Ninth month of pregnancy: How to prepare for childbirth. What should be the regularity and intensity of classes? Lower back pain

- the most emotionally saturated period for every expectant mother, because after it the finish line and future motherhood are already visible on the horizon. It is not surprising that all the weeks of this month the woman is full of thoughts and worries about the future and the baby. A pregnant woman constantly looks at herself and listens to own feelings: What if labor starts? Of course, the pregnancy, 33 weeks of which is already over, is about to end. However, a woman must live her ninth month, treating her own body no less carefully than before.

Development of the child in the ninth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy, 38 weeks of which is already in the past, is marked, as a rule, by the movement of the child into a characteristic position: his head approaches the entrance to the small pelvis and presses against chest, the torso is bent, the arms are crossed on the chest, the legs are bent and pressed against the tummy. The baby is thus preparing for the upcoming passage through the birth canal.

Every woman who is 9 months pregnant should know that the onset of labor at 37-42 weeks (the date is counted from the first day of the last menstruation) is considered timely, and the fetus is already fully ready for birth. In a mature fetus, the body length is more than 47 cm, and the weight is more than 2600 g. And during the development period in the ninth month, the baby is still growing quite intensively: it can add up to 28 g of weight per day.

These days there is an active accumulation of iron in the baby's liver: it is necessary for hematopoiesis in the first year of his life. The lungs of the fetus have already fully matured and are ready to provide oxygen to the body of a small person. The heart still works in a special way, and after birth, the mode of its functioning changes. There is a closing of the hole in the central septum, which turns off the lungs from the circulatory system during the period prenatal development. After birth, the baby's blood circulates through the lungs. And here the immune system in the ninth month of development, the fetus is not yet fully ready for the independent existence of the organism. Before giving birth, mothers pass through the placenta to the baby, but after he is born, they will already get through breastfeeding from milk.

If the pregnancy, 37 weeks of which the woman fully carried the baby, ends in childbirth, then already at this time the baby appears with light pinkish skin, a developed layer of subcutaneous fat, and a cheese-like lubricant will remain in the folds of the skin. But with a delay in labor, the lubrication gradually disappears, and the child may be born with a slightly wrinkled skin, as if he had been in the water for a very long time. When a child is born mature, he breathes air, cries loudly, and can suckle well. It does not need to be heated additionally, as it can retain heat on its own. The child has rosy cheeks with subcutaneous fat, fairly soft bones of the skull, elastic cartilage of the nose and ears. Vellus hair on the body remains only on the shoulders and in the folds of the skin.

In most male infants, the testicles are already descended into the scrotum at birth; only about 1% of boys have their testicles not descend into the scrotum by the time of birth. Such babies should remain under the supervision of a specialist surgeon. In a newborn baby, meconium has already accumulated in the intestines - a dark primary feces, which is made up of intestinal cells, previously dead, vellus hair and everything that the child swallowed along with amniotic fluid.

The appearance of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy, 34 weeks of which the woman's belly was actively growing, ends, and this month there is no longer an increase in the belly. Now the uterus of a pregnant woman is elevated from the pubic symphysis by about 36-40 cm. At the very end of the month, a woman may already know how many kilograms of weight she has gained over the entire period of bearing a child. Basically, this figure varies depending on the individual characteristics of each expectant mother. But on average, a woman adds from 8 to 15 kg. By the way, in the last weeks of bearing a baby, many women can even lose some weight by getting rid of excess fluid. Otherwise, the appearance of a woman in recent weeks has not changed significantly. But psychological condition very tense, since both the body and consciousness are in anticipation of the upcoming birth. Doctors advise to try to relax as much as possible and devote last days rest. After all, the pregnancy, 39 weeks of which the woman was devoted to herself, will soon end, and time for a respite will not appear soon.

Well-being of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy, the 9th month of which is just beginning, is characterized by intensive growth fetus, as well as active restructuring female body for upcoming births. All these processes contribute to active change hormonal balance in the female body. The content in the body gradually increases. This hormone, produced by the uterus, is responsible for the release of prostaglandins, which stimulate the contraction of the uterus and, accordingly, the onset of contractions. This month, the circulatory system increases the production of red blood cells: this is the preparation for a large loss of blood during the birth process.

At this stage in the development of the baby, a woman may note that the discharge from the genitals becomes more frequent and abundant. In a dream, the expectant mother may be periodically disturbed convulsions which are the result of a deficiency in the body calcium or potassium . At the 9th month, it can clearly manifest itself on the legs.

A woman who is in the ninth month of pregnancy feels a certain lethargy and inertia. It is difficult for her to concentrate, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are constantly manifested. However, sometimes periods of inertia are suddenly replaced by sharp flashes vigorous activity: this is how the “nesting” effect is manifested, which is characteristic of the last weeks of pregnancy.

What are the harbingers of childbirth?

When the 9th month of pregnancy comes, the woman gradually notices the appearance of some completely new sensations for her. All of them directly indicate that childbirth is already approaching. Such sensations can take place already a few weeks before childbirth. However, in some cases, pregnancy, 40 weeks of which is behind, is not marked by such harbingers. They appear only a few hours before birth.

First of all, a woman feels that her stomach has dropped a little. This happens when the baby's head has entered the pelvic cavity. Accordingly, there is no longer such strong pressure on the diaphragm as before, and it becomes easier and easier for a woman to breathe. In addition, seizures stop, changes in appetite are possible.

However, due to the lowering of the baby's head, the woman also notes that urination and defecation have become even more frequent. And due to changes in hormonal balance, loose stools may appear.

Another harbinger of childbirth is a slight decrease in the weight of a woman due to a decrease in appetite and fluid loss before childbirth.

The so-called mucous plug leaves the cervical canal: it is a lump of mucus, or colorless, or slightly stained with blood. Sometimes a woman can find it on her underwear. Immediately before childbirth, the fetus becomes less active: it is already quite crowded inside. But all these harbingers appear individually in each individual case, so a woman must understand that childbirth can begin without their manifestation.

A woman in the ninth month of pregnancy should know that there are two main signs of childbirth. First of all, it started contractions - contractions of the uterus, which gradually become regular. If the contractions are real, then they initially appear every 15-20 minutes, and over time, the intervals of contractions begin to increase. When a woman has 3-4 contractions in half an hour, then it's time to go to maternity hospital.

The second sign of the beginning labor activity- This discharge of water . When amniotic sac torn, the woman does not feel pain. And even if there are no contractions, then after the water breaks, the pregnant woman should immediately go to the hospital.

What can disturb a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy?

Pregnancy, 36 weeks of which have already passed, may again have those signs that a woman noted at the very beginning. So, for the ninth month, fainting, dizziness are characteristic. But such phenomena occur when future mother lies on his back, as the uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, and as a result, blood flow to the heart is disturbed. As a result, it decreases, which leads to fainting. Therefore, in the last weeks of bearing a baby, it is best to sleep on your side.

In the days leading up to childbirth, a woman very often loses her balance, feels periodically impending weakness. Therefore, it is extremely important to take good care of your own health. If, nevertheless, the fall could not be avoided, then the woman should immediately see a doctor. Although at this time the child is reliably protected by subcutaneous fat and amniotic fluid.

Sometimes the expectant mother is very worried about the "protracted" pregnancy. But if the overgrowth lasts one to two weeks, then this situation does not cause concern for doctors. However, with an even more prolonged pregnancy, as well as if there are signs of discomfort for the fetus, labor can be stimulated or carried out. Doctors determine pregnancy overdue if the period from the last menstruation has exceeded 42 weeks. This phenomenon is typical for those women who have certain diseases, have previously suffered, had menstrual irregularities, etc. A post-term pregnancy is characterized by aging of the placenta, which, in turn, can lead to fetal hypoxia. This dangerous state, therefore, when overwearing, it is advisable for a woman to go to the hospital.

Research in the ninth month of pregnancy

Now, when only one month is left before the birth, the pregnant woman visits the doctor every week. The doctor necessarily determines whether the woman feels normal, whether she has edema, measures arterial pressure, weight, standing height of the uterine fundus, abdominal circumference. also in without fail tests are carried out on the content of sugar and protein in the urine.

As an additional study at this stage of pregnancy, it is advisable to conduct a general blood test to determine the level and. This is important because there is a risk of large blood loss during the upcoming birth.

Even if the pregnancy, which is already past 35 weeks, is proceeding normally, a vaginal examination should be performed during this period to assess the maturity of the cervix. A smear is also taken for research on the flora. A second vaginal examination is carried out if the 40th week of pregnancy ends and childbirth does not occur.

During the weekly examination, the doctor also listens to the fetal heartbeat to assess whether the baby is developing normally. If necessary, an additional ultrasound is prescribed, it is also possible to conduct dopplerometry.

In the last month of pregnancy, sometimes a woman is recommended to undergo an additional ultrasound examination in order to determine some parameters of the fetus, its position and condition.

Even if the pregnancy, 36 weeks of which went well, and now does not cause any unpleasant moments, lead an active sex life at this time, doctors in most cases still do not recommend. The fact is that during sexual intercourse, the uterus is strongly excited, which is fraught with premature onset tribal activity. But if the pregnancy is delayed, then sexual intercourse can stimulate the onset of labor. Therefore, in this case, sex is even welcome.

If a woman suddenly begins to experience severe pain in the abdomen, and at the same time, discharge also appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This period is the real final stretch, so it is extremely important not to travel far from home, as childbirth can begin at almost any moment. Therefore, a woman at 9 months old, leaving home, must have all the documents with her, exchange card, a clean diaper.

What to take to the hospital?

Sometimes a woman, to prevent unforeseen situations, goes to the maternity hospital even before the onset of contractions on the eve of childbirth. But in most cases, the expectant mother expects contractions at home.

Most women prepare all the contents of the bags intended for the trip to the hospital even earlier. At the 9th month, they should be fully prepared and wait for the crucial moment. It's important to take everything with you. required documents. In the maternity hospital, you should take the necessary personal hygiene items, underwear (it is possible to use disposable ones instead of ordinary panties), a special bra for nursing mothers, sanitary napkin(two large packages: one for normal discharge, one for the abundant). The woman also prepares the clothes that she will wear in the maternity hospital, and if desired, and. For the child, you should prepare a package of diapers, some items of baby cosmetics (powder, cream), diapers, baby clothes. And, of course, you should go to the maternity hospital with positive attitude: this is the most important condition for everything to go without difficulties, and the child was born easily.

At the 9th month of pregnancy, the functional systems of the fetus are preparing for adaptation in extrauterine existence, and many of them already perform specific functions.

Babies born by the end of the 36th week of pregnancy are considered full-term. If the baby was born before 37 weeks, then he is considered premature, if after 42 weeks, then post-term.

The laying of the alveoli ends, almost each of them has a surfactant covering the respiratory surface. The respiratory center, located in the medulla oblongata, may already provide the process of breathing.

The development of the liver and pancreas continues, but their formation is not yet completed by the time of delivery; even in the first years of life it continues. The fetal brain is so developed that it is able to “pick up” the mother’s moods and respond to them with a change in motor activity.

We completely pass the digestive tract, and thanks to the formed intestinal villi and weak peristaltic movements, meconium (original feces) moves to its lower sections.

The stomach glands produce pepsin and the pancreas produces insulin. What is important is that the content digestive tract is absolutely sterile: the bacteria involved in the process of digestion settle in it only when it enters with mother's milk.

The sucking apparatus is formed. This is facilitated by:

  • active blood supply to the oral mucosa;
  • formation of masticatory muscles and salivary glands. Their final development occurs only after the start of breastfeeding;
  • the formation of specific devices that facilitate sucking - special rollers on the mucous membrane of the jaws and lips.

Changes are also taking place in endocrine system child. The adrenal glands increase in size, and during childbirth they produce adrenaline and noradrenaline, stress hormones. Thanks to special studies, it has been proven that the blood of a newborn contains several times more of these hormones than in a state of severe stress in an adult. This is a kind of adaptive reaction that allows the baby to prepare for childbirth.

Other "devices" that facilitate the process of childbirth include the condition of the bones of the skull. The sutures of the skull are not yet formed, the bones themselves are soft and pliable. Two fontanelles (parietal above the frontal bone and occipital in the back of the head) and soft seams allow you to change the configuration of the fetal skull during passage through the mother's birth canal.

Sufficiently developed subcutaneous fatty tissue, sensory organs, as well as coordinated movements.

The amount of lubrication on the skin, equally, as well as the amount of fluffy hair, is minimal. Marigolds protrude above the phalanges of the fingers. The external genitalia are finally formed; in boys, the testicles are already in the scrotum, and in girls, the small labia are covered with large ones.

By the end of the 9th month, the weight of the fetus is approximately 2600-5000 g, and the length is from 48 to 54 cm.

Physiological changes in the mother's body

The general well-being of the mother improves slightly: due to the fact that the bottom of the uterus has sunk lower, it is easier for a woman to breathe.

However, the strength of contractions of false Braxton Hicks contractions may increase. From unpleasant, they can turn into painful, feeling like menstrual cramps. Before the very birth, they can become as strong as possible. As a rule, a change in body position or the beginning of walking can ease the discomfort.

At the 9th month of pregnancy, women who have undergone an operation on the uterus in the past or in the event of the death of a child during a previous birth should be hospitalized in advance.

The process of urination becomes more frequent than usual, which is associated with the proximity of the child's head to the bladder. Lower back pain may also get worse as the child sinks lower; the ligaments of the pelvis and uterus are stretched more.

Work disruptions gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea and constipation, nausea disturbs the pregnant woman more and more often. The reason is the effect of birth hormones on the gastrointestinal tract.

Pinkish or milky vaginal discharge white color also become more abundant.

In the last stages, the mother's genital tract leaves a mucous substance that protected the uterus from infections during pregnancy - a cork. It can come out both a few weeks or days, and a few hours before the birth or directly in them. Outwardly, the cork resembles a dense yellowish jelly, Brown or transparent with veins.

Bloody issues. They are blood-stained vaginal discharge that precedes the exit of the cork. Reason is break blood vessels cervix due to its "erasure". The discharge is not abundant, about the size of a teaspoon, their color varies from brown to pink. If there is more blood in the secretions than mucus, and they themselves are bright red, you should immediately inform the doctor about this.

In the process of preparing a woman's body for childbirth, the ratio of hormones in the woman's blood also changes: the level of progesterone decreases, the amount of oxytocin, estrogen and prostaglandin increases. Due to the action of these hormones, the ligaments of the pelvis are weakened, and the tissues of the vagina become more elastic. The cervix under the influence of these hormones becomes softer and thinner, which prepares it for disclosure.

The very process of preparing for childbirth can take from several hours and days to several weeks. During this period, the child descends even lower into the pelvic cavity, the cervix opens to a width of 1-2 centimeters.

Changes in appearance

The bottom of the uterus in the last month of pregnancy is located in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process of the sternum and the navel. The navel protrudes at the end of pregnancy. Possible aggravation of existing edema on the face, arms and legs, an increase in varicose veins. Weight gain is negligible, and there may be some weight loss before childbirth.

Emotional background

At the 9th month, a feeling of internal anxiety without any external causes is normal. You just need to relax and trust your maternal instinct.

  • rest in unlimited quantities. It is advisable to go to bed when the baby is sleeping;
  • limiting the number of visitors and the time of communication with them if they are a burden;
  • good nutrition with a lot of complex carbohydrates that replenish energy reserves, it is better to give preference to plain spring water from drinks. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, soft drinks;
  • acceptance of all, without exception, offers of assistance in cleaning, cooking;
  • communication with other expectant mothers - there are a huge number of topics for conversation now.

The principles of nutrition are the same as in the last stages of pregnancy.

The only difference is the higher content of complex carbohydrates in the diet: at this time, fat depots are formed in the body of the fetus and mother - a reserve nutrients necessary not only during childbirth, but also for full lactation. Carbohydrates also replenish glycogen stores in the muscles of the body and liver, in the placenta and uterine muscles.

The norm of protein consumption is 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, fats - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, carbohydrates - 7.0 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Typical problems in the 9th month include: nausea, constipation, heartburn. To cope with constipation will help a large number of vegetables and fruit salads in the diet, with diarrhea - a large amount of fiber in the composition of whole grain bread, bananas, oatmeal, rice, bran, oatmeal.

The diet should contain at least 3-4 servings of foods high in calcium (sources - cottage cheese, milk, hard cheese) and iron (sources - turkey, seafood, spinach, buckwheat, apples, dried fruits). main sources folic acid: beans and lentils, green leafy vegetables, and vitamin C: citrus fruits, papaya, cauliflower, tomatoes, broccoli, sweet peppers and kiwi.

Since in the last period the liver and kidneys of a pregnant woman work with a load greater than usual, use better salads and light vegetarian soups instead of fried meats, rich broths and hot spices.

From sugar, confectionery, white bread, sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish, it is better to refuse. Coffee and alcohol are prohibited.

It is better to eat little and often (5-6 times a day at intervals of 3 hours). The amount of liquid you drink is limited to 1.2-1.5 liters per day.

Physical activity

At the 9th month of pregnancy, exercises are recommended to be performed in a minimal amount. Particular attention should be paid to relaxing exercises that provide rest and pain relief during childbirth, breathing training due to the pectoral and abdominal muscles, training the muscles of the perineum.

In performing relaxing exercises, the Jacobson technique is effective. The main difference between this technique and most others is that a person must relax the muscles after their strong tension. Tension and relaxation should alternate from one muscle group to another, that is, in a certain sequence. You need to start with the muscles of the neck and upper belt, and finish with the muscles of the lower extremities.

In the supine position on a hard, straight surface (floor), you need to find a position in which you feel as comfortable as possible. Pillows should be placed under the knees, ankles and head.

After lying down a little at rest, it is necessary to strain any part of the body, for example, the shoulders. This is achieved by bending the shoulder blades towards themselves. The main thing when doing the exercise - calm breathing. The voltage must be delayed for about half a minute. Only after feeling tired and that the muscles are actually tense (there should be no pain), you can relax.

Muscle relaxation must be increased with each exhalation. It is also impossible to relax too slowly, as overvoltage may occur.

Exercises for training the muscles of the perineum, which are performed in the later stages, include alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles, as if in the act of defecation or urination. The duration of the exercises is approximately 3-4 seconds. The pace can be fast or slow.

During the 9th month of pregnancy, travel and sexual activity are not recommended.

Examinations at the ninth month

During the 9th month of pregnancy, a woman can conduct a self-examination to study the activity of the baby. To do this, you need to count the number of strokes or movements with the whole body of the baby at the same time during periods of the baby's greatest physical activity for 2 hours. The norm is the performance of ten motor manifestations. With their small number, it is better to inform the doctor about it.

  • scheduled examination by an obstetrician - gynecologist, performed 2 times a month. Includes examining the uterus, listening to the fetal heartbeat, measuring the circumference of the abdomen, blood pressure and weight of the woman;
  • study general analyzes urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the fetus with an assessment of the position of the fetus in the womb;
  • CTG - cardiomonitoring study of the fetus. The goal is to determine the motor activity and work of the cardio- vascular system baby.

A woman should always have an exchange card (represents a document containing the results of tests and examinations) with her. Without an exchange card, in the event of the onset of childbirth, it can only be taken to a specialized maternity hospital, where women are received without a residence permit and a specific place of residence, as well as those from other cities.

Possible Complications

Placenta previa - may be accompanied by pathological spotting outwardly similar to menstrual bleeding. In previa, the placenta is attached to the base of the uterus and is located below the fetus. The exit to the birth canal is partially or completely blocked.

Placental abruption. Depending on the severity, it has different consequences. In mild cases (detachment of one or two tiny fragments), there may not be serious consequences, in severe cases (separation of up to a third of the placenta), a caesarean section may be required.

Preeclampsia - the main symptoms include: high blood pressure, swelling of the legs, arms and face, protein in the urine. It can end with eclampsia, the main complication of which is the development of a convulsive syndrome. Typically, regular prenatal check-ups involve early diagnosis preeclampsia and its effective treatment, including the use of antihypertensive drugs, diuretics and bed rest.

When to see a doctor immediately

  • excessively pronounced contractions of Braxton-Hicks (length per minute with a frequency of once every five minutes);
  • strong pain, increased activity baby, discharge of water;
  • bleeding from the birth canal - bright scarlet, reminiscent of menstrual flow, accompanied by pain, profuse;
  • signs of reduced motor activity of the fetus (frequency of movements in 2 hours less than 10 times);
  • fainting, "clouding" in the eyes;
  • decompensation of existing chronic diseases;

childbirth signs:

  • discharge from the vagina in color from pink to brown, preceding the discharge of the mucous plug from the same place,
  • some weight loss
  • loose stool,
  • "nesting instinct" (behavior aimed at finding a secluded and peaceful place).

So the 9th month of pregnancy has come, last month"interesting" position of the newly-minted mother: the woman and the child are already ready for a new period of life, and confidently approach " finish line» pregnancy. When the 9th month of pregnancy comes, you need to be ready for the onset of childbirth at any time, and there is nothing to be afraid of - a baby at 9 months old is already considered full-term, his tiny body is quite well prepared to meet the conditions outside world. Therefore, a woman by this time should be what is called “fully armed”: they have already probably prepared , a nursery has been equipped for its new resident, and mommy listens to herself every minute, waiting for the start of contractions, moreover, real ones, not training ones.


Symptoms of an overdue pregnancy

Why is an overdue pregnancy dangerous?

Why does pregnancy take longer than it should?

What to do when pregnant 10 months?

What does a premature baby look like?

· Ninth month of pregnancy: development and condition of the child

The baby at this stage is already completely ready for life outside the mother's womb: the baby's lungs make respiratory movements, the sucking reflex is developed - one of the fundamental reflexes of the first year of a person's life, - digestive system"ripe" for the "reception" and "processing" of breast milk.

At nine months of pregnancy, the child can already “boast” of the proportionality of the addition of his body, the skin of the crumbs acquires a soft pink hue, and the lanugo germinal fluff gradually disappears from the body. By the way, lanugo, as well as the remnants of the original lubricant, can remain on the body even after the birth of a child, but only in areas that require special protection - in skin folds or on delicate shoulders.

The ninth month of pregnancy is the period when the baby is already in a position in which it will move "into the light" through the mother's birth canal. This is, as a rule, head presentation - upside down, the baby will stand "on the head" until the very beginning of childbirth. The child occupies the entire uterine cavity, and therefore he has practically no opportunity for active body movements.

Last month of pregnancy for formation nervous system the baby is not just the final one, the “finishing touches” are being made, there is a “control adjustment” of the relationships. The intestines already have relatively good peristalsis, there is the original feces of the crumbs - meconium, it consists of decayed blood cells, dead skin cells and the intestine itself, "processed" about amniotic fluid. A certain amount of iron has accumulated in the liver, but while the child is in the mother's tummy, the liver will continue to "store" iron - it will be needed for hematopoiesis throughout the first year of life. The heart is ready to enter into full-fledged work in the new conditions: when the baby is born, the hole in the central cardiac septum will close, ensuring blood circulation through the lungs - this will become last step. On this moment the lungs do not participate in the circulatory system, since the child does not “really” breathe, although his lungs do respiratory movements.

In boys at the 9th month of pregnancy, the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum may continue, in rare cases this process may not have time to complete before the moment of birth. Also, the immune system has not yet completed its formation, it will continue after the birth of the child: now he receives antibodies through the placenta from the mother's body, and then he will "extract" them from breast milk.

The last month of pregnancy will finally determine the individual parameters of the weight and height of the child: the weight of a mature full-term baby ranges on average from 2600 to 3600 grams, as for growth, it is usually in the range of 48-54 cm. However, deviations from these indicators are quite acceptable and often are normal.

· Well-being and feelings of a woman at 9 months of pregnancy

The last, ninth month of pregnancy will bring some relief to the woman - two weeks before the birth, breathing will become clearly easier: the baby's head descends into the pelvic area, and from that the uterus does not press so hard on the lungs. However, instead of breathing difficulties at the 9th month of pregnancy, there may well be sensations of heaviness in the lower abdomen, and even dull pain in the area inner surface hips, groin or pubis - the head of the child presses on the nerve endings.

Of course, the uterus continues to put pressure on the stomach and bladder, which means that feelings of bloating, constipation and frequent urination can accompany mom until the end of pregnancy. Do not leave the woman and swelling, the risk of developing varicose veins is still high.

Vaginal discharge in the last month of pregnancy changes its character - now it is thicker and contains more mucus, sometimes specific blood streaks are observed in it. This happens more often after intimacy with a spouse or internal examination of a pregnant woman.

The abdomen in the ninth month no longer increases in size, but its skin can itch unbearably. Pregnant women need to treat the skin without fail special creams against stretch marks - they are now able to appear even in one single night: many accomplished mothers share stories about how they went to bed in the evening with a “clean” and smooth stomach, and in the morning they found red stripes on the skin.

At the 9th month of pregnancy, sensations and symptoms characteristic of early dates especially dizziness and fainting. Only the reason for them is no longer in a stuffy room or sensitivity to odors, but in clamping the genital vein when the woman is in the supine position. That is why experts recommend that pregnant women sleep on their side, especially in the later stages, to prevent the development of "vena cava syndrome."

Feelings of some inhibition in the ninth month of pregnancy are common, as are absent-mindedness, inertia and forgetfulness. At the same time, the last days of pregnancy can be characterized by literally "explosions" of energy, hyperactivity, physical and emotional fatigue is replaced by impulses of arranging an apartment - the so-called "nesting instinct".

In general, the sensations in the ninth month of pregnancy definitely cannot be called pleasant. By virtue of cardinal changes in the body, pains grab here and there: under the ribs, in the back and lower back, painful sensations appear in the pelvis and buttocks, in the lower abdomen, painful spasm can reduce the legs at night, uterine contractions become noticeably more painful. ... Fortunately, to be patient remains quite a bit - after the birth of the baby, all these unpleasant phenomena will disappear.

· Harbingers of childbirth in the last days of pregnancy

Probably, it is not worth repeating that the ninth month of pregnancy is final and childbirth can begin in any of these four weeks. Definitely accurately calculate the day when the child "decides" to leave the mother's tummy, not a single doctor will undertake - tests and examinations at 9 months of pregnancy and even ultrasound indicate only an approximate, estimated due date . Nevertheless, the so-called will notify the pregnant woman about the approach of "hour X". How does labor begin, and what does it say about their imminent onset?

Some harbingers of childbirth have already been voiced, namely: prolapse of the abdomen (when the baby moves into the pelvic area with the head), increased urination, and other sensations of the 9th month of pregnancy.

In addition, one of the signs of approaching childbirth is a slight decrease in the body weight of the pregnant woman. A few weeks (days) before delivery, there is a loss of 1-2 kg, which is explained by hormonal changes, as well as a decrease in appetite and loss of some fluid in the body.

The fact that childbirth will begin from day to day is signaled by the discharge of the mucous plug. The cervical canal, as it matures, begins to open slightly, and the mucous plug that closed the canal throughout pregnancy comes out. A woman learns about her departure by finding a lump of colorless or yellowish on underwear possibly with blood-stained mucus or streaks of blood.

In the meantime, the body completes the “preparation” for childbirth, the woman needs to resolve the last pressing issues on the eve of this significant event: to finally decide on the maternity hospital, to prepare everything. From now on, when leaving home, a pregnant woman should always keep her exchange card and passport with her.

· Ninth month of pregnancy: nutrition

As a rule, nutrition by 9 months of pregnancy is completely debugged and adjusted, so the woman has nothing to worry about. Everything harmful has long been banned, and useful has become habitual in the diet. Yes, and the body of a pregnant woman almost unmistakably suggests the right direction in nutrition - it itself “refuses” unacceptable or dangerous food. If not, then in recent weeks pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the organization proper nutrition: how, what and how much a woman consumes for food in the ninth month can affect the process of childbirth and the well-being of the newborn. In addition, nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy contains some new rules.

In the last stages of pregnancy, it is desirable to completely free the food from the presence of allergen products that can cause the development of allergies in the child. It is also recommended to refuse pates, unpasteurized soft cheeses, canned foods - potential "sources" of intestinal infection.

The habitual pattern of using pregnant foods containing calcium (dairy and cottage cheese, in the first place) now needs to be “corrected” a little. In the second half of pregnancy, the need for calcium is increased, but in the last month of pregnancy, its excessive consumption may subsequently affect the rapid closure, overgrowth of the fontanel in the child, and as a result, an increase in intracranial pressure. From now on, the daily amount of calcium sufficient to provide the body is 1-2 cups of kefir or 150 gr. cottage cheese. With regard to cottage cheese, preference should be given to home-made, not very fatty, and sweet curd masses should be discarded.

The ninth month of pregnancy should be completely free from fried, fatty, salty foods, sweets and muffins. Fish and meat are still needed, but the amount of these foods in the diet is now recommended to be reduced - they have the ability to reduce the elasticity of perineal tissues, increasing the risk of pain and tearing during childbirth.

The “main focus” in nutrition at 9 months is best done on vegetables and fruits, cereals with a small amount of fish or lean meat. refuel vegetable salads mayonnaise, of course, should not be, its ideal substitute during pregnancy time is lemon juice and olive oil.

Dishes are preferably steamed, boiled, stewed or baked. Food should preferably be taken warm or cold, not hot. It is recommended to eat slowly, chewing food well. Shortly before a meal, you can drink a glass of water - to improve digestion and reduce the amount of food consumed - so the feeling of fullness comes faster (useful in cases of excessive weight gain). The main thing is that the water should be without gas - soda is now banned. Well, coffee consumption, of course, should be postponed until a more appropriate time.

· Sex in the ninth month of pregnancy

In many cases, sex in the ninth month of pregnancy is not only acceptable, but even useful, but in about the same number, intimacy for a pregnant woman is not recommended or even banned. To determine this is entirely the priority of the doctor leading the pregnancy. Actually, doctors argue about the admissibility of physical intimacy in the last month of pregnancy. Some experts strongly recommend abstinence because sex can cause labor to start earlier. due date. Others believe that there is nothing dangerous in the presence sexual games there are no future mothers and fathers in the ninth month of pregnancy. Of course, provided there are no serious contraindications for sexual intercourse, such as the threat of premature birth, low placenta, leakage amniotic fluid, multiple pregnancy. Well, only a doctor can reliably determine the presence of such contraindications to having sex.

If the specialist did not establish a “taboo” for sex in the ninth month of pregnancy, then if desired, the delights of an intimate life are quite accessible, albeit with reservations. At the same time, postures should be as comfortable as possible for a woman, excluding pressure on the stomach. The optimal position is considered to be a pose on the side or on the knees.

By the way, sex in the ninth month can be good method natural stimulation of childbirth, in cases where the baby is "delayed" with the birth, remaining in the mother's tummy, longer than the due date. It's not just about physical activity during sex, but also in the presence of special substances in male sperm - prostaglandins that can cause contractions of the cervix and soften its tissues.

· Analyzes and examinations at 9 months of pregnancy

The ninth month of pregnancy is the period when a woman will have to visit a doctor weekly. At the reception, the general well-being of the pregnant woman is assessed, weight and blood pressure are measured, limbs are examined for swelling and its severity. In addition, urine tests for protein and sugar levels are mandatory.

The doctor evaluates the preparation of the female body and the baby for the upcoming birth. Be sure to listen to the baby's heart, determine its presentation and size. The doctor determines the height of the woman's uterus, examines the cervix to assess the degree of its maturity.

During a vaginal examination, the doctor may take a swab for flora. If any adverse changes are detected, a woman may be recommended an emergency preventive treatment if the terms allow it to be carried out without harm to the pregnancy and the condition of the child.

If " interesting position"Obviously "is being delayed", the terms have "exceeded" 40 weeks, the 10th month of pregnancy is underway, and the birth does not even begin, the doctor is obliged to conduct a re-examination. If there is no progress in the maturation of the cervix, the pregnant woman will be recommended to "move" to the hospital. Measures will be taken there artificial creation background conducive to the onset of labor. However, such are practiced only in cases where there is a really overdue pregnancy, and its further preservation adversely affects the child and his mother. In other cases, the mother and baby are carefully monitored.

· Preparing for breastfeeding

Actually prepare for breastfeeding baby is needed during pregnancy. It's not hard, but it's really necessary. It should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, the shape and size of the breasts do not affect the amount of milk in a nursing mother in any way - this is clearly not something you need to pay attention to. While the 9th month of pregnancy is in progress, it is useful for the mother to “harden” the skin at the nipples - this will help to avoid cracking and the appearance of wounds in the first days of feeding. This can be done with regular air baths, contrast shower on the chest area or wiping it terry towel previously soaked in cool water.

If you have retracted or flat nipples, it is recommended to massage them, extremely gently pulling the nipples, very carefully. The duration of such a massage is several minutes a day. Be sure to use a moisturizer during the massage, and better oil. It is better to do this in the last days of pregnancy, since stimulation of the nipples can cause uterine contractions, provoke the onset of labor, as a result of the production of oxytocin.

Some women from the first weeks of pregnancy are faced with the release of colostrum from the nipples - a thick yellowish substance, the very first and most important food of a newborn baby. Colostrum contains significantly more protein than mature milk, but less fat. And most importantly, it contains incredibly important immune bodies that will protect the baby from many infections during the first days of life. But often colostrum is not formed even by the end of pregnancy - this is also normal, it will definitely appear by the time the baby is born.

· 10th month of pregnancy - overdue pregnancy

10 months pregnant - and it happens. But being 10 months pregnant isn't always a cause for concern. The fact is that, despite the development of modern medicine, doctors often mistakenly calculate the terms and estimated date of birth. But if there are no errors in the calculations, and the state of the uterus does not change properly, it means that there was a delay in pregnancy. An overdue pregnancy can be dangerous if the uterus begins to age, ceases to perform its function, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases. This condition is threatening for the child.

Symptoms of an overdue pregnancy

There are symptoms that indicate a real delay in labor:

  1. uterine insufficiency;
  2. decreased mobility of the child;
  3. a small amount of fetal water and their thickening.

One way or another, but in the last stages, a woman needs to carefully track motor activity child , and in case of doubt, do not hesitate to go to a specialist.

Why is an overdue pregnancy dangerous?

After 40 weeks, the expectant mother needs to go to the doctor without fail. The doctor will probably send the woman for preservation in order to monitor pregnancy every day in a hospital. Appropriate analyzes and examinations will be carried out, if necessary.

The baby does not stop growing, and soon it will become very crowded, there may be difficulty in breathing. In addition, meconium poisoning can occur, which the baby increasingly releases into the amniotic fluid. The fontanel on the baby's head during an overdue pregnancy gradually overgrows, and the bones of the skull lose their elasticity.

Why does pregnancy take longer than it should?

Medicine does not reliably know the causes of overwearing. And no one is able to say exactly when the birth will come. Therefore, the term, as well as the date of birth, are indicative, and the pregnancy can end both a couple of weeks before the date of birth, or two weeks later. Both the first and the second can be a variant of the norm, the main thing is that the process is not disturbed. Fortunately, modern medicine has good experience and equipment, thanks to which it is possible to identify deviations, notice disorders and intervene if necessary.

What does a premature baby look like?

In post-term babies, the nails and hair are longer than in other babies, the skin is wrinkled, flaking off on the feet and palms. There is little fruit lubrication on the skin of a newborn; it may have a purulent yellow or even green tint. These children often have a smaller amount of deposited adipose tissue. Often they are born weak and require special care in the first days of life. But this is more true at 10 months of gestation, with a delay of one to two weeks, babies are usually perfectly healthy and doing well, although they look "overripe".

What to do when pregnant 10 months?

Even an overdue pregnancy cannot continue indefinitely; after two weeks from the "appointed" date of delivery, the pregnant woman is sent to the hospital. At normal course pregnancy, childbirth can not be forced, but only to observe the state of both. Perhaps the cycles of the expectant mother had different lengths, or the doctor simply made a mistake in the calculations, which happens often. Artificially induced labor is more difficult, longer and more painful.

If there is no threat to the condition of the child, you can try. Fit over active movements, walking up the stairs, massaging the nipples, having sex and more.

Yana Lagidna, especially for mymom . en

The last month before childbirth, 9 months of pregnancy, video:

Determination of the true duration of pregnancy is difficult due to the fact that it is difficult to establish the exact term of fertilization. However, in most cases, pregnancy lasts 280 days, or 40 weeks, if we calculate its onset from the first day of the last menstruation; fluctuations from 38 to 42 weeks are considered normal.

The most common way to calculate the due date is "by menstruation". To determine the date of birth, 280 days are added to the first day of the last menstruation, i.e. 10 obstetric or 9 calendar months. Usually, the calculation of the period is simpler: from the date of the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are counted back and 7 days are added. For example, if the last menstruation began on October 2, then, counting back 3 months and adding 7 days, determine the expected date of birth - July 9; if the last menstruation began on May 20, then the expected due date is February 27, and so on. But such a method will be unreliable if a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle or she does not remember the date of her last menstrual period.

When determining the term of childbirth, the time of the first is also taken into account: in primiparous women, this occurs on average at 20 weeks, and in multiparous women, at 18 weeks. However, it should be remembered that this sign is very subjective and has only an auxiliary value.

IN modern conditions the date of birth is determined quite accurately, focusing on ultrasound data performed before the 12th week of pregnancy. IN late dates pregnancy, the probability of an error in determining the date of birth using ultrasound increases, since the size of the fetus, which the doctor focuses on in his calculations, at the end of pregnancy have large individual fluctuations.

How are you feeling at 9 months pregnant?

You can find out about full-term pregnancy and upcoming childbirth by several signs that appear 1-2 weeks before childbirth - the so-called harbingers of childbirth.

By 40 weeks of gestation, the fundus of the uterus descends to the level at which it was at 32 weeks of gestation, i.e. to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process. The lowering of the bottom of the uterus can be determined by the following signs: it became much easier to breathe and sit on a chair, heartburn decreased or disappeared. However, due to low location heads may experience periodic pain in the lower abdomen, the frequency of urination increases.

By the end of pregnancy, the uterus becomes excitable, its periodic irregular contractions become more and more noticeable - weak contractions, usually accompanied by pain and discomfort. Thus, the body of a pregnant woman is gradually preparing for the upcoming birth. Even a doctor cannot always say for sure whether labor is starting or preparatory (preliminary) contractions occur. If the state of increased irregular excitability of the uterus lasts 1-2 days, is accompanied by discomfort and sleep disturbance, then it is better to contact the maternity hospital, since too long (pathological) preliminary period can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the fetus and requires treatment.

A few days before childbirth (or on the day of childbirth), light mucous discharge may appear from the genital tract, sometimes with small streaks of blood - the mucous plug “leaves”. This is a favorable sign of "ripening" and softening of the cervix, i.e. her readiness for childbirth. In the ninth month of pregnancy, you visit the doctor every week, regularly monitoring weight gain, blood pressure levels and urine tests. This is necessary for timely diagnosis late preeclampsia, usually developing towards the end of pregnancy.

By the ninth month of pregnancy, you have already chosen a maternity hospital and a doctor who will conduct your birth (as a rule, with a paid service, the doctor in charge of childbirth observes the patient from 36 weeks of pregnancy). In any case, you must have collected documents for the maternity hospital:

  1. with the data of all analyzes and ultrasound in the III trimester;
  2. passport;
  3. insurance policy.

Be sure to carry these documents with you, because in the absence of medical documents, childbirth is supposed to be carried out in the II obstetric (observational) department or in a specialized infectious maternity hospital.

Ninth month of intrauterine life

By 40 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus disappears all signs of prematurity and has all the indicators inherent in a mature fetus. However, sometimes a full-term fetus may have some symptoms of immaturity, i.e. the concepts of “full-term” and “maturity” are not identical.

Maturity is characterized by the following features:

  • body weight is 2600-5000 g, length (height) - 48-54 cm;
  • the chest is convex, the umbilical ring is located in the middle between the pubis and the xiphoid process of the sternum;
  • leather pale pink, subcutaneous tissue is sufficiently developed, there are only remnants of a cheese-like lubricant on the skin, vellus hair is almost absent, the length of the hair on the head reaches 2 cm, the nails on the legs and hands reach the fingertips;
  • cartilage auricles and nose elastic;
  • in boys, the testicles are lowered into the scrotum; in girls, the small labia are covered with large ones.

Possible complications at 9 months of pregnancy

A healthy woman with a favorable pregnancy can stay at home until the onset of labor. If there are deviations in her state of health, the pregnancy proceeded with complications or signs of fetal suffering are established, then the last 1-2 weeks (and sometimes more) should be in the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists.

In the last month of pregnancy, the likelihood of developing complications such as late preeclampsia increases, especially in pregnant women. high risk. Late preeclampsia usually presented by a triad of symptoms: edema (of varying severity), hypertension (increased blood pressure) and proteinuria (protein in the urine). But you should not panic if you notice slight swelling of the legs or the doctor noted an excessive weight gain during the next visit to the antenatal clinic, because. by the end of pregnancy, slight swelling of the legs, hands appear in 50-70% of pregnant women. These swellings usually go away with diet, fluid and salt restriction.

You may be offered antenatal hospitalization and wrong positions and presentation of the fetus, in particular in breech presentation, to choose the method of delivery after a thorough examination and evaluation of all factors.

Usually, patients are hospitalized in advance with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history (infertility, miscarriage, complicated course of previous births, etc.), older than 30 years, a scar on the uterus, a narrow pelvis, large fruit, multiple pregnancy, low localization (location) of the placenta, extragenital diseases (diseases of internal organs).

With a full-term pregnancy, situations are possible that require special attention and emergency care. Call immediately " ambulance» and go to the maternity hospital in the following cases:

  • emerged from the genital tract bleeding, smearing or more abundant;
  • the uterus is in good shape, does not relax, the contractions are strong, painful;
  • water leaking, light, yellow-green or stained with blood;
  • fetal movements became very weak;
  • are you worried headache, arterial pressure increased, the amount of urine sharply decreased, severe edema appeared.

So, your pregnancy is ending, and you have not yet had time to learn how the harbingers of childbirth differ from real contractions? One thing can be said: when the birth really begins, you will not confuse them with anything; your pregnancy will end in a matter of hours - the state is not always easy, but very joyful. After all, you gave life to a new person!

So, what effect, in addition to the well-known increase in tone, can gymnastics for pregnant women give?

Regular exercise during pregnancy can achieve a number of benefits for the expectant mother:

  • Strengthen and train the muscles involved in the process of childbirth.
  • They help to eliminate back pain, constipation and edema, which are associated with a deterioration in the outflow of blood and lymph through the veins of the legs and pelvis.
  • Energize and improve mood.
  • Reduce discomfort associated with pregnancy.
  • Improve sleep and reduce fatigue.

Why and how does this happen? The fact is that during pregnancy, training of three muscle groups becomes very important - the muscles of the back, pelvis and abdomen.

First, strengthening the abdominal muscles helps them perform their function of supporting a growing fetus and an enlarging uterus. In addition, it contributes to more effective attempts - voluntary contractions of the abdominal muscles and muscles pelvic floor through which the baby is born. Attempts are necessary at the end of childbirth and largely depend on the physical capabilities of the abdominal muscles.

Secondly, strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and perineum will help avoid problems associated with urinary incontinence, which sometimes develops after childbirth.

Thirdly, strengthening the back muscles improves posture and reduces tension in the lower back, helps prevent lower back pain.

Fourthly, exercises that train and develop diaphragmatic breathing allow you to breathe correctly during labor, so that mom and baby endure this period of childbirth most favorably.

Agree, for the sake of such achievements it is worth devoting a little time to simple gymnastics.

What is the difference between gymnastics for pregnant women and just gymnastics?

To achieve the effect described above, a gymnastics technique for pregnant women was specially developed. In the selection of exercises, attention is paid to the preparation of a particular muscle group, as well as to the duration of pregnancy, because in each of the trimesters the goals of gymnastic exercises are different, and physiological changes dictate their own rules of conduct. Physicians and specialists in physiotherapy exercises sets of exercises for women with different stages of pregnancy were compiled: up to 16 weeks, from 16 to 24, from 24 to 32, from 32 to 36 weeks, as well as during the periods of the second-third, fourth-fifth and sixth-seventh weeks after childbirth.

IN first trimester best to learn relaxation techniques and breathing exercises. Despite the absence of the abdomen, the load should not be intense: the first trimester is replete with critical times at risk of abortion. In second trimester it is advisable to engage in strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominals. In the third set of exercises aimed at reducing venous stasis, increasing joint mobility, stimulating bowel activity.

As an example, here are a few exercises that are useful in all respects on different stages pregnancy. This is a "classic" of gymnastic complexes for pregnant women - the Kegel exercise and the "Kitty".

kegel exercise, built on the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvic floor and the birth canal, will prepare the birth canal for childbirth and make them more elastic. You can perform it in different positions - sitting on a chair, lying down, lying with a raised pelvis, squatting. Contract your vaginal muscles, pulling them up and in. Hold the muscles in this position for 10 seconds without holding your breath, then slowly relax the muscles. Start with 5 times, gradually increase the number of repetitions to 10. Perform the exercise two to three times a day.

"Kitty" strengthens the abdominal muscles and relieves the load on the spine. Get on all fours, leaning on your hands and knees. While inhaling, lower your back down, not bending it much in the lower back, keep your head neutral. Then, after exhaling, return to the starting position: lower your head, arch your back up, pull in your stomach.

These exercises help spread the hips and pelvis, which is necessary at the time of childbirth:

Squats. Lean your back against the wall, start to squat, slowly bending your knees and slightly lifting your heels off the floor. The squat should be as deep as you can without taking your back off the wall. Hold this position for 1 minute, breathe deeply and relax your pelvis. Climb back using the support.

wiggle. Stand facing the wall at a distance of about 1 m, legs apart 60 cm wide. Lean your hands against the wall, leaning slightly forward and swing your hips from side to side for 1 minute.

Butterfly. Sit on the floor with your feet and knees together outward. Slowly stretch the muscles of the groin and inner thigh, trying to touch the floor with your knees. Hold on for one minute.

In any case, before starting to exercise, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Contraindications to physical education are:

  • acute stages of diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory disorders,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in the acute phase,
  • all acute inflammatory diseases,
  • kidney disease and Bladder,
  • toxicosis of pregnant women,
  • bleeding during pregnancy
  • threatened miscarriage.

What should be the regularity and intensity of classes?

Perhaps, it is in this matter that “pregnant” gymnastics is as close as possible to “non-pregnant”.

Firstly, classes should be regular - at least 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes. By the way, one or two classes can be replaced with water aerobics or swimming in the pool.

Secondly, to achieve the maximum effect, the exercises must be performed for a long time, preferably throughout the entire pregnancy, changing the program for trimesters.

Thirdly, each exercise should be repeated 4-8 times; exercises performed while standing should be completed by walking and deep breathing. Any set of exercises consists of three parts:

  1. The introductory part is breathing exercises that prepare the muscles for exercise and increase the pulse.
  2. The main part is exercises that strengthen large groups of muscles of the body, muscles of the pelvic floor, which increase joint mobility.
  3. The final part is breathing exercises, relaxation.

Fourth, the load must be increased gradually. At first, the time distribution should be something like this: 10 minutes for warming up, 5 minutes for the main part (strength and static exercises) and 5 minutes for relaxation exercises. After a couple of days, you can extend the intense exercise period to 15 minutes.

Fifthly, while performing a set of exercises, you must constantly monitor your well-being, it should not worsen, you should not experience discomfort, not to mention painful sensations. Exercise should not cause fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations. If these symptoms appear, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Sixthly, jumping, significant tension and sudden movements should be excluded from the complex of exercises, since all this can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Should limit load and pay special attention to the choice of exercises if:

  • you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • you have high or low blood pressure;
  • you are very low weight or obese;
  • you suffer from diseases of the muscles and / or joints;
  • previously had a premature birth;
  • you are expecting twins (triplets, etc.);
  • you had (have) isthmic-cervical insufficiency (a situation when during pregnancy the cervix begins to open, which leads to the threat of termination of pregnancy);
  • the position of the placenta does not correspond to the norm (low location, presentation, etc.) or there are other factors that cause the threat of miscarriage.

Need to stop immediately exercise if:

  • you feel dizzy or have a headache;
  • surrounding objects suddenly became indistinctly visible;
  • shortness of breath appeared;
  • uterine contractions began;
  • you feel a strong heartbeat (usually, the pulse rate of a pregnant woman at rest is up to 100 beats / min, with physical activity Normally, the pulse can increase up to 140 beats / min).

When and what to do?

  1. You need to perform exercises in the morning before meals or 1-2 hours after breakfast. It is also not recommended to do exercises on an empty stomach - it is better to eat something light no later than 15 minutes before warming up.
  2. Sportswear must be made of breathable, breathable material. In addition, it is necessary that it be comfortable, wide and make it possible to make free movements. Comfortable sport shoes protect feet and joints.
  3. The floor should not be slippery, otherwise the risk of injury increases significantly. You can use special rubber mats.

If, succumbing to sports enthusiasm, you decide that you can do anything and pregnancy is not a hindrance in this, remember that there are strict prohibitions. Here they are:

  • horseback riding;
  • water skiing;
  • diving in the pool and jumping into the water;
  • deep diving (an oxygen apparatus can cause circulatory disorders, which is a threat to the fetus);
  • sprint run;
  • riding on skiing(falls are very dangerous);
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • group games (for example, football), threatening injuries;
  • exercises that increase the load on the spine (for example, a deep back bend), as well as requiring significant bending and straightening of the joints (jumping, sudden movements or changes in direction of movement, balancing).