. It will completely disappear a few days after the procedure without outside intervention.

The final results will be visible in 10-14 days. The skin will look rested, refreshed, and small wrinkles, age spots, deep pores, scars and scars will disappear.

How many Jessner peels do I need? In order to achieve the most stable result, it is recommended to take a course that includes 5 to 10 procedures with an interval of 30 days between sessions.

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Jessner peeling involves a procedure for which more than one acid is used. It acts gently, it can be superficial or median impact, which directly affects the effect and duration of recovery. This procedure perfectly relieves inflammation, fights bacteria.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

After a Jessner peel, the number of acne will decrease, the pores will narrow, the complexion will improve, but you should not expect that such a procedure will remove wrinkles. After it, the folds may become a little smaller, but they will not disappear. This is a safe manipulation, after which complications rarely appear.

The Jessner peel is effective method fast and budgetary skin rejuvenation, without the use of radical measures. It can be carried out both in a clinic, beauty salon, and at home. We recommend that you definitely look at the "before" and "after" photos, thematic videos and reviews before the procedure.

Facial care


18.09.14 14:49

The American submarine doctor Max Jessner did not even suspect that by inventing an antiseptic for sailors, he would create one of the most effective and safe options bases for a cleansing cosmetic procedure. To date Jessner peel- this is the possibility of cleaning the face of the middle and superficial effects, the main purpose of which is to improve the condition and appearance of the epidermis.

Composition and properties of Jessner peeling

Mandatory components in the composition of peeling are lactic and salicylic acids, resorcinol. Sometimes a small amount of lemon or glycolic acid, isopropyl alcohol. The properties of the product are due to the chemical effect of the main components on the state of the epidermis.

Lactic acid 14% concentration:

  • exfoliates and whitens the surface of the epidermis, stimulates the production of collagen, improves skin firmness and elasticity. The substance has a milder effect than other fruit acids, so Jesner peel can be used to care for dry skin with a tendency to react violently to chemical components;
  • chemical compounds of lactic acid bind, redistribute moisture to the deep layers of the epidermis, and securely retain it in the tissues.
  • Salicylic acid 14% concentration:
  • exfoliates dead skin cells, slightly dries the epidermis, relieving the surface of the face of excess skin secretion;
  • destroys microbes, neutralizes inflammatory processes;
  • accelerates the renewal of the epithelium without increasing itching.

Resorcinol 14% concentration:

  • antibacterial, astringent, cauterizing and whitening effect;
  • enhances the effectiveness of the other two main components.

Thus, Jessner peeling eliminates hyperkeratosis, excess sebum on the surface of the face, reduces the number of wrinkles and their severity. The color of the skin is leveled, the level of moisture content in the tissues is normalized. The procedure gives a tightening effect comparable to the results of plasty and mesotherapy.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

The action of the composition is limited to reaching the basement membrane. The product cannot penetrate deeper, therefore Jessner peeling is classified as a superficial and median type. From this follow the main indications for the procedure:

  • skin imperfections after acne, comedones, inflamed sebaceous plugs;
  • uneven distribution of pigment in the skin, especially after pregnancy;
  • acne, comedones, enlarged pores;
  • increased production of skin secretion, deformation of the sebaceous tubules, sebaceous plugs;
  • first wrinkles and skin folds;
  • the problem of "ingrown" hair, which cannot be eliminated by a milder method;
  • unevenness and roughness on the surface of the face;
  • hardening of the stratum corneum, insufficient effect of daily cleansing procedures.

Despite the softness of the composition, Jessner peeling is aggressive chemical procedure, which is a strong stress for the skin. To avoid discomfort and complications, you need to remember the contraindications to the procedure and its features:

  • herpetic, purulent-inflammatory, fungal rashes;
  • allergy to the components of the composition;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • burns, including solar;
  • fever;
  • violation of the work of blood vessels, rosacea;
  • large moles on the face protruding above the surface of the epidermis;
  • oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  • with very dark skin, a preliminary test for the perception of the composition is necessary;
  • conditional contraindication is demodicosis;
  • the procedure is not carried out in spring and summer.

Advantages of peeling over other procedures and its weaknesses

The effectiveness of peeling depends on the number of layers applied, the process is clearly controlled by a specialist, this gives the procedure a number of advantages over other cleansers:

  1. Safety. Jessner peeling has a minimum of side effects, it does not leave scars, scars, hyperpigmentation zones.
  2. For problematic skin cleaning is the best option. It reduces the number of blackheads and comedones, prevents the appearance of consequences after their elimination.
  3. The recovery period after the procedure is easy, provides for a minimum of discomfort and rehabilitation procedures. Underway habitual image life, only exposure to the sun is excluded.
  4. The median version of the peel is a great way to get rid of the signs of aging without resorting to plastic surgery.
  5. Active peeling is observed, which, according to experts, is an indicator of good cleansing.

The product has a number of weaknesses:

  1. The drug has a complex composition and during its storage must be observed certain conditions. Otherwise, the chemical proportions go astray, the effectiveness of the product decreases.
  2. The procedure is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  3. During the session, discomfort which pass fairly quickly.
  4. Resorcinol and salicylic acid form a toxic compound that melts intercellular bonds. The procedure can only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

Jessner peeling: epidermis preparation and procedure

Cleansing the epidermis with a three-component composition involves three stages: preparation, peeling itself, rehabilitation. The preparatory and final stages of manipulation can be carried out at home.

Pre-peel preparation

As a preparation for a serious impact on the skin, a specialist may prescribe 2-3 sessions of superficial peeling. These can be homemade recipes for formulations from fruit acids or ready mixes that are sold in pharmacies. Must be applied sunscreen and special lotion. At the same stage, a test is carried out for the tolerance of the components of the composition and the absence of allergies. The specialist is obliged to examine and interview the patient in order to identify contraindications.

Peeling with Jessner

The use of moisturizing creams and products based on fruit acids on the day of the procedure is prohibited. First of all, the surface of the face is cleaned with a special composition, whose acidity is in the range of 4.5-5.5. Soap must not be used! Next comes the degreasing of the skin. The next step is the application of the cleaning agent. First, the forehead and temples are processed, then the chin, cheeks, nose, and finally the eyelids. For the patient, the Jessner peel is accompanied by a burning sensation, which indicates the activity of the components. 2-3 minutes after applying the product, the epidermis should be covered with a white coating - these are salicylic acid crystals. From them it is easy to determine the uniformity of the application of the composition.

Depending on skin type, desired result and the severity of problems, from 1 to 4 layers of the base for peeling are applied, the time between applying the layer is on average 5 minutes. After each layer, the specialist has the opportunity to assess the depth of penetration of substances and adjust the procedure.

At the end of the manipulation on the epidermis, a soothing mask and a moisturizer are applied over the peeling base. The composition itself is washed off by the patient 4-5 hours after its application, at home. If during the procedure an undesirable reaction from the skin is observed, the mass is washed off, the session is terminated.

The period of rehabilitation and recovery

The intensity of the reaction depends on the number of deposited layers of the composition. A few hours after the procedure, most often the next day, there may be slight swelling and redness of the epidermis. The next 2-3 days are marked by the removal of scales, slight peeling, after which the skin will become smooth, even, the pores will narrow, the fat content of the face will decrease.

If a multi-layer Jessner peel was performed, the skin reaction will be more pronounced. Redness may be accompanied by a burning sensation and tightness. May have small patches white color. A day after the procedure, a thin film forms on the surface of the face, which will come off on its own within 3-4 days. Do not try to remove it forcibly, areas of the epidermis will be exposed Pink colour giving the face an unhealthy look. If the natural process of discharge is not interfered with, then after a specified time the skin will be renewed, get rid of spots, bumps and wrinkles.

To obtain a stable long-term effect, cosmetologists usually prescribe a course of 6-7 procedures, between which there should be an interval of at least 3-5 weeks. The first session is the most gentle, then the number of layers can be increased. After peeling, you should refuse to visit the solarium for at least a month.

The exfoliation process can be facilitated if you wash your face daily with acidified boiled water, and then apply panthenol ointment. Occasionally you can spray the skin thermal water. During the rehabilitation period, it is forbidden to apply makeup on the face.

The result of peeling appears after 7-10 days and lasts up to six months.

The Jessner peel should be a scheduled procedure for which a certain amount of time is allocated. The rehabilitation period is very important role and must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of a specialist.

The Jessner peel or Hollywood peel is one of the most popular cosmetic facial treatments. The composition of the tool includes 3 components, each of which plays an important role in deep cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the skin. After a course of procedures, patients notice a noticeable improvement in the condition of the integument, smoothing wrinkles and a persistent lifting effect. It is not surprising that this type of peeling is so loved by world Hollywood stars.

About the procedure

Jessner peeling refers to chemical form skin cleansing. A specially selected composition of active substances guarantees fast and high-quality exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis, improvement of the properties of the skin and active production of its own collagen fibers.

Jessner's peeling ingredients act simultaneously in several directions, making the effect so high, pronounced and persistent. Let us analyze in more detail what Jessner peeling is, its composition and procedure for carrying out in the salon and at home.

A bit of history. The first who decided to create a product that would later be used in cosmetology for skin peeling was the submarine doctor Max Jessner. The composition was used as an excellent antiseptic for sailors, which would prevent the spread of infection in swimming. The liquid was first used as an aftershave lotion. The fresh, healthy appearance of the sailors exceeded all expectations, and cosmetologists adopted the product, and the procedure itself with its use was called “Jessner peeling”.

Jessner chemical peel is an effective and popular procedure in beauty salons for cleansing the skin, normalizing its condition, necessary to solve various problems and correct unpleasant age-related changes on the face. For the procedure, 3 active ingredients are used simultaneously: resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids.

Properly selected components of the product not only provide cleansing of the skin and exfoliation of dead cells, but also guarantee the normalization of the state of the fibers and work sebaceous glands, acceleration of intracellular processes and the launch of the mechanism of natural rejuvenation of the integument. Jessner's peel composition allows you to act in several directions at the same time, thereby achieving better results.

You can carry out the procedure at home and in the salon. If you decide to perform a Jessner peel at home, first compare your own skills and knowledge in the field of cosmetology, the complexity of the problem and the characteristics of the state of health.

Types of Jessner peels

Cosmetology knows several options for Jessner peeling. The choice of procedure depends on the complexity, neglect of the skin problem, the age of the patient and the required depth of penetration into the integument of the agent used. Distinguish between superficial and medium peeling Jessner.

Superficial peeling is aimed at improving the condition of the integument, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, smoothing fine wrinkles and shallow relief irregularities. After the procedure, the face looks refreshed, shines with health. The recovery period after such cleansing is short, only 3-4 days, it may be accompanied by slight peeling. A superficial Jessner facial peel can be used as a preparation for more complex cosmetic procedures. It is recommended to carry out such cleansing before deep peeling or plastic surgery.

Median peeling provides a deeper effect on the integument, respectively, the result is more pronounced. This type of cleaning is recommended to eliminate medium-deep wrinkles, scars and scars, post-acne, to discolor age spots on the face and to combat problematic acne. Rehabilitation after a Hollywood median peel will last up to 7 days. Unlike superficial cleansing, peeling will be intense, pronounced.

For superficial and median peeling, the same composition is used. Cosmetologists regulate the depth of penetration of the product by the number of layers applied. During superficial cleansing, only one layer of the product is applied, and for the middle cleansing - 2-3 layers.

Some cosmetologists, trying to achieve even greater results, offer clients deep peeling Jessner with up to 5 layers of product. After such an impact, a strong vasodilation is observed, the face is covered with crusts, and rehabilitation is rather difficult. In time, the peeling of the resulting crusts will last up to two weeks.

In modern cosmetology among the diversity various methods cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin, Jessner peeling is especially popular.

The popularity of this chemical action is due to the good effect of cleaning the skin of the face, and after peeling the skin recovers quickly enough.

Herself cosmetic procedure Named after US Navy ship's doctor Max Jessner, who first used the formula as an aftershave.

This lotion was quite simple in composition, but unique in its properties. Initially, the composition was invented as an anti-inflammatory agent that prevents skin infections, improves the condition of the skin and its external condition.

This peeling method is also called "Hollywood" because of its popularity among world movie stars.

As you can see in the before and after photos of the Jessner peel, the skin of the face is cleansed, rejuvenated and beautiful.

What is peeling

In cosmetology, a procedure that removes dead skin cells, thereby improving the condition of the skin, and thereby rejuvenates the face, is called peeling. The peeling process can be mechanical or chemical.

At mechanical procedure various scrubs or hard masks are applied. When dry cleaning like a Jessner peel (the application process is shown in the photo before and after the procedure), the beautician applies a special solution to the face, which penetrates deep into the skin and dissolves dead cells skin.

Ingredients for "Hollywood" peeling

What percentage of the cleansing solution is suitable is individually determined by the cosmetologist at a personal consultation.

Chemical components that are part of the solution in the following percentage:

Lactic acid acts as a stimulant and helps to develop natural collagen, cleanses the skin of non-living cells, the face becomes brighter, and freckles and pigmentation spots practically disappear, retains water in the skin cells.

Salicylic acid - regulates fat released from the skin, disinfection and prevention of skin inflammation.

Resorcinol - a substance that binds together other components of the composition, is an antiseptic.

Various "before" and "after" photographs of the Jessner peel show different amounts of the composition applied to the skin of patients and different colour composition, which confirms individual approach to the type of skin and the susceptibility of the components of the composition, on the basis of which the cosmetologist prepares the composition.

Types of "Hollywood" peeling

The procedure is divided into 3 types according to the degree of exposure and depth of cleaning of the skin of the face:

  1. Surface cleaning. The softest and safest is the type of cleaning, which is called superficial. This procedure in a short time helps to remove freckles and other small visible defects, the pores are narrowed, and the skin cells are saturated with the necessary moisture. After such cleaning, exfoliation of the skin continues for 3 days. Facial skin changes after a Jessner peel session are visible in the before and after photos.
  2. Medium cleaning. When it is carried out, pigmentation spots are lightened, scars and scars after acne are reduced, mimic wrinkles become less noticeable. 3 layers of a cleansing composition are applied, after which the face peels off for another 7 days.
  3. Deep cleaning. During deep facial cleansing, 5 layers of the composition are applied, after a session, severe skin flaws and irregularities, scars, pigmentation spots become completely invisible, deep visible wrinkles disappear and smooth out, fine wrinkles disappear completely, the face is cleansed and the skin looks new and clean. After such a procedure, swelling, severe redness of the skin, the face becomes covered with a crust, all this heals within 3 weeks or a month. This type of cleaning, according to cosmetologists, is not suitable for women having sensitive type skin, since this procedure is actually a chemical burn, after which traces in the form of dark spots may remain.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

According to research by cosmetologists, facial skin cleansing has a number of contraindications.

Facial cleansing is contraindicated:

  • with individual intolerance to both one element of the mixture and the entire cleansing composition;
  • disease of the body's immune system;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy or breast-feeding child;
  • oncological diseases;
  • sensitive skin;
  • papillomas and large moles;
  • herpes, dermatitis and fungal diseases skin, in the process of exacerbation;
  • sunburn;
  • blockage of the veins;
  • possible minor wounds and cracks, even a slight inflammation of the skin;
  • high body temperature;
  • with prolonged use medicines from acne, it is necessary to consult with a specialist cosmetologist;
  • performing chemotherapy procedures.

Women who have dark skin, before carrying out the cleaning procedure, it is best to consult a cosmetologist and pass a preliminary test for the tolerance of the components of the cleansing solution, as it also whitens the skin.

The effect of rejuvenation after the Jessner peeling is clearly visible in the "before" and "after" photographs of the skin cleansing.

Facial cleansing or exfoliation is considered good and relatively safe method skin cleansing and rejuvenation, improving the condition of the skin, it is used to eliminate skin imperfections:

  • freckles and spots from pigmentation;
  • mechanical damage to the skin in the form of scars;
  • hair ingrown into the skin of the face;
  • strongly keratinized surface of the skin of the face;
  • black dots on the face (comedones);
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne, acne;
  • when the greasiness of the skin is noticeably increased;
  • mimic wrinkles or wrinkles that have become noticeable from facial aging;
  • fading and sagging of the face.

Advantages and disadvantages of the cleaning procedure

The advantages of such a procedure are:

  • Safety. Even when applying 2 or several layers of the cleansing composition, it does not cause strong complicated reactions, due to the fact that the components do not penetrate deeply into the skin of the face.
  • Painless and fast healing. Dead cells are painless and quickly disappear in the process of peeling.
  • Immediately after the peeling procedure skin tightening occurs.
  • The possibility of carrying out such a cleaning procedure not only of the face, but also of certain parts of the body and there is no age limit.
  • After the surface cleaning procedure, the ability to go outside and not stop working is not limited.

Disadvantages of facial cleansing can be:

  • During the procedure deep cleaning Still, there is a chance to feel soreness and burning of the skin.
  • Pungent smell from made chemical peeling solution.
  • The toxicity of the solution, when preparing the composition, air enters it, acceleration occurs chemical reaction between components.

It is best to store the prepared solution in a cold place so that it does not lose its properties.

If stored for too long and the storage rules are not followed, the composition may change its properties or completely lose them. It is better not to use such a composition in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Carrying out a facial cleansing procedure

Before the peeling procedure for a week, you must stop using any cosmetics..

Before starting a Jessner peel, you need to consult a cosmetologist to determine the number of sessions needed and the type of facial cleansing. The number of sessions can be up to 10.

Before starting the first procedure, it is necessary to do a test for a possible allergy from the cleansing composition. A peeling composition is applied to the skin behind the auricle or on the bend of the elbow for several minutes.

Before starting the first procedure, it is necessary to do a test for a possible allergy.

If no allergic reaction has occurred on the skin (rash, itching, redness on the skin, etc.), the procedure can be performed.

How a Jessner peel is performed and how it feels

  • The beginning of the process - preliminary cleansing and degreasing of the skin. Massage movements thin layer degreasing agents are applied for one minute, then washed off with running water, and the face is wiped alcohol solution to remove sebum.
  • Next, they begin to apply the peeling composition, starting from the frontal part, continuing to apply to the chin massage lines, the eyelids are the last to be treated.
  • After a few minutes, an unpleasant burning sensation appears., which will last until the end of the procedure, the skin is covered with a crystalline white coating from salicylic acid. These crystals are indicative uniform application composition.
  • The cleansing mixture can be applied to the face up to 4 layers. A break after each application and before the next about 5 minutes. By the reaction of the skin, it will be possible to determine how deeply the mixture has penetrated into the cells, this will help determine the number of layers to achieve the result of cleansing and skin rejuvenation.
  • The process is over, but the peeling composition is not washed off, but a special composition is applied on top, which has analgesic, soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • After 12 hours, it is necessary to wash off the peeling composition., wash the skin of the face with water and apply a healing ointment such as Panthenol.

As you can see in the photos before and after the procedure, redness of the skin is clearly visible immediately after the Jessner peel. Such a reaction is considered normal, after a while the skin will restore its natural color.

Possible negative consequences and their causes

After cleaning, various reactions of the skin and the body are possible, since the peeling mixture consists of chemical components.

Skin reactions to the cleansing peel mixture:

In the case of individual allergic reactions, the body may react unexpectedly to cleaning and lead to negative consequences for the patient's health.

Such a reaction could be:

  • Infectious reaction in the form of herpes or other skin rashes possible in violation sanitary norms or when chronic disease herpes. If herpes is in remission, this should be reported to a specialist before starting the procedure. In the case of a latent disease, the cosmetologist will prescribe treatment with a course of antibiotics and wound healing ointments.
  • Allergic reaction occurs quite rarely. Before starting, a preliminary allergy test is always carried out. If, nevertheless allergic symptoms, as itching and swelling appeared, this may mean the reaction of the renewed skin to the external environment and enough antihistamine drugs to eliminate them.

Recovery period after peeling

Peeling does not begin immediately, but three days after the procedure and can last from 5 days to a week. Depending on the type of skin, the regeneration process, the type of peeling performed and pain sensations, it is still possible to lead a normal life.

Be sure to apply a layer of sunscreen before going outside to protect your face from direct sunlight.

Immediately after cleaning, they are very harmful, since the skin is only recovering and there is a chance of getting burned.

In the event that the process of peeling and redness of the skin, as well as pain quite noticeable it is best to abstain and spend a few days at home until the inflammation subsides a little.

This can be seen in the photographs after the Jessner peel procedure, during the rehabilitation period and until full recovery.

In some cases, especially after deep cleaning, the face may first be tightened with a thin film, which will be accompanied by pain and itching, later the face will be covered either with a crust like a shell, or with dark spots all over the face.

In no case do not remove the crust that has formed during the rehabilitation period in order to avoid wounds and subsequently the appearance of scars and uneven color faces.

Exfoliation should take place without external intervention, if you remove the crust yourself, you can harm the skin in the form of open unhealed skin and gaining an unhealthy complexion.

To make the rehabilitation process more painless and faster, you need to wash your face every day 5 or 6 times with acidified water, lubricate it with healing and anti-inflammatory creams and ointments.

  • do not visit the solarium, less is under the open sun;
  • do not use any cosmetics, as well as means for applying makeup;
  • And most importantly - when going out, do not forget to apply sunscreen.

An individual approach to each patient determines the type of procedure and the number of sessions, the condition of the skin and the expected result - all these factors affect how long the recovery process will take. It can last from a week to a month and a half.

Instructions for cleaning the face at home

Facial cleansing is best done in a beauty salon and by a professional, but in some cases, peeling can be done at home.

Before carrying out the peeling procedure at home, be sure to consult a beautician.

Carrying out facial cleansing at home consists of 3 stages.

Stage one

Characteristic for simple shallow cleansing and stimulation of rapid regeneration of skin cells.

To do this, it is enough to apply 1 layer of the cleansing composition. The effect of this procedure is a slight alignment of skin color and the appearance of velvety. The face after this stage does not peel off.

Stage two

The second stage of facial cleansing is suitable for deeper penetration into the skin.

At this stage, 2 layers of the peeling mixture are applied, the interval between applying the layer is 5 minutes. After application, a slight burning sensation of the skin appears, and the face will peel off for 3 or 5 days.

The effect of this procedure will be the disappearance of fine wrinkles and freckles, lightening age spots. and the circular intradermal muscles are tightened.

After the second stage, a noticeable decrease in the severity of facial wrinkles and age spots (freckles)

Stage three

Third stage home peeling- the deepest and most painful process.

4 layers of the cleansing mixture are applied, with an interval between applications of 5 minutes, accompanied by severe burning and itching. After the procedure, there is reddening of the face, swelling, then the formation of a dark crust.

Such cleaning tightens the muscles of the face, removes deeper wrinkles, pigmentation, exfoliates scars and scars, removes severe acne and traces of it. Skin color becomes even, and the face becomes absolutely clean, toned and young.

The result of the third stage of Jackson peeling is a visible effect of facial skin rejuvenation, which is confirmed by photos before and after the procedure.

Results home procedure Jessner peeling, as seen in the before and after photos, is in no way inferior to expensive salon methods skin cleansing.

Cost of the procedure

For a home procedure, ready-made peeling compositions are on sale, and their cost can range from 2,000 to 3,500 rubles. The price depends on the quality and the manufacturer of the composition.

You can independently purchase the drugs necessary for preparing the mixture, it will cost quite inexpensively, in the range of 500-700 rubles, and make the mixture, but this is quite dangerous, since you can make a mistake with the percentage dosage.

You can buy ingredients for peeling in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, and already prepared complexes are made by professional cosmetology companies Allura Esthetics and Medic Control Pell.

You can buy them in online cosmetics stores or in stationary sales points of shopping centers.

Prepared complex compositions from well-known manufacturers can be ordered in cosmetic online stores.

Peeling complexes are better to buy good quality from well-known manufacturing companies such as Martinex, Mediderma, Enepril

Facial cleansing products are represented by a variety of peeling formulations for different degrees of cleansing and different types skin.

A salon facial cleansing procedure can cost from 2,000 to 7,000 rubles. The cost of the Jessner peeling procedure in the salon will depend on the quality of the procedure, the quality and cost of the composition used, the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the prestige of the beauty salon.

Determining the composition of peeling and the number of sessions

At the first consultation with a cosmetologist, before making a decision on the use of Jessner peeling, the specialist will determine the degree of contamination and greasy facial skin, others skin lesions and blemishes such as freckles and age spots, as well as acne scars and acne scars, the degree of wrinkle depth.

The correct course of skin cleansing is prescribed, it can consist of 1 session with normal condition facial skin. With a neglected condition of the facial skin, a specialist can prescribe up to 10 treatment sessions, until the desired result is achieved, without much harm to the body.

Recovery stage

After the procedure for cleansing the skin of the face, it will be necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the beautician, such as:

  • obligatory washing with acidified water;
  • wetting the face with a soft cloth;
  • the use of healing and moisturizing ointments, creams;
  • refusal to use homemade masks for some time after the procedure;
  • still need to forget about makeup and other cosmetics, visiting the solarium and walking under sunbeams lying on the beach and swimming in sea water.

The Jessner peel procedure is a versatile and affordable method for restoring good skin condition, getting rid of scars and scars, freckles and age spots, reducing wrinkles and evening out complexion, slight facial muscle tightening and skin rejuvenation.

Be beautiful!

Useful video materials about Jessner peeling, photos before and after median peeling

Malysheva about the median peeling of the face. Before and after the procedure:

Jessner Peel Reviews:

Cooking acid peeling for the face, photo:

Few women decide on an independent dry cleaning faces. On the one hand, it is very profitable in terms of money, as it turns out a good savings compared to salon services. On the other hand, all responsibility falls on oneself, because the effect of acids on the skin is not always predictable and can turn into backfire both for appearance and health.

If you still have a desire to try, we will tell you how to do the famous Jessner peel at home without complications. To begin with, it is worth getting to know what it is and what active substances are contained in the composition used.

Photos "before" and "after" Jessner peeling

Post-peel care

Recovery barrier function epidermis and its damaged layers, you will need competent facial care after the procedure, which involves the use of certain means. The following rules apply throughout the entire rehabilitation period, which can last from 5 to 10 days (depending on individual characteristics).

  1. Do not tear off the crusts and do not accelerate the peeling process.
  2. Use for healing.
  3. Forget about decorative cosmetics.
  4. Wash - extremely carefully, without making sudden movements. Moisturizing foams and gels should not be applied to the face, but diluted in warm filtered water and then used for its intended purpose.
  5. No scrubs and alcohol-containing liquids.
  6. After the exfoliation is over, do not go outside without an SPF of less than 30. You can not sunbathe during this period.
  7. Within 3-4 weeks, massage, solarium and sauna visits will be banned.

The correct one provides a reduction in the rehabilitation period and restoration of the skin without complications and unpleasant consequences.

To make Jessner peeling happy, not disappointing, when doing it at home, use the advice from professionals.

  1. Carefully study the instructions for use for the purchased drugs and follow them exactly.
  2. The recommended time is autumn and winter.
  3. When applying Jessner's composition in layers, evaluate the condition of the skin after each use. Listen to the sensations (burning, itching, pain) and peer into the mirror (redness): all accompanying symptoms should be moderate. If the skin began to unbearably itch and blistered, there is no need to fanatically bring the matter to the end.
  4. It will be possible to repeat the procedure only after 1.5-2 months, if it is a median peeling. If superficial - in 1-2 weeks.
  5. The course consists of an average of 10 procedures, although this figure is determined individually, depending on the condition of the skin.
  6. With prolonged or improper storage, Jessner's solution becomes not only useless, but also dangerous. The jar should be kept in a cool place. Close the lid tightly after each use.

Question answer

The question-answer block will allow you to dispel the most common doubts associated with this cleaning at home.

  • How many procedures are needed?

For different skin- differently. For tender and sensitive, sometimes 5-6 procedures are enough. For oily and problematic, all 10 will be needed. If you are doing a mid-jessner peel, the course will be shorter, as you will achieve results faster.

  • How to apply?

In layers: each layer - after 5-10 minutes. Sequence: forehead, temples, chin, neck, cheeks, nose.

  • How often can you do it?

Median - once every 1.5-2 months. Superficial - every 10 days.

  • How to rinse?

Either with the help of a special neutralizer, which can come in the same kit with the main solution, or with the help of a conventional warm water but without foams and gels.

  • How to take care of your skin?

It is better to purchase a post-peel care kit along with the peeling solution. Different brands offer both cleansing milk and revitalizing creams. If for some reason this is not available to you (expensive or not found), the best option is any wound healing cream (for example, Panthenol).

  • Why does the skin not peel off after peeling?

For the rehabilitation period after the Jessner peel, this is not quite normal reaction. There can be two reasons. First, you haven't used chemical exfoliation for a long time (or never before). Accordingly, an overly thickened layer of keratinized cells has accumulated on the face, which requires more than one procedure and will begin to peel off only after 3 or 4. The second reason is that the cleaning was done too superficially: the solution was applied too thin or hurried to wash off. Try increasing these settings next time.

  • When to do?

Complications and side effects

Cleansing the skin with such a powerful acid composition is a kind of chemical effect that causes a burn. Therefore, you need to be prepared that after peeling, intense rejection of the stratum corneum can lead to not the most desirable consequences. Some of them are predictable, others are not.

Expected side effects- natural reaction of the epidermis to external irritants in the form of chemical ingredients. They are noted in everyone during the rehabilitation period:

  • erythema - vascular reaction of the skin, redness of the treated area;
  • dark spots;
  • hypersensitivity.

If Jessner peeling is not carried out correctly, unexpected consequences are noted - complications that can adversely affect appearance and health.

These include:

  • tissue necrosis;
  • infection with non-compliance with antiseptics can lead to strepto-staphyloderma or herpes, for the treatment of which antibiotics are prescribed;
  • allergic reaction.

A rash after peeling is a symptom of an infection and an allergy, which is strictly forbidden to be treated at home. Here you will need professional help beautician or dermatologist.