The child's feet sweat a lot what to do. Feet sweat and smell. How to get rid of sweaty feet

Adults most often suffer from sweaty feet. Less commonly, this problem occurs in children, but it causes great inconvenience to the baby and greatly disturbs parents. Whether sweating feet in children is a sign of any disease is difficult to say at first glance.

It can be observed in children at almost any age, but most often it worries parents of babies under 1 year old. At this age, sweating of the legs is due to an undeveloped mechanism of heat transfer. Over time, this type of sweating will go away on its own. But this is not the only foot in children. The child's feet sweat heavily and for the following reasons:

How to deal with it?

You need to act on the basis of why the child's feet sweat. Establishing the cause is half the success. Undoubtedly, it is worth starting with the most simple option: baby is hot. It is necessary to ensure that the socks are constantly dry, change them more often, do not dress too warmly and do not use synthetics. Mandatory massages and daily bathing of the baby in water diluted with salt.

You should observe the child: if he eats and sleeps normally, feels good, his sweat does not have a sharp bad smell, and others characteristic symptoms possible diseases is not observed, then the child’s legs may be sweating due to the developmental features of the body, and there is no reason for concern. Upon detection similar symptoms you should immediately show the child to the pediatrician.

Traditional and ethnoscience offer a variety of different methods for treating sweaty feet in children. Among them:

  • Foot baths using infusions of oak bark, sage, string.
  • Hardening (walking barefoot, dousing with cold water).
  • Hot summer sun and salty sea water - good helpers in the treatment of sweating.
  • Foot massage.
  • Various ointments and powders.

Sweating is a natural reaction of the body, aimed at removing toxins, normalizing body temperature and hormonal balance. High sweating in children is atypical, but does not always mean a deviation. If a child has sweaty feet, you should pay attention to the usual factors: the quality of shoes and socks, hygiene, weather conditions.

In cases of increased secretion of sweat and an unpleasant odor in the absence of obvious provoking factors, it is important to consult a doctor. If other symptoms are added to sweating, then most likely there is a violation in the functioning of some organs or systems.

Features of children's sweating

Sweating is a normal process of thermoregulation. The appearance of sweat in children different ages manifests itself individually, so parents can independently determine the first signs of deviations. Clinicians determine some features by the age of the child:

  1. Newborns and babies. imperfection sweat glands in a baby under 1 year old, it often leads to excessive sweating of the legs. It is the lower limbs that quickly respond to any temperature fluctuations. Often parents try to warm the child, even if it is not necessary. It is worth paying attention to socks and booties - they should be made from natural fabrics.
  2. Child aged 1-3 years. The activity of children increases, the kids begin to walk in kindergarten, actively walk. sweating during active games on the street - the norm for kids. If the legs sweat without special external factors, and the state is saved long time- This is a reason to contact the pediatrician. Excessive sweating at 2 years of age can be the cause of rickets, in rare cases, the disease is diagnosed at the age of 4 or 5 years.
  3. Children 4-6 years old. Sweating in a baby at this age is significantly developed, but the maximum formation of the activity of the sweat glands occurs during puberty. Children are already old enough, they change the susceptibility of the world around them and the reaction to stressful stimuli. So, in addition to uncomfortable shoes, low-quality tights or socks, increased moisture in the hands and feet can cause stress: excitement, worry, fear, fear.

main danger increased sweating are drafts.

Important! With prolonged perspiration, attention should be paid to the nature of sweat: smell, stickiness, persistence. In children under 12-13 years old, sweat is odorless, does not leave marks on clothes, is easily washed off with water or a handkerchief, and is not sticky.

Pathological sweating - signs and causes

If the child sweats his legs, hands, there are signs of night sweats (wet pillows, hats), you should contact the pediatrician for a general examination. The following symptoms should be alert:

  • capriciousness, irritability;
  • an increase in body temperature (preservation of subfebrile condition);
  • defeat skin(rash, redness, itching);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • loss of appetite or its apparent violation;
  • pallor of the face;
  • violation of the stool (from constipation to diarrhea).

All of these symptoms can be the cause of a malfunction. internal organs and systems. Most often, persistent sweating accompanies children with the following conditions:

Hyperhidrosis in children is only a symptom that signals pathological or physiological discomfort in various parts of the human body.

Common causes at any age

In almost 80% of cases, sweating in a baby is provoked by the parents themselves or the world. According to the pediatrician Komarovsky, in the prevailing majority, the cause of sweating in a child under 7 years of age lies in external factors:

Important! Child - individual organism with their demands and physiological responses. Usually, after the prevention of all contributing physiological factors (except heredity), the child's sweating returns to normal.

Who to contact

When the first alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a pediatrician at the place of residence. The pediatrician must exclude rickets and then prescribe additional diagnostics. After studying the complaints and clinical history of the child, consultations of the following specialists are prescribed:

  1. Neurologist. The doctor helps to exclude or confirm vascular dystonia, the risks of its development, as well as various neurological disorders (for example, increased muscle tone in breasts).
  2. Endocrinologist. The specialist will adequately assess the state of the thyroid gland according to the results of the ultrasound of the organ and blood tests for the hormones T4 and T3. Thyroid panel evaluation will rule out some serious illness pituitary gland, hormonal imbalance, diabetes.
  3. Cardiologist. The doctor will help evaluate the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

In accordance with the child's medical history, consultations of other specialists can be appointed: a nephrologist, a urologist, a psychiatrist. The final diagnosis is usually made on the basis of cumulative data from all types of research.

Ways to treat sweating

Special treatment in children under one year old is not prescribed if the legs sweat periodically. This is due to the imperfection of the thermoregulation system, which cannot fully cool the baby's body. With hyperhidrosis of the lower extremities of the baby, the following measures should be resorted to:

  • vitamin D 2 drops winter period(Aquadetrim on water or oil based);
  • massotherapy to normalize blood circulation;
  • regular consultations of a pediatrician and a neurologist.

If there is an increased intracranial pressure or signs of the development of pyramidal insufficiency, then prescribe nootropics, vitamins, diuretics. Usually no special treatment is required.

Important! If sweating of the feet in children is of a pathological nature, then the treatment is prescribed in strict accordance with the underlying disease.

Folk methods of treatment

Hyperhidrosis of the legs can easily cause a cold with complications to the lungs. Folk methods Treatments can alleviate the condition, eliminate unpleasant odors and help slow down the activity of the sweat glands. To eliminate the symptoms, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Oak bark. Dry raw materials are crushed to a powdery state, which is then applied to the interdigital area. They also treat the feet, heels, the outer surface of the foot. Before application, the feet are thoroughly washed and dried. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  2. Salt solution. The use of a soda-salt solution allows not only to get rid of an unpleasant odor, but also to strengthen local immunity child. IN saline solution you can add essential oils tea tree, eucalyptus, menthol, camphor. 3-4 drops are enough for 1 liter of water. At the same time, this recipe helps to relieve the symptoms of a cold.
  3. birch leaves with horsetail help to get rid of sweating. To do this, it is enough to carry out foot baths several times a day for 14 days. Leaves and horsetail are poured with boiling water, insisted for several hours. Then filter and add 1 liter warm water for medical procedures.
  4. Boric acid. The crystals are crushed and applied between the fingers every morning. Change socks daily, wash feet with soap several times a day.
  5. Burnt alum powder. They can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. The product is poured into the child's socks. The high safety of the procedure allows it to be carried out regularly without risk to health.

Not less than effective means herbal foot baths are considered. Birch buds, leaves, laundry soap, decoction of chamomile, calendula, succession, sea ​​salt. After the baths, the feet are thoroughly dried and treated with talcum powder. This procedure keeps the feet dry throughout the day.


Preventive measures can not only improve the condition of the child's legs, but also strengthen his immunity. To reduce the level of hyperhidrosis of the legs in children in the absence of pathological causes, you can follow these simple steps:

  • therapeutic foot massage;
  • hardening;
  • careful foot hygiene, rinsing with decoctions of herbs;
  • usage orthopedic shoes from natural materials(especially winter);
  • socks and tights should be cotton, without the addition of synthetic threads;
  • regular airing premises;
  • clothing for the weather.

Note! Foot massage can be done in a variety of ways. An interesting method is walking on warm rice or buckwheat barefoot. This procedure improves blood flow, innervation, stabilizes the processes of thermoregulation. The duration of exposure is 15-20 minutes. You should not jump, run - you just need to stand or walk around. Babies can apply warm cereals in bags and massage the child's legs with it.

Hyperhidrosis in the leg area in a child is considered a symptom of physiological and pathological causes, therefore, if this condition persists for a long time, you should contact a pediatrician to assess the health of a baby of any age.

About 2-2.5 million sweat glands function on the human body from the moment of birth, almost 30% of which are located on the soles. Excessive sweating of the feet is a common problem and affects not only adults but also children. early age. Let's consider why the child's legs sweat, ways to eliminate and prevent the violation, reasons for going to the doctor.

Causes of excessive sweating of the feet in children

Excessive activity of the sweat glands or hyperhidrosis can be caused by physiological and pathological causes. Most often, sweating is temporary, goes away on its own when the provoking factors are eliminated and does not pose a health hazard.

Physiological causes

The following physiological causes are distinguished excessive sweating:

  • Age features of the body. Children have the same number of external secretion glands as adults, but the total area of ​​their skin is much smaller. Due to the high density of the sweat glands, perspiration in children is 5-7 times more intense than in humans. middle age. In newborns, hyperhidrosis is associated with imperfect thermoregulation of the body. The mechanism for coordinating body temperature normalizes during the first 8-12 months of life, and the excretory functions of the skin are finally established by about 7-8 years;
  • Violation of the microclimate in the room. active kids up to 4-5 years are especially sensitive to temperature and humidity environment. An increase in air temperature by 1-2 degrees can lead to an increase in sweating by 2-3 times;
  • Hormonal changes in adolescents. Puberty accompanied by a significant increase in the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands. Most often, the process of sweating is normalized by the age of 16-18;
  • Wearing clothes and shoes that are not suitable for the weather or made of synthetic materials;
  • Drinking plenty of water, eating fatty and spicy foods.


Sweating in babies is often the result of overexcitation and stress. Abrupt change environment, strong positive and negative emotions lead to excessive sweating, which can persist for a long time (from several hours to several days).

Pathological causes

TO pathological reasons Sweating feet in children include the following diseases:

  • Rickets is a violation of the formation of bone tissue under the influence of an acute lack of vitamin D. Pathology affects infants and is expressed by lethargy, sleep disturbances, sweating, skin itching, in severe cases, curvature of the spine, bone deformity;
  • Respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia. The acute phase of the disease in almost 75% is accompanied by profuse sweating, aggravated at night;
  • Worm infestations. Abnormal sweating is often the main symptom of a helminth infection. Other signs of the disease include weakness, apathy, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight, skin rashes, sometimes dry cough;
  • Endocrine disorders (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis). Diseases are characterized by a sharp weight loss, tachycardia, indigestion, irritability, deterioration in general well-being;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Increased sweating is accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm, pallor of the skin, lethargy;
  • Severe disorders of the internal organs, genetic disorders, tumor processes, tuberculosis.

Reasons to see a doctor

You should immediately contact your pediatrician if hyperhidrosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • indigestion;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Violation of the heart rhythm, weakness, fatigue;
  • Pain of any nature and localization;
  • Skin rashes, dermatitis;
  • The pungent smell of sweat.

Excessive sweating of the legs, which develops suddenly without visible reasons or persisting for a long time, can also be a sign of pathology.

To diagnose the causes of sweaty feet, laboratory and instrumental research(analysis of urine, blood and feces, ultrasound of internal organs, ECG). If necessary, a consultation of narrow specialists (endocrinologist, neuropathologist, dermatologist) can be appointed. Only a doctor can answer the question why a child's feet sweat. Self-medication, especially if a comorbidity is suspected, is unacceptable.

Treatment and prevention of sweaty feet in children

Consider what to do if your child's feet sweat a lot and smell. When physiological reasons hyperhidrosis can be fixed in the following ways:

  • Proper selection of clothes and shoes. Don't dress an active baby too warm. All things should be made of natural materials that are well breathable and absorb moisture. It is necessary to reduce the time spent in rubber boots and shales up to 2-3 hours a day;
  • Hygiene. With excessive sweating, wash your feet daily with antibacterial or baby soap, grabbing the skin between the fingers and the folds around nail plates. Feet must be wiped dry, it is allowed to apply a small amount baby cream or talc. It is required to frequently change socks, dry and ventilate shoes;
  • Hardening and stimulation of the protective functions of the skin. Recommended to take daily cold and hot shower for the feet, gradually increasing the difference in water temperature. Massage, walking barefoot, any gymnastics for the feet well normalizes the work of the sweat glands.


Children and adolescents under 16 years of age are contraindicated in the use of most local and systemic medications for hyperhidrosis. If the child's feet sweat and smell strongly, it is allowed to use the following remedies:

  • Solution boric acid. A small amount of liquid with a cotton swab is applied to the skin of the feet daily after washing. The course of treatment is 2 weeks;
  • Burnt alum. Pour 1 tablespoon of the powder into thick cotton socks, put on the baby's feet and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure daily for 7-10 days.

Expert opinion!

For children under 2 years of age, in order to prevent rickets, it is recommended to give 1-2 drops of Akvadetrim daily. The therapy is carried out in the cold season (from October to April). Also effective for hyperhidrosis vitamin complexes and supplements containing vitamins A, E, C, calcium and magnesium.

Folk recipes

If your child has sweaty hands and feet, you can use effective recipes folk medicine:

  • Herbal baths (a handful of string, oak bark or brew sage in 1 liter of boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain);
  • Dry compresses of soda or potato starch(apply a small amount of powder to the palms and feet, evenly distributed over gauze folded in several layers);
  • Compresses from sour cream, curdled milk or kefir;
  • Compress from fresh birch leaves.

If the child's feet sweat in shoes, in order to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, its inner surface should be wiped ethyl alcohol, vinegar solution or hydrogen peroxide. You can put tea bags, tansy and carnation inflorescences in shoes.

Power correction

  • Fatty, spicy food, semi-finished products;
  • Red meats;
  • Onion, garlic, radish, sorrel;
  • Confectionery, chocolate;
  • Cocoa, strong tea, sweet carbonated drinks.

It is necessary to include kefir, yogurt, seasonal fruits and vegetables (especially parsley, carrots, cabbage, legumes, figs) in the diet. If the baby's hands and feet sweat, do not limit him to drink. Thirst will only aggravate sweating and lead to disruption of work. gastrointestinal tract.

Excessive sweating of the feet in children is most often not dangerous and goes away on its own with age. For elimination unpleasant symptoms sweating, you should carefully observe hygiene, choose clothes and shoes from quality materials, make compresses and baths based on natural remedies.

If a child has sweaty feet, this may indicate the presence of pathologies in the body. Moderate sweating is considered a natural physiological process, but if sweat is released in large quantities, you should consult a pediatrician.

The main reason why the legs of the baby sweat is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body (rickets). This pathology is detected when the age comes from 2 to 5 years. The diagnosis can be established after receiving the results of studies made when the first symptoms appear.

Other reasons why a child of any age smells of feet include the following factors:

  1. Shoes made of cheap material of poor quality.
  2. hereditary factor.
  3. Tights and socks containing synthetic impurities that are poorly breathable.
  4. Sudden change in body temperature. The newborn has unstable temperature indicators.
  5. Increased fluid intake, which provokes the release of sweat in an infant.
  6. Low level of physical activity.
  7. Excess weight favors sweating due to the load on the work of internal organs.
  8. Neuropsychic experiences, disease of the central nervous system, severe fatigue.
  9. Infection of the body with worms.
  10. Metabolic disorders.
  11. Endocrinological and vegetovascular pathologies.

If the feet of a nine-year-old child sweat, this is preparatory stage to perestroika hormonal background. This phenomenon occurs mainly at night.

Excessive sweating can signal cardiovascular disease, pathological processes V nervous system, deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Exist various ways how to get rid of foot odor. These methods will help to normalize the thermoregulation of the body. Distinguish pharmaceutical products and folk recipes.

Pharmacy funds

A highly effective drug that contains vitamins of group D, necessary to prevent rickets - Aquadetrim. It is recommended to use the drug in breast period until the child reaches one year of age. It is taken orally 1-2 drops, mainly in the season when there is little sunlight.

To neutralize the unpleasant smell of the feet, you should purchase a natural powder in the pharmacy to eliminate sweating - "Burned Alum". Sour powder in a small amount is poured into the sock before going to bed. The product absorbs moisture, disinfects the feet.

Boric acid in powder has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to unique composition the medication will remove the cause of unpleasantly smelling feet. Spend therapeutic baths or used as a lotion. You can apply the product on all parts of the body (armpits, groin, leg folds).

If a baby or teenager is sweating, you can use powder (talc or starch) to treat wet places.

Folk remedies

Best folk recipe at home - baths with a decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, you need to pour 100 grams of crushed oak powder with one liter of water. Put the liquid on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 10-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, insist for half an hour, then strain and add to the bath. The procedure is accepted until the water cools down. Useful effect will have baths with different herbs(string, sage).

So that the feet do not sweat much, perform the following action - the feet are wiped lemon juice diluted with boiled water in equal proportions.

A simple method to get rid of sweating at home - Apple vinegar. Essence is added to the bath, it is advisable to pour boric acid into the same place. At the rate of a few tablespoons of vinegar and a couple of crystals of boron powder. Treatment continues until the feet stop smelling, about 1 month. IN advanced stages therapy can take up to a year.

Remove the effects of smelly sneakers or boots will help baking soda. Pour it into shoes and leave for 12 hours. The powder will absorb moisture and unpleasant odors.

Any method of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the age of the child, the form and condition of the disease.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

There are situations when independent treatment measures do not help, and hands begin to sweat - which means it's time to visit doctors (pediatrician, neurologist and endocrinologist). Each doctor will give an opinion on the state of the body:

  • pediatrician - visually examine the back of the head for signs of rickets, vitamin D deficiency should be treated with a systemic intake of aquadetrim; mandatory analysis of feces for worm eggs, therapy - antihelminthic drugs;
  • neurologist - will listen to heart rhythms for the presence of dystonia, you can cure a disturbed heartbeat physical therapy, sedatives and tinctures;
  • endocrinologist - will examine and palpate the thyroid gland for the presence of seals, in case of suspicion, additional tests will be prescribed.

The main condition for the treatment of sweating of the extremities in a child is to eliminate the disease in a timely manner, the correct therapy contributes to this. Parents of children under three months of age should consult a doctor for any violation of the skin.

Prevention of unpleasant odor

  1. After returning from the street, wet shoes must be dried.
  2. Shoe material must be natural.
  3. Try to keep the baby's foot from overheating, but not cold.
  4. Dress your baby for a walk according to the weather, without extra layers of clothing.
  5. Massage the child's feet, then you need to smear them with a moisturizer.
  6. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

The problem of increased sweating of the legs is solved in a complex with required examination. Early identification of the cause ensures that the odor is eliminated. Even small feet need care.

We will talk about a problem that annoys both the children concerned and their parents, namely, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) on the feet.

If sweating is too intense, you need to contact a pediatrician who will send you for an examination and find out the cause of the disorder!

Some believe that this is observed only in adults, especially men. But, unfortunately, this is far from the case.

Which age groups most often subject to profuse sweating:

  • babies - usually sweating of the legs is independent, if it is not caused by any disease;
  • preschoolers;
  • teenagers during puberty.

It is still unknown why some children sweat a lot and others do not.

Sweating maintains a constant body temperature and prevents overheating. There are many sweat glands on the soles of the feet.

Why do baby feet sweat?

Intrauterine development of the fetus occurs at a constant temperature. After birth, environmental conditions change.

In the vast majority of cases, sweating under the age of one year occurs due to the immaturity of the thermoregulatory system.

This mechanism does not function as clearly in them as in adults, which provokes such violations.

Babies are sensitive to changes in temperature - their body is easily supercooled and overheated.

Sweating for them is a necessary mechanism that allows you to quickly remove excess heat energy.

The formation of the thermoregulatory system takes place over several years. In most cases, by the end of 1 year, sweating is significantly reduced!

Increased muscle tone of the upper and lower extremities is often observed in babies up to 3-6 months. This manifests itself in clamped fists, bent legs, walking on tiptoe, etc.

Muscle tension contributes to increased sweating of the hands and feet in a child. In such cases, soothing baths help, special massage, physiotherapy, vitamin-amino acid preparations, etc.

Causes of Wet Feet in Older Children

If parents of 2-3-year-olds go to the doctor with complaints about the constantly wet legs of their children, then rickets can be suspected.

Sweating is not the only symptom this disease therefore, it does not in itself indicate a vitamin D deficiency.

The diagnosis is confirmed only in the presence of a combination of certain signs and on the basis of laboratory tests.

If the children have only wet feet and no other health problems, in all likelihood, you should not worry too much.

Most likely, this indicates individual features often inherited.

Another reason is the following:

  • the child is just hot;
  • he has poor quality shoes;
  • their synthetic socks.

Children themselves are very mobile, and because of this, the legs become wet. But sweating can be annoying if the baby is sleeping. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

Physical activity increases the process of heat release and, accordingly, enhances the process of sweating. This keeps the body cool.

Do not restrict children in their movements, it is better to take care of the comfort of their legs!!!

It is likely that doctors of various profiles will be involved in establishing the cause. This must be done if sweating of the feet in children is accompanied by:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nervousness;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • skin rashes, etc.

Wet feet - a symptom of the disease

Foot hyperhidrosis can be primary or secondary.

  • primary - if increased activity sweat glands cannot be explained by malfunctions in the body and acts as an independent phenomenon. Often this form of sweating is inherited, ie. has a genetic nature;
  • Secondary - when it is a symptom of some disease.

What diseases lead to the fact that the feet are constantly wet (secondary hyperhidrosis):

  • abnormal increase in the level of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism);
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • rickets;
  • kidney and lung diseases;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • poisoning;
  • infections;
  • oncological processes;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • genetic problems.

Stress leads to disruption of the thermoregulatory system, nerve strain, sleep disturbances, etc.

If you are worried about itching in the legs, you need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment!

Sometimes sweaty feet smell bad. Basically, this indicates fungal infection. If the feet are constantly wet, then this can easily happen.

High humidity and temperature promote the development of microorganisms on the skin, such as bacteria and fungi.

What to do first?

To get rid of sweaty feet in a child, you should take simple measures:

  • You need to change your socks more often to prevent overheating. It is important that the foot is not tightly fitted, and there is access for air;
  • it is better to avoid non-natural materials - socks and tights should be made of high quality cotton, without the addition of synthetic additives;
  • shoes should be comfortable, made of breathable, natural materials, preferably leather. You can buy shoes with a special membrane that removes excess heat and moisture;
  • it is advisable to use insoles with activated carbon that absorb liquid;
  • hygiene is essential - daily washing of the feet with soap or gel with a neutral pH level. You need to dry them very carefully, especially the interdigital spaces.

It is important to create an optimal indoor temperature regime– about 20°С. Humidity should be around 50-60%.

You may need to reevaluate your diet as well. You should include more fresh fruits and vegetables, foods high in vitamin D and calcium.

Adequate physical activity beneficial effect on the development of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

It is advisable to apply a set of techniques aimed at strengthening the health of the growing organism:

  • physical exercise;
  • hardening;
  • sunbathing;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • massages;
  • walking barefoot, etc.

Possible treatments

Pediatricians treat sweaty feet in children. In cases of secondary hyperhidrosis, the impact on the causative factor is paramount, i.e. underlying disease.

If the feet sweat a lot due to age factors, while the child is active, feels normal, has a good appetite and deep sleep, you can use home methods.

They will help reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

  • Baths with a decoction of oak bark (100 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, then insist for half an hour), sage or string;
  • Baths with boric acid or apple cider vinegar;
  • Alum (in powder form) can be poured into socks;
  • Rubbing the feet with lemon juice diluted with water (1:1) or salt water (1 tsp per glass of water).

Very helpful manual massage stop, which must be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - for 10 minutes. Manipulations are very simple, not requiring special training:

  • tingling;
  • stroking;
  • tingling;
  • rubbing;
  • patting.

For these purposes, massagers equipped with wooden or rubber spikes are also suitable. They are sold in medical equipment stores and pharmacies.

The following remedies are effective in reducing sweating of the feet in children, in the form of powders:

  • talc, which has a drying and moisture-absorbing effect;
  • potato starch;
  • alum powder;
  • boric acid powder, which has an antimicrobial effect and does not cause skin irritation.

Shoe selection - highlights

When buying shoes, one of the main criteria is the material from which it is made.

Preference should be given to good genuine leather and textiles:

  • they are elastic and soft;
  • take the form of a leg;
  • highly permeable to air and moisture.

Shoes made of leatherette are not entirely suitable for children who suffer from sweating.

It happens that circumstances develop in such a way that you have to buy shoes or boots made of synthetic leather.

In such a case, attention should be paid to inner surface and the insole must be natural - leather, cotton, etc.

Perfect for dry cool weather light shoes with perforated top. Such models provide good ventilation, dryness and comfort to the legs. For summer - light open sandals or sandals.

It is advisable to have at least two pairs of seasonal shoes to be able to dry them well!