Is medical abortion worth it? Preparing for manipulation. What is medical abortion

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Increasingly, we are faced with advertising "velvet" abortion. This is a relatively safe way to terminate a pregnancy. Without surgical intervention, without the use of anesthesia, it requires only the intake of certain medications (hence - medication, or tablet).

Abortion pills

Apply this method to early stages pregnancy, up to 49 days delay from the first day of the last menstruation.

To date, the following drugs are used:

  • Mifegin (made in France);
  • Mifepristone (manufactured in Russia);
  • Pencrofton (made in Russia);
  • Mytholian (made in China).

The mechanism of action of all drugs is the same. There is a blocking of the receptors of the hormone progesterone, which is designed to support the pregnancy process in the body, and as a result, the germinal membranes detach from the uterine wall and expel gestational sac.

All these drugs can not be bought in pharmacies without a prescription!


Before undergoing the procedure, make sure that the doctor has all Required documents and permissions.

Many women wonder how painful is the procedure.

Usually the pain is slightly stronger than during normal menstruation. You will feel a cramping pulsation of the uterus. In consultation with the doctor, you can take an anesthetic.

  • After a medical abortion abstain from sex for 2-3 weeks: it may well cause bleeding and the occurrence of inflammatory processes. In addition, one of the complications may be a change in ovulation, and a woman may well become pregnant on the 11-12th day after the procedure;
  • Menstruation usually starts within 1-2 months, but failures are possible menstrual cycle.
  • Pregnancy can be planned in 3 months if everything went well. Before planning, you need to see a doctor.

Contraindications and possible consequences

The tablets are powerful medicines, which have a range of contraindications:

  • age over 35 and under 18;
  • in the interval of three months before conception, hormonal contraceptives were taken ( oral contraceptives) or an intrauterine device was used;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy was preceded by an irregular menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the female genital area, (fibrous tumors, endometriosis);
  • hemorrhagic pathologies (anemia, hemophilia);
  • allergies, epilepsy, or adrenal insufficiency
  • long-term use of cortisone or similar drugs;
  • recent use of steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract(colitis, gastritis);
  • bronchial asthma and other pulmonary diseases;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the presence of cardiovascular risks ( high pressure, obesity, smoking, diabetes);
  • allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to mifepristone.

Quite often, after a medical abortion, hormonal imbalances begin, provoking various gynecological diseases(inflammation, endometriosis, cervical erosion, fibroids). All this can subsequently lead to infertility.

Safety of velvet abortion - myth or reality?

As we can see, at first glance, this is a fairly simple operation, and most importantly, as they say, it is largely safe compared to surgical intervention. However, in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems.

Is this "security" secure?

  • If the procedure is not carried out on time(after 7 weeks of pregnancy), then even a fatal outcome is quite possible. Although there are dozens of proven cases of death from mifepristone in the European Union alone, in reality, experts agree, there are many more of them, and thousands of those who received irreparable damage to health. Dr. Randy O'Bannon, head of research at the National Committee for Life (USA), said it is very difficult to obtain information about the death of a patient as a result of medication. This information flows to the manufacturer, and immediately becomes inaccessible to people.

We must not forget that abortion, whether pharmacological or surgical, is the killing of the unborn child.

If you are in a difficult life situation and want to have an abortion, call 8-800-200-05-07 (helpline, call from any region is free).



Contacted women's consultation on a paid basis. First, an ultrasound scan was performed, the gestational age was determined, then they took a swab for infections, made sure that there were no infections, and gave the go-ahead. My deadline was 3-4 weeks. She took three tablets of mefepristone. They can be chewed, not bitter. At first, I felt a little sick, but the nausea went away after I drank kefir. Before they let me go home, they explained everything to me, and they also gave me instructions and 4 tablets of Mirolut. They said to drink two in 48 hours, if two more do not work in two hours. I drank two tablets on Wednesday at 12-00 o'clock, because. nothing happened - I drank another one. After that, blood began to flow, profusely with clots. The stomach ached, as during menstruation. For two days the blood flowed profusely, and then it just smeared. On the seventh day, the doctor said to start taking Regulon to restore the menstrual cycle. Stopped on the day of taking the first tablet. On the tenth day I had an ultrasound. Everything is okay.


I was forbidden to give birth for some reason, so I did medical abortion. Everything went without complications for me, but with such pains that my mother does not grieve !!! I drank 3 pills of no-shpy at a time, so that it would be at least a little easier ... psychologically it was very difficult. Now she has calmed down, and the doctor said that everything went well.


The doctor advised me to do a medical abortion, I underwent an examination, drank mifepristone tablets, and then sat for 2 hours under the supervision of a doctor. She came in 2 days, they gave me two more tablets under the tongue. An hour later, blood began to flow, discharge, my stomach hurt terribly, so I climbed onto the wall. The clots came out. And so I had my period for 19 days. I went to the doctor, they did an ultrasound, they found the remains of a fetal egg. As a result, I still got a vacuum!!!


Good afternoon everyone! I am 27 years old, I have a son, he is 6 years old. At 22, I gave birth to my son, when he was 2 years old, I got pregnant again, but they didn’t want to keep the pregnancy, because the little one was very restless and I was just tormented. Made honey. Abortion! Everything went without problems! After 2 years I got pregnant again and did it again. Again everything went fine. Well, now time has passed and I again made an interruption with pills. And the nightmare begins! I drank the pills that the doctor prescribed, at home, it was very bad, let's go copious discharge! The pads didn't help! In general, horror. In short, the girls sent me to a vacuum .. Two previous honey. abortion. were not painful, everything came out without problems! But 3 certainly horrified me! To be honest, I regret it .... Now I'm taking antibiotics ...


Apparently everyone has their own way. My girlfriend did it. She said, as if menstruation had gone, no pain, no complications, only nausea ...

If you need advice or support, then go to the page (https://www..html) and find out the helpline or the address of the Maternity Support Center closest to you.

The administration of the site is against abortion, and does not promote them. The article is provided for information only.

The birth of a new life does not always bring with it a feeling of happiness. Often, some circumstances put parents before a choice. In many cases, a woman, under pressure from friends, relatives, society, or because of far-fetched problems, agrees to terminate the pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy early stages It is performed by removing the fetal parts from the womb with a special surgical instrument (curette), vacuum - by an aspirator or by a pharmacological method.

Medical abortion is artificial termination growth and development of the embryo, its exfoliation and elimination from the uterine cavity under the action of pharmacological agents. Termination of pregnancy with pills the new kind abortion compared to surgical methods.

The pharmacological substance for medical abortion is mifepristone. Abortive pills are available under the following trade names: Mifegin, Mifolian, Mifeprex, Gyropriston, Ginestil, Zhenale, etc.

The main advantages of pharmabort

Medical interruption has a number of significant advantages over the surgical method.

  • Virtually painless procedure.
  • Menstrual function is restored after 30 days.
  • There is no injury to the cervix.
  • The method excludes the use of anesthesia.
  • In pregnant women with rhesus negative- the Rh factor does not develop - the conflict.
  • No possibility of infection during the procedure.

Psychologically, it is easier to endure an interruption with a pill than to survive an operational manipulation.

Contraindications for pharmaceutics

In some cases, non-surgical abortion is not possible. The contraindications for pharmacological interruption are very extensive, a different method should be chosen in the following cases:

In many sources you can find information that medical abortion is called safe method abortion. And after almost every article, reviews of women who have experienced complications are striking.

The fact is that every medical manipulation, treatment, and even more so abortion, the essence of which is complete detachment fetal egg and its removal from the uterine cavity, carry the likelihood of complications. Especially side effects are possible in cases where the doctor or patient neglects contraindications.

It must be remembered that pharmacological abortion will be effective and less traumatic if the procedure is performed within 6 weeks from the last menstruation, and not from the moment of conception. The earlier the pharmabort is made, the fewer complications await the woman after.

Possible negative consequences of medical abortion

Every medical intervention has side effects. The consequences of medical abortion and the severity of side effects depend on the behavior of the woman, the correct questioning, examination and preparation of the pregnant woman for the abortion procedure.

Some pregnant women after taking pills and the onset of a miscarriage may feel nausea, weakness, dizziness, headache. These effects are minor and disappear without medical intervention.

Rarely occur allergic reactions in the form of reddish rashes on the skin. To reduce discomfort prescribed antiallergic drugs.

There are risks that a miscarriage may not occur and the pregnancy will develop. Abortion will need to be carried out by another method, since there is a possibility of developing abnormalities in the fetus.

An incomplete abortion and the remains of parts of the fetal egg in the uterus are possible - possible complications pharmacological termination of pregnancy, obliging the doctor to perform scraping (cleaning).

The likelihood of adverse reactions increases with increasing gestational age. First of all, the size of the embryo increases, and the placenta grows more densely with villi into the wall of the myometrium. In these cases, bleeding from the genital tract may be more abundant and last for a longer period of time.

However, the remainder of the membrane of the developing placenta may be small and, when examined at the recommended time on ultrasound, will go unnoticed, but will manifest itself as an infectious complication. This condition requires the use of antibiotics with a wide range actions and means that reduce the uterus (oxytocin).

After a pharmaceutical abortion, severe bleeding may develop. In this case, drugs are immediately prescribed to stop blood loss. With no effect from drug treatment, produce cleaning of the uterine cavity under anesthesia. If the bleeding continues, the issue of open surgery on the uterus is decided up to its removal.

No person is immune from the consequences of drug termination of pregnancy, but the risks can be minimized.

Termination of pregnancy can end badly if a woman decides to do it at home on her own. At home, a pregnant woman may develop complications that require immediate medical attention.

Let me give you one example from my practice. A student of a medical university of the 21st year became pregnant from her classmate. Young people decided to hide this fact. The girl took pills to terminate pregnancy, after which, during the first 2 hours, she developed profuse bleeding which she tried in vain to stop on her own. When the girl came to us, after examination it became clear that an urgent operation was needed. At 22, the girl became infertile.

Necessary steps of non-surgical abortion

Medical abortion has several stages, which include testing, taking abortion drugs, and monitoring the outcome. Termination of pregnancy for early dates using abortive pills requires strict adherence to each stage.

At the first visit, the gynecologist is convinced that there are no contraindications in the patient who wishes to terminate the pregnancy. A woman takes laboratory tests. The day of the abortion is scheduled. A pregnant woman is told about all possible complications.

The second step is to take the drug. The woman remains under medical supervision for up to 4 hours. To enhance the effect and better contraction of the uterus, misoprostol is used. The expulsion of parts of the embryo and membranes can occur after a couple of hours or after a couple of days. After the onset of bleeding, an ultrasound is performed. The amount of blood lost during a miscarriage will be greater than during monthly cycle. Sexual rest is recommended, reduce physical exercise, do not take a hot bath, do not visit the pool and sauna.

After 2 weeks, the obstetrician-gynecologist conducts an examination on the chair and a control ultrasound study. If there are any complaints, it is recommended to visit the attending physician in order to monitor and exclude long-term complications.

In order not to face the problems of abortion, you need to choose the right method of contraception. Remember, artificial abortion is not a method of contraception. In the case of a favorable abortion outcome, there is no certainty that subsequent interruptions will be similar. Pregnancy is associated with emission a large number hormones. Frequent hormonal surges with short periods of "rest" can lead to infertility.

A woman must remember that no one but her can control the life of her child. Termination should be a balanced decision. And girls should understand that all responsibility for their health and for the fate of their children lies with them.

There are several ways to terminate an unwanted pregnancy - with the help of surgical procedures or using pharmacological agents. It is easier for a woman to survive a pill abortion both physically and psychologically. This method is considered the safest, but it can be accessed only in the early stages. The woman who took tough decision, you need to know about the nuances and risks of the abortive method.

You should carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a choice.

What is an abortion pill? This is the name of the procedure for terminating an early pregnancy with pills. Manipulation is also called pharmacological or medical abortion. Special "pills" were invented by French pharmacists in the early 80s. Experts decided to turn the idea of ​​​​how to get rid of unwanted pregnancy in the early stages, and came up with painless method. While the fetus is small, you can do without surgical procedures. Pharmaceutical development was tested for a long time to understand how it works, and for how long it is possible to terminate a pregnancy with a pill with minimal risks. After six years of clinical research, "pills" began to be actively used in medical practice.

How is a medical abortion performed? Simplified, it looks like this: if a woman wants to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, she takes a “pill” - and the problem is solved. Tablets provoke uterine contractions, block the production of progesterone, after which the fetus is rejected. The success of the manipulation is evidenced by post-abortion bleeding. It is similar to menstruation.

In fact, the procedure is not as simple as it seems. There are a number of nuances that are important to consider. You need to know how long it is possible to terminate a pregnancy with pills, what drugs to use, and take into account contraindications. A pregnant girl should contact the clinic to clarify all the nuances.

Drinking abortion pills without first consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited.: can be applied irreparable harm to your health. The risks are especially high in case of violation deadlines medical abortion.

Optimal time

The first thing you need to know when deciding on a pharmacist is how long it can be done: medical abortion has clear boundaries. All features of medical abortion (including timing) are regulated by the protocol drawn up by the Ministry of Health. In Russia, up to 9 weeks, you can have a pill abortion. This period corresponds to 63 days of gestation. IN European countries the possibility of medical termination of pregnancy is reduced to 49 days, which is equal to seven weeks.

It will take a lot of effort to recover

It is no coincidence that medical abortion is limited to seven to nine weeks. At the eighth week, the embryo is already moving into a new stage - the fetus. This means that he gradually takes on a human form. From this moment, the formation of placental vessels begins. Even if you do not consider the ethical point, getting rid of a late pregnancy with the help of pills is impossible due to the high risks of heavy bleeding. The blood loss can be so great that it can be fatal.

Having made a difficult decision, you need to find out how long the procedure is done in a particular clinic. Doctors think that optimal time holding - the fourth or fifth week. Minimum term reduces risks to zero and guarantees high efficiency manipulation.

Benefits of medical interruption

Tablet abortion is considered the most in a safe way solving the problem of the onset, but unwanted conception. The main advantage of this procedure is low level stress. It is much easier to take a pill than to decide on curettage. Pill abortion is not a traumatic procedure, which is important for a woman who is in a difficult situation. Not always a girl does not want to give birth due to some of her personal beliefs: there is a situation when the pregnancy cannot be maintained due to the patient's health. Among the indications for interruption is a high probability of the birth of a baby with genetic diseases. In such cases drug method abortion is the best option so that a woman does not get hung up on the problem. The procedure is non-invasive. Everything happens as if the pregnancy was interrupted as a result of a miscarriage.

Pharmaceutical abortion, in addition to psychological aspect, there are other advantages. The main ones are:

  • high efficiency (up to 98%);
  • painlessness;
  • no possibility of injury to the reproductive organs;
  • low risk of post-abortion infections;
  • exclusion of the possibility of contracting hepatitis or HIV;
  • lack of anesthesia.

Medical abortion recommended for first pregnancy. The effect of the pharmabort on the female body is minimal. Naturally, if the terms of the procedure are observed, and the pills for interruption early pregnancy selected by a qualified physician. The likelihood that a woman can easily become pregnant after a honeybort is high, while after a surgical interruption there is always a risk of reproductive dysfunction, up to infertility.

Preparation for manipulation

Before terminating a pregnancy with medication, you will need to undergo a series of tests. The first step is to go to the gynecologist. He will conduct initial inspections. To obligatory diagnostic studies relate:

  • vaginal swabs;
  • determination of blood group/rhesus;
  • tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis.

Carrying out the procedure

How is a medical abortion performed? Definitely in a hospital setting. The principle of medical abortion is based on drugs of different pharmaceutical groups. Two types of pills are immediately involved from abortion in the early stages.

  • progesterone antagonists. Drugs reduce the level of progesterone in the blood fluid. The result is destruction corpus luteum, necrosis of the fetal egg, rejection of the embryo. There are many names of abortion pills. It is not necessary to remember which pills can terminate a pregnancy. It is important to know that the primary drug is the one in which active ingredient is mifepristone. The description of the "work" of the funds is the same. Specific abortion pills are effective for how long - you need to check with your doctor, as there are small nuances. For example, some are effective only up to the sixth week, the second - up to the ninth.
  • Prostaglandins. The peculiarity of any drug in this group is that it starts the process of rejection of the embryo. How does medical abortion occur in the second stage? The drugs stimulate the process of opening the cervical canal. The myometrium and uterus contract strongly, which contributes to the release of the remnants of the dead fetal egg. Derivative drugs for early termination of pregnancy in Europe are used differently, in Russia - only Misoprostol.

Abortion pills must be selected by a gynecologist. It is important to find a specialist whom a woman will trust. For medical termination of pregnancy, the hospital will have to visit twice. First, the doctor gives the first pill, observes the patient for three to four hours. If everything went well, she is allowed to go home and given time to continue the manipulation. You need to return to the hospital to take medication interruption pills from another pharmaceutical group after about 36 to 48 hours.

On the third day after the completion of the procedure, a control examination should be carried out. Two weeks later, the woman is examined again, an ultrasound is always done. Only then can we conclude that the procedure was successful.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home

Taking drugs - a blow to the hormonal system

Even in the early stages of the house, it is undesirable to carry out a pill abortion. The procedure must be supervised by a doctor. He determines the dosage of drugs, monitors the patient's condition, checks whether the abortion has occurred and whether it was complete. If heavy bleeding occurs, the medical facility will provide professional help. For medical termination of pregnancy, you will have to return to the hospital, which is not very convenient. However, it is important to take medication interruption pills under medical supervision, so convenience issues are secondary here.

If a woman still decides to have a pharmacological abortion at home, then there should be a person next to her who, if necessary, will call an ambulance. Before taking the medicine, be sure to say: "I'm taking a pill called ...". Close person should know what pills for medical abortion the woman took, so that in the event of a critical situation, tell the doctors what the drugs were called.

Body reaction

Medical abortion drugs cause bleeding. This is a natural reaction of the body to the rejection of the fetus. How long the bleeding lasts and what character it is depends on the duration of the medical abortion. The earlier the manipulation is carried out, the better. If the procedure is done before the fourth week, then bleeding most similar to normal menstruation. Normal discharge after a medical abortion lasts seven to nine days. There may be moderate drawing pains, as before critical days. When the procedure is done late, the discharge is observed longer. They are profuse and painful.

The pills used to terminate a pregnancy affect the general well-being of a woman. The body can react to the procedure with a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • diarrhea.

Medical abortion in the early stages is usually easy. Whereas in those patients who delayed the decision, there is a whole list of reactions in severe form. You need to tell your doctor about them. If unpleasant manifestations do not go away for a long time or are too pronounced, post-abortion therapy may be required. It aims to relieve symptoms and regulate hormonal balance.


It takes about a month to recover from the procedure. In order for the recovery to be successful and fast, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • do not lift weights;
  • exclude physical activity;
  • do not take a hot bath;
  • do not visit the bath, sauna, swimming pool;
  • do not swim in open water;
  • avoid hypothermia.

During the recovery period, it is important to pay close attention strengthening immunity. It will help to increase the protective functions of the body balanced diet And vitamin complexes. Vitamins should be selected by a doctor. Alcohol should be abandoned. In the first month, you can not use tampons, only pads are allowed. Recommended to avoid intimacy until the first menstruation ends.

In the first six months, it is important to exclude the possibility of pregnancy. It will become a serious burden for the body. With the question of selecting reliable contraceptives, you need to contact your gynecologist.

Possible Complications

Although drug interruption pregnancy and is considered the safest, but a woman may experience side effect tablets. Complications arising after medical abortion are dangerous to health and threaten the loss of reproductive function. The risks largely depend on how many weeks the interruption takes. If the procedure is carried out at an early stage, then the consequences rarely occur. The longer the gestational period, the more dangerous it is to take abortion pills. Complications include:

  • Blood loss. After the procedure, the presence heavy bleeding dangerously large losses of blood fluid. If you do not see a doctor in time, the consequences can be irreversible - even fatal. At strong secretions, which threaten a large loss of blood fluid, the doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs after an abortion. In an emergency, a blood transfusion may be required.
  • Allergic reactions. An allergy occurs to the components of the drug that the patient took to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy. Meet different manifestations allergies: it depends individual features, "sensitivity" of the immune system.
  • Strong pains. After manipulation, a persistent pain syndrome may be observed. Usually, such a complication occurs when medical abortion is done late - closer to the ninth week. If the pain is so severe that it is impossible to withstand it, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pain syndrome may indicate an inflammatory process that has arisen due to particles of the embryo remaining in the uterus.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Immediately after conception hormonal background women begin to change. Pills disrupt the natural process of change. This can cause hormonal imbalance. “Knocked down” hormones can lead to infertility in the future, so the condition needs to be corrected.

Additional factors

Important to choose suitable method protection

Incomplete interruption. The procedure may not full effect if carried out on late term the time period allotted for the medebort. Every week the fruit grows and "strengthens" its position. After rejection, particles of the embryo may remain in the uterus, which leads to inflammation, infectious diseases. Because of them, it may be lost reproductive function. Incomplete rejection is usually indicated by severe pain and severe fever. Ultrasound can confirm incomplete interruption. After diagnosis, curettage of the uterine cavity or vacuum aspiration is performed. Such procedures are an additional burden on the body and severe stress for a woman.

It happens that the pills do not work: the pregnancy progresses. Doctors diagnose only 1% of such cases. If the patient insists on interruption, then they turn to invasive methods. Women who change their minds and wish to continue the pregnancy should be aware that the drugs could have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. This means that there is a high probability that the baby will be born with deviations.


Medical abortion has many contraindications, so not every woman can turn to this method. Only a doctor can determine contraindications for medical abortion. He draws conclusions after examination, analysis, anamnesis. Contraindications include:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • acute infections of the genital organs;
  • large myoma;
  • porphyria;
  • anemia;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • exhaustion;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease;
  • diabetes;
  • lactation period.

Medabort is indeed the safest among modern methods termination of pregnancy. If you know how long you can do it, then you can not be afraid of medical abortion: the likelihood of complications is minimal. You should not delay the decision, otherwise you will have to turn to surgical method, which is much more dangerous than medication, and is psychologically much more difficult to tolerate.

The news of the upcoming pregnancy does not delight all ladies. There are many reasons for this, from unplanned conception to poor health. To get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, today there are several ways. The safest drug is considered. This method rules out major surgery. It is better tolerated both physically and psychologically. In our article, we will talk about how medical abortion occurs. You will also be provided with information about possible contraindications and consequences of pharmacological abortion.

Description of the procedure

Medical or pharmacological abortion is a procedure aimed at terminating an unwanted pregnancy without major surgical intervention. It is carried out with the help of certain drugs. Their action is based on blocking the production of progesterone. This hormone is produced in the body of a woman and is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. After taking the pill, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

Medical abortion, drugs for this procedure and its implementation - all these issues have been discussed by doctors for a long time. However, only since the end of the last century has it become possible to carry out pharmacological abortion effectively and relatively safely for a woman's health. Experts from France have developed the drug Mifepristone, which belongs to the group of antiprogestins. In the early 1980s, large-scale studies of this drug as an abortion drug were launched in Geneva. A few years later, in France, they began to put it into practice.

Numerous medical studies show that women prefer pharmacological abortion for a number of reasons. First, there is the fear surgical intervention. Secondly, this method allows you to hide an unwanted pregnancy from relatives and friends.

Advantages of pharmacological abortion over surgical

Medical termination of pregnancy, the timing of which is described below, has a number of significant advantages. We have already mentioned some of them earlier. For what other positive points worth paying attention?

  1. No need to take painkillers.
  2. Fast recovery period.
  3. The probability of damage to the uterine cavity, the development of adhesive processes or other gynecological complications is excluded.
  4. Medical abortion resembles heavy periods, so psychologically a woman perceives it as a natural process.
  5. There is no need to go to the hospital.
  6. The risk of infection with viral diseases (AIDS or hepatitis) is excluded.

To find out all the nuances of how medical abortion occurs, it is better to consult a gynecologist. The specialist will answer your questions and give useful recommendations.

Permissible terms

Pharmacological abortion can be carried out up to the 6th week of pregnancy, counting from the first day of the last menstruation. The effectiveness of the procedure increases markedly when used in the early stages. Otherwise, other interruption techniques (eg, vacuum aspiration or surgery) may be required.

What drugs are used?

Medicines for the procedure are selected by the doctor. At the same time, it must take into account individual characteristics female body. The drugs used today can be divided into two conditional groups. The first includes "Postinor" and "Escapel". They are used for emergency contraception.

"Postinor" is available in the form of tablets. Its active ingredient is levonorgestrel. Once in the body, it causes certain changes in the endometrium, preventing the process of egg implantation. On the other hand, levonorgestrel suppresses ovulation. According to the instructions, "Postinor" must be drunk immediately after unprotected sexual contact has taken place. First you need to take one pill, and after 12 hours - the second. During the first few hours, its effectiveness is 95%. Within a day, this figure drops to 58%.

"Escapel" has a similar effect, but contains a large dose of levonorgestrel. Therefore, taking the medication is limited to one tablet. This difference between the two means and limited. They have the same effect on the ovulation and fertilization processes.

The second group of drugs includes "Mifepristone" and "Pencrofton". Their use is justified in case of pregnancy, the period of which does not exceed 6 weeks. They are used after implantation of a fertilized egg. Therefore, before prescribing these drugs, it is necessary to conduct a number of clinical studies.

The active ingredient is mifepristone. Its penetration into the body blocks the activity of progesterone, significantly increasing the contractility of the myometrium. As a result of these processes, the cervix begins to expand, expelling the fetal egg. Below we will consider how medical abortion occurs using the last group of medicines. "Mifepristone" and "Pencrofton" are used for this procedure most often.

Possible contraindications

There are a number of circumstances in which medical abortion should not be performed. Reviews of gynecologists warn that it is better to refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • long-term treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • lactation period;
  • ectopic first pregnancy.

Medical abortion is not recommended for women over 35 years of age. The drugs used may cause abrupt change hormonal background.

Preparation for the procedure

Pharmacological abortion is a serious procedure that must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. After the appearance of signs of an unwanted pregnancy, you should contact a gynecologist for a preliminary examination. The doctor performs an ultrasound to determine estimated time conception. After that, the woman must give written consent to medical termination of pregnancy.

Preparations for the procedure are selected by the gynecologist. Before an abortion, a pregnant woman must also pass several tests, including a swab for flora. If cardiovascular disease is suspected, a cardiogram may be required. After that, the doctor sets the date of the abortion. Before this, it is better to give up heavy food, alcohol and smoking 24 hours in advance.

Stages of pharmacological abortion

After receiving the results of the analyzes, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. How is a medical abortion performed?

In the absence of obvious contraindications, the doctor gives the woman a drink of the drug. As a rule, these are 3 pills of 200 mg each. The next visit to the gynecologist is recommended after 36 hours. At this stage, the fetus is expelled from the uterus. For this purpose, a woman is given prostaglandins, they must be instructed about the possible consequences. Sometimes she is asked to stay in the clinic for a day to monitor changes in her condition. A woman can be allowed to go home, provided that she adheres to the recommendations of a specialist, and if there are any unpleasant sensations, she will immediately contact him.

The first control ultrasound is performed 3 days after taking the drugs. If the remains of the fetus are visualized in the uterine cavity, the doctor decides how to proceed. The second control ultrasound is scheduled in 2 weeks. If necessary, the gynecologist gives direction to the analysis of the level of hCG.

Recovery period

Recovery after the procedure lasts about a month. At this time, you need special attention relate to health and wellness. Fever, pain in the lower abdomen, bloody issues after medical termination of pregnancy - all these symptoms should be the reason for a visit to the doctor.

After a pharmacological abortion, a woman's body undergoes serious changes. The hormonal background is restored, the reproductive sphere is rebuilt, immunity decreases, and the risk of developing inflammation increases. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of yourself, give the body time to normalize the work of the main systems.

Within 14 days after the abortion, you should refuse to visit the bathhouse, have sexual intercourse, play sports and use tampons. If you follow these tips, you can hope for a successful recovery of the body.

Bleeding after an abortion - normal or pathological?

Negative consequences of medical termination of pregnancy are extremely rare, but they are still possible. One of them is bleeding.

The appearance of blood clots after taking the first pill is considered normal. For 5 days, discharge is usually worn exuberant character. After this period, they become more scarce, and then completely stop. For some women, spotting continues until the first menstrual period.

Their nature depends solely on the individual characteristics of the organism. At first they may be scarlet in color, then dark and brownish in the end. It is necessary to control bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy, to monitor their volume. It is considered pathological to use more than two pads per hour.

In the presence of severe bleeding or with its abrupt cessation, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. If this is not possible, it is necessary to call a team of medical workers.

Complications of medical abortion

Pharmacological abortion is considered relatively safe procedure but it is not without its shortcomings. After taking medications, side effects may occur, including:

  1. Pain discomfort. IN this case it all depends on the characteristics of the organism, the threshold of its sensitivity. Before the procedure, the doctor should talk about possible pain. To eliminate them, antispasmodics and analgesics are usually prescribed. It is not recommended to take medications on your own, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. Nausea and vomiting. Pregnancy itself can be accompanied by such symptoms. Sometimes nausea and vomiting are caused by prostaglandins prescribed by a gynecologist. These side effects are rare, but they go away on their own.
  3. Temperature increase. The consequences of medical termination of pregnancy of this nature are caused by taking medications. As a rule, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and lasts no more than 4 hours. If unpleasant symptom does not disappear, most likely, it is a consequence of the inflammatory process. You should tell your doctor about the change in well-being, who will already prescribe the appropriate therapy.
  4. Diarrhea. It's short term by-effect which does not require specific treatment.
  5. Hematometer. This disorder is characterized by the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity. Its development is preceded by a spasm of the neck of the reproductive organ. You can eliminate the violation with the help of medicines.

These pathologies rarely accompany medical abortion. Reviews of women who have passed this procedure, confirm this assertion. Pharmacological abortion leaves almost no noticeable consequences if done in qualified specialist and in the absence of contraindications.

Service cost

Where is medical abortion performed? This question worries many women. Almost everyone provides this service. medical institutions. It is recommended to seek her help in the hospital where your attending gynecologist works.

The final cost of the procedure may vary depending on the drugs used, the prestige of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialist. A certain role in this matter belongs to the woman's stay in the hospital after the gynecologist performs a medical abortion. The price of the service in this case can be from 7 to 11 thousand rubles.

It is desirable, and sometimes the circumstances do not give the right to choose and you have to go for an interruption. If, for any reason or indication, a woman decides not to carry a pregnancy, then an abortion is best done as early as possible. Until a delay of no more than 10-14 days, doctors recommend terminating a pregnancy with medication, that is, with the help of special pills.

Medical abortion: the essence of the method

drug interruption unplanned pregnancy occurs strictly up to 15-20 days of delayed menstruation, and preferably as early as possible. The advantage of the method is the absence of surgical manipulations in the uterine cavity, which is much easier for the patient physically and mentally.

How is a medical abortion performed? After examining the woman on the chair and setting the exact doctor, based on the body weight and individual characteristics of the patient's body, gives her 2 tablets to take orally. After 24-36 hours, the woman should take 2 more tablets. The first dose of the drug affects the production of the hormone progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone. Against the background of taking pills, the production of progesterone stops, nutrients do not enter the uterine cavity and the fetal egg dies inside the mother's body. The second dose of the drug causes uterine contractions, which leads to the expulsion of the fetal egg and its membranes from the body through menstrual bleeding.

Medical abortion is most suitable for young girls who have never given birth, as well as young mothers who have had a caesarean section in the recent past. Of course, abortion, even with the help of pills, always poses a threat to the woman's body, but for nulliparous patients, as well as for mothers after caesarean section it is impossible to carry out manipulations in the uterus with surgical instruments or vacuum suction. Such actions can injure the uterine mucosa, which in nulliparous women will lead to inflammatory processes and infertility in the future, and in women after caesarean section, to possible damage to the scar and further massive internal bleeding.

Any woman who decides to have an abortion is reluctant to go to the doctor, especially young girls who are afraid of moralizing and condemnation. Having learned about the possibility of terminating a pregnancy with abortive pills, many patients go to do everything at home without going to a doctor. It is absolutely impossible to do this:

  • Firstly, the dose of the drug is selected by the doctor strictly individually - someone needs more medicine, someone needs much less.
  • Secondly, the body can react unpredictably to taking the drug, which is fraught with complications from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Thirdly, not all women are suitable for medical interruption, which can cause incomplete abortion and the development of purulent inflammatory processes and peritonitis. Abortive pills are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, after about 5 hours the specialist can let the woman go home and be recommended to come for an examination after 2 days.

Medical abortion: drug choice

There are not so many drugs for medical abortion, they are all analogues of Mifepristone and have many names:

  • mifeprex;
  • Miropriston;
  • Mifegin.

The drugs are a progesterone antagonist, that is, they block the production of this hormone and increase the sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins, substances that enhance the contractile function of muscle fibers. Mifepristone must be taken in combination with prostaglandins (20-30 hours after Mifepristone tablets), since it is thanks to these substances that the fetal egg, together with the membranes, is expelled from the uterine cavity.

There are also drugs for emergency postcoital contraception, but their action is based on the prevention of pregnancy through hormonal failure. To interrupt an already ongoing pregnancy, drugs of this group are not suitable.

Pros and cons of a pharmaceutical board

Termination of pregnancy at any time does not pass without a trace for the female body, however, if we compare the pharmacist with other types of removal of the fetal egg from the uterine cavity, then a number of pros and cons of the procedure can be distinguished.

The advantages of medical abortion are:

  • Minimal risk of complications in the form of bleeding and damage to the uterine mucosa;
  • Does not develop;
  • Possibility of implementation for nulliparous women and young mothers after caesarean section;
  • Psychological aspect - pharmabort is perceived by patients more easily;
  • Outpatient regimen - a few hours after taking the first dose of tablets, the patient can go home, while after surgical removal embryo from the uterus, a woman needs to stay in the hospital for several days.

Disadvantages of medical abortion:

  • Incomplete removal membranes- occurs with an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug or the use of abortion pills at a gestational age of more than 4-5 weeks;
  • Continuation of pregnancy - occurs extremely rarely, only in 2% of cases;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug - nausea, vomiting, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • Hormonal failure in the body.

Pain after medical abortion

After an abortion with pills, the body needs time for the reproductive system and endocrine glands to restore their work. After taking pills with an abortive effect, the patient may experience pain of various localization:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen- caused by contraction of the uterus and the expulsion of the fetal egg and membranes from the body. If abdominal pain is accompanied by fever and discharge of pus from the vagina, you should immediately seek help;
  • Pain in the mammary glands- During pregnancy, a woman's mammary glands become highly sensitive, increase in size, engorged and hurt. After taking abortion pills, reverse changes and restructurings occur in the body, so for some time the pain in the chest will persist. As a rule, with the onset of menstruation, all unpleasant phenomena disappear;
  • Pain in the ovaries- abortion pills cause serious hormonal changes in the body and the organs are the first to react to changes reproductive system in particular the ovaries. Pain in the ovarian region after taking abortion pills is due to their increase in size and increased inhibition of the production of the pregnancy hormone.

Painkillers and No-shpa during and after medical abortion

Pain in the abdomen after taking pills with an abortive effect resembles pain during menstruation. It is highly undesirable to take No-shpu or other drugs with antispasmodic and analgesic effects to reduce pain. Although these pills relieve spasm, they also negatively affect the contractility of the uterus, and this is fraught with incomplete removal membranes from the body. You can reduce pain in the lower abdomen after a medical abortion by lying on your stomach. In this position, clots move out of the uterus faster and more productively, which in itself reduces pain. If pain excessively strong and the woman cannot tolerate them, you should consult a gynecologist for advice, perhaps the dose of the medicine was incorrect.

Is it possible to get pregnant after pharmacological abortion?

Pharmacological abortion creates a situation in the body similar to spontaneous miscarriage. In the next 28-35 days, the body recovers and menstruation begins. If a woman during this period will have sex and not use contraceptives, then the offensive new pregnancy highly likely. In order not to risk your health and again not face a difficult choice, you should carefully protect yourself in the next 3-6 months after a medical abortion.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after a pharmaceutical abortion?

After taking pills with an abortive effect, a woman should not drink alcohol, as alcohol can adversely affect pharmacological effect drug. Combining mifepristone tablets with alcohol is fraught with incomplete abortion and the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Sex after pharmacological abortion

After taking pills with an abortive effect, a woman, as well as after any other type of abortion, should refrain from intimate relationships. As soon as the discharge stops and the doctor confirms that there are no particles of membranes left in the uterus, the couple can resume sexual relations however, contraception should be used to avoid another unplanned pregnancy.

Breastfeeding after pharmacological abortion

If a woman is forced to make a pharmaceutical abortion against the background of lactation, then after taking the abortion pills, the child cannot continue to breastfeed. The active ingredients of the pills can penetrate through breast milk into the body of a child, and since studies on the safety of the drug for children have not been conducted, medical termination of pregnancy and continued feeding of the child are incompatible.