Dry skin on the lower legs, what to do. Use of cosmetics. Changing depilation methods

You can find out about the development of problems in the human body if you pay attention to the fact that he has dry skin on his hands and feet - the reasons can be different. When the palms or feet begin to dry, or the skin on the legs and arms of an adult or child begins to peel, this is not only a lack of hydration. Dryness often indicates the presence of chronic diseases.

Why does skin dry out?

Ancient healers determined a person's health by the condition of his skin. Performing protective functions, the skin participates in water-salt metabolism and thermoregulation. Any problems with this organ indicate an incipient or progressive pathology in the body. The causes of dry skin can be both internal and external. Before stocking up on moisturizing creams, you should understand what external factor dries out the epidermis and eliminate it:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • hair removal, depilation;
  • frequent peeling sessions, dermabrasion;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • age-related changes;
  • improper care;
  • low indoor humidity;
  • prolonged exposure to heat or cold;
  • sudden changes temperature.

Causes of dry skin on feet

If vitamin deficiency is excluded, then drying out of the epidermis of the lower extremities indicates uneven blood circulation. Blood flow can be disrupted by wearing tight shoes or small size tights This fact causes not only dry skin, but also the formation of varicose veins. High socks and too-tight leggings are harmful; wearing them regularly will cause dry skin on your legs. Another factor that dries out the epidermis of the lower extremities is the use cosmetics, which contain a lot of alkalis.

The skin on the legs is peeling

Many women are interested in the question, especially in winter period why the skin on your feet is dry and flaky. The answer lies on the surface - she is dehydrated. It is difficult for the body to retain natural moisture in winter; as a result, the skin on the legs peels, it becomes white, covered with small scales, and in general, it looks unaesthetic. The situation can be corrected by proper drinking regimen. Not sweet coffee or tea, but clean drinking water per day, no less than 1.5 liters.

On the soles of my feet

If you have not walked barefoot on the ground or on hard surfaces, but your feet are very dry, this may indicate that they have a fungal infection. Diagnose infection not difficult: thickening of the nails is visible, the skin of the fingers takes on an unnatural red tint, peels off, and itches. If all of the listed symptoms on the foot are present, you should go to a dermatologist. The specialist will order a test that will identify the type of fungus, after which you need to treat the infection with the appropriate ointment.

Below the knees

Many people have very sensitive epidermis, so the skin on their legs below the knees peels due to aggressive influence cold, sun, wind, water or air. The solution to the problem could be fatty creams care or cosmetics with high protection from ultraviolet radiation. The cause of dryness can be the body's reaction to any food irritant. It is necessary to determine the product causing allergic reaction and remove it from your diet.

Peeling of the epidermis below the knees and on the ankles can occur natural reasons when the body's processes slow down due to aging. After 50 years of age, the skin becomes thin as it loses moisture. This condition is caused age-related changes collagen fibers, which are the building blocks of the epidermis. Normalize fat and lipid metabolism Eating foods rich in collagen will help: kelp, rabbit meat, turkey, fatty salmon fish, leafy greens.

Cracked skin on toes

Often the cause of the problem lies in lifestyle. For example, a man or woman adheres to a strict diet, limiting the intake of necessary substances into the body. As a result, the skin on the feet and toes cracks. Effective treatment drying out epidermis - full course vitamin therapy. Sometimes this symptom indicates a dysfunction thyroid gland, so it wouldn’t be superfluous to have an examination with an endocrinologist.

On the shins

This problem usually occurs after improper shaving. To correct the situation: a sharp blade, special creams for depilation and moisturizing the epidermis. You can eliminate dry skin on the lower legs using olive, flaxseed or coconut oil, which must be rubbed in daily after showering or shaving. Increased dryness will go away if you do it several times a week. nourishing mask which contains: baby cream, 3 drops of glycerin, 1 drop each of vitamin E and A (oil solution).

Causes of dry hand skin

Wrinkling, peeling, permanent condition of the skin of the upper extremities - many people are familiar with this situation. These symptoms are a signal from the body that it is necessary to start taking care of your hands. Insufficient care, vitamin deficiency and stress have a bad effect on the condition of the epidermis. However, the causes of dry hand skin are not only external. This condition may be due to other factors:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With a lack of vitamins and microelements, work is disrupted digestive system, which immediately affects the condition of the epidermis.
  2. Diabetes. Increased sugar causes dry skin.
  3. Iron-deficiency anemia. The disease causes dry and itchy skin, which begins to crack and hurt.
  4. Fungal infections. If your feet are affected by a fungus, then it is more likely that the peeling of your hands is also caused by it.
  5. Allergy. Called by anything from household chemicals before wearing rings. A dermatologist will identify the allergen after tests.

Why does the skin on my palms peel?

Peeling of the palms is much less common, but the sight is unsightly and unpleasant. The factors that lead hands to such a state are varied, and the method of solving the problem depends on the reason that caused it. If the skin on your palms is dry, you should definitely contact a dermatologist, because such symptoms appear during exacerbation of eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis. Self-medication with such a diagnosis is unacceptable. There are many diseases, signs of which are peeling and bursting of the epidermis on the palms:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • staphylococcal infections;
  • lichen planus;
  • syphilis;
  • fungal infections;
  • scabies;
  • hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis.

On fingers

With frequent contact with water, a person’s hand skin becomes very dry, because water dries out the epidermis, washes away protective layer. This problem can be corrected if you regularly take baths with such softening ingredients as a decoction of oak bark, nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, and sage. Often dry skin on the fingers occurs due to weakened immunity or vitamin deficiency in spring and autumn. In this case, nutritional adjustments are needed. With congenital dryness or genetic predisposition fingers need softening throughout the year.

Dry skin between fingers

When peeling of the epidermis between the fingers occurs, many reasons can be suspected. Most are related to improper care behind hands or reaction to detergents. Other causes of dryness between the fingers are: fungal infection or vitamin deficiency. What to do to avoid the problem:

  • After washing your hands, the area between the fingers should be thoroughly dried;
  • When washing dishes or doing laundry, use gloves and then moisturize;
  • choose the right creams (ointments) for your hands and regularly care for them;
  • In cold weather, do not be without warm gloves or mittens.

Dryness and redness of the skin of the hands

Why does the skin on my hands dry out? Women are especially concerned about this combination of pathologies such as dryness and redness. If the skin bursts at the same time, then most likely this is a consequence of lack of care. To prevent dryness and redness of the skin of your hands, as well as dermatitis, blisters and peeling, which can occur due to poor hygiene, you need to constantly lubricate them. Great effect provide hydration and nutrition folk recipes. Our ancestors also advised:

  • apply cream, sour cream or make milk compresses after each hand wash;
  • use unrefined vegetable oil as a compress at night under gloves.

Dry skin in a child

In children, the epidermis dries out for many reasons. Mostly, cracks in the body are caused by low activity. sebaceous glands which arise due to increased rigidity water. Dry skin in a child is caused by gastrointestinal diseases, poor nutrition of the mother during lactation or pregnancy, early failure from breastfeeding. Typically treat sensitive epidermis one year old child not worth it. Over time, it returns to normal on its own.

Rough on a baby

Immediately after birth, the baby’s epidermis is covered with vernix lubrication, which first helped pass the birth canal and then adapted the child to the air environment. When the substance dries, it appears rough skin in a baby, which immediately shows irritation, dermatitis, and allergic manifestations. The situation is aggravated by unfiltered water when swimming, lack of air baths, rare change of linen, improper diet of the mother. In order for the upper layer of the child’s epidermis to adapt faster, the following measures should be taken:

  • improve nutrition;
  • remove all irritating factors;
  • choose only hypoallergenic products for bathing;
  • increase the humidity in the children's room to 75-80%;
  • lower the room temperature to 19-21 degrees.


Who among us has not encountered such a nuisance as very dry skin on the legs? Dry skin flakes, becomes rough and simply does not look aesthetically pleasing. To get rid of this problem, we buy dozens of moisturizers, but they only help temporarily. So why does the skin on your feet become dry, and, most importantly, how to deal with this dryness?

Causes of dryness

The main cause of dry skin on the legs is, of course, insufficient hydration of the stratum corneum. If for a long time he doesn't get required amount moisture, the skin on your feet begins to dry out and peel. Dry feet can also be caused by:

Our diet always affects appearance. Some products make the skin supple and soft, while others affect it. Negative influence. To ensure that the skin on your feet is always in good condition, eat fish, vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables, mainly orange color: apricots, pumpkin, carrots, mangoes, oranges, etc.

  • Lack of water

It’s not for nothing that we are taught from childhood that we need to drink a lot. Drinking watermain source moisture entering the human body. Daily drink at least 1.5 liters of water, and in hot weather- at least 2 liters.

  • Avitaminosis

Peeling and dry skin on the feet, hands and between the fingers is the main signal that the body is experiencing an acute lack of vitamins. Most often we are susceptible to vitamin deficiency in spring, autumn and after illness when the body threw all its strength into fighting the virus.

  • Accompanying illnesses

Just as in the case of vitamin deficiency, flaky, dry skin on the legs and cracks may indicate that a person is sick with something. If you understand that the reason for dryness is not that you lack vitamins, you eat improperly or do not moisturize your feet enough, be sure to consult a doctor.

Almost every person experiences dry skin on their legs sooner or later, especially after 35 years of age. The shins are the first to peel and itch, because the skin here is thin and fragile. It's time to think about cosmetic procedures ah and treatment of insufficient blood circulation in the lower extremities. Below help will help cure unpleasant dry feet.

Causes of dry skin on the lower legs

Some people believe that since the skin on the lower leg is dry and tight, just moisturize it and it will be as good as new. After wetting the skin, it really does become easier, but not for long. As soon as the water or oil dries, the skin peels off with more greater strength. And all because it was not installed real reason, which is worth fighting. The list of such reasons is as follows:

Foot skin care rules

To bring the skin of the lower leg to a normal state, use the following advice from cosmetologists and dermatologists:

  1. Apply body moisturizer after showering. Then the nutritional components will be absorbed better.
  2. Replace alkaline soap with soft liquid soap containing natural oils.
  3. To improve blood circulation, direct a stream of water to your lower leg. This is a kind of foot hydromassage at home.
  4. If you are not sure about the effectiveness of creams, give preference to oils. Olive, almond, flax – best helpers with tight skin of the lower leg. Of course, there is no need to leave the oil composition for a long time. After 5 minutes, wipe off excess with a paper towel.
  5. Dry skin that bothers the lower legs is not the only blemish that can bother you. Dry shins are often accompanied by cracked heels. To remove the stratum corneum, pumice is used. It is better to leave the razor in the past, it greatly injures the dermis and contributes to infection.
  6. Check with a cosmetic store effective masks for the body with a moisturizing effect.

Moisturizing masks made from natural ingredients

Eco-masks are gaining popularity every day. People refuse to spend exorbitant amounts of money on dubious ones. cosmetic products and are increasingly turning to natural moisturizing ingredients. A moisturizing mask for lower legs can be made using the following products:

  1. Mix cream or full-fat homemade sour cream with liquid vitamins A and E. Distribute the mixture on the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then wipe off the mixture with a paper towel.
  2. Add a couple of drops of mint to 3-4 drops of lavender oil. Pour into a bottle of your favorite moisturizer. 2-3 applications of this mixture - and your skin will delight you with velvety and softness.
  3. Grind the apple into puree and add milk. Place the saucepan with the mixture on the fire and cook until the consistency of mush. Dry feet will thank you for such a wonderful moisturizing session! For greater efficiency, put on top plastic bag and wool socks. The mask is kept on your feet for 40 minutes, then washed off and lubricated with moisturizer.
  4. Measure out 4 teaspoons baby cream, enter 1 here egg white, add 1 teaspoon of melted butter and add a couple of spoons raw potatoes in the form of puree. Mix the ingredients with a spoon and distribute on the lower extremities. The mask is worn for at least half an hour.

How to care for your legs so that they look beautiful is explained in the video:

Flaky epidermis on the lower extremities is a problem faced not only by women, but also by men. Dry skin leads to the fact that it first begins to become rough, then peels off and cracks, which, of course, brings discomfort to the skin. daily life, and sometimes even causes discomfort.

If such a problem happened in the summer, then wear a beautiful open shoes becomes problematic and deep cracks on the feet cause discomfort and pain.

To overcome this skin ailment without visiting a doctor, you can use many home recipes that as soon as possible will relieve you of dry feet. But before moving on to recipes, you need to understand what may be causing this problem.

Dry skin on feet

The reasons for the appearance of dry skin on the soles of the feet are quite varied, however, most often it is due to impaired blood flow in the lower extremities. Circulation problems are most often caused by wearing tight shoes or thick stockings. But these factors can also cause the development of varicose veins, which begins with the appearance of spider veins and ends with vein thrombosis and their removal.

I would like to note that wearing tight tights, does not allow the skin to “breathe”, which, in turn, disrupts its water balance. But not only stockings, but also clothes that fit tightly to the body can lead to such a problem, which not only causes skin problems, but also worsens blood circulation, negatively affecting the entire body as a whole.

The skin on the feet also peels, perhaps due to exposure to low temperatures. In women, this is facilitated by wearing it in winter. short dresses and frequent cosmetic procedures with various products that negatively affect the skin of the feet.

These include bubble baths, soaps and even moisturizing body milk. When choosing cosmetics, you must carefully study its composition in order to exclude components that dry out the epidermis. Foot care cosmetics should be rich in ceramides that moisturize the epidermis and natural essential oils that help tone it.

Frequent use of water with a high chlorine content can also cause dryness and cracks in the epidermis. If you do not have the opportunity to wash with other water, then after taking water procedures Be sure to treat your feet with nourishing cream.

Dry skin on the feet and other parts of the body can appear due to psoriasis, diabetes, or dermatitis. If the cause of dry skin is a disease, this problem must be solved only with the help of a specialist. So how to bring the skin into normal condition This is only possible if the cause of this problem can be found and eradicated.

Age also plays an important role in dry skin. The older a person gets, the less hydrated the skin becomes. After forty years, you have to put in a lot of effort to keep the epidermis healthy and elastic. In this case, products for aging skin help fight the signs of aging.

What can you do to cope with excessive dry skin on your feet? What are the best methods for moisturizing it? To find out about this and choose the right recipe for you, read the tips below.

Skin care

Caring for dry foot skin

If you have dry skin on your feet, you must take proper care of it and constantly moisturize it. To do this, you need to apply nourishing milk or cream to your feet morning and evening. But so that cosmetics give desired result, and the question did not arise why the skin was peeling, because I take care of it, the legs first need to be steamed. Opening the pores is facilitated by taking foot baths, a hot shower or bath.

For very dry skin of the lower extremities, steaming is necessary, otherwise the feet simply will not be able to absorb the full range of nourishing ingredients that make up the cream.

If you have dry skin, you should avoid alkaline gels. Since they will only aggravate the situation, making the epidermis even drier, resulting in the appearance severe peeling, and possibly cracks. It is best to use gentle cleansers with oils. They not only cleanse, but also moisturize dry skin.

When taking water procedures, be sure to massage, as it will help improve blood circulation and nutrition in the tissues of the lower extremities. To do this, simply point the shower head at your feet and hold it in this position for several minutes. After the water massage, do not wipe your feet, but lightly blot them and lubricate them with a moisturizer.

Cosmetic cream can be replaced with any oil that will not only help soften the epidermis, but also saturate it with useful substances. For this, it is best to use olive, linseed or almond oil. After applying the oil to your feet, wait a few minutes and then remove any excess with a paper towel.

If your feet are peeling and cracks appear, you need to use scrubs and pumice stones to exfoliate dead cells. It is better not to use a razor, as many people do. It severely injures the upper layer of the epidermis, damaging it and opening access to various pathogenic bacteria.

Use a pumice stone while showering, especially if your skin is rough and flaking. This way, you can remove dead epidermis and allow the new layer of skin to “breathe” and absorb everything useful material, obtained from foot creams. After scrubbing, rinse your feet with cool water and apply a moisturizer to them.

Also, to avoid dry feet, try to make masks with moisturizing ingredients at least once a week. You can buy them at a cosmetic store or make them at home using ingredients you have on hand.


Foot masks

Do you have dry and rough skin on your feet? Start moisturizing her special masks. They need to be done several times a week. To create them, exotic components and huge financial costs are not at all needed. To prepare them, you only need simple ingredients.

For example, take oil vitamin A and mix it with sour cream or cream. Apply the resulting pasty mass to your feet and leave for twenty minutes. Remove anything that is not absorbed into the skin with a paper towel at the end of the procedure.

To create a mask, you can use essential peppermint and lavender oil, mixed with your favorite foot cream. Apply the cream twice a day and within a few weeks, you will notice that your legs have become soft, and your skin is more elastic and moisturized.

To prevent cracked feet and moisturize dry skin, you need fresh apples. For cooking apple mask, take the fruit, cut it into slices and pour milk. Then boil the mixture over the fire until a paste forms. After it has cooled, apply it to your feet and wrap them in film, wearing warm socks. After forty minutes, rinse off the mask and apply cream to the skin.

A mask based on baby cream has excellent moisturizing properties that help get rid of dry epidermis. To prepare it, take 4 teaspoons of cream, egg white, a teaspoon of butter and 2 teaspoons of grated potato tubers. Mix all these ingredients and apply to your feet. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off.


It is much easier to prevent dry feet than to deal with it later. To avoid this problem, never try:

  • Do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  • Do not wear tights.
  • Replenish your diet with vegetables and fruits.
  • Scrub the foot area weekly.
  • Make masks with moisturizing ingredients.
  • Do not use scented gels or soaps.

To prevent the skin on the feet from becoming rough and cracks forming, it must be carefully looked after. To do this, it is enough to apply cream every evening and make masks and foot baths from time to time.

Dry skin on the legs most often occurs in winter and autumn period. The explanation is very simple: the human body weakens at this time, and therefore becomes vulnerable. This is why maximum skin care is required. You will learn in this article what contributes to the appearance of dry skin on the legs, the causes of peeling, and what measures to take in this case.

What affects the condition of the dermis of the legs and why does it peel off? Let's find out in more detail the reasons that can cause dry skin on the feet.

  1. Clothes made from synthetic fabrics. It's about about tights and leggings, which can cause skin irritation. And it manifests itself in the form of dryness and flaking skin legs
  2. Cosmetical tools. If the products are incorrectly selected or simply not suitable, they dry out the skin. When choosing cosmetics, be sure to read what components are included. Presence natural oils or ceramides is a prerequisite quality cosmetics skin care.
  3. Insufficient care. Not all women pay the same attention to the skin of their legs as they do to the skin of their face. However, the legs require no less attention.
  4. Diseases. Quite often, dry skin is one of the symptoms of some ailment, for example, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, fungal infections, as well as insufficient intake of vitamins and beneficial components into the body.
  5. Impaired blood circulation. Hardening procedures, exercises, sports - everything that strengthens blood vessels will help. If professional activity forces a person to be in one position for a long time (for example, working at a computer), and also to remain on his feet (teachers, hairdressers), then it is necessary to take breaks during which to walk, stand up, and move. This will prevent the development of negative changes in blood circulation.
  6. Age. After 40 years, the skin dries out, and this requires careful and systematic care. It is very important to comply drinking regime, consume clean water, and not replace it with other drinks. Introducing a large amount of fruits, vegetables, fish into the diet, taking vitamins, and also refusing hygiene products which contain alkali will give a positive result.


What symptoms indicate that the skin of the feet requires moisturizing and special attention? Let's look at them in more detail:

  • decreased elasticity and firmness;
  • dullness of the skin;
  • peeling and the appearance of dead grayish-white scales different sizes, as in the photo on the right;
  • the surface of the skin becomes rough and rough to the touch;
  • redness appears, the skin becomes very dry and even cracks.

When to see a doctor

If the first symptoms of dry skin appear, it is recommended to seek medical advice. This is necessary in order to correctly determine the causes and not make mistakes when diagnosing yourself. If dry skin is caused by any disease, and the person does not consult a specialist, then they may develop dangerous complications. A dermatologist, an allergist, and a therapist will help in this situation; after examining and receiving the results of the tests, they will prescribe treatment and give recommendations.


If such a problem arises, then there is no need to panic. There are many ways to deal with dry skin on your feet.

Balanced diet

The skin should receive a sufficient amount of fluid, vitamins and other beneficial components. That is why it is necessary to reconsider your diet. Every day you should drink at least 2 liters of water, eat healthy fats (nuts different types, fish, vegetable oils), fruits, vegetables and berries. It should be noted that, for example, chips and fast food can cause dry skin, and therefore these and similar harmful products It is recommended to exclude food from the diet.

Application of vitamins

In the autumn-winter period, as well as in the spring, get it with food required quantity vitamins are difficult. You need to see a doctor to prescribe vitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes. Popular - Supradin, Alphabet, Aevit, etc.

Careful care

Taking care of the skin of your feet is no less important than taking care of the skin of your face and hands. What does the concept of “thorough care” mean?

  1. Take care of personal hygiene of the body and feet every day. Choose tights and socks with natural composition.
  2. Every day it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to your feet, which will quickly soften the skin and nourish it with moisture. You just need to do it correctly. First, take a shower or bath to open the skin pores, and then apply the cream. It is good to massage a stream of water directed at your feet while taking a shower to improve blood circulation. After the procedure, the skin should be blotted with a towel and then use the cream. You can also use vegetable oils (almond, olive, flaxseed), which will not only help moisturize, but also give the skin vitamins. After water procedures, the oil is applied to the skin for 3 - 5 minutes, and then the excess amount is removed with a paper napkin.
  3. Alkaline soap is prohibited, as it will dry out the skin even more. Will do liquid soap, which contains oils. This soap cleanses the skin gently and does not harm it.
  4. To prevent the appearance of cracks in the heels, it is recommended to systematically use pumice to remove the stratum corneum. It is strictly forbidden to use a razor for these purposes, as it injures the skin, which can increase the risk of infection. After treating your heels with pumice, wash them under running water, dry them and apply nutritious cream. The procedure is especially effective if the skin is dry and itchy.
  5. You can also use special store-bought scrubs and peelings - mousses or creams that contain solid particles. They are the ones who remove the top dead skin cells. You can also cook homemade scrub, mixing equal amounts of coarse sea ​​salt and cream or full-fat sour cream.
  6. Paraffin therapy for feet. This procedure can be ordered either in a beauty salon or performed independently at home. To do this you need to melt steam bath cosmetic wax and apply it warm thin layer on the feet, let it harden, then apply another 2 - 3 layers in the same way. Wrap your feet in plastic wrap and a warm, thick cloth and leave for half an hour, then remove the wax and use a pumice stone to remove rough skin. Paraffin therapy softens the skin and moisturizes it.
  7. Foot baths. To carry out the procedure, you need to mix sage and oak bark or chamomile and hops, or oats and bran. Take 2 tbsp. l. any collection and pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 20 to 30 minutes. The infusion for the baths is ready. Do the procedure systematically twice a week for 15 minutes, after which pat your feet dry with a towel and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Application of cosmetics

Store-bought cosmetics will help you cope with dry skin on your feet. Let's take a look at the most frequently used ones.

  1. Essential oils. They penetrate the skin and deeply nourish and enrich it. useful components. Apply essential oils You can do it every day after taking a shower or bath. Oils such as peach, tea tree, flaxseed, almond.
  2. Milk for dry skin. It is used instead of regular soap. The milk gently cleanses the skin without causing dryness.
  3. Moisturizing cream. Created for daily use in the morning and evening hours.

Traditional medicine recipes

Let's get acquainted with the most effective recipes alternative medicine that will help get rid of dry skin on the legs.

  1. For dry knees. To prepare this remedy, you will need the juice of one lemon and a large number of almond oil. The components need to be mixed and the resulting composition applied to a damp towel, which is wrapped around the knees. After a quarter of an hour, remove the towel and lubricate your knees with moisturizer. Result - smooth skin And nice smell skin.
  2. A mask for dry feet, based on baby cream. Mix 4 teaspoons cream + protein raw egg+ teaspoon butter + 2 tsp. chopped raw potatoes. Apply the resulting homogeneous mass to the skin of your feet for half an hour, then rinse off. warm water. Good for very dry skin on feet.
  3. Connect pharmaceutical drug- an oil solution of vitamin E or A with cream or full-fat sour cream, taking the above components in equal quantities. Happened excellent remedy to moisturize dry skin of the feet, which should be applied for 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, remove the residue with a paper towel.
  4. Another mask to soften the skin of the feet. Grind one teaspoon of butter with the yolk of a raw egg, then add 2 tsp. finely grated raw potatoes and 4 tsp. baby cream Apply the mixture to the feet and wrap cling film and put on warm socks. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask and apply cream. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week, as a result of which the heels will have great view, and dry skin on your feet will be a thing of the past.

Drug treatment

If not traditional methods, neither cosmetics nor proper nutrition help overcome dry skin on the feet, then you need to contact pharmaceutical products. Naturally, after consultation and doctor’s prescriptions:

  • If dry skin on the legs is due to allergies, then antihistamines are prescribed.
  • For diseases such as eczema and dermatitis, ointments with Vaseline or glycerin are used.
  • If the cause of peeling skin on your feet is diabetes, then the doctor prescribes medications to normalize blood sugar levels.
  • For varicose veins, medications for blood vessels are prescribed.


We all know that disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The same is true for the skin of the legs. It is better to prevent the appearance of dryness, peeling, cracks than to apply it later various means to combat these unpleasant consequences. So, preventive actions are as follows:

  • shoes - only comfortable ones;
  • no - tight leggings and tight tights;
  • the diet includes healthy food, which includes a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, natural products;
  • yes - to moisturizing masks, creams, foot care treatments;
  • no - regular alkaline soap.

We hope that this article will help keep the skin of your feet in excellent condition, no matter what time of year it is outside. And every woman will know what to do if she has problems with dry skin of her legs and feet.