Maybe an 11 month old baby. What do boys do and what do girls do? Social and emotional development of the baby at eleven months

11 months for a child is already a serious date, when there is very little left before the cherished first birthday. During the time that the baby grew and developed, he completely changed and bears little resemblance to that lump brought from the hospital. Of course, all parents are interested in what children should learn by 11 months and whether their child has all the skills necessary for his age.

11 month old baby. Development: what should be able to

The first year of a baby's life is the most difficult and responsible period for his mom and dad. At this age, when there is very little left before the first birthday, every parent should know what children should be able to do at 11 months in order to clearly understand whether the development of the child is appropriate for his age.

At this age, most children are already happy owners of teeth that allow them to chew "adult" food. Now you should abandon grated and creamy foods and give the baby small pieces that he learns to chew. The digestive system is already fully formed by this time, therefore children's diet you can expand and delight the child with new interesting dishes.

The daily routine by 11 months is already fully established, so you should not try to remake it for yourself. Whether the baby likes to sit longer at night or, conversely, wants to get up early - this will already be clearly visible. Adjust to this mode, and you will save a lot of time and effort. In addition, trying to change a child is not only useless, but also harmful. This is a direct path to childhood stress, which in the future will certainly affect the behavior and nervous system.

Physical development of the child

Among the things babies should be able to do at 11 months, the ability to walk is not a key skill. Despite the fact that the motor apparatus is fully grown, not all babies begin to walk independently at this age. And if you see that the little one prefers to crawl for now, this is not a reason to panic. Another thing is if he does not want or cannot stand on his feet at all. Walking around the arena, adhering to the support, he should already be quite free. If this is not observed, a course of massage or physiotherapy exercises may be necessary.

If the baby prefers to crawl, then you should gradually accustom him to walking. Here it must be taken into account that the first experience, which turned out to be unsuccessful, can lead to the fact that the child will not make new attempts for a long time. Therefore, the help of the mother and her constant support is very important at this stage. Move to the other end of the room, show the baby your favorite toy and offer to come and take it. If he makes an attempt to crawl, lift him up on his legs, thereby making it clear what needs to be done. Gradually, the child will begin to move away from crawling, moving more and more on legs.

The process of development of the speech apparatus is also practically completed by this age. Among the things that babies should be able to do at 11 months, trying to talk takes important place. Not all children already pronounce words, but they should already be able to reproduce sounds and try to convey their thoughts with the help of speech. At this time, there is awareness, so it is very important to actively introduce the baby to new words and phenomena. To do this, you can use books, pictures, all surrounding objects, as well as interactive toys. The ability of the latter to reproduce sounds is very useful for the development of the speech apparatus and mental activity. The more auxiliary materials you bring to help, the faster new skills will be formed and all kinds of memory of the little man will develop.

Mental development of a child at 11 months

By this age, the baby has already become independent personality with your habits and preferences. In addition, children begin to understand that they can quite successfully manipulate adults. For example, noticing that you react much more effectively to crying than to cooing, the baby may begin to use this. This should be weaned immediately, because in the future it can lead to constant whims and disobedience.

At 11 months, active knowledge of the world continues, mostly independent. Therefore, do not limit the baby in his attempts to explore the world. However, it is necessary to secure the territory of movement of the child as much as possible, protecting him from wires and sharp corners.

For successful social adaptation of the baby, try to communicate with other children as much as possible. Having learned to make friends and share toys now, in the future he will survive the injection into the team much easier kindergarten and schools.

The difference between boys and girls

When compared with what a baby of 11 months should be able to do, a boy and a girl, contrary to popular belief, do not differ much in development. There is an opinion that the male sex is slightly behind in development from the female, but this is not always the case and depends on the child himself.

The main difference between children of different sexes at this age lies in behavior. First of all, it is the choice of toys and games.

Girls tend to prefer a quieter time surrounded by their favorite dolls. Men's games are noisier, they have more movement and imitation. Children also react differently to other babies. Boys, as a rule, make contact easier, while girls are more shy. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that all children are still individual. And if you start comparing your baby's progress with what a baby should be able to do at 11 months old, a girl can surprise you as much as a boy. You may suddenly find that your princess is much more active and restless than the boy next door. Behavioral features corresponding to gender may begin to appear much later.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months. Development table

So, the approximate achievements of babies by the end of the first year of life are determined. More clearly they will be shown in the table.

This is the basic knowledge that a baby should demonstrate at this age. But if your child does not yet know how to do something from this list, this is not at all a reason to panic. Perhaps in some other way he is ahead of his peers.

What the experts say

If we talk from the point of view of science about what a child should be able to do at 11 months, the opinion of experts in this issue clearly. They say the most important thing to remember is that every child develops according to individual calendar. And if he does not know how to do everything attributed to this age by medicine, this does not mean that he is lagging behind in some way.

Very often, mothers, worried, try to force the child to start doing something. This is the worst behavior a parent can have. No need to put pressure on the baby and demand the impossible from him. Doctors are extending the age range for skill acquisition to 2 months. Now, if after this period the child has not mastered all the necessary skills, this is already a reason to consult a doctor and start correcting. IN this case it is very important not to miss the time for treatment and not to panic ahead of time. It is with this behavior that the baby will develop comfortably and will not receive psychological trauma.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Many mothers raise their children according to the method of Dr. Komarovsky. A well-known pediatrician has his own point of view on the norms for the development of children. Speaking about what a child should be able to do at 11 months, Komarovsky emphasizes the importance of the ability to understand speech. The kid is already responding to the requests and appeals of adults with movements of the head or hands.

At the same time, the doctor assures parents that they should not rely too much on the requirements various techniques and compare your child with others. Let the baby grow comfortable conditions when he does something only when he wants to. The main points where this rule should work, according to Komarovsky, are the issues of nutrition and potty training. In the first case, you do not need to feed the child by the hour or when you think that it is time for him. The baby should eat only when he is hungry. This is the basis correct operation digestive system, gastrointestinal tract and the development of the child.

As for the potty, there is also no need to rely on the successes of other children. If at 11 months, the effect will be very unstable and it is quite possible that, having matured, the baby will begin to win back its positions. That is why it is important to start teaching a child something only when you see that he is ready for it.

The norm is different for every child.

This is a key thought that every mother should realize, seeking to raise her baby in love and affection. Comparing the success of your child with what children should be able to do at 11 months, the main thing is not to take scientific requirements for Mother's heart the most sensitive, and if something is wrong with the baby, you will feel it without any comparison.

Grow Healthy

Finally, there is very little left before the first birthday, the child is already 11 months old. Development (what should be able to) should continue to be under the close supervision of parents so that any deviations from the norm can be immediately responded to. Getting acquainted with the necessary skills that a child of this age should have, it is very pleasant to realize that your baby is doing all of the above, which means that he is developing correctly. However, in cases where the child does not do something, wait a little before rushing to doctors and medicines.

Maybe, a week will pass, and he will already do everything in accordance with science. After all, in the first year of life, every day brings something new. The main thing is to let your baby feel that he is loved, taken care of, then his development will take place much more correctly.

The baby is 11 months old and the baby no longer simply responds to the requests of adults, but he himself says a few simple words, and most importantly, he stands on his own legs and tries to take his first steps. Perhaps he has not yet gone on his own, but with support he achieves amazing success - he will bring slippers or diligently transfer and throw a candy wrapper into the bin, show all parts of the body - the handles of the legs, the spout of the ears. Wonderful! Encourage these actions, actively cooperate with him, praise and approve.

At the end of the first year of life, many mothers finally wean the baby from the breast. This is difficult for the baby as breastfeeding supported psychological connection with Mother. He is still waiting for emotional support, your positive emotions help him adjust to his new lifestyle. Most babies at this age actively gesticulate. They can already communicate that they are hungry with simple “um-am” syllables and point to yogurt on the table, an apple or a cookie. The most significant word - "Give" the baby pronounces with all the exactingness and categoricalness, and not having received what he wants, he can be capricious for a long time.

By the year the baby grows 8 teeth, he is able to chew more dense food, actively developing chewing movements. It should be noted that the appearance of teeth and their number is an individual phenomenon, and you should not panic, although you can take a picture. If the teeth are not growing, then you should not get involved in solid foods.

Child development at 11 months (what should be able to)

Just imagine - in a year the weight of the baby has almost doubled, and in growth he has added 25 centimeters!
In addition, the child can already:
- understand the speech of adults and nod your head in the affirmative;
- rejoice in praise and approval;
- fulfill requests - bring things, give objects, put, take, and so on;
– waving “Hello” and “bye”;
- moves up the stairs - climbs and gets off;
- repeats the action, improving in skills;
- holds a spoon well and tries to take food on his own;
- imitates the intonations of adult speech and animal sounds;
- hangs on the turnstile for about a minute;
- understands the conversation of parents about themselves.

The first words of the baby are lightweight, consist of repeating syllables. Their meaning depends on intonation - he points to a cat, to food on the table. His brain is mature enough to start using full speech.

Baby care at 11 months

At the age of about a year, many babies stomp their feet - with support or on their own. In any case, attention should be paid to shoes - he will need shoes with soles, with a hard heel, but well-bent so that the foot cannot slip to the side. For the formation and strengthening of the muscles of the foot in summer time it is useful to walk barefoot on a hard uneven surface - for example, sand, grass. In the apartment, you can lay out a rubber orthopedic mat under the baby's feet.

Obstacles in the form of pits, pebbles, twigs massage the feet well, thereby improving blood circulation and proper formation feet. We continue to teach the little one to the potty. During this period, he is already able to stay dry for a long time, so it will take patience to watch him without forcing. It is important! Be sure to praise him even for just sitting on the potty. The rest of the care remains the same.

Baby food at 11 months

The first important topic that mothers discuss on the playground is the nutrition of children. How to increase portions when the child is approaching the one-year anniversary? What new types of products to offer? The diet of a baby can be compared with an adult diet menu (cereals, vegetables, low-fat meat, cottage cheese, kefir and others). dairy products, bread, biscuits, buns, fruit), however, there are products, the introduction of which is desirable to wait. These are, first of all, citrus fruits that can cause allergies, nuts that are heavy for the intestines and stomach, whole fat milk, fish. The degree of food grinding also differs. Most of the food is porridge or mashed potatoes with small pieces. You can not give food spicy, fried, smoked and with a lot of spices. It is best to cook food by steaming or boiling.

The daily routine of a child at 11 months

The daily routine of an 11-month-old baby is compiled taking into account his increased activity. The number of feedings is already as in an adult. In the intervals between them, the baby sleeps once or twice, eats, plays. He wakes up quite early - around 6-7 in the morning. The first feeding is carried out after morning procedures, approximately at 8 - 8.30 in the morning. Massage and physical education can be planned quite early, even before daytime sleep, but about an hour after the first feeding. Bathing is no longer necessary to carry out daily, but it is necessary to wash up to the waist. Best for swimming certain days. Five meals a day, the last meal at 22-00.

The intervals between feedings should not be more than 4-4.5 hours. Night sleep lasts 10-11 hours, many at this time switch to a one-time daytime sleep. The main thing is that the baby sleeps well. At the age of about a year, you can think about a future visit kindergarten, and adjust the daily routine for kindergarten, so that later it would be easier to adapt - daytime sleep 13.00 -15.00. Help the baby adapt to new conditions, introduce changes imperceptibly, without focusing on it. Remember that the implementation of the daily routine is just helping the development of the baby, and facilitating care for the mother. Be attentive, but not irritable, try to correctly capture the mood of the child.

Classes with a child at 11 months (how to develop)

Your voice and your closeness are very important to the child. Reading is the best way to develop thinking. Toddlers begin to associate books with the way you communicate, so instilling a love of books at this age is very easy. Let the child play with colorful cardboard books, point to the pictures, tell what is drawn on them. Read, varying the timbre of your voice, maintain interest in the plot. Try to do this often enough, but not for long. The kid still cannot concentrate on one action for a long time. Read to him short rhyme on the page, look at the pictures with him - and let him get a little distracted if he is unable to sit in one place. Then move on to another page.

Expand your stock of imitative words. Name everything that the child points to, the names of loved ones, acquaintances, small children on the playground, the names of toys. Repeat animal sounds while looking at the pictures - very soon the baby will tell you how the cow says "moo", the cat "meow", and the frog "qua-qua". He does not just play with a doll, but is able to play a whole performance with her - feed, shake, put to bed, put on a potty and feed from children's dishes. Your child should have everything you need for this - baby cups, spoons, beds for dolls, even a pot and a dining table.

When playing on the playground or in another company, try to tell your child that toys should be shared with friends. Comb the doll's hair together with the baby, bathe the baby dolls in a toy bath, in general - teach the baby to play. Stack cubes, pyramids, houses and turrets with it. Encourage active cooperation in it, praise and support emotionally.

Games and toys for children at 11 months

Almost one year old baby ready to play already with adult objects, often categorically brushing aside ordinary toys. Use his desire when cooking in the kitchen - let the baby put pieces of vegetables on a plate, or rinse spoons in a bowl of water. In the store, the little one can put small products in a basket. Playing, the baby will join the work. Show your child a new activity every day. Periodically change toys so that they do not become boring. Do not offer all the toys at once - this is big mistake! The kid may lose interest in them.

Medical supervision at 11 months

If your child is on his feet, but does not walk on his own, but holds his hand and moves well near the crib, do not worry. But if he does not get on his feet, consult an orthopedist. You may be assigned special exercises, giving a load on the muscles of the legs in order to get stronger enough. Massage and gymnastics are still required for all children. Good results give water massage while bathing, but in the morning or a few hours before bedtime, so as not to cause excessive excitement.


At the age of 11 months - a year, the kids, communicating on the playgrounds or at a party, show possessive instincts. For this, you should not scold too much, since the toy is now perceived as an extension of itself, and it is difficult for the baby to imagine how one can give “a part of oneself” to another. The greed of kids is a temporary phenomenon, very soon they realize that for real games it is better to share with others.

But the communication of kids should be encouraged in every possible way, just remember that they will not be able to play. long time They still have difficulty concentrating. Watching each other, the children repeat the movements, speak their infant language. Invite the same mothers with children to visit or go to visit yourself, comprehend the culture of “table behavior” in a common lunch or treat with fruit juice. Leave the kids alone and just watch them for a while without interfering with their actions.

Story games

Building simple plots with dolls, animal figurines, you can reflect the whole emotional world. For example, the doll was standing or dancing and fell. The bunny came and regretted it. Then they danced together and sang songs, circled around. Other options - went to bed, ate. The kid begins to understand that emotional reactions exist not only with him. The doll cries because it hurts, the bunny laughs because he is having fun. The world is getting closer and clearer. Story games allow you to generalize information, applying it to yourself and others, gives you the experience to participate in communication between people.

Remember that a child's personality is largely shaped by your positive example try to keep your words consistent with your deeds.

11-month old baby already knows a lot: some children begin to walk by this age and do not give their parents a moment's rest, and if they cannot walk, they crawl vigorously. They are interested in everything, they want to try everything, including the taste. This is a difficult and pleasant time: the baby needs constant supervision, but many of the difficulties of early infancy have already been resolved, and before transitional age at 3 years old still live and live.

At 11 months, the child may already be completely independent, including with regard to movement, but this is an individual indicator.

The issue of safety comes first. Parents should carefully prepare the apartment for the activity of the child: all sharp and cutting objects must be removed in cabinets and locked with a key, heavy things - iron and so on, must also be removed. It would be nice if mom and dad take care of softening the sharp corners of tables and bedside tables, wrap them with soft foam rubber, and attach them to the legs. Be sure to close electrical outlets with special caps - caps are sold in stores.

Let's talk about the child's skills that he should have during this period. You need to know them so as not to miss violations in the development of the baby, although it must be borne in mind that the period for the appearance of certain skills is approximate. If the baby is a couple of months behind, this may be due to his character, and not to mental retardation.

Baby's physical skills

For 11 months, the baby gains weight up to 400 grams and adds 2 centimeters or a little less in height. Boys weigh more and are taller: height up to 74 centimeters, weight up to 10-11 kilograms. Girls weigh a kilogram less - about 9 kg, and their height is a couple of centimeters less. During this period, the child already has 6-8 teeth.

Other physical indicators child development at this time is quite approximate. Depending on the character and temperament, the baby is able to start walking, can only crawl or just behave calmly, playing in the arena and not asking for “freedom”. Many baby boys start walking after a year - this is quite normal.

The first steps are the most pleasant neoplasm of this period of baby development.

There are some basic skills that an eleven month old baby should have:

  • Ability to sit without support and sit down without the help of adults. During this period, the child is able to stand up and stand, holding on to the bars of the arena or crib.
  • He starts walking, holding on to stable pieces of furniture, the baby also walks well with his mother.
  • He coordinates his movements, falls less and crashes into furniture, but the precautions described above should not be forgotten: in a fit of joy or other feelings, your child may imprudently stand on his feet under the table or turn around unsuccessfully and hurt his head.

At 11 - 12 months, the baby makes discoveries every day, he is inquisitive, strives to climb everywhere and see everything (we recommend reading:). Calmer children are convenient for their parents, but if a child makes a mess in the apartment, takes everything and tries to touch and taste, crawls everywhere, doesn’t let his mother rest for a minute, communicates with her, requires attention - everything is in order, he develops exactly on schedule.

Neuropsychic indicators and skills

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Eleven month old baby plays with his toys "in an adult way": he rocks his favorite doll, feeds her from a spoon, he collects a pyramid and builds constructions from cubes, with pleasure he rolls a car or a ball with his dad. He often accompanies his actions with the appropriate sounds: rolling the car, he says “bi, bi” or “doo, doo”. He performs logical actions - if you hide a toy under a pillow in front of his eyes, the child will pull it out in a few seconds.

Kids are very different: some like outdoor games, someone prefers quiet, calm activities - all this fits into the norm

The babble becomes meaningful. Children say the first words: "give, mom, dad, woman." Pointing to the dog, they say “av, av”, to the cat - “ma-a”, that is, their words are indicative, characterizing certain creatures and objects. If a child has learned a word, he can designate with it not only a person, but also objects or actions related to a person. With the word "mother" he will define his mother's dress or shoes, as well as bathing in the tub.

At first, it happens that after saying a word, the baby “forgets” it. In fact, this is not so - he simply loses interest in the word that he has already overcome. Soon he will begin to repeat all the words that he can speak, so there is no need to worry.

The kid can already convey his idea to the adult. It is very important to talk with the child as much as possible, while not distorting the words, not "lisping" - thanks to this, the baby will learn to talk faster. Read fairy tales and poems to him, showing pictures - the baby will look and match certain words with the image.

At 11 months, the child communicates not only with his parents and grandmother, he also becomes interested in other people. At first, he is afraid of strangers, but in the presence of his parents he begins to communicate with them, and also tries to make acquaintances with other children who come to visit you. This good sign, but be sure to watch the children playing - they are still small and do not understand much. Children may quarrel over a toy, some of them may be interested in a friend's eyes or his hair. Only an adult can deal with such situations.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months?

The baby develops his own scheme of the world, which he is able to replenish or change upon admission new information. The development of a baby at 11 months, according to doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, is as follows:
(we recommend reading:)

  1. The child distinguishes the rooms in the house from one another and knows what items to go where: for the nipple - to the bedroom, for the spoon - to the kitchen, and so on, that is, he develops a memory.
  2. He can sit on his own without support and sits on his own.
  3. He gets up on his legs and stands, holding on to a support, walks with his mother by the hand, takes 1 - 2 steps on his own.
  4. Drinks from a cup, eats from a spoon.
  5. Knows how to use various items, that is, what they eat with a spoon, comb their hair.
  6. He understands what adults say to him, responds to their suggestions such as “let's put on a jacket”, “let's go outside”, fulfills short requests like “give me a ball”, “put down a book”.
  7. Independently plays cubes and a pyramid, while taking toys with his thumb and forefinger.
  8. Matches objects with their images in pictures. Can bring you an item if you show its image and ask to bring it.

How to reinforce your child's achievements?

By the end of the first year of life, a certain mode of human life is established, which strongly depends on individual preferences. Some children like to sleep longer, others like to get up early. Fit in The biological clock specific child and you won't experience any inconvenience. Every baby should definitely sleep during the day - some children sleep 2 times an hour, some - 1 time, but for a long time, for 2 - 3 hours.

During the described period, the diet of the child changes. Breast milk remains the basis of nutrition, but other products are also introduced into the menu. The diet is more like that of an adult. For the development of bones, the child needs meat, but it must be given in the form of mashed potatoes, all other products also need to be crushed for better digestibility. There are a number of foods that are contraindicated for a child - these are pickled, spicy, salted, smoked foods. Do not forget to give your baby fruits in the form fruit puree and freshly squeezed juices.

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The first year of life is coming to an end. The development of the child at 11 months is distinguished by new indicators in physical development, the emergence of emotional and personality traits. At eleven months, a baby can please you with the first word or the first step. At the same time, he continues to develop emotionally and consolidate what he has mastered.

What's new in physical development?

During this month, the baby can add from 300 to 400 g and grow by 1 - 1.5 cm. At 11 months, the child has a weight of 8.5 - 10.5 kg (± 1 kg), height 72 - 76 cm (± 3 cm).

What can a child at 11 months:

  1. A child at 11 months old can stand confidently, holding on to a support or your hand. Can walk holding on to a wheelchair or a wall. Some children can stand on their own or even take a few steps while holding a toy for balance.
  2. The kid is still with difficulty, but already sits down from a standing position.
  3. A child at 11 months confidently crawls on all fours, long time sitting confidently.
  4. When grasping an object, the handle opens according to its size.
  5. Able to point with a finger at an object of interest.
  6. At eleven months, a child can hold a spoon in his hand and pick up food with it. Holds a cup with both hands.
  7. The kid has fully mastered grabbing with two fingers, can raise very small items. Tries to put one cube on top of another.
  8. Most children at eleven months have 4 teeth: the lower and upper central incisors. The first pair of molars may begin to grow from below and above. But some children may not have teeth yet - this is not scary, do not worry and wait up to a year. If they are not in 1 year old, consult a pediatrician.

What's new in mental development:

  1. The baby says the first simple words, in which he puts a generalized meaning, for example, calls all food: “am-am”, by the same word he means a desire to eat. A child at 11 months knows a few words, repeats new ones after his parents.
  2. The kid began to understand that his mother can be manipulated. For example, realizing that she comes to crying faster and becomes kinder, the child may begin to whimper on purpose. At the same time, you will notice a certain cunning in the eyes, with total absence tears.
  3. A child at 11 months already understands a lot of the conversation of the parents. He responds to requests: give, take, show, drop, eat. Can shake his head both "no" and "yes".
  4. The kid is persistently able to achieve his goal, repeats several times if the desired does not work out. Having done something, he expects approval and praise.
  5. When you play with the baby, he tries to please you with his behavior or even make you laugh. Now the child understands that “hide and seek”, “horned goat” are games.
  6. The kid has become quick-witted: he can push another from a chair with one object, turn over a box of toys to get everything at once.
  7. Children at eleven months show signs of the simplest plot game: shakes the doll, feeds the bear.

Child development test at 11 months

  • A baby at 11 months old should be able to sit well, stand at a support, crawl on all fours.
  • Show the child a box with a toy, open it several times. Then hide the toy. The kid should notice the disappearance of the object and express surprise.
  • The child should be able to use certain items for their intended purpose: eat with a spoon, bring the comb to the head, repeating the movements of adults.
  • Show your child how to build a tower with blocks. The child should be able to put at least 2 - 3 cubes on top of each other. Pyramids are still difficult for the baby, but he can already put on large rings on a stick.
  • The baby already knows how to distinguish objects by common features, for example, ask him to show him cars or dolls, among several toys. The child should point his finger at them.

Child development by months - 11 months video

How to feed babies at 11 months?

The time for complementary foods has passed, and the child can join the common table at certain conditions cooking: it should be boiled or stewed, contain a minimum of salt, sugar and seasonings. Mom can no longer cook separately for the baby, but only grind food prepared for everyone for him. A child at 11 months old eats about 1 - 1.2 liters of food per day - this is without taking into account the liquid. Meals remain five times a day, so it will be up to about 2 years. All the main products have already been introduced, but you need to be careful with allergenic ones: oranges, mangoes, tomatoes. It is impossible to give mushrooms, chocolate, honey, nuts, tea, coffee and cow's milk yet.

If the baby is still breastfeeding, then it receives a breast in the morning and evening before bedtime, as well as at night on demand. Some mothers, preparing at 1 year old, minimize the number of feedings by 11 months: once a day before bedtime. But if you plan to breastfeed for a long time, then continue to breastfeed your baby when he wants to.

Moms take note!

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Mode - sleep and wakefulness

The baby began to sleep more peacefully at night, even if you continue to breastfeed. Now he can ask for milk up to 2 times at night, and this is really a gift for a mother who had to wake up up to 5 times a night. Many children can sleep until 10 - 11 o'clock at night. During the day there are also two sleeps of 1.5 - 2 hours. The regimen for each child is individual: children who like to sleep longer, respectively, go to bed later during the day, and vice versa. Mom should adapt to the biorhythms of the crumbs, since the slightest changes in the regimen can deprive the baby of appetite or negatively affect the psyche. You need to accustom the crumbs to the daily routine.

How to help your child develop

  • Continue to hold your baby as much as possible. Despite the fact that the little one will walk soon and crawls beautifully, he still needs psychological intimacy with Mother.
  • Support the development of speech in every possible way. If the child uttered some incomprehensible word, try to understand what it is and find this object together with him. Play speech games:
    • Collect in a bag different toys and call them when you get out of there in front of the child. It is good if the toys are thematically close to each other, for example: a car and a wheel, a doll and a bed. You can put any household items in the bag: a spoon, threads, a book, that is, everything that the baby comes into contact with daily.
    • Show Doman thematic cards.
    • Children remember words best when they are doing something, so in the best possible way learning remains a game. Comment on all actions during the game, focus on nouns - they are the first words.
    • Play scenes from life with speech constructions, for example: “on, take it”, “give it, please” - hold out or give an object, “bye-bye” - wave your hand, “hello!” - you shake hands. Scenes should be carried out slowly, stretching the words somewhat.
    • Draw the child's attention to the process of cooking. Tell us what and from what you cook, how you do it: clean, wash, put, boil, hot, cold, tasty, bitter, sweet.
    • Often, babies who speak poorly also eat poorly. This is due to the weakness of the jaw apparatus. Let the child gnaw crackers, carrots.
    • Read picture books together.

The development of speech is interconnected with fine motor skills, therefore, continue with the child activities that develop the activity of the fingers:

  • pour oatmeal into one small cup and show your child how to pour them into another container. The same can be done with water while swimming. Exercises well develops the muscles of the hands and teaches synchronism in movements.
  • During water procedures you can offer the child to catch various small objects with a ladle. For realism, buy plastic fish and play fisherman. The game will develop visual and motor coordination well.
  • On a tray even layer pour in fine grains or flour. Take the child's finger in your hand and draw. Then let the kid draw something on his own.
  • Take the ring that your hand will go through. Put it on your hand first, then on your child. Then invite the baby to put a ring on your hand or on your hand, while helping him for the first time, lead his hand into the ring. The skill of hitting the ring with a hand is acquired from 2 to 3 lessons.
  • Spend modeling and drawing classes with your child. Do not buy thick felt-tip pens and pencils for your baby, it is better to choose small and thin ones, with the minimum amount flowers included.

For sculpting, 1 - 2 pieces of plasticine will be enough for now. Make a sausage out of it, then, together with the crumbs, cut it into equal parts and blind small peas. Show your child how to attach them to a board or cardboard sheet.

It often happens that children who have learned to crawl well begin to walk later. This happens because the child finds the easiest and most fast way movement and does not try to take a vertical position. Actually it's not bad. Scientists have found that such babies start talking better and earlier, they have good posture. So do not worry about upright walking, it will not go anywhere from you, but, unfortunately, not all children go through an important stage of crawling. Do not force the baby to walk forcibly, just for the reason that some of his peers in the yard have already taken their first steps. Eleven months is not a long time for that. Keep doing gymnastics and massage, and everything will come as usual.

At the end of the eleventh month, you can begin to prepare with significant event. Exactly one month later your baby will be 1 year old: first birthday, first cake, first friends. Think about how to make this day unforgettable for you, interesting and not tiring for the crumbs.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

In anticipation of his first official day At birth, the children have already grown noticeably and have learned a lot. Every day their life becomes more and more eventful, and the time of wakefulness increases. Children spend a lot of time in active exploration, and they are already almost down mother's hands. Parents will certainly be interested in comparing the acquired skills of their babies with the average indicators indicating what a child should be able to do at 11 months.

At eleven months, the baby gains 400 grams in weight and stretches 1-1.5 centimeters in height. If the child did not gain weight at all, or the increase occurred only by 150-200 grams, this is not a reason for panic in general, good health son or daughter. After all motor activity their greatly increased, and the body quickly spends its energy reserves and nutrients. It may be worth offering your child food that contains more calories.

In terms of anatomy and physiology, at this moment there is an intensive formation muscular system, so the baby can already more or less stay in an upright position and even move around using a support, and sometimes on its own.

Another important change is the appearance of milk teeth, as a rule, these are four teeth - two each in the lower and upper jaws, some children already have second incisors.

Already up to a year, a baby can take his first steps and utter his first words, but there is no need to despair if this does not happen - the development of a child at 11 months goes according to his own schedule, in accordance with his individual genetic program. True parents have good opportunity help him in this by monitoring the nutrition and normal sleep of the little one, as well as regularly developing it with the help of games and training sessions.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months

Children at this age are extremely inquisitive and active. If you turn away for a minute, it is not known where the baby will be in a moment, so every minute control is necessary for them.

What should an 11 month old baby be able to do? Fortunately, the increase in strength and endurance associated with strengthening the muscles allows him to master a wide variety of skills:

  • he can easily rise to his feet without outside help and stand;
  • sit down from vertical position, without using a support, although so far it is difficult for him;
  • crawl quickly, changing direction;
  • sit on your own for a long time;
  • the baby begins to walk in small, uncertain steps, holding onto the hand of dad or mom;
  • he easily recognizes familiar objects and toys, pointing at them with his finger;
  • coordination of movements increases, and the child’s hand, if you need to take an object of interest, opens in accordance with the dimensions of the thing;
  • the little one can hold a mug with both hands;
  • eats with a spoon;
  • washes his face and brushes his teeth.

There are changes in the psycho-emotional plan of the child:

  • he becomes more sociable;
  • repeats words after parents;
  • understands what adults are talking about;
  • adequately responds to requests and demands: take, give, eat, quit, in response, in addition to actions, can use facial expressions and gestures, shake his head;
  • the child becomes not only more dexterous, but also quick-witted - he can use improvised objects to get toys from inaccessible places.

Children have hobbies, personal preferences for toys, the makings of a story-based gameplay - many girls and boys can already babysit dolls, feed and put bunnies and bears to bed.

Awareness of oneself as a person in a child can be quite noticeable and affect attempts to manipulate parents. At this point, adults should calmly respond to the whims of children, otherwise in the future the baby will constantly use tantrums or crying as a way to achieve what they want.

It cannot be said that mental and physical abilities children of opposite sexes were very different, but there are some characteristic nuances that you should know about:

  1. Finding out what a girl needs to be able to do at 11 months old, you need to understand that babies do not look like boys, usually more mobile and restless. They are much calmer and can spend a long time playing with blocks, drawing or sculpting enthusiastically. An interesting process for them can captivate them for half an hour, and this is quite a lot for a child who is not yet a year old.
  2. Taking into account how active and independent the boy is, at 11 months old he can do everything related to movement, first of all, he will learn to walk faster without the help of adults, although he will be in time for a short time get yourself a lot of bumps.

Everything that an eleven-month-old baby can do is, of course, primarily incorporated in his genetic program, but the role of parents in this process and its success occupies an important place.

How to develop a baby at 11 months

For comprehensive development adults need to create favorable conditions for this.

If the baby is already bending over, crouching and walking, leaning on the furniture or the parent's hand, it is worth helping him in this difficult task:

  1. We must continue to stimulate active crawling, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs.
  2. It is good if the baby, on his own, but under the supervision of his mother, will push the wheelchair or stroller. A large ball can also be used as a tolokar.
  3. The child already knows how to climb one or two steps, but it is still difficult for him to go down the stairs. Such exercises should be done a couple of times a day for a few minutes.
  4. While bathing, children can also learn and gain new skills - small toys will help with this. rubber toys, which the baby will catch with a small plastic bucket.
  5. At this age, the child is useful for all games with bulk materials and small details- cereals, beads, pebbles, let the baby pour them from one container to another, fold, sort. So he quickly learns to control his fingers.

Understanding what a child should be able to do at 11 months, do not forget about creative pursuits- he can already be given thin felt-tip pens that he can hold in his fingers. Crayons, pastel paints in the form of small pencils are also suitable. For modeling, it is better to choose homemade or special dough, or a set of soft plasticine that does not stick to hands.

To improve your speaking skills, daily activities are needed, consisting in joint reading. At the same time, the baby can look at the pictures, and later make up short stories. In addition, you need to talk a lot with children, explaining a variety of events, describing ordinary things and natural phenomena. During walks, you can get to know other children - the sooner a daughter or son learns to get to know and communicate with their peers, the easier it will be for them to adapt to the conditions of the real world.

Under the supervision of adults, children can play on their own and the best toys for them are still rubber toys, balls, big cars, in which the baby can climb, pyramids, cubes, toys in the form of animals and dolls for story games. It is better to choose books for a child with large dense pages made of rubber or cardboard, as well as with musical accompaniment. toy musical instruments, a set of dishes or a stroller for a doll is more suitable for girls, boys can be pleased with a designer and walkers that will help you quickly master walking.

Verification test for the success of development

Knowing the standards that determine what a baby should be able to do at this stage of life, parents should understand that such an assessment is relative, and yet, in some cases, verification is necessary.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • by the age of eleven months, the baby should already fully master crawling, sit and stand confidently;
  • the child must make attempts to get up and take at least a couple of steps;
  • ideally, children normally perceive the independent use of a cup, spoon, towel and comb;
  • from three cubes, the little one should already be able to build a turret;
  • a normally developed baby will definitely notice if you hide his toy and try to find it.

You can also pay attention to how the butuz behaves in different circumstances. If he is angry, he does not cry, as before, but expresses his displeasure - he can beat his mother and even bite. Rejoicing, the children laugh, clap their hands.

Some of the negative actions of the baby should be stopped already at this age - for this, he needs to explain in an accessible way what is good and bad, what can and cannot be done - this will facilitate further education.

While developing children of 11 months, it is already worth considering the issue of expanding the space for them in the house and making sure that they do not injure themselves while learning to walk and active games. All dangerous, sharp and breakable objects should be removed from the room, access to sockets and wires should be limited, corners should be upholstered with a soft cloth.

At this age, the child will fall often, and you will have to come to terms with this, Mom should not immediately run to the baby, so he will learn to rise on his own, moreover, it will be better to orient in the environment and coordinate his actions correctly.

Baby routine at 11 months

Complementary foods, as such, are over, and the child has already become a full member of the family, taking his place at the common table. Of course, the rules of cooking for him are preserved. Food is prepared for children by boiling, stewing, lean meat in the form of meatballs, meatballs and cutlets are steamed. The food is still crushed, and the main number of feedings remains the same - 5 times a day. Not counting liquids - water, juices, the child eats up to 1.2 kilograms, so one serving is about 200-250 grams, depending on the size and appetite of the baby. Such a power system will continue to be used for up to about two years.

In fact, the little one got acquainted with all the products, but the forbidden ones also include citrus fruits, mushrooms, nuts, coffee and tea, and chocolate. Tomatoes, oranges, some other vegetables and fruits, including honey, can cause allergies, so they are not desirable.

Those mothers who plan to wean from the breast gradually reduce the amount of milk, and then the number of feedings, limiting themselves to only one time before bedtime. Not enough in mother's milk necessary for the child substances, and he will receive nutrients from ordinary food.

Even while continuing breastfeeding it is noted that at the age of 11 months, children sleep much calmer at night and no longer cause so much trouble, with the exception of cases of toothache and illness, from which at this moment they need to be protected especially carefully - low immunity is the most vulnerable place in this period .

At night, children sleep from 10 to 11 hours, and during the day for another 3-4 hours. Age is characterized by the transition of each child's body to their own natural biorhythms. Therefore, some children may go to bed and get up later or earlier.

Child care includes:

  • morning washing, combing, brushing teeth (children can already carry out some procedures on their own);
  • washing after toilet groin baby being washed warm water occasionally using soap or other means;
  • bathing is carried out at a convenient time for children and parents, but mostly in the evening;
  • rubdowns are used as tempering procedures, air baths, massage to improve blood circulation and digestion;
  • gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscles and spine should be carried out regularly, as they help to restore the body of the little one after active classes while awake.

Child development at 11 months: video

Understanding what a child should be able to do at 11 months, parents can only help the baby get comfortable and learn many skills, but not rush things. You should not adjust his behavior to some general, and very conditional framework, because a small person is already a person whose opinion must be respected.