How to deal with stretch marks after childbirth. The use of ready-made cosmetics. Stretch marks and their causes

Natural oil Bella mama oil from Baby Teva Ltd (100 ml, 2500 rubles) does not contain silicone, mineral oils and preservatives. It is recommended for both pregnant women and adolescents to eliminate stretch marks with a rapid increase in the mammary glands. The oil has a delicate texture and restores skin elasticity, significantly improving it. appearance.

stretch marks medications

There are two main medical preparation, which are sold in pharmacies and help smooth out healed stretch marks- this is "Kontraktubeks" and "Mederma".

Hydrogel Contractubex against stretch marks: how to remove stretch marks

The advantage of the Contractubex hydrogel (50 ml, 690 rubles) is that it can be applied both to fresh and old scars. It moisturizes skin covering and helps restore pigment metabolism in stretch mark skin. Treatment takes from three to six months, but in some cases it can take up to a year. The active elements of the gel are Serae onion extract, which slows down the synthesis of connective tissue, allantoin, which restores and maintains water balance in scar tissue, and heparin, which has a softening effect.

Gel Mederma against stretch marks: how to remove stretch marks

Gel "Mederma" (20 ml, 430 rubles) is also designed to smooth out scars. In addition, it restores stretch marks and brings their color closer to the natural color of the skin. Applied with massage movements and requires regular use for long period time.

How to remove stretch marks at home: folk recipes

The simplest, but no less efficient procedure is the rubbing of olive oil into areas where, by definition, stretch marks may occur. Vegetable oil, due to its excellent moisturizing and nutritional properties, in general, the main means of protection in this difficult matter. Combining it with different types essential oils, you can get massage mixtures, the application and rubbing of which is stretch marks treatment.

For the preparation of mixtures, in addition to olive oil, it is also recommended to use almond, sesame, peach or sea ​​buckthorn oil. During pregnancy, the desire to experiment with essential oils is best discussed with your doctor. In other cases, it is completely harmless.

Recipes for homemade massage mixtures for stretch marks:

  • Sea buckthorn oil 30 ml (2 tablespoons), essential lavender oil 5 drops;
  • Sea buckthorn oil 30 ml (2 tablespoons), lavender 2 drops, geranium 2 drops, mandarin 2 drops;
  • Any vegetable oil 30 ml (2 tablespoons), lavender 2 drops, neroli oil 2 drops, mandarin 1 drop;
  • Olive oil 9 tablespoons, wheat germ oil 1 tablespoon, rose or patchouli oil 10 drops;
  • Any vegetable oil 30 ml (2 tablespoons), rosemary 4 drops, lavender 2 drops, mint 2 drops, cloves 2 drops.

The resulting mixtures can not only be rubbed with light massage movements, but also added when taking a bath along with sea ​​salt.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Pregnancy, rapid weight gain and some endocrine diseases often leave behind unsightly scars on the skin, stretch marks (or striae). They are able to spoil the mood of anyone, those who have encountered them understand what I am talking about. Fighting striae is difficult, but possible.

Stretch marks usually appear on the abdomen, thighs, chest, and in case of endocrine problems, on the face. They can be vertical if they arise due to abrupt change body weight, and horizontal if caused by hormonal problems.

due to overstretching or hormonal changes the skin is significantly thinner and loses elasticity, which leads to internal tears. Fresh stretch marks are pink or purple. This is due to the fact that after the appearance of connective tissue in the internal tears of the skin, there are blood vessels in it, giving it a red or Blue colour. If you do not fight striae, over time they will become white and look like scars. There is no pigment in scar tissue, so stretch marks remain white when tanned.

By themselves, striae are not dangerous to health, although they look very unaesthetic and we look at them with pain.

During the fight against stretch marks, it is advisable to take vitamins A and E, which stimulate tissue regeneration.

1. coffee scrubfrom ground coffee, preferably coarse grinding.

Such a scrub is good for the skin, it helps to smooth the skin, has an anti-cellulite effect and helps to get rid of stretch marks.

This scrub should be done daily, while taking a shower.

After applying shower gel or soap on the body, pour dry ground coffee and rub into problem areas of the body clockwise for 3-4 minutes.

There is another scrub that can be alternated with coffee: 1/2 cup sugar + 1/2 cup salt + a glass of vegetable oil.

It also helps a lot. Try!

2. A killer way to fight not only with new stretch marks, but also with old stretch marks is badyagi powder(price in a pharmacy 7 rubles).

Due to the fact that badyagi powder consists of tiny needles, it penetrates into the subcutaneous layers and acts directly there. Besides, the best remedy silicon is considered to fight stretch marks in cosmetology, and the badyagi skeleton just consists of a loopy network of silica needles (silicon dioxide). A warning to you girls - the procedure is quite unpleasant. In the shower, you need to apply a powder (namely powder, not gels) mixed with water or hydrogen peroxide (you can also use oil), rub it on places with stretch marks, wrap yourself up and hold for 15-30 minutes, then rinse. The places will turn red, when you touch them, you will feel a tingling sensation, so I do this procedure at night and wear knitted loose and comfortable clothes. The next day, too, will prick. In principle, tolerable, but still unpleasant. The tingling disappears on day 3, but these places may begin to itch, and after another day or two, the skin from those places will begin to peel off.

Now a couple of points:

Apply badyaga not with your bare hand. Preferably with rubber gloves or something similar.

Badyaga acts like peeling, so I do not recommend doing it more than once a week.

Places on which badyaga was applied should not be shown to the sun in order to avoid pigmentation.

3. Cream with mummy and essential oils against stretch marks.

You can use this cream without essential oils, but with them the effect increases and the smell of oils does not remove very well. nice smell the mummy himself.

Whoever has the opportunity can buy natural Altai mummy, I buy mummy tablets in a pharmacy, the Evalar series .

I prepare the cream as follows : 10 tablets of mummy to the point of powder, I add a few drops of water to dissolve the entire powder. I squeeze out the entire tube of fat baby cream into a separate jar, you can use another fat cream, for example, from stretch marks, ideally such a cream should containactive moisturizers (e.g. chitosan, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid), collagen, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and add mummy to it. I mix thoroughly.

Then add to the resulting cream essential oils:

Rosewood oil - 2 drops

Sandalwood oil - 1 drop

Orange or grapefruit oil - 2 drops

Rosemary oil - 1 drop

Neroli - 2 drops

You can add other oils as you wish.

Such a cream necessary store in refrigerator keand use it daily! Lubricate the stretch marks liberally and lightly rub the cream into the skin. This cream can stain your hands and body, so be careful with linen, it can also turn yellow.

Once a week, it is worth performing the following sequence of procedures in one approach:

1. Coffee scrub

2. Badyaga

3. Cream with mummy

It is this sequence that guarantees you a lethal effect on stretch marks and an early effect. But it is not worth doing it more often than once a week, because after exposure to badyagi, the skin should come off. Once the layer has been updated, we can repeat this approach again! I got it 1 time a week.

Series Floresan (Floresan) Fitness Body , used almost the entire series:

Separately, I want to highlight these creams:

I also made body wraps on my own, at home:

1. Cold algae wrap

We take several plates of algae (the number of plates depends on your physique), put a layer of kelp in a bowl and fill it with water room temperature. Leave for 30 minutes to soften the plates. Usually 100 grams of algae is filled with a liter of water. Soaked algae are superimposed on problem parts of the body after peeling (for example, after coffee scrub) polyethylene is applied over the algae. The wrapping procedure lasts about 1 hour. Can be done up to 2 times a week.

2. Massage (in the absence of problems with veins, you can cup massage)

For effective treatment stretch marks daily when applying an anti-stretch mark cream, gel, or cocktail of natural oils massage is helpful. Gently lift and pinch the skin with the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers.

Massage will help stimulate the development of "youth proteins" - collagen and elastin, and make the muscles of problem areas more elastic.

I use these silicone jars:

3. Contrast shower to help with stretch marks

Everyone knows that cold and hot shower very useful for the body. A contrast shower is an alternation of cold hot water. From the beginning, you need to turn on the water as much as possible. comfortable temperature for you, then hot and finally cold, then hot again, then cold, and finish. It is necessary to repeat such a change of water 3-5 times.

However, if you have never spilled cold water or not tempered to avoid disease. You need to gradually reduce the temperature (from room to cold) to accustom the body to such temperatures.

4. Compresses with apple cider vinegar

To prepare this compress, you will need a small piece of linen or cotton cloth and vinegar diluted in water (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water). Wet the matter in the resulting solution and apply to problem areas. Keep not long, one minute is enough. After the compress, you need to rub the skin well and wash the body well.

The acid found in apple cider vinegar will lighten stretch marks and make them less noticeable with each passing day. Also Apple vinegar from cellulite has a good effect on the skin in compresses.

Girls, I will not claim that this is easy job, not at all. This is painstaking, daily work to restore your body and skin. It takes effort and a lot of patience. The results of working on stretch marks do not appear instantly, as we all would like! But in my experience, I can say that it's worth it!

I fought them for a year and a half. Every month I saw changes for the better, I regret that I did not fix my monthly changes in the photo, but I will definitely share the Before and After photos with you as soon as I get home.

I beg you, don't give up! Gain strength and motivation! We deserve to be not only happy, but also beautiful mothers!

For those who have not yet encountered the problem of stretch marks and want to avoid it!

Stretch marks are less likely to develop if:

▪ Watch your diet and avoid sudden weight fluctuations. Stretch marks are less likely to appear if you eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins, dairy products, fish, meat, legumes, tomatoes, bananas, olive oil.

▪ Make it a habit to take a contrast shower - it perfectly tones and strengthens the skin (and this is not only the absence of stretch marks, but also a high, tightened chest, elastic buttocks, etc.).

▪ Massage regularly - at home or in a massage parlor of a beauty salon. Excellent action - in the "pluck" massage. Just pinch problem areas daily for a few minutes until slight redness.

▪ Keep your skin toned by playing sports or dancing.

▪ For skin care use creams with vitamins A, C, E, collagen, elastin.

▪ Periodically make compresses at home with essential oils (roses, neroli, etc.), decoctions of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile) or fermented milk products.

▪ Lubricate "potentially dangerous" places with olive oil.

▪ Take a 15-minute sea salt bath, beneficial features which have been known since time immemorial.

▪ When pregnant, wear special bras and bandages, do cool compresses, and use firming creams intensively.

▪ Take care of your health and in case of any anxiety symptoms consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Stretch marks are a concern for many women. Men also have them, only our “Apollos” are much less concerned about this problem. A woman, whose bodies are “decorated” with unsightly whitish stripes, is often very shy of her body. It is generally accepted that it is completely useless to fight stretch marks - neither diets, nor sports, nor creams will help. Is everything so hopeless and is it worth giving up and acquiring complexes?

Stretch marks are not dangerous to health and are not some kind of ugliness that should be ashamed, and they do not repel the male at all. Therefore, the fact that it is unlikely to succeed in getting rid of them without a trace is not a tragedy. But you can make it so that they become almost invisible, and the skin acquires a healthy, beautiful and well-groomed appearance. In addition, it is in our power not to allow them "to our body." And if in the next beach season you want to boldly flaunt in a bikini, then the fight for beauty should start from today.

Where do they come from?

Stretch marks or striae are internal tears in the skin that are subsequently filled with connective tissue. They appear and spoil the appearance of our buttocks and tummies due to, as a rule, three reasons:

▪ first pregnancy before the age of 18 - 20 years

▪ sudden jumps in weight - now losing weight, then replenishing

▪ some hormonal disorders.

At first, stretch marks are purple-reddish in color due to translucent blood vessels, and later become light pink or completely colorless. Like any scars and scars, stretch marks are not amenable to tanning - therefore, owners of stretch marks should not be fried in the sun until black - it will be ugly.

Expert opinion

Natalya Ostrovskaya, endocrinologist:“Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared, especially deep and “old” ones. Regularly using moisturizing and firming creams, it is possible to give stretch marks a more natural, vibrant color, and partially restore the density of the skin layers. But don't expect a miracle cosmetic creams and gels. Needed here medicinal products, stimulating the production of collagen and elastane fibers by skin cells, and the course of treatment should be at least 8 weeks. But even after that, stretch marks will not completely disappear - they will only get natural color become less deep. approach in color to the flesh, their depth will decrease.

More effective methods stretch mark correction offers aesthetic medicine. During laser resurfacing, for example, with a laser beam, skin irregularities, seals and non-viable cells are eliminated. This takes place under anesthesia. After that, skin cells begin to work on recovery, density and elasticity return to it. But even in this way, it is not possible to get rid of stretch marks in all cases - in order to determine the effectiveness of the method in your individual case, a visual examination by a specialist is necessary.

If stretch marks have just appeared (they are less than a year old)

You can stop them from progressing with special creams, which contain collagen, elastin, various essential oils, designed to strengthen and tighten the skin. You can also take a course seaweed wraps with spirulina, which is known to be an excellent tonic. Or rub olive oil into the affected areas - this is how, according to her own assurances, Sophie Marceau saved her beauty, who, like many other women, had stretch marks after childbirth.

If stretch marks are more than a year old

Specialists beauty salon they will offer microdermabrasion (special skin resurfacing) or a rather expensive and painful laser therapy procedure.

Chemical peeling and microdermabrasion are widely used to “cleanse” the skin of the face with acne, acne, etc. During these procedures, desquamation of horny scales occurs, which contributes to the synthesis of collagen. In the fight against stretch marks, they are also quite effective. But the result largely depends on the experience and qualifications of the specialist (only a doctor should carry out these procedures!), As well as on the preliminary preparation of the skin and on restorative treatment.

The patient is prepared for laser peeling within 1-2 months, during which special creams with vitamin C. Then, as Natalya Ostrovskaya said, stretch marks are “burned out” with a laser beam. After the procedure is shown bed rest so you won't be able to go home from the clinic until the next day. Plus, you will have to spend about two weeks on sick leave, treating burns with special regenerating creams. Therefore, and also due to the fact that for about a month the treated skin cannot be substituted under Sun rays, laser peeling it is better to do it in winter and in no case - on the eve of the beach season. As, however, and any other deep peeling.

But also this expensive procedure(up to $ 1,000 depending on clinics) is aimed at eliminating a cosmetic defect, that is, making stretch marks less noticeable and smoothing the skin. Complete elimination of stretch marks can be achieved only through a full-fledged plastic surgery.

Stretch marks are less likely to develop if:

▪ Watch your diet and avoid sudden weight fluctuations. Stretch marks are less likely to appear if you eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins, dairy products, fish, meat, legumes, tomatoes, bananas, olive oil.

▪ Get into the habit of taking a contrast shower - it perfectly tones and strengthens the skin (and this is not only the absence of stretch marks, but also high, toned breasts, elastic buttocks, etc.).

▪ Massage regularly - at home or in a massage parlor of a beauty salon. Excellent action - in the "pluck" massage. Just pinch problem areas daily for a few minutes until slight redness.

▪ Keep your skin toned by playing sports or dancing.

▪ For skin care use creams with vitamins A, C, E, collagen, elastin.

▪ Periodically make compresses at home with essential oils (roses, neroli, etc.), decoctions of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile) or fermented milk products.

▪ Lubricate "potentially dangerous" places with olive oil.

▪ Take a 15-minute bath with sea salt, the benefits of which have been known since time immemorial.

▪ During pregnancy, wear special bras and bandages, apply cool compresses and intensively use firming creams.

▪ Monitor your health and consult a doctor in a timely manner in case of any alarming symptoms.

But the main thing is not to go in cycles and love yourself for who you are. For example, Selma Hayek recalls with pleasure how her lover once told her that stretch marks on her skin make her look like a tigress. So imperfections can become your highlight.

Muchas gracias! Rejoice, ladies, today she is the most waiting for us ... A long-awaited note on removing stretch marks or how to get rid of stretch marks? In it, we will consider the most effective and effective ways fight this unsightly flaw and try to return the skin to a healthy look.

So, I ask everyone to take their seats in the auditorium, our practical note begins.

How to get rid of stretch marks: an effective set of measures

If you follow the publications on the project, then you are probably aware that in our pantheon of articles there is already one note on this topic, and it is located here. In it, we examined in detail the entire theoretical side of the problem and laid down some knowledge base for a better understanding of this skin phenomenon and the processes of its formation. Therefore, I strongly recommend starting the study of this issue with her. We will go further and give the most close attention practical or cleaning side.

It is worth saying that the topic aroused quite a keen interest among the female half of the ABC of Bodybuilding audience. Both in the comments and in the mail, I began to receive threats :) that they say it’s enough to delay the second part, give it to the masses! Well, since Since I am always ready to serve our beautiful young ladies, it was decided to write this answer as soon as possible, until more serious persecution of the author began).

Before proceeding, I will reveal a little secret - I deliberately delayed the second part, because I collected (and collected) the most full list confirmed-effective ways, methods and chips to get rid of stretch marks. During the note, not only the methods that helped my experimental friends, Christina and Victoria, but also exclusive recipes from familiar dermatologists and even show business stars will be given. In general, information was collected from the world one by one, and now I am ready to provide it to you, let's go.


Further narration will be divided into subchapters for better assimilation of the material.

Let's start with the steps that I took in regards to ridding girls of stretch marks. I will warn you in advance that 100% they still could not be removed, but the young ladies were satisfied with the result, but what else is needed?

So let's start with...

I. How to get rid of stretch marks: calibration of the nutrition process

Skin condition (and stretch marks are exactly a skin defect, structural changes in the dermis) depends on her nutrition, i.e. those micronutrients that come from outside. Often the body of most people is depleted (does not receive) essential vitamins and minerals, as a result of which the trophism of the skin is deteriorating.

In this regard, it is necessary to pay close attention to the following micronutrients:

No. 1. Vitamin A

Very important for skin growth and maintaining healthy bones, nails and hair. It helps repair damaged skin and avoid dryness and scaly conditions. Being absorbed into the skin, vitamin A stimulates it miotically and metabolically, allowing the latter to become more “plump” and elastic. (as in adolescence).

Vitamin A also stimulates the process of cell renewal of the epidermis, which causes its thickening. At the same time, the content of collagen in the skin increases and its elasticity improves. Include in your diet the following foods:

  • liver;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • wild garlic;
  • fish fat.

No. 2. Vitamin C

One of the most important roles(for skin) vitamin C is healing wounds and scar tissue. It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and acts as a "cementing" substance for skin cells. A feature of vitamin C is its rapid oxidation upon contact with air and light. Therefore, it is best to buy it in a pharmacy in a sealed brown glass bottle or in the form of tablets. Also include in your diet:

  • rose hip;
  • strawberry, black currant, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle;
  • kiwi, oranges, lemons.

No. 3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential for maintaining normal metabolism and tissue healing. For skin care, vitamin E is most useful as an antioxidant. It can be applied orally (products) and topically (creams). To support normal level vitamin E, include in your diet:

  • nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts);
  • dried apricots, prunes;
  • linseed oil, corn.

No. 4. Zinc

The most important property of zinc is the production of collagen. Collagen is a structural protein that makes up 80% all connective tissue. When a sufficient amount of collagen is present in the human body, it means that it is almost impossible to get stretch marks. Collagen is not available for food, but zinc can be obtained by eating:

  • ZMA supplements (sports nutrition);
  • edible gelatin sachets (as a source of collagen);
  • lean beef/mutton, liver;
  • oysters.
  • cocoa powder, chocolate.

So, that's it for vitamins and minerals. As you can see, the products are easy to combine with each other and mix into various dishes. I will give our options for dishes based on all of the above.

II. How to get rid of stretch marks: exercise

It would seem, how are stretching and exercise related? In fact, everything is very simple - specialized exercises allow you to bring blood and oxygen to the target problem area and improve its “well-being”. They also work to tighten (tighten) the skin.

Use the following exercises to help reduce halos and the appearance of stretch marks.

No. 1. Exercise for stretch marks on the abdomen (crunch)

Lie flat on your back on the floor. Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your head. Raise slightly upper part body (shoulders) and contract the abdominal muscles. Try to keep your chest close to your knees. (i.e. two imaginary points met). Complete 3 approach to 15 repetitions.

No. 2. Exercise for stretch marks on the chest

T-push-ups are a great stretch-reducing exercise. It combines the classic, and body rotation. It is carried out as in the figure. Number of approaches 2 , repetitions 15 (per side).

No. 3. Exercises for stretch marks on the hips and buttocks

The following exercises will help minimize stretch marks in these problem areas:

  1. Sit upright in a chair. Lower your arms to your sides while holding a chair. Start moving your legs up and down. This will help tighten your thighs. Complete 3 approach to 25 repetitions.
  2. Lie on your back, raise one leg to an angle in 90 degrees until you feel a stretch in your buttocks. Repeat for the other leg. Number of approaches 3 , repetitions 15 (for each leg).
  3. Lie on your stomach. Move your hands slightly to the sides. Raise your right leg up and then down. Repeat the movement for the left. Pull your leg as high as you can. Number of approaches 2 , repetitions 10 (for each leg).

Another great “harvesting” exercise is the one-leg raise from a bridge position.

Lie on the mat on your back, bend your knees at an angle 90 degrees. Pull your left leg up (pointing hip to ceiling), and hold the bridge with your right foot and upper back. Hold up at the top 2-3 seconds and lower your hip into PI. Do 2 approach to 10 reps for one side, then switch legs and repeat.

No. 4. Exercises for stretch marks on the lateral surface of the legs

Lean on right side body on the fitball, and put your right knee on the mat. Stretch your left leg straight and begin to make small circular motions. Do 10 circles back and the same number forward. Change your leg by doing 20 repetitions (Total 2 approach). It is very important in the process of making rotational movements not to help yourself with the body.

III. How to get rid of stretch marks: cosmetics and recipes for getting rid of stretch marks

In addition to adjusting power, turning on specialized exercises, we also acted directly on the areas with stretch marks with the help of various care products. Let's get to know them better.

No. 1. Scrub “Secret from Hollywood”

A dermatologist friend shared the recipe for this scrub with me. She recognized him (and began to apply in my practice) from her friend who works in a European dermatology clinic. According to a foreign lady, she met him from colleagues from the United States. There is information that some Hollywood stars use this recipe. Well, in fact, the worse we are :), so we decided to try it - it works!

You will need:

  • Johnson's Baby oil;
  • ground coffee beans ( 1/2 cups) ;
  • Brown sugar (if there is no sugar, as an option, you can replace it with sea salt).

Take a deep bowl and mix all the ingredients, the consistency should be moderately thick, so draw the proportions for yourself. Place the resulting mass in a stocking and rub vigorously into problem areas where you have stretch marks.

Rubbing duration 10 minutes, then run to the shower! Perform the procedure 3 once a week. The first results can be observed after 5 procedures.


Models use a coffee blend before walking the runway to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. They grind coffee beans, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and mix everything thoroughly. Then rubbed (near 5 minutes) imagine this mixture in the place of stretch marks, wrap the place with a towel and leave it on 30 minutes.

Another homegrown scrub recipe.

No. 2. Scrub “no stretch marks #1”

You will need:

  • salt (preferably a large marine);
  • glycerol.

mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp glycerin. Rub the resulting mixture for 5 minutes into the stretch marks, then rinse warm water with mild detergent.

For best effect carry out the procedure 2 times a day. Store the rest of the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours, then make a new scrub.

No. 3. Scrub “no stretch marks #2”

The last scrub recipe we used. Based on the following ingredients:

  • carrots (fresh);
  • tangerine peel;
  • olive oil.

Place half carrot, peel 1 tangerine and 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a blender. Blend on high speed until you get a puree. Apply the mixture to the wet areas of the stretch marks. (e.g. in the bath or shower). Then rinse the area with warm water, dry and apply your favorite moisturizer. Carry out the procedure 1 once a day. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days from the date of manufacture.

No. 4. Retin-A cream / retinoic ointment

Retin-A has a positive effect on stretch marks (especially new - recently purchased), significantly retouching them.

If there are no such funds on open sale in stores or pharmacies, then look for those where the composition contains retinoic acid(Tazorac Cream, Differin). Such agents cause the growth of new cells and the replacement of old ones. You will quickly see noticeable improvements in your fight against stretch marks. Attention! If you are in a position or breastfeeding, then it is best to avoid this method.

Well, here is a list of tools that (including) took place in the arsenal of our beauties, Christina and Victoria, in solving the problem of how to get rid of stretch marks. What do you want to note?

Achieve the best results (as we believe) it was a set of measures that helped us, i.e. conducting work in several directions at once (nutrition adjustment, targeted physical activity, cosmetical tools). Who knows if the young ladies were satisfied with the result, if we use only some 1 or 2 tool. It seems unlikely to me. And it's quite a worthy result!

In conclusion, I would like to give the most complete list of measures / actions, means that will help in the fight against this skin defect. So let's go.

IV. How to get rid of stretch marks: natural first aid kit

No. 1. egg whites

They are very useful in skin rejuvenation. All you need is to separate 2 protein from the yolk, beat them with a fork. Then rinse the stretch marks with water and apply a thick layer of proteins to the stretch marks with a makeup brush. Stay like this until complete drying the latter and then rinse with water. Such procedures need to be 1 once a day for 2 weeks.

No. 2. Lemon+cucumber juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice, more specifically its acidic nature, helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks. cucumber juice allows you to cleanse the skin, because it is not in vain that it is used in various tonics and lotions. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and cucumber juice and wipe the stretch marks with a cotton swab ( 10 minutes), then let dry and rinse with water. 1-2 procedures per day is enough. You can also simply wipe (about 10 minutes) with half a lemon problem areas.

No. 3. Aloe juice

Surely many of your parents or an even older generation will have this plant. So here it is nutrients contained in aloe juice help to effectively solve various skin problems, incl. and striae. Cut an aloe leaf lengthwise and squeeze the juice onto the affected areas. Let it dry and then leave it like this 2 hours, then rinse with water. You can also take this juice inside (1 glass per day) slightly diluted with water.

No. 4. potato juice

Another home remedy, which is designed (including) to fight stretch marks. Potatoes are rich in certain types of vitamins and minerals that help new cell growth. Cut the potatoes in half and rub the slices on the affected areas. Click on the tuber for more juice. After such “rubbing” :) rinse the zones with water. Apply potato juice on a regular basis and you will soon notice that the stretch marks fade significantly and become invisible.

No. 5. Moisturizing

A regular ice cube and a moisturizer after a bath can also have an effect on reducing stretch marks. All you need is to massage the problem areas with an ice cube and apply a moisturizer daily after a shower/bath. Also, always keep high level hydration of the body, i.e. drink plenty of water (weight/30 = X liters of water/day).

Well, here, perhaps, are all the calculations that I would like to convey to you in this note. Let's sum up some general result and say goodbye.


Another note has come to an end, today we talked about how to get rid of stretch marks. I am sure that now all my ladies know how to overcome this unsightly flaw and become even more beautiful. I wish everyone victory in the fight against stretch marks, and as a reward - to catch the enthusiastic glances of men as often as possible.

That's all for now, see you soon, beauties!

PS. Write about your results in the comments to this post, let's get started!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Stretch marks are cosmetic defects skin in the form of sunken wavy stripes. Average length stretch marks 2-4 cm, width - about 1 cm. Stretch marks are shallow thin white color scar-like light pink color, and wide red-blue scars. In other words, stretch marks are areas of skin with damaged collagen and elastane fibers that are responsible for turgor and skin elasticity. In such areas, skin nutrition is disrupted, and the skin itself is thin and weak.

The color of the striae depends on how much time has passed since they appeared. When stretch marks first appear on the body, they have a purple hue due to the large accumulation of blood vessels in them. So the skin tries to repair damaged fibers. Over time, connective tissue forms at the site of the microfracture, and stretch marks turn white. White stretch marks are absolutely not amenable to tanning, since they lack the pigment melanin.
Stretch marks usually appear on those areas that are most affected by sudden changes weight. As a rule, these are the hips, buttocks, chest, sides. Less commonly, stretch marks appear on the lower back, arms, armpits, and calves. In the rarest cases, stretch marks can even appear on the face.

Experts assure that significantly reducing and making stretch marks almost invisible is a feasible task for any woman who sets out to make her skin beautiful and elastic. The sooner you start fighting stretch marks, the better. best result awaits you. Ideally, it is better to treat stretch marks when they have not yet turned white and there are a lot of blood vessels in them. There is a high probability of restoring skin nutrition at the site of a micro-rupture. The process of getting rid of stretch marks is quite long and routine, so please be patient.

Here are the most effective ways to deal with stretch marks at home:

Massage will not only increase the elasticity of the skin and make it smooth and silky, but also help to avoid the appearance of new stretch marks. Massage is best done daily. Massage problem areas with light tingling. In no case do not pull or rub the skin strongly, as you can further injure the already weak collagen fibers. During pregnancy, it is quite enough to massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction, the hips - with movements from the bottom up, and the buttocks - with movements towards the waist.

Massage will be effective in combination with various oils. The most useful is almond. It has a lot of vitamin E, it is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film. If desired, essential oils can also be used during the massage, which do an excellent job with the problem of stretch marks. But essential oils are very allergenic, so before using, do an allergy test by applying a drop of oil to the skin behind the ear.

Against stretch marks, oils of geranium, neroli, mint, cloves, and citrus oils are preferable. Add a few drops to vegetable oil (four drops of essential oil to two tablespoons of vegetable oil) or to your body cream. True, you will have to prepare a portion of cream with oil for stretch marks every time before a massage, since essential oil can greatly reduce the shelf life of your lotion or body cream. In addition, the essential oil gives effect immediately after being added; even after a short time, useful ester evaporates from the oil. After a shower or bath, it is also useful to rub the skin until it turns slightly red with a massage mitt or washcloth. By the way, it is advisable to take a contrast shower.

If it is carried out daily for about one month, the result will be amazing. The skin will become soft and smooth. Homemade scrubs are not only effective in fighting stretch marks, they are very easy to prepare and contain only natural ingredients. The scrub can be made from coarse salt or fine coffee mixed with vegetable oil, cream or shower cleanser.

You can easily find various wrapping compositions at any pharmacy. Paraffin wrapping is very useful for the skin, and the essential oils that are part of the paraffin help to reduce stretch marks, make the skin smooth and increase elasticity. Seaweed, mud wraps, and clay wraps are very effective. This procedure makes the skin soft, smooth, and also removes excess fluid and toxins. Wrap for best effect cling film and lie down under a warm blanket for 2-3 hours.

Shilajit, which can be purchased at any pharmacy for almost a penny, can significantly reduce stretch marks. The main thing is regularity. The easiest recipe for a remedy for stretch marks with mummy is to add a mummy tablet crushed and dissolved in a teaspoon of water to your body cream. And better in baby cream- It does not contain fragrances and dyes. It is necessary to prepare a portion of cream with mummy every time before application. You can also add mummy to any remedy for stretch marks.

By the way, about creams against stretch marks.

To date, there are a great variety of all kinds of creams, gels, lotions and emulsions against stretch marks. Choose the one that you are comfortable applying to the skin of the body. In addition, be sure to pay attention to the composition. If retinol, collagen, vitamins (especially A and E), as well as oils (shea, jojoba or almond) are indicated there, then in front of you is really effective cream against stretch marks.

Compared to home remedies for stretch marks, salon treatments are very effective and can completely remove even long-term stretch marks. However, they also have disadvantages - high price and soreness.

It consists in the introduction of injections with the drug under the skin. The drug contains active substances and even stem cells that remove toxins and improve microcirculation, as well as help restore skin cells. This procedure is very painful, but very effective. There is also non-injection mesotherapy. The same active substances are literally driven into the skin by a jet of oxygen under pressure. The procedure of non-injection mesotherapy is, of course, less painful compared to classical mesotherapy, but it is not so effective either.

As a result, the skin becomes elastic. Unfortunately, this procedure cannot be performed on women during breastfeeding.

The oxygen-ozone mixture acts on the skin, causing an active metabolism in it, thereby accelerating skin regeneration. The result is a reduction in stretch marks.

The procedure consists in removing the top dead layer of the skin trichloroacetic or glycolic acid. The procedure contributes not only to the removal of rough scars and stretch marks, but also activates the production of collagen and elastin, that is, it forces the skin to heal stretch marks itself. After chemical peeling dermatologists recommend limiting exposure to direct sunlight, as there is a risk of developing age spots.
During radiolifting, the beautician injects electrical impulses of a certain frequency under the skin. The current causes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and the skin becomes elastic and toned.

When resurfacing with a laser beam, the beautician removes the upper layers of the skin (and stretch marks along with it) and at the same time tightens them. It happens instantly and bloodlessly. However, the procedure is very painful (therefore performed under local anesthesia), but the result is a young elastic skin no stretches - it's worth it.

During this procedure, the cosmetologist inserts thin gold threads under the skin through special punctures. These threads create a kind of framework that supports the skin. In addition, gold ions contribute to the restoration of skin cells. Reinforcement can be carried out for any problem area (chest, hips, buttocks, and others).

This is the removal of stretch marks by surgery.

It is carried out only in the case when all of the above methods of getting rid of stretch marks have no effect. This surgery, which affects not only all layers of the skin, but even muscles, and it is performed under general anesthesia. During abdominoplasty, excess skin with stretch marks is excised, and the muscles are sutured. Later, to remove the remaining stretch marks, doctors recommend additional mesotherapy or laser resurfacing.

In the fight against stretch marks, the main thing is - A complex approach, that is, the combination salon procedures and regular home care.